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Non kefundab|e App||cat|on Iee (ayab|e v|a money order to: k|ngs and ueens Leas|ng)

age 1 of 4
k|ngs and ueens Leas|ng
97-77 ueens 8|vd
kego ark, New ork 11374
718.730.6S00 (1e|)
718.4S9.7412 (Iax)
In order to subm|t your renta| app||cat|on p|ease f|nd be|ow a ||st of requ|red documents and genera| requ|rements.
1) 1he monLhly renL cannoL exceed 33 of appllcanL's gross monLhly lncome*.
2) A CuaranLor may be obLalned lf your yearly lncome ls below Lhe requlred lncome or ln Lhe case of lack of credlL hlsLory. A
guaranLor cannoL be used ln place of poor credlL. A guaranLor's yearly lncome musL be 70 t|mes Lhe monLhly renL, and he/she
musL llve ln new ?ork/new !ersey.
3) Cccupancy SLandards**:
a. SLudlo (Max 2 ersons)
b. Cne 8edroom (Max 2 ersons and 1 Chlld under 3 ?ear Cld)
c. !unlor 2 8edroom (Max 3 ersons 1 Chlld under 3 ?ear Cld)
d. 1wo 8edroom (Max 4 ersons)
e. 1hree 8edroom (Max 6 ersons)
*LxcepLlons Lo Lhese lncome guldellnes are made when Lhere ls proof of sufflclenL lnvesLmenL asseLs Lo meeL Lhe Landlord's requlremenLs, unusual clrcumsLances or
oLherwlse ln Lhe Landlord's dlscreLlon.
**LxcepLlons Lo Lhese maxlmums are made ln Lhe Landlord's dlscreLlon, for example, based on Lhe slze and conflguraLlon of Lhe speclflc aparLmenL and oLher relevanL
facLors, provlded LhaL Lhe excepLlon does noL resulL ln overcrowdlng.

1) $100 Slngle AppllcanL
2) $73 Lach AddlLlonal AppllcanL
3) $100 er CuaranLor

1) valld CovernmenL-lssued plcLure lu (urlvers Llcense, assporL, eLc.)
2) 1wo mosL recenL paysLubs
3) MosL recenL W2 or 1099 and Lax reLurn
4) roof of address (l.e. uLlllLy 8lll, lnsurance 8lll, CredlL Card SLaLemenL)
S) roof of Soclal SecurlLy number

kequ|red Documents (per App||cant)
Upon Approva|
1) ?ou are requlred Lo execuLe Lwo coples of Lhe lease agreemenL wlLhln 72 hours of your lease belng prepared. lf leases are noL
execuLed ln Lhe alloLLed Llme your aparLmenL wlll be puL back on Lhe markeL.
2) When execuLlng Lhe lease agreemenL please submlL separaLe !"#$%&%"' !)"*+,- !.,)%"#, !)"*+, or /01"2 3#'"#, for:
a. llrsL MonLh's 8enL (Check ayable Lo: )
b. SecurlLy ueposlL equal Lo one monLh's renL (Check ayable Lo: 4#056 78"1*2 9 :"*5#%$2 7**051$)
All of Lhe procedures and requlremenLs llsLed ln Lhls documenL are sub[ecL Lo change, and are evaluaLed ln con[uncLlon wlLh your credlL and renLal hlsLorles, reglsLry check
and employmenL verlflcaLlon. klngs and Cueens Leaslng and Lhe Landlord are commlLLed Lo equal houslng opporLunlLles. 1hey wlll noL dlscrlmlnaLe based on race, creed,
rellglon, color, naLlonal orlgln, sexual orlenLaLlon, age, sex, dlsablllLy or handlcap, marlLal sLaLus, parLnershlp sLaLus, famlllal sLaLus, allenage or clLlzenshlp sLaLus, lawful
source of lncome or any oLher legally proLecLed sLaLus.
All AppllcanLs are sub[ecL Lo a revlew of Lhelr credlL, renLal, and crlmlnal hlsLory, as well as a Pouslng CourL search for prlor proceedlngs wlLh prevlous Landlords (a reglsLry
check") and employmenL verlflcaLlon. 1he lnformaLlon requesLed on our appllcaLlon form ls for purposes of belng able Lo obLaln Lhls background lnformaLlon accuraLely and
compleLely. klngs and Cueens Leaslng and Lhe Landlord are commlLLed Lo equal houslng opporLunlLles, and Lhe lnformaLlon wlll noL be used for any unlawful dlscrlmlnaLory
purpose. All AppllcanLs for a speclflc aparLmenL musL submlL Lhelr appllcaLlons aL Lhe same Llme. Landlord-requlred documenLs musL be presenLed for revlew when (or
before) an appllcaLlon ls submlLLed. 1he Landlord, ln lLs sole dlscreLlon, makes ALL flnal deLermlnaLlons as wheLher an appllcanL ls quallfled for an aparLmenL.

