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Muslc and Mlme, 8hyLhm and 8hyme Charles Coodger
Chapter 1 - IunSongs Lducat|on - now |t a|| started

!une 1993. Lnd of anoLher school year ln komano d| Lombard|a, a small Lown ln 8ergamo
rovlnce, 70 kms easL of Mllan, lLaly. lL's qulLe warm and everyone aL Lhe Lown's largesL
rlmary School - klds, parenLs and Leachers - are ouLslde on Lhe grass geLLlng ready for Lhe
flnal performance of Iuntast|c Lng||sh Week.

lltst petfotmooce of 1lme to lloy

l'm Lunlng my gulLar and hoplng my four classes of seven, elghL and nlne year-olds who are
Muslc and Mlme, 8hyLhm and 8hyme Charles Coodger
llnlng up Lo perform my new acLlon song 1|me to |ay" wlll remember Lhe words and
now lL's our Lurn. 1here, ln fronL of a crowd of over a hundred parenLs, broLhers and slsLers,
slxLy boys and glrls are compleLely coordlnaLed as Lhey [ump, sLamp, dance and slng - ln
Lngllsh! Loud applause, everyone ls happy. AfLerwards several Leachers and some parenLs
come up and ask: nol ooo coplo Jl poello coozooe so cossetto?" (uo you have a copy of LhaL
song on casseLLe?) And LhaL's how IunSongs Lducat|on began. l undersLood Lhe need of
language Leachers for caLchy and effecLlve acLlon songs. 1haL's when l declded Lo spend Llme
researchlng Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween muslc and language.

ln Lhose days l was llvlng ln 8ergamo Leachlng Lngllsh and playlng muslc. l had also wrlLLen a
few Lngllsh LexLbooks for lLallan educaLlonal publlshers !uvenllla - Mondadorl and 8rlLlsh
publlsher Longman. Powever raLher Lhan Lake my ldea for an acLlon song Lngllsh course Lo Lhe
publlshers, l declded Lo self-publlsh. IunSongs Lducat|on was consLlLuLed as a reglsLered
company ln ChalfonL SL. eLer, 8ucks, Lngland ln Aprll 1996 and lLs flrsL producL IunSongs Cne
(Workbook, 1eacher's Culde and casseLLe wlLh elghL orlglnal songs ln Lwo verslons) came ouL
laLer LhaL year. ColncldenLally 1996 was also Lhe year Lhe Wor|d W|de Web began Lo Lake off
around Lhe world.

lL was aL Lhe 8rlLlsh Councll conference aL 8ologna unlverslLy ln lebruary 1997 LhaL l flrsL had
Muslc and Mlme, 8hyLhm and 8hyme Charles Coodger

Lhe chance Lo presenL my acLlon songs Lo Leachers and agaln LasLe Lhe enLhuslasm for Lhls klnd
of Leachlng maLerlal. l also remember Lhe exclLemenL when one of lLaly's largesL dlsLrlbuLors,
Megallbrl agreed Lo dlsLrlbuLe IunSongs Cne. IunSongs 1wo followed ln 1998 and Lhe flrsL
IunSongs CD and bookleL Act|on Songs for Learn|ng Lng||sh" ln 2003, dlsLrlbuLed LhroughouL
lLaly by De Agost|n|. uownloads of Lhe acLlon song packages were flrsL made avallable on Lhe
IunSongs webs|te ln 2004.

now afLer some years slnce Lhose klds flrsL performed 1|me to |ay, IunSongs acLlon songs
are sung, mlmed and performed ln hundreds of schools ln lLaly and oLher Luropean counLrles.
1he IunSongs Approach ls approved and recommended by several M|n|str|es of Lducat|on.
Maybe lL's Llme for you Lo Lry ouL a IunSongs acLlon song package - compleLely free!

Muslc and Mlme, 8hyLhm and 8hyme Charles Coodger
Chapter 2 Mus|c and act|on songs |n |anguage |earn|ng

1he connect|on between mus|c and |anguage

1here ls a fasclnaLlng and slgnlflcanL llnk beLween muslc and language.
1hls ls clear from Lhe elemenLs Lhey share ln common:

hyslcally Lhey are boLh made up of sound waves whlch our ears capLure and our bralns
process lnLo a meanlngful, recognlzable code.

1hey boLh communlcaLe emoLlons, meanlng. ..

1hey boLh have an lnLrlnslc phonology: rhyLhm and accenLuaLlon, key and lnLonaLlon.

1he noLes ln a melody correspond Lo Lhe phonemes ln words, change Lhe order of Lhe
noLes ln a Lune and lL loses lLs sense. lL's exacLly Lhe same for Lhe phonemes ln words,
phrases and senLences.

