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Name: Stephen T. Adair Student ID Number: 2060329784 Email Address: adair.steve@gmail.

com Course Name: The Synoptic ospels Course Number: !T"#47"$S%303 Assignment Number: Assignment 3 Audio Number: !&A Project Number: !&A Date of seminar (if applicable): !&A Course instructor for seminar (if applicable): Location of seminar (if applicable): !&A !"e #odule Number$ Audio Number (if applicable)$ and Project Number (if applicable) must be accurate in order to process t"e lesson and record t"e grade% !"e correct information is stated in t"e Course Stud& 'uide% ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Stud& 'uide Code)Date)*ersion found on t"e first page of t"e Stud& 'uide: 20''0726 Degree Program: (A in )i*lical St+dies Address: ,- )o. 2'32 Cit&: (ossel )ay State: /estern 0ape +ip: 6#00 Countr&: So+th A1rica !elep"one: 227 44 690 #'33 ((((((((((((((((((((End of Co,ers"eet(((((((((((((((((((( PLEASE !-PE !.E /E01I/E#EN!S 23/ !.IS LESS3N S14#ISSI3N AS !.E- APPEA/ IN -31/ S!1D- '1IDE .E/E

Choose one of the three synoptic Gospels and examine literary and theological features that are unique for that particular Gospel. Your research paper should be ca. 2500 words, including introduction and conclusion your footnotes and bibliography are excluded from the word count!. "here necessary, ma#e sure to e$aluate $arious $iews on a particular feature. %n addition to the boo# by &trauss, 'our (ortraits 200)!, utili*e at least fi$e 5! scholarly and directly rele$ant sources, two of which need to be ta#en from the bibliography below and three sources need to be located through the +,-+ .eligion database a$ailable through the /unter ,heological -ibrary!. 'ormat your paper according to ,urabian style.

$!T%-340T$-! T- T56 A4T5-% A!3 3AT6

-S,67 -8


Aut"ors"ip of t"e 'ospel of #att"e5 is anon&mous% Earl& traditions$ beginning 5it" bis"op Papias of .ierapolis (circa AD 677)$ attribute aut"ors"ip to #att"e5% Papias 5rote: Matthew wrote down the logia of Jesus for the Hebrews in their own dialect, and everyone translated them to the best of their ability6%

Literar& criticism "as found no e,idence t"at t"e 'ospel 5as originall& 5ritten in t"e Aramaic or .ebre5 languages$ and "ence it is no longer regarded as tenable t"at Papias 5as referring directl& to t"e 'ospel of #att"e5$ bringing into 8uestion t"e identit& of t"e true aut"or% 3t"ers "a,e noted t"at t"e term 9logia: ma& not refer to t"e 'ospel per se$ but specificall& to t"e 5ords of ;esus$ and t"us Papias ma& "a,e been referring to t"e fi,e significant discourses included 5it" t"e 'ospel% It is plausible t"at #att"e5 ma& "a,e recorded t"ese in t"e Aramaic language<%

.engel studied t"e practice of boo= distribution in t"e ancient 5orld and concluded t"at as soon as t5o 'ospels 5ere in circulation$ it 5ould "a,e been necessar& to distinguis" bet5een

.agner$ D% A%$ Word Biblical Commentary: olume !!a: Matthew "#"!$ !"omas Nelson Publis"ers$ <>><$ p?li,% < Carson$ D% A%$ #oo$ D% ;%$ $n %ntroduction to the &ew 'estament$ +onder,an$ <>>7$ p6@@%
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t"em$ and t"us it s"ould be assumed t"at t"e association of t"e 'ospel 5it" #att"e5 occurred at an earl& date (no later t"an AD 6>>)$ pre(dating Papias A%

4&rs=og noted t"at #att"e5Bs 'ospel emp"asises ;esus role as teac"er and describes ;esus in a manner t"at ma& suggest t"at t"e aut"or ma& "a,e identified "imself as one of ;esusB disciples@% 'undr& suggested t"at #att"e5Bs training as a ta? collector 5ould "a,e e8uipped 5it" proficienc& in bot" Aramaic and 'ree= languages$ and an orderl& mind and "abit of jotting do5n notes7% #oule "as argued t"at #att 6A:7< ma& not refer to 9teac"er of t"e la5:$ but 9secular scribe:$ and ma& "a,e been somet"ing t"at ;esus said directl& to #att"e5 C$ or 5as a sa&ing of ;esus t"at #att"e5 specificall& too= to "eart$ encouraging "im to utilise "is literar& s=ills for a ne5 purpose%

