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Unit Planner: Sayings We Share; Proverbs and Fables L.2.5a, L.5.5c.

Summary of Lesson Plan Learning Targets

CCSS: RI.3.2, RL.3.2, L.2.5b,


The students will learn about narrative elements; they will learn about conflict, resolutions, and identification that the stories contain. The students will complete a variety of activities to help them comprehend narrative elements and how they should use it once they read a story. The lesson is an activity for the Trophies story Sayings We Share; Proverbs and Fables and it should take about 15-30 minutes to complete.


1) Students must know the main idea of a text is the Make 25 copies of the central thought or point the Narrative Elements worksheet. author is making about a topic. Make 25 copies of ticket out the door. 2) Students must know the main idea is often stated explicitly in informational text. Make booklet prior to the lesson.

The students will do a guided comprehension on the fable The Hare and the Tortoise. The students will be asked a variety of questions, make predictions, judgments, and comparisons. The lesson is an activity for the Trophies story Sayings We Share; Proverbs and Fables and it should take about 15-30 minutes to complete.

1) Students must know stories come from various cultures and time periods, and they are an important part of literature. 2) Students must know stories can teach us a lesson or send us a message that relates life and the world around us.


Make 25 copies of fables activity. Have 25 trophies books for students. (Page 396).

3) Students must know a myth is a story that contains sacred accounts of supernatural beings that can be used to illustrate cultural beliefs.

EDRL 442 - Fall 2013

Assignment #3

Submitted By: Karen Berrios

Unit Planner: Sayings We Share; Proverbs and Fables L.2.5a, L.5.5c.

Summary of Lesson Plan Learning Targets

CCSS: RI.3.2, RL.3.2, L.2.5b,


The students will learn about homographs and how some words with the same spelling have different meanings. The students will use dictionaries to define well/well, lumber/lumber, and ground/ground. The lesson is an activity for the Trophies story Sayings We Share: Proverbs and Fables and it should take about 15-30 minutes to complete.

1) Students must understand Set up Smart Board. that words can express feelings Example of activity: This visual of varying intensity. should be shown on the Smart Board. 2) Students must understand Prepare construction paper that words can express prior to the lesson. (Bring 40 different levels of strength. papers).


The students will re-read the story of The Hare and the Tortoise. The students will be asked to pay attention to the way words are related to help them understand what they read; the students will be asked to find similar words and identify if one word could have more than one meaning. The lesson is an activity for the Trophies story Sayings We Share: Proverbs and Fables and it should take about 15-30 minutes to complete.

Set up Smart Board before class. 1) Students must identify descriptive words. 2) Students must know that adjectives describe nouns or pronouns. Find visuals of homophone and antonym words; this should be completed before class starts. Trophies books need to be set on the students desk before class; check for enough books.



The students will learn about homographs and how some words with the same spelling have different meanings. The students will use dictionaries to define well/well, lumber/lumber, and ground/ground. The lesson is an activity for the Trophies story Sayings We Share: Proverbs and Fables and it should take about 15-30 minutes to complete.
EDRL 442 - Fall 2013

1) Students must define synonyms and antonyms. 2) Students must define homographs as two or more words that are spelled the same but have different meanings and origins (e.g., fair/fair, left/left, bear/bear).

Set up Smart Board before class. Show homograph example on board. Print out example for struggling students (10 copies). Check out dictionaries from the library a day before class.

Assignment #3

Submitted By: Karen Berrios

EDRL 442 - Fall 2013

Assignment #3

Submitted By: Karen Berrios

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