Muslc and Mlme, 8hyLhm and 8hyme Charles Coodger

1here ls, of course, an lmporLanL dlfference:

Language - excepL ln lLs arLlsLlc form of poeLry - ls funcLlonal. lL ls communlcaLlon
ln sound beLween Lwo lnLerlocuLors.

Mus|c by deflnlLlon ls aesLheLlc and arLlsLlc: lL has Lo be capLlvaLlng and begulllng
or lL has no sense, banal and cheesy songs (language courses are full of Lhem!) can
even be off-puLLlng and Lhus counLer-producLlve.

So lf we, ln our ro|e as |anguage teachers, can flnd a way of uslng Lhe emoLlonal
power of muslc and rhyLhm Lo enhance Lhe language-learnlng process, we wlll
have a hlghly effecLlve Lool.

Muslc and Mlme, 8hyLhm and 8hyme Charles Coodger
Mu|t|p|e Inte|||gences

l had Lhe honour of meeLlng and correspondlng wlLh Poward Cardner, Lhe famous Amerlcan
developmenLal psychologlsL and educaLlonallsL aL a semlnar ln 8egglo Lmllla ln lLaly a few
years ago and he was very supporLlve of lunSongs LducaLlon. Cardner ls famous for hls
Lheory of mulLlple lnLelllgences, lllusLraLed ln Lhls graphlc by Mark kaser.

Comblnlng muslc and mlme, rhyLhm and
rhyme brlngs several lnLelllgences onllne"
aL Lhe same Llme.

1hls sLrengLhens Lhe learnlng process and
leads Lo MA - ermanent Memory
Muslc and Mlme, 8hyLhm and 8hyme Charles Coodger
Us|ng both s|des of the bra|n

Comblng lnLelllgence means boLh hemlspheres of Lhe braln are acLlve ln Lhe learnlng

Muslc and Mlme, 8hyLhm and 8hyme Charles Coodger
Chapter 3 - Choos|ng the r|ght act|on song modu|e

1he power of act|on songs
AcLlon songs are a powerful and effecLlve way of Leachlng new vocabulary. klds who learn words
and language chunks Lhrough song and movemenL wlll noL forgeL Lhem. And wlLh worksheeLs Lo
recycle Lhe language ln dlfferenL conLexLs, Lhe song should be seen as Lhe sLarLlng-polnL of a
Leachlng module. 1he language and Lhemes ln lunSongs LducaLlon acLlon songs are abouL aspecLs
of llfe of lnLeresL Lo young learners. 1hey are deslgned Lo model and presenL many of Lhe words,
phrases and language sLrucLures chlldren need Lo reach Level A2.

Choose a song that |s re|evant to your course
lor example, lf Lhe nexL unlL ln your course book focuses on parLs of Lhe body, Leach your class 1be
Moostet Motcb. ?ou can Lhen supplemenL or replace Lhe course book exerclses and acLlvlLles wlLh
Lhe lunSongs Moostet Motcb worksheeLs. ?ou have a class of flrsL graders or klndergarLen klds and
wanL Lo Leach numbers 1 Lo 10? 1each and work on 1lme to lloy. ?ou need Lo Leach Lhe days of Lhe
week and Llme-relaLed vocabulary? 1he wotJs fot 1lme, 1lme fot wotJs song package wlll ensure
your chlldren never forgeL Lhese key words agaln! !

Muslc and Mlme, 8hyLhm and 8hyme Charles Coodger
kefer to the Act|on Songs 1ab|e

use Lhe Lable Lo check Lhe Lhemes and language conLalned ln all lunSongs LducaLlon acLlon songs.
lf you are a school Leacher Leachlng from an adopLed course book, Lry comparlng Lhe conLenLs page
aL Lhe sLarL of your books wlLh Lhe Lable. ?ou wlll flnd useful correspondences ln Lerms of language
and Loplcs. ln Lhls way you can ldenLlfy an acLlon song LhaL anLlclpaLes Lhe Lhemes and language ln
your nexL unlL or module.

