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Risk Management Theory: A comprehensive empirical assessment

Karol Marek Klimczak
Leon Kozminski Academy of Enterpreneurship and Management

23. July 2007

Online at MPRA Paper No. 4241, posted 24. July 2007

Risk Management Theory Running head: RISK MANAGEMENT THEORY

Risk Management Theory: A om!rehensi"e em!iri a# assessment $orking %a!er Karo# Marek K#im &ak 'eon Ko&minski A ademy o( Entre!reneurshi! and Management in $arsa)* %o#and

Karo# Marek K#im &ak* %h+,+ kmk#im-ko&minski+edu+!# %hone: ./0 112 314511564* ./0 112 314511547 8a9: ./0 112 3145175:4 'eon Ko&minski A ademy o( Entre!reneurshi! and Management u#+ ;agie##onska 3<=34 :757:1 $arsa) %o#and

Risk Management Theory A>stra t The aim o( this !a!er is to de"e#o! a methodo#ogy (or thorough em!iri a# testing o( ma?or ontem!orary or!orate risk management theories: (inan ia# theory* agen y theory*

stakeho#der theory and ne) institutiona# e onomi s+ @n#ike in !re"ious resear h* the tests are organised around theories* rather than indi"idua# hy!otheses+ I used a num>er o( tests (or ro>ustness and su>?e ted hy!otheses to re!eated testing* ross5"eri(ying resu#ts+ E"iden e o( tests ondu ted on a sam!#e o( 13: om!anies #isted at the $arsa) Sto k E9 hange in %o#and* o"ering years (rom 1::1 to 1::3* #ear#y !oint to #o) em!iri a# "eri(i ation o( a## theories onsidered+ Ho)e"er* I (ind e"iden e (or some theoreti a# determinants: urren y e9!osure* market5to5>ook "a#ue* IT and ser"i e se tors and si&e+ In on #usion I suggest im!#i ations (or (uture em!iri a# and on e!tua# resear h+

Key)ords: or!orate risk management* hedging* deri"ati"es* AART

Risk Management Theory Risk Management Theory: A comprehensive empirical assessment Working Paper

There ha"e >een many em!iri a# studies aiming at (inding su!!ort (or the "arious theories o( or!orate (inan ia# risk management+ Ho)e"er* su>seBuent resear h !a!ers (ai#ed to determine )hi h theories are su!!orted >y the data and )hi h are not+ In onseBuen e >oth theoreti a# resear h e((orts and the design o( a!!#ied methods (or or!orate risk management are sta##ed >y the ina>i#ity to de ide )hi h theoreti a# a!!roa h to (o##o)+ A(ter a s!ate o( ne) resear h in this (ie#d in the #ate 4:Cs there ha"e >een (e) studies that added to our understanding o( or!orate hedging >eha"iour+ In identa##y* most "a#ua>#e !ie es o( resear h in re ent years on entrated on methodo#ogi a# issues: the endogeneity !ro>#em .;in and ;orion* 1::62* in #usion o( non5deri"ati"e hedging .,a"ies et a#+* 1::6D ;udge* 1::62* and assum!tions a>out the !ur!ose o( deri"ati"e use .8au#kender* 1::32+ In this !a!er I (o##o) the methodo#ogi a# strain o( resear h and !ro!ose "eri(i ation o( risk management theory )hi h is (o used not on indi"idua# hy!otheses >ut on theories+ I a#so attem!t to !ro"ide strong e"iden e as to the "eri(i ation status o( these theories >y using a num>er o( methods and su>?e ting hy!otheses to re!eated testing+ This !a!er aims to design and ondu t an e9hausti"e em!iri a# in"estigation into a## ma?or or!orate risk management theories* )hi h )ou#d !ro"ide strong statement o( their "eri(i ation status+ The theories onsidered in #ude risk management mode#s de"e#o!ed )ithin the >ody o( the (o##o)ing theories o( the (irm: (inan ia# theory* agen y theory* stakeho#der theory and ne) institutiona# e onomi s+ AonseBuent#y* )hi#e most resear h !a!ers !resent the hy!otheses in se tions on entrated around !arti u#ar determinants o( risk management* I dis uss them in the order o( theories (rom )hi h they originated+

Risk Management Theory The in #usion o( ne) institutiona# e onomi s and stakeho#der theory* none o( )hi h has >een tested in the onte9t o( risk management* is the (irst attem!t to introdu e these theories to em!iri a# resear h in the (ie#d+ Eoth theories are re#ati"e#y ne) and immature+ Ho)e"er* sin e they o((er a ne) !ers!e ti"e on the !ro>#em o( hedging* it is )orth)hi#e to onsider them+ Another ontri>ution o( this !a!er is a ohesi"e testing methodo#ogy+ 8irst o( a##* I designed a set o( hy!otheses >asing on !re"ious resear h+ Se ond#y* des!ite using a ne) a!!roa h to em!iri a# "eri(i ation* I stri"ed to maintain om!ara>i#ity )ith !re"ious studies in terms o( hy!otheses and statisti a# methods+ Third#y* I tested hy!otheses using a )ide range o( statisti a# methods* )ith re!eated testing o( the same hy!othesis* )hi h !ro"ided dou>#e "eri(i ation o( resu#ts+ These issues are dis ussed in the se tion on methodo#ogy >e#o)+ The hoi e o( data a#so !ro"ides a ne) insight into risk management !ra ti es o( om!anies+ The dataset (or this study om!rises annua# re!ort data (or 13: %o#ish #isted om!anies* in the !eriod o( 1::151::3+ 8e) studies o( e onomi theories are arried out using emerging market data+ In the !eriod e9amined %o#ish om!anies had ready a ess to deri"ati"es and )ere su>?e t to Internationa# A ounting Standard 71 and 74 regu#ation+

Ho)e"er on#y 7:F used hedging* (ar (e)er than in de"e#o!ed Euro!ean or o"erseas markets+ It is there(ore interesting to in"estigate this ne) market and he k i( resear h resu#ts mat h those (rom di((erent markets+ Theories and !re"ious resear h 8inan ia# e onomi s a!!roa h 8inan ia# e onomi s a!!roa h to or!orate risk management has so (ar >een the most !ro#i(i in terms o( >oth theoreti a# mode# e9tensions and em!iri a# resear h+ This a!!roa h >ui#ds u!on #assi Modig#iani5Mi##er !aradigm .Mi##er and Modig#iani* 14302 )hi h states

Risk Management Theory onditions (or irre#e"an e o( (inan ia# stru ture (or or!orate "a#ue+ This !aradigm )as #ater e9tended to the (ie#d o( risk management+ This a!!roa h sti!u#ates a#so that hedging #eads to #o)er "o#ati#ity o( ash (#o) and there(ore #o)er "o#ati#ity o( (irm "a#ue+ Rationa#es (or or!orate risk management )ere dedu ed (rom the irre#e"an e onditions and in #uded: higher de>t a!a ity .Mi##er and Modig#iani* 14672* !rogressi"e ta9 rates* #o)er e9!e ted osts o( >ankru!t y .Smith and Stu#&* 14032* se uring interna# (inan ing .8root et a#+* 14472* in(ormation asymmetries .Ge &y et a#+* 144<2 and om!arati"e ad"antage in in(ormation .Stu#&* 14462+ The u#timate resu#t o( hedging* i( it indeed is >ene(i ia# to the (irm* shou#d >e higher "a#ue G a hedging !remium+ E"iden e to su!!ort the !redi tions o( (inan ia# e onomi s theory a!!roa h to risk management is !oor+ A#though risk management does #ead to #o)er "aria>i#ity o( or!orate "a#ue .e+g+ ;in and ;orion* 1::62* )hi h is the main !rereBuisite (or a## other e((e ts* there seems to >e #itt#e !roo( o( this >eing #inked )ith >ene(its s!e i(ied >y the theory+ One o( the

most )ide#y ited !a!ers >y Tu(ano .14462 (inds no e"iden e to su!!ort (inan ia# hy!otheses* and on entrates on the in(#uen e o( manageria# !re(eren es instead+ On the other hand* the higher de>t a!a ity hy!othesis seems to >e "eri(ied !ositi"e#y* as sho)n >y 8a(( and Nguyen .1::12* Graham and Rogers .1::12 and Guay .14442+ Interna# (inan ing hy!othesis )as !ositi"e#y "eri(ied >y Guay .14442 and Ge &y et a#+ .144<2* )hi#e it )as re?e ted >y 8a(( and Guyen .1::12 and Mian .14462+ ;udge .1::62 (ound e"iden e in su!!ort o( (inan ia# distress hy!othesis+ Ta9 hy!othesis )as "eri(ied !ositi"e#y >y Nan e* Smith and Smithson .14472* )hi#e other studies "eri(ied it negati"e#y .Mian* 1446 D Graham and Rogers* 1::12+ More re ent#y ;in and ;orion .1::62 !ro"ide strong e"iden e o( #a k o( "a#ue re#e"an e o( hedging* a#though some !re"ious studies ha"e identi(ied a hedging !remium .A##ayannis and $eston* 1::1* Aarter et a#+* 1::62+

Risk Management Theory The hy!otheses tested in this study in #ude a## o( the a>o"e rationa#es* e9 e!t (or in(ormation asymmetries and om!arati"e in(ormation ad"antage+ The (irst t)o hy!othesis test the under#ying assum!tion* that hedging #eads to #o)er "o#ati#ity o( om!any "a#ue+ Hypothesis 1a: There is a negative relationship between hedging and stock price volatility. Hypothesis 1b: There is a negative relationship between hedging a particular risk and stock price exposure to that risk factor. The ne9t hy!othesis tests (or a hedging !remium >y #ooking at om!anies that start hedging* rather than a ross5se tion o( hedgers "s+ non5hedgers* (o##o)ing the a!!roa h o( Guay .14442+ Hypothesis 1c: Firms that begin hedging experience a rise in market value of equity. A ording to de>t a!a ity and ta9 in enti"e rationa#es* (irms shou#d >e interested in raising their gearing ratios* using the ta9 shie#d to the (u## e9tent* and #o)ering their ta9 harges+ Hedging (a i#itates this >y #o)ering risk o( de(au#t and a##o)ing higher de>t a!a ity+ 'o)er "o#ati#ity o( earnings may a#so resu#t in #o)er a"erage ta9 harges i( the ta9 ur"e is on a"e* ho)e"er in %o#and or!orate in ome ta9 is (#at5rate so this e((e t is not im!ortant+ Hypothesis 1d: There is a positive relationship between hedging and debt equity ratio. Hypothesis 1e: Firms that begin hedging! raise their debt equity ratio subsequently. Hypothesis 1f: Firms with low times interest earned ratio "#$%T interest paid&! but above one! hedge more often than either firms with high ratio or lower than one.