Discussions on t"e aut"ors"ip of t"is 'ospel can ne,er be conclusi,e$ but arguments against t"e earl& c"urc" tradition of attributing aut"ors"ip to #att"e5 are not as readil& dismissed as 5as once t"oug"t%

7$T6%A%9 05A%A0T6%$ST$0S Despite muc" academic stud& being de,oted to t"e anal&sis of #att"e5Bs 'ospel little consensus "as been reac"ed on t"e best description of its structure% !"e main difficult& is t"at #att"e5Bs 'ospel contains so man& distinct structural elements t"at no single e,aluation "as been able to successfull& distil t"em into a compre"ensi,e structural anal&sis D% !5o clear

A @

.engel$ #%$ (tudies in the )os*el of Mar+$ 2ortress Press$ 6EF@$ ppC@(F@% 4&srs=og$ S%$ 9;esus t"e 3nl& !eac"er: Didactic Aut"orit& and !ransmission in Ancient Israel$ Ancient ;udaism and t"e #att"ean Communit&:$ Issue <@ of Coniectanea 4iblica Ne5 !estament Series$ Alm8uist G Hi=sell$ 6EE@$ pp<<@(<<F% 7 'undr&$ /% .%$ 'he ,se of the -ld 'estament in (t. Matthew/s )os*el$ No,um !estamentum$ *ol% 6F$ E% ;% 4rill$ 6ECD$ pp6DF(6F7% C Carson$ D% A%$ 9#att"e5:$ in: 'aebelein$ 2% E%$ 'he 01*ositor/s Bible Commentary: Matthew, Mar+, 2u+e$ *ol% F$ +onder,an Publis"ing .ouse$ 6EF@$ p6F(6E% D .agner$ D% A%$ Word Biblical Commentary: olume !!a: Matthew "#"!$ !"omas Nelson Publis"ers$ <>><$ pli%
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structural elements emplo&ed b& #att"e5$ 5"ic" ma& be traced t"roug" recurring p"rases F$ are t"e fi,e lengt"& discourses and t5o distinct biograp"ical di,isions%

!"e most distincti,e literar& feature is #att"e5Bs use of fi,e major discourses of ;esusB teac"ing$ eac" of 5"ic" ends 5it" t"e p"rase When Jesus had finished (#att% D:<FI 66:6I 6A:7AI 6E:6I <C:6)% !"e presence of t"ese literar& mar=ers "as led sc"olars suc" as 4acon E and Smit"6> to c"ampion a fi,efold structure%

.o5e,er$ #att"e5Bs 'ospel also includes t5o distinct biograp"ical di,isions$ 5"ic" are mar=ed b& t"e p"rase 3rom that time... (#att% @:6DI 6C:<6)$ leading ot"ers suc" as JrentK 66$ Jingsbur&6< and 4auer6A to promote a t"reefold structure% 3t"er sc"olars "a,e attempted to reconcile t"e fi,efold and t"reefold structures into a unified structure using ,arious approac"es suc" as Lo"rBs c"iastic structure 6@ or HerenBs "&pot"esis of "inges and caesuras67%

!"ese ,arious approac"es to describing t"e structure of #att"e5 are illustrated in tabular form in Appendi? A% !"e table also s"o5s t"e t5o distincti,e literar& mar=ers when Jesus had finished and from that time%

JrentK t&pifies t"e t"reefold structure format$ suggesting t"e follo5ing structure to #att"e5Bs 'ospel:

