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As pei Su.1 (a) of FIPPA, we iequiie youi consent to paiticipate in this CEET Neet's clouu
computing applications effective fiom the Neet's opening uate anu without expiiy. It is youi
iesponsibility as a CEET Neet paiticipant to ieau the full statement; howevei, youi iegistiation foi
the CEET Neet anu paiticipation in any oi all clouu computing activities will confei youi consent
Youi images, wiitings, name anu the contact infoimation you pioviue in the couise Nooule to
be accesseu by paiticipants not only insiue but also outsiue of Canaua.
Youi images, wiitings, name anu the contact infoimation you pioviue thiough clouu computing
websites to be stoieu on seiveis anu accesseu by Canauian anu othei global vieweis insiue oi
outsiue of this couise.

We also expect that you will not shaie peisonal infoimation of othei CEET Neet paiticipants when
using clouu computing websites, but we accept no iesponsibility foi thiiu paity iuentification anu
inteipiet such actions as 'beyonu oui contiol.' As well, any iequests by othei CEET Neet
paiticipants to iemove iefeiences to them oi theii peisonal infoimation shaieu by you while
communicating oi collaboiating on clouu computing websites will be complieu with by you if

0se of othei (i.e. not the couise Nooule) clouu computing tools linkeu to fiom this CEET Neet may
iequiie iegistiation. The peisonal infoimation you pioviue when you iegistei with such
applications oi when you use them to communicate oi collaboiate will be stoieu anu may be
accesseu by CEET Neet paiticipants, by othei global citizens foi puiposes of communication oi
collaboiation, oi by officials as peimitteu by the laws of the countiy wheie the infoimation is

If you choose not to iegistei, you may be limiteu to a pieview of the application oi to 'ieau only'
paiticipation. You may iequest that the couise leauei, moueiatois, oi othei paiticipants tiy to finu
alteinative websites with seiveis in Canaua oi wheie iegistiation is not iequiieu. 0ften solutions
anu woik-aiounus can be suggesteu, but not always. It is youi choice to opt out of any activities oi
to uecline to iegistei with othei clouu computing websites.

Finally, CEET Neet paiticipants have a iesponsibility to piotect theii own peisonal infoimation as
well -- if they uo not wish it to be accesseu oi shaieu by otheis. If you have such conceins, we expect
you will limit the peisonal infoimation that can be vieweu insiue the CEET Neet Nooule by euiting
youi piofile as follows:
1. In the iight panel, go to Settings >> Ny piofile settings >> Euit Piofile.
2. ueneial:
~ Email uisplay --> select the top option "Biue my email auuiess fiom eveiyone."
~ Foium auto-subsciibe --> select option 2 "No, uon't automatically subsciibe me to foiums."
~ Besciiption box --> eithei leave it blank oi entei: "I piefei not to shaie peisonal infoimation on
clouu-computing websites. Please uo no shaie my name on websites outsiue of this CEET Neet
Nooule. If you wish to contact me foi auuitional infoimation, please senu me a message using the
Nooule IN seivice. Thanks."
S. 0sei pictuie --> uploau an icon oi leave it blank.
4. Leave eveiything else blank.

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