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It took the telephone 75 years and television 13 years to acquire 50 million users.

It has taken the Internet five years. Today, more than 500 million people around the world are connected to the Internet.

Hewlett-Packard is Founded. David Packard and Bill Hewlett found Hewlett-Packard in a Palo Alto, California garage. Their first product was the HP !!A Audio "scillator, which rapidl# $eco%es a popular piece of test e&uip%ent for engineers. 'alt Disne# Pictures ordered eight of the !!B %odel to use as as sound effects generators for the ()*! %ovie +Fantasia., ()-)

David Packard and Bill Hewlett in their Palo Alto, California .arage The Co%ple/ 0u%$er Calculator 1C0C2 is co%pleted. 3n ()-), Bell Telephone 4a$oratories co%pleted this calculator, designed $# researcher .eorge 5ti$it6. 3n ()*!, 5ti$it6 de%onstrated the C0C at an A%erican 7athe%atical 5ociet# conference held at Dart%outh College. 5ti$it6 stunned the group $# perfor%ing calculations re%otel# on the C0C 1located in 0ew 8ork Cit#2 using a Telet#pe connected via special telephone lines. This is considered to $e the first de%onstration of re%ote access co%puting. ()*!

The Co%ple/ 0u%$er Calculator 1C0C2 Harvard 7ark-( is co%pleted. Conceived $# Harvard professor Howard Aiken, and designed and $uilt $# 3B7, the Harvard 7ark-( was a roo%-si6ed, rela#-$ased calculator. The %achine had a fift#-foot long ca%shaft that s#nchroni6ed the %achine9s thousands of co%ponent parts. The 7ark-( was used to produce %athe%atical ta$les $ut was soon superseded $# stored progra% co%puters. ()**

Harvard 7ark-3 in use, ()** ()*: 3n Fe$ruar#, the pu$lic got its first gli%pse of the ;03AC, a %achine $uilt $# <ohn 7auchl# and <. Presper ;ckert that i%proved $# (,!!! ti%es on the speed of its conte%poraries.
5tart of pro=ect> ()*Co%pleted> ()*: Progra%%ed> plug $oard and switches 5peed> ?,!!! operations per second 3nput@output> cards, lights, switches, plugs Floor space> (,!!! s&uare feet Pro=ect leaders> <ohn 7auchl# and <. Presper ;ckert.

()*) 7aurice 'ilkes asse%$led the ;D5AC, the first practical stored-progra% co%puter, at Ca%$ridge Aniversit#. His ideas grew out of the 7oore 5chool lectures he had attended three #ears earlier. For progra%%ing the ;D5AC, 'ilkes esta$lished a li$rar# of short progra%s called su$routines stored on punched paper tapes.
Technolog#> vacuu% tu$es 7e%or#> (B words, (C $its, %ercur# dela# line 5peed> C(* operations per second

()?( The A03DAC 3 delivered to the A.5. Census Bureau was the first co%%ercial co%puter to attract widespread pu$lic attention. Although %anufactured $# Ee%ington Eand, the %achine often was %istakenl# referred to as the F3B7 A03DAC.F Ee%ington Eand eventuall# sold *: %achines at %ore than G( %illion each.F.".B. factor# GC?!,!!! plus G(H?,!!! for a high speed printer.
5peed> (,)!? operations per second 3nput@output> %agnetic tape, unit#per, printer 7e%or# si6e> (,!!! ( -digit words in dela# lines 7e%or# t#pe> dela# lines, %agnetic tape Technolog#> serial vacuu% tu$es, dela# lines, %agnetic tape Floor space> )*- cu$ic feet Cost> F.".B. factor# GC?!,!!! plus G(H?,!!! for a high speed printer Pro=ect leaders> <. Presper ;ckert an


<ohn von 0eu%annIs 3A5 co%puter $eca%e operational at the 3nstitute for Advanced 5tudies in Princeton, 0.<. Contract o$liged the $uilders to share their designs with other research institutes. This resulted in a nu%$er of clones> the 7A03AC at 4os Ala%os 5cientific 4a$orator#, the 3443AC at the Aniversit# of 3llinois, the <ohnniac at Eand Corp., the 53443AC in Australia, and others.

