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John G.


2037 E. Wyandotte
Olathe, KS 66062 913-219-5234

Executive Profile Software/Hardware Engineering, IT, Strategic Planning
CreaLlve, resulLs drlven Lechnology leader wlLh 17 years of proven C1C/ClC experlence. Change agenL and
problem-solver wlLh a passlon for Lechnology, skllled ln grasplng Lhe blg plcLure, concepLuallzlng, developlng, and
lmplemenLlng soluLlons, and parLnerlng closely wlLh buslness leaders and C-level execuLlves. Lxcel ln developlng
and moLlvaLlng hlghly skllled and focused Leams LhaL successfully meeL and exceed company ob[ecLlves.

- 1echnology ArchlLecLure & lnLegraLlon - Leadlng Ldge SofLware & Pardware uevelopmenL
- Clobal l1 uellvery & ro[ecL ManagemenL - Cloud SLraLegy/uevelopmenL
- 8udgeLlng & CosL ConLrol - SLaff ManagemenL & 1eam 8ulldlng
- CrganlzaLlon & SLaff uevelopmenL - SLraLeglc Analysls & lnLernal ConsulLlng
!""#$#%&'#( *+,+-. /%-012 3342 56#%$&.( 7&%82 9: May 2012 - resenL
Chlef 1echnology Cfflcer

8esponslble for all aspecLs of overall Lechnology vlslon, commerclal sofLware/hardware producL developmenL, and
cusLomer dellvery for Lechnology soluLlons company servlclng Lhe healLh care lndusLry. Leadlng all aspecLs of
archlLecLure and producL developmenL, lncludlng all make vs. buy analysls, lnvesLmenL raLlonallzaLlon, and dellvery
schedule for hlgh volume daLa warehouslng and analyLlcs appllcaLlon.

Spearhead dellvery of flrsL release of producL on a scalable plaLform Lo supporL hlgh LransacLlon volumes
wlLh many concurrenL users. roducL bulldlng blocks lnclude osLgreSCL daLabase, 1omcaL Apache server,
8LS1-ful and SCA based servlces, web and moblle (lCS and Androld) based fronL-ends, and !2LL-
Lead englneer of hardware plaLform for gaLherlng machlne Lo machlne (M2M) daLa and placlng Lhe daLa
ln Lhe cloud".
CreaLe lnsLallaLlon and lmplemenLaLlon meLhodologles and Leams Lo supporL demandlng cusLomer base
whlch lncludes Aculocus, AMC and oLher 1ler 1 ophLhalmology devlce manufacLures.
Pold a flnanclal responslblllLy for roducL uevelopmenL and Servlces funcLlons, lncludlng uLlllzaLlon,
marglns and 8&u budgeL.
8evlew all developmenL pro[ecLs Lo ensure rellablllLy, effecLlveness and 8Cl. uevelop all lmplemenLaLlon
processes, lncludlng esLlmaLlng process, sLafflng, lmplemenLaLlon, Lralnlng and posL-lmplemenLaLlon
Member of flve person corporaLe managemenL Leam, drlvlng broad enLerprlse managemenL lLems
lncludlng CompensaLlon and 8eLenLlon plans, CorporaLe llnance, Sales and roducL uevelopmenL,
Mergers & AcqulslLlons and company markeL offerlngs.
ScruLlnlze buslness cases for cosL beneflLs analysls.

John G. Miller

2037 E. Wyandotte
Olathe, KS 66062 913-219-5234

;+$("&' 4-.,0$'+.<2 3342 5$&'=#2 9: !anuary 2009 - resenL

resldenL and owner of Lechnology consulLlng flrm wlLh prlmary focus on moblle and web based sofLware
developmenL. 8oles vary across pro[ecLs buL lnclude ArchlLecLure, SofLware Lnglneer and l1 consulLanL.

