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k Referen e
Getting Help
svn help get list of sub ommands
svn help sub ommand get help on sub ommand

Working Copies (If [targets. . . ℄ are omitted, SVN assumes `.')

svn he kout [ ags℄ URL dest reate a new working dire tory dest as a opy of URL
-r N he k out revision N of URL

svn update [ ags℄ [targets. . . ℄ merge repository hanges into working targets
-r N update to revision N

svn ommit [ ags℄ [targets. . . ℄ he k lo al hanges into the repository

-m message Use message as hange's log entry
-F log le Use ontents of log le as hange's log entry

svn add [ ags℄ targets. . . s hedule targets for addition

svn rm [ ags℄ paths | URLs. . . s hedule working- opy paths for removal, or immediately delete URLs

svn import path URL re ursively ommit path to URL

Working Copy Maintenan e

svn status [ ags℄ [targets. . . ℄ re ursively show lo al hanges in targets
-v show verbose information
-u show out-of-dateness information from repository

svn info [targets. . . ℄ show tra ked information on targets

svn revert [targets. . . ℄ revert targets to \pristine" state

svn resolved [targets. . . ℄ removes on i t les asso iated with on i ted targets

svn leanup [targets. . . ℄ unlo k and resume un nished operations on targets

svn proplist [ ags℄ targets. . . view property names atta hed to targets
-v show property values as well

svn propget propname targets. . . print value of propname atta hed to targets

svn propset propname propval targets. . . set propname to propval on targets

-F le take property value from le

svn propdel propname targets. . . remove propname from targets

svn propedit propname targets. . . edit value of propname atta hed to targets
Examining History
svn diff [ ags℄ [target. . . ℄ show lo al hanges made in target
-r N ompare with revision N of target
-r N:M ompare revisions N and M of target

svn diff URL1N URL2M ompare two server paths at revisions N and M

svn log [ ags℄ targets show log entries for targets

-r N[:M℄ show log entry for revision N or range N:M

Bran hes and Tags

svn p SRC DST opy a working- opy path (or URL) to another working- opy path (or URL)
WC => WC opy and s hedule for addition (with history)
WC => URL immediately ommit a opy of WC to URL
URL => WC he k out URL into WC, s hedule for addition
URL => URL omplete server-side opy; used to bran h and tag

svn mv SRC DST move a path within a working- opy or repository.

WC => WC move and s hedule for addition (with history)
URL => URL omplete server-side rename.

svn swit h target URL transform working opy target into URL; used to 'move' to a tag or bran h lo ation

svn merge path1N path2M w path ompare w paths (or URLs) path1 and path2, and merge di eren es into w path

svn mkdir target immediately reate working- opy or URL dire tory target

File Status Flags (as printed by svn update/swit h/merge)

U lename item (U)pdated to repository version
G lename item's lo al hanges were mer(G)ed with repository hanges
C lename item's lo al hanges (C)on i ted with repository hanges
D lename item (D)eleted from working opy
A lename item (A)dded to working opy

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