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Classroom Procedures and Expectations Students & Teachers

STUDENT PROCEDURES & EXPECTATIONS OR A !IDD"E SC#OO" C"ASSROO! STUDENT PROCEDURES $#AT is %our expectation& Students will raise their hands quietly when they have a question. At the beginning of homeroom or study hall everything will be announced. Any important dates or posters will be placed visually in the front of the class. !se the bathroom in between class changes. "nce you are in the room you are there to stay. As long as no one is talking or reading to the class you are free to sharpen your pencil. I e$pect them to be ())* complete. #he work neatly done and the paper in good condition. As long as instructions aren&t being given for an assignment you are free to get up and throw away or get tissue. #o be e$tremely respectful and polite. Save /uestions for the end or in till the guest speaker asks for them. $#'& 'our rational( Politely asking for help and not to disturb others. Being an advocate for your learning. Students are reminded daily and can see it visually. If they miss the announcements they know where to look. #O$ )ill this *e tau+ht& As a class we will practice perfect hand-raising and waiting quietly and patiently. Verbally tell them what I do and then practice it.

Asking for help

Classroom Announcements

Bathroom/ ocker passes

Sharpening %encils

If I allow one student to go to the locker/bathroom I will have to allow every student. #hey are given time in between classes. I wouldn&t want any students getting distracted while instructions are being given. #eaching them to be responsible with their work. -hen I have trash on my desk I get cluttered and have a hard time concentrating. If it only takes (. seconds for a student to get up and throw something away what does it hurt. #his person is donating their free time to our class and should be shown respect. 0very human being should be shown respect and that&s what I will teach.

#his will be verbally e$plained.

'omework Assignments #hrowing Away paper, getting tissue etc..

Audience behavior for special guests

I would have a student model sharpening a pencil while I talk and then e$plain manners. +odel what is acceptable and what is not. I would e$plain why I want it the way I do. I will model several wrong ways to get up and throw something away. -e will talk about what makes it wrong. #hen I will have a student model the correct way. #his will be verbally e$plained and practiced in class.

Cleaning up

0verything gets returned to where it originally ways. It should be placed back the same way they found it or better. -hen you get something that is being passed out to the class you take what you need and pass the rest to the person behind you as /uickly as possible. #eaching self4respect. I e$pect /uality work.

If you e$pect the best from them you will receive their best.

2istributing +aterials

Instead of walking to twenty five desks, I 3ust have to walk to five desks. #hings can go faster. It is important to care about your work. If a student turns in mediocre work when they are capable of much more that is disrespectful to me. #hey are a guest in the room and a human being.

+odel how not to put things back the wrong way and the right way. +oving desks, colored pencils, highlighters, and etc1 'ave a row pass some items back the wrong way and then have them do it the right way. Same with passing them forward. Verbally talked about multiple times.

#rying your best

#o be respectful and listen to instructions. Substitute #eacher #o follow the rules and to be respectful of each other. 5emain in your seat till you are told to do otherwise.


#he playground is like the real world and they need to follow rules out there. #his way if I am giving a last minute instruction or an announcement everyone is able to hear it. #he cafeteria is like the real world and they need to follow rules. 7ou are given time in between classes to get water. !se your time wisely. 0verything goes a lot faster when people aren&t screaming or 3umping around.

ining up/bell switch

Cafeteria 2rinking fountain eaving for recess or specials

6ollow the rules for the cafeteria and to respect one another. 2rink water before you get into the classroom. #o be calm and patient.

I will e$plain to them if the substitute gives positive feedback for every period the class will receive a reward. 'ave a discussion about the rules and compare it to the laws outside of school. %ractice it a few times before the first bell. If students get up when the bell rings wait till they sit back down and then e$cuse them from class. #alk about what is acceptable and what is not. #old verbally and discussed by the class. 'ave the students model leaving when they are screaming and 3umping around. #hen have them do it appropriately. 5ecord the process to show them visually. +odel it and e$plain why.

#est taking

5aise your hand if you have a /uestion. 8o talking till all the tests are turned in.

-hile the student is taking a test they should have complete silence and a classroom free of distractions.

(9 In class, before the bell rings.

#o be sitting in their seat and prepared for class. -ith where we stopped the day before. Borrow one before the bell rings. It is part of being prepared for class I e$pect everyone to stand up and help each other. -orking as a team to reach a goal.

:9 8ot having a pencil

;9 +oving desks

I don&t want any time wasted in class. If they forgot something they may have time to go get what was forgotten. I don&t want a student to sit /uietly and pretend to do work in class because they don&t have a pencil. #hey will some how receive a pencil. #o save time for learning and the activity. -orking as a team makes things go much faster.

+odel it. etting the students know what I e$pect and why I e$pect it. #alk about why you need a pencil and what you can do to get one before class begins. +odeled away with only a few people standing up and trying to get the desks into position. -hile the others are trying to move sitting down. #hen we will move the desks with everyone standing up.


$hat do %ou thin,& $hat )ill %ou tell %our students& Cheating Cheating is a lack of self4respect. #ry your best and learn from this e$perience of not knowing the material. I would also talk about why should you allow someone else who didn&t do the work to copy off of you. If a student is caught cheating they receive a 6. If the person they were cheating off of to allowed them to cheat they also receive an 6. I will take attendance at the beginning of every class. If a student comes in tardy I can make a note of it. #hey would lose a participation point for the day and have to share with a neighbor or complete the assignment at home for homework. I will have a sign in sheet at the door. After three times of being late they will have a conse/uence. 0ither a detention or to write two paragraphs e$plaining the importance of being to class on time and what should be the conse/uence for the ne$t time they are tardy. 'ave it ())* complete. If you do not have it complete it becomes a missing assignment and can be turned in late. ; missing assignments we have a meeting and the <th missing assignment gets the student a detention. Standing in the front of the class and saying e$cuse me ladies and gentlemen class is ready to begin.

Attendance/ unch Count +issing Books #ardy Students

'omework %olicy

=etting students attention

Absent students and make4up work =rading 'omework %osting Assignments %aper 'eadings =roup -ork ate work

#he following day they return, I will give them detailed instructions on what we did in class and e$pect it to be completed and shown to me with in two days. 'aving peers grade it or having them pass it to the front of the classroom to be graded by myself. "n the board there will be a clear spot that will always have homework on the board and when it is due. 6irst and last name %eriod -hen they work in groups, I e$pect them all to have an input and to work as a team to complete the assignment. If a group is off task, they will be warned and then separated. I will have a tray that students can turn in late assignments. #hey will know that they need to turn it in before the bell or at the end of the class. 2uring class time they are to be focused on the task at hand. -hen they are e$cused from the classroom they are allowed to leave.

2ismissal #alking -hen they are given time in class to talk they need to use their inside voices. If it is too loud they will go back to working silently or sitting silently. If the student is talking while instructions are being given out I will ask them sit forward and to pay attention. If it continues to be a problem talk to the student and figure out a way to fi$ the problem. If I see a note, I take it and place it on my desk. I will eventually throw it away. 8eed to be respectful of one another. #alk with the student and having them go to the back of the line. -ill not be tolerated. 2epending on how serious it is parents may be contacted. -ill be documented and the behavior will be addressed. -ill not be allowed in class e$cept for special occasions. If I find and will take it away. After you have completed the assignment you are able to work on other work or read /uietly. If I ask where your work is you need to have it available to show me. 0very si$ weeks or so change the seats. If a student wants to move, I will ask them to write me a letter telling me why it would be best for them to move and where they want to move to.

%assing notes %ushing/shoving Bullying (9 6ood in class :9 -hat to do when finished with the assignment ;9 Seating Chart

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