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+(&+#(&, $-.
kA?L 8ALuCnAuC
l! CPAn-CCnZACA, S.!.
PlLl LvA8uCnL
l!!l A8AS
Au8lAn 1An
L8lkA vALuLZ

use aL your own rlsk. AlLhough lL ls made wlLh
Lhe besL efforL, we cannoL guaranLee lLs
We'd appreclaLe lL lf you could please keep Lhls
wlLhln Lhe block !
!"#$%&%'%&"#() +(, - ./0 1234567 89/73:; :010

!!! (!) " !!!

I. Lar|y Crgan|c Acts
! WhaL ls a consLlLuLlon?
o !usLlce Mlller: A consLlLuLlon. ln Lhe Amerlcan sense of
Lhe word, ls a !"#$$%& #&($")*%&$ by whlch Lhe
+)&,-*%&$-. /0!%"( 0+ 102%"&*%&$ -"% %($-3.#(4%,5
.#*#$%,5 -&, ,%+#&%,, and by whlch Lhese powers are
,#($"#3)$%, -*0&1 (%2%"-. ,%/-"$*%&$(, for Lhelr safe
and useful exerclse, for Lhe beneflL of Lhe body pollLlc."
! hlllpplne concepL of consLlLuLlonallsm came
from Lhe Amerlcan concepL
o urpose of a consLlLuLlon: 1"-&$ -&, .#*#$-$#0& of
governmenL auLhorlLy
o 1he wrlLLen lnsLrumenL agreed upon 36 $4% /%0/.%. as
Lhe -3(0.)$% ").% 0+ -7$#0& for all deparLmenLs and
offlces of governmenL
o CovernmenL owes lL belng Lo Lhe consLlLuLlon
o 1he supreme wrlLLen law of Lhe land.
! ClasslflcaLlons of consLlLuLlon
o Cenerally, Lhe consLlLuLlon ls classlfled under: !"#$$%&
-&, )&!"#$$%&.
! WrlLLen consLlLuLlon - a book of documenLs
(example: hlllpplne ConsLlLuLlon)
! unwrlLLen consLlLuLlon - supporLed by dlfferenL
courL rullngs, documenLs, eLc. (example: uk
o AlLernaLlve classlflcaLlon: as norms of governmenL
! normaLlve - dlrecL governmenL acLlon and
governmenL follows and ad[usL lLself Lo Lhe
! nomlnal - cannoL be fully operaLlve because of
soclo-pollLlcal problems, prlnclpal value ls
! SemanLlc - Lool for Lhe perpeLuaLlon of power
ln Lhe hands of power holders
o ConsLlLuLlonal documenL: 3 parLs
! ConsLlLuLlon of governmenL - seL up
governmenL sLrucLure
! ConsLlLuLlon of llberLy - guaranLee lndlvldual
fundamenLal llberLles
! ConsLlLuLlon of soverelgnLy - ouLllne process
whereby Lhe soverelgn people may change Lhe
! ls Lhe ConsLlLuLlon and consLlLuLlonal law Lhe same?
o 89. ConsLlLuLlonal law ls noL [usL Lhe LexL of Lhe
consLlLuLlon lLself.
o lL ls a body of rules resulLlng from Lhe lnLerpreLaLlon by
a hlgh courL of cases ln whlch Lhe valldlLy, ln relaLlon Lo
Lhe consLlLuLlonal lnsLrumenL, of some acL of
governmenL power, . has been challenged."
o luncLlon of :),#7#-. ;%2#%! - power and duLy of Lhe
CourL of pronounclng vold any such acL whlch does noL
square wlLh lLs own readlng of Lhe consLlLuLlonal
lnsLrumenL, ln oLher words, $4% 70&($#$)$#0& #( !4-$ $4%
<),1%( (-6 #$ #( (cblef Iostlce noqbes)
! When dld consLlLuLlonallsm ln Lhe hlllpplnes sLarL?
o 8aLlflcaLlon of Lhe 1reaLy of arls - Lransfer of
soverelgnLy from Spaln Lo uS
o uS: released dlfferenL organlc acLs
! resldenL Mcklnley's lnsLrucLlon Lo Lhe Second
hlllpplne Commlsslon
! hlllpplne 8lll of 1902 - uS Congress made Lhls
! hlllpplne AuLonomy AcL of 1916 - paved Lhe
way for Lhe 1933 ConsLlLuLlon
lnLroducLlon: hlllpplne ConsLlLuLlonallsm, 8lrLh angs and
1raumaLlc CrowLh
!"#$%&%'%&"#() +(, - ./0 1234567 89/73:; :010

!!! (!) " !!!
o 8y 1934, uS Congress passed Lhe 1yd|ngs-McDuff|e Law
- provlded for Lhe esLabllshmenL of a CommonwealLh
CovernmenL under a consLlLuLlon
II. 1he 193S Const|tut|on
! lmporLanL daLes:
o !uly 30, 1934 " ConsLlLuLlonal ConvenLlon (CC) meL
o lebruary 8, 1933 " CC ended
o March 3, 1933 " uS resldenL approved Lhe drafL
o May 14, 1933 " raLlfled by Lhe llllplno elecLoraLe
o november 13, 1933 " CommonwealLh CovernmenL
became operaLlve
o !uly 4, 1946 " hlllpplne lndependence
! AfLer lndependence, many felL unease LhaL hlllpplnes ls sLlll
followlng a consLlLuLlon LhaL ls fashloned under colonlal
ausplces, hence a call for amendmenL of Lhe sald consLlLuLlon.
III. 1he 1973 Const|tut|on
! lmporLanL daLes:
o March 16, 1967 " hlllpplne Congress passed
8esoluLlon no. 2: a call for an amendmenL of Lhe
o !une 1, 1971 " 1971 ConsLlLuLlonal ConvenLlon
o SepLember 21, 1972 " MarLlal Law was lmposed
o november 29, 1972 " ConvenLlon approved proposed
o november 30, 1972 " resldenLlal uecree 73 -
submlLLlng Lo Lhe llllplno people for raLlflcaLlon or
re[ecLlon Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe
hlllpplnes proposed by Lhe CC"
o !anuary 7, 1973 " Ceneral Crder no. 20:
posLponemenL of pleblsclLe whlch was orlglnally
scheduled on !anuary 13, 1973
o :-&)-"6 =>5 =?>@ " roclamaLlon no. 1102: proposed
ConsLlLuLlon was raLlfled by ClLlzens Assemblles, 1973
Const|tut|on 0++#7#-..6 $00A %++%7$
o March 31, 1973 " dlvlded Supreme CourL ruled: no
furLher [udlclal obsLacle Lo Lhe new ConsLlLuLlon belng
consldered ln force and effecL
! !avellana v. LxecuLlve SecreLary
o Supreme CourL ruled Lhere ls no furLher [udlclal obsLacle
Lo Lhe new ConsLlLuLlon belng consldered ln force and
o LxecuLlve ueparLmenL, wlLh vlgor and wlLh all Lhe
resources aL lLs command, proceeded Lo lmplemenL lL
o LeglslaLlve ueparLmenL was nowhere found Lo ob[ecL lL
o Crdlnary morLals llved under Lhe new ConsLlLuLlon
! 1976 " ConsLlLuLlon was amended Lo glve blrLh Lo lnLerlm
8aLasang ambansa - leglslaLlve body LhaL afflrms Lhe wllls and
whlms of resldenL Marcos under AmendmenL 6 of Lhe 1976
! 1981 " ueparLure from parllamenLary Lo presldenLlal
! lnLerlm 8aLasang ambansa Lo a regular one
IV. Ireedom Const|tut|on
! lmporLanL daLes:
o november 1983 " speclal presldenLlal elecLlons
(lerdlnand Marcos vs. Cory Aqulno)
o lebruary 13, 1983 " Marcos declared as wlnner by
8aLasang ambansa
o lebruary 22, 1983 " 8evolL agalnsL resldenL Marcos
led by !uan once Lnrlle and lldel 8amos, followed by
supporL of unarmed clvlllans (Ldsa 8evoluLlon)
o lebruary 23, 1983 " Marcos reglme ended
o lebruary 23, 1983 " Cory Aqulno proclalmed flrsL
woman resldenL ln deflance of 1973 ConsLlLuLlon and
8aLasang ambansa - sworn ln by Claudlo 1eehankee,
Marcos was also sworn ln by C! 8amon Aqulno Lhen
wenL Lo exlle afLer
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!!! (!) " !!!
Art|c|e 1: 1he Nat|ona| 1err|tory

Sect|on 1: 1he nat|ona| terr|tory compr|ses the h|||pp|ne
Arch|pe|ago, w|th a|| the |s|ands and waters embraced there|n, and
a|| other terr|tor|es over wh|ch the h|||pp|nes has sovere|gnty or
Iur|sd|ct|on, cons|st|ng of |ts terrestr|a|, f|uv|a|, and aer|a| doma|ns,
|nc|ud|ng |ts terr|tor|a| sea, the seabed, the subso||, the |nsu|ar
she|ves, and other submar|ne areas. 1he waters around, between,
and connect|ng the |s|ands of the Arch|pe|ago, regard|ess of the|r
breadth and d|mens|ons, form part of the |nterna| waters of the

8arred by Lhe processes of Lhe 1973 ConsLlLuLlon, Cory Aqulno
chose Lo govern under a rovlslonal ConsLlLuLlon deslgned Lo
enable her Lo meeL Lhe people's challenge.
roclamaLlon no. 3 - lreedom ConsLlLuLlon
V. 1he 1987 Const|tut|on
ArLlcle 6 of roclamaLlon no. 3 - AdopLlng a new ConsLlLuLlon
o SecLlon 1: AppolnLmenL of Commlsslon wlLhln 60 days
of roclamaLlon. Commlsslon shall conslsL of 30-60
naLural-born clLlzens of Lhe hlllpplnes
o SecLlon 2: Accompllsh as fasL as posslble Lo hasLen
normal consLlLuLlonal clrcumsLances and drafL a
o SecLlon 3: ConducL publlc hearlngs
o SecLlon 4: lenary sesslon shall be publlc and fully
o SecLlon 3: 8aLlflcaLlon by a ma[orlLy of voLes wlll make
ConsLlLuLlon valld, daLe ls wlLhln 60 days followlng
submlsslon Lo resldenL
lmporLanL daLes:
o !une 1, 1986 " CC convened
o CcLober 13, 1986 " CC ended
o lebruary 2, 1987 " new ConsLlLuLlon ls raLlfled
2010 - ConsLlLuLlon has already lasLed 23 years
Who wroLe Lhe ConsLlLuLlon? Ans: B4% (02%"%#1& C#.#/#&0 /%0/.%


8ase||ne Law - kA 9S22: C.k. No. 187167. Moqollooo vs. tmlto

eLlLloner: 8Cl. ML8Lln M. MACALLCnA, Ak8A?An A81?-LlS1 8L.
8lSA PCn1lvL8CS, 8Cl. PA88? C. 8CCuL, !8., and unlverslLy of Lhe
hlllpplnes College of Law SLudenLs, ALl1PLA 8A88A8A ACAS, vCL1Al8L
ALlL8LS, CZA8lnA MA? AL1LZ, l8AnClS ALvln ASlLC, SPL8?L 8ALC1,
8u8? AMC8 8A88ACA, !CSL !AvlL8 8Au1lS1A, 8CMlnA 8L8nA8uC,
vALL8lL ACASA 8uLnAvLn1u8A, LuAn MA88l CARL1L, vAnn ALLLn
uLLA C8uZ, 8LnL uLLC8lnC, AuL?n MA? uuMAn, SPA8Cn LSCC1C,
8Cu8lCC lA!A8uC lll, Cl8LlL lL88L8, 8ACuLLL CSLn lL88L8, CA8LA
8LClnA C8LC, AnnA MA8lL CLClLlA CC, l8lSP kA? kALAW, MA8?
Ann !C? LLL, MA8lA LulSA MAnALA?SA?, MlCuLL 8AlALL MuSnCl,
MA8lCA8 8AMCS, Ln8lk lC81 8LvlLLAS, !AMLS MA8k 1L88? 8luCn,
!CPAnn l8An1Z 8lvL8A lv, CP8lS1lAn 8lvL8C, ulAnnL MA8lL 8CA,
1A8lnC, vAnLSSA AnnL 1C8nC, MA8lA LS1L8 vAnCuA8ulA, and
8espondenLs: PCn. LuuA8uC L8Ml1A, ln hls capaclLy of LxecuLlve
SecreLary, PCn. AL8L81C 8CMuLC, ln hls capaclLy as SecreLary of
!"#$%&%'%&"#() +(, - ./0 1234567 89/73:; :010

!!! (!) " !!!
ueparLmenL of lorelgn Affalrs, PCn. 8CLAnuC AnuA?A, ln hls capaclLy
of Lhe ueparLmenL of 8udgeL and ManagemenL, PCn. ulCn? vLn1u8A,
ln hls capaclLy as admlnlsLraLor of Lhe naLlonal Mapplng & 8esearch
lnformaLlon AuLhorlLy, and PCn. PlLA8lC uAvluL, !8., ln hls capaclLy as
represenLaLlve of Lhe permanenL mlsslon of Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe
hlllpplnes Lo Lhe unlLed naLlons.

onenLe: !usLlce Carplo

Case: Crlglnal acLlon of wrlLs of cerLlorarl and prohlblLlon LhaL assalls Lhe
consLlLuLlonallLy of kA 9S22.

! 1961 " Congress passed kA No. 3046 demarcaLlng Lhe
marlLlme basellnes of Lhe hlllpplnes. 1hls followed Lhe framlng
of UNCLCS I ln 1938, whlch codlfled Lhe exLenL of soverelgn
rlghLs over LerrlLorlal seas. kA No. 3046 remaln unchanged for 3
! Congress amended kA 3046 by enacLlng kA 9S22 because of Lhe
need Lo comply Lo UNCLCS III. UNCLCS III prescrlbes Lhe waLer-
land raLlon, lengLh, and conLour of basellnes of archlpelaglc
SLaLes and seLs Lhe deadllne for Lhe flllng of appllcaLlon for Lhe
exLended conLlnenLal shelf.
! kA 9S22 shorLened one basellne, opLlmlzed Lhe locaLlon of
some basepolnLs around Lhe hlllpplne archlpelago, and named
klC and Scarborough Shoal as reglmes of lslands".
! eLlLloners assall Lhe consLlLuLlonallLy of kA 9S22 on Lwo
prlnclpal grounds:
o (1) kA 9S22 reduces hlllpplne marlLlme LerrlLory ln
vlolaLlon of ArLlcle 1 of Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon, and
o (2) kA 9S22 opens Lhe counLry's waLers landward of Lhe
basellnes Lo marlLlme passage by all vessels and
alrcrafLs ln vlolaLlon of relevanL consLlLuLlonal
! eLlLloners also conLenL Lhe 8A's LreaLmenL of klC as reglme of
lslands" resulLs ln loss of large marlLlme area and pre[udlces Lhe
llvellhood of subslsLence flshermen, kA 9S22 excluded Lo
reference Lhe 1reaty of ar|s and lncluded Lhe UNCLCS III's
! 8espondenLs ralsed Lhe ff:
o (1) eLlLloners' lack of locus sLandl and,
o (2) roprleLy of wrlLs of cerLlorarl and prohlblLlon.
! 8espondenLs defended kA 9S22 as counLry's compllance wlLh
Lerms of UNCLCS III, preservlng LerrlLory over klC, and kA 9S22
does noL undermlne counLry's securlLy, envlronmenL and
economlc lnLeresLs, and counLry's clalm over Sabah.
! 8espondenLs also quesLlon Lhe normaLlve force under
lnLernaLlonal law of peLlLloners' asserLlon regardlng Lhe 1reaLy
of arls.

! rellmlnary lssues:
o WheLher peLlLloners possess locus sLandl.
o WheLher wrlLs of cerLlorarl and prohlblLlon are proper
remedles Lo assall Lhe consLlLuLlonallLy of kA 9S22.
! MerlLs: wheLher or noL kA 9S22 ls unconsLlLuLlonal.

8ullng/8aLlo " CourL holds LhaL:
1. eLlLloners possess locus sLandl Lo brlng sulL as clLlzens.
8aLlo: 1hey are clLlzens wlLh consLlLuLlonally sufflclenL lnLeresL ln
Lhe resoluLlon of Lhe merlLs of Lhe case whlch undoubLedly ralses
lssues of naLlonal slgnlflcance necesslLaLlng urgenL resoluLlon, lL ls
undersLandably dlfflculL Lo flnd oLher llLlganLs possesslng a more
dlrecL and speclflc lnLeresL" Lo brlng Lhe sulL.

2. WrlLs of cerLlorarl and prohlblLlon are proper remedles Lo LesL
consLlLuLlonallLy of kA 9S22.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() +(, - ./0 1234567 89/73:; :010

!!! (!) " !!!
8aLlo: CourL, by LradlLlon, vlewed wrlLs of cerLlorarl and prohlblLlon
as proper remedlal vehlcles Lo LesL Lhe consLlLuLlonallLy of sLaLuLes,
sLaLuLe lnvolved ln Lhe case has relevance ln Lhe llfe of hlllpplne
naLlon so CourL lnevlLably flnds lLself consLralned Lo Lake cognlzance
of Lhe case.

3. kA 9S22 ls consLlLuLlonal.
8aLlo: kA 9S22ls o stotototy tool to Jemotcote tbe cooottys
motltlme zooes ooJ cootloeotol sbelf ooJet D8EF9G HHH, oot to
Jelloeote lblllpploe tettltoty. UNCLCS III ls a mulLllaLeral LreaLy
regulaLlng, among oLhers, sea-use rlghLs over marlLlme zones,
LerrlLorlal waLers, excluslve economlc zone, and conLlnenLal shelves
LhaL UNCLCS III dellmlLs. lL was Lhe culmlnaLlon of decades-long
negoLlaLlons among un members Lo codlfy norms regulaLlng Lhe
conducL of sLaLes ln Lhe world's ocean ands and submarlne areas.
8asellne laws are enacLed Lo mark-ouL speclflc basepolnLs along
SLaLes coasLs Lo serve as geographlc sLarLlng polnLs Lo measure Lhe
breadLh of marlLlme zones and conLlnenLal shelf. (ArLlcle 48 of
UNCLCS III) 8asellnes are noLhlng buL ($-$)$0"6 *%74-&#(*( Lo
dellmlL wlLh preclslon Lhe exLenL of marlLlme zones and conLlnenLal
shelves and Lhls glves noLlce Lo Lhe lnLernaLlonal communlLy wlLhln
whlch Lhe SLaLe can exerclse LreaLy-based rlghLs.

8egardlng 1reaLy of arls: basellnes of hlllpplnes would sLlll have Lo
be drawn ln accordance wlLh kA 9S22 Lo conform Lo UNCLCS III.
! UNCLCS III plays no role ln Lhe dlmlnuLlon of LerrlLory.
SLaLes acqulre or lose LerrlLory Lhrough occupaLlon,
accreLlon, cesslon and prescrlpLlon. 1errlLorlal clalms Lo land
feaLures are ouLslde of UNCLCS III, lL ls governed by general
lnLernaLlonal law.
! ;I ?JKKL( ose of tbe ftomewotk of teqlme of lslooJs to
Jetetmloe tbe motltlme zooes of tbe klC ooJ tbe
5cotbotooqb 5bool, ls oot locooslsteot wltb tbe lblllpploes
clolm of sovetelqoty ovet tbese oteos. eLlLloner's asserLlon
of loss of abouL 13,000 square nauLlcal mlles of LerrlLorlal
waLers ls unfounded boLh ln facL and law as kA 9S22
opLlmlzed Lhe locaLlon of basepolnLs and Lherefore,
#&7"%-(%, Lhe hlllpplnes' LoLal marlLlme space by 146, 216
square nauLlcal mlles as Lhere ls an exLenslon of Lhe reach of
excluslve economlc zones. Also, SecLlon 2 of kA 9S22 shows
hlllpplnes' conLlnued clalm of soverelgnLy and [urlsdlcLlon
over Lhe klC and Scarborough Shoal (.over whlch Lhe
hlllpplnes llkewlse exerclses soverelgnLy and [urlsdlcLlon.).
Pad Congress enclosed klC and SS ln kA 9S22, Lhey would
have commlLLed Lhe followlng breaches:
o (1) ArLlcle 47.3 of UNCLCS III (basellnes shall noL
deparL Lo any appreclable exLenL from Lhe general
conflguraLlon of Lhe archlpelago).
o (2) ArLlcle 47.2 of UNCLCS III (lengLh of basellnes
shall noL exceed 100 nauLlcal mlles, save for 3 of
Lhe LoLal number of basellnes, whlch can reach up
Lo 123 nauLlcal mlles). ClasslflcaLlon of klC and SS as
reglmes of lslands" ls responslble observance of lLs
pocto soot setvooJo (agreemenLs musL be kepL)
obllgaLlon under UNCLCS III.

5totototy clolm ovet 5obob ooJet ;I JMMN ls tetoloeJ.
! SecLlon 2 of 8A 3446, whlch kA 9S22 dld noL repeal, keeps
open Lhe door for drawlng Lhe basellnes of Sabah.

D8EF9G HHH ooJ ;I ?JKK ls oot locompotlble wltb coostltotloos
Jelloeotloo of lotetool wotets.
! 1he hlllpplnes exerclses soverelgnLy over Lhe body of
waLer lylng landward of Lhe basellnes, lncludlng Lhe alr
space over lL and Lhe submarlne areas underneaLh. UNCLCS
III afflrms Lhls. 1he facL of soverelgnLy, however, does noL
preclude Lhe operaLlon of munlclpal and lnLernaLlonal law
norms sub[ecLlng LerrlLorlal sea or archlpelaglc waLers Lo
!"#$%&%'%&"#() +(, - ./0 1234567 89/73:; :010

!!! (!) " !!!
necessary, lf noL marglnal burdens ln Lhe lnLeresL of
lnLernaLlonal navlgaLlon (lnLernaLlonal law prlnclple of
freedom Lo navlgaLe), Lhus, domesLlcally Lhe pollLlcal
branches of Lhe hlllpplne governmenL may pass leglslaLlon
deslgnaLlng rouLes wlLhln Lhe archlpelaglc waLers Lo
regulaLe lnnocenL and sea lanes passage. 1he rlghL of
lnnocenL passage ls a cusLomary lnLernaLlonal law, Lhus
auLomaLlcally lncorporaLed ln Lhe corpus of hlllpplne law.
! 1he lmposlLlon of Lhese passage rlghLs Lhrough archlpelaglc
waLers was a concesslon of parLlclpaLlng SLaLes ln exchange
for Lhelr rlghL Lo clalm all Lhe waLers landward of Lhelr
basellnes. Moreover, Lhe recognlLlon of waLers enclosed by
SLaLe's basellnes prevenLs Lhe LreaLmenL of Lhelr lslands as
separaLe lslands under UNCLCS III.

8egardlng Lhe peLlLloners' clalm of non-execuLory consLlLuLlonal
provlslons ln ArLlcle ll: lL musL fall.
! Cur presenL sLaLe of [urlsprudence conslders Lhe provlslons
ln ArLlcle ll as mere leglslaLlve guldes, whlch absenL enabllng
leglslaLlon, do noL embody [udlclally enforceable
consLlLuLlonal rlghLs."

;I ?JKK ooJ tbe lblllpploes Motltlme 2ooes - assage of kA 9S22
ls ln Lhe dlscreLlon of Congress. AbsenL an UNCLCS III compllanL
basellnes law, hlllpplnes wlll flnd lLself devold of lnLernaLlonally
accepLable basellnes from where Lhe breadLh of lLs marlLlme zones
and conLlnenLal shelf ls measured. lL sends an open lnvlLaLlon Lo
seafarlng powers Lo freely enLer and explolL Lhe resources ln Lhe
waLers and submarlne areas around our archlpelago and weakens
counLry's case ln any lnLernaLlonal dlspuLe

Wherefore, we DISMISS Lhe peLlLlon.
Iust|ce I.k. Ve|asco, coocottloq
! hlllpplnes, when lL slgned Lhe UNCLCS III made Lhe
followlng ueclaraLlon: 1he slgnlng of Lhe ConvenLlon by Lhe
C8 shall noL ln any manner lmpalr or pre[udlce Lhe
soverelgn rlghLs of Lhe 8 under and arlslng from Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon of Lhe hlllpplnes." Such slgnlng shall noL ln
any manner lmpalr or pre[udlce Lhe soverelgnLy of Lhe 8
over any LerrlLory over whlch lL exerclses soverlgn auLhorlLy,
such as Lhe klC and waLers appurLenanL LhereLo,"
! ArLlcle 46 of UNCLCS III ln facL recognlzes LhaL an
archlpelaglc sLaLe, such as Lhe hlllpplnes, ls a sLaLe
consLlLuLed wholly by one or more archlpelagos and may
|nc|ude other |s|ands.
! UNCLCS III perLalns Lo a law on Lhe seas, noL LerrlLory
! hlllpplnes malnLalns Lhe sul generls characLer of our
archlpelaglc waLers as equlvalenL Lo Lhe lnLernal waLers of
conLlnenLal coasLal sLaLes.
o ArLlcle l of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon: Lhe waLers around,
beLween, and connecLlng Lhe lslands of Lhe
archlpelago, regardless of Lhelr breadLh and
dlmenslons, form parL of Lhe lnLernal waLers of Lhe
hlllpplnes. - raLlflcaLlon of people of 1987
ConsLlLuLlon verlLably re[ecLed Lhe quld pro quo
peLlLloners Lake as belng subsumed ln LhaL LreaLy.

! 24 nauLlcal mlles - 200 nauLlcal mlles: already consldered as
hlgh seas and noL anymore parL of hlllpplne LerrlLorlal waLers
o We don'L own Lhe seas buL !% 4-2% "#14$(
o Lands ouLslde of our LerrlLorlal waLers such as klC and
Scarborough Shoal - parL of our excluslve economlc
! unCLCS - noL abouL drawlng LerrlLorlal rlghLs buL -30)$ )(-1%
0+ (%-(

!"#$%&%'%&"#() +(, - ./0 1234567 89/73:; :010

!!! (!) " !!!
Art|c|e 2: Dec|arat|on of r|nc|p|es and State o||c|es

Sect|on 2. 1he h|||pp|nes |s a democrat|c and repub||can state.
Sovere|gnty res|des |n the peop|e and a|| government author|ty
emanates from them.

I. Sovere|gnty: eople vs. Cozo

onenLe: !usLlce lernando

! AppellanL seeks Lo seL aslde a [udgmenL of Lhe CourL of llrsL
lnsLance of Zambales, convlcLlng her of a vlolaLlon of an
ordlnance of Clongapo, Zambales, requlrlng a permlL from Lhe
munlclpal mayor for Lhe consLrucLlon or erecLlon of a bulldlng,
as well as any modlflcaLlon, alLernaLlon, repalr or demollLlon
Lhereof. She quesLlons Lhe valldlLy and appllcablllLy of provlslons
Lo her by lnvoklng due process. Per house was consLrucLed
wlLhln Lhe naval base leased Lo Lhe Amerlcan armed forces and
Lhus seeks emasculaLlon of soverelgnLy's rlghLs by asserLlng
admlnlsLraLlve [urlsdlcLlon ls noL presenL. She was glven 30 days
from Lhe flnallLy of [udgmenL Lo obLaln a permlL, falllng whlch,
she ls requlred Lo demollsh Lhe same.

! no supporL ln law for Lhe sLand Laken by appellanL.
o 8y Lhe AgreemenL, lL should be noLed, Lhe hlllpplne
CovernmenL merely consenLs LhaL Lhe unlLed SLaLes
exerclse [urlsdlcLlon ln cerLaln cases." (!usLlce 1uason)
o under Lhe Lerms of Lhe LreaLy, Lhe uS governmenL has
prlor or preferenLlal buL noL excluslve [urlsdlcLlon of
such offenses. 1he hlllpplne CovernmenL reLalns noL
only [urlsdlcLlon rlghLs noL granLed, buL also all
auLhorlLles for reasons of Lhelr own decllne Lo make use
of. 1he flrsL proposlLlon ls lmplled from Lhe facL of
hlllpplne soverelgnLy over Lhe bases, Lhe second from
Lhe express provlslons of Lhe LreaLy.
o 8eagan: 1he hlllpplnes' auLhorlLy may be exerclsed
over lLs enLlre domaln. WlLhln lLs llmlLs, lLs decrees are
supreme, lLs commands paramounL. lLs laws govern
Lhereln, and everyone Lo whom lL applles musL submlL
Lo lLs Lerms. 1haL ls Lhe exLenL of lLs [urlsdlcLlon, boLh
LerrlLorlal and personal.
o O"#&7#/.% 0+ -)$0P.#*#$-$#0&: a sLaLe, Lhen, lf lL chooses
Lo, may refraln from Lhe exerclse of whaL oLherwlse ls
llllmlLable compeLence. Lven lf Lhere ls dlmlnuLlon of
[urlsdlcLlonal rlghLs, Lhere ls no dlsappearance of sald
o lL ls noL precluded from allowlng anoLher power Lo
parLlclpaLe ln Lhe exerclse of [urlsdlcLlonal rlghL over
cerLaln porLlons of lLs LerrlLory. 1hey are sLlll sub[ecL Lo
lLs auLhorlLy.
o !urlsdlcLlon does noL dlsappear. lrom Lhe mlllLary bases
agreemenL, bases under Lhe lease of Amerlcan armed
forces are noL and cannoL be forelgn LerrlLory.

II. GCVLkNMLN1S DL IUkL AND DL IAC1C: Co klm Cham vs. valdez
1an keh

lssue: 1he quesLlon Lo be deLermlned ls wheLher or noL Lhe
governmenLs esLabllshed ln Lhe hll. lslands under Lhe names of hll.
LxecuLlve Commlsslon and 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes durlng Lhe
!apanese mlllLary occupaLlon or reglme were de facLo governmenLs.

klnds of de facLo governmenLs:
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!!! (!) " !!!
(1) CovernmenL LhaL geLs possesslon and conLrol of, or usurps, by
force or by Lhe volce of Lhe ma[orlLy, Lhe rlghLful legal
governmenL and malnLalns lLself agalnsL Lhe wlll of Lhe laLLer.
(2) CovernmenL LhaL ls esLabllshed and malnLalned by mlllLary
forces who lnvade and occupy a LerrlLory of Lhe enemy ln Lhe
course of war and denomlnaLed a governmenL of paramounL
(3) CovernmenL LhaL ls esLabllshed by Lhe lnhablLanLs of a counLry
who rlse ln lnsurrecLlon agalnsL Lhe parenL sLaLe.

CovernmenL of Lhe 2
klnd: 1horlngLon v SmlLh
(1) lLs exlsLence ls malnLalned by acLlve mlllLary power wlLhln Lhe
LerrlLorles, and agalnsL Lhe rlghLful auLhorlLy of an esLabllshed
and lawful governmenL.
(2) Whlle lL exlsLs, lL musL necessarlly be obeyed ln clvll maLLers by
prlvaLe clLlzens who, by acLs of obedlence rendered ln
submlsslon Lo such force, do noL become responslble, as
wrongdoers, for Lhose acLs, Lhough noL warranLed by Lhe laws
of Lhe rlghLful governmenL.
1he powers and duLles of de facLo governmenLs of Lhls descrlpLlon are
regulaLed ln Sect|on III of the nague Convent|ons of 1907.
! ArLlcle 43 provldes LhaL Lhe auLhorlLy of Lhe leglLlmaLe power
havlng acLually passed lnLo Lhe hands of Lhe occupanL, Lhe laLLer
shall Lake all sLeps ln hls power Lo reesLabllsh, and lnsure, as far
as posslble, publlc order and safeLy, whlle respecLlng, unless
absoluLely prevenLed, Lhe laws ln force ln Lhe counLry.
! 8elllgerenL occupanL has Lhe rlghL and ls burdened wlLh Lhe duLy
Lo lnsure publlc order and safeLy - he can suspend old laws and
promulgaLe new ones buL he ls en[olned Lo respecL Lhe
munlclpal laws LhaL promoLe publlc order and safeLy
! Laws of pollLlcal complexlons are suspended or ln abeyance
durlng mlllLary occupaLlon
! Palleck, lnLernaLlonal Law (vol. 2 p. 444) - Lhe rlghL of one
belllgerenL Lo occupy and govern Lhe LerrlLory of Lhe enemy
whlle ln lLs mlllLary possesslon, ls one of Lhe lncldenLs of war,
and flows dlrecLly from Lhe rlghL Lo conquer
o Such auLhorlLy and rules are dellvered dlrecLly from Lhe
laws of war, as esLabllshed by Lhe usage of Lhe world
and conflrmed by Lhe wrlLlngs of publlclsLs and
declslons of courLs - ln flne, from Lhe law of naLlons
! 1he munlclpal laws of Lhe conquered LerrlLory are consldered
conLlnulng ln force, as far as Lhey are compaLlble wlLh Lhe new
order of Lhlngs, unLll Lhey are suspended or superseded by Lhe
occupylng belllgerenL, and ln pracLlce Lhey are allowed Lo
remaln and Lo be admlnlsLered by Lhe ordlnary Lrlbunals,
subsLanLlally as Lhey were before Lhe occupaLlon

CovernmenL of Lhe 3
1horlngLon vs. SmlLh
! uS recognlzed Lhe governmenL seL up by Lhe ConfederaLe SLaLes
as a de facLo governmenL
Wllllams vs. 8ruffy
! SC of Lhe uS dlscusslng Lhe valldlLy of Lhe acLs of Lhe
ConfederaLe SLaLes sald: "1he same general form of
governmenL, Lhe same general laws for Lhe admlnlsLraLlon of
[usLlce and proLecLlon of prlvaLe rlghLs, whlch had exlsLed ln Lhe
SLaLes prlor Lo Lhe rebelllon, remalned durlng lLs conLlnuance
and afLerwards. As far as Lhe AcLs of Lhe SLaLes do noL lmpalr or
Lend Lo lmpalr Lhe supremacy of Lhe naLlonal auLhorlLy, or Lhe
[usL rlghLs of clLlzens under Lhe ConsLlLuLlon, Lhey are, ln
general, Lo be LreaLed as valld and blndlng."
Porn vs. LockharL
! 1he exlsLence of a sLaLe of lnsurrecLlon and war dld noL loosen
Lhe bonds of socleLy, or do away wlLh clvll governmenL or Lhe
regular admlnlsLraLlon of Lhe laws.
! no one, LhaL we are aware of, serlously quesLlons Lhe valldlLy
of [udlclal or leglslaLlve AcLs ln Lhe lnsurrecLlonary SLaLes
Louchlng Lhese and klndred sub[ecLs, where Lhey were noL
!"#$%&%'%&"#() +(, - ./0 1234567 89/73:; :010

!!! (!) " !!!
hosLlle ln Lhelr purpose or mode of enforcemenL Lo Lhe
auLhorlLy of Lhe naLlonal CovernmenL, and dld noL lmpalr Lhe
rlghLs of clLlzens under Lhe ConsLlLuLlon."
8aldy vs. PunLer
! ue facLo governmenLs should noL be dlsregarded or held Lo be
lnvalld merely because Lhose governmenLs were organlzed ln
! LxlsLence of war beLween Lhe unlLed SLaLes and Lhe
ConfederaLe SLaLes dld noL relleve Lhose who are wlLhln Lhe
lnsurrecLlonary llnes from Lhe necesslLy of clvll obedlence, nor
desLroy Lhe bonds of socleLy nor do away wlLh clvll governmenL
or Lhe regular admlnlsLraLlon of Lhe laws.

ln vlew of Lhe foregolng, lL ls evldenL LhaL Lhe hlllpplne LxecuLlve
Commlsslon, whlch was organlzed by Crder No. 1, lssued on !anuary 23,
1942, by Lhe Commander of Lhe !apanese forces, was a clvll governmenL
esLabllshed by Lhe mlllLary forces of occupaLlon and Lherefore a de facLo
governmenL of Lhe second klnd.
! 1he facL LhaL Lhe hlllpplne LxecuLlve Commlsslon was a clvll
and noL a mlllLary governmenL and was run by llllplnos and noL
by !apanese naLlonals, ls of no consequence.
! 1he so-called 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes was Lhe same
characLer as Lhe hlllpplne LxecuLlve Commlsslon, and Lhe
ulLlmaLe source of lLs auLhorlLy was Lhe same - Lhe !apanese
mlllLary auLhorlLy and governmenL.
! Powever, as a belllgerenL occupaLlon, belng essenLlally
provlslonal, does noL serve Lo Lransfer soverelgnLy over Lhe
LerrlLory. 1hus, !apan had no legal power Lo granL lndependence
Lo Lhe hlllpplnes.

V|rtue of ost||m|ny (ot||m|n|um) ln lnLernaLlonal law
! !apanese mlllLary occupaLlon belng de facLo governmenLs, lL
necessarlly follows LhaL Lhe [udlclal acLs and proceedlngs of Lhe
courLs of [usLlce of Lhose governmenLs, whlch are noL of a
pollLlcal complexlon, were good and valld afLer Lhe llberaLlon
and reoccupaLlon of Lhe hlllpplnes by uS and llllplno forces
under Lhe leadershlp of Cen. uouglas MacArLhur.
! 1haL noL only [udlclal buL also leglslaLlve acLs of de facLo
governmenLs, whlch are noL of a pollLlcal complexlon, are and
remaln valld afLer reoccupaLlon of a LerrlLory occupled by a
belllgerenL occupanL

III. In re Letter of Assoc|ate Iust|ce keynato uno
! 8evoluLlon - Lhe compleLe overLhrow of Lhe esLabllshed
governmenL ln any counLry or sLaLe by Lhose who are prevlously
sub[ecL Lo lL
! lL was Lhrough Lhe lebruary 1986 revoluLlon LhaL llllplno people
Lore Lhemselves away from Lhe sLaLe
! lrom Lhe naLural law polnL of vlew, Lhe rlghL of revoluLlon has
been deflned as an lnherenL rlghL of a people Lo casL our Lhelr
rulers, change Lhelr pollcy or effecL radlcal reforms ln Lhelr
sysLems of governmenL or lnsLlLuLlons by force or a general
uprlslng when Lhe legal and consLlLuLlonal meLhods of maklng
change have proved lnadequaLe or are obsLrucLed as Lo be
! Locus of poslLlve law-maklng power lles wlLh Lhe people and so
Lhey can also abollsh, alLer, and reform Lhe exlsLlng consLlLuLlon
! 3 clauses LhaL precede Lhe lreedom ConsLlLuLlon:
o (1) new governmenL under resldenL Cory Aqulno was
lnsLalled Lhrough dlrecL exerclse of Lhe power of Lhe
llllplno people.
o (2) AcLlon was done ln deflance of Lhe provlslons of Lhe
1973 ConsLlLuLlon.
o (3) Cory Aqulno promulgaLe Lhe ff. rovlslonal
! Aqulno governmenL was revoluLlonary" ln Lhe sense LhaL lL
came lnLo exlsLence ln deflance of exlsLlng legal processes and lL
was lnsLlLuLed by Lhe dlrecL acLlon of Lhe people ln opposlLlon Lo
!"#$%&%'%&"#() +(, - ./0 1234567 89/73:; :010

!!! (!) " !!!
Lhe auLhorlLarlan values and pracLlces of Lhe overLhrown
! Was Lhe exlsLlng legal order overLhrown by Lhe Aqulno
governmenL? QRG. lL ls assumed LhaL Lhe legal order remalns as
a culLure sysLem" of Lhe pollLy as long as Lhe laLLer endures and
LhaL a polnL may be reached, however, where Lhe legal sysLem
ceases Lo be operaLlve as a whole for lL ls no longer obeyed by
Lhe populaLlon nor enforced by Lhe offlclals.
! Aqulno governmenL was a vlolaLlon of Lhe 1973 ConsLlLuLlon yeL
lL slgnaled Lhe polnL where Lhe legal sysLem Lhen ln effecL had
ceased Lo be obeyed by Lhe llllplno people.

8epubllc vs. Sandlganbayan

onenLe: !usLlce Carplo

resldenL Aqulno lssued LC No. 1 creaLlng Lhe CCC, whlch ls Lasked Lo
lnvesLlgaLe former resldenL Marcos, hls famlly, frlends, subordlnaLes,
and close assoclaLes and recover lll-goLLen wealLh. CCC creaLed an Al
AnLl-CrafL 8oard Lo lnvesLlgaLe offlclals. Al 8oard lnvesLlgaLed Lhe
respondenL Ma[or Ceneral !osephus 8amas.

1Pl8u lSSuL: LegallLy of Lhe Search and Selzure
! eLlLloner clalms LhaL Lhe Sandlganbayan erred ln declarlng Lhe
properLles conflscaLed from ulmaano's house as lllegally selzed
and Lherefore admlnlsslble ln evldence.
! 8aldlng Leam selzed ff. lLems: one baby armallLe rlfle wlLh Lwo
magazlnes, 40 rounds of 3.36 ammunlLlon, one plsLol, callber
.43, communlcaLlons equlpmenL, cash amounLlng Lo hp
2,870,000 and uS $30,000, [ewelry, and land LlLle. noL all lLems
are lncluded ln Lhe search warranL.
! Search and selzure was durlng Lhe revoluLlonary governmenL.
eLlLloner asserLs LhaL Lhe revoluLlonary governmenL effecLlvely
wlLhheld Lhe operaLlon of Lhe 1973 ConsLlLuLlon, whlch
guaranLeed prlvaLe excluslonary rlghLs.

CorrecL lssues:
! (1) WheLher Lhe revoluLlonary governmenL was bound by Lhe
8||| of k|ghts of Lhe 1973 ConsLlLuLlon durlng Lhe lnLerregnum.
! (2) WheLher Lhe proLecLlon accorded Lo lndlvlduals under Lhe
Internat|ona| Covenant on C|v|| and o||t|ca| k|ghts
("Covenant") and Lhe Un|versa| Dec|arat|on of numan k|ghts
("Dec|arat|on") remalned ln effecL durlng lnLerregnum.

! CourL: We hold LhaL Lhe 8||| of k|ghts under Lhe 1973
ConsLlLuLlon was noL operaLlve durlng Lhe lnLerregnum.
Powever, we rule LhaL Lhe proLecLlon accorded Lo lndlvlduals
under Lhe CovenanL and Lhe ueclaraLlon remalned ln effecL
durlng Lhe lnLerregnum.
o uurlng Lhe lnLerregnum, a person could noL lnvoke any
excluslonary rlghL under Lhe 8||| of k|ghts because Lhere
was nelLher a consLlLuLlon nor a 8||| of k|ghts durlng Lhe
o 1o hold LhaL Lhe 8||| of k|ghts under Lhe 1973
ConsLlLuLlon remalned operaLlve durlng Lhe
lnLerregnum would render vold all sequesLraLlon orders
lssued by Lhe CCC before Lhe adopLlon of Lhe lreedom
! lreedom ConsLlLuLlon, as well as Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon
recognlzed Lhe valldlLy of sequesLraLlon orders, Lhus: . lL should
be dlspelled by Lhe facL LhaL Lhese parLlcular remedles and Lhe
auLhorlLy of Lhe CCC Lo lssue Lhem have recelved
consLlLuLlonal approbaLlon and sancLlon.
! laLher 8ernas was agalnsL Lhe amendmenL excepLlng Lhe
sequesLraLlon orders from Lhe 8||| of k|ghts ln drafLlng Lhe 1987
ConsLlLuLlon because lL ls agalnsL Lhe 8||| of k|ghts.
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!!! (!) " !!!
o LxcepLlng sequesLraLlon orders are llke vlces and Lhese
are hard Lo shed.
o WhaL maLLers are Lhe resulLs and noL Lhe legal nlceLles
are very dlsLurblng. 1he argumenL makes Lhe CCC an
aucLloneer and Lhe 8C8 on an aucLlon.
o naLlon wlll only survlve and grow only lf lL would
become convlnced of Lhe values enshrlned ln Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon of a prlce LhaL ls beyond moneLary
! neverLheless, even durlng Lhe lnLerregnum, Lhe llllplno people
conLlnued Lo en[oy, under Lhe CovenanL and Lhe ueclaraLlon,
almosL Lhe same rlghLs found ln Lhe 8||| of k|ghts ln Lhe 1987
! 8evoluLlonary governmenL lnsLalled lLself as a de [ure
governmenL so assumed good falLh compllance of CovenanL and
o Covenant:
! Art|c|e 2(1) requlres every slgnaLory Lo respecL
and Lo ensure Lo all lndlvlduals wlLhln lLs
LerrlLory and sub[ecL Lo lLs [urlsdlcLlon Lhe rlghLs
recognlzed ln Lhe presenL CovenanL."
! Art|c|e 17(1): no one shall be sub[ecLed Lo
arblLrary or unlawful lnLerference wlLh hls
prlvacy, famlly, home or correspondence."
o Dec|arat|on: Art|c|e 17(2): no one shall be arblLrarlly
deprlved of hls properLy."
! 1he CourL has lnLerpreLed Lhe ueclaraLlon as
parL of Lhe generally accepLed prlnclples of
lnLernaLlonal law and blndlng on Lhe SLaLe.
! 1he facL ls Lhe revoluLlonary governmenL dld noL repudlaLe Lhe
CovenanL or Lhe ueclaraLlon ln Lhe same way lL repudlaLed Lhe
1973 ConsLlLuLlon. As Lhe de [ure governmenL, Lhe revoluLlonary
governmenL could noL escape responslblllLy for Lhe SLaLe's good
falLh compllance wlLh lL LreaLy obllgaLlons under lnLernaLlonal
! 1he rovlslonal ConsLlLuLlon served as a self-llmlLaLlon by Lhe
revoluLlonary governmenL Lo avold abuses of Lhe absoluLe
power enLrusLed Lo lL by Lhe people.
! And so, Lhe search warranL ls Lhus valld wlLh respecL Lo Lhe
lLems speclflcally descrlbed ln Lhe warranL buL Lhose LhaL are
noL lncluded ln Lhe warranL are consldered lllegal searches and
selzures. 1here was no legal basls Lo selze Lhese ob[ecLs wlLhouL
showlng LhaL Lhese lLems could be Lhe sub[ecL of warranLless
search and selzures.

1herefore, peLlLlon for cerLlorarl ls ulSMlSSLu.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Sect|on 1.
1he h|||pp|nes |s a democrat|c and repub||can State. Sovere|gnty res|des |n the peop|e and a|| government author|ty emanates from them.

Sect|on 2.
1he h|||pp|nes renounces war as an |nstrument of nat|ona| po||cy, adopts the genera||y accepted pr|nc|p|es of |nternat|ona| |aw as part of the |aw of
the |and and adheres to the po||cy of peace, equa||ty, [ust|ce, freedom, cooperat|on, and am|ty w|th a|| nat|ons.

Sect|on 3.
C|v|||an author|ty |s, at a|| t|mes, supreme over the m|||tary. 1he Armed Iorces of the h|||pp|nes |s the protector of the peop|e and the State. Its goa|
|s to secure the sovere|gnty of the State and the |ntegr|ty of the nat|ona| terr|tory.

Sect|on 4.
1he pr|me duty of the Government |s to serve and protect the peop|e. 1he Government may ca|| upon the peop|e to defend the State and, |n the
fu|f|||ment thereof, a|| c|t|zens may be requ|red, under cond|t|ons prov|ded by |aw, to render persona|, m|||tary or c|v|| serv|ce.

Sect|on S.
1he ma|ntenance of peace and order, the protect|on of ||fe, ||berty, and property, and promot|on of the genera| we|fare are essent|a| for the
en[oyment by a|| the peop|e of the b|ess|ngs of democracy.

Sect|on 6.
1he separat|on of Church and State sha|| be |nv|o|ab|e.

Sect|on 7.
1he State sha|| pursue an |ndependent fore|gn po||cy. In |ts re|at|ons w|th other states, the paramount cons|derat|on sha|| be nat|ona| sovere|gnty,
terr|tor|a| |ntegr|ty, nat|ona| |nterest, and the r|ght to se|f-determ|nat|on.

Sect|on 8.
1he h|||pp|nes, cons|stent w|th the nat|ona| |nterest, adopts and pursues a po||cy of freedom from nuc|ear weapons |n |ts terr|tory.

Sect|on 9.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
1he State sha|| promote a [ust and dynam|c soc|a| order that w||| ensure the prosper|ty and |ndependence of the nat|on and free the peop|e from
poverty through po||c|es that prov|de adequate soc|a| serv|ces, promote fu|| emp|oyment, a r|s|ng standard of ||v|ng, and an |mproved qua||ty of ||fe
for a||.

Sect|on 10.
1he State sha|| promote soc|a| [ust|ce |n a|| phases of nat|ona| deve|opment.

Sect|on 11.
1he State va|ues the d|gn|ty of every human person and guarantees fu|| respect for human r|ghts.

Sect|on 12.
Case lacLs lssues Peld 8aLlo/8ullng
1ondo Medlcal CenLer
Lmployees v. CourL of
onenLe: Chlco-nazaro, !.

A peLlLlon for revlew of cerLlorarl on
Lhe CA's declslon of denylng a
peLlLlon for nulllflcaLlon of Lhe PealLh
SecLor 8eform Agenda (PS8A)
hlllpplnes (1999-2004 uCP). PS8A
was lssued by former res. Lrap
Lhrough Lxecut|ve Crder No. 102
"ked|rect|ng the Iunct|ons and
Cperat|ons of the DCn"
eLlLloner alleges LhaL Lhe reform
resulLed ln Lhe lnaccesslblllLy of free
medlclne and medlcal servlces Lo Lhe
poor and Lhus counLers Lhe
asplraLlons and ldeals of Lhe llllplno
peoples. 8eforms vlolaLed Sec.
S,9,10,11,13,1S and 18 of Art. 2, Sec
1 of Art. 3, Sec. 11 and 14 of Art. 8,
and Sec. 1 and 3 of Art. 1S of the
1987 Const|tut|on
(l) WheLher or noL Lhe
PS8A can be nulllfled
based solely on
peLlLloner's allegaLlon
LhaL lL vlolaLes Lhe
general prlnclples
expressed ln Sec.
S,9,10,11,13,1S and 18
of Art. 2.
(l) PS8A cannoL
be nulllfled
based solely on
(l) ln 1anada v. Angara Lhe CourL has
already ruled Lhe secLlons found on
Art|c|e 2 of the Const|tut|on as noL self-
execuLlng and need leglslaLlve
enacLmenLs before Lhey can be
lmplemenLed. SecLlons of Art|c|e 2 are
used by Lhe [udlclary as alds or as
guldes ln Lhe exerclse of lLs power of
[udlclal revlew and by leglslaLure ln lLs
enacLmenL of laws.
ln 8asco v. hll. AmusemenL and
Camlng CorporaLlon, Sect|ons 11,12,
and 13 of Art. 2 are noL self-execuLlng
provlslons as Lhey merely lay down a
general prlnclple and cannoL glve rlse Lo
a cause of acLlon ln Lhe courLs.
CLher non self-execuLlng provlslons:
Sec. 1 of Art|c|e 8, Sect|on 2 of Art|c|e
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
1he State recogn|zes the sanct|ty of fam||y ||fe and sha|| protect and strengthen the fam||y as a bas|c autonomous soc|a| |nst|tut|on. It sha|| equa||y
protect the ||fe of the mother and the ||fe of the unborn from concept|on. 1he natura| and pr|mary r|ght and duty of parents |n the rear|ng of the
youth for c|v|c eff|c|ency and the deve|opment of mora| character sha|| rece|ve the support of the Government.

Sect|on 13.
1he State recogn|zes the v|ta| ro|e of the youth |n nat|on-bu||d|ng and sha|| promote and protect the|r phys|ca|, mora|, sp|r|tua|, |nte||ectua|, and
soc|a| we||-be|ng. It sha|| |ncu|cate |n the youth patr|ot|sm and nat|ona||sm, and encourage the|r |nvo|vement |n pub||c and c|v|c affa|rs.

Sect|on 14.
1he State recogn|zes the ro|e of women |n nat|on-bu||d|ng, and sha|| ensure the fundamenta| equa||ty before the |aw of women and men.

Sect|on 1S.
1he State sha|| protect and promote the r|ght to hea|th of the peop|e and |nst||| hea|th consc|ousness among them.

Sect|on 16.
1he State sha|| protect and advance the r|ght of the peop|e to a ba|anced and hea|thfu| eco|ogy |n accord w|th the rhythm and harmony of nature.

Case lacLs lssues Peld 8aLlo/8ullng
Cposa v. lacLoran !r. onenLe: uavlde, !r. !.

ConLrovery sLarLed ln Clvll Case no.
90-777 whlch was flled before 8ranch
66 of Lhe 81C nC8. eLlLloners are
mlnors duly represenLed and
en[olned by parenLs whlle
respondenL ls former uLn8 SecreLary
lacLoran, !r. subsLlLuLed by currenL
Sec. Ponorable Angel C. Alcala. AddL'l
plalnLlff ls hll. Lcologlcal neLwork,
lnc. (Lnl) a domesLlc, non-sLock,
non-proflL corp. engaglng ln
concerLed acLlon geared for Lhe
proLecLlon of Lhe envlronmenL and
naLlonal resources. ComplalnL ls
(l) WheLher or noL
llllplnos have a rlghL Lo
a balanced and
healLhful ecology

(ll) WheLher or noL sald
peLlLloners have a cause
of acLlon Lo prevenL
(l) llllplnos have
a rlghL Lo a
balanced and
healLhful ecology
as deflned ln
Sect|on 16, Art.

(ll) eLlLloners
have a cause of
acLlon adequaLe
(l) Lven Lhough rlghL ls found ln Art. 2
and noL ln Lhe 8||| of k|ghts, lL does noL
follow LhaL lL ls less lmporLanL Lhan any
of Lhe clvll and pollLlcal rlghLs. Such a
rlghL belongs Lo a dlfferenL caLegory for
lL concerns self-preservaLlon and self-
perpeLuaLlon. 1hese dlfferenL
caLegorles of rlghLs are assumed Lo be
ln exlsLence from Lhe lncepLlon of
humanklnd and when lL was wrlLLen ln
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon, lL ls Lo hlghllghL Lhelr

(ll) 1helr personallLy Lo sue ln behalf of
Lhe succeedlng generaLlons can only be
based on Lhe concepL of
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
lnsLlLuLed as a Laxpayer's class sulL
and LhaL peLlLloners are clLlzens of
Lhe hlls. enLlLled Lo Lhe full beneflL
and en[oymenL of Lhe counLry's
resources. eLlLloners also asserL LhaL
Lhey represenL Lhelr generaLlon and
Lhe generaLlon yeL unborn. 1hey
prayed LhaL defendanL and hls agenLs
and represenLaLlves (1) cancel all
exlsLlng Llmbler llcense agreemenLs
(1LA) ln Lhe counLry and (2) cease and
deslsL fron recelvlng, accepLlng,
processlng, renewlng or approvlng
new 1LAs.

hll. ls a rlch counLry wlLh many
resources and sclenLlflc evldence
reveals LhaL ln order Lo malnLaln a
balanced and healLhful ecology, Lhe
counLry's land area should be uLlllzed
on a raLlo of 34 for foresLs,
envlronmenL, eLc. 46 on
agrlculLural, resldenLlal, lndusLrlal,
commerclal, eLc. ulsLurbances ln Lhe
balances resulLed ln Lhe ff:
(a) WaLer shorLages,
(b) SallnlzaLlon of Lhe waLer Lable,
(c) Masslve eroslon,
(d) Lndangered and exLlncLlon of
flora and fauna,
(e) ulsLurbance of culLural
(f) SllLaLlon of rlvers and waLerbeds

Lhe mlsapproprlaLlon of
lmpalrmenL" of
hlllpplne ralnforesLs
and arresL Lhe
unabaLed hemorrhage
of Lhe counLry's vlLal
llfe-supporL sysLems
and conLlnued rape of
MoLher LarLh."
enough Lo show,
prlma facle, Lhe
clalmed vlolaLlon
of Lhelr rlghLs.
lnLergeneraLlonal responslblllLy lnsofar
as Lhe rlghL Lo a balanced and healLhful
ecology ls concerned. Lvery generaLlon
has a responslblllLy Lo Lhe nexL Lo
preserve Lhe rhyLhm and harmony for
Lhe full en[oymenL of a balanced and
healLhful ecology. 8lghL Lo a balanced
and healLhful envlronmenL carrles a
correlaLlve duLy of noL lmpalrlng Lhe
envlronmenL. 8lghL of peLlLloners ls as
clear as Lhe rlghL of uLn8 wlLh lLs
funcLlons as provlded ln LC. No 192. A
denlal or vlolaLlon of LhaL rlghL by Lhe
oLher who has Lhe correlaLlve duLy or
obllgaLlon Lo respecL or proLecL Lhe
same glves rlse Lo a cause of acLlon.
CranLlng of 1LAs vlolaLed peLlLloners'
rlghL hence Lhe full proLecLlon Lhereof
requlres LhaL no furLher 1LAs should be
renewed or granLed.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

(g) 8ecurrenL spells of droughL
(h) lncreaslng veloclLy of Lyphoon
(l) lloodlng of lowlands
([) ShorLenlng of llfespan of dams
(k) 8educLlon of capaclLy Lo process
Laguna Lake
AuLhorlLy vs. CourL of
onenLe: 8omero, !.

1ask lorce Camarln uumpslLe of our
Lady of Lourdes flled a leLLer-
complalnL wlLh Lhe Laguna Lake
uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy Lo sLop Lhe
operaLlon of Lhe 8.6 hecLare
dumpslLe because of Lhe harmful
healLh effecLs lL causes and
posslblllLles of polluLlon. LLuA found
ouL ClLy of Caloocan malnLalns
dumpslLe wlLhouL LCC and leachaLe
seeplng Lhrough Lhe waLers can
cause polluLlon and so Lhey ordered a
cease and deslsL order Lo Caloocan
ClLy. uumplng operaLlon closed for a
whlle Lhen opened agaln when
seLLlemenLs falled Lo happen. LLuA
lssued anoLher order and sLopped
Lrucks from enLerlng Camarln. ClLy of
Caloocan flled a peLlLlon ln Lhe 81C
declarlng a nulllLy of Lhe orders glven
by LLuA, clalmlng LhaL lL ls Lhe sole
auLhorlLy empowered Lo promoLe Lhe
healLh and safeLy and enhace Lhe
rlghL of people of Caloocan Lo a
(l) WheLher or noL Lhe
LLuA has auLhorlLy and
power Lo lssue an order

(ll) WheLher or noL LLuA
have Lhe auLhorlLy Lo
enLerLaln complalnL
agalnsL Lhe dumplng of
garbage ln Lhe open
dumpslLe ln Camarln
(l) LLuA has
auLhorlLy and
power Lo lssue
an order Lhrough
kepub||c Act No.

(ll) LLuA has
auLhorlLy Lo
(l) Sect|on 4 of 8A expllclLly auLhorlzes
LLuA Lo make whaLever order may be
necessary ln Lhe exerclse of lLs
[urlsdlcLlon, lL ls llkewlse a seLLled rule
LhaL an admlnlsLraLlve agency has also
such powers as are necessarlly lmplled
ln Lhe exerclse of lLs express powers.

(ll) 1he lmmedlaLe response Lo Lhe
demands of Lhe necesslLles of
proLecLlng vlLal publlc lnLeresLs" glves
vlLallLy Lo Lhe sLaLemenL on ecology
embodled ln Art II of the Const|tut|on.
Sect|on 16 - as a consLlLuLlonally
guaranLeed rlghL of every person, lL
carrles Lhe correlaLlve duLy of non-
lmpalrmenL. PealLh ls a fundamenLal
human rlghL (Un|versa| Dec|arat|on of
numan k|ghts and A|ma Conference
Dec|arat|on of 1978)
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
balanced ecology. 81C lssued a 18C
Lo LLuA, LLuA flled a moLlon Lo
dlsmlss on Lhe ground of olluLlon
ConLrol Law. CA upheld 81C's

Sect|on 17.
1he State sha|| g|ve pr|or|ty to educat|on, sc|ence and techno|ogy, arts, cu|ture, and sports to foster patr|ot|sm and nat|ona||sm, acce|erate soc|a|
progress, and promote tota| human ||berat|on and deve|opment.

Sect|on 18.
1he State aff|rms |abor as a pr|mary soc|a| econom|c force. It sha|| protect the r|ghts of workers and promote the|r we|fare.

Sect|on 19.
1he State sha|| deve|op a se|f-re||ant and |ndependent nat|ona| economy effect|ve|y contro||ed by I|||p|nos.

Case lacLs lssues Peld 8aLlo/8ullng
Carcla v. 8oard of
onenLe: CuLlerrez, !r. !.

eLlLlon Lo annul and seL aslde Lhe
declslon of Lhe 8Cl/u1l approvlng Lhe
Lransfer of Lhe proposed
peLrochemlcal planL slLe from 8aLaan
Lo 8aLangas and shlfL of feedsLock Lo
napLha and/or LC

8ackground: 376 hecLares ln Llmay
8aLaan was for Lhe eLrochemlcal
lndusLrlal Zone. 1alwanese lnvesLors
formed 8C wlLh Lerms speclfylng
8aLaan as Lhe place and uslng napLha.
lL was supposed Lo be a [olnL venLure
wlLh nCC. 8C was accorded several
beneflLs ln relaLlon Lo Lhe lndusLry.
(l) WheLher or noL 8Cl
was correcL ln
approvlng Lhe Lransfer
of 8C ln 8aLangas and
Lhe shlfL of feedsLock Lo
napLha and/or LC?
(l) 1he CourL
holds and flnds
LhaL Lhe 8Cl
commlLLed a
grave abuse of
dlscreLlon ln
approvlng Lhe
Lransfer of Lhe
planL from
8aLaan Lo
8aLangas and
auLhorlzlng Lhe
change of
feedsLock from
napLha only Lo
naphLha and/or
(1) 8aLaan was Lhe orlglnal cholce
hence Lhe name of 8C
(2) 88C ln 8aLaan produces 60 napLha
(3) napLha was exempLed from Lax
because of peLrochemlcal lndusLry and
so nelLher 8Cl or forelgn lnvesLors
should dlsregard or conLravene
expressed pollcy
(4) uuLy of Lhe SLaLe Lo exerclse
auLhorlLy over forelgn lnvesLmenLs
wlLhln naLlonal [urlsdlcLlon.
uevelopmenL of a self-rellanL and
lndependenL naLlonal economy
effecLlvely conLrolled by llllplnos
(Sect|on 19, Art, 2)
(3) caplLal requlremenLs wlll be
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
8uL ln leb 1989 A1 Chong Lhe ma[or
lnvesLor of 8C gave 8Cl a leLLer
sLaLlng 8C's deslre Lo relocaLe ln
LC for Lhe maln
reason LhaL Lhe
flnal say ls ln Lhe
lnvesLor all oLher
clrcumsLances Lo
Lhe conLrary
mlnlmlzed lf changes won'L happen
(6) nCC can be lnvolved Lo Lhe beneflL
and advanLage of gov'L

> Lvery provlslon of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon on
Lhe naLlonal economy and paLrlmony ls
lnfused wlLh Lhe splrlL of naLlonal
> eLrochemlcal lndusLry ls noL an
ordlnary lndusLry and essenLlal Lo
naLlonal lnLeresL.

Sect|on 20.
1he State recogn|zes the |nd|spensab|e ro|e of the pr|vate sector, encourages pr|vate enterpr|se, and prov|des |ncent|ves to needed |nvestments.

Sect|on 21.
1he State sha|| promote comprehens|ve rura| deve|opment and agrar|an reform.

Sect|on 22.
1he State recogn|zes and promotes the r|ghts of |nd|genous cu|tura| commun|t|es w|th|n the framework of nat|ona| un|ty and deve|opment.

Sect|on 23.
1he State sha|| encourage non-governmenta|, commun|ty-based, or sectora| organ|zat|ons that promote the we|fare of the nat|on.

Sect|on 24.
1he State recogn|zes the v|ta| ro|e of commun|cat|on and |nformat|on |n nat|on-bu||d|ng.

Sect|on 2S.
1he State sha|| ensure the autonomy of |oca| governments.

Sect|on 26.
1he State sha|| guarantee equa| access to opportun|t|es for pub||c serv|ce and proh|b|t po||t|ca| dynast|es as may be def|ned by |aw.

