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SCHOOL OF DIGITAL MEDIA & INFOCOMM TECHNOLOGY DIPLOMA IN MUSIC AND AUDIO TECHNOLOGY ST 834Y: RECORDING & MIXING TECHNIQUES 3 : ASSIGNMENT 2 (CA2) Seme !e" #: AY#3$#4 %&"'('): Plagiarism means passing off as one's own the ideas, works, writings, etc., which belong to another person. In acordance with this definition, you are committing plagiarism if you copy the work of another person and turning it in as your own, even if you would have the permission of that person. Plagiarism is a serious offence and disciplinary action will be taken against you. If you are guilty of plagiarism, you may fail all modules in the semester, or even be liable for expulsion. The purpose of this assignment is for you to apply all the music arrangement and production techniques you have learnt so far to produce a !"#I$% of a commercially released song with the dry vocals given to you. &fter which, apply the #astering Techniques learnt in this module to prepare a final '( master for your remix. This assignment constitutes )*+ of the total overall mark. T*e S+,m( (-': D&!e: #onday, )*th ,ovember )-./ before *0-- pm .e'+e: T.1 (#IT !eception 2ubmission 3oxes 4,ote0 #arks from the 5ormat 6 (ocumentation section of the marking criteria will be deducted for late submission.7 N-!e0 5 marks per day will be deducted for each day of late submission for a maximum of 25 marks. No assignments will be accepted and no marks will be given for any assignment that has not been submitted within 5 days of the due date. Le&"'(') O+!/-me : Through this assignment, you should be able to0 a7 "mploy your music arrangement and production skills to produce a remix for the given vocals. b7 Produce a sonically pleasing '( master for your remix c7 &dhere to all master format details provided in this brief. T*e Re0+("eme'! : .. This is an individual work. ). The assignment consists three parts0

%"(!!e' ,1 G2-3 & E4(!e4 ,1 Nee2

P&)e # -5 4

P"-4+/e & REMIX6 o 8ou will be given the set of 9(!8: ;ocal tracks used in the original production of ) commercially released songs. o Produce a remix for only one of them. o It can be of any musical genre, however, it needs to revolve around the original vocal tracks and contain at least five different instruments or audio elements. o 8ou should attempt to be as creative as possible as it will be one of the criteria <udged. o 8ou may work as a band to arrange and produce the remix, however, the #astering% portion has to be done individually. This is still an individual pro<ect= if you decide on this option, please inform us. "verybody in the band% will get the same grade for the remix portion.

7MASTER8 1-+" "em(96 o 8ou are required to deliver a '( master for your remix & (5 it:s for a commercial release and distribution. o 8ou should apply the #astering Techniques taught in the module to make your !emix sound as polish and professional as possible. o The #aster #>2T adhere to requirements stipulated below 0 a7 b7 c7 d7 ?igh @uality CDR in !ed 3ook '( 2tandard. 4audio '( format7 CDR must be written with writing speeds no more than A$. (igital &udio Bevel should never exceed - d3 52. 8our remix arranged according to the track Bist below 0 T"&/: N-6 . ) / A * D Rem(9 T"&/: 5ull #ix ##C or T; mix ##& or Track mix !adio "(IT 4duration no more than /0-- min7
30 sec ilence!

5ull #ix 4wEo mastering7

%"(!e & Re;-"! 4e /"(,(') 1-+" Rem(9 ;"-4+/!(-' &'4 1-+" M& !e"(')6 T*( "e;-"! *-+24 /-'!&(':< o The artistic direction of your remix and why did you choose itF o & title log sheet accompanying the '( indicating track tittles, duration, special indexes and remarks. o 8our mastering procedures, equipment and techniques used to attempt to create the "professional# sound. o 8our own personal opinion on how polished your mastering is compared to a typical commercial releasedF

%"(!!e' ,1 G2-3 & E4(!e4 ,1 Nee2

P&)e 2 -5 4

o 8our own personal reasoning on the discrepancies between your master and the commercial ones. T*e De2(=e"&,2e : Please submit all items listed below packed and sealed in a C4 e'=e2-;e 0 a7 8our !ed 3ook '(! #aster packed in a 9paper tea bag: casing b7 & neatly printed report c7 P'E#ac '(E(;( !om packed in a 9paper tea bag: casing containing the items below0 .7 &ll your production files 4if possible7 )7 8our !eport /7 8our !emix Track #astered and ,onG#astered in 2tereo H&; file format 4P'# AA.. k?I .D bit7 Ge'e"&2 M&":(') C"(!e"(& :
C"(!e"(& C"e&!(=(!1 O=e"&22 P"-4+/!(-' Q+&2(!1 M& !e"(') > .)De /"(;!(-' Interesting !emixF E Cut of this world !emixF E Predictable !emix ?ow close it is to a commercially releasable productF 8our #astering @ualityF Improvements to the unGmastered versionF ?ow well have you documented your ideas, techniques and workF ?ow well have you conform to the required submission formatF Bevel of refinementF &ny common errors on productionF .- on Boudness .- on Tone 3alance .- on 2tereo Hidth .- ;ocal 'larity ?P+'/!+&2(!1 Pe'&2!(e : (eduction of * marks for each working day pass the due date and Iero marks for the e'!("e CA after a week pass due date. Rem&":


Re;-"! & F-"m&!


A4=(/e : .7 If you want to choose the band option, please make sure all in the band are agreeable to a similar direction of the remix and will work with one another to achieve the highest possible standard towards this direction. )7 !eference to commercial releases to 9tune: your ears to the professional sound. Then, try to achieve it in your own productions. /7 Bate submissions will have marks deducted according to marking scheme and may not be marked. Please inform us earlier if you have problems submitting this assignment on time. A7 Please do not submit assignments to lecturers. This form of submission may not be marked. C-;1"()*! %&"'(') :
%"(!!e' ,1 G2-3 & E4(!e4 ,1 Nee2 P&)e 3 -5 4

The privilege of allowing you to use these original vocal recordings is strictly for "ducational purpose only. 3y no means, should you reGdistribute any of these recordings or put your remix into any form of commercial use. &ny violations of copyright laws would be dealt with accordingly. @@ END @@

%"(!!e' ,1 G2-3 & E4(!e4 ,1 Nee2

P&)e 4 -5 4

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