Genera| kequ|rements
Secur|ty Depos|t Informat|on
lf a lease ls lssued, Lhe LenanL wlll be requlred Lo provlde Lhe landlord wlLh a securlLy deposlL, whlch wlll be deposlLed ln an lnLeresL-
bearlng bank accounL. As parL of Lhe processlng of Lhe securlLy deposlL, Lhe LenanL wlll be glven an lnLernal 8evenue Servlce form Lo
compleLe (a W-9 or W-88Ln form, dependlng on wheLher Lhe LenanL ls a u.S. erson"). 1he form requlres Lhe LenanL Lo provlde
hls/her soclal securlLy number or Laxpayer ldenLlflcaLlon number. 1hls lnformaLlon also helps generaLe an accuraLe and compleLe credlL
reporL durlng Lhe appllcaLlon process.

_______________ _______________
ALlCAn1 lnl1lALS CC-ALlCAn1 lnl1lALS
8roker App||cat|on

age 2 of 4

AppllcaLlon uaLe: _________________________ AparLmenL slze: _________________________
8ulldlng name: _________________________ Lease SLarL uaLe: _________________________
AparLmenL #: _________________________ Lease Lnd uaLe: _________________________
MonLhly 8enL: _________________________
Genera| Informat|on
AppllcaLlon 1ype

LasL name: _____________________________ llrsL name: ____________________________ Mlddle name: ___________________
Soclal SecurlLy #: _________________________ uaLe of 8lrLh: ____________________
CurrenL Address: ______________________________________________________________ LengLh ln Cccupancy: ( ) ?ears ( )MonLhs
CurrenL MonLhly 8enL: _______________ CurrenL Landlord name: ____________________ Landlord 1el #: ____________________

revlous Address: _____________________________________________________________ LengLh ln Cccupancy: ( ) ?ears ( )MonLhs
revlous MonLhly 8enL: _______________ revlous Landlord name: __________________ Landlord 1el #: __________________

Pome 1el #: _______________________________ Work 1el #: _______________________________
Moblle 1el #: _______________________________ Lmall Address: _______________________________
Lmergency ConLacL name: ____________________________________ Lmergency ConLacL number: __________________________

App||cant Informat|on
If current address |s |ess than S years p|ease comp|ete be|ow

rospecL lu#:_____________
uAS #:___________________
Leaslng AgenL:____________
Lmp|oyment Informat|on ] Income Informat|on (App||cant)
Lmployer name: _________________________________ CLher lncome: $___________________ lrequency:____________________
Lmployer Address: _______________________________ CLher lncome Source: ___________________________________________
LmploymenL LengLh: ( ) ?ears ( ) MonLhs
MonLhly Cross lncome: $__________________________

?early / MonLhly / Weekly
Cccupant(S) Informat|on (CLher 1han AppllcanL)
name: ___________________________ u.C.8. ____/____/____ Sex: M / l
name: ___________________________ u.C.8. ____/____/____ Sex: M / l
name: ___________________________ u.C.8. ____/____/____ Sex: M / l
name: ___________________________ u.C.8. ____/____/____ Sex: M / l

k|ngs and ueens Leas|ng
97-77 ueens 8|vd
kego ark, New ork 11374
718.730.6S00 (1e|)
718.4S9.7412 (Iax)

