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Spiritual Underpinnings of the Healing Codes

Spiritual Underpinnings of The Healing Codes

by Dr. Alex Loyd, author, and Diane Eble, editor of The Healing Code
While the book, The Healing Code, explains some of our philosophy and where were
coming from spiritually, this will go in a bit more detail as to how we see this new mode
of healing fitting into our world iew, which is based on the !ible.
Let us say from the outset that we are not trying to push this spiritual iewpoint on
anyone. "ur intent oer all else is neer to #udge anyone, but to loe.
$his document is for informational purposes only, since we are often asked arious
%uestions from people of different spiritual persuasions what our beliefs are. &ou may or
may not agree with our stance. &ou will, howeer, know what it is.
We who were inoled with the book 'Alex Loyd, !en (ohnson and Diane Eble) are
followers of (esus who beliee the !ible reeals $ruth. $herefore we turn there for
perspectie, as the lens through which we are to #udge other ideas. We don*t like to call
ourseles +hristian, for the following reason.
$he term ,+hristian- means different things to many different people, and lots of them
are bad. $hese negatie connotations hae been rightly earned. .ome of the greatest
atrocities eer isited upon mankind hae been done by so/called +hristians, and in the
name of (esus. .o, when you say the word ,+hristian,- there is no telling what it means
to the particular person you*re talking to.
0 'Alex) had to get oer certain things in my own religious upbringing. 0t literally took me
decades to recoer enough to beliee in the true 1od, who is loe. 0 do 2"$ consider
myself to be religious. 0 try ery hard to be spiritual and trust the 1od of loe.
When 0 discoered $he 3ealing +odes in 4556 and began to reali7e it was something
bigger than #ust some cool thing that healed my wifes depression, 0 had to hit the
,pause- button to make sure this was something that 1od was truly behind.
8or me that meant taking time to pray, to search the .criptures, and to consult with other
belieers 0 respected, such as my spiritual mentor and my pastor.
0n doing those things, 0 came to the coniction that this new healing mode was definitely
in line with biblical teaching.
!efore we get into the scriptures that we beliee form the spiritual basis for practicing
$he 3ealing +odes without reseration, let us emphasi7e first that this is a healing mode
that applies %uantum physics to healing. 0t is not a drug that deals with issues at a
molecular leel, but an approach that addresses issues at the leel of energy.
9 4565 Dr. Alex Loyd : Diane Eble All rights resered.
Spiritual Underpinnings of the Healing Codes
0t is also a healing mode that works for anyone, no matter what they beliee. !ecause its
based on how 1od created our bodies and how he created the unierse to work, it works
according to the natural laws he set up, #ust as graity works. 2o matter what you
beliee, if you #ump from a three/story building, you will get hurt;
A Matter of Energy
0t was back in 6<4= that Albert Einstein showed the world that e>mc
, and while most of
us accept that Einstein was right, few of us reali7e what it means 'apart from the atom
&et %uantum mechanics is a alid science that shapes our lies in many ways. ?uch of
modern technology is based on %uantum physics@ the laser, the transistor and the
mircrochip, the electron microscope, magnetic resonance imaging '?A0) used in
medicine, to name #ust a few examples. Een though we may not understand exactly how
these deices work, we use them because we know they do work.
$he 3ealing +odes system applies %uantum mechanics to the realm of healthBphysical
and emotional.
We go into all this because it is important to reali7e that $he 3ealing +odes system is
based on the way 1od created the world. 0n 1enesis 6, it says 1od created all that is. 3e
created energy. 3e set in motion the laws of physics and biology, including %uantum
physics, the way D2A codes our cells, the way the planets moe in their orbitsB
eerything. And 1od made it all very good '1enesis 6@C6).
Energy is the basis of $he 3ealing +odes, and energy, as something 1od created, is in
itself good. '.ome people beliee that energy itself is 1od. We re#ect that. 1od made
energy, and is apart from and oer aboe his creation.)
What about Mysticism?
.o if we beliee energy exists, and that it is good, the next %uestion is, 0s it spiritually
okay for me to use itD
1enesis 6@4E says that 1od gae human beings the authority to rule oer creation. 1od
has gien us the right to use the things he has madeBincluding energy.
