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SECTION I: LISTENING (3 points) HNG DN PHN THI NGHE HIU - Bi thi nghe gm 3 phn, mi phn c nghe 2 ln.

M u v kt thc phn thi ghe c! t"n hi#u nh$c. - M%i h&ng '(n ch) th" *inh + ,-ng .ing /nh0 1 c! t2)ng ,i ghe.
PART 1: !"stions 1#$ % &oo' (t t)" si* s"nt"n+"s ,o- t)is p(-t. % /o! 0i11 )"(- ( +on2"-s(tion 3"t0""n ( t""n(4" 4i-1 +(11"5 Ann( (n5 )"- ,(t)"- (3o!t ( p(-t6. Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, put a tick () in the box under A for YES. If it is incorrect, put a tick () in the box under B for !. A /ES 1. Anna begins by asking her father to collect her from the party. 2. The party is to celebrate Toms birthday. 3. Some of Toms relations will be at the party. 4. Anna father is worried about her attending the party. . Annas father will take them to the party before the film starts. !. Annas father insists that she lea"es the party at 12.##. PART 8: !"stions 1#$ You "i## hear a ne"s reporter ca##ed An$e#a Bond, ta#kin$ on the radio about her %ob. &or each 'uestion, put a tick () in the correct box. 1. $here is Angela working at the moment% A. 7. C. D. )ritain The *SA Asia )ra+il 7 NO

2. Angela likes her &ob because

A. she lo"es being in dangerous situation. 7. she ne"er knows where shell go ne,t. C. she en&oys watching important e"ents happen. D. her &ob doesnt ha"e any disad"antages. A. 7. C. D. A. 7. C. D.

3. $hat did Angela bring home from 'ong (ong%

pictures carpets furniture bits of art -.## a.m. !.3# a.m. 1#.## a.m. -.3# a.m.

4. $hat time does Angelas working day begin%

. $here did Angela meet her boyfriend%

!. $hat does Angela do to rela,%

A. at her sisters house 7. at uni"ersity C. in 'ong (ong D. in .ondon A. She cooks a meal. 7. She goes sailing. C. She goes shopping. D. She goes for a walk.

PART 3: !"stions 1#$ You "i## hear a schoo#teacher ta#kin$ to a $roup of students about a nationa# poetr( co)petition. &or each 'uestion, fi## in the )issin$ infor)ation in the nu)bered space. POETR/ CO9PETITION :OR SCHOO& The competition for 11/14s is called the 011222222222222222222222 3ri+e. The topic for this year is 081 1222222222222222222222. The title of last years winning poem was 031 1222222222222222222222. This year the pri+e money a"ailable is 0;1 1222222222222222222222 euros. 4f successful5 school will spend the money on the 0<1 1222222222222222222222. 6or further help5 see the 0$1 1222222222222222222222.