1he language levels lndlcaLed for each song are based on Lhe guldellnes of Lhe Common Luropean
lramework of 8eference for Languages. A1 ls Lhe SLarLer Level. normally Lhls level ls valld for Lhe
flrsL Lhree Lo four years of a rlmary School Lngllsh course dependlng on how many hours are
scheduled. 1hough Lhere are varlaLlons, sLaLlsLlcs show LhaL ln mosL Lu counLrles, rlmary School
puplls reach Level A2 of Lngllsh durlng Lhelr 4
or 3
grade year.
Muslc and Mlme, 8hyLhm and 8hyme Charles Coodger
1ab|e 1 - IunSongs Act|on Song contents ana|ys|s
Song Leve| 1hemes and vocabu|ary f|e|ds Language and structures
1|me to |ay
A1 laylng, counLlng, body parLs, Llme, anlmals, sporL use of coo, wbots, gerunds, preposlLlons of movemenL
Cur Autumn Song
A2 1emperaLure, dayllghL, colours, school, food lmperaLlve mood, presenL progresslve, presenL perfecL
1he Monster March
A1 14 parLs of Lhe body, verbs of movemenL, allens lmperaLlve, preposlLlons, presenL progresslve, slmple presenL
1he Un|on Song
A1 1he Lu, lLs flag, Lhe euro, counLrles, no wars use of bos qot, o lot of, lets
Words for 1|me, 1|me for
A1 1lme-relaLed concepLs and perlods, days of Lhe
week, monLhs, years, daLes
1lme adverbs olwoys and oevet, use of llke, Lo keep + -loq,
ad[ecLlves looq and sbott, mlootes, boots, Joys, weeks, yeots
6S M||||on ears Ago
A2 re-hlsLory, exLlncLlon, asLronomy, body parLs use of wbo, wbot and where, pasL slmple, use of left, oqo
Water |s Lveryth|ng
A2 Sclence, geography, cllmaLe change, conservaLlon, Ad[ecLlves, slmple fuLure, use of qet, use of lets
ka|nbow, ka|nbow
A1/A2 Colours, weaLher, frulLs, growLh, meals, sunllghL lmperaLlve, tbete ls/ote, use of make + verb, adverbs
1he Ladyb|rd Song
A1 Anlmals, naLural elemenLs, geography, myLhology reposlLlons, use of llke, negaLlve of to be, ad[ecLlves
I Love Chr|stmas
A1 Lngllsh ChrlsLmas, home, SanLa Claus, decoraLlons use of lts, use of vety wlLh ad[ecLlves, 1
and 3
Laster! Laster!
A1 LasLer LradlLlons, Sprlng, seasonal changes resenL progresslve, presenL perfecL , use of oo mote
A Song for W|nter
A1 Snow, LemperaLure, wlnLer sporLs, mounLalns resenL progresslve, preposlLlons of poslLlon
Cn na||oween
A1 1yplcal aspecLs of Palloween, ghosLs, splrlLs, eLc. resenL perfecL, plurals, use of tbete ote
Nature's |an
A1 Anlmals, LransformaLlons, growLh lmperaLlve mood, phrasal verbs, gerunds, use of evety
I Love Summer
A1 Seaslde, beach, conLrasLlng LasLe, sense of Louch AcLlon verbs, ad[ecLlves
8est for the Wor|d
A2 SusLalnable resources, populaLlon, Lechnology use of best, slmple pasL, gerunds, use of so mooy
1he M|||enn|um Song
A1 World, conLlnenLs, counLrles, solldarlLy, ldenLlLy CounLry ad[ecLlves, use of wbo ote we/yoo/tbey? wbo om l?
kob|n nood's 8and
A1/A2 Medleval Llmes, hlsLory, foresLs, law ossesslve ad[ecLlves, adverbs, superlaLlve ad[ecLlves
We are Nat|ve Amer|cans
A1 naLlve Amerlcans, naLure, blson, pralrles Cb[ecL pronouns - use of os, plural you/we, lmperaLlve mood
Muslc and Mlme, 8hyLhm and 8hyme Charles Coodger
Check the contents of each act|on song package
lunSongs acLlon song packages all follow Lhe same sLrucLure. 1he graded worksheeLs ln each
package are based on Lhe song, lLs vocabulary and Lhemes. Cnce you have downloaded Lhe
package, look Lhrough Lhe graded worksheeLs wlLh Lhe suggesLlons ln 1eacher's noLes Lo plan how
and when Lo use Lhem ln class. Cf course all Lhe worksheeLs may be phoLocopled.
1ab|e 2 - I||es |nc|uded |n each act|on song package
1he Monster March package LeL's look aL 1be Moostet Motcb package as an example. 1he flrsL Lwo flles are mp3 audlo flles wlLh Lwo
verslons of Lhe acLlon song, Lhe gulde volce verslon for Leachlng Lhe song and Lhe klds'
verslon Lo use for performances when your class has experlenced MA. All Lhe oLher flles ln Lhe
package are ln pdf formaL for easy prlnLlng and sLorage. .
Several of Lhe packs have llnks Lo vldeos of Leachers or klds slnglng and performlng Lhe song. 1he 1eacher's
noLes flle provldes a brlef descrlpLlon of Lhe lunSongs MeLhod and suggesLlons for uslng Lhe
WorksheeLs for Lhls package. 1he WorksheeLs are graded ln dlfflculLy. WorksheeL Cne ls Lhe
easlesL and WorksheeL 10 Lhe mosL challenglng ln Lerms of use of language. ?ou should declde ln
advance ln advance whlch worksheeLs Lo use dependlng on Lhe level of your class. lf you are uslng
a course book and Lhe acLlon song module you are worklng on has slmllar vocabulary
and Lhemes Lo a unlL ln your course book, you can always replace some of your book's exerclse
and acLlvlLles wlLh Lhe worksheeLs. Chlldren who en[oy learnlng and slnglng Lhe song are usually
hlghly moLlvaLed Lo compleLe Lhe song worksheeLs. lf you are noL sure how Lo download and save
flles please refer Lo Lhe sLep-by-sLep lnsLrucLlons ln ChapLer 3 - Pow Lo download your free acLlon song
package. 1here ls also a llnk on Lhe home page whlch explalns how Lo acqulre Lhe lunSongs School Llcence.