Hypothesis 1g: Firms that hedge are able to pay their interest charges "times interest earned ratio ' 1&. Hypothesis (h: There is a negative relationship between hedging and income tax paid "relative to sales&. Hypothesis (i: )verage tax charge falls after firms start to hedge.

Risk Management Theory


The (ina# hy!othesis o( (inan ia# e onomi s is #inked to se uring interna# (inan ing (or im!ortant strategi !ro?e ts and #o)ering osts o( (inan ia# distress+ These in enti"es shou#d >e more im!ortant to om!anies )ith high de"e#o!ment e9!enditure or other gro)th o!tions+ Hypothesis (*: There is a positive relationship between hedging and growth options! represented by high +,- expenditure or high value ratio. Agen y theory Agen y theory e9tends the ana#ysis o( the (irm to in #ude se!aration o( o)nershi! and ontro#* and manageria# moti"ation+ In the (ie#d o( or!orate risk management agen y issues ha"e >een sho)n to in(#uen e manageria# attitudes to)ard risk taking and hedging .Smith and Stu#&* 14032+ Theory a#so e9!#ains a !ossi>#e mismat h o( interest >et)een shareho#ders* management and de>t ho#ders due to asymmetries in earning distri>ution* )hi h an resu#t in the (irm taking too mu h risk or not engaging in !ositi"e net "a#ue !ro?e ts .Mayers and Smith* 140<2+ AonseBuent#y* agen y theory im!#ies that de(ined hedging !o#i ies an ha"e im!ortant in(#uen e on (irm "a#ue .8ite and %(#eiderer* 14432+ The #atter hy!otheses are asso iated )ith (inan ing stru ture* and gi"e !redi tions simi#ar to (inan ia# theory+ Manageria# moti"ation (a tors in im!#ementation o( or!orate risk management ha"e >een em!iri a##y in"estigated in a (e) studies )ith a negati"e e((e t .8a(( and Nguyen* 1::1D Ma Arimmon and $ehrung* 144:D Ge &y et a#+* 144<2+ Nota>#y* !ositi"e e"iden e )as (ound ho)e"er >y Tu(ano .14462 in his ana#ysis o( the go#d mining industry in the @S+ 8inan ia# !o#i y hy!otheses )ere tested in studies o( the (inan ia# theory* sin e >oth theories gi"e simi#ar !redi tions in this res!e t+ A## in a##* the >u#k o( em!iri a# e"iden e seems to >e against agen y theory hy!otheses ho)e"er+ Agen y theory !ro"ides strong su!!ort (or hedging as a res!onse to mismat h >et)een menageria# in enti"es and shareho#der interests+ The (o##o)ing hy!otheses are designed to test the >asi im!#i ations o( this theory+ The (irst hy!othesis tests i( (irms hedge

Risk Management Theory in order to de rease risk to >#o k shareho#ders+ The ne9t three hy!otheses address the

Buestion o( hedging as a too# to sa(eguard de>tho#der interest and thus in rease de>t a!a ity+ @n(ortunate#y* due to data #imitations I )as una>#e to test manageria# o!tion and sto k ho#ding hy!otheses+ Hypothesis (a: There is a positive relationship between hedging and individual block ownership. Hypothesis (b: Hedging is used most often by companies with high debt equity ratios. Hypothesis (c: Firms start hedging more often if they have low equity assets ratios and wish to issue debt or take out a bank loan. Hypothesis (d: Firms start hedging more often if they have high debt equity ratios and wish to issue debt or take out a bank loan. Ne) Institutiona# E onomi s A di((erent !ers!e ti"e on risk management is o((ered >y ne) institutiona# e onomi s+ The (o us is shi(ted here to go"ernan e !ro esses and so io5e onomi institutions that guide these !ro esses* as e9!#ained >y $i##iamson .14402+ A#though no em!iri a# studies o( ne) institutiona# e onomi s a!!roa h to risk management ha"e >een arried out so (ar* the theory o((ers an a#ternati"e e9!#anation o( or!orate >eha"ior+ Name#y* it !redi ts that risk management !ra ti es may >e determined >y institutions or a e!ted !ra ti e )ithin a market or industry+ Moreo"er* the theory #inks se urity )ith s!e i(i assets !ur hase .$i##iamson* 140<2* )hi h im!#ies that risk management an >e im!ortant in ontra ts )hi h >ind t)o sides )ithout a##o)ing di"ersi(i ation* su h as #arge (inan ing ontra t or #ose oo!eration )ithin a su!!#y hain+ I( institutiona# (a tors do !#ay an im!ortant ro#e in hedging* this shou#d >e o>ser"a>#e in the data+ 8irst o( a##* there may >e a di((eren e >et)een se tors+ Se ond#y* hedging may >e more !o!u#ar in ertain !eriods G in %o#and one might "enture a guess* that hedging shou#d

Risk Management Theory >e ome more !o!u#ar )ith years+ A more on rete im!#i ation o( this theory* is that

shareho#ders may >e interested in attra ting >#o k o)nershi! >y redu ing om!any risk+ Here NIE is simi#ar in its !redi tions to agen y theory+ Ho)e"er this theory a#so suggest that (irm !ra ti es may >e in(#uen ed >y the o)nershi! stru ture in genera#+ These im!#i ations are tested )ith the (o##o)ing hy!otheses+ Hypothesis /a. There are differences in popularity of hedging between industries. Hypothesis /b: The frequency of hedging changes with time. Hypothesis /c: Hedging is positively related to individual block onwership. Hypothesis /d: Hedging behaviour is influenced by the ownership structure: the government! institutional investors! foreign investors. Stakeho#der theory Stakeho#der theory* de"e#o!ed origina##y >y 8reeman .140/2 as a manageria# instrument* has sin e e"o#"ed into a theory o( the (irm )ith high e9!#anatory !otentia#+ Stakeho#der theory (o uses e9!#i it#y on an eBui#i>rium o( stakeho#der interests as the main determinant o( or!orate !o#i y+ The most !romising ontri>ution to risk management is the e9tension o( im!#i it ontra ts theory (rom em!#oyment to other ontra ts* in #uding sa#es and (inan ing .Aorne## and Sha!iro* 140<2+ In ertain industries* !arti u#ar#y high5te h and ser"i es* onsumer trust in the om!any >eing a>#e to ontinue o((ering its ser"i es in the (uture an su>stantia##y ontri>ute to om!any "a#ue+ Ho)e"er* the "a#ue o( these im!#i it #aims is high#y sensiti"e to e9!e ted osts o( (inan ia# distress and >ankru!t y+ Sin e or!orate risk management !ra ti es #ead to a de rease in these e9!e ted osts* om!any "a#ue rises .K#im &ak* 1::32+ There(ore stakeho#der theory !ro"ides a ne) insight into !ossi>#e rationa#e (or risk management+ Ho)e"er* it has not yet >een tested dire t#y+ In"estigations o( (inan ia# distress hy!othesis .Smith and Stu#&* 14432 !ro"ide on#y indire t e"iden e .e+g+ ;udge* 1::62+

Risk Management Theory I ha"e designed the (o##o)ing hy!otheses to test (or the use(u#ness o( this theory in risk management resear h+ The (irst hy!othesis addresses the im!ortan e o( ustomer trust


and resu#ting !otentia##y high osts o( (inan ia# distress in IT and ser"i e se tors+ The se ond hy!othesis a#so #ooks at (inan ia# distress osts* >ut in a genera# manner G om!anies )ith high intangi>#e or human assets* and gro)th o!tions are more sensiti"e to ontinuity !ro>#ems+ This is essentia##y the same as hy!othesis 1? o( (inan ia# e onomi s+ And (ina##y* sma##er (irms are more !rone to (inan ia# !ro>#ems* )hi h shou#d in rease their interest in risk management !ra ti es+ The #ast hy!othesis is ho)e"er in #ear ontrast to a## !re"ious em!iri a# e"iden e+ Hypothesis 0a: Hedging is more popular among firms form %T and service sectors. Hypothesis 0b: 1ompanies with high value hedge more. Hypothesis 0c: Hedging is more common among smaller firms. Methodo#ogy Sin e e"iden e in su!!ort o( "arious risk management theories remains mi9ed I (ound there is a need to design a study* )hi h )i## >ring these theories together and test them on a sing#e sam!#e using ro>ust methodo#ogy+ This a!!roa h a##o)s om!arison o( theories and their assum!tions and an !ro"ide >etter indi ation o( !ossi>#e )ays to de"e#o! ne) theoreti a# mode#s+ The se tions >e#o) e9!#ains in detai# the study design issues+ ,ata Ana#ysis )as ondu ted on a !ane# o( %o#ish non5(inan ia# om!anies* #isted at the $arsa) Sto k E9 hange+ The !ane# in #uded data o( some 13: om!anies .num>ers (or !arti u#ar years "aried s#ight#y2 (or the !eriod (rom 1::1 to 1::3+ The #ast t)o years o( the series )ere used (or "eri(i ation o( resu#ts and data (or this !eriod )as gathered (rom 7: om!anies se#e ted random#y+

