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For God so loved the world that He gave Hisonly begotten Son, that whoever belie ves in Himshould

not perish but have everlasting life. ForGod did not send His S on into the world tocondemn the world, but that the world throughHim might be sa ved. Lord I know I've sinned and I'm sorry. I'm sorryfor every way I've ever hurt you or anyone else.God I repent! I want to change my life! I want tobe better for yo u. Please forgive me. God I can'tdo this myself. I failed at this life you gave me the first time I tried. Please help me God. Pleasehelp me to do this right. P lease give me yourHoly Spirit now that I may be alive in you. Giveme Your Spirit Lord that I can have strength toplease you in all things. Create in me a newhea rt. I devote my life to you now. Please Jesus,be my Lord and Savior forever. Ame n. Lord I dedicate myself to Your Holy Spirit. Iseek Your truthful words laid out in thescriptures. I am committing myself to a life of prayer and worship. Lord str engthen me in thesethings that I may always continue in Your dailyabiding presen ce. Lord show me Your way, and light my path.Teach me to walk with You, Your way. I w ant tofollow after you to please You. I want to drawnear to You. Teach me how to be led, and giveme the strength to obey. I know that withoutYour leading I cann ot even be saved. I fear You,and I love You, so please lead me by the Spirit, Is ubmit to your guiding hand. God I commit myself to you to find Your truth ineverything. Lord I fear You and k now that thosewho don t live according Your gospel can t besaved. I love Your truth, and I love Your doctrine. I commit my life to seeking Your pureand perfect doctrine. I also comm it my life toteaching others do the same, lest I becondemned as Paul said in Gal atians. Lord I commit myself to having a servant sheart. Make my heart like Your s. Please op enmy eyes to see those in need around me, andgive me what is necessary to delive r them. Workin me and through me that You may be glorified.I surrender to Your h and on my life, and devotemyself to this forever. Teach me how to love likeYou, I want to honor you in all things. Lord I dedicate myself from today and this timeforward to having words that edify . I know Yourjudgment and fear You. Bring holiness to mymouth. Give me words tha t heal, and bringpeace. Be my strength in my weaknesses, Icommit myself to You. Lord strengthen me through my day. Give mestrength to sit daily in Your presence. From thispoint forward I will continue in a daily devotion,spending time with Y ou alone, every day."

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