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MANAGEMENT ASPECTS IN HYDROCARBON EXPLORATION 1. A project has got A. Defined start and defined end B.

Defined start and regular production after defined end C. Regular production and activities D. Defined for start and continuing expansion programmes 2. Continued efforts for conservation of energy come under A. Routine wor B. Research wor C. !roject wor D. "aintenance wor #. $fforts for enhanced and %etter &uality output is considered as A. Research wor B. !roject wor C. Regular activity D. All of the a%ove '. A procedural !lan that indicates time and se&uence of each operation is called A. Agenda B. !lan C. !rogram D. All of the a%ove (. )he first step in project management is A. *inancing B. !roject definition and scope C. Contracting D. )echnical design +. ,inear scheduling methods are effective in A. -e&uential operations B. !arallel operations C. A mix of these two D. All of the a%ove .. *ailure to ma e a schedule will result in A. )ime loss B. "oney loss C. /uality impairment D. All of the a%ove

0. Duration is well shown %ut not se&uence in A. 1antt chart B. !ert chart C. Critical path method D. All of the a%ove 2. Completion time having the highest pro%a%ility is A. 3ptimistic time B. "ost li ely time C. $xpected time D. !essimistic time 14. !$R) is A. !rogress $valuation and Review )echni&ue. B. !rogram $valuation and Review )echni&ue C. !roject $nergy and Rating )ime D. !lan $xecution and Review )echni&ue 11. *irst step in $&uipment procurement is A. 5eed identification B. Administrative Approval C. Budget provision D. )endering 12. 6f four %ids &uotations are evaluated and the grades are ,77,77,#7 and ,'7 which is the third lowest &uotation. A. ,7 B. ,2 C. ,# D. ,' 1#. 6f four &uotations are evaluated and the grades are ,17,77,#7 and ,' which is the highest &uote. A. ,7 B. , C. ,# D. ,' D 1'.Census num%er is all allocated to A. -u% assem%lies B. -pare !arts C. Capital $&uipment D. All of the a%ove

1(. 8ow procurement of spares is initiated A. By considering the cost of the capital e&uipment B. By ta ing into consideration the ey role played %y the e&uipment C. By 9$D analysis D. By past experience 1+. Reduction of procuring costs: over heads cam %e achieved %y A. !rocuring as and when re&uired. B. Clu%%ing the re&uirements of various ,ocations C. Bargaining for %ul purchase discounts D. BandC 1.. ;hich of the following is a replace%le item A. "ud chemical B. "ud !ump piston C. -eismic $xplosives D. Cotton waste 10. Reduction of inventory is possi%le %y A. -tand ardisation of e&uipment B. -toc ing in Regiona<central warehouses C. Computerised stoc information and legislation to free %etween projects D. All of the a%ove

movement of things

12. Rig cycle is from A. -pudding to completion of drilling to target depth B. Rig moving in to Rig moving out C. Rig moving in to testing of the hori=on D. -pudding to completion of the well including last perforation and testing. 24. Critical !ath "ethod was developed %y A. ,averson B. -emat C. Dupont D. 5ewton D 21.;ho defined the 1' principles of management A. Dupont B. !eter Dru er C. *A>3, D. Dale carnigee 22. -upervision means A. $xercising authority over su%ordinates B. *inding faults in the wor executed %y su%ordinates C. )o have superior vision and guide the su%ordinates D. )o %e vigilant and discipline the su%ordinates

2#. -cientific management means A. ,inear movement with easy flow B. ,inear movement with regulated flow C. "ovement with %ac and forth time and motion D. ,inear movement with unchec ed forward flow 2'. A competent manager A. ,eads people B. Administers rules C. Achieves results D. All of the a%ove 2(.Ancient 6ndian who defined functional organi=ation. A. 9araha "ihira B. ?autilya C. Chana ya D. Bhas ara Bhatta 2+.Corporate planning is A. An analytical process with no hunches B. *inancial estimation C. -chedule of operations D. *raming of rules and regulations. 2..Authoritative management is classified under A. @ theory B. > theory C. A theory D. / theory D 20.A good manager should %e a A. A good wor er B. A good developer C. A good leader D. All of the a%ove 22. "aximum increase in productivity is due to A. -ystems and management guide lines. B. !roper wor environment C. Cordial human relations D. )echnology change

#4. Rules and regulations %eing the same things move %ased an A. Authoritative vigilance B. 6nterpersonal relations C. 6mplementation of rules D. 6ncentives #1. "otivation is A. A promised %right future B. A promised cash reward C. A cultured hunger for excellence D. )o inspire unwilling wor ers #2. A major factor for good leadership A. ?nowledge B. $xperience C. Authority D. Behavior ##. A supervisor is a A. *irst level manager B. "iddle manager C. *unctional manager D. 5one of the a%ove #'. 6ncreasing the role of su%ordinates in dec is io n ma A. Centrali=ation B. Decentrali=ation C. 5ormali=ation D. 5one of the a%ove #(.>our perception of good value at wor A. Be honest B. ;or hard C. Be productive D. -ave time #+. >our primary personality trait A. 1roup dependent B. 9enturesome C. Relaxed D. -elf sufficient #.. 6n the hierarchy of s ills which ta es the first position A. !erformance s ills B. Decision ma ing s ills C. !lanning s ills D. 3rganising s ills ing is