Muslc and Mlme, 8hyLhm and 8hyme Charles Coodger
Chapter 4 - 1he IunSongs Method
l developed Lhe IunSongs Method as an organlzed way of presenLlng new language Lhrough
speclally wrlLLen and choreographed acLlon songs. Comblnlng melody and mlme, rhyLhm and
rhyme wlll help you Lo Leach chlldren Lngllsh fasL and effecLlvely.

cbotles CooJqet teocbloq 1lme to lloy

As well as Lhe emoLlonal and expresslve power of muslc, Lhe lunSongs MeLhod
lnvolves 18 (1oLal hyslcal 8esponse) and MA (ermanenL Memory AcqulslLlon)

Muslc and Mlme, 8hyLhm and 8hyme Charles Coodger
Lng||sh 1eachers who use the IunSongs Method understand that:

1. 1he act|on song |s the veh|c|e Lhrough whlch new words, Lhemes and sLrucLures are

2. 1he wr|tten words of the act|on song shou|d not be seen unLll Lhe class has learned Lhe
song and can perform lL. 1hls ls also because Lngllsh spelllng and pronunclaLlon are hlghly
lrregular. !usL compare Lhe dlfferenL spelllng of Lhe sound ln Lhese words: foot, mote,
sow, floot and Lhe less common sote and flow. 1he lunSongs MeLhod follows Lhe naLural
order of language skllls of bables and lnfanLs Lo learn Lhelr naLlve Longue:
1. LlsLenlng and undersLandlng Nototol looqooqe skllls
2. Speaklng and slnglng Nototol looqooqe skllls
3. 8eadlng Attlflclol looqooqe sklll tbot tepoltes teocbloq
4. WrlLlng > Attlflclol looqooqe sklll tbot tepoltes teocbloq

lL follows LhaL Lhe language-learnlng process wlll funcLlon more effecLlvely lf Lhe chlld
sLarLs Lo decode Lhe forelgn sounds of Lngllsh w|th her ears raLher Lhan her eyes flrsL.

Muslc and Mlme, 8hyLhm and 8hyme Charles Coodger
3. 1he graded worksheets, games and act|v|t|es based on Lhe acLlon song and lLs conLenL,
are deslgned Lo recycle Lhe language ln a varleLy of conLexLs. 1hey are deslgned Lo replace
or supplemenL Lhe exerclses and acLlvlLles ln a sLandard Lngllsh course LhaL focus on
slmllar Lhemes and lexls presenLed ln Lhe acLlon song.

4. 1he u|t|mate a|m ls for Lhe learners Lo acqulre Lngllsh for Lhelr own communlcaLlve needs.
1he lunSongs MeLhod helps Leachers Lo achleve Lhls more effecLlvely.

8enef|ts of the IunSongs Method

Ch||dren ||ke |t. lL ls hlghly moLlvaLlng. 8ecause Lhe class ls havlng fun Lhey have a sLrong
moLlve for parLlclpaLlng wholehearLedly ln Lhe learnlng process.

It guarantees MA. resenLlng and learnlng new words and language Lhrough rhyLhm and
rhyme, muslc and mlme lnvolves Lhe use of boLh sldes of Lhe braln. 1he comblnaLlon of
klnesLheLlc and muslcal lnLelllgence wlLh llngulsLlc and vlsual lnLelllgence ln Lhe learnlng
process ln Lhe conLexL of an emoLlonal and collecLlve experlence wlll lnvarlably lead Lo
ermanenL Memory AcqulslLlon.

Muslc and Mlme, 8hyLhm and 8hyme Charles Coodger
hono|ogy and pronunc|at|on. ?ou can'L slng a song properly wlLh Lhe wrong pronunclaLlon
and lnLonaLlon. 8ecause Lhe correcL phonlcs of new words are emphaslzed ln a song, lL ls
Lhe ldeal vehlcle for presenLlng Lhe sounds of new words and language chunks correcLly.