*A+, -. /hoose the option (A,B,/ or D) that best co)p#etes each of the fo##o"in$ sentences. 0rite (our ans"ers in the nu)bered tab#e be#o". 1. 7ur country is rich 22222222 natural resources. A. of 7. with C. about D. in 2. The idea to 22222222 a "isit to the local council residence was welcomed by all the "isitors. A. pay 7. do C. go D. walk 3. 4n his an,iety to make himself222222225 he spoke too loudly and too slowly. A. understand 7. understanding C. understood D. to understand 4. 22222222 for the fact that he was working abroad5 he would willingly ha"e helped with the pro&ect. A. 4f it hadnt been 7. 4f it had been C. 'ad it been D. 'adnt it been . Some animals are on the 22222222 of becoming e,tinct. A. edge 7. "erge C. side D. tip !. The play is "ery long but there are three 22222222 A. inter"als 7. breaks C. rests D. naps 8. The last lecture 22222222 completely o"er my head. A. got 7. went C. was D. left -. 9ould 4 pick your 22222222 on the sub&ect before the meeting% A. brains 7. head C. intellect D. mind :. 4 was prepared to lend my brother some money but he turned 22222222 my offer. A. back 7. up C. out D. down 1#. 4 22222222 with the performances but 4 got flu the day before. A. was to ha"e helped 7. helped C. was to help D. had helped 11. The dying mans speech was so22222222 that no one was able to interpret his last re;uest. A. incoherent 7. indiscreet C. nonchalant D. impotent 12. <ery soon 4 found some other people to 22222222 and we began to write songs. A. keep up with 7. team up with C. talk through with D. get along with 13. 22222222 chair the meeting. A. =ohn was decided to 7. 4t was decided that =ohn should C. There was decided that =ohn should D. =ohn had been decided to 14. 4 thought about the problem but 4 couldnt 22222222 a solution. A. come in for 7. come across C. come up with D. come out 1 . 222222225 they slept soundly. A. 'ot though was the night air 7. 'ot though the night air was C. 'ot as was the night air D. 'ot although the night air was 0rite (our ans"ers here. 1. 2. !. 8. 11. 12. 3. -. 13. 4. :. 14. . 1#. 1 .

PART 8: +ead the text be#o" and think of the "ord that best fits each $ap. 1se on#( ! E "ord in each $ap. ,here is an exa)p#e at the be$innin$ (2). 0rite (our ans"ers in the nu)bered tab#e be#o". 4s your school &ust as you wanted 0>12233333 to be% 7r are there things you and your classmates 011 22222222 change5 gi"en the opportunity% This is your chance to e,press your ideas about 081 22222222 the ideal school is like. 7ur competition is open to 031 22222222 student between the ages of twel"e and eighteen. >ou can enter 0 ;1 22222222 an indi"idual or your whole class can work together on a team entry. >our entry can take any form ? a piece of writing5 a picture5 or e"en architectural plans. 4t is completely 0 <1 22222222 to you. $hat we are looking for is e"idence 0$1 22222222 originality5 imagination and5 abo"e 0=1 222222225 the genuine "iews of young people. )y 0?1 22222222 part in this5 you will help in a study being carried out at a leading uni"ersity. All work entered 0@1 22222222 the competition will be kept at the uni"ersity and used in research. @ntries cannot be returned 01>1 22222222 of this. )ut it also means that5 e"en 0 111 22222222 you do not win5 your "iews will still be heard and will remain for future educationalists to study. @ntries must reach us no 0181 22222222 than 6riday 3# April. $inners will recei"e "aluable pri+es of computer e;uipment and software for their schools. 0rite (our ans"ers here. >. it 1. 4. . -. :. 12. 2. !. 1#. 3. 8. 11.

PART 3: +ead the text be#o" and #ook carefu##( at each #ine. So)e of the #ines are correct and so)e ha3e a "ord "hich shou#d not be there. If a #ine is correct, put a tick (). If the #ine has a "ord that shou#d not be there, "rite the "ord at the end of the #ine. ,here are t"o exa)p#es at the be$innin$. > >> 1 8 3 ; < $ = ? @ 1> 11 18 13 9ongratulations on winning of the tennis championshipA >ou must be "ery pleased5 especially since the pri+e is ;uite a lot of money. $hat are you going to spend it on% >ou could e"en buy a new car with all that moneyA >ou should ha"e be in great shape after all the training you ha"e been doing. 4t must be so "ery hard work5 practising all those hours for e"ery day but it is worth it in the end5 isnt it% 3erhaps you are thinking of going on holiday so that you can ha"e a break from tennis and rela,. 9an you tell me e,actly what is kind of tennis racket you chose for the competition% 4f 4 would get the same5 it might help me to impro"e my game. Anyway5 congratulations on your great "ictoryA 4m still studying @nglish e"ery single day and the course has three months to go. 4 ha"e mo"ed house5 as if you can see from my new address. Bake sure you reply back to the right addressA >our last letter went to my old address5 but it wasnt by your fault because 4 hadnt told anyone who 4 had mo"ed then. Cid you know

o, A

1; 1<

that 4 ha"e had a &ob for the last three weeks% 4 work in a restaurant four e"enings a week. 4 like it5 but 4 dont arri"e at home until one oclock in the morning5 which is a bit incon"enient.