!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Case lacLs lssues Peld 8aLlo/8ullng
amaLong v. Comelec onenLe: 1lnga, !.

eLlLloner flled a cerLlflcaLe for
candldacy lasL uec. 27, 2003 buL
respondenL refused Lo glve due
course Lo peLlLloners cerLlflcaLe of
candldacy (daLed: !an. 17,2004).
eLlLloner seeks a peLlLlon for a
revlew of cerLlorarl because Lhe
declslon was vlolaLlve of hls rlghL Lo
equal access Lo opporLunlLles for
publlc servlce" under Sec. 26 of ArL.
ll. eLlLloner argues LhaL Comelec
lndlrecLly amended Lhe consLl
provlslons on Lhe elecLoral process
and llmlLed Lhe power of Lhe
soverelgn people Lo choose Lhelr
leaders. eLlLloner alleges LhaL he ls
Lhe mosL quallfled among
presldenLlal candldaLes and also
aLLacks Lhe valldlLy of Lhe form for
Lhe cerLlflcaLe of candldacy of
(l) WheLher or noL
CCMLLLC vlolaLed
peLlLloner's rlghL Lo
equal access Lo
opporLunlLles for publlc
(l) 1he clause
equal access Lo
opporLunlLles for
publlc servlce" ls
noL a
rlghL buL a
prlvllege sub[ecL
Lo llmlLaLlons
lmposed by law.
(l) Sec. 26 of Art. 2 nelLher besLows
such a rlghL nor elevaLes Lhe prlvllege Lo
Lhe level of an enforceable rlghL.
rovlslons ln Art. 2 are generally
consldered non self-execuLlng and
merely speclfles a guldellne for
leglslaLlve or execuLlve acLlon.
Commlssloner (now Chlef !usLlce)
Pllarlo uavlde, !r. changed some words
of Sec. 26 (from broad" Lo equal
proLecLlon" and offlce" Lo servlce") -
1he provlslon ls noL lnLended Lo compel
Lhe SLaLe Lo enacL poslLlve measures
LhaL would accommodaLe as many
people as posslble lnLo publlc offlce.
Words such as equal access"
opporLunlLles" publlc servlce" are
suscepLlble Lo counLless lnLerpreLaLlons
and so lL ls dlfflculL Lo regard Lhls as
operaLlve as poslLlve rlghLs.
1he clause ls sub[ecL Lo llmlLaLlons
(provlslons of Lhe Cmnlbus LlecLlon
Code on nulsance CandldaLes" and
Comelec keso|ut|on No. 64S2) and Lhe
llmlLaLlons, as long as lL applles Lo
everyone, ls presumed valld. eLlLloner
dld noL challenge Lhe valldlLy of Lhe
llmlLaLlons so Lhey have Lo be accorded
due welghL.

Sect|on 27.
1he State sha|| ma|nta|n honesty and |ntegr|ty |n the pub||c serv|ce and take pos|t|ve and effect|ve measures aga|nst graft and corrupt|on.

!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Sect|on 28.
Sub[ect to reasonab|e cond|t|ons prescr|bed by |aw, the State adopts and |mp|ements a po||cy of fu|| pub||c d|sc|osure of a|| |ts transact|ons |nvo|v|ng
pub||c |nterest.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

Sect|on 1.
1he |eg|s|at|ve power sha|| be vested |n the Congress of the h|||pp|nes wh|ch sha|| cons|st of a Senate and a nouse of kepresentat|ves, except to the
extent reserved to the peop|e by the prov|s|on on |n|t|at|ve and referendum.

Case Iacts Issues ne|d kat|o]ku||ng
Carcla v. Commlsslon
on LlecLlons
C.8. no. 111230
SepLember 30, 1994
onenLe: uno, !.

ln lLs ambayang kapasyahan 8|g. 10
Serye 1993, Sanggunlang 8ayang ng
Morong (S8M) agreed Lo Lhe
lncluslon of Lhe munlclpallLy of
Morong as parL of Lhe Sublc Speclal
Lconomlc Zone as accorded ln k.A.
7227. eLlLlon flled a peLlLlon wlLh
S8M saylng Morong dldn'L acLed on
Lhe peLlLlon and peLlLloners resorLed
Lo power of lnlLlaLlve under Local
CovernmenL Code 1991 and sollclLed
slgnaLures for Lhe repeal. CCMLLLC
denled Lhe peLlLlon on Lhe ground
LhaL lLs sub[ecL ls merely a resoluLlon
and noL an ordlnance
(l) WheLher or noL
kapasyahan 8|g. 10
serye 1993 of SM8
8aLaan ls Lhe proper
sub[ecL of an lnlLlaLlve.
(l) ambayang
kapasyahan 8|g.
10 of
8ayan ng
Morong ls a
proper sub[ecL of
an lnlLlaLlve.
(l) ConsLlLuLlon clearly lncludes
resoluLlons as sub[ecL of a local
lnlLlaLlve. 8esoluLlons as sub[ecL of
lnlLlaLlve was lmplemenLed by Congress
- k.A. No. 673S lnlLlaLlve - power of
Lhe people Lo make amendmenLs Lo Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon or propose leglslaLlon
(rooLed from orlglnal leglslaLlve power),
Lhey can enacL or re[ecL any acL or law
by Congress or local leglslaLlve body.
LasLern Shlpplng Llnes
v. hlllpplne Cverseas
166 SC8.A. 333 (1988)
onenLe: Cruz, !.

CLA awarded prlvaLe respondenL
192,000 for Lhe deaLh of husband
(vlLallano Saco). eLlLloner challenges
CLA's [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe case as
Saco ls noL an overseas worker and
LhaL CLA has no auLhorlLy Lo
promulgaLe Lhe regulaLlon. eLlLloner
argues LhaL CLA's Memorandum
(l) WheLher or noL CLA
vlolaLed Lhe non-
delegaLlon of leglslaLlve
(l) CLA dld noL
vlolaLe Lhe non-
delegaLlon of
leglslaLlve power.
(l) uelegaLlon of leglslaLlve power has
become frequenL lf noL necessary and
has esLabllshed lLself Lo be a rule and
Lhe non-delegablllLy an excepLlon.
Modernlzlng socleLy gave way Lo more
problems and Lhus, leglslaLlve's
compeLence and capaclLy has become
llmlLed. uelegaLlon or leglslaLlve
powers are parLlcularly appllcable Lo
admlnlsLraLlve bodles (power of
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
No. 2 ls vlolaLlve of Lhe prlnclple of
non-delegaLlon of leglslaLlve power.
subordlnaLe leglslaLlon). Memorandum
No. 2 falls lnLo admlnlsLraLlve
regulaLlon and has passed one of Lhe
LesLs of valld delegaLlon of power whlch
ls sufflclenL sLandard LesL (llmlLaLlons
and boundarles of delegaLe's auLhorlLy
are mapped ouL)
1ablarln v CuLlerrez
132 SC8.A. 730 (1987)
onenLe: lellclano, !.

eLlLloners have made an argumenL
LhaL Sect|on S(a) and (f) of k.A. 2382
offend agalnsL Lhe consLlLuLlonal
prlnclple whlch forblds Lhe undue
delegaLlon of leglslaLlve power by
falllng Lo esLabllsh Lhe necessary
sLandard Lo be followed by delegaLe,
Lhe 8oard of Medlcal LducaLlon.
(l) WheLher or noL
Sect|on S(a) and (f) of
k.A. 2382 falled Lo
esLabllsh Lhe necessary
sLandards and Lhus,
offend Lhe prlnclple of
forblddlng undue
delegaLlon of leglslaLlve
(l) necessary
sLandards seL
forLh ln Sec. 1 of
Lhe 19S9 Med|ca|
Act and ln
Sect|ons S(a) and
7 of Lhe Same AcL
and LhaL Lhese
LogeLher are
compllance wlLh
Lhe requlremenLs
of Lhe non-
(l) 1he general prlnclple of non-
delegaLlon of leglslaLlve power, whlch
boLh flows from and relnforces Lhe
more fundamenLal rule of Lhe
separaLlon and allocaLlon of powers
among Lhe Lhree depLs. Cf govL musL
be applled wlLh clrcumspecLlon ln
respecL of sLaLuLes
> !usLlce Laurel: complexlLles of modern
governmenL - adapL Lo subordlnaLe
leglslaLlon, Lhere ls a consLanLly
growlng Lendency Loward Lhe
delegaLlon of greaLer power by Lhe
leglslaLure, and Loward Lhe approved of
Lhe pracLlce by Lhe courLs
SLandards seL for subordlnaLe
leglslaLlon ln Lhe exerclse of rule-
maklng auLhorlLy may be elLher
expressed or lmplled.
lree 1elephone
Workers unlon v.
MlnlsLer of Labor
108 SC8.A. 737 (1981)
8atas ambansa 8|g. 130 empowers
MlnlsLer of Labor Lo assume
[urlsdlcLlon over labor dlspuLes
causlng or llkely Lo cause sLrlkes or
lockouLs adversely affecLlng Lhe
naLlonal lnLeresL and decldlng and
cerLlfylng Lhe same Lo Lhe naLlonal
Labor 8elaLlons Commlsslon
(l) WheLher or noL 8atas
ambansa 8|g. 130 ls
unconsLlLuLlonal for
vlolaLlng Lhe non-
delegaLlon of leglslaLlve
(l) 8atas
ambansa 8|g.
130 ls noL
for belng vlolaLe
of Lhe non-
delegaLlon of
(l) non-delegaLlon of powers appears Lo
be Loo sLrlcL and rlgld for modern
governmenLs encounLer dlfferenL
complexlLles and Lhus subordlnaLe
leglslaLlon comes lnLo Lhe plcLure. 1he
dlfflculLy wlLh subordlnaLe leglslaLlon
comes ln Lhe flxlng of Lhe llmlL and
exLenL of auLhorlLy. SafesL way Lo
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
powers declde each case ls accordlng Lo lLs
pecullar envlronmenL, havlng lnLo mlnd
Lhe wholesome leglslaLlve purpose
lnLended Lo achleve.
Closer relaLlonshlp of Lhe deparLmenLs
ln our ConsLlLuLlon Lhere ls more
prompLlLude ln framlng our pollcles and
unlLy ln lLs execuLlon. non-delegaLlon
would be an obsLacle ln our naLlonal
developmenL. ower should be
delegaLed where Lhere ls agreemenL
LhaL a Lask musL be performed and lL
cannoL be effecLlvely performed by Lhe
leglslaLure wlLhouL Lhe asslsLance of a
delegaLe or wlLhouL an expendlLure of
Llme so greaL as Lo lead Lhe neglecL of
equally lmporLanL buslness"
Cebu Cxygen and
AceLylene Co., lnc. v.
SecreLary urllon
176 SC8.A. 24 (1989)
onenLe: Cancayco, !.

k.A. No. 6640 was passed lncreaslng
mlnlmum wage by 10 pesos. 1he
SecreLary of Labor lssued perLlnenL
rules ln lmplemenLlng Lhe 8.A.,
prohlblLlng Lhe employer from
credlLlng annlversary wages lncreases
negoLlaLed under a C8A agalnsL such
wage lncreases ln k.A. No. 6640
(l) WheLher or noL an
lmplemenLlng Crder of
Lhe SecreLary of Labor
and LmploymenL
(uCLL) can provlde for a
prohlblLlon noL
conLemplaLed by Lhe
law lL seeks Lo
(l) An
Crder of Lhe
SecreLary of
Labor and
cannoL provlde
for a prohlblLlon
conLemplaLed by
Lhe law lL seeks
Lo lmplemenL as
k.A. No. 6640
does noL prohlblL
Lhe credlLlng of
C8A annlversary
wages lncreases
(l) lL ls fundamenLal LhaL ln a case
where only pure quesLlons of law are
ralsed, Lhe docLrlne of exhausLlon of
Lhe admlnlsLraLlve remedles cannoL
apply because lssues of law cannoL be
resolved wlLh flnallLy by Lhe
admlnlsLraLlve offlcer. 1he quesLlon
ralsed here ls a quesLlon of law. lL ls a
fundamenLal rule LhaL lmplemenLlng
rules cannoL add or deLracL from Lhe
provlslons of Lhe law lL ls deslgned Lo
lmplemenL. AdmlnlsLraLlve regulaLlons
adopLed under leglslaLlve auLhorlLy by a
parLlcular deparLmenL musL be ln
harmony wlLh Lhe provlslons of Lhe law,
and should be for Lhe sole purpose of
carrylng lnLo effecL lLs general
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
for purposes of
1aLad v. SecreLary of
C.8. no. 124360
november 3, 1997
onenLe: uno, !.

eLlLlons challenge Lhe
consLlLuLlonallLy of Sec. 1S k.A. No.
8180, whlch ends Lhe 26 years of
gov'L regulaLlon of downsLream oll
lndusLry. lull deregulaLlon wlll sLarL
afLer March 1997 and when Lhe
prlces of crude oll and peLroleum
producLs ln Lhe world markeL are
decllnlng and when Lhe exchange
raLe of Lhe peso ln relaLlon Lo Lhe uS
dollar ls sLable and upon approval of
Lhe resldenL. LC No. 372 lssued by
resldenL 8amos approved Lhe
deregulaLlon of Lhe downsLream oll
lndusLry conslderlng Lhe Lwo facLors
sLaLed above plus lncludlng Lhe CSl
fund depleLlon as a facLor.
eLlLloners assall LhaL no speclflc
Llme frame was seL ln Lhe 8.A. and
does noL provlde a deLermlnaLe
sLandard Lo gulde LxecuLlve 8ranch ln
lmplemenLlng Lhe deregulaLlon
(l) WheLher or noL
Sect|on 1S of k.A. No.
8180 vlolaLes Lhe
prohlblLlon on undue
delegaLlon of power
and wheLher or noL LC
No. 392 |s a
mlsappllcaLlon of k.A.
No. 8180
(l) Sect|on 1S of
k.A. 8180 does
noL vlolaLe Lhe
prohlblLlon on
undue delegaLlon
of power buL LC
No. 392 |s a
mlsappllcaLlon of
k.A. No. 8180
(l) Sect|on 1S can hurdle boLh Lhe
compleLeness LesL and sufflclenL
sLandard LesL of due delegaLlon. 1he
law ls compleLe on Lhe quesLlon of Lhe
flnal daLe of full deregulaLlon. 1here
were also deLermlnaLe sLandards seL
forLh ln Sec. 1S. 1he lncluslon of LC No.
392 wlLh Lhe depleLlon of Lhe CSl
fund ls exLraneous and rewroLe Lhe
sLandards lncluded ln k.A. No. 8180.
1he LxecuLlve ls berefL of any rlghL Lo
alLer Lhe sLandards ln Lhe 8.A.. 1he
exerclse of delegaLed power ls glven a
sLrlcL scruLlny by courLs for Lhe delegaLe
ls a mere agenL whose acLlons cannoL
lnfrlnge Lhe agency.
eople v. uacuycuy
173 SC8.A. 90 (1989)
onenLe: 8egalado, !.

Sec 32 of k.A. No. 4670 expressed 2
alLernaLlve and dlsLlncL penalLles:
flne ranglng from 100 Lo 1000 or
lmprlsonmenL. no speclfled perlod
was lndlcaLed for lmprlsonmenL.
8espondenLs conLend LhaL havlng no
(l) WheLher or noL Lhe
penalLy of
lmprlsonmenL provlded
ln Sec. 32 of k.A. No.
4670 ls declared
(l) 1he penalLy of
provlded ln Sec.
32 of k.A. No.
4670 ls declared
(l) lL ls noL for Lhe courLs Lo flx Lhe Lerm
of lmprlsonmenL where no polnLs of
reference have been provlded by Lhe
leglslaLure. WhaL valld delegaLlon
presupposes and sancLlons ls an
exerclse of dlscreLlon Lo flx Lhe lengLh
of servlce of a Lerm of lmprlsonmenL
whlch musL be encompassed wlLhln
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

Sect|on 2.
1he Senate sha|| be composed of twenty-four Senators who sha|| be e|ected at |arge by the qua||f|ed voters of the h|||pp|nes, as may be prov|ded by

Sect|on 3.
No person sha|| be a Senator un|ess he |s a natura|-born c|t|zen of the h|||pp|nes and, on the day of the e|ect|on, |s at |east th|rty-f|ve years of age,
ab|e to read and wr|te, a reg|stered voter, and a res|dent of the h|||pp|nes for not |ess than two years |mmed|ate|y preced|ng the day of the e|ect|on.

eople v. uacuycuy
173 SC8.A. 90 (1989)
onenLe: 8egalado, !.

Sec 32 of k.A. No. 4670 expressed 2
alLernaLlve and dlsLlncL penalLles:
flne ranglng from 100 Lo 1000 or
lmprlsonmenL. no speclfled perlod
was lndlcaLed for lmprlsonmenL.
8espondenLs conLend LhaL havlng no
speclflc perlod for Lhe penalLy ls
vlolaLlve of Lhe consLlLuLlonal
prohlblLlon agalnsL undue delegaLlon
of leglslaLlve power as lL ls lefL ln Lhe
dlscreLlon of Lhe courL.
(l) WheLher or noL Lhe
penalLy of
lmprlsonmenL provlded
ln Sec. 32 of k.A. No.
4670 ls declared
(l) 1he penalLy of
provlded ln Sec.
32 of k.A. No.
4670 ls declared
(l) lL ls noL for Lhe courLs Lo flx Lhe Lerm
of lmprlsonmenL where no polnLs of
reference have been provlded by Lhe
leglslaLure. WhaL valld delegaLlon
presupposes and sancLlons ls an
exerclse of dlscreLlon Lo flx Lhe lengLh
of servlce of a Lerm of lmprlsonmenL
whlch musL be encompassed wlLhln
speclflc or deslgnaLed llmlLs wlll
consLlLuLe such exerclse as an undue
delegaLlon lf noL an ouLrlghL lnLruslon
lnLo or assumpLlon of leglslaLlve power
ConfederaLlon v.
naLlonal Wages
C.8. no. 96169
SepLember 24, 1991
onenLe: SarmlenLo, !.

eLlLloners are quesLlonlng Lhe
valldlLy of k.A. No. 6727 Wage
8aLlonallzaLlon AcL whlch provldes
new wage raLes, provldes, among
oLher Lhlngs, for varlous 8eglonal
1rlparLlLe Wages and producLlvlLy
8oards ln charge of prescrlpLlon of
mlnlmum wage raLes for all workers
ln Lhe varlous reglons, and for a
naLlonal Wages and roducLlvlLy
Commlsslon Lo revlew among oLher
funcLlons wage levels deLermlned by
Lhe boards.
(l) WheLher or noL k.A.
No. 6727 ls valld
(l) k.A. No. 6727
ls valld
(l) 1he Commlsslon noLed LhaL Lhe
deLermlnaLlon of wages generally
lnvolves Lwo meLhods: Lhe floor-wage
meLhod and Lhe salary-celllng meLhod.
lL ls Lrue LhaL wage-flxlng, llke raLe-
flxlng, consLlLuLes an acL of Congress, lL
ls also Lrue, however, LhaL Congress
may delegaLe Lhe power Lo flx raLes
provlded LhaL lL leaves sLandards and
Lhe Commlsslon has fulfllled Lhls wlLh
Art. 124.
Case lacLs lssues Peld 8aLlo/8ullng
Soclal !usLlce SocleLy v.
uangerous urugs
C.8. no. 161638
uec. 23, 2003 ! CCMLLLC lssued
keso|ut|on No. 6486 prescrlblng rules
and regulaLlons for mandaLory drug
LesLlng of candldaLes for publlc offlce
(l) WheLher or noL k.A.
916S's mandaLory drug
LesLlng ls consLlLuLlonal
(|) Sect|on 36(g)
og k.A. 916S ls
lmenLal argued LhaL quallflcaLlons
under Sec. 3, Art|c|e 6 are Lhe only
quallflcaLlons needed Lo be a candldaLe
ln Lhe elecLlons. ConsLlLuLlon prevalls
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

Sect|on 4.
1he term of off|ce of the Senators sha|| be s|x years and sha|| commence, un|ess otherw|se prov|ded by |aw, at noon on the th|rt|eth day of Iune next
fo||ow|ng the|r e|ect|on. No Senator sha|| serve for more than two consecut|ve terms. Vo|untary renunc|at|on of the off|ce for any |ength of t|me sha||
not be cons|dered as an |nterrupt|on |n the cont|nu|ty of h|s serv|ce for the fu|| term of wh|ch he was e|ected.

Sect|on S.
(1) 1he nouse of kepresentat|ves sha|| be composed of not more than two hundred and f|fty members, un|ess otherw|se f|xed by |aw, who sha|| be
e|ected from |eg|s|at|ve d|str|cts apport|oned among the prov|nces, c|t|es, and the Metropo||tan Man||a area |n accordance w|th the number of the|r
respect|ve |nhab|tants, and on the bas|s of a un|form and progress|ve rat|o, and those who, as prov|ded by |aw, sha|| be e|ected through a party-||st
system of reg|stered nat|ona|, reg|ona|, and sectora| part|es or organ|zat|ons.
(2) 1he party-||st representat|ves sha|| const|tute twenty per centum of the tota| number of representat|ves |nc|ud|ng those under the party ||st. Ior
three consecut|ve terms after the rat|f|cat|on of th|s Const|tut|on, one-ha|f of the seats a||ocated to party-||st representat|ves sha|| be f|||ed, as
prov|ded by |aw, by se|ect|on or e|ect|on from the |abor, peasant, urban poor, |nd|genous cu|tura| commun|t|es, women, youth, and such other
sectors as may be prov|ded by |aw, except the re||g|ous sector.
(3) Lach |eg|s|at|ve d|str|ct sha|| compr|se, as far as pract|cab|e, cont|guous, compact, and ad[acent terr|tory. Lach c|ty w|th a popu|at|on of at |east
two hundred f|fty thousand, or each prov|nce, sha|| have at |east one representat|ve.
(4) W|th|n three years fo||ow|ng the return of every census, the Congress sha|| make a reapport|onment of |eg|s|at|ve d|str|cts based on the standards
prov|ded |n th|s sect|on.

november 3, 2008 ln connecLlon wlLh Lhe May 10, 2004
over admlnlsLraLlve acLs or laws
conLrary Lo lL.
> lL can be argued LhaL drug LesLlng can
be opLlonal buL Lhe provlslon ln Lhe 8.A.
speclfled lL Lo be mandaLory hence,
suggesLlng LhaL Lhe obsLlnaLe ones shall
have Lo suffer Lo Lhe adverse
consequences for noL adherlng Lo Lhe
sLaLuLory demand
Case lacLs lssues Peld 8aLlo/8ullng
veLerans lederaLlon
C.8. no. 136781
CcLober 6, 2000
CCMLLLC vlolaLed Lhe legal
parameLers of k.A. No. 7941 whlch
are: (1) 20 allocaLlon (2) 2
Lhreshold (3) Lhree seaL llmlL (4)
(l) ls Lhe 20 allocaLlon
for parLy-llsL
mandaLory or merely a
(l) 1he 20
allocaLlon ls noL
mandaLory and
merely a celllng.
(l) llrsL lssue: 1he ConsLlLuLlon slmply
sLaLes Lhe parLy-llsL represenLaLlves
shall consLlLuLe 20 of Lhe LoLal
number of represenLaLlves lncludlng
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
proporLlonal represenLaLlon celllng?

(ll) Are Lhe 2 Lhreshold
requlremenL and 3 seaL
llmlL consLlLuLlonal?
Pow should Lhe
addlLlonal seaLs of a
quallfled parLy be
2 allocaLlon

(ll) 3 seaL llmlL ls
MeLhod was
lndlcaLed ln Lhe
Lhose under Lhe parLy-llsL" SecLlon 3(2)
of ArLlcle vl ls only a celllng. A sLaLuLe
remalns a valld command of
soverelgnLy unless declared

(ll) Second lssue: All gov'L auLhorlLy
emanaLes from Lhe people, buL ls
exerclsed by represenLaLlves chosen by
Lhem. 8uL Lo have meanlngful
represenLaLlon, Lhe elecLed persons
musL have Lhe mandaLe of a sufflclenL
no. of people. When Lhe law ls clear,
Lhe funcLlon of courLs ls slmple
appllcaLlon, noL lnLerpreLaLlon or
clrcumvenLlon. 1hree seaL llmlL ensures
Lhe enLry of varlous lnLeresL-
represenLaLlons lnLo Lhe leglslaLure.
1hlrd lssue: Pow Lo deLermlne Lhe
(1) 8ank and deLermlne flrsL parLy
(2) (no. of seaLs avallable Lo
leglslaLlve dlsLrlcLs/.80) * .20 =
no. of seaLs avallable Lo parLy-
llsL represenLaLlves.
8agong 8ayanl v.
C.8. no. 147389
!une 26, 2001
onenLe: anganlban, !.

eLlLloners seek Lhe dlsquallflcaLlon
of prlvaLe respondenLs, argulng
malnly LhaL Lhe parLy-llsL sysLem was
lnLended Lo beneflL Lhe marglnallzed
and underrepresenLed, noL Lhe
malnsLream pollLlcal parLles, Lhe non-
marglnallzed or overrepresenLed
(l) WheLher or noL
pollLlcal parLles may
parLlclpaLe ln parLy-llsL

(l) ollLlcal
parLles may
parLlclpaLe ln

(l) llrsL lssue: under Sec. 3 ArL. 6 of
ConsLl members of Lhe Pouse of
8epresenLaLlves may be elecLed
Lhrough a parLy-llsL sysLem of
reglsLered naLlonal, reglonal, and
secLoral parLles or organlzaLlons."
Commlssloner Monsod and SecLlons 2
and 11 of 8.A. 7941 furLher relLeraLed
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
(ll) WheLher or noL
parLy-llsL sysLem ls
excluslve Lo
marglnallzed and
WheLher or noL
grave abuse of
dlscreLlon ln
promulgaLlng Cmnlbus
8esoluLlon no. 3783
(ll) 1he splrlL of
Lhe parLy-llsL
sysLem ls geared
marglnallzed and
(ll) Second lssue: purpose of Lhe parLy-
llsL sysLem was Lo glve genulne power
Lo our people. Sec. 2 of 8.A. 7941
mandaLes a proporLlonal
represenLaLlon by means of llllplno
sLyle parLy-llsL sysLem. 1he emphasls ls
on Lhe marglnallzed and
underrepresenLed" lack of well-
deflned consLlLuencles" and
proporLlonal represenLaLlon." lL ls noL
enough for Lhe candldaLe Lo clalm
represenLaLlon of Lhe marglnallzed and
underrepresenLed, Lhey musL belong ln
Lhese speclflc secLors and and facLually
and Lruly represenL Lhe marglnallzed
and underrepresenLed. 1he parLy-llsL
sysLem ls a Lool for Lhe beneflL of Lhe
underprlvlleged. 1he lnLenL ls clear and
Lhus musL be followed LhoughouL.

Ang 8agong 8ayanl-
ClW Labor arLy eL
al., v. CCMLLLC, eL al.
C.8. no. 147389
!une 23, 2003
onenLe: anganlban, !.

1he lnsLanL MoLlons for
proclalmaLlon conLend LhaL Lhe
dlsquallflcaLlon of many parLy-llsL
orgs has reduced Lhe LoLal number
of voLes casL for Lhe parLy-llsL
elecLlons." 8ecause of Lhls, 2
Lhreshold has now been aLLalned by
movanLs and Lhus pray for Lhelr
proclamaLlon as wlnners.
(l) Should voLes Lallled
for Lhe dlsquallfled
candldaLes be

(ll) uoes Lhe clause
LoLal number of voLes
casL for Lhe parLy-llsL
elecLlons" lnclude only
balloLs from quallfled
(l) voLes Lallled
for Lhe
should be
Clause only
lncludes balloLs
from quallfled
(l) SubLracLlng Lhe voLes of dlsquallfled
parLy-llsL groups wlll make 2
Lhreshold aLLalnable for marglnallzed
and underrepresenLed (proporLlonal

(ll) ercelved lnsLablllLy" can be
allevlaLed because CCMLLLC now has
Lhe hereln quallfled and dlsquallfled
parLlclpanLs' llsL and CCMLLLC can now
be gulded accordlngly when accredlLlng
new candldaLes for Lhe nexL parLy-llsL
elecLlons and wlll be able Lo seL Lhe
perlod for accredlLaLlon ln such Llme
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
and manner as Lo enable lL Lo
deLermlne Lhelr quallflcaLlons long
before Lhe elecLlons were held. 1here ls
a need for paLlence and perseverance
ln order Lo uphold Lhe splrlL of Lhe law
of openlng opporLunlLles Lo Lhe
marglnallzed and underrepresenLed.
8anaL v. CCMLLLC
C.8. no. 179293
Aprll 21, 2009
onenLe: Carplo, !.

A peLlLlon for cerLlorarl and
mandamus assalls Lhe 8esoluLlon
promulgaLed on 3 AugusL 2007.
(l) ls Lhe 20 allocaLlon
for parLy-llsL
mandaLory or merely a

(ll) ls Lhe 3 llmlL seaL

(lll) 2 Lhreshold and
quallfled voLers

(lv) Pow shall Lhe parLy-
llsL represenLaLlves be

(v) uoes Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon prohlblL
Lhe ma[or pollLlcal
(l) 1he 20
allocaLlon ls

(ll) 3-seaL llmlL ls

(lll) 2 Lhreshold
ln Lhe allocaLlon
of addlLlonal

(v) Ma[or pollLlcal
parLles are
dlsallowed and
(l) 1he ConsLlLuLlon lefL Lhe manner of
allocaLlng Lhe seaLs avallable Lo parLy-
llsL represenLaLlves Lo Lhe wlsdom of
Lhe leglslaLure.

(ll) new meLhod ls shown ln Lhe book.
(1able 3 pp.99-100)

(lll) 1he CourL flnds LhaL Lhe 2
Lhreshold makes lL maLhemaLlcally
lmposslble Lo achleve Lhe maxlmum
number of avallable parLy llsL seaLs
when Lhe number of avallable parLy-llsL
seaLs exceeds 30. lL frusLraLes Lhe
aLLalnmenL of Lhe permlsslve celllng
LhaL 20 of Lhe members of Lhe Pouse
of 8epresenLaLlve shall conslsL of parLy-
llsL represenLaLlves.

(lv) lollow 1able 3 of pp. 99-100 for Lhe
meLhod of allocaLlng Lhe addlLlonal
seaLs Lo Lhe parLy-llsL wlnners.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
parLles from
parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe
parLy-llsL elecLlons? lf
noL, can Lhe ma[or
pollLlcal parLles be
barred from
parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe
parLy-llsL elecLlons?
are only allowed
on secLoral llnes.
1oblas v. Abalos
C.8. no. L-114783
uecember 8, 1994
onenLe: 8lLln, !.

eLlLloners assall Lhe consLlLuLlonallLy
of 8.A. 7673 An AcL ConverLlng Lhe
MunlclpallLy of Mandaluyong lnLo a
Plghly urbanlzed ClLy Lo be known as
Lhe ClLy of Mandaluyong"
rlor Lo enacLmenL Mandaluyong and
San !uan belonged Lo one dlsLrlcL.
eLlLloners argue LhaL acL breaks Lhe
one sub[ecL-one blll rule slnce lL also
Lackles Lhe separaLlon of
Mandaluyong Lo San !uan. SeparaLlon
has resulLed ln Lhe lncrease ln Lhe
composlLlon of Lhe Pouse of
8epresenLaLlve and ls also
preempLlng Lhe rlghLs of Congress Lo
reapporLlon Lhe leglslaLlve dlsLrlcLs.
(l) WheLher or noL
conLenLlons have merlL
(l) ConLenLlons
do noL have
(l) Converslon of Mandaluyong Lo a
hlghly urbanlzed clLy ls ln compllance
wlLh Lhe one clLy-one represenLaLlve"
provlso ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon. SeparaLlon
from San !uan ls a naLural and loglcal
consequence of converslon Lo a hlghly
urbanlzed clLy. Cne LlLle-one sub[ecL"
rule should be glven pracLlcal raLher
Lhan Lechnlcal consLrucLlon. 1he sald
acL en[oys Lhe presumpLlon of belng
passed Lhrough Lhe regular
congresslonal processes, lncludlng due
conslderaLlon by Lhe members of Lhe
Congress of Lhe mlnlmum requlremenLs
for Lhe esLabllshmenL of separaLe
leglslaLlve dlsLrlcLs.
> resenL llmlL of 230 members ln
Congress noL absoluLe because of Lhe
oLherwlse provlded by law" provlso.
Congress lLself drafLed, dellberaLed,
enacLed assalled law Lherefore lL
cannoL preempL lLself on a rlghL, whlch
perLalns lLself.
> no gerrymanderlng" ls presenL as
lncumbenL represenLaLlve of San
!uan/Mandaluyong dlsLrlcL's powers ls
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
dlmlnlshed and noL favorable Lo hlm.
Marlano, !r. v.
C.8. no. 118377
March 7, 1993
onenLe: uno, !.

eLlLloners assalllng Lhe
consLlLuLlonallLy of 8.A. 7834 under
Lhe ff. grounds: Sec. 2 dld noL
properly ldenLlfy Lhe proper land area
or LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon of MakaLl by
meLes and bounds, Sec. 31 aLLempLs
Lo alLer or resLarL Lhe Lhree-
consecuLlve Lerm" llmlL for local
elecLlve offlclals, and Sec 32 ls
unconsLlLuLlonal for lL lncreased Lhe
leglslaLlve dlsLrlcL of MakaLl only be
speclal law, lncrease was noL sLaLed
ln Lhe LlLle of blll, and addlLlon of
anoLher leglslaLlon ls noL ln accord
wlLh SecLlon 3(3).
(l) WheLher or noL Lhere
ls merlL ln
(l) 1he CourL
flnds no merlL ln
(l) eLlLlons falled Lo esLabllsh Lhe
supposed confuslon of noL dellneaLlng
Lhe LerrlLory of MakaLl. SecLlon 2 dld
noL add or subLracL and expressly
sLaLed LhaL area shall comprlse Lhe
presenL LerrlLory of Lhe munlclpallLy."
Land area was noL deflned because an
ongolng dlspuLe wlLh 1agulg was under
courL llLlgaLlon. So long as Lhe LerrlLorlal
[urlsdlcLlon ls ascerLalned lL may be
concluded LhaL Lhe leglslaLlve lnLenL
behlnd Lhe law has been sufflclenLly
> 8eapporLlonmenL of leglslaLlve
dlsLrlcLs may be made Lhrough a speclal
law. MakaLl has meL Lhe mlnlmum
requlremenLs of 230,000 populaLlon
and Lhus leglslaLlve dlsLrlcL can be
lncreased. ollcy of CourL favorlng a
llberal consLrucLlon of Lhe one LlLle-
one sub[ecL rule"
MonLe[o v. CCMLLLC
C.8. no.118702
March 16, 1993
onenLe: uno, !.

eLlLloner pleads for Lhe annulmenL
of Sec. 1 of 8esoluLlon no. 1736 of
CCMLLLC, redlsLrlcLlng cerLaln
munlclpallLles ln LeyLe on Lhe ground
LhaL lL vlolaLes Lhe prlnclple of
equallLy of represenLaLlon. eLlLloner
seeks Lo Lransfer Lhe munlclpallLy of
1olosa from hls dlsLrlcL Lo Lhe 2

dlsLrlcL of Lhe provlnce.
WheLher or noL SecLlon
1 of 8esoluLlon no. 2736
ls vold.
SecLlon 1 of
8esoluLlon no.
2736 ls vold.
SecLlon 2 of Lhe Crdlnance (source of
power of CCMLLLC) only empowers
CCMLLLC Lo make mlnor ad[usLmenLs
of Lhe reapporLlonmenL hereln made.
Mlnor ad[usLmenLs do noL lnclude
Lransferrlng one munlclpallLy from one
dlsLrlcL Lo anoLher. 1he power granLed
Lo CCMLLLC ls Lo ad[usL Lhe no. of
members apporLloned Lo Lhe provlnce
ouL of whlch such new provlnce was
8agabuyo v. CCMLLLC eLlLloner lnslsLs LhaL 8.A. no. 9371 ArL 6 Sec. 3 and ArL. 10 Sec. 10, Lhe
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

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Sect|on 6.
No person sha|| be a Member of the nouse of kepresentat|ves un|ess he |s a natura|-born c|t|zen of the h|||pp|nes and, on the day of the e|ect|on, |s
at |east twenty-f|ve years of age, ab|e to read and wr|te, and, except the party-||st representat|ves, a reg|stered voter |n the d|str|ct |n wh|ch he sha||
be e|ected, and a res|dent thereof for a per|od of not |ess than one year |mmed|ate|y preced|ng the day of the e|ect|on.

Case lacLs lssues Peld 8aLlo/8ullng
Callego v. verra
C.8. no. L-48641
november 24, 1941
onenLe: CzaeLa, !.

A peLlLlon of cerLlorarl Lo revlew Lhe
declslon of CA afflrmlng Cll ln
declarlng peLlLloner's wln as mayor ls

eLlLloner was a naLlve of Abuyog,
LeyLe. Pe sLudled ln Samar. Pe found
WheLher or noL
peLlLloner ls a resldenL
of Abuyog for aL leasL 1
year prlor Lo uec. 10,
eLlLloner has
malnLalned hls
domlclle of blrLh
ln LeyLe.
uesplLe worklng ln several areas ln Lhe
counLry, speclflcally sLaylng for 2 years
of ln Malaybalay, peLlLloner always
reLurns Lo homeland. Pe ran for Lhe
same offlce ln LeyLe and boughL
properLy ln LeyLe. Pe kepL close Lles
wlLh Lhe people ln Lhe area and won
by a ma[orlLy of 800 voLes. 1here was
no clear lnLenLlon of abandonlng
C.8. no. 176970
uecember 8, 2008
converLs and dlvldes Lhe ClLy of
Cagayan de Cro as a local gov'L unlL
and does noL merely provlde for Lhe
clLy's leglslaLlve apporLlonmenL.
auLhorlLy Lo acL of apporLlonmenL and
reapporLlonmenL ls wlLhln Lhe
LeglslaLure. ArL 6, Sec. 3 ls a pollLlcal
represenLaLlon and Lhe means Lo make
a leglslaLlve dlsLrlcL sufflclenLly
represenLed so LhaL Lhe people can be
effecLlvely heard. Sec. 3(4) speclflcally
mandaLes reapporLlonmenL as soon as
Lhe glven sLandards are meL. ln
conLrasL, ArL. 10 Sec 10 Lalks of Lhe
commencemenL, LermlnaLlon, and
modlflcaLlon of local gov'L unlLs
corporaLe exlsLence and LerrlLorlal
coverage. ulsLlncLlon beLween Lhe Lwo
arLlcles ls on Lhe requlremenL of
pleblsclLe. no pleblsclLe requlremenL
exlsLs under Lhe apporLlonmenL or
reapporLlonmenL provlslon.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
work ln Samar and ln munlclpallLles of
LeyLe. Pe ran for mayor ln hls
homeLown buL losL and Lhus, he wenL
Lo Mlndanao Lo search for a [ob. Pe
worked ln Malaybalay buL sLlll
reLurned Lo hls homeLown wheLher Lo
dellberaLe on a [ob offer or Lo vlslL hls
wlfe and klds who reslded Lhere. Pe
dld noL Lake Lhe parcel of land offered
by Lhe gov'L ln Malaybalay and lnsLead
kepL real properLy ln LeyLe. Pe
reglsLered hlmself as an elecLor ln
Malaybalay and has sLaLed LhaL he had
reslded Lhere for a year and a half.
8espondenL conLends LhaL peLlLloner
has already abandoned hls domlclle of
orlgln and Lransferred Lo a new
domlclle. eLlLloner sLaLes LhaL CA
erred ln holdlng hlm as aresldenL of
8ukldnon and LhaL hls elecLlon as
mayor of LeyLe ls null and vold

8omualdez-Marcos v.
C.8. no. 119976
SepLember 18, 1993
onenLe: kapunan, !.

Cn March 8, 1993, peLlLloner provlded
LhaL she was resldlng for 7 monLhs ln
Lhe llrsL ulsLrlcL of LeyLe. rlvaLe
respondenL conLesLed LhaL and sald
peLlLloner dld noL meeL Lhe 1-year
resldency requlremenL. Cn March 29,
1993, peLlLloner changed Lhe enLry Lo
slnce chlldhood" buL Lhe provlnclal
LlecLlon advlser ln LeyLe lnformed her
LhaL lL was Loo laLe already. eLlLloner
WheLher or noL
peLlLloner was a
resldenL, for elecLlon
purposes, of Lhe llrsL
ulsLrlcL of LeyLe for a
perlod of one year aL
Lhe Llme of Lhe May 9,
1993 elecLlons.
possesses Lhe
quallflcaLlons for
1he resldence quallflcaLlon ln Lhe 1987
ConsLl acLually refers Lo domlclle.
uomlclle ls one's permanenL home
wlLh Lwo elemenLs: physlcal presence
ln Lhe area or havlng Lhe lnLenLlon Lo
go back.
lL would be plalnly rldlculous for a
candldaLe Lo dellberaLely and
knowlngly make a sLaLemenL ln a
cerLlflcaLe of candldacy whlch would
lead Lo hls/her dlsquallflcaLlon hence
upholdlng peLlLloner's conLenLlon LhaL
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
conLends LhaL her flrsL enLry ls an
honesL mlslnLerpreLaLlon and she has
always malnLalned 1acloban as her
domlclle. eLlLloner flled for moLlon
for reconslderaLlon buL was denled.
Pence, Lhe case.
lL was an honesL mlslnLerpreLaLlon.
1acloban ls peLlLloner's domlclle as
she was born and ralsed Lhere, and
even when she moved Lo oLher clLles
Lo flnd work and reslded because of
her marrled llfe, she sLlll vlslLed Lhe
place and kepL close Lles ln Lhe
communlLy hence showlng Lhe
lnLenLlon Lo reLurn. uomlclle of orlgln
ls noL easlly losL unless Lhere ls an
acLual removal or an acLual change of
domlclle, a bona flde lnLenLlon of
abandonlng domlclle, and acLs
correspondlng Lo Lhe purpose. Also,
Lhere ls noLhlng ln Lhe Clvll Code LhaL
presupposes wlfe Lakes on Lhe
domlclle of her husband.
Aqulno v. CCMLLLC
C.8. no. 120263
SepLember 18, 1993
onenLe: kapunan, !.

CourL agrees wlLh CCMLLLC's
conLenLlon LhaL ln order for peLlLloner
Lo quallfy as candldaLe for
represenLaLlon of Lhe 2
dlsLrlcL of
MakaLl clLy, he musL prove LhaL he has
esLabllshed noL [usL resldence buL also

As found by CCMLLLC, peLlLloner
reslded ln 1arlac for 32 years. Pe was
born and ralsed Lhere. eLlLloner has
an agreemenL of lease of a condo unlL
ln MakaLl ClLy and has admlLLed of
ownlng oLher properLles ln CC.
WheLher or noL
peLlLloner was able Lo
esLabllsh domlclle ln
MakaLl ClLy
eLlLlner was noL
able Lo esLabllsh
domlclle ln
MakaLl ClLy
1he facL LhaL peLlLloner hlmself clalms
of oLher resldences ln MeLro Manlla
coupled wlLh Lhe shorL amounL of Llme
he clalmed Lo be a resldenL of MakaLl
lndlcaLes LhaL Lhe sole purpose of
Lransferrlng Lo a new resldence ls noL
Lo esLabllsh domlclle buL Lo quallfy for
elecLlons. 1here ls an absence of clear
and poslLlve proof showlng successful
abandonmenL of domlclle.
uomlno v. CCMLLLC onenLe: uavlde, !r., !. WheLher or noL Lhe 1he [udgmenL of llrsL lssue: CCMLLLC has [urlsdlcLlon
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
C.8. no. 134013
!uly 19, 1999

A case of cerLlorarl wlLh a prayer for
prellmlnary ln[uncLlon challenglng Lhe
dlsquallflcaLlon of !uan uomlno as
candldaLe for represenLaLlve of Lhe
Lone LeglslaLlve ulsLrlcL of Lhe
rovlnce of Saranganl. uomlno
malnLalns LhaL he has complled wlLh
Lhe one-year resldency requlremenL
and has been resldlng Lhere slnce !an.
1997. Pe was dlsquallfled because of
voLer's reglsLraLlon record and address
ln CC. Pe also lacks Lhe no. of days
from reglsLraLlon (!une 22, 1997 -May
8, 1998)
uomlno flled a moLlon for
reconslderaLlon, whlch was denled by
CCMLLLC. Pence, Lhls peLlLlon.
[udgmenL of Lhe M1C of
CC declarlng peLlLloner
resldenL of Saranganl ls
flnal, concluslve and
WheLher or noL
peLlLloner hereln
reslded ln Lhe sub[ecL
congresslonal dlsLrlcL for
aL leasL 1 year,
WheLher or noL
respondenL CCMLLLC
has [urlsdlcLlon ln Lhe
dlsquallflcaLlon of
Lhe M1C of CC
resldenL of
Saranganl ls flnal,
concluslve and
blndlng cannoL
be susLalned.
eLlLloner dld noL
reslde ln Lhe
dlsLrlcL for aL
leasL 1 year

over a peLlLlon Lo deny due course Lo
or cancel cerLlflcaLe of candldacy.
M1C's deLermlnaLlon does noL
preclude CCMLLLC's deLermlnaLlon.
Second lssue: peLlLloner lacks
lnLenLlon ln changlng domlclles. roofs
are lease of home ln Saranganl,
reglsLerlng for elecLlons ln Lhe CC
area. 8oLh lnLenL and acLual presence
ln Lhe dlsLrlcL one lnLends Lo represenL
musL saLlsfy Lhe lengLh of Llme
prescrlbed by fundamenLal law.

Co v. Pouse LlecLoral
C.8. nos. 92191-92
!uly 30, 1991
eLlLloners asklng for a reversal of Lhe
declslon of Lhe P8L1.

rlvaLe respondenL's grandfaLher, Cng
1e, came from Chlna and acqulred
land and cerLlflcaLlon ln Samar. Pls
son, !ose Cng Chuan was born ln
Chlna, buL Cng 1e broughL hlm here.
!ose Cng Chuan meL a llllplno glrl, goL
marrled, and bore Lhelr son ln 1948.
Cn May 13, 1937, Cng Chuan Look an
oaLh of alleglance Lo Lhe hlllpplnes
and around LhaL Llme, Lhe respondenL
was only 9 years old.
When respondenL became older, he
WheLher or noL P8L1
acLed wlLh grave abuse
of dlscreLlon ln declarlng
!ose Cng, !r. a naLural-
born clLlzen of Lhe hlls.
P8L1 dld noL acL
wlLh grave abuse
of dlscreLlon
when lL declared
!ose Cng, [r. a
clLlzen of Lhe
1hose born before !anuary 17, 1973,
of llllplno moLhers, who elecL
hlllpplne clLlzenshlp upon reachlng
Lhe age of ma[orlLy." - amended and
made Lo be reLroacLlve as splrlL and
lnLendmenL of Lhe law musL prevall
over Lhe leLLer especlally when Lhe
laLLer resulLs ln absurdlLy and
ln[usLlce. llllplno faLher, allen moLher
= naLural born and allen faLher,
llllplno moLher = naLural born ls on
equal fooLlng.
8espondenL ls naLural-born. Pls
moLher ls a llllplna and hls faLher ls a
naLurallzed clLlzen when he was 9
years old. 8ecause of hls age, lL would
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
ran for publlc offlce and hence Lhe
conLenLlon for hls clLlzenshlp sLaLus.
be unusual lf he undergone elecLlon
Lhrough a sLaLemenL buL slnce he
already exerclsed hls rlghL of suffrage
and esLabllshed hls llfe here ln Lhe
hlls and Lhus, he ls a llllplno clLlzen.
lL was Lhe law lLself LhaL had already
elecLed hlllpplne clLlzenshlp for
proLesLee by declarlng hlm as such"
8engzon v. Cruz
C.8. no. 142840
May 7, 2001
Cruz was a naLural-born clLlzen born
Lo llllplno parenLs ln Aprll 27, 1960.
(1933 ConsLl was ln effecL). nov 3
1983 - Cruz swore alleglance Lo Lhe uS
wlLhouL Lhe consenL of Lhe hlllpplnes
when he [olned Lhe marlne corps. Pe
reacqulred hls clLlzenshlp Lhrough
repaLrlaLlon under 8.A. no. 2630.
eLlLloner argues LhaL respondenL ls
noL anymore a naLural-born clLlzen of
Lhe hlls because he goL hls sLaLus
from reacqulslLlon buL respondenLs
says LhaL Lhe phrase from blrLh"
refers Lo Lhe lnherenL and lnborn
characLerlsLlc of belng a naLural-born
WheLher or noL Cruz, a
naLural-born llllplno
who became an
Amerlcan clLlzen, can
sLlll be consldered a
naLural-born llllplno
Lhrough reacqulslLlon.
Cruz can sLlll be
consldered a
clLlzen of Lhe
1here are 2 ways of geLLlng hll.
ClLlzenshlp: (1) by blrLh (2)
naLurallzaLlon. 1hose naLural-born are
clLlzens who don'L need Lo go Lhrough
a process Lo perfecL clLlzenshlp whlle
Lhose naLurallzed wenL Lo a process Lo
prove LhaL Lhey possess all Lhe
quallLles and have no dlsquallflcaLlons
under hll. Law. lor hll. ClLlzens who
losL Lhelr clLlzenshlp Lhey can acqulre
lL Lhrough (1) naLurallzaLlon (2)
repaLrlaLlon (3) dlrecL acL from
Congress. 8epaLrlaLlon conslsLs of
Laklng an oaLh of alleglance Lo Lhe
hlls. and reglsLerlng lL Lo Lhe Local
Clvll 8eglsLry of Lhe place of resldence.
8epaLrlaLlon resulLs ln Lhe recovery of
orlglnal naLlonallLy. Cruz wenL Lhrough
repaLrlaLlon and hence reacqulred hls
orlglnal naLural-born clLlzen sLaLus. Pe
ls also noL requlred by law Lo go
Lhrough Lhe naLurallzaLlon process
and hence, he ls perforce Lo be a
naLural-born clLlzen.
Sandoval-CuLlerrez, !. dlssenLlng:
respondenL had Lo Lake cerLaln acLs Lo
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
be a llllplno clLlzen agaln. 1he
provlslon on naLural-born clLlzens" ls
clear, preclse, and deflnlLe. ClLlzen
cannoL be consldered naLural-born lf
he wenL lnLo acLs of naLurallzaLlon,
repaLrlaLlon, leglslaLlon. Lven lf he
dldn'L go Lhrough Lhe Ledlous process
of naLurallzaLlon, he sLlll dld
valles v. CCMLLLC
C.8. no. 137000
AugusL 9, 2000
1he case ls abouL Lhe clLlzenshlp of
8osallnd ?basco Lopez. She was born
wlLh a llllplno faLher and an AusLrallan
moLher ln napler 1errace, 8roome,
WesLern AusLralla. She was born a
year before Lhe slgnlng of Lhe 1933
ConsLlLuLlon (May 16, 1934) and laws
governlng before were Lhe hlllpplne
blll and !ones law. 8oLh laws sLaLed
LhaL all lnhablLanLs of Lhe hlls who
were Spanlsh sub[ecLs and Lhelr
chlldren are deemed as llllplno
eLlLloner conLends LhaL prlvaLe
respondenL ls noL quallfled slnce she ls
a dual clLlzen, has renounced her
llllplno clLlzenshlp because of her
appllcaLlon of AC8 and lC8.
WheLher or noL 8osallnd
?basco Lopez ls quallfled
Lo run for governor of
uavao CrlenLal even lf
she ls a dual clLlzen
8osallnd ?basco
Lopez ls quallfled
Lo run for
governor even
wlLh her dual
hlllpplnes follow Lhe [us sangulnls
prlnclple - chlld follows Lhe clLlzenshlp
of parenLs regardless of blrLh
8osallnd ?basco Lopez dld noL
expressly renounce her clLlzenshlp ln
her documenLs. 8enunclaLlon musL be
express Lo be effecLlve.
lor dual clLlzenshlp Lo be counLed as a
dlsquallflcaLlon, lL musL refer Lo dual
alleglance. lor candldaLes wlLh dual
clLlzenshlp, lL ls enough LhaL Lhey elecL
hlllpplne clLlzenshlp upon flllng of
candldacy (Lhls already LermlnaLes
Lhelr dual clLlzenshlp as Lhls declares
Lhe person ls a llllplno clLlzen and ls
wllllng Lo uphold and defend Lhe
hlllpplne ConsLlLuLlon and ldeals)

Sect|on 7.
1he Members of the nouse of kepresentat|ves sha|| be e|ected for a term of three years wh|ch sha|| beg|n, un|ess otherw|se prov|ded by |aw, at noon
on the th|rt|eth day of Iune next fo||ow|ng the|r e|ect|on. No Member of the nouse of kepresentat|ves sha|| serve for more than three consecut|ve
terms. Vo|untary renunc|at|on of the off|ce for any |ength of t|me sha|| not be cons|dered as an |nterrupt|on |n the cont|nu|ty of h|s serv|ce for the fu||
term for wh|ch he was e|ected.

!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Case lacLs lssues Peld 8aLlo/8ullng
ulmaporo v. MlLra, !r.
C.8. no. 96839
CcLober 13, 1991
eLlLloner seems Lo confuse Lerm"
wlLh Lenure."
1he Lerm of offlce prescrlbed by Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon may noL be exLended or
shorLened by Lhe leglslaLure buL Lhe
perlod durlng whlch an offlcer acLually
holds Lhe offlce (Lenure), may be
affecLed by clrcumsLances wlLhln or
beyond Lhe power of sald offlcer.
1enure may be shorLer Lhan Lhe Lerm
or lL may noL exlsL aL all. 1hese
slLuaLlons wlll noL change Lhe duraLlon
of Lhe Lerm of offlce." (1opaclo nueno
v. Angeles 76 hll. 12)
When an elecLed offlclal covered
Lhereby flles a cerLlflcaLe of candldacy
for anoLher offlce, he ls deemed Lo
have volunLarlly cuL shorL hls Lenure,
noL hls Lerm. 1he Lerm remalns and hls
successor, lf any, ls allowed Lo serve lLs
unexplred porLlon.
larlnas, eL al. v.
LxecuLlve SecreLary
C.8. no. 147387
uecember 10, 2003
onenLe: Calle[o, Sr. !

eLlLloners seek Lo declare Lhe
unconsLlLuLlonallLy of SecLlon 14 of
Lhe 8epubllc AcL 9006 (lalr LlecLlon
AcL) based on Lhe ff grounds:
1) lL repeals Sec. 67 of Lhe
Cmnlbus LlecLlon Code (CLC)
Lhus vlolaLlng Lhe one sub[ecL-
one LlLle pollcy. Sec 14 ls a
proscrlbed rlder because of
Lhe dlfferences beLween Sec.
67 of Lhe CLC: 8epresenLaLlve
AcL 9006 prlmarlly deals wlLh
WheLher or noL
peLlLlons have valld
polnLs and have merlL
eLlLlons do noL
have valld polnLs
and lacks merlL.
eLlLlons are
1) Sec 14 ls noL a proscrlbed
rlder. 1he provlslon ln Sec
26(1) ArL. 6 merely calls for all
parLs of an acL relaLlng Lo lLs
sub[ecL flndlng expresslon ln
Lhe LlLle. CourL ls convlnced
LhaL Lhe LlLle and Lhe
ob[ecLlves of 8ep AcL 9006 are
comprehenslve enough Lo
lnclude Lhe repeal of Sec 67 of
Lhe Cmnlbus LlecLlon Code.
Cver Llme, Congress may flnd
lL lmperaLlve Lo repeal Lhe law
on lLs bellef LhaL Lhe elecLlon
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Lhe llfLlng of Lhe ban on Lhe
use of medla for elecLlon
propaganda and Lhe
ellmlnaLlon of unfalr elecLlon
pracLlces whlle Sec 67 lmposes
a llmlLaLlon on elecLlon
offlclals who run for an offlce
oLher Lhan Lhe one Lhey are
holdlng ln a permanenL
capaclLy by conslderlng Lhem
as lpso facLo reslgned
Lherefrom upon flllng of Lhe
cerLlflcaLe of candldacy.
2) 8ep AcL 9006 vlolaLes Lhe
equal proLecLlon clause of Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon because lL
repeals Sec 67 only of Lhe
Cmnlbus LlecLlon Code and lL
dlscrlmlnaLes appolnLlve
offlclals slnce Lhey are sLlll
consldered lpso facLo
3) 8ep AcL 9006 ls null ln lLs
enLlreLy slnce lL dldn'L follow
due process (publlcaLlon of
law before belng effecLlve)
4) Sec. 67 of Lhe Cmnlbus
LlecLlon Code ls a good law
and ls based on Lhe
consLlLuLlonal mandaLe of Lhe
AccounLablllLy of ubllc
process ls Lhereby enhanced
and Lhe paramounL ob[ecLlve
of elecLlon laws (falr, honesL
and orderly) ls achleved. lL
cannoL be clalmed Lhe
leglslaLors were noL apprlsed
of Lhe repeal slnce lL was
dellberaLed upon and even Lhe
peLlLloners admlL LhaL Lhey
have already expressed Lhelr
reservaLlons beforehand.
2) 8ep AcL 9006 does noL vlolaLe
Lhe equal proLecLlon clause.
Lqual proLecLlon clause ls noL
absoluLe buL lL ls sub[ecL Lo
reasonable classlflcaLlon. lL
does noL demand absoluLe
equallLy among resldenLs, lL
merely requlres LhaL all
persons shall be LreaLed allke,
under llke clrcumsLances and
condlLlons boLh as Lo
prlvlleges conferred and
llablllLles enforced. SubsLanLlal
dlsLlncLlons clearly exlsL
beLween elecLlve offlclals and
appolnLlve offlclals. LlecLlve
offlclals goL Lhelr offlce
Lhrough mandaLe, has a
deflnlLe Lerm, can be removed
upon sLrlngenL condlLlons, and
allowed Lo Lake parL ln
elecLoral and pollLlcal
acLlvlLles. AppolnLlve offlclals
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
goL Lhelr offlce Lhrough
appolnLlng auLhorlLy, holdlng
offlce may be ln a permanenL
capaclLy or aL Lhe pleasure of
Lhe appolnLlng auLhorlLy, and
Lhey are prohlblLed from
Laklng parL ln parLlsan pollLlcal
3) 1he Lnrolled 8lll uocLrlne ls
appllcable ln Lhls case. under
Lhe enrolled blll, Lhe slgnlng of
a blll by Lhe Speaker of Lhe
Pouse and Lhe SenaLe
resldenL and Lhe cerLlflcaLlon
of Lhe SecreLarles of boLh
Pouses of Congress LhaL lL was
passed are concluslve of lLs
due enacLmenL. 1he CourL
flnds no reason Lo devlaLe
from Lhe saluLary rule slnce
Lhe lrregularlLles peLlLloners
ralsed lnvolves Lhe lnLernal
rules of Congress. AL any raLe,
courLs have declared LhaL Lhe
rules adopLed by dellberaLlve
bodles are sub[ecL Lo
revocaLlon, modlflcaLlon or
walver aL Lhe pleasure of Lhe
body adopLlng Lhem."
arllamenLary rules are
merely procedural and wlLh
Lhelr observance, Lhe courLs
have no concern."
4) LffecLlvlLy Clause ls defecLlve.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
8uL lL does noL render Lhe
enLlre law lnvalld. ubllcaLlon
ls lndlspensable ln every case,
buL Lhe leglslaLure may ln lLs
dlscreLlon provlde LhaL Lhe
usual 13-perlod shall be
shorLened or exLended.

Maln prlnclple: courLs do noL
lnvolve Lhemselves wlLh nor delve
lnLo Lhe pollcy or wlsdom of a
sLaLuLe. 1haL ls Lhe excluslve
concern of Lhe leglslaLlve branch
of gov'L. Sole funcLlon of Lhe courL
ls Lo deLermlne wheLher lL
Lranscends consLlLuLlonal
llmlLaLlons or Lhe llmlLs of Lhe
leglslaLlve power.

Sect|on 8.
Un|ess otherw|se prov|ded by |aw, the regu|ar e|ect|on of the Senators and the Members of the nouse of kepresentat|ves sha|| be he|d on the second
Monday of May.

Case lacLs lssues Peld 8aLlo/8ullng
Codllla v. ue venecla
C.8. no. 130603
uecember 10, 2002
onenLe: uno, !.

A peLlLlon for mandamus and quo
warranLo assalllng Lhe holdlng of
offlce of respondenL vlcLorla L. Locsln
desplLe loslng Lo peLlLloner Codllla by
17,903 voLes lasL May 14 2001
elecLlons. eLlLloner garnered 71,330
voLes whlle respondenL Locsln only
goL 33,447 voLes. CCMLLLC 2

WheLher or noL
Lufroclno M. Codllla, Sr.
should be declared as
Lhe duly-elecLed
represenLaLlve of Lhe
dlsLrlcL of LeyLe.
Lufroclno M.
Codllla, Sr. should
be declared as
Lhe duly-elecLed
represenLaLlve of
Lhe 4
dlsLrlcL of
1he facLs are seLLled and beyond
dlspuLe. 8espondenL Locsln has noL
challenged Lhe ueclslon of Lhe
CCMLLLC en banc before Supreme
CourL and sald declslon has become
flnal and execuLor. lssue of who ls Lhe
rlghLful represenLaLlve has been
seLLled by Lhe CCMLLLC en banc, Lhe
consLlLuLlonal body wlLh [urlsdlcLlon
over Lhe maLLer. 1he rule of law
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
dlvlslon lnlLlally proclalmed
respondenL as wlnner buL on moLlon
of reconslderaLlon CCMLLLC en banc
reversed and proclalmed peLlLloner as
Lhe rlghLful wlnner.
eLlLloner gave a leLLer-appeal Lo Lhe
Pouse of represenLaLlves buL no
answer came. Pe soughL Lhe help of
parLy LAkAS nuCu-uMu Lo glve a
leLLer Lo Lhe Pouse Speaker ue
venecla Lo whlch he replled LhaL Lhey
recognlze Lhe rullng of CCMLLLC buL
8epresenLaLlve Locsln expressed LhaL
she shall openly defy and dlsobey Lhe
rullng of CCMLLLC and Lhus advlsed
Lhe peLlLloner Lo Lake Lhe maLLers lnLo
Supreme CourL.
demands LhaL lLs ueclslon be obeyed
by all offlclals of Lhe land.

Sect|on 9.
In case of vacancy |n the Senate or |n the nouse of kepresentat|ves, a spec|a| e|ect|on may be ca||ed to f||| such vacancy |n the manner prescr|bed by
|aw, but the Senator or Member of the nouse of kepresentat|ves thus e|ected sha|| serve on|y for the unexp|red term.

Case lacLs lssues Peld 8aLlo/8ullng
1olenLlno v. CCMLLLC onenLe: Carplo, !.

ln leb 2001, a SenaLe seaL for a Lerm
explrlng on !une 30 2004 was vacaLed
w/ Lhe appolnLmenL of Lhen Sen.
Culngona as v of Lhe P. 1he SenaLe
Lhen adopLed 8esoluLlons whlch
cerLlfled Lhe exlsLence of a vacancy ln
Lhe SenaLe, called Lhe CCMLLLC Lo flll
up Lhe sald vacancy Lhrough a speclal
elecLlon Lo be held slmulLaneously
(l) rocedural
a. WheLher Lhe peLlLlon
ls ln facL a peLlLlon for
quo warranLo whlch Lhe
SenaLe LlecLoral
1rlbunal ls Lhe sole

(l) rocedural
a. ?es

1he peLlLlon has no merlL.
(l) rocedural lssues
a. ?LS, Lhe CourL can properly exerclse
[urlsdlcLlon because whaL Lhe
peLlLloners are quesLlonlng ls Lhe
valldlLy of Lhe speclal elecLlon ln wc
Ponasan was elecLed, nC1 hls rlghL ln
Lhe exerclse of hls offlce as SenaLor. Pls
elecLlon ls merely lncldenLal Lo Lhe
peLlLloner's case of acLlon.

!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
wlLh Lhe regular elecLlons on May 14
2001, and declared LhaL Lhe
senaLorlal candldaLe garnerlng Lhe
hlghesL number of voLes shall serve
only for Lhe
unexplred Lerm of former
Sen. Culngona.

1hls ls a peLlLlon for prohlblLlon Lo seL
aslde Lhe CCMLLLC's 8esoluLlons,
whlch Lhe peLlLloners belleve assall
Lhe manner by whlch Lhe speclal
elecLlon was conducLed, vlolaLlng Lhe
precedenLs seL by Lhe 1931 & 1933
speclal elecLlons, boLh of whlch were
held slmulLaneously & yeL
ulS1lnC1L? w/ Lhe regular general
elecLlons. 1hus, Lhey pray LhaL Lhe
CourL declare LhaL nC speclal
elecLlons were held & LhaL Lhe
CCMLLLC's 8esoluLlons LhaL proclalm
Lhe senaLorlal candldaLes who
obLalned Lhe 13Lh hlghesL # of voLes
be declared nuLL & vClu.

!"##$%&%'()*+ -'./*&)(-/'

eLlLloners conLend LhaL such
resoluLlons were lssued w/o
[urlsdlcLlon because:
,/ 1hey falled Lo noLlfy Lhe
elecLoraLe of Lhe poslLlon Lo
b. WheLher Lhe peLlLlon
ls mooL, and

c. WheLher peLlLloners
have sLandlng Lo

(ll) Cn Lhe merlLs,
wheLher a speclal
elecLlon Lo flll a vacanL
3-yr Lerm SenaLe seaL
was valldly held on May
14, 2001.
b. ?es, buL..

c. ?es
b. AlLhough Lhe peLlLlon may be mooL,
lL ls no bar for Lhe CourL Lo declde on lLs
resoluLlon because Lhe quesLlon of Lhe
valldlLy of a speclal elecLlon ls llkely Lo
be repeaLed

c. ?LS, Lhe CourL shall be llberal ln
applylng lLs rule of locus sLandl because
Lhe lssues ralsed are of LranscendenLal
slgnlflcance & paramounL lmporLance
Lo Lhe people, for lL lnvolves Lhe
people's freedom of suffrage

(ll) Cn Lhe merlLs, ?LS. A speclal
elecLlon Lo flll a vacanL 3-yr Lerm SenaLe
seaL was valldly held on May 14 2001.
AlLhough CCMLLLC ulu nC1 CCML?
w/ Lhe requlremenLs of 8.A. 6643,
elLher sLrlcLly or subsLanLlally, lL does
nC1 lnvalldaLe Lhe speclal elecLlon
8LCAuSL (glven LhaL Lhe speclal
elecLlon was held slmulLaneously wlLh a
general elecLlon) Lhe law already
lmposes on Lhe voLers knowledge of
Lhls sLaLuLory noLlce & Lhe CCMLLLC's
deflclency ln allowlng more noLlce
abouL lL doesn'L negaLe havlng a speclal
elecLlon, and moreover, lnvalldaLlng lL.

