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Ra the Mulroney Media connection Interactive appointments with some proclaimed independent such as the senate, judiciary and

the Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP independent of the RCMP that immediately forwarded my complaint against the RCMP for refusing to investigate my irrefutable evidence of government corruption and conspiracy to the RCMP to investigate self citing the RCMP Act www. amageControl!".com #inding self innocent and via the Access to Information and Privacy Act, went for $the Report% as they citing consistent with Privacy of the Act see&ed out the criminal element mentioned in complaint for their permission to release and finely long over due of allotted time under the Act $the Report% I am led to believe I re'uested http())!*+,-.*-")RCMP/0arge/0tates/Apparently/I/1hought/2ere/Actually/3oing/ to/Investigate/3overnment/Corruption/as/Per/Complaint 1hey sold our souls to the devil not theirs as one with http()),'/c Reform after e7haustive effort money spent status 'uo set 8 go In continuance of C9IP0 Common 9aw Insinuated Precedent 0tatutes due process If the silent majority had a voice and proficiently coherent to use it I suspect they would insist an ample budget for reformers reform school :istorically reality attests the majority cannot handle the truth as the minority will not permit the e7perience lest they e7ercise and run over them with it 1witter suspends me so what have ya got on twitter4 0I; < 0ane Insanity ;ormalcy=== ;o different than the norm ,,, however as far as I &now the rest of the blog spots provides a chance to >R?I1 R>P < >utside Routine ?o7 Intrinsic 1ruths Reverse >smosis Psychosis oublethin& @It is only the wisest and the stupidest that cannot change@ $1hey must often change who would be constant in happiness or wisdom% Creatures of habit will not change doting AIB double crossing 1a7 Cvaders C7posing 0elf 1CC0 1oo Casy Cvidencing 0elf 0C9# 0cum CarthDs 9ife #orms $1here were no dates in this history, but scrawled this way and that across every page were the words ?enevolence Righteousness and Morality E finally I began to ma&e out what was written between the lines. 1he whole volume was but a single phrase, Cat People% Confucius wanted his disciples to 1:I;F At 1en 1ion Absentia tyrannical 1ruths elusivity nefarious 1ransmitter inventor of nothing

$ esire to have things done 'uic&ly prevents their being done thoroughly%

$A little learning is a dangerous thingG rin& deep and taste not the Pierian springG 1here shallow draughts into7icate the brainG And drin&ing largely sobers us again.% Ale7ander Pope !,HH / !I.. #orm a clichJ clic& and thin& to coherence transmit :A / human achievement Ah 0o== A humanity 0olidarity obligatory Reality is the 1ruth impervious to perception yet precisely due to perception 1ruth that which 3od would observe whether or not :e e7ists or whether or not one believes :e e7ists I CA9 0imply Reality 0anely ealt with ;o Poo P>C Peace on Carth Kmas 8.)I ",+ circle of life

http())!H+.+!*8*)>n/0econd/1hought/to/My/Luery/2ill/the/Curia/Contact/Me @1hy &ingdom come@ Mc Pig Musical Chairs Puppets in glomming 1hy Fingdom Come Pro cons Puppets in 3overnance Media Clusives

1he re'uest for 3odMs &ingdom to come is usually interpreted as a reference to the belief, common at the time, that a Messiah figure would bring about a Fingdom of 3od. 1raditionally the coming of 3odMs Fingdom is seen as a divine gift to be prayed for,

not a human achievement.

1his idea is fre'uently challenged by groups who believe that the Fingdom will come by the hands of those faithful to wor& for a better world. It is believed by these individuals that NesusM commands to feed the hungry and clothe the needy are the Fingdom to which he was referring.

