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CopyrlghL 2013 1ransas Marlne LlmlLed. All rlghLs reserved.
1he lnformaLlon conLalned hereln ls proprleLary Lo 1ransas Marlne LlmlLed and shall noL be dupllcaLed ln
whole or ln parL.
Lvery reasonable efforL has been Laken Lo ensure LhaL Lhe lnformaLlon conLalned ln Lhls manual ls
compleLe, accuraLe and correcL aL Lhe daLe of lLs lssue. neverLheless, 1ransas assumes no responslblllLy
for any error or omlsslon and ln no evenL shall 1ransas be llable for any loss of buslness or proflL, or for
any dlrecL or lndlrecL, lncldenLal or consequenLlal damages arlslng ouL of any use of Lhls manual.

noLe: 1he lnformaLlon conLalned hereln ls sub[ecL Lo change wlLhouL noLlce. Some lnformaLlon
conLalned ln Lhls manual may also be lnaccuraLe due Lo Lhe changes ln Lhe producL slnce Lhls verslon of
Lhe manual was compleLed. As a reference for Lhe correcL handllng of Lhe producL Lhe orlglnal
documenLaLlon of Lhe producL should be used.

ulSCLAlML8: 1he 1ransas LCulS Workbook ls noL a parL of any llag SLaLe or S1CW requlremenLs.


1ab|e of Contents
1ransas navl-Sallor 4000 & LCulS uemo ..................................................................................................... 3
lnLroducLlon ............................................................................................................................................. 3
1ypes of elecLronlc charLs ........................................................................................................................ 6
CuesLlons 1 .......................................................................................................................................... 7
8aslc luncLlons ......................................................................................................................................... 8
MonlLor & keyboard ............................................................................................................................ 8
ulsplay Modes ...................................................................................................................................... 9
Cursor Modes ..................................................................................................................................... 10
numerlcal LnLrles ............................................................................................................................... 11
Lxerclse 1 ........................................................................................................................................... 12
ConLrol anel ......................................................................................................................................... 13
ulsplay Mode anel uropdown Menu ................................................................................................... 14
SeLLlng SafeLy arameLers ...................................................................................................................... 13
Lxerclse 2 ........................................................................................................................................... 17
Alarms and Warnlngs ............................................................................................................................. 18
CusLomlze Lhe ulsplay ............................................................................................................................ 21
lour shades vs. 1wo shade ................................................................................................................ 23
8aslc navlgaLlonal luncLlons .................................................................................................................. 24
CuesLlons 2 ........................................................................................................................................ 26
8ouLe lannlng ....................................................................................................................................... 27
CuesLlons 3 ........................................................................................................................................ 30
Lxerclse 3 ........................................................................................................................................... 31
Lxerclse 4 ........................................................................................................................................... 32
Lxerclse 3 ........................................................................................................................................... 33
Lxerclse 6 ........................................................................................................................................... 34
8ouLe MonlLorlng ................................................................................................................................... 33
........................................................................................................................................................... 37
CuesLlons 4 ........................................................................................................................................ 37
Maps ...................................................................................................................................................... 38
Lxerclse 7 ........................................................................................................................................... 42
8lsk of Cverrellance ............................................................................................................................... 43
CuesLlons 3 ........................................................................................................................................ 49
CharL AsslsLanL ........................................................................................................................................... 30


lnLroducLlon ........................................................................................................................................... 30
Pow Lo do your seLLlngs ......................................................................................................................... 31
lnsLall your CharL & Llcense ................................................................................................................... 33
Crder CharL Llcenses by 8ouLe ............................................................................................................... 37
updaLe vla Cu ........................................................................................................................................ 63
CbLalnlng CharL CorrecLlon .................................................................................................................... 66
Pow Lo use Lhe offlclal charL correcLlons ............................................................................................... 68
updaLe vla Lmall .................................................................................................................................... 69
Answers Lo Lxerclses and CuesLlons ...................................................................................................... 74
CuesLlons 1 ........................................................................................................................................ 74
Lxerclse 1 ........................................................................................................................................... 74
Lxerclse 2 ........................................................................................................................................... 73
CuesLlons 2 ........................................................................................................................................ 76
CuesLlons 3 ........................................................................................................................................ 76
Lxerclse 3 ........................................................................................................................................... 77
Lxerclse 6 ........................................................................................................................................... 77
CuesLlons 4 ........................................................................................................................................ 78
CuesLlons 3 ........................................................................................................................................ 78


1ransas Nav|-Sa||or 4000 & LCDIS Demo
1he maln goal of Lhls LCulS uemo Workbook ls Lo provlde Lhe vessel's crew wlLh knowledge,
undersLandlng and proflclency ln Lhe use of navl-Sallor 4000 LCulS and CharL AsslsLanL uLlllLy. lL ls
deslgned for geLLlng sLarLed wlLh Lhe 8aslc luncLlons of navl-Sallor 4000 SofLware and Lraln usage wlLh
Lhe 1ry LCulS uemo sofLware.
LnLry SLandards:
1he workbook ls deslgnaLed for nauLlcal offlcers and oLher persons wlLh responslble duLles ln navlgaLlon
1hose wlshlng Lo work wlLh Lhls maLerlal should have experlence ln performlng charL and radar work
and should be able Lo pracLlce all usual Lasks concernlng sLandard navlgaLlonal procedures and
equlpmenL. 1hey should be famlllar wlLh sLandard compuLer, lncludlng elemenLs such as wlndows,
Lrackballs, eLc.


+,-./ %0 .1.(#$%")( (23$#/
1here are dlfferenL prlnclpal Lypes of elecLronlc charLs on Lhe markeL.
kaster (AkCS, Seafarer, 8S8, NCS Geo):
A scanned paper charL ls slmllar Lo a phoLograph (whaL you see ls whaL you geL).
loexpeoslve to ptoJoce fot tbe byJtoqtopblc offlces
5lmllot to popet cbotts lo lookollke ooJ pteseototloo
ueoJ cbotts
llmlteJ zoom-optloos
kepoltes lotqe memoty copoclty
xpeoslve to cottect. cottectloo of o cbott tepoltes tbe wbole cbott to be teploceJ(o lot Joto)
Vector (1k-97, LNC, C-Map93, DNC, VI):
ulglLallzed paper charLs: every ob[ecL ls deflned and grouped ln layers LhaL can be selecLed ln LCulS
wlLhln seL safeLy parameLers.
Optloool lofotmotloo (costomlzeJ settloqs)
CooJ zoom optloos
osy to cottect. Ooly tbe octool cottecteJ object oeeJs to be seot / tecelveJ.
kepoltes llttle memoty copoclty (polck looJloq)
lofotmotloo coo be oJJeJ (flles, plctotes etc.)
xpeoslve ooJ tlme JemooJloq ptoJoctloo
loyoot coo be o blt Jlffeteot ftom popet cbotts
LNC-charts (Vector Charts):
1he only approved charL Lype for an LCulS sysLem.
Cfflclal charL daLa supplled from Lhe naLlonal hydrographlc offlce ln each counLry.
ulsLrlbuLed, valldaLed and encrypLed Lo S-63 by a few approved lnsLlLuLes (8LnC).
1he charL dlsLrlbuLor (1ransas) recelves LnC daLa from Lhe approved lnsLlLuLe.
ln reLurn, Lhe Pydrographlc Cfflce (PC) recelves a royalLy based on Lhe number of sold charLs.
1he charL dlsLrlbuLor musL be cerLlfled by 8LnC.
1here ls a good coverage of LnC-charLs Loday wlLh Lhe prlmary and lmporLanL areas covered and Lhe
ma[orlLy of Lhe world wlll be covered wlLhln Lhe nexL or Lhe followlng years.


SLNC (System LNC):
SLnC ls an lnLernal sysLem formaL of LnC's LhaL ls unlque for each LCulS vendor (e.g. 1ransas, luruno,
kelvln Pughes) and has lLs own SLnC formaL.
1ransas SLnC can only be used ln a 1ransas LCulS [usL as luruno's SLnC only can be used ln a luruno
LCulS, eLc.
Cnboard converslon from LnC Lo SLnC ls very Llme-demandlng and no errors can be correcLed.
1ransas converLs Lhe LnC daLa Lo 1ransas own SLnC formaL and correcLs occurred errors already before
lL reaches Lhe end-user. lrom an end-user's polnL of vlew Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon of offlclal daLa ln a SLnC
formaL has Lhe ma[or advanLage LhaL Lhere ls no compllaLlon of daLa requlred onboard when lnsLalllng
Lhe daLa ln Lhe LCulS sysLem.
noL only does Lhls save Llme (reduces Lhe lnsLallaLlon and correcLlon Llme due Lo a 40 reducLlon of
daLa volume) buL lL also means LhaL Lhe navlgaLor on Lhe brldge ls never faced wlLh Lhe problem of
handllng errors LhaL may arlse ln a compllaLlon process.
1he 1ransas SLnC dlsLrlbuLlon ls Lype approved by Lhe unv and lC-LnC.
1he SLnC collecLlons lnclude Lhe same LnC daLa as 8lMA8 SLavanger and lC-LnC.
1k-97 |s a 1ransas own chart format.
1x-97 charLs are noL offlclal charLs, even Lhough Lhe 1x-97 ls made of LnC-daLa and has Lhe same
accuracy, and cannoL be used for paperless navlgaLlon.