> Pad Lhe elecLlon been excluslvely a
speclal elecLlon for Lhe Pouse of
8epresenLaLlves (as speclal elecLlons for
SenaLe seaLs are ALWA?S wlLh general
elecLlons), Lhe CCMLLLC's deflclency of
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
be fllled ln Lhe speclal
elecLlon (requlred under 8.A.
6643 Sec. 2),
5/ lL falled Lo requlre Lhe
candldaLes Lo lndlcaLe ln
Lhelr cerLlflcaLes of candldacy
lf Lhey wanLed Lo be elecLed
under speclal or regular
elecLlons (requlred under
8aLas ambansa 8lg. 881,
Sec.73), and
3. lL falled Lo speclfy ln Lhe
voLers lnfo SheeL lf Lhe
candldaLes were seeklng
elecLlon under speclal or
regular elecLlons (requlred
under 8.A. 6646, Sec. 4,
paragraph 4)

falllng Lo lnform Lhe publlc abouL sald
speclal elecLlon wlll make elecLoral
process vold as lL wlll be well-nlgh
lmposslble for Lhe voLers ln Lhe
congresslonal dlsLrlcL lnvolved Lo know
Lhe Llme and place of Lhe speclal
elecLlon and Lhe offlce Lo be fllled
unless Lhe CCMLLLC so noLlfles Lhem.

> 1he LesL ln deLermlnlng Lhe valldlLy of
a speclal elecLlon ln relaLlon Lo Lhe
fallure Lo glve noLlce of Lhe speclal
elecLlon ls wheLher Lhe wanL of noLlce
has resulLed ln mlsleadlng a sufflclenL
number of voLers as would change Lhe
resulL of Lhe speclal elecLlon. ln Lhls
case, peLlLloners have nelLher clalmed
nor proved LhaL CCMLLLC's fallure Lo
glve Lhls requlred noLlce mlsled a
sufflclenL number of voLers as would
change Lhe resulL of Lhe speclal
senaLorlal elecLlon or led Lhem Lo
belleve Lhere was noL such speclal
> 1he May 14, 2001 speclal senaLorlal
elecLlons cannoL be declared null slmply
because CCMLLLC falled Lo documenL
separaLely Lhe candldaLes and Lo
canvass Lhe voLes separaLely. nC SuCP
8LCul8LMLn1 LxlS1S ln Cu8
LLLC1lCn LAWS. k.A. No. 664S mere
requlres LhaL CCMLLLC flx Lhe daLe of
Lhe elecLlon lf necessary and sLaLe
among oLhers Lhe offlce or offlces Lo be
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

Sect|on 10.
1he sa|ar|es of Senators and Members of the nouse of kepresentat|ves sha|| be determ|ned by |aw. No |ncrease |n sa|d compensat|on sha|| take effect
unt|| after the exp|rat|on of the fu|| term of a|| the Members of the Senate and the nouse of kepresentat|ves approv|ng such |ncrease.

Sect|on 11.
A Senator or Member of the nouse of kepresentat|ves sha||, |n a|| offenses pun|shab|e by not more than s|x years |mpr|sonment, be pr|v||eged from
arrest wh||e the Congress |s |n sess|on. No Member sha|| be quest|oned nor be he|d ||ab|e |n any other p|ace for any speech or debate |n the Congress
or |n any comm|ttee thereof.

voLed for." lurLhermore, ln Lhe conducL
of Lhe speclal elecLlons, CCMLLLC1
merely lmplemenLed Lhe procedure
speclfled by SenaLe ln keso|ut|on No.
84 LhaL Lhe senaLorlal candldaLe
garnerlng Lhe 13
hlghesL number of
voLes shall serve only for Lhe unexplred
Case lacLs lssues Peld 8aLlo/8ullng
eople v. !alos[os onenLe: ?nares-SanLlago, !.

Congressman !alos[os (flrsL dlsLrlcL
ZambonorLe) was conflned aL Lhe
naLlonal penlLenLlary whlle hls case
for sLaLuLory rape and acLs of
lasclvlousness was pendlng appeal.

Pe flled a MC1lCn 1PA1 PL 8L
uu1lLS of a Congressman, lncludlng
A11LnuAnCL A1 SLSSlCnS Anu
(l) WheLher or noL
!alos[os may aLLend
sesslons desplLe hls
lmprlsonmenL for a
non-ballable offense,
whlch he commlLLed
prlor Lo hls presenL
(l) no under Lhe ConsLlLuLlon, prlvllege Lo be
free from arresL applles only lf Lhe
offense ls punlshable by less Lhan 6
years of lmprlsonmenL. 1he accused has
noL shown any reason why he should
be exempLed from Lhls.

1he members of Congress cannoL
compel absenL members Lo aLLend
sesslons lf Lhe reason for Lhe A8SLnCL
lS A LLCl1lMA1L CnL. 1he
conflnemenL of a Congressman charged
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
CCMMl11LL PLA8lnCS, desplLe hls
convlcLlon for a non-ballable offense.

Pe clalms LhaL hls re-elecLlon as
congressman proves as an
Lx8LSSlCn Cl 1PL CuLA8 WlLL,
and cannoL be rendered lnuLlle. (Pe
clalms he has Lhe MAnuA1L Cl 1PL
SCvL8LlCn WlLL).

Pe furLher argues LhaL under Sec
16(2), a Congressman's funcLlon ls Lo
aLLend sesslons. Pe also relles on Lhe
case of ACulnALuC lnvolvlng Lhe
admlnlsLraLlve removal of a publlc
offlcer for acLs done prlor Lo hls
presenL Lerm of offlce where Lhe
courL sald LhaL a publlc offlcer should
noL be removed from offlce for acLs
done prlor Lo hls presenL Lerm of
offlce. 1o do oLherwlse would be
deprlvlng Lhe rlghL of Lhe people Lo
elecL Lhelr offlcers.
wlLh a non-ballable offense (more Lhan
6 years) ls cerLalnly auLhorlzed by law,
and has consLlLuLlonal foundaLlons.

1he 8.A.1lCnALL behlnd conflnemenL ls
u8LlC SLLl-uLlLnSL. SocleLy musL
proLecL lLself, and serves as an example
and warnlng Lo oLhers. A person ls
Laken lnLo cusLody for purpose of Lhe
admlnlsLraLlon of [usLlce. lL ls Lhe ln[ury
Lo Lhe publlc, whlch Lhe SLaLe seeks Lo
redress ln crlmlnal cases.

1he Agulnaldo case also does noL apply.
lL refers only Lo admlnlsLraLlve removals
and nC1 1C lM8lSCnMLn1 A8lSlnC
l8CM 1PL LnlC8CLMLn1 Cl

ClllCL uCLS nC1 l8LL 1PL ACCuSLu
l8CM 1PL CCMMCn 8LS18.A.ln1S Cl

WhaL he ls seeklng ls noL mere
emergency or Lemporary leaves from
lmprlsonmenL. Pe ls seeklng Lo aLLend
congresslonal sesslon and meeLlngs for
3 days or more ln a week. 1PlS WCuLu
vl81uALL? MAkL PlM A l8LL MAn.
!lmenez v. Cabangbang

(AddlLlonal plalnLlffs:
AlberL & Lukban)
onenLe: Concepclon, C.!: Case was
lssued aL Lhe CourL of llrsL lnsLance
of 8lzal.

(l) WheLher
Cabangbang's leLLer ls
communlcaLlon: uoes lL
(l) no (l) lL ls obvlous LhaL ln causlng Lhe
communlcaLlon Lo be so publlshed,
Cabangbang was nC1 L8lC8MlnC PlS
ClllClAL uu1?, Ll1PL8 AS A MLM8L8
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
!lmenez (plalnLlff) broughL a sulL for
Lhe recovery of money as damages
for u8LlCA1lCn Cl A Ll8LLCuS
LL11L8 made by Cabangbang
(defendanL). 1he former clalms LhaL
Lhe Cabangbang leLLer ls false and
lnLended Lo lmpeach hls repuLaLlon,
expose hlm Lo publlc haLred,
conLempL, dlshonor and rldlcule.

Cabangbang's uLlLnSL: (1) LhaL Lhe
leLLer was noL llbelous, and (2) lL was
prlvlleged communlcaLlon.

Accordlng Lo Cabangbang, aL Lhe Llme
Lhe leLLer was wrlLLen, he was a
member of Lhe Pouse and Lhe
Chalrman of Lhe Pouse CommlLLee
on naLlonal uefense.

1he leLLer lnvolved was an CLn
LL11L8 1C 1PL 8LSluLn1 Cl 1PL
PlLllnLS daLed november 14,
1939, when CCnC8LSS WAS nC1 ln
SLSSlCn. 1hls was publlshed ln
several newspapers of general

!"##$%&%'()*+ -'./*&)(-/'

1he leLLer descrlbes 3 CLAnS. !
1haL Lhere was an lnsldlous plan or a
masslve pollLlcal bulldup where unu
fall under prlvlleged
speech or debaLe"? Wlll
Cabangbang be held
Cl CCnC8LSS C8 A MLM8L8 Cl An?

Pence, Lhe communlcaLlon ls noL
absoluLely prlvlleged.

!"##$%&%'()*+ -'./*&)(-/'

Supreme CourL: 1he ConsLlLuLlon
proLecLs uLLerances made by
Congressmen ln Lhe performance of:
1. 1helr offlclal funcLlons, such as
speeches dellvered, sLaLemenLs made,
or voLes casL ln Lhe halls of Congress,
and whlle Lhe same ls ln sesslon.
2. 8llls lnLroduced ln Congress, wheLher
Lhe same ls ln sesslon or noL.
3. 1he acLs performed by Congressmen
elLher ln Congress or ouLslde lLs
premlses ln Lhe offlclal dlscharge of
Lhelr duLles as members of Congress
and of Congresslonal CommlLLees.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
SecreLary vargas was ploLLlng Lo
become Lhe new resldenL, ! LhaL
4-mllllon of lnLelllgence funds are
allegedly belng used Lo flnance Lhe
pollLlcal campalgn.

1he leLLer menLlons !lMLnLZ AS CnL
Cl 1PL LAnnL8S of a CCu u'L1A1.

Cabangbang's open leLLer also
recommended LhaL vargas reslgn and
LhaL Lhe Al should sLay away from
pollLlcs, and LhaL all oLher lnLelllgence
offlclals of Lhe Al should be
AnLonlno v. valencla onenLe: 1eehankee, !.

Lorenzo SarmlenLo of Lhe Llberal
arLy losL Lo vlcenLe uuLerLe of Lhe
naclonallsLa arLy ln Lhe elecLlon for
governor ln uavao.
SubsequenLly, SenaLor AnLonlno
lssued a sLaLemenL LhaL Lhe loss was
caused by Lhe supporL glven by
valencla, Lhe SecreLary of ubllc
Works, Lo Lhe lndependenL L
candldaLe Maglana whlch caused a
dlvlslon ln L voLes. AnLonlno was
quoLed ln varlous newspapers LhaL
had valencla noL SaboLaged" and
double-crossed" Lhem, Lhe L would
have won.

AnLonlno Lhen proceeded Lo flle
(l) WheLher or noL Lhe
ress 8elease was
lssued by valencla

(l) ?es

(l) ?es, Lhe facL LhaL valencla caused Lhe
release and publlcaLlon of Lhe press
release ls seen when Lhe newspapers
reproduced Lhe speclflc charges flled by
AnLonlno, Lhe press release Lhere was
marked lor release" under Lhe daLe,
Lhe press release lndlcaLed valencla's
answers Lo AnLonlno's charges ln Lhe
same numerlcal order, Lhe press
release sald lL came from valencla, lL
quoLed valencla and he admlLLed
maklng Lhe sLaLemenL ln hls offlce ln
Lhe presence of Lhe press, Lhe flrsL page
of Lhe press release conslsLed of quoLed
sLaLemenLs by valencla and reporLs and
lnformaLlon he recelved abouL
AnLonlno, lL menLloned speclflc flgures
whlch only valencla could know glven
Lhe Llme consLralnL, and valencla dld
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

requesLs Lo have valencla
lnvesLlgaLed by Lhe SenaLe 8lue
8lbbon CommlLLee on alleged
anomalous acqulslLlons of publlc
works supplles and equlpmenL.

valencla reLallaLed by lssulng a press
release LhaL he wlll also flle charges
wlLh Lhe 8lue 8lbbon CommlLLee
regardlng anomalous acLs of Lhe
SenaLor. 1hls release was publlshed
ln newspapers.

AnLonlno flled Lhls case of damages.
valencla flled a counLer-clalm. Lower
courL ruled ln favor of AnLonlno.
valencla appealed. AnLonlno dled
and was subsLlLuLed by SenaLor
AnLonlno (Wlfe).

(ll) WheLher or noL Lhe
ress 8elease was

(ll) ?es
noL make any correcLlon or denlal of
Lhe publlshed sLaLemenL!

(ll) ?es, because Lhe sLaLemenLs lssued
were defamaLory and llbelous ln naLure
as Lhey lmpuLed upon hlm cerLaln
corrupL pracLlces. Also, because Lhe
sLaLemenL was noL lssued prlvaLely or
offlclally, mallce ls presumed and such
presumpLlon was noL overcome as
valencla dld noL prove Lhe LruLh of hls
sLaLemenLs or LhaL Lhey were publlshed
wlLh good lnLenLlons and wlLh a
[usLlflable moLlve or LhaL Lhey were
made ln Lhe exerclse of Lhe rlghL of falr
commenL on Lhe characLer, good falLh,
ablllLy and slncerlLy of publlc offlclals.
1he courL sald LhaL had valencla noL
been moLlvaLed wlLh mallce, he would
have flled charges agalnsL AnLonlno
wlLh Lhe SenaLe seelng as AnLonlno was
noL a candldaLe for elecLlon and LhaL hls
Lerm as senaLor was no yeL Lo explre.
Also, valencla cannoL clalm LhaL hls
acLlons were [usLlfled ln LhaL AnLonlno
was flrsL ln maklng llbelous sLaLemenLs.
1he anomalous LransacLlons charge was
duly flled wlLh Lhe 8lue 8lbbon. Also,
Lhe sLaLemenL on saboLage and double
crosslng cannoL be consldered llbelous
as conLemporary pollLlcs shows LhaL no
sLlgma of dlsgrace or dlsrepuLe befalls
one who changes pollLlcal parLles.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Sect|on 12.
A|| Members of the Senate and the nouse of kepresentat|ves sha||, upon assumpt|on of off|ce, make a fu|| d|sc|osure of the|r f|nanc|a| and bus|ness
|nterests. 1hey sha|| not|fy the nouse concerned of a potent|a| conf||ct of |nterest that may ar|se from the f|||ng of a proposed |eg|s|at|on of wh|ch
they are authors.

Sect|on 13.
No Senator or Member of the nouse of kepresentat|ves may ho|d any other off|ce or emp|oyment |n the Government, or any subd|v|s|on, agency, or
|nstrumenta||ty thereof, |nc|ud|ng government-owned or contro||ed corporat|ons or the|r subs|d|ar|es, dur|ng h|s term w|thout forfe|t|ng h|s seat.
Ne|ther sha|| he be appo|nted to any off|ce wh|ch may have been created or the emo|uments thereof |ncreased dur|ng the term for wh|ch he was

Case lacLs lssues Peld 8aLlo/8ullng
Llban v. Cordon
C.8. no. 173332
!uly 13, 2009

onenLe: Carplo, !.:

1hls ls a peLlLlon Lo declare SenaLor
Cordon (respondenL) as havlng
forfelLed hls seaL ln Lhe SenaLe.

1. WheLher Lhe hll naLl
8ed Cross (n8C) ls a
governmenL-owned or
conLrolled corporaLlon,

2. WheLher Sec.13
applles Lo Lhe
respondenL who ls
Chalrman of n8C whlle
aL Lhe same Llme, ls a
member of Lhe SenaLe,

3. WheLher respondenL
should be auLomaLlcally
removed as SenaLor
because accdg Lo Lhe
relevanL porLlons ln sald
arLlcle, no member of
Lhe Congress may hold
any offlce (wheLher gov
no, Lhe
peLlLloners have
no sLandlng Lo
flle Lhls peLlLlon
1PL CCvL8nLMn1 uCLSn'1 CCn18CL
n8C. 1PL n8C lS nC1 CCv-CWnLu,
8u1 8lvA1LL? CWnLu.

!"##$%&%'()*+ -'./*&)(-/'

Sec. 1, 8ule 66 of Lhe 8ules of CourL:

AcLlon of Lhe CovernmenL agalnsL
lndlvlduals relaLlng Lo Lhelr usurpaLlon
of a publlc offlce, poslLlon, or
franchlsed, may be commenced by
CnL? A vL8lllLu L1l1lCn broughL ln
Lhe nAML Cl 1PL 8 agalnsL:

1. A person who usurps, lnLrudes lnLo,
or unlawfully holds or exerclses a publlc
offlce, poslLlon, or franchlse,

2. A publlc offlcer who does or suffers
an acL whlch by provlslon of law,
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

Sect|on 14.
No Senator or Member of the nouse of kepresentat|ves may persona||y appear as counse| before any court of [ust|ce or before the L|ectora|
1r|buna|s, or quas|-[ud|c|a| and other adm|n|strat|ve bod|es. Ne|ther sha|| he, d|rect|y or |nd|rect|y, be |nterested f|nanc|a||y |n any contract w|th, or |n
any franch|se or spec|a| pr|v||ege granted by the Government, or any subd|v|s|on, agency, or |nstrumenta||ty thereof, |nc|ud|ng any government-
owned or conLrolled)
durlng hls Lerm w/o
forfelLlng hls seaL.


WheLher Lhe offlce of
Lhe n8C Chalrman ls a
gov offlce or an offlce ln
a gov-owned or
conLrolled corporaLlon
for Lhe purposes of Lhe
prohlblLlon menLloned
above relaLlng Lo ArL.
consLlLuLes a ground for Lhe forfelLure
of hls offlce, or

3. An assoclaLlon, whlch acLs as a
corporaLlon w/ln Lhe P w/o belng
legally lncorporaLed or w/o lawful
auLhorlLy Lo acL.

Accdg Lo 8.A. 93, or Lhe n8C CharLer,
Lhe n8C ls a prlvaLe organlzaLlon
performlng publlc funcLlons. lL ls a non-
proflL, donor-funded, volunLary,
humanlLarlan organlzaLlon.

1PL CCvL8nLMn1 uCLSn'1 CCn18CL
n8C. (accdg Lo Lhe 8.A., only 6 of Lhe
36 members of Lhe n8C 8oard of
Covernors are appolnLed by Lhe chlef
execuLlve. 1hus, 24 members of Lhe
board are noL appolnLed by Lhe res.)

1PL n8C lS nC1 CCv-CWnLu, 8u1
8lvA1LL? CWnLu. vasL ma[orlLy are
prlvaLe lndlvs and sLudenLs. under Lhe
charLer, lf you conLrlbuLe a cerLaln
amounL, you can become a member.
1hus, anyone from 6-63 years old CAn
become a member, even forelgners.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
owned or contro||ed corporat|on, or |ts subs|d|ary, dur|ng h|s term of off|ce. ne sha|| not |ntervene |n any matter before any off|ce of the Government
for h|s pecun|ary benef|t or where he may be ca||ed upon to act on account of h|s off|ce.

Case lacLs lssues Peld 8aLlo/8ullng
uyaL v. ue Cuzman,
113 SC8.A. 31 (1982)
onenLe: Melenclo-Perrera, !:

1hls ls a case quesLlonlng Lhe Crder
of SLC granLlng Congressman
LsLanlslao lernandez leave Lo
lnLervene ln a SLC case.

rlor Lo Lhls, Lhere was an elecLlon
for Lhe dlrecLors of lnL'l lpe
lndusLrles (ll). 1here were 2
facLlons: Lhe uyaL Croup and Lhe
Acero Croup.

1he Acero Croup lnsLlLuLed a CuC
WA88.A.n1C proceedlng before Lhe
SLC clalmlng LhaL Lhe voLes were noL
properly counLed.

1he uyaL Croup clalms LhaL
Congressman lernandez orally
enLered hls appearance as counsel
for Lhe Acero Croup. naLurally, Lhe
uyaL Croup opposed lernandez'
appearance as counsel clLlng LhaL a
Congressman cannoL appear as
counsel ln any admlnlsLraLlve
proceedlng llke SLC. So Assemblyman
lernandez no longer appeared as

WheLher lnLervenLlon ln
Lhe SLC case ls ln effecL
an appearance as
counsel (lndlrecLly)
before an
admlnlsLraLlve body.
?es Crdlnarlly, lL seems LhaL lernandez was
noL appearlng as counsel as he was
LheoreLlcally appearlng for Lhe
proLecLlon of hls ownershlp of 10

PCWLvL8, cerLaln sallenL
clrcumsLances mlllLaLe agalnsL Lhls. 1he
lAC1 Cl ACCul8lnC A ML8L 200
worLh of sLock of only 10 shares (ouL of
262,000) shows an C8vlCuS
Cl8CuMvLn1lCn Cl 1PL 8uLL. Pe
acqulred Lhem 01234 253 1062, afLer
Lhe Cuo WarranLo proceedlngs had
been flled and one day before Lhe
schedule SLC hearlng. WhaL's more,
before he moved Lo lnLervene, he
already slgnlfled hls lnLenLlon Lo appear
as counsel for Lhe Acero group, whlch
was earller ob[ecLed Lo.

under Lhose facLs and clrcumsLances,
Lhere has been an lnul8LC1
AuMlnlS18.A.1lvL 8Cu?. 1he
lnLervenLlon" was an afLerLhoughL Lo
enable hlm Lo appear acLlvely ln Lhe
proceedlngs ln SCML C1PL8 CAACl1?.

lf we were Lo uphold Lhe
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

Sect|on 1S.
1he Congress sha|| convene once every year on the fourth Monday of Iu|y for |ts regu|ar sess|on, un|ess a d|fferent date |s f|xed by |aw, and sha||
cont|nue to be |n sess|on for such number of days as |t may determ|ne unt|| th|rty days before the open|ng of |ts next regu|ar sess|on, exc|us|ve of
Saturdays, Sundays, and |ega| ho||days. 1he res|dent may ca|| a spec|a| sess|on at any t|me.

Sect|on 16.
(1). 1he Senate sha|| e|ect |ts res|dent and the nouse of kepresentat|ves, |ts Speaker, by a ma[or|ty vote of a|| |ts respect|ve Members. Lach nouse
sha|| choose such other off|cers as |t may deem necessary.
(2) A ma[or|ty of each nouse sha|| const|tute a quorum to do bus|ness, but a sma||er number may ad[ourn from day to day and may compe| the
attendance of absent Members |n such manner, and under such pena|t|es, as such nouse may prov|de.
(3) Lach nouse may determ|ne the ru|es of |ts proceed|ngs, pun|sh |ts Members for d|sorder|y behav|or, and, w|th the concurrence of two-th|rds of a||
|ts Members, suspend or expe| a Member. A pena|ty of suspens|on, when |mposed, sha|| not exceed s|xty days.
(4) Lach nouse sha|| keep a Iourna| of |ts proceed|ngs, and from t|me to t|me pub||sh the same, except|ng such parts as may, |n |ts [udgment, affect
nat|ona| secur|ty, and the yeas and nays on any quest|on sha||, at the request of one-f|fth of the Members present, be entered |n the Iourna|. Lach
nouse sha|| a|so keep a kecord of |ts proceed|ngs.
(S) Ne|ther nouse dur|ng the sess|ons of the Congress sha||, w|thout the consent of the other, ad[ourn for more than three days, nor to any other
p|ace than that |n wh|ch the two nouses sha|| be s|tt|ng.

Powever, he laLer purchased 10
SPA8LS Cl S1CCk ln ll Lo quallfy
hlm Lo run as ulrecLor. AfLer Lhe
purchase, lernandez flled a MoLlon
for lnLervenLlon ln Lhe SLC case,
because now, lernandez ls owner of

SLC granLed Lhe moLlon.
lnLervenLlon", Lhen lL would make Lhe
consLlLuLlonal prohlblLlon lneffecLlve.
All an Assemblyman has Lo do lf he
wanLs Lo lnfluence an admlnlsLraLlve
body ls Lo acqulre mlnlmal parLlclpaLlon
ln Lhe lnLeresL" of Lhe cllenL and Lhen
lnLervene" ln Lhe proceedlngs. 1haL
whlch Lhe ConsLlLuLlon dlrecLly
prohlblLs may noL be done by

SLC's granL of MoLlon Lo lnLervene ls
reversed and seL aslde.
Case lacLs lssues Peld 8aLlo/8ullng
Avellno v. Cuenco leb 18 - SenaLor 1anada requesLed 1) uoes Lhe courL have 1) no 1) CCu81 PAS nC !u8lSulC1lCn. ln
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
C.8. no. L- 2821
March 4, 1949
hls rlghL Lo speak on Lhe floor Lo
formulaLe charges agalnsL SenaLe
resldenL Avellno be reserved.
8equesL approved.

leb 21 1949 - hours before Lhe
openlng of sesslon, SenaLor 1anada
flled a
resoluLlon enumeraLlng Lhe charges
agalnsL Lhe SenaLe resldenL and
orderlng an lnvesLlgaLlon.

SenaLe resldenL Avellno refused Lo
open Lhe sesslon aL 10am. Pe
appearance aL sesslon hall unLll
11:33am. Pe read Lhe charges agalnsL
hlm ln

AL around 12pm, due Lo Lhe lnslsLenL
demands of SenaLors Sanldad and
Cuenco, Lhe sesslon was flnally called
Lo order. Sanldad however, moved
LhaL Lhe roll call be dlspensed wlLh.

Avellno's allles, SenaLors lranclsco
and 1lrona, lnslsLed LhaL Lhe roll be
called ln an obvlous consplracy Lo
prevenL SenaLor 1anada from
dellverlng hls speech. 1he roll was

SenaLor 1anada repeaLedly sLood up

2) Was Lhe resoluLlon
maklng Cuenco acLlng
presldenL valldly
approved? WAS 1PL8L
MA!C8l1? 1C
18.A.nSAC1 8uSlnLSS
ln 1PL SLnA1L?

3) Can Avellno reclalm
hls poslLlon?

2) ?es, lf you
assume LhaL SC
has [urlsdlcLlon

3) no
vlew of Lhe separaLlon of powers, and
Lhe pollLlcal naLure of Lhe conLroversy,
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon granLs Lhe SenaLe Lhe
power Lo elecL lLs own presldenL. lL
cannoL be lnLerfered wlLh, nor Laken
over, by Lhe !udlclary. 1he selecLlon of
Lhe senaLe presldenL affecLs only Lhe
senaLors Lhemselves who are aL llberLy
Lo choose aL any Llme Lhelr offlcers. 1he
remedy Lhus lles ln Lhe SenaLe Sesslon
Pall, noL ln Lhe Supreme CourL.

2) ASSuMlnC 1PA1 SC PAu
!u8lSulC1lCn, Lhe sesslon under
SenaLe resldenL ro-1empore Arranz
was vALlu. lL was merely a conLlnuaLlon
of Lhe mornlng sesslon and LhaL a
MlnC8l1? Cl 10 SLnA1C8S may noL,
by leavlng LheSesslon hall, prevenL Lhe
MA!C8l1? Cl 12 C1PL8 SLnA1C8S
from passlng a resoluLlon wlLh Lhelr
unanlmous consenL.

When Lhe ConsLlLuLlon says LhaL a
ma[orlLy shall consLlLuLe a quorum,
MLM8L8S." Lven a ma[orlLy of all Lhe
members consLlLuLe Lhe Pouse. 1here ls
a dlfference beLween a ma[orlLy of ALL
1PL MLM8L8S Cl 1PL PCuSL", and a
ma[orlLy of 1PL PCuSL".

1herefore, an absoluLe ma[orlLy, LhaL ls
12, of all Lhe members of Lhe senaLe
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
so LhaL he could dellver hls speech
buL was conLlnuously lgnored by
Avellno. Avellno even LhreaLened Lo
arresL any Lalklng senaLor. ulsorder
broke ouL ln Lhe gallery of Lhe

SenaLor uavld, moved for Lhe
ad[ournmenL of sesslon buL Sanldad
sLlll opposed.

Suddenly Avellno banged Lhe gavel
and walked ouL of Lhe sesslon hall
(along wlLh
uavld, 1lrona and lranclsco). 1he
pro-1anada senaLors remalned.

SenaLe resldenL ro-1empore
Arranz, suggesLed LhaL Cuenco Lake
over and
preslde over Lhe sesslon. Cuenco dld
and Look Lhe Chalr.
SenaLor 1anada was able Lo dellver
hls speech.

1he poslLlon of SenaLe resldenL was
declared vacanL by a unanlmous
resoluLlon (#68), by Lhose who were
sLlll Lhere.

Cuenco became AcLlng SenaLe
resldenL, he Look an oaLh and was
recognlzed by Lhe resldenL of Lhe
hlllpplnes Lhe day afLer.
(23 only), consLlLuLes consLlLuLlonal
ma[orlLy for Lhe purpose of a quorum
Lo do buslness.

1he offlce of Lhe SenaLe resldenL ls
one LhaL essenLlally depends on Lhe wlll
of Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe senaLors.

Pence, Cuenco ls Lhe new SenaLe
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

Avellno now flled a CuC
WA88.A.n1C proceedlng Lo declare
hlm as Lhe rlghLful
SenaLe resldenL.
SanLlago v. Culngona
C.8. no. 134377
november 18, 1998
1here was an elecLlon for SenaLe
resldenL. 1here were 2 conLenders,
SenaLor lernan and SenaLor 1aLad.
8y a voLe of 20 Lo 2, lernan won as
SenaLe resldenL. (1he 2 who voLed
for 1aLad were Mlrlam and 1aLad,

SenaLor 1aLad LhereafLer manlfesLed
LhaL he was assumlng Lhe posL as
mlnorlLy leader slnce accordlng Lo
hlm, only Lhose who had voLed for
hlm, belonged Lo Lhe mlnorlLy."

1hls was opposed by SenaLor !ohnny
llavler. Pe manlfesLed LhaL 7 LAkAS
nuCu SenaLors are also parL of Lhe
mlnorlLy and Lhey chose SenaLor
Culngona as mlnorlLy leader.

SenaLor Culngona was recognlzed by
Lhe SenaLe resldenL as MlnorlLy

SenaLors SanLlago and 1aLad
lnsLlLuLed CuC WA88.A.n1C
proceedlngs Lo ousL
SenaLor Culngona as MlnorlLy
Leader, and Lo declare 1aLad as Lhe
(l) uoes Lhe courL have

(ll) WheLher or noL Lhe
SenaLe and lLs offlclals,
parLlcularly SenaLe
resldenL lernan
commlLLed a vlolaLlon
of Lhe consLlLuLlon ln
recognlzlng 8espondenL
Culngona as Lhe SenaLe
mlnorlLy leader? WhaL
consLlLuLes mlnorlLy?
Was SecLlon 16 (1) noL
followed ln Lhe
selecLlon of SenaLe
mlnorlLy leader?

(l) ?es

(ll) no

(l) CCu81 PAS !u8lSulC1lCn.
MA!C8l1? lS uLllnLu AS 1PL nuM8L8
C8LA1L8 1PAn PALl C8 MC8L 1PAn
PALl Cl An? 1C1AL. Sec 16(1) slmply
sLaLes LhaL Lhe SenaLe resldenL musL
obLaln Lhe voLes of more Lhan 1/2 of
ALL 1PL SLnA1C8S. 1he ConsLlLuLlon
does noL dellneaLe who shall comprlse
Lhe ma[orlLy, much less Lhe mlnorlLy.

Whlle Lhe ConsLlLuLlon mandaLes LhaL
Lhe senaLe presldenL musL be elecLed
by a number consLlLuLlng MC8L 1PAn
1/2 Cl ALL 1PL MLM8L8S 1PL8LCl, lL
does nC1 provlde LhaL Lhe members
who wlll noL voLe for hlm shall lSC
lAC1 CCnS1l1u1L 1PL MlnC8l1?. no
law or regulaLlon sLaLes LhaL Lhe
defeaLed candldaLe shall auLomaLlcally
become Lhe mlnorlLy leader.

PlS1C8? ALL SPCWS LhaL ma[orlLy"
refers Lo Lhe pollLlcal parLy Lo whlch Lhe
mosL number of lawmakers belonged,
whlle Lhe mlnorlLy" normally referred
Lo a parLy wlLh a lesser number of
members. MA!C8l1? = may also refer
Lo Lhe group or parLy wlLh Lhe larger
number of voLes, noL necessarlly more
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
mlnorlLy leader.

1aLad argues LhaL Lhe Lerm
ma[orlLy" refers Lo Lhe group of
senaLors who voLed
for Lhe wlnnlng senaLe presldenL and
accepLed commlLLee chalrmanshlps.
Accordlngly, Lhey say LhaL Lhose who
voLed for Lhe loslng nomlnee and
accepLed no commlLLee
chalrmanshlps comprlse Lhe

Lhan 1/2. e Lu8.A.Ll1?.

MlnC8l1? = a group or parLy wlLh a
small number of voLes Lhan Lhe

8eLween 2 unequal parLs or numbers
comprlslng a whole, Lhe greaLer
number would obvlously be Lhe
ma[orlLy, whlle Lhe lesser would be Lhe
mlnorlLy. 8uL where Lhere are more
Lhan 2 unequal grouplngs, lL ls noL as
easy Lo say whlch ls Lhe mlnorlLy
enLlLled Lo selecL Lhe leader, whlch wlll
represenL all mlnorlLles. 8ecause we
have a mulLl-parLy sysLem, Lhere could
be several mlnorlLy parLles, one of
whlch has Lo be ldenLlfled as Lhe
domlnanL mlnorlLy.

AS 1C 1PL LLLC1lCn Cl ClllCL8S ln
CCnC8LSS: Whlle Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ls
expllclL on Lhe manner of elecLlng Lhe
SenaLe resldenL and Lhe Pouse
Speaker, lL ls however, dead sllenL on
Lhe manner of selecLlng Lhe oLher
offlcers of Congress. 1he consLlLuLlon
merely says LhaL each Pouse shall
choose such oLher offlcers as lL may
deem necessary." Pence, Lhe meLhod
of chooslng who wlll be such oLher
offlcers ls merely a derlvaLlve of Lhe
exerclse of prerogaLlve conferred by
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

(lll) WheLher or noL
Lhere has been an
usurpaLlon of offlce
Lhus calllng for a 7"/
8)**)'(/ proceedlng

(lll) no

Such ML1PCu MuS1 8L 8LSC8l8Lu 8?
1PL SLnA1L l1SLLl, nC1 8? 1PL
1he 8uLLS Cl SLnA1L uC nC1
8CvluL lC8 1PL CSl1lCnS Cl
MA!C8l1?/ MlnC8l1? LLAuL8S. ln Lhe
absence of and speclflc rules, 1PlS
CCu81 PAS nC 8ASlS uCn WPlCP 1C
uL1L8MlnL 1PL LLCALl1? Cl 1PL AC1S
Cl 1PL SLnA1L. 1he CourLs cannoL
lnLervene ln Lhe lnLernal affalrs of Lhe

(lll) lf we were Lo uphold Lhe conLenLlon
of 1aLad and SanLlago, LhaL would
amounL Lo [udlclal leglslaLlon. Slnce no
provlslon of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon or any
oLher rule or law has been vlolaLed, nC
(Meanlng Culngona acLed correcLly,
and lernan also acLed correcLly ln
recognlzlng Culngona as MlnorlLy
Arroyo, eL. Al. v. ue
C.8. no. 127233
AugusL 14, 1997
onenLe: Mendoza, !:

!oker Arroyo broughL a sulL agalnsL
Speaker !uv, eLc for Lhe vlolaLlon of
Lhe 8ules of Pouse. 1hey are
challenglng also Lhe passage of 8.A.
8240 (whlch amended Lhe nl8C by
lmposlng sln-Laxes on beer and

(l) Was Lhere grave
abuse of dlscreLlon
amounLlng Lo lack or
excess of [urlsdlcLlon
when Congress enacLed
8.A. 8240?
(l) no. Law
8emalns valld.
(l) WhaL ls alleged Lo have been
vlolaLed ln Lhe enacLmenL of k.A. No.
8240 are ML8LL? ln1L8nAL 8uLLS Cl
8CCLuu8L of Lhe Pouse raLher Lhan
Lhe ConsLlLuLlonal requlremenLs for Lhe
enacLmenL of law. !oker does noL clalm
LhaL Lhere was no quorum, buL only
LhaL, by some maneuver allegedly ln
vlolaLlon of Lhe Pouse rules, he was
prevenLed from quesLlonlng Lhe
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
1he blll orlglnaLed from Lhe Pouse, lL
was approved on 3rd readlng and
was LransmlLLed Lo Lhe SenaLe.

1he 8lcameral Conference
CommlLLee submlLLed lLs reporL Lo
Lhe Pouse, Congressman !avler, Chalr
of Lhe ways and means commlLLee,
dellvered hls sponsorshlp speech.

uurlng lnLerpellaLlon, !CkL8
1C CuLS1lCn 1PL CuC8uM,
AL1PCuCP un1lL 1PL Lnu Cl PlS
ln1L8LLLA1lCn, PL nLvL8 ulu.

!oker challenged k.A. 8240 argulng
LhaL ls was passed ln vlolaLlon of Lhe
rules of Lhe Pouse, whlch rules
embody Lhe ConsLlLuLlonal mandaLe
ln Sec 16(3). Pe argues LhaL a
vlolaLlon of Lhe Pouse rules ls a
vlolaLlon of Lhe ConsLl lLself.

Speclflcally, he alleges LhaL:
1. 1he yeas or nays were noL
asked, buL was slmply
approved only Lo prevenL
hlm from quesLlonlng Lhe
presence of a quorum.
2. 1he Chalrman dellberaLely
lgnored hls quesLlonlng.
3. 1he Chalrman refused Lo
recognlze hlm and lnsLead
presence of quorum.

!oker clalms LhaL Lhe vlolaLlon of house
rules ls a vlolaLlon of Lhe consLlLuLlon
lLself. nC.

1he rules adopLed by dellberaLlve
bodles (such as Lhe Pouse) are sub[ecL
Lo revocaLlon, modlflcaLlon, or walver
by Lhe body adopLlng Lhem.
8CCLuu8.A.L, Anu Wl1P 1PLl8
C8SL8vAnCL, 1PL CCu81 PAS nC
CCnCL8n. 1hey may be walved or
dlsregarded by Lhe leglslaLlve body.
Mere fallure Lo conform Lo
parllamenLary usage wlll nC1 lnvalldaLe
Lhe acLlon, when Lhe requlslLe number
of members has agreed Lo a parLlcular

1he consLlLuLlon empowers each house
Lo deLermlne lLs rules of proceedlngs.
1he power Lo make rules ls noL one
whlch once exerclsed ls exhausLed. lL ls
a conLlnuous power, always sub[ecL Lo
be exerclsed by Lhe Pouse, and wlLhln
Lhe llmlLaLlons suggesLed, and
Cl An? C1PL8 8Cu?.

1he fallure Lo regard Lhe rule ls nC1 a
sub[ecL maLLer of [udlclal lnqulry. A
leglslaLlve acL wlll noL be declared
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
proceeded Lo acL on
4. Albano's moLlon Lo declare Lhe
reporL approved.
3. 1he Chalrman suspended Lhe
sesslon wlLhouL flrsL rullng on
hls quesLlonlng
6. 1haL Lhe sesslon was hasLlly
ad[ourned Lo prevenL hlm
from formally challenglng Lhe
exlsLlng of a quorum

lnvalld for non compllance wlLh lnLernal
rules. no courL has ever declared an acL
of Lhe leglslaLure vold [usL because of
non-compllance wlLh rules of
procedure made by lLself.

ln Lhls case, Lhere ls nC 8uLL ln 1PL
PCuSL whlch speclflcally requlres LhaL
ln approvlng Lhe 8lcameral Conference
CommlLLee 8eporL, Lhe Chalr musL
resLaLe moLlon and conducL nomlnal
voLlng. 1he manner by whlch Lhe reporL
was approved has a 8ASlS ln
LLClSLA1lvL 8.A.C1lCL.

1he ConsLlLuLlon does nC1 requlre LhaL
Lhe yeas and nays of Lhe Members be
Laken every Llme Lhe Pouse has Lo voLe.
Cnly ln Lhe followlng lnsLances were
yeas and nays are mandaLory:

1) LasL and 3rd readlng of a blll
2) 8equesL of 1/3 of Lhe members
3) 8epasslng of a blll over Lhe veLo of
Lhe resldenL.

Also, whlle lL ls Lrue LhaL Albano moved
for ad[ournmenL, !oker could have aL
leasL ob[ecLed lf Lhere was anyLhlng he
wanLed Lo say. 1PL lAC1 PCWLvL8 lS
1PA1 PL ulu nC1 SA? An?1PlnC!! 1he
quesLlon he ralsed was noL a polnL of
order nor a quesLlon of prlvllege
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
enLlLled Lo precedence.

As Lo Lhe CuC8uM, Lhe roll call
esLabllshed Lhe exlsLence of a quorum.
1he quesLlon of a quorum cannoL be
ralsed repeaLedly, especlally when Lhe
quorum ls obvlously presenL.

LAW vALlu.
Csmena v. endaLun
109 hll. 863 (1960)
Csmena (ln hls prlvlleged speech)
charged resldenL Carcla for
exLendlng pardon for a prlce.

1hls prompLed Lhe creaLlon of a
speclal commlLLee Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhe
accusaLlons agalnsL Carcla. A nouse
keso|ut|on No. S9 was passed,
requlrlng Csmena Lo subsLanLlaLe hls
charges agalnsL resldenL Carcla).

Csmena submlLLed a peLlLlon for
ln[uncLlon agalnsL endaLun, eLc who
are member of Lhe Speclal
CommlLLee creaLed by Lhe Pouse
Lhrough keso|ut|on No. S9.

Csmena wanLs Lo annul LhaL
8esoluLlon on Lhe ground LhaL lL
lnl8lnCLS PlS A8LlAMLn1A8?

Pe also clalms LhaL Lhe sLaLemenLs he
made were no acLlonable.

(l) Can Csmena be held
llable for hls speech?
(l) ?es (l) 1he ConsLlLuLlon provldes LhaL Lhe
speech or debaLes ln Congress shall noL
be quesLloned ln any oLher place. 1hey
are prlvlleged speech. Powever, Lhe
provlslon has always been undersLood
Lo mean LhaL alLhough LxLM1 l8CM
8CSLCu1lCn C8 ClvlL AC1lCnS for
Lhe words uLLered ln Congress, 1PL
nLvL81PLLLSS 8L CuLS1lCnLu 9:
6;:<43!! 92!3=1>

arllamenLary lmmunlLy guaranLees Lhe
leglslaLor compleLe freedom of
expresslon before Lhe courLs or any
oLher forum. 8u1 Lhls ls only Cu1SluL
noL proLecL hlm from responslblllLy
before Lhe leglslaLlve body lLself
whenever hls words and conducL are
consldered dlsorderly or unbecomlng a
member Lhereof.

Cn Lhe quesLlon of wheLher Lhe speech
consLlLuLes dlsorderly conducL, Lhe
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
neverLheless, Csmena was lCunu
CulL1? Cl SL8lCuS ulSC8uL8L?
8LPAvlC8. Pe was suspended for 13
monLhs. 1he Speclal CommlLLee
lnvoked Lhe ower of Congress Lo
ulsclpllne lLs Members.

Csmena argues furLher: LhaL Lhe
Pouse can no longer Lake acLlon
agalnsL hlm because before
keso|ut|on No. S9 had been
approved, Lhe Pouse had Laken up
oLher buslness.
Pouse ls Lhe sole [udge of whaL
consLlLuLes dlsorderly behavlor. 1hese
are maLLers dependenL on facLual
clrcumsLances whlch Lhe Pouse knows
besL and cannoL be presenLed ln black
and whlLe before Lhe CourLs. lf Lhe
courL would revlew Lhe acL of Lhe
Pouse, Lhen lL ls LanLamounL Lo glvlng
appellaLe [urlsdlcLlon Lo a co-equal
branch of Lhe governmenL.

Pouse keso|ut|on No. S9 remalns
vALlu. 1he Pouse has excluslve power
Lo dlsclpllne, Lhe courLs have no
[urlsdlcLlon Lo lnLerfere. lL ls lnherenL
leglslaLlve prerogaLlve Lo suspend.
aredes, !r. v.
C.8. no. 118364
AugusL 10, 1996
(l) Whlle Congressman aredes was
sLlll provlnclal governor, he was
charged before Lhe Sandlganbayan
for vlolaLlng Lhe AnLl-CrafL Law. Cn
hls second Lerm of congress, Lhe
Sandlganbayan lmposed a prevenLlve
suspenslon on hlm pursuanL Lo Lhe
AnLl-CrafL Law, prompLlng aredes Lo
challenge Lhe auLhorlLy of Lhe
Sandlganbayan Lo suspend a dlsLrlcL
(l) uoes Lhe
Sandlganbayan have
auLhorlLy Lo suspend a
dlsLrlcL represenLaLlve?
(l) no (l) eLlLloner's lnvocaLlon of SecLlon
16(3) does noL apply. 1hls ls Lhe power
of each Pouse of Congress, lnLer alla, Lo
punlsh lLs Members for dlsorderly
behavlor," and suspend/expel a
Member" by a voLe of 2/3 of all lLs
Members sub[ecL Lo Lhe penalLy of
suspenslon, whlch, when lmposed,
should noL exceed 60 days.

Such lnvocaLlon menLloned does noL
apply, as lL appears Lo be dlsLlncL from
Lhe suspenslon menLloned ln Sec.13 of
kepub||c Act No. 3019, whlch ls noL a
penalLy buL a prellmlnary, prevenLlve
measure, noL conslderlng Lhe facL LhaL
Lhe laLLer ls noL belng lmposed on Lhe
peLlLloner for mlsbehavlor as a Member
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
of Lhe Po8 of Lhe Congress.
unlLed SLaLes v. ons
31 hll. 729 (1916)
onenLe: 1renL, !:

lnformaLlon was flled agalnsL ons
for lllegal lmporLaLlon of oplum (ln
vlolaLlon of AC1 2381). Pe was found
gullLy and was senLenced Lo 2 years
ln 8lllbld rlson.

ons appealed on Lhe lasL day of Lhe
speclal sesslon of Lhe hlllpplne
LeglslaLure was on lebruary 28,
conLendlng LhaL AC1 2381 was
passed only on MA8CP 1, nC1
lebruary 28. Pence, he cannoL be

Accordlng Lo Lhe u8LlSPLu
!Cu8nAL Cl 1PL ASSLM8L?, (whlch
records all Lhe proceedlngs), Lhe
Assembly ad[ourned on lebruary 28,
1914 aL mldnlghL. 1he [ournal shows
wlLh absoluLe cerLalnLy LhaL Lhe
LeglslaLure ad[ourned aL 12 mldnlghL
on lebruary 28.

ons wanLed Lhe admlsslon of
exLraneous evldence Lo prove LhaL lL
was really on March 1 when Lhe
Assembly ad[ourned. ons lnslsLs LhaL
lL ls of publlc knowledge LhaL Lhe
Assembly's clock was sLopped on
lebruary 28, 1914, and was lefL unLll
Lhe deLermlnaLlon of all oLher
(l) WhaL ls Lhe real daLe
of ad[ournmenL of Lhe

(ll) Can CourLs Lake
[udlclal noLlce Lhereof,
or ls exLraneous
evldence allowed Lo
prove oLherwlse?
(l) 12-mldnlghL,
lebruary 28,

(ll) ?es
1C lnCul8L ln1C 1PL vL8.A.Cl1? Cl
1PL? A8L AL8LAu? CLLA8 Anu
LxLlCl1, WCuLu 8L 1C vlCLA1L 1PL
1C lnvAuL A CCC8ulnA1L Anu CC-
LCuAL 88.A.nCP Cl CCvL8nMLn1,
and 1C ln1L8lL8L Wl1P 1PL
LLCl1lMA1L lunC1lCnS Anu CWL8S

Slnce Lhe [ournals clearly sLaLed Lhe
acLual Llme of ad[ournmenL (12-
mldnlghL lebruary 28, 1914), Lhls
seLLles Lhe quesLlon and Lhe courL
cannoL go behlnd Lhese [ournals.

CourLs CAn Lake [udlclal noLlce of
LeglslaLlve !ournals ! CourLs are
bound Lo Lake [udlclal noLlce of whaL
Lhe law ls and Lo enable Lhem Lo
deLermlne wheLher Lhe legal requlslLes
Lo Lhe valldlLy of a sLaLuLe have been
complled wlLh. lL ls Lhelr 8lCP1 Anu

CCu81S cannoL go behlnd Lhe [ournals
(cannoL accepL LesLlmonlal evldence) as
a maLLer of publlc pollcy and Lo ensure
sLablllLy. 1PL? A8L CCnCLuSlvL
LvluLnCL AS 1C 1PL uA1L Cl
Au!Cu8nMLn1. LxLraneous evldence
(such as Lhe sLopplng of Lhe clock)
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
pendlng maLLers. 1he PAnuS Cl 1PL
CLCCk WL8L kL1 ln 1PLl8 LAS1
CSl1lCn, ln order Lo enable Lhe
Assembly Lo effecL an ad[ournmenL
wlLhln Lhe Llme flxed for a speclal

ons argues LhaL by sLopplng Lhe
clock, a resulLanL evll mlghL resulL
because lL alLers Lhe probaLlve force
and characLer of leglslaLlve records.

Cn Lhe oLher hand, Lhe governmenL
asserLs LhaL Lhe conLenLs of
leglslaLlve [ournals are concluslve
evldence as Lo Lhe daLe of
cannoL be admlLLed.
Casco hlllpplne
Chemlcal Co. v.
7 SC8.A. 347 (1963)
1hls ls a revlew of Lhe declslon of Lhe
AudlLor Ceneral denylng Lhe clalm for
refund by Casco.

ursuanL Lo Lhe lC8Lx Margln lee
Law, Lhe CenLral 8ank lssued a
clrcular flxlng a unlform MA8Cln lLL
Cl 23 on lC8Lx 18nSx.

Casco, ln order Lo lmporL urea and
lormaldehyde for lLs buslness,
boughL lC8Lx and pald MA8Cln

Powever, lL laLer clalmed LhaL urea
and lormaldehyde are exempL from
Lhe Margln lees, hence Lhey now
(l) Are Lhe raw maLerlals
u8LA and
lC8MALuLP?u exempL
based on Lhe blll passed
ln Congress?
(l) no (l) lL ls well seLLled LhaL Lhe Ln8CLLLu
8lLL - whlch uses Lhe Lerm u8LA
lC8MALuLP?uL" lnsLead of u8LA"
Anu lC8MALuLPu?L" - ls
CCnCLuSlvL uCn 1PL CCu81S as
regards Lhe 1LnC8 Cl 1PL MLASu8L
passed by Congress, and approved by
Lhe resldenL.

lf Lhere has been any mlsLake ln Lhe
prlnLlng of Lhe blll, before lL was
cerLlfled by Lhe offlcers of Congress and
approved by Lhe resldenL (whlch we
cannoL speculaLe now), Lhe remedy ls
by amendmenL or curaLlve leglslaLlon,
noL by [udlclal leglslaLlon.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
seek a refund of Lhe margln fees

1hls was denled by Lhe AC because lL
says LhaL only u8LA lC8MALuLP?uL
(Lhe flnlshed producL) ls exempL and
LhaL u8LA Anu" lC8MALuLPLu?
(as raw maLerlals) are noL.

Casco clalms however, LhaL Lhe blll
approved ln Congress conLalned Lhe
con[uncLlon Anu" beLween u8LA"
and lC8MALuLP?u", and LhaL
Congress lnLended Lhese raw
maLerlals Lo be exempL.
AsLorga v. vlllegas
36 SC8.A. 714 (1974)
A blll of local appllcaLlon was flled ln
Lhe PCuSL Cl 8L8LSLn1A1lvLS,
passed 3rd readlng wlLhouL
amendmenLs, referred Lo Lhe
CommlLLee on local governmenLs,
whlch was approved wlLh mlnor

1hls mlnor amendmenL was LhaL
lnsLead of Lhe ClLy Lnglneer, lL wlll
be Lhe resldenL ro 1empore of Lhe
Munlclpal 8oard who wlll succeed
Lhe vlce Mayor, ln case Lhe laLLer ls
unable Lo acL as Mayor". (1hls ls Lhe
8CxAS AMLnuMLn1)

A1 1PL SLnA1L: SubsLanLlal
amendmenLs were lnLroduced by
SenaLor 1olenLlno (approved by Lhe
(l) WheLher k.A. 406S
acLually became law
slnce lL was noL Lhe blll
acLually passed by
Congress and LhaL lL
lacked Lhe approved
1olenLlno AmendmenL.
(l) no. (l) l1 nLvL8 8LCAML LAW. AS1C8CA
LCSLS. Congress has devlsed a sysLem
for auLhenLlcaLlng bllls duly approved,
by Lhe slgnaLures of Lhelr respecLlve
presldlng offlcers and secreLarles
prlnLed on Lhe copy of Lhe approved
blll. 1he funcLlon of Lhls aLLesLaLlon
Lherefore ls noL of approval.

1he enrolled blll docLrlne ls based
malnly on Lhe respecL due Lo Lhe co-
equal and lndependenL deparLmenLs,
whlch requlres Lhe [udlclal deparLmenL
Lo accepL as havlng passed Congress, all
bllls Au1PLn1lCA1Lu ln 1PL MAnnL8
S1A1Lu. lf Lhe aLLesLaLlon ls absenL and
Lhe same ls noL requlred for Lhe valldlLy
of a sLaLuLe, Lhe courLs may resorL Lo
Lhe [ournals and oLher records of Lhe
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
SenaLe). 1he 8oxas AmendmenL does
noL appear ln Lhe [ournal of Lhe
SenaLe as havlng been acLed upon.

LaLer, Lhe SecreLary of Lhe SenaLe
senL a leLLer Lo Lhe Pouse, LhaL Lhe
Pouse 8lll has been passed by Lhe
SenaLe wlLh amendmenLs. ALLached
was a cerLlflcaLlon of amendmenL,
whlch was Lhe 8oxas AmendmenL,
and nC1 Lhe 1olenLlno AmendmenL
whlch were duly approved by Lhe

naLurally, SenaLor 1olenLlno made a
press sLaLemenL saylng LhaL Lhe
enrolled copy slgned lnLo law was a
wrong verslon!

1olenLlno argues LhaL Lhe law slgned
dld noL embody Lhe 1olenLlno
AmendmenLs whlch were lnLroduced
and approved by Lhe SenaLe.

1he resldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes
Lherefore was compelled Lo
wlLhdraw hls slgnaLure on Lhe 8lll.

As a resulL, vlLLLCAS, 1PL MA?C8 Cl
MAnlLA, lssued clrculars Lo dlsregard
Lhe k.A. 406S. Pe also ordered Lhe
Chlef of ollce Lo recall Lhe 3 offlcers
asslgned Lo Lhe vlce Mayor. Mayor
says LhaL k.A. 406S never became
Congress for proof of lLs due

As far as Lhe Congress lLself ls
concerned, Lhere ls noLhlng sacrosancL
ln Lhe cerLlflcaLlon made by Lhe
presldlng offlcers. lL ls merely a mode
of auLhenLlcaLlon. 1he law maklng
process ends when Lhe blll ls approved
by boLh Pouses, and Lhe cerLlflcaLlon
does noL add Lo Lhe valldlLy of Lhe blll
or cure any defecL already presenL
upon lLs passage. ln C1PL8 WC8uS,
1PL A8CvAL 8? CCnC8LSS Anu nC1
1PL SlCnA1u8LS Cl 1PL 8LSlulnC
ClllCL8S whlch ls essenLlal.

AsLorga's clalm LhaL Lhe aLLesLaLlon of
Lhe presldlng offlcers of Congress ls
concluslve proof of Lhe blll's due
enacLmenL PAS 8LLn nLu18.A.LlZLu by
Lhe facL LhaL Lhe SenaLe resldenL
declared hls slgnaLure on Lhe blll Lo be
lnvalld, and lssued a subsequenL
cerLlflcaLlon LhaL Lhe lnvalldaLlon of hls
slgnaLure meanL LhaL Lhe blll he had
earller slgned had never been approved
by Lhe SenaLe. Cbvlously, Lhls
declaraLlon has more welghL LhaL Lhe
aLLesLaLlon whlch lL lnvalldaLed.

AbsenL such aLLesLaLlon as a resulL of
Lhe ulSCLAlML8, and consequenLly
Lhere belng nC Ln8CLLLu 8lLL Lo speak
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

Sect|on 17.
1he Senate and the nouse of kepresentat|ves sha|| each have an L|ectora| 1r|buna|, wh|ch sha|| be the so|e [udge of a|| contests re|at|ng to the
e|ect|on, returns, and qua||f|cat|ons of the|r respect|ve Members. Lach L|ectora| 1r|buna| sha|| be composed of n|ne Members, three of whom sha|| be
AsLorga v. vlllegas
36 SC8.A. 714 (1974)
A blll of local appllcaLlon was flled ln
Lhe PCuSL Cl 8L8LSLn1A1lvLS,
passed 3rd readlng wlLhouL
amendmenLs, referred Lo Lhe
CommlLLee on local governmenLs,
whlch was approved wlLh mlnor

1hls mlnor amendmenL was LhaL
lnsLead of Lhe ClLy Lnglneer, lL wlll
be Lhe resldenL ro 1empore of Lhe
Munlclpal 8oard who wlll succeed
Lhe vlce Mayor, ln case Lhe laLLer ls
unable Lo acL as Mayor". (1hls ls Lhe
8CxAS AMLnuMLn1)

A1 1PL SLnA1L: SubsLanLlal
amendmenLs were lnLroduced by
SenaLor 1olenLlno (approved by Lhe
SenaLe). 1he 8oxas AmendmenL does
noL appear ln Lhe [ournal of Lhe
SenaLe as havlng been acLed upon.

LaLer, Lhe SecreLary of Lhe SenaLe
senL a leLLer Lo Lhe Pouse, LhaL Lhe
Pouse 8lll has been passed by Lhe
SenaLe wlLh amendmenLs. ALLached
was a cerLlflcaLlon of amendmenL,
whlch was Lhe 8oxas AmendmenL,
and nC1 Lhe 1olenLlno AmendmenL
whlch were duly approved by Lhe

naLurally, SenaLor 1olenLlno made a
press sLaLemenL saylng LhaL Lhe
enrolled copy slgned lnLo law was a
wrong verslon!

1olenLlno argues LhaL Lhe law slgned
dld noL embody Lhe 1olenLlno
AmendmenLs whlch were lnLroduced
(l) WheLher k.A. 406S
acLually became law
slnce lL was noL Lhe blll
acLually passed by
Congress and LhaL lL
lacked Lhe approved
1olenLlno AmendmenL.
(l) no. (l) l1 nLvL8 8LCAML LAW. AS1C8CA
LCSLS. Congress has devlsed a sysLem
for auLhenLlcaLlng bllls duly approved,
by Lhe slgnaLures of Lhelr respecLlve
presldlng offlcers and secreLarles
prlnLed on Lhe copy of Lhe approved
blll. 1he funcLlon of Lhls aLLesLaLlon
Lherefore ls noL of approval.

1he enrolled blll docLrlne ls based
malnly on Lhe respecL due Lo Lhe co-
equal and lndependenL deparLmenLs,
whlch requlres Lhe [udlclal deparLmenL
Lo accepL as havlng passed Congress, all
bllls Au1PLn1lCA1Lu ln 1PL MAnnL8
S1A1Lu. lf Lhe aLLesLaLlon ls absenL and
Lhe same ls noL requlred for Lhe valldlLy
of a sLaLuLe, Lhe courLs may resorL Lo
Lhe [ournals and oLher records of Lhe
Congress for proof of lLs due

As far as Lhe Congress lLself ls
concerned, Lhere ls noLhlng sacrosancL
ln Lhe cerLlflcaLlon made by Lhe
presldlng offlcers. lL ls merely a mode
of auLhenLlcaLlon. 1he law maklng
process ends when Lhe blll ls approved
by boLh Pouses, and Lhe cerLlflcaLlon
does noL add Lo Lhe valldlLy of Lhe blll
or cure any defecL already presenL
upon lLs passage. ln C1PL8 WC8uS,
1PL A8CvAL 8? CCnC8LSS Anu nC1
1PL SlCnA1u8LS Cl 1PL 8LSlulnC
ClllCL8S whlch ls essenLlal.

AsLorga's clalm LhaL Lhe aLLesLaLlon of
Lhe presldlng offlcers of Congress ls
concluslve proof of Lhe blll's due
enacLmenL PAS 8LLn nLu18.A.LlZLu by
Lhe facL LhaL Lhe SenaLe resldenL
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Iust|ces of the Supreme Court to be des|gnated by the Ch|ef Iust|ce, and the rema|n|ng s|x sha|| be Members of the Senate or the nouse of
kepresentat|ves, as the case may be, who sha|| be chosen on the bas|s of proport|ona| representat|on from the po||t|ca| part|es and the part|es or
organ|zat|ons reg|stered under the party-||st system represented there|n. 1he sen|or Iust|ce |n the L|ectora| 1r|buna| sha|| be |ts Cha|rman.

Case lacLs lssues Peld 8aLlo/8ullng
Angara v. LlecLoral
63 hll. 134 (1936)
ln Lhe elecLlons of SepLember 17,
1933, peLlLloner !ose A. Angara and
Lhe respondenLs edro ?nsua, Mlguel
CasLlllo, and ulonlslo Mayo were
candldaLes for Lhe poslLlon of
members of Lhe naLlonal Assembly
for Lhe flrsL dlsLrlcL of 1ayabas.

Cn CcLober 7, 1933, Lhe provlnclal
board of canvassers proclalmed
Angara as member-elecL of Lhe
naLlonal Assembly and on nov. 13,
1933, he Look hls oaLh of offlce.

Cn uecember 3, 1933, Lhe naLlonal
Assembly passed 8esoluLlon no. 8,
whlch ln effecL, flxed Lhe lasL daLe Lo
flle elecLlon proLesLs.

Cn uec. 8, 1933, ?nsua flled before
Lhe LlecLoral Commlsslon a "MoLlon
of roLesL" agalnsL Angara and
praylng, among oLher Lhlngs, LhaL
?nsua be named/declared elecLed
Member of Lhe naLlonal Assembly or
LhaL Lhe elecLlon of sald poslLlon be

Cn uecember 9, 1933, Lhe LlecLoral
(l) WheLher or noL Lhe
Supreme CourL has
[urlsdlcLlon over Lhe
LlecLoral Commlsslon
and Lhe sub[ecL maLLer
of Lhe conLroversy upon
Lhe foregolng relaLed
facLs, and ln Lhe

(ll) WheLher or noL Lhe
sald LlecLoral
Commlsslon acLed
wlLhouL or ln excess of
lLs [urlsdlcLlon ln
assumlng Lo Lake
cognlzance of Lhe
proLesL flled agalnsL Lhe
elecLlon of Lhe hereln
noLwlLhsLandlng Lhe
prevlous conflrmaLlon
of such elecLlon by
resoluLlon of Lhe
naLlonal Assembly
(l) ?es

(ll) no
1he LlecLoral Commlsslon was acLlng
wlLhln Lhe leglLlmaLe exerclse of lLs
consLlLuLlonal prerogaLlve ln assumlng
Lo Lake cognlzance of Lhe proLesL flled
by Lhe respondenL, edro ?nsua agalnsL
Lhe elecLlon of Lhe hereln peLlLloner,
!ose A. Angara, and LhaL Lhe resoluLlon
of Lhe naLlonal Assembly on uec. 3,
1933, cannoL ln any manner Loll Lhe
Llme for flllng proLesL agalnsL Lhe
elecLlon, reLurns, and quallflcaLlons of
Lhe members of Lhe naLlonal Assembly,
nor prevenL Lhe flllng of proLesLs wlLhln
such Llme as Lhe rules of Lhe LlecLoral
Commlsslon mlghL prescrlbe. 1he
peLlLlon for a wrlL of prohlblLlon agalnsL
Lhe elecLoral commlsslon ls hereby
denled, wlLh cosL agalnsL Lhe peLlLloner.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Commlsslon adopLed a resoluLlon
(No. 6) Angara conLended LhaL Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon confers excluslve
[urlsdlcLlon upon Lhe LlecLoral
Commlsslon solely as regards Lhe
merlLs of conLesLed elecLlons Lo Lhe
naLlonal Assembly and Lhe Supreme
CourL Lherefore has no [urlsdlcLlon Lo
hear Lhe case

Abbas, eL al. v. SenaLe
166 SC8.A. 631 (1988)
Abbas flled an elecLlon conLesL
before Lhe SL1, agalnsL 22 candldaLes
of LA8An who were earller
proclalmed as senaLors.

Abbas moved for Lhe dlsquallflcaLlon
/ lnPl8l1lCn of some senaLors (who
are parL of Lhe SL1) on Lhe ground
LhaL Lhey are all lnLeresLed parLles Lo
Lhe case. Pe wanLed MASS
ulSCuALlllCA1lCn of Lhe 6 senaLors
who comprlsed Lhe SL1. (!L,
Conzales, 1lLo Culngona, !oey Llna,
1amano, Zlga) Pe argues LhaL such ls
requlred by publlc pollcy, falr play
and due process.