PI3 MC>2
Puppets in 3overnance Media Clusives >pposition 2eb Con pros


http())!-!II"+!!)Circle/of/9ife/to/2its I Reiterate upon Reiteration E Reiterate #orm a clichJ clic& and thin& to coherence transmit :A / human achievement >ctober H, 8**, 1o( 1oronto 0un ;ews Room #a7( .!,/-.I/!,,. #rom( #ran& 3allagher ". Riverglen rive Feswic&, >n 9.P 8PH fran& now PPPP &ccm!" Fleptocratic Corruption Conspiracy Messenger Re( Minister of Municipal Affairs and :ousing Obstruction of Justice ear Cditor and ;ews Room I have been trying to find the justice and the guarantee of our Charter Rights and #reedoms for over a year now since August H 8**+ when an >rder was issued by the >ntario Rental :ousing 1ribunal to evict my tenant for arrears of rent Q!*,*** and for refusing to vacate my premises on May "! 8**+. I proved beyond a doubt that my tenant filed false and misleading information which is an offense under the 1enant Protection Act, !--I. uring the course of the hearing the tenant committed FRAUD right there in front of the Nudicator. I had attached a copy of a May , 8**+ agreement to my application to evict which the tenant and I had both signed. ?y doing so the tenant agreed to vacate my premises as stated and on page . he agreed that he owed me so much for rent. I should note that this . page agreement dealt with other matters including shares in his company. 1he tenant denied having ever seen the agreement and also denied having signed it or initialed it. I produced another agreement which he had also signed dated April !" 8**+ which stated the same in matters of the 1ribunal and the tenant denied having ever seen it or signed it. I introduced the person who had witnessed the tenant sign it and he attested to the fact. :e had signed them with a different signature than he has used on all the other documents including the dispute. .

1hese agreements proved that he had agreed that he owed me rent which proved his dispute was ?E0E In the dispute he had claimed that at the time I invested through some strange fabrication he was paid up until February 2009. :is dispute has other stories which I submitted documents to prove that they were fabricated. If the 1ribunal had found for him I would have been out Q.",*** and had the croo& in my basement for another " R years. ItDs a long interesting story leading up to the 1ribunal hearing about him and my son trying to swindle me leading me to start trying to get him out of my house bac& on ecember !I 8**. and around ;ew Sears I told him I would be going to the police when he started a campaign to frame me for fraud and went to the Sor& Regional Police to charge me. AItDs all documentedB ?ut, much more interesting is what happens after the :earing but first things first. ?ac& to the 1ribunal :is dispute also stated that if the court didnDt accept his first argument then he would argue that he had paid QI*** toward the rent because I was holding money belonged to him regarding an investment.A1his was related to his attempt to frame me for fraudB I submitted evidence to prove this was false and misleading information. Cvery item in his dispute was proven to be fabricated. 1he May , and April !"th 8**, agreements concerned matters of Q!+*,*** in stoc& for me and some friends and another Q!**,*** plus regarding matters concerning investors before I came along and I protected their investments with these agreements also. uring the hearing when the Nudicator came to realiTe what was going on I said $1here oughta be a law% and she responded $1here is $ and went on to state that she could forward the file on to Investigation and CnforcementEE.. lasting a minute or so. 2hen the >rder came in the mail the 1ribunal had found for me and the tenant was ordered to pay me Q!*,*** in arrears and vacate my premises but there was no mention of #RA6 . hat set me out on a tre! to find "ustice #hich has gone on for over a year no# and on route $ documented a cons%iracy against the %eo%le by the authorities #hich %roves the %eo%les rights and freedoms as guaranteed by the &harter are not being %rotected by the system. 1he proof is in my file called the ?9ACF ?>>F which is 8,, pages filled with correspondence from the >R:1, Investigation and Cnforcement 6nit of the MMA:, the Sor& Regional Police, the RCMP , the >mbudsman and the Minister of Municipal Affairs and :ousing and others. I addressed the ?9ACF ?>>F dated 0eptember ! 8**, to the Premier of >ntario , alton Mc3uinty and sent the others that I have mentioned a copy, as well as my MPP Nulia Munro and my MP Peter Uan 9oan but none have responded e7cept the :onourable Nohn 3erretsen, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and :ousing who I am loo&ing to have investigated under the 1enant Protection Act, !--I.

I have simply been trying to get my e7 tenant charged with filing a false and misleading information under the Act and they have tried to cover this up. 'ote I have a copy of the recording of the hearing on dis& ($t too! about ) #ee!s to get it* he OR+ have removed information from the dis! regarding my comment , here oughta to be a la# and the "udicator-s res%onse. For some reason the 2nd day of the hearing #as not recorded. 1he >mbudsman investigated my complaint about the >R:1 not filing fraud charges by just as&ing the >R:1 if they are guilty and the Minister of the MMA: declined to investigate the Investigation and Cnforcement 6nit because he trusts the people who are mandated to Investigate. 1here is a huge C>UCR 6P and a huge story here if you are interested. Pages ;umbers I have attached 3 files: My Commentary Tribunal Hearing Tribunal Hearing Documents MMA: Correspondence Inde7 of ?9ACF ?>>F 11-13 14- 3 ,./I" I/Pages 3 !" !! "

If you will confirm my statements pages !!/!" with the evidence pages !./," you will see that the tenant is guilty of filing a false and misleading information and is guilty of fraud by signing the .ay / 2000 and the A%ril 1) 2000 agreements #ith a false signature for the %ur%ose of denying that he had ever seen them or signed them.

hat is the foundation of this story.

