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EAS-450 Physics and Chemistry of the Earth Lab exercise - Gravity

Objective: Understand the concepts of gravitation and gravity and quantify some of the major contributions to the Earths gravity field. The graphs for problems 7, and 8 should be done on a computer using !icrosoft E"cel, !atlab, or any other suitable soft#are you may $no#%. &roblem ' is easier on a computer too but it #ont comment the results(%. ). *alculate the mass and density of the Earth, assuming it is a non+rotating sphere of radius ',7) $m. ,. The mass of -upiter is about .// times larger than the Earth. 0o#ever, gravity on the surface of -upiter is only . times larger than on the surface of the Earth. E"plain #hy. .. 0o# much smaller #ould your #eight be on the !oon !oon mass 1 7.2x)/,, $g, radius 1 )7.8 $m%3 45ou dont even need to $no# your mass67 2. 8hat should the length of the day be so that gravity is 9ero at the equator3 :. ; geostationary also called geosynchronous% satellite is a satellite located on an orbit such that it remains above the same point on the Earths surface. 8hat is the angular velocity of such a satellite3 8hat is the altitude of such a satellite3 '. *omplete the table belo# and briefly comment your results.
<ocation ?orth &ole >ey$javi$ &aris !id+;tlantic ocean *hamoni" =rench ;lps% Aan =rancisco !orovia Equator -a$arta !elbourne <at. @/? '2? 2@? 2'? 2'? .8? '? / 'A .8A !easured g m.s+,% @.8.,2: @.8,,7 @.8/@2 @.8/278, @.8/..,@ @.7@@' @.78)' @.78/. @.78)8 @.7@@@ Earths gravitation only *entrifugal acceleration only =lattening only Total gravity >esidual gravity

7. Bra# a graph #ith latitude along the "+a"is from C@/ to @/% and the value of gravity at the surface of the Earth in the three follo#ing hypothesisD The Earth is a non+rotating sphere The Earth is a rotating sphere The Earth is rotating and flattened at the pole &lot the observed values from the Table above on the same graph. *omment your results. 8. *onsider a spherical volume near the Earths surface or radius R 1 )// m, at a depth h 1 ,// m, #ith a density 1 .,/// $g.m+.. 8e discussed in class the contribution of this mass on the gravity field at the Earths surface directly above it. Berive the formula that gives the contribution of this mass to gravity on the Earth surface as a function of distance x along the Earths surface ;s if you #ere traveling on the Earths surface to#ard the heterogeneity and a#ay from it, Aee figure belo#%. 40intD #rite gsE #e need to determine the vertical component of gravity gz, so #rite gz as a function of gsE then use simple trigonometric relations to get rid of and plug in h and x7. &lot the value of the contribution of this mass to gravity on the Earth surface as a function of x. Fn the same graph but in a different color or #ith a different type of line% plot the contribution of the same mass if it #as located at a depth of :// m and ) /// m.

0 gs h r





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