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Recording A Video on Windows & Mac

1hls documenL ls deslgned Lo help you compleLe Lhe asslgnmenLs ln your program aL
CreaL Lakes, whlch requlre you Lo submlL vldeo recordlngs of yourself.
1hls documenL ls wrlLLen based on Lhe followlng:
a) ?ou are already famlllar wlLh uslng a Wlndows-based C or a Mac
b) ?ou have Wlndows 7 lnsLalled on your C, or Lhe laLesL verslon of Lhe CSx
operaLlng sysLem wlLh all relevanL updaLes lnsLalled
c) ?ou have an lnLegraLed web camera, mlcrophone and speakers or Lhelr
equlvalenL perlpherals (lf you do noL, Lhen please consulL Lhe l1 deparLmenL aL
Lhe school or your company Lo borrow Lhem or geL recommendaLlons on whlch
ones Lo buy)
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1. CloLhlng - do noL wear sLrlpes or checks. 1hls creaLes a very dlfflculL vlewlng
experlence and ls dlsLracLlng as lL creaLes odd paLLerns on camera. l recommend
plaln colours, preferably llghL or llghL-and-dark conLrasL such as black sulL wlLh
whlLe shlrL and slmple (noL Loo heavlly paLLerned) Lle for men, and slmple plaln
coloured blouse for women wlLh small scarf or oLher decoraLlon for offseLLlng colour.
8esL ls someLhlng relaLlvely plaln coloured Lo hlghllghL your face.
2. LqulpmenL - use speakers and a hlgh-quallLy sLaLlonary mlcrophone raLher Lhan a
headseL lf posslble. 1he compuLer's lnLegraLed mlcrophone can also work lf lL
records your volce wlLhouL dlsLorLlon or background nolse - some of Lhem are qulLe
poor, so we recommend LesLlng Lhe quallLy by recordlng a number of sesslons and
llsLenlng Lo Lhem carefully.
a. PeadseLs look very odd on screen, and Lend Lo dlsLracL vlewers from whaL
you are saylng.
b. uo noL slL on a swlvelllng chalr lf you Lend Lo swlvel. 1hls may be flne ln a
conversaLlon where people can follow you wlLh Lhelr eyes (lL sLlll lrrlLaLes
Lhem, buL pollLeness usually does noL allow Lhem Lo Lell you Lo sLop Lhls), buL
on camera lL really does noL work.
3. LlghLlng - good faclal resoluLlon requlres good llghL (Lhere ls a good reason for
havlng a whole Leam dedlcaLed Lo Lhls on movle shooLs). 1o avold Lhe washouL or
odd shadows LhaL come from lnadequaLe or lmproper llghLlng, l suggesL maklng Lhe
recordlng ln a well-llL area, and ln addlLlon focuslng a llghL from behlnd your
compuLer on your face Lo provlde addlLlonal llghL. See Lhe drawlng for
recommendaLlon. ?ou can also puL a fllLer over Lhe llghL Lo sofLen lL a blL lf you have
LhaL opLlon.
Recording A Video on Windows & Mac
4. oslLlon - (see noLe on swlvel chalr above) l sLrongly recommend !"#$%&$' when
maklng a vldeo. lL opens up Lhe body, and
allows your lungs Lo expand and speak more
a. uL Lhe recordlng C on a
hlgher surface llke a lecLern or counLer so you
can sLand raLher Lhan slLLlng. SlLLlng whlle
recordlng can convey a sense of nonchalance.
b. ueLermlne Lhe besL place Lo
sLand for Lhe fllmlng by LesLlng Lhe camera's
fleld of vlew Lo frame your head down Lo abouL
mld-chesL. Cnce you flnd Lhe spoL, Lape an x"
Lhere Lo remlnd you. 1o help keep you on LhaL spoL and avold movlng ln and
ouL of frame, sLand on a pencll or pen. 1hls glves a physlcal feellng for when
you are on LhaL rlghL spoL, and helps keep you ln-frame all Lhe Llme.
c. uslng your hands whlle Lalklng - be naLural, lf you use your hands normally,
Lhen conLlnue dolng lL, buL remember Lo keep Lhem below Lhe lmaglnary llne
of your chln, so Lhey do noL occlude your face. uon'L make rapld movemenLs,
as mosL web cameras cannoL keep up wlLh Lhe speed, and can look blurry.
3. ScrlpL - l do $(" recommend readlng from a scrlpL word for word, because lL sounds
llke you are readlng and your eyes are busy and lL looks odd on Lhe vldeo - doesn'L
make a connecLlon wlLh Lhe audlence. WhaL l do recommend ls ()"*&$&$' your
LhoughLs lnLo a number of slldes (preferably no more Lhan 2-3) ln large bulleL polnL
form, [usL Lo remlnd you - %( $(" ,-#% ".-/, buL use Lhem as Lhe basls of your
conversaLlon" wlLh Lhe camera.
a. lf, however, you feel more comforLable readlng word for word, Lhen upload