Risk Management Theory The hoi e o( %o#ish #isted om!anies (or theory "eri(i ation reBuires a omment*


sin e there may >e on erns a>out !ossi>#e idiosyn rati (a tors in(#uen ing risk management in %o#and+ A## om!anies in #uded in the study )ere >ased in %o#and* their o)nershi! stru ture not)ithstanding+ My !osition is that "eri(ying risk management theory on data (rom a ountry )hi h is sti## de"e#o!ing an yie#d resu#ts as re#ia>#e as studies >ased on ri hest ountry data+ 8irst#y* %o#ish om!anies ha"e (or the !ast 1< years >een ra!id#y #earning ne) >usiness mode#s and te hniBues* in #uding (inan ia# management+ Sin e I ha"e >ased my study on the assum!tion o( rationa#ity I am o( the o!inion that %o#ish om!anies >ased their de ision to im!#ement risk management on an edu ated ?udgement o( !ros and ons+ Se ond#y* due to ongoing e onomi transition there are (e)er histori a# and institutiona# determinants o( the urrent state o( risk management in %o#and than there might >e in the @SA* @K* or Germany+ Third#y* su((i ient (inan ia# market in(rastru ture does e9ist in %o#and (or om!anies to engage in risk management+ AonseBuent#y* %o#ish om!anies an im!#ement (inan ia# risk management !ro esses !ro"ided they (ind them use(u#+ The sam!#e )as (urther #imited to in #ude on#y non5(inan ia# or!orations* that is om!anies (rom se tors other than (inan ia# ser"i es+ This a!!roa h* ado!ted >y Nan e et a#+ .14472* 8a(( and Nguyen .1::12 and Eerkman and Erad>ury .14462 is >ased on the !remise that >anks* insuran e om!anies and other (inan ia# se tor enter!rises !ur hase and issue deri"ati"e instruments not on#y (or hedging >ut a#so (or trading !ur!oses+ Sin e >oth in these and in my study deri"ati"e instruments use is a !ro9y (or hedging su h om!anies had to >e e9 #uded (rom the sam!#e+ $hen it omes to data o##e tion t)o a#ternati"e a!!roa hes to risk management resear h are !resent in the #iterature: use o( annua# re!ort data and Buestionnaires+ In this study I se#e ted the (ormer o!tion+ A#though it #imits the se#e tion o( "aria>#es to the ontents o( o((i ia# (i#ings* data gathered using this a!!roa h are more re#ia>#e as they ha"e >een

Risk Management Theory !re!ared using trans!arent ru#es s!e i(ied >y regu#ation+ In the ase o( %o#and a ne) #a) >ased on IAS 74 )as introdu ed in 1::1* )hi h regu#ated the dis #osure o( (inan ia#


instruments* in #uding hedging+ Hen e* the >eginning o( the series )as set (or the (irst re!orts !re!ared a ording to that regu#ation+ A(ter re"ie)ing "aria>#e distri>ution in the sam!#e t)o #argest om!anies )ere e9 #uded as out#iers+ These )ere Te#ekomunika ?a %o#ska S+A+* the #argest te#e om !ro"ider* and %KN Or#en S+A+* the #argest oi# re(inement and distri>ution om!any+ Eoth om!anies )here in om!ara>#y #arger than other om!anies in the sam!#e and ou#d not >e ana#ysed together )ith the rest o( the market+ A#though >oth o( them used hedging e9tensi"e#y* they )ou#d ha"e to >e ana#ysed in a sam!#e o( #arge Euro!ean om!anies* rather than %o#ish ones+ Haria>#es Ahoi e o( de!endant "aria>#e (or risk managements studies !oses an im!ortant methodo#ogi a# !ro>#em: in this study I used a >inary hedging !ro9y+ I ins!e ted manua##y annua# re!orts o( sam!#e om!anies to determine )hether a om!any used deri"ati"e instruments+ I( a om!any did dis #ose deri"ati"es and did not state that they )ere used (or s!e u#ation* I #assi(ied it as a hedger+ This onstru tion o( the hedging "aria>#e is o( ourse su>?e t to ?usti(ied riti ism+ ;in and ;orion .1::62 suggest using de#ta measures* )hi#e 8au#kender .1::32 stresses the im!ortan e o( (irst determining )hat deri"ati"es are used (or+ Other authors !oint to the signi(i an e o( non5deri"ati"e hedging .;udge 1::62+ Ne"erthe#ess the >inary !ro9y method has a!!eared most o(ten in risk management resear h (or !ra ti a# reasons+ I de ided to use this a!!roa h (irst#y to maintain om!ara>i#ity )ith !re"ious resear h* and se ond#y* >e ause it )as im!ossi>#e to determine o>?e ti"e#y* >asing on annua# re!orts* )hat )as the !ur!ose o( deri"ati"e use* as %o#ish om!anies re(rain (rom using hedge a ounting due to um>ersome regu#atory reBuirements+

Risk Management Theory A detai#ed des ri!tion o( "aria>#es is sho) in Ta>#e 1+ E9!osure indi ators )ere


a# u#ated (or E@R=%'N* @S,=%'N e9 hange rates and (or $IEOR* E@R 'IEOR* and @S, 'IEOR as >etas in a AA%M sty#e rates o( return regression* (o##o)ing ommon !ra ti e in the (ie#d .e+g+ Ahoi and %rasad* 1443D Erad#ey and Mo#es* 1::1D Ahen and So* 1::1D Ara>>* 1::12+ They )ere #ater hanged to a>so#ute "a#ues* as I )as interested in the e9tent* not the dire tion o( e9!osure+ Sa#es re"enue )as used as a s a#ing "aria>#e* sin e a## !re"ious studies sho)ed si&e to >e a strong determinant o( risk management !ra ti es+ Industry oding )as done in a ordan e )ith the genera# nomen #ature o( the $arsa) Sto k E9 hange+ Table 1. -escription of variables
CURR !ASS e#p $R e#p UR e#pU$R e#pUS' e#pW$R " AR

Tota# (oreign urren y denominated assets and #ia>i#ities EBuity=Tota# assets ratio E9!osure to euro 'i>or 7M interest rate E9!osure to E@R=%'N e9 hange rate E9!osure to @S, 'i>or 7M interest rate E9!osure to @S,=%'N e9 hange rate E9!osure to %'N $i>or 7M interest rate Gearing 5 ,e>t=EBuity ratio

investF invest"ov invest$n% invest$nst isss&e iss&e' iss&e( MT)* M* R'

Share o( #arge (oreign shareho#ders in eBuity .3F and a>o"e2 Go"ernmentCs share in eBuity i( a>o"e 3F+ Share o( >#o k indi"idua# shareho#ders in eBuity .3F and a>o"e2 Share o( #arge institutiona# in"estors in eBuity .3F and a>o"e2 Aash in(#o) (rom issued eBuity Aash in(#o) (rom issued de>t Aash in(#o) (rom ne) #oans Market5to5>ook "a#ue o( eBuity Market Ha#ue o( EBuity RJ, E9!enditure 5 Aost o( (inished RJ, !ro?e ts

" AR+$NT Interest >earing gearing I Interest >earing de>t=eBuity ratio goal, , Einary "aria>#e set to TR@E i( (irm stated hedging as the goa# o( deri"ati"e trading

Einary hedging "aria>#e* set to TR@E i( om!any riskComm Einary "aria>#e set to TR@E i( om!any used ommodity dis #osed deri"ati"e instruments deri"ati"es riskF. Einary "aria>#e set to TR@E i( om!any used urren y deri"ati"es

$N'USTR- Aoded as: onstru tion* hemi a#* tim>er !rodu ts* ma hinery* energy* trade* IT* media* meta#* onstru tion materia#s* manu(a turing* (ood* te#e om* ser"i es $NT' )T T$ SA( S Tota# interest >earing de>t as !er entage o( sa#es Times Interest Earned ratio Re"enue (rom sa#es G !ro9y (or (irm si&e+

risk$R TA. */(

Einary "aria>#e set to TR@E i( om!any used interest rate deri"ati"es Aor!orate in ome ta9 as !er entage o( sa#es Sto k !ri e "o#ati#ity G standard de"iation o( )eek#y rates o( return

Resu#ts The data )as ana#ysed using a num>er o( te hniBues+ A## o( the ana#ysis )as !er(ormed in R statisti s !a kage+ In the (irst ste! I arried out tests o( means and medians* as