PART ;: Supp#( the correct tense or for) of the 3erbs in brackets to co)p#ete the passa$e. 0rite (our ans"ers in the nu)bered tab#e be#o". (2) has been done as an exa)p#e. 1-5### years ago5 much of @urope 0#1 2222222201i"1 0112222222203!-61 beneath "ast sheets of ice5 hundreds of metres thick. @"er since this astonishing fact 02122222220 5is+o2"-1 in the last century5 scientists 031 222222220sp"+!1(t"1 on the nature of the 4ce Age climate5 and the circumstances that brought it to an end. Bore recently5 people 041 2222222200on5"-1 if climatic changes could 0 1222222220 t('"1 place in our own time. Curing the early 1:8#s there 0!122222220 3"1 disastrous droughts in Africa5 and fre;uent failures of 4ndian monsoon. 4n 1:8!5 @urope sweltered in the hottest summer for o"er a century5 and 08122222220"*p"-i"n+"1 one of the worst droughts since records began. 9ould such e"ents as these be symptoms of a worldwide climatic shift% @"en small changes in climate that 0-1222222220 o++!-1 from time to time can ha"e a highly damaging effect on agriculture. $ith food reser"es now 0:122222222 0 st(n51 at only a few per cent of annual production5 the world is e,tremely "ulnerable 01#1 222222220 (52"-s"1 shifts in climate. 4t is therefore "itally important for us to understand how climate changes take place. 0rite (our ans"ers here. #. #a( 3. !. :. 1. 4. 8. 1#. 2. . -.

PART <: ,hink of ! E 0!+D on#( "hich can be used appropriate#( in a## three sentences. 0rite (our ans"ers in the nu)bered tab#e be#o". (2) has been done as an exa)p#e. >. She screamed for 2222222 and luckily someone heard her. Thanks for all your 2222222 through such a difficult time. 3ractical 22222222 is offered through our accommodation ser"ice to new students. 1. 4 get off at the ne,t 2222222. The referee was forced to 2222222 the game because of hea"y snow. $ork has temporarily come to a 2222222 while the funding in re"iewed. 8. (eep your 2222222 on your work. Co you ha"e anyone in 2222222 for this &ob% Cont 2222222 her. She didnt mean what she said. 3. There is a little gift 2222222 around the corner. 4 do a weekly 2222222 at the supermarket. 'e didnt e,pect his own mother to 2222222 him to the police. ;. @"eryone wished her the best of 2222222 at uni"ersity and hoped she would en&oyed it. =enny won the competition at her first attempt ? perhaps it was beginners 2222222A There is no such thing as 22222225 we are capable of creating our own good fortune. <. 3oliticians can abuse their position of 2222222 .


=. ?.

The 2222222 supply to our house was cut because of roadwork. 4m afraid 4 do not ha"e the 2222222 to authori+e this change. 6ew people could ha"e predicted the huge impact of information 2222222 . Do matter how ad"anced 2222222 becomes5 machine will ne"er be able to think like humans. 4ts a waste of time for humans to do tasks that modern 2222222 can do. She was struck by the sudden 2222222 that he might already ha"e left. 'e di"ed in after her without a second 2222222. 4t was once 2222222 that the sun tra"eled around the earth. Eo"ernments should gi"e as much foreign 2222222 as possible to poorer countries. 4n certain circumstances5 emergency 2222222 in the form of money should be sent immediately. The most successful long/term 2222222 programmes encourage self/help. 1. 4. 8. 2. . -.

0rite (our ans"ers here. #. he#p 3. !.