LasL name: _____________________________ llrsL name: ____________________________ Mlddle name: ___________________
Soclal SecurlLy #: _________________________ uaLe of 8lrLh: ____________________
CurrenL Address: ______________________________________________________________ LengLh ln Cccupancy: ( ) ?ears ( )MonLhs
CurrenL MonLhly 8enL: _______________ CurrenL Landlord name: ____________________ Landlord 1el #: ____________________

revlous Address: _____________________________________________________________ LengLh ln Cccupancy: ( ) ?ears ( )MonLhs
revlous MonLhly 8enL: _______________ revlous Landlord name: __________________ Landlord 1el #: __________________

Pome 1el #: _______________________________ Work 1el #: _______________________________
Moblle 1el #: _______________________________ Lmall Address: _______________________________
Lmergency ConLacL name: ____________________________________ Lmergency ConLacL number: __________________________

Co-App||cant Informat|on
Lmp|oyment Informat|on ] Income Informat|on (App||cant)
Lmployer name: _________________________________ CLher lncome: $___________________ lrequency:____________________
Lmployer Address: _______________________________ CLher lncome Source: ___________________________________________
LmploymenL LengLh: ( ) ?ears ( ) MonLhs
MonLhly Cross lncome: $__________________________

_______________ _______________
ALlCAn1 lnl1lALS CC-ALlCAn1 lnl1lALS
?early / MonLhly / Weekly
If current address |s |ess than S years p|ease comp|ete be|ow
App||cant Contact Informat|on

App||cant Contact Informat|on

age 3 of 4
k|ngs and ueens Leas|ng
97-77 ueens 8|vd
kego ark, New ork 11374
718.730.6S00 (1e|)
718.4S9.7412 (Iax)

Consumer keport - l hereby consenL Lo Lhe procuremenL and preparaLlon of a consumer reporL ln connecLlon wlLh my
aparLmenL renLal appllcaLlon and for a lease and/or renewal lease. l undersLand LhaL such reporL may conLaln lnformaLlon on
my credlLworLhlness, credlL sLandlng, credlL capaclLy, houslng hlsLory, crlmlnal search, characLer, general repuLaLlon, personal
characLerlsLlcs and/or mode of llvlng whlch may be used or expecLed Lo be used or collecLed ln whole or ln parL for Lhe
purposes of servlng as a facLor ln esLabllshlng my ellglblllLy Lo be a LenanL. l furLher undersLand LhaL a Consumer 8eporL wlll
be prepared aL Lhe Llme of Lhls appllcaLlon for an aparLmenL and/or subsequenL consumer reporLs may be requesLed or
uLlllzed ln connecLlon wlLh an updaLe, renewal or exLenslon of my lease for an aparLmenL wlLhouL any prlor noLlce Lo me. ln
addlLlon, l undersLand and agree LhaL l have Lhe rlghL Lo make a requesL as Lo wheLher or noL a reporL was requesLed, and lf a
reporL was requesLed, l am enLlLled Lo be lnformed of Lhe name and address of Lhe consumer reporLlng agency LhaL furnlshed
Lhe reporL.
l/we hereby sLaLe LhaL Lhe above represenLaLlons are Lrue. Any false represenLaLlons are grounds for denlal of aparLmenL
wlLhouL recourse. l/we hereby acknowledge Lhe falr credlL reporLlng acL noLlce and consenL sLaLed above. klngs and Cueens
Leaslng and Lhe Landlord are commlLLed Lo equal houslng opporLunlLles. klngs and Cueens Leaslng and 1he Landlord wlll noL
dlscrlmlnaLe based on race, creed, rellglon, color, naLlonal orlgln, sexual orlenLaLlon, age, sex, dlsablllLy or handlcap, marlLal
sLaLus, parLnershlp sLaLus, famlllal sLaLus, allenage or clLlzenshlp sLaLus, lawful source of lncome or any oLher legally proLecLed

___________________________________ ________________ ___________________________________ ________________
AppllcanL's SlgnaLure uaLe Co-AppllcanL's SlgnaLure uaLe

