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Subject Grade/Program Day, date Time #duration$ Part 1: Reading Comprehension

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English 10/ National Thursday, ! "ay 01 0%:1& ' 0(:!& #(0 minutes$


)mericans are *ery energetic and mobile +eo+le, al,ays on the run, rushing -rom one appointment to another. They ha*e little time to s+end +re+aring elaborate e*eryday meals to be eaten at leisure. /n many homes it is rare -or the ,hole -amily to sit do,n at su++er together. 0lubs and commitments -orce them to grab a 1uic2 meal rather than a sit'do,n su++er. 3hen they ha*e the chance to eat at home, o-ten the ,or2ing house,i-e +re-ers +re+aring meals ,hich can be 1uic2ly eaten and consumed. /t is no ,onder, there-ore, that )merica has become a sanctuar -or -ast -ood consum+tion. This great trans-ormation occurred a-ter 3orld 3ar // ,hen many ,omen began to ,or2 -ull'time jobs and ,ere s+ending less time at home ,ith their -amilies. 3omen, ho,e*er, ,anted to -unction ,ell in ca+acity o- homema2er, as ,ell as that o- career ,oman but time became a +recious commodity ,hich had to be care-ully used. 3omen u+ to no, ha*e been struggling to ,isely allocate the time both -or their career and -amily. The career ,omen are most occupied ,ith their job -rom morning until a-ternoon. There-ore it ,as necessary to ma2e their li-e easier at home in the +re+aration o- the -amily dinner. Simu!taneous! ,ith ,omen entering the job mar2et there ,as also a shi-ting o- the -ocus o- home entertainment -rom the radio to the tele*ision. Tele*ision became the latest -ashion in the 1(&0s and no one ,anted to miss his or her -a*ourite tele*ised +rogram. The +lace -or the e*ening4s su++er shi-ted -rom the dining room to the li*ing room. )s the customs changed, so did the culture. The immediate solution -or this ,as the in*ention o- the T5 dinner. These ,ere -ro6en meals ,hich ,ere sectioned o-- into +ortions o- meat and *egetables. They could easily be +o++ed into an o*en and +re+ared ,ithin minutes. The tin trays in ,hich they ,ere ser*ed ,ere con*eniently carried into the li*ing room and dinner ,as consumed in -ront o- a T5 set. 0leaning u+ a-ter,ards ,as no +roblem. The tin trays ,ere easily tossed into the garbage. 7rom -ast dinners at home, the ne8t ste+ ,as 1uic2 eating ,hile on the road. )t this time also the lo*e -or T5 ,as combined ,ith the -ascination -or the automobile. /t isn4t odd that ,ith the de*elo+ment o- the su+erhigh,ays, )merica sa, the beginning o- -ast -ood chains. "cDonalds4s pa"ed the ,ay ,ith its *ariety oburgers and sha2es soon to be -ollo,ed by all 2inds o- other -oods. Taco 9ell, Pi66a :ut, 9urger ;ing are just a -e, o- the -ast -ood chains ,hich are no, +art o)merican culture. They o--er chic2en, donuts, tacos, and +i66a, all 1uic2ly +roduced in great 1uantities -or the masses. These establishments ha*e gi*en sha+e to the modern li-estyles and diet o- the )merican +eo+le. Adapted from

1# $hich o% the %o!!o&ing 'est descri'es &hat the artic!e is a'out( 1) points a$ 7ast -ood in )merica, its history and its most -amous brands. b$ )merican ,omen4s roles and struggles at ,or2 and at home as ,i*es and mothers. c$ The culture o- T5 dinners as unhealthy eating habit in )merica. d$ The origin o- T5 dinners and its connection ,ith -ast -ood and unhealthy eating habit. <<<<<<< *# +atch each o% the %o!!o&ing "oca'u!ar &ords &ith its de%inition# 1) points <<<< a++ointment 1$ e8actly at the same time <<<< sanctuary s+eci-ic time and +lace <<<<occu+ied <<<< simultaneously <<<< +a*ed =$ *ery busy !$ made something +ossible &$ a sa-e +lace -or something $ a -ormal arrangement to meet someone at a

,# $rite -T. true or -F. %a!se %or each o% the %o!!o&ing# 1) points a. )mericans maintain busy schedules, so, it4s di--icult -or them to +re+are healthy


b. 7ast -ood chains are not im+ortant to )merican +eo+le. <<<<< c. "any ,omen s+ent less time at home ,ith their -amily be-ore 3orld 3ar //. <<<<< d. The -oods -or T5 dinners are ser*ed on tin trays. <<<<< e. Peo+le no, can choose ,isely ,hat -ood they ,ill eat. <<<<< /# Find the %o!!o&ing and put them in the order the 1) points appear in the te0t#

<<<<<<< The -ro6en meals can be +ut in the micro,a*e and be ready ,ithin minutes. <<<<<<< Peo+le tend to rarely sit do,n at su++er together in )merica. <<<<<<< /n the -i-ties, tele*ision became ne, trend. <<<<<<< 3omen ,anted to -unction ,ell both as +ro-essional ,or2ers and homema2ers.

<<<<<<< 0ars are no, +roduced ,ith tele*isions to -ascinate the users. 1# Ans&er the %o!!o&ing in comp!ete sentences# 1) points a$ 3hen did T5 become +o+ular in )merica, ho, did it change )merican4s dining habits> b$ 3hat encouraged the gro,th o- -ast -ood chains across )merica> Part *: $riting 0hose one o- the -ollo,ing to+ics and de*elo+ it into a =00 ,ord essay. #= +aragra+hs, ?100 ,ords$ 1. Some ti+s to eat healthy -oods in busy days . / agree/disagree ,ith the e8istence o- -ast -ood restaurants =. The +ositi*es and negati*es o- T5 dinners

WRITING RUBRIC *$ell+n P,nct,'t+on C'$+t'l+!'t+on

Excellent Very Good 9 - 10 8 - 8.9 No or almost no spelling Very few spelling mistakes mistakes Appropriately Appropriately uses complex uses basic punctuation punctuation Uses capital letters with no or ery few mistakes Uses capitalisation effecti ely

CRITERIA Good 7 - 7.9 Some spelling mistakes Uses punctuation with few mistakes Uses capital letters with some mistakes

Pro re!! " - ".9

Need I#$ro%e#ent &.9 'nd (elo)

Multiple spelling mistakes Frequent spelling mistakes Uses punctuation with some mistakes Has frequent punctuation mistakes

Uses capitalisation with Has frequent capitalisation multiple mistakes mistakes


Gr'##'t+c'l Acc,r'cy

!opic is clear an" !opic is clear an" No clear topic e i"ent or !opic is clear in sections !opic is ery broa" or not supporte" by excellent supporte" with sufficient "oesn$t a""ress require" an"#or lacks important "etail appropriate "etail "etail topic %rammatical errors lea" to %rammatical errors "o not "ifficulty in un"erstan"ing %rammatical errors make Makes ery few Makes some effect comprehension of writing "ifficult to grammatical errors grammatical errors parts of writing writing un"erstan" T.TA/

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