PART $: &or 'uestions fro) -4-2, read the text be#o". 1se the "ord $i3en in capita#s at the end of so)e of the #ines to for) a "ord that fits in the $ap in the sa)e #ine. 0rite (our ans"ers in the nu)bered tab#e be#o". ,here is an exa)p#e at the be$innin$ (2). )efore going to an inter"iew5 it is 0 >1222222222 to go through a mock inter"iew. This will gi"e you the opportunity to try out your techni;ue and answers li"e. 4t is also a chance to recei"e feedback that is 0112222222222 in guiding you towards impro"ing your inter"iew style and general 081 222222222 =ust one mock inter"iew will result in a 031222222222 impro"ement in your inter"iew skill. $hy% 6or the same reason that a 0;1 222222222 doesnt e,ist while it is still on paper or floating in your head. 4t only e,ists when you gi"e it 0 <1222222222 The first time you gi"e it in front of an audience5 it will come out nothing like the one you prepared. 4t is the same with being inter"iewed. 4t is not enough to look at a ;uestion and say5 F>eah5 4 know the answer to that one. >ou need to practise your answer li"eG this is not the time to talk to yourself in front of a mirror. Seek out a 0$1 222222222 and ha"e the session "ideotaped. Then you will ha"e two opinions ? the inter"iews and your own. >ou will find you get a completely different 0 =122222222 when listening to yourself than when you are watching yourself saying something. =ust as your "oice always sounds different on tape5 so do your 0 ?1 2222222. >ou will be glad the image is captured on tape and not in a potential employers mind. 6or ma,imum effect5 you should 0 @122222222 your answers and go through a second mock inter"iew. This should help with any 01>122222222 and gi"e you more confidence for the real



inter"iew. 0rite (our ans"ers here #. ad3isab#e 3. !. :. 1. 4. 8. 1#. 2. . -.


PART 1: +ead the artic#e be#o" and decide "hich ans"er (A,B,/ or D) best fits each $ap. 0rite (our ans"ers in the nu)bered tab#e be#o". ,here is an exa)p#e at the be$innin$ (2).

Students and &obseekers keen to get onto the course or into the workplace of their 0 >122222222 hope that "oluntary work will help them 0 1122222222 from the crowd. This chance to 08122222222 e,perience ? personally and professionally ? is 0 3122222222 on the wish/list of young people. A sur"ey carried out last year re"ealed that young and old 0 ;122222222 said "olunteering had impro"ed their li"es5 particularly those 0<122222222in conser"ation or heritage work. )usinesses recognise its importance and get to 0$122222222their profile in the community5 while staff get a break from their daily routine to de"elop Fsoft skill5 0 =122222222initiati"e and decision/making. 7ne "olunteering organisation is 0 ?122222222 another sur"ey to find out if "olunteering does make a difference in the workplace5 or if it is something businesses do simply to impro"e their 0@122222222 . Dot 01>122222222are business/sponsored placements becoming more common5 the go"ernment is also in"esting money and aiming to 0 111 22222222"olunteers. The push is clearly on to make "olunteering as attracti"e as possible to e"eryone. And the more people who participate5 the more the act fulfils its 0 181 22222222of making the world a better place. #. A. alternati"e 1. A. stand out 2. A. win 3. A. e,treme 4. A. similar . A. committed !. A. raise 8. A. such -. A. go"erning :. A. representation 1#. A. only 11. A. claim 12. A. aim 0rite (our ans"ers here >. B 1. 4. . -. :. 12. 7. choice 7. lift out 7. achie"e 7. high 7. the same 7. associate 7. increase 7. such as 7. guiding 7. look 7. &ust 7. recruit 7. direction 2. !. 1#. C. option C. pick out C. collect C. sharp C. alike C. connected C. arouse C. such like C. conducting C. image C. merely C. bring C. mark 3. 8. 11. D. election D. point out D. gain D. strong D. too D. in"ol"ed D. moti"ate D. such and such D. directing D. figure D. simply D. enter D. design