It bu||ds se|f-conf|dence. lunSongs acLlon songs are deslgned Lo be sung and performed by
groups of chlldren ln llne. Successfully performlng, mlmlng and danclng an acLlon song ln
fronL of appreclaLlve parenLs and frlends ls a hlghly rewardlng experlence wlLh
psychologlcal beneflLs. lL wlll also brlng sLudenLs closer Lo Lhe language on an affecLlve

1each|ng act|on songs |n four easy steps

S1L CNL - 8ra|nstorm the themes of the song
ln Lhe flrsL sLep you should focus Lhe mlnds of your learners on Lhe Lheme(s) conLalned ln
Lhe acLlon song. LeL's suppose you have declded Lo Leach your class 1be Moostet Motcb.
1he maln vocabulary Lheme ls body parLs.
?ou could sLarL by Lelllng your class Lhey are golng Lo learn an acLlon song ln Lngllsh abouL
frlghLenlng monsLers from ouLer space. 1hey have landed on laneL LarLh near your school
Lo capLure school chlldren Lo work as slaves on Lhelr planeL. 1hey march around ln a funny
way maklng loLs of scary gesLures LhaL Lerrlfy Lhe chlldren and anlmals. nexL palr up and
Muslc and Mlme, 8hyLhm and 8hyme Charles Coodger
lnvlLe Lhe class Lo wrlLe down as many parLs of Lhe body Lhey can Lhlnk of. 1hls flrsL sLep
can be done ln L1 (your naLlve language). Some of Lhe words ln Lhelr llsLs wlll lnclude Lhe
fourLeen parLs of Lhe body presenLed ln Lhe acLlon song you are abouL Lo Leach.

S1L 1WC - resent the song
lay Lhe gulde volce verslon .mp3 of Lhe song. Make sure you have famlllarlzed yourself
wlLh Lhe words and acLlons from Lhe 1eachlng AcLlons sheeL and ?ou1ube lunSongs
LducaLlon channel vldeo. Accompany Lhe song wlLh Lhe acLlons as you presenL lL.
S1L 1nkLL - 1each the song

now Lurn off Lhe song and Leach your class Lhe words Lhrough repeLlLlon and mlme uslng Lwo-
sLeps forward, one-sLep back basls. 8eslsL Lhe LempLaLlon Lo LranslaLe Lhe words lnLo your
naLlve language. 1each Lhe meanlng of Lhe song chunks by creaLlng vlsual assoclaLlons
Lhrough Lhe mlme and acLlons. AL Lhls sLage lL really doesn'L maLLer lf Lhe chlldren don'L
undersLand all Lhe words - lL's lmporLanL Lhey geL Lhe glsL, Lhe general ldea, of whaL each
chunk means.
Muslc and Mlme, 8hyLhm and 8hyme Charles Coodger
So, enunclaLe Lhe chunk as clearly as posslble as you make Lhe flrsL Leachlng acLlon. ?our class
Lhen repeaLs exacLly whaL you say ln sound and movemenL. 1hen move onLo Lhe nexL llne.
Cnce you have reached Lhe end of Lhe second chunk, go back Lo Lhe sLarL and slng boLh chunks
- always accompanled by Lhelr Leachlng acLlons for your class Lo repeaL. lnLroduclng melody
uslng Lhe sung volce ls llke applylng colour Lo a black and whlLe skeLch. 1he use of sLrong
melody as an added way of faclllLaLlng learnlng and memorlzaLlon ls lndeed whaL makes Lhe
lunSongs MeLhod sLand ouL from oLher meLhods. So many Leachers have Lold me how
amazed Lhey are aL Lhe speed aL whlch chlldren learn.

As you work keep ln mlnd LhaL you are accompllshlng severa| spec|f|c teach|ng sk|||s aL Lhe
same Llme:
resenLlng new vocabulary and language
1eachlng correcL pronunclaLlon
laclllLaLlng MA Lhrough 18 comblned wlLh melody, rhyLhm and rhyme.