Computer History - B.C.

Year 300 B.C. 500 B.C. Event The counting board much like the later abacus is believed to be first used by the Babylonians circa. The abacus much like the device we know today begins being used.

Computer History - 1500's

Year 1502 Event eter !enlein" a craftsman from #uremberg $ermany" creates the first watch.

Computer history - 1600's

Year 1%00 1%1' 1%22 1%23 1%.2 1%'. Event &illiam $ilbert coins the term electricity from the $reek word elecktra. (ohn #a)ier introduced a system called *#a)ier+s Bones"* made from horn" bone or ivory the device allowed the ca)ability of multi)lying by adding numbers and dividing by subtracting. The circular slide rule is invented by &illiam ,ughtred. The first known workable mechanical calculating machine is invented by $ermany+s &ilhelm -chickard. /rance+s Blaise ascal invents a machine" called the ascaline" that can add" subtract" and carry between digits. $ermany+s $ottfried &ilhelm 0eibnit1 creates a machine that can add" subtract" multi)ly and divide automatically.

Computer History - 1800's

Year 120. 1220 1221 122' 1231 1232 12.' 1251 12%2 12'5 Event /rance+s (ose)h34arie (ac5uard com)letes his fully automated loom that is )rogrammed by )unched cards. Thomas de Colmar creates the first reliable" useful and commercially successful calculating machine. Charles Babbage invents the 6ifference 7ngine. $eorge -imon ,hm introduces ,hm8s law in the book Die galvanische Kette, mathematisch bearbeitet. (ose)h !enry of rinceton invents the first working telegra)h. -amuel 4orse invents a code 9later called 4orse code: that used different numbers to re)resent the letters of the 7nglish al)habet and the then digits. -iemens is founded. &estern ;nion was founded. Christo)her -holes invents the ty)ewriter in the ;nited -tates utili1ing the <&7=T> keyboard. Tanaka -ei1o3sho is established in (a)an and later merges with another com)any called shibaura -eisaku3


sho to form Tokyo -hibarura 6enki. 0ater this com)any+s name is shortened to the com)any that we know today" Toshiba. !erman !ollerith starts the Tabulating 4achine Com)any" the com)any later becomes the well3known com)uter com)any @B4 9@nternational Business machines:.

Computer History - 1900 1940

Year 1?11 1?2. 1?3% 1?3' 1?32 1939 1939 Event Com)any now known as @B4 on is incor)orated (une 15" 1?11 in the state of #ew >ork as the Com)uting 3 Tabulating 3 =ecording Com)any 9C3T3=:" a consolidation of the Com)uting -cale Com)any" and The @nternational Time =ecording Com)any. The Tabulating 4achine Com)any is renamed to @B4. 6vorak keyboard is develo)ed. @owa -tate College+s (ohn Aincent Btanasoff and Clifford Berry begin work on creating the binary3based BBC 9Btanasoft3Berry Com)uter:. Considered by most to be the first electronic digital com)uter. $ermany+s Conrad Duse creates the D1" one of the first binary digital com)uters and a machine that could be controlled through a )unch ta)e. @owa -tate College+s (ohn Aincent Btanasoff and Clifford Berry create a )rototy)e of the binary3based BBC 9Btanasoft3Berry Com)uter:. !ewlett ackard is found by &illiam !ewlett and 6avid ackard.