Risk Management Theory is usua##y done in other studies o( this (ie#d+ The om!arison )as done in t)o )ays:


stati a##y* >y om!aring hedgers to non5hedgers* and dynami a##y* >y om!aring om!anies that started to hedge in a gi"en year )ith om!anies that did not hedge+ I then !ro eeded to Hote##ingCs tests (or di((eren e o( "e tors o( means* ANOHA* #ogit regression* and AART ana#ysis+ The #ast method* AART ana#ysis* is in essen e a de ision tree method (or >reaking a sam!#e into t)o ategories using a series o( de ision nodes+ It has not yet >e ome !o!u#ar in (inan ia# resear h* >ut as I )i## sho) >e#o) it has a num>er o( ad"antages+ Table (. 2ample characteristics by year
*ariable H goalH riskF3 risk%+ risk1omm %4-52T+6 (evel 8A'SE TR@E 8A'SE TR@E 8A'SE TR@E 8A'SE TR@E 8A'SE TR@E hemi a# #othing onstru tion onstru tion materia#s energy (ood IT ma hinery manu(a turing media meta# other !harma euti a# ser"i es te#e om tim>er !rodu ts trade N 0112 41 .0:F2 17 .1:F2 1:1 .00F2 1/ .11F2 1:1 .04F2 17 .11F2 11: .46F2 3 ./F2 117 .40F2 1 .1F2 6 3 1: 3 1 17 4 17 1: / 1: 1 1 1 < 6 1/ 110 - AR 0110 46 .<:F2 /1 .7:F2 111 .01F2 13 .10F2 111 .01F2 16 .14F2 11< .47F2 1: .<F2 17/ .40F2 7 .1F2 0 3 11 3 1 13 11 17 1: / 11 1 1 7 < 6 13 1/: 0113 11: .<1F2 /3 .14F2 111 .<4F2 77 .11F2 111 .<0F2 7/ .11F2 1/6 .4/F2 4 .6F2 131 .40F2 7 .1F2 0 3 11 3 7 13 17 17 11 6 17 1 1 / 0 6 10 131

@ni"ariate tests (or the di((eren e o( means .ta>#e 72 indi ated signi(i ant di((eren es >et)een hedgers and non5hedgers in si&e: hedgers tended to >e #arger >oth in terms o( sa#es and market "a#ue o( eBuity+ This has >een sho)n to >e true in other markets >y a## !re"ious studies and is a #ear !roo( o( >arriers or strong e onomies o( s a#e )hi h must e9ist in

Risk Management Theory deri"ati"e hedging+ Ho)e"er this resu#t ontradi ts hy!otheses 1a* 7 and / * a## o( )hi h im!#y that sma##er* more risky (irms shou#d >ene(it more (rom im!#ementing hedging+ T)o other signi(i ant di((eren es )ere in ta9 harges and indi"idua# >#o k o)nershi!+ Ho)e"er* the sign in >oth ases )as o!!osite to the !redi tions .hy!otheses 1h* 1a and 7 2+ Aom!arisons o( means >et)een ne) hedgers and non5hedgers sho)ed on#y t)o signi(i ant di((eren es in the year 1::1 (or e9!osure to E@R=%'N e9 hange rates and $IEOR interest


rate+ In genera# tests in the dynami a!!roa h !ro"ided )ide#y "arying resu#ts* >oth in terms o( magnitude and sign+ Table /. Test for the difference of means
'i44erence o4 means he%gers vs5 non6he%gers 1::1 *ariable e9!E@R e9!@S, e9!$IR e9!EIR e9!@IR HO' M* GEAR GEARKINT TIE TA. SA( S R, MTEH invest$n% in"estGo" in"estInst in"est8 ELASS INT,EET A@RR issue' issue, issueA t :+:10: 5:+3136 5:+4416 5:+031/ 5:+4:4< :+61<0 7+6<67 :+4/<1 5:+<7:: 1+1176 1+:6// 7+1000 5:+/6:6 1+1/:1 51+3647 :+1/:1 :+:71< 5:+7/63 5:+:140 5:+7<1/ 1+4067 1+:331 5:+36:6 1+:744 1::1 t 1+307/ 5:+6:<3 1+:701 5:+<3<3 5:+01:7 51+:/7/ /+343/ :+1436 1+11:0 :+0/1< 1+3341 3+7014 :+01/3 1+4103 51+13// 5:+61:7 :+/7<< 1+6114 :+<0:/ 1+1171 :+0<63 5:+<011 5:+/<4/ 5:+/433 1::7 t 5:+137< 51+7</0 51+13/6 5:+1:<7 5:+6/<: 57+/31/ 7+6141 :+110: 5:+011/ :+<1:0 1+//</ /+04:< 51+1414 1+34<7 51+16<6 :+1113 :+<134 1+6606 :+6137 5:+6/<: 1+/4/4 :+<7:: 5:+6::1 51+7/6< 1::1 ! :+4036 :+6::/ :+7177 :+7466 :+7631 :+3701 15111: :+7/3< :+/6<0 1510<3 151:23 151129 :+6/6: :+13<7 :+11:3 :+01:0 :+4</: :+<144 :+40/1 :+<1:< 151138 :+147< :+3<61 151:3< 1::1 ! 151223 :+3//4 :+7:10 :+/3:6 :+/1/1 :+1441 151111 :+<60: :+16/< :+/::4 15122; 151111 :+/111 1511:0 151338 :+3/7: :+6613 :+1:4< :+/763 :+16<4 :+7017 :+/761 :+671/ :+611: 1::7 ! :+0<01 :+1<11 :+13:0 :+41/0 :+314: 15111< 15111: :+4:67 :+/10: :+/<11 :+13:: 151111 :+1401 :+111< 151082 :+0710 :+/<33 1511<; :+3747 :+310< :+17<1 :+/666 :+3/4/ :+10:1 'i44erence o4 means ne76he%gers vs5 non6he%gers 1::1 t 51+1<// 5:+71<< 51+:0/0 5:+1003 :+1010 :+631< 51+3<07 5:+67<1 51+//73 :+30<< 5:+/3<1 5:+1:37 :+/676 :+:631 1+//0/ :+<001 51+:/7< 51+646: 5:+<6:4 51+:634 :+7134 :+<313 :+/136 :+0::4 1::7 t 5:+433/ 5:+<<:: :+6131 :+7<:7 :+/<33 1+7<:< :+6:<3 :+47<4 :+7:<: 51+3<7: 5:+1:1< 51+<46< :+716: :+6101 1+716/ 5:+1//0 51+7/:1 :+13/6 1+761< :+71<7 :+1116 :+334/ :+76/0 :+44/< 1::1 ! 151089 :+<//1 151:1; :+031: :+0333 :+3163 :+1141 :+313< :+13/7 :+3301 :+6/0< :+07<0 :+6//1 :+4/01 :+1314 :+/77< :+7::4 :+:431 :+//0< :+14:4 :+</37 :+/37/ :+6<17 :+/13: 1::7 ! :+7/10 :+///: :+3/:3 :+<117 :+6734 :+1</6 :+3/37 :+73:6 :+<346 :+114: :+4141 151=88 :+<31< :+3710 :+141< :+0:<7 :+10/0 :+<440 :+1<61 :+<//7 :+0714 :+3<<1 :+<16: :+7117

In >o#d: !5"a#ues >e#o) :+1 and "aria>#es )ith signi(i ant !5"a#ues in t)o su>seBuent years+

Risk Management Theory Tests (or the di((eren e o( medians .ta>#e /2 on(irmed resu#ts o( the !re"ious test:


si&e* ta9 harges and indi"idua# >#o k ho#ding )ere a## signi(i ant again+ Ho)e"er there )ere a#so other signi(i ant di((eren es+ Hedgers tended to ha"e a higher median o( (oreign urren y assets and #ia>i#ities* )hi h )ou#d !ro"ide a #ear reason (or hedging+ Moreo"er* they e9hi>ited #o)er "o#ati#ity o( sto k !ri es .hy!othesis 1a2 and higher market5to5>ook "a#ue .1? and />2+ 'o)er "o#ati#ity is !arti u#ar#y im!ortant* as it sho)s that a## other >ene(its arising (orm it an >e attaina>#e+ Test o( ne) hedgers "s+ non5hedgers sho)ed no signi(i ant di((eren es here+ Table 0. Tests for the difference of medians.
'i44erence o4 Me%ians he%gers vs5 non6he%gers 1::1 *ariable e9!E@R e9!@S, e9!$IR e9!EIR e9!@IR HO' M* GEAR GEARKINT TIE TA. SA( S R, MTEH invest$n% in"estGo" in"estInst in"est8 ELASS INT,EET A@RR issue' issue, issue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i44erence o4 Me%ians ne76he%gers vs5 non6he%gers 1::1 $ 6:0+3 /63 316 /71+3 74/ /71 /16 <:1 /11 613 6/3 <63 <06 /14 14< 106 7<1+3 73: 644 761 0:0 434 4<: 461 1::7 $ 711 711 1// 176 13: 11: 16< 1<: 701+3 741 777 /// 716 131 170 11:+3 130 1//+3 1/< 76<+3 701 /07 741+3 714+3 1::1 ! 151108 :+14/6 151038 :+66/3 :+416/ :+6314 :+6163 :+66<7 :+11<1 :+011: :+0746 :+7737 :+1/10 :+61:4 :+:<3< :+143/ :+1717 :+1317 :+6010 :+/41: :+:031 :+3471 :+7:63 :+/:00 1::7 ! :+/1// :+71/4 :+3/71 :+/3:1 :+/001 :+1/36 :+3:<3 :+1:17 :+133/ :+0011 :+74:7 :+6//< :+1066 :+/1<0 :+171: 1+:::: :+7/41 :+0131 1518:3 :+1701 :+0604 :+//<0 :+6316 :+1</1

M$ stands (or Mann5$hitney statisti + In >o#d: !5"a#ues >e#o) :+1 and "aria>#es )ith signi(i ant !5 "a#ues in t)o su>seBuent years+

Risk Management Theory Ne9t* I tested (or the mu#ti"ariate di((eren e o( means using Hote##ingCs test (or the di((eren e o( "e tors o( means+ The #ogi >ehind this test is that )hi#e t)o grou!s may not e9hi>it strong di((eren es in terms o( indi"idua# (a tors* they may sho) di((eren es in the om>ination o( these (a tors+ I (irst grou!ed hy!otheses 1a* 1d* 1h and 1? o( (inan ia# e onomi s .)hi h ou#d >e tested using this method2* )hi h !rodu ed a "e tor o( means o( (o##o)ing "aria>#es: "o#ati#ity* gearing* ta9 harge* and market5to5>ook "a#ue+ The statisti