4'./#)%"/ 5

1. Whlch charL Lype ls slmllar Lo Lhe LradlLlonal paper charL?
2. Whlch charL Lype ls capable of acLlvaLlng charL based alarms?
3. lL ls sLaLed as advanLage of vecLorlzed charLs Lo have good zoom opLlon! 1hlnk abouL posslble

Answers Lo Lhe quesLlons can be found on page 74


63/)( 7'"(#)%"/
8%")#%$ 9 :.,;%3$&
1he MonlLor ls dlvlded ln several parLs whlch may be shown or dlsabled on Lhe users' behalf. Cn 27''
Wlde Screen dlsplays Lhe Connlng anel ls shown on Lhe lefL slde as defaulL seLLlng.

1he sysLem has a keyboard and a Lrackball wlLh lefL and rlghL mouse buLLon Lo operaLe Lhe dlfferenL
funcLlonallLles. 1here are dlfferenL shorL keys Lo access several ma[or funcLlons or ease Lhe operaLors'


<)/-13, 8%&./
1he look of Lhe ulsplay can be modlfled and should be cusLomlzed due Lo Lhe navlgaLlonal sLaLus of Lhe
vessel and Lhe lnLenLlon of Lhe operaLor.

1o hlde Lhe ConLrol anel acLlvaLe Lhe fleld ln Lhe lower rlghL corner of your dlsplay. vla Lhe Show
8uLLon" Lhe ConLrol anel wlll be accesslble agaln.

lf worklng wlLh a llve runnlng sysLem Lhe screen may be dlvlded lnLo Lwo separaLe wlndows, by presslng
Lhe uual 8uLLon on Lhe lefL Lhe charL panel.


='$/%$ 8%&./
1o operaLe Lhe CharL panel we have Lhree dlfferenL cursors forms wlLh speclflc luncLlons.

1. vlew Cursor
2. ZCCM Cursor
3. L88L Cursor

1o swlLch beLween Lhe funcLlonallLles press Lhe rlghL mouse buLLon. 1o acLlvaLe Lhe speclflc Lask ln Lhe
charL panel push Lhe lefL mouse buLLon ln Lhe CharL panel.
AcLlvaLed, Lhe cursor wlll change lLs color and presenLaLlon. 1he cursor ls now caughL ln Lhe charL panel
area. 1o leave Lhe funcLlonallLy, push Lhe rlghL mouse buLLon and Lhe cursor ls free agaln.

When a speclal cursor ls acLlvaLed slmulLaneously Lhe lnformaLlon Wlndow wlll appear on Lhe lower
rlghL slde of Lhe LCulS screen. 1hls wlndow glves Lhe geographlcal oslLlon of Lhe cursor, 8earlng and
opposlLe 8earlng and Lhe 8ange as a mlnlmum. uependlng whlch funcLlonallLy ls acLlvaLed Lhere are
more flelds Lo operaLe. 8y presslng Lhe 1A8-8uLLon you can Lype ln values for Lhe speclflc fleld.


>'?.$)(31 @"#$)./
Whenever Lhe Cursor ls dlsplayed orange
coloured, Lhere ls Lhe lnformaLlon
wlndow opened on Lhe rlghL slde.
1he user ls able Lo geL access Lo LhaL
wlndow by presslng Lhe 1A8 key of Lhe
now you may alLer a cerLaln value vla Lhe

1he speclflc LayouL of Lhe
lnformaLlon Wlndow wlll dlffer ln
accordance wlLh Lhe selecLed
funcLlonallLy Lhe user selecLed.


@A.$()/. 5

1. AcLlvaLe Lhe vlew cursor.

2. LnLer Lhe lnformaLlon wlndow by presslng Lhe 1A8 buLLon.

3. Co Lo poslLlon 6034.430` n 028 23.390L and waLch how Lhe cursor [umps Lo LhaL poslLlon. ?ou
wlll flnd a LlghLhouse Lhere. 8ead ouL Lhe lnformaLlon concernlng Lhls LlghLhouse uslng Lhe
lnformaLlon cursor (lck reporL). WhaL can you flnd Lhere?

4. Change Lo Lhe zoom cursor and Lry how Lo handle by zoomlng ln Lo a harbor sLarLlng from
poslLlon 60 04.791n 02931.080L. Whlch harbor you can flnd ln vlclnlLy?

3. Change Lo Lhe L88L cursor and measure Lhe dlsLance Lo Lhe buoy ln oslLlon 34 37.692n 007
33.182L. WhaL ls Lhe dlsLance and whlch buoy you can expecL (use also Lhe lnformaLlon buLLon
Lo flnd deLalled lnformaLlon)?

6. Cff cenLer Lhe L88L cursor and measure Lhe dlsLance beLween Lwo Lhe buoy from nr. 3 and Lhe
souLhern cardlnal buoy ln souLh easLerly dlrecLlon. Pow far ls lL and ln whlch dlrecLlon ls lL

Answers Lo Lhe quesLlons can be found on page 74


=%"#$%1 B3".1

SLarLs dlfferenL addlLlonal Lasks llke navl - 8adar,
Connlng or Lhe Alarm monlLorlng sysLem.
1o acLlvaLe Lhe dlsplay of A8A or AlS-1argeLs
ulsplay of Alarms and Warnlngs
ulsplay of u1C, by presslng Lhe Clock Symbol Shlps
ulsplay of Lhe Ceographlcal oslLlon derlved from
Lhe rlmary oslLlonlng Sensor
Course and Speed over Cround derlved from
rlmary oslLlonlng Sensor
Shlps Peadlng derlved from Lhe Cyro
Speed derlved from Lhe Log
name and Scale of Lhe dlsplayed charLs.
1he Conflg anel uropdown Menu enables Lhe
dlsplay of dlfferenL 1ables.
1he 1ransas LCulS works wlLh Lhe CeodeLlc
8eference SysLem WCS-84
1he LvenL 8uLLon creaLes an LvenL ln Lhe SysLem
Logbook and enables 20 sec. Cf volce 8ecordlng


<)/-13, 8%&. B3".1 <$%-&%C" 8."'
1h|s overv|ew g|ves a|| ava||ab|e poss|b|||t|es of the LCDIS System, |t may d|ffer from yours depend|ng
on software vers|on and ||censed |tems you purchased.


D.##)"E D30.#, B3$3?.#.$/
1he SafeLy frame group ls lnLended for seLLlng Lhe slze of Lhe frame, whlch wlll be used for Lhe charL
daLa analysls and for Lhe generaLlon of Lhe AnLlgroundlng alarms, Area alerLs and navlgaLlonal alarms.
Ahead - w|ndow for the |nput of advance t|me for a|arm]warn|ng generat|on.
1he Llme value deLermlnes Lhe lengLh equal Lo Lhe dlsLance covered by Lhe shlp proceedlng aL Lhe
currenL SCC. lf Lhe zero value ls seL, warnlngs are generaLed when Lhe shlp symbol crosses Lhe area
ort - to set the w|dth of the corr|dor to the |eft of the sh|p,
Starboard - to set the w|dth of the corr|dor to the r|ght of the sh|p,
Show safety frame - to d|sp|ay the safety frame on the LCDIS.


Safety contour |s a set va|ue, wh|ch determ|ned the safety contour depth.
1he safeLy conLour ls hlghllghLed on Lhe LCulS Lask screen wlLh a bold llne. SafeLy ConLour parameLer
cannoL be larger Lhan SafeLy uepLh parameLer. lf, however, Lhe operaLor seLs a larger value, Lhe same
value ls auLomaLlcally asslgned Lo SafeLy uepLh parameLer. And Lhe oLher way round, lf an operaLor seLs
a smaller value for Lhe SafeLy uepLh parameLer, Lhe same value ls auLomaLlcally asslgned Lo SafeLy
ConLour parameLer. lf, wlLh a change of charL seL under Lhe shlp poslLlon, Lhe prevlously selecLed safeLy
conLour becomes unavallable, SafeLy conLour alarm ls generaLed. ln Lhls case, Lhe safeLy conLour ls
auLomaLlcally seL as equal Lo a deeper avallable depLh conLour.

Safety depth - operator-set va|ue wh|ch, |n the check of an area de||m|ted w|th SafeLy frame, serves as
a crlLerlon for classlfylng Lhe deLecLed depLh as a danger Lo navlgaLlon.
A depLh equal Lo or less Lhan Lhe Safety depth |s h|gh||ghted on the LCDIS task screen |n bo|d type
when Lhe dlsplay of spoL soundlngs ls Lurned on. lf such danger ls deLecLed, Nav. Danger a|arm |s
tr|ggered off.


