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John Paul Vergara - a renowned professor and scientist who has received a number of awards including Scholarly Performance

in Graduate Study. Anacleto del osario - a leading chemist in the Phillipines best !nown for ma!ing a pure form of alcohol from a nipa palm and for e"tracting castor oil. #aria $rosa - a chemist and food technologist% $rosa e"perimented with food and discovered the Soyalac% a &magic& food that helped save the lives of thousands of prisoners of war. 'aldomero $liveria - most famous for his discovery of the cone snail to"ins. (his was a very important discovery for neuroscience and it led to the brea!through discovery of ions. )e was also the first to discover *-coli. Amando +apauan - one of the first to study the problem of mercury in the environment and designed e,uipment to analy-e its presence in soil and water. .abian /ayrit - the current president of the 0ntegrated 1hemists of the Philippines. #a. Assunta 1uyeg!eng - a member of several editorial boards of chemistry 2ournals% 1uyeg!eng is a multi-awarded teacher with an outstanding reputation. Julian 'an-on - researched methods of producing alternative fuels and e"perimented with the production of ethyl esters from sugarcane and coconut. Paulo 1ampos - a specialist in nuclear medicine who has written over 34 scientific papers. amon 'arba - best !nown for his advancements with crop flowering promotion% particularly his e"periments in mango farming. Amedeo Avogadro 56337 - 68479 - )e is !nown for proposing the Avogadro&s :aw which states that% ;*,ual volumes of gases contain the e,ual number of molecules when the given temperature and pressure are same for all the gases.; (he number of molecules present is !nown as% Avogadro&s number and is 7.<=> " 6<=> Jons Jacob 'er-elius 5633? - 68@89 - )e was Swedish and gave the techni,ue of chemical formula notations. )e also proposed the law of constant proportions% which proved that inorganic substances are made of elements that are in constant proportion by weight. #arie 1urie 56873 - 6?>@9 - She was a Polish born chemist and physicist who later ac,uired .rench citi-enship. She is renowned for her discoveries in the phenomenon of radioactivity. #arie 1urie discovered the radioactive elements radium and polonium for which she was awarded the Aobel Pri-e in 1hemistry.

John /alton 56377 - 68@@9 - )e was an *nglish who is well-!nown for his discovery of atoms and the theory !nown as John /alton&s atomic theory. )e stated that an atom is a fundamental unit of matter and these atoms can neither be created nor destroyed.

#ichael .araday 563?6 - 68739 - )e was a physicist who made contributions in the field of electrochemistry and electromagnetism. 0n the field of chemistry% it was #ichael .araday who discovered the aromatic compound ben-ene. Joseph :ouis Gay-:ussac 56338 - 684<9 - )e was .rench and physicist who is !nown for his wor! on gases. )e proposed the Gay-:ussacs :aw which states that% ;At constant mass and pressure values% the volume of a gas increases linearly with temperature.; /orothy #ary )odg!in 56?6< - 6??@9 - She was a 'ritish chemist who used the techni,ue of B-ray crystallography to elucidate the structures of biomolecules. She also won the Aobel Pri-e in 1hemistry for her wor! in protein crystallography. )enri :ouis :e 1hatelier 5684< - 6?>79 - )e proposed the principle for chemical e,uilibrium% !nown as the :e 1hatelier&s principle. /mitri 0vanovich #endeleev 5 68>@ - 6?<39 - A ussian% he was the one who charted the first periodic table% which has now undergone a lot of modifications. (he table however% was so designed that there was scope to fit in new elements which were yet to be discovered then.

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