PART 8: 5ook at the sentences be#o" about a hote#. +ead the text to decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, "rite /. If it is incorrect, "rite I. 0rite (our ans"ers in the nu)bered tab#e be#o". 1. Curing the 1:-#s5 few tourists used to go to the Arctic in summer. 8. 3eople came in large numbers to =ukkas&Hr"i to see the Arctic 'all. 3. The artist encouraged people to sleep in the Arctic 'all. ;. @ach winter5 guests come and sleep in the hotel before it is finished.

<. 3rogress when building the hotel is influenced by the weather. $. The temperature inside the hotel changes according to the temperature outside. =. Some clothes are pro"ided by the hotel. ?. Euests should buy boots which fit as tightly as possible. @. 4tems ordered through the 49@'7T@. shop will be deli"ered to your home. 1>. 4t is possible to take a train from the airport to the 4ce'otel.

6or many years the Arctic was a popular destination in the summer season to see the land of the midnight sun but in winter the few inhabitants had the snow and ice to themsel"es. )y the end of the 1:-#s it was decided that the dark and cold winter should be seen as an ad"antage. 4n the winter of 1::# the 6rench artist =annot Cerit was in"ited to ha"e the opening of an e,hibition in a specially built igloo 0a building made of snow1 in the little town of =ukkas&Hr"i on the fro+en Torne Ii"er. The building5 named Arctic 'all5 attracted many interested "isitors to the area. 7ne night a group of foreign guests decided it would be a good idea to sleep in the Arctic 'all. The following morning the bra"e group were "ery pleased with their e,perience and the idea of an ice hotel was born. Today it is world famous. As soon as winter begins5 a team of snow builders5 architects and artists from all o"er the world come to =ukkas&Hr"i and they make the hotel for that year. As one part is completed5 it opens to "isitors and o"ernight guests5 while the other parts are still being built. The first part is completed in Cecember and each week after that a new part opens5 until =anuary 8th when the hotel is completed. As the 49@'7T@. is built under the open sky5 using the natural materials of the winter season5 the finishing date depends on nature and therefore there are sometimes changes to the plan. 4n the spring5 as the weather gets warmer5 the hotel melts. 4nside the hotel5 the temperature is ne"er colder than ? J9 to ?- J95 howe"er cold it may be outside. $inter outer clothes such as warm o"eralls5 hats and glo"es are included in the cost of guests stay at the hotel. 4n addition to this5 it is a good idea for guests to bring sweaters and a scarf as well as plenty of woolen socks and to choose footwear that is larger than normal to allow space for thick socks. 4f you are planning to come to the hotel5 you can buy warm sweaters5 woolen socks and much more on the 49@'7T@. website. >ou can order these and the e;uipment you will need at the same time as you book your "isit. The items will be deli"ered to your room when you check in. The hotel is in the "illage of =ukkas&Hr"i5 2## km abo"e the Arctic 9ircle but only 1 km from (iruna airport and 18 km from (iruna train station. Transport by bus can be arranged from the airport or train station to the 4ce'otel. D-it" 6o!- (ns0"-s )"-" 1. 2. !. 8. 3. -. 4. :. . 1#.

PART 3: +ead the fo##o"in$ passa$e and do the tasks be#o". 0rite (our ans"ers in the nu)bered tab#e.