Computer history - 1940 1960

Year 1?.0 1?.1 1?.3 1?.3 1?.5 1?.% 1?.? 1?50 1?51 1?51 1?52 1?5. 1?5. 1?55 Event The first handheld two3way radio called the *!andy Talkie* is created by 4otorola for the ;.-. Brmy -ignal Control. $erman Conrad Duse finishes the D3" a fully o)erational calculating machine. 7#@BC 97lectronic #umerical @ntegrator and Com)uter:" the first general3)ur)ose electronic digital calculator begins to be constructed. This com)uter by most is considered to be the first electronic com)uter. 6an #oble with 4otorola designs a *&alkie Talkie* the first )ortable /4 two3way radio that a back)ack version that weighed 35 )ounds. The term Ebug+ as com)uter bug was termed by $race !o))er when )rogramming the 4B=C @@. 7#@BC com)uter com)leted. The !arvard34B=C @@@" the first of the 4B=C machines to use an internally stored )rogram and indirect addressing" goes into o)erations again under the direction of !oward Biken. The first electronic com)uter is created in (a)an by !ideo >amachito. The first business com)uter" the 0yons 7lectronic ,ffice 907,: is com)leted by T. =aymond Thom)son" (ohn -immons and their team at 0yons Co. The first commercial com)uter" the */irst /erranti 4B=C @* is now functional at 4anchester ;niversity. @B4 introduces the first @B4 '01. The first version of /,=T=B# 9formula translator: is )ublished by @B4. C7=# is established on -e)tember 2?" 1?5.. The 7#@BC is turned off for the last time. @t+s estimated to have done more arithmetic than the entire

1?5% 1?52

human race had done )rior to 1?.5. ,n -e)tember 13" 1?5% the @B4+s 305 =B4BC is the first com)uter to be shi))ed with a hard disk drive that contained 50 2.3inch )latters and was ca)able of storing 54B of data. The first integrated chi) is first develo)ed by =obert #oyce of /airchild -emiconductor and (ack Cilby of TeFas @nstruments. The first microchi) was demonstrated on -e)tember 12" 1?52.


Computer History 1960 1980

Year 1?%0 1?%1 1?%3 1?%1 1?%' 1?%2 1?%? 1?%? 1?%? 1?%? 1?%? 1?'0 1?'0 1?'0 1?'0 1?'1 1?'1 1?'1 1?'2 1?'2 1?'3 1?'. 1?'. 1?'5 1?'5 1?'5 Event The Common Business3,riented 0anguage 9C,B,0: )rogramming language is invented. $eneral 4otors )uts the first industrial robot G the ."000 )ound ;nimate G to work in a #ew (ersey factory. 6oug 7ngelbart invents and )atents the first com)uter mouse. The )rogramming language /,=T=B# @A is created. @B4 creates the first flo))y disk. @ntel Cor)oration is founded by =obert #oyce and $ordon 4oore. Control 6ata Cor)oration led by -eymour Cray" release the C6C '%00" considered by most to be the first su)ercom)uter. BTHT Bell 0aboratories develo) ;niF. $ary -tarkweather" while working with IeroF invents the laser )rinter. The ;.-. 6e)artment of 6efense sets u) the Bdvanced =esearch roJects Bgency #etwork 9B= B#7T : this network was the first building blocks to what the @nternet is today. Com)u-erve" the first commercial online service" is established. The first BT4 is demonstrated and used in $eorgia. ;.-. 6e)artment of 6efense develo)s ada a com)uter )rogramming language ca)able of designing missile guidance systems. @ntel introduces the first micro)rocessor" the @ntel .00.. Centronics introduces the first dot matriF )rinter. The first 2* flo))y diskette drive was introduced The first laser )rinter is develo)ed at IeroF B=C. @ntel develo)s the the first )rocessor" the .00. Btari releases ong" the first commercial video game. The com)act disc is invented in the ;nited -tates. 6r. 4artin Coo)er makes the first cell )hone call at 4otorola. The first Toshiba flo))y disk drive is introduced. Charles -imonyi coins the term &>-@&>$. 4@T- shi)s one of the first Cs" the Bltair 2200 with one kilobyte 9CB: of memory. The com)uter is ordered as a mail3order kit for K3?'.00. aul Bllen and Bill $ates write the first com)uter language )rogram for )ersonal com)uters" which is a form of BB-@C designed for the Bltair. $ates later dro)s out of !arvard and founds 4icrosoft with Bllen. -teve &o1niak and -teve (obs co3found B))le Com)uters.

1?'% 1?'' 1?'' 1?'' 1?'2 1?'2 1?'2 1?'? 1?'?