@A.$()/. F

1. SeL Lhe SafeLy conLour and Lhe SafeLy depLh Lo Lhe same value of 10m.
2. use Lhe vlew cursor and go Lo oslLlon 0111,120n 10347,639 L read ouL Lhe correspondlng
lnformaLlon by uslng Lhe lnfo cursor.
3. SeL boLh values Lo 13m. WhaL can be observed?
4. Can you see an unknown Symbol on your screen whlch ls correspondlng on your seL values?
3. Co Lo oslLlon 0111,120n 10347,639 L and read ouL Lhe lnformaLlon by uslng Lhe lnformaLlon
cursor. Whlch conLenL ls correspondlng Lo Lhe new symbol?
6. now change Lhe value of safeLy depLh Lo 8m. WhaL can be observed?

Answers Lo Lhe quesLlons can be found on page 73


G13$?/ 3"& H3$")"E/
MosL of Lhe Alarms are seL aL Lhe MonlLorlng menu.
lL depends on Lhe navlgaLlonal sLaLus of Lhe vessel whlch Alarms make sense ln belng acLlvaLed.
lf Lhe wrong seLLlngs are made Alarms may noL be consldered or may be acknowledged wlLhouL paylng
aLLenLlon Lo lL.

Speclal Alarms and Warnlngs for example:
CA Alarms
Lnd of WaLch Alarm
WaypolnL and 8ouLe generaLed Alarms
are seL and acLlvaLed ln Lhe speclflc menu Lhey are relaLed Lo.
(1A8CL1S, CCnllC, MCnl1C8lnC)


Alarms & Warnlngs are dlsplayed ln Lhe Alarm MonlLorlng Wlndow of
Lhe ConLrol anel.
lL conLalns:
klnd of Alarm/Source/klnd of error
1hey can be acknowledged vla Lhe mouse cursor or Lhe Alarm buLLon
on Lhe dedlcaLed keyboard.

Alarm SLaLus lonL Color llashlng Slgnal
AcLlve unacknowledged Alarms 8o|d ked es es
AcLlve unacknowledged Alarms SllenL e.g.
8o|d ked es No
AcLlve acknowledged Alarms 8o|d ked No No
non-AcLlve unacknowledged Alarms Norma| ked es es
non-AcLlve acknowledged Alarms No No No No
AcLlve unacknowledged Warnlngs 8o|d Crange es No
AcLlve acknowledged Warnlngs 8o|d Crange No No
non-AcLlve unacknowledged Warnlngs Norma| Crange es No
non-AcLlve acknowledged Warnlngs No No No No


ln Lhe opened Alarm or Warnlng fleld you can follow all Alarms wlLh Lhe Llme Lhey Lrlggered off and Lhelr
currenL sLaLus.

1he sound of an alarm wlll sLop lf Lhe operaLor acknowledged lL, Warnlngs wlll sLop Lhe sound afLer 2
seconds auLomaLlcally.
A llsL of Lhe mosL common Alarms ls sLaLed aL Lhe luncLlonal descrlpLlon Manual of navl-Sallor 4000
(age 179).


='/#%?)I. #2. <)/-13,

Cpt|m|z|ng your LCDIS D|sp|ay

1he LCulS has four dlfferenL dlsplay

8ASL - noL allowed for navlgaLlonal used

S1AnuA8u - llrsL dlsplay seLLlng LhaL
mlghL be used for navlgaLlon

CuS1CM - May be cusLomlzed beLween
SLandard and all layers upon Lhe
cusLomers' needs

ALL LA?L8S - Shows all avallable Layers of
a vecLorlzed CharL


lor seLLlng up your ulsplay you have Lo enLer
Lhe charLs menu vla Lhe Lask llsL.
1he Layers Lab conLalns all seLLlngs for
vecLorlzed charLs. 1here ls also no rlghL or
wrong seLLlng. ?ou should declde beLween Lhe
lLems shown on Lhe charL panel also on Lhe nav.
sLaLus and Lhe lnLenLlons of Lhe vessel.

1he LnC Lab would only change Lhe lookallke of
offlclal LnC uaLa.

ALL SL11lnCS MAuL ln 1PlS MLnu uC CnL?
LllLC1 1PL 8LSLn1A1lCn Cl CPA81S, 1PL8L
lS nC lu81PL8 8LnLll1 LlkL C8LA1lnC
ALA8MS C8 WA8nlnCS uuL 1C 1PL SL11lnCS


7%'$ /23&./ J/K +C% /23&.
S|tuat|ona| Awareness:
AcLlvaLlng Lhe four shades mode Lhe dlsplay relaLed Shallow and deep conLour wlll be show as Lwo
addlLlonal blue colored paLLerns on Lhe charL panel.
1he user musL now dlsLlngulsh beLween maneuverable waLer and non-navlgable waLer. A help could be
reached by acLlvaLlng Lhe shallow aLLern" whlch crosses ouL Lhe non-navlgable waLers.
1hls mlghL lead Lo a cluLLered screen.
Salllng ln Lwo shades Mode wlLh proper seL safeLy depLh values Lhe user can easlly dlffer beLween Cood-
WhlLe (black durlng nlghL vlslon) and 8ad-8lue dlsplayed conLours.


63/)( >3J)E3#)%"31 7'"(#)%"/
1he safeLy conLour ls dlsplayed on your charL as a grey bold llne separaLlng navlgable from non-
navlgable waLers.
1he "8ouLe check" and alarm feaLures wlll use Lhls separaLlon beLween navlgable and non-navlgable
waLers for alarm funcLlonallLy. Also, Lhe overall dlsplay feaLures change accordlng Lo Lhe safeLy conLour


uependlng on Lhe safeLy parameLers, Lhe dlsplay
mode and Lhe poslLlon of an ob[ecL, lLs presenLaLlon
sLyle mlghL change ln order Lo lndlcaLe a danger.
Lxample - lsolaLed uangers:
1he symbol for an "lsolaLed danger" wlll change
dependlng on your safeLy conLour.
lf Lhe lsolaLed danger has a safe passlng depLh less
Lhan your safeLy conLour, lL wlll be consldered "noL
safe Lo pass over" and Lhe Lop warnlng symbols wlll
be ln use.
lf Lhe safe passlng depLh ls more Lhan your safeLy
conLour, Lhe lsolaLed danger becomes lnslgnlflcanL
and ls only shown lf selecLed ln charL layers and
accordlng Lo Lhe blue symbol.
1he same happens lf Lhe lsolaLed danger lles ln
waLers already declared non-navlgable by Lhe
safeLy conLour.


L'./#)%"/ F

1. Whlch dlsplay mode ls allowed for proper navlgaLlon?
2. When Lhe user ls seLLlng Lhe safeLy conLour value, whlch conLour llne ls selecLed by Lhe LCulS
3. WhaL ls Lhe slgnlflcanL dlfference beLween Lhese Lwo S-32 charL symbols?

4. 8uoys, 8eacons and oLher alds Lo navlgaLlon are only dlsplayed ln whlch dlsplay mode?

3. Whlch menu lcon can be used lf you are noL sure whaL Lhe charLed symbol sLands for?

6. WhaL ls Lhe horlzonLal daLum for geographlc poslLlon on an LCulS?

7. WhaL ls Lhe ma[or dlfference beLween LnC vecLor charLs and oLher vecLor charLs?

8. Whlch CharL ls Lhe safeLy frame performlng checks on?

9. ln whaL order are Lhe alarms llsLed ln Lhe conLrol panel drop down?

10. WhaL happens lf cllcklng lefL ln Lhe charL area?

Answers Lo Lhe quesLlons can be found on page 76


M%'#. B13"")"E
A rouLe alms Lo esLabllsh Lhe mosL favorable way Lo a desLlnaLlon, whlle malnLalnlng approprlaLe safeLy
marglns ln regard of navlgaLlonal and anLl-colllslon hazards.

1he 1ransas LCulS sysLem has several feaLures Lo faclllLaLe rouLe plannlng:
L1A - lL ls qulLe slmple Lo do a qulck assessmenL on arrlval Llme Lo a porL.
8ouLe plan - Lhe plannlng of waypolnLs, rouLe legs, Lurn radluses and safeLy dlsLances may be
conducLed ln Lhe LCulS.
CalculaLlons regardlng Llde levels and Lldal sLreams are avallable, allowlng for full ukC
1he resulLlng rouLe plan may be prlnLed ln Labular form or uploaded Lo connecLed radars, CS
unlLs eLc.

Load 8ouLe - Lo load a rouLe for vlewlng or edlLlng by Lhe name selecLed from Lhe llsL,
unload 8ouLe - Lo unload a rouLe by Lhe name selecLed from Lhe llsL,
locus on 8ouLe - Lo prompLly flnd Lhe acLlve rouLe on Lhe nS CharL anel,
W LdlLor - Lo Lurn on Lhe graphlc rouLe edlLor,
Save - Lo save Lhe acLlve rouLe,
name - Lo enLer Lhe acLlve rouLe name.