It boils down to this. I had attached the May , 8**+ agreement to my application to support my claim that he was in arrears of rent and that he had agreed to vacate my premises on May "! 8**+. 1he tenantDs dispute was filed by him obviously or there would not have been a hearing and this story was completely different than that of the May , 8**+ agreement. 1he tenant had signed both, so all that needed to be decided was which of his stories was true. :e attested that he could provide documents to support the first part of his dispute and then tried to discolor my character for the rest of the dispute. :e did not submit one piece of evidence to support his written or oral dispute while I had a briefcase full of evidence to support my claim. ,

Cven the >R:1 supports my claim by the >rder under section ,- 1enants Protection Act and Investigations and Cnforcement statesE.well letDs just have a loo& at what ave 3rech states

0o there you have it. My word against the tenantDs and the whole damn government. 2hat are you going to do 4 1hey suggest that the only option is to put a couple of lawyers in the ring to battle this out. If you loo& at the inde7 you will find that I have evidence against the 9aw 0ociety of 6pper Canada. 1he evidence here is even much clearer than this I have under the 1enants Act and it is further proof that the system is geared for scamming the people at their pleasure and leisure. 1he authorities have used their higher learning to develop a plan to scam the people and ma&e it loo& li&e they are doing it legally under the guise of the Constitution Act. It is e7plained in depth in the ?9ACF ?>>F. It is documented as well as the 1enant Us me and yet the 3overnment will argue that it is just my word against them and I should get a lawyer to argue that out in court. 0o, I will have my Constitutional right to justice e'ual and fair even though I will only have one lawyer against every lawyer in the system supported by the ta7payerDs money and if I should happen to lose with all my benefits of the Charter I will have my Constitutional right to appeal and I could continue to do so until either the ta7payerDs are bro&e or I am.
I wonder what the people would say if they &new about this4 :ow could they possibly find out about this4 I wonder if we should have to pay for lawyers while they practice it. 2hat &ind of citiTens are they that debate it all the time .1he Constitution Act, !-H8 is the supreme law. 0tart there with your case and ma&e sure that you get that right, then practice what ever you li&e. 1he do not have the right to interfere with my rights and freedoms any more than anyone else. A0ee the section in the ?9ACF ?>>F under 9aw 0ociety of 6pper CanadaB

1he >R:1 declined to forward the file for investigation and the Investigations and Cnforcement unit claim the evidence is insufficient to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. 1he MMA: file contains correspondence with the >R:1, Investigations and Cnforcement and the Minister of Municipal Affairs and :ousing. he dis! of the recording of the +earing commences at about )2 20202 >n this recording you will hear the incompetence of a wanna be Nudge Nudy and my timid, nervous first time at playing Perry Mason and the creative art of a habitual fabricator. 1he basement which the tenant rented is a nice above the norm basement apartment with a wal&out to the river and a wood burning fireplace, living room, &itchen and a bedroom set off from the rest with all utilities included. It is nicely furnished and a two piece bathroom is off the laundry room as well as a shower off the laundry room. 1he laundry room has 8 doors, one from the hall from the living room and one which e7its out to another room under the first storey dec& which e7its to the outside.1his I gave him rent free for , months and although I had wired the &itchen for a stove I had never put one in because I had fi7ed it up for me and I ate with my mother upstairs. I had told on when he moved in we could eventually get a stove but I never heard nor thought another thing about it. :e made do with the two grill hot plate and microwave that was there. I mention this so that you may have a laugh when you hear the tenant describe it on the recording. I could mail a copy of the dis& if you are interested but better still why not send a reporter e7perienced in such matters such as the guys involved in the 2atergate thing for a copy of it and have a loo& at the ?9ACF ?>>F and other evidence I have4 AA loo& at the basement apartment will be most beneficial to get an idea of the tenantDs ability to fabricate.B I promise you this is a most serious story regarding a government conspiracy using their authority to rip off the people through ta7ation while not bac&ing the guarantee of the Charter to the people. It even proves the 1enantDs Act, !--I is unconstitutional and it proves when I have brought the matters to the authorities attention they have addressed the matter by covering it up as they have in even more serious matters documented in the ?9ACF ?>>F consisting of a cover page addressed to the Premier, " inde7 pages,8,, pages and a bac& cover. 1he ?9ACF ?>>F file was closed 0eptember !+ 8**, and the ?96C ?>>F opened which contains such material as the correspondence with the Minister of Municipal Affairs and :ousing and of course all correspondence since 0eptember !+ 8**,. 1his Act of fraud by the government is evidenced as well as the evidence is documented against the tenant in the files I have sent you. ItDs going to reach the public without you or with you and I suggest the latter would be most beneficial to us both and for heavens sa&e let us not forget the people. 1he following three pages are the inde7 of the 34A&5 3OO5.