!enne&$ #% C%$ &ew 'estament (urvey$ Inter(*arsit& Press)Hm% 4% Erdmans Publis"ing Co%$ 6EF7$ pp676(67C% E 4acon$ 4% H%$ 9!"e 2i,e 4oo=s of #att"e5 Against t"e ;e5s:$ !"e E?positor$ 6E6F$ pp7C(CC% 6> Smit"$ C% /%$ 9Literar& E,idence of a 2i,efold Structure in t"e 'ospel of #att"e5:$ Ne5 !estament Studies$ *ol% @A$ 6EED$ pp7@>(776% 66 JrentK$ E%$ 9!"e E?tent of #att"e5Bs Prologue% !o5ard t"e Structure of t"e 2irst 'ospel:$ ;ournal of 4iblical Literature$ *ol% FA$ 6EC@$ pp@>E(@6@% 6< Jingsbur&$ ;% D%$ 9!"e Structure of #att"e5Bs 'ospel and .is Concept of Sal,ation(.istor&:$ Cat"olic 4iblical 0uarterl&$ *o% A7$ 6EDA$ pp@76(@D@% 6A 4auer$ D%$ (tructure of Matthew/s )os*el: $ (tudy in 2iterary 4esign$ *olume 67 of 4ible and literature series$ Continuum$ 6EFE% 6@ Lo"r$ C% .% 93ral !ec"ni8ues in t"e 'ospel of #att"e5:$ Cat"olic 4iblical 0uarterl&$ *ol% <A$ 6EC6$ pp@>AL@A7% 67 Heren$ H% ;% C%$ 9!"e #acrostructure of #att"e5Ms 'ospel: A Ne5 Proposal:$ 4iblica$ *ol% FD$ <>>C$ pp6D6(<>>%
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;esus as a Person (6:6L@:6C) .is Proclamation (@:6DL6C:<>) .is Passion$ Deat"$ and /esurrection (6C:<6L<F:<>)

2rom Appendi? A it can be readil& obser,ed t"at t"e t"reefold structure promoted b& JrentK and Jingsbur& is predicated primaril& upon t"e literar& mar=er from that time constituting a caesura 5it" t"e literar& mar=er when Jesus had finished ser,ing as a lin= bet5een distincti,e pericopes% !"is ,ie5 is opposite to t"at ta=en b& c"ampions of t"e fi,efold structure suc" as 4acon and Smit"$ and t"e c"iastic structure suggested b& Lo"r$ 5"o argue t"e literar& mar=er literar& mar=er when Jesus had finished pro,ides a caesura$ 5"ilst from that time lin=s distincti,e pericopes%

A 5ea=ness in t"ee t"reefold structure "&pot"esis is t"at t"ere is no distinct structural purpose to t"e when Jesus had finished literar& mar=er$ 5"ic" occurs t"ree times in t"e second section and t5ice in t"e t"ird%

Heren argued t"at t"e literar& mar=er when Jesus had finished does not constitute a caesura in t"e te?t$ di,iding one section from anot"er$ but rat"er ser,es as a lin=ing purpose% 3n t"e ot"er "and$ "e argued t"at t"e literar& mar=er 9from t"at time: s"ould be regarded as creating a deep caesura 6C% .o5e,er$ Appendi? A appears to demonstrate t"at Heren "as not actuall& emplo&ed "is main "&pot"esis in "is structure% 3n bot" occasions t"e literar& mar=er: from that time5 (#att% @:6DI 6C:<6) occurs in t"e middle of a 9"inge:$ 5"ic" reall& oug"t to be considered as a lin=ing de,ice rat"er t"an a deep caesura% #oreo,er$ Heren identifies t"ree additional 9"inges:$ t5o of 5"ic" are not associated 5it" an& specific literar& mar=er$ and one 5"ic" is associated 5it" t"e literar& mar=er when Jesus had finished% !"us$ in


Heren$ H% ;% C%$ 9!"e #acrostructure of #att"e5Ms 'ospel: A Ne5 Proposal:$ 4iblica$ *ol% FD$ <>>C$ pp6D6(<>>%
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HerenBs "&pot"esis neit"er literar& mar=er appears to ser,e a uni8ue purpose$ and t"is plunges t"e "&pot"esis into deep trouble$ and of 8uestionable credibilit&% Lo"r argued t"at #att"e5 consists of si? narrati,e sections and fi,e discourses 5"ic" are arranged in a c"iastic structure 5it" t"e Parable Discourse at t"e centre 6D% In a c"iastic structure t"e main clima? of t"e narrati,e is found at t"e centre$ 5it" eac" success statement building to5ards t"is clima?$ and t"en stepping bac= from t"e clima?% A major 5ea=ness in Lo"rBs "&pot"esis is t"at t"at it places t"e Parable Discourse at t"e clima? of t"e 'ospel$ 5"ereas t"e clima? of t"e 'ospel is clearl& found in t"e deat" and resurrection of ;esus%

Lo"rBs c"iastic structure ma& be described as follo5s: A 6L@ Narrati,e 6: 4irt" and beginnings 4 C D E 2 EB DB CB 4B 7LD Sermon I: 4lessings$ entering =ingdom FLE Narrati,e <: Aut"orit& and in,itation 6> Sermon II: #ission Discourse 66L6< Narrati,e A: /ejection b& t"is generation 6A Sermon III: Parables of t"e =ingdom 6@L6D Narrati,e @: Ac=no5ledgment b& disciples 6F Sermon I*: Communit& Discourse 6EL<< Narrati,e 7: Aut"orit& and in,itation <AL<7 Sermon *: Hoes$ Coming of t"e =ingdom