vol lnLegraLlon uslng 1wlllo Lo web browser, lCS lad appllcaLlon and !2LL server for owWow.
owWow provldes documenL managemenL access soluLlons Lo sales organlzaLlons around Lhe world. 1he
vol soluLlon added a low cosL phone conference soluLlon Lo Lhelr producL sulLe.
C8 code reader for lCS and Androld devlces (boLh phones and LableLs) Lo scan lnformaLlon for
consLrucLlon companles. lnLegraLlon Lo SLraLeglc LvoluLlon backend uslng embedded web browser ln
moblle appllcaLlons Lo sLore and manage Lhe C8 code daLa.
ueslgned and developed porLal slLe for 8elly 8unch for moLhers expecLlng a baby Lo communlcaLe wlLh
each oLher and show lnformaLlon abouL Lhelr pregnancy. uLlllzed 8uby on 8alls for Lhe porLal.
ueslgned and developed porLal slLe for nA8C Lo pre-reglsLer coaches for conferences and Lhe nCAA
LournamenL. uLlllzed 8uby on 8alls for Lhe porLal.
CreaLed a web-based appllcaLlon for ulglLal 8roadcasL Croup (u8C) Lo manage vldeo cllp reglsLraLlon and
enablemenL on cllenLs' web pages Lo show sporLs hlghllghLs. 1echnologles lncluded a Sprlng/PlbernaLe
!2LL backend runnlng on 1omcaL wlLh osLgreSCL as Lhe daLabase.
ueslgned and developed nCAA LournamenL brackeL moblle (lhone and Androld) web appllcaLlon for LLC. Web browser verslon for moblle devlces uslng xP1ML and WML uLlllzlng !SCn for
Lhe fronL-end and a !2LL backend wlLh osLgreSCL for Lhe daLabase.
ueslgned and developed a moblle appllcaLlon for a provlder forum-llke commenLlng on sporLs acLlvlLles
such as nlL, n8A and ML8 games for Lhe sLarLup ?akcy.
ueslgned and developed medlcal research Lrlal appllcaLlon for u6lCn LLC Lo sLore and manage medlcal
lmages. 1echnologles lncluded Adobe llex uLlllzlng !SCn for Lhe fronL-end and a !2LL backend wlLh
osLgreSCL for Lhe daLabase.

9!>! :-?'@&%#2 56#%$&.( 7&%82 9: november 2009 - May 2012
v of 1echnology and SoluLlons ArchlLecLure

8esponslble for dlrecLlon of Lechnology and soluLlons archlLecLure servlces (consulLlng, Lralnlng, supporL) for
cusLomer servlce sofLware company. Worked closely wlLh cllenLs aL C-Level, managemenL and englneerlng
poslLlons Lo deflne soluLlons Lo asslsL ln Lhelr cusLomer servlce lnlLlaLlves.

Worked wlLh sales Lo Leam Lo deflne a soluLlon for prospecLs and demonsLraLe any sofLware speclflc
relaLed funcLlonallLy of Lhe producLs.
Member of slx person managemenL Leam overseelng broad company managemenL lLems lncludlng
compensaLlon and reLenLlon plans, corporaLe flnance, mergers & acqulslLlons, and company markeL
Worked closely wlLh oLher managemenL Lo dellver on Lhe ob[ecLlves of Lhe company, company sLraLegy
and M&A wlLh an emphasls on Lechnology acqulslLlons
Spearheaded Lhe adopLlon of Servlce CrlenLed ArchlLecLure (SCA) ln Lhe markeLplace as well as lnLo our
lnLernal deparLmenLs
uLlllzed uC!C, Sprlng, !A, 8LL, !2LL frameworks/Lechnologles, WebSphere lnLegraLlon ueslgner (Wlu)
Lo lnLegraLe dlfferenL Lechnologles Lo go on Lhe LnLerprlse Servlce 8us, lncludlng SCA lnLerfaces. roducL
based on l8M's WebSphere rocess Server (WS) Lechnology for process managemenL (8LL).
8ecognlzed by managemenL and peers for mulLlple awards and recognlLlons.
Worldwlde deploymenLs on mulLlple plaLforms wlLh numerous lnLegraLlons.

