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PBL is a learner-centered educational method In PBL learners are progressively given more and more responsibility for their own education and become increasingly independent of the teacher for their education. PBL produces independent learners who can continue to learn on their own in life and in their chosen careers. The responsibility of the teacher in PBL is to provide the educational materials and guidance that facilitate learning. PBL is !ased on real "orld #ro!lems In PBL learning is based on the messy, complex problems encountered in the real world as a stimulus for learning and for integrating and organizing learned information in ways that will ensure its recall and application to future problems. The problems in PBL are also designed to challenge learners to develop effective problem solving and critical thin!ing s!ills. PBL IN AREAS O$%SIDE O& MEDI'INE "lthough the PBLI provides wor!shops, demonstrations, consultation and support for many medical and related health science disciplines #osteopathy, nursing, physiotherapy, physician assistant, chiropractic$ if has also been active in wor!ing with teachers in areas outside of medicine. Secondar( Education The PBLI has wor!ed with high school teachers applying PBL to secondary education. In a cooperative venture between %chool &istrict '() in %pringfield and %outhern Illinois *niversity %chool of +edicine, it developed problems and intensive teacher training programs in PBL for all the core disciplines in high school as well as art, music and other areas. It has also wor!ed with teachers from many high schools around the country, particularly those with educationally disadvantaged and minority students #in a contract with ,entures in -ducation, Inc.$. These are students who have traditionally not done well in conventional educational settings. PBL provides an e.ual and exciting opportunity for learning to all students. The almost immediate interest in PBL by teachers who have seen it demonstrated, and the excitement shown by

students and teachers who become involved has caused intense interest and rapid dissemination. The method is perceived by teachers as the solution to many problems in / '0 education. These include students who cannot reason, who cannot ac.uire and apply !nowledge and s!ills, and who exhibit classic signs of boredom #distractive classroom behavior and absences$. Teachers realize that PBL puts many things they have added to their traditional teaching #problem solving activities, collaborative learning, critical thin!ing exercises, independent study$ into context and gives them meaning. PBL is now practiced at all levels of schooling from !indergarten to the '0th grade. In these settings, the teachers act as tutors with classes of up to 12 students with success. The students may brea! into collaborative study groups during self directed learning. 3nce the students are accustomed to the method, the class may brea! into small tutorial groups with students ta!ing on the tutorial role, as the teacher moves around the room. This specific PBL method is adaptable to a variety of educational settings. Graduate and Pro)essional Education The PBLI has provided presentation, demonstrations, wor!shops, consultations and ongoing support for teachers, schools and organizations in business, education, engineering, law, veterinary medicine, computer science, social wor! and physics. Other Areas The PBLI now has an ongoing contract to provide PBL educational approaches for casewor! supervisors in state agency for child and family services.

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