The first 5.253inch flo))y disk is invented. B=C#7T the first commercially network is develo)ed B))le Com)uter+s B))le @@" the first )ersonal com)uter with color gra)hics is demonstrated. Commodore announces that the 7T 9 ersonal 7lectronic Transactor: will be a self3contained unit" with a C ;" =B4" =,4" keyboard" monitor and ta)e recorder all for K.?5.00 7)son introduces the TI320" which becomes the first successful dot matriF )rinter for )ersonal com)uters. The 5.253inch flo))y disk becomes an industry standard. B worm )rogram is invented by two researchers at IeroF B=C. -oftware Brts @ncor)orated AisiCalc becomes the first electronic s)readsheet and business )rogram for Cs. #ovell 6ata -ystem is established as an o)erating system devlo)er. 0ater in 1?23 the com)any becomes the #ovell com)any.

Computer history - 1990 2000

Year 1??0 1??0 1??0 1??0 1??0 1??0 1??1 1??1 1??1 1??1 1??1 1??2 1??3 1??3 1??3 1??3 1??3 1??. 1??. 1??. 1??. 1??. 1??. 1??. 1??5 Event 4icrosoft releases &indows 3.0 a com)letely new version of 4icrosoft &indows. The version will sell more than 3 million co)ies in one year. The &orld" the first commercial @nternet dial3u) access )rovider comes online. The 4ultimedia ersonal Com)uter 94 C: standards are develo)ed by Tandy and 4icrosoft. 4icrosoft and @B4 sto) working together to develo) o)erating systems. Brchie" the first search engine is introduced on -e)tember 10" 1??0. $o)her is develo)ed at the ;niversity of 4innesota. The )rogram is a menu3driven search3and3retrieval tool and hel)s @nternet users location information online. 0inuF is introduced by 0inus Torvald in 1??1. Com)lete history on 0inuF can be found on our 0inuF L ;niF history section. The &orld &ide &eb is launched to the )ublic Bugust %" 1??1. Tim Berners30ee" a scientist at the 7uro)ean artial hysics 0aboratory 9C7=#: in $eneva" -wit1erland develo)s the &eb as a research tool. /ollowing its decision not to develo) o)erating systems coo)eratively with @B4" 4icrosoft changes the name of ,-L2 to &indows #T. Creative 0abs releases a multimedia u)grade kit that includes a C63=,4 drive" the -oundBlaster ro sound card" a 4@6@ kit and a variety of software a))lications. The kit allows @B4 com)atible users to obtain all tools needed to meet the 4 C standards. The com)uter 4onkey Airus is first discovered in 7dmonton" Canada. The =eusable Blkaline battery is used for commercial use. resident Bill Clinton )uts the ;nited -tates &hite !ouse online with a &orld &ide &eb )age and 73mail address for the resident" Aice resident and first lady. 4icrosoft releases &indows #T" 4icrosoft ,ffice ..0 and 4-36,- %.0. @ntel releases the entium rocessor. The )rocessor is a %0 4!1 )rocessor" incor)orates 3.2 million transistors and sells for K2'2.00. &ine begins to be develo)ed. The C game 6,,4 by @d-oftware was released 6ecember 1??3. Today 6,,4 is thought of as a turning )oint for first )erson shooters and for games in general. #etsca)e is found by 4arc Bndreesen and (ames !. Clark. =ed !at 0inuF is founded. The &orld &ide &eb Consortium is founded by Tim Bernes30ee. 4icrosoft releases its beta for &indows ?5" code named Chicago. ! runs the @nternets first banner ad. >B!,, is created in B)ril" 1??.. &3C organi1ation is founded by Tim Bernes30ee. The first &iki is created.

1??5 1??5 1??5 1??5 1??% 1??% 1??% 1??% 1??' 1??' 1??' 1??' 1??2 1??2 1??2 1??2 1??2