John G. Miller

2037 E. Wyandotte
Olathe, KS 66062 913-219-5234

Managed ongolng cusLomer relaLlonshlps and broadenlng of soluLlon fooLprlnL, lncludlng prlmary
cusLomer-faclng roles aL leadlng accounLs lncludlng Wal-MarL, xerox, CaplLol Croup ManagemenL, SprlnL
and WesLern unlon.
lmplemenLed organlzaLlonal resLrucLurlng Lo reallze Lechnology synergles from acqulslLlon of Lagan.
8eorganlzed soluLlon archlLecLure group Lo maxlmlze efflclencles and mlnlmlze culLural dlsLracLlons Lo
reallzlng economles of scale.

!"# %&"'()*" *+ ,'(-.*/*01 2.3 %'4'/*56'.) May 2008 - november 2009

8esponslble for all Lechnology and developmenL of Lhe company wlLh over 20 resources ln my
organlzaLlon wlLh Lwo managers reporLlng dlrecLly Lo me. SeL dlrecLlon for Lhe appllcaLlon consulLanLs and
developmenL Leam members. Worked wlLh pro[ecL managemenL Leam Lo asses requlred resource needs
and Lo asslsL ln resolvlng pro[ecL managemenL lssues
CreaLed ob[ecLlves for Lhe Leams Lo reach full poLenLlal operaLlonally whlle galnlng Lhe LrusL of cllenLs for
repeaL buslness, repeaL buslness accounLed for 80 of our revenue. AsslsLed kAnA sales Leam ln glvlng
demonsLraLlons and provldlng Lechnlcal lnpuL wlLh prospecLlve cllenLs. arLlclpaLed ln company all hands
meeLlngs Lo relay Lhe vlslon and dlrecLlon of Lhe company
CreaLed a vol/lv8 appllcaLlon uslng 8luenoLe appllcaLlon/Al's Lo demonsLraLe our ablllLy Lo lnLegraLe
wlLh lv8/C1l sysLems for Lhe kAnA deskLop appllcaLlon
lnvolved ln numerous cllenL pro[ecLs wlLh Lhe followlng cllenL base
o uSS, Sun MlcrosysLems, 8ank of Amerlca, unlLed PealLh Croup, verlzon, A1&1, SprlnL, Carmln,
uS1, e8ay, Wells largo, Wachovla, ! Morgan Chase, Wal-MarL, Sears

#*#%<&."#2 3342 56#%$&.( 7&%82 9: november 2004 - May
2008ulrecLor of 1echnology and uevelopmenL
SysLem lnLegraLor wlLh an emphasls on C8M and knowledge ManagemenL (kM) lmplemenLaLlons. 8eporLed Lo Lhe
resldenL of Lhe company and was a member of Lhe managemenL Leam. l was responslble for growlng Lhe
sofLware developmenL group from one englneer Lo Len, creaLed Lhe sofLware developmenL meLhodology, and was
a member of Lhe buslness developmenL managemenL Leam Lo develop parLnershlps wlLh Lechnology companles.

Supervlsed four full-Llme employees and slx conLracLors. roduced Lhe flrsL seL of company-wlde
developmenL [ob descrlpLlons, codlng sLandards and developmenL meLhodology. loneered Lhe creaLlon
of our consulLlng meLhodology for kM engagemenLs. CreaLed a CenLer of Lxcellence (CoL) framework Lo
ensure quallLy work wlLh parLners and became an experL ln kM and Search Lechnologles.
Consldered a go Lo" resource for complex Lechnlcal lssues, very sLrong debugglng skllls.
arLlclpaLed ln lndusLry conferences such as SSA Lo markeL our Lechnlcal ablllLles for kM and sysLem
lnLegraLed knova kM sysLem wlLh Slebel, Clarlfy,, 8emedy, Cracle, uoveLall and
MonlLor247 C8M sysLems
Worked wlLh varlous Lechnologles such as !2LL (ServleLs, !S, !S1L, !u8C), 1omcaL app server, SLruLs,
C#/v8/AS, LuA, AcLlve ulrecLory, Lucene search, verlLy search, 8lack-wldow Splder, xSL1/xML,
PlbernaLe, Cracle, SCL Server, MySCL, MlcrosofL 2003 Server repllcaLlon Lechnologles, SAn/nAS flle
servers, llle SysLem repllcaLlon
lnvolved ln numerous cllenL pro[ecLs wlLh Lhe followlng cllenL base
o norLel, Sony, CwesL CommunlcaLlons, Cloglc, 1ellabs, AuLouesk, Au, rudenLlal, 8eglons 8ank
(formerly AmSouLh 8ank), 8&P vldeo, Cenesys, Wlnd 8lver, Lverdream, vlslon SoluLlons,
CulxLar, LuS Church, 8esearch ln MoLlon (8lM, ln Canada), 8uslness Cb[ecLs (ln Canada), SaskLel
(ln Canada), 1-Cnllne (ln Cermany)