T)" AtEosp)"-" o, B"n!s <enus5 also called the Borning Star and @"ening Star5 is the second/closest planet to the sun and the brightest ob&ect in the night sky. The planet orbits the sun e"ery two hundred and twenty four @arth/days and is sometimes referred to as @arths sister planet because the two share both a similar si+e and bulk. $hat is not similar5 howe"er5 is <enuss atmosphere in comparison to @arths atmosphere. The atmosphere on <enus is much hea"ier and has a higher density than t)(t of @arth. <enuss atmosphere also e,pands significantly higher than @arths atmosphere although a thick cloud co"er makes the surface of <enus nearly impossible to see unless obser"ed through radar mapping. $hile the pressure and temperature of <enuss upper atmosphere are comparable to those of @arth5 the heat and pressure of the lower atmosphere are not unlike a furnace. <enuss atmosphere is "ery thick due to a composition consisting mainly of carbon dio,ide5 and a small amount of nitrogen. I, E(n +o!15 s!-2i2" t)" "*t-"E" )"(t o, B"n!sFs s!-,(+" (;>> 5"4-""s C"1si!s)G t)"n )" 0o!15 )(2" to +ont"n5 0it) ( s!-,(+" p-"ss!-" t)(t is Eo-" t)(n @> tiE"s t)(t o, E(-t). <enuss e,tremely high temperature is thanks to the greenhouse effect caused by such a large amount of carbon dio,ide. The greenhouse effect is a process by which the suns infrared radiation is more readily absorbed by the atmosphere. =ust like in a real greenhouse used to grow plants years round5 the proliferation of carbon dio,ide traps radiation and warms <enuss atmosphere. Cue to this phenomenon5 <enus boasts a higher atmospheric temperature than Bercury5 e"en though <enus is twice the distance from the sun. 'owe"er5 scientists postulate that <enuss atmosphere was not always so hot. HAI Studies show that large bodies of water were once on <enuss surface but that e"entually e"aporation of all the water caused the runaway greenhouse effect which regulates the planet today. H7I Thus <enus has become a critical study for todays scientists5 as human being are only beginning to struggle with the early stages of the greenhouse effect. HCI 7ur problems do not stem from e"aporated water supplies but from a p-op(4(tion of carbon dio,ide and other greenhouse gases due to industrial and automobile emissions. HDI Another interesting characteristic to note regarding <enuss atmosphere is that its daytime temperatures and nighttime temperatures are not that far remo"ed from each other. This is due to the thermal inertia5 the ability of a substance to store heat despite changing temperatures and the transfer of heat by <enuss strong winds. Although winds on the surface of <enus mo"e slowly in comparison with @arths winds5 <enuss air is so dense that a slow/ mo"ing there can mo"e large obstructions and e"en skip stones along the planets surface. 4n 1:!!5 humankind made its first attempt at sending a recording instrument into <enuss atmosphere. The <enera 3 probe did collide with <enus surfaceG howe"er5 the abrupt impact caused its communication system to fail5 and it was unable to send and feedback. 4n 1:!85 <enera 4 successfully enter <enuss atmosphere and was able to take many readings5 one of which recorded that <enuss atmosphere was between ninety and ninety/fi"e percent carbon dio,ide. Subse;uent <enera probes were sent into <enuss atmosphere5 but most of them succumbed to the crushing air pressure. !"stions 1#=: /hoose the ans"er (A, B, / or D) "hich (ou think fits best accordin$ to the passa$e.