4etter to 6remier Dalton .c7uinty (&onstitution Act8 1992*

34A&5 3OO5


2:CRC I; :C99 I0 1:C 36ARA;1CC4 ate 0eptember ! 8**, 0eptember " 8**, Chronological Inde7 Commentary Commentary Commentary Commentary
(Constitution Act, 1982) (Lawyers,Control Corporations) (Law Society of Upper Canada) (Law Society- Bolso er Contract)

#rom Page *, ! ., !.. !.I

1o Page !! +* !., !.H

.inistry of .unici%al Affairs and +ousing August !* 8**+ August !! 8**+ August !8 8**+ August !8 8**+ 8+ 8**+
A0ent Aug. "!)*+B

1o( Investigations and Cnforcement 6nit*e+uest 2 separate fraud c,ar#es 4e CliTabeth 1an laid a#ainst /on CliTabeth 1an 5ilson CliTabeth 1an Catherine Pagliaroli 8! #rom( ave 3rech ! add co""entary Au# 2$%&' 1o( Dear Dear Dave 3rech !ndicate displeasure #rom( >R:1 (ile closed- )eriod 1o( ave 3rech I delivered to Roel Pascual in aveDs absence 1o( :on. Nohn 3arretsen AMinisterB Also sent pa#es &,1-11
*e+uest c,ar#es - !n+uiry

!, !H !I 8* 8. 8+ .* ." 8I !8

!!August 8, .8 .+ .8 .+

0eptember , 8**+ 0eptember !" 8**+ 0eptember "* 8**+ >ctober " 8**+ August "! 8**,

:or! Regional 6olice >ctober !! 8**+ >ctober !! 8**+ >ctober !. 8**+ ;ovember H 8**+ ;ovember H 8**+ Nanuary 8 8**, Nanuary !* 8**, Nanuary !" 8**, #ebruary , 8**, March 8" 8**, 0eptember + 8**, 0eptember , 8**, 1o( Armand 9a?arge SRP
Chief of Police .une 29 2&&$ C,ronicle A+!/H*B

+! H! -I,!*+ -H !*. 88I !!! !!" !"* !"! 8." !I8!-

H* -, !*" 8"! !!8 !8+ !." !." !H+ 88,

Armand 9abarge #rom( AP9

(*ecap "eetin# /et (0 1err) Ac2nowled#e"ent Co""ents on "eetin# wit, !nspector 3ic,ael (le"in# #rom( Michael #leming !nstructions ,ow to do it "yself 1o( ?ruce :erridge e-"ailed Septe"4er 12 2&&' #rom( ?ruce :erridge 5ill reiterate "y concerns when as&ed eputy Chief 1o( ?ruce :erridge 5,at ,a e you done pre iously 4 See pa#e 1820 ;,is was pa#e 1o( ?ruce :erridge 1< in letter to /on 5ilson on 2ilson

1o( Armand 9a ?arge 1o( ?ruce :erridge 1o( Phil Moreau

!nfor" of 6)) letter Correspondence *od Brad4ury 7a e you reiterated "y concerns8 0tandards *e9 p,one call

Royal &anadian .ounted 6olice Nanuary " 8**, Nanuary " 8**, Nanuary !H 8**, 1o( Chief ! #a e )0 :oulet a folder at ,is office #rom( P 3oulet Ac2nowled#es receipt-forward to co"- cri"e unit 1o( Michael 1hompson *esponse to 30;,o"son .an 19%&' !HI !-8 !-" !-! !-I !!