___________________________________ ________________
8enLal AgenL's SlgnaLure uaLe

!"# %&&'()%*(+, (,-+./%*(+, &.+0(1#1 23 3+4 /%3 2# 45#1 *+ +2*%(, % *#,%,* 5).##,(,6 .#&+.*7 *"# ,%/# %,1 %11.#55 +- *"#
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____________________ ____________________
ALlCAn1 lnl1lALS CC-ALlCAn1 lnl1lALS



_________________________________________________ __________________
8ulldlng name AparLmenL #

________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
rlnL AppllcanL's name rlnL Co-AppllcanL's name

________________________________________________ ________________ ________________________________________________ ________________
AppllcanL's SlgnaLure uaLe Co-AppllcanL's SlgnaLure uaLe

________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________
8enLal AgenL's name 8enLal AgenL's SlgnaLure uaLe

age 4 of 4
1. l/WL unuL8S1Anu 1PA1 klnCS Anu CuLLnS LLASlnC Anu An? Cl l1S ACLn1S lS Anu/A8L ACLn1S Cl 1PL LAnuLC8u Anu lS A Alu 8L8LSLn1A1lvL Cl 1PL
LAnuLC8u. l/WL ACknCWLLuCL 1PA1 1PlS W8l11Ln nC1lCL WAS 8LCLlvLu 8LlC8L l/WL 8LCLlvLu A LLASL AC8LLMLn1.
2. l1 lS AC8LLu 1PA1 uCn LxLCu1lCn Cl 1PL LLASL 8? ALlCAn1S, SAlu ALlCAn1S SPALL uLCSl1 Wl1P 1PL LAnuLC8u Anu/C8 l1S ACLn1 A SuM LCulvALLn1 1C
ll8S1 MCn1P'S 8Ln1, 8L8LSLn1lnC 8Ln1 ln AuvAnCL Anu/C8 SLCu8l1?. 8Ln1: $_____________________________ SLCu8l1?: $_____________________________

D|sc|osure ] Agreement
k|ngs and ueens Leas|ng
97-77 ueens 8|vd
kego ark, New ork 11374
718.730.6S00 (1e|)
718.4S9.7412 (Iax)

DOS-1735-a (Rev. 12/10)

New York State
Division of Licensing Services
P.O. Box 22001 Customer Service: (518) 474-4429
Albany, NY 12201-2001

New York State Disclosure Form for Landlord and Tenant
New York State law requires real estate licensees who
are acting as agents of landlords and tenants of real
property to advise the potential landlords and tenants
with whom they work of the nature of their agency rela-
tionship and the rights and obligations it creates. This
disclosure will help you to make informed choices about
your relationship with the real estate broker and its sales
Throughout the transaction you may receive more than
one disclosure form. The law may require each agent
assisting in the transaction to present you with this dis-
closure form. A real estate agent is a person qualified to
advise about real estate.
If you need legal, tax or other advice, consult with a
professional in that field.