WaypolnLs may now be creaLed by movlng and lefL cllcklng Lhe mouse.
1he waypolnLs wlll be llsLed by laLlLude and longlLude ln a Lable and a rouLe wlll be generaLed.
1hls rouLe wlll have defaulL x1u seLLlngs of 0.10 nM and Lurn radlus 0.10 nM.
WaypolnLs and x1u may be edlLed by cllck and drag. AlLernaLlvely, any daLa may be edlLed by enLerlng
new values ln Lhe waypolnL Lable or ln Lhe graphlc mode by enLerlng Lhe lnformaLlon wlndow (1ab) for
Lhe upcomlng WaypolnLs.


When all Lhe waypolnLs seem Lo be Ck, Lhe values for 1urn radlus and x1u should be ad[usLed Lo ensure
LhaL Lhe safeLy marglns are adequaLe.
ln areas where safeLy marglns are narrow, speclal cauLlon should be exerclsed ln accordance wlLh your
company's navlgaLlon pollcy.
ltecootloos mlqbt locloJe btlJqe moooloq, speeJ ooJ eoqloe teoJloess, tepoltemeots fot Joyllqbt ooJ
vlslblllty, tepoltemeots fot tlJol levels ooJ speeJ ooJ Jltectloo of wloJ ooJ cotteots.

When Lhe rouLe ls compleLed, Lhere ls a feaLure whereby an auLomaLlc safeLy check mlghL be made for
Lhe enLlre rouLe and all Lhe charLs LhaL are affecLed.
1he safeLy check wlll be made uslng your safeLy parameLers and pre-programmed maneuverlng
1ransas Marlne recommends LhaL all rouLes are Lhoroughly checked boLh manually and auLomaLlcally
before belng puL Lo use.

A rouLe LhaL has been creaLed can be modlfled ln several ways.
8ouLes can be merged or llnked wlLh new or already exlsLlng rouLes.


1he LCulS needs LnC charLs of an approprlaLe scale and wlLh Lhe laLesL correcLlons ln order Lo lmprove
Lhe safeLy of your shlp.
Should you flnd LhaL you need Lo updaLe or purchase LnC llcenses, Lhe rouLe you have creaLed mlghL be
opened ln Lhe 1ransas CharL AsslsLanL and asslsL you ln updaLlng or orderlng.
(more abouL Lhls ln Lhe CharL AsslsLanL chapLer)

4'./#)%"/ N

1. Pow can you creaLe or change a rouLe plan?
2. name Lhe dlfferenL Lypes of rouLe legs avallable ln your LCulS?
3. Why ls lL necessary Lo also have a manual rouLe check besldes Lhe auLomaLlc check?

Answers Lo Lhe quesLlons can be found on page 76


@A.$()/. N

lan a rouLe from Le Pavre (l8A) LL Lo Llverpool (uk).
Choose Voyage |anner
Choose New

lace Lhe cursor where you wanL Lhe rouLe Lo sLarL and Lhen lefL cllck.
1hen place waypolnLs aL approprlaLe poslLlons.
AfLer placlng Lhe flnal waypolnL, please rlghL cllck Lwlce.
now save Lhe creaLed rouLe by fllllng ln le novte-lpool ln Lhe empLy LexL fleld and press Save.
1he rouLe ls now saved under Lhe name le novte-lpool.

lan a rouLe from Llverpool Lo uublln accordlng Lo prlor example and save lL as lpool-uobllo.


@A.$()/. O

now you wlll a make rouLe go Lhe opposlLe way.
Load Lhe rouLe lpool-uobllo.
Choose Ld|t Cpt|ons.
Choose keverse.
And save the route under the new name Dub||n-Lpoo|.
now you can see LhaL Lhe waypolnL numbers are reversed. Always conLrol Lhe dlrecLlon of a rouLe when
you acLlvaLe lL!!
now you wlll llnk Lwo rouLes LogeLher. ?ou are supposed Lo have a rouLe golng le novte - lpool-lpool -
Load Lhe rouLe le novte-lpool.
Make sure lL goes ln Lhe rlghL dlrecLlon.
Choose Ld|t Cpt|ons.
Choose L|nk .
Choose lpool - uobllo.
now conLrol LhaL Lhe rouLe goes as planned- lf noL- 18Cu8LL SPCC1! Save Lhe 8ouLe uslng a new name.
noLe: 1he llnk goes from Lhe hlghesL numbered waypolnL ln Lhe loaded rouLe Lo Lhe lowesL numbered
waypolnL ln Lhe llnked rouLe.


@A.$()/. P

CreaLe a new rouLe uslng Lhe poslLlons from Lhe WaypolnL llsL.
W 1: 36 32.803 n 076 19.823 W
W 2: 36 37.886 n 076 20.439 W
W 3: 36 47.437 n 073 44.231 W
W 4: 23 33.426 n 069 12.223 W
W 3: 49 37.138 n 004 48.823 W
W 6: 31 24.647 n 000 36.174 L

name W and Lhe rouLe from your deparLure place Lo Lhe porL of arrlval
As you see Lhe rouLe has Lo be ad[usLed
Make changes ln Lhe rouLes, you may use boLh graphlcally and Labular meLhod.
uo noL forgeL Lo save occaslonally.

Check rouLe (accordlng Lo seL safeLy parameLers).
Choose Check route
Cllck on |ay

lf a loL of alarms occur, please check safety parameters and make a new check!
Cne of Lhe mosL common seLLlngs LhaL need Lo be changed ls Lhe "Check on sca|es |arger than". ?ou are
probably noL lnLeresLed ln safeLy conLours on overvlew-charLs smaller Lhan 1:200 000. 1hls wlll reduce
Lhe number of alarms a loL.
lf you lose yourself ln Lhe charL, press Iocus 8utton!
When you are saLlsfled wlLh your rouLe plan, you can acLlvaLed lL and make lL lnLegraLe wlLh Lhe sysLem
by presslng Mon|tor. 1he rouLe wlll now Lurn red. ?ou can only make changes ln a rouLe plan (blue
rouLe), noL ln a red rouLe.
uo noL forgeL Lo also ad[usL your x1u value lf you plan narrow passages.

Answers Lo Lhe quesLlons can be found on page 77


@A.$()/. Q

Co Lo Lhe SlmulaLlon 1ab and load Lhe Slngapore Scenarlo ln 8ouLes and Scenarlos. 1he LCulS uemo
SofLware changes Lo uemo Mode. Change Lo Lhe voyage lanner and creaLe a new 8ouLe by plannlng 10
WaypolnLs along Lhe dlsplayed red 8ouLe. Save lL under 5loqopote opptoocb". 1hen agaln selecL nCnL
ln Scenarlo under Lhe SlmulaLlon 1ab.
Load 5loqopote opptoocb and carry ouL a 8ouLe check uslng 3m as safeLy conLour and depLh value.
Change Lo Lhe Schedule vlew of Lhe Lable. LnLer followlng daLa ln Lhe voyage plan Lable:
L1u: 01-11-12 13:00 (from flrsL waypolnL)
L1A: 01-11-12 19:30 (lasL waypolnL)

Choose Schedu|e ca|cu|at|on and press the p|ay button. Safe Lhe resulL as 5lNC opp 1 by enLerlng Lhe
name and cllck on CreaLe Schedule.
WhaL speed should you keep: ____________kn.

AcLlvaLe Schedule 1 deleLe Lhe L1A by cllcklng rlghL ln Lhe cell and scroll Lo clear cell Lhen enLer 14 kn aL
Lhe speed column. Cllck agaln rlghL and choose flll cells down. Safe LhaL schedule as 5lNC opp 2
When wlll you be aL Lhe lasL waypolnL lf you keep Lhe enLered speed?

8eLween W 7 and W 8 Lhere ls Lhe WesLern lloL 8oardlng ground. lan a sLop aL W 7: and sLay Lhere
for 0.3 hours. L1A aL Lhe lasL W ls 01-11-12 18:30 lf you sall wlLh Lhe speed of 12 kn Lo W 7 whaL ls
your SCA for Lhe lasL 3 W? Save Lhe schedule under SlnC app 3.

SelecL Lhe schedule 1 Lab and acLlvaLe 1ldal currenLs and Surface currenLs under schedule calculaLlon.
WhaL SCA ls now needed Lo arrlve ln Llme?

use Lhe Culck ulsLance CalculaLor ln LdlL opLlons Lo calculaLe dlsLance beLween W 7 and W10.

Answers Lo Lhe quesLlons can be found on page 77


M%'#. 8%")#%$)"E
1he added safeLy of uslng an LCulS wlll only be
avallable lf a few baslc requlremenLs are meL:
1he LCulS ls loaded wlLh LnC charLs of an
adequaLe scale and wlLh Lhe laLesL updaLes.
1he user has seL approprlaLe safeLy
parameLers for hls shlp.
1he user has creaLed a rouLe for Lhe
lnLended voyage and checked lL for safeLy.
1he user has acLlvaLed approprlaLe alarm
o 8ouLe monlLorlng ls acLlve.
o SafeLy frame ls acLlve.
1he MonlLorlng menu ls avallable over Lhe 1ask llsL.


varlous area alarms can be acLlvaLed by Lhe user.
An LCulS ls deslgned Lo sulL a mulLlLude of users and acLlvlLles. Some of Lhe alarms mlghL noL be
relevanL Lo a merchanL shlp.
?ou have Lo conslder LhaL Lhere ls no overall seLLlng for an approprlaLe Alarm generaLlon. lL ls
dependenL on Lhe area you are operaLlng ln and your lnLenLlons.
lease keep ln mlnd LhaL Alarms may also dlffer beLween voyage plannlng and 8ouLe monlLorlng.


