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Soil Injection

WHAT IS CHEMICAL INJECTION / SOIL INJECTION FOUNDATION REPAIR? Non-toxic, water soluble chemicals (potassium ions and ammonium salts) are injected into the ground under your building. These chemicals inhibit soils ability to absorb water so that when it rains your soils do not swell up. WHEN IS IT USED? Chemical injection !oil injection is an appropriate remedy to use when upward mo"ement has started to a##ect a small area under the #oundation. $t is best used when upli#t is less than %.& inches and has not yet extended more than %' #eet towards the interior o# the building. This does not remo"e the uphea"al but stops the uphea"al #rom increasing and or spreading. (y stopping the uphea"al and lea"ing the slightly sloped #oundation as is, owners can a"oid more costly repair. HOW DOES IT WORK? )ater stic*s to almost anything including clay. This attraction causes clay soil to swell. The tric* is to use a non swelling chemical to stic* to the clay be#ore water does. )hen an appropriate concentration o# the right chemicals is injected into clay, the chemicals stic* to the clay molecules and pre"ent the clays #rom absorbing water. +nce in place, the chemicals stay attached to the clays. $n a way by injecting the chemicals into the soil and ,coating- the clay, you create a moisture barrier, stopping water #rom causing more #oundation uphea"al. HOW DO WE DO IT? $n most cases, #or existing structures, chemical injection is done around the perimeter o# a #oundation. $# there are dri"eways, patios, dec*s, or other pa"ed sur#aces, . inch diameter holes are drilled through the pa"ing to reach the underlying soils. The chemical solution is injected to depths ranging #rom / to %' #eet. The solution is injected at relati"ely low pressures, typically on two separate days. The solution is pumped #rom a truc* to a manually operated injection wand. $njections can be done on the interiors o# buildings, howe"er, interior treatment re0uires that holes be drilled though the #loor e"ery 1 #eet (one hole #or e"ery 2 s0uare #eet). )hile exterior injections are hardly noticeable, this is not true #or interior injections. )hen interior injections are being done, the contents o# a home must be remo"ed because the chemicals do stain and can splatter during injection. Clic* here #or #ree estimate. IS THERE A WARRANTY?

(ecause soils "ary signi#icantly in their chemical composition, there is no guarantee that a chemical injection soil injection will success#ully pre"ent #urther uphea"al. $# we inject a home, and the injection does not succeed, we o##er a #ull credit (%'' 3) against the cost o# a complete underpinning i# the underpinning is per#ormed by our company. IS IT TO IC? The materials used in the solution are not toxic in small 0uantities. $n the ground, in dilute concentrations, they actually act as #ertili4ers. The materials should not be ingested. $# the solution gets on a persons s*in, simply wash it o## with soap and water. HOW DO I PRE!ENT UPHEA!AL OR FI UPHEA!AL? 5oundation maintenance can pre"ent some types o# uphea"al through the installation o# proper #oundation drainage including6 %. 1. 7. 2. 5rench drains $rrigation 8utters 9oisture barriers root barriers :e0uest ;uote

$# #oundation uphea"al has already occurred, the #ollowing types o# #oundation repairs are recommended6 %. 5oundation lowering 1. 5oundation underpinning (underpin building #oundation, underpinned building #oundation)

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