B))le develo)s /ire&ire. ,ne of the largest and well known e3commerce sites today o)ens its website for the first time. is officially o)ened (uly of 1??5. 7Bay is founded by ierre ,midyar. !otmail is started by (ack -mith and -abeer Bhatia. $oogle is first develo)ed by -ergey Brin and 0arry age. C67 is started to be develo)ed by 4atthias 7ttrich 4acromedia )urchases /uture&ave and later releases 4acromedia /lash 1.0 4icrosoft introduces the @ntelli4ouse also known as a wheel mouse. The dancing baby becomes one of the @nternets first fads. The dancingbaby is a short 36 animation of a small baby wearing dia)ers dancing. @t was first created by 4ichael $irard and later tweaked by =on 0ussier at 0ucasBrts who released it on a Com)u-erve forum as chacha.avi. 4icrosoft releases 4icrosoft ,ffice ?'. 4icrosoft announces &indows ?2. 4icrosoft ac5uires !otmail a free e3mail service in 6ecember 1??'. @ntel releases the Celeron )rocessor -aehan8s 4 4an becomes the first 4 3 )layer released in (a)an to the )ublic in s)ring of 1??2. 4icrosoft &indows ?2 is officially released on (une 25" 1??2. $oogle is founded by -ergey Brin and 0arry age -e)tember '" 1??2. B))le introduces the i4ac" the i4ac hel)s bring B))le back on the com)uter ma)s as a very easy and friendly com)uter.

Computer history 2000 to today

Year 2000 Event 4any eF)erts" governments and businesses feared that (anuary 1st 2000 could cause serious issues with the date stam) on com)uters. The belief was that because many old com)uters relied off of the last two digits of a year such as ?? for 1???" when the year 2000 came 2000 would set the com)uters to 00 causing the com)uter to think it was 1?00. Called the >ear 2000 bug many individuals feared for the worst however because of )re)aration >ear 2000 only caused a few glitches" however no catastro)hes. 4icrosoft Bill $ates relin5uishes his title as C7, to 4- resident -teve Ballmer on (anuary 13" 2000. 4icrosoft releases &indows 47 (une 1?" 2000. B))le introduces 4ac ,- I 10.0 code named Cheetah. 4arch 0?" 4acBfee releases first handheld virus )rotection software. B)ril 20" 6ell com)uters becomes the largest C maker. B))le introduces the i od. 4icrosoft &indows I home and )rofessional editions are released ,ctober 25" 2001. The first com)uter is infected with the s)ybot worm on B)ril 1%" 2003. 4o1illa /oundation is founded in (uly 2003. 4y-)ace is founded. $oogle announces $mail on B)ril 1" 200.. 0enovo com)letes the ac5uisition of @B48s ersonal Com)uting 6ivision. The $@/ standard and )ictures becomes officially free on ,ctober 1" 200%. -ky)e announced that it had over 100 million registered users. ,n #ovember 1." 200% 4icrosoft released its )ortable Dune media )layer. B))le announces in (anuary 1" 200' that it will dro) com)uter from its name as it becomes a com)any who deals with more than com)uters. B))le introduces the i hone to the )ublic at the (anuary 4acworld Conference H 7F)o. 4icrosoft releases 4icrosoft &indows Aista and ,ffice 200' to the general )ublic (anuary 30" 200'.

2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2003 2003 2003 200. 2005 200% 200% 200% 200' 200' 200'

This entr# is =ust for fun> students of the Aniversit# of 3nfor%atics of Bopenhavn Den%ark receive the idea of $rewing an open source $eer during a workshop on intellectual rights given $# Eas%us 0ielsen.

An e/pert on $rewing $eer also got invited and the students develop a recipe. The result is FDores "elF, %eaning> "ur Beer. 5tudents have designed a $ottle la$el and $uild a we$ site on which the recipe is pu$lished. As is usual with open source an#one can use the recipe as long as the source is %entioned. <ust like the we$ $rowser Firefo/, an#one is invited to i%prove on the $eer as long it sa#s that the original co%es fro% Dores "el.

5pa% still rules the waves. At right is an illustration fro% 5ophos, an anti spa% software %anufacturer, reporting on the first half of !!?. 3n <anuar# the 73T 7edia 4a$ launched a new research initiative to develop a G(!! laptopJa technolog# that could revolutioni6e how we educate the worldKs children. 5ee the handle at the right sideL 'ith this #ou can crank the $atter#, turning it for * %inutes will give #ou $atter# power for (?. The one %egapi/el low cost screen should do =ust fine. A non-profit association, "ne 4aptop per Child 1"4PC2, has $een created to fund this initiative, announced $# 0icholas 0egroponte, 4a$ chair%an and co-founder, at the 'orld ;cono%ic Foru% at Davos, 5wit6erland. The G(!! laptops will not $e availa$le for sale through the co%%ercial channels and will onl# $e distri$uted to schools directl# through large govern%ent initiatives. 1?2 3n 0ove%$er the association showed the first protot#pe to Boffi Anan in Tunisia. This is not a uni&ue pro=ect though, in !!( in 3ndia a group of scientists also constructed a co%para$le %achine in the for% of a PDA. This product was called> 5i%puter. But this one costs $etween G(-! and G :!, depending on screen si6e and t#pe 1%onochro%e or color21:2 For %ost far%ers in 3ndia a steep price with a #earl# inco%e $elow GC?! 1C2