Whlle Lravelllng along a pre-planned Lrack, Lhe LCulS ls ready Lo monlLor your shlp's progress.
When a rouLe has been loaded ln acLlve monlLorlng" Lhe followlng feaLures are avallable:
x1u ls monlLored and can be dlsplayed.
An alarm for CuL of schedule ls opLlonal.
An alarm for approach of W and end of Lrack alarm ls opLlonal.
An alarm for headlng dlfference from lnLended leg course ls opLlonal.
1here mlghL be lnsLances where Lhe offlcer of Lhe waLch needs Lo leave Lhe monlLored rouLe due Lo
unforeseen evenLs (Lo avold a colllslon or Lo asslsL a vessel ln dlsLress).
1he safeLy frame feaLure allows auLomaLlc monlLorlng and warnlng generaLlon and works lndependenLly
of Lhe rouLe.
lL ls noL lnLended Lo replace Lhe Lhorough process of full voyage plannlng.

4'./#)%"/ O

1. Pow a monlLored rouLe ls presenLed and ls lL posslble Lo monlLor more rouLes aL Lhe same Llme?
2. Pow can an acLlvely monlLored rouLe be changed?
3. SLaLe Lhe relevanL sLeps you need Lo follow Lo monlLor a rouLe and malnLaln safeLy?

Answers Lo Lhe quesLlons can be found on page 78


1he funcLlon Maps offers Lhe posslblllLy of addlng, changlng or deleLlng any ob[ecL ln a charL Lhe same
way as ln a paper charLs and enables Lhe user Lo creaLe several user charLs as an overlay Lo Lhe
presenLed LnC charL. lL ls Lhe navlgaLors pencll for no go areas or remarks he has Lo Lhe charL whlch ls
Maps are saved ln one separaLe daLa layer.
unforLunaLely Lhere ls no mechanlsm Lo replace manual updaLes when auLomaLlc updaLes are recelved.
lf a manual correcLlon ls done Lo an ob[ecL and Lhe same ob[ecL ls laLer changed by an auLomaLed
updaLe, Lhe manual correcLlon wlll sLlll exlsL.

1herefore Lhe user has Lo manually deleLe all manual updaLes as soon as Lhe auLomaLlc updaLes are

WlLhln Lhe Maps 1able we have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo creaLe:
Areas as polygons or
clrcles (no Co Areas)
Symbols, llnes, LexL
and depLhs can be added
(useful ln voyage
ALLachmenLs such as
plc's or documenLs can
be added Lo any ob[ecL
and wlll be dlsplayed
wlLh Lhe lnfo Lool.
Cwn symbol llbrarles can
be lmplemenLed on


1o dlsplay Maps panel selecL Lhe approprlaLe Lab on Lhe panel bar.
Maps panel conslsLs of Lhe followlng groups:
R$%'- 0%$ #2. (%"#$%1 %0 #2. '/.$ (23$# %;S.(# &)/-13, (%"/)/#/ %0 #2. 0%11%C)"E .1.?."#/T
Cn - Lo Lurn on Lhe dlsplay of Lhe acLlve layer on Lhe elecLronlc charL,
Save - Lo save Lhe user charL,
ALLachmenLs - Lo Lurn on Lhe hlghllghLlng of ob[ecLs wlLh aLLached flles,
ueleLed - Lo Lurn on Lhe hlghllghLlng of deleLed ob[ecL,
Colour - Lo Lurn on Lhe orange colored llghLlng of all Lhe user charL ob[ecLs.

Ateo fot cteotloq ooJ Jltloq Objects lo tbe octlve loyet conLalns Lhe followlng elemenLs:
new Cb[ecL - Lo ploL a new ob[ecL on Lhe charL,
LdlL Cb[ecL - Lo selecL an exlsLlng ob[ecL for edlLlng,
ShlfL Cb[ecL - Lo selecL and move an exlsLlng ob[ecL,
ShlfL All Cb[ecLs - Lo move all Lhe ob[ecLs Lo Lhe dlsLance,
ueleLe Cb[ecL - Lo selecL and deleLe an ob[ecL,
8esLore Cb[ecL - Lo selecL and resLore a prevlously deleLed ob[ecL,
ALLachmenLs - Lo asslgn "aLLached flle" aLLrlbuLe by selecLlng a flle from a llsL.


Ateo fot selectloo of Object coteqoty ooJ 1ype cootolos 5 wloJows.
Symbol - provldes a polnL ob[ecL symbol llbrary,
Llnes - provldes a symbol llbrary of varlous llne and area Lypes,
uepLh - wlndow for Lhe lnpuL of Lhe dlsLlncLlve depLh ob[ecL value,
1exL - wlndow for Lyplng Lhe LexL ob[ecL characLers,
Clrcles - provldes a symbol llbrary of varlous clrcle llne and area Lypes.

Object Atttlbotes Jltloq oteo cootolos tbe followloq elemeots.
Colour paleLLe - Lo asslgn "ob[ecL colour" aLLrlbuLe Lo Lhe ob[ecL,
ALLrlbuLes - Lo open Lhe wlndow of Lhe resL of Lhe ob[ecL aLLrlbuLes,
1exL - Lo asslgn "ob[ecL LexL",
lnfo - Lo asslgn "ob[ecL lnformaLlon" aLLrlbuLe,
uepLh - Lo asslgn "ob[ecL depLh" aLLrlbuLe,
Clear aLLrlbuLes . - Lo cancel all Lhe aLLrlbuLes for each new ob[ecL.


7)"& L;S.(# -3E. (%"/)/#/ %0 #C% .1.?."#/T
Object lotometets Ateo.
Cb[ecL symbol,
1ype - ob[ecL caLegory,
uanger - ob[ecL sLaLus as a danger Lo navlgaLlon,
Modlfled - daLe and Llme of Lhe mosL recenL change of Lhe ob[ecL excepL Lhe change of lLs
geographlc poslLlon,
SLaLe - ob[ecL sLaLus (deleLed/ modlfled eLc.).


@A.$()/. U

AcLlvaLe user CharL by presslng CN.
1. uraw a square wlLh an anchor-slgn (Square CenLer) wlLhln lL. All sldes should be approx. 2 nm.
SLarL aL poslLlon 34 03.190 n 007 24.673 L
2. WrlLe Lhe name of your shlp lnslde Lhe square.
3. Save Lhe map.
4. Add a new ob[ecL lncludlng Lhe text W8LCk" and add a danger depLh of 8 m.
3. Move Lhe ob[ecL approx. 0.3 nm wesL from lLs orlglnal poslLlon.
6. Save Lhe changes lnLo Lhe currenL layer.
7. CreaLe no-Co Areas uslng Lhe Maps Lool and famlllarlze wlLh Lhe dlfferenL Cb[ecL caLegorles.


M)/V %0 LJ.$$.1)3"(.
1he tra|n|ng |n LCDIS operat|ona| use shou|d address:
Lhe llmlLaLlons of LCulS as a navlgaLlonal Lool,
poLenLlal rlsk of lmproper funcLlonlng of Lhe sysLem,
sysLem llmlLaLlons, lncludlng Lhose of lLs sensors,
knowledge of prlnclpal Lypes of A8A/LCulS/AlS, Lhelr dlsplay characLerlsLlcs, performance
sLandards and Lhe dangers of over rellance on A8A/LCulS/AlS,
hydrographlc daLa lnaccuracy, llmlLaLlons of vecLor and rasLer elecLronlc charLs (LCulS vs. 8CuS
and LnC vs. 8nC), and
oLenLlal rlsk of human errors.
Lmphasls should be placed on Lhe need Lo keep a proper look-ouL and Lo perform perlodlcal checklng,
especlally of Lhe shlp's poslLlon, by LCulS lndependenL meLhods.
lMC. S1CW.7/Clrc.10 (2001)

1he use of LCulS does noL relleve Lhe offlcer of Lhe waLch from hls duLy Lo use all avallable means.
1he LCulS ls a slngle unlL LhaL consolldaLes several sensors and Lhe navlgaLlon charL.
Any error ln a sensor, Lhe charL or Lhe LCulS lLself, may lead Lo a dangerous slLuaLlon.
1he offlcer of Lhe waLch should Lherefore conducL regular checks of all connecLed sensors, Lhe back-up
LCulS and use slghL and hearlng as well as all avallable means Lo flx shlps poslLlon and progress.


