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FIRST SUMMATIVE TEST IN GRADE 7 Name_______________________________Yr. and Section________________Date__________ I. Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the correct answer.

______1. This method of describing a set by listing each element of the set inside the symbol { }. a. Roster Notation b. Verbal Description c. Set Builder Notation ______2. This method that lists the rules that determine whether an object is an element of the set rather than the actual elements. a. Roster Notation b. Verbal Description c. Set Builder Notation ______3. It is a method of describing the set in words. a. Roster Notation b. Verbal Description c. Set Builder Notation ______4. The three dots () is called a. brackets b. ellipsis c. obelus d. alpha ______5. 7 A is read as 7 is an _______ of A a. subset b. element c. proper subset d. complement ______6. Two sets that contain exactly the same elements are said to be ____________. a. equivalent sets b. improper subsets c. equal sets d. complement ______7. Two sets that contain exactly the same number of elements are ________. a. equivalent sets b. improper subsets c. equal sets d. complement ______8. The __________ of sets A and B is a set of elements that are members of both A and B. a. union b. complement c. intersection For numbers 9-10, use this given. A= { a, e, i, o, u} B = { a, b, c, d, e} ______9. Find A U B. a. {a, e, i, o , u } b. {a, e, b, c, d, u} c. { a, e} d. { a, e, i, o, u, b, c, d } ______10. Find A B. a. (a, e, i} b. {a, i} c. {a, e} d. {a, b, e} ______11. These numbers are used for counting. a. Natural Numbers b. Whole numbers c. Integers d. Irrational numbers ______12. is an example of _____________ number. a. Natural b. Whole c. Irrational d. Rational ______13. The symbol means ________ a. equal to b. not equal to c. greater than d. less than ______14. The symbol means ________ a. greater than b. less than c. less than equal to d. not equal to. ______15. The number ____ is neither positive or negative. a. 1 b. -1 c. 2 d. 0 ______16. Positive number is always ______ zero. a. less than b. greater than c. equal to ______17. A negative number is always _______ zero. a. less than b. greater than c. equal to ______18. Find the value of x. |x| = 12 a. 12 b. -12 c. both a and b d. 0 ______19. It is a mathematical statement that contains the symbols , , , , or . a. inequality b. equality c. absolute value d. coordinate ______20. Simplify : -( + 9) a. 9 b. -9 c. 0 d. 1 ______21. Simplify: - { - [ - ( -16)]} a.- 16 b. 16 c. 0 d. -1 ______22. Complet each equation using the indicated property. x + z = ________ (commutative) a. z b. 1 c. x + z d. z + x ______23. It is the identity element for multiplication. a. 0 b. c. d. 1 ______24. It is the identity element for addition. a. 0 b. c. d. 1 ______25. 4 is a ____________. a. natural number b. irrational number c. complex number

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