-df/ releases Doodoo. 3t is the first consu%er -D accelerator, capa$le of rendering relativel# co%ple/ scenes in real ti%e and in hi-resolution. Muake.4 1a .4 port of Muake1((22 is the first popular ga%e utili6ing this new technolog#. "ther ga%es soon follow, including To%$ Eaider.

The Borean 3nstitute of 5cience and Technolog# 1B35T2, creates HAB", and clai%s it is the s%artest ro$ot in the world. This ro$ot is linked to a co%puter via a high-speed wireless connection, the co%puter does all of the thinking for the ro$ot. !!: 8ahoo and A"4 introduce the e%ail sta%p. An idea previousl# proposed $# 7icrosoft to da% the flooding of spa%. Here is our sta%p NO2

"n %arch !!: 'ikipedia the free internet enc#clopedia %ade $# thousands of volunteer contri$utors worldwide passes the (.!!!.!!! ;nglish language articles. 'ikipedia started on (? <anuar# !!(.

There are now %ore than (!! %illion we$ sites on the 3nternet. !!C The Baltic state of ;stonia 10-;urope2 is the worldKs first countr# to vote in a national parlia%entar# election via the 3nternet. ;-voting is held for a parlia%entar# election on 7arch *, for the first ti%e. 3n !!? it was used in li%ited held local elections.

;stoniaKs govern%ent is one of the few in the world that e%$races the 3T technolog# to its fullest e/tent.1 2 To show how vulnera$le a countr# can $e with its $udding 3T infrastructure> On May 17 A three-week wave of massive cyber-attacks on the small Baltic country of Estonia, the first known incidence of such an assault on a state, is causing alarm across the western alliance, with ato urgently e!amining the offensive and its im"lications# 1?2 Allegedl# Eussia is $ehind these attacks $ecause of the pro$le%s arising over the relocation of the war %e%orial statue of the fallen soldier during ''33. Histor# will show if this is =ust speculation and a prelude to the cold war 33 or not.

<anuar# -!N 7icrosoft releases 7icrosoft 'indows Dista to the general pu$lic.

To use this version #ou need a PC not older than #ears. Acceptation goes not without critical notes> not all configurations are friendl# to the new version and upgrading for older co%puters is a %ust. 5ecurit#, a %uch heralded feature of this new version, see%s to $e relative weak. ;ven $efore the $o/es hit the shelves the so called super tight securit#, in $oth cop# protection and user protection is hacked successfull#. Co%pati$ilit# is also an issue, not %an# software packages or hardware configurations are officiall# supported at introduction ti%e.

Fe$ruar# HN Another %ilestone in the everlasting faster than you ca%paign is de%onstrated $# A7D. A7D co%pan# de%onstrates the Accelerated Co%puting 5olution that $reaks the Teraflop Barrier in a single-s#ste%> a +Tera !op i" a Bo#,. The s#ste% is running a standard version of 7icrosoftP 'indowsP QP Professional and holds an A7D "pteronR dual-core processor and two A7D E:!! 5trea% Processors. Apping perfor%ance in a single s#ste% to %ore than ( trillion floating-point calculations per second, using a general +%ultipl#-add, 17ADD2 calculation. This achieve%ent represents a ten-fold perfor%ance increase over toda#9s high-perfor%ance server platfor%s, which deliver appro/i%atel# (!! $illion calculations per second.1-2 'hat is a TeraflopL 3n the superco%puting field, +flops, is an acron#% %eaning $%oating point &perations 'er (econd, a %easure of a co%puter9s a$ilit# to perfor% floating point calculations. A teraflop is one trillion floating point operations per second.

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