AB <CL<F Narrati,e C: Deat" and rebirt"

4acon suggested t"at in using t"e fi,e distinct discourses$ #att"e5 intended to utilise a fi,efold structure 5"ic" mimics t"e fi,e boo=s of t"e Pentateuc" 6F$ 5it" ;esus being depicted as a t&pe of #oses figure% Heig"t is added to t"is ,ie5 in #att"e5Bs account of t"e flig"t to Eg&pt to escape deat" in infanc&$ as 5ell as t"e emp"asis on ;esus role in t"e Jingdom of

Lo"r$ C% .% 93ral !ec"ni8ues in t"e 'ospel of #att"e5:$ Cat"olic 4iblical 0uarterl&$ *ol% <A$ 6EC6$ pp@>AL@A7% 6F 4acon$ 4% H%$ 9!"e 2i,e 4oo=s of #att"e5 Against t"e ;e5s:$ !"e E?positor$ 6E6F$ pp7C(CC%
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.ea,en and "is function as a La5gi,er (see t"e section on 1ni8ue !"eological C"aracteristics)6E% Eac" major discourse is preceded b& an introductor& narrati,e 5"ic" forms a 5"ole 5it" t"e follo5ing discourse$ 5it" eac" narrati,e and discourse combination constituting a distinct 9boo=:$ and t"e fi,e boo=s being framed b& a preamble (#att 6L<) and an epilogue (#att <CL<F) according to t"e follo5ing sc"eme:

Preamble 6%6L<%<A 4oo= 6 A%6L@%<7 (N) and 7%6LD%<D (D)I formula: D%<F(<E 4oo= < F%6LE%A7 (N) and E%ACL6>%@< (D)I formula: 66%6 4oo= A 66%<L6<%7> (N) and 6A%6(7< (D)I formula: 6A%7A 4oo= @ 6A%7@L6D%<> (N) and 6D%<<L6F%A7 (D)I formula: 6E%6a 4oo= 7 6E%6bL<<%@C (N) and <A%6L<7%@C (D)I formula: <C%6 Epilogue <C%AL<F%<>

Smit" noted t"at t"ere is more e,idence in t"e te?t to support t"e fi,efold structure t"an t"e When Jesus had finished literar& mar=er$ concluding t"at t"e 'ospel alternates bet5een narrati,e and discourse$ and t"at eac" narrati,e introduces a t"eme 5"ic" t"e follo5ing discourse subse8uentl& e?pounds upon<>% !"us$ Smit" defines #att"e5Bs structure as follo5s:

6E <>

.arrington$ D% ;%$ 'he )os*el of Matthew$ Issue 6 of Sacra Pagina$ Liturgical Press$ 6EE6$ @E% Smit"$ C% /%$ 9Literar& E,idence of a 2i,efold Structure in t"e 'ospel of #att"e5:$ Ne5 !estament Studies$ *ol% @A$ 6EED$ pp7@>(776%
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Introduction The Foundations of the Kingdom The Mission of the Kingdom

Genealogy 0.010)! 'irst 2arrati$e 0.0345.25! &econd 2arrati$e 3.047.83! ,hird 2arrati$e 00.0408.7! 'ourth 2arrati$e 08.5540).2)! 'ifth 2arrati$e 07.0428.87! (assion 2arrati$e 29.0423.20! 'irst 6iscourse 5.04).27! &econd 6iscourse 00.0152! ,hird 6iscourse 08.00158! 'ourth 6iscourse 03.0185! 'ifth 6iscourse 25.0425.59!

The Mystery of the Kingdom

The Family of the Kingdom The Destiny of the Kingdom


!"e fi,efold structure c"ampioned b& 4acon and Smit" consistentl& emplo&s t"e literar& mar=er When Jesus had finished as a caesura$ separating distincti,e sections of t"e te?t incorporating a narrati,e(discourse combination% #oreo,er$ t"e literar& mar=er from that time5 ser,es as lin=ing de,ice to transition bet5een stages in t"e biograp"ical narrati,e% !"us$ t"e first use of t"is mar=er (@:6D) transitions from t"e preparation of ;esus$ including t"e account of ;o"n t"e 4aptist$ ;esusB o5n baptism and "is preparation in t"e 5ilderness$ to .is public ministr&% !"e second use (6C:<6) mar=s a transition from ;esusB public ministr& to t"e journe& to t"e cross%

