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Managing Expectations: An Essential Project Manager Feature

Managing Expectations:
An Essential Project Manager Feature (Introduction)

Gabriel, Dianne Nicole G. BSIT 4-1

Project Management


Managing Expectations: An Essential Project Manager Feature Introduction Do you believe that managing stakeholders expectations is nothing more than properly managing project scope? Do you believe that managing stakeholders expectations is nothing more than effective project communications? Do you believe that every project is successful that completes on-time and on-budget? These questions were asked in the book, Absolute Beginners Guide to Project Management. But absolutely these questions must be asked in the team and of course to be led by the project manager. It is true that knowing the stakeholders expectation is like knowing what the project scope is. Project scope is something that the stakeholders want to have from the project. Its what they EXPECT to have from the project. Being a project manager is a very had task. You should possess certain qualities that others dont have. As a project manager or as the leader of your team, you should be able to handle all the pressure, be a team player, be a coach and one of the most important features or qualities of a project manager is being able to handle the expectations of the stakeholder/client. Handling expectations is a hard thing to do, as a project manager it is not the only thing you do, you will also manage you team, etc. In this study, the researcher would like to give to resolve or give advises about handling expectations. As what John Serri, VP, Strategic Initiatives, Manhattan Software, stated , Without clear planning, analysis, and communication up front, chances are the client expectations are so high relative to what your team can deliver that the project stands a pretty good chance of running into trouble before it even leaves the station. Any successful project requires client expectations be in alignment with the capabilities of the solution and the team. If there is a significant mismatch between project expectation and reality and if this project malady is not treated a great deal of pain will likely follow. First, lets define what EXPECTATION is. The word itself creates a wide range of meaning to us. For example, our teacher EXPECTS us to perform well in class that if we dont perform well we will be scolded and get a low grade. Expectation as defined in the Merriam Webster dictionary is a belief that something will happen or is likely to happen or the act of EXPECTING. Expectation as defined by John Serri as presuming Project Management PUPQC - 2

Managing Expectations: An Essential Project Manager Feature the outcome of an activity. Expectation is well elaborated in mathematics where it is readily measured. For example, in statistics, with a coin tossed in the air 100 times, you would expect a result of about 50 heads and 50 tails then the expectation value for heads is 0.5 and 0.5 for tails. Other expectations come from a prediction based on experience. For example you would say that you are expecting to have a fair weather tomorrow. But these thoughts cant be applied to Project Management, expectations from project management are not readily measured, rather, it is relatively subjective and often has indefinite criteria. Project expectations are generally based on perceptions, opinions, and other soft parameters, often without a rational basis, and often because of a lack of knowledge, as defined by Serri. A project expectation as mentioned earlier is based on perceptions and opinions. This expectation can be colored through over promising. Human expectation always goes to the best outcome. It means human expectation is always high. We tend to have positive outcomes. We always thought for positive outcomes that we dont think about the fall backs of what we are doing that can result to disappointment when the plan or goal is not reached. Consider also that client expectations not only manage the final outcome but also affect the process of reaching the final outcome. If the client fears that the expectations will not be met, of course they will exert pressure on the rest of the team. Such focus on the team can cause negative outcomes that are worse than what would have occurred if there was no such focus. If the project manager cant handle these things, it can result to the failure of projects. He/she should motivate his /her team if these things happen. He/she should also educate the stakeholder on what the team is going through right now for their expectation will not be that high. John Serri proposed a 3-Step Process for Managing Client Expectations. The details of this proposed process will be discussed as the research progresses.

Step 1: Assess Expectations Step 2: Establish Appropriate Expectations Step 3: Meet or Exceed the Expectation Baseline Project Management PUPQC - 3

Managing Expectations: An Essential Project Manager Feature

According to a book entitled, Absolute Beginners Guide to Project Management, in chapter 18, Managing Expectations, there are seven master principle of expectation management mentioned in that chapter namely:

1. Get buy-in 2. Take care of business 3. Communicate the big picture 4. Listen and be alert 5. Take their perspective 6. Never assume 7. Understand priorities

The details of this seven master principle of expectation will be discussed as the the research progresses.

Project Management


Managing Expectations: An Essential Project Manager Feature Objectives To be able to define what expectation is. To be able to manage expectations from stakeholder. To be able to give some advises or tips on handling stakeholders expectations. To be able to resolve issues about impossible deadlines, resource deprivation and lack of stakeholder engagement.

Issues Impossible Deadlines A project manager must know when to say yes to changes. One should keep in mind that there are many things to consider when doing changes to projects. To avoid committing impossible deadlines, one should always keep in mind the expectations that the stakeholder will have. One should explain or educate the stakeholder that because of those changes, the project might take time for the stakeholder to lessen the expectations he/she will have with the project.

Resource Deprivation As a project manager, one should be able to know all the needs of his/her team. For the project to meet its expectation, the resources must be complete for the team to finish the project on the said date. Incomplete resources may result to the delay of submission of the project or may result to project failure. In order for a project to be run efficiently and effectively, management must provide sufficient resources - human, time and money.

Lack of Stakeholder Engagement A skilled project manager must know how to communicate, especially to the stakeholder, since all the support and resources will come to them. You cant finish a particular project if you will not communicate with the stakeholder.

Project Management


Managing Expectations: An Essential Project Manager Feature Scope This research will tackle all about managing stakeholders expectations. Any topics or articles that are unrelated to this research will not be tackled by the proponent. This research will concentrate on the stakeholders expectations only.

Terms Term/Word/Phrase Expectation Meaning A belief that something will happen or is likely to happen or the act of expecting.


A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service; a temporary in that it has a defined

beginning and end in time, and therefore defined scope and resources. Project Management Set of principles methods, tools and techniques used to coordinate and control effectively the teams efforts to meet project objectives. Project Manager The person responsible for leading a project from its inception to execution. This includes planning, execution and

managing the people, resources and scope of the project. Stakeholder A person or group not owning shares in an enterprise but affected by or having an interest in its operations such as the employees, customers, local community, etc. Resource Required to carry out project task. They

Project Management


Managing Expectations: An Essential Project Manager Feature can be people, equipment, facilities,

funding, or anything else capable of definition required for the completion of a project activity. Deadline The time by which something must be finished submitted, etc. Deprivation The state of not having something that people need. Reality The quality or state of being real;

something that is neither derivative nor dependent but exists necessarily. Perception The way you think about or understand or notice something easily. Milestone An important point in the progress or development of something : a very

important event or advance

Project Management


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