"f course, anything in creation can be used by human beings for good and bad ends.
Anything, including energy, can be used to destroy 'as the atom bomb proes) or to heal.
$he 3ealing +odes use energy to heal.
"ne of the issues for some people is that a lot of ,energy healing- is associated with a
philosophy more compatible with Eastern mysticism than anything else.
We do not beliee there is a necessary correlation between a %uantum physics/based
healing approach and Eastern mysticism. 2or do true %uantum physicists. $hough the
field attracts ,2ew Age- authors, the leading writers in the field of %uantum philosophy
9 4565 Dr. Alex Loyd : Diane Eble All rights resered.
Spiritual Underpinnings of the Healing Codes
'e.g., 8rit#of +apra, Daid !ohm, (ohn Wheeler and Faul Daies) interpreted %uantum
theory from a philosophical perspectie that mind produces matter. $his ,physics of
consciousness- is now a ma#or and respected branch of %uantum theory, though it may
remain controersial.
Gsing energy to heal is based on %uantum mechanics, on the way 1od put together the
unierse. $he fact that some use it and come from different philosophical perspecties
does not hae to inalidate the use of energy healing itself. As in most things in life, there
can be more than one interpretation of an obserable reality. Eastern mysticism has
offered one interpretations of the obserations of %uantum mechanics. We beliee there
can be a biblical interpretation as well.
$he best biblical example for how to approach this is found in the example of the
+orinthian church.
"ne of the big issues in the +orinthian church was whether it was okay to eat meat that
was sacrificed to idols. .ome people reali7ed the meat was #ust meat, because idols were
not real. "thers belieed that it would be wrong to eat meat that was sacrificed to an idol,
because its somehow participating in idol worship, or at the least giing the impression
that you dont hae a problem with that belief system. 'Akin to saying that if you use
energy medicine that is also used by those who hold a different belief system, you must
subscribe to that belief system.)
3ow did the Apostle Faul address this issueD 3is answer is brilliant in its simplicity and
shows the loing nature of 1od. 3e did not play into the anger or fear of the +orinthians,
but addressed the real issue. And he did it in truth and loe.
0n 6 +orinthians E, Faul says, in effect, ,Aemember first who 1od is@ the one who made
eerything in heaen and earth. &ou know that, and youre liing for him. &ou beliee in
the one 8ather and the one Lord, (esus +hrist, through whom 1od made eerything and
through whom we hae been gien life.- .o he reminds them what they beliee, and that
they know the truth.
$hen he tells them, basically, that meat is #ust meat. 0t was created by 1od, and it is in
itself good for food. When used for a 1od/gien purpose 'to nourish the body), there is
absolutely nothing wrong with it, een though it has been sacrificed to idols, because
when the +hristian who knows the truth about 1od eats it, hes using it as 1od intended,
for nourishment. $he additional ,baggage- of false worship does not apply to the
+hristian who knows its #ust meat, and that idols are not real.
$he only reason you might not be free to eat it, Faul says, is if it might make someone
else stumble in their faith. Eerything should be done out of loe. !ut other than that
caeat, Faul says the meat is #ust meat. 0ts not been made eil in itself because it was
used in pagan worship. 3e makes a clear separation between the meat, and the meaning
attached to it by those who used it in the worship of idols.
9 4565 Dr. Alex Loyd : Diane Eble All rights resered.
Spiritual Underpinnings of the Healing Codes
0n a similar way, if we use energy, which 1od has created, to heal, based on the science
of %uantum physics 'which is the study of how 1od set things up to work in the
unierse), that is perfectly biblical. When we use what 1od has made for a godly
purpose, then we sanctify it.
0n fact, in 6 $imothy H, Faul again addresses the issue of some people teaching that it is
wrong to eat certain foods. ,$hey will say it is wrong to be married and wrong to eat
certain foods. !ut 1od created those foods to be eaten with thanksgiing by people who
know and beliee the truth. .ince eerything 1od created is good, we should not re#ect
any of it. We may receie it gladly, with thankful hearts. 8or we know it is made holy by
the word of 1od and prayer- '6$imothy H@C/=, 2L$).