SenaLor !L ln Lhe meanLlme
volunLarlly lnhlblLed hlmself.

ln effecL, Abbas was also proposlng
Lo amend Lhe SL1's rules so as Lo
permlL Lhe
conLesL belng declded by only 3
(l) May Lhe senaLors be
dlsquallfled from Lhe
SL1? ls Lhe Abbas
proposal valld?
(l) no lL seems qulLe clear LhaL ln provldlng for
Lhe SL1 Lo be sLaffed by boLh SC
!usLlces and SenaLors, Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
lnLended LhaL boLh Lhose [udlclal and
leglslaLlve componenLs CCMMCnL?
SPA8L Lhe duLy and auLhorlLy of
decldlng all conLesLs relaLlng Lo Lhe L8C
of senaLors.

ln facL, Lhe prescrlbed raLlo of SenaLors
Lo !usLlces ls 2 Lo 1 - an unmlsLakable
lndlcaLlon LhaL Lhe leglslaLlve
componenL cannoL be LoLally excluded
from parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe resoluLlon of
Lhe conLesLs. 1he proposed mass
dlsquallflcaLlon would leave Lhe SL1 no
alLernaLlve buL Lo abandon a duLy LhaL
no oLher courL or body can perform,
buL whlch lL cannoL lawfully dlscharge ls
shorn of Lhe parLlclpaLlon of lLs enLlre
membershlp of SenaLors.

LeL us noL be mlsundersLood as saylng
LhaL no SenaLor-Member may lnhlblL or
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
members (Lhe 3 [usLlces - ?ap,
narvasa, CuLz) Abbas proposes LhaL
when more Lhan 4 members are
dlsquallfled, Lhe remalnlng shall
consLlLuLe a quorum, and LhaL lf noL
less Lhan 3, lL may adopL resoluLlons
by ma[orlLy voLe wlLhouL absLenLlon.
dlsquallfy hlmself from slLLlng ln Lhe
SL1. Lvery SenaLor-Member of Lhe SL1
may, as hls consclence dlcLaLes, refraln
from parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe resoluLlon of
Lhe case when he slncerely feels LhaL
hls personal lnLeresLs or blases would
sLand ln Lhe way of ob[ecLlve and
lmparLlal [udgmenL.

8u1, whaL we are merely saylng ls LhaL,
Lhe SL1 cannoL legally funcLlon as such,
absenL lLs Ln1l8L MLM8L8SPl Cl
SLnA1C8S, and LhaL no amendmenL of
lLs rules can confer on Lhe 3 remalnlng
!usLlce-Members alone Lhe power of
valld ad[udlcaLlon of senaLorlal elecLlon
8ondoc v. lneda
C.8. no. 97710
SepLember 26, 1991
lneda (Lu) vs. 8ondoc
(naLlonallsLa). 1hey are rlval
candldaLes ln Lhe 4Lh dlsLrlcL of
ampanga. lneda won by 3,300
voLes and was proclalmed wlnner.

8ondoc flled a proLesL before Lhe
P8L1. 1he P8L1 ruled LhaL 8ondoc
won by a margln of 23 voLes.

Moved by honesLy, Congressman
CAMASu8A of Lhe Lu, Lold hls Lu
maLes LhaL because 8ondoc really
won, he was compelled Lo voLe
agalnsL lneda, conslsLenL wlLh LruLh
and [usLlce.
(l) WheLher Camasura
may be Laken ouL of Lhe
P8L1, when he was
expelled from Lhe Lu?

(l) no, because
expulslon from
Lhe Lu parLy
due Lo parLy
dlsloyalLy" ls noL
valld ground for
expulslon from

1he L1 was creaLed Lo funcLlon as a
nCnA81lSAn courL even lf 2/3 of lLs
members are pollLlclans. lL ls a non-
pollLlcal body ln Lhe sea of pollLlclans. lL
was Lo be an lndependenL and lmparLlal
Lrlbunal for Lhe deLermlnaLlon of
elecLlon conLesLs. 1o be able Lo exerclse
Lhls excluslve [urlsdlcLlon, Lhe L1 musL
be lndependenL. lLs [urlsdlcLlon Lo hear
and declde congresslonal elecLlon
conLesLs ls noL Lo be share wlLh Lhe
LeglslaLure nor Lhe CourLs.

1he L1 ls a body separaLe and
lndependenL of Lhe leglslaLure. Whlle
composed of a ma[orlLy of Lhe
members of Lhe leglslaLure, lL ls an
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

Cn Lhe eve of Lhe promulgaLlon of
Lhe 8ondoc declslon, Lu Chlef !ose
LxLLLLu CAMASu8A from Lhe Lu,
sLaLlng LhaL hls acL was lnlmlcal,
uneLhlcal, and lmmoral, and was a
compleLe beLrayal Lo Lhe cause and
loyalLy Lo Lu.

1he followlng day, a leLLer was senL
Lo Lhe P8L1 Chalr !usLlce Melenclo-
Perrera lnformlng Lhem LhaL
Camasura's nomlnaLlon for Lhe P8L1
has been wlLhdrawn by Lu, hence
Lhey are resclndlng Camasura's
elecLlon for Lhe P8L1.

8ecause of Lhls dlsLresslng
developmenL" Lhe 3 !usLlces-
Members (Perrera,
Cruz, lellclano) of Lhe P8L1 asked
LhaL Lhey be relleved from Lhelr
asslgnmenLs aL Lhe P8L1 because
Lhey felL LhaL Lhe unseaLlng of an
lncumbenL member of Congress ls
belng prevenLed aL all cosLs. 1hey clLe
pollLlcal facLors are blocklng Lhe
accompllshmenL of Lhe Lask of Lhe
P8L1. 1he 3 [usLlces are proposlng
amendmenLs Lo Lhe composlLlon of
Lhe P8L1 LhaL ls: 3-3-3 (3 members
from parLy wlLh largesL voLe, 3 for
second largesL voLe, 3 from Lhe SC).

(ll) May Lhe house
requesL Lhe domlnanL
parLy Lo change Lhe
parLy's represenLaLlon
ln Lhe P8L1?

(lll) Can Lhe house
represenLaLlon ln Lhe
P8L1 of Lhe ma[orlLy

(ll) no.

(lll) no.
lndependenL body.

1he Pouse 8esoluLlon removlng
Camasura from Lhe P8L1 because he
casL a voLe agalnsL hls parLy-maLe ls a
clear lMAl8MLn1 Cl 1PL
CCnS1l1u1lCnAL 8L88CCA1lvL Cl
1PL P8L1 1C 8L 1PL SCLL !uCL Cl 1PL
LLLC1lCn CCn1LS1 beLween lneda
and 8ondoc.

(ll-lll) 1he Pouse ln1L8lL8Lu ln Lhe
work of Lhe P8L1, and ln dolng so
reduced Lhe P8L1 lnLo a mere Lool for
Lhe ACC8AnulZLMLn1 Cl 1PL A81?
ln CWL8 (Lu), whlch Lhe 3 [usLlces
and Lhe lone naLlonallsLa member
would be powerless Lo sLop.

As [udges, Lhe members of Lhe Lrlbunal
musL be non-parLlsan. 1hey musL
dlscharge Lhelr duLles ln compleLe
deLachmenL and lmparLlallLy, even
lndependence from Lhe pollLlcal parLy
Lo whlch Lhey belong. ulSLC?AL1? 1C
1PL A81?, ls noL a valld ground for Lhe
expulslon of a member of Lhe P8L1.
1he purpose of hls expulslon was Lo
nulllfy hls voLe ln Lhe 8ondoc case so
LhaL Lhe P8L1's declslon may noL be
promulgaLed, and would clear Lhe way
for Lu Lo nomlnaLe a replacemenL aL
Lhe P8L1.

!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

1he SC dlrecLed 3 [usLlces Lo reLurn Lo
Lhe P8L1.

1he P8L1 resolved Lo cancel Lhe
promulgaLlon of Lhe 8ondoc rullng.
1hls ls because wlLhouL Camasura's
voLe, Lhe declslon lacks Lhe
concurrence of 3 members as
requlred by Lhe rules and Lherefore
cannoL be valldly promulgaLed.

8ondoc noL belng proclalmed, flled a
case Lo annul Lhe declslon of Lhe
Pouse Lo wlLhdraw Camasura from
Lhe P8L1. 8ondoc ls seeklng Lhe
relnsLaLemenL of Camasura Lo Lhe

lneda, on Lhe oLher hand, prays for
Lhe dlsmlssal of Lhe peLlLlon. Pe
argues LhaL Congress ls Lhe sole
auLhorlLy Lo nomlnaLe and elecL from
lLs members, and LhaL Lhe Pouse has
Lhe sole power Lo remove any
member of Lhe P8L1 whenever Lhe
raLlon ln represenLaLlon of pollLlcal
parLles has maLerlally changed. Pe
conLends LhaL Camasura's expulslon
was purely a parLy affalr, a pollLlcal
quesLlon ln Lhe hands of Lhe Pouse,
and beyond Lhe reach of courLs.
lurLhermore, Camasura has a 8lCP1 1C
SLCu8l1? Cl 1Lnu8L. Members of Lhe
P8L1, are llke members of Lhe [udlclary,
who en[oy securlLy of Lenure.
Membershlp may noL be LermlnaLed
excepL for [usL cause, such as:
explraLlon of Lerm of offlce, deaLh,
dlsablllLy, reslgnaLlon from Lhe pollLlcal
parLy he represenLs, eLc.

Camasura's expulslon ls Lherefore null
and vold. 1he expulslon of Camasura by
Lhe Pouse from Lhe P8L1 was un[usL
lnLerference wlLh Lhe P8L1's
dlsposlLlon ln Lhe 8ondoc case, and Lo
deprlve 8ondoc of Lhe frulLs of Lhe
P8L1's declslon.

1he P8L1's declslon ln favor of 8ondoc
ls Lhereby 8CMuLCA1Lu. Camasura
relnsLaLed Lo P8L1 - Pouse declslon ls
Cuerrero v. CCMLLLC
C.8. no. 137004
Culllermo 8ulz soughL Lo dlsquallfy
respondenL larlnas as a candldaLe for
(l) WheLher or noL Lhe
(l) no (l) 1here ls no grave abuse of dlscreLlon
on Lhe parL of Lhe CCMLLLC when lL
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
!uly 26, 2000 Lhe poslLlon of Congressman ln Lhe
llrsL ulsLrlcL of llocos norLe. 8ulz
alleged LhaL larlnas had been
campalgnlng as a candldaLe for
Congressman ln Lhe May 11, 1998
polls, desplLe hls fallure Lo flle a
cerLlflcaLe of candldacy for sald
offlce. Cn May 8, 1998, larlnas flled
hls cerLlflcaLe of candldacy
subsLlLuLlng candldaLe Chevylle
larlnas who wlLhdrew on Aprll 3,
1998. Cn May 10, 1998, Lhe
CCMLLLC dlsmlssed Lhe peLlLlon of
8ulz for lack of merlL.

AfLer Lhe elecLlon, larlnas was duly
proclalmed wlnner. 1hereafLer, 8ulz
flled a moLlon for reconslderaLlon,
conLendlng LhaL larlnas could noL
valldly subsLlLuLe for Chevylle larlnas,
slnce Lhe laLLer was noL Lhe offlclal
candldaLe of LAMM, buL was an
lndependenL candldaLe. AnoLher
person cannoL subsLlLuLe for an
lndependenL candldaLe. 8ulz clalmed
LhaL larlnas' cerLlflcaLe of candldacy
was faLally defecLlve. Cn !une 3,
1988, larlnas Look hls oaLh of offlce
as a member of Lhe Pouse of
8epresenLaLlves. 1he CCMLLLC
dlsmlssed Lhe case for lack of

commlLLed grave abuse
of dlscreLlon ln holdlng
LhaL Lhe deLermlnaLlon
of Lhe valldlLy of Lhe
cerLlflcaLe of candldacy
of respondenL larlnas ls
already wlLhln Lhe
excluslve [urlsdlcLlon of
Lhe Pouse of
LlecLoral 1rlbunal

held LhaL lLs [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe case
had ceased wlLh Lhe assumpLlon of
offlce of respondenL larlnas as
8epresenLaLlve for Lhe flrsL dlsLrlcL of
llocos norLe. Whlle CCMLLLC ls vesLed
wlLh Lhe power Lo declare valld or
lnvalld a cerLlflcaLe of candldacy, lLs
refusal Lo exerclse LhaL power followlng
Lhe proclamaLlon and assumpLlon of
Lhe poslLlon by larlnas ls a recognlLlon
of Lhe [urlsdlcLlonal boundarles
separaLlng Lhe CCMLLLC and Lhe P8L1.
under ArL. vl, Sec. 17 of Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon, Lhe P8L1 has sole and
excluslve [urlsdlcLlon over all conLesLs
relaLlve Lo Lhe elecLlon, reLurns and
quallflcaLlons of members of Lhe Pouse
of 8epresenLaLlves. 1hus, once a
wlnnlng candldaLe has been
proclalmed, Laken hls oaLh, and
assumed offlce as a member of Lhe
Pouse of 8epresenLaLlves, CCMLLLC's
[urlsdlcLlon over elecLlon conLesLs
relaLlng Lo hls elecLlon, reLurns and
quallflcaLlons ends, and Lhe P8L1's own
[urlsdlcLlon beglns. 1hus, Lhe
CCMLLLC's declslon Lo dlsconLlnue
exerclslng [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe case ls
[usLlflable, ln deference Lo Lhe P8L1's
own [urlsdlcLlon and funcLlons.

!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
SC looked aL "quallflcaLlons" raLher
Lhan elecLlon process whlch
concerned Lhe manner ln whlch
larlnas Look offlce.
Carcla eL. al. v. P8L1
C.8. no. 134792
AugusL 12, 1999
onenLe: ?nares-SanLlago, !:

All duly reglsLered voLers ln Lhe
dlsLrlcL (peLlLloners) flled for quo
warranLo before Lhe P8L1 agalnsL
Congressman Angplng
(8epresenLaLlve for Lhe 3
ulsLrlcL of
Manlla). 1hey quesLloned Lhe
ellglblllLy of Lhe Congressman Lo hold
offlce ln Lhe Pouse of
8epresenLaLlves because Lhe laLLer
was noL a naLural-born clLlzen of Lhe
P, whlch was a consLlLuLlonal
requlremenL. 1hey pray LhaL
Congressman Angplng be declared
lnellglble Lo assume or hold offlce as
a member of Lhe lower house and for
Lhe candldaLe who recelved Lhe
hlghesL number of voLes from among
Lhe quallfled candldaLes Lo be
proclalmed Lhe wlnner.

eLlLloners flled Lhe requlred 3k
flllng fee, buL Lhe P8L1 laLer lssued a
8esoluLlon dlsmlsslng lL for lack of
Lhe 3k cash deposlL. eLlLloners
Lhen pald sald deposlL and flled a
MoLlon for 8econslderaLlon on Lhe
same day, whlch was consequenLly
denled ln vlew of P8L1's 8ule 32
(l) uld P8L1 commlL
grave abuse of
dlscreLlon ln applylng lLs
8ules sLrlcLly and ln
dlsmlsslng Lhe peLlLlon
for quo warranLo?

(ll) Can Lhe lnsLanL
peLlLlon for cerLlorarl
(l) no

(ll) no
(l) lL was a [udgmenL call of Lhe P8L1 as
Lo wheLher or noL lL would apply lLs
rules sLrlcLly, whlch ls clearly auLhorlzed
under lLs 8ules. As long as Lhe exerclse
of dlscreLlon ls based on well-founded
facLual and legal basls, as ln Lhls case,
no abuse of dlscreLlon can be lmpuLed
Lo Lhe 1rlbunal.

(ll) 1he funcLlon of Lhe CourL ls merely
Lo check wheLher grave abuse of
dlscreLlon has been commlLLed ln Lhe
dlsmlssal of Lhe peLlLlon for quo
warranLo before lL. A peLlLlon for
cerLlorarl under 8ule 63 of Lhe 8ules of
CourL wlll prosper only lf Lhere ls a
showlng of grave abuse of dlscreLlon or
an acL wlLhouL or ln excess of
[urlsdlcLlon on Lhe parL of respondenL
Lrlbunal. 1here was an absence of such.
1here ls Lherefore no reason for Lhe
CourL Lo annul Lhe declslon of Lhe
respondenL or subsLlLuLe lL for lLs own
[udgmenL. 1he lnsLanL peLlLlon musL be
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
saylng LhaL Lhe 3k cash deposlL
should have been pald aL Lhe same
Llme Lhey submlLLed Lhe 3k flllng
lmenLel, eL. al. v.
C.8. no. 141489
november 29, 2002
onenLe: Carplo, !:

8efore Lhls CourL are Lwo orlglnal
peLlLlons for prohlblLlon and
mandamus wlLh prayer for wrlL of
prellmlnary ln[uncLlon. eLlLloners
assall Lhe composlLlon of Lhe P8L1
and Lhe Commlsslon on
AppolnLmenLs (CA). eLlLloners pray
LhaL respondenLs be ordered Lo
alLer, reorganlze, reconsLlLuLe, and
reconflgure" Lhe composlLlon of Lhe
P8L1 and Lhe CA Lo lnclude parLy-llsL
represenLaLlves ln accordance wlLh
SecLlons 17 and 18, ArLlcle vl of our
ConsLl, and 8.A. 7941 (arLy-LlsL
SysLem AcL"), praylng LhaL Lhe P8L1
and Lhe CA be en[olned from
exerclslng Lhelr flcLlons unLll Lhey
have been reorganlzed.
(l) WheLher Lhe presenL
composlLlon of Lhe
P8L1 vlolaLes Lhe
consLlLuLlonal req of
represenLaLlon because
Lhere are no parLy-llsL
reps ln Lhe P8L1

(ll) WheLher Lhe presenL
membershlp of Lhe
Pouse ln Lhe CA vlolaLes
Lhe same consLlLuLlonal
req of proporLlonal
represenLaLlon because
Lhere are no parLy-llsL
reps ln Lhe CA

(lll) WheLher Lhe refusal
of Lhe P8L1 and Lhe CA
Lo reconsLlLuLe
Lhemselves Lo lnclude
parLy-llsL reps
consLlLuLes grave abuse
of dlscrecLlon
(l) no

(ll) no

(lll) no
1he dlrecLlon of Lhe Pouse Lo choose lLs
members Lo Lhe P8L1 and Lhe CA ls noL
absoluLe, belng sub[ecL Lo Lhe
mandaLory consLlLuLlonal rule on
proporLlonal represenLaLlon, 8u1 under
Lhe docLrlne of Lhe separaLlon of
powers, Lhe CourL may noL lnLerfere
wlLh Lhe exerclse by Lhe Pouse of Lhls
consLlLuLlonally mandaLed duLy.

1he lnsLanL peLlLlons are berefL of any
allegaLlon LhaL respondenLs prevenLed
Lhe parLy-llsL groups ln Lhe Pouse from
parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe elecLlon of
members of Lhe P8L1 and Lhe CA. lL
also doesn'L appear LhaL afLer Lhe May
11, 1998 elecLlons, Lhe Pouse barred
Lhe parLy-llsL reps from seeklng
membershlp ln Lhe P8L1 or CA. As Lhe
prlmary recourse of Lhe parLy-llsL reps
lles wlLh Lhe lower house, Lhe CourL
cannoL resolve Lhe lssues presenLed by
Lhe peLlLloners Lhls Llme.

lL ls a well-seLLled rule LhaL a
consLlLuLlonal quesLlon wlll noL be
heard and resolved by Lhe courLs unless
Lhe followlng requlremenLs of [udlclal
lnqulry concur:
1) 1here musL be an acLual
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
2) 1he person or parL ralslng Lhe
consLlLuLlonal lssue musL have
a personal and subsLanLlal
lnLeresL ln Lhe resoluLlon of Lhe
3) 1he conLroversy musL be ralsed
aL Lhe earllesL reasonable
4) 1he resoluLlon of Lhe
consLlLuLlonal lssue musL be
lndlspensable Lo Lhe flnal
deLermlnaLlon of Lhe

1he peLlLloners also do noL possess Lhe
locus sLandl necessary Lo ralse Lhe
consLlLuLlonal lssue because ln Lhe flrsL
place, Lhey musL have such personal
sLake ln Lhe ouLcome of Lhe conLroversy
as Lo assure LhaL concreLe adverseness
whlch sharpens Lhe presenLaLlon of
lssues upon whlch Lhe courL depends
for lllumlnaLlon of dlfflculL
consLlLuLlonal quesLlons." Such
peLlLloners have noL alleged LhaL Lhey
are enLlLled Lo, or have even been
unlawfully deprlved of seaLs ln Lhe
P8L1 and Lhe CA. 1hey have noL even
clalmed LhaL Lhey have been nomlnaLed
by Lhe parLy-llsL groups ln Lhe Pouse Lo
Lhe P8L1 and Lhe CA.
vlnzons-ChaLo v.
unlco has already been proclalmed
and Laken hls oaLh of offlce as a
(l) Should Lhe CourL
Lake cognlzance of
(l) no

1he courL should noL Lake cognlzance of
ChaLo' selecLlon proLesL for lL would
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
C.8. no. 172131
Aprll 2, 2007
Member of Lhe PC8, hence,
CCMLLLC ruled LhaL lL had already
losL [urlsdlcLlon over peLlLloner
ChaLo's elecLlon proLesL agalnsL
unlco regardlng canvasslng of reLurns
and alleged lnvalldlLyof unlco's
proclamaLlon. Pe Lhen flled a speclal
clvll acLlon for cerLlorarl ln Lhe SC.
ChaLo's elecLlon
proLesL? lf noL, Lo who
ls Lhls lssue besL
addressed Lo?

(ll) Wlll hls clvll acLlon
for cerLlorarl prosper?

(ll) no
amounL Lo usurpaLlon of Lhe
consLlLuLlonally mandaLed funcLlons of
Lhe P8L1. Clvll acLlon for cerLlorarl wlll
noL prosper.

ln an elecLoral conLesL where Lhe
valldlLy of Lhe proclamaLlon of a
wlnnlng candldaLe who has Laken hls
oaLh of offlce and assumed hls posL as
Congressman ls ralsed, LhaL lssue ls besL
addressed Lo Lhe P8L1.

lL avolds dupllclLy of proceedlngs and a
clash of [urlsdlcLlon beLween
consLlLuLlonal bodles wlLh due regard
Lo Lhe people's mandaLe.

Llmkalchong v.
C.8. nos. 178831-32
Aprll 1, 2009
Llmkalchong ran as a represenLaLlve
ln Lhe 1
ulsLrlcL of negros CrlenLal.
aras, her rlval, and some oLher
concerned clLlzens flled
dlsquallflcaLlon cases agalnsL
Llmkalchong. Llmkalchong ls allegedly
noL a naLural born clLlzen of Lhe
hlllpplnes because when she was
born her faLher was sLlll a Chlnese
and LhaL her mom, Lhough llllplno
losL her clLlzenshlp by vlrLue of her
marrlage Lo Llmkalchong's dad.
uurlng Lhe pendency of Lhe case
agalnsL Llmkalchong before Lhe
CCMLLLC, LlecLlon day came and
voLes were casL. 8esulLs came ln and
Llmkalchong won over her rlval
(l) WheLher or noL Lhe
proclamaLlon done by
Lhe CCMLLLC ls valld

(ll) WheLher or noL
CCMLLLC should sLlll
exerclse [urlsdlcLlon
over Lhe maLLer

(l) ?es

(ll) no, Lhe P8L1
musL lnsLead
1he proclamaLlon of Llmkalchong was
valld. 1he CCMLLLC Second ulvlslon
rendered lLs !olnL 8esoluLlon daLed May
17, 2007. Cn May 20, 2007,
Llmkalchong Llmely flled wlLh Lhe
CCMLLLC 3' ?)'@ her moLlon for
reconslderaLlon as well as for Lhe llfLlng
of Lhe lncorporaLed dlrecLlve
suspendlng her proclamaLlon. 1he
flllng of Lhe moLlon for reconslderaLlon
effecLlvely suspended Lhe execuLlon of
Lhe May 17, 2007 !olnL
8esoluLlon. Slnce Lhe execuLlon of Lhe
May 17, 2007 !olnL 8esoluLlon was
suspended, Lhere was no lmpedlmenL
Lo Lhe valld proclamaLlon of
Llmkalchong as Lhe wlnner. SecLlon 2,
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
aras. CCMLLLC afLer due hearlng
declared Llmkalchong as dlsquallfled.

AbouL 2 days afLer Lhe counLlng of
voLes, CCMLLLC declared
Llmkalchong as a dlsquallfled
candldaLe. Cn Lhe followlng days
however, noLwlLhsLandlng Lhelr
proclamaLlon dlsquallfylng
Llmkalchong, Lhe CCMLLLC lssued a
proclamaLlon announclng
Llmkalchong as Lhe wlnner of Lhe
recenLly conducLed elecLlons. 1hls ls
ln compllance wlLh 8esoluLlon no.
8062 adopLlng Lhe pollcy-guldellnes
of noL suspendlng Lhe proclamaLlon
of wlnnlng candldaLes wlLh pendlng
dlsquallflcaLlon cases whlch shall be
wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe conLlnuaLlon
of Lhe hearlng and resoluLlon of Lhe
lnvolved cases.

aras counLered Lhe proclamaLlon
and she flled a peLlLlon before Lhe
CCMLLLC. Llmkalchong asalled aras'
peLlLloned argulng LhaL slnce she ls
now Lhe proclalmed wlnner, Lhe
CCMLLLC can no longer exerclse
[urlsdlcLlon over Lhe maLLer. lL should
be Lhe P8L1 whlch should exerclse
[urlsdlcLlon from Lhen on. CCMLLLC
agreed wlLh Llmkalchong.
8ule 19 of Lhe CCMLLLC 8ules of
rocedure applles.

1he P8L1 musL exerclse [urlsdlcLlon
afLer Llmkalchong's proclamaLlon. 1he
SC has lnvarlably held LhaL once a
wlnnlng candldaLe has been
proclalmed, Laken hls oaLh,
and assumed offlce as a Member of Lhe
PC8, Lhe CCMLLLC's [urlsdlcLlon
over elecLlon conLesLs relaLlng Lo
hls elecLlon, reLurns, and quallflcaLlons
ends, and Lhe P8L1's own [urlsdlcLlon
beglns. lL follows Lhen LhaL Lhe
proclamaLlon of a wlnnlng candldaLe
dlvesLs Lhe CCMLLLC of lLs [urlsdlcLlon
over maLLers pendlng before lL aL Lhe
Llme of Lhe proclamaLlon. 1he parLy
quesLlonlng hls quallflcaLlon should
now presenL hls case ln a proper
proceedlng before Lhe P8L1, Lhe
consLlLuLlonally mandaLed Lrlbunal Lo
hear and declde a case lnvolvlng a
Member of Lhe Pouse of
8epresenLaLlves wlLh respecL Lo Lhe
laLLer's elecLlon, reLurns and
quallflcaLlons. 1he use of Lhe
word sole" ln SecLlon 17, ArLlcle vl of
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon and ln SecLlon 230 of
Lhe CLC underscores Lhe excluslvlLy of
Lhe LlecLoral 1rlbunals' [urlsdlcLlon
over elecLlon conLesLs relaLlng Lo lLs

!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

Sect|on 18.
1here sha|| be a Comm|ss|on on Appo|ntments cons|st|ng of the res|dent of the Senate, as ex off|c|o Cha|rman, twe|ve Senators, and twe|ve
Members of the nouse of kepresentat|ves, e|ected by each nouse on the bas|s of proport|ona| representat|on from the po||t|ca| part|es and part|es or
organ|zat|ons reg|stered under the party-||st system represented there|n. 1he cha|rman of the Comm|ss|on sha|| not vote, except |n case of a t|e. 1he
Comm|ss|on sha|| act on a|| appo|ntments subm|tted to |t w|th|n th|rty sess|on days of the Congress from the|r subm|ss|on. 1he Comm|ss|on sha|| ru|e
by a ma[or|ty vote of a|| the Members.

Case lacLs lssues Peld 8aLlo/8ullng
uaza v. Slngson
180 SC8.A. 496 (1989)
8aul uaza was a member of Lhe
Comlsslon of AppolnLmenLs (CA),
represenLlng L.

Lu reorganlzed lLself and 24
members of Lhe L reslgned Lo [oln

8ecause of Lhls pollLlcal re-allgnmenL,
Lhe Pouse revlsed Lhe represenLaLlon
ln Lhe
CA. 1he Pouse wlLhdrew Lhe seaL
occupled by uaza and gave Lhls Lo Lhe
newly- formed Lu. (ChavlL Slngson).

uaza flled a peLlLlon Lo challenge hls
removal from Lhe CA. Pe conLends
LhaL hls elecLlon Lo Lhe CA ls
permanenL and LhaL reorganlzaLlon ln
Lhe Pouse ls nC1 based on a
permanenL pollLlcal re-allgnmenL
because Lhe Lu ls sLlll noL a duly
reglsLered pollLlcal parLy and LhaL lL
has noL aLLalned pollLlcal sLablllLy. Pe
argues LhaL a parLy musL sLand Lhe
(l) uoes Lhe SC have

(ll) May Lu sLlll be
represenLed aL Lhe CA
desplLe lLs belng
(l) ?es

(ll) ?es
(l) 1he CourL has [urlsdlcLlon. WhaL ls
lnvolved here ls Lhe legallLy, noL Lhe
wlsdom, of Lhe acL of Lhe Pouse ln
removlng uaza from Lhe CA. lL ls noL a
pollLlcal quesLlon. lL ls a legal quesLlon
on Lhe manner of fllllng Lhe CA, as
prescrlbed ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon. Lven
assumlng LhaL lL were a pollLlcal
quesLlon, Lhe CourLs sLlll have Lhe
expanded power Lo check wheLher
grave abuse of dlscreLlon amounLlng Lo
lack or excess of [urlsdlcLlon has been

(ll) uAZA loses. 1he CCMLLLC has
subsequenLly recognlzed Lu for
reglsLraLlon as a pollLlcal parLy. 1hls has
Laken Lhe wlnd ouL of Lhe salls of uaza,
and he musL now llmp Lo shore as besL
as he can.
> 1he Lu has been exlsLence for more
Lhan one year now. lLs LlLular head ls no
less Lhan Lhe resldenL of Lhe
hlllpplnes ad lLs resldenL ls SenaLor
Conzales. Whlle Lhere are sLlll some
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
LesL of Llme Lo prove permanence.

Slngson counLered by saylng LhaL
whaL ls lnvolved ls a pollLlcal
quesLlon. Pe argues LhaL nowhere ln
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ls lL requlred LhaL
Lhe pollLlcal parLy be reglsLered Lo be
enLlLled Lo proporLlonal
represenLaLlon aL Lhe CA.
lnLernal dlsagreemenLs, Lhese are Lo be
expecLed ln any pollLlcal organlzaLlon.
ln facL, even Lhe monollLhlc CommunlsL
arLy has undergone slmllar dlssenslon,
buL surely lL cannoL be consldered
Lemporary because of such dlscord. 1he
Lu now commands Lhe blggesL
followlng ln Lhe Pouse, Lhe parLy has
Lhus noL only survlved buL ln facL
> Pence, Lhe Pouse has Lhe auLhorlLy Lo
change lLs represenLaLlon ln Lhe CA Lo
reflecL A1 An? 1lML, Lhe changes LhaL
may Lransplre ln Lhe pollLlcal
allgnmenLs of lLs membershlp. lL ls
undersLood LhaL SuCP CPAnCLS MuS1
8L L8MAnLn1 and do noL lnclude Lhe
Lemporary alllances or facLlonal
dlvlslons noL lnvolvlng severance of
pollLlcal loyalLles or formal
> lurLher, when Lhe Llberal arLy (uaza)
was alloLLed 2 seaLs ln Lhe CA, lL dld noL
express any ob[ecLlon.
CoseLeng v. MlLra, !r.
187 SC8.A. 377 (1990)
Cn Lhe Congresslonal LlecLlons of
1987, Anna uomlnlque CoseLeng was
Lhe only candldaLe under kAl8A.

1he members of Lhe CA were also
elecLed, 11 comlng from Lhe
ma[orlLy, and 1 from Lhe coalesced

A year laLer. Lu organlzed, whlch led
(l) uose Lhe courL have

(l) ?es

CourL has [urlsdlcLlon. noL a pollLlcal
quesLlon. As held ln uaza vs. Slngson,
Lhe lssue ln Lhls case ls Lhe manner of
fllllng Lhe CA and noL Lhe wlsdom. Lven
lf Lhe quesLlon were pollLlcal, Lhe courL
sLlll has Lhe power Lo revlew grave
abuse of dlscreLlon amounLlng Lo lack
or excess of [urlsdlcLlon commlLLed by
any branch or lnsLrumenLallLy of Lhe
governmenL by vlrLue of Art|c|e VII,
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Lo Lhe reorganlzaLlon of Lhe
represenLaLlon ln Lhe CA.

CoseLeng wroLe Lo Speaker MlLra
LhaL as represenLaLlve of kAl8A, she
should be appolnLed Lo Lhe CA. 1hls
was supporLed by 9 oLher

She laLer flled a peLlLlon for quo
warranLo praylng LhaL Lhe elecLlon of
some Lu congressmen ln Lhe CA be
nulllfled on Lhe Lheory LhaL lL vlolaLed
Lhe consLlLuLlonal mandaLe of
proporLlonal represenLaLlon because
Lhe new ma[orlLy - Lu (138 ouL of
202), would now be enLlLled Lo 9 seaL
only. She clalms LhaL she has Lhe
supporL of Lhe 9 oLher congressmen
as well.

She furLher clalms LhaL CA members
should have been nomlnaLed and
elecLed by Lhelr respecLlve pollLlcal

1he Lu congressmen opposed and
argued LhaL kAl8A ls parL of Lhe
coalesced ma[orlLy whlch supporLs
Lhe admlnlsLraLlon of Cory, and noL
of Lhe mlnorlLy, hence she ls bound
by Lhe cholce of Lhe Coalesced
ma[orlLy as Lo who shall slL ln Lhe CA.

(ll) WheLher Lhe
congressmen ln Lhe CA
were chosen on Lhe
basls of proporLlonal
represenLaLlon from Lhe
pollLlcal parLles?

(ll) ?es
Sect|on 1 of Lhe Const|tut|on.

(ll) CoseLeng loses. 1he composlLlon of
Lhe house membershlp ln Lhe CA was
8ASLu Cn A 8CC81lCnAL
8L8LSLn1A1lCn Cl 1PL CLl1lCAL
A81lLS. 1here are 160 members of Lhe
Lu ln Lhe house. 1hey represenL 80
of Lhe house. 80 of Lhe 12 members ln
Lhe CA = 9.6 or 10. Pence Lhe Lu ls
enLlLled Lo 10 members ln Lhe CA. Lhe
remalnlng 2 were apporLloned Lo Lhe
Llberal arLy as Lhe nexL largesL parLy ln
Lhe Coalesced Ma[orlLy, and Lhe lasL
one Lo Lhe k8L as Lhe prlnclpal
opposlLlon parLy. 1here ls no doubL LhaL
Lhe apporLlonmenL ln Lhe CA was done
on Lhe basls of proporLlonal
represenLaLlon of pollLlcal parLles ln Lhe
> Lven lf kAl8A were Lo be consldered
as an opposlLlon parLy, lLs lone member
(CoseLeng) represenLs only 0.4 of Lhe
Pouse membershlp, hence SPL lS nC1
Ln1l1LLu 1C CnL Cl 1PL 12 SLA1S ln
1PL CA. 1o be able Lo clalm
proporLlonal represenLaLlon, a pollLlcal
parLy should represenL aL leasL 8.4 of
Lhe house membershlp, LhaL ls aL leasL
17 congressmen.
> 1he endorsemenL of 9 oLher
congressmen ln favor of CoseLeng ls
lnconsequenLlal because Lhey are noL
members of her parLy. 1he clalm LhaL
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Lhe members ln Lhe CA should be
nomlnaLed and elecLed by Lhelr
respecLlve pollLlcal parLles ls unLenable.
1he members have been nomlnaLed
and elecLlve by Lhe Pouse (noL by Lhelr
parLy) as provlded for ln Lhe
Culngona, !r. v.
C.8. no. 106971
CcLober 20, 1992
8ased on Lhe rule of proporLlonal
represenLaLlon from pollLlcal parLles,
a compromlse was reached for Lhe
elecLlon of members of Lhe CA.

Powever, Lakas was glven only 1 (and
noL 2) because Lhe 1.3 was noL
rounded off.

1he 8 senaLors from Lu chosen for
CA were: Angara, Perrera, Alvarez,
Aqulno, Mercado, Cple, SoLLo and

Culngona (LAkAS) opposed Lhe
nomlnaLlon of 8omulo. Culngona
also quesLloned Lhe appolnLmenL of
1anada as lone represenLaLlve of L.

8ased on Lhe maLhemaLlcal
compuLaLlon of proporLlonal
represenLaLlon, each of Lhe pollLlcal
parLles are enLlLled Lo addlLlonal 0.3
seaL, Culngona clalms LhaL by Lhe
elecLlon of 8omulo and 1anada, lL
unduly lncreased Lhe membershlp of
Lu and Lhe L, and reduced Lhe
(l) CourL's [urlsdlcLlon?

(ll) WhaL should be
done Lo Lhe 0.3 seaL Lo
whlch each of Lhem ls

(l) ?es

(ll) 1here ls
noLhlng Lo sLop
pollLlcal parLles
from formlng a
coallLlon wlLh
anoLher pollLlcal
parLy ln order Lo
flll up Lhe Lwo
resulLlng from
Lhe fracLlonal
seaL each parLy ls
enLlLled Lo.

(l) CourL has [urlsdlcLlon. 1he legallLy of
Lhe fllllng up of membershlp of Lhe CA
ls a [usLlclable lssue, noL a pollLlcal

(ll) 1he Lu ma[orlLy converLed lLs
fracLlonal half lnLo a whole number, for
an addlLlonal of one senaLor, enabllng lL
Lo elecL lLs 8Lh member, 8omulo. ln
dolng so, Lhe oLher parLy's fracLlonal
represenLaLlon was correspondlngly
reduced leavlng LhaL parLy's
represenLaLlon ln CA Lo less Lhan Lhelr
represenLaLlon ln Lhe SenaLe. 1hls ls
CLLA8L? A vlCLA1lCn Cl 1PL SLC1lCn
18, because lL ls no longer ln
compllance wlLh Lhe mandaLe LhaL
8ASLu Cn 1PL 8CC81lCnAL
8L8LSLn1A1lCn Cl CLl1lCAL
A81lLS. 1he elecLlon of 8omulo gave
more represenLaLlon Lo Lhe Lu, and
reduced Lhe represenLaLlon of elLher
Lhe Lakas or nC.
> 8y addlng LogeLher 2 halves Lo make a
whole ls a breach of Lhe rule on
proporLlonal represenLaLlon because lL
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
membershlp of Lakas, and nC.

(lll) MusL Lhe 12
members ln Lhe CA be
always fllled?

(lll) no. So long
as Lhe necessary
number for
quorum ls meL,
Lhe CA may
exerclse lLs
wlll glve Lu an added member ln Lhe
CA, by uLlllzlng Lhe fracLlonal
membershlp of Lhe mlnorlLy pollLlcal
parLy, who ls deprlved of half a
represenLaLlon. Sect|on 18 ls
mandaLory ln characLer and does noL
leave any dlscreLlon Lo Lhe ma[orlLy
parLy ln Lhe SenaLe.
> CuluLLlnLS:
1) ln Lhe senaLe, a pollLlcal parLy musL
have aL leasL 2 duly elecLed senaLors Lo
be enLlLled Lo a seaL ln Lhe CA.
2) Where Lhere are more Lhan 2
pollLlcal parLles represenLed, a pollLlcal
parLy wlLh a slngle senaLor ln Lhe
SenaLe cannoL clalm a seaL ln Lhe CA.
(ulffers from Lhe case of SenaLor
Lorenzo 1anada where he was lone
mlnorlLy, and Lhe 23 came from Lhe
same parLy)

(lll) 1he consLlLuLlon does nC1
conLemplaLe LhaL Lhe CA musL always
lnclude 12 senaLors and 12
congressmen. WhaL Lhe consLlLuLlon
requlres ls LhaL Lhere be aL leasL a
ma[orlLy of Lhe enLlre membershlp. 1he
consLlLuLlon does nC1 requlre Lhe
elecLlon and presence of 12 senaLors
and 12 congressmen ln order LhaL Lhe
CA may funcLlon properly. 1PL? nLLu
nC1 8L luLL? CCnS1l1u1Lu (even lf
Lhe consLlLuLlon provldes for Lhelr
composlLlon) Lo perform Lhelr
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

Sect|on 19.
1he L|ectora| 1r|buna|s and the Comm|ss|on on Appo|ntments sha|| be const|tuted w|th|n th|rty days after the Senate and the nouse of
kepresentat|ves sha|| have been organ|zed w|th the e|ect|on of the res|dent and the Speaker. 1he Comm|ss|on on Appo|ntments sha|| meet on|y
wh||e the Congress |s |n sess|on, at the ca|| of |ts Cha|rman or a ma[or|ty of a|| |ts Members, to d|scharge such powers and funct|ons as are here|n
conferred upon |t.

Sect|on 20.
1he records and books of accounts of the Congress sha|| be preserved and be open to the pub||c |n accordance w|th |aw, and such books sha|| be
aud|ted by the Comm|ss|on on Aud|t wh|ch sha|| pub||sh annua||y an |tem|zed ||st of amounts pa|d to and expenses |ncurred for each Member.

Sect|on 21.
1he Senate or the nouse of kepresentat|ves or any of |ts respect|ve comm|ttees may conduct |nqu|r|es |n a|d of |eg|s|at|on |n accordance w|th |ts du|y
pub||shed ru|es of procedure. 1he r|ghts of persons appear|ng |n, or affected by, such |nqu|r|es sha|| be respected.

> 1he elecLlon of 8CMuLC (Lu) and
1AnAuA (L) was clearly a vlolaLlon of
SecLlon 18. 1helr nomlnaLlon was done
by sheer force of superlorlLy ln
numbers and was done ln grave abuse
of dlscreLlon.
> ln SPC81, .*)@(-/')$ A%)(A AB/"$C
'%D%* E% */"'C%C /..> 2B% A%)(A AB/"$C
E% D)@)'(>
Case lacLs lssues Peld 8aLlo/8ullng
8engzon, !r. v. SenaLe
8lue 8lbbon
C.8. no. L-89914
november 20, 1991
1hls ls a peLlLlon for prohlblLlon Lo
en[oln S88 from requlrlng 8engzon Lo
LesLlfy regardlng Lhe sale of equlLy of
kokoy 8omualdez Lo Cory Aqulno's
relaLlve 8lcardo Lopa.

Case was abouL Lhe conLrol over Lhe
blggesL buslness enLerprlses ln Lhe
(l) uoes Lhe courL have
[urlsdlcLlon over Lhls
case? Can senaLe
conducL lnqulry?
(l) ?es CCu81 PAS !u8lSulC1lCn Lo
deLermlne Lhe scope and exLenL of Lhe
power of Lhe S88C Lo conducL lnqulrles
lnLo Lhe prlvaLe affalrs ln purporLed ald
of leglslaLlon.

8u1 Lhere are llmlLs on Congress'
power. 1he power of boLh houses Lo
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
hlllpplnes Lhrough masslve lnfuslon
of governmenL funds Lhru kokoy
8omualdez, and wlLh Lhe ald of
8LnCZCn LAW ClllCL who allegedly
maneuvered funds uslng dummy

SenaLe mlnorlLy floor leader !L
dellvered a speech before Lhe SenaLe
on Lhe alleged Lake over of one
company by 8lcardo Lopa (Cory's
broLher-ln-law), buL conLalned
noLhlng abouL lL belng ln ald of
leglslaLlon. 1hey merely wanLed an

1he maLLer was referred Lo Lhe
SenaLe 8lue 8lbbon CommlLLee
(S88C). 8engzon and Lopa were
subpoenaed buL decllned Lo LesLlfy.

LA8LlL8, clvll cases were flled by
CCC before Lhe Sandlganbayan Lo
recover lll- goLLen wealLh of
8omualdez. 1he cases lmpleaded

nCW, 8engzon clalms LhaL LesLlfylng
before Lhe SenaLe 8lue 8lbbon
CommlLLee mlghL unduly pre[udlce
Lhem ln Lhe cases before Lhe

1hey clalm LhaL
conducL lnqulrles ln ald of leglslaLlon ls
nC1 A8SCLu1L. 1he lnvesLlgaLlon musL
1) ln ald of leglslaLlon,
2) ln accordance wlLh duly publlshed
rules of procedure
3) Lhe rlghLs of persons appearlng or
affecLed by such lnqulrles shall be

1he 8ules of S88C provlde LhaL Lhe
senaLe may refer Lo any commlLLee any
speech flled by a senaLor whlch ln lLs
[udgmenL requlres leglslaLlon. 1C
nA1u8L Cl lnCul8?, resorL Lo Lhe
SLLCP under whlch such lnqulry ls
proposed Lo be made.

Pere, 1PL SLLCP Cl Ln8lLL
CCn1AlnLu nC SuCCLS1lCn Cl
CCn1LMLA1Lu LLClSLA1lCn. Pe ls
merely calllng upon Lhe senaLe Lo look
lnLo Lhe posslble vlolaLlon by Lhe
resldenL on prohlblLlon of cerLaln
relaLlves ln gov'L deallngs. nC
ln1LnuLu LLClSLA1lCn lS lnvCLvLu
PL8L. 1hus lL ls nC1 ln Alu Cl

Also, slnce Lhere ls a pendlng case
before Lhe Sandlganbayan. 1here ls a
posslblllLy of confllcLlng [udgmenLs
beLween leglslaLlve and [udlclal bodles,
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
1) 1he 8lue 8lbbon has no valld
leglslaLlve purpose (noL ln ald of legls)
2) 1he sale of Lhe 8omualdez corp ls
purely a prlvaLe affalr.
3) 1he lnqulry would vlolaLe Lhelr
rlghL Lo due process
and lnfluence of CommlLLee [udgmenL
on courL [udgmenL. (SeparaLlon of
Sablo v. Cordon
C.8. no. 174177
CcLober 17, 2006
lormer resldenL Cory lssued LC no.
1 creaLlng Lhe CCC. She enLrusLed
upon Lhls body Lhe Lask of recoverlng
Lhe lll-goLLen wealLh accumulaLed by
Lhe deposed resldenL Marcos and
hls close assoclaLes. 1o ensure Lhe
CCC's unhampered performance of
lLs Lasks, SecLlon 4 (b) of L.C. no. 1
provldes LhaL: no member or sLaff of
Lhe Commlsslon shall be requlred Lo
LesLlfy or produce evldence ln any
[udlclal, leglslaLlve or admlnlsLraLlve
proceedlng concernlng maLLers
wlLhln lLs offlclal cognlzance."

20 years laLer, Lhe SenaLe lnvlLed
CCC Chalrman Camllo Sablo Lo be
one of Lhe resource persons ln a
SenaLe lnvesLlgaLlon. Powever,
Chalrman Sablo decllned Lhe
lnvlLaLlon lnvoklng SecLlon 4 (b) of
L.C. no. 1.

(l) May SecLlon 4 (b) of
L.C. no. 1 be lnvoked by
Chalrman Sablo Lo
[usLlfy non-appearance
on leglslaLlve

(l) no SecLlon 4 (b) of L.C. no. 1 ls declared
8LLALLu by Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon.
1he Congress' power of lnqulry, belng
broad, encompasses everyLhlng LhaL
concerns Lhe admlnlsLraLlon of exlsLlng
laws as well as proposed or posslbly
needed sLaLuLes. lL even exLends Lo
governmenL agencles creaLed by
Congress and offlcers whose poslLlons
are wlLhln Lhe power of Congress Lo
regulaLe or even abollsh."

noLe: ArLlcle vl, SecLlon 21 granLs Lhe
power of lnqulry noL only Lo Lhe SenaLe
and Lhe Pouse of 8epresenLaLlves, buL
also Lo any of Lhelr respecLlve

SLandard CharLered
8ank v. SenaLe
C.8. no. 167173
uecember 27, 2007
onenLe: nachura, !:

1hls ls a eLlLlon for rohlblLlon (wlLh
rayer for lssuance of 1emporary
8esLralnlng Crder and/or ln[uncLlon)
(l) WheLher or noL Lhe
respondenL can conducL
lnvesLlgaLlon agalnsL Lhe
peLlLloner desplLe
crlmlnal and clvll cases
(l) no, peLlLlon ls
ClLlng 8engzon, !r. v. SenaLe 8lue
8lbbon commlLLee, Lhe peLlLloners
clalm LhaL slnce Lhe lssue of wheLher or
noL SC8-hlllpplnes lllegally sold
unreglsLered forelgn securlLles ls
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
daLed and flled on March 11, 2003,
by peLlLloners agalnsL respondenL,
whereln llnanclal lnsLlLuLlons and
Currencles ls represenLed by Lhe
respondenL's Chalrperson, Ldgardo

Cn leb 1, 2003, SenaLor Lnrlle, vlce
Chalr of respondenL, dellvered a
speech enLlLled, Arrogance of
WealLh" before Lhe SenaLe,
denounclng Lhe peLlLloners for sellng
unreglsLered forelgn securlLles ln
vlolaLlon of Lhe SecurlLles 8egulaLlon
Code, and urglng Lhe SenaLe Lo
conducL an lnqulry lmmedlaLely, ln
ald of leglslaLlon, Lo prevenL Lhe same
occurrence from happenlng ln Lhe
fuLure. 1hrough SenaLor anglllnan,
Lhe speech was referred Lo Lhe
respondenL. rlor Lo Lhe prlvlleged
speech, Lnrlle ha lnLroduced S
8esoluLlon 166, ul8LC1lnC 1PL
CCMMl11LL Cn 8AnkS, llnAnClAL
lnS1l1u1lCnS Anu Cu88LnClLS, 1C
CCnuuC1 An lnCul8?, ln Alu Cl
Cl un8LClS1L8Lu Anu PlCP-8lSk
SLCu8l1lLS 8? S1AnuA8u
CPA81L8Lu 8Ank, WPlCP 8LSuL1Lu
1PL lnvLS1lCA1lnC u8LlC."

agalnsL Lhe laLLer
pendlng ln courLs
already preempLed by Lhe courLs LhaL
Look cognlzance of Lhe foregolng cases,
Lhe SenaLe CommlLLee, by Lhls
lnvesLlgaLlon, would encroach upon Lhe
[udlclal powers vesLed solely ln Lhese
courLs. eLlLloner's argumenL does noL
apply squarely Lo Lhls case.

CenLral Lo Lhe CourL's rullng ln 8engzon,
LhaL Lhe SenaLe 8lue 8lbbon CommlLLee
was wlLhouL any consLlLuLlonal moorlng
Lo conducL Lhe leglslaLlve lnvesLlgaLlon,
was Lhe CourL's deLermlnaLlon LhaL Lhe
lnLended lnqulry was noL ln ald of
leglslaLlon. 1he CourL found LhaL
Lnrlle's speech merely called upon Lhe
SenaLe Lo look lnLo Lhe posslble
vlolaLlons ln 8.A. 3019. 1he
unmlsLakable ob[ecLlve of Lhe
lnvesLlgaLlon, as seL forLh ln Lhe
resoluLlon, exposes Lhe peLlLloners''
allegaLlon LhaL Lhe lnqulry, as lnlLlaLed
ln a prlvllege speech by Lhe very same
Lnrlle, was slmply Lo denounce Lhe
lllegal pracLlce commlLLed by a forelgn
bank ln selllng unreglsLered forelgn
securlLles". 1hls fallacy made more
glarlng when we conslder LhaL, aL Lhe
concluslon of Lhe prlvllege speech,
Lnrlle urged Lhe SenaLe Lo lmmedlaLely
conducL an lnqulry wlLh Lhe help of
leglslaLlon, Lo prevenL such acLs ln Lhe

!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
- very clear LhaL lL was ln ald of
9'C%%CF (B% &%*% .-$-'G /* )'
)C&-'-A(*)(-D% @/&#$)-'( E%./*% ) @/"*(
/. 7")A-HI"C-@-)$ E/C+ AB/"$C '/(
)"(/&)(-@)$$+ E)* (B% @/'C"@( /.
$%G-A$)(-D% -'D%A(-G)(-/'> ;(B%*8-A%F -(
8/"$C E% %J(*%&%$+ %)A+ (/ A"ED%*( )'+
-'(%'C%C -'7"-*+ E+ 6/'G*%AA (B*/"GB
(B% @/'D%'-%'( #$/+ /. -'A(-("(-'G )
@*-&-')$ /* )' )C&-'-A(*)(-D% @/&#$)-'(>
!"*%$+F (B% %J%*@-A% /. A/D%*%-G'
$%G-A$)(-D% )"(B/*-(+F /. 8B-@B (B% #/8%*
/. $%G-A$)(-D% -'7"-*+ -A )' %AA%'(-)$
@/&#/'%'(F @)''/( E% &)C%
A"E/*C-')(% (/ ) @*-&-')$ /* )'
)C&-'-A(*)(-D% -'D%A(-G)(-/'>
SenaLe 8lue 8lbbon v.
!udge Ma[aducon
onenLe: ?nares-SanLlago, !:

1hls case lnvolves consolldaLed peLlLlons:

1) lor cerLlorarl, prohlblLlon,
mandamus and prellmlnary
ln[uncLlon, assalllng Lhe resoluLlon
daLed nov. 11, 1998 of !udge
Mada[ucon (defendanL) of Lhe 81C
of CenSan ClLy, 8ranch 23, whlch
denled Lhe peLlLloner moLlon Lo
dlsmlss Lhe peLlLlon for
prohlblLlon, ln[uncLlon wlLh wrlL of
prellmlnary ln[uncLlon flled by
prlvaLe respondenL ALLy. llavlano,

2) lor revlew of Lhe resoluLlon daLed
Aprll 13, 1999 of respondenL
!udge Ma[aducon declarlng
peLlLloner SenaLor lmenLel gullLy
of conLempL of courL.

Was Lhe 18C lssued by
!udge Ma[aducon orderlng
Lhe SenaLe Lo cease and
deslsL from proceedlng wlLh
lLs hearlng valld?

1he prlnclple of separaLlon of powers
essenLlally means LhaL leglslaLlon belongs Lo
Congress, execuLlon Lo Lhe LxecuLlve, and
seLLlemenL of legal conLroversles Lo Lhe
!udlclary. Lach ls prevenLed from lnvadlng Lhe
domaln of Lhe oLhers. 1he 81C of CenSan ClLy
or any courL, for LhaL maLLer, had no auLhorlLy
Lo prohlblL Lhe SenaLe commlLLee from
requlrlng Lhe respondenL (ALLy. llavlano) Lo
appear and LesLlfy before lL.

1he 8lll of 8lghLs granLs respecL Lo Lhe rlghLs
Lo a person appearlng ln or affecLed by such
lnqulrles menLloned above. Powever, Lhls
musL be exerclsed sub[ecL Lo consLlLuLlonal
llmlLaLlons, parLlcularly adherlng Lo
governmenLal acLlon. ln Lhe case aL bar, such
leglslaLlve acLlon Laken by Lhe SenaLe Lo
secure Lhe LesLlmony of llavlano.

1here also exlsLs Lhe lmpllclL llmlLaLlon LhaL
Lhe leglslaLure's power Lo commlL a wlLness
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

Sect|on 22.
1he heads of departments may, upon the|r own |n|t|at|ve, w|th the consent of the res|dent, or upon the request of e|ther nouse, as the ru|es of each
nouse sha|| prov|de, appear before and be heard by such nouse on any matter perta|n|ng to the|r departments. Wr|tten quest|ons sha|| be subm|tted
to the res|dent of the Senate or the Speaker of the nouse of kepresentat|ves at |east three days before the|r schedu|ed appearance. Interpe||at|ons
sha|| not be ||m|ted to wr|tten quest|ons, but may cover matters re|ated thereto. When the secur|ty of the State or the pub||c |nterest so requ|res and
the res|dent so states |n wr|t|ng, the appearance sha|| be conducted |n execut|ve sess|on.

only Lhe heads of deparLmenLs need consenL of resldenL.

1he SenaLe 8lue 8lbbon CommlLLee
conducLed an lnqulry on Lhe alleged
lrregularlLles ln Lhe funds used by Lhe
Armed lorces 8eLlremenL and SeparaLlon
8eneflLs sysLem (Al-8S8S). 1hls was
becase SenaLor 8las Cple flled a resoluLlon
Lo Lhe CommlLLee on naLlonal uefense and
SecurlLy Lo lnvesLlgaLe charges concernlng a
group of acLlve and reLlred mlllLary offlclals
plannlng a coup d'eLaL Lo prevenL Lhen
resldenL LsLrada's admln from problng
lnLo such alleged lrregularlLles. 1he sald
CommlLLee subpoenaed ALLy. llavlano Lo
appear before lL and LesLlfy Lo such
charges, buL Lhe counsel refused Lo appear
aL Lhe hearlng. lnsLead, he secured a 18C
agalnsL Lhe SenaLe lssued by !udge
Ma[aducon of 81C 8ranch 23 of CenSan

for conLempL LermlnaLes when Lhe leglslaLlve
body ceases Lo exlsL upon lLs flnal
ad[ournmenL. 1hls musL be so, lnasmuch as
Lhe basls of Lhe power Lo lmpose such a
penalLy ls Lhe rlghL whlch Lhe leglslaLure has
Lo self-preservaLlon, and whlch rlghL ls
enforceable durlng Lhe exlsLence of Lhe
leglslaLlve body."
Case lacLs lssues Peld 8aLlo/8ullng
SenaLe v. LrmlLa
C.8. no. 169777
Aprll 20, 2006
onenLe: Carplo Morales, !.

SepLember 21-23, 2003 ! 1he
CommlLLee of Lhe SenaLe as a whole
(l) WheLher L.C. 464
conLravenes Lhe power
of lnqulry vesLed ln
(l) SecLlon 2(b)
and 3 are lnvalld,
whlle SecLlons 1
and 2(a) are
(l) !"#$%$&' )* +,-&$). /
> 1he coverage of deparLmenL heads
under SecLlon 1 ls noL made Lo depend
on Lhe deparLmenL heads possesslon of
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
lssued varlous lnvlLaLlons Lo varlous
offlclals of Lhe LxecuLlve ueparLmenL
for Lhem Lo appear on SepL.29 as
resource speakers ln a publlc hearlng
on Lhe norLh 8all ro[ecL. 1he
hearlng was sparked by alleged
overprlclng and oLher unlawful
provlslons of Lhe conLracL.

SepLember 28, 2003
! SenaLe resldenL lranklln urllon
recelved from LxecuLlve SecreLary
Lduardo LrmlLa a leLLer(s) requesLlng
for posLponemenL of Lhe hearlng.
! 1he presldenL lssued L.C. No. 464
whlch requlred all heads of
deparLmenLs of Lhe LxecuLlve 8ranch
of Lhe governmenL shall secure Lhe
consenL of Lhe resldenL prlor Lo
appearlng before elLher Pouse of
! Sen. urllon recelved anoLher leLLer
from Sec. LrmlLa lnformlng hlm LhaL
Lhe lnvlLed execuLlve branch offlclals
wlll noL be able Lo aLLend as Lhey
have noL secured Lhe consenL of Lhe
! Al Chlef of SLaff, Cen. Ceneroso
Senga senL a leLLer Lo Sen. 8lazon
lnformlng LhaL per lnsLrucLlon of
[res. Arroyo], Lhru SecreLary of
naLlonal uefense no offlcer of Lhe
Al ls auLhorlzed Lo appear before
any SenaLe or Congresslonal hearlngs


any lnformaLlon whlch mlghL be
covered by execuLlve prlvllege.
> CuesLlon Pour" (where aLLendance
ls dlscreLlonary) under Sect|on 22,
Art|c|e VI needs Lo be dlfferenLlaLed
from Sect|on 21 whlch provldes for Lhe
power of elLher Pouses of Congress Lo
conducL lnqulrles ln ald of leglslaLlon"
(where aLLendance ls compulsory).
> 1he requlremenL Lhen Lo secure
presldenLlal consenL under Sect|on 1,
llmlLed as lL ls only Lo appearances ln
Lhe quesLlon hour, ls valld. lL cannoL be
applled Lo appearances of deparLmenL
heads ln lnqulrles ln ald of leglslaLlon.
!"#$%$&' )* +,-&$).0 1 ".% 2
> Sect|on 2(b) vlrLually sLaLes LhaL
execuLlve prlvllege acLually covers
persons. 1he docLrlne ls mlsused
because lL ls properly lnvoked ln
relaLlon Lo speclflc caLegorles of
lnformaLlon and noL Lo caLegorles of
> Whlle Sect|on 2(a) enumeraLes Lhe
Lypes of lnformaLlon LhaL are covered
by Lhe prlvllege under Lhe challenged
order, Congress ls lefL Lo speculaLe as Lo
whlch among Lhem ls belng referred Lo
by Lhe execuLlve, or on how Lhe
requesLed lnformaLlon could be
classlfled as prlvlleged. lL does noL
sufflce Lo merely declare LhaL resldenL
has deLermlned LhaL a plece of
lnformaLlon ls so prlvlleged.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
wlLhouL seeklng a wrlLLen approval
from Lhe resldenL."

CcLober 3, 2003 ! 3 peLlLlons (C.8.
169639, 169660, 169667) for
cerLlorarl and prohlblLlon were flled
challenglng Lhe consLlLuLlonallLy of
L.C. No. 464.

(ll) WheLher L.C. 464
vlolaLes Lhe rlghL of Lhe
people Lo lnformaLlon
on maLLers of publlc

(lll) WheLher
respondenLs have
commlLLed grave abuse
of dlscreLlon when Lhey
lmplemenLed L.C. 464
prlor Lo lLs publlcaLlon
ln a newspaper of
general clrculaLlon.

(ll) 1he rlghL of
Lhe people Lo
cannoL be called
Lo surface
because noL all
exerclses of Lhe
leglslaLlve of lLs
power of lnqulry
flnds lLs rooL ln
Lhe people's rlghL
Lo lnformaLlon.

(lll) Whlle L.C.
464 applles only
Lo offlclals of Lhe
branch, lL does
noL follow LhaL
Lhe same ls
exempL from Lhe
> An |mproper|y asserted c|a|m of
pr|v||ege |s no c|a|m of pr|v||ege.
> 1he need Lo ensure respecL for
offlclals does noL change Lhe lnflrm
naLure of Lhe auLhorlzaLlon of Lhe
execuLlve order.

(ll) 1he rlghL Lo lnformaLlon does noL
granL a clLlzen power Lo exacL
LesLlmony from governmenL offlclals.
1hls power belongs only Lo Congress
and noL Lo an lndlvldual clLlzen. 1he
rlghL Lo lnformaLlon follows Lhe
Congress' power of lnqulry only ln a
hlghly quallfled sense.
> 1o Lhe exLenL LhaL lnvesLlgaLlons ln
ald of leglslaLlon are generally
conducLed ln publlc, any execuLlve
lssuance Lendlng Lo unduly llmlL
dlsclosures of lnformaLlon ln such
lnvesLlgaLlons necessarlly deprlves Lhe
people of lnformaLlon whlch, belng
presumed Lo be ln ald of leglslaLlon, ls
presumed Lo be a maLLer of publlc

(lll) L.C. 464 has a dlrecL effecL on Lhe
rlghL of Lhe people Lo lnformaLlon on
maLLers of publlc concern. lL ls,
Lherefore a maLLer of publlc lnLeresL
whlch members of Lhe body pollLlc may
quesLlon before Lhls courL. uue process
Lhus requlres LhaL Lhe people should
have been apprlsed of Lhls lssuance
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
need for
before lL was lmplemenLed.
nerl v. SenaLe
C.8. no. 180643
SepLember 4, 2008
MoLlon for reconslderaLlon for Lhe SC
declslon granLlng Lhe peLlLlon for
cerLlorarl flled by eLlLloner 8omulo
nerl agalnsL respondenL SenaLe
CommlLLees on AccounLablllLy of
ubllc Cfflcers and lnvesLlgaLlons,
1rade and Commerce, and naLlonal
uefense and SecurlLy (respondenL

ln Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon regardlng Lhe
n8n-Z1L deal, Lhe respondenL
commlLLees requlred Lhe peLlLloner
Lo answer Lhe followlng quesLlons:
(a) WheLher or noL resldenL Arroyo
followed up Lhe n8n-Z1L ro[ecL, (b)
WheLher or noL she dlrecLed hlm Lo
prlorlLlze lL, and (c) wheLher or noL
she dlrecLed hlm Lo approve lL.

november 20, 2007 ! peLlLloner dld
noL appear before respondenL
commlLLees upon orders of Lhe
resldenL lnvoklng execuLlve

eLlLloner was lssued wlLh a
conLempL order, buL he lnslsLed LhaL
he had noL shown any conLempLlble
conducL worLhy of conLempL and
arresL. Pe emphaslzed hls wllllngness
Lo LesLlfy on new maLLers, buL
(l) WheLher or noL Lhere
ls a recognlzed
prlvllege ln our legal

(ll) WheLher or noL
Lhere ls facLual or legal
basls Lo hold LhaL Lhe
ellclLed by Lhe 3
quesLlons are covered
by execuLlve prlvllege.