It ma& be concluded t"at t"e most satisfactor& description of t"e structure of #att"e5Bs 'ospel is pro,ided b& t"e fi,efold "&pot"eses of 4acon and Smit"$ 5"ic" offers a logical e?planation of t"e use of t"e narrati,e(discourse combinations and bot" literar& mar=ers%

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4!$:46 T56-7- $0A7 05A%A0T6%$ST$0S !"e =e& t"eme of #att"e5Bs 'ospel is ;esus t"e #essia"$ t"e Nanointed oneB foretold b& t"e prop"ets and "eir to t"e Abra"amic and Da,idic promises <6% It is born$ t"erefore$ out of t"e "eritage of t"e 3ld !estament and 5as designed to tac=le issues t"at 5ould be of particular concern to ;e5is" belie,ers% Significantl&$ #att"e5 traces ;esusB ancestr& bac= to Abra"am$ t"e fat"er of t"e ;e5is" race$ unli=e Lu=e$ 5"o traces ;esusB lineage bac= to Adam$ t"e progenitor of "umanit&% It follo5s t"at its intended destination 5as t"e ;e5is" C"urc"%

It is 5ort" noting t"at #att"e5 is often critical of t"e ;e5s$ calling t"em 9"&pocrites: (C:<)$ 9false prop"ets: (D:67)$ 9lost s"eep: (6>:C)$ 95ol,es: (6>:6C)$ etc% #oreo,er$ #att"e5 notes t"at ;esusB la5 is superior to t"at of #oses (7:6D(<>)$ se,en bitter 5oes are announced against t"e ;e5s (<A:6(AC)$ ;e5s are responsible for ;esusB arrest and deat" (<C:@D(<D:@@)$ and t"e ;e5s announce blood 5ill be on our c"ildren: (<D:<7)% #att"e5 5as a ;e5 5riting to ;e5s$ and so t"ese 5ords s"ould not be regarded as anti(;e5is"$ but rat"er as intramural criticism of "is o5n people 5"o "ad failed to recognise t"eir #essia" <<

!"us #att"e5 appears to "a,e 5ritten "is 'ospel specificall& for ;e5s in order to re,eal ;esus as t"e true #essia"$ in 5"om all of t"e prop"ecies of t"e 3ld !estament find t"eir fulfilment% !o support "is main t"eme$ #att"e5 la&s more stress on 3ld !estament prop"ecies<A fulfilled in ;esus t"an do t"e ot"er s&noptics <@ and ma=es e?tensi,e use of t"e 3ld !estamentI t"ere are at least si?t&(si? ob,ious 8uotes$ plus se,eral ot"er allusions to t"e 3ld !estament%

<6 <<

'romac=i$ /% '%$ &ew 'estament (urvey$ 4a=er 4oo= .ouse$ 6EE@$ ppD6(D@% .agner$ D% A%$ Word Biblical Commentary: olume !!a: Matthew "#"!$ !"omas Nelson Publis"ers$ <>><$ pl??ii% <A See Appendi? 4$ 2igure 6% <@ *ard&$ P%$ #ills$ #%$ 'he 6u77le of the )os*els$ 2ount Paperbac=s$ 6EE7$ pA6%
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#att"e5 emp"asises t"e 9Jingdom of .ea,en:<7% Alt"oug" 5it"in t"e 'ospel traditions$ t"is term is uni8ue to #att"e5<C$ t"e idea of t"e =ingdom of "ea,en "ad long been c"eris"ed among t"e ;e5s<D% #att"e5 depicts ;esus calling disciples to align t"emsel,es 5it" t"e =ingdom of "ea,en (7:6F(<6)$ to be sons of t"e 2at"er in "ea,en (7:@@(@7I D:<6I 6<:7>)$ and to la& up treasures in "ea,en and not on eart" (C:6E(<6)% #oreo,er .e teac"es t"em to pra& for t"e =ingdom of "ea,en to come to eart" (C:E(6>)% Its significance is in its portra&al of t"e #essianic Jingdom as a spiritual =ingdom$ not an eart"l& or material =ingdom 5"ic" "ad been t"e ;e5is" e?pectation<F%

#att"e5 demonstrates t"at ;esus belonged to t"e ro&al line of Israel$ and is fre8uentl& called t"e 9Son of Da,id: (ten times)<E$ t"us establis"ing "is credentials as t"e #essia" and ruler of t"e ne5 =ingdom%

