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Livesay 1. Jared Livesay 10/30/13 Mrs. Berg Adv. Comp.

The Principles of Communism Communism: Revolutionary socialism based on the theories of the political philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, emphasizing common ownership of the means of production and a planned, or command economy. (Communism). Karl Marx, a prominent German philosopher created communism with the help of his partner Friedrich Engels. Marx and Engels sculpted communism to create a casteless, profitless, and stateless society where ideas and people could flourish peacefully and equal. [Communism] it seeks the overthrow of capitalism through a proletarian (working-class) revolution. (Communism). Communism is seen as an alternative to the capitalist lifestyle, with this it creates a lifestyle that promotes working class constituents. While communism is seen as a secular idea , but actually there are multiple variants such as Marxism-Leninism, Anti-Revisionism (Stalinism), and Anarcho Communism. Karl Marx, the founding father of the idea one would call Marxism. Marxism: a Philosophical system, also known as dialectical materialism, under which matter gives rise to mind (materialism) and all is subject to change. (Marxism). Marxism simply is a step one must take to get to a try Utopia. Marxism allows for a selfless community of no social classes, this is truly what Karl Marx wanted. So how does Leninism play in? Simply put, Leninism is Marxism but with a twist, one would skip the bourgeoises. In turn one would pass from Feudalism and on to a Dictatorship of the Proletariat. This idea was created by Russian communist dictator Igor Lenin. Lenin sought to create a state in Russia where everyone was equal, so Lenin modified Marxism. Thus resulting in Marxism-Leninism. So to build upon the cusps of communism one then must progress with time to the age of Joseph Stalin. Stalin did something interesting with the power that was obtained, Stalin once again changed the system. Stalin had created the Anti-Revisionism System, this system was made to create a Totalitarian state. Power is exclusively in the hands of the Communist Party,

Livesay 2. which is organized on rigidly hierarchical lines (Stalinism). The leader of a Stalinist country is often seen through propaganda as a selfless person who has the peoples interest in mind. Economic policy is based on enforced industrialization and the collectivization of agriculture. (Stalinism). Essentially Stalinism was created to better govern the people in Russia, this allowed for complete control on the public and led to the industrialization of the country. One can think of Stalinism as a branch that stems of the bigger tree of Communism. Freedom from government, a selfless society, through equality, these are all concepts that are found in Anarcho Communism. To understand how this concept works one must know what Anarchism is. Anarchism: a philosophy calling for free association among equally empowered men and women and for a society based on voluntary cooperation rather than government authority. (Matthews) The Anarchist side of the idea plays into the individuality and liberation of the people, thusly Anarcho Communism allows people to live freely without oppression. So one might ask who founded this idea? There really is not any clear answer to who exactly created the idea, but research show that the idea surfaced after the French Revolution. All that one must know is that this is just another flavour of communism. Just touching on few of the main ideas of communism or rather the more popular variants. this essay was created to hopefully give the reader a basic grasp as to how the idea of communism works. By just covering the basics of Marxism one would understand the development of socio-economical society. Stalinism on the other hand creates a Dictated system that imposes an industrial environment aimed at production for the state. Finally Anarcho Communism allows for complete liberation of a government system whilst promoting individualism and progression. All of these concepts are truly the Principles of Communism. Works Cited: Matthews, Glenna. "Anarchism." American Women's History: A Student Companion. Dec. 1 2000: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 30 Oct 2013.

Livesay 3. "communism." The Hutchinson Dictionary of Ideas. 2004: n.pag. SIRS Renaissance. Web. 30 Oct 2013. "Leninism." The Hutchinson Dictionary of Ideas. 2004: n.pag. SIRS Renaissance. Web. 30 Oct 2013. "Stalinism." The Hutchinson Dictionary of Ideas. 2004: n.pag. SIRS Renaissance. Web. 30 Oct 2013.

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