(l) Whlle
prlvllege ls a
concepL, a clalm
Lhereof may be
valld or noL
dependlng on
Lhe ground
lnvoked Lo [usLlfy
lL and Lhe
conLexL ln whlch
lL ls made.

(ll) 345+6 1he
power Lo enLer
lnLo an execuLlve
agreemenL ls a
and non-
+789:;, Lhe
docLrlne of
proxlmlLy was
lald down
preclsely Lo llmlL
Lhe scope of Lhe
(l) ln Lhls case, lL was Lhe resldenL
herself, Lhrough LxecuLlve SecreLary
LrmlLa, who lnvoked execuLlve prlvllege
on a speclflc maLLer lnvolvlng an
execuLlve agreemenL beLween Lhe
hlllpplnes and Chlna, whlch was Lhe
sub[ecL of Lhe 3 quesLlons propounded
Lo peLlLloner nerl ln Lhe course of Lhe
SenaLe CommlLLees lnvesLlgaLlon.

> 1he facL LhaL a power (l.e. Lo secure a
forelgn loan) ls sub[ecL Lo Lhe
concurrence of anoLher enLlLy (l.e. Lhe
MoneLary 8oard) does noL make such
power less execuLlve. 1he facL LhaL Lhe
presldenL has Lo secure Lhe prlor
concurrence of Lhe MoneLary 8oard,
whlch shall submlL Lo Congress a
compleLe reporL of lLs declslon before
conLracLlng or guaranLeelng forelgn
loans, does noL dlmlnlsh Lhe execuLlve
naLure of Lhe power.
> 1he danger of expandlng Lhe prlvllege
Lo a large swaLh of Lhe execuLlve
branch" ls absenL because Lhe offlclal
lnvolved here ls a member of Lhe
CablneL l.e. her offlclal famlly.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
respondenL commlLLees dld noL
respond Lo hls requesL for advance
noLlce fo quesLlons.

(lll) WheLher or noL
respondenL commlLLees
have shown LhaL Lhe
ellclLed by Lhe 3
quesLlons are crlLlcal Lo
Lhe exerclse of Lhelr

(lv) WheLher or noL
respondenL commlLLees
commlLLed grave abuse
of dlscreLlon ln lssulng
Lhe conLempL order.
prlvllege, buL ln
any case, lL ls noL
6<45;, Lhe
presldenL's clalm
of execuLlve
prlvllege ls noL
merely based on
a generallzed

(lll) 1he
commlLLees have
falled Lo show
compelllng need
LhaL would [usLlfy
llmlLaLlon of Lhe

(lv) 8espondenL
commlLLed grave
abuse of
dlscreLlon ln
lssulng Lhe
conLempL order
as Lhe demands
of Lhe peLlLloner
Lo be furnlshed a
copy of Lhe
> 1he leLLer of LxecuLlve SecreLary
LrmlLa speclfled presldenLlal
communlcaLlons prlvllege ln relaLlon Lo
dlplomaLlc and economlc relaLlons wlLh
anoLher soverelgn naLlon as Lhe bases
for Lhe clalm.

(lll) 1he presumpLlon ln favor of Lhe
resldenLlal communlcaLlons puLs Lhe
burden on Lhe respondenL SenaLe
CommlLLees Lo overLurn Lhe
presumpLlon by demonsLraLlng Lhelr
speclflc need for Lhe lnformaLlon. Pere,
Lhere ls slmply a generallzed asserLlon
LhaL Lhe lnformaLlon ls perLlnenL Lo Lhe
exerclse of Lhe power Lo leglslaLe and a
broad and non-speclflc reference Lo
pendlng SenaLe bllls.

(lv) WlLnesses have Lhelr consLlLuLlonal
rlghL Lo due process. 1hey should be
adequaLely lnformed whaL maLLers are
Lo be covered by Lhe lnqulry, lL wlll also
allow Lhem Lo prepare Lhe perLlnenL
lnformaLlon and documenLs, 1o our
mlnd, Lhese requlremenLs concede Loo
llLLle pollLlcal cosLs or burdens on Lhe
parL of Lhe Congress when vlewed vls-a-
vls Lhe lmmenslLy of lLs power of
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

Sect|on 23.
(1) 1he Congress, by a vote of two-th|rds of both nouses |n [o|nt sess|on assemb|ed, vot|ng separate|y, sha|| have the so|e power to dec|are the
ex|stence of a state of war.
(2) In t|mes of war or other nat|ona| emergency, the Congress may, by |aw, author|ze the res|dent, for a ||m|ted per|od and sub[ect to such
restr|ct|ons as |t may prescr|be, to exerc|se powers necessary and proper to carry out a dec|ared nat|ona| po||cy. Un|ess sooner w|thdrawn by
reso|ut|on of the Congress, such powers sha|| cease upon the next ad[ournment thereof.

Sect|on 24.
A|| appropr|at|on, revenue or tar|ff b|||s, b|||s author|z|ng |ncrease of the pub||c debt, b|||s of |oca| app||cat|on, and pr|vate b|||s, sha|| or|g|nate
exc|us|ve|y |n the nouse of kepresentat|ves, but the Senate may propose or concur w|th amendments.

Sect|on 2S.
(1) 1he Congress may not |ncrease the appropr|at|ons recommended by the res|dent for the operat|on of the Government as spec|f|ed |n the budget.
1he form, content, and manner of preparat|on of the budget sha|| be prescr|bed by |aw.
(2) No prov|s|on or enactment sha|| be embraced |n the genera| appropr|at|ons b||| un|ess |t re|ates spec|f|ca||y to some part|cu|ar appropr|at|on
there|n. Any such prov|s|on or enactment sha|| be ||m|ted |n |ts operat|on to the appropr|at|on to wh|ch |t re|ates.
(3) 1he procedure |n approv|ng appropr|at|ons for the Congress sha|| str|ct|y fo||ow the procedure for approv|ng appropr|at|ons for other departments
and agenc|es.
(4) A spec|a| appropr|at|ons b||| sha|| spec|fy the purpose for wh|ch |t |s |ntended, and sha|| be supported by funds actua||y ava||ab|e as cert|f|ed by the
Nat|ona| 1reasurer, or to be ra|sed by a correspond|ng revenue proposa| there|n.
(S) No |aw sha|| be passed author|z|ng any transfer of appropr|at|ons, however, the res|dent, the res|dent of the Senate, the Speaker of the nouse
of kepresentat|ves, the Ch|ef Iust|ce of the Supreme Court, and the heads of Const|tut|ona| Comm|ss|ons may, by |aw, be author|zed to augment any
|tem |n the genera| appropr|at|ons |aw for the|r respect|ve off|ces from sav|ngs |n other |tems of the|r respect|ve appropr|at|ons.
(6) D|scret|onary funds appropr|ated for part|cu|ar off|c|a|s sha|| be d|sbursed on|y for pub||c purposes to be supported by appropr|ate vouchers and
sub[ect to such gu|de||nes as may be prescr|bed by |aw.
(7) If, by the end of any f|sca| year, the Congress sha|| have fa||ed to pass the genera| appropr|at|ons b||| for the ensu|ng f|sca| year, the genera|
appropr|at|ons |aw for the preced|ng f|sca| year sha|| be deemed re-enacted and sha|| rema|n |n force and effect unt|| the genera| appropr|at|ons b||| |s
passed by the Congress.

quesLlons ln
advance ls
Case lacLs lssues Peld 8aLlo/8ullng
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

Sect|on 26.
(1) Lvery b||| passed by the Congress sha|| embrace on|y one sub[ect wh|ch sha|| be expressed |n the t|t|e thereof.
(2) No b||| passed by e|ther nouse sha|| become a |aw un|ess |t has passed three read|ngs on separate days, and pr|nted cop|es thereof |n |ts f|na| form
have been d|str|buted to |ts Members three days before |ts passage, except when the res|dent cert|f|es to the necess|ty of |ts |mmed|ate enactment
to meet a pub||c ca|am|ty or emergency. Upon the |ast read|ng of a b|||, no amendment thereto sha|| be a||owed, and the vote thereon sha|| be taken
|mmed|ate|y thereafter, and the yeas and nays entered |n the Iourna|.
Carcla v. MaLa
63 SC8.A. 317 (1973)
onenLe: CasLro, !.

A peLlLlon for cerLlorarl Lo revlew Lhe
declslon of Lhe CourL of llrsL lnsLance
of C.C., 8ranch xl ln Clvll Case 1-
13466 declarlng paragraph 11 of Lhe
Speclal rovlslons for Lhe Armed
lorces of Lhe hlllpplnes" of k.A. No.
1600 unconsLlLuLlonal and Lhere
lnvalld and lnoperaLlve.
(l) WheLher or noL Lhe
provlslon ln quesLlon ls
a rlder wlLh no
relevance Lo any
approprlaLlon lLem
conLalned ln Lhe acL.
(l) !udgmenL of
Lhe lower courL
(l) 1he lncongrulLy and lrrelevancy are
already evldenL. Whlle k.A. No. 1600
appropralLed money for Lhe operaLlon
of Lhe CovernmenL for Lhe flscal year
1936-1937, Lhe sald paragraph 11
refers Lo Lhe fundamenLal
governmenLal pollcy maLLers of Lhe
calllng Lo acLlve duLy and Lhe reverslon
Lo lnacLlve sLaLus of reserve offlcers ln
Lhe Al.
uemeLrla v. Alba
148 SC8.A. 208 (1987)
onenLe: lernan, !.

eLlLlon for prohlblLlon wlLh paryer
for wrlL of prellmlnary ln[uncLlon.
eLlLloners assall Lhe consLlLuLlonallLy
of Lhe flrsL paragraph of Sect|on 44 of
.D. No.1177 oLherwlse known as
Lhe 8udgeL 8eform uecree of 1977".
(l) WheLher or noL
assalled secLlon ls ln
confllcL wlLh Sect|on
16(S) of Art|c|e VIII of
Lhe 1973 Const|tut|on.
(l) ConfllcL ls
percelvable as
Lhe decree
(l) Sect|on 44 of .D. No. 1177
empowers Lhe presldenL Lo
lndlscrlmlnaLely Lransfer funds from on
deparLmenL, bureau, offlce or agency of
Lhe LxecuLlve ueparLmenL Lo any
program, pro[ecL or acLlvlLy of any
deparLmenL bureau or offlce lncluded
ln Lhe Ceneral ApproprlaLlons AcL,
wlLhouL regard as Lo wheLher or noL Lhe
fund Lo be Lransferred are acLually
savlngs ln Lhe lLem from whlch Lhe
same are Lo be Laken. lL does noL only
compleLely dlsregard Lhe sLandards seL
ln Lhe fundamenLal law, Lhereby
amounLlng Lo an undue delegaLlon of
leglslaLlve powers, buL llkewlse goes
beyond Lhe Lenor Lhereof.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

Case lacLs lssues Peld 8aLlo/8ullng
1lo v. vldeogram
8egulaLory 8oard
131 SC8.A. 208 (1987)

onenLe: Melenclo-Perrera, !.

.D. No. 1987 (An AcL CreaLlng Lhe
vldeogram 8egulaLory 8oard)

november 3, 1983 ! .D. No. 1994
amended Lhe naLlonal lnLernal
8evenue Code.

(l) WheLher or noL
SecLlon 10 Lhereof,
whlch lmposes a Lax of
30 on Lhe gross
recelpLs payable Lo Lhe
local governmenL ls a
8luL8 and Lhe same ls
noL germane Lo Lhe
sub[ecL maLLer Lhereof,
Lhus maklng Lhe decree
(l) 1he peLlLlon ls
wlLhouL merlL
because Lhe
requlremenL as
Lo Lhe LlLle of Lhe
blll should noL be
so narrowly
consLrued as Lo
crlpple or
lmpede Lhe
power of
(l) 1he foregolng provlslon ls allled and
germane Lo, and ls reasonably
necessary for Lhe accompllshmenL of,
Lhe general ob[ecLs of Lhe decree whlch
ls Lhe regulaLlon of Lhe vldeo lndusLry
Lhrough Lhe vldeogram 8egulaLory
8oard. 1he Lax provlslon ls noL
lnconslsLenL wlLh, nor forelgn Lo LhaL
general sub[ecL and LlLle. 1he express
purpose of Lhe decree Lo lnclude
LaxaLlon of Lhe vldeo lndusLry ln order
Lo regulaLe and raLlonallze Lhe
hereLofore unconLrolled dlsLrlbuLlon of
vldeograms ls evldenL from reambles
2 and 3 (see p.234 for compleLe
preamble of decree).

hll. !udges
AssoclaLlon v. rado
C.8. no. 103371
november 11, 1993
onenLe: Cruz, !.

Sect|on 3S of k.A. No. 73S4 as
lmplemenLed by Lhe hlllpplne osLal
CorporaLlon Lhrough lLs C|rcu|ar No.
9228. 1hese measures wlLhdraw Lhe
franklng prlvllege from Lhe Supreme
CourL, Lhe CourL of Appeals, Lhe
8eglonal 1rlal CourLs, Lhe
MeLropollLan 1rlal CourLs, Lhe
Munlclpal 1rlal CourLs, and Lhe Land
8eglsLraLlon Commlsslon and lLs
8eglsLer of ueeds, along wlLh cerLaln
oLher governmenL offlces.
(l) WheLher or noL Lhe
law ls unconsLlLuLlonal
because lLs LlLle
embraces more Lhan
one sub[ecL and does
noL express lLs purpose.

(ll) WheLher or noL lL
vlolaLe Lhe consLlLuLlon
as lL dld noL pass Lhe
(l) 1he LlLle of Lhe
acL does noL
vlolaLe Lhe
because lLs
secLlons are
germane Lo Lhe

(ll) Whlle lL ls
Lrue LhaL a
(l) 1he LlLle of Lhe blll ls noL requlred Lo
be an lndex Lo Lhe body of Lhe acL, or Lo
be as comprehenslve as Lo cover every
slngle deLall of Lhe measure. lL has been
held LhaL lf Lhe LlLle falrly lndlcaLes Lhe
general sub[ecL, and reasonably covers
all Lhe provlslons of Lhe acL, and ls noL
calculaLed Lo mlslead Lhe leglslaLure of
Lhe people, Lhere ls sufflclenL
compllance wlLh Lhe consLlLuLlonal

(ll) A conference commlLLee may deal
generally wlLh Lhe sub[ecL maLLer or lL
may be llmlLed Lo resolvlng Lhe preclse
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
requlred readlngs ln
boLh houses of
Congress and prlnLed
coples of Lhe blll ln lLs
flnal form were noL
dlsLrlbuLed among Lhe
members before lLs

(lll) WheLher or noL lL ls
dlscrlmlnaLory and
encroaches on Lhe
lndependence of Lhe
commlLLee ls Lhe
mechanlsm for
beLween Lhe
SenaLe and Lhe
Pouse, lL ls noL
llmlLed ln lLs
[urlsdlcLlon Lo
Lhls quesLlon.

(lll) lL ls vlolaLlve
of Art|c|e3, Sec.1
of Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon on
accounL of Lhe
repeallng clause.
dlfferences beLween Lhe Lwo houses.
Lven where Lhe conference commlLLee
ls noL by rule llmlLed ln lLs [urlsdlcLlon,
leglslaLlve cusLom severely llmlLs Lhe
freedom wlLh whlch new sub[ecL
maLLer can be lnserLed lnLo Lhe
conference blll. 8uL occaslonally a
conference commlLLee produced
unexpecLed resulLs, resulLs beyond lLs
mandaLe. 1hese excurslons occur even
where Lhe rules lmpose sLrlcL
llmlLaLlons on conference commlLLee

(lll) 1he repeallng clause ls a
dlscrlmlnaLory provlslon LhaL denles Lhe
!udlclary Lhe equal proLecLlon of Lhe
laws guaranLeed for all persons or
Lhlngs slmllarly slLuaLed.
larlnas, eL al. v.
LxecuLlve SecreLary
C.8. no. 147387
uecember 10, 2003
See !"#*) under Art|c|e VI, Sect|on 7
1an v. uel 8osarlo
C.8. no. 109289
CcLober 3, 1994
onenLe: vlLug, !.

ln C.8. no. 109289, lL ls asserLed LhaL
Lhe enacLmenL of k.A. No. 7496
(Slmpllfled neL lncome 1axaLlon
Scheme for Lhe Self-Lmployed and
rofesslonals Lngaged ln Lhe pracLlce
of Lhelr rofesslon) vlolaLes Lhe
followlng provlslons of Lhe
(l) WheLher or noL Lhe
lmplemenLaLlon of sald
law vlolaLes Lhe
requlremenLs LhaL
LaxaLlon shall be
unlform and equlLable.
(l) 1he plea Lo
have Lhe law
falls because Lhe
concepL of equal
merely requlres
LhaL all sub[ecLs
or ob[ecLs of
(l) unlformlLy does noL forfend
classlflcaLlon as long as:
(1) 1he sLandards LhaL are used
Lherefore are subsLanLlal and noL
(2) 1he caLegorlzaLlon ls germane Lo
achleve Lhe leglslaLlve purpose.
(3) 1he law applles, all Lhlngs belng
equal, Lo boLh presenL and fuLure
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
(1) Art.VI, Sec.26(1)
(2) Art.VI, Sec.28(1)
(3) Art.III, Sec.1
LaxaLlon be
LreaLed allke
boLh ln prlvlleges
and llmlLaLlons.
(4) 1he classlflcaLlon applles equally
well Lo all Lhose belonglng Lo Lhe same
class. (epsl Cola v. ClLy of 8uLuan)
1olenLlno v. SecreLary
of llnance
C.8. no. 113433
AugusL 23, 1994

onenLe: Mendoza, !.

k.A. No. 7716 seeks Lo wlden Lhe
exlsLlng Lax base of Lhe exlsLlng vA1
sysLem and enhance lLs
admlnlsLraLlon by amendlng Lhe
naLlonal lnLernal 8evenue Code.

k.A. No. 7716 ls Lhe resulLs of
Conference CommlLLee 8lll enLlLled
An AC1 8LS18uC1u8lnC 1PL
vALuL-AuuLu 1Ax (vA1) S?S1LM,
WluLnlnC l1 1Ax 8ASL Anu
LnPAnClnC l1S AuMlnlS18.A.1lCn
Anu lC8 1PLSL u8CSLS
AMLnulnC Anu 8LLALlnC 1PL
8LLLvAn1 8CvlSlCnS Cl 1PL
nA1lCnAL ln1L8nAL 8LvLnuL
CCuL, AS AMLnuLu, Anu lC8
C1PL8 u8CSLS". 1hls resulLs from
Lhe consolldaLlon of Senate 8||| No.
1630 (submlLLed ln subsLlLuLlon of
S.8. 1129 Laklng lnLo conslderaLlon
.S. kes. No. 734 and n.8. No.1197)
and nouse 8||| no. 1197.
rocedural lssues:
(l) uoes k.A. No. 7716
vlolaLe Art.VI, Sec.4 of
Lhe Const|tut|on?

(ll) uoes S. No.1630
vlolaLe Art.VI, Sec.26(2)
of Lhe Const|tut|on
because lL dld noL pass
Lhree readlngs on
separaLe days?

rocedural lssues
(l) lL does noL
because Lhe
slmply means
LhaL Lhe lnlLlaLlve
for flllng
revenue, Larlff, or
Lax bllls, bllls
auLhorlzlng an
lncrease of Lhe
publlc debL musL
come from Lhe

(ll) 1he facL LhaL
and 3

readlngs were
done on Lhe
same day ls valld
because lL was
cerLlfled by Lhe
resldenL as
urgenL, and Lhe
SenaLe accepLed
rocedural lssues
(l) lL ls noL Lhe law lLself, buL Lhe
revenue blll whlch ls requlred by Lhe
Const|tut|on Lo orlglnaLe excluslvely
from Lhe Pouse of 8epresenLaLlves. 1o
lnslsL LhaL a revenue sLaLuLe and noL
only Lhe blll whlch lnlLlaLed Lhe
leglslaLlve process culmlnaLlng ln Lhe
enacLmenL of Lhe law musL
subsLanLlally be Lhe same as Lhe P.8.
would be Lo deny Lhe SenaLe's power
noL only Lo concur wlLh amendmenLs
buL also propose amendmenLs. nor
does Lhe Const|tut|on prohlblL Lhe flllng
ln Lhe SenaLe of a subsLlLuLe blll ln
anLlclpaLlon of lLs recelpL from Lhe
Pouse, so long as Lhe acLlon by Lhe
SenaLe as a body ls wlLhheld pendlng
recelpL of Lhe Pouse blll.

(ll) upon cerLlflcaLlon of Lhe blll by Lhe
resldenL, Lhe requlremenL of Lhree
readlngs on separaLe days and of
prlnLlng and dlsLrlbuLlon can be
dlspensed wlLh ls supporLed by Lhe
welghL of leglslaLlve pracLlce.

!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
1olenLlno v. SecreLary
of llnance
C.8. no. 113433
AugusL 23, 1994

onenLe: Mendoza, !.

k.A. No. 7716 seeks Lo wlden Lhe
exlsLlng Lax base of Lhe exlsLlng vA1
sysLem and enhance lLs
admlnlsLraLlon by amendlng Lhe
naLlonal lnLernal 8evenue Code.

k.A. No. 7716 ls Lhe resulLs of
Conference CommlLLee 8lll enLlLled
An AC1 8LS18uC1u8lnC 1PL
vALuL-AuuLu 1Ax (vA1) S?S1LM,
WluLnlnC l1 1Ax 8ASL Anu
LnPAnClnC l1S AuMlnlS18.A.1lCn
Anu lC8 1PLSL u8CSLS
AMLnulnC Anu 8LLALlnC 1PL
8LLLvAn1 8CvlSlCnS Cl 1PL
nA1lCnAL ln1L8nAL 8LvLnuL
CCuL, AS AMLnuLu, Anu lC8
C1PL8 u8CSLS". 1hls resulLs from
Lhe consolldaLlon of Senate 8||| No.
1630 (submlLLed ln subsLlLuLlon of
S.8. 1129 Laklng lnLo conslderaLlon
.S. kes. No. 734 and n.8. No.1197)
and nouse 8||| no. 1197.
rocedural lssues:
(l) uoes k.A. No. 7716
vlolaLe Art.VI, Sec.4 of
Lhe Const|tut|on?

(ll) uoes S. No.1630
vlolaLe Art.VI, Sec.26(2)
of Lhe Const|tut|on
because lL dld noL pass
Lhree readlngs on
separaLe days?

(lll) WhaL ls Lhe exLenL
of Lhe power of Lhe
8lcameral Conference

rocedural lssues
(l) lL does noL
because Lhe
slmply means
LhaL Lhe lnlLlaLlve
for flllng
revenue, Larlff, or
Lax bllls, bllls
auLhorlzlng an
lncrease of Lhe
publlc debL musL
come from Lhe

(ll) 1he facL LhaL
and 3

readlngs were
done on Lhe
same day ls valld
because lL was
cerLlfled by Lhe
resldenL as
urgenL, and Lhe
SenaLe accepLed
Lhe resldenL's

(lll) 1he
allegaLlon LhaL
Lhe lncluded
provlslons noL
found ln elLher
Lhe Pouse or
SenaLe blll were
rocedural lssues
(l) lL ls noL Lhe law lLself, buL Lhe
revenue blll whlch ls requlred by Lhe
Const|tut|on Lo orlglnaLe excluslvely
from Lhe Pouse of 8epresenLaLlves. 1o
lnslsL LhaL a revenue sLaLuLe and noL
only Lhe blll whlch lnlLlaLed Lhe
leglslaLlve process culmlnaLlng ln Lhe
enacLmenL of Lhe law musL
subsLanLlally be Lhe same as Lhe P.8.
would be Lo deny Lhe SenaLe's power
noL only Lo concur wlLh amendmenLs
buL also propose amendmenLs. nor
does Lhe Const|tut|on prohlblL Lhe flllng
ln Lhe SenaLe of a subsLlLuLe blll ln
anLlclpaLlon of lLs recelpL from Lhe
Pouse, so long as Lhe acLlon by Lhe
SenaLe as a body ls wlLhheld pendlng
recelpL of Lhe Pouse blll.

(ll) upon cerLlflcaLlon of Lhe blll by Lhe
resldenL, Lhe requlremenL of Lhree
readlngs on separaLe days and of
prlnLlng and dlsLrlbuLlon can be
dlspensed wlLh ls supporLed by Lhe
welghL of leglslaLlve pracLlce.

(lll) lL ls wlLhln Lhe power of a
conference commlLLee Lo lnclude lL lLs
reporL an enLlrely new provlslon LhaL ls
noL found elLher ln Lhe house blll or ln
Lhe SenaLe blll. lf Lhe commlLLee can
propose an amendmenL conslsLlng of
one or Lwo provlslons, Lhere ls no
reason why lL cannoL propose several

!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

Sect|on 27.
(1) Lvery b||| passed by the Congress sha||, before |t becomes a |aw, be presented to the res|dent. If he approves the same he sha|| s|gn |t, otherw|se,
he sha|| veto |t and return the same w|th h|s ob[ect|ons to the nouse where |t or|g|nated, wh|ch sha|| enter the ob[ect|ons at |arge |n |ts Iourna| and
proceed to recons|der |t. If, after such recons|derat|on, two-th|rds of a|| the Members of such nouse sha|| agree to pass the b|||, |t sha|| be sent,
together w|th the ob[ect|ons, to the other nouse by wh|ch |t sha|| ||kew|se be recons|dered, and |f approved by two-th|rds of a|| the Members of that
nouse, |t sha|| become a |aw. In a|| such cases, the votes of each nouse sha|| be determ|ned by yeas or nays, and the names of the Members vot|ng
for or aga|nst sha|| be entered |n |ts Iourna|. 1he res|dent sha|| commun|cate h|s veto of any b||| to the nouse where |t or|g|nated w|th|n th|rty days
after the date of rece|pt thereof, otherw|se, |t sha|| become a |aw as |f he had s|gned |t.
(2) 1he res|dent sha|| have the power to veto any part|cu|ar |tem or |tems |n an appropr|at|on, revenue, or tar|ff b|||, but the veto sha|| not affect the
|tem or |tems to wh|ch he does not ob[ect.

Case lacLs lssues Peld 8aLlo/8ullng
Commlssloner of
lnLernal 8evenue v.
CourL of 1ax Appeals
183 SC8.A. 329 (1990)

onenLe: Medlaldea, !.

Commlssloner of lnLernal 8evenue v.
Manlla PoLel CorporaLlon, eL al. (C.8.
no. 83230), Lhe Supreme CourL
overruled a declslon of Lhe CourL of
1ax Appeals whlch declared Lhe
collecLlon of caLerer's Lax under
Sect|on 191-A of k.A. No. 6110 lllegal
because Sect|on 42 of n.8. No. 17839
whlch carrles LhaL provlso was
veLoed by Lhen resldenL Marcos,
and Lhe congress dld noL Lake sLeps
Lo overrlde Lhe veLo.

C1A argues LhaL Lhe resldenL has no
power Lo veLo parL of an lLem ln a
blll, elLher he veLoes an enLlre
secLlon or approves lL buL noL a
fracLlon Lhereof.
(l) WheLher Lhe
presldenLlal veLo
referred Lo Lhe enLlre
secLlon or merely Lo Lhe
lmposlLlon of 20 Lax
on gross recelpLs of
operaLors or proprleLors
of resLauranLs,
refreshmenLs, parlors,
bars and oLher eaLlng
places whlch are
malnLalned wlLhln Lhe
premlses or compound
of a hoLel, moLel or

(l) 1he
presldenLlal veLo
only referred Lo
hoLels, moLels,
and resLhouses"
ln Lhe 20
caLerer's Lax
brackeL, buL noL
Lo Lhe whole
(l) 1o consLrue Lhe word lLem" as
referrlng Lo Lhe whole secLlon would Lle
Lhe resldenL's hand ln chooslng elLher
Lo approve Lhe whole secLlon aL Lhe
expense of also approvlng a provlslon
Lhereln whlch he deems unaccepLable
or veLo Lhe enLlre secLlon aL Lhe espsen
of foregolng Lhe collecLlon of Lhe klnd
of Lax alLogeLher.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

Manlla Colf and CounLry Club lnc.,
clalms lL should have been exempL
from paymenL of prlvllege Laxes were
lL noL for Lhe lasL paragraph of
Sect|on 191-A of k.A. No. 6110.

eLlLloner denled Lhe club's proLesL
malnLalnlng LhaL Sect|on 42 was noL
enLlrely veLoed buL merely Lhe words
hoLels, moLels, resLhouses" on Lhe
ground LhaL lL mlghL resLraln
developmenL of hoLels whlch ls
essenLlal Lo Lhe Lourlsm lndusLry.
Conzales v. Macaralg
C.8. no. 87636
november 19, 1990
onenLe: Melenclo-Perrera, !.

uecember 16, 1988 ! Congress
passed nouse 8||| No. 19186 or Lhe
Ceneral AppropraLlons 8lll for Lhe
llscal ?ear of 1989.

uecember 29, 1988 ! resldenL
slgned Lhe blll lnLo law (k.A. No.
6688). Seven (7) Speclal rovlslons
and Sect|on SS a Ceneral rovlslon"
were veLoed.

A subsLanLlally slmllar provlslon as
Lhe veLoed Sect|on SS appears ln Lhe
ApproprlaLlons AcL of 1990,
parLlcularly Sect|on 16.
(l) WheLher or noL Lhe
veLo by Lhe resldenL of
Sect|on SS of Lhe 1989
Appropr|at|ons 8|||
(Sect|on SS I'89) and
subsequenLly of lLs
counLerparL Sect|on 16
of Lhe 1990
Appropr|at|ons 8|||
(Sect|on 16 I'90) ls
unconsLlLuLlonal and
wlLhouL effecL

(l) 1he veLo ls
upheld because
Lhe secLlons are
consldered as
$&,=0 and noL
some >,.,?"#
@?)A$0$). )* #"B,
whlch ls wlLhln
Lhe veLo power
of Lhe resldenL
under Art|c|e VI,
Sect|on 27 of Lhe

(l) lLem" ln a blll refers Lo Lhe
parLlculars Lhe deLalls, Lhe dlsLlncL and
severable parLs of Lhe blll.
> 1he resLrlcLlve lnLerpreLaLlon urged
by peLlLloners LhaL Lhe resldenL may
noL veLo a #*/D-A-/' wlLhouL veLolng
Lhe enLlre blll noL only dlsregards Lhe
baslc prlnclple LhaL a dlsLlncL and
severable parL of a blll may be sub[ecL
of a separaLe veLo buL also overlooks
Lhe ConsLlLuLlonal mandaLe LhaL any
#*/D-A-/' ln Lhe general approprlaLlons
blll shall relaLe speclflcally Lo some
parLlcular approprlaLlon Lhereln.
> Sect|on SS I'89 and Sect|on 16 I'90
are noL @?)A$0$).0 ln Lhe budgeLary
sense of Lhe Lerm, as lnferred from
Sect|on 2S(2) of 1987 Const|tut|on: 1he
provlslon should relaLe speclflcally Lo
some parLlcular approprlaLlon Lhereln.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

(ll) WheLher or noL Lhe
exerclse of Lhe veLo
power by Lhe resldenL
parLakes of Lhe naLure
of leglslaLlve powers

(ll) 1he exerclse
of veLo power by
Lhe resldenL
was noL ln Lhe
naLure of
powers as Lhere
are consLlLuLlonal
laws LhaL allow
for Lhe
from savlngs.
(1) 1he veLoed provlslons do noL relaLe
Lo any parLlcular or dlsLlncLlve
approprlaLlon, Lhey apply Lo generally
all Lhe lLems.
(2) 1he dlsapproved or reduced lLems
are nowhere Lo be found on Lhe facL of
Lhe 8lll.
(3) 1he veLoed SecLlons are more of an
expresslon of Lhe Congresslonal pollcy
ln respecL of augmenLaLlon from
savlngs raLher Lhan a budgeLary

(ll) 1here ls a rule LhaL Lhe LxecuLlve ls
noL allowed Lo veLo a condlLlon or
provlso of an approprlaLlon whlle
allowlng Lhe approprlaLlon lLself Lo
sLand. Powever, for Lhe rule Lo apply,
resLrlcLlons should be such ln Lhe real
sense of Lhe Lerm, noL some maLLers
whlch are more properly dealL wlLh ln a
separaLe leglslaLlon. Sect|on SS I'89
and Sect|on 16 I'90 parLake more of a
curLallmenL on Lhe power Lo augmenL
from savlngs.
> 1he power Lo augmenL from savlngs
lles dormanL unLll auLhorlzed by law
(Art|c|e VI Sect|on 2S(S)), and lL has
been so auLhorlzed by law Lhrough
Sect|on 12 of Lhe Genera|
Appropr|at|ons Act of 1989.
> 1he docLrlne of separaLlon of powers
ls noL way endangered because Lhe
Lransfer ls made wlLhln a deparLmenL
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

Sect|on 28.
(1) 1he ru|e of taxat|on sha|| be un|form and equ|tab|e. 1he Congress sha|| evo|ve a progress|ve system of taxat|on.
(2) 1he Congress may, by |aw, author|ze the res|dent to f|x w|th|n spec|f|ed ||m|ts, and sub[ect to such ||m|tat|ons and restr|ct|ons as |t may |mpose,
tar|ff rates, |mport and export quotas, tonnage and wharfage dues, and other dut|es or |mposts w|th|n the framework of the nat|ona| deve|opment
program of the Government.
(3) Char|tab|e |nst|tut|ons, churches and personages or convents appurtenant thereto, mosques, non-prof|t cemeter|es, and a|| |ands, bu||d|ngs, and
|mprovements, actua||y, d|rect|y, and exc|us|ve|y used for re||g|ous, char|tab|e, or educat|ona| purposes sha|| be exempt from taxat|on.
(4) No |aw grant|ng any tax exempt|on sha|| be passed w|thout the concurrence of a ma[or|ty of a|| the Members of the Congress.

Conzales v. Macaralg
C.8. no. 87636
november 19, 1990
onenLe: Melenclo-Perrera, !.

uecember 16, 1988 ! Congress
passed nouse 8||| No. 19186 or Lhe
Ceneral AppropraLlons 8lll for Lhe
llscal ?ear of 1989.

uecember 29, 1988 ! resldenL
slgned Lhe blll lnLo law (k.A. No.
6688). Seven (7) Speclal rovlslons
and Sect|on SS a Ceneral rovlslon"
were veLoed.

A subsLanLlally slmllar provlslon as
Lhe veLoed Sect|on SS appears ln Lhe
ApproprlaLlons AcL of 1990,
parLlcularly Sect|on 16.
(l) WheLher or noL Lhe
veLo by Lhe resldenL of
Sect|on SS of Lhe 1989
Appropr|at|ons 8|||
(Sect|on SS I'89) and
subsequenLly of lLs
counLerparL Sect|on 16
of Lhe 1990
Appropr|at|ons 8|||
(Sect|on 16 I'90) ls
unconsLlLuLlonal and
wlLhouL effecL

(ll) WheLher or noL Lhe
exerclse of Lhe veLo
power by Lhe resldenL
parLakes of Lhe naLure
of leglslaLlve powers
(l) 1he veLo ls
upheld because
Lhe secLlons are
consldered as
$&,=0 and noL
some >,.,?"#
@?)A$0$). )* #"B,
whlch ls wlLhln
Lhe veLo power
of Lhe resldenL
under Art|c|e VI,
Sect|on 27 of Lhe

(ll) 1he exerclse
of veLo power by
Lhe resldenL
was noL ln Lhe
naLure of
powers as Lhere
are consLlLuLlonal
(l) lLem" ln a blll refers Lo Lhe
parLlculars Lhe deLalls, Lhe dlsLlncL and
severable parLs of Lhe blll.
> 1he resLrlcLlve lnLerpreLaLlon urged
by peLlLloners LhaL Lhe resldenL may
noL veLo a #*/D-A-/' wlLhouL veLolng
Lhe enLlre blll noL only dlsregards Lhe
baslc prlnclple LhaL a dlsLlncL and
severable parL of a blll may be sub[ecL
of a separaLe veLo buL also overlooks
Lhe ConsLlLuLlonal mandaLe LhaL any
#*/D-A-/' ln Lhe general approprlaLlons
blll shall relaLe speclflcally Lo some
parLlcular approprlaLlon Lhereln.
> Sect|on SS I'89 and Sect|on 16 I'90
are noL @?)A$0$).0 ln Lhe budgeLary
sense of Lhe Lerm, as lnferred from
Sect|on 2S(2) of 1987 Const|tut|on: 1he
provlslon should relaLe speclflcally Lo
some parLlcular approprlaLlon Lhereln.
(1) 1he veLoed provlslons do noL relaLe
Lo any parLlcular or dlsLlncLlve
approprlaLlon, Lhey apply Lo generally
all Lhe lLems.
(2) 1he dlsapproved or reduced lLems
are nowhere Lo be found on Lhe facL of
Lhe 8lll.
(3) 1he veLoed SecLlons are more of an
expresslon of Lhe Congresslonal pollcy
ln respecL of augmenLaLlon from
savlngs raLher Lhan a budgeLary

(ll) 1here ls a rule LhaL Lhe LxecuLlve ls
noL allowed Lo veLo a condlLlon or
provlso of an approprlaLlon whlle
allowlng Lhe approprlaLlon lLself Lo
sLand. Powever, for Lhe rule Lo apply,
resLrlcLlons should be such ln Lhe real
sense of Lhe Lerm, noL some maLLers
whlch are more properly dealL wlLh ln a

Case lacLs lssues Peld 8aLlo/8ullng
Cerochl v. ueparLmenL
of Lnergy
C.8. no. 139796
!uly 17, 2007

onenLe: nachura, !.

eLlLloners come before courL Lo
praylng for Sect|on 34 of k.A. 9136
oLherwlse known as Lhe LlecLrlc
ower lndusLry 8eform AcL of 2001"
(Ll8.A.) lmposlng Lhe unlversal
Charge (uC) and ku|e 18 of Lhe 8ules
and 8egulaLlons (l88) Lo be declared

lL ls assalled Lo be unconsLlLuLlonal
on Lhe followlng grounds:
1. 1he uC ls a Lax. 1he power Lo
Lax ls sLrlcLly a leglslaLlve
funcLlon. 1he assalled
provlslon clearly provldes
LhaL Lhe uC ls Lo be
(l) WheLher or noL Lhe
uC lmposed under
Sect|on 34 of Lhe
Ll8.A. ls a Lax.
(l) no, because
Lhe Lax ls merely
lncldenLal of Lhe
sLaLe's exerclse
of pollce power
ln regulaLlng
elecLrlclLy Lo
ensure Lhe
vlablllLy of Lhe
counLry's elecLrlc
power lndusLry.
(l) 1axaLlon ower v. ollce ower
> 1he Lheory behlnd LaxaLlon power
emanaLes from Lhe necesslLy Lo help
Lhe governmenL fulflll lLs mandaLe of
promoLlng Lhe general welfare and
well-belng of Lhe people.
> ollce ower ls Lhe power of Lhe sLaLe
Lo promoLe publlc welfare by
resLralnlng and regulaLlng Lhe use of
llberLy and properLy. 1he power Lo
regulaLe means Lhe power Lo proLecL,
fosLer, promoLe, preserve and conLrol
wlLh due regard for Lhe lnLeresLs, flrsL
and foremosL of Lhe publlc, Lhen of Lhe
uLlllLy and of lLs paLrons.
> lf Lhe generaLlon of revenue ls Lhe
prlmary purpose and regulaLlon ls
merely lncldenLal, lL ls a Lax. 8u1 lf
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
deLermlned, flxed and
approved by Lhe Lnergy
8egulaLory 8oard (L8C),
hence leavlng Lo Lhe laLLer
compleLe dlscreLlonary
leglslaLlve auLhorlLy.
2. 1he L8C ls also empowered
Lo approve and deLermlne
where Lhe funds collecLed
should be used.
3. 1he lmposlLlon of Lhe uC on
all end-users ls oppresslve
and conflscaLory and
amounLs Lo LaxaLlon wlLhouL
represenLaLlon as Lhe
consumers were noL glven a
chance Lo be heard and
regulaLlon lf Lhe prlmary purposes, Lhe
facL LhaL revenue ls lncldenLally ralsed
does noL make Lhe lmposlLlon a Lax.
Carcla v. LxecuLlve
C.8. no. 101273
!uly 3, 1992
onenLe: lellclano, !.

november 27, 1990 ! L.C. No. 438
whlch lmposed an addlLlonal duLy of
3 on all lmporLed arLlcles (e.g.
crude oll and oLher oll producLs).

!anuary 3, 1991 ! L.C. No. 443
lncreased duLy from 3 Lo 9.

AugusL 13, 1991 ! L.C. No. 47S
reduced raLe of addlLlonal duLy from
9 Lo 3 excepL ln cases of crude oll
and oLher oll producLs whlch
conLlnued Lo be sub[ecL Lo addlLlonal
duLy of 9.
(l) WheLher or noL L.C.
Nos. 47S and 478 are
vlolaLlve of Sect|on 24,
Art|c|e VI of Lhe 1987
(l) 1he
enacLmenL of
revenue and
Larlff bllls are
funcLlons, buL lL
doesn'L mean
LhaL Lhe LCs ln
quesLlon are
and prohlblLed.
(l) Sect|on 28(2) of Lhe 1987
Const|tut|on provldes consLlLuLlonal
permlsslon Lo Congress Lo auLhorlze Lhe
resldenL sub[ecL Lo such llmlLaLlons
and resLrlcLlons as [Congress] may
lmpose" Lo flx wlLhln speclflc llmlLs
Larlff raLes.and oLher duLles or
> resldenL lnvoked Sect|ons 104 and
401 of Lhe 1ar|ff and Customs Code of
the h|||pp|nes ln promulgaLlng Lhe LC
ln quesLlon.
> 1here ls noLhlng ln Lhe Code LhaL
suggesLs LhaL Lhe resldenL ls llmlLed Lo
acL under Lhe Code only when
proLecLlng local lndusLrles. 1he levylng
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

AugusL 16, 1991 ! upon compleLlon
of publlc hearlngs, 1he 1arlff
Commlsslon submlLLed Lo Lhe
resldenL a 8eporL on speclal duLy
on Crude Cll and Cll roducLs".

AugusL 23, 1991 ! L.C. No. 478
added (besldes Lhe 9 duLy) a duLy
of 0.93/llLer or 131.03/barrel of
lmporLed crude oll and 1.00/llLer of
lmporLed oll producLs.

eLlLlon for CerLlorarl, rohlblLlon
and Mandamus were made
of cusLoms duLles on lmporLed goods
may have ln some measure Lhe effecL
of proLecLlng local lndusLrles.
> Sect|on 401 of Lhe 1ar|ff and Customs
Code esLabllshes general sLandards
wlLh whlch Lhe exerclse of auLhorlLy
delegaLed by LhaL provlslon Lo Lhe
resldenL musL be conslsLenL: lL musL
be exerclsed ln Lhe lnLeresL of naLlonal
economy, general welfare and/or
naLlonal securlLy. 1he proLecLlon of
consumers ls parL of Lhe provlslon.
SysLems lus CompuLer
College v. Caloocan
C.8. no. 146382
AugusL 7, 2003
SCC ls a non-sLock and non-proflL
educaLlonal lnsLlLuLlon organlzed,
and as such en[oys properLy Lax
exempLlon from LCu on lLs bulldlngs,
buL noL Lhe parcel of land whlch lL
renLs for 3,000/monLh from lLs
slsLer companles ConsolldaLed
Assembly lnc. (CAl) and alr
ManagemenL and uevelopmenL
CorporaLlon (MuC).

!anuary 8, 1998 ! SCC requesLed
Lhe ClLy of Caloocan, Lhrough
MamerLo Manahan (ClLy Assessor
and AdmlnlsLraLor) Lo exLend Lax
exempLlon slnce lL was acLually,
dlrecLly and excluslvely used for
educaLlonal purposes pursuanL Lo
Art|c|e VI, Sect|on 28(3) of the 1987
(l) eLlLlon for cerLlorarl
lmpuLlng grave abuse of
dlscreLlon on Lhe parLy
of Lhe Lrlal courL when
lL ruled:
(1) Mandamus does noL
lle agalnsL Lhe publlc
(2) 1haL peLlLloner
falled Lo exhausL
avallable admlnlsLraLlve

(l) eLlLlon for
ulSMlSSLu as
peLlLloner ls
Laklng an
(l) Mandamus ls deflned as a wrlL
commandlng a Lrlbunal, corporaLlon,
board or person Lo do Lhe acL requlred
Lo be done when lL or he unlawfully
neglecLs Lhe performance of an acL
whlch Lhe law speclflcally en[olns as a
duLy resulLlng from an offlce, LrusL or
sLaLlon, or unlawfully excludes anoLher
from Lhe use and en[oymenL of a rlghL
or offlce or whlch such oLher ls enLlLled,
Lhere belng no oLher plaln, speedy, and
adequaLe remedy ln Lhe ordlnary
course of law. Where admlnlsLraLlve
remedles are avallable, a peLlLlon for
mandamus does noL lle.
> under Sect|on 226 of k.A. 7160, Lhe
remedy of appeal Lo Lhe local 8oard of
AssessmenL appeals ls avallable from an
adverse rullng or acLlon of Lhe
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

lebruary 3, 1998 ! SCC's requesL
was denled on Lhe ground LhaL Lhe
land was owned by CAl and MuC
whlch derlved lncome Lhrough Lhe
renLs pald by SCC.

lebruary 13, 1999 ! CAl and MuC
enLered lnLo separaLe agreemenLs
wlLh SCC whlch converLed Lhe land
lnLo donaLlons.

lebruary 19, 1999 ! SCC seeks
reconslderaLlon lnformlng Lhe ClLy
Assessor of Lhe new agreemenLs.

!uly 21, 1999 ! AppllcaLlon for Lax
exempLlon denled because:
(1) SCC ls an agency for CAl and
MuC Lo evade paymenL of 8eal
roperLy 1ax.
(2) CranL of exempLlon resLs on Lhe
Lheory LhaL Lhe exempLlon wlll
beneflL Lhe body of people, noL [usL
one lndlvldual or corporaLe enLlLy.
(3) 1here ls noL showlng LhaL land are
acLually, dlrecLly, and excluslvely
used elLher for rellglous, charlLable,
or educaLlonal purposes.

eLlLloner flled a peLlLlon for
mandamus wlLh Lhe 81C of Caloocan
ClLy, buL lL was dlsmlssed for belng
provlnclal, clLy or munlclpal assessor ln
Lhe assessmenL of properLy.
> Mandamus does noL lle agalnsL Lhe
respondenL ClLy Assessor ln Lhe
exerclse of hls funcLlon of assesslng
properLles for LaxaLlon purposes.
Mandamus may noL be avalled of Lo
dlrecL Lhe exerclse of [udgmenL or
dlscreLlon ln a parLlcular way, or Lo
reLracL or reverse an acLlon already
Laken ln Lhe exerclse of elLher.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
CenLral Mlndanao
unlverslLy (CMu) v.
ueparLmenL of
Agrarlan 8eform
C.8. no. 100091
CcLober 22, 1992

:)&,C 6D$0 -"0, $0 "%%,% 0$=@#'
E,-"F0, )* $&0 $.&,?@?,&"&$). )* &D,
=,".$.> )* G%$?,-&#'H "-&F"##'H ".%

onenLe: Campos, !r., !.

1hls ls a peLlLlon for 8evlew on
CerLlorarl under ku|e 6S of Lhe 8ules
of CourL Lo nulllfy Lhe proceedlngs
and declslons of Lhe ueparLmenL of
Agrarlan 8eform Ad[udlcaLlon 8oard
(uA8.A.8), and Lo seL aslde Lhe
declslon of Lhe CourL of Appeals
[afflrmlng uA8.A.8's declslon] whlch
ordered Lhe segragaLlon of 400
hecLares of sulLable, compacL and
conLlguous porLlons of CMu land for
dlsLrlbuLlon Lo quallfled beneflclarles
of Lhe Comprehenslve Agrarlan
8eform orgram (CA8) on Lhe
ground of lack of [urlsdlcLlon.

1he quesLloned declslon ls hlnged on
Lhe alleged facL LhaL CMu land ls noL
dlrecLly, acLually and excluslvely used
for school slLes, because Lhe same
was leased Lo hlllpplne acklng
CorporaLlon (no uel MonLe
hlllpplnes)". ln addlLlon, Lhere ls noL
deflnlLe and concreLe showlng LhaL
sald lands are essenLlally
lndlspensable for educaLlonal
(l) WheLher or noL CMu
land ls excluslvely used
and lndlspensable Lo
educaLlonal purposes
and Lhus covered by
(l) no, because
CMu ls a school
esLabllshed Lo
agrlculLure and
lndusLry. 1he
need for a vasL
LracL of
agrlculLural land
for fuLure
programs of
expanslon ls
(l) resldenL Carcla lssued roclamaLlon
no. 476, wlLhdrawlng from sale or
seLLlemenL and reservlng for Mlndanao
AgrlculLural College (forerunner of Lhe
CMu) a land reservaLlon of 3,080
hecLares as lLs fuLure campus. lL was seL
up ln 8ukldnon, ln Lhe hlnLerlands of
Mlndanao ln order LhaL lL can have
enough resources and wlde open
spaces Lo grow as an agrlculLural
educaLlonal lnsLlLuLlon, Lo develop and
Lraln fuLure farmers of Mlndanao and
help aLLracL seLLlers Lo LhaL parL of Lhe
> As Lo deLermlnaLlon of when and
whaL lands are found Lo be necessary
for use by Lhe CMu, Lhe school ls ln Lhe
besL poslLlon Lo resolve and answer Lhe
quesLlon. nelLher Lhe uA88 nor Lhe
CourL of Appeals has Lhe rlghL Lo
subsLlLuLe lLs [udgmenL or dlscreLlon on
Lhls maLLer, unless Lhe evldenLlary facLs
are so manlfesL as Lo show LhaL Lhe
CMu has no real need for Lhe land.
> lL ls exempL from coverage under
Sect|on 10 of k.A. No. 66S7 because
Lhe lands are acLually, dlrecLly and
excluslvely used and found Lo be
necessary for school slLe and campus,
lncludlng experlmenLal farm sLaLlons
for educaLlonal purposes, and for
esLabllshlng seed and seedllng research
and plloL producLlon cenLers.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
CenLral Mlndanao
unlverslLy (CMu) v.
ueparLmenL of
Agrarlan 8eform
C.8. no. 100091
CcLober 22, 1992

:)&,C 6D$0 -"0, $0 "%%,% 0$=@#'
E,-"F0, )* $&0 $.&,?@?,&"&$). )* &D,
=,".$.> )* G%$?,-&#'H "-&F"##'H ".%

onenLe: Campos, !r., !.

1hls ls a peLlLlon for 8evlew on
CerLlorarl under ku|e 6S of Lhe 8ules
of CourL Lo nulllfy Lhe proceedlngs
and declslons of Lhe ueparLmenL of
Agrarlan 8eform Ad[udlcaLlon 8oard
(uA8.A.8), and Lo seL aslde Lhe
declslon of Lhe CourL of Appeals
[afflrmlng uA8.A.8's declslon] whlch
ordered Lhe segragaLlon of 400
hecLares of sulLable, compacL and
conLlguous porLlons of CMu land for
dlsLrlbuLlon Lo quallfled beneflclarles
of Lhe Comprehenslve Agrarlan
8eform orgram (CA8) on Lhe
ground of lack of [urlsdlcLlon.

1he quesLloned declslon ls hlnged on
Lhe alleged facL LhaL CMu land ls noL
dlrecLly, acLually and excluslvely used
for school slLes, because Lhe same
was leased Lo hlllpplne acklng
CorporaLlon (no uel MonLe
hlllpplnes)". ln addlLlon, Lhere ls noL
deflnlLe and concreLe showlng LhaL
sald lands are essenLlally
lndlspensable for educaLlonal
(l) WheLher or noL CMu
land ls excluslvely used
and lndlspensable Lo
educaLlonal purposes
and Lhus covered by
(l) no, because
CMu ls a school
esLabllshed Lo
agrlculLure and
lndusLry. 1he
need for a vasL
LracL of
agrlculLural land
for fuLure
programs of
expanslon ls
(l) resldenL Carcla lssued roclamaLlon
no. 476, wlLhdrawlng from sale or
seLLlemenL and reservlng for Mlndanao
AgrlculLural College (forerunner of Lhe
CMu) a land reservaLlon of 3,080
hecLares as lLs fuLure campus. lL was seL
up ln 8ukldnon, ln Lhe hlnLerlands of
Mlndanao ln order LhaL lL can have
enough resources and wlde open
spaces Lo grow as an agrlculLural
educaLlonal lnsLlLuLlon, Lo develop and
Lraln fuLure farmers of Mlndanao and
help aLLracL seLLlers Lo LhaL parL of Lhe
> As Lo deLermlnaLlon of when and
whaL lands are found Lo be necessary
for use by Lhe CMu, Lhe school ls ln Lhe
besL poslLlon Lo resolve and answer Lhe
quesLlon. nelLher Lhe uA88 nor Lhe
CourL of Appeals has Lhe rlghL Lo
subsLlLuLe lLs [udgmenL or dlscreLlon on
Lhls maLLer, unless Lhe evldenLlary facLs
are so manlfesL as Lo show LhaL Lhe
CMu has no real need for Lhe land.
> lL ls exempL from coverage under
Sect|on 10 of k.A. No. 66S7 because
Lhe lands are acLually, dlrecLly and
excluslvely used and found Lo be
necessary for school slLe and campus,
lncludlng experlmenLal farm sLaLlons
for educaLlonal purposes, and for
esLabllshlng seed and seedllng research
and plloL producLlon cenLers.
Commlssloner of 8l8 v.
CourL of Appeals
C.8. no. 124043
CcLober 14, 1998
onenLe: anganlban, !.

?oung Men's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of
Lhe hlllpplnes, lnc. (?MCA) ls a non-
sLock, non-proflL lnsLlLuLlon whlch
conducLs varlous programs ln
pursuanL Lo lLs rellglous, educaLlonal
(l) ls Lhe lncome derlved
from renLals of real
properLy owned by Lhe
?MCA sub[ecL Lo
lncome Lax under Lhe
naLlonal lnLernal
8evenue Code (nl8C)
(l) ?es, because
Lhe sald
exempLlon only
refers Lo
properLy Laxes
real esLaLe such
as lands,
(l) Art|c|e VI, Sect|on 28 of par. 3 of the
1987 Const|tut|on exempLs charlLable
lnsLlLuLlons from Lhe paymenL noL only
of properLy Laxes buL also of lncome Lax
from any source. Accordlng Lo !usLlce
Pllarlo uavlde, !r., ... whaL ls exempLed
ls noL Lhe lnsLlLuLlon lLself." lr. 8ernas
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Commlssloner of
lnLernal 8evenue v.
C.8. no. 119232
AugusL 18, 1997
onenLe: Permoslslma, !r., !.

1he Lrlal [udge declared a law
lnoperaLlve and wlLhouL force on
accounL of lL's allegedly oppresslve
and conflscaLory naLure of Lhe
[ewelry secLor.
(l) WheLher or noL
8eglonal 1rlal CourLs'
can declare a law
lnoperaLlve and wlLhouL
force and effecL or
unconsLlLuLlonal. lf lL
can, under whaL

(l) no. (l) 1he Lrlal [udge declared Lhe laws Lo
be lnoperaLlve and wlLhouL force and
effecL lnsofar as Lhe prlvaLe
respondenLs are concerned. 8uL,
respondenL [udge, ln Lhe body of hls
declslon, unequlvocally buL wrongly
declared Lhe sald provlslons of law Lo
be vlolaLlve of Sect|on 1, Art|c|e III of
Lhe Const|tut|on.
> ln advocaLlng Lhe abollLlon of local Lax
and duLy on [ewelry slmply because
oLher counLrles have adopLed such
pollcles, Lhe respondenL [udge
overlooked Lhe facL LhaL such maLLers
are noL for hlm Lo declde.
!ohn Pay eoples
AlLernaLlve CoallLlon v.
vlcLor Llm
C.8. no. 119773
CcLober 24, 2003
onenLe: Carplo-Morales, !.

eLlLlon for prohlblLlon and
mandamus and declaraLory rellef
wlLh prayer for a Lemporary
reLralnlng order (18C) and/or wrlL of
prellmlnary ln[ucLlon, peLlLloners
assall, ln Lhe maln, Lhe
consLlLuLlonallLy of res|dent|a|
roc|amat|on No. 420, Serles of 1994
C8LA1lnC Anu uLSlCnA1lnC A
C81lCn Cl 1PL A8LA CCvL8u 8?
1PL lC8ML8 CAM !CPn [PA?] AS
ZCnL u8SuAn1 1C kLU8LIC AC1
NC. 7227."

March 13, 1992 ! k.A. 7227
oLherwlse known as Lhe 8ases
(l) WheLher or noL
roc|amat|on No. 420 ls
consLlLuLlonal by
provldlng for naLlonal
and local Lax exempLlon
wlLhln and granLlng
oLher economlc
lncenLlves Lo Lhe !ohn
Pay Speclal Lconomlc
Zone, and

(l) 1he granL of
Lax exempLlon ls
vold and vlolaLlve
of Lhe

(l) lL ls clear LhaL under Sect|on 12 of
k.A. No. 7227 lL ls only Lhe Sublc SLZ
whlch was granLed by Congress wlLh Lax
exempLlon, lnvesLmenL lncenLlves and
Lhe llke. 1here ls no express exLenslon
of Lhe aforesald beneflLs Lo oLher SLZs
sLlll Lo be creaLed aL Lhe Llme vla
presldenLlal proclamaLlon.
> 1he lncenLlves under k.A. No. 7227
are excluslve only Lo Lhe Sublc SLZ,
hence, Lhe exLenslon of Lhe same Lo Lhe
!ohn Pay SLZ flnds no supporL Lhereln.
nelLher does Lhe same granL of
prlvlleges Lo Lhe !ohn Pay SLZ flnd
supporL ln Lhe oLher laws speclfled
under Sect|on 3 of roc|amat|on No.
420, whlch laws were already exLanL
before Lhe lssuance of Lhe proclamaLlon
or Lhe enacLmenL of k.A. No. 7227.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

Sect|on 29.
(1) No money sha|| be pa|d out of the 1reasury except |n pursuance of an appropr|at|on made by |aw.
Converslon and uevelopmenL AcL of
1992 seL ouL Lhe pollclLy Lo
acceleraLe Lhe sound and balanced
converslons lnLo alLernaLlve
producLlve uses of Lhe former
mlllLary bases. lL creaLed Lhe 8ases
Converslon and uevelopmenL
AuLhorlLy (8CuA), vesLlng lL wlLh
powers perLalnlng Lo Lhe mulLlfarlous
aspecLs of carrylng ouL Lhe ulLlmaLe
ob[ecLlve of uLlllzlng Lhe base areas ln
accordance wlLh Lhe declared
governmenL pollcy.

(ll) WheLher or noL
roc|amat|on No. 420 ls
consLlLuLlonal for
llmlLlng or lnLerferlng
wlLh Lhe local auLonomy
of 8agulo ClLy.

(ll) no, because
under k.A. 7227,
Lhe 8CuA ls glven
Lhe power and
purposes Lo fulflll
lLs mandaLe.
> 1he challenged granL of Lax
exempLlon would clrcumvenL Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon's lmposlLlon LhaL a law
granLlng any Lax exempLlon musL have
Lhe concurrence of a ma[orlLy of all Lhe
members of Congress. ln Lhe same veln,
Lhe oLher klnds of prlvlleges exLended
Lo Lhe !ohn !ay SLZ are by LradlLlon and
usage for Congress Lo leglslaLe upon.

(ll) WlLh such broad rlghLs of ownershlp
and admlnlsLraLlon vesLed ln 8CuA over
Camp !ohn Pay, 8CuA vlrLually has
conLrol over lL, sub[ecL Lo cerLaln
llmlLaLlons provlded for by Lhe law. 8y
deslgnaLlng 8CuA as Lhe governlng
agency of Lhe !ohn Pay SLZ, Lhe law
merely emphaslzes or relLeraLes Lhe
sLaLuLory role or funcLlons lL has been
> 1he dellneaLlon and declaraLlon of a
porLlon of Lhe area covered by Camp
!ohn Pay as a SLZ was well wlLhln Lhe
powers of Lhe resldenL Lo do so by
means of a proclamaLlon. 1he requlslLe
prlor concurrence by Lhe 8agulo ClLy
governmenL Lo such proclamaLlon
appears Lo have been glven ln Lhe form
of a duly enacLed resoluLlon by Lhe
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
(2) No pub||c money or property sha|| be appropr|ated, app||ed, pa|d, or emp|oyed, d|rect|y or |nd|rect|y, for the use, benef|t, or support of any sect,
church, denom|nat|on, sectar|an |nst|tut|on, or system of re||g|on, or of any pr|est, preacher, m|n|ster, other re||g|ous teacher, or d|gn|tary as such,
except when such pr|est, preacher, m|n|ster, or d|gn|tary |s ass|gned to the armed forces, or to any pena| |nst|tut|on, or government orphanage or
(3) A|| money co||ected on any tax |ev|ed for a spec|a| purpose sha|| be treated as a spec|a| fund and pa|d out for such purpose on|y. If the purpose for
wh|ch a spec|a| fund was created has been fu|f|||ed or abandoned, the ba|ance, |f any, sha|| be transferred to the genera| funds of the Government.

Case lacLs lssues Peld 8aLlo/8ullng
Culngona, !r. v.
C.8. no. 94371
Aprll 22, 1991
res|dent|a| Decree No. 81 enLlLled
Amendlng CerLaln rovlslons of k.A.
4860 as amended (8e: lorelgn
8orwwolng AcL)" auLhorlzed Lhe
auLomaLlc approprlaLlon for debL

.D. No. 1177 enLlLled 8evlslng Lhe
8udgeL rocess ln Crder Lo
lnsLlLuLlonallze Lhe 8udgeLary
lnnovaLlons of Lhe new SocleLy"

.D. No. 1967 enLlLled An AcL
SLrengLhenlng Lhe CuaranLee and
aymenL oslLlons of Lhe 8epubllc of
Lhe hlllpplnes and lLs ConLlngenL
LlablllLles Arlslng ouL of 8elenL and
CuaranLeed Loancs by AppropraLlng
lunds lor 1he urposes."
(l) lS 1PL
A8C8lA1lCn Cl 86
8lLLlCn ln 1PL 233
8lLLlCn 1990 8uuCL1

(l) no.

(l) Mr. Cple polnLed ouL LhaL Lhe
*%@/G'-(-/' E+ (B% 6/'A(-("(-/' /. (B%
B-GB%A( #*-/*-(+ ./* #"E$-@
A@B//$(%)@B%*AF )'C E+ -&#$-@)(-/'F ./*
)$$ (%)@B%*AF would ensure LhaL Lhe
resldenL and Congress would be
sLrongly urged by a consLlLuLlonal
mandaLe (/ G*)'( (/ (B%& A"@B ) $%D%$
/. *%&"'%*)(-/' )'C /(B%* -'@%'(-D%A
(B)( 8/"$C ()L% (%)@B-'G @/&#%(-(-D%
)G)-' )'C )((*)@(-D% (/ (B% E%A(
)D)-$)E$% ()$%'(A -' (B% ')(-/'>
M lL does noL Lhereby follow LhaL Lhe
hands of Lhe Congress are so
hamsLrung as Lo deprlve lL Lhe power Lo
respond Lo Lhe lmperaLlves of Lhe
naLlonal lnLeresL and for Lhe aLLalnmenL
of oLher sLaLe pollcles or ob[ecLlves.
> Congress ls cerLalnly noL wlLhouL any
power, gulded only by lLs good
[udgmenL, Lo provlde an approprlaLlon,
LhaL can reasonably servlce our
enormous debL, Lhe greaLer porLlon of
whlch was lnherlLed from Lhe prevlous
admlnlsLraLlon. lL ls noL only a maLLer of
honor and Lo proLecL Lhe credlL
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

(ll) AkL D NC. 81, D
NC. 1177 Anu D NC.
1967 S1lLL CL8.A.1lvL
unuL8 1PL

(lll) lll. A8L 1PL?
29(1), Ak1ICLL VI Cl

(ll) ?es.

(lll) no.
sLandlng of Lhe counLry. More
especlally, Lhe very survlval of our
economy ls aL sLake. 1hus, lf ln Lhe
process Congress approprlaLed an
amounL for debL servlce blgger Lhan Lhe
share allocaLed Lo educaLlon, Lhe CourL
flnds and so holds LhaL sald
approprlaLlon cannoL be Lhereby
assalled as unconsLlLuLlonal.

(ll) Sect|on 3, Art|c|e kVII of Lhe
Const|tut|on regcognlzes LhaL All
%J-A(-'G laws, C%@*%%A, execuLlve
orders.AB)$$ *%&)-' /#%*)(-D% "'(-$
)&%'C%CF *%#%)$%C /* *%D/L%C" Lo
preserve Lhe soclal order so LhaL
leglslaLlon by Lhe Lhen resldenL
Marcos may be recognlzed. Such laws
are Lo remaln ln force and effecL unless
Lhey are lnconslsLenL wlLh Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon or are oLherwlse amended,
repealed or revoked.