Nanuary !- 8**, #ebruary , 8**, March !8 8**, March 8" 8**, 0eptember + 8**, Nanuary !- 8**, March 8**,

#rom( Michael 1homson =o in esti#ation 1o( Michael 1homson !nfor"ed of *od Brad4ury not >) 1o( Michael 1homson 3ore words- no response 1o( Michael 1homson !nfor" of 6)) letter 1o( Michael 1homson Sent copy )re"ier 3c:uinty Letter 1o( >PP #rom( Amy 9aughlin
Sent docu"ents syste" pu"pin# air ?*) ,a e @urisdiction

!"I !-H !-8." 8*+ 8.! 8.8


.6 (:or!* #ebruary ! 8**, #ebruary 8I 8**, 1o( Peter Uan 9oan Peter Uan 9oan
=o response =o response

8.. 8.I

8.I 8+-

Ombudsman May "! 8**, Nune - 8**, Nune !" 8**, Nune 8" 8**, Nune 8I 8**, Nuly . 8**, Nuly I 8**, 0eptember , 8**, 1o( >mbudsman #rom( Nanet >rtved
Carly Resolution >fficer Sent co"plaint *e9 6*7; ;,ey ,a e @urisdiction 4ut wonAt re iew8 ! as2 ,er to t,in2 a#ain :o t,rou#, s"all clai"s court 3ore words (ile will re"ain closed ! try a#ain Sent copy )re"ier 3c:uinty Letter

8*, 8*H 8*8!! 8!8 8!+ 8"I 8!I

8*I 8!* 8!. 8!, 8.* 8!H

1o( Nanet >rtved #rom( Nanet >rtved 1o( Nanet >rtved #rom( 1im Ar&ell 1o( 1im Ar&ell 1o( 1im Ar&ell

.66 (:or! 'orth* Nuly !* 8**, August !! 8**, August !, 8**, 1o( Nulia Munro Nulia Munro #rom( Nulia Munro
=o response )lease forward to C,ief of )olice ! would 4e wise to #et le#al ad ice

8,* 8,. 8,+


6remier of Ontario August !. 8**, #rom( alton Mc3uinty

Su##ests 7onoura4le .o,n :erretsen 3inister of 3unicipal Affairs and 7ousin# :o to 3lue 3oo!

8,, 9ast Page

.ayor-s Office May 8+ 8**+ August !8 8**+ >ctober + 8**+ >ctober !H 8**+ ;ovember . 8**+ Nanuary + 8**, Nanuary !+ 8**, April " 8**, May "! 8**, 1o( avid Miller Carmen 0mith #rom( Carmen 0mith
0pecial Assistant ! deli ered #alla#,er papers 3ay 2'%&$ !,* *e+uest for update !,8 *ecei ed - forwarded 88 (arid A"in !," 0ee web site for gallagher papers *e+uest for update !8H,!,+


1o( #areed Amin

eputy City Manager

#rom( #areed Amin *e#ret to infor" - papers anis,ed 1o( #areed Amin 3y response to anis,ed papers 1o( Carmen 0mith Buestionnaire to Car"en 1o( Irene 0chneider, Carmen 0mith, #areed Amin, etal 1o( #areedAmin )osted #alla#,er papers on we4

!8H,!,+ !,* !8, !,, !I"

!,+ !8!I8 !8

Nune ! 8**, Nune + 8**, Nune 4 8**, Nune 8! 8**, Nuly . 8**, 0eptember + 8**,

#rom( #areed Amin 1o( #areed Amin #rom( #areed Amin 1o( #areed Amin 1o( #areed Amin 1o( #areed Amin

Swa"ped 4ut retrie ed #alla#,er papers ! reiterate a#ain <! lo#ically presu"ed !dentified 2 issues 5aitin# (see pa#e 1C8) *e+uest for response "ain issues *e+uest for in esti#ation "issin# papers *e+uest for copy of e-"ail prior to "y .une 21 Still waitin#

!I" !I. !I+ !I, !IH !I, !II

4a# ;ociety of U%%er &anada Nune !, 8**, Nune 8" 8**, August !+ 8**, August 88 8**, August 8" 8**, 0eptember " 8**, #rom( ?ourne, Nen&ins V Mulligan ;er"inate Contract 1o( ?,N V Mulligan Co"plaint- copy to Law Society #rom( Aldonas Maria ?igos 0ides with lawyer 1o( Aldona Maria/?igos /isappointed wit, response #rom( Aldona Maria/?igos *e iewin# "y file- Still waitin#
Co""entary Co""entary Bolso er Contract