#att"e5 emp"asises t"e di,init& of ;esus more t"an #ar= or Lu=e$ associating t"e title 9C"rist: (Anointed 3ne) 5it" ;esus on si?teen occasions A>% /ig"t at t"e outset of t"e 'ospel$ ;esus is identified as 9'od 5it" us: (6:<A)% #att"e5 includes t"e confession of Peter$ 5"ere ;esus is ac=no5ledged as 9t"e C"rist$ t"e Son of t"e li,ing 'od: (6C:6C)% #oreo,er$ #att"e5 depicts ;esus accepting 5ors"ip more fre8uentl& t"an an& of t"e ot"er gospel 5riters A6% H"ilst #ar= records t"at t"e disciples 5ere 9astounded: at ;esus 5al=ing on t"e 5ater$ #att"e5 records t"at t"e& 5ors"ipped .im sa&ing$ 'ruly you are the (on of )od (6@:AA)% !"us$ a distinguis"ing feature of #att"e5Bs 'ospel is t"e portra&al of ;esus not just as 'odBs anointed


Some "a,e suggested t"at t"e Jingdom of .ea,en is t"e central t"eme (see$ for instance$ Smit"Bs structural outline of #att"e5)$ "o5e,er t"is is to lose sig"t of t"e fact t"at eac" 'ospel is essentiall& a portrait of ;esus C"rist% !"e concept of t"e Jingdom$ and ;esus position and role 5it"in t"at Jingdom are ,er& significant issues$ but are secondar& to "is person% <C See Appendi? 4$ 2igure A% <D /amsdell$ !% ;%$ 9!"e Jingdom of .ea,en in t"e 'ospel of #att"e5:$ !"e 4iblical Horld$ *ol% @$ 6FE@$ pp% 6<@(6AA% <F .enr&$ #%$ Matthew Henry/s Commentary on the Whole Bible$ *ol% *%$ Horld 4ible Publis"ers$ 6D<6$ p<6% <E See Appendi? 4$ 2igure @% A> See Appendi? 4$ 2igure 7% A6 See Appendi? 4$ 2igure C%
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representati,e but also "is actual presence A<% #att"e5Bs C"ristolog&$ t"erefore$ is "ig"er and more e?plicit t"an #ar= or Lu=eBs AA$ portra&ing ;esus as t"e di,ine person present on eart"$ t"e "ope of Israel and t"e fulfilment of 3ld !estament prop"ec&%

#att"e5 places great emp"asis on ;esusB teac"ing$ recording fi,e e?tensi,e speec"es of C"rist$ 5"ic" alternate 5it" sections of narrati,e% .e also includes t5ent& se,en parables of ;esus% !oget"er t"ese emp"asise t"e eminence of ;esus teac"ing$ portra&ing ;esus as a great teac"er$ and as one 5"o spo=e 5it" aut"orit&%

#att"e5 records ;esus spea=ing concerning t"e La5 more fre8uentl& t"an an& of t"e ot"er 'ospel 5riters% Se,eral passages defend t"e ,alidit& of t"e la5 (e%g% 7:6FL6EI F:@I 6E:6DL6F)% #oreo,er$ ;esusB disciples are e?pected to fast$ gi,e alms (C:<L@)$ and pa& t"e temple ta? (6D:<@L<D)% .o5e,er$ on occasions #att"e5 portra&s ;esus as ta=ing a softer approac" to t"e la5 compared 5it" t"e parallel passage in #ar=% 2or e?ample$ in 6E:E #att"e5 inserts t"e e1ce*t for marital unfaithfulness clause into t"e interpretation of t"e la5 concerning di,orce$ and in 67:6(<> #att"e5 omits %n saying this, Jesus declared all foods 8clean/ (compare 5it" #ar= D:6Eb) A@%

Significantl&$ #att"e5 also places t"e 5ords 9I sa& unto &ou: on to ;esusB lips more fre8uentl& t"an an& of t"e ot"er 'ospel 5riters A7% 3n fi,e occasions 5"en ;esus 5as spea=ing concerning t"e La5$ #att"e5 uses t"e combination of you have that it was said5but % tell youACI a combination 5"ic" is uni8ue to #att"e5% Clearl&$ #att"e5 5as concerned to address t"e issue of t"e nature of t"e la5 and its continuing ,alidit& for t"e c"urc"$ and to