(or years 1::151::7 )as res!e ti"e#y 73+31* </+:0 and 06+7:D in a## ases mu h a>o"e the 3F on(iden e #e"e# mark o( 1:+:/0+ @n(ortunate#y one annot te## (rom this resu#t )hi h (a tors )ere signi(i ant+ Ey om!aring this to uni"ariate tests it an >e seen that on#y the ta9 harge )as signi(i ant* a#though )ith the )rong sign+ Hy!otheses 1 * 1e and 1i (or the ne)5hedgers ou#d not >e tested using this method due to a singu#ar o"arian e matri9+ Hote##ingCs test a#so ga"e !ositi"e resu#ts (or hy!otheses 1a and 1> o( agen y theory* )ith a s ore o( 1/+44* 7/+40 and 77+17+ Ho)e"er in this ase the signi(i ant (a tor )as >#o k ho#ding* )hi h had a sign o!!osite to the !redi tions+ It is there(ore hard to determine )hether this resu#t is re#ia>#e* es!e ia##y sin e the di((eren e (or gearing )as in on #usi"e >oth in signi(i an e and sign+ Ana#ysis o( "arian e )as a suita>#e method (or testing hy!otheses )hi h reBuired >reaking the sam!#e into more than t)o grou!s: hy!otheses 1(* 1g* 1 * 1d* 7a57d* and /a+ The (irst o( these* hy!othesis 1(* stated that hedging shou#d >e more !o!u#ar among (irms )ith #o)* >ut higher than one* times interest earned ratios+ To test this* I di"ided the sam!#e om!anies into three grou!s: ratio >e#o) one* ratio a>o"e one >ut >e#o) the median* and ratio a>o"e the median+ There )as ho)e"er no signi(i ant di((eren e >et)een grou!s .8I1+3:6< in 1::1* :+1300 in 1::1 and 1+/0// in 1::12+ Hy!othesis 1g stated that hedgers shou#d >e o"ering their interest e9!enses* so I assigned a dummy "aria>#e "a#ue 1 i( this )as true* and : i( times interest earned ratio )as >e#o) one+ Resu#ts sho)ed no signi(i an e*

Risk Management Theory e9 e!t (or 1::1 at 0F #e"e# .8 statisti (or 1::151::7 )as res!e ti"e#y: :+:/01* 7+1::0* :+06:02+ Agen y theory hy!othesis 1 stated that om!anies moti"ated to hedging might >e


ones )ith #o) eBuity=tota# assets ratios )hi h raise their gearing #e"e# su>seBuent#y+ To test it I reated t)o ne) "aria>#es: #o) eBuity=tota# asset ratio .s!#it at the median2 and rise in gearing .)ith t)o #e"e#s* Cin reaseC and Cde reaseC2+ Resu#ts sho)ed no signi(i ant di((eren es (or any o( the (a tors or their intera tion+ The 8 statisti (or 1::1 ranged (rom :+:7/1 to :+/17:+ 8or 1::7 I had to use Kruska#5$a##is test due to heterogeneity o( "arian es G the resu#t )as :+441< .insigni(i ant2+ Another agen y theory hy!othesis* 1d* (o used on om!anies )ith high gearing that #ook to in rease their de>t a!a ity+ There )as ho)e"er no signi(i ant di((eren e (or either 1::1 or 1::7* >oth (or de>t=eBuity ratio a# u#ated using tota# de>t and on#y interest >earing de>t+ Ne) institutiona# e onomi s hy!otheses on entrated on the ro#e o( trend* industry and o)nershi! (a tors+ Industry .7a2 !ro"ed not to in(#uen e hedging* )ith 8 "a#ues o( :+0:/4* :+77:0 and :+3460 (or 1::151::7 res!e ti"e#y+ %oo#ing om!anies into #arger* more genera# industry grou!s did not he#!+ There )as a#so no signi(i ant di((eren e >et)een the time !eriods* as hy!othesis 7> suggested .8I1+04012+ Ho)e"er* testing (or in(#uen e o( o)nershi! stru ture on hedging and starting hedging did yie#d some signi(i ant resu#ts .hy!otheses 7 and 7d* ta>#e 32+ 8or this ana#ysis I on"erted o)nershi! in(ormation )as into dummy "aria>#es taking "a#ue 1 i( a !arti u#ar grou! o( o)ners )as !resent+ Heterogeneity o( "arian es )as dete ted in 1::1 data* so I a# u#ated Kruska#5$a##is statisti (or this and the (o##o)ing years* and they ga"e signi(i ant resu#ts+ 8 statisti s )ere signi(i ant in a## three years (or indi"idua# >#o k o)nershi!* a#though this )as most#y due to signi(i ant negati"e orre#ation o( this "aria>#e )ith (irm si&e+ Institutiona# o)nershi! !rodu ed signi(i ant restu#t in 1::1+ Resu#ts (or ne)5hedgers )ere !oorer* )ith indi"idua# >#o k o)nershi! signi(i ant at

Risk Management Theory 0F #e"e# in 1::7 on#y* and the intera tion )ith go"ernment o)nershi! at <F on(iden e #e"e#+ Go"ernment o)nershi! )as a#so signi(i ant at 4F #e"e# in 1::1+ The (ina# ANOHA test )as (or hy!othesis /a o( stakeho#der theory* )hi h !ointed to IT and ser"i e se tors as !otentia##y more interested in risk management+ Ho)e"er no signi(i ant di((eren e )as dete ted .8 statisti : 1+4137* :+3111* :+76132+ Table 7. )489) results for ownership structure determinants of hedging.
0112 $artlett test :ruskal.;allis test F.statistics: Indi"idua# Go"ernment Institutiona# 8oreign Indi"idua#:Go"ernmentMM Indi"idua#:Institutiona#MM Go"ernment:Institutiona#MM Indi"idua#:8oreignMM Go"ernment:8oreignMM Institutiona#:8oreignMM 7*/<14 :*1/47 :*:1:1 :*:416 :*171< 1*:<4< :*001< :*7/3/ :*0:7< :*6:77 1>1;;< :*6141 :*00<6 :*<671 :*<1<0 :*7:13 :*73:0 :*330< :*7<71 :*//:: /*:143 1*11/3 4*/634 :*36:6 :*1367 :*/<6/ 1*/336 :*3101 :*:114 1*417/ 1>1:=< :*1741 1>110= :*/334 :*6473 :*/41< :*17:< :*/<7/ :*417/ 1>191; 0*417< :*7034 1*:314 :*:110 :*1//3 7*1</: :*::60 :*7/00 :*::37 :*7<:/ 1>1138 :*3730 :*7:<1 :*41:7 :*611: 1>1=== :*47/6 :*3361 :*4/1: :*3//: st+M /*1160 7*3414 ! 1>1:11 1>18<1 year 0110 st+ 1*1431 7*6311 ! :*1</7 1>18;1 0113 st+ 1*::/: 0*3431 ! :*1364 1>113:


M st+ stands (or Cstatisti C* MMintera tions

'ogit regression has a#so >een used in simi#ar studies* )hi h moti"ated me to em!#oy it in my ana#ysis+ Ho)e"er I de ided not to !oo# a## the "aria>#es together in one regression mode#* >ut rather reate se!arate mode#s (or di((erent theories+ I reated one eBuation (or hedgers "s+ non5hedgers hy!otheses and another (or ne)5hedgers "s+ non5hedgers hy!otheses o( a## the theories+ I estimated the eBuations se!arate#y (or ea h o( the three years to om!are sta>i#ity o( resu#ts G a## signi(i ant "aria>#es maintained their sign and oe((i ient "a#ues hanged on#y s#ight#y* )hi#e insigni(i ant "aria>#e oe((i ients "aried )ide#y+ Ta>#e 6 sho)s resu#ts (or eBuations estimated on 1::1 data* )hi h )ere onsistent#y >est in terms o( signi(i an e* (it and !redi tion a ura y+ A## attem!ts to mode# ne)5hedgers "s+ non5hedgers !rodu ed insigni(i ant resu#ts+ Hen e* I did not !ro"ide a detai#ed ta>#e o( resu#ts+

Risk Management Theory


T)o eBuations (ai#ed to !rodu e any signi(i ant resu#ts: agen y theory mode#* )here hedging )as to >e orre#ated )ith indi"idua# >#o k o)nershi! and gearing* and ne) institutiona# e onomi s eBuation* )hi h (o used on shareho#der stru ture+ $hereas NEI hy!otheses )ere tested on#y as a !i#ot study* agen y theory resu#ts are im!ortant* as I o>tained negati"e resu#ts a#so in !re"ious tests+ Sur!rising#y* stakeho#der theory mode# had t)o signi(i ant "aria>#es G MTEH and SA'ES G a#though the o"era## (it )as #o)* and !redi tion a ura y !oor+ A mu h >etter resu#t )as o>tained >y (inan ia# e onomi s mode#* )here three "aria>#es )ere signi(i ant: e9!E@R* e9!@S, and MTEH+ T)o "aria>#es had signs o!!osite to e9!e ted: e9!osure to @S,=%'N had a negati"e sign .e9!osure "aria>#es )ere in a>so#ute "a#ues2* and in ome ta9 had a !ositi"e oe((i ient+ To om!are my resu#ts )ith !re"ious studies I (ina##y !oo#ed a## the "aria>#es together+ I o>tained a good (it )ith high !redi tion a ura y+ The singi(i ant "aria>#es )ere: e9!osure to @S, and E@R rates* "o#ati#ity* MTEH* IT and Ser"i es se tor and si&e .sa#es2+ %redi tions )ere Buite a urate: 6<F and <:F o( orre t hits* )ith 76F and /1F o( (a#se !ositi"es+ The num>er o( (a#se !ositi"es ou#d >e de reased* a#though at the e9!ense o( !ositi"e hits* >y estimating an eBuation )ith on#y the signi(i ant "aria>#es .ta>#e 62+