!+" !+. !+, !.-

!++ !+H !+H

.H !.. !.I

.!., !.H

0eptember !! 8**,

0elf 1est

Reality Chec&

Pages 8"8 / 8",


I have started to prepare a re'uest for the investigation of the Minister but at this point I have no idea who to address it to. I have e/mailed the Minister of Nustice and the Attorney 3eneral of Canada, the :onourable Uic 1oes and his office ac&nowledged receipt. If you &now to whom I should address the following to I would appreciate your help. October < 200/ o2 = From2 Fran! 7allagher )< Riverglen Drive 5es#ic!8 On. 4<6 269 Re2 Obstruction of Justice enant 6rotection Act8 199> Dear = I hereby formally re#uest the Minister of Munici$al %ffairs and Housing& Honourable 'ohn (erretsen be investigated for obstruction of )ustice under section *" subsection &i of the Tenant +rotection %ct&1,,- .hereas he has hindered& obstructed and interfered .ith my right to secure a right or see/ relief under this %ct 0*1 %ny $erson .ho does any of the is guilty of an offence: 12 3urnish false or misleading information in any material filed in any $roceeding under this %ct or $rovided to the Tribunal& an em$loyee or official of the Tribunal& an ins$ector& an investigator& the Minister or a designate of the Minister2

Duties of Minister
*""2 The Minister shall& 0a1 monitor com$liance .ith this %ct4 0b1 investigate cases of alleged failure to com$ly .ith this %ct4 and 0c1 .here the circumstances .arrant& commence or cause to be commenced $roceedings .ith res$ect to alleged failures to com$ly .ith this %ct2 1,,-& c2 *4& s2 *""2
*" 011 %ny $erson .ho /no.ingly does any of the 2 Harass& hinder& obstruct or interfere .ith a landlord in the e5ercise of&

0eems to me that on 2ilson A1enantB is guilty of 8*, A,B i

i. securing a right or see&ing relief under this Act or in the court !.

>ctober ., 8**, Nune "* 8**+ A ay !B

My Commentary 1ribunal :earing

ribunal +earing A>R:1B

;ancy #ahlgren ANudicatorB

#ile W 1;9/,I!*"

I filed an application to evict on 2ilson A1enantB on Nune , 8**+ on the basis that he had given me notice to vacate the premises on May "! 8**+ and he had agreed to pay me QH** a month for rent commencing August ! 8**. and he failed to do either. APages !-/8,B I attached a copy of the May , 8**+ agreement to the application which confirms this.APages 8I/"*B on 2ilson signed it along with me and my mother witnessed it. his clearly documents the facts. on 2ilson was delivered a copy of the eviction notice on the same day I filed and on 2ilson must file his ispute within + days or no hearing APage "IB on signed the dispute Nune !* 8**+ APage "HB on reiterates that which appears on the ispute which he fa7ed to the >R:1 and stated( (in italics) Firstly ,e could pro ide docu"ents w,ic, s,ow t,at Ddyt,e :alla#,er actually 4ou#,t t,e s,ares and transferred E<&,&&& to BioSafe0APage "H !st paragraphB I submitted a copy of my purchase agreement dated #ebruary !! 8**. which calls for a Q"*,*** dollar payment and a Q!*,*** che'ue to follow. A0ee Page .!B I submitted a copy of the 1 Canada 1rust deposit slip which shows Q"*,*** transferred from my account to on 2ilson. APage .8B I submitted a copy of the canceled che'ue for the balance of Q!*,*** APage .8B ;econdly ,e states t,at ,is rent is paid up until (e4ruary 2&&9 as per ,is /ispute APage "H 8nd and "rd paragraphB A1hat would be Q .",*** worth of rentB. I submitted another copy of the May , 8**+ agreement, which I had attached to the application to evict, to ;ancy #ahlgren which shows on page . that on 2ilson signed to ac&nowledge that he owed me so much for rent and other money he had failed to pay me. APages 8I/"*B hirdly if t,e ;ri4unal doesnAt accept ,is first ar#u"ent t,en ,e would ar#ue t,at ! 2ept EC,&&& fro" a person, AMidgeB intended to 4e in ested in BioSafe to purc,ase 2,8&&,&&& s,ares and ! applied it to t,e rent0 ;,e transaction ,as ne er 4een appro ed 4y BioSafe at t,is ti"e APage "H .th paragraphB0