Strauss$ #% L% 3our *ortraits, one Jesus: $ (urvey of Jesus and the )os*els$ +onder,an$ <>>D$ pp% <@CL<@D% AA Ladd$ '% E%$ $ 'heology of the &ew 'estament$ /e,ised Edition$ Hilliam 4% Eerdmans Publis"ing Compan&$ 6EEA$ p<<6% A@ Carson$ D% A%$ 9#att"e5:$ in: 'aebelein$ 2% E%$ 'he 01*ositor/s Bible Commentary: Matthew, Mar+, 2u+e$ *ol% F$ +onder,an Publis"ing .ouse$ 6EF@$ p<E% A7 See Appendi? 4$ 2igure <% AC #att% 7:<6(<<I <D(<FI AA(A@I AF(AEI @A(@@%
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portra& ;esus not onl& as one 5"o =ne5 t"e La5$ but also one could be regarded as a La5gi,erAD%

Amongst t"e 'ospels$ t"e concept of t"e C"urc" is e?clusi,e to #att"e5% !"e term OPPQRST is

used t5ice in #att"e5$ but does not feature in t"e ot"er 'ospels$ and so t"ere is a danger of o,er stating t"e significance of t"is fact$ and it is clear t"at #att"e5 does not
"a,e a defined ecclesiolog&% .o5e,er$ "e does emp"asise t"at t"e intended result of ;esusB ministr& 5as t"e creation of a ne5 communit& of belie,ers t"roug" 5"om t"e 3ld !estament promises to Israel 5ould be fulfilled AF% #att"e5 records ;esusB calling (#att% @:6F(<<)$ c"allenging (#att% 6>:A@(@6)$ and commissioning of t"e 9C"urc": (#att% <F:6E) as .is eart"l& bod&%

0-!074S$-!S !"is re,ie5 began 5it" a brief re,ie5 of t"e central arguments around aut"ors"ip of t"e 'ospel of #att"e5% A detailed re,ie5 of t"ese arguments is be&ond t"e scope of t"is paper$ and no firm conclusions can be dra5n on t"e identit& of t"e aut"or% .o5e,er$ t"e discussion does pro,ide some e,idence t"at t"e aut"or 5as a close disciple of ;esus$ 5"o placed tremendous importance on ;esusB teac"ing%

!"e re,ie5 "as soug"t to e?plore t"e uni8ue literar& structure of #att"e5Bs 'ospel$ noting t"at t"e most appropriate structural sc"eme is based on a fi,efold structure 5"ic" groups a narrati,e sections and a major discourse toget"er to form a distincti,e 9boo=: 5it"in t"e o,erall 'ospel account%


Strauss$ #% L% 3our *ortraits, one Jesus: $ (urvey of Jesus and the )os*els$ +onder,an$ <>>D$ p<@D% AF Ibid$ p<<D%
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Central t"emes in 'ospel are t"ose associated 5it" ;esus as t"e promised #essia"$ 5"o is t"e central figure in t"e promised Ne5 Jingdom% ;esus is depicted as more t"an a great ruler$ but actuall& t"e di,ine presence at t"e centre of t"e Ne5 Jingdom% 2urt"ermore$ t"e Jingdom itself is different to ;e5is" e?pectations and ;esus teac"es ne5 perspecti,es on t"e la5 and t"e nature of t"at =ingdom%

#att"e5Bs 'ospel "as great importance for C"ristianit&$ as it$ more t"an an& ot"er 'ospel$ demonstrates t"at ;esus trul& is t"e #essia" in 5"om t"e 3ld !estament prop"ecies are fulfilled$ and t"roug" 5"om sal,ation ma& be found%

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)$)7$- %A,59


!"e .ol& 4ible$ Ne5 International *ersion$ +onder,an 4ible Publis"ers$ International 4ible Societ&$ 6EF@%