1he ma|n sensor for your LCDIS |s the LIS.
1he offlcer of Lhe waLch should famlllarlze hlm or herself wlLh Lhe
LlS, know lLs menus and where Lhe anLenna ls locaLed.
A qulck check of Lhe unlL should lnclude:
ower on
All cables and connecLors appear Ck
Several saLelllLes are belng Lracked, and Lhey have an Ck value for Sn8 (slgnal sLrengLh)
1he PuC value ls low - normal mlghL be 0,3 - 3, hlgh ls any value above 4
8AlM seLLlngs are Ck and lndlcaLe safe
oslLlon ls belng updaLed every second
CharL daLum ls seL Lo WCS-84
lf uCS ls ln use - Lhe sLaLlon ln use ls near by
lf uCS ls ln use - correcLlons are belng recelved for mosL saLelllLes


As menLloned Lhe charLed lnformaLlon ln LnC ls as lL ls on paper charLs dependenL on Lhe surveyed
lnformaLlon Lhe naLlonal Pydrographlc offlces provlded.
1hese lnaccuracles may be consldered by dlsplaylng Lhe M-CuallLy Cb[ecLs from Lhe CharL menu of Lhe
1ask llsL.


?our LCulS ls an lndusLrlal Lype compuLer and has been Lhrough Lough LesLlng for before belng approved
Lo be puL onboard a shlp.
Lven so, someLhlng mlghL fall. A slngle componenL
fallure may affecL a slngle funcLlon or Lhe whole
MosL errors should be lmmedlaLely obvlous Lo Lhe
offlcer of Lhe waLch, and also deLecLed by Lhe back-up
LCulS buL ln rare occaslons an almosL lnvlslble
,freeze of Lhe compuLer mlghL occur, and may go
undeLecLed for some Llme.
1here have also been evenLs where dupllcaLe unlLs of
oLher marlne equlpmenL have had Lhe same sofLware
faulL whereby Lhey boLh sLopped worklng aL Lhe same
lL mlghL be advlsable Lo rebooL LCulS compuLers
perlodlcally, wlLh dlfferenL re-booL Llmes for maln
LCulS and back-up unlLs.


numan Lrror
recondlLlons for unsafe acLs:
1. Interna|:

physlology (lllness), menLal sLaLe
(faLlgue, dlsLracLlon)

2. Lxterna|:

mlsmaLch beLween Lhe
operaLor's ablllLy and Lhe Lask demands (lack of Lralnlng),
poor crew resource managemenL (lssues such as leadershlp and communlcaLlon),
poor personal readlness pracLlces (e.g., vlolaLlng Lhe crew resL requlremenLs ln
CrganlzaLlonal lnfluences (human or flnanclal resources, sLrucLures, pollcles, culLure,
procedures, schedules, overslghL).


keep |n M|nd:
1. Same errors as ln a paper charL, always
depends on Lhe survey.
2. Sensor lnpuL plauslblllLy?
3. CorrecL safeLy parameLer seLLlngs?
4. CharLs correcLed?
3. use wlLh experlence
6. roper navlgaLlonal work ls sLlll requlred!
7. uo noL [usL 'follow Lhe red llne'!
8. never LrusL one sysLem alone.
9. Look ouL of Lhe wlndow!


L'./#)%"/ P

1. Whlch LlemenLs may cause posslbly errors ln dlsplay or any oLher fallure ln an LCulS?
a. lnpuLs from sensors
b. Sensor seLLlngs
c. 1he LCulS hardware
d. 1he charLs
e. 1he charLs
f. 1he LCulS sofLware

2. WhaL means of checklng Lhe funcLlonlng of Lhe LCulS are avallable Lo Lhe CCW?
a. LCulS bullL-ln alarm sysLem?
b. Checks of Lhe sensors LhaL are connecLed Lo LCulS
c. oslLlon flxlng by oLher means
d. LCulS back-up unlL

3. Whlch of Lhe Lwo ZCC lcons represenL besL survey accuracy?

Answers Lo Lhe quesLlons can be found on page 78


Chart Ass|stant
1he LCulS uemo conLalns a bullL ln charL follo
for cerLaln areas. 1he updaLlng process ls [usL
slmulaLed. 1o glve you an undersLandlng how
Lhe updaLlng of a real 1ransas LCulS SysLem
may look we lnserLed Lhe followlng pages.
1he CharL AsslsLanL appllcaLlon ls bulld Lo
fulflll all acLlons regardlng your charL follo.
SLarLlng Lhe appllcaLlon you have Lhe cholce
beLween a CA Wlzard and Lhe CharL AsslsLanL
for advanced users. 1he Wlzard wlll gulde you
Lhrough a llmlLed amounL of acLlons CA ls
capable of.
As menLloned ln Lhe ChapLer CharLs 1ransas LCulS ls capable Lo dlsplay mulLlple charL formaLs.
uependlng on your charL supply and company regulaLlons, you have Lo choose whlch charLs you have on


W%C #% &% ,%'$ /.##)"E/
CeLLlng sLarLed wlLh Lhe CharL AsslsLanL we
recommend runnlng Lhe CharL AsslsLanL
appllcaLlon for advanced users. All posslble
acLlons now can be carrled ouL.

AfLer you sLarLed Lhe followlng wlndow wlll appear. ln Lhe Lop lefL corner you have Lo change Lo SLnC
(1AuS Servlce) charL formaL.


8y enLerlng Lhe Shlps collecLlon 1ab you have Lo choose Lhe ConflguraLlon 8uLLon Lo open Lhe Conflg
dlalog box. Co Lo emall anel.
?ou shall have Lwo folders on a uS8 devlce
(only for Lransferrlng uaLa beLween Lhe Comms C and your LCulS)
one called CA_lnbox and Lhe second one called CA_CuLbox.

Make sure LhaL Lhe correcL
emall address ls glven under
Lhe seLLlngs, Lhls ls Lhe emall
address Lo whlch our server wlll
reply when you order new
caLalogue, llcenses, charLs or
updaLes Lo Lhe exlsLlng charLs.


!"/#311 ,%'$ =23$# 9 X)(."/.
LxlL navl-Sallor and sLarL CharL AsslsLanL for advanced users.
Choose formaL your requlred formaL. use SLnC" for 1AuS-Servlce.

lnserL Lhe uS8 sLlck wlLh Lhe new llcense, and Lhen push Lhe Llcense" buLLon Lo lnsLall a new llcense:


lnserL Lhe 8ase Cu 1 or uvu, Lhen cllck Lhe Update buLLon, and choose Cu as Lhe medla you wlsh Lo
lnsLall from:

lollow Lhe lnsLrucLlons whlch are glven on Lhe screen, repeaL procedures above (6-8) wlLh Lhe oLher
base Cus as well excepL for 1AuS LnC 8ASL Cu no 8.
lnserL Lhe laLesL updaLe Cu and cllck updaLe buLLon for furLher selecLlon a medla from where updaLes
wlll be lnsLalled.
Close CharL AsslsLanL uLlllLy.
8un navl-Sallor! lL may now Lake longer Lo sLarL Lhe navl-Sallor Lask due Lo Lhe new CharL follo of your


lnserL Cu wlLh a charL follo lnLo Lhe Cu drlve. ress Lhe Update buLLon.

1he Scan D|sk wlndow wlll open up.
ress Lhe CD(G:\) buLLon.

1he CA wlll scan Lhe exLernal sLorage, wlll auLomaLlcally ldenLlfy Lhe charL formaL and Lype of daLa lL
conLalns, and wlll provlde a llsL of avallable acLlons:

lf Lhe lnsLall SLnC charLs opLlon ls selecLed, all Lhe charLs conLalned on Lhe dlsk, whlch Lhe llcenses are
avallable for, wlll be auLomaLlcally lnsLalled. lf Lhe Show SLnC ulsk ConLenL opLlon ls selecLed, Lhe screen
wlll dlsplay a llsL of charLs for Lhe furLher selecLlon and lnsLallaLlon of necessary charLs ln Lhe manual


lf Show SLnC ulsk ConLenL opLlon ls selecLed, afLer Lhe end of Lhe scannlng process, Lhe Shlp CollecLlon
panel dlsplays dashed ouLllnes of all Lhe charLs found on Lhe Cu. ln Lhe 1able panel Lhese charLs are
shown ln Lhe rlghL-hand parL of Lhe Lable.
Check Synchronlze charLs collecLlon checkbox and press Lhe Ck buLLon Lo conflrm Lhe lnsLallaLlon of
charL follo. When Lhls ls done you wlll see Lhe CharL AsslsLanL lasL operaLlon log wlndow wlLh charL
lnsLallaLlon log:

Close Lhe log. CharL lnsLallaLlon process ls compleLed.
Conslder: All logged acLlons ln CharL AsslsLanL may be reached also wlLh Lhe 8eporLs lcon under Lhe
1able vlew.


L$&.$ =23$# X)(."/./ ;, M%'#.
CreaLe your rouLe ln navl-Sallor and save lL. 1hen sLarL CharL AsslsLanL for Advanced users.
Change formaL Lo SLNC, change Lo Cata|ogue.

Cllck Lhe Add by route buLLon Lo selecL Lhe charLs affecLed by a pre-planned rouLe.


Load Lhe rouLe you creaLed earller ln navl-Sallor by elLher cllcklng Lhe arrow (drop down menu) or Lhe
8rowse buLLon.


SeL Lhe number of how wlde
range of charLs (CharL selecLlon
corrldor) would you llke Lo
have added Lo your baskeL (ln
nauLlcal mlles). 1hen cllck Add
to se|ect|on.

