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Somonauk High School

Syllabus for Spanish 1 with Señorita Neal


Bienvenidos a la clase de la Srta Neal. Espero que ustedes tengan un año de

mucho éxito y me alegro que estén en mi clase.
My e-mail address:
My website:
1. Hablar en español. (Speak in Spanish)
2. Prestar mucha atención en clase y participar. (Pay attention in class and
3. Hacer las tareas todos los días.
4. Prepararse bien para las pruebas y los exámenes. (Prepare yourself for
quizzes and tests)

I. LAS NOTAS: (grades)

You will receive homework almost every class meeting & it is due at the beginning
of class for full credit. I will take late homework either handed in personally or e
mailed until midnight of the date the assignment is due. Any homework handed in
late will be worth half credit. I will be giving you participation and homework grades
on a regular basis.
I will do my best to give you all the resources possible to be successful on quizzes
throughout the units. Please refer to the blog for power point flashcards and other
materials. Expect 3-5 quizzes per unit.
Every 4-6 weeks we will be having unit tests. These tests will encompass the
vocabulary, grammar, and culture dealt with in the unit. The test format will include
short answer, multiple choice, short essay, listening, and oral and written parts (the
oral and written parts will be flip flopped from Unit to Unit). You will be given the
opportunity to correct mistakes on unit tests for half credit per question. I will not
take up class time for this and it must be done during Advisory.
Oral Assessment:/Participation:
You are expected to speak Spanish in my class. By actively participating in the
target language (Spanish) and using it to the best of your abilities (even if you make
mistakes) you will receive a good mark. Any assignments we complete in the
computer lab, with the exception of major projects, will count towards your
participation grade. Also, any assignments we complete in class for a grade will go
towards your participation grade. The majority of your participation grade
will be based on oral participation in class. You will have the opportunity to
earn points (puntos) in almost every class period towards your participation grade.
The total number of points you need to earn 100% (for an oral participation grade)
will differ each grading period and also will differ from class to class (due to class
size). These puntos will be for an oral participation grade. You must volunteer to
answer questions that are worth puntos. Having your homework done when we
review it in class each day is one way to be prepared to answer questions. Do not
wait until the end of the 9 week grading period to raise your hand for puntos
because there will not be enough time to get all of the puntos you need.
In addition to tests and quizzes you will also be assessed on a performance based
portfolio. This portfolio will be a collection of artifacts from the year that shows how

you are progressing through the material. You will need a three ring binder and
divider for your portfolio. See the portfolio handout for more information.

Your semester grades will be determined by the following weights:

Homework/Participation/Portfolios: 20%
Quizzes: 35%
Unit Tests: 45%
Final Exam: 20%

II. ¡SOCORRO! If you need extra help to get you through the year, you have several
A. See me before school (I’m here by 7:30)
B. Get a pass from me to come in and get help during advisory
C. If neither of these work, let me know and I’ll stay after school to help you
but I’ll need to make arrangements to have someone let Cooper out.

III. Si estás ausente: (If you are absent)

A. phone a friend/check the blog/e mail me

B. See me when you return to school to discuss make-up work and to turn in
homework assigned before your absence. Homework assigned before your
absence is due the day that your return to Spanish class. All handouts
missed will be in a tray in the back of the room.
C. NOTE: You have 3 days from the day you return to make up a test or a quiz
if you were absent on the day it was given. You will have one day plus
one for every Spanish class meeting missed to make up homework
assignments that were assigned while you were absent
D. Any tests, quizzes, or projects announced before your absence must be
taken on their due date. For example, if I announce a quiz on Monday that is
going to be taken on Thursday and you are gone on Wednesday….you must
still take the quiz on Thursday whether you were here Wednesday or not.
F. Please inform me if you know you will be absent (i.e. field trips, vacations)
and I
will do the same

You must have ALL make up work in before the Chapter Test. Any work not
made up by this time will be a zero. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO GET MAKE-UP

IV. Class Conduct and Cheating:

Please be very familiar with your student handbook with regards to cheating and
class/personal conduct. Honesty is mandatory, both in homework preparation and
during testing. Courteous behavior and proper language are expected at all times.

• Cheating will not be tolerated in this class. Cheating includes, but is not
limited to: copying work from another student, letting another student copy your
work (including homework), using a translating program, or using any kinds of aids
during a test or quiz or for a project that have not been approved by the teacher. If

you are caught cheating, you will receive a zero for the work and your parents will
be notified. If you skip class you will receive a zero for any work due and done that
day and any work assigned that day. NO credit will be received for any work
missed due to an unexcused absence.
• Please also come to class prepared to work with your notebook, your textbook,
and writing tools in working order. A Spanish-English dictionary is HIGHLY
recommended for your use. Talk to me about purchasing one if you do not
already have a good one. Harper-Collins and Oxford are good brands to buy.

V. Expectations:
These expectations will be strictly adhered to in class as well as all school
expectations, which can be found in the student handbook.
• Being on time to class means being in your seat when class begins, not
walking in the door as class begins.
• No beverages or food of any kind in class…this just gets us all in trouble.
• You can hardly speak Spanish clearly if you have gum/mints in your mouth
now can you?
• Come to class on time and be prepared:
• Respect the property and space of your fellow classmates and teacher (I
don’t touch your stuff, don’t touch mine…)
• Participate! Speak Spanish as much as possible.

Ms. Neal’s Tardy Policy:

• First offense: Verbal Warning (phone call home)
• Second offence: 15 minute detention with me before school (phone call
• Third offense and beyond: dean’s referral

Suggested materials for Spanish classes:

• Three Ring Binder and loose leaf paper for keeping handouts and taking
• I write with different colored markers on the board while taking notes.
Many find it helpful to take their notes in different colored pens/markers as
• Three Ring Binder and dividers for Portfolio.

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