I had attached a copy of the May , 8**+ agreement to my application to evict and on page " of this agreement I have subtracted the QI*** from the total of the money he owed me for " outstanding promissory notes. It was never applied to the rent. APage 8-B I 'uery if on 2ilson had Q.",*** tied up in rent why would he argue the QI*** has been paid towards the rent that he doesnDt owe me4 2hy would he state that the transaction has never been approved at this time implying that at some date it may be approved4 I submitted a copy of a certificate signed by on 2ilson A?io0afe B made out to Midge for 8,H**,*** shares of ?io0afe which cost QI***.**. APage ."B I also submitted a copy of the purchase agreement he gave me for Midge but it is unsigned. APage ..B 1hat is recorded on page " of the May , 8**+ agreement which on 2ilson signed. APage 8-B 0ummary 1he evidence provided by me clearly shows that on 2ilson filed a false and misleading information. All the evidence was filed by me and although on 2ilson stated that he had documents to prove his statement under Firstly he never did produce them. :ow could he4 :e is guilty of trying to defraud me of appro7imately Q.",***

I also gave a document to ;ancy #ahlgren ANudicatorB which was on ?io0afe letter head which on 2ilson confirmed most emphatically that he was the author. It read that he owed me rent money totaling Q,.** at QH** a month. 1his seems to be the only copy I had but it is filed with >R:1. #ile ;umber 1;9/,I!*" 1his is all on the dis& and was brought up a number of times. ;ancy read it out and 'uestioned on.


uring the course of the hearing ;ancy #ahlgren as&ed me to show on 2ilson a copy of the May , 8**+ which he stated that he had never seen it nor signed it. ;ancy 'uestioned something li&e, $1hat isnDt your signature4% :e said ;> $1hose arenDt your initials4% she 'uestioned. $;>%, he replied. ;ancy $0o are you saying these are forgery% on $;o, I am saying that is not my signature.%
I agree that is not the signature that he has used on previous documents for me.

I then showed on another agreement dated April !" 8**+ which was replaced by the May , 8**+ agreement which he had just denied ever seeing or signing. APages "!/",B on denied having ever seen this document or having signed it as he had done with the May , 8**+ agreement. I handed the April !" 8**+ agreement to ;ancy and said, $ on says he hasnDt seen it. 0ee here Apointing at the witness signatureB 1hatDs ave FirbyDs signature. 0ee the fellow that is sitting with me, that is ave Firby. ;ancy 'uestioned him and he attested that on 2ilson signed it. 0omewhere around this time I said $1here ought to be a law.% and she said $1here is and she could forward the file on to the Investigations and Cnforcement 6nit% ;ancy was beginning to see what was happening here and eventually as&ed if I had any more evidence and I gave her more. 1he last document I gave her was a !. page chronicle noting events since I first met on 2ilson until Nune !* 8**+ when on 2ilson fa7ed his ispute to the >R:1. APages .,/+-B on 2ilson had never seen this document so he was given a copy to ta&e home and told to submit any arguments to the >R:1 by Nuly 8! 8**+ and provide me with a copy by the same date. 2hen the >R:1 hearing continued Nuly 8H 8**+ on 2ilson had not filed an argument to this document nor had he given me anything. +o# could he= $t #as all true. 1he hearing was adjourned with the &nowledge that we would receive the >R:1 decision in the mail. I as&ed on the way out if on 2ilson will be charged but ;ancy avoided the 'uestion. >n August !* 8**, I received a copy of the >R CR under section ,-, 1enant Protection Act, !--I dated August H 8**+ #ile ;umber 1;9/,I!*". APages/,*/,8B 1here was no entry as to whether or not on 2ilson was being charge and the events that followed are recorded in my 34A&5 3OO5 up until 0eptember !+ 8**, which is 8,, pages with " inde7 pages and front and bac& cover pages. 1o date I have not been able to get the authorities to file charges and additional efforts since Nuly !+ 8**, are recorded in a folder called the 34U? 3OO5. Fran! 7allagher
1his document is filed in the

R?D 3OO5 !I















8 of .

May , 8**+ Agreement


" of .

May , 8**+ Agreement


. of .

