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find tablespaces consuming more then 85% space *********************************************** . ./test.

env sqlplus "/as sysdba" set lines 999 set pagesize 999 select tablespace_name, ROUND(bytes_free,2) "Free Space (MB)" , ROUND(bytes_tota l-bytes_free,2) "Used Space (MB)", ROUND(bytes_total,2) "Total Size (MB)", perused "% Used", 100-perused "% Free" f rom (select a.tablespace_name, a.bytes_free,b.bytes_total, ROUND((100-(100*a.bytes_f ree/b.bytes_total)),2) perused from (Select tablespace_name,sum(bytes)/1024/1024 bytes_free From dba_free_space Grou p by tablespace_name) a, (Select tablespace_name,sum(bytes)/1024/1024 bytes_total From dba_data_files Gro up by tablespace_name) b where a.tablespace_name=b.tablespace_name) where perused >= 85 and tablespace_na me not like '%UNDO%' ORDER BY 6 desc; ******************************************************************************** ************************************** select * from dba_data_files; select * from dba_temp_files; SELECT SUM(BYTES) FROM DBA_FREE_SPACE WHERE TABLESPACE_NAME='&UNDOTBS'; /* investigating the locks */ SELECT DISTINCT dbw.holding_session, fu.user_name apps_user, fu.email_address "E mail", vs.username, vs.process "Client Process", vs.sid "DB SID", vs.serial# "DB Serial #", vs.MODULE "Module", vs.action "Action ", vs.logon_time "Login Time", vp.spid "Server Process" FROM v$session vs, v$process vp, fnd_logins fl, fnd_user fu, dba_waiters dbw WHERE vp.addr(+) = vs.paddr AND fl.spid(+) = vs.process AND fl.end_time(+) IS NULL AND fu.user_id(+) = fl.user_id AND vs.sid = dbw.holding_session; SELECT ab.object_id, aa.object_name, ab.session_id, ab.process, ac.sid, ac.serial#, ac.blocking_session FROM v$locked_object ab, dba_objects aa, v$session ac WHERE ab.object_id = aa.object_id AND ab.session_id = ac.sid; /* NLS parameter */ select * from v$parameter where name like '%nls%'; select * from dba_users where username= 'CTXSYS'; select l1.sid, ' IS BLOCKING ', l2.sid from v$lock l1, v$lock l2 where l1.block =1 and l2.request > 0 and l1.id1=l2.id1 and l1.id2=l2.id2;

SELECT DISTINCT STATUS, SUM(BYTES), COUNT(*) FROM DBA_UNDO_EXTENTS group by DISTINCT; select * from v$segment_statistics; select * from v$undostat; select * from v$locked_object; select * from v$temp_histogram; select * from v$transaction; select max(maxquerylen) from v$undostat; select * from v$unusable_backupfile_details; select node_name, node_mode, support_cp, support_web, support_admin, support_forms from FND_NODES; /*select t.request_id, v.program, v.user_concurrent_program_name from FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS t, FND_CONC_REQ_SUMMARY_V v where t.status_code=v.e xecution_method_code(+); */ select * from ad_applied_patches; SELECT application_id, patch_level, status FROM fnd_product_installations WHERE application_id in (101, 200, 222, 7002, 7003, 7004, 600, 275,1000); select * from fnd_product_installations; select process_phase, transaction_type, wip_entity_id, entity_type, resource_id, resource_type, usage_rate_or_amount, standard_rate_flag, actual_resource_rate, transaction_quantity, po_header_id, po_line_id from wip_cost_txn_interface where wip_entity_id in (select wip_entity_id from wip_entities where wip_entity_name = '6159') and process_phase 3; /* Select count(*) into JobNameCnt from wip_entities where upper(wip_entity_name) like UPPER(p_param); */ select * from all_objects where owner='APPS' and object_type='TABLE' and object_ name='T' order by object_name desc; select * from fnd_user; select * from mtl_transaction_details_v; select * from fnd_log_messages; select max(log_sequence) from fnd_log_messages;

select * from fnd_application_all_view where application_name like '%In%'; select * from fnd_product_installations; /* material transaction related issues */ select * from mtl_material_transactions where costed_flag='N'; select * from mtl_material_transactions_temp; /* For profile options from back end Using profile option 'Initialization SQL Statement - Custom' [ID 135389.1] */ SELECT val.level_id, val.level_value, val.profile_option_id, val.profile_option_value FROM fnd_profile_options opt, fnd_profile_option_values val WHERE opt.profile_option_name = 'FND_INIT_SQL' AND opt.profile_option_id = val.profile_option_id; select * from fnd_profile_options; select * from fnd_profile_option_values; You can correct the syntax error or can set profile_option_value to NULL and then define it in the Applications again (preferred way): UPDATE fnd_profile_option_values SET profile_option_value = NULL WHERE profile_option_id = AND level_id = AND level_value = ; */ Investigating the trigger related to JA select * from all_triggers where trigger_name like 'JA%'; /*I hope both the sql s will help you. If you want to restrict some users then you need to know their IP address and add them in Apache conf file. You can also monitor the users from OAM and Monitor form (You need to have signon audit on for this). /* /*How Logged to Forms*/ column User_Name format a10; select distinct fu.user_name User_Name,fr.RESPONSIBILITY_KEY Responsibility from fnd_user fu, fnd_responsibility fr, icx_sessions ic where fu.user_id = ic.user_id AND fr.responsibility_id = ic.responsibility_id AND ic.disabled_flag= N AND ic.responsibility_id is not null AND ic.last_connect like sysdate; /*How logged to 11i*/ SELECT user_name username, description name, to_char(b.first_connect, MM/DD/RR HH24:MI ) firstconnect, to_char(b.last_connect, MM/DD/RR HH24:MI ) lastconnect