?our experlence wlll Lell you how well Lhe class ls dolng. keep a good balance beLween Lhe
chlldren's enLhuslasm and your need for Lhem Lo learn Lhe song. uo noL lnslsL so much LhaL Lhe
acLlon song learnlng process becomes more of a duLy Lhan an en[oyable experlence. use L2
only ls necessary. 1ry and use Lngllsh as much as posslble also as Lhe serv|ce |anguage of
classroom acLlvlLles.
Muslc and Mlme, 8hyLhm and 8hyme Charles Coodger
S1L ICUk - erform the song

lf, from Lhe sLarL of Lhe Leachlng module, your classes undersLand LhaL Lhey wlll aL some sLage
be performlng Lhe song Lo Lhelr parenLs or Lo oLher classes, Lhen a new dynamlc enLers Lhe
Leacher-learner relaLlonshlp: Lhe Lngllsh Leacher acqulres Lhe role of cholr-masLer and
choreographer worklng Lowards a speclflc evenL wlLh her class - Lhe performance of Lhe song.
Successfully performlng an acLlon song ln Lngllsh Lo an audlence - ldeally made up of parenLs -
wlll glve each learner an lmporLanL sense of achlevemenL leadlng Lo lncreased self-confldence
boLh ln herself and ln her use of Lhe Lngllsh language.
lunSongs LducaLlon acLlon songs can always be downloaded ln Lwo verslons: Lhe gulde volce
verslon for Leachlng and Lhe klds' verslon Lo be used ln performances. 8emovlng Lhe gulde
volce allows Lhe chlldren Lo acqulre Lhe song for Lhemselves - lL becomes Lhelr song wlLhouL
Lhe lnLerference of Lhe adulL volce. Slnglng and mlmlng wlLhouL Lhe gulde volce ls raLher llke
swlmmlng wlLhouL waLer-wlngs.

ltooJ of tbelt wotJs fot 1lme ptoject
Muslc and Mlme, 8hyLhm and 8hyme Charles Coodger
8reak|ng down and recyc||ng the words and themes

As soon as your class has learnL Lhe acLlon song and experlenced MA, Lhe real work beglns
- breaklng down and recycllng Lhe language chunks ln order Lo help learners sLarL Lo
acqulre and adapL Lhem for Lhelr own communlcaLlve needs. A song ls llke a prayer or a
poem learnL by hearL. lf you sLarL from Lhe beglnnlng and go Lhrough Lhe llnes and verses ln
order, you can remember lL all. lL ls noL so easy Lo sLarL ln Lhe mlddle. 1hls ls because Lhe
words have been learned ln a very speclflc order. So lf we compare a new acLlon song Lo a
clay poL conLalnlng new language, Lhls conLalner needs Lo broken and smashed so
learners can sLarL Lo use Lhe language chunks ouLslde Lhe comforLlng and famlllar conLexL
of Lhe song lLself.

M|me games
!ohn Lennon wroLe a song called MloJ Comes (noL one of hls besL) ln Lhe 1970s. 8aLher
Lhan mlnd games" Lhe lunSongs MeLhod suggesLs mlme games" as a flrsL way of
smashlng Lhe clay poL and focuslng learners' mlnds on Lhe meanlng and use of lndlvldual
song chunks - a flrsL sLep Lo acqulrlng and lnLernallzlng language for your own
communlcaLlve needs.
Muslc and Mlme, 8hyLhm and 8hyme Charles Coodger
LeL's lmaglne you have [usL LaughL your llrsL Crade class !"#$ &' ()*+. Lveryone can slng
Lhe song wlLhouL Lhe gulde volce and perform Lhe acLlons.
now follow Lhese lnsLrucLlons:

1. 1each your c|ass wbots tbls? or wbot Joes tbls meoo?
And Lhe answers lts . . . or lt meoos . . .
lf you llke you can wrlLe Lhe quesLlon on Lhe board and drlll Lhem.

2. a|r up. Lverybody wlll be worklng ln palrs Laklng Lurns.

3. Demonstrate "M|me Games" w|th a vo|unteer.
lnvlLe a chlld Lo come up Lo Lhe fronL.
a. Say wbots tbls? or wbot Joes tbls meoo?
b. erform an acLlon for a song chunk such as 1oocb my sboolJets.
c. 1he volunLeer should Lhen answer:
lts toocb my sboolJets or lt meoos toocb my sboolJets.
d. ?ou Lhen swap roles.
Muslc and Mlme, 8hyLhm and 8hyme Charles Coodger

4. k|ds p|ay m|me games |n pa|rs.

Co round Lhe class encouraglng and pralslng. Check Lo make sure your sLudenLs are
uslng Lhe correcL funcLlonal language:
wbots tbls?/wbot Joes tbls meoo? lts. . . lt meoos . . .

Us|ng the worksheets

1hese are graded ln dlfflculLy. 8ead Lhrough Lhe 1eacher's noLes flle flrsL before plannlng
how Lo handle Lhe worksheeLs.
CompleLed and coloured worksheeLs can be collecLed LogeLher and kepL ln a speclal
lunSongs orLfollo whlch your klds wlll be proud Lo show Lhelr parenLs.