%686%6!06S 4acon$ 4% H%$ 9!"e 2i,e 4oo=s of #att"e5 Against t"e ;e5s:$ !"e E?positor$ 6E6F$ pp7C(CC% 4auer$ D%$ 9Structure of #att"e5Bs 'ospel: A Stud& in Literar& Design:$ *olume 67 of 4ible and literature series$ Continuum$ 6EFE% 4&srs=og$ S%$ 9;esus t"e 3nl& !eac"er: Didactic Aut"orit& and !ransmission in Ancient Israel$ Ancient ;udaism and t"e #att"ean Communit&:$ Issue <@ of Coniectanea 4iblica Ne5 !estament Series$ Alm8uist G Hi=sell$ 6EE@$ pp<<@( <<F% Carson$ D% A%$ 9#att"e5:$ in: 'aebelein$ 2% E%$ 9!"e E?positorBs 4ible Commentar&: #att"e5$ #ar=$ Lu=e:$ *ol% F$ +onder,an Publis"ing .ouse$ 6EF@% Carson$ D% A%$ #oo$ D% ;%$ 9An Introduction to t"e Ne5 !estament:$ +onder,an$ <>>7% 'romac=i$ /% '%$ 9Ne5 !estament Sur,e&:$ 4a=er 4oo= .ouse$ 6EE@% 'undr&$ /% .%$ 9!"e 1se of t"e 3ld !estament in St% #att"e5Bs 'ospel:$ No,um !estamentum$ *ol% 6F$ E% ;% 4rill$ 6ECD$ pp6DF(6F7% .agner$ D% A%$ 9Hord 4iblical Commentar&: *olume AAa: #att"e5 6(6A:$ !"omas Nelson Publis"ers$ <>><% .arrington$ D% ;%$ 'he )os*el of Matthew, Issue 6 of Sacra Pagina$ Liturgical Press$ 6EE6% .engel$ #%$ 9Studies in t"e 'ospel of #ar=:$ 2ortress Press$ 6EF@% .enr&$ #%$ 9#att"e5 .enr&Bs Commentar& on t"e H"ole 4ible:$ *ol% *%$ Horld 4ible Publis"ers$ 6D<6% Jingsbur&$ ;% D%$ 9!"e Structure of #att"e5Bs 'ospel and .is Concept of Sal,ation( .istor&:$ Cat"olic 4iblical 0uarterl&$ *o% A7$ 6EDA$ pp@76(@D@%

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JrentK$ E%$ 9!"e E?tent of #att"e5Bs Prologue% !o5ard t"e Structure of t"e 2irst 'ospel:$ ;ournal of 4iblical Literature$ *ol% FA$ 6EC@$ pp@>E(@6@% Ladd$ '% E%$ 9A !"eolog& of t"e Ne5 !estament:$ /e,ised Edition$ Hilliam 4% Eerdmans Publis"ing Compan&$ 6EEA% Lo"r$ C% .% 93ral !ec"ni8ues in t"e 'ospel of #att"e5:$ Cat"olic 4iblical 0uarterl&$ *ol% <A$ 6EC6$ pp@>AL@A7% /amsdell$ !% ;%$ 9!"e Jingdom of .ea,en in t"e 'ospel of #att"e5:$ !"e 4iblical Horld$ *ol% @$ 6FE@$ pp% 6<@(6AA% Smit"$ C% /%$ 9Literar& E,idence of a 2i,efold Structure in t"e 'ospel of #att"e5:$ Ne5 !estament Studies$ *ol% @A$ 6EED$ pp7@>(776% Strauss$ #% L% 92our portraits$ one ;esus: A Sur,e& of ;esus and t"e 'ospels:$ +onder,an$ <>>D% !enne&$ #% C%$ 9Ne5 !estament Sur,e&:$ Inter(*arsit& Press)Hm% 4% Erdmans Publis"ing Co%$ 6EF7% *ard&$ P%$ #ills$ #%$ 9!"e PuKKle of t"e 'ospels:$ 2ount Paperbac=s$ 6EE7% Heren$ H% ;% C%$ 9!"e #acrostructure of #att"e5Ms 'ospel: A Ne5 Proposal:$ 4iblica$ *ol% FD$ <>>C$ pp6D6(<>>%

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Appendi. A
Comparison of Structural Anal&ses of #att"e5Bs 'ospel

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Appendi. )
Comparison of !"eological !erms G !"emes in t"e 'ospel Accounts

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8ig+re ': /eferences to 3ld !estament Prop"ec& 5it"in t"e 'ospel accounts%

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8ig+re 2: 1se of 9I sa& unto &ou: b& ;esus 5it"in t"e 'ospel accounts%

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8ig+re 3: 1sage of t"e !erm 9Jingdom: 5it"in t"e 'ospel accounts%

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8ig+re 4: /eferences to t"e Son of Da,id 5it"in t"e 'ospel accounts%

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8ig+re #: 2re8uenc& t"at ;esus is referred as t"e C"rist 5it"in t"e 'ospel accounts%

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8ig+re 6: !"e Hors"ip of ;esus 5it"in t"e 'ospel accounts%

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