FROM apps.fnd_user a, (SELECT MIN (first_connect) first_connect, MAX (last_connect) last_connect, last_updated_by user_id FROM apps.icx_sessions GROUP BY last_updated_by) b WHERE a.user_id = b.user_id AND last_connect>SYSDATE-3/12 ORDER BY 4 DESC / /*You can also use the following SQL statement to count concurrent users connect ed to Oracle Apps .. */ SQL> select count(distinct d.user_name) from apps.fnd_logins a, v$session b, v$process c, apps.fnd_user d where b.paddr = c.addr and and a.spid = b.process and d.user_id = a.user_id and (d.user_name = USER_NAME OR 1=1); /* And the following SQL to show username(s) */ SQL> select distinct d.user_name from apps.fnd_logins a, v$session b, v$process c, apps.fnd_user d where b.paddr = c.addr and and a.spid = b.process and d.user_id = a.user_id and (d.user_name = USER_NAME OR 1=1); Update FND_USER bu setting END_DATE to the value. update FND_USER set END_DATE = ; /*If i create new custom_top i use below grants;*/ CREATE USER XX IDENTIFIED BY XX DEFAULT TABLESPACE XX TEMPORARY TABLESPACE TEMP PROFILE DEFAULT ACCOUNT UNLOCK; GRANT CONNECT TO XX; ALTER USER XX DEFAULT ROLE ALL; GRANT CREATE VIEW TO XX; GRANT CREATE TABLE TO XX; GRANT CREATE SESSION TO XX; GRANT CREATE SYNONYM TO XX; GRANT CREATE TRIGGER TO XX; GRANT CREATE SEQUENCE TO XX; GRANT CREATE PROCEDURE TO XX; GRANT CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM TO XX; ALTER USER XX QUOTA UNLIMITED ON XX; ALTER USER XX QUOTA UNLIMITED ON XX_INDEX; Checking tablespace

SELECT F.TABLESPACE_NAME pTablespaceName ,TO_CHAR ((T.TOTAL_SPACE - F.FREE_SPACE),'999,999') pUsedSpace ,TO_CHAR (F.FREE_SPACE, '999,999') pFreeSpace ,TO_CHAR (T.TOTAL_SPACE, '999,999') pTotalSpace ,TO_CHAR ((ROUND ((F.FREE_SPACE/T.TOTAL_SPACE)*100)),'999')||' %' pPercentFree FROM ( SELECT TABLESPACE_NAME, ROUND (SUM (BLOCKS*(SELECT VALUE/1024 FROM V$PARAMETER WHERE NAME = 'db_block_size')/1024)) FREE_SPACE FROM DBA_FREE_SPACE GROUP BY TABLESPACE_NAME ) F, ( SELECT TABLESPACE_NAME, ROUND (SUM (BYTES/1048576)) TOTAL_SPACE FROM DBA_DATA_FILES GROUP BY TABLESPACE_NAME ) T WHERE F.TABLESPACE_NAME = T.TABLESPACE_NAME; some more script select count(*) from fnd_concurrent_processes; select concurrent_queue_id from fnd_concurrent_queues where concurrent_queue_name='FNDICM'; select a.concurrent_queue_name , substr(b.os_process_id,0,10) "OS Proc" , b.oracle_process_id "Oracle ID" , b.process_status_code from fnd_concurrent_queues a , fnd_concurrent_processes b where a.concurrent_queue_id=b.concurrent_queue_id and a.concurrent_queue_name='FNDICM' and b.process_status_code='A' order by b.process_status_code; select a.concurrent_queue_name , substr(b.os_process_id,0,10) "OS Proc" , b.oracle_process_id "Oracle ID" , b.process_status_code from fnd_concurrent_queues a , fnd_concurrent_processes b where a.concurrent_queue_id=b.concurrent_queue_id and a.concurrent_queue_name='STANDARD' and b.process_status_code='A' order by b.process_status_code; select MAX_PROCESSES,RUNNING_PROCESSES from FND_CONCURRENT_QUEUES where CONCURRENT_QUEUE_NAME='FNDICM'; select MAX_PROCESSES,RUNNING_PROCESSES from FND_CONCURRENT_QUEUES where CONCURRENT_QUEUE_NAME='STANDARD'; select MAX_PROCESSES,RUNNING_PROCESSES from FND_CONCURRENT_QUEUES where CONCURRENT_QUEUE_NAME='FNDCRM'; select count (*) from fnd_concurrent_requests

where status_code='T'; select count(*) from fnd_concurrent_requests where status_code='P'; select count (*) from fnd_concurrent_requests where status_code='R'; select profile_option_id , profile_option_value from FND_PROFILE_OPTION_VALUES where profile_option_id= (select profile_option_id from FND_PROFILE_OPTIONS where profile_option_name='CONC_PMON_METHOD'); select r.request_id, p.os_process_id from FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS r,FND_CONCURRENT_PROCESSES p where r.controlling_manager = p.concurrent_process_id and request_id=&request_id; /*workflow mailer troubleshooting */ select target_node from fnd_concurrent_queues where concurrent_queue_name like 'WFMLRSVC%'; SELECT b.component_name, c.parameter_name, a.parameter_value FROM fnd_svc_comp_param_vals a, fnd_svc_components b, fnd_svc_comp_params_b c WHERE b.component_id = a.component_id AND b.component_type = c.component_type AND c.parameter_id = a.parameter_id AND c.encrypted_flag = 'N' AND b.component_name like '%Mailer%' AND c.parameter_name in ('OUTBOUND_SERVER', 'REPLYTO') ORDER BY c.parameter_name; ******************************************************************************** *********

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