Disclosure Regarding Real Estate
Agency Relationships
Landlords Agent
A landlords agent is an agent who is engaged by a land-
lord to represent the landlords interest. The landlords
agent does this by securing a tenant for the landlords
apartment or house at a rent and on terms acceptable to
the landlord. A landlords agent has, without limitation,
the following fiduciary duties to the landlord: reasonable
care, undivided loyalty, confidentiality, full disclosure,
obedience and duty to account. A landlords agent does
not represent the interests of the tenant. The obligations
of a landlords agent are also subject to any specific pro-
visions set forth in an agreement between the agent and
the landlord. In dealings with the tenant, a landlords
agent should (a) exercise reasonable skill and care in per-
formance of the agents duties; (b) deal honestly, fairly
and in good faith; and (c) disclose all facts known to the
agent materially affecting the value or desirability of
property, except as otherwise provided by law.
Tenants Agent
A tenants agent is an agent who is engaged by a tenant to
represent the tenants interest. The tenants agent does
this by negotiating the rental or lease of an apartment or
house at a rent and on terms acceptable to the tenant. A
tenants agent has, without limitation, the following fidu-
ciary duties to the tenant: reasonable care, undivided
loyalty, confidentiality, full disclosure, obedience and
duty to account. A tenants agent does not represent the
interest of the landlord. The obligations of a tenants
agent are also subject to any specific provisions set forth
in an agreement between the agent and the tenant. In
dealings with the landlord, a tenants agent should (a) ex-
ercise reasonable skill and care in performance of the
agents duties; (b) deal honestly, fairly and in good faith;
and (c) disclose all facts known to the agent materially
affecting the tenants ability and/or willingness to per-
form a contract to rent or lease landlords property that
are not consistent with the agents fiduciary duties to the
Brokers Agents
A brokers agent is an agent that cooperates or is engaged
by a listing agent or a tenants agent (but does not work
for the same firm as the listing agent or tenants agent) to
assist the listing agent or tenants agent in locating a
property to rent or lease for the listing agents landlord or
the tenant agents tenant. The brokers agent does not
have a direct relationship with the tenant or landlord and
the tenant or landlord can not provide instructions or di-
rection directly to the brokers agent. The tenant and the
landlord therefore do not have vicarious liability for the
acts of the brokers agent. The listing agent or tenants
agent do provide direction and instruction to the brokers
agent and therefore the listing agent or tenants agent will
have liability for the acts of the brokers agent.
Dual Agent
A real estate broker may represent both the tenant and the
landlord if both the tenant and landlord give their in-
DOS-1735-a (Rev. 12/10)
formed consent in writing. In such a dual agency situa-
tion, the agent will not be able to provide the full range of
fiduciary duties to the landlord and the tenant. The obli-
gations of an agent are also subject to any specific provi-
sions set forth in an agreement between the agent, and the
tenant and landlord. An agent acting as a dual agent must
explain carefully to both the landlord and tenant that the
agent is acting for the other party as well. The agent
should also explain the possible effects of dual represen-
tation, including that by consenting to the dual agency
relationship the landlord and tenant are giving up their
right to undivided loyalty. A landlord and tenant should
carefully consider the possible consequences of a dual
agency relationship before agreeing to such representa-
tion. A landlord or tenant may provide advance informed
consent to dual agency by indicating the same on this
Dual Agent with Designated Sales Agents
If the tenant and the landlord provide their informed con-
sent in writing, the principals and the real estate broker
who represents both parties as a dual agent may designate
a sales agent to represent the tenant and another sales
agent to represent the landlord. A sales agent works under
the supervision of the real estate broker. With the in-
formed consent in writing of the tenant and the landlord,
the designated sales agent for the tenant will function as
the tenants agent representing the interests of and advo-
cating on behalf of the tenant and the designated sales
agent for the landlord will function as the landlords
agent representing the interests of and advocating on be-
half of the landlord in the negotiations between the tenant
and the landlord. A designated sales agent cannot provide
the full range of fiduciary duties to the landlord or tenant.
The designated sales agent must explain that like the dual
agent under whose supervision they function, they cannot
provide undivided loyalty. A landlord or tenant should
carefully consider the possible consequences of a dual
agency relationship with designated sales agents before
agreeing to such representation. A landlord or tenant may
provide advance informed consent to dual agency with
designated sales agents by indicating the same on this
This form was provided to me by (print name of licensee) of
(print name of company, firm or brokerage), a licensed real estate broker acting in the interest of the:
( ) Landlord as a (check relationship below) ( ) Tenant as a (check relationship below)
( ) Landlords agent ( ) Tenants agent
( ) Brokers agent ( ) Brokers agent
( ) Dual agent
( ) Dual agent with designated sales agent
For advance informed consent to either dual agency or dual agency with designated sales agents complete section below:
( ) Advance informed consent dual agency
( ) Advance informed consent to dual agency with designated sales agents
If dual agent with designated sales agents is indicated above: is appointed to
represent the tenant; and is appointed to represent the seller in this transaction.
(I) (We) acknowledge receipt of a copy of this disclosure
form: signature of { }Landlord(s) and/or { }Tenant(s):




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