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Course Title Course Code No of Units Prere!uisite

: : : :

UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES College of Education EDFD 201: Psycho-Philosophical Foundations Second Semester 2013-14 PS !"#-P"I$#S#P"I!%$ F#&'D%(I#'S #F ED&!%(I#' EDFD 201 (hree )3* 'one


Course "escri#tion: (he Psycho-Philosophical Foundations o+ Education course re,ie-s and discusses the ma.or philosophical and psycholo/ical traditions that in+luenced the +ield o+ education. (he thou/hts o+ in+luential philosophers and psycholo/ists are presented in order to +ind out the underlyin/ principles in educational practices and policies. Course O$%ecti&es: &pon the completion o+ this course0 the student should 1e a1le to: %. Descri1e the philosophical and psycholo/ical roots and historical e,ents that shaped the +ield o+ education2 3. De,elop insi/ht into educational implications o+ philosophical and psycholo/ical concepts and principles !. !ritically discuss and present ideas0 issues0 and practices rele,ant to education2 D. E4amine educational /oals0 teachin/ methods0 and curricula +rom a ,ariety o+ philosophical and psycholo/ical perspecti,es E. %pply some o+ the central concepts0 tools o+ in5uiry0 and structures o+ philosophy and psycholo/y to understand contemporary issues and paradi/ms in education2 F. !riti5ue ori/inal0 hi/h 5uality research and scholarly -or6 on education and schoolin/. 7. %naly8e and clari+y ideas his9her o-n ideas a1out education2 ". Formulate his9her internally consistent0 comprehensi,e0 and articulate personal educational philosophy0 -hich -ill ser,e as a 1asis +or his9 her teachin/ )citin/ the sources +or their ideas* Course Content %. Introduction )Introduce yoursel+ ,ia 3 o+ the most educational e4periences o+ your li+e0 pre+era1ly one each +rom your up1rin/in/0 schoolin/0 and li+e as an indi,idual* )'o, 1:* ;hat is Philosophy< ;hat is Psycholo/y< Philosophy=s rele,ance to education Psycholo/y=s rele,ance to education Disco,erin/ your o-n philosophy o+ education 3. Eastern Philosophy and Education: "induism0 3uddhism0 (aoism0 !on+ucianism )'o, 23* !. Idealism and Education )Dec >* Socrates: Education 1y Sel+-E4amination Plato: E4ternal (ruths and ?alues D. @ealism and Education %ristotle: !ulti,ation o+ @ationality Aohn $oc6e: Epistemolo/y @ESE%@!" P%PE@ D&E #' DE! 14 E. Bedie,al Education: (homas %5uinas and %urelius %u/ustinus )Scholastic Education* )Dec 14* F. (he @enaissance !lassical "umanism: Desiderius Erasmus C @EF$E!(I#' P%PE@ '#. 1 D&E #' A%' 11 )Focus on %im o+ Education* 7. Bodern Philosophy o+ Education 'aturalism: Aean Aac5ues @ousseau 1y %l+onso and %ndres )Aan 11* Pra/matism and Education: Aohn De-ey )$earnin/ throu/h E4perience* 1y 3achini and 3arrero E4istentialism and Education: Soren Dier6e/aard and Aean Paul Sartre 1y 3autista and 3ermudo )Aan 1E* !ritical (heory: Paulo Freire 1y 3o6in/6ito and !adi8



Perennialism: @o1ert B. "utchins and Bortimer %dler Pro/ressi,ism: ;illiam ". Dilpatric6 1y !amposano and !ancer )Aan 2F* Essentialism: ;illiam !handler 3a/ley Social @econstructionism: 7eor/e S. !ounts 1y !arolino and !asa1ar