(lll) 1he CourL flnds LhaL ln Lhls case Lhe
quesLloned laws are compleLe ln all
Lhelr essenLlal Lerms and condlLlons
and sufflclenL sLandards are lndlcaLed
> AlLhough Lhe sub[ecL presldenLlal
decrees do noL sLaLe speclflc amounLs
Lo be pald, necesslLaLed by Lhe very
naLure of Lhe problem belng addressed,
Lhe amounLs neverLheless are made
cerLaln by Lhe leglslaLlve parameLers
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
provlded ln Lhe decrees.
> uebL servlce ls noL lncluded ln Lhe
Ceneral ApproprlaLlon AcL, slnce
auLhorlzaLlon Lherefore already exlsLs
under k.A. No. 4860 and 24S, as
amended and .D. No. 1967. reclsely
ln Lhe llghL of Lhls subslsLlng
auLhorlzaLlon as embodled ln sald
8epubllc AcLs and u for debL servlces,
Congress does noL concern lLself wlLh
deLalls for lmplemenLaLlon by Lhe
LxecuLlve, buL largely wlLh annual $%D%$A
and approval Lhereof upon due
dellberaLlon as parL of Lhe whole
obllgaLlon program for Lhe year.
Csmena v. Crbos
C.8. no. 99886
March 31, 1993
onenLe: navasa, C.!.

CcLober 10, 1984 ! res. lerdlnand
Marcos lssued .D. 19S6 creaLlng a
Speclal AccounL ln Lhe Ceneral lund
deslgnaLed as Lhe Cll rlce
SLablllzaLlon fund (CSl) - deslgned
Lo relmburse oll companles for cosLs
lncreases ln crude oll and lmporLed
peLroleum producsL resulLlng from
exchange raLe ad[usLmenLs and from
lncreases ln Lhe world markeL prlces
of crude oll.

L.C. 1024 reclasslfled Lhe CSl lnLo a
LrusL llablllLy accounL"

lebruary 27, 1987 ! res. Corazon
Aqulno amended .D. 19S6 Lhrough
(l) 1he lnvalldlLy of Lhe
18uS1 ACCCun1" ln
Lhe books of accounL of
Lhe MlnlsLry of Lnergy
(now Lhe Cfflce of
Lnergy Affalrs) creaLed
pursuanL Lo 8,
paragraph 1, of .D. No
19S6, as amended,
sald creaLlon of a LrusL
fund belng conLrary Lo
Sect|on 29 (3) Art|c|e VI
of Lhe Const|tut|on."

(l) lL ls noL
conLrary Lo Lhe

(l) 1he CSl was esLabllshed preclsely
Lo proLecL local consumers from Lhe
adverse consequences LhaL such
frequenL oll prlce ad[usLmenLs may
have upon Lhe economy. 1hus, Lhe
CSl serves as a pockeL, as lL were, lnLo
whlch a porLlon of Lhe purchases prlce
of oll and peLroleum producLs pald by
consumers as well as some Lax
revenues are lnpuLLed and from whlch
amounLs are drawn from Llme Lo Llme
Lo relmburse oll companles, when
approprlaLe slLuaLlons arlse, for
lncreases ln, as well as under recovery
of, cosLs of crude lmporLaLlon.
> lL appears Lo Lhe CourL LhaL Lhe
esLabllshmenL and malnLenance of Lhe
CSl ls well wlLhln LhaL pervaslve and
non-walvable power and responslblllLy
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
L.C. No. 137 expandlng Lhe grounds
for relmbursemenL Lo oll companles
for posslble cosL under recovery
lncurred as a resulL of Lhe reducLlon
of domesLlc prlces of peLroleum

(ll) 1he
unconsLlLuLlonallLy of
8, paragraph 1(c) of
.D. No. 19S6 as
amended by Lxecut|ve
Crder No. 137 for
belng an undue and
lnvalld delegaLlon of
leglslaLlve power Lo Lhe
Lnergy 8egulaLory

(ll) lL ls noL an
undue delegaLlon
of leglslaLlve
of Lhe governmenL Lo secure, Lhe
physlcal and economlc survlval and
well-belng of Lhe communlLy.
> CasLon v. 8epubllc lanLers 8ank
! 1he Lax collecLed ls noL ln a
pure exerclse of Lhe Laxlng
power. lL ls levled wlLh a
regulaLory purpose, Lo provlde
a means for Lhe sLablllzaLlon of
Lhe sugar lndusLry. 1he levy ls
prlmarlly ln Lhe exerclse of Lhe
pollce power of Lhe SLaLe.
> Moreover, LhaL Lhe CSl ls a speclal
fund ls plaln from Lhe speclal LreaLmenL
glven lL by L.C. No. 137. lL ls segregaLed
from Lhe general fund, and whlle lL ls
placed ln whaL Lhe law refers Lo as a
LrusL llablllLy accounL," Lhe fund
noneLheless remalns sub[ecL Lo Lhe
scruLlny and revlew of Lhe CCA.

(ll) WlLh regard Lo Lhe alleged undue
delegaLlon of leglslaLlve power, Lhe
CourL flnds LhaL 8 .D. 19S6
conferrlng Lhe auLhorlLy upon Lhe L88
Lo lmpose addlLlonal amounLs on
peLroleum producLs provldes a
sufflclenL sLandard by whlch Lhe
auLhorlLy musL be exerclsed. ln addlLlon
Lo Lhe general pollcy of Lhe law Lo
proLecL Lhe local consumer by
sLablllzlng and subsldlzlng domesLlc
pump raLes, 8(c) of .D. 19S6
expressly auLhorlzes Lhe L88 Lo lmpose
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

Sect|on 30.
No |aw sha|| be passed |ncreas|ng the appe||ate [ur|sd|ct|on of the Supreme Court as prov|ded |n th|s Const|tut|on w|thout |ts adv|ce and concurrence.

addlLlonal amounLs Lo augmenL Lhe
resources of Lhe lund.
Case lacLs lssues Peld 8aLlo/8ullng
lablan v. ueslerLo
C.8. no. 129742
SepLember 16, 1998
onenLe: 8egalado, !.

8CMCS1 ConsLrucLlon uevelopmenL
CorporaLlon presldenL, 1ereslLa
lablan parLlclpaLed ln Lhe blddlng for
governmenL consLrucLlon lncludlng
Lhose under Lhe llrsL MeLro Manlla
Lnglneerlng ulsLrlcL (lMLu) whose
lncumbend ulsLrlcL Lnglneer was
nesLor ueslerLo. Maklng use of hls
offlclal poslLlon, he began an affalr
wlLh lablan and glfLed 8CMA1 wlLh
publlc works conLracLs.

When lablan wanLed Lo end Lhe
relaLlonshlp, ueslerLo refused and
wenL as far as employlng harassmenL,
lnLlmldaLlon and LhreaLs.

!anuary 31, 1996 ! CrafL lnvesLlgaLor
Lduardo 8enlLez - acLlng on Lhe
complalnL of lablan regardlng
ueslerLo's vlolaLlon of Sect|on 19, k.A.
6770 and Sect|on 36 of .D. 807 -
lssued a resoluLlon flndlng nesLor
ueslerLo gullLy of grave mlsconducL
(l) WheLher or noL k.A.
8770 ls vlolaLlve of
Sect|on 20, Art|c|e VI of
Lhe Const|tut|on whlch
sLaLes LhaL no law shall
be passed lncreaslng Lhe
appellaLe [urlsdlcLlon of
Lhe Supreme CourL as
provlded ln Lhls
ConsLlLuLlon wlLhouL lLs
advlce and consenL."
(l) no. (l) Slnce Sect|on S(2)(e), Art|c|e VIII of
the Const|tut|on auLhorlzes Lhls CourL Lo
revlew, revlse, reverse, modlfy, or afflrm
on appeal or cerLlorarl Lhe aforesald
flnal [udgmenL or orders as Lhe law of
Lhe 8ules of CourL may provlde," sald
Sect|on 27 does noL lncrease Lhls CourL's
appellaLe [urlsdlcLlon slnce, by provldlng
LhaL Lhe mode of appeal shall be by
peLlLlon for cerLlorarl under ku|e 4S,
Lhen whaL may be ralsed Lhereln are
only quesLlons of law of whlch Lhls CourL
already has [urlsdlcLlon.
> Also, Lhe very provlslon clLed by
peLlLloner speclfles LhaL Lhe appellaLe
[urlsdlcLlon of Lhls CourL conLemplaLed
Lhereln ls Lo be exerclsed over flnal
[udgmenLs and orders of lower courLs,"
LhaL ls, Lhe courLs composlng Lhe
lnLegraLed [udlclal sysLem. lL does noL
lnclude Lhe quasl-[udlclal bodles or
agencles, hence whenever Lhe
leglslaLure lnLends LhaL Lhe declslons or
resoluLlons of Lhe quasl-[udlclal agency
shall be revlewable by Lhe Supreme
CourL or Lhe CourL of Appeals, a speclflc
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

Sect|on 31.
No |aw grant|ng a t|t|e of roya|ty or nob|||ty sha|| be enacted.

Sect|on 32.
1he Congress sha||, as ear|y as poss|b|e, prov|de for a system of |n|t|at|ve and referendum, and the except|ons therefrom, whereby the peop|e can
d|rect|y propose and enact |aws or approve or re[ect any act or |aw or part thereof passed by the Congress or |oca| |eg|s|at|ve body after the
reg|strat|on of a pet|t|on therefor s|gned by at |east ten per centum of the tota| number of reg|stered voters, of wh|ch every |eg|s|at|ve d|str|ct must
be represented by at |east three per centum of the reg|stered voters thereof.

and orderlng hls dlsmlssal from
servlce wlLh forfelLure of all beneflLs
under Lhe law.

ursuanL Lo Lhe amendmenL of
Sect|on 9, 8atasang ambansa 8|g.
129 by k.A. 7902, all ad[udlcaLlons by
Lhe Clvll Servlce Commlsslon ln
admlnlsLraLlve dlsclpllnary cases were
made appealable Lo Lhe CourL of
Appeals, whlle Lhose of Lhe Cfflce of
Lhe Cmbudsman are appealable Lo
Lhe Supreme CourL.
provlslon Lo LhaL effecL ls lncluded ln Lhe
law creaLlng LhaL quasl-[udlclary agency
and, for LhaL maLLer, any speclal
sLaLuLory courL.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

Sect|on 1. 1he execut|ve power sha|| be vested |n the res|dent of the h|||pp|nes.

Case Iacts Issues ne|d kat|o]ku||ng
Marcos v. Manglapus onenLe: CorLes, !.

1hls ls a peLlLlon of mandamus and
prohlblLlon asklng Lhe courL Lo order
respondenLs Lo lssue Lravel
documenLs Lo Mr. Marcos and Lhe
lmmedlaLe members of hls famlly
and Lo en[oln Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of
Lhe resldenL's declslon Lo bar Lhelr
reLurn ln Lhe hlllpplnes

8ackground: Marcos was deposed
from presldency Lhrough people
power revoluLlon, and Cory Aqulno
replaced hlm. uurlng Cory's
presldency, Lhe governmenL
encounLered a loL of LhreaLs from Lhe
mlllLary (ex: Col. Cregory Ponasan's
falled coup), communlsL and
secesslonlsL movemenL ln Mlndanao
(Lhey seL up a parallel gov'L), as well
as economlc woes (rlse ln forelgn
debL, poverLy, and lll-goLLen wealLh
of Lhe Marcoses). ln shorL, Lhe gov'L
was ln shambles and unsLable hence,
Lhe declslon of noL allowlng Marcos
back ln Lhe counLry.
(l) WheLher or noL, ln
Lhe exerclse of Lhe
powers granLed by Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon, Lhe
resldenL may prohlblL
Lhe Marcoses from
reLurnlng Lo Lhe
(l) ?LS. 1he
resldenL, ln Lhe
exerclse of Lhe
powers granLed
by Lhe
may prohlblL Lhe
Marcoses from
reLurnlng Lo Lhe
(l) 1he 1987 ConsLlLuLlon has fully
resLored Lhe separaLlon of powers of
Lhe 3 greaL branches of gov'L. lor Lhe
execuLlve deparLmenL, lL dldn'L really
deflne whaL execuLlve power means
buL ArL. 7 Louches on Lhe exerclse of
cerLaln powers of Lhe resldenL found
ln ArL 7 Secs. 14-23. eLlLloners
advance Lhe vlew LhaL Lhe resldenL's
powers are llmlLed Lo Lhose speclflcally
enumeraLed powers, and whaL ls noL
enumeraLed ls lmplledly denled of her.
AlLhough Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon gave
llmlLaLlons Lo Lhe power of Lhe
resldenL, lL remalns lnLacL whaL ls
LradlLlonally consldered as wlLhln Lhe
scope of execuLlve power. 1he powers
of Lhe resldenL cannoL be sald Lo be
llmlLed only Lo Lhe speclflc powers
enumeraLed ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon. Also, lL
has been advanced LhaL whaLever
power lnherenL ln Lhe gov'L LhaL ls
nelLher leglslaLlve nor [udlclal has Lo be

Looklng aL Lhe case ln hand, ln maklng
any declslons as resldenL of Lhe
hlllpplnes, Lhe resldenL has Lo
conslder Lhe ff prlnclples: serve and
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
proLecL Lhe people, malnLenance of
peace and order, proLecLlon of llfe,
llberLy and properLy, promoLlon of
general welfare. lL musL be borne ln
mlnd LhaL Lhe ConsLlLuLlon, aslde from
belng an allocaLlon of power ls also a
soclal conLracL whereby Lhe people
have surrendered Lhelr soverelgn
powers Lo Lhe SLaLe for Lhe common
good. 1he case calls for Lhe exerclse of
Lhe resldenL's powers as proLecLor of
Lhe peace, whlch ls also a Lask LhaL
Lackles Lhe day-Lo-day problems of
malnLalnlng peace and order and
ensurlng domesLlc LranqulllLy. LasLly,
members of Lhe LeglslaLure also
recognlzes Lhe power of Lhe resldenL
Lo bar Lhe Marcoses as Lhey made a
resoluLlon Lo appeal Lo her compasslon.
LsLrada v. ueslerLo resldenL LsLrada makes Lwo
submlsslons: cases flled agalnsL hlm
before Lhe Cmbudsman should be
prohlblLed slnce he was noL yeL
convlcLed ln Lhe lmpeachmenL
proceedlngs and LhaL he en[oys
lmmunlLy ln clvll and crlmlnal sulLs.
(l) WheLher or noL Lhe
peLlLloner en[oys
lmmunlLy from sulL and
assumlng he en[oys
lmmunlLy, up Lo whaL
exLenL ls Lhe lmmunlLy?
(l) nC. 1he
resldenL does
noL en[oy
lmmunlLy from
sulL, even lf Lhere
ls sLlll no
convlcLlon ln Lhe
proceedlngs. 1he
exLenL of
lmmunlLy does
noL cover llablllLy
from unlawful
acLs and
(l) 1he lmpeachmenL CourL ls now
funcLus offlclo, and lf hls plea ls
granLed, lL would puL a perpeLual bar
agalnsL hls prosecuLlon. Such a
submlsslon has noLhlng Lo commend
lLself for lL wlll place hlm ln a beLLer
slLuaLlon Lhan a non-slLLlng presldenL
who has noL been sub[ecLed Lo
lmpeachmenL proceedlngs and yeL can
be Lhe ob[ecL of a crlmlnal prosecuLlon.
Slnce hls lmpeachmenL case has been
aborLed and he losL Lhe elecLlons,
peLlLloner cannoL demand as a
condlLlon slne qua non Lo hls crlmlnal
prosecuLlon before Lhe Cmbudsman
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
LhaL he be convlcLed ln Lhe
lmpeachmenL proceedlngs based on
Lhe rullng ln ln re: SaLurnlno 8ermudez
- lncumbenL resldenLs are lmmune
from sulL or from belng broughL Lo
courL durlng Lhe perlod of Lhelr
lncumbency and Lenure.
Scope of lmmunlLy - Lhe rule ls LhaL
unlawful acLs of publlc offlclals are noL
acLs of Lhe SLaLe and Lhe offlcer who
acLs lllegally ls noL acLlng as such buL
sLands ln Lhe same fooLlng as any oLher
Cne of Lhe greaL Lhemes of Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon ls LhaL publlc offlce ls a
publlc LrusL. ulfferenL consLlLuLlonal
pollcles were made Lo adhere Lo Lhls
Lheme (creaLlon of Cmbudsman,
Sandlganbayan, eLc.) and asserLlng
peLlLloner's clalms wlll devaluaLe Lhese
Sollven v. Makaslar resldenL Aqulno sued 8elLran for
llbel for havlng wrlLLen LhaL Lhe
resldenL hld under Lhe bed durlng
Lhe aLLempLed coup.

eLlLloner 8elLran argues LhaL Lhe
reasons whlch necesslLaLe
presldenLlal lmmunlLy from sulL
lmpose a correlaLlve dlsablllLy Lo flle
a sulL." 1hls would be an lndlrecL way
defeaL her prlvllege of lmmunlLy from
sulL, as by LesLlfylng on Lhe wlLness
sLand, she would be exposlng herself
(l) WheLher or noL Lhe
resldenL of Lhe
hlllpplnes, under Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon, may
lnlLlaLe crlmlnal
proceedlngs agalnsL Lhe
peLlLloners Lhrough Lhe
flllng of a complalnL-
(l) ?LS. 1he
resldenL of Lhe
under Lhe
may lnlLlaLe
agalnsL Lhe
Lhrough Lhe flllng
of a complalnL-
(l) rlvllege of lmmunlLy may only be
lnvoked by Lhe holder of Lhe offlce (1he
resldenL ln Lhls case). 1hus, Lhe
accused ln a crlmlnal case of whlch Lhe
resldenL ls a complalnanL cannoL ralse
Lhe presldenLlal prlvllege as a defense
Lo prevenL Lhe case from proceedlng
agalnsL such accused.

1here ls noLhlng ln our laws LhaL can
sLop Lhe resldenL from walvlng her
presldenLlal prlvllege. 1he cholce of
wheLher Lo exerclse Lhe prlvllege or Lo
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

Sect|on 2. No person may be e|ected res|dent un|ess he |s a natura|-born c|t|zen of the h|||pp|nes, a reg|stered voter, ab|e to read and wr|te, at |east
forty years of age on the day of the e|ect|on, and a res|dent of the h|||pp|nes for at |east ten years |mmed|ate|y preced|ng such e|ect|on.

Lo posslble conLempL of courL or
walve lL ls solely Lhe resldenL's
prerogaLlve. no oLher person can
assume and walve lL for hlm/her.
Case Iacts Issues ne|d kat|o]ku||ng
1ecson vs. CCMLLLC 1hree consolldaLed cases, all of whlch
ralse Lhe lssue of wheLher
presldenLlal candldaLe, lernando
oe, !r. (l!) ls a naLural-born llllplno

vlcLorlno x. lornler, peLlLloner ln C.8.
no. 161824, ln hls peLlLlon for l!'s
dlsquallflcaLlon alleged LhaL he (l!)
made maLerlal mlsrepresenLaLlon ln
hls cerLlflcaLe of candldacy by
clalmlng Lo be a naLural-born llllplno
clLlzen when hls parenLs were
forelgners: hls moLher, 8essle kelley
oe, was an Amerlcan, and hls faLher,
Allan l. oe, was a Spanlsh naLlonal.

CranLlng LhaL Allan l. oe was a
llllplno clLlzen, he could noL have
LransmlLLed hls llllplno clLlzenshlp Lo
l!, Lhe laLLer belng an llleglLlmaLe
chlld of an allen moLher - flrsL, Allan
l. oe conLracLed a prlor marrlage Lo
a cerLaln aullLa Comez and second,
|f no such pr|or marr|age ex|sted,
A||an I. oe marr|ed 8ess|e ke||ey
(l) WheLher or noL Lhe
Supreme CourL has
[urlsdlcLlon over Lhe

(ll) WheLher or noL Lhe
CCMLLLC erred ln
dlsmlsslng Lhe case flled
(l) 1he CourL
dlsmlssed Lhe
peLlLlons flled by
eL. 1ecson and
eL. velez for
wanL of

(ll) 1he CourL
may Lake
cognlzance of Lhe
(l) 1he peLlLloners lnvoked ArLlcle vll,
SecLlon 4, paragraph 7 of Lhe 1987
ConsLlLuLlon ln challenglng Lhe
[urlsdlcLlon of Lhe CCMLLLC. 1he
provlslon sLaLes: 1he Supreme CourL,
slLLlng en banc, shall be Lhe sole [udge
of all conLesLs relaLlng Lo Lhe elecLlon,
reLurns, and quallflcaLlons of Lhe
resldenL or vlce-resldenL, and may
promulgaLe lLs rules for Lhe purpose."

1he provlslon refers Lo conLesLs ln
reference Lo a posL-elecLlon scenarlo
where Lhere ls already a wlnner, Lhe
peLlLlons are noL conLemplaLlve of such

1he provlslon speaks of Lhe [urlsdlcLlon
of Lhe CourL over Lhe elecLlon, reLurns,
and quallflcaLlons of Lhe resldenL or
vlce-resldenL and noL of candldaLes
for Lhe respecLlve poslLlons.

(ll) 1he CourL recognlzed 8ule 64 ln
connecLlon Lo 8ule 63 of Lhe 8evlsed
8ules of Clvll rocedure and SecLlon 7,
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
on|y a year after the b|rth of

eLlLlon was dlsmlssed by Lhe
CCMLLLC for lack of merlL. upon
flllng of moLlon for reconslderaLlon,
such was also dlsmlssed. 1hus, Lhe
lnsLanL peLlLlon Lo Lhe CourL.

1wo oLher peLlLlons were flled Lo Lhe
CourL: Marla !eaneLLe C. 1ecson and
lellx 8. ueslderlo, !r. vs. CCMLLLC
and 8onald Allan kelly oe, and Zollo
AnLonlo C. velez vs. 8onald Allan
kelley oe. 8oLh challenged Lhe
[urlsdlcLlon of Lhe CCMLLLC and
asserLlng LhaL under ArLlcle vll,
SecLlon 4, paragraph 7 of Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon, only Lhe Supreme CourL
had orlglnal [urlsdlcLlon Lo resolve
Lhe baslc lssue.

by vlcLorlno x. lornler
for lack of merlL and
rullng ln favor of Lhe
clLlzenshlp of l!.
peLlLlon for

(lll) 1he CourL
ArLlcle lx of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon, whlch
boLh sLaLe LhaL ln an acLlon for
cerLlorarl, Lhe declslons of Lhe
CCMLLLC may be revlewed by Lhe

SecLlon 1, ArLlcle vlll, of Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon provldes LhaL [udlclal
power ls vesLed ln one Supreme CourL
and ln such lower courLs as may be
esLabllshed by law whlch power
lncludes Lhe duLy of Lhe courLs of
[usLlce Lo seLLle acLual conLroversles
lnvolvlng rlghLs whlch are legally
demandable and enforceable, and Lo
deLermlne wheLher or noL Lhere has
been a grave abuse of dlscreLlon
amounLlng Lo lack or excess of
[urlsdlcLlon on Lhe parL of any branch or
lnsLrumenLallLy of Lhe CovernmenL."

1he CourL furLher sLaLed LhaL Lhe
peLlLlon broughL up by lornler was
apLly elevaLed Lo, and could well be
Laken cognlzance of, by Lhe CourL, and,
LhaL a conLrary vlew would be a gross
denlal Lo Lhe people of Lhelr
fundamenLal rlghL Lo be fully lnformed,
and Lo make a proper cholce, on who
could or should be elecLed Lo occupy
Lhe hlghesL governmenL posL ln Lhe

(lll) 1he CourL ln resolvlng wheLher
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
afflrmed Lhe
rullng of Lhe
CCMLLLC commlLLed grave abuse of
dlscreLlon, found lL necessary Lo look
lnLo Lhe lssue on Lhe clLlzenshlp of l!.

Conslderlng Lhe evldences presenLed by
boLh parLles and Lhelr reservaLlons as
Lo Lhe veraclLy of some of Lhe
documenLs presenLed. 1he ff. facLs
were esLabllshed:

a. 1he parenLs of l! were Allan l.
oe and 8essle kelley,
b. l! was born Lo Lhem on AugusL
20, 1939,
c. Allan l. oe and 8essle kelley
were marrled Lo each oLher on 16
SepLember, 1940,
d. 1he faLher of Allan l. oe was
Lorenzo oe, and,
e. AL Lhe Llme of hls deaLh on 11
SepLember, 1934, Lorenzo oe was
84 years old.

1he Court |n reso|v|ng whether II was
a natura|-born c|t|zen deemed |t f|t to
determ|ne whether or not the father
of respondent, A||an I. oe, wou|d
have h|mse|f been a I|||p|no c|t|zen
and, |n the aff|rmat|ve, whether or not
the a||eged |||eg|t|macy of respondent
prevents h|m from tak|ng after the
I|||p|no c|t|zensh|p of h|s putat|ve

!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Any concluslon on Lhe llllplno
clLlzenshlp of l!'s grandfaLher,
Lorenzo oe could only be drawn from
Lhe presumpLlon LhaL havlng dled ln
1934 aL 84 years old, Lorenzo would
have been born someLlme ln Lhe year
1870, when Lhe hlllpplnes was under
Spanlsh rule, and LhaL San Carlos,
angaslnan, hls place of resldence upon
hls deaLh ln 1934, ln Lhe absence of any
oLher evldence, could have well been
hls place of resldence before hls deaLh,
such LhaL Lorenzo oe would have
beneflLLed from Lhe en masse
llllplnlzaLlon" LhaL Lhe hlllpplne blll
had effecLed ln 1902.

1hat c|t|zensh|p (of Lorenzo oe) |f
acqu|red, wou|d thereby extend to h|s
son, A||an I. oe, father of respondent

nowever, s|nce II's parents were
marr|ed on|y a year after he was born,
he was consldered llleglLlmaLe and
Lhus, lL was necessary Lo esLabllsh hls
faLher's acknowledgmenL of paLernal
relaLlon wlLh hlm. 8ecause Allan l. oe
was already deceased, Lhe recognlLlon
by hlm (Allan l. oe) of hls paLernal
relaLlonshlp wlLh l! was aLLesLed Lo
Lhrough a declaraLlon made by 8uby
kelley Mangahas, slsLer of 8essle kelley
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

Sect|on 13. 1he res|dent, V|ce-res|dent, the Members of the Cab|net, and the|r deput|es or ass|stants sha|| not, un|ess otherw|se prov|ded |n th|s
Const|tut|on, ho|d any other off|ce or emp|oyment dur|ng the|r tenure. 1hey sha|| not, dur|ng sa|d tenure, d|rect|y or |nd|rect|y, pract|ce any other
profess|on, part|c|pate |n any bus|ness, or be f|nanc|a||y |nterested |n any contract w|th, or |n any franch|se, or spec|a| pr|v||ege granted by the
Government or any subd|v|s|on, agency, or |nstrumenta||ty thereof, |nc|ud|ng government-owned or contro||ed corporat|ons or the|r subs|d|ar|es.
1hey sha|| str|ct|y avo|d conf||ct of |nterest |n the conduct of the|r off|ce.

1he spouse and re|at|ves by consangu|n|ty or aff|n|ty w|th|n the fourth c|v|| degree of the res|dent sha|| not, dur|ng h|s tenure, be appo|nted as
Members of the Const|tut|ona| Comm|ss|ons, or the Cff|ce of the Cmbudsman, or as Secretar|es, Undersecretar|es, cha|rmen or heads of bureaus or
off|ces, |nc|ud|ng government-owned or contro||ed corporat|ons and the|r subs|d|ar|es.

1he 193S Const|tut|on, dur|ng wh|ch
reg|me respondent II was born,
confers c|t|zensh|p to a|| persons
whose fathers are I|||p|no c|t|zens
regard|ess of whether such ch||dren
are |eg|t|mate or |||eg|t|mate.

1he LoLallLy of Lhe evldence may noL
esLabllsh concluslvely LhaL respondenL
l! ls a naLural-born clLlzen of Lhe
hlllpplnes, Lhe evldence on hand sLlll
would preponderaLe ln hls favor
enough Lo hold LhaL he cannoL be held
gullLy of havlng made a maLerlal
mlsrepresenLaLlon ln hls cerLlflcaLe of
candldacy ln vlolaLlon of SecLlon 78, ln
relaLlon Lo SecLlon 74, of Lhe Cmnlbus
LlecLlon Code. eLlLloner has uLLerly
falled Lo subsLanLlaLe hls case before
Lhe CourL.

1he CourL resolved Lo ulSMlSS peLlLlon.

Case keywords Iacts App||cab|e]V|o|ated
Issue & kat|o
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
uoromal v.
177 SC8A 334

pp. 398-399
Lo uoromal

supply Lo
uLCS &nM?C

CulnLln S. uoromal, a former
Commlssloner of Lhe resldenLlal
Commlsslon on Cood CovernmenL
(CCC), for vlolaLlon of Lhe AnLl-CrafL
and Corrupt ract|ces Act (kA 3019),
Sect|on 3(h), ln connecLlon wlLh hls
shareholdlngs and poslLlon as presldenL
and dlrecLor of Lhe uoromal
lnLernaLlonal 1radlng CorporaLlon
(ul1C) whlch submlLLed blds Lo supply
61 mllllon worLh of elecLronlc,
elecLrlcal, auLomoLlve, mechanlcal and
alrcondlLlonlng equlpmenL Lo Lhe
ueparLmenL of LducaLlon, CulLure and
SporLs (or uLCS) and Lhe naLlonal
Manpower and ?ouLh Councll (or

SecLlon 13. xxx
Members of Lhe
CablneL, and Lhelr
depuLles or
asslsLanLs shall noL
xxx 1hey shall noL,
durlng sald Lenure,
dlrecLly or
lndlrecLly, pracLlce
any oLher
parLlclpaLe ln any
buslness, xxx
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL uoromal vlolaLed ArLlcle 7,
SecLlon 13 of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon. !

! 1he presence of a slgned documenL bearlng Lhe
slgnaLure of uoromal as parL of Lhe appllcaLlon Lo
bld shows LhaL he can rlghLfully be charged wlLh
havlng parLlclpaLed ln a buslness whlch acL ls
absoluLely prohlblLed by Sect|on 13 of Art|c|e VII of
the Const|tut|on because Lhe ul1C remalned a
famlly corporaLlon ln whlch uoromal has aL leasL an
lndlrecL lnLeresL.
Clvll LlberLles
unlon v. 1he
C8 83896
lL8 22,1991

pp. 399-407
LC 284

provlded ln


!uly 23, 1987 ! Cory lssued LC 284
allows members of Lhe CablneL, Lhelr
undersecreLarles and asslsLanL
secreLarles Lo hold nC1 MC8L 1PAn 2
oLher governmenL offlces or poslLlons ln
addlLlon Lo Lhelr prlmary poslLlons
sub[ecL Lo llmlLaLlons seL Lhereln.

ln sum, Lhe consLlLuLlonallLy of
Lxecut|ve Crder No. 284 ls belng
challenged by peLlLloners on Lhe
prlnclpal submlsslon LhaL lL adds
SecLlon 13. 1he
resldenL, vlce-
resldenL, Lhe
Members of Lhe
CablneL, and Lhelr
depuLles or
asslsLanLs shall noL,
unless oLherwlse
provlded ln Lhls
ConsLlLuLlon, hold
any oLher offlce or
employmenL durlng
Lhelr Lenure. xxx
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL LC 284 ls unconsLlLuLlonal.
! 1he phrase "unless oLherwlse provlded ln Lhls
ConsLlLuLlon" musL be glven a llLeral lnLerpreLaLlon
Lo refer only Lo Lhose parLlcular lnsLances clLed ln
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon lLself, Lo wlL: Lhe vlce-resldenL
belng appolnLed as a member of Lhe CablneL under
Sect|on 3, par. (2), Art|c|e VII, or acLlng as resldenL
ln Lhose lnsLances provlded under Sect|on 7, pars.
(2) and (3), Art|c|e VII, and, Lhe SecreLary of !usLlce
belng ex-offlclo member of Lhe !udlclal and 8ar
Councll by vlrLue of Sect|on 8 (1), Art|c|e VIII.

! llndlng Lxecut|ve Crder No. 284 Lo be
consLlLuLlonally lnflrm, Lhe courL hereby orders
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
excepLlons Lo Sect|on 13, Art|c|e VII
oLher Lhan Lhose provlded ln Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon. Accordlng Lo peLlLloners,
by vlrLue of Lhe phrase "unless
oLherwlse provlded ln Lhls
ConsLlLuLlon," Lhe only excepLlons
agalnsL holdlng any oLher offlce or
employmenL ln CovernmenL are Lhose
provlded ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon, namely:
(1) 1he vlce-resldenL may be
appolnLed as a Member of Lhe CablneL
under Sect|on 3, par. (2), Art|c|e VII
Lhereof, and
(2) Lhe SecreLary of !usLlce ls an ex-
offlclo member of Lhe !udlclal and 8ar
Councll by vlrLue of Sect|on 8 (1),
Art|c|e VIII.
respondenLs SecreLary of LnvlronmenL and naLural
8esources lulgenclo lacLoran, !r., SecreLary of Local
CovernmenL 43 Luls SanLos, SecreLary of naLlonal
uefense lldel v. 8amos, SecreLary of PealLh Alfredo
8.A. 8engzon and SecreLary of Lhe 8udgeL Culllermo
Carague Lo lmmedlaLely rellnqulsh Lhelr oLher offlces
or employmenL, as hereln deflned, ln Lhe
governmenL, lncludlng governmenL-owned or
conLrolled corporaLlons and Lhelr subsldlarles.

! WPL8LlC8L, xxx Lhe peLlLlons are C8An1Lu.
LxecuLlve Crder no. 284 ls hereby declared null and
vold xxx
8lLonlo !r. v.
C8 147392
March 12,

pp. 407- 412
er dlem

ln 1994, peLlLloner 8enedlcLo LrnesLo 8.
8lLonlo, !r. was appolnLed ulrecLor lv of
Lhe 8ureau of Labor 8elaLlons ln Lhe
ueparLmenL of Labor and LmploymenL.

ln a LeLLer daLed May 11,
1993 addressed Lo Ponorable 8lzallno S.
navarro, Lhen SecreLary of Lhe
ueparLmenL of 1rade and lndusLry,
AcLlng SecreLary !ose S. 8rllllanLes of
Lhe ueparLmenL of Labor and
LmploymenL deslgnaLed Lhe peLlLloner
Lo be Lhe uCLL represenLaLlve Lo Lhe
8oard of ulrecLors of LZA.

ArLlcle vll
SecLlon 13. 1he
resldenL, vlce-
resldenL, Lhe
Members of Lhe
CablneL, and Lhelr
depuLles or
asslsLanLs shall noL,
unless oLherwlse
provlded ln Lhls
ConsLlLuLlon, hold
any oLher offlce or
employmenL durlng
Lhelr Lenure. xxx

Art Ik-8 C|v||
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe CCA correcLly
dlsallowed Lhe per dlems recelved by Lhe peLlLloner
for hls aLLendance ln Lhe LZA 8oard ulrecLor's
meeLlngs as represenLaLlve of Lhe SecreLary of
! lL musL be noLed LhaL Lhe peLlLloner's presence ln
Lhe LZA 8oard meeLlngs ls solely by vlrLue of hls
capaclLy as represenLaLlve of Lhe SecreLary of
Labor. As Lhe peLlLloner hlmself admlLLed, Lhere was
no separaLe or speclal appolnLmenL for such
poslLlon. Slnce Lhe SecreLary of Labor ls prohlblLed
from recelvlng compensaLlon for hls addlLlonal offlce
or employmenL, such prohlblLlon llkewlse applles Lo
Lhe peLlLloner who saL ln Lhe 8oard only ln behalf of
Lhe SecreLary of Labor.

! ClLlng also Lhe Clvll LlberLles unlon case, Lhe
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Such deslgnaLlon was ln pursuance Lo
SecLlon 11 of 8epubllc AcL no. 7916,
oLherwlse known as Lhe Speclal
Lconomlc Zone AcL of 1993, whlch
SecLlon 11. 1he hlllpplne Lconomlc
Zone AuLhorlLy (LZA) 8oard. - 1here ls
hereby creaLed a body corporaLe Lo
be known as Lhe hlllpplne Lconomlc
Zone AuLhorlLy (LZA).

As represenLaLlve of Lhe SecreLary of
Labor Lo Lhe LZA, Lhe peLlLloner was
recelvlng a per dlem for every board
meeLlng he aLLended durlng Lhe years
1993 Lo 1997.

AfLer a posL audlL of Lhe LZA's
dlsbursemenL LransacLlons, Lhe CCA
dlsallowed Lhe paymenL of per dlems Lo
Lhe peLlLloner and Lhus lssued 3 noLlces
of ulsallowance.

1he CCA lssued Memorandum no. 97-
038 whlch auLhorlzed Lhe lssuance of
Lhe noLlces of ulsallowances for
Lhe per dlems recelved by Lhe
peLlLloner. lL sLaLes:

1he Commlsslon recelved a copy of
SenaLe CommlLLee 8eporL no. 309
urglng Lhe Commlsslon on AudlL Lo
lmmedlaLely cause Lhe dlsallowance of
any paymenL of any form of addlLlonal
Serv|ce Comm|ss|on
Sect|on 7. no
elecLlve offlclal shall
be ellglble for
appolnLmenL or
deslgnaLlon ln any
capaclLy Lo any
publlc offlce or
poslLlon durlng hls
unless oLherwlse
allowed by law or
by Lhe prlmary
funcLlons of hls
poslLlon, no
appolnLlve offlclal
shall hold any oLher
offlce or
employmenL ln Lhe
CovernmenL or any
subdlvlslon, agency
or lnsLrumenLallLy
Lhereof, lncludlng
or conLrolled
corporaLlons or
Lhelr subsldlarles.

CourL explalned Lhus:
1he ex-offlclo poslLlon belng acLually and ln legal
conLemplaLlon parL of Lhe prlnclpal offlce, lL follows
LhaL Lhe offlclal concerned has no rlghL Lo recelve
addlLlonal compensaLlon for hls servlces ln Lhe sald
poslLlon. 1he reason ls LhaL Lhese servlces are
already pald for and covered by Lhe compensaLlon
aLLached Lo hls prlnclpal offlce. lL should be obvlous
LhaL lf, say, Lhe SecreLary of llnance aLLends a
meeLlng of Lhe MoneLary 8oard as an ex-
offlclo member Lhereof, he ls acLually and ln legal
conLemplaLlon performlng Lhe prlmary funcLlon of
hls prlnclpal offlce ln deflnlng pollcy ln moneLary
banklng maLLers, whlch come under Lhe [urlsdlcLlon
of hls deparLmenL. lor such aLLendance, Lherefore,
he ls noL enLlLled Lo collecL any exLra compensaLlon,
wheLher lL be ln Lhe form of a per dlem or
an honorarlum or an allowance, or some oLher such
euphemlsm. 8y whaLever name lL ls deslgnaLed,
such addlLlonal compensaLlon ls prohlblLed by Lhe

! xxx Lhe peLlLloner ls, lndeed, noL enLlLled Lo
recelve a per dlem for hls aLLendance aL board
meeLlngs durlng hls Lenure as member of Lhe 8oard
of ulrecLor of Lhe LZA.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
compensaLlon or remuneraLlon Lo
cablneL secreLarles, Lhelr depuLles and
asslsLanLs, or Lhelr represenLaLlves ln
vlolaLlon of Lhe rule on mulLlple
poslLlons and Lo effecL Lhe refund of any
and all such addlLlonal compensaLlon
glven Lo and recelved by Lhe offlclals
concerned, or Lhelr represenLaLlves,
from Lhe Llme of Lhe flnallLy of Lhe
Supreme CourL rullng ln Clvll LlberLles
unlon vs. LxecuLlve SecreLary Lo Lhe
presenL." ln Lhe Clvll LlberLles unlon
case, Lhe Supreme CourL ruled LhaL
CablneL SecreLarles, Lhelr depuLles and
asslsLanLs may noL hold any oLher offlce
or employmenL. lL declared LxecuLlve
Crder no. 284 unconsLlLuLlonal lnsofar
as lL allows CablneL members, Lhelr
depuLles and asslsLanLs Lo hold oLher
offlces ln addlLlon Lo Lhelr prlmary
offlce and Lo recelve compensaLlon
Lherefore. 1he sald declslon became
flnal and execuLory on AugusL 19, 1991.
ubllc lnLeresL
CenLer v. Llma

C8 138963

!une 30, 2006
March 3, 2007

pp. 412-413

8espondenL Llma was appolnLed as
Chalrman of Lhe resldenLlal
Commlsslon on Cood CovernmenL
(CCC) on 30 CcLober 1998.

1hereafLer, durlng hls Lenure as CCC
Chalrman, he was appolnLed as Chlef
resldenLlal Legal Counsel (CLC). Pe
accepLed Lhe second appolnLmenL, buL
walved any renumeraLlon LhaL he may
ArLlcle vll
SecLlon 13. 1he
resldenL, vlce-
resldenL, Lhe
Members of Lhe
CablneL, and Lhelr
depuLles or
asslsLanLs shall noL,
unless oLherwlse
provlded ln Lhls
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe poslLlon of Lhe CCC
Chalrman or LhaL of Lhe CLC falls under Lhe
prohlblLlon agalnsL mulLlple offlces.
! 1he general rule conLalned ln ArLlcle lx-8 ls LhaL a
governmenL offlclal occupylng Lwo governmenL
offlces ls permlLLed as long as Lhere ls no
lncompaLlblllLy beLween boLh.

! 1he concurrenL appolnLmenLs of Lhe respondenL
as CCC Chalrman and CLC were unconsLlLuLlonal.
lL ruled LhaL Lhe concurrenL appolnLmenL Lo Lhese
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
recelve as CLC.

ConsLlLuLlon, hold
any oLher offlce or
employmenL durlng
Lhelr Lenure. xxx

ArL lx-8 Clvll Servlce
SecLlon 7. no
elecLlve offlclal shall
be ellglble for
appolnLmenL or
deslgnaLlon ln any
capaclLy Lo any
publlc offlce or
poslLlon durlng hls
unless oLherwlse
allowed by law or
by Lhe prlmary
funcLlons of hls
poslLlon, no
appolnLlve offlclal
shall hold any oLher
offlce or
employmenL ln Lhe
CovernmenL or any
subdlvlslon, agency
or lnsLrumenLallLy
Lhereof, lncludlng
or conLrolled
corporaLlons or
Lhelr subsldlarles.

offlces ls ln vlolaLlon of SecLlon 7, par. 2, ArLlcle lx-8
of Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon, slnce Lhese are
lncompaLlble offlces. 1he duLles of Lhe CLC lnclude
glvlng lndependenL and lmparLlal legal advlce on Lhe
acLlons of Lhe heads of varlous execuLlve
deparLmenLs and agencles and revlewlng
lnvesLlgaLlons lnvolvlng heads of execuLlve
deparLmenLs. Slnce Lhe acLlons of Lhe CCC
Chalrman, a head of an execuLlve agency, are
sub[ecL Lo Lhe revlew of Lhe CLC, such
appolnLmenLs would be lncompaLlble.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

Sect|on 14. Appo|ntments extended by an Act|ng res|dent sha|| rema|n effect|ve, un|ess revoked by the e|ected res|dent, w|th|n n|nety days from
h|s assumpt|on or reassumpt|on of off|ce.

Sect|on 1S. 1wo months |mmed|ate|y before the next pres|dent|a| e|ect|ons and up to the end of h|s term, a res|dent or Act|ng res|dent sha|| not
make appo|ntments, except temporary appo|ntments to execut|ve pos|t|ons when cont|nued vacanc|es there|n w||| pre[ud|ce pub||c serv|ce or
endanger pub||c safety.

Case keywords lacLs Appllcable/vlolaLed
lssue & 8aLlo
ln 8e
of valenzuela
and vallarLa

AM no 98-3-

nov 9, 1998

pp. 413-416

8eferred Lo Lhe CourL Ln 8anc by Lhe
Chlef !usLlce are Lhe appolnLmenLs
slgned by Pls Lxcellency Lhe resldenL
under Lhe daLe of March 30, 1998 of
Pon. MaLeo A. valenzuela and Pon.
lacldo 8. vallarLa as !udges of Lhe
8eglonal 1rlal CourL of 8ranch 62,
8ago ClLy and of 8ranch 24,
CabanaLuan ClLy, respecLlvely.

May 7, 1998 ! 1he resldenL Lhrough
a leLLer expressed Lhe vlew LhaL "Lhe
elecLlon-ban provlslon (ArLlcle vll,
SecLlon 13) *** applles only
Lo execuLlve appolnLmenLs or
appolnLmenLs ln Lhe execuLlve branch
of governmenL," Lhe whole arLlcle
belng "enLlLled 'LxLCu1lvL
uLA81MLn1.'" Pe also observed
LhaL furLher proof of hls Lheory "ls Lhe
facL LhaL appolnLmenLs Lo Lhe
[udlclary have speclal, speclflc
provlslons appllcable Lo Lhem" (clLlng
ArLlcle vlll, SecLlon 4 [1] and ArLlcle
SLC 13. 1wo monLhs
lmmedlaLely before
Lhe nexL presldenLlal
elecLlons and up Lo
Lhe end of hls Lerm,
a resldenL or AcLlng
resldenL shall noL
make appolnLmenLs,
xxx wlll pre[udlce
publlc servlce or
endanger publlc

ISSUL: 1 WheLher or noL durlng Lhe perlod of Lhe
ban on appolnLmenLs lmposed by Sect|on 1S,
Art|c|e VII of the Const|tut|on, Lhe resldenL ls
noneLheless requlred Lo flll vacancles ln Lhe
[udlclary, ln vlew of Sect|ons 4(1) and 9 of Art|c|e

ISSUL 2: WheLher or noL he can make
appolnLmenLs Lo Lhe [udlclary durlng Lhe perlod of
Lhe ban ln Lhe lnLeresL of publlc servlce.

Surely, Lhe prevenLlon of voLe-buylng and slmllar
evlls ouLwelghs Lhe need for avoldlng delays ln
fllllng up of courL vacancles or Lhe dlsposlLlon of
some cases.

lL ls Lhls CourL's vlew LhaL, as a general
proposlLlon, ln case of confllcL, Lhe former (Sec
13) should yleld Lo Lhe laLLer (Sec 4).

1o Lhe conLenLlon LhaL may perhaps be asserLed,
LhaL SecLlons 4 (1) and 9 of ArLlcle vlll should
prevall over SecLlon 13 of ArLlcle vll, because Lhey
may be consldered laLer expresslons of Lhe
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
vlll, SecLlon 9. ln vlew Lhereof, he
"flrmly and respecLfully relLeraLe(d)
*** (hls) requesL for Lhe !udlclal and
8ar Councll Lo LransmlL *** Lhe flnal
llsL of nomlnees for Lhe lone Supreme
CourL vacancy."

1he Chlef !usLlce replled Lo Lhe leLLer
Lhe followlng day, May 8, 1998. Slnce
Lhe Chlef !usLlce's leLLer explalns Lhe
lssue qulLe plalnly, xxx

As you can see, ?our Lxcellency,
SecLlon 13 of ArLlcle vll lmposes a
dlrecL prohlblLlon on Lhe
resldenL: he "shall noL make
appolnLmenLs" wlLhln Lhe perlod
menLloned, and slnce Lhere ls no
speclflcaLlon of whlch appolnLmenLs
are proscrlbed, Lhe same may be
consldered as applylng Lo all
appolnLmenLs of any klnd and
naLure. xxx As Lhe excepLlon makes
reference only Lo "execuLlve"
poslLlons, lL would seem LhaL
"[udlclal" poslLlons are covered by Lhe
general rule.

xxx SecLlon 4 (1) of ArLlcle vlll,
requlres LhaL any vacancy ln Lhe
Supreme CourL "shall be fllled wlLhln
nlneLy days from Lhe occurrence
Lhereof." unllke SecLlon 13, ArLlcle
vll, Lhe duLy of fllllng Lhe vacancy ls

ArLlcle 8-!udlclal
"SLC 4 (1) 1he
Supreme CourL shall
be composed of a
Chlef !usLlce and
fourLeen AssoclaLe
!usLlces. ***. Any
vacancy shall be
fllled wlLhln nlneLy
days from Lhe
occurrence Lhereof."

ArLlcle 8- !udlclal
"SLC 9 1he Members
of Lhe Supreme
CourL and [udges ln
lower courLs shall be
appolnLed by Lhe
resldenL from Lhe
llsL of aL leasL Lhree
nomlnees prepared
by Lhe !udlclal and
8ar Councll for every
vacancy. xxx
people when Lhey adopLed Lhe ConsLlLuLlon, lL
sufflces Lo polnL ouL LhaL Lhe ConsLlLuLlon musL be
consLrued ln lLs enLlreLy as one, slngle,

1he excepLlon allows only Lhe maklng
of Lemporary appolnLmenLs Lo execuLlve poslLlons
when conLlnued vacancles wlll pre[udlce publlc
servlce or endanger publlc safeLy. Cbvlously, Lhe
arLlcle greaLly resLrlcLs Lhe appolnLlng power of
Lhe resldenL durlng Lhe perlod of Lhe ban.

1he appolnLmenLs of Messrs. valenzuela and
vallarLa xxx were unquesLlonably made durlng Lhe
perlod of Lhe ban. ConsequenLly, Lhey come
wlLhln Lhe operaLlon of Lhe flrsL prohlblLlon
relaLlng Lo appolnLmenLs whlch are consldered Lo
be for Lhe purpose of buylng voLes or lnfluenclng
Lhe elecLlon (under Cmnlbus LlecLlon Code).

xxx Lhe CourL 8esolved Lo uLCLA8L vClu Lhe
appolnLmenLs slgned by Pls Lxcellency Lhe
resldenL under daLe of March 30, 1998 xxx
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
noL speclflcally lmposed on Lhe
resldenL, hence, lL may be lnferred
LhaL lL ls a duLy shared by Lhe !udlclal
and 8ar councll and Lhe resldenL.

1he reason for sald prohlblLlon,
accordlng Lo lr. !. 8ernas, S.!., an
auLhorlLy on ConsLlLuLlonal Law and
hlmself a member of Lhe
ConsLlLuLlonal Commlsslon, ls "(l)n
order noL Lo Lle Lhe hands of Lhe
lncomlng resldenL Lhrough mldnlghL

Should Lhe CourL rule LhaL Lhe
resldenL ls lndeed prohlblLed Lo
make appolnLmenLs ln a presldenLlal
elecLlon year, Lhen any appolnLmenL
aLLempLed wlLhln Lhe proscrlbed
perlod would be vold anyway. lf Lhe
CourL should ad[udge LhaL Lhe ban has
no appllcaLlon Lo appolnLmenLs Lo Lhe
Supreme CourL, Lhe !8C may submlL
nomlnaLlons and Lhe resldenL may
make Lhe appolnLmenL forLhwlLh
upon such ad[udgmenL.

uL LA 8AMA v.
CourL of

C8 131136

lL8 28, 2001

of secLlon 13 by
ue La 8ama

14 appolnLed
upon hls assumpLlon Lo Lhe poslLlon
of Mayor of agbllao, Cuezon,
peLlLloner Conrado L. de 8ama wroLe
a leLLer daLed !uly 13, 1993 Lo Lhe Clvll
Servlce Commlsslon (CSC), seeklng Lhe
recall of Lhe appolnLmenLs of fourLeen
(14) munlclpal employees.

SecLlon 13. 1wo
monLhs lmmedlaLely
before Lhe nexL
elecLlons and up Lo
Lhe end of hls Lerm,
a resldenL or AcLlng
resldenL shall noL
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe so-called mldnlghL"
appolnLmenLs by former Mayor Abe[a were
unconsLlLuLlonal. ! !"

! lL has been held LhaL upon Lhe lssuance of an
appolnLmenL and Lhe appolnLee's assumpLlon of
Lhe poslLlon ln Lhe clvll servlce, he acqulres a
legal rlghL whlch cannoL be Laken away elLher by
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
pp. 417-418 MlslnLerpreLaLlon
of secLlon 13 by
ue La 8ama

14 appolnLed
eLlLloner de 8ama [usLlfled hls recall
requesL on Lhe allegaLlon LhaL Lhe
appolnLmenLs of Lhe sald employees
were mldnlghL" appolnLmenLs of Lhe
former mayor, Ma. Lvelyn S. Abe[a,
done ln vlolaLlon of ArLlcle vll, SecLlon
13 of Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon.

1he CSC upheld Lhe valldlLy of Lhe
appolnLmenLs on Lhe ground LhaL
Lhey had already been approved by
Lhe Pead of Lhe CSC lleld Cfflce ln
Lucena ClLy, and for peLlLloner's
fallure Lo presenL evldence LhaL would
warranL Lhe revocaLlon or recall of Lhe
sald appolnLmenLs.

Cn november 21, 1996, Lhe CSC
denled peLlLloner's moLlon for
reconslderaLlon. 1he CSC relLeraLed
lLs rullng LhaL:
ln Lhe absence of any showlng LhaL
Lhese alleged mldnlghL appolnLmenLs
were defecLlve ln form and ln
subsLance, nor ls Lhere evldence
presenLed Lo show LhaL sub[ecL
appolnLmenLs were lssued ln
conLravenLlon of law or rules, Lhese
appolnLmenLs are deemed valld and
ln effecL.

xxx, Lhe CourL of Appeals denled for
lack of merlL Lhe peLlLlon for revlew.

make appolnLmenLs
revocaLlon of Lhe appolnLmenL or by removal
excepL for cause and wlLh prevlous noLlce and
hearlng." Moreover, lL ls well-seLLled LhaL Lhe
person assumlng a poslLlon ln Lhe clvll servlce
under a compleLed appolnLmenL acqulres a legal,
noL [usL an equlLable, rlghL Lo Lhe poslLlon. 1hls
rlghL ls proLecLed noL only by sLaLuLe, buL by Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon as well, whlch rlghL cannoL be Laken
away by elLher revocaLlon of Lhe appolnLmenL, or
by removal, unless Lhere ls valld cause Lo do so,
provlded LhaL Lhere ls prevlous noLlce and

! 1he CSC correcLly ruled, however, LhaL Lhe
consLlLuLlonal prohlblLlon on so-called mldnlghL
appolnLmenLs," speclflcally Lhose made wlLhln
Lwo (2) monLhs lmmedlaLely prlor Lo Lhe nexL
presldenLlal elecLlons, applles only Lo Lhe
resldenL or AcLlng resldenL.

! ln LruLh and ln facL, Lhere ls no law LhaL
prohlblLs local elecLlve offlclals from maklng
appolnLmenLs durlng Lhe lasL days of hls or her
Lenure. eLlLloner cerLalnly dld noL ralse Lhe lssue
of fraud on Lhe parL of Lhe ouLgolng mayor who
made Lhe appolnLmenLs.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
eLlLloner flled a moLlon for
reconslderaLlon argulng LhaL Lhe
appellaLe courL erred ln upholdlng Lhe
CSC's resoluLlons desplLe Lhe
followlng defecLs:
l. no screenlng process and no
crlLerla were adopLed by Lhe
ersonnel SelecLlon 8oard ln
nomlnaLlng Lhe respondenLs,
ll. no posLlng ln Lhree (3) consplcuous
publlc places of noLlce of vacancy as
requlred by Lhe rules and Lhe law,
lll. MerlL and flLness requlremenLs
were noL observed by Lhe selecLlon
board and by Lhe appolnLlng auLhorlLy
as requlred by Lhe Clvll Servlce rules,
lv. eLlLloner has valld grounds Lo
recall Lhe appolnLmenLs of

ln a 8esoluLlon daLed CcLober 20,
1997, Lhe CourL of Appeals denled Lhe
moLlon for reconslderaLlon.

Mendoza, !., dlssenLs: WhaL Lhe ma[orlLy overlooks ls LhaL ArLlcle vll SecLlon13 ls slmply an appllcaLlon of a
broader prlnclple xxx 1hls rule blnds all, lncludlng mayors, who are vesLed wlLh Lhe power of appolnLmenL, and lL
flows from Lhe prlnclple LhaL a publlc offlce ls a publlc LrusL. xxx
lL ls clear, however, LhaL Lhe Clvll Servlce Commlsslon dld noL flnd anyLhlng wrong or lrregular ln Lhe appolnLmenLs
of respondenLs because lL falled Lo appreclaLe Lhe facL LhaL MldnlghL appolnLmenLs" - wheLher made by Lhe
resldenL or by a mayor - are bad, because Lhey are made hurrledly, wlLhouL due dellberaLlon and careful
conslderaLlon of Lhe needs of Lhe offlce and Lhe quallflcaLlons of Lhe appolnLees, and by an appolnLlng auLhorlLy on
Lhe eve of hls deparLure from offlce. MldnlghL appolnLmenLs" are bad because, as Lhe AyLona v. CasLlllo declslon
puLs lL, Lhey offend prlnclples of falrness, [usLlce and rlghLeousness." 1hey cannoL be less bad because Lhey are
made aL Lhe local level, by mayors and oLher local execuLlves.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

Sect|on 16. 1he res|dent sha|| nom|nate and, w|th the consent of the Comm|ss|on on Appo|ntments, appo|nt the heads of the execut|ve
departments, ambassadors, other pub||c m|n|sters and consu|s, or off|cers of the armed forces from the rank of co|one| or nava| capta|n, and other
off|cers whose appo|ntments are vested |n h|m |n th|s Const|tut|on. ne sha|| a|so appo|nt a|| other off|cers of the Government whose appo|ntments
are not otherw|se prov|ded for by |aw, and those whom he may be author|zed by |aw to appo|nt. 1he Congress may, by |aw, vest the appo|ntment of
other off|cers |ower |n rank |n the res|dent a|one, |n the courts, or |n the heads of departments, agenc|es, comm|ss|ons, or boards.

1he res|dent sha|| have the power to make appo|ntments dur|ng the recess of the Congress, whether vo|untary or compu|sory, but such
appo|ntments sha|| be effect|ve on|y unt|| d|sapproved by the Comm|ss|on on Appo|ntments or unt|| the next ad[ournment of the Congress.

Case keywords lacLs Appllcable/vlolaLed
lssue & 8aLlo
Cov'L v. MllLon
30 hll. 239
pp. 418-419
ISSUL 1: ls Lhe power of appolnLmenL
execuLlve? $%&'

! ln Concepclon v. aredes, supra, xxx
lollowlng Lhe lead of kenLucky, lL was
announced LhaL AppolnLmenL Lo offlce ls
lnLrlnslcally an execuLlve acL lnvolvlng Lhe
exerclse of dlscreLlon"
v. LxLCu1lvL

C8 131429

AuC 4, 1999

pp. 419-421
Code of 1987


1he occurrence of a vacancy ln Lhe
Cfflce of Lhe rovlnclal rosecuLor
of 1arlac lmpelled Lhe maln
conLesLanLs ln Lhls case, peLlLloner
Cscar 8ermudez and respondenL
Conrado CulaolL, Lo Lake
conLrasLlng vlews on Lhe proper
lnLerpreLaLlon of a provlslon ln Lhe
1987 8evlsed AdmlnlsLraLlve Code.

8ermudez, Lhe llrsL AsslsLanL
rovlnclal rosecuLor of 1arlac and
Cfflcer-ln-Charge of Lhe Cfflce of
8evlsed AdmlnlsLraLlve
Code of 1987 (8ook lv,
1lLle lll, ChapLer ll,
SecLlon 9)-
All provlnclal and
clLy prosecuLors and
Lhelr asslsLanLs shall be
appolnLed by Lhe
resldenL upon Lhe
recommendaLlon of Lhe

ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe absence of a
recommendaLlon of Lhe SecreLary of !usLlce
Lo Lhe resldenL lldel 8amos can be held faLal
Lo Lhe appolnLmenL of respondenL Conrado
CulaolL Lo Lhe posL of rovlnclal rosecuLor of
1arlac. ! !"'

! 1he recommendaLlon ls here noLhlng
really more Lhan advlsory ln naLure.

! xxx Lhe resldenL has Lhe power Lo assume
dlrecLly Lhe funcLlons of an execuLlve
deparLmenL, bureau and offlce. lL can
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Lhe rovlnclal rosecuLor, was a
recommendee of Lhen !usLlce
SecreLary 1eoflsLo Culngona, !r., for
Lhe poslLlon of rovlnclal
rosecuLor. CulaolL, on Lhe oLher
hand, would appear Lo have had
Lhe supporL of Lhen 8epresenLaLlve
!ose ?ap of Lhe Second LeglslaLlve
ulsLrlcL of 1arlac.

Cn 30 !une 1997, CulaolL emerged
Lhe vlcLor when he was appolnLed
by resldenL 8amos Lo Lhe coveLed

eLlLloners conLend LhaL an
appolnLmenL of a provlnclal
prosecuLor mandaLorlly requlres a
prlor recommendaLlon of Lhe
SecreLary of !usLlce endorslng Lhe
lnLended appolnLmenL clLlng, by
analogy, Lhe case of San !uan
vs. CSC where Lhe CourL held:
. . . 1he u8M may appolnL only from
Lhe llsL of quallfled recommendees
nomlnaLed by Lhe Covernor. lf none
ls quallfled, he musL reLurn Lhe llsL
of nomlnees Lo Lhe Covernor
explalnlng why no one meeLs Lhe
legal requlremenLs and ask for new
recommendees who have Lhe
necessary ellglblllLles and

LxecuLlve Crder no.
112 -
SecLlon 1. All budgeL
offlcers of provlnces,
clLles and munlclpallLles
shall be appolnLed
henceforLh by Lhe
MlnlsLer of 8udgeL and
ManagemenL upon
recommendaLlon of Lhe
local chlef execuLlve
concerned. . . .

noLe: LC 112 ls [usL
LangenLlal buL noL
necessarlly apL Lo Lhls
lssue. 1he appolnLmenL
ln Lhe case of San !uan
has dlsLlncLlvely glven
sLress ln obeylng Lhe
consLlLuLlonal mandaLe
of Lhe local auLonomy.
accordlngly be lnferred Lherefrom LhaL Lhe
resldenL can lnLerfere ln Lhe exerclse of
dlscreLlon of offlclals under hlm or alLogeLher
lgnore Lhelr recommendaLlons.

! ln Lhe lnsLanL case, Lhe recommendaLlon
of Lhe SecreLary of !usLlce and Lhe
appolnLmenL of Lhe resldenL are acLs of Lhe
LxecuLlve ueparLmenL lLself, and Lhere ls no
sharlng of power Lo speak of, Lhe laLLer belng
deemed for all lnLenLs and purposes as belng
merely an exLenslon of Lhe personallLy of Lhe

!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
lLC8LS v. u8lLCn
& CC8uCn
C8 104732
!unL 22, 1993
pp. 421-423
appolnLmenL Lo

lnvalld provlso of
kA 7227

vlolaLlon of S16
ArLlcle lx-8
1he consLlLuLlonallLy of Sect|on 13,
par. (d), of k.A. 7227, oLherwlse
known as Lhe "8ases Converslon
and uevelopmenL AcL of 1992,"
under whlch respondenL Mayor
8lchard !. Cordon of Clongapo ClLy
was appolnLed Chalrman and Chlef
LxecuLlve Cfflcer of Lhe Sublc 8ay
MeLropollLan AuLhorlLy (S8MA), ls
challenged ln Lhls orlglnal peLlLlon
wlLh prayer for prohlblLlon,
prellmlnary ln[uncLlon and
Lemporary resLralnlng order "Lo
prevenL useless and unnecessary
expendlLures of publlc funds by way
of salarles and oLher operaLlonal
expenses aLLached Lo Lhe offlce."

eLlLloners, xxx malnLaln LhaL
Lhe provlso ln par. (d) of SecLlon 13
lnfrlnges secLlon 16 of ArLlcle vll
because Lhe ClLy Mayor of
Clongapo ClLy ls an elecLlve offlclal
and Lhe sub[ecL posLs are publlc
offlces, secLlon 7 of ArLlcle lx-8
slnce lL was Congress Lhrough Lhe
quesLloned provlso and noL Lhe
resldenL who appolnLed Lhe Mayor
Lo Lhe sub[ecL posLs, and, (c)
SecLlon 261, par. (g), of Lhe
Cmnlbus LlecLlon Code for Lhe
reason LhaL Lhe appolnLmenL of
respondenL Cordon Lo Lhe sub[ecL
8A 7227, ar.(d) --
admlnlsLraLor - 1he
resldenL shall appolnL
a professlonal manager
as admlnlsLraLor of Lhe
Sublc AuLhorlLy wlLh a
compensaLlon Lo be
deLermlned by Lhe
8oard sub[ecL Lo Lhe
approval of Lhe
SecreLary of 8udgeL,
who shall be Lhe ex
oflclo chalrman of Lhe
8oard and who shall
serve as Lhe chlef
execuLlve offlcer of Lhe
AuLhorlLy: rovlded,
however, 1haL for Lhe
flrsL year of lLs
operaLlons from Lhe
effecLlvlLy of Lhls AcL,
Lhe mayor of Lhe ClLy of
Clongapo shall be
appolnLed as Lhe
chalrman and chlef
execuLlve offlcer of Lhe
AuLhorlLy (emphasls

SecLlon 16 of ArLlcle vll
"[L]he resldenL shall . .
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe provlso |n
Sect|on 13, par. (d), of k.A. 7227 vlolaLes Lhe
consLlLuLlonal proscrlpLlon agalnsL
appolnLmenL or deslgnaLlon of elecLlve
offlclals Lo oLher governmenL posLs. ! $%&'

! Sect|on 7 of Art Ik-8 expresses Lhe pollcy
agalnsL Lhe concenLraLlon of several publlc
poslLlons ln one person, so LhaL a publlc
offlcer or employee may serve full-Llme wlLh
dedlcaLlon and Lhus be efflclenL ln Lhe
dellvery of publlc servlces. lL ls an afflrmaLlon
LhaL a publlc offlce ls a full-Llme [ob. ALSC, lLs
baslc ldea really ls Lo prevenL a slLuaLlon
where a local elecLlve offlclal wlll work for hls
appolnLmenL ln an execuLlve poslLlon ln
governmenL, and Lhus neglecL hls

! 1he provlso ls preclsely whaL Lhe
consLlLuLlonal proscrlpLlon seeks Lo prevenL,
lL needs no sLreLchlng of Lhe lmaglnaLlon Lo
conclude LhaL Lhe provlso conLravenes
Sect|on 7, f|rst par., Art|c|e Ik-8, of the
Const|tut|on. luLhermore, no leglslaLlve acL
can prevall over Lhe fundamenLal law of Lhe

! 1he exempLlon allowed Lo appolnLlve
offlclals ln Lhe second paragraph of Sect|on 7
cannoL be exLended Lo elecLlve offlclals who
are governed by Lhe flrsL paragraph.