Cllck Lhe New L|censes buLLon ln Lhe CaLalogue panel.


Cllck on Lhe Cpt|m|ze kequest buLLon Lo run Lhe auLomaLlc check funcLlonallLy. ?ou have Lo perform Lhe
opLlmlzaLlon Lo geL send your requesL for charL llcenses.


1he opLlmlzaLlon of your requesL checks your currenL charL follo and llcenses and may deleLe charLs
from your requesL when you sLlll have a valld llcense.

Cn Lhe rlghL slde (ln Ceneral
8equesL lnformaLlon" fleld)
you can now see Lhe
approxlmaLe prlce for Lhe
1hls prlce ls only a rough
esLlmaLe for a 12 monLh
llcenslng of all marked charLs.

Cllck Send kequest buLLon.


1he dlalog box wlll appear. Pere you can flnd useful lnformaLlon abouL where Lhe flles wlll be saved and
where Lo send Lhem. CreaLe Lwo folders on Lhe uS8 sLlck, one called lnbox and Lhe second one called
CuLbox (lor full lnformaLlon upon on seLLlngs ad[usLmenL see Pow Lo do your seLLlngs ln CA documenL).
Make sure your flles wlll be saved on Lhe uS8 sLlck ln ouLbox. Cllck flnlsh".

8rlng Lhe uS8 sLlck Lo your lnLerneL/communlcaLlon compuLer. Send Lhe flle you have [usL made Lo Lhe
ln a shorL whlle (as soon as 1ransas has conflrmed Lhe order) you wlll recelve a new llcense senL Lo you
by emall. Save Lhe llcense on Lhe uS8 sLlck ln Lhe lnbox folder. 8rlng Lhe sLlck Lo Lhe LCulS and go Lo
CharL AsslsLanL program. CharL AsslsLanL wlll auLomaLlcally deLecL Lhe .cdf flle conLalnlng Lhe new
When Lhls ls done, you wlll have Lo run Lhe 8ASL Cus Lo load Lhe new charLs.
8un Lhe laLesL updaLe Cu.
?our new charLs are now ln Lhe sysLem.


Y-&3#. J)3 =<
Make sure LhaL you selecLed Lhe relevanL charL formaL. lor 1AuS Servlce choose SLnC charL formaL.

ress Lhe Update buLLon Lo perform Lhe updaLlng process.

1he Scan D|sk wlndow wlll open up:


Speclfy Lhe exLernal sLorage conLalnlng Lhe updaLes. 1o run updaLes from Lhe dlsk press Lhe CD (G:\)
buLLon. A wlndow wlLh a proposal Lo lnsLall Lhe updaLe wlll appear:

Check Synchron|ze charts co||ect|on checkbox and press Lhe Ck buLLon Lo conflrm Lhe lnsLallaLlon of
updaLes. When Lhls ls done you wlll see Lhe Chart Ass|stant |ast operat|on |og wlndow wlLh updaLlng

Close or prlnL Lhe log-flle lf you need Lhe paperwork. 1he CharL updaLlng process ls compleLed.


ln Lhe Cata|ogue panel you can see whlch collecLlon of updaLes ls ln your sysLem. 1he caLalogue ln Lhe
caLalogue Lree whlch ls hlghllghLed by bold ls Lhe laLesL loaded caLalogue:

1he CaLalogue panel shows Lhe charLs of 1x-79 and SLnC formaLs avallable for orderlng and updaLlng
from 1ransas. 1hls caLalog of 1x-97 and SLnC charLs could be updaLed from charL Cus or downloaded
onllne from 1ransas charL server.


L;#3)")"E =23$# =%$$.(#)%"
CbLalnlng charL correcLlon servlce ls also posslble Lhrough Lhe 1ransas slLe:

1he updaLlng lnformaLlon ls prepared every week and ls placed on Lhe company web slLe (http:]]www.]support]chart_correct|ons]). 1he user speclfles Lhe dellvery aL Lhe Llme when Lhe
AgreemenL ls slgned: dlrecL vla lnLerneL or on elecLronlc carrlers vla shore agencles represenLlng Lhe
user's lnLeresLs.


1ransas SLNC Iormat Charts Updat|ng
SLnC updaLlng daLa conslsLs of:
updaLe - lncludes all Lhe lncremenLal updaLlng flles ln S-37 recelved slnce Lhe Llme of
SLnC Cu lssue (flle Update<NN>_WI<kk>. exe), lL should be noLed LhaL avallable for
lnsLallaLlon ls only Lhe updaLlng for charLs purchased by Lhe cusLomer.
new CharLs - lncludes all Lhe new charLs ln 1ransas SLnC formaL recelved slnce Lhe Llme
of SLnC Cu lssue.
new LdlLlon - lncludes all Lhe new edlLlon charLs ln 1ransas SLnC formaL noL lncluded ln
SLnC Cu. 1he updaLlng lnformaLlon ls sLored ln Lhe form of self-exLracLlng archlves (e.g.
Update24_WI44. exe).

lor 1ransas formaL SLnC, Lhe followlng updaLlng can be used:
Cpen S-37 updaLlng.
S-37 updaLlng encoded ln accordance wlLh S-63 sLandard (lf valld permlLs are
1ransas encoded S-37 updaLlng.
8lnary updaLlng (recelved wlLh e-mall from Lhe 1ransas charL server).

LNC Iormat Charts Updat|ng
LnC formaL charLs can only be updaLed vla Lhe company's lnLerneL slLe (http:]]www. transas.
com]support]senc_data]). 1he collecLlon on Lhe slLe ls updaLed every week.


W%C #% '/. #2. %00)()31 (23$# (%$$.(#)%"/
Cpen Lhe slLe page hLLp://

llle Update<NN>_WI<kk>.exe conLalns all Lhe new charLs, new edlLlons of charLs and updaLed charLs
whlch are noL lncluded ln Lhe laLesL 1AuS SLnC CollecLlon Cu.
lf you have any prevlous lssue of 1AuS SLnC charL follo lL ls recommended Lo download SLnC Cu lmages
and lnsLall new 1AuS SLnC CollecLlon before lnsLalllng updaLes. revlously lnsLalllng new charLs you
need Lo updaLe your llcense.
llle Update<NN>_WI<kk>.exe has been packed as self-exLracLlng archlve. ?ou need Lo run Lhe archlve
and exLracL Lhe charLs before lnsLallaLlon Lhem by means of CharL AsslsLanL uLlllLy.
When exLracLlon ls compleLed, a SLnC llbrary named Update<NN>_WI<kk>.c|b ls creaLed ln Lhe currenL
dlrecLory. Speclfy Lhe paLh Lo Lhls dlrecLory durlng lnsLallaLlon of updaLes.


Y-&3#. J)3 @?3)1
1o updaLe your charL follo, sLarL CharL AsslsLanL for Advanced users and change lnLo Lhe requlred
formaL. use SLnC for 1AuS-servlce.

Change Lo Cata|ogue and cllck Lhe "+" Lool Lo enable Lhe addlng funcLlon".

lL ls also posslble Lo use Lhe 'Add by rouLe' funcLlonallLy or Lo use a regularly updaLe of all lnsLalled
charLs. 1he carrled ouL acLlons ls only abouL Lhe selecLlon of Lhe charLs you wanL Lo perform a cerLaln
acLlon wlLh.


All charLs LhaL wlll be marked now are charLs LhaL you
would llke Lo order updaLes for. LefL cllck ln Lhe map,
and Lhen by movlng Lhe Lrackball you wlll make Lhe
area larger/smaller. lease noLe LhaL all charLs LhaL
are connecLed Lo or ln Lhe area wlll be marked.

Cnce you are happy wlLh Lhe area
Lhen cllck Lhe lefL buLLon agaln and
Lhe charLs wlll be marked red (Lhose
boundarles are hlghllghLed by red


Cllck Lhe buLLon Updates".

Cllck Cpt|m|ze request.
(Cnly llcensed charLs are avallable for
updaLes, unllcensed wlll be
nC1L LhaL lf you wanL Lo order
updaLes for all lnsLalled charLs you
can check LhaL box and ln case of
LhaL you don'L have Lo mark any
charL manually.


lf Lhe opLlmlzaLlon has found some unllcensed charLs Lhe dlalog box shows how Lo proceed. (Co Lo order
llcense lf you wanL all selecLed charLs or cllck Ck" ln Lhe dlalog box LhaL appears.

Cllck Send 8equesL" Lo flnlsh your requesL.
1he new dlalog box shows all lnformaLlon agaln.
lease check lf your emall address ls rlghL.

lf everyLhlng ls flne wlLh Lhe enLrles, lnserL
Lhe uS8 SLlck and Cllck llnlsh".
lf noL cllck on conflgure Lo change for
lnsLance your emall accounL.