May , 8**+ Agreement




8 of . April !" 8**+ Agreement


" of . April !" 8**+ Agreement



. of . April !" 8**+ Agreement



If it were true that he had prepaid rent until #ebruary 8**- that would be +. months. #ebruary ! 8**. to #ebruary 8**- 5,* months/ , months free5 +. months at QH** a month 5 Q.",8** he was trying to beat me for









1< 6age &hronicle

















1o( Investigation and Cnforcement 6nit !/HHH/II8/-8II ,,

#a7( .!, +H+/,.,. #rom( #ran& 3allagher 9andlord ribunal @ '4A/>10) August !*, 8**+ I have re'uested a copy of the records of the Nune "* 8**+ and Nuly 8H 8**+, 1ribunal :earing by fa7 .!,/ "!./-+,I I am trying to find out if charges are being laid upon the tenant on 2ilson who has deliberately and blatantly filed a dispute composed of words contradicting a May , 8**+ agreement which he signed with me. 1his agreement is attached to my application to evict him.1;9/,I!*" 1herein he agrees that he owes me past due money for rent and agrees to leave on May "! 8**+. At the hearing ;ancy #ahlgren as&ed me to show on 2ilson a copy of this May , 8**+ agreement to on 2ilson who stated that he had never ever seen it before even though he had signed it . I then showed on another agreement dated April !" 8**+ which he had signed but he denied ever seeing this. I told ;ancy that the witness who signed the agreement was here with me today and he confirmed that on 2ilson did indeed sign it. ?oth of these documents were signed by on 2ilson and both were witnessed, but he told the court that he had never seen them. Sou will note that the signature which he used is a short form of his actual signature and in fact this signature was fraudulent and intentional to argue the legitimacy and rights of my friends and I who have invested with his company called ?io 0afe. I also provided a !. page document to ;ancy #ahlgren and on 2ilson at the Nune "*th hearing which provides the facts and on was as&ed by ;ancy to read it and respond to it by Nuly 8! 8**+ which he never did. I have all the documents to prove that he once again tried to swindle me and in fact if I was unable to prove the truth I would have lost another Q!*,*** due to his criminal actions. I hope the penalty for his crime is more than a Q!** fine. 1hat !. page document has now been e7panded to 8" pages and climbing and everything I say is documented. I suggest that someone from your unit meet with me at your convenience of time and place so that I may better e7plain the situation. 1han& you #ran& 3allagher











http())I!.!H.!.+.8H)about-.html Mc#rauds Manipulative conspirators #iduciary responsibly accountable usury demonstrate schematics www. amageControl!".com Mulroney steals the RCMP ma&ing Commissioner eputy Minister Mulroney connect with 0un Media Mulroney admitted ta7 evader recipient of armament lobbyist bribe wal&ed due an ad hoc loophole so as not to have the integrity of high station falsified avoiding court due process that would have to use Charter section 8.. A8B so the administration not found in disrepute 0uch bribery is legal as long as registered as a 9obbyist providing opportunity to all on the ta&e http())en.wi& Political affiliation


Majority rule is often listed as a characteristic of democracy. :owever, it is also possible for a minority to be oppressed by a @tyranny of the majority@ in the absence of governmental or constitutional protections of individual and)or group rights. An essential part of an @ideal@ representative democracy is competitive elections that are fair both substantively Y!+Z and procedurally.Y!,Z #urthermore, freedom of political e7pression, freedom of speech, and

freedom of the press

are considered to be essential,

so that citiBens are adeCuately informed

and able to vote according to their own best interests as they see them.Y!IZY!HZ It has also been suggested that a basic feature of democracy is the capacity of individuals to participate freely and fully in the life of their society.Y!-Z It is also possible for a ma"ority to be self oppressed by a tyranny of the ma"ority to the ultimate benefit of a Curia minority via due process PRICF mi #I?I? Political Religious Insidious Charlatan Fleptocracy media inciting #ic&le Inherent ?ias Ignorant ?liss Political Religious Implicit Complicit C7plicit PRICC Political Religious Insidious Capitalist Cmperors 9i&e other financial empires in history, 0mith claims the contemporary model forms alliances necessary to develop and control wealth, as peripheral nations remain impoverished providers of cheap resources for the imperial/centers/of/capital. Y!Z ?elloc estimated that, during the ?ritish Cnclosures, @perhaps half of the whole population was proletarian@, while roughly the other @half@ owned and controlled the means of production. ;ow, under modern Capitalism, N.2. 0mith claims fewer than +** people possess more wealth than half of the earthDs population, as the wealth of !)8 of !/percent of the 6nited 0tates population roughly e'ual that of the lower -*/percent.

;ineteen IH ;ineteen

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