Cross-curr|cu|ar modu|es

ln a growlng number of prlmary schools across Lhe world, Lngllsh ls LaughL Lo young
learners by Lhe class Leacher or by Lhe Leacher responslble for oLher core sub[ecLs such as
L1, maLhs and sclence. 1hls makes lL easler Lo adopL a lunSongs acLlon song as Lhe sLarLlng
Muslc and Mlme, 8hyLhm and 8hyme Charles Coodger
polnL of a cross-currlcular module and beneflL dldacLlcally from lL. lor example, lf you
Leach sclence as well as Lngllsh you could use Lhe acLlon song wotet ls vetytbloq Lo
presenL some key Lhemes abouL Lhe envlronmenL, chemlsLry or cllmaLe change and plan
your lessons accordlngly. Lven lf you [usL Leach Lngllsh why noL suggesL a cross-currlcular
pro[ecL based on an acLlon song Lo your colleagues responslble for oLher sub[ecLs?

Slnce muslc, mlme, dance, slnglng - and wlLh Lhe worksheeLs, drawlng and colourlng,
Muslc and Mlme, 8hyLhm and 8hyme Charles Coodger
are all parL of a lunSongs acLlon song module, an lnLerdlsclpllnary pro[ecL conducLed and
coordlnaLed wlLh Lhe muslc Leacher and arLs Leacher ls qulLe slmple Lo organlze. lor
several years lunSongs and C.A.l.L. have sLaged lunSongs Lngllsh Weeks ln lLaly based on
Lhls concepL. 1he week culmlnaLes ln a grand performance of acLlon songs Lo frlends and
parenLs. 1he show ls always accompanled by an exhlblLlon of drawlngs, sculpLures, class
mosalcs and mlnd-maps produced by Lhe groups of chlldren enrolled ln LhaL lunSongs
Lngllsh Weeks.

Muslc and Mlme, 8hyLhm and 8hyme Charles Coodger

Muslc and Mlme, 8hyLhm and 8hyme Charles Coodger
Chapter S now to down|oad your free act|on song package

1he flnal chapLer has lnsLrucLlons on how Lo use Lhe lunSongs LducaLlonwebslLe. lf you do noL
have much experlence downloadlng and handllng flles and programs from Lhe lnLerneL, Lhls ls
for you.
8ead lL Lo save Llme and learn wlLhouL havlng Lo ask oLher people Lo help you. AfLer you have

done Lhls perhaps you wlll be able Lo help someone-else.
Pere you can qulckly learn:

Pow Lo reglsLer wlLh lunSongs LducaLlon and download your free acLlon song package
Pow Lo use flles ln class once you have downloaded Lhem onLo a compuLer
Pow Lo buy more acLlon song packages uslng Lhe safe aypal sysLem
Pow Lo apply for Lhe lunSongs School Llcence and geL your school Lo pay for lL

Muslc and Mlme, 8hyLhm and 8hyme Charles Coodger
now to reg|ster w|th IunSongs and down|oad your free act|on song package

ln reLurn for downloadlng Lhe free acLlon song package !"#$ &' ()*+, please reglsLer wlLh
lunSongs. 1hls Lakes abouL Lwo mlnuLes.

1o reglsLer, cllck on Lhe keg|ster Now buLLon on Lhe rlghL.

?ou wlll see Lhe form on Lhe rlghL.

now flll lL ln wlLh your deLalls and chosen password and cllck Cont|nue.

A few seconds laLer you wlll recelve an emall from lunSongs wlLh your:

Username ! ?our emall address
assword ! Cnly you know Lhls. keep lL safe!
?ou can always conLacL lunSongs
agaln lf you forgeL lL.
Muslc and Mlme, 8hyLhm and 8hyme Charles Coodger

now cllck on Log|n (1) and lnserL your username (your emall) and password (2).

?ou wlll Lhen see a page called My Deta||s and Crders. ln Lhe Song ackages secLlon (3)
you wlll see:

Muslc and Mlme, 8hyLhm and 8hyme Charles Coodger

1he nexL sLep ls Lo down|oad Lhls package from lunSongs Lo your own compuLer.

1o do Lhls cllck on Lhe green arrow and save Lhe package ln your compuLer. lf you use
lnLerneL Lxplorer, rlghL-cllck Lhe green arrow wlLh your mouse and choose Save 1arget
As. 1hls way you can declde exacLly where Lo puL your acLlon song package folder.

We suggesL you flrsL creaLe a new folder called IunSongs and save !"#$ &' ()*+ lnslde lL as
a subfolder. 1o do Lhls rlghL-cllck agaln and selecL new lolder
Muslc and Mlme, 8hyLhm and 8hyme Charles Coodger

lunSongs ackages are downloaded as zlp (compressed) flles. ?our compuLer should
auLomaLlcally selecL a program Lo deal wlLh 2I f||es (4) and exLracL Lhe conLenLs.