1. According to paragraph 15 <enus is named the Borning Star and @"ening Star because A. it is "ery bright 7. it is close to the sun C. it can be seen from e"ening till morning D. it is used to find the direction by sailors 2. The word that in paragraph 2 refers to A. si+e 7. bulk C. atmosphere D. density 3. $hich of the following best e,presses the essential information in the bold sentence in paragraph 3% 4ncorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or lea"e out essential information. A. @arth e,periences greater surface pressure than <enus. 7. 4f a man could sur"i"e its surface pressure. C. The surface pressure and heat of <enus are much greater than those on @arth. D. <enuss surface temperature and pressure make it uninhabitable by humans. 4. According to paragraph 35 the greenhouse effect on <enus is owed to A. the small amounts of nitrogen 7. the rapid increasing amounts of carbon dio,ide C. growing plants D. the high atmospheric temperatures . 4n paragraph 45 the author of the passage implies that @arth A. might suffer the same greenhouse effect as <enus 7. once had an atmosphere similar to <enuss C. has bodies of water similar to those on <enus today D. is e,periencing a reduction of carbon dio,ide emissions !. .ook at the four blanks KLM in paragraph 4 that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. A1t)o!4) t)" +(!s"s (-" 5i,,"-"ntG t)" -(Ei,i+(tions (-" t)" s(E". $here would the sentence best fit% 8. The word propa$ation in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to A. generation 7. elimination C. e"aporation D. desecration !"stion ?: /o)p#ete the brief su))ar( of the passa$e b( se#ectin$ the ,6+EE ans"er choices that express i)portant ideas in the passa$e. ,he introductor( sentence for the su))ar( is pro3ided be##o"ed. Scientists look at <enus to predict @arths future. %JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ %JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ %JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ Ans0"- C)oi+"s A. <enus once had large bodies of water that elaborated and cause a rapid increase in carbon dio,ide. 7. @arths wind has a greater "elocity than <enuss because the air mo"ement on <enus is denser and can e"en more large obstructions. C. Spaceships landing on <enus5 though often crushed by <enuss atmosphere5 ha"e re"ealed much about its carbon dio,ide filled atmosphere.

D. 4f man could sur"i"e the hot temperature of <enus5 then he would ha"e to contend with the great surface pressure. E. The first space probe of <enus was made in 1:!!. :. Scientists are concerned that conditions on @arth that propagate significant ;uantities of carbon dio,ide will produce a greenhouse effects similar to <enuss. D-it" 6o!- (ns0"-s )"-": 1. 2. 3. 4. . !. 8. -. PART ;: You are $oin$ to read a )a$a7ine artic#e about #earnin$ ho" to f#( a p#ane. Ei$ht para$raphs ha3e been re)o3ed fro) the artic#e. /hoose fro) para$raphs A4I the one that fits each $ap (-48). ,here is one extra para$raph that (ou do not need to use. 0rite (our ans"ers in the nu)bered tab#e be#o". &"(-nin4 to :16 4 had been testing cars and motorcycles for o"er twenty years. 4 couldnt take any more. 4t wasnt terribly e,citing and5 in any case5 new cars were beginning to look identical and dri"e similarly. $hat 4 needed was a new challenge. 1 *nfortunately5 4 wore glasses. The Ioyal Air 6orce wouldnt consider anyone for pilot training unless they had perfect eyesight. 'alfway through an aptitude test5 they realised that my eyes were far from perfect. 4 didnt stand a chance. 2 4t was an ob"ious choice. 4ts &ust twenty minutes dri"e from my home. 4ts "ery ;uiet5 too5 so the N:# per hour for the training is spent flying in the air5 not waiting on the ground for other planes to take off. 3 4t took me a whole year to get my pri"ate pilots license. 4t started well5 with my first solo flight coming after &ust se"en hours. Then came all the studying5 the e,ams5 the hard work. 4 ne"er thought 4d get to the end of it. 4 Then came last winter and the end of the course was in sight. 6or weeks5 the weather was so terrible that for most of the time it was impossible to fly. Strong winds5 hea"y rain and e"en snow and ice made flying conditions e,tremely ha+ardous. )ut finally the first of three practical e,ams arri"ed ? the na"igation test. The e,aminer sets you a course that you ha"e to plan according to the weather5 and then fly with him sitting beside you. ! 4 passed this test5 but 4 dont know how. The second test in"ol"es flying cross/country to two other airports5 which you can choose5 and landing at both. The important thing is to gi"e the right messages to the air/traffic control people and understand their replies. 8 After this alarming episode5 the e,ercises in the flight/handling test were simple. As we complete the si,th e,ercise5 the e,aminer suddenly turned to me and said5 F9ongratulations ? you"e passedA 12