John G. Miller

2037 E. Wyandotte
Olathe, KS 66062 913-219-5234

John G. Miller

2037 E. Wyandotte
Olathe, KS 66062 913-219-5234

A7 B-%<&. 4=&,#2 9&.,&, 4+'C2 B5 Aprll 2004 - november 2004
ArchlLecL/1echnlcal Lead

l was a member of archlLecLure/sofLware developmenL Leam LhaL was Lasked wlLh modernlzlng Lhe lv8 sysLem for
! Morgan's 8eLlremenL lannlng Servlces. 1echnology was converLed from an lv8 sysLem LhaL used a recorded
sysLem Lo one uslng volce xML (vxML). 1he lnLenL was Lo save Lhe company on lmplemenLaLlon cosLs and on-
golng malnLenance.

Led archlLecLure of appllcaLlon such LhaL lL could be used for all channels (volce, web, phone) and Lo
maxlmlze code reuse.
1echnlcal lead managlng Lhree lnLernal developers and four offshore developers. l worked with
management to ensure project was on budget and on schedule.
ueslgned all componenLs wlLh 8aLlonal 8ose Lo be handed Lo onshore and offshore developers Lo
1echnology conslsLed of l8M volce appllcaLlon server wlLh LexL Lo speech and speech Lo LexL capablllLles
as well as l8M porLleL server/websphere app server wlLh a u82 backend. used Lhe SLruLs framework Lo
creaLe porLleLs for Lhe vxML appllcaLlon (MvC paLLern). CreaLed framework (on Lop of SLruLs) for Lhe
appllcaLlon such LhaL developers could uLlllze more conflguraLlon and less codlng.

!D0+$&2 9&.,&, 4+'C2 B5 uecember 2003 - Aprll 2004
ConsulLanL worklng for Aqulla, an energy provlder, where l was solely responslble for Lhree dlfferenL !2LL
appllcaLlons on WebLoglc 8.1 and Cracle backend, sLruLs appllcaLlon (MvC ueslgn paLLern) uslng form
valldaLlon and !ava LemplaLe llbrarles
8eporLed Lo manager and worked dlrecLly wlLh buslness Leam Lo deflne requlremenLs and LesL

:1%+.'2 56#%$&.( 7&%82 9: Aprll 1999 - uecember 2003
Supervlsor, SofLware Lnglneer v/lv
8esponslblllLles lncluded supervlslng and Lechnlcal lead whlle belng on numerous pro[ecLs. MenLored and provlded
LhoughL leadershlp Lo many employees and conLracLors. 8ecelved numerous awards for ouLsLandlng achlevemenL
for boLh Lechnlcal deslgn as well as buslness funcLlonallLy.