Muslc and Mlme, 8hyLhm and 8hyme Charles Coodger
Cnce you cllck Ck , your acLlon song package wlll open lnslde Lhe Zl program and you wlll
be able Lo see and use all lLs flles.

1o llsLen Lo M3 f||es you wlll a need a medla player on your C.

Wlnamp for wlndows works flne and you can download lL from
hLLp:// ?ou wlll also need Lo connecL your C Lo

1o read and prlnL Adobe DI f||es you wlll need Lo have Adobe AcrobaL 8eader lnsLalled
and Lhls can be found aL hLLp://

8oLh Lhese programs are free.

Muslc and Mlme, 8hyLhm and 8hyme Charles Coodger
now to use f||es |n c|ass once you have down|oaded them onto a computer

lf you already have a C equlpped wlLh loudspeakers ln your classroom and an lnLerneL
connecLlon Lhen you wlll probably be famlllar wlLh l1C and won'L need Lo read Lhls. Powever
lf llke mosL Leachers you are sLlll llmlLed Lo a board, and Lhe use of a Cu player and
phoLocopler, we suggesL Lhe followlng:

1. 8urn a copy of the songs |n your down|oad package(s) onto an aud|o CD
1o do Lhls your compuLer musL have a wrlLeable Cu drlve. lf lL doesn'L you wlll have Lo
Lransfer (wlLh a uS8 key) Lhe mp3 flles Lo one LhaL does. All Cs LhaL have a wrlLeable
Cu/uvu drlve are equlpped wlLh sofLware for maklng audlo Cus from M3 flles.
rocedure: lnserL a blank Cu ln Lhe wrlLeable drlve, open Lhe Cu wrlLlng sofLware, selecL
Lhe mp3 flles and cllck burn aud|o CD. ln a few seconds you wlll have made an audlo Cu
whlch can be played on any Cu player. 8emember Lo label your new Cu or you mlghL
forgeL whaL's on lL or someone else mlghL Lake lL Lo record someLhlng of Lhelr own!

2. hotocopy the package worksheets you need when you need them.
As explalned ln ChapLers 3 and 4 you should always plan how you are golng Lo lnLegraLe
Lhe acLlon song module lnLo your course. We suggesL you prlnL ouL one copy of each
Muslc and Mlme, 8hyLhm and 8hyme Charles Coodger
worksheeL you lnLend Lo use and keep Lhem ln a flle. ?ou can Lhen phoLocopy Lhe exacL
number you need [usL before Lhe lesson Lo save on paper and Loner.

now to buy more act|on song packages us|ng the safe aypa| system

Many people are undersLandably nervous abouL uslng bank and credlL cards on Lhe lnLerneL.
1hey are afrald Lhelr card deLalls may be copled and used dlshonesLly. Powever lf you are
careful, Lhe rlsks of someLhlng bad happenlng are low. lunSongs LducaLlon uses aypal, Lhe
worldwlde onllne purchaslng sysLem owned by e-bay deslgned Lo faclllLaLe onllne credlL card
LransacLlons for small amounLs.


1. Cllck on act|on song packages
and selecL Lhe ones you wanL by
cllcklng add to basket. When you
are ready Lo pay, cllck Checkout.
?ou wlll see a llsL wlLh Lhe LoLal llke Lhls:

Muslc and Mlme, 8hyLhm and 8hyme Charles Coodger

2. Cllck on Checkout. lf you haven'L yeL
reglsLered wlLh lunSongs you wlll be
asked Lo do so now.
lf you already have an accounL you wlll see:
Cllck on ay Now.

3. lf you do noL have one, you wlll Lhen be
asked Lo creaLe your own aypal accounL.
Carefully flll ouL Lhe form and agree Lo
Lhe 1erms and CondlLlons by cllcklng.

Muslc and Mlme, 8hyLhm and 8hyme Charles Coodger
4. ?ou wlll lmmedlaLely recelve an emall llke Lhls:

Muslc and Mlme, 8hyLhm and 8hyme Charles Coodger
S. AcLlvaLe your accounL and you can now purchase securely onllne.

now to app|y for the Schoo| L|cence and get your schoo| to pay for |t

?ou wlll flnd lnsLrucLlons and order forms ln several languages by cllcklng Schoo|s L|cences ln
Lhe menu. We have provlded Lhe llcence forms ln dlfferenL languages as noL all school heads
and admlnlsLraLors undersLand Lngllsh.

1he cosL of Lhe llcence ls less Lhan Lhe overall cosL of all Lhe acLlon song packages.

We hope you wlll conLlnue Lo supporL lunSongs LducaLlon.

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