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r r r r

Bursitis (ber-SlGH-tis) is an inflammation of a bursa (hurs means bursa, and -itis means inflammation).
Chondromalacia (kon-droh-mah-UtY-shee-ah) is the abnormal softening of cartilage (chondr/o means cartilage, and -malacia means abnormal softening). A chondroma (kon-DRoH-mah) is a slow-growing benign tumor derived from cartilage cells (chondr means cartilage, and -oma means tumor). Costochondritis (kos-toh-kon-DRlGH-tis) is an inflammation of the cartilage that connects a rib to the
sternum (cost/o means rib, chondr means cartilage,

and -itis means inflammation).

Hallux valgus (HAL-ucks VAL-guss), also known as a tsl'l'nirxr, is an abnormal enlargement of the joint at the
base of the great toe (hallux means big toe, and ualgus means bent).

FIGURE 3.18 Sub/uxation and dislocation shown on a posterior view of the left shoulder.

Hemarthrosis (hem-ar-THRoH-sis) is blood within a joint (hem means blood, arthr means joint, and -osis means abnormal condition or disease). This condition is frequently due to a joint injury. It also can occur spontaneously in patients taking blood-thinning medications or those having a blood clotting disorder such as hemophilia (see Chapters 2 and 5). Synovitis (sin-oh-WE-tiss) is inflammation of the synovial membrane that results in swelling and pain of the affected joint (synov means synovial membrane, and -itis means inflammation). This condition can be caused by arthritis, fiauma, infection, or irritation produced by damaged cartilage.

with aging (oste/o means bone, arthr means joint, and -itis means inflammation) (Figure 3.19).

This condition is described as a rfe.g'eruerc*Iir:e Jlriraf rfise,"ass because it is characterized by the wearing away of the articular cartilage within the joints. #*.p;*w*r*tiu*
means the breaking down or impairment of a body part.

Spondylosis (spon-dih-LoH-sis), which is also knor,rrn as spfrc*d ersiesrardilr"dfis, is a degenerative disorder that can cause the loss of normal spinal structure and function (spondyl means vertebrae, and -osis means abnormal condition or disease).

Gouty Arthritis
Gouty arthritis (GOW-tee ar-THRIGH-tis), also known


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Dislocation, also known as lr*.rrai.i*rc (luck-SAY-shun), is the total displacement of a bone from its joint
(Figure 3.18).

g*laf, is a type of arthri{s characterized by deposits of uric acid in the joints. i,sric *cfd is a byproduct that is normally excreted by the kidneys. Gout develops when excess uric acid, which is present in the blood, forms crystals in the

Subluxation (sub-luck-SAY-shun) is the partial displacement of a bone from its joint.

joints of the feet and legs.

frheumatoid Arffiri*is
Rheumatoid arthritis (ROo-mah-toyd ar-THRIGH-tis), commonly known by its abbreviation RA, is a chronic
autoimmune disorder in which the joints and some organs of other body systems are attacked. :{uf*inarrunms rJfsffrsJer"$ are described in Chapter 6.

Arthritis (ar-THRIGH-tis) is an inflammatory condition of one or more joints (arthr means join! and -itis means
inflammation). There are many different forms and causes of arthritis. ftFrsrrnind.r.sffr. is an obsolete term for arthritis to describe lany painful disorder of the joints; however, in lay language, this word is still in use.

As RA progressively attacks the synovial membranes

they inflamed and thickened so that the joints are increasingly swollen, painful, and immobile.

Osteoarthritis (oss-tee- oh- ar-THRIGH -tis), also lcrown

Ankyfosfng SpondyJftfs
Ankylosing spondylids (ang-kih-LoH-sing spon-dih-LYEtis) is a form of rheumatoid arthritis that primarily causes

u;**v-*rzd-*e*r *rtlzrifis, is most commonly associated

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