loneered SprlnL Lo be flrsL moblle carrler Lo acLlvaLe moblle devlces ln 3
parLy reLall sLores vla web.
ro[ecL conslsLed of provldlng a fronL-end Lo acLlvaLe SprlnL CS moblle devlces ln 3
parLy parLner reLall
sLores (8adlo Shack, 8esL 8uy, ClrculL ClLy) wlLh 30,000+ agenLs uLlllzlng Lhe sysLem lnLerface lnsLead of
calllng a SprlnL call cenLer. 8educed call volume for acLlvaLlons by one-Lhlrd.
1echnlcal lead managlng elghL developers whlle provldlng sLaLus Lo upper managemenL on a weekly basls.
LxLremely hlgh vlslblllLy pro[ecL wlLhln SprlnL CorporaLe. l meL wlLh ClC and v's on several occaslons Lo
dlscuss pro[ecL. Worked wlLh dlrecL, senlor and parLner managemenL Lo dlscuss pro[ecL sLaLus on a regular
basls. Worked dlrecLly wlLh Lhe reLall buslness Leam Lo deflne buslness and Lechnlcal requlremenLs
!2LL appllcaLlon uLlllzlng ServleLs, !S and SLruLs (MvC ueslgn paLLern), lllLers and LlsLeners, Apache P11
web server ln fronL of WebLoglc 8.1 appllcaLlon server runnlng on Sun Solarls servers, uLlllzed xSL1 Lo
Lransform xML Lo P1ML for Lhe ul, Conflgured MC Serles queues as Lhe LransporL from Lhe Lhln cllenL
fronL-end Lo Lhe back-end bllllng sysLem

John G. Miller

2037 E. Wyandotte
Olathe, KS 66062 913-219-5234

lnLegraLed Lhe 8eLall ManagemenL SysLem wlLh Lhe SprlnL CS bllllng sysLem Lo maxlmlze Lhe reLall agenLs
Llme spenL enLerlng daLa lnLo mulLlple sysLems. SysLem was used by all SprlnL CS reLall sLores wlLh
30,000+ reLall agenLs uslng Lhe sysLem.
1echnlcal lead managlng 10 developers (flve lnLernal, flve consulLanLs) whlle provldlng sLaLus Lo upper
managemenL on a weekly basls, worked wlLh dlrecL and senlor managemenL as well as Lhe 3
vendor of Lhe 8MS sysLem Lo ensure an on-Llme, on-budgeL pro[ecL, worked dlrecLly wlLh Lhe reLall
buslness Leam Lo deflne buslness and Lechnlcal requlremenLs.
ueveloped sofLware for near real-Llme LransacLlons Lo auLomaLe neLwork provlslonlng for Lhe volce long
dlsLance uMS-230 and uMS-300 swlLches, whlle also auLomaLlng neLwork provlslonlng for Lhe Servlce
Manager (SM) swlLch for SprlnL lCn deploymenL. 1he pro[ecL used Lhe 1andem Cuardlan and CSS
operaLlng sysLems wlLh Lhe non-SLop SCL daLabase for Lhe LargeL whlle uslng a uell Server for Lhe user
lnLerface (ul). Codlng was done ln C/C++ on Lhe 1andem server and a !AvA appleL for Lhe ul, boLh uslng
Cb[ecL CrlenLed Analysls (CCA) and Cb[ecL CrlenLed ueslgn (CCu) meLhodology wlLh 8aLlonal 8ose.
ueslgn lead for LlemenL Layer funcLlonallLy LhaL lncludes expanded use cases, class dlagrams and
sequence dlagrams
ueslgn lead for lnLernaLlonal 8ouLlng ManagemenL SysLem (l8MS) LhaL lncludes expanded use cases and
class dlagrams, bullL Lools and seL up a process Lo do dally code bullds whlle reLrlevlng all code from a CM
Lool. revlously, no oLher group had such a process whlle dolng everyLhlng manually and belng very error
prone. ManagemenL has mandaLed Lhe Lools and process Lo be used by all groups.
Member of process lmprovemenL commlLLee Lo sLudy ways Lo lmprove our overall process. SelecLed as
one of Lwo represenLaLlves from our group, member of exLernal code revlews board Lo revlew code
before lL goes Lo producLlon

!$$+#( :+<.&$2 5$&'=#2 9: CcLober 1997 - Aprll 1999
Lnglneer ll

Lmbedded sysLems englneer responslble for Lhe developmenL of Lhe enablemenL of hardware for Lhe Clobal SLar
2100 lllghL ManagemenL SysLem. ueslgned, developed and LesLed Lhe fllghL plannlng, navlgaLlon and l/C
communlcaLlon subsysLems. ueslgned, developed and LesLed communlcaLlon sofLware Lo Lransfer daLa for dual
lMS's on proprleLary communlcaLlons proLocol durlng fllghL for synchronlzaLlon of daLa for navlgaLlon and fllghL
plannlng subsysLems.