#0. ;ho said that good communication is the foundation for good management A. *ayol B. !eter Dru er C. ,ee locaca D. *red ,uthonas #2. Communication process is A. "essage B sender B receiver B. -ender B receiver B message C. -ender B message B receiver D. Receiver B sender C message '4. )his is a positional average A. "ean B. "edian C. 9ariance D. 5one of the a%ove '1. )he cumulative fre&uency curve is called. A. 8istogram B. ,ine graph C. 3give D. *re&uency curve '2. Coefficient ofvariation D A. @ x 144 + B. "ean @ 144 9ariance C. @ x 144 "ode D. x 144 @ '#. )he variance of #7#7#7#7#7 is A. # B. ( C. 4 D. 2 ''. An event whose pro%a%ility of occurrence is one is this eventE A. 6mpossi%le B. -ure C. "utually exclusive D. $&ually li ely

'(. 6f A and B are mutually exclusive events7 then !FA and BG H A. 1 B. I2 C. 4 D. >' '+. 6f A and B are independent events7 !FA:BGD A. !FAnBG: !FBG B. !FBG C. !FAG D. !FAnBG '.. )he num%er of parameters in a %inomial distri%ution is A. 2 B. 1 C. 4 D.# '0. "ean of a !oisson distri%ution is e&ual to itsE A. -tandard deviation B. "ean deviation C. 9ariance D. "ode D '2. )he limits of the correlation coefficient are A. B1 to J1 B. 3 to 6 C. B1 to co D. Bco to co (4. )he most important element that characteri=es an organi=ation isE A. Common goals B. *inancial resources C. !rofits D. )echnology (1. )he 1' principles of management are propound %y A. !eter *. Druc er B. *.;. )aylor C. $lton "ayo D. 8endry *ayol

(2. )he process of directing and influencing tas related activities of organi=ation mem%ers isE A. "otivation B. ,eading C. -taffing D. Controlling (#.Communication from superior to su%ordinate is called as A. 8ori=ontal communication B. <pward communication C. Downward communication D. ,ateral communication ('. A top manager re&uires more of the following s illE A. )echnical s ill B. 8uman s ill C. Conceptual s ill D. 5egotiating s ill ((. )he interpretation and translation of a message into a meaningful information is nown asE A. Coding B. $ncoding C. Decoding D. Recoding D (+. )he value of motivating strength of a reward to the individual is nown asE A. "otivation energy B. 9alentine C. $&uity of motivation D. 9alence (.. !articipative leadership style is one in which A. )he leader ta es decisions himself B. -u%ordinates are given the freedom to ta e the decisions C. )he leader ta es decisions after consulting the su%ordinates D. ,eader ta es decisions %y a vote of majority (0. According to 8er=%erg7 which one of the following is not a motivator A. Ko% challenge B. -alary C. Ris D. Recognition (2. 3ne of the following does not act as stimulatorE A. )aste B. -mell C. 8earing D. 3%serving

+4. 5eed 8ierarchy theory was developed %yE A. 8er=%erg B. "c1regor C. "cClelland D. "aslow +1. Anything that interferes with the communication isE A. Distur%ance B. Conflict C. 5oise D. Distraction +2. !erception is the process %y which A. 6ndividuals interact with other people B. 6ndividuals organi=e and interpret the environment around them C. 6ndividuals get stimulation and respond in a particular way D. 6ndividuals respond to a message from others D +#. !ersonality refers toE A. 8eredity B. $nvironmental factors C. !ersonal characteristics D. Cultural %ac ground +'. Among the various styles of leadership7 which one is very popular in the corporate sectorE A. Dictatorial style B. Autocratic style C. Democratic style D. *reeBrein style D

!$-B 24( Answer ey 1. A 2. C #. B '. C (. B +. A .. D 0. A

2 B 14 B 11 A 12 C 1#. D 1'. C 1( C 1+ D 1.. B 10. D 12 B 24. C

21. C 22. C 2#. A 2'. D 2(. B 2+. A 2.. A 20. D 22. D #4. B #1. C #2. D

##. A #'. B #(. C #+. B #.. C #0. B #2. C '4. B '1. C '2. D '#. C ''. B

'(. C '+. C '.. A '0. C '2. A (4. A (1. D (2. B (#. C ('. C ((. C (+. D

(.. C (0. B (2. D +4. D +1. C +2. B +#. C +'. C

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