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Answer key FCH 530 Homework 9 This assignment will not be collected or graded, it is meant as a study guide to supplement

your other homework assignments ! "hat are the en#ymes that regulate TCA cycle$ "hat are the acti%ators$ "hat are the inhibitors$ Enzymes that regulate the TCA cycle include: Pyruvate dehdyrogenase complex (PDC) that catalyzes the conversion of pyruvate to acetyl CoA! This enzyme is inhi"ited "y #AD$ and acetyl CoA! Citrate synthase inhi"ited "y citrate% &'% succ CoA% #AD$% activated "y (AA and CoA)$! *socitrate dehydrogenase +e,uires A-P.ADP Activated "y Ca/0% inhi"ited "y #ADP$ or #AD$! 1etoglutarate dehydrogenase inhi"ited "y )ucc CoA% #AD$% ATP! Activated "y Ca/0! & The TCA cycle is said to be amphibolic 'both anabolic and catabolic( "hat intermediates o) the TCA cycle can be con%erted to )atty acids$ Citrate Amino acids$ 1etoglutarate% oxaloacetate! "hat are the main products produced by the pentose phosphate pathway$ "hy are these important$ -ain products are #AP$ and ri"ose 2 phosphate! #ADP$ utilizes the free energy of meta"oite oxidation for "iosynthesis and ri"ose 2 phosphate is essential for nucleotide "iosynthesis! Are there co* )actors that cataly#e similar mechanisms to other pathways$ "hat are the similar reactions and what are their co)actors$ 3es% trans1etolase has a TPP coenzyme similar to the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex and pyruvate decar"oxylase enzymes! 4nli1e these enzymes% there is no decar"oxylation! +ather there is a release of an aldeyde (glyceraldehyde 5 phosphate or 'AP)! $o6ever there is a generation of a covalent adduct 6ith the su"strate and car"anion intermediate!

"rite out the structures, en#ymes, coen#ymes,

Answer key etc )or the citric acid cycle )ee page 788! How much chemical energy 'AT,( can be deri%ed )rom -A.H$ 5 mol ATP can "e made from one #AD$ if it is oxidized "y the respiratory electron transport chain! From FA.H&$ A"out / mol of ATP can "e made per mol of FA.H& How much AT, can be deri%ed )rom the o/idation o) one molecule o) glucose$ 59 ATP can "e derived from the oxidation of glucose! "rite out a detailed mechanism )or pyru%ate dehydrogenase ',.C( comple/ 0how chemical structures o) substrates and intermediates )ee lecture /2 slides :: :7! How is this similar or di))erent to pyru%ate decarbo/ylase$ The initial step for E: of PDC and pyruvate decar"oxylase are identical! *n the pyruvate decar"oxylase mechanism% the hydroxyethylthiamine pyrophosphate undergoes rearrangement upon the addition of a proton from the solvent to release acetaldehyde! *n PDC% the hydroxyethyl group is passed to lipoamide! 1s it similar to any other en#ymes$ PDC is most similar to the a 1etoglutarate dehydrogenase!

"hat are the coen#ymes associated with pyru%ate dehydrogenase comple/ ',.C($ "hat %itamins 'i) any are they deri%ed )rom($ "hat type o) reactions do they cataly#e$ )ee Ta"le /: : on page 77: of your text and slide 8 from lecture /2!

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