! Whlle lL may be vlewed LhaL
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
posLs made by respondenL
LxecuLlve SecreLary on 3 Aprll 1992
was wlLhln Lhe prohlblLed 43-day
perlod prlor Lo Lhe 11 May 1992
. . appolnL all oLher
offlcers of Lhe
CovernmenL whose
appolnLmenLs are noL
oLherwlse provlded for
by law, and Lhose
whom he may be
auLhorlzed by law Lo

noLe: Lhe appolnLmenL
ls lnvalld and Lherefore,
noL auLhorlzed by Lhe
fundamenLal law of Lhe

SecLlon 7, flrsL par., of
ArLlcle lx-8 "[n]o
elecLlve offlclal shall be
ellglble for appolnLmenL
or deslgnaLlon ln any
capaclLy Lo any publlc
offlcer or poslLlon
durlng hls Lenure,"
Lhe provlso merely seLs Lhe quallflcaLlons of
Lhe offlcer durlng Lhe flrsL year of operaLlons
of S8MA, l.e., he musL be Lhe Mayor of
Clongapo ClLy, lL ls manlfesLly an abuse of
congresslonal auLhorlLy Lo prescrlbe
quallflcaLlons where only one, and no oLher,
can quallfy. Accordlngly, whlle Lhe
confermenL of Lhe appolnLlng power on Lhe
resldenL ls a perfecLly valld leglslaLlve acL,
Lhe provlso llmlLlng hls cholce Lo one ls
cerLalnly an encroachmenL on hls

! 1he provlso ln par. (d), SecLlon 13, of 8.A.
7227,xxx ls declared unconsLlLuLlonal,
ConsequenLly, Lhe appolnLmenL pursuanL
LhereLo of Lhe Mayor of Clongapo ClLy,
respondenL 8lchard !. Cordon, ls lnvALlu,
hence nuLL and vClu. Powever, all per
dlems, allowances and oLher emolumenLs
recelved by respondenL Cordon, xxx are
hereby uPLLu.
(lawyer, Laxpayer,
l8 member) v.
MlSCn (CusLoms
136 SC8A 349
pp. 423-433
AppolnLmenL Lo
bureau heads
w/o CA's
2nd, 3rd, 4Lh
eLlLloners assalled LhaL Mlson's
appolnLmenL as Commlssloner of
Lhe 8ureau of CusLoms ls
unconsLlLuLlonal by reason of lLs noL
havlng been conflrmed by Lhe
Commlsslon on AppolnLmenLs.

1he respondenLs, on Lhe oLher
hand, malnLaln Lhe consLlLuLlonallLy
of respondenL Mlson's appolnLmenL
SecLlon 16, ArLlcle vll of
Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon

1he resldenL shall
nomlnaLe and, wlLh Lhe
consenL of Lhe
Commlsslon on
AppolnLmenLs, appolnL
Lhe heads of Lhe
ISSUL 1: 1he second, Lhlrd and fourLh groups
of offlcers are Lhe presenL bone of
conLenLlon. WheLher or noL Lhey may be
appolnLed by Lhe resldenL wlLhouL Lhe
consenL (conflrmaLlon) of Lhe Commlsslon on
AppolnLmenLs? ! $%&'

! xxx Lhe framers of Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon
and Lhe people adopLlng lL, sLruck a "mlddle
ground" by requlrlng Lhe consenL
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
wlLhouL Lhe conflrmaLlon of Lhe
Commlsslon on AppolnLmenLs.

1hls case assumes added
slgnlflcance because, aL boLLom
llne, lL lnvolves a confllcL beLween
Lwo (2) greaL deparLmenLs of
governmenL, Lhe LxecuLlve and
LeglslaLlve ueparLmenLs. lL also
occurs early ln Lhe llfe of Lhe 1987

lL ls readlly apparenL LhaL under Lhe
provlslons of Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon,
[usL quoLed, Lhere are four (4)
groups of offlcers whom Lhe
resldenL shall appolnL. 1hese four
(4) groups, Lo whlch we wlll
hereafLer refer from Llme Lo Llme,

llrsL, Lhe heads of Lhe execuLlve
deparLmenLs, ambassadors, oLher
publlc mlnlsLers and consuls,
offlcers of Lhe armed forces from
Lhe rank of colonel or naval capLaln,
and oLher offlcers whose
appolnLmenLs are vesLed ln hlm ln
Lhls ConsLlLuLlon,

Second, all oLher offlcers of Lhe
CovernmenL whose appolnLmenLs
are noL oLherwlse provlded for by
execuLlve deparLmenLs,
ambassadors, oLher
publlc mlnlsLers and
consuls, or offlcers of
Lhe armed forces from
Lhe rank of colonel or
naval capLaln, and oLher
offlcers whose
appolnLmenLs are
vesLed ln hlm ln Lhls
ConsLlLuLlon. Pe shall
also appolnL all oLher
offlcers of Lhe
CovernmenL whose
appolnLmenLs are noL
oLherwlse provlded for
by law, and Lhose
whom he may be
auLhorlzed by law Lo
appolnL. 1he Congress
may, by law, vesL Lhe
appolnLmenL of oLher
offlcers lower ln rank ln
Lhe resldenL alone, ln
Lhe courLs, or ln Lhe
heads of Lhe
deparLmenLs, agencles,
commlsslons or boards.

1he resldenL shall have
Lhe power Lo make
appolnLmenLs durlng
Lhe recess of Lhe
Congress, wheLher
(conflrmaLlon) of Lhe Commlsslon on
AppolnLmenLs for Lhe flrsL group of
appolnLmenLs and leavlng Lo Lhe resldenL,
wlLhouL such conflrmaLlon, Lhe appolnLmenL
of oLher offlcers, l.e., Lhose ln Lhe second and
Lhlrd groups as well as Lhose ln Lhe fourLh
group, l.e., offlcers of lower rank.

Mr. Monsod: Cn SecLlon 16, l would llke Lo
suggesL LhaL Lhe power of Lhe Commlsslon on
AppolnLmenLs be llmlLed Lo Lhe deparLmenL
heads, ambassadors, generals and so on buL
noL Lo Lhe levels of bureau heads and

M8. lCZ: Madam resldenL, my proposed
amendmenL ls on page 7, SecLlon 16, llne 26
whlch ls Lo deleLe Lhe words "and

M8. lCZ: 1he poslLlon of bureau dlrecLor ls
acLually qulLe low ln Lhe execuLlve
deparLmenL, and Lo requlre furLher
conflrmaLlon of presldenLlal appolnLmenL of
heads of bureaus would sub[ecL Lhem Lo
pollLlcal lnfluence.

M8. 8LCALAuC: 1he Commlssloner's
proposed amendmenL by deleLlon also
lncludes reglonal dlrecLors xxx

! lL ls evldenL LhaL Lhe poslLlon of
Commlssloner of Lhe 8ureau of CusLoms (a
bureau head) ls noL one of Lhose wlLhln Lhe
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

1hlrd, Lhose whom Lhe resldenL
may be auLhorlzed by law Lo

lourLh, offlcers lower ln rank whose
appolnLmenLs Lhe Congress may by
law vesL ln Lhe resldenL alone.

volunLary or
compulsory, buL such
appolnLmenLs shall be
effecLlve only unLll
dlsapproval by Lhe
Commlsslon on
AppolnLmenLs or unLll
Lhe nexL ad[ournmenL
of Lhe Congress.

flrsL group of appolnLmenLs where Lhe
consenL of Lhe Commlsslon on AppolnLmenLs
ls requlred. 1hus, Lhe appolnLmenL of
Salvador Mlson as Commlssloner of 8ureau of
CusLoms ls upheld.

Cruz, !., dlssenLs: xxx
1here ls no quesLlon LhaL bureau dlrecLors are noL requlred Lo be conflrmed under Lhe flrsL senLence of SecLlon
16, buL LhaL ls noL Lhe provlslon we oughL Lo lnLerpreL. lL ls Lhe second senLence we musL undersLand for a
proper resoluLlon of Lhe lssues now before us.
Cne may also ask why, lf Lhe offlcers menLloned ln Lhe second senLence do noL need conflrmaLlon, lL was sLlll
felL necessary Lo provlde ln Lhe Lhlrd senLence LhaL Lhe appolnLmenL of Lhe oLher offlcers lower ln rank wlll also
noL need conflrmaLlon as long as Lhelr appolnLmenL ls vesLed by law ln Lhe resldenL alone. 1he Lhlrd senLence
would appear Lo be superfluous, Loo, agaln ln vlew of Lhe flrsL senLence.
lL musL be borne ln mlnd LhaL one of Lhe purposes of Lhe ConsLlLuLlonal Commlsslon was Lo resLrlcL Lhe powers
of Lhe resldency and so prevenL Lhe recurrence of anoLher dlcLaLorshlp.
My own readlng ls LhaL Lhe second senLence ls buL a conLlnuaLlon of Lhe ldea expressed ln Lhe flrsL senLence
and slmply menLlons Lhe oLher offlcers appolnLed by Lhe resldenL who are also sub[ecL Lo conflrmaLlon. 1he
second senLence ls Lhe laLer expresslon of Lhe wlll of Lhe framers and so musL be lnLerpreLed as complemenLlng
Lhe rule embodled ln Lhe flrsL senLence or, lf necessary, reverslng Lhe orlglnal lnLenLlon Lo exempL bureau
dlrecLors from conflrmaLlon. xxx AL any raLe, Lhls vlew ls more conslsLenL wlLh Lhe general purpose of ArLlcle
vll, whlch, Lo repeaL, was Lo reduce Lhe powers of Lhe resldency.
1he rule re- esLabllshed by Lhe new ConsLlLuLlon ls LhaL Lhe power requlres conflrmaLlon by Lhe Commlsslon on
AppolnLmenLs as a resLralnL on presldenLlal excesses, ln llne wlLh Lhe sysLem of checks and balances. l submlL lL
ls Lhe excepLlon Lo Lhls rule, and noL Lhe rule, LhaL should be sLrlcLly consLrued.

!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
ln my vlew, Lhe only offlcers appolnLed by Lhe resldenL who are noL sub[ecL Lo conflrmaLlon by Lhe
Commlsslon on AppolnLmenLs are (1) Lhe members of Lhe [udlclary and Lhe Cmbudsman and hls depuLles, who
are nomlnaLed by Lhe !udlclal and 8ar Councll, (2) Lhe vlce-resldenL when he ls appolnLed Lo Lhe CablneL, and
(3) "oLher offlcers lower ln rank," buL only when Lhelr appolnLmenL ls vesLed by law ln Lhe resldenL alone. lL ls
clear LhaL Lhls enumeraLlon does noL lnclude Lhe respondenL Commlssloner of CusLoms who, whlle noL covered
by Lhe flrsL senLence of SecLlon 16, comes under Lhe second senLence Lhereof as l would lnLerpreL lL and so ls
also sub[ecL Lo conflrmaLlon.

l voLe Lo granL Lhe peLlLlon

Culn1CS-uLLLS eL
al v. CA

177 SC8A 239

pp. 433-438
SecLoral 8eps
requlres CA
1hls ls a speclal clvll acLlon xxx
seeklng Lo compel respondenL
Commlsslon on AppolnLmenLs Lo
allow peLlLloner 1ereslLa CulnLos-
ueles Lo perform and dlscharge her
duLles as a member of Lhe Pouse of
8epresenLaLlves represenLlng Lhe
Women's SecLor and Lo resLraln
respondenLs from sub[ecLlng peLl-
Lloner's appolnLmenL Lo Lhe
conflrmaLlon process.

Cn Aprll 18, 1988, Lhe peLlLloner
and 3 oLher secLoral repre-
senLaLlves appolnLed by res.
Corazon Aqulno were scheduled Lo
Lake Lhelr oaLhs before Speaker
8amon v. MlLra, !r. aL Lhe Sesslon
Pall of Congress afLer Lhe Crder of
8uslness. Powever, Lhey were noL
able Lo Lake Lhelr oaLhs and
dlscharge Lhelr duLles as members
of Congress due Lo Lhe opposlLlon
of some congressmen-members of

under SecLlon 7, ArLlcle
18 of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon:

"SLC. 7. unLll a law ls
passed, Lhe resldenL
may flll by appolnLmenL
from a llsL of nomlnees
by Lhe respecLlve
secLors Lhe seaLs
reserved for
secLoral represenLaLlon
ln paragraph (1),
SecLlon 3 of ArLlcle vl of
Lhls ConsLlLuLlon."

SecLlon 16, ArLlcle vll of
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon:

"SLC. 16. x x x
1he resldenL shall have
Lhe power Lo make
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
requlres Lhe appolnLmenL of secLoral
represenLaLlves Lo Lhe Pouse of
8epresenLaLlves Lo be conflrmed by Lhe
Commlsslon on AppolnLmenLs. ! $%&

! Slnce Lhe seaLs reserved
for secLoral represenLaLlves ln paragraph 2,
Sect|on S, Art|c|e VI may be fllled by
appolnLmenL by Lhe resldenL by express
provlslon of Sect|on 7, Art|c|e kVIII of Lhe
Const|tut|on, lL ls lndublLable
LhaL secLoral represenLaLlves Lo Lhe Pouse of
8epresenLaLlves are among Lhe "oLher
offlcers whose appolnLmenLs are vesLed ln
Lhe resldenL ln Lhls ConsLlLuLlon," referred Lo
ln Lhe flrsL senLence of Sect|on 16, Art|c|e VII
whose appolnLmenLs are sub[ecL Lo
conflrmaLlon by Lhe Commlsslon on
AppolnLmenLs (SarmlenLo v. Mlson, supra).
o lmpllclL ln Lhe lnvocaLlon of paragraph 2,
Sect|on 16, Art|c|e VII as auLhorlLy for Lhe
appolnLmenL of peLlLloner ls, Lhe
recognlLlon by Lhe resldenL as
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Lhe Commlsslon on AppolnLmenLs,
who lnslsLed
LhaL secLoral represenLaLlves musL
flrsL be conflrmed by Lhe
respondenL Commlsslon before
Lhey could Lake Lhelr oaLhs and/or
assume offlce as members of Lhe
Pouse of 8epresenLaLlves.

ln Lhe May 12, 1988 meeLlng of Lhe
CommlLLee of Lhe ConsLlLuLlonal
Commlsslons and Cfflces of Lhe
Commlsslon on AppolnLmenLs,
chalred by Sen. Ldgardo !. Angara,
Lhe CommlLLee ruled agalnsL Lhe
poslLlon of peLlLloner ueles.

eLlLloner 1ereslLa CulnLos-ueles
conLends LhaL her appolnLmenL
as SecLoral 8epresenLaLlve for
Women by Lhe resldenL pursuanL
Lo SecLlon 7, ArLlcle xvlll of Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon, does noL requlre
conflrmaLlon by Lhe Commlsslon on
AppolnLmenLs Lo quallfy her Lo Lake
her seaL ln Lhe Pouse of
appolnLmenLs durlng
Lhe recess of Lhe
Congress, wheLher
volunLary or
compulsory, buL such
appolnLmenLs shall be
effecLlve only unLll
dlsapproval by Lhe
Commlsslon on
AppolnLmenLs or unLll
Lhe nexL ad[ournmenL
of Lhe Congress."

appolnLlng auLhorlLy LhaL peLlLloner's
appolnLmenL requlres conflrmaLlon by
Lhe Commlsslon on AppolnLmenLs.

! 1hus, appolnLmenLs by Lhe resldenL of
secLoral represenLaLlves requlre Lhe consenL
of Lhe Commlsslon on AppolnLmenLs ln
accordance wlLh Lhe flrsL senLence of Sect|on
16, Art|c|e VII of the Const|tut|on. More Lo
Lhe polnL, peLlLloner ueles' appolnLmenL was
lssued noL by vlrLue of Lxecut|ve Crder No.
198 buL pursuanL Lo Art|c|e VII, Sect|on 16,
paragraph 2 and Art|c|e kVIII, Sect|on 7 of
the Const|tut|on whlch requlre submlsslon Lo
Lhe conflrmaLlon process.
Calderon v. Carale
as Chalrman of
Lhe naLlonal Labor

C8 91636
8A 6713
amendlng arL.
213 of Labor

nL8C Chalr
under 3rd
ursuanL Lo sald law (8A 6713),
resldenL Aqulno appolnLed Lhe
Chalrman and Commlssloners of
Lhe nL8C represenLlng Lhe publlc,
workers and employers secLors. 1he
appolnLmenLs sLaLed LhaL Lhe
appolnLees may quallfy and enLer
1he second senLence of
SecLlon 16, ArLlcle vll
refers Lo all oLher
offlcers of Lhe
governmenL whose
appolnLmenLs are noL
oLherwlse provlded for
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Congress may, by
law, requlre conflrmaLlon by Lhe Commlsslon
on AppolnLmenLs of appolnLmenLs exLended
by Lhe presldenL Lo governmenL offlcers
addlLlonal Lo Lhose expressly menLloned ln
Lhe flrsL senLence of Sect|on 16, Art|c|e VII of
the Const|tut|on whose appolnLmenLs
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

Apr 23, 1992

pp. 438-444
groups upon Lhe performance of Lhe duLles
of Lhe offlce. AfLer sald
appolnLmenLs, Lhen Labor SecreLary
lranklln urllon lssued
AdmlnlsLraLlve Crder no. 161,
serles of 1989, deslgnaLlng Lhe
places of asslgnmenL of Lhe newly
appolnLed commlssloners.

eLlLloner lnslsLs on a mandaLory
compllance wlLh 8A 6713 whlch has
ln lLs favor Lhe presumpLlon of
valldlLy. 8A 6713 ls noL, accordlng
Lo peLlLloner, an encroachmenL on
Lhe appolnLlng power of Lhe
execuLlve conLalned ln SecLlon 16,
ArLlcle vll, of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon, as
Congress may, by law, requlre
conflrmaLlon by Lhe Commlsslon on
AppolnLmenLs of oLher offlcers
appolnLed by Lhe resldenL
addlLlonal Lo Lhose menLloned ln
Lhe flrsL senLence of SecLlon 16 of
ArLlcle vll of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon.
eLlLloner clalms LhaL
Lhe Mlson and 8auLlsLa rullngs are
noL declslve of Lhe lssue ln Lhls case
for ln Lhe case aL bar, Lhe resldenL
lssued permanenL appolnLmenLs Lo
Lhe respondenLs wlLhouL submlLLlng
Lhem Lo Lhe CA for
conflrmaLlon desplLe passage of a
by law and Lhose whom
Lhe resldenL may be
auLhorlzed by law Lo
requlre conflrmaLlon by Lhe Commlsslon on
AppolnLmenLs. ! !"'

! ulplano v. Mlson ! ln Lhe course of Lhe
debaLes on Lhe LexL of SecLlon 16, Lhere were
Lwo (2) ma[or changes proposed and
approved by Lhe Commlsslon:
(1) Lhe excluslon of Lhe appolnLmenLs of
heads of bureaus from Lhe requlremenL of
conflrmaLlon by Lhe Commlsslon on
(2) Lhe excluslon of appolnLmenLs made
under Lhe second senLence of Lhe secLlon
from Lhe same requlremenL.

! lndublLably, Lhe nL8C Chalrman and
Commlssloners fall wlLhln Lhe second
senLence of Sect|on 16, Art|c|e VII of the
Const|tut|on, more speclflcally under Lhe
"Lhlrd groups" of appolnLees referred Lo
ln Mlson, l.e. Lhose whom Lhe resldenL may
be auLhorlzed by law Lo appolnL. xxx noL
among Lhe offlcers menLloned xxx whose
appolnLmenLs requlres conflrmaLlon by Lhe
Commlsslon on AppolnLmenLs.

! 1o Lhe exLenL LhaL kA 671S requlres
conflrmaLlon by Lhe Commlsslon on
AppolnLmenLs of Lhe appolnLmenLs of
respondenLs Chalrman and Members of Lhe
naLlonal Labor 8elaLlons Commlsslon, lL ls
unconsLlLuLlonal because:
1) lL amends by leglslaLlon, Lhe flrsL senLence
of Sect|on 16, Art|c|e VII of Lhe Const|tut|on
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
law (8A 6713) whlch requlres Lhe
conflrmaLlon by Lhe Commlsslon on
AppolnLmenLs of such
by addlng LhereLo appolnLmenLs requlrlng
conflrmaLlon by Lhe Commlsslon on
AppolnLmenLs, and
2) lL amends by leglslaLlon Lhe second
senLence of Sect|on 16, Art|c|e VII of Lhe
Const|tut|on, by lmposlng Lhe conflrmaLlon of
Lhe Commlsslon on AppolnLmenLs on
appolnLmenLs, whlch are oLherwlse enLrusLed
only wlLh Lhe resldenL.

! 1he dellberaLe llmlLaLlon on Lhe power of
conflrmaLlon of Lhe Commlsslon on
AppolnLmenLs over presldenLlal
appolnLmenLs, embodled ln SecLlon 16,
ArLlcle vll of Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon has
undoubLedly evoked Lhe dlspleasure and
dlsapproval of members of Congress. 1he
soluLlon Lo Lhe apparenL problem, lf lndeed a
problem, ls noL [udlclal or leglslaLlve buL
consLlLuLlonal. A fuLure consLlLuLlonal
convenLlon or Congress slLLlng as a
consLlLuenL (consLlLuLlonal) assembly may
Lhen conslder elLher a reLurn Lo Lhe 1933
ConsLlLuLlonal provlslons or Lhe adopLlon of a
hybrld sysLem beLween Lhe 1933 or 1987
consLlLuLlonal provlslons. unLll Lhen, lL ls Lhe
duLy of Lhe CourL Lo apply Lhe 1987
ConsLlLuLlon ln accordance wlLh whaL lL says
and noL ln accordance wlLh how Lhe
leglslaLure or Lhe execuLlve would wanL lL
Cruz, !., dlssenLs:
l dlssenL on Lhe basls of my dlssenL ln SarmlenLo v. Mlson, whlch l belleve should be re-examlned lnsLead of
belng auLomaLlcally re-afflrmed slmply because of lLs orlglnal adopLlon. l do noL belleve we should perslsL ln
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
error on Lhe ground merely of adherence Lo [udlclal precedenL, however unsound.
Ma. Aangellna
MaLlbag v. Alfredo
C8 149036
Aprll 2, 2002
pp. 444-436
Comelec ad

ArLlcle lx-C

eLlLloner Ma. !. Angellna C.
MaLlbag quesLlons Lhe
consLlLuLlonallLy of Lhe
appolnLmenL and Lhe rlghL Lo hold
offlce of Lhe followlng: (1) Alfredo L.
8enlpayo as Chalrman of Lhe
Commlsslon on LlecLlons, and (2)
8esurrecclon Z. 8orra and
llorenLlno A. 1uason, !r. as
CCMLLLC Commlssloners.
eLlLloner also quesLlons Lhe
legallLy of Lhe appolnLmenL of
velma !. Clnco as ulrecLor lv of Lhe
CCMLLLC's LducaLlon and
lnformaLlon ueparLmenL.

ln Lhe meanLlme, on SepLember 6,
2001, resldenL Macapagal Arroyo
renewed once agaln Lhe ad lnLerlm
appolnLmenLs of 8enlpayo as
CCMLLLC Chalrman and 8orra and
1uason as Commlssloners,
respecLlvely, for a Lerm of seven
years explrlng on lebruary 2,
2008.1hey all Look Lhelr oaLhs of
offlce anew.

eLlLloner poslLs Lhe vlew LhaL
an ad lnLerlm appolnLmenL can be
wlLhdrawn or revoked by Lhe
resldenL aL her pleasure, and can
even be dlsapproved or slmply by-
passed by Lhe Commlsslon on
SecLlon 1 (2), ArLlcle lx-
C of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon,
whlch provldes as

"1he Chalrman and Lhe
Commlssloners shall be
appolnLed by Lhe
resldenL wlLh Lhe
consenL of Lhe
Commlsslon on
AppolnLmenLs for a
Lerm of seven years
wlLhouL reappolnLmenL.
Cf Lhose flrsL
appolnLed, Lhree
Members shall hold
offlce for seven years,
Lwo Members for flve
years, and Lhe lasL
Members for Lhree
years, wlLhouL
AppolnLmenL Lo any
vacancy shall be only
for Lhe unexplred Lerm
of Lhe predecessor. ln
no case shall any
Member be appolnLed
or deslgnaLed ln a
Lemporary or acLlng

ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe assumpLlon of
offlce by 8enlpayo, 8orra and 1uason on Lhe
basls of Lhe ad lnLerlm appolnLmenLs lssued
by Lhe resldenL amounLs Lo a Lemporary
appolnLmenL prohlblLed by Sect|on 1 (2),
Art|c|e Ik-C of the Const|tut|on. ! !"

! An ad lnLerlm appolnLmenL ls a permanenL
appolnLmenL because lL Lakes effecL
lmmedlaLely and can no longer be wlLhdrawn
by Lhe resldenL once Lhe appolnLee has
quallfled lnLo offlce. 1he facL LhaL lL ls sub[ecL
Lo conflrmaLlon by Lhe Commlsslon on
AppolnLmenLs does noL alLer lLs permanenL

! 1hus, as provlded by Sect|on 16, Lhe ad
lnLerlm appolnLmenL remalns effecLlve
unLll such dlsapproval or nexL ad[ournmenL,
slgnlfylng LhaL lL can no longer be wlLhdrawn
or revoked by Lhe resldenL. 1he fear LhaL Lhe
resldenL can wlLhdraw or revoke aL any Llme
and for any reason an ad lnLerlm
appolnLmenL ls uLLerly wlLhouL basls.

! An ad lnLerlm appolnLmenL can be
LermlnaLed for Lwo causes speclfled ln Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon. 1he flrsL cause ls Lhe
dlsapproval of hls ad lnLerlm appolnLmenL by
Lhe Commlsslon on AppolnLmenLs. 1he
second cause ls Lhe ad[ournmenL of Congress
wlLhouL Lhe Commlsslon on AppolnLmenLs
acLlng on hls appolnLmenL. 1hese Lwo causes
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
AppolnLmenLs. lor Lhls reason,
peLlLloner clalms LhaL an ad
lnLerlm appolnLmenL ls Lemporary
ln characLer and consequenLly
prohlblLed by Lhe lasL senLence of
SecLlon 1 (2), ArLlcle lx-C of Lhe

8ased on peLlLloner's Lheory, Lhere
can be no ad lnLerlm appolnLmenL
Lo Lhe CCMLLLC or Lo Lhe oLher Lwo
consLlLuLlonal commlsslons, namely
Lhe Clvll Servlce Commlsslon and
Lhe Commlsslon on AudlL. 1he lasL
senLence of SecLlon 1 (2), ArLlcle lx-
C of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ls also found
ln ArLlcle lx-8 and ArLlcle lx-u
provldlng for Lhe creaLlon of Lhe
Clvll Servlce Commlsslon and Lhe
Commlsslon on AudlL, respecLlvely.
eLlLloner lnLerpreLs Lhe lasL
senLence of SecLlon 1 (2) of ArLlcle
lx-C Lo mean LhaL Lhe ad lnLerlm
appolnLee cannoL assume offlce
unLll hls appolnLmenL ls conflrmed
by Lhe Commlsslon on
AppolnLmenLs for only Lhen does
hls appolnLmenL become
permanenL and no longer
Lemporary ln characLer.

1he second paragraph
of SecLlon 16, ArLlcle vll
of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
provldes as follows:

"1he resldenL shall
have Lhe power Lo
make appolnLmenLs
durlng Lhe recess of Lhe
Congress, wheLher
volunLary or
compulsory, buL such
appolnLmenLs shall
be effecLlve only
unLll dlsapproval by Lhe
Commlsslon on
AppolnLmenLs or unLll
Lhe nexL ad[ournmenL
of Lhe Congress."

are resoluLory condlLlons expressly lmposed
by Lhe ConsLlLuLlon on all ad
lnLerlm appolnLmenLs. xxx

! ln Lhe lnsLanL case, Lhe resldenL dld ln
facL appolnL permanenL Commlssloners Lo flll
Lhe vacancles ln Lhe CCMLLLC, sub[ecL only Lo
conflrmaLlon by Lhe Commlsslon on
AppolnLmenLs. 8enlpayo, 8orra and 1uason
were exLended permanenL appolnLmenLs
durlng Lhe recess of Congress. 1hey were noL
appolnLed or deslgnaLed ln a Lemporary or
acLlng capaclLy xxx

! xxx 1he orlglnal lnLenLlon of Lhe framers of
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon was Lo do away wlLh ad
lnLerlm appolnLmenLs because Lhe plan was
for Congress Lo remaln ln sesslon LhroughouL
Lhe year excepL for a brlef 30-day compulsory
recess. xxx

! Clearly, Lhe relnsLaLemenL ln Lhe presenL
ConsLlLuLlon of Lhe ad lnLerlm appolnLlng
power of Lhe resldenL (sLaLed ln Lhe lasL
senLence of SecLlon 16) was for Lhe purpose
of avoldlng lnLerrupLlons ln vlLal governmenL
servlces LhaL oLherwlse would resulL from
prolonged vacancles ln governmenL offlces,
lncludlng Lhe Lhree consLlLuLlonal
commlsslons. .

! ln Lhe lnsLanL case, Lhe Commlsslon on
AppolnLmenLs had long conflrmed four of Lhe
lncumbenL CCMLLLC members, comprlslng a
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
ma[orlLy, who could now be removed from
offlce only by lmpeachmenL. 1he speclal
consLlLuLlonal safeguards LhaL lnsure Lhe
lndependence of Lhe CCMLLLC remaln ln
place. 1he CCMLLLC en[oys flscal auLonomy,
appolnLs lLs own offlclals and employees, and
promulgaLes lLs own rules on pleadlngs and
pracLlce. Moreover, Lhe salarles of CCMLLLC
members cannoL be decreased durlng Lhelr

! ln flne, we rule LhaL Lhe ad lnLerlm
appolnLmenLs exLended by Lhe resldenL Lo
8enlpayo, 8orra and 1uason, as CCMLLLC
Chalrman and Commlssloners, respecLlvely,
do noL consLlLuLe Lemporary or acLlng
appolnLmenLs prohlblLed by Sect|on 1 (2),
Art|c|e Ik-C of the Const|tut|on.
8uflno v. Lndrlga
C8 139363
!uL? 21, 2006
pp. 436-461
CC 8oard of
SecLlon 6b
u 13
8uflno Croup vs
Lndrlga Croup
!une 23, 1966 ! Lhen resldenL
lerdlnand L. Marcos lssued
Lxecut|ve Crder No. 30 (LC 30)
creaLlng Lhe CulLural CenLer of Lhe
hlllpplnes as a LrusL governed by a
8oard of 1rusLees of seven
members Lo preserve and promoLe
hlllpplne culLure. 1he orlglnal
foundlng LrusLees, who were all
appolnLed by resldenL Marcos,
were lmelda 8omualdez-Marcos,
!uan once-Lnrlle, Andres Sorlano,
!r., AnLonlo Madrlgal, laLher
Poraclo uela CosLa, S.!., l..
Sollongco, and LrnesLo 8uflno.

Sect|on 6(b) of D 1S,
as amended, whlch

8oard of 1rusLees. -
1he governlng powers
and auLhorlLy of Lhe
corporaLlon shall be
vesLed ln, and exerclsed
by, a 8oard of eleven
(11) 1rusLees who shall
serve wlLhouL

x x x x

ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe CourL of
Appeals commlLLed reverslble error ln
noL holdlng LhaL Sect|on 6(b) of D 1S ls
unconsLlLuLlonal conslderlng LhaL:
x x x [lL] ls an lnvalld delegaLlon of
Lhe resldenL's appolnLlng power under Lhe
x x x [lL] effecLlvely deprlves Lhe resldenL
of hls consLlLuLlonal power of conLrol and
supervlslon over Lhe CC
! $%&'

!As Sect|on 6(b) and (c) of D 1S ls found
unconsLlLuLlonal, Lhe resldenL shall appolnL
Lhe LrusLees of Lhe CC 8oard because Lhe
LrusLees fall under Lhe Lhlrd group of offlcers.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
CcLober 3 1972 ! or soon afLer Lhe
declaraLlon of MarLlal
Law, resldenL Marcos lssued u
13, Lhe CC's charLer, whlch
converLed Lhe CC under LC 30 lnLo
a non-munlclpal publlc corporaLlon
free from Lhe pressure or lnfluence
of pollLlcs."

LvenLually, durlng Lhe Lerm of
resldenL lldel v. 8amos, Lhe CC
8oard lncluded Lndrlga, Lagdameo,
Slson, oLenclano, lernandez,
Lenora A. Cablll (Cablll"),
and Manuel 1. Manosa (Manosa").

uecember 22, 1998 ! Lhen
resldenL !oseph L. LsLrada
appolnLed seven new LrusLees
(8uflno group) Lo Lhe CC 8oard for
a Lerm of four years Lo replace Lhe
Lndrlga group as well as Lwo oLher
lncumbenL LrusLees.

!anuary 6 1999 ! Lhe Lndrlga
group flled a peLlLlon for quo
warranLo before Lhls CourL
quesLlonlng resldenL LsLrada's
appolnLmenL of seven new
members Lo Lhe CC 8oard.

May 14, 1999 ! Lhe CourL of
Appeals rendered Lhe ueclslon
under revlew granLlng Lhe quo
(b) vacancles ln Lhe
8oard of 1rusLees due
Lo LermlnaLlon of Lerm,
reslgnaLlon, lncapaclLy,
deaLh or oLher cause as
may be provlded ln Lhe
8y-laws, shall be fllled
by elecLlon by a voLe of
a ma[orlLy of Lhe
LrusLees held aL Lhe
nexL regular meeLlng
followlng occurrence of
vacancy. xxx Should for
any reason Lhe 8oard
be lefL enLlrely vacanL,
Lhe same shall be fllled
by Lhe resldenL of
Lhe hlllpplnes acLlng ln
consulLaLlon wlLh Lhe
aforemenLloned ranklng
offlcers of Lhe
CenLer. (Lmphasls

SecLlon 16, ArLlcle vll of
1987 ConsLlLuLlon whlch

xxx Pe shall also
appolnL all oLher
offlcers of Lhe

! 1he express language of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
and Lhe clear lnLenL of lLs framers polnL Lo
only one concluslon - Lhe offlcers whom Lhe
heads of deparLmenLs, agencles,
commlsslons, or boards may appolnL musL be
of lower rank Lhan Lhose vesLed by law wlLh
Lhe power Lo appolnL.

! Sect|on 6(b) and (c) of D 1S empowers
Lhe remalnlng LrusLees of Lhe CC 8oard Lo flll
vacancles ln Lhe CC 8oard, allowlng Lhem Lo
elecL Lhelr fellow LrusLees. Cn Lhe oLher
hand, Sect|on 16, Art|c|e VII of the
1987 Const|tut|on allows heads of
deparLmenLs, agencles, commlsslons, or
boards Lo appolnL only offlcers lower ln
rank" Lhan such heads of deparLmenLs,
agencles, commlsslons, or boards."

! Sect|on 6(b) and (c) of D 1S, whlch
auLhorlzes Lhe LrusLees of Lhe CC 8oard Lo
flll vacancles ln Lhe 8oard, runs afoul wlLh Lhe
resldenL's power of conLrol under Sect|on
17, Art|c|e VII of the 1987 Const|tut|on. xxx
lL makes Lhe CC a self-perpeLuaLlng enLlLy,
vlrLually ouLslde Lhe conLrol of Lhe
resldenL. Such a publlc offlce or board
cannoL legally exlsL under Lhe 1987

! Sect|on 3 of D 1S, as amended, sLaLes
LhaL Lhe CC shall en[oy auLonomy of pollcy
and operaLlon x x x. 1hls provlslon does noL
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
warranLo peLlLlon. 1he CourL of
Appeals declared Lhe Lndrlga group
lawfully enLlLled Lo hold offlce as
CC LrusLees. Cn Lhe oLher hand,
Lhe appellaLe courL's ueclslon
ousLed Lhe 8uflno group from
Lhe CC 8oard.

8uflno group, seek Lo seL aslde Lhe
ueclslon daLed 14 May 1999 of Lhe
CourL of Appeals ln CA-C.8. S no.
30272 as well as Lhe 8esoluLlon
daLed 3 AugusL 1999 denylng Lhe
moLlon for reconslderaLlon. 1he
dlsposlLlve porLlon of Lhe appellaLe
courL's declslon reads:

WPL8LlC8L, [udgmenL ls hereby
1) ueclarlng peLlLloners [Lhe
Lndrlga group] Lo have a clear rlghL
Lo Lhelr respecLlve offlces Lo whlch
Lhey were elecLed by Lhe CC 8oard
up Lo Lhe explraLlon of Lhelr 4-year
2) CusLlng respondenLs [Lhe 8uflno
group], excepL respondenL Zenalda
8. 1anLoco, from Lhelr respecLlve
offlces and excludlng Lhem
Lherefrom, and
3) ulsmlsslng Lhe case agalnsL
respondenL Zenalda 8. 1anLoco. SC
CovernmenL whose
appolnLmenLs are noL
oLherwlse provlded for
by law, and Lhose
whom he may
be auLhorlzed by law Lo
appolnL. 1he Congress
may, by law, vesL Lhe
appolnLmenL of oLher
offlcers lower ln rank ln
Lhe resldenL alone, ln
Lhe courLs, or ln Lhe
heads of deparLmenLs,
agencles, commlsslons,
or boards.
free Lhe CC from Lhe resldenL's conLrol, for
lf lL does, Lhen lL would be unconsLlLuLlonal.

! 1he CC ls parL of Lhe LxecuLlve branch.
xxx 8y sLaLlng LhaL Lhe resldenL shall have
conLrol of all Lhe execuLlve x x x offlces," Lhe
1987 ConsLlLuLlon empowers Lhe
resldenL noL only Lo lnfluence buL even Lo
conLrol all offlces ln Lhe LxecuLlve branch,
lncludlng Lhe CC. ConLrol ls far greaLer Lhan,
and subsumes, lnfluence.

! WPL8LlC8L, we C8An1 Lhe peLlLlon ln
C.8. no. 139334. We
declare unCCnS1l1u1lCnAL Sect|on 6(b) and
(c) of res|dent|a| Decree No. 1S, as
amended, lnsofar as lL auLhorlzes Lhe
remalnlng LrusLees Lo flll by elecLlon
vacancles ln Lhe 8oard of 1rusLees of Lhe
CulLural CenLer of Lhe hlllpplnes.

!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Sect|on 17. 1he res|dent sha|| have contro| of a|| the execut|ve departments, bureaus, and off|ces. ne sha|| ensure that the |aws be fa|thfu||y

Case keywords Iacts App||cab|e]V|o|ated
Issue & kat|o
Co., lnc v. ano

pp. 461-463
SecreLary of
and naLural
ulrecLor of
An order lssued by Lhe ulrecLor of
Lands, afflrmed by Lhe SecreLary of
AgrlculLure and naLural 8esources, was
reversed by Lhe LxecuLlve SecreLary

eLlLloner prays LhaL: (1) Lhe declslon of
Lhe SecreLary of AgrlculLure has full
force, (2) 1he declslon of Lhe LS ls
conLrary Lo law and has no legal force,
(3) 1he declslon of Lhe LS consLlLuLed
undue delegaLlon of power and (4) 1he
LS ls on equal rank as any oLher
SecreLary and Lhus ls noL auLhorlzed Lo
reverse declslons by deparLmenL heads.
Lower courLs ruled LhaL LS dld noL acL ln
excess of [urlsdlcLlon. 1hus, Lhls peLlLlon
for revlew.
Sec 17, ArL 7
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe LxecuLlve SecreLary has
Lhe power Lo reverse declslons by oLher deparLmenL
heads. ! $%&'

! lL ls noL correcL Lo say LhaL Lhe resldenL may noL
delegaLe Lo hls LxecuLlve SecreLary acLs, whlch Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon does noL command LhaL he perform ln

! 1he presldenL ls noL expecLed Lo perform ln
person all Lhe mulLlfarlous execuLlve and
admlnlsLraLlve funcLlons.

! 1he LS who acLs for and ln behalf and by
auLhorlLy of Lhe resldenL has an undlspuLed duLy Lo
afflrm, modlfy or even reverse any order. Cnly Lhe
presldenL may rlghLfully say LhaL Lhe LS ls noL
auLhorlzed Lo do so.
Ang-Angco v.
9 SC8A 619

pp. 463-466
Clvll Servlce
ower of
A clvll servlce offlcer bypassed Lhe
procedure prescrlbed by Lhe Clvll
Servlce Law.
LxecuLlve SecreLary CasLlllo lmposed
dlsclpllnary acLlons agalnsL Lhe sald
ArL lx-8, Sec 4
no offlcer or
employee of Lhe
clvll servlce shall be
removed or
suspended excepL
for cause provlded
by law.
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe resldenL, acLlng
Lhrough Lhe LxecuLlve SecreLary, may Lake
dlsclpllnary acLlon agalnsL a Clvll Servlce offlcer. !

! uesplLe Lhe power of conLrol glven Lo Lhe
resldenL, Sect|on 4, Art|c|e 12 of the Const|tut|on
clearly provldes LhaL no offlcer or employee ln Lhe
clvll servlce shall be removed or suspended excepL
for cause as provlded by law". 1he consLlLuLlon glves
sLablllLy Lo Lhe Lenure of offlce of Lhose who belong
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Lo classlfled servlce.

! 1o hold LhaL clvll servlce offlclals hold Lhelr offlce
aL Lhe wlll of Lhe appolnLlng power would
demorallze and undermlne Lhe whole clvll servlce
sysLem and sLrucLure.

! Congress has provlded, by law, for a procedure
for Lhe removal of clvll servlce offlcers. l.e. C|v||
Serv|ce Act 19S9
namarco v.
29 SC8A 418

pp. 466-467
power of
1he nAMA8CC 8oard of ulrecLors
dlsmlssed !uan 1. Arlve from servlce.
resldenL ordered Lhe relnsLaLemenL of
Mr. Arlve.
eLlLloners conLend LhaL Lhe
resldenLlal power of conLrol does noL
lnclude governmenL-owned and
conLrolled corporaLlons such as
nAMA8CC. 1hey asserL LhaL presldenL
cannoL order relnsLaLemenL.
SecLlon 17, ArLlcle 7 ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe resldenL had auLhorlLy
Lo reverse Lhe declslon of Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors. !

! under our governmenL seL-up, corporaLlons
owned or conLrolled by Lhe governmenL, such as
nAMA8CC, parLake Lhe naLure of governmenL
offlces, whlch are under Lhe power of Lhe resldenL.
1he relnsLaLemenL order, Lherefore, falls wlLhln Lhe
consLlLuLlonal power of Lhe presldenL over all
execuLlve deparLmenLs, bureaus and offlces.
ue Leon v.
178 SC8A 437

pp. 467-468
Crders of relnsLaLemenL of LsLavlllo and
ue Leon Lo Lhelr respecLlve posLs was
lssued by Lhe Clvll Servlce Commlsslon,
as referred by Lhe ueparLmenL of
ulrecLor of naLlonal bureau of
lnvesLlgaLlon refused Lo relnsLaLe Lhe
peLlLloners. 8espondenL argues LhaL Lhe
Commlsslon does noL have auLhorlLy Lo
revlew dlsmlssals made under Lhe
lreedom ConsLlLuLlon
SecLlon 17, ArLlcle 7 ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe ulrecLor of n8l can
dlsobey an expllclL and dlrecL order lssued Lo hlm by
SecreLary of !usLlce. ! !"'

! 1he resldenL's power of conLrol ls dlrecLly
exerclsed by hlm over Lhe members of Lhe CablneL
who, ln Lurn and by hls auLhorlLy, conLrol Lhe
bureaus and oLher offlces under Lhelr respecLlve
[urlsdlcLlons ln Lhe execuLlve deparLmenL. ln Lhe
case aL bar, Lhere ls no quesLlon LhaL when he
dlrecLed Lhe respondenL Lo relnsLaLe peLlLloners,
SecreLary Crdonez was acLlng ln Lhe regular
dlscharge of hls funcLlons as an alLer ego of Lhe
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
resldenL. Pls acLs should Lherefore have been
respecLed by Lhe respondenL ulrecLor of n8l.

L. 8laquera, eL
al v. Alcasld
C.8. no.
109406 Sep 11,

pp. 468
AC 29
ower of
resldenL lssued Adm|n|strat|ve order
29 llmlLlng Lhe amounL of lncenLlve
beneflLs, en[olnlng heads of
governmenL agencles from granLlng
lncenLlve beneflLs wlLhouL prlor
approval from Lhe resldenL and
dlrecLlng Lhe refund of Lhe excess over
Lhe prescrlbed amounL.
SecLlon 17, ArLlcle 7 ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe lssuance of AC 29 ls
wlLhln Lhe scope of Lhe resldenL's power of conLrol
over execuLlve deparLmenLs. ! $%&

! 1he resldenL ls Lhe head of Lhe governmenL. Pls
power lncludes conLrol over execuLlve deparLmenLs.
Pe can exerclse Lhls power "#$% &'#&(# wlLhouL
need of any appeal from any parLy.

Sect|on 18. 1he res|dent sha|| be the Commander-|n-Ch|ef of a|| armed forces of the h|||pp|nes and whenever |t becomes necessary, he may ca|| out
such armed forces to prevent or suppress |aw|ess v|o|ence, |nvas|on or rebe|||on. In case of |nvas|on or rebe|||on, when the pub||c safety requ|res |t,
he may, for a per|od not exceed|ng s|xty days, suspend the pr|v||ege of the wr|t of habeas corpus or p|ace the h|||pp|nes or any part thereof under
mart|a| |aw. W|th|n forty-e|ght hours from the proc|amat|on of mart|a| |aw or the suspens|on of the pr|v||ege of the wr|t of habeas corpus, the
res|dent sha|| subm|t a report |n person or |n wr|t|ng to the Congress. 1he Congress, vot|ng [o|nt|y, by a vote of at |east a ma[or|ty of a|| |ts Members
|n regu|ar or spec|a| sess|on, may revoke such proc|amat|on or suspens|on, wh|ch revocat|on sha|| not be set as|de by the res|dent. Upon the
|n|t|at|ve of the res|dent, the Congress may, |n the same manner, extend such proc|amat|on or suspens|on for a per|od to be determ|ned by the
Congress, |f the |nvas|on or rebe|||on sha|| pers|st and pub||c safety requ|res |t.
1he Congress, |f not |n sess|on, sha||, w|th|n twenty-four hours fo||ow|ng such proc|amat|on or suspens|on, convene |n accordance w|th |ts ru|es
w|thout need of a ca||.
1he Supreme Court may rev|ew, |n an appropr|ate proceed|ng f||ed by any c|t|zen, the suff|c|ency of the factua| bas|s of the proc|amat|on of mart|a|
|aw or the suspens|on of the pr|v||ege of the wr|t or the extens|on thereof, and must promu|gate |ts dec|s|on thereon w|th|n th|rty days from |ts f|||ng.
A state of mart|a| |aw does not suspend the operat|on of the Const|tut|on, nor supp|ant the funct|on|ng of the c|v|| courts or |eg|s|at|ve assemb||es,
nor author|ze the conferment of [ur|sd|ct|on on m|||tary courts and agenc|es over c|v|||ans where c|v|| courts are ab|e to funct|on, nor automat|ca||y
suspend the pr|v||ege of the wr|t.
1he suspens|on of the pr|v||ege of the wr|t sha|| app|y on|y to persons [ud|c|a||y charged for rebe|||on or offenses |nherent |n or d|rect|y connected
w|th |nvas|on.
Dur|ng the suspens|on of the pr|v||ege of the wr|t, any person thus arrested or deta|ned sha|| be [ud|c|a||y charged w|th|n three days, otherw|se he
sha|| be re|eased.

Case keywords Iacts App||cab|e]V|o|ated
Issue & kat|o
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
l8 vs. Zamora Law and
A speclal clvll acLlon for )*'$(#'+'(and
prohlblLlon wlLh prayer for lssuance of a
Lemporary resLralnlng order seeklng Lo
nulllfy on consLlLuLlonal grounds Lhe
order of resldenL !oseph L[erclLo
LsLrada commandlng deploymenL of Lhe
hlllpplne Marlnes Lo [oln Lhe hlllppln
naLlonal ollce ln vlslblllLy paLrols
around Lhe meLropolls.
ln vlew of Lhe alarmlng lncrease ln
vlolenL crlmes ln MeLro Manlla, llke
robberles, kldnapplngs and carnapplngs,
Lhe resldenL, ln a verbal dlrecLlve,
ordered Lhe n and Lhe Marlnes Lo
conducL [olnL vlslblllLy paLrols for Lhe
purpose of crlme prevenLlon and
suppresslon. 1he SecreLary of naLlonal
uefense, Lhe Chlef of SLaff of Lhe Armed
lorces of Lhe hlllpplnes, Lhe Chlef of
Lhe n and Lhe SecreLary of Lhe
lnLerlor and Local CovernmenL were
Lasked Lo execuLe and lmplemenL sald
SubsequenLly, Lhe resldenL conflrmed
hls prevlous dlrecLlve on Lhe
deploymenL of Lhe Marlnes ln a
Memorandum, daLed 24 !anuary 2000,
addressed Lo Lhe Chlef of SLaff of Lhe
Al and Lhe n Chlef.
1he selecLed areas for deploymenL
under Lhe Memo are: MonumenLo
Clrcle, norLh LuSA (SM ClLy), AraneLa
Shopplng CenLer, Creenhllls, SM
Megamall, MakaLl Commerclal CenLer,
SecLlon 18, ArLlcle
vll of Lhe
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe resldenL commlLLed
grave abuse of dlscreLlon ln lssulng Lhe assalled
Memo. ! !"'

! WhaL Lhe l8 quesLlons ls Lhe basls for calllng of
Lhe Marlnes under Lhe aforesLaLed provlslon.
Accordlng Lo Lhem, o emergency exlsLs LhaL would
[usLlfy Lhe need for calllng of Lhe mlllLary Lo asslsL
Lhe pollce force.

! 1he CourL ruled ln Lhe negaLlve saylng LhaL Lhe
power of Lhe resldenL lnvolved may be no more
Lhan Lhe malnLenance of peace and order and
promoLlon of Lhe general welfare.

! When Lhe resldenL calls Lhe armed forces Lo
prevenL or suppress lawless vlolence, lnvaslon or
rebelllon, he necessarlly exerclses dlscreLlonary
power solely vesLed ln hls wlsdom.

! 1he presenL peLlLlon falls Lo dlscharge such heavy
burden as Lhere ls no evldence Lo supporL Lhe
asserLlon LhaL Lhere exlsLs no [usLlflcaLlon for calllng
ouL Lhe armed forces. 1here ls, llkewlse, no evldence
Lo supporL LhaL Lhe resldenL acLed wlLh grave abuse
of dlscreLlon.

! ()* +,-./ 0122,/ .*34*5 /)* 610/-17 819*9 ,6 /)*
017742: ,6 /)* 1.;*< 6,.0*9'
o ln so clalmlng, Lhe CourL found lL prudenL Lo
noLe Lhe dlfferences of calllng ouL Lhe armed
forces from Lhe suspenslon of Lhe prlvllege of
Lhe wrlL of habeas corpus and Lhe proclamaLlon
of marLlal law, Lhe laLLer Lwo belng sub[ecL Lo
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
L81/M81 SLaLlons and Lhe nAlA and
uomesLlc AlrporL.
Cn 17 !anuary 2000, Lhe l8 flled Lhe
lnsLanL peLlLlon Lo annul Lhe Memo and
Lo declare Lhe deploymenL of Lhe
hlllpplne Marlnes, null and vold.
revocaLlon by Congress and revlew by Lhe courL
whlle no such provlslon was provlded for Lhe
former. 1he CourL elaboraLed on Lhls by quoLlng
from Lhe proceedlngs of Lhe ConsLlLuLlonal
Commlsslon, Lo wlL:
o lr. 8ernas: .1here ls a graduaLed power of Lhe
resldenL as Commander-ln-Chlef. llrsL, he can
call ouL such Armed lorces as may be necessary
Lo suppress lawless vlolence, Lhen he can
suspend Lhe prlvllege of Lhe wrlL of habeas
corpus, Lhen he can lmpose marLlal law. 1hls ls a
graduaLed sequence. When he [udges LhaL lL ls
necessary Lo lmpose marLlal law or suspend Lhe
prlvllege of Lhe wrlL of habeas corpus, hls
[udgmenL ls sub[ecL Lo revlew. We are maklng lL
sub[ecL Lo revlew by Lhe Supreme CourL and
sub[ecL Lo concurrence by Lhe naLlonal
Assembly. 8uL when he exerclses Lhls lesser
power of calllng on Lhe Armed lorces, when he
says lL ls necessary, lL ls my oplnlon LhaL hls
[udgmenL cannoL be revlewed by anybody.

! 1he reason for Lhe dlfference ln Lhe LreaLmenL
of Lhe aforemenLloned powers hlghllghLs Lhe
lnLenL Lo granL Lhe resldenL Lhe wldesL leeway
and broadesL dlscreLlon ln uslng Lhe power Lo call
ouL because lL ls consldered as Lhe lesser and
more benlgn power compared Lo Lhe power Lo
suspend Lhe prlvllege of Lhe wrlL of habeas
corpus and Lhe power Lo lmpose marLlal law.
Moreover, under Sect|on 18, Art|c|e VII of the
Const|tut|on, ln Lhe exerclse of Lhe power Lo
suspend Lhe prlvllege of Lhe wrlL of habeas
corpus or Lo lmpose marLlal law, Lwo condlLlons
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
musL concur: (1) Lhere musL be an acLual lnvaslon
or rebelllon and, (2) publlc safeLy musL requlre lL.
1hese condlLlons are noL requlred ln Lhe case of
Lhe power Lo call ouL Lhe armed forces. 1he only
crlLerlon ls LhaL whenever lL becomes necessary,
Lhe resldenL may call Lhe armed forces Lo
prevenL or suppress lawless vlolence, lnvaslon or

! lurLher, Lhe CourL may noL verlfy Lhe facLual
bases of such calllng. Whereas, ln conLrasL, Lhe
resldenL as Commander-ln-Chlef has a vasL
lnLelllgence neLwork Lo gaLher lnformaLlon Lo
base hls declslon upon.

! 1he deLermlnaLlon of Lhe necesslLy for Lhe
calllng ouL power sub[ecLed Lo unfeLLered [udlclal
scruLlny could be a verlLable prescrlpLlon for
dlsasLer, as such power may be unduly
sLralL[ackeLed by an ln[uncLlon or a Lemporary
resLralnlng order every Llme lL ls exerclsed.
1he resldenL has already deLermlned Lhe
necesslLy and facLual basls for calllng Lhe armed
forces. ln hls Memorandum, he ldenLlfled Lhem
as Lhe followlng: vlolenL crlmes llke bank/sLore
robberles, holdups, kldnapplngs and carnapplngs,
conLlnue Lo occur ln MeLro Manlla.

ISSUL 2: WheLher or noL Lhe deploymenL of
Marlnes vlolaLes Lhe clvlllan supremacy clause. !

! 1he l8 asserLs LhaL by Lhe deploymenL of Lhe
Marlnes, Lhe clvlllan Lask of law enforcemenL ls
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
mlllLarlzed" ln vlolaLlon of Sect|on 3, Art|c|e II of
the Const|tut|on.

! 1he calllng of Lhe Marlnes ln Lhls case
consLlLuLes permlsslble use of mlllLary asseLs for
clvlllan law enforcemenL.

! lL ls noLeworLhy LhaL Lhe local pollce forces are
Lhe one sln charge of Lhe vlslblllLy paLrols aL all
Llmes, Lhe real auLhorlLy belonglng Lo Lhe n. ln
facL, Lhe MeLro Manlla ollce Chlef ls Lhe overall
leader of Lhe n-hlllpplne Marlnes [olnL
vlslblllLy paLrols.

ISSUL 3: WheLher or noL Lhe deploymenL of Lhe
Marlnes Lo asslsL Lhe n unmakes Lhe clvlllan
characLer of Lhe pollce force and amounLs Lo an
lnsldlous lncurslon" of Lhe mlllLary ln Lhe Lask of law
enforcemenL ln vlolaLlon of Sect|on S(4), Art|c|e kVI
of the Const|tut|on. ! !"'
! 1he real auLhorlLy ln Lhese operaLlons, as sLaLed
ln Lhe Memo, ls lodged wlLh Lhe head of a clvlllan
lnsLlLuLlon, Lhe n, and noL wlLh Lhe mlllLary.

! lurLher, slnce none of Lhe Marlnes was
lncorporaLed or enllsLed as members of Lhe n,
Lhere can be no appolnLmenL Lo a clvlllan poslLlon Lo
speak of.

! 1he Marlnes render noLhlng more Lhan asslsLance
requlred ln conducLlng Lhe paLrols. As such, Lhere
can be no lnsldlous lncurslon" of Lhe mlllLary ln
clvlllan affalrs nor can Lhere be a vlolaLlon of Lhe
clvlllan supremacy clause ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

! LasLly, slnce Lhe lnsLlLuLlon of Lhe [olnL vlslblllLy
paLrol ln !anuary, 2000, noL a slngle clLlzen has
complalned LhaL hls pollLlcal or clvll rlghLs have been
vlolaLed as a resulL of Lhe deploymenL of Lhe

! 1he courL dlsmlssed Lhe peLlLlons.
Lacson vs.
SLaLe of
May 1, 2001 ! resldenL Macapagal-
Arroyo, faced by an angry and vlolenL
mob armed wlLh exploslves, flrearms,
bladed weapons, clubs, sLones and
oLher deadly weapons" assaulLlng and
aLLempLlng Lo break lnLo Malacanang,
lssued roclamaLlon no. 38 declarlng
LhaL Lhere was a sLaLe of rebelllon ln Lhe
nC8. She llkewlse lssued Ceneral Crder
no. 1 dlrecLlng Lhe Al and Lhe n Lo
suppress rebelllon ln Lhe nC8.
WarranLless arresLs of several alleged
leaders and promoLers of Lhe
rebelllon" were LhereafLer effecLed.
1he eLlLlons assall Lhe declaraLlon of a
sLaLe of rebelllon by CMA and Lhe
warranLless arresLs ellegedly effecLed
by vlrLue Lhereof, as havlng no basls ln
facL and ln law. SlgnlflcanLly, on May 6,
2001, CMA ordered Lhe llfLlng of Lhe
declaraLlon ln MeLro Manlla.
Accordlngly, Lhe lnsLanL peLlLlons have
been rendered mooL and academlc.
eLlLloners clalm LhaL Lhe proclamaLlon
of a sLaLe of rebelllon" ls belng used by
Lhe auLhorlLles Lo [usLlfy warranLless
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe proclamaLlon of a
sLaLe of rebelllon" ls belng used by Lhe auLhorlLles
Lo [usLlfy warranLless arresLs, as alleged by
eLlLloner. ! !"'

! ln quelllng or suppresslng Lhe rebelllon, Lhe
auLhorlLles may only resorL Lo warranLless arresLs of
persons suspecLed of rebelllon, as provlded under
Sect|on S, ku|e 113 of the ku|es of Court, lf Lhe
clrcumsLances so warranL. 1he warranLless arresL
feared by peLlLloners ls, Lhus, noL based on Lhe
declaraLlon of a sLaLe of rebelllon."

ISSUL 2: WheLher or noL Lhe declaraLlon ls an
encroachmenL on Lhe domaln of Lhe [udlclary and
Lherefore vlolaLlve of Lhe docLrlne of separaLlon of
powers. ! !"

! 1he CourL dlsagrees wlLh Lhe allegaLlon of
eLlLloner. Sect|on 18, Art|c|e VII of the Const|tut|on
expressly provldes LhaL Lhe resldenL shall be Lhe
Commander-ln-Chlef of all armed forces of Lhe
hlllpplnes and whenever lL becomes necessary, he
may call ouL such armed forces Lo prevenL or
suppress lawless vlolence, lnvaslon or rebelllon."

!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
eLlLloner Lumbao, leader of Lhe
eople's MovemenL AgalnsL overLy
(MA), for hls parL, argues LhaL Lhe
declaraLlon of a sLaLe of rebelllon" ls
vlolaLlve of Lhe docLrlne of separaLlon of
powers, belng an encroachmenL on Lhe
domaln of Lhe [udlclary whlch has Lhe
consLlLuLlonal prerogaLlve Lo
deLermlne and lnLerpreL" whaL Look
place on May 1, 2001, and LhaL Lhe
declaraLlon of a sLaLe of rebelllon
cannoL be an excepLlon Lo Lhe general
rule on Lhe allocaLlon of Lhe
governmenLal powers.
! SubsLanLlaLed by Lhe rullng ln l8 vs. Zamora:
.1he facLual necesslLy of calllng ouL Lhe
armed forces ls noL easlly quanLlflable and
cannoL be ob[ecLlvely esLabllshed slnce
maLLers consldered for saLlsfylng Lhe same ls a
comblnaLlon of several facLors whlch are noL
always accesslble Lo Lhe courLs. 8esldes Lhe
absence of LexLual sLandards LhaL Lhe courL
may use Lo [udge necesslLy, lnformaLlon
necessary Lo arrlve aL such [udgmenL mlghL
also prove unmanageable for Lhe courLs.
CerLaln perLlnenL lnformaLlon mlghL be
dlfflculL Lo verlfy, or wholly unavallable Lo Lhe
courLs. ln many lnsLances, Lhe evldence upon
whlch Lhe resldenL mlghL declde LhaL Lhere ls
a need Lo call ouL Lhe armed forces may be of
a naLure noL consLlLuLlng Lechnlcal proof.
Cn Lhe oLher hand, Lhe resldenL as
Commander-ln-Chlef has a vasL lnLelllgence
neLwork Lo gaLher lnformaLlon, some of whlch
may be classlfled as hlghly confldenLlal or
affecLlng Lhe securlLy of Lhe sLaLe. ln Lhe
exerclse of Lhe power Lo call, on-Lhe-spoL
declslons may be lmperaLlvely necessary ln
emergency slLuaLlons Lo averL greaL loss of
human llves and mass desLrucLlon of poverLy.

! 1he CourL dlsmlssed Lhe peLlLlons.
Sanlakas vs.
MuLlny, SLaLe
of rebelllon
1hey came ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe nlghL.
Armed wlLh hlgh-powered ammunlLlons
and exploslves, some Lhree hundred
[unlor offlcers and enllsLed men of Lhe
Al sLormed lnLo Lhe Cakwood
remlere aparLmenLs ln MakaLl ClLy ln
SecLlon 18, ArLlcle
vll of Lhe
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL roc|amat|on No. 427 and
Genera| Crder No. 4, declarlng a sLaLe of rebelllon"
ls unconsLlLuLlonal. ! !"'

! lL ls Lrue LhaL for Lhe purpose of exerclslng Lhe
calllng ouL power Lhe Const|tut|on (Sect|on 18,
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Lhe wee hours of !uly 27, 2003.
8ewalllng Lhe corrupLlon ln Lhe Al, Lhe
soldlers demanded, among oLher
Lhlngs, Lhe reslgnaLlon of Lhe resldenL,
Lhe SecreLary of uefense and Lhe Chlef
of Lhe n.
ln Lhe wake of Lhe Cakwood
occupaLlon, Lhe resldenL lssued laLer ln
Lhe day roclamaLlon no. 427 and
Ceneral Crder no. 4, boLh declarlng a
sLaLe of rebelllon" and calllng ouL Lhe
Armed lorces Lo suppress Lhe rebelllon.
8y Lhe evenlng of !uly 27, 2003, Lhe
Cakwood occupaLlon had ended. AfLer
hours-long negoLlaLlons, Lhe soldlers
agrred Lo reLurn Lo barracks.
1he resldenL, however, dld noL
lmmedlaLely llfL Lhe declaraLlon of a
sLaLe of rebelllon and dld so only on
AugusL 1, 2003, Lhrough roclamaLlon
no. 433.
ln Lhe lnLerlm, several peLlLlons were
flled before Lhls CourL challenglng Lhe
valldlLy of roclamaLlon no. 427 and
Ceneral Crder no. 4.
Slnce Lhe declaraLlon was llfLed,
peLlLlons have become mooL and
academlc. Powever, ln llghL of Lhe facL
LhaL once before, ruled on a llke maLLer,
Lhe CourL LreaLed Lhe lnsLanL peLlLlons
as excepLlons ln LhaL Lhey are capable of
repeLlLlon yeL evadlng revlew.
Art|c|e VII) does noL requlre Lhe resldenL Lo make a
declaraLlon of a sLaLe of rebelllon. ln Lhls regard, a
declaraLlon of a sLaLe of rebelllon ls an uLLer
superflulLy. AL mosL lL only glves noLlce Lo Lhe naLlon
LhaL such a sLaLe exlsLs and LhaL Lhe armed forces
may be called Lo prevenL or suppress lL. 1he CourL
flnds LhaL such a declaraLlon ls devold of any legal

! 1he declaraLlon of a sLaLe of rebelllon cannoL
dlmlnlsh or vlolaLe consLlLuLlonally proLecLed rlghLs.
lor Lhe same reason, apprehenslons LhaL Lhe
mlllLary and pollce auLhorlLles may resorL Lo
warranLless arresLs are llkewlse unfounded. ln
Lacson vs. erez, Lhe auLhorlLles may only resorL Lo
warranLless arresLs of persons suspecLed of
rebelllon, as provlded under Sect|on S, ku|e 113 of
the ku|es of Court. 1he warranLless arresL feared ls
noL based on Lhe declaraLlon of a sLaLe of rebelllon.
ln oLher words, a person may be sub[ecLed Lo a
warranLless arresL for Lhe crlme of rebelllon wheLher
or noL Lhe resldenL has declared a sLaLe of
rebelllon, so long as Lhe requlslLes for a valld
warranLless arresL are presenL.