Risk Management Theory


Table <. =ogit regression results for hedgers vs. non.hedgers "%T2 stands for %T and 2ervices industries&.
Financial economics hypotheses Haria>#e Estimate &5"a#ue .Inter e!t2 51*<601 51*:/<: HO' 511*1/03 5:*411: e9!E@R 1*<<71 1*<<6: e9!@S, 57*//74 51*/6<: e9!$IR 6*340/ :*6:/: GEARKINT :*0471 :*661: TAP 17*1161 1*11/: MTEH :*3374 1*:/0: =og.=ikelihood .01!A?>A (??1 (??( True @ositives >7!??B C1!0CB False @ositives /<!>/B 1<!A7B Stakehol%er theory hypotheses Haria>#e Estimate &5"a#ue .Inter e!t2 51*747: 53*3:1: ITS :*6603 1*:11: MTEH :*3/67 1*331: !r&y hN :*:::: 7*710: =og.=ikelihood .0C!(/CA (??1 (??( True @ositives 7C!C(B <0!>1B False @ositives 7(!/1B 07!A7B )est 4it 7ith mi#e% variables Haria>#e Estimate .Inter e!t2 51*10<: !r&y hN :*:::: ITS 7*1::: MTEH :*7337 HO' 5/<*10:: e9!E@R 1*76<: e9!@S, 57*14/: =og.=ikelihood ./0!17>A (??1 True @ositives 0?!??B False @ositives (1!0/B %r.NO&O2 :*:/:< :*7613 :*::33 :*:176 :*3/6: :*3:01 :*163/ :*:/:6 (??/ <>!<7B 0>!C/B Agency theory hypotheses Haria>#e Estimate .Inter e!t2 5:*66/0 in"estInd 51*341< GEARKINT :*0411 =og.=ikelihood .<0!><7> (??1 True @ositives <A!(/B False @ositives 7<!(7B &5"a#ue 51*<11: 51*464: :*41/: (??( >1!0/B 7<!/0B %r.NO&O2 :*:0<: C :*:/04 M :*76:< (??/ >1!>AB 7?!??B


M Ne7 $nstit&tional conomics hypotheses Haria>#e Estimate &5"a#ue .Inter e!t2 5:*/110 51*:3:: in"estInd 51*67/7 51*01<: in"estGo" 51*:111 51*137: in"estInst 5:*1743 5:*11/: in"est8 :*<<7: :*001: MMM =og.=ikelihood .</!A?77 (??1 (??( M True @ositives 7C!C(B <0!>1B MMM False @ositives 7(!/1B 07!A7B %r.NO&O2 :*1470 :*:6<< C :*1/4: :*07:/ :*7<01 (??/ 7<!01B 0C!17B

%r.NO&O2 :*:::: :*7:</ :*:1:0 :*:::4 (??/ 7<!01B 0C!17B

&5"a#ue 51*/07: 7*3<1: 1*61<: 1*1/:: 51*70<: 1*006: 51*/1<: (??( >1!0/B 1A!1(B

All variables Haria>#e .Inter e!t2 A@RR e9!E@R %r.NO&O2 e9!@S, :*1701 e9!$IR :*:::/ MMM HO' :*::04 MM GEARKINT :*11/4 TAP :*:1<: M MTEH :*::74 MM in"estInd :*:13< M in"estGo" ELASS (??/ ITS 7(!A0B SA'ES (A!1>B =og.=ikelihood True @ositives False @ositives

Estimate 51*41:: 1*1<:: 7*1/1: 53*6:4: 57*4/0: 534*4::: :*1631 77*<7:: 1*<:3: 57*/<0: 51*743: :*1646 /*77:: :*:::: .1>!7A<( (??1 <<!<>B /7!A?B

&5"a#ue 51*163: :*417: 1*741: 51*10:: 5:*1/1: 51*4:3: :*:<<: :*03<: 1*063: 51*14<: 5:*67:: :*:01: 1*013: 1*401: (??( C0!<(B 1(!??B

%r.NO&O2 :*1//: :*7361 :*:160 M :*:116 M :*00<1 :*:360 C :*470< :*741< :*:611 C :*14/0 :*3103 :*4731 :*:6<4 C :*::14 MM (??/ >?!??B 0?!>0B

The (ina# method I used )as the #assi(i ation and regression trees .AART2 a#gorithm (or determining )hi h o( the (a tors suggested >y theory !ro"ide >est riteria (or distinguishing hedgers (rom non5hedgers+ This method* de"e#o!ed origina##y >y Ereiman et a#+ .140/2* is an a#gorithm )hi h !rodu es a de ision tree onsisting o( a hierar hy o( riteria (or s!#itting a sam!#e into t)o grou!s+ In the ase o( risk management AART mode#s !ro"ide

Risk Management Theory


a non5#inear method (or distinguishing hedgers (rom non5hedgers+ It a##o)s not on#y (or non5 #inearity o( re#ationshi!s >ut a#so non5#inearity o( "aria>#es* su>5sam!#e heterogeneity and e9isten e o( out#iers+ 8or e9am!#e* AART an a##o) (inding di((eren es in hedging determinants >et)een sma## and #arge om!anies* rather than mi9 the t)o together #ike other methods do+ The a#gorithm takes a## "aria>#es as in!ut* un#ike the #ogit method* and determines )hi h !ro"ide >est #assi(i ation riteria+ Estimated trees an then >e tested using !redi tions (or other !eriods or sam!#es+ I om!uted se!arate mode#s (or ea h o( the three !eriods and then ross5"eri(ied+ The (o##o)ing mode#s )ere om!uted using rpart #i>rary+ There is one methodo#ogi a# note to >e made here+ AART mode#s take one set o( ar>itrary !arameters G ost o( mis #assi(i ation matri9 G )hi h an !otentia##y in(#uen e the resu#ts+ Ey de(au#t the matri9 is set to eBua# osts (or a## errors+ Ho)e"er* in this study I )as interested in identi(ying hedgers* and it ou#d >e argued that there are some om!anies that donCt hedge e"en though they do e9hi>it a## the determining (a tors+ This ou#d )arrant ske)ing the osts to #o) ost o( (a#se !ositi"e #assi(i ation+ I attem!ted re a# u#ating the mode#s using "arious settings o( these osts+ The resu#ts sho)ed #itt#e im!ro"ement in a ura y* )hi#e the num>er o( )rong !ositi"es rose dramati a##y+ AonseBuent#y* I de ided to use eBua# osts+ The a#gorithm !rodu ed Buite di((erent trees in the three !eriods* ho)e"er t)o "aria>#es )ere used in a## o( them: sa#es .!ro9y (or si&e2 and industry+ On to! o( that* in 1::1 ta9 harge )as used* in 1::1 times interest earned ratio and e9!osure to E@R=%'N rate* )hi#e in 1::7 it )as "o#ati#ity o( sto k !ri e+ Aross5"eri(i ation resu#ts "aried >et)een 7:F and 31F a ura y* and )ere onsistent#y a>o"e the !ro!ortion o( hedgers in the sam!#e* )hi h is the thresho#d a>o"e )hi h )e an say the a#gorithm !rodu es signi(i ant resu#ts+ The AART method (ai#ed tota##y ho)e"er in distinguishing ne)5hedgers (rom non5hedgers* )hi h )as not a sur!rise* onsidering resu#ts o( !re"ious ana#yses+

Risk Management Theory


SALES<5e+5 N industry1

SALES>5e+5 N Y Y


expEUR<0,007 expEUR>0.007 TIE<5. 2! TIE>5. 2!

Fig. 1. 1lassification tree for hedgers "6& vs. non.hedgers "4& based on (??( data "industry1 stands for construction! timber products! machinery! energy! trade! %T! media! metal! clothing and servicesD industry( stands for chemical! machinery! trade and food&.