your carefully worded and pracLlced scrlpL Lo Lhls web slLe, whlch provldes a
free on-llne LeleprompLer (auLomaLlc and ad[usLable LexL scrolllng aL good
readlng speed). hLLp://
b. A very sLrong recommendaLlon ls run Lhe scrlpL LeleprompLer on anoLher C
placed elLher dlrecLly nexL Lo or above Lhe one belng used Lo record. MosL
Cs can handle boLh, buL Lhen Lhe vldeo recordlng or Lhe LeleprompLer
conLrols wlll be hldden, and you need boLh.
6. racLlce - lL Lyplcally Lakes mosL people 2-3 Lrles Lo make a good recordlng, so Lake
your Llme and en[oy Lhe experlence. l suggesL you flrsL make a recordlng Lalklng
abouL someLhlng you really love dolng (hobby, professlon, eLc.) Lo geL famlllar
wlLh showlng your emoLlon on Lhe camera. MosL people end up belng far Loo sullen
and serlous. lL's Ck Lo show you are havlng fun and en[oylng Lhe sub[ecL... lL draws
Lhe vlewer lnLo Lhe game.
Recording A Video on Windows & Mac
7. volce lnflecLlon - use lnflecLlon and Lone ln your volce as well as pace Lo make lL
lnLeresLlng Lo llsLen... monoLone volce, and worse monoLone vldeo wlLh no
movemenL, loses a vlewer's lnLeresL very qulckly. !usL waLch good newscasLers.
a. uon'L use vldeo Lo make up for poor speaklng - llke muslc vldeos, so many of
Lhem are really Lerrlble songs LhaL make up for Lhelr shorLcomlngs wlLh
[arrlng or flashlng lmagery. lf you close your eyes and llsLen Lo Lhe song... you
Lurn lL off ln a hurry.
b. Make Lhe sLory compelllng and Lhen leL Lhe vldeo enhance lL. !usL Lry lL -have
someone llsLen (noL waLch) your vldeo. uld lL keep Lhelr lnLeresL? uld Lhey
geL Lhe sLory? Could you palnL Lhe lmages ln Lhelr mlnds wlLh your words?
8. lormaL - Pu or noL? Cenerally speaklng, unless you have vlvld plcLures or scenes Lo
lnclude ln Lhe vldeo, we recommend normal resoluLlons Lo keep Lhe flles more
543)% 26. 7'829"&. : ;'3)% 26. 0.#'&*3)% <=3)*'94>
1. uslng Lhe sofLware - Wlndows Movle Maker ls Lhe sofLware we recommend uslng,
as lL should normally be lnsLalled on your compuLer (wlLh Wlndows 7 normally) and
lf noL, can be obLalned from Lhe MlcrosofL web slLe:
2. Cnce you have downloaded an lnsLalled lL on your compuLer, you can follow Lhese
sLeps Lo record:
a. 1hls ls Lhe maln screen of Lhe
sofLware from where you wlll
cllck on CapLure from vldeo
uevlce" ln Lhe Movle 1ools
secLlon on Lhe lefL of Lhe screen.
b. 1hls opens Lhe "vldeo CapLure
Wlzard" wlndow.
c. lf your camera ls correcLly
lnsLalled lL wlll appear ln Lhe "Avallable devlces" area of Lhe wlndow. Cllck
Lhe camera Lo selecL lL.
d. 1esL Lhe audlo.
SelecL Lhe correcL (lnLegral)
mlcrophone and speak lnLo lL
- you should see Lhe meLer
level flucLuaLe as you Lalk.
e. !"#$% 1hls
wlndow ls where mosL
problems occur. lf you have
Lrouble connecLlng elLher your
Recording A Video on Windows & Mac
camera or mlcrophone, consulL Lhe respecLlve manuals and help flles. lf you
sLlll can'L make lL work, ask ln our forums (remember Lo provlde as much
lnformaLlon as posslble and be very speclflc abouL whaL ls happenlng).
AlLernaLlvely, you can seek help from Lhe CreaL Lakes compuLer cenLre.
f. Cllck ?.@2. 1he nexL wlndow asks you for a name and locaLlon Lo sLore Lhe
vldeo flle. Choose a flle name and hard dlsk locaLlon LhaL you wlll remember
as you wlll need Lo flnd
Lhe flle laLer.
g. Cllck ?.@2. 1he nexL
wlndow asks you Lo
choose Lhe vldeo seLLlngs.
SelecL A26.& 7.223)%4 and
choose one of Lhe seLLlngs
from Lhe drop-menu. lor
mosL e-mall "vldeo for
dlal-up access" ls besL,
Lhough Lhls ls very low
resoluLlon. As you wlll be
uploadlng your vldeos Lo
Lhe lnLerneL, choose a
relaLlvely low-resoluLlon Lo keep Lhe flle slzes compacL.
h. Cllck ?.@2. 1he "CapLure vldeo" wlndow appears wlLh a prevlew lmage (see
whaL we sald abouL Lhe headphones looklng a blL sllly?)
l. Cllck 72"&2 B"C2(&. Lo begln recordlng and 72'C B"C2(&. Lo flnlsh.
[. Cllck D3)346 Lo close Lhe wlndow. 1he vldeo flle ls saved ln Lhe locaLlon you
speclfled earller and you are ready Lo send lL.
k. lf you don'L llke lL, re-record. lL's LhaL slmple.