ro[ecL envlronmenL conslsLed of a real-Llme mulLl-Lasklng prlorlLy scheme uslng Lhe vxWorks real-Llme
operaLlng sysLem wlLh more Lhan 13 Lasks runnlng aL mulLlple raLes. ro[ecL used all sLages of sofLware
llfe-cycle lncludlng sysLem requlremenLs, sofLware requlremenLs, sofLware deslgn, code and
lnLegraLlon/LesLlng wlLh mosL of Lhe codlng belng done ln C/C++ uslng CCu meLhodology wlLh 8aLlonal
ueslgned, developed and LesLed A8lnC429 (8282 chlp), 8S422 (83C30 chlp, mulLl-channel), 8S232 (68349
on board uA81, mulLl-channel) and CS (on-board englne proLocol), 28l016 llash Memory, 8eal 1lme
Clock (81C), LCu ulsplay (320x240 nLC Color ulsplay) and keyboard (Cu1871A encoder) drlvers, Analog
uC luel llow lnpuLs vla uual orL 8am wlLh a luel llow card runnlng wlLh a Z8000 processor.
Co-developed daLa communlcaLlons slmulaLor Lo slmulaLe dual lMS's (Lwo lMS's) on a unlx worksLaLlon
for developmenL and source code LesLlng/coverage.
Croup lead of producLlon sofLware for producLlon unlL hardware verlflcaLlon.

John G. Miller

2037 E. Wyandotte
Olathe, KS 66062 913-219-5234

B+"%-@&%#2 ;#,' E#, B-+.#,2 F! !anuary 1993 - CcLober
1997ro[ecL Manager/SofLware Lnglneer
ulrecLed a Leam of slx developers, lncludlng Lhree from a consulLlng flrm, Lo do sysLem sofLware, operaLlng sysLem
and hardware speclflc drlvers, and Lhe appllcaLlon sofLware, whlch conslsLed of Lhe user lnLerface (Cul) and base
funcLlonallLy. resenLed pro[ecL goals and ob[ecLlves Lo mulLlple senlor managemenL unlL leaders. roduced
weekly sLaLus reporLs on Lhe pro[ecL for senlor managemenL and Lhe cusLomer, ganL charLs uslng MlcrosofL ro[ecL
Lo monlLor pro[ecL work compleLed, mllesLones and Leam schedules. Lead all of Lhe deslgn revlews and was acLlve
ln all deslgns and generaLed deslgn documenLs for Lhe sysLem deslgn, appllcaLlon deslgn and all pro[ecL speclflc
Al's used.