SALES>1.5e+5 SAELS<1.2e+! SALES>1.2e+! industry" Y Y

#$L<0.0"5 SALES<2.!%e+5 SALES>2.!%e+5


Fig. (. 1lassification tree for hedgers "6& vs. non.hedgers "4& based on (??/ data "industry/ stands for construction! machinery! trade! %T! construction materials! clothing! food! telecom! services and EotherE&

SALES<5e+5 N &T'#<1.!%( &T'#>1.!%( Y




&T'#<0.!"11 &T'#>0.!"11

Fig. /. 1lassification tree for hedgers "6& vs. non.hedgers "4&on (??( data! without %4-52T+6 variable

Risk Management Theory


Ee(ore inter!reting the resu#ts* I (irst de ided to dro! the 1::1 tree* )hi h had #o)est (ore ast a ura y .7:F2+ The 1::1 tree .a ura y o( 74F (or 1::1 data and 31F (or 1::7* )ith (a#se !ositi"es 17F and 11F o( non5hedgers2 used the industry "aria>#e t)i e: it )as the riterion (or se#e ting #arge om!anies that did hedge* and sma##er om!anies that did not hedge+ The other sma##er om!anies )ere #assi(ied as hedgers i( they had higher e9!osure to E@R=%'N rate or a "ery high #e"e# o( times interest earned ratio .a>o"e 3+/72+ A#though high e9!osure to e9 hange rate risk ou#d >e a determining (a tor* !ro"ided hedging does not remo"e it* the interest o"erage )as a sur!rise+ It seems that hedgers )ere high#y #iBuid and had no !ro>#ems ser"i ing their de>t* )hi h is ontrary to hy!otheses 1( and 1g+ The 1::7 tree .a ura y o( /7F and //F* (a#se !ositi"es 1:F and 1<F2 started >y #assi(ying a## om!anies )ith sa#es #o)er than 13:+001 mi##ion %'N as non5hedgers* )hi#e a## om!anies #arger than 1+1 >i##ion %'N )ere #assi(ied as hedgers+ O( the ones in >et)een the industry determined #assi(i ation o( hedgers in the (irst ste!* )hi#e other om!anies )ere #assi(ied as hedgers on#y i( they had #o) "o#ati#ity o( sto k !ri e .>e#o) :+:73/2 and sa#es higher than 160 mi##ion %'N+ To re(ine the de ision trees I de ided to om!ute them again )ithout the industry "aria>#e+ A#though this "aria>#e )as indi ated >y ne) institutiona# e onomi s as a !ossi>#y determining (a tor .7a2* there )as a risk* that resu#ts are in(#uen ed >y #o) num>er o( om!anies in some se tors .Ta>#e 12+ The ne) trees )ere Buite di((erent (rom the !re"ious ones* >ut maintained the same #e"e# o( a ura y+ I dis arded the 1::7 tree* >e ause it )as too >ran hed* )hi h made inter!retation di((i u#t* and a hie"ed #o)er a ura y .74F and /1F !ositi"e hits* 11F and 11F (a#se !ositi"es2 than the 1::1 tree ./0F and 37F* )ith 14F and 14F (a#se !ositi"es2+ The 1::1 tree took t)o ne) "aria>#es: tota# (oreign urren y assets and #ia>i#ities* and market5to5>ook "a#ue+ Among sma##er om!anies hedgers )ere identi(ied as ha"ing MTEH ratio a>o"e 1+604 G resu#t in #ine )ith hy!otheses 1? and />+ 'arge om!anies

Risk Management Theory


)ere #assi(ied as hedgers i( they had tota# urren y assets and #ia>i#ities o( a>o"e 1:+<0F o( annua# sa#es or MTEH a>o"e :+6711+ The (irst riterion is de(inite#y #ogi a#* as it indi ates greater e9!osure* )hi#e the se ond is again in su!!ort o( theory+ A#though it has to >e noted* that MTEH >e#o) one annot >e re(erred to as high+ Resu#ts o( a## ana#yses )ere "eri(ied >y om!uting the tests again on a random sam!#e o( 7: om!anies (or the years 1::/ and 1::3+ Tests o( means and medians !rodu ed simi#ar resu#ts in terms o( the signs o( di((eren e* though (e)er "aria>#es sho)ed statisti a##y signi(i ant di((eren es+ This )as to >e e9!e ted in a sma##er sam!#e* and thus I a e!ted onsistent signs o( di((eren e as su!!orting e"iden e+ Tests o( medians !rodu ed no signi(i ant di((eren es at a##+ Hote##ingCs test (or hy!otheses 1a* 1d* 1h and 1? o( (inan ia# e onomi s on(irmed signi(i ant di((eren e+ The other set o( (inan ia# hy!othesis ou#d not >e tested due to o"arian e matri9 singu#arity+ The test (or agen y theoryCs hy!otheses 1a and 1> sho)ed no signi(i an e+ Ana#ysis o( "arian e tests on(irmed !re"ious resu#ts* ho)e"er industry and o)nershi! hy!otheses ou#d not >e "eri(ied due to #o) num>er o( o>ser"ations in grou!s+ %redi tions (or 1::/ and 1::3 o( #ogit mode#s that !rodu ed signi(i ant resu#ts )ere a urate at /6F561F #e"e# )ith (a#se !ositi"es ratio ranging >et)een 1/F and 71F+ As in !re"ious tests* it )as the !oo#ed5"aria>#es mode# that attained >est resu#ts+ AART de ision trees maintained their #e"e# o( a ura y in !redi tions+ The 1::1 and 1::7 trees )ith industry "aria>#es orre t#y identi(ied >et)een one third and //F o( hedgers )ith :F517F o( (a#se !ositi"es+ The re(ined 1::1 tree a hie"ed a ura y o( 33F and 3<F* though the num>er o( (a#se !ositi"es )as high: //F and 11F res!e ti"e#y+ ,is ussion Resu#ts des ri>ed a>o"e #ear#y sho) that on#y se#e ted (e) o( the determinants indi ated >y the theories )ere su!!orted >y the data+ Out o( a## (inan ia# e onomi s

Risk Management Theory hy!otheses I (ound e"iden e (or on#y 1a .#o)er "o#ati#ity2 and 1? .gro)th o!tions2


hy!otheses+ None o( agen y theory hy!otheses !ro"ed he#!(u# in identi(ying determinants o( hedging+ The t)o ne) a!!roa hes* stakeho#der and ne) institutiona# e onomi s* )hi h )ere tested here did !ro"ide some !otentia##y use(u# insights: hy!otheses 7a .industry (a tors2* /a .IT and ser"i es se tor2* and /> .intangi>#e assets2 )ere !ositi"e#y "eri(ied+ In addition I (ound that three "aria>#es )ere signi(i ant as )e##: si&e o( the om!any .Q2* e9!osure to E@R=%'N rate .Q2* and (oreign urren y assets and #ia>i#ities as !er entage o( sa#es .Q2+ 8ina##y* my attem!ts to "eri(y determinants o( starting hedging (ai#ed* and there(ore !ro"ide no >asis (or dis ussion+ A #oser #ook at the hy!otheses )hi h )ere !ositi"e#y "eri(ied makes it a!!arent that hy!otheses /> and 1? )ere tested using the same "aria>#e G market5to5>ook "a#ue+ A#though I tried to "eri(y hy!othesis 1? using t)o other "aria>#es: RJ, e9!enditure and a!ita# e9!enditure* none o( these !ro"ed signi(i ant and >oth had negati"e oe((i ients in #ogit mode#s+ Hen e* a Buestion arises i( the signi(i an e o( MTEH "aria>#e su!!orts the interna# (inan ing hy!othesis 1?* or intangi>#e assets hy!othesis />+ The insigni(i an e o( other measures o( gro)th o!tions and e"iden e !ro"ided in other studies in su!!ort o( osts o( (inan ia# distress .;udge* 1::62 hy!otheses seem to !oint to the #atter hy!othesis+ The on #usion o( #o) em!iri a# "eri(i ation o( the theories may >e Buestioned on methodo#ogi a# grounds+ In (a t* there is a num>er o( !ro>#ems in em!iri a# ana#ysis o( risk management+ 8irst#y* it may >e argued that the sam!#e does not a##o) genera#isations+ Ho)e"er* this argument does not stand to #oser ins!e tion+ The dis i!#ine o( e onomi s assumes that a## !eo!#e and organisations are* at #east #imited#y* rationa#* no matter in )hi h market they a t+ $ith the e9 e!tion o( ne) institutiona# e onomi s* none o( the theories under in"estigation make any in(eren es as to u#tura# or ountry di((eren es+ Moreo"er* resu#ts mat h those (rom !re"ious studies sur"eyed in the se ond se tion o( this !a!er+

Risk Management Theory Se ond#y* ross5industry sam!#e studies su((er (rom endogeneity issues .;in* ;orion*


1::62+ $e an ne"er >e sure that a signi(i ant orre#ation is not in (a t s!urious* re#ated to a third (a tor+ 8or this reason I in #uded dynami hy!otheses and tested (or determinants o( starting hedging in my study* (o##o)ing Guay .14442* a#though )ithout signi(i ant resu#ts+ I a#so in #uded industry "aria>#es* )hi h !ro"ed to >e signi(i ant+ Third#y* the reader might Buestion* )hy I did not use !ane# regression in #ogit estimation* rather then estimate se!arate mode#s (or ea h year+ There )ere t)o reasons (or this+ 8irst#y* ANOHA tests sho)ed no signi(i ant di((eren e in hedging a ti"ity >et)een the !eriods+ Se ond#y* I )anted to ross5"eri(y resu#ts >y running !redi tions (rom the estimated eBuations on the rest o( data* as e9hi>ited in ta>#e 6+ 8ina##y* the "ery on e!t o( negati"e or #o) "eri(i ation may >e a##ed into Buestion+ A(ter a## most studies (o us on (inding em!iri a# su!!ort (or theories* and either su eed or not* )ithout dra)ing on #usions as to the use(u#ness o( tested theories+ This !ro>#em has >een e9tensi"e#y dis ussed in the !ast* )ith arguments ranging (rom !o!!erian (a#si(i ation .%o!!er* 14342* to neo5 #assi a# non5(a#si(i ation .e+g+ Ma h#u!* 146<2+ My !osition on this issue is that a#though )e need to >e are(u# >e(ore )e dis ard a theory* riti a# testing o( theories and their assum!tions is essentia# to resear h !rogress+ This study does not stand a#one in e9hi>iting the short omings o( !resent theories* >ut has >een !re eded >y o"er a de ade o( em!iri a# resear h )hi h !oints #ear#y to #o) "eri(i ation o( theories in Buestion+ Moreo"er* the aim o( this study is not to suggest dis arding the theories >ut to >ring the theories together* test them in a systemati (ashion and identi(y !ossi>i#ities (or (urther on e!tua# resear h in this area+ Aon #usion This !a!er in"estigated main theories o( risk management: (inan ia# e onomi s* agen y theory* stakeho#der theory and ne) institutiona# e onomi s+ Resu#ts ha"e sho)n that