4 wasnt sure why5 because we usually land as slowly as possible. Then 4 turned round and realised straight awayO we were being followed by a )ritish Airways &umbo &etA A. A week which we had set aside for finishing the course came and went with no possibility of getting in the air at all. And besides the problems with the weather5 my second son was born5 and that made it e"en more difficult to find the time for lessons and studying. 7. )ut the real reason 4 chose this club was that a friend of mine5 Andrew $ilkins5 is the chief instructor there. 'e impressed me by taking me out for a free flight &ust so that 4 could see what it was like. C. *nfortunately5 4 got myself lost this time and flew too far east. 4 completely missed the first airport. 'owe"er5 4 flew o"er a car factory 4 recognised and managed to get back on course. D. Along the way5 hell take the controls and fly off course5 &ust to get you lost. Then hell hand back the control to you and e,pect you to find your way home. E. 7ne day 4 was asked by an air/traffic controller if 4 could see another aircraft ahead. 4 said yes5 and immediately it disappeared into a cloud. 4 &ust didnt know what to do. :. At the time5 taking pri"ate lessons to learn how to fly was financially beyond me. So 4 had to delay my plans to become a pilot for ;uite a while. 4t was twenty years5 in fact5 before 4 finally enrolled at a flying club in 'ertfordshire. G. Since getting my pilots license5 4"e been out flying a few times. The highlight so far was flying up to )irmingham 4nternational Airport for a motor show with Andrew beside me. As we approached the way5 the air/traffic controller came on the radio asking for as much speed as our little plane could manage. H. 6or months5 my head was always in a book and my head hurt from all the facts5 figures and flying instructions. I. This feeling of needing a change coincided with my 4# th birthday5 which started me thinking about what 4d been doing all those years. $hen 4 left school all 4 had really wanted to do was fly. D-it" 6o!- (ns0"-s )"-": 1. 2. 4. 5. 3. 6. 4. 7.

SECTION ;: DRITING ($ points)

PART 1: &inish each of the fo##o"in$ sentences in such a "a( that it )eans exact#( the sa)e as the sentences printed before it. 1. Ieturn the product to the shop if you ha"e any complaints about it.

Should 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 2. 4ts almost nine months since 4 stopped subscribing to that maga+ine. 4 cancelled 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 3. 'er success went beyond her e,pectation. De"er 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 4. 'is fondness for the game increased with his proficiency. The more 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 . They will not announce the findings until ne,t week. Do announcement 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 !. )oth of the lifts were out of order. Deither 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 8. Simon hadnt e,pected that he would feel so weak after the operation. The operation left 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 PART 8: &inish each of the fo##o"in$ sentences so that it has a si)i#ar )eanin$ to the sentences printed before it, usin$ the "ord $i3en. D! 9, /6A :E ,6E 0!+D :I;E . You )ust use bet"een three and fi3e "ords, inc#udin$ the "ord $i3en. ,here is an exa)p#e at the be$innin$ (2). #. >ou must do e,actly what the manager tells you. 0CARR/1 >ou must carr( out the )ana$er9s instructions e,actly. 1. 4 would like to be able to speak 6rench. 0HAD1 4 wish 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 speak 6rench. 2. 4t was raining cats and dogs. (TORRENTS) The rain was 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 3. The two theories appear to be completely different. (CO99ON) The two theories222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 4. 4t was wrong of you to borrow my book without asking. 0HABE1 >ou 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222before you borrowed my book. . $hen 4 was younger5 this record was one of my fa"ourites. (:ABOURITE) This record used 22222222222222222222222222222222222222 mine when 4 was younger. !. By sister finds commuting e"ery day annoying. 0PUT1 4ts difficult for my sister 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 e"ery day. 8. The police arri"ed as the thie"es were committing the crime. 0 RED#HANDED1 The police 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 -. The Bediterranean is warm5 whereas the Dorth Sea is much colder. 0 NOTHING1 The Dorth Sea is 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 the Bediterranean.



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