1o send Lhe requesL, aLLach your uS8 devlce Lo Lhe lnLerneL/communlcaLlon compuLer on Lhe brldge
and send Lhe .cdf flle as an aLLachmenL Lo Lhe charLservlce[
A new flle/ flles wlll be senL Lo you from our charL server. Save Lhls flle on Lhe uS8 sLlck (same place as
you use Lo save recelved flles from 18AnSAS). lnserL Lhe uS8 sLlck lnLo Lhe LCulS and CharL AsslsLanL wlll
auLomaLlcally recognlze Lhe new updaLes and ask lf you wanL Lo lnsLall Lhem.

Cnce Lhey are lnsLalled you can Lake ouL a reporL Lo flnd ouL whaL has been

Synchronlze your neLwork wlLh your oLher worksLaLlons Lo have Lhe laLesL updaLe avallable on all
noLe: uo noL Lry Lo open your senL .cdf flles and also Lhe reply of Lhe charL server. 1he CharL AsslsLanL
wlll recognlze Lhese flles as corrupLed and noL lnsLall Lhem.


G"/C.$/ #% @A.$()/./ 3"& 4'./#)%"/
G"/C.$/ #% 4'./#)%"/ 5

1. 8asLer charLs are scanned lmages of LradlLlonal paper charLs and look slmllar dlsplayed ln an
LCulS CompuLer Lhls mode ls called 8CuS.
2. vecLor charLs are capable of creaLlng alarms on charLed ob[ecLs due Lo Lhe safeLy parameLers of
shlp or users dlscreLlon e.g. Area Alarms or CA alarm.
3. Also vecLor charLs are produced ln a cerLaln scale. 8asLer charLs wlll geL more and more plxeled
ln Lhe LCulS presenLaLlon by zoomlng ln so Lhe user ls aware of a more and more lnaccuraLe
dlsplay on Lhe screen. 8y zoomlng ln a vecLor charL Lhe dlsplay assumes Lo be preclse, buL ln facL
Lhe charLed daLa ls only also geLLlng lnaccuraLe. 1hls lnaccuracy ls dlsplayed aL Lhe lefL below
corner of Lhe charL panel wlLh Lwo orange llnes.
8ack Lo quesLlons

G"/C.$/ #% @A.$()/. 5

1. ovoroLnyy LlghLhouse, whlLe Lower as llghL supporL, helghL 18 m, addlLlonally all llghL
lnformaLlon of Lhe dlfferenL secLors may be read ouL.
2. SL. eLersburg.
3. ulsLance ls 723,39 nM, wesLern cardlnal buoy Amrumbank W.
4. 8earlng 137.7 - 8,22 nM Lo Amrumbank S cardlnal buoy.
8ack Lo exerclse


G"/C.$/ #% @A.$()/. F

1. SafeLy conLour Lakes now Lhe 10m conLour llne from Lhe charL and dlsplays Lhe spoL soundlng of
less Lhan 10m ln black.
2. 1here ls a sLarboard hand laLeral mark whlch may be found under Lhe buoy lnformaLlon ln Lhe
3. now LCulS dlsplays Lhe 13m conLour llne belng Lhe border beLween navlgable and non-
navlgable waLers.
4. lndlcaLlng an lsolaLed danger wlLhln Lhe navlgable waLers you deflned, buL of a depLh less
Lhan your enLered value or of an unknown depLh.
3. WlLh Lhls 13m safeLy conLour an obsLrucLlon Loplc has been added Lo Lhe lnformaLlon wlndow.
6. LCulS ls dlsplaylng agaln Lhe 10m conLour llne as sLarLlng Lhe non-navlgable waLers all spoL
soundlngs of a depLh less Lhan 8m are dlsplayed ln black Lhe oLhers ln llghL grey.
8ack Lo exerclse


G"/C.$/ #% 4'./#)%"/ F

1. SLandard ulsplay, CusLom ulsplay and All Layers. 1he only on whlch ls noL allowed ls 8ase
ulsplay, lL ls avallable as a reference for oLher used Lasks.
2. 1he conLour whlch represenLs Lhe safeLy conLour value or Lhe nexL deeper conLour llne avallable
ln Lhe charL.
3. WhaL ls Lhe slgnlflcanL dlfference beLween Lhese Lwo S-32 charL symbols?

4. 1hey are dlsplayed ln SLandard, CusLom and All Layers.
3. 1he lnformaLlon cursor.
6. WCS 84.
7. 1he LnC vecLor charL ls orlglnaLed by an offlclal hydrographlc offlce and ls Lhe only charL whlch
may acL as a subsLlLuLe of Lhe LradlLlonal paper charL.
8. Always Lhe besL scaled charL whlch ls avallable on your LCulS CompuLer.
9. 1hey are Llmely ordered.
10. ?ou wlll acLlvaLe Lhe prevlously selecLed cursor mode aL Lhe same Llme Lhe lnformaLlon wlndow
opens and Lhe cursor ls caughL ln Lhe charL panels llmlLaLlons
8ack Lo quesLlons

G"/C.$/ #% 4'./#)%"/ N

1. 8oLh acLlons can be carrled ouL graphlcally by uslng Lhe cursor, Labular by enLerlng numerlcal
values ln Lhe Lable and ln a seml graphlcal mode by uslng Lhe lnformaLlon wlndow enLered wlLh
Lhe 1A8 key funcLlonallLy.
2. CreaL Clrcle (CC), 8houmb Llne (8L)
3. Lvery LnC CharL may have codlng errors. A manual rouLe check also may ellmlnaLe some
auLomaLlc generaLed Alarms by zoomlng ln Lo a beLLer scaled charL along your planned rouLe.
8ack Lo quesLlons
1hey are boLh dlsplaylng lsolaLed dangers. 1he magenLa colored ls an
lsolaLed danger whlch ls a danger for your vessel on Lhe enLered safeLy
values buL wlLhln Lhe navlgable waLers
1he doLLed llne ls Lhe dlsplay lf Lhe lsolaLed danger ls ln Lhe non-navlgable
area ((below your safeLy conLour) or ln navlgable waLers when lL ls safe Lo
pass over.


G"/C.$/ #% @A.$()/. P

CreaLe a new rouLe uslng Lhe poslLlons from Lhe WaypolnL llsL.
W 1: norfolk LamberLspolnL Coal ler
W 2: Sewels olnL
W 3: Cheasapeake 8ayApproach 8ouy
W 4: norLh Amerlcan 8asln nares Abyssal laln
W 3: Approach Lngllsh Channel
W 6: klngsnorLh !eLLy
name of Lhe 8ouLe: norfolk - klngsnorLh Cll 8aflnery.
8ack Lo exerclse

G"/C.$/ #% @A.$()/. Q

uurlng Lhe 8ouLe check also conslder Lo change Lhe safeLy scale Lo a approprlaLe scale for your voyage
and acLlvaLe all necessary warnlngs whlch may be good Lo know for you ln advance when plannlng a Lrlp
on LhaL rouLe. Also check Lhe x1u. use Lhe lnformaLlon cursor Lo check and double check found alerLs.
SCA: 7,3 kn.
L1A on W 10 01-11-12 17:21 aL a SCA of 14 kn.
SCA wlLh 30 mln sLop and 12 kn up Lo W 7 ls 7,7 kn.
1he llve runnlng LCulS SysLem ls capable of Laklng 1ldal and surface currenLs lnLo accounL. lL ls
posslble Lo use 1oLal 1lde daLabase for offlclal daLa and a 1ransas owned daLabase whlch comes
by defaulL wlLh shlp borne equlpmenL.
1he SCA for Lhe lasL Lhree waypolnLs ls 10,6 lf Laklng also currenLs lnLo accounL.
ulsLance beLween W 7 and W 10 ls 3.34 nm.
8ack Lo exerclse


G"/C.$/ #% 4'./#)%"/ O

1. lL ls dlsplayed as a red bold llne and lL ls only posslble Lo monlLor one rouLe.
2. 1he same rouLe has Lo be loaded Lo Lhe voyage planner Lool flrsL. 1hen uslng Lhe W1 LdlLor
3. SLeps you need Lo follow Lo monlLor a rouLe and malnLaln safeLy
a. 1hese charLs have been updaLed Lo Lhe laLesL avallable updaLe
b. 1he user has acLlvaLed Lhe safeLy frame
c. 1he use has seL approprlaLe safeLy depLh and safeLy conLour
d. 1hls rouLe has been checked for safeLy
e. 1he safeLy frame has been seL wlLh approprlaLe safeLy parameLers
f. 1he LCulS ls uslng LnC charLs
g. 1hese charLs are of Lhe laLesL edlLlon
h. All relevanL rouLe monlLorlng alarms are acLlvaLed
l. 1he user has creaLed a rouLe for Lhe lnLended voyage
[. 1he user has acLlvaLed Lhe rouLe monlLorlng funcLlon
8ack Lo quesLlons

G"/C.$/ #% 4'./#)%"/ P

1. All answers are correcL.
2. All answers are correcL.
3. 1he more sLars Lhe M-CuallLy ob[ecL has Lhe more accuraLe Lhe survey was carrled ouL. 3 sLars
sLand for CA1 ZCC A 2, Lwo for u

8ack Lo quesLlons


1ransas Marlne
1el: +46 31 769 36 00
L-mall: Lralnlng[

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