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SIOP Lesson Plan Template 2

STANDARDS: Wave properties THEME: Introduction to light LESSON TOPIC: Why is the sky blue? OBJECTIVES: Language:
Students will be able to discuss vocabulary words in class with 100 percent accuracy. Students will be able to explain why the sky is blue with 0 percent accuracy.

Students will be able to explain basic che"ical and physical properties o# light. Students will be able to understand how light scatters in the at"osphere.

LEARNING STRATEGIES: $#ter providing a si"ple background into the che"istry and physics
behind light% we will discuss why the sky is blue using a si"ple step by step process.

KEY VOCABULARY: ato"% "olecule% ray% wave% wavelength% pris" MATERIALS: &owerpoint and &ris" MOTIVATION:
(Building background) $sk what color the sky is? 'iscover whether any "isconceptions about why the sky is blue exist by si"ply asking why is the sky blue?. 'eter"ine the a"ount o# background known on the vocabulary words by asking what the student thinks the words "ean be#ore the de#initions are given.

(Language and content objectives, comprehensible input, strategies, interaction, feedback) 1. (xplain light as a wave. $sk student what color is the sun when we look at it? Light as we see it is actually "ade o# all the colors o# the rainbow. &ris" activity. ). (xplain to student that "olecules can re#elct% absorb% or scatter di##erent colors o# light. *e#lections sends light back to where it ca"e #ro". $bsorbtion uses the lights energy to do so"ething. Scattering sends the light in all di##erent directions. $sk student W+$, IS $I* -$'( ./? (xplain that the "olecules in air scatter light with shorter wavelengths "uch "ore than larger wavelengths. $sk student what color light is scattered the "ost? We see the blue light above us because it is continually scatterred in the air.

PRACTICE AND APPLICATION: (Meaningful activities, interaction, strategies, practice and application, feedback)
Step by step pris" activity. 1. *eview de#inition o# pris". ). ,urn o## lights. 0. $llow student to shine a #lashlight through the pris". 1. (xplain that the di##erent colors have di##erent wavelengths 2red longest% blue3violet shortest4. 5. +ave student draw co"parable wavelengths #or red% green% and blue light. 6. $sk the student to explain W+(*( *$I78.WS !.-( /*.-? 2i# student is struggling provide guided 9uestions such as what kind o# weather do rainbows #or" in? and what do you think acts

: )00; &earson (ducation% Inc.

SIOP Lesson Plan Template 2

as a pris" to #or" rainbows?

REVIEW AND ASSESSMENT: (Review objectives and vocabulary, assess learning)

In9uiry $ssess"ent: $sk student W+< '. <.= ,+I7> ,+( S=7 L..>S *(' W+(7 I, IS S(,,I7?? $llow #or student to ask 9uestions that can lead her to the answer. 2answer: "ore air will scatter "ore light o# slightly larger wavelengths so the light #ro" the sun will no longer contain all the colors o# the rainbow when it reaches our eyes @ust the longer wavelengths.4


2*eproduction o# this "aterial is restricted to use with (chevarria% Aogt% and Short% )00;. Making omprehensible for !nglish Learners" #he $%&'( Model)4 ontent

: )00; &earson (ducation% Inc.

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