Recording A Video on Windows & Mac
543)% 26. 7'829"&. <E"#>
1. LocaLe Lhe hoLo 8ooLh" sofLware on your compuLer -
a. SelecL Lhe lcon on your deskLop or dock lf presenL, or.
b. Cpen a flnder wlndow and look ln
appllcaLlons Lo search for lL
c. AlLernaLlvely, search for hone 8ooLh
uslng SpoLllghL (Command + Spacebar)
and selecL Lhe lLem from Lhe llsL presenLed

2. Cnce you open hone 8ooLh ln
Lhe maln wlndow, selecL Lhe
movle lcon as shown ln Lhe flgure,
and sLarL recordlng, and once
more Lo sLop lL. 1he recordlng wlll
be dlsplayed ln Lhe chooser
secLlon [usL below Lhe record
buLLon. Lach new recordlng wlll
be added Lo Lhe llsL (see nexL

3. As you can see ln Lhe example,
mulLlple recordlngs were made. ?ou
can revlew Lhe recordlng by cllcklng on
lL, and lL wlll play ln Lhe wlndow.
4. Cnce you deLermlne Lhe
recordlng you llke, rlghL cllck on lL and
selecL LxporL" as shown - Lhe dlalogue
box presenLed leLs you choose a name
and locaLlon.

Chooser Box

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