! Whlle Lhe CourL may examlne wheLher Lhe power
Lo call ouL Lhe armed forces was exerclsed wlLhln
consLlLuLlonal llmlLs or ln a manner consLlLuLlng
grave abuse of dlscreLlon, none of Lhe peLlLloners
have, by way of proof, supporLed Lhelr asserLlon LhaL
Lhe resldenL acLed wlLhouL facLual basls.
1he argumenL LhaL Lhe declaraLlon of a sLaLe of
rebelllon amounLs Lo a declaraLlon of marLlal law
and, Lherefore, ls a clrcumvenLlon of Lhe reporL
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
requlremenL ls a leap of loglc. 1here ls no lndlcaLlon
LhaL Lhe mlllLary Lrlbunals have replaced clvll courLs
ln Lhe LheaLer of war" or LhaL mlllLary auLhorlLles
have Laken over Lhe funcLlons of clvll governmenL.
1here ls no allegaLlon of curLallmenL of clvll or
pollLlcal rlghLs. 1here ls no lndlcaLlon LhaL Lhe
resldenL has exerclsed [udlclal and leglslaLlve

! 1he eLlLlons were dlsmlssed.
8andolf uavld
eL al. vs. LrmlLa
pp. 1017 1hese seven consolldaLed peLlLlons for
cerLlorarl and prohlblLlon allege LhaL ln
lssulng roc|amat|on No. 1017 (pp.
1017) and Genera| Crder No. S (G.C.
No. S), CMA commlLLed grave abuse
of dlscreLlon.

eLlLloners assall Lhe consLlLuLlonallLy of
Lhe sald lssuances.

Cn lebruary 24, 2006, as Lhe naLlon
celebraLed Lhe 20
annlversary of Lhe
LuSA eople ower l, resldenL Arroyo
lssued pp. 1017 declarlng a sLaLe of
naLlonal emergency.

Cn Lhe same day, pursuanL Lo pp. 1017,
CMA lssued C.C. no. 3 whlch calls
upon Lhe Al and n Lo lmmedlaLely
carry ouL Lhe necessary and approprlaLe
acLlons and measures Lo suppress and
prevenL acLs of Lerrorlsm and lawless

SecLlon 18, ArLlcle
vll of Lhe
ChapLer 2, 8ook lll
of LC 292

ISSUL 1: WheLher Lhe CourL can revlew Lhe facLual
bases of pp. 1017. !

! As a rule, [udlclal lnqulry can go no furLher Lhan
Lo saLlsfy Lhe CourL noL LhaL Lhe resldenL's declslon
ls correcL, buL LhaL Lhe resldenL dld noL acL
arblLrarlly. 1hus, Lhe sLandard lald down ls noL
correcLness, buL arblLrarlness. ln l8 vs. Zamora, Lhe
CourL furLher ruled LhaL lL ls lncumbenL upon Lhe
peLlLloner Lo show LhaL Lhe resldenL's declslon ls
LoLally berefL of facLual basls and LhaL lf he falls, by
way of proof, Lo supporL hls asserLlon, Lhen Lhls
CourL cannoL underLake an lndependenL
lnvesLlgaLlon beyond Lhe pleadlngs.

! eLlLloners falled Lo show LhaL CMA exerclslng
of Lhe call-ouL power, by lssulng pp.1017, ls LoLally
berefL of facLual basls.

! SollclLor Ceneral, on behalf of respondenLs, flled
a ConsolldaLed CommenL and Memorandum LhaL
shows a deLalled narraLlon of Lhe evenLs leadlng Lo
Lhe lssuance of pp. 1017, wlLh supporLlng reporLs
formlng parL of Lhe records. MenLloned are Lhe
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Cn March 3, 2006, exacLly one week
afLer Lhe declaraLlon of a sLaLe of
naLlonal emergency and afLer all Lhese
peLlLlons had been flled, Lhe resldenL
llfLed pp. 1017 Lhrough Lhe lssuance of
pp. 1021.

ln Lhelr presenLaLlon of Lhe facLual
bases of pp. 1017 and C.C. no. 3,
respondenLs sLaLed Lhe proxlmaLe cause
behlnd Lhe execuLlve lssuances was Lhe
consplracy among some mlllLary
offlcers, lefLlsL lnsurgenLs of Lhe nA,
and some members of Lhe pollLlcal
opposlLlon ln a ploL Lo unseaL or
assasslnaLe resldenL Arroyo. 1hey
consldered Lhe alm Lo ousL or
assasslnaLe Lhe resldenL and Lake-over
Lhe relgns of governmenL as a clear and
presenL danger. lL ls noLeworLhy LhaL
respondenLs fully subsLanLlaLe Lhese
clalms wlLh acLual lncldenLs and acLual
reporLs from Lhe mlllLary and varlous

eLlLloners allege several vlolaLlons
agalnsL consLlLuLlonal rlghLs lncludlng
arresLs, suppresslon of freedom of
speech, eLc.

17, ArLlcle xll of Lhe
escape of Lhe Magdalo Croup, Lhelr audaclous
LhreaL of Lhe Magdalo u-uay, Lhe defecLlons ln Lhe
mlllLary, parLlcularly ln Lhe hlllpplne Marlnes, and
Lhe reprovlng sLaLemenLs from Lhe communlsL
leaders. 1here was also Lhe MlnuLes of Lhe
lnLelllgence 8eporL and SecurlLy Croup of Lhe
hlllpplne Army showlng Lhe growlng alllance
beLween Lhe nA and Lhe mlllLary.

! eLlLloners presenLed noLhlng Lo refuLe such
evenLs. 1hus, absenL any conLrary allegaLlons, Lhe
CourL ls convlnced LhaL Lhe resldenL was [usLlfled ln
lssulng pp. 1017 calllng for mlllLary ald.

ISSUL 2: WheLher or noL pp. 1017 and G.C. No. S
are consLlLuLlonal. ! no

! 2.1. laclal Challenge. eLlLloners conLend LhaL pp.
1017 ls vold on lLs face because of overbreadLh.

llrsL and foremosL, Lhe overbreadLh docLrlne ls an
analyLlcal Lool developed for LesLlng on Lhelr faces"
sLaLuLes ln free speech cases. A plaln readlng of pp.
1017 shows LhaL lL ls noL prlmarlly dlrecLed Lo
speech or even speech-relaLed conducL.

! Moreover, Lhe overbreadLh docLrlne ls noL
lnLended for LesLlng Lhe valldlLy of a law LhaL
reflecLs leglLlmaLe sLaLe lnLeresL ln malnLalnlng
comprehenslve conLrol over harmful,
consLlLuLlonally unproLecLed conducL."

A faclal challenge uslng Lhe overbreadLh docLrlne
wlll requlre Lhe CourL Lo examlne pp. 1017 and
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
SecLlon 17 reads: ln
Llmes of naLlonal
emergency, when
publlc lnLeresL so
requlres, Lhe SLaLe
may, durlng Lhe
emergency and
under reasonable
Lerms prescrlbed by
lL, Lemporarlly Lake
over or dlrecL
operaLlon of any
publlc uLlllLy or
buslness affecLed
wlLh publlc lnLeresL.

plnpolnL lLs flaws and defecLs, noL on Lhe basls of lLs
acLual operaLlon Lo peLlLloners, buL on Lhe
assumpLlon or predlcLlon LhaL lLs very exlsLence may
cause oLhers noL before Lhe CourL Lo refraln from
consLlLuLlonally proLecLed speech or expresslon.

LasLly, a faclal challenge on Lhe ground of
overbreadLh ls Lhe mosL dlfflculL challenge Lo mounL
successfully, slnce Lhe challenger musL esLabllsh LhaL
Lhere can be no lnsLance when Lhe assalled law may
be valld. 1he peLlLloners dld noL even aLLempL Lo
show wheLher Lhls slLuaLlon exlsLs.

2.2. ConsLlLuLlonal 8asls of pp. 1017

llrsL rovlslon: Calllng-ouL ower
Some peLlLloners vehemenLly malnLaln LhaL pp. 1017
ls acLually a declaraLlon of MarLlal Law. lL ls noL so,
WhaL deflnes Lhe characLer of pp. 1017 are lLs
wordlngs. lL ls plaln Lhereln LhaL whaL Lhe resldenL
lnvoked was her calllng-ouL power.
pp. 1017, pursuanL Lo SecLlon 18, ArLlcle vll of Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon, ls a valld exerclse of Lhe resldenL's
call-ouL power.

Second rovlslon: 1ake Care ower
pp. 1017 ls unconsLlLuLlonal as lL arrogaLed upon
resldenL Arroyo Lhe power Lo enacL laws and
decrees ln vlolaLlon of SecLlon 1, ArLlcle vl of Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon, whlch vesLs Lhe power Lo enacL laws ln
Congress. 1hey assall Lhe clause "to enforce
obed|ence to a|| the |aws and to a|| decrees, orders
and regu|at|ons promu|gated by me persona||y or
upon my d|rect|on."
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
1he resldenL, under ChapLer 2, 8ook lll of LC 292
(AdmlnlsLraLlve Code of 1987), may lssue any of Lhe
followlng: LxecuLlve Crders, AdmlnlsLraLlve Crders,
roclamaLlons, Memorandum Crders,
Memorandum Clrculars, Ceneral and Speclal Crders.
resldenL Arroyo's ordlnance power ls llmlLed Lo Lhe
foregolng lssuances. She cannoL lssue decrees
slmllar Lo Lhose lssued by lormer resldenL Marcos.
resldenLlal uecrees are of Lhe same caLegory and
blndlng force as sLaLuLes because Lhey were lssued
by Lhe resldenL ln Lhe exerclse of hls leglslaLlve
power durlng Lhe perlod of MarLlal Law under Lhe
1973 ConsLlLuLlon.
1hls CourL rules LhaL pp. 1017 ls unconsLlLuLlonal
lnsofar as lL granLs resldenL Arroyo Lhe auLhorlLy Lo
promulgaLe decrees." LeglslaLlve power ls
pecullarly wlLhln Lhe provlnce of Lhe leglslaLure.

1hlrd rovlslon: ower Lo Lake Cver
eLlLloners, parLlcularly Lhe members of Lhe Pouse
of 8epresenLaLlves, clalm LhaL resldenL Arroyo's
lncluslon of SecLlon 17, ArLlcle xll ln pp. 1017 ls an
encroachmenL on Lhe leglslaLure's emergency
resldenL only has auLhorlLy Lo declare a sLaLe of
naLlonal emergency. Powever, Lo exerclse
emergency powers would need a delegaLlon from
Congress. pp. 1017 does noL auLhorlze Lhe resldenL
durlng Lhe emergency Lo Lemporarlly Lake over or
dlrecL prlvaLely-owned publlc uLlllLy or buslness
affecLed wlLh publlc lnLeresL wlLhouL auLhorlLy from

2.3. As Applled Challenge
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
eLlLloners aver LhaL pp. 1017 should be sLruck
down for vlolaLlng consLlLuLlonal rlghLs ln LhaL lL
allowed Lhe pollce Lo conducL lllegal arresL and
searches, and oLher such vlolaLlons.
eLlLloners uavld and Llamas alleged arresLs wlLhouL
eLlLloners Cacho-Cllvares and 1rlbune ubllshlng
Co., lnc. clalmed LhaL CluC operaLlves ralded and
ransacked wlLhouL warranL" Lhelr offlce.
eLlLloners kMu and nAlLu-kMu eL al. alleged LhaL
Lhelr members were Lurned away and dlspersed"
when Lhey wenL Lo LuSA and laLer, Lo Ayala Avenue
Lo celebraLe Lhe 20
annlversary of Lhe LuSA eople
ower l.
1he CourL was gulded by Lhe quesLlon: May Lhls
CourL ad[udge a law or ordlnance unconsLlLuLlonal
on Lhe ground LhaL lLs lmplemenLor commlLLed
lllegal acLs?" 1he answer ls no. 1he crlLerlon by
whlch valldlLy of Lhe sLaLuLe or ordlnance ls Lo be
measured ls Lhe essenLlal basls for Lhe exerclse of
power and noL a mere lncldenLal resulL arlslng from
lLs exerLlon.

Sect|on 19. Lxcept |n cases of |mpeachment, or as otherw|se prov|ded |n th|s Const|tut|on, the res|dent may grant repr|eves, commutat|ons, and
pardons, and rem|t f|nes and forfe|tures, after conv|ct|on by f|na| [udgment.

ne sha|| a|so have the power to grant amnesty w|th the concurrence of a ma[or|ty of a|| the Members of the Congress.
Case keywords Iacts App||cab|e]V|o|ated
Issue & kat|o
ln re: 1orres v.
ulrecLor of
Wllfredo Sumulong 1orres was
convlcLed of Lwo counLs of esLafa by Lhe
courL of llrsL lnsLance of Manlla before
1979. 1hese convlcLlons were afflrmed
by Lhe courL of appeals. Pe was granLed
SecLlon 64(l) of Lhe
Lhe Chlef LxecuLlve
ISSUL 1: uld Lhe exerclse of Lhe resldenL's
prerogaLlve under Sect|on 64(|) of the kev|sed
Adm|n|strat|ve Code Lo deLermlne, lf any, any
breach of a condlLlon of pardon ln vlolaLlon of Lhe
pardonee's acL Lo due process and Lhe consLlLuLlonal
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
condlLlonal pardon by Lhe presldenL of
Lhe hlllpplnes on Aprll 18, 1979, Lhe
condlLlon belng LhaL he would noL agaln
vlolaLe any penal laws of Lhe
hlllpplnes. Pe accepLed and was
released from conflnemenL.

May 21, 1986 ! Lhe 8oard of ardons
and arole resolved Lo recommend Lo
Lhe presldenL Lo cancel 1orres' pardon
because 1orres had been charged wlLh
LwenLy counLs of esLafa and convlcLed
of sedlLlon by Lhe CC 81C. Pls
condlLlonal pardon was canceled and
was arresLed and conflned ln

1orres' wlfe and chlldren pray for hls
lmmedlaLe release. 1hls ls an orlglnal
peLlLlon for habeas corpus.
ls auLhorlzed Lo
order "Lhe arresL
and re-lncarceraLlon
of any such person
who, ln hls
[udgmenL, shall fall
Lo comply wlLh Lhe
condlLlon, or
condlLlons of hls
pardon, parole, or
suspenslon of

presumpLlon of lnnocence consLlLuLe a grave abuse
of dlscreLlon amounLlng Lo lace or excess of
[urlsdlcLlon? ! !"'

! CourLs have no auLhorlLy Lo lnLerfere wlLh Lhe
granL by Lhe resldenL of a pardon Lo a convlcLed
crlmlnal. Also, a condlLlonal pardon ls ln naLure a
conLracL beLween Lhe Chlef LxecuLlve and Lhe
convlcLed crlmlnal. 1he deLermlnaLlon of Lhe
vlolaLlon of Lhe condlLlonal pardon resLs excluslvely
ln Lhe sound [udgmenL of Lhe Chlef LxecuLlve.
1herefore, no flnal [udlclal pronouncemenL as Lo Lhe
gullL of a pardonee ls requlred ln deLermlnlng
wheLher Lhere was a breach of Lhe Lerms of Lhe
condlLlonal pardon.

Carcla v.
Commlsslon on
eLlLloner vlcenLe Carcla was a
Supervlslng Llneman ln Lhe 8eglon lv
SLaLlon of Lhe 8ureau of
1elecommunlcaLlons ln Lucena ClLy. Pe
was summarlly dlsmlssed from servce
on Lhe ground of dlshonesL for Lhe loss
of several Lelegraph poles. A crlmlnal
case for quallfled LhefL was flled agalnsL
hlm wlLh Lhe CourL of llrsL lnsLance of
Cuezon. eLlLloner was acqulLLed on
Lhe facL LhaL peLlLloner was found
lnnocenL and never havlng commlLLed
Lhe offense. Carcla soughL
relnsLaLemenL Lo hls former poslLlon
ISSUL 1: ls Carcla enLlLled Lo hls back wages
pursuanL Lo hls relnsLaLemenL by granL of execuLlve
clemency? ! $%&'

! eLlLloner's auLomaLlc relnsLaLemenL Lo
governmenL servlce enLlLles hlm Lo back wages. 1hls
ls meanL Lo afford rellef Lo peLlLloner who ls
lnnocenL from Lhe sLarL and Lo make reparaLlon for
whaL he has suffered as a resulL of hls un[usL
dlsmlssal from Lhe servlce.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
buL was denled by Lhe 8ureau of
1elecommunlcaLlons. Pence peLlLloner
pleaded Lo Lhe presldenL for execuLlve

eLlLloner was granLed execuLlve
clemency and was relnsLaLed Lo hls
former employmenL. Pe Lhen clalmed
paymenL for back wages buL was denled
by Lhe Commlsslon on AudlL saylng LhaL
slnce peLlLloner dld noL render any
servlce durlng Lhe perlod before hls
relnsLaLemenL, he ls noL enLlLled Lo back
wages. (no servlce, no pay)
Llamas v.
eLlLloner 8odolfo Llamas ls Lhe
lncumbenL vlce-Covernor of Lhe
provlnce of 1arlac.

March 1, 1991 ! he assumed, by
vlrLue of a declslon of Lhe Cfflce of Lhe
resldenL, Lhe governorshlp. rlvaLe
respondenL Marlano un Ccampo lll ls
Lhe lncumbenL Covernor of Lhe
rovlnce of 1arlac and was suspended
from offlce for 90 days ln vlolaLlon of
Lhe AnLl-CrafL and CorrupL racLlces
AcL. ubllc respondenL Cscar Crbos
(LxecuLlve SecreLary) ls belng lmpleaded
hereln ln LhaL offlclal capaclLy for havlng
lssued, by auLhorlLy of Lhe resldenL,
execuLlve clemency Lo Ccampo.

March 1, 1991 ! eLlLloner Look hls
oaLh of offlce as acLlng governor. Pe
Sec 19, ArL 7 ISSUL 1: Can Lhe presldenL granL execuLlve clemency
ln admlnlsLraLlve cases? ! $%&'
! 1he presldenL can granL execuLlve clemency
based on ArL 7, Sec 19 of Lhe consLlLuLlon. 1he
consLlLuLlon does noL dlsLlngulsh beLween cases LhaL
execuLlve clemency may be applled Lo. lf Lhe law
does noL dlsLlngulsh, we musL noL dlsLlngulsh.
ISSUL 2: Were peLlLloner's consLlLuLlonal rlghLs Lo
due process vlolaLed? ! !"'
! 1he peLlLloner's consLlLuLlonal rlghLs Lo due
process were noL vlolaLed because hls belng noL
noLlfled of Lhe sub[ecL of pardon ls because a pardon
ls prlvaLe, dellvered Lo Lhe lndlvldual for whose
beneflL lL ls lnLended. 1herefore, peLlLloner need noL
be noLlfled.

!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
had unLll May 31, 1991 as acLlng
governor under Lhe admlnlsLraLlve
suspenslon order. Powever, Ccampo
was granLed execuLlve clemency and
Lhe reassumpLlon ceremony was held
on May 21, 1991.

eLlLloner conLends LhaL Lhe presldenL
has Lhe power Lo granL execuLlve
clemency ln crlmlnal cases and noL ln
admlnlsLraLlve cases.
urllon v. CourL
of Appeals
1he uC! has broughL Lhls sulL Lo annul
Lhe declslon of Lhe CourL of Appeals
prohlblLlng Lhe governmenL from
pursulng crlmlnal acLlons agalnsL Lhe
prlvaLe respondenLs for Lhe deaLh of
lreneo Longno and Lonely Chavez
durlng early marLlal law.

rlvaLe respondenLs 8aul aredes and
8odolfo Canzon were charged wlLh
double murder. aredes was acqulLLed
whlle Canzon was senLenced Lo llfe
lmprlsonmenL wlLh hard labor. Canzon
was made Lo serve senLence (for 6
years) unLll he was released and placed
under house arresL (buL was apparenLly
free Lo move ln and ouL of hls
resldence). Canzon clalms he was
exLended absoluLe pardon by Lhe
presldenL (Marcos).

eLlLloners allege LhaL Lhe CourL of
Appeals commlLLed grave abuse of
ISSUL 1: uld Lhe CourL of Appeals commlL grave
abuse of dlscreLlon ln granLlng Lhe prohlblLlon? !

! lormer depuLy presldenLlal execuLlve asslsLanL
!oaquln venus, !r. declared LhaL Canzon's absoluLe
pardon was lndeed slgned by former presldenL
Marcos. Also, former presldenLlal execuLlve asslsLanL
!uan 1uvera LesLlfled LhaL he was glven by venus Lhe
xerox copy of Lhe presldenLlal pardon.

! lf Canzon was noL acLually exLended absoluLe
pardon, Lhen he should have remalned lncarceraLed
or under house arresL unLll presenL Llme, whlch ls
noL Lhe case. Also, lL would seem LhaL Lhe presldenL
commuLed Canzon's lmprlsonmenL Lo 6 years, and
Lhe house arresL belng a condlLlon. 1herefore, he
has already served hls full senLence and can no
longer be relnvesLlgaLed.

! lL ls sufflclenL LhaL Canzon was volunLarlly
released wlLh Lerms or condlLlons. CommuLaLlon of
senLence need noL be ln a speclflc form.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
dlscreLlon ln granLlng Lhe prohlblLlon
slnce Canzon has noL adequaLely
proved Lhe facL of presldenLlal pardon.
eople v. Salle,
(compare Lo
under !ones Law: pardon could be
granLed any Llme afLer Lhe commlsslon
of Lhe offense, elLher before or afLer

under Lhe 1973 consLlLuLlon: pardon
could be granLed only afLer flnal

1981 amendmenLs: removed llmlLaLlon
of flnal convlcLlon Lhereby brlnglng back
provlslon of !ones Law.

1987 consLlLuLlon: pardon may be
granLed only afLer convlcLlon by flnal

!udgmenL of convlcLlon becomes flnal
(1) no appeal ls seasonably perfecLed
(2) accused commences Lo serve Lhe
(3) rlghL Lo appeal ls expressly walved ln
wrlLlng, excepL where Lhe deaLh penalLy
was lmposed by Lhe Lrlal courL
(4) when accused applles for probaLlon
Sec 19, ArL 7 ISSUL 1: ls pardon granLed Lo an accused durlng Lhe
pendency of hls appeal from a [udgmenL of
convlcLlon enforceable? ! !"'

! 8efore an appellanL may be valldly granLed
pardon, he musL flrsL ask for Lhe wlLhdrawal of hls
appeal. 1he 'convlcLlon by flnal [udgmenL' llmlLaLlon
of Lhe presenL consLlLuLlon prohlblLs Lhe granL of
pardon, wheLher full or condlLlonal, Lo an accused
durlng Lhe pendency of hls appeal from hls
convlcLlon by Lhe Lrlal courL.

Sect|on 20. 1he res|dent may contract or guarantee fore|gn |oans on beha|f of the kepub||c of the h|||pp|nes w|th the pr|or concurrence of the
Monetary 8oard, and sub[ect to such ||m|tat|ons as may be prov|ded by |aw. 1he Monetary 8oard sha||, w|th|n th|rty days from the end of every
quarter of the ca|endar year, subm|t to the Congress a comp|ete report of |ts dec|s|on on app||cat|ons for |oans to be contracted or guaranteed by the
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Government or government-owned and contro||ed corporat|ons wh|ch wou|d have the effect of |ncreas|ng the fore|gn debt, and conta|n|ng other
matters as may be prov|ded by |aw.

Sect|on 21. No treaty or |nternat|ona| agreement sha|| be va||d and effect|ve un|ess concurred |n by at |east two-th|rds of a|| the Members of the
Case keywords Iacts App||cab|e]V|o|ated
Issue & kat|o
LlM vS.

C.8. nC.

. 340
onenLe: ue Leon, !r., !.
eLlLlon for cerLlorarl praylng LhaL
respondenLs be resLralned from
proceedlng wlLh Lhe so-called
8allkaLan 02-1" and Lhe deploymenL of
u.S. Lroops ln 8asllan and Mlndanao for
belng lllegal and ln vlolaLlon of Lhe
!anuary 2002 ! personnel from Lhe
armed forces of Lhe uSA sLarLed arrlvlng
ln Mlndanao Lo Lake parL ln Lhe
8allkaLan 02-1
lebruary 1, 2002 ! peLlLloners ArLhur
u. Llm and aullno . Lrsando flled Lhls
peLlLlon for cerLlorarl and prohlblLlon.
lebruary 7, 2002 ! Lhe SenaLe
conducLed a hearlng on Lhe 8allkaLan"
exerclse whereln vlce-resldenL
1eoflsLoCulngona, !r., concurrenLly
SecreLary of lorelgn Affalrs, presenLed
Lhe drafL 1erms of reference (1C8). llve
days laLer, he approved Lhe 1C8.

Sec. 23 ArLlcle xvlll
of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon.
AfLer Lhe explraLlon
ln 1991 of Lhe
beLween Lhe
8epubllc of Lhe
hlllpplnes and Lhe
unlLed SLaLes of
Amerlca concernlng
Lhe M|||tary 8ases,
fore|gn m|||tary
bases, troops or
fac|||t|es sha|| not
be a||owed |n the
SecLlon 3 (2) ArLlcle
vlll of Lhe
8evlew, revlse,
reverse, modlfy, or
afflrm on appeal or
cerLlorarl, as Lhe
law or Lhe 8ules of
CourL may provlde,
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe 8allkaLan 02-1 ls
covered by Lhe vlA !$%&' ()* ("= ,6 /)* >174?1/12
6177 54/)42 /)* 0,2/*@/ ,6 /)* ABC'
!8aLlo 1:
o 1he amblgulLy on wheLher Lhe 8allkaLan falls
wlLhln Lhe conLexL of Lhe vlA ls couched on Lhe
lnLerpreLaLlon of Lhe word acLlvlLles" by Lhe
o A revlew of perLlnenL secLlons of Lhe vlenna
ConvenLlon on Lhe Law of 1reaLles provldes
LhaL Lhe cardlnal rule of lnLerpreLaLlon of
LreaLles musL lnvolve an examlnaLlon of Lhe
LexL, whlch ls presumed Lo verballze Lhe
parLles' lnLenLlons.
o 1he CourL ruled LhaL Lhe amblgulLy sLemmlng
from Lhe word acLlvlLles" arose by accldenL. lL
held LhaL lL was dellberaLely made LhaL way Lo
glve Lhe parLles ample leeway ln negoLlaLlon.
o under Lhls lnLerpreLaLlon, Lhe vlA glves
leglLlmacy Lo Lhe 8allkaLan 02-1. lL falls under
Lhe allowable or sancLloned acLlvlLles ln Lhe
conLexL of Lhe agreemenL.

ISSUL 2: May Amerlcan Lroops acLually engage ln
combaL ln hlllpplne LerrlLory? !!"' D& 6,.0*9 1.*
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
flnal [udgmenLs and
order of lower
courLs ln:
(A) All cases ln
whlch Lhe
consLlLuLlonallLy or
valldlLy of any
LreaLy, lnLernaLlonal
agreemenL, law.

E.,)484/*< 6.,; *2:1:42: 42 12 ,66*2943* 51. ,2
F)474EE42* /*..4/,.G'
!8aLlo 2:
o nelLher Lhe Mu1 nor Lhe vlA allow forelgn
Lroops Lo engage ln an offenslve war on
hlllpplne LerrlLory.
o lurLher, ArLlcle 2 (4) of Lhe unlLed naLlons
CharLer en[olns lLs counLrles parLy Lo lL from Lhe
use of force agalnsL Lhe LerrlLorlal lnLegrlLy of
any sLaLe.
o 1he vlA and Lhe M1u, as ln all oLher LreaLles
and lnLernaLlonal agreemenLs Lo whlch Lhe
hlllpplnes ls a parLy musL be read ln Lhe
conLexL of Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon. SecLlons 2, 7,
and 8 of ArLlcle ll of whlch are key provlslons
useful ln deLermlnlng Lhe exLenL Lo whlch
forelgn mlllLary Lroops are allowed ln hlllpplne
LerrlLory. lL ls noLable LhaL such provlslons
prohlblL offenslve war by forelgn counLrles on
hlllpplne LerrlLory.
Sec. 2S of Art|c|e kVIII seems to be |n conf||ct w|th
our treaty ob||gat|ons?
o Sec. 23 provldes LhaL forelgn mlllLary bases,
Lroops or faclllLles afLer Lhe explraLlon ln 1991
of Lhe agreemenL beLween Lhe 8 and Lhe uS
shall noL be allowed ln Lhe hlllpplnes excepL
under a LreaLy duly concurred ln by Lhe
o lrom Lhe perspecLlve of publlc lnLernaLlonal
law, a LreaLy ls favored over munlclpal law. 1hls
ls noL, however, Lhe case ln Lhe hlllpplnes. 1hls
ls evldenced by SecLlon 3, ArLlcle vll of Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon - Lhe power of Lhe Supreme CourL
Lo revlew, revlse, reverse, modlfy or afflrm flnal
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
[udgmenLs ln all cases ln whlch Lhe
consLlLuLlonallLy of any LreaLy, law, decree, and
lnLernaLlonal agreemenL ls ln quesLlon, a noLlon
supporLed by Lhe declslon ln ,)-#./ 012

ISSUL 3: Are Amerlcan Lroops acLlvely engaged ln
combaL alongslde llllplno soldlers under Lhe gulse of
an alleged Lralnlng and asslsLance exerclse? !()*
+,-./ ;1G 2,/ .-7* ,2 /)49 ;1//*.'
!8aLlo 3:
o Such ls a quesLlon of facL and ls noL a flL Loplc
for a speclal clvll acLlon for cerLlorarl. 1he
Supreme CourL ls noL a Lrler of facLs.
WPL8LlC8L, Lhe peLlLlon and peLlLlon-ln-
lnLervenLlon are hereby ulSMlSSLu wlLhouL
pre[udlce Lo Lhe flllng of a new peLlLlon sufflclenL ln
form and subsLance ln Lhe proper 8eglonal 1rlal
8A?An v.
C.8. no.
eLlLloner 8ayan Muna ls a duly
reglsLered parLy-llsL group esLabllshed
Lo represenL Lhe marglnallzed secLors of
socleLy. 8espondenL 8las l. Cple, now
deceased, was Lhe SecreLary of lorelgn
Affalrs durlng Lhe perlod maLerlal Lo Lhls
case. 8espondenL AlberLo 8omulo was
lmpleaded ln hls capaclLy as Lhen
LxecuLlve SecreLary.

Cn uecember 28, 2000, Lhe 8,
Lhrough Charge d'Affalres Lnrlque A.
Manalo, slgned Lhe 8ome SLaLuLe of Lhe
lnLernaLlonal Crlmlnal CourL whlch, by
lLs Lerms, ls sub[ecL Lo raLlflcaLlon,

SecLlon 21 sLaLes:
No treaty or
agreement sha|| be
va||d and effect|ve
un|ess concurred ln
by aL leasL Lwo-
Lhlrds of all Lhe
Members of the

ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe agreemenL was
conLracLed valldly, whlch resolves lLself lnLo Lhe
quesLlon of wheLher or noL respondenLs gravely
abused Lhelr dlscreLlon ln concludlng lL. ! $%& |t |s
va||d and there's no grave abuse of d|scret|on.

! 1he ConsLlLuLlon vesLs ln Lhe resldenL Lhe power
Lo enLer lnLo lnLernaLlonal agreemenLs, sub[ecL, ln
approprlaLe cases, Lo Lhe requlred concurrence
voLes of Lhe SenaLe. 8uL as earller lndlcaLed,
execuLlve agreemenLs may be valldly enLered lnLo
wlLhouL such concurrence.

! ln Lhus agreelng Lo conclude Lhe AgreemenL Lhru
L/n 8lC-028-03, Lhen resldenL Clorla Macapagal-
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
accepLance or approval" by Lhe
slgnaLory sLaLes. Cnly 92 ouL of Lhe 139
slgnaLory counLrles appear Lo have
compleLed Lhe raLlflcaLlon, approval and
concurrence process. 1he hlllpplnes ls
noL among Lhe 92.

1he 8, represenLed by Lhen ulA
SecreLary Cple, agreed wlLh and
accepLed Lhe uS proposals embodled
under Lhe uS Lmbassy noLe adverLed Lo
and puL ln effecL Lhe 6/'**"*.$ wlLh
Lhe uS governmenL. ,. *11*,
Lhe 6/'**"*.$ alms Lo proLecL whaL lL
refers Lo and deflnes as persons" of
Lhe 8 and uS from frlvolous and
harassmenL sulLs LhaL mlghL be broughL
agalnsL Lhem ln lnLernaLlonal Lrlbunals.

ln response Lo a query of Lhen SollclLor
Ceneral Alfredo L. 8enlpayo on Lhe
sLaLus of Lhe non-surrender agreemenL,
Ambassador 8lcclardone replled ln hls
leLLer of CcLober 28, 2003 LhaL Lhe
exchange of dlplomaLlc noLes
consLlLuLed a legally blndlng agreemenL
under lnLernaLlonal law, and LhaL, under
uS law, Lhe sald agreemenL dld noL
requlre Lhe advlce and consenL of Lhe
uS SenaLe.

SecLlon 23, ArLlcle
AfLer Lhe explraLlon
ln 1991 of Lhe
beLween Lhe
8epubllc of Lhe
hlllpplnes and Lhe
unlLed SLaLes of
Amerlca concernlng
mlllLary bases,
forelgn mlllLary
bases, Lroops, or
faclllLles shall noL be
Arroyo, represenLed by Lhe SecreLary of lorelgn
Affalrs, acLed wlLhln Lhe scope of Lhe auLhorlLy and
dlscreLlon vesLed ln her by Lhe ConsLlLuLlon. AL Lhe
end of Lhe day, Lhe resldenL--by raLlfylng, Lhru her
depuLles, Lhe non-surrender agreemenL--dld
noLhlng more Lhan dlscharge a consLlLuLlonal duLy
and exerclse a prerogaLlve LhaL perLalns Lo her

! 1he raLlonale behlnd Lhls prlnclple ls Lhe
lnvlolable docLrlne of separaLlon of powers among
Lhe leglslaLlve, execuLlve and [udlclal branches of Lhe

ISSUL 2: WheLher or noL x x x AC8LLMLn1 lS vALlu,
8lnulnC Anu LllLC1lvL Wl1PCu1 1PL
CCnCu88LnCL 8? A1 LLAS1 1WC-1Pl8uS (2/3) Cl
ALL 1PL MLM8L8S Cl 1PL SLnA1L x x x. ! $%&'

! Cne Lype of execuLlve agreemenL ls a LreaLy or a
LreaLy-lmplemenLlng execuLlve agreemenL, whlch
necessarlly would cover Lhe same maLLers sub[ecL of
Lhe underlylng LreaLy.

! ln Lhe lnsLanL case, lL bears sLresslng LhaL
Lhe h|||pp|nes |s on|y a s|gnatory Lo Lhe 8ome
SLaLuLe and not a State-arty for |ack of rat|f|cat|on
by the Senate. 1hus, lL ls only obllged Lo refraln from
acLs whlch would defeaL Lhe ob[ecL and purpose of
Lhe 8ome SLaLuLe.

! 8uL over and above Lhe foregolng conslderaLlons
ls Lhe facL LhaL--save for Lhe slLuaLlon and maLLers
conLemplaLed ln Sec. 23, ArL. xvlll of Lhe
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
allowed ln Lhe
hlllpplnes excepL
under a LreaLy duly
concurred ln by Lhe
SenaLe and, when
Lhe Congress so
requlres, raLlfled by
a ma[orlLy of Lhe
voLes casL by Lhe
people ln a naLlonal
referendum held for
LhaL purpose, and
recognlzed as a
LreaLy by Lhe oLher
conLracLlng SLaLe.

--when a LreaLy ls requlred, Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon does noL classlfy any sub[ecL, llke LhaL
lnvolvlng pollLlcal lssues, Lo be ln Lhe form of, and
raLlfled as, a LreaLy. What the Const|tut|on mere|y
prescr|bes |s that treat|es need the concurrence of
the Senate by a vote def|ned there|n to comp|ete
the rat|f|cat|on process.

! 1he CourL has, ln 7+1$*'. 8*+ 9'+4(./, as
relLeraLed ln :+;+., glven recognlLlon Lo Lhe
obllgaLory effecL of execuLlve agreemenLs wlLhouL
Lhe concurrence of Lhe SenaLe:
o x x x [1]he rlghL of Lhe LxecuLlve Lo enLer lnLo
blndlng agreemenLs wlLhouL Lhe necesslLy of
subsequenL Congresslonal approval has been
conflrmed by long usage. lrom Lhe earllesL days
of our hlsLory, we have enLered execuLlve
agreemenLs coverlng such sub[ecLs as
commerclal and consular relaLlons, mosL
favored-naLlon rlghLs, paLenL rlghLs, Lrademark
and copyrlghL proLecLlon, posLal and navlgaLlon
arrangemenLs and Lhe seLLlemenL of clalms. 1he
valldlLy of Lhese has never been serlously
quesLloned by our courLs.

SLC8L1A8? Cl
!uS1lCL vS.

C8 139463

. 364
LxLradlLlon onenLe: uno, !.
Cn !anuary 13, 1977 ! Lhen resldenL
lerdlnand L. Marcos lssued resldenLlal
uecree no. 1069 "rescrlblng Lhe
rocedure for Lhe LxLradlLlon of ersons
Who Pave CommlLLed Crlmes ln a
lorelgn CounLry".
Cn november 13, 1994 ! Lhen
SecreLary of !usLlce lranklln M. urllon,
.u. 1069

SecLlon 6. lssuance
of Summons,
1emporary ArresL,
Pearlng, Servlce of
(1) lmmedlaLely
upon recelpL of Lhe
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe prlvaLe respondenL ls
enLlLled Lo Lhe due process rlghL Lo noLlce and
hearlng durlng Lhe evaluaLlon sLage of Lhe
exLradlLlon process? !!"' =*9E,2<*2/ 49 8*.*6/ ,6
/)* .4:)/ /, 2,/40* 12< )*1.42: <-.42: /)*
*317-1/4,2 9/1:* ,6 /)* *@/.1<4/4,2 E.,0*99'
!8aLlo 1:
o A revlew of Sect|on 6(1)(2) of .D. 1069 and Lhe
k-US Lxtrad|t|on 1reaty reveals LhaL Lhere ls
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
represenLlng Lhe CovernmenL of Lhe
8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes, slgned ln
Manlla Lhe "LxLradlLlon 1reaLy 8eLween
Lhe CovernmenL of Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe
hlllpplnes and Lhe CovernmenL of Lhe
unlLed SLaLes of Amerlca" (herelnafLer
referred Lo as Lhe 8-uS LxLradlLlon
1reaLy). 1he SenaLe, by way of
8esoluLlon no. 11, expressed lLs
concurrence ln Lhe raLlflcaLlon of sald
Cn !une 18, 1999, Lhe ueparLmenL of
!usLlce recelved from Lhe ueparLmenL
of lorelgn Affalrs a requesL for Lhe
exLradlLlon of prlvaLe respondenL Mark
!lmenez Lo Lhe unlLed SLaLes for crlmes
commlLLed ln Lhe uS.
Cn Lhe same day, peLlLloner lssued
ueparLmenL Crder no. 249 deslgnaLlng
and auLhorlzlng a panel of aLLorneys Lo
Lake charge of and Lo handle Lhe case
pursuanL Lo SecLlon 3(1) of resldenLlal
uecree no. 1069. upon Lechnlcal
evaluaLlon and assessmenL of Lhe
exLradlLlon requesL, Lhe panel found
lrregularlLles musL flrsL be addressed.
endlng evaluaLlon of Lhe sald
documenLs, respondenL !lmenez wroLe
Lo peLlLloner requesLlng a copy of Lhe
exLradlLlon requesL from Lhe uS
governmenL and LhaL he be glven ample
Llme Lo respond Lo Lhe same. Powever,
requesL was denled by peLlLloner.
A peLlLlon was broughL Lo Lhe 8eglonal
peLlLlon, Lhe
presldlng [udge of
Lhe courL shall, as
soon as pracLlcable,
summon Lhe
accused Lo appear
and Lo answer Lhe
peLlLlon on Lhe day
and hour flxed ln
Lhe order.
(2) 1he order and
noLlce as well as a
copy of Lhe warranL
of arresL, lf lssued,
shall be prompLly
served each upon
Lhe accused and Lhe
aLLorney havlng
charge of Lhe case.
no provlslon ln boLh whlch glves an exLradlLee
Lhe rlghL Lo demand from Lhe SecreLary of
!usLlce coples of Lhe exLradlLlon requesL from
Lhe uS CovernmenL and lLs supporLlng
documenLs and Lo commenL Lhereon whlle Lhe
requesL ls sLlll undergolng evaluaLlon. 1hus, the
r|ght of the sub[ect to have access to the
ev|dence |n the hands of the execut|ve
department |s on|y dur|ng the [ud|c|a| phase
and not dur|ng the eva|uat|on phase.

o 1he CourL also ruled LhaL LreaLles should be
lnLerpreLed only ln Lhe llghL of Lhelr lnLenL.
LxLradlLlon LreaLles provlde Lhe assurance LhaL
Lhe punlshmenL of Lhese crlmes wlll noL be
frusLraLed by Lhe fronLlers of LerrlLorlal
soverelgnLy. 1he lnLenL of Lhe LreaLy ls Lo ensure
LhaL Lhe perpeLraLors of such crlmes wlll noL be
overproLecLed by any of Lhe slgnaLory sLaLes.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

1rlal CourL of Manlla, 8ranch 23
whereln respondenL Pon. !udge
LanLlon, granLed Lhe peLlLlon of now
respondenL !lmenez.
eLlLloner SecreLary of !usLlce appealed
Lo Lhe Supreme CourL, such appeal was
granLed on a voLe of 9-6.
8espondenL Llmely flled moLlon for
reconslderaLlon. Pence, Lhe lnsLanL
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

Sect|on 1. 1he [ud|c|a| power sha|| be vested |n one Supreme Court and |n such |ower courts as may be estab||shed by |aw.

Iud|c|a| power |nc|udes the duty of the courts of [ust|ce to sett|e actua| controvers|es |nvo|v|ng r|ghts wh|ch are |ega||y demandab|e and enforceab|e,
and to determ|ne whether or not there has been a grave abuse of d|scret|on amount|ng to |ack or excess of [ur|sd|ct|on on the part of any branch or
|nstrumenta||ty of the Government.

Case keywords Iacts App||cab|e]V|o|ated
Issue & kat|o
v. 8Au1lS1A

32 SC8A 188

p. 368

ln Sero LlemenLary School ln CoLabaLo
ClLy, Lhe CommlLLee on Lhe 8aLlng of
SLudenLs for Ponor dellberaLed and
ad[udged Socorro Medlna, aLrlcla
LlngaL and 1eodoro C. SanLlago, !r. as
flrsL, second and Lhlrd honors
respecLlvely for Lhe school year 1964-

1he moLher represenLed hlm whlle hls
faLher served as Lhelr counsel. 8easons
1he second placer aLrlcla had
never been a close rlval excepL ln
grade v
1he closesL rlval Socorro had been
so much beneflLed for belng
coached and LuLored by Mrs. Alpas,
Lhelr Crade vl Lngllsh Leacher and a
member of Lhe selecLlon commlLLee
Some Leachers glvlng 1eodoro a
sLarLlng grade of 73 ln Crade vl
wlLh Lhe lnLenLlon Lo pull hlm Lo a
SecLlon 1
!udlclal power
lncludes Lhe duLy of
Lhe courLs of [usLlce
to sett|e actua|
|nvo|v|ng r|ghts
whlch are legally
demandable and
enforceable xxx
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe case aL bar presenL a
[usLlclable conLroversy ! !"#

! AcLlons quesLloned exerclsed nelLher [udlclal nor
quasl [udlclal funcLlons ln Lhe performance of lLs
asslgned Lask.

! lL ls necessary LhaL Lhere be a law LhaL glves rlse
Lo some speclflc rlghLs of persons under whlch
adverse clalms Lo such rlghLs are made. 1he Lrlbunal
board lLself has Lhe power Lo deLermlne whaL law ls
ln Lhe exerclse of lLs funcLlons.

! ln lellpe v. LeuLerlo, lL was baslcally declared LhaL
Lhe [udlclary would noL lnLerfere wlLh Lhe verdlcLs of
[udges/referees ln conLesLs/LournamenLs/
compeLlLlons. Also, no rlghLs Lo prlzes may be
asserLed by Lhe conLesLanLs because Lhelrs was
merely a prlvllege Lo compeLe for Lhe prlze. 1haL
prlvllege dld noL rlpen lnLo a demandable rlghL
unless and unLll Lhey were proclalmed wlnners.
damnum absque ln[urla." lf mallce or fraud had
been proven, lL would be a dlfferenL proposlLlon. 8uL
Lhen Lhe acLlon, lf Lhere was error, should be
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
much lower rank
Colluslon among Lhe Leachers, eLc.

1he peLlLloner asked Lhe courL Lo seL
aslde Lhe flnal llsL of honor sLudenLs ln
Crade vl and Lo en[oln Lhe respondenL
Leachers from offlclally publlshlng and
proclalmlng Lhe sald honor puplls ln Lhe
scheduled graduaLlon exerclses on May
21, 1963.

1he ln[uncLlon was denled by Lhe lower
courL Lhe day before graduaLlon for
resLralnlng Lhe exerclses would shock
everybody. 1he graduaLlon was held
wlLh Lhe same proLesLed llsL of honor

AppellanL here assalls Lhe holdlng of Lhe
lower courL LhaL hls peLlLlon has no
cause of acLlon.
dlrecLed Lo Lhe gullLy [udge or [udges buL noL agalnsL
oLher lnnocenL [udges. 8esldes, error ls noL
LanLamounL Lo a vlolaLlon of a rlghL.

p. 370
1he LxLenL of
8evlew on
Lhe forbldden
reLurn of

leb 1986 ! lerdlnand Marcos was
deposed from Lhe presldency vla Lhe
non-vlolenL people power" revoluLlon
and forced lnLo exlle. ln hls sLead,
Corazon Aqulno was declared resldenL
of Lhe 8epubllc under a 8evoluLlonary

1he accumulaLed forelgn debL and Lhe
plunder of Lhe naLlon of Lhe naLlon
aLLrlbuLed Lo Marcos and hls cronles lefL
Lhe economy devasLaLed.
SecLlon 1
!udlclal power
lncludes Lhe duLy of
Lhe courLs of [usLlce
xxx to determ|ne
whether or not
there has been a
grave abuse of
amounLlng Lo lack
or excess of
[urlsdlcLlon on Lhe
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe CourL has [urlsdlcLlon Lo
revlew Lhe case? ! !"#

! Genera| ku|e: no, Lhe lssue consLlLuLes a pollLlcal
quesLlon. As such, Lhe CourL may noL rule on lL.
Lxcept|on: 1he CourL's declslon ln Lhls case would
undenlably have a profound effecL on Lhe pollLlcal,
economlc and oLher aspecLs of naLlonal llfe.
When pollLlcal quesLlons are lnvolved, Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon llmlLs Lhe deLermlnaLlon Lo wheLher or
noL Lhere has been a grave abuse of dlscreLlon
amounLlng Lo lack or excess of [urlsdlcLlon on Lhe
parL of Lhe offlclal whose acLlon ls belng quesLloned.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
now, Mr. Marcos, aL hls deaLhbed, has
slgnlfled hls wlsh Lo reLurn Lo Lhe
hlllpplnes Lo dle.
Powever, Mrs. Aqulno, conslderlng Lhe
dlre consequences Lo Lhe naLlon of hls
reLurn aL a Llme when Lhe sLablllLy of
Lhe governmenL ls LhreaLened from
varlous dlrecLlons and Lhe economy ls
[usL beglnnlng Lo rlse and move
forward, has sLod flrmly on Lhe declslon
Lo bar Lhe reLurn of Marcos and hls

parL of any branch
or lnsLrumenLallLy
of Lhe CovernmenL
lf grave abuse ls noL esLabllshed, Lhe CourL wlll noL
subsLlLuLe lLs [udgmenL for LhaL of Lhe offlclal
concerned and declde a maLLer, whlch by lLs naLure
or by law ls for Lhe laLLer alone Lo declde.

! Accordlngly, Lhe quesLlon for Lhe CourL Lo
deLermlne ls wheLher or noL Lhere exlsL facLual
bases for Lhe resldenL Lo conclude LhaL lL was ln Lhe
naLlonal lnLeresL Lo bar Lhe reLurn of Lhe Marcoses
Lo Lhe hlllpplnes. lf such posLulaLes do exlsL, lL
cannoL be sald LhaL she has acLed, or acLs, arblLrarlly
or LhaL she has gravely abused her dlscreLlon ln
decldlng Lo bar Lhelr reLurn.

! We flnd LhaL xxx Lhere exlsL facLual bases for Lhe
resldenL's declslon.
SLC8L1A8? Cl

C.8. 132601

!anuary 19,

pp. 371-372
llnallLy of a
[udgmenL ln
relaLlon Lo
[urlsdlcLlon of
Lhe courL
1he lnsLanL moLlons concern maLLers
LhaL are noL lncldenLs ln C.8. no.
117472, where Lhe deaLh penalLy was
lmposed on peLlLloner on auLomaLlc
revlew of hls convlcLlon by Lhls CourL.
1he lnsLanL moLlons were flled ln Lhls
case, C.8. no. 132601, where Lhe
consLlLuLlonallLy of k.A. No. 8177
(Letha| In[ect|on Law) and lLs
lmplemenLlng rules and regulaLlons was
assalled by peLlLloner.
eLlLloner conLends:
(1) Lhe sLay order. . . ls wlLhln Lhe scope
of [udlclal power and duLy and does noL
Lrench on execuLlve powers nor on
congresslonal prerogaLlves,
(2) Lhe exerclse by Lhls CourL of lLs
power Lo sLay execuLlon was
SecLlon 1
!udlclal power
lncludes Lhe duLy of
Lhe courLs of [usLlce
xxx to determ|ne
whether or not
there has been a
grave abuse of
amounLlng Lo lack
or excess of
[urlsdlcLlon on Lhe
parL of any branch
or lnsLrumenLallLy
of Lhe CovernmenL
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe courL losL [urlsdlcLlon
over Lhe case afLer lL had rendered flnal [udgmenL.
! !"#

! 1he CourL dld nC1 losL lLs [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe
case aL bar and Lhus can resLraln Lhe execuLlon of
Lhe peLlLloner.

! 1he ueclslon was noL alLered a whlL by Lhls CourL.
ConLrary Lo Lhe submlsslon of Lhe SollclLor Ceneral,
Lhe rule on flnallLy of [udgmenL cannoL dlvesL Lhls
CourL of lLs [urlsdlcLlon Lo execuLe and enforce Lhe
same [udgmenL.

! 8eLlred !usLlce Camllo Culason synLheslzed Lhe
well esLabllshed [urlsprudence on Lhls lssue as
follows: xxxxxxxxxx
%&' ()*+,)%- .( + /0123'*% 1.'4 *.% 3'+* %&+% %&'
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
(3) Lhe CourL dld noL lose [urlsdlcLlon Lo
address lncldenLal maLLers lnvolved or
arlslng from Lhe peLlLlon,
(4) publlc respondenLs are esLopped
from challenglng Lhe CourL's
[urlsdlcLlon, and
(3) Lhere ls no cerLalnLy LhaL Lhe law on
caplLal punlshmenL wlll noL be repealed
or modlfled unLll Congress convenes
and conslders all Lhe varlous resoluLlons
and bllls flled before lL.
5.06% &+4 ,.4% +,, )%4 7.8'64 nor Lhe case. 8y Lhe
flnallLy of Lhe [udgmenL, whaL Lhe courL loses ls lLs
[urlsdlcLlon Lo amend, modlfy or alLer Lhe same. xxx
1here ls a dlfference beLween Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe
courL Lo execuLe lLs [udgmenL and lLs [urlsdlcLlon Lo
amend, modlfy or alLer Lhe same. xxx

! 1he power Lo conLrol Lhe execuLlon of lLs declslon
ls an essenLlal aspecL of [urlsdlcLlon. lL cannoL be Lhe
sub[ecL of subsLanLlal subLracLlon for our
ConsLlLuLlon vesLs Lhe enLlreLy of [udlclal power ln
one Supreme CourL and ln such lower courLs as may
be esLabllshed by law. xxx. lL ls because of Lhese
unforeseen, supervenlng conLlngencles LhaL courLs
have been conceded Lhe lnherenL and necessary
power of conLrol of lLs processes and orders Lo make
Lhem conformable Lo law and [usLlce.
unl1Lu S1A1LS
v. nlxCn

p. 373
revlew on
lollowlng lndlcLmenL alleglng vlolaLlon
of federal sLaLuLes xxx Lhe Speclal
rosecuLor flled a moLlon under Ied.
ku|e Cr|m. roc. 17 (c) for a subpoena
109'4 %'903 for the product|on before
tr|a| of certa|n tapes and documents
re|at|ng to prec|se|y |dent|f|ed
conversat|ons and meet|ngs between
the res|dent and others.
ln supporL of hls clalm of absoluLe
prlvllege, Lhe resldenL's counsel urges
Lwo grounds:
Lhe valld need for proLecLlon of
communlcaLlons beLween hlgh
CovernmenL offlclals and Lhose who
advlse and asslsL Lhem ln Lhe
performance of Lhelr manlfold
uS CCnS1l
A81lCLL 3, SLC1lCn

1he [ud|c|a| power
of the Un|ted
States, sha|| be
vested |n one
Supreme Court, and
ln such lnferlor
courLs as Lhe
Congress may from
Llme Lo Llme ordaln
and esLabllsh. 1he
[udges, boLh of Lhe
supreme and
lnferlor courLs, shall
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe !udlclary was wlLhouL
auLhorlLy Lo revlew an asserLlon of execuLlve
prlvllege by Lhe resldenL. ! !"#

! owell v. McCormack, supra, aL 349. And ln 8aker
v. Carr, Lhe CourL sLaLed:
"Dec|d|ng whether a matter has |n any measure
been comm|tted by Lhe ConsLlLuLlon Lo anoLher
branch of governmenL, or wheLher Lhe acLlon of LhaL
branch exceeds whaLever auLhorlLy has been
commlLLed, ls lLself a dellcaLe exerclse ln
consLlLuLlonal lnLerpreLaLlon, and |s a respons|b|||ty
of th|s Court as ulLlmaLe lnLerpreLer of Lhe

! nelLher Lhe docLrlne of separaLlon of powers nor
Lhe generallzed need for confldenLlallLy of hlgh-level
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
duLles, Lhe lmporLance of Lhls
confldenLlallLy ls Loo plaln Lo
requlre furLher dlscusslon
Lhe clalm of absoluLe prlvllege resLs
on Lhe docLrlne of separaLlon of

1he courL LhereafLer lssued an order
for an ln camera examlnaLlon of Lhe
subpoenaed maLerlal, havlng re[ecLed
Lhe resldenL's conLenLlons xxx LhaL Lhe
[udlclary lacked auLhorlLy Lo revlew Lhe
resldenL's asserLlon of execuLlve
hold Lhelr offlces
durlng good
behavlour, and
shall, aL sLaLed
Llmes, recelve for
Lhelr servlces, a
whlch shall noL be
dlmlnlshed durlng
Lhelr conLlnuance ln

communlcaLlons, wlLhouL more, can susLaln an
absoluLe, unquallfled resldenLlal prlvllege of
lmmunlLy from [udlclal process under all
clrcumsLances. xxx and any absoluLe execuLlve
prlvllege under Art|c|e II of the Const|tut|on would
plalnly confllcL wlLh Lhe funcLlon of Lhe courLs under
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon.

! 1he lmpedlmenL LhaL an absoluLe, unquallfled
prlvllege would place ln Lhe way of Lhe prlmary
consLlLuLlonal duLy of Lhe !udlclal 8ranch Lo do
[usLlce ln crlmlnal prosecuLlons would plalnly confllcL
wlLh Lhe funcLlon of Lhe courLs under Art|c|e 3 xxx
buL Lhe separaLe powers were noL lnLended Lo
operaLe wlLh absoluLe lndependence.

! [8ecause] Lhe leglLlmaLe needs of Lhe [udlclal
process may ouLwelgh resldenLlal prlvllege, lL ls
necessary Lo resolve Lhose compeLlng lnLeresLs ln a
manner LhaL preserves Lhe essenLlal funcLlons of
each branch.
L1 AL v.

C8 139139
!anuary 13,
g 373
lor Lhe auLomaLlon of Lhe counLlng and
canvasslng of Lhe balloLs ln Lhe 2004
elecLlons, Comelec awarded Lhe
ConLracL Lo "Mega aclflc ConsorLlum"
an enLlLy LhaL had noL parLlclpaLed ln
Lhe blddlng. uesplLe Lhls granL, Lhe poll
body slgned Lhe acLual auLomaLlon
ConLracL wlLh "Mega aclflc eSoluLlons,
lnc.," a company LhaL [olned Lhe blddlng
buL had noL meL Lhe ellglblllLy

Comelec awarded Lhls bllllon-peso

SecLlon 1
!udlclal power
lncludes Lhe duLy of
Lhe courLs of [usLlce
xxx to determ|ne
whether or not
there has been a
grave abuse of
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe lnsLanL peLlLlon ls
premaLure. ! !"#

! 1here ls grave abuse of dlscreLlon:
(1) when an acL ls done conLrary Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon,
Lhe law or [urlsprudence or
(2) when lL ls execuLed whlmslcally, caprlclously or
arblLrarlly ouL of mallce, lll wlll or personal blas.

! ln Lhe presenL case, Lhe Commlsslon on LlecLlons
approved Lhe assalled 8esoluLlon and awarded Lhe
sub[ecL ConLracL noL only ln clear vlolaLlon of law
and [urlsprudence, buL also ln reckless dlsregard of
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
underLaklng wlLh lnexpllcable hasLe,
wlLhouL adequaLely checklng and
observlng mandaLory flnanclal,
Lechnlcal and legal requlremenLs. lL also
accepLed Lhe preferred compuLer
hardware and sofLware even lf, aL Lhe
Llme of Lhe award, Lhey had undenlably
falled Lo pass elghL crlLlcal requlremenLs
deslgned Lo safeguard Lhe lnLegrlLy of

8espondenLs clalm LhaL peLlLloners
acLed premaLurely, slnce Lhey had noL
flrsL uLlllzed Lhe proLesL mechanlsm
avallable Lo Lhem under kA 9184, Lhe
CovernmenL rocuremenL 8eform AcL,
for Lhe seLLlemenL of dlspuLes
perLalnlng Lo procuremenL conLracLs.
amounLlng Lo lack
or excess of
[urlsdlcLlon on Lhe
parL of any branch
or lnsLrumenLallLy
of Lhe CovernmenL
lLs own blddlng rules and procedure.

! ln any evenL, Lhe pecullar clrcumsLances
surroundlng Lhe unconvenLlonal rendlLlon of Lhe
8AC 8eporL and Lhe preclplLaLe awardlng of Lhe
ConLracL by Lhe Comelec en banc -- plus Lhe facL LhaL
lL was raclng Lo have lLs ConLracL wlLh MC
lmplemenLed ln Llme for Lhe elecLlons ln May 2004
(barely four monLhs away) -- have comblned Lo brlng
abouL Lhe urgenL need for [udlclal lnLervenLlon, Lhus
prompLlng Lhls CourL Lo dlspense wlLh Lhe
procedural exhausLlon of admlnlsLraLlve remedles ln
Lhls case.

Sect|on 2. 1he Congress sha|| have the power to def|ne, prescr|be, and apport|on the [ur|sd|ct|on of the var|ous courts but may not depr|ve the
Supreme Court of |ts [ur|sd|ct|on over cases enumerated |n Sect|on S hereof.
No |aw sha|| be passed reorgan|z|ng the Iud|c|ary when |t underm|nes the secur|ty of tenure of |ts Members.

Case keywords Iacts App||cab|e]V|o|ated
Issue & kat|o
LnACPCS, !8.
onenLe: C8uZ, I

1hls conLroversy lnvolves Lhe exLenL and
appllcablllLy of .D. No. 1818, whlch
prohlblLs any courL from lssulng
ln[uncLlons ln cases lnvolvlng
lnfrasLrucLure pro[ecLs of Lhe

SecLlon 1, .u.
1818: no courL
shall have
[urlsdlcLlon Lo lssue
any resLralnlng
order, prellmlnary
ln[uncLlon, or
ISSUL 1: ls lSCCl covered by .u. 1818? ! NC.

! .D. 1818 was noL lnLended Lo shleld from [udlclal
scruLlny lrregularlLles commlLLed by admlnlsLraLlve
agencles. Pence, Lhe challenged resLralnlng order
:;< !"= >?@A"@BACD ><<EBF by Lhe respondenL
[udge and Lhe wrlL of prellmlnary ln[uncLlon <G"ECF
!"= G;HB IBB! FB!>BF#
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
1he llollo SLaLe College of llsherles
(lSCCl) Lhrough lLs re-quallflcaLlon,
8lds and Awards CommlLLee (8AC)
publlshed an lnvlLaLlon Lo bld for Lhe
consLrucLlon of a mlcro laboraLory

eLlLloners submlLLed Lhelr
prequallflcaLlon documenLs (8L-C1)
buL were noL allowed Lo parLlclpaLe
slnce Lhe sald documenLs were
submlLLed laLe. eLlLloners flled a
complalnL wlLh Lhe llollo 81C agalnsL
8AC members and chalrman, clalmlng
LhaL Lhey submlLLed Lhelr 8L-C1 on

!udge Lodrlglo Lebaquln lssued a
resLralnlng order prohlblLlng 8AC from
conducLlng Lhe blddlng and awardlng
pro[ecL. uefendanLs flled a moLlon Lo llfL
Lhe resLralnlng order on Lhe ground LhaL
Lhe courL was prohlblLed from lssulng
resLralnlng orders, prellmlnary
ln[uncLlons, and prellmlnary mandaLory
ln[uncLlons by .D. 1818.

lalnLlffs opposed Lhe moLlon saylng
LhaL lSCCl was a sLaLe college 8u1 lL
had lLs own charLer and separaLe
exlsLence and was noL parL of Lhe
naLlonal governmenL or of any local
pollLlcal subdlvlslon.
1he Lrlal courL llfLed Lhe resLralnlng
pro[ecL or a mlnlng,
flshery, foresL or
oLher naLural
pro[ecL of Lhe
governmenL, or any
publlc uLlllLy
operaLed by Lhe
lncludlng among
oLhers publlc
uLlllLles for Lhe
LransporL of Lhe
goods and
sLevedorlng and
arrasLre conLracLs,
Lo prohlblL any
person or persons,
enLlLy or
governmenL offlclal
from proceedlng
wlLh, or conLlnulng
Lhe execuLlon or
lmplemenLaLlon of
any such pro[ecL, or
Lhe operaLlon of
such publlc uLlllLy,
or pursulng any
lawful acLlvlLy
necessary for such
lmplemenLaLlon or
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
order and denled Lhe peLlLlon for
prellmlnary ln[uncLlon.

Sect|on 3. 1he Iud|c|ary sha|| en[oy f|sca| autonomy. Appropr|at|ons for the Iud|c|ary may not be reduced by the |eg|s|ature be|ow the amount
appropr|ated for the prev|ous year and, after approva|, sha|| be automat|ca||y and regu|ar|y re|eased.

Case keywords Iacts App||cab|e]V|o|ated
Issue & kat|o
, lnC. v.
ln 1949, 8adlowealLh lnsLalled speaker
phones ln Lhe offlce of Lhe Chlef !usLlce
and Lhe LoLal expendlLure amounLed Lo

1he clerk of Lhe SC lssued a cerLlflcaLlon
LhaL Lhe purchase of Lhe gadgeLs were
valld and due Lo an emergency.
Powever, Lhe chalrman of Lhe roperLy
8equlslLlon CommlLLee (8C) refused Lo
lssue dlsbursemenL Lherefore.

AudlLor Ceneral Agregado afflrmed
8C's rullng LhaL Lhe purchase of Lhe
speaker phones are agalnsL L.C. 302
whlch sLaLes LhaL Lhe governmenL
adopLs a pollcy dlsconLlnulng open
markeL purchases.
ISSUL 1: Can Lhe audlLor general dlsallow such
expendlLure by Lhe SC? ! NC.

! no one denles Lhe audlLor general Lhe power Lo
audlL, ln accordance wlLh law and admlnlsLraLlve
regulaLlons, expendlLures of funds or properLy by
governmenL. Powever, Lhe audlLor general's
auLhorlLy Lo audlL