". Pioneers in (heories o+ Education Aohn %mos !omenius: (he Search +or a 'e- Bethod @EF$E!(I#' P%PE@ '#. 2 D&E #' FE3 1 )Focus on !urriculum* Aohann Friedrich "er1art )+ather o+ scienti+ic peda/o/y*: Systemati8in/ (eachin/ Aohann Pestalo88i: Educator o+ the Senses and Emotion 1y De dios and Del mundo )Fe1 1* Friedrich Froe1el: (he Dinder/arten Bo,ement 1y Espera and Facto "er1ert Spencer: Social Dar-inist and &tilitarian Educator 1y Fernande8 and Flores )Fe1 E* Baria Bontessori: (he Prepared En,ironment 1y $oma/don/ and $ope8 @udol+ Steiner and ;aldor+ Education 1y 7uilles and Auma-an Fe1 1F Democratic Education9 In5uiry Bethod: 'eil Postman &nschoolin/: Aohn "olt 1y Baa/hop and Ba/sanoc I. (he 3irth o+ Scienti+ic Psycholo/y and its 3earin/ on Education 3eha,iorism )$earnin/ and Boti,ation (heories* Fe1 22 a. 3.F. S6inner 1. ;ol+/an/ Dohler: Pro1lem Sol,in/ 1y Insi/ht )Insi/ht $earnin/* 1y Bali-at and 'eis c. Ed-ard (olman: Si/n $earnin/ d. Aohn ;atson !o/niti,e Psycholo/y )$earnin/ and Boti,ation (heories* a. Aean Pia/et and De,elopmental 7ro-th 1. In+ormation Processin/ (heory 9 3rain-1ased $earnin/ 1y 'elmida and #n/ @EF$E!(I#' P%PE@ '#. 3 D&E #' B%@ E )Focus on @ole o+ the (eacher* c. !onstructi,ism )Bar E* i. Aerome 3runer: Disco,ery $earnin/ 1y Penarroyo and @aralio ii. $e, ?y/ots6y and Social !onstructionism 1y an/a and &ntin/ iii. %l1ert 3andura and #1ser,ational $earnin/ "umanistic Psycholo/y )$earnin/ and Boti,ation (heories* a. %1raham Baslo1. !arl @o/ers: 'ondirecti,e (eachin/ S&3BISSI#' #F P"I$#S#P" #F ED&!%(I#' )Bar 1F*


Course Re!uire'ents( )rading S*ste'+ @e/ular and punctual attendanceCC !lass participation E4pert presentationCCC @e+lection Papers @esearch Paper Philosophy o+ EducationCCCC

10G )less .F per a1sence0 less .2F per tardiness* 10G 1FG )see oral presentation ru1ric* 30G )less .F per -ee6 +or late su1mission* 20G 1FG

C % /rade o+ HInc.I is only /i,en to student -ho has a Hpassin/I class standin/0 1ut +ails to ta6e the +inal e4amination or complete the re5uirement due to illness or ,alid reason. #ther-ise0 the student /ets a /rade o+ JFI. CC 2 tardiness is e5ual to 1 a1sence2 comin/ in late +or more than 2F minutes is considered a1sence. ;hen the num1er o+ a1sences e4ceeds 3 meetin/s0 then the student -ill 1e ad,ised to drop the course. CCC In the e4pert presentation0 you are e4pected to lead the discussion o+ a topic o+ your choice. Start -or6in/ on this pro.ect as soon as the topic is assi/ned to you. (he +ollo-in/ should 1e presented: %. social milieu0 -hat 1rou/ht a1out the philosophy or perspecti,e 3. 1rie+ 1io/raphy o+ the 6ey person

!. 6ey themes o+ the philosophy )philosophy=s accounts o+ the nature o+ reality0 ho- humans ac5uire 6no-led/e0 -hat human nature is0 -hat is o+ ,alue0 ho- society should 1e or/ani8ed0 ma.or /oals o+ education0 educational methods that should 1e used* D. contri1utions9 in+luences to and implications +or education )school mission0 curriculum0 physical set-up o+ the class space0 e,aluation o+ students0 5ualities o+ teachers0 social structure o+ the classroom*