Risk Management Theory


(inan ia# e onomi s and agen y theory hy!othesis (ound #itt#e su!!orting e"iden e* )hi#e the t)o re ent a!!roa hes* stakeho#der and NEI may >e o((ering ne) insights into the determinants o( risk management+ The !oor resu#ts #ear#y indi ate that there must >e other signi(i ant (a tors* not in #uded in !resent theories+ 8urther resear h )i## >e needed to identi(y these (a tors* and #ater in or!orate them into a om!rehensi"e theoreti a# mode# )hi h )i## e9!#ain risk management !ra ti es o( (irms >etter+ Resu#ts !oint to !ra ti a# onsiderations as main determinants o( risk management: (irms )ere (ound to >e hedging in res!onse to (oreign urren y e9!osure* and it )as most#y #arge (irms+ This im!#ies that managers onsidering im!#ementation o( (inan ia# risk management shou#d (irst #ook at their dire t e9!osures*and onsider )hat other om!anies in the market are doing rather than ana#yse the !ro>#em a#ong the #ines o( theory+ 8uture resear h may (o us on these !ra ti a# reasons and their im!#i ations (or or!orate "a#ue+ On the other hand* hedging is #inked to sto k "o#ati#ity and market "a#ue+ The Buestion remains as to the ausa# re#ationshi! >et)een this "aria>#es+ There is a needed to de!art (rom the e #e ti a!!roa h to risk management theory and attem!t onstru tion o( a ne)* om!rehensi"e theoreti a# mode#* )hi h )ou#d o"er a## o( the em!iri a##y identi(ied determinants o( risk management+

Risk Management Theory Re(eren es


A##ayannis* G+* ;ames* $+ .1::12* RThe use o( (oreign urren y deri"ati"es and (irm market "a#ueS* Re"ie) o( 8inan ia# Studies* Ho#+ 1/* !!+ 1/7G1<6+ Eerkman* H* Erad>ury* M+ E+ .14462* REm!iri a# E"iden e on the Aor!orate use o( ,eri"ati"esS* 8inan ia# Management* Ho#+ 13* No+ 1* !!+ 351/+ Erad#ey* K+* Mo#es %+ .1::12* RThe e((e ts o( e9 hange rate mo"ements on non5(inan ia# @K (irmsS* Internationa# Eusiness Re"ie)* Ho#+ 1:* !!+ 31564+ Ereiman* '+* 8riedman* ;+* O#shen* R+* Stone* A+;+ .140/2* A#assi(i ation and Regression Trees* $ads)orth+ Aarter* ,+* ,anie#* R+* Eetty* S+ .1::62* R,oes (ue# hedging make e onomi senseT The ase o( the @+S+ air#ine industryS* 8inan ia# Management* Ho#+ 73* No+ 1* !!+ 37506+ Ahen* A+ A+* So* R+ $+ .1::12* RE9 hange rate "aria>i#ity and the riskiness o( @S mu#tinationa# (irms: e"iden e (orm the Asian (inan ia# turmoi#S* ;ourna# o( Mu#tinationa# 8inan ia# Management* Ho#+ 11* !!+ /115/10+ Ahoi* ;+ ;+* %rasad* A+ M+ .14432* RE9 hange Risk Sensiti"ity and Its ,eterminants: A 8irm and Industry Ana#ysis o( @+S+ Mu#tinationa#sS* 8inan ia# Management* Ho#+ 1/* No+ 7* !!+ <<500+ Aorne##* E+* Sha!iro* A+ A+ .140<2* RAor!orate Stakeho#ders and Aor!orate 8inan eS* 8inan ia# Management* Ho#+ 16* !!+ 351/+ Ara>>* %+ R+ .1::12* RMu#tinationa# Aor!orations and Hedging E9 hange Rate E9!osureS* Internationa# Re"ie) o( E onomi s and 8inan e* Ho#+ 11* !!+ 144571/+ ,a"ies* ,+* E k>erg* A+* Marsha##* A+ .1::62* RThe ,eterminants o( Nor)egian E9!ortersC 8oreign E9 hange Risk ManagementS* The Euro!ean ;ourna# o( 8inan e* Ho#+ 11* No+ 7* !!+ 11<51/:+ 8a((* R+* Nguyen* H+ .1::12* ROn The ,eterminants o( ,eri"ati"e @sage >y Austra#ian Aom!aniesS* Austra#ian ;ourna# o( Management* Ho#+ 1<* No+ 1* !!+ 151/+ 8au#kender* M+ .1::32* RHedging or Market TimingT Se#e ting the Interest Rate E9!osure o( Aor!orate ,e>tS* The ;ourna# o( 8inan e* Ho#+ 6:* No+ 1* !!+ 4715467+ 8ite* ,+* %(#eiderer* %+ .14432* RShou#d 8irms @se ,eri"ati"es to Manage RiskTS* in Eea"er $+* %arker* G+ .Ed+2* Risk Management: %ro>#ems and So#utions* M Gra)5Hi##* Ne) York* !!+ 615<6+ 8root* K+ A+* S har(stein* ,+ S+* Stein* ;+ A+ .14472* RRisk Management: Aoordinating Aor!orate In"estment and 8inan ing %o#i iesS* The ;ourna# o( (inan e* Ho#+ /0* No+ 3* !!+ 161451630+ 8reeman* R+ E+ .140/2* Strategi management: A stakeho#der a!!roa h* %renti e5Ha##* Eng#e)ood A#i((s* N;+ Ge &y* A+* Minton* E+A+* S hrand* A+ .144<2* R$hy 8irms @se ,eri"ati"esS* The ;ourna# o( 8inan e* Ho#+ 31* No+ /* !!+ 17175173/+ Graham* ;+ R+* Rogers* ,+ A+ .1::12* R,o (irms Hedge in Res!onse to Ta9 In enti"esTS* The ;ourna# o( 8inan e* Ho#+ 61* No+ 1* !!+ 0135074+ Guay* $+ R+ .14442* RThe im!a t o( deri"ati"es on (irm risk: An em!iri a# e9amination o( ne) deri"ati"e usersS* ;ourna# o( A ounting and E onomi s* Ho#+ 14* !!+ 7145731+ ;in* Y+* ;orion* %+ .1::62* R8irm Ha#ue and Hedging: E"iden e (rom @S Oi# and Gas %rodu ersS* The ;ourna# o( 8inan e* Ho#+ 61* No+ 1* !!+ 0475414+ ;udge* A+ .1::62* R$hy and Ho) @K 8irms HedgeS* Euro!ean ;ourna# o( 8inan e* Ho#+ 11* No+ 7* !!+ /:<5//1+ K#im &ak* K+ M+ .1::32* RAor!orate Risk Management (rom Stakeho#dersC %ers!e ti"eS* TRANSU :3* SGH* $ars&a)a* %o#and* !!+ 7<1570:+ Ma Arimmon* K+ R+* $ehrung* ,+ A+ .144:2* RAhara teristi s o( Risk Taking E9e uti"esS* Management S ien e* Ho#+ 76* No+ /* !!+ /115/73+ Ma h#u!* 8+ .146<2 RTheories o( the 8irm: Margina#ist* Eeha"iora#* Manageria#S* Ameri an E onomi Re"ie)* Ho#+ 30* No+ 1* !!+ 1577+ Mayers* ,+* Smith* A+ $+ .140<2* RAor!orate Insuran e and the @nderin"estment %ro>#emS* The ;ourna# o( Risk and Insuran e* Ho#+ 3/* No+ 1* !!+ /353/+ Mian* S+'+ .14462* RE"iden e on Aor!orate Hedging %o#i yS* ;ourna# o( 8inan ia# And Luantitati"e Ana#ysis* Ho#+ 71* No+ 7* !!+ /145/74+ Mi##er* M+ H+* Modig#iani* 8+ .14302* RThe Aost o( Aa!ita# and the Theory o( In"erstmentS* Ameri an E onomi Re"ie)* Ho#+ /0* !!+ 161514<+ Mi##er* M+ H+* Modig#iani* 8+ .14672* RAor!orate In ome Ta9es and the Aost o( Aa!ita#: A Aorre tionS* Ameri an E onomi Re"ie)* Ho#+ 37* !!+ /775//7+ Nan e* ,+ R+* Smith* A+$+* Smithson* A+ $+ .14472* ROn the ,eterminants o( Aor!orate HedgingS* ;ourna# o( 8inan e* Ho#+ /0* !!+ 10:+ %o!!er* K+ .14342* The 'ogi o( S ienti(i ,is o"ery* Easi Eooks* Ne) York+ R: A 'anguage and En"ironment (or Statisti a# Aom!uting* R 8oundation (or Statisti a# Aom!uting .1::32 Hienna* Austria* htt!:==)))+R5!ro?e t+org

Risk Management Theory


Smith* A+ $+* Stu#&* R+ M+ .14032* RThe ,eterminants o( 8irmCs Hedging %o#i iesS* ;ourna# o( 8inan e and Luantitati"e Ana#ysis* Ho#+ 1:* No+ /* !!+ 7415/:3+ Tu(ano* %+ .14462* R$ho manages riskT An em!iri a# e9amination o( risk management !ra ti es in the go#d mining industryS* The ;ourna# o( 8inan e* Ho#+ 31* No+ /* !!+ 1:4<5117<+ $i##iamson* O+E+ .140<2* The E onomi Institutions o( Aa!ita#ism: 8irms* Markets* Rationa# Aontra ting* 8ree %ress* Ne) York* 'ondon+ $i##iamson* O+ E+ .14402* RThe Institutions o( Go"ernan eS* The AEA %a!ers and %ro eedings* Ho#+ 00* No+ 1* !!+ <35<4+

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