What a sad thing to aoid something 1od intends to bless us, because of our own fear. 0f
we say we cannot use energy medicine to heal because those who hold other iews of
1od use it, isnt that buying into the lie they beliee, and depriing ourseles of a
blessingD Aemember, (esus said the thief '.atan) has one purpose@ to steal and kill and
destroy. (esus, on the other hand, came to gie us a rich and satisfying life, an abundant
life. '(ohn 65@65)
0n fact, in 6 $imothy H, Faul goes on to say, ,0f you explain this to the brothers and
sisters, you will be doing your duty as a worthy serant of +hrist (esus, one who is fed by
the message of faith and the true teaching you hae followed- '6 $imothy H@I). 0t is our
duty to speak the truth about 1od and his intention toward us.
0s healing the issues of the heart 1ods intentionD $he whole !ible says yes. .atan,
howeer, desires to steal our peace and destroy our health and relationships.
(esus also says one way to discern what is of 1od is to look at the fruit. $estimonials of
healing of all kinds can be found at and in The Healing
Code. $his includes spiritual healing. ?any people, belieers or not, hae ,heart issues-
concerning false iews of 1od and bad religious experiences. As these are healed, they
are open to the truth about 1od and are able to experience him in new ways. 'As
mentioned, it took me 65 years to get oer some of the false iews of 1od from my own
religious upbringing.)
We all come to the true 1od with distortions of who he really is. $he 3ealing +odes
allow 1od to correct those distortions, and 0 beliee this is part of the healing process and
what makes $he 3ealing +odes so powerful.
The Bibles !ie" of #hysical Things
Gnlike some other religions and philosophies, the biblical iew of physical things and the
body is that it was created good. 0t is not something to be denied or escapedJ it is not
,lower- than our spiritual nature. We are three/part beings, body, soul 'mind, will,
emotions) and spirit 'or heartBthe inner core of a person, which is eternal). $he body is
good, its #ust not eternal like our spirits are.
9 4565 Dr. Alex Loyd : Diane Eble All rights resered.
Spiritual Underpinnings of the Healing Codes
1od created eerything, but creation is not 1od. 1od is oer and aboe and outside of
what he created. $he !ible does not support pantheism.
&et the physical world is the ehicle by which we effect spiritual things in the earthly
(esus taught that we should pray for 1ods kingdom to come, on earth as it is in heaen.
We are to use earthly means to create eternal results.
8or instance, when you first take care of a persons physical needs, whether for shelter,
clean water, or food, they are more receptie to hearing how their spiritual needs may be
When a persons pressing physical or emotional needs are met, they are then more likely
to be open to spiritual needs being met.
8inally, (esus incarnationB1od becoming human, and human een in heaenBforeer
blesses the physical world. 3e entered space and time and lied a physical life, and now
the physical foreer has a part in the 1odhead.
Why should it be surprising that 1od may use physical means to bring healingD $hat is
part of the ,creation mandate- of 1enesis 6. 0n this world, we must use physical means to
create effects.
$oes %od Heal &o"?
Does 1od still want to heal peopleD
+onsider that one of the purposes of (esus sacrifice on the cross was to bring us healing.
,0t was our sicknesses he carried, it was our diseases that weighed him down. K 3e was
beaten so we could be made whole. 3e was whipped so we could be healed- '0saiah =C@H,
=b). C (ohn 4 says, ,0 hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you
are strong in spirit.- (esus healed many sick people of all kinds of ailments when he was
on earth.
0n (ohn =, (esus asked a lame man at the pool of !ethesda a haunting %uestion, ,Would
you like to get wellD- $he man said, ,0 cant,- but (esus told him to do what he thought
he could not@ ,.tand up, pick up your mat, and walk;- 3e didnt beliee at first, but
something about (esus made him do what he said. .omehow he belieed that (esus
wanted to make him wellBand he was healed.
Ferhaps the only thing standing between you and the healing 1od wants for you is the
faith that in fact, he desires to heal you.
"f course, the ,how, what, when and if- he heals we must leae up to 1od. $he 3ealing
+odes open a door to 1od healing us that we might otherwise leae closed.
9 4565 Dr. Alex Loyd : Diane Eble All rights resered.