loneered Lhe flrsL Lmall hone" ln Lhe lnLerneL appllances markeL. ro[ecL conslsLed of a corded or
cordless Lelephone wlLh a mlnl-keyboard and Lhe ablllLy Lo send and recelve Lmall. 1he phone also had
personal lnformaLlon managemenL (lM) appllcaLlons, whlch lncluded calendar, noLepad, address book
and caller lu. MosL work was done on Sun Solarls unlx worksLaLlons and Lhen porLed Lo Lhe LargeL and
CS-9 operaLlng sysLem. Codlng for Lhls pro[ecL was done ln C/C++ wlLh a small amounL of 68k assembly.
ueveloped a 1C/l Lmall appllcaLlon on a Sun Solarls unlx worksLaLlon whlch lncluded Lhe C3 and
SM1 proLocols for reLrlevlng and sendlng Lmall and Lhen porLed lL Lo Lhe LargeL and CS-9 operaLlng
orLed Lhe CS-9 operaLlng sysLem Lo Lhe proLoLype hardware. rogrammed all lnlLlallzaLlon of hardware
lncludlng Lhe chlp selecLs, memory map and pln l/C porLs.
ueveloper on Lhe Leam whlch deslgned a power managemenL subsysLem for Lhe CS-9 operaLlng sysLem.
8esponslblllLles lncluded Lhe sysLem managemenL Lable and hardware lnLerfaces for Lhe power
managemenL subsysLem. orLed Lhe power managemenL subsysLem Lo mulLlple processor plaLforms,
lncludlng Lhe 68k, C, and A8M famllles of processors.
Worked dlrecLly wlLh MoLorola's paglng/sofLware group and l8M's neLwork compuLer group Lo
lmplemenL a power managemenL sysLem for use ln MoLorola's Lwo-way pager, whlch used Lhe MC68328
processor, and l8M's neLwork compuLer, whlch used Lhe C821 processor. ueslgned and developed
8S232 devlce drlvers for 16330, 8230 and 68328 on-board uA81 chlps
ueslgned, developed and documenLed a Louch screen devlce drlver for Lrlcsson CorporaLlon's enny"
serles of cellular Lelephone/personal dlglLal asslsLanL's (uA).ueslgned and developed a subrouLlne
module whlch would Lake Lhe lnpuL coordlnaLes from Lhe Louch screen drlver, and converL Lhem lnLo Lhe
approprlaLe LCu coordlnaLe and lndlcaLe lf lL ls up/down/move acLlon. upgraded an exlsLlng graphlcs
devlce drlver for Lhe C821 on board LCu module, Lo lnclude power managemenL and Lo use wlLh a
640x480 color LCu dlsplay.
SupporLed Lhe core CS-9 real-Llme embedded operaLlng sysLem and lLs Lools. 1he Lools conslsLed of unlx
and Wlndows plaLforms as hosLs wlLh a developmenL dlrecLory, source level debugger and uLlllLles

John G. Miller

2037 E. Wyandotte
Olathe, KS 66062 913-219-5234

kansas SLaLe unlverslLy, ManhaLLan, kS
8achelor of Sclence, CompuLer Lnglneerlng, uecember 1994

I#"=.-$-<C GJ1#%'+,#K
72.0820'9: !AvA/!S, 8uby, C++/C/Cb[ecLlve C, Adobe llex, P1ML, WML, !avaScrlpL/AcLlonScrlpL/v8ScrlpL, P,
C#/v8/AS, 68k/A8M/C/x86 assembler
!)2.32"39: !2SL/!2LL/!2ML, xML, 8LL, P11, Web Servlces/SCA, 1C/l, uu, 8C, 8Ml, !SCn, A!Ax, uC!C, 8SS,
SM1/C3, AcLlvex/CCM
:55;<'= !'"4'"9: l8M WebSphere, 8LA WebLoglc, 8ed PaL !8oss, Apache 1omcaL, Class llsh, Apache P11,
MlcrosofL llS
%2)2=29' !'"4'"9: Cracle, u82, MlcrosofL SCL Server, osLgreSCL, MySCL
>5'"2)&.0 919)'69: Llnux, unlx, Wlndows 2000/2003 Server, Mac CS-x, 8lackberry CS, Androld CS, lCS, alm CS,
CS-9, vxWorks
?*.+&08"2)&*. @2.20'6'.): ClL, ClearCase, Subverslon, vCS, SCCS, Subllme, erforce, vlsual Source Safe

7%-?#,,+-.&$ E+,'+."'+-.,K
2012 - AcceleraLed vlslon - aLenL pendlng for M2M plaLform
2008 - kAnA - 8ecognlzed by senlor managemenL as dlsLlngulshed employee (awarded Lrlp Lo Aruba)
2007 - evergance - Lmployee 8ecognlLlon for Lxcellence
2003 - evergance - Lmployee 8ecognlLlon for Lxcellence
2003 - SprlnL Lxcellence Award - Lmployee AchlevemenL and lnnovaLlon
2001 - SprlnL Lxcellence Award - Lmployee AchlevemenL and lnnovaLlon
1997 - Mlcroware Lmall hone - aLenL wlLh unlden for Lmall hone
1997 - Mlcroware Lmall hone - 8ecognlzed by company for leadlng for flrsL Lmall hone
1996 - Mlcroware Lrlcsson - 8ecognlzed by company for flrsL uA

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