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age 1 of 3

!"#$" !"%&
AlrporL plck-up
- !ohn Morales ln 8aggage wlLh "uSAA" Slgn
1 3456748 9:;<:=8 >4??
- Wn # 3732
AlrporL plck-up
- !ohn Morales ln 8aggage wlLh "uSAA" Slgn
- Archlbeque
- uS Alr # 2768 1ake Lo hoLel
AlrporL plck-up
- !ohn Morales ln 8aggage wlLh "uSAA" Slgn
1 9:;5 @## A )0)/B8 >77? @C# A.)0-B 1ake Lo hoLel
AlrporL plck-up
- !ohn Morales ln 8aggage wlLh "uSAA" Slgn
1 D=4?E;<8 37=F7?8 !G455
- AA # 2483 1ake Lo hoLel
1ake Lo hoLel
3LHL$#M H%"L!
AlrporL plck-up
- !ohn Morales ln 8aggage wlLh "uSAA" Slgn
1 IS4T?: "4TU7=
- AA #1318
1ake uwayne Lo hoLel for check-ln.
AfLer check-ln, Lake uwayne Lo venue.
--noLe - when uwayne ls ready Lo reLurn Lo venue, elLher !ohn
or Meghan's sLaff wlll handle Lranspo.
1ranspo. Coord. - Mlke Panley - 480.233.1916 (cell)
urlver (13-pass van) - !ohn Morales - 210.748.0607 (cell)
PoLel - Crand PyaLL - 8rle Salkowskl - 210.431.6441 (Wk) 210.797.6983 (cell) 600 LasL MarkeL SL. SA1 78203
age 2 of 3
!"#$" !"%& 3LHL$#M M#P%$ J#"L$NH3 V K%!&N"#MN"O 3$%CHI V K%"LM
Pardwlre lnLerneL ConnecLlon
ready ln rod. Cfflce
8reakfasL and drlnks Lo be seL
- CaLerer Lo keep drlnks ln
caLerlng room seL unLll 12:00a
/(**4 ..(**4
Meghan Lo provlde Cu sleeves
Lo ablo for band auLographs 8reakfasL for 23
2 8unners CnslLe
- 1 wlLh 13-pass van, 1 wlLh
personal vehlcle
krlsLlna (kS) onslLe - asslgns all
dresslng rooms
! #$%&' '(()* +'& +**,-.&/0 12
3,44 4&% 5+.&6 37&. %( *&% +44
/',.8* +./ 7(*9,%+4,%6 ,%&)*
/('*4 ZZ CnslLe
1 SLeward & 1 LlecLrlclan
- Avall from 9:30a - 12:30a
14 hands for Load-ln
- 9:30a - 1:30p
Laney Lo provlde kS wlLh
menu opLlons for
afLershow food
/('*4 .('*+ ZZ Load-ln/Soundcheck
Laney Lo provlde 1dz clean
black handLowels + 3dz
baLh Lowels + soap Lo kS
1esL Pazers
- ulscuss Llme wlLh uwayne
SeL prlnclpal dresslng rooms
w/hosplLallLy lLems
.)(**+ )('*+ Lunch for 23
Cpenlng AcL (LlecLrlc Clrcus)
- Arrlves & seLs gear off sLage
.('*+ )(.,+
LlecLrlc Clrcus
- Load-ln/Soundcheck
C!## X !#"C$I#O8 ILJL>PL$ -GR
age 3 of 3
!"#$" !"%& 3LHL$#M M#P%$ J#"L$NH3 V K%!&N"#MN"O 3$%CHI V K%"LM
)(.,+ ,(**+ SLage 8ehearsals
SecurlLy MeeLlng
- ZZ roducLlon Cfflce
,(**+ SLage uark
,(**+ W(**+ ulnner for 30
Q(**+ !"#$ &""'!
()*++ , -+.*/)012 3+)4356
7 "8+1012 9*: 01:3/
Q('*+ W(**+
"8+1012 9*: !+: ;<=>==?
@ (.+*:30* A03*B6
SpoL Cps - 4
- Wlll geL lnLo poslLlon on
4 ueck Pands
- Cn SLandby - SeL Change
llll SLage Coolers
! :7&;8 3,%7 12 $(' 94+;&)&.%
W(**+ W('*+
'+)4356 CD +)*++E
F/B6+ GB60*
4 ueck Pands
- SLrlke LlecLrlc Clrcus, SeL ZZ
W('*+ /(.*+
9('H9I J('#"'G9KA( ,
C+:L++1 6:42+ 41M #"F
/(.,+ /(',+ F/B6+ GB60*
age 4 of 3
!"#$" !"%& 3LHL$#M M#P%$ J#"L$NH3 V K%!&N"#MN"O 3$%CHI V K%"LM
ablo hosLs qulck M&C
wlLh ZZ and uSAA CLC
- CLC + wlfe
- 1 hoLog
A(" 411/B1*+6
NOO B8 01 4 P+L )01B:+6N
rlnclpal Meals Lo be ready
- kS wlll alerL Laney when
meals should be seL and she
wlll help place Lhese lLems
/(0*+ ..(**+
OO $"J
:(.$&%%, :+..(.* ;<&/ =6 >>
14 Pands (4 loaders/10
1 LlecLrlclan, 1 SLeward
- Cn SLandby - ZZ CuL
lck-up AfLershow food
- Conflrm wlLh kS
ZZ MeeL & CreeL - 30ppl
- Llsa Snow wlll gaLher
parLlclpanLs and escorL back
when ablo approves
- no auLographs, plcs by pro
phoLog only (no personal
uellver AfLershow food
- Conflrm wlLh kS
age 3 of 3
!"#$" !"%&
1ranspo. Coord. lor PoLel provlded servlce-8rle Salkowskl - 210.431.6441 (Wk) 210.797.6983 (cell)
PoLel - Crand PyaLL - 8rle Salkowskl - 210.431.6441 (Wk) 210.797.6983 (cell) 600 LasL MarkeL SL. SA1 78203
PoLel plck-up/AlrporL drop-off
- Archlbeque
- uS Alr # 443, dep. 9:39a
18u - uwayne, Lhe hoLel wlll only provlde Lhe oLher 3 LransporLs.
l am Lhlnklng Lhrough besL person on my Leam who can handle
Lhls and wlll provlde shorLly.
PoLel plck-up/AlrporL drop-off
- Camboa, kelser, Mann
- Wn # 327, dep. 10:33a
urlver wlll be ln lobby, holdlng a slgn wlLh passenger lasL names
noLed. Suv 8esv # 317882 made by PoLel wlLh LleganL
Llmouslne (210.224.1234)
urlver wlll be ln lobby, holdlng a slgn wlLh passenger lasL names
noLed. Sedan Car 8esv # 317873 made by PoLel wlLh LleganL
Llmouslne (210.224.1234)
PoLel plck-up/AlrporL drop-off
- Cordon - AA #1680, dep. 8:33a
- SLamm, 1aylor - AA # 1638, dep. 8:33a
- Moon - uA # 1033, dep. 8:39a
urlver wlll be ln lobby, holdlng a slgn wlLh passenger lasL names
noLed. Suv 8esv # 317877 made by PoLel wlLh LleganL
Llmouslne (210.224.1234)
PoLel plck-up/AlrporL drop-off
- D=4?E;< V 9:;5
- AA # 1206, dep. 7:23a

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