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Europass Curriculum Vitae

Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s)
Address(es) Telephone(s) )*mail .ationalit/ 0ate of birth 2ender

Ludmila Rotaru
2200, Chisinau, The Republic of Moldo a Mobile! "#$#%&'2(&'' rolini+,list-ru Molda ian '$-'2-'1&# Female

Desired employment / Physicist and Teacher of Physics/ Office Manage Occupational field Wor e!perience
0ates 5ccupation or position held Main acti ities and responsibilities Au3ust 200$ 4 Au3ust 20'2 Teacher of 6h/sics, Chief of 0epartment 7Mathematics and Science7 Chief of 0epartment 7Mathematics and Science7! 8 Re ie9 and appro al of lon3*term plan of the disciplines in the department, the department annual plan, semester thesis, inter*school competition: 8 Con enin3 and conductin3 meetin3s of department: 8 0istribution of disciplines department 9or+load for the school /ear: 8 6reparin3 minutes of meetin3s of department and acti it/ report: 8 6resentation of essa/s on arious topics, acti it/ reports to the teachers at the council staff: 8 5r3ani;in3 international math contest 7<an3ourou7 in hi3h school*6rofessor of 6h/sics and Astronom/: 8 )=ecution of the lon3 and short term plan as re>uired 6h/sical curriculum and e=tracurricular acti ities: 8 6repare students for school competitions in ph/sics: *Class Master8 Mana3ement of the class: 8 5r3ani;e meetin3s 9ith parents, educational and e=tracurricular acti ities: 8 Monitorin3 the situation at school, fre>uenc/ of students, etc-* 6articipation as a teacher correction at re3ional competitions in ph/sics?i3h School @-T- ABni ersumC, Sarata 2albena, The Republic of Moldo a )ducation

.ame and address of emplo/er T/pe of business or sector

Education and training

0ates Title of >ualification a9arded 2002*200$ 6h/sicist and Teacher of ph/sics Field 4 6h/sics Specialit/ 4 Spectroscop/ and 6h/sical Methods of Anal/sis Dachelor of Science (DSc) * * * * * * * * ph/sics mathematics informatics protection of ci ic acti it/ atomical spectroscop/ peda3o3/ astronom/ 3eneral ps/cholo3/
For more information on )uropass 3o to http!//europass-cedefop-europa-eu F )uropean Bnion, 200G*20'0 2G0&20'0

6rincipal subEects/occupational s+ills co ered

6a3e '/2 * Curriculum itae of Rotaru @udmila

.ame and t/pe of or3anisation pro idin3 education and trainin3 @e el in national or international classification

Moldo a State Bni ersit/, Chisinau, The Republic of Moldo a MSB is accredited b/ Dolo3na 6rocess, that unites G$ countries*all part/ to the )uropean Cultural Con ention and committed to the 3oals of the )uropean ?i3her )ducation- An important feature of the Dolo3na 6rocess * and +e/ to its success * it implies also )uropean Commission, Council of )urope and B.)SC5*C)6)S-

Personal s ills and competences

Mother ton3ue(s) 5ther lan3ua3e(s) Self*assessment
European level (*)

Romanian "nderstanding
@istenin3 C' 6roficient user Readin3

#pea ing
Spo+en interaction Spo+en production

6roficient Bser Hndependent user

English Russian

C2 6roficient Bser C' 6roficient Bser D2 Hndependent user D'

C' 6roficient Bser C2 6roficient Bser D' Hndependent user D' Hndependent user D' (*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Social s+ills and competences

* * * * * *

5r3ani;ational spirit 6roblem*sol in3 attitude Responsibilit/ Abilit/ to establish and maintain 3ood 9or+in3 relations 9ith people of different national and cultural bac+3rounds )ffecti e in public presentations Fle=ibilit/ to ne9

5r3anisational s+ills and competences

8 At the TeachersI Council, academic /ear 2001*20'0, H presented papers 7Bntraditional methods of teachin3 and learnin3 in ph/sics classes7, 7Hnterdisciplinar/ ph/sics7 and 7)ducational potentials of teachin3 content-7 8 Hn March*April 20'' as a local trainer in the trainin3 pro3ram for hi3h school teachers in rural areas or3ani;ed b/ T)AC?H.2 6R5 )ducational Center and coordinated b/ the Ministr/ of )ducation ha e presented the seminar 7Trainin3 methodolo3/ for hi3h school teachersC in collaboration 9ith the biolo3/ teacher and deput/ head of school, DoEo3a )milia- To facilitate the or3ani;ation of the pro3ram at the educational institution 9e used technical means and interacti e 9a/s in 9hich teachers ha e 9or+ed hard and responsibl/ the re>uirements trainers8Hn collaboration 9ith Teacher of )n3lish, Rotaru S etlana on March (, 20'2 the board presented peda3o3ical essa/ 7 Bsin3 ne9 information technolo3ies, ta+in3 into account the producti e s+ills in school subEects7 80urin3 the seminar district from March $, 20'2, in collaboration 9ith Mr- Jasile Kuc, senior specialist, inspector, H made a presentation on personal e=perience 7Reco er/ strate3ies and producti e de elopment of communicati e s+ills in the stud/ of school subEects78H made a professional de elopment b/ attendin3 trainin3 courses in 5ctober*.o ember 20'' at the Hnstitute of )ducation Sciences, the modules! Special education teachin3, learnin3, assessment interacti e, pra=iolo3ical a=iolo3/ and discipline, use of HCT and educational soft9are implementationCompetent 9ith most Microsoft 5ffice and some e=perience 9ith photo editin3 pro3rammes, Hnternet 8 Supplementar/ to m/ professional acti ities, H follo9ed m/ artistic 3ifts in dra9in38 Bsin3 m/ craft s+ills, H ha e mastered and assisted an en ironment proEect AMa+e life better * Rec/cleC in school H teach usin3 ori3ami, >uillin3-

Computer s+ills and competences Artistic s+ills and competences

$dditional information References supplied on re>uest

6a3e 2/2 * Curriculum itae of Rotaru @udmila

For more information on )uropass 3o to http!//europass-cedefop-europa-eu F )uropean Bnion, 200G*20'0 2G0&20'0

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