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ETHICAL VALUES AND DILEMMAS DECISION MAKING The first critical factor of influence in business ethics is orientation.

. How company ethics program is designed? Which are important orientations? Etc. There are 4 orientations in organizational and program de3sign factors that are linked to ethics compliance management. They are Compliance based Value based Protect top management base External stakeholder base. !n compliance based approach primary importance is gi"en to meet legal re#uirements. This type of approach is predominant in !ndian industries. This method aims at detecting$ pre"enting or punishing "iolations. This leads to mediocrity.. !n "alue based orientation the employees has self governance and hence committed. !t moti"ates employees and de"elops shared ethical "alues. The program is effecti"e and is "alue based. !n protect the top management approach% the principle is that corporate codes be designed to co"er up future or potential problem. The blame may be shifted from top management to lower le"el officers and workmen. The fourth orientation is e&ternal stakeholders$ wherein the organization tries to boost !bl"c "#age. !t is also made to satisfy e&ternal stakeholders "iz customers$ suppliers and the community

!n any gi"en situation the ethical dimensions influences business. They are Maximization of goals ' "isions$ priorities$ (oal orientation$ (oal multiplicity Motives) *nown$ Hidden$ +elfish$ +hared$ ,alue oriented$ -eligion Methods used ' That satisfies ma.ority of people$ Essential$ !ncidental$ +pecial$ /cceptable to society Manifestations) !mpact$ !nternal$ E&ternal$ Time frame Decision Process in Competitive Process / good and fair competition is one of necessities of increasing trade and wealth. !t also makes possible e#uitable distribution of goods and ser"ices. !t is hence important that all economic and social institutions should help to increase open markets$ trade and in"estments. The competition leads to e&treme steps by competing companies and sometimes to unethical practices. 0-at race 0leads1 to wrong thinking. 2ompetiti"e pressures on one side and financial targets of the company on the other make a manager to 0somehow1 achie"e his targets. +ome of the areas are (athering and using competitor information. -eduction in #uantities 3owering #uality standards 2opy packing 2utting costs on safety aspects 4se substandard material packing (ather intelligence from competitor 5reaking laws in the nalme of profits /ppoint or pay intelligence gatherers +hifting blame when problem occurs Take unethical decisions and call it 0(ut 6eeling1 5ribing$ cheating

5ringing political influence /"oidance of payment of ta&es and dues 7isrepresentation 7isleading ads 4nhealthy work conditions$ employing minors 7onopoly and restricti"e Trade 8ractices.

Ethical Decision Making Ethical decisions should be good$ practical and stand the moral test. !t is necessary that companies and top managers ha"e close relations with stakeholders. 4nderstand and share those ethical "alues that define the parameters of business decisions and actions. Ethical decisions making steps for a manager are Stud ! (round realities of business practices$ traditions$ industry norms and cultural patterns. "imits of Po#er 4nderstand guidelines from the top and "iews or the commendations of officers at "arious le"els in the organization. Man solutions 9e"elop many responsible$ independent solutions taking into account ob.ecti"es of the company and meeting "alues of ma&imum number of stakeholders. Check past cases 6ind similar dilemma cases in the past in the company and other similar cases in other companies. How the problem was sol"ed and outcomes be studied to help the present case. $egotiate! :egotiate the optional choice that gi"es ma&imum good to more stakeholders. :egotiation skills are necessary to see when to negotiate$ how much and what to negotiate. %bedience to authorit Employees in any organization do what is rewarded and a"oid what is punished. To gain attention employees are likely to adhere to total adherence or obedience to authority. 5oss is always right$ attitude seats in. &h not sa ' es( to ever thing and get re#ards.

5elief takes away accountability of the indi"idual as well as his responsibilities. /n ethical culture is likely to breed un#uestioning obedience. There are 3 focuses Emplo ee )ocus* ;rganization should consider all acts which looks at betterment of the workers Communit )ocus*. 6ocus on customers$ general public and outside stakeholders. Self +nterest focus* +imply look at himself< herself ,echnolog -evolution and Ethics The last two decades has witnessed technological re"olution. They are digital$ wireless and internet technologies. /ll these ha"e made a world a global "illage. The impact has been all embracing and the fastest in the known history of mankind. !t has been estimated that the pace is so fast that a new knowledge is added e"ery = nd year. The impact of technology is felt in the following areas .lobal .ro#th $o geographical limits. $o time limits $e# companies $e# professions Change of mindset

Conflict -esolution Stud and /nal ze Cool do#n Education )orcing +nfiltration $egotiation /ccommodation Collaboration

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