(ime: 1.F hours o,erall )1 hour +or presentation0 30 mins. +or 5uestions and discussion* ou may use any audio9 ,isual material that you thin6 -ill 1e use+ul and e++ecti,e. (he -ritten report should +ollo- the %P% +ormat and is due on DE! 140 2013 CCCC #ne ma.or paper is on your o-n philosophy o+ education0 -hich is due on ,-RCH ./0 12.3. It should include: 1* -hat you thin6 should 1e the aim o+ education0 -hat do you see is the /rander purpose o+ education in a society and community< )F#!&S #F @EF$E!(I#' P%PE@ '#. 1* 2* the content o+ the curriculum0 -ho decides -hat should 1e tau/ht0 -hich su1.ects in the curriculum should ha,e the priority0 the methods o+ instruction )F#!&S #F @EF$E!(I#' P%PE@ '#. 2* 3* the role o+ the teacher0 -hat special 5ualities should teachers ha,e to em1ody9 -hat are 5ualities an e++ecti,e teacher should ha,e0 the nature o+ the student and -hat is their role0 ho- do students learn 1est0 -hat should 1e the teacherKs /oals +or the students0 ho- students should 1e e,aluated )@EF P%PE@ '#. 3* VI References:
3otor0 !.#. )200F*. Philosophy o+ Education. 'ational 3oo6store. De;itt0 @. )2004*. ;orld,ie-s: %n introduction to the history and philosophy o+ science. Balden0 B%: 3lac6-ell Pu1lishin/. 7ute60 7.$. )200L*. 'e- Perspecti,es on Philosophy and Education. Pearson. #8mon0 ". )200E*. Philosophical Foundations o+ Education0 >th edition. Sado,ni60 %.@. )200:*. E4plorin/ Education: %n Introduction to the Foundations o+ Education. Pearson9 %llyn and 3acon. (ui1eo0 %.7. )200F*. Philosophy o+ education : ne- perspecti,e. 7rand-ater Pu1lications. ?e/a0 ?.%. )200F*. "istorical0 Philosophical0 and $e/al Foundations o+ Education. 7rand-aters Pu1lications. ;inch0 !. )200E*. Philosophy o+ Education: the Dey !oncepts. @outled/e. Mulueta0 F.B. )2004*. Foundations o+ Education. 'ational 3oo6 Store.

-cade'ic "is4onest* "efinitions

%cti,ities0 that ha,e the e++ect or intention o+ inter+erin/ -ith education0 pursuit o+ 6no-led/e0 or +air e,aluation o+ a student=s per+ormance are prohi1ited. E4amples o+ such acti,ities include 1ut are not limited to the +ollo-in/ de+initions: %. !heatin/: usin/ or attemptin/ to use unauthori8ed assistance0 material0 or study aids in e4aminations or other academic -or6 or pre,entin/0 or attemptin/ to pre,ent0 another +rom usin/ authori8ed assistance0 material0 or study aids. E4ample: usin/ a cheat sheet in a 5ui8 or e4am0 alterin/ a /raded e4am and resu1mittin/ it +or a 1etter /rade0 etc. 3. Pla/iarism: usin/ the ideas0 data0 or lan/ua/e o+ another -ithout speci+ic or proper ac6no-led/ment. E4ample: copyin/ another person=s paper0 article0 or computer -or6 and su1mittin/ it +or an assi/nment0 clonin/ someone else=s ideas -ithout attri1ution0 +ailin/ to use 5uotation mar6s -here appropriate0 etc. !. Fa1rication: su1mittin/ contri,ed or altered in+ormation in any academic e4ercise. E4ample: ma6in/ up data +or an e4periment0 +ud/in/ data0 citin/ none4istent articles0 contri,in/ sources0 etc. D. Bultiple su1mission: su1mittin/0 -ithout prior permission0 any -or6 su1mitted to +ul+ill another academic re5uirement. E. Bisrepresentation o+ academic records: misrepresentin/ or tamperin/ -ith or attemptin/ to tamper -ith any portion o+ a student=s transcripts or academic record0 either 1e+ore or a+ter comin/ to the &ni,ersity o+ Pennsyl,ania. E4ample: +or/in/ a chan/e o+ /rade slip0 tamperin/ -ith computer records0 +alsi+yin/ academic in+ormation on one=s resume0 etc. F. Facilitatin/ academic dishonesty: 6no-in/ly helpin/ or attemptin/ to help another ,iolate any pro,ision o+ the !ode. E4ample: -or6in/ to/ether on a ta6e-home e4am0 etc. 7. &n+air ad,anta/e: attemptin/ to /ain unauthori8ed ad,anta/e o,er +ello- students in an academic e4ercise. E4ample: /ainin/ or pro,idin/ unauthori8ed access to e4amination materials0 o1structin/ or inter+erin/ -ith another student=s e++orts in an academic e4ercise0 lyin/ a1out a need +or an e4tension +or an e4am or paper0 continuin/ to -rite e,en -hen time is up durin/ an e4am0 destroyin/ or 6eepin/ li1rary materials +or one=s o-n use.0 etc.

C I+ a student is unsure -hether his action)s* constitute a ,iolation o+ the !ode o+ %cademic Inte/rity0 then it is that student=s responsi1ility to consult -ith the instructor to clari+y any am1i/uities. )Source: #++ice o+ the Pro,ost0 1LL:* - http:99---.,pul.upenn.edu9osl9acadint.html

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