Spiritual Underpinnings of the Healing Codes
Also remember, 1ods primary concern is to heal the issues of the heart. What comes as a
result will be connected with the heart issues that are healed.
The Bibles Stance on &e" 'deas
We find it fascinating that scripture has many examples of people who were faced with
something new and balked at using it.
"ne example that concerns healing specifically is the story of 2aaman the leper. 0n 4
Lings =, 2aaman, commander of the army of Ling Aram of .yria, was stricken with
leprosy. A little girl, a (ew who had been carried off to .yria during a raid on 0srael, was
the serant of 2aamans wife. .he told her mistress about a prophet in 0srael who could
cure him.
2o doubt desperate for healing, 2aaman approached the king and asked for permission to
go see this prophet. $he king let him go with a letter to the Ling of 0srael.
2aaman brought along all kinds of gifts. !ut he went first to the king of 0srael, who cried
out that he wasnt 1od and couldnt cure anyone of leprosy. !ut Elisha the prophet heard
about it, and told Ling Ahab to send 2aaman to him.
.o 2aaman went to see Elisha, bringing all his gifts. Elisha didnt een bother to come
out to meet him, but sent a message with a simple step@ ,1o and wash in the (ordan Aier
seen times, and you will be healed.-
$his greatly displeased 2aaman. Didnt Elisha know who he wasD Didnt he see all the
expensie gifts 2aaman had broughtD Elisha could at least hae come out to speak with
2aaman himself;
2aaman was also offended at the adice itself. ,0 expected him to wae his hand oer the
leprosy and call on the name of the Lord his 1od and heal me;- 'erse 66). Elishas
method made no sense to 2aaman. 3e turned away in anger. Elishas approach was not
what he expected, so he spurned it.
3is men tried to persuade him. ,0f the prophet had told you to do something ery
difficult, would you not hae done itD .o you should certainly obey him when he says
simply, MWash and be cured;- $hey had been listening. $hey heard that Elisha had said
hed be cured. ,What hae you got to loseD 0ts such a simple thing to try,- they reasoned.
.o 2aaman gae in, did what the prophet had told him//and was healed.
$he 3ealing +odes may seem strange to you. 0t is not an approach that many of us are
used to grasping. 0t is based on new ideas that are coming from science, and from a fresh
look at .cripture in light of this new science.
9 4565 Dr. Alex Loyd : Diane Eble All rights resered.
Spiritual Underpinnings of the Healing Codes
0t is simpleBso simple that it seems ,too good to be true.- &et thousands of people from
all oer the world, with all kinds of issues, hae tried it and found it works.
Froerbs 6E@6= says, ,An intelligent heart ac%uires knowledge, and the ear of the wise
seeks knowledge.- $he 2L$ renders it, ,0ntelligent people are always open to new ideas.
0n fact, they look for them.-
0n Acts 6N@ 66, Luke says, ,the people of !erea were more open/minded than those in
$hessalonica, and they listened eagerly to Fauls message. $hey searched the .criptures
day after day to see if Faul and .ilas were teaching the truth.- As a result, many belieed.
$he !ereans set a pattern for all +hristians. +heck out $he 3ealing +odes with an open
mind and search the .criptures to see if this is in accordance with the truth. $his is what 0
had to do before 0 could take $he 3ealing +odes to the world, and this is what 0 inite
you to do.
The (ne $anger of The Healing Codes
$here is one danger of using $he 3ealing +odes for a +hristian belieer.
0ts possible to rely on the techni%ue rather than the 1od who works through the
$his is a danger that is not uni%ue to use of $he 3ealing +odes, howeer. Any good thing
can be relied on instead of 1od, een religious actiity. 0n fact, most of the 2ew
$estament epistles were written because +hristians so easily began to rely on outward
things to obtain what only 1od could gie 'circumcision, rituals, following certain
leaders, etc.).
&ou can oerdo or use wrongly any good thing, and then it becomes a hindrance. &ou
can exercise too much and depend on that to keep you healthy, rather than 1od. &ou can
also rely on doctors or medication to heal you instead of 1od.
As always, it comes down to where your heart is. 0t is in trusting in 1od ultimately, and
using the means he proides 'including wise health habits, medicine where appropriate,
and $he 3ealing +odes), that you allow 1od to work in the way he desires.
What a Healing Code Cannot $o
0ts important for me to note a couple of things here.
8irst, the one who heals is 1od. $he 3ealing +odes proide one possible aenue of
healing. 0 always suggest praying first, for 1od might choose to heal directly, without any
natural means such as medicine or $he 3ealing +odes.
.econd, all $he 3ealing +odes do is address the ,issues of the heart- that .olomon said
in Froerbs H@4C are the source of all issues in life. 0t does that primarily by helping you
locate the lies you beliee and replacing them with truth. What did .atan do in the
9 4565 Dr. Alex Loyd : Diane Eble All rights resered.
Spiritual Underpinnings of the Healing Codes
1arden in Eden with EeD 3e got her to beliee a lie and distrust 1od. $hat is the heart
of all of our sin, right there. $he 3ealing +odes help you address the lies lurking in your
heart, and replace them with truth.
"ne of the themes throughout the !ible is that all of our issues are matters of the heart.
0ts the heart that receies or re#ects 1ods truth. $hree times in E7ekiel 1od says he will
gie his people a new heart, one that is responsie to him. (esus said its what comes out
of the heart that defiles us, not what goes into the body '?atthew 6=). 1ods supreme
concern is for the heart; ,1uard your heart aboe all else, for from it flow the issues of
life,- .olomon said 'Froerbs H@4C).
$he 3ealing +odes also help you address hidden fears. 0n do7ens of places in the !ible
we are told not to be afraid of things that should not cause us fear '(eremiah 6@E, (oshua
6@<, Luke 6@6C, 4 Lings 6@6=Band the list goes on and on.). 1od does not want fear to
rule our lies. 3e wants us to trust him.
.cience now catches up with the !ible and confirms that fear and falsehood are what
send out the stress signals, the negatie fre%uencies, that broadcast danger to our cells and
cause them to shut down. All the research agrees@ at least <=O of our issues arise from
$he 3ealing +odes are like a gardening tool you can use to clear away the rocks of
unhealthy beliefs and the weeds of fear so that the seed of truth can take root. As in the
parable of the sower 'which some say is really about the soils), its so important what
kind of soil the seed falls into. $he 3ealing +odes prepare the soil. $hey are not the seed
itself. 1ods truth is the seed, and the seed alone carries the life. $he hoe does not hae
life. 0ts #ust a tool.
.o use this tool as you would use exercise or itamins to get and stay healthy. 0ts a new
tool, yes, and takes some getting used to for some of us. '2ot unlike the computer and
cell phones that are based on %uantum mechanicsD)
$his healing tool works ama7ingly well, but it will neer heal completely in this life. $he
3ealing +odes will not make you lie foreer. "nly 1od can do that. &ou can use $he
3ealing +odes to ,till the soil,- and we hope you do. $hey will work for this purpose for
anyone, regardless of beliefs, #ust as anyone can use a hoe to dig up weeds. 2o matter
what they beliee or look like, no matter what their background is, if they use the hoe in
the proper way, they can remoe the weeds.
Which takes us right back to the 1arden of Eden, where the first work Adam was gien
was to ,tend and guard and keep- the garden. 3e was to both cultiate 'deelop) it and
guard it. 0n ?atthew 6C, (esus says the heart is soilByet another garden image. $he issue
is what kind of soil the seed of 1ods truth will fall upon.
We hope you will use $he 3ealing +ode from the book to prepare the soil of your heart
to receie all 1od has for you.
9 4565 Dr. Alex Loyd : Diane Eble All rights resered.
Spiritual Underpinnings of the Healing Codes
To listen to an interview on the spiritual underpinnings that Diane Eble did with Dr. Alex
Loyd and his spiritual mentor, Larry Napier, visit
!" you would li#e to "ind out more about Dr. Alex Loyd and$or The Healing Codes, we
invite you to visit the website at
To shedule an interview or as# Dr. Loyd to spea# to your group or event, ontat %ary
Ann Costello %ary Ann Costello, &''()*+(,'-',
9 4565 Dr. Alex Loyd : Diane Eble All rights resered.

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