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Jack Galmitz

patina of ivory a nude body

won der how the magnolia knows when it ends

this horse

is running to the sun

I ex pand

each spring the thrush sing s

un der wa

ter a tam tam be ing poun ded

the un wind ing of the

coil in the toy piano is dis torted slow a cicada rubs its legs combs

sound com pres sed

re leas ed a pet

the music is softer slower

one pitch one tone drip ping ice water

the bull fight was can celled no one was

told the stadium fill ed scream ing for blood

like walking the high wire I go out door s

when I en ter the for est I re turn

to all fours

in due course a city rose from the marsh

be hind this page no thing not blank

noth thing at all

eat ing an egg the earth orbits the sun

the sky is bright a thinker with insight

I find my eye in the cen ter of the flow er

driving through the Pyrennes in the remote parts the parts of the poor you wond er god your

throw down note book of songs poems & carry the wragged children to

if you should

a tree that offers no shade that offers no wood where no cicada sings or home be built a tree that rhymes with free in a word

he road is straight continues on dirt gravel tire treads there since it was cut out in the right corner is !lvin "ucier arms crossed a wrist#watch staring at you his $usic for Piano and %scillators holds notes longer than the instrument could in its slow sweep to the end of that road that is bumped and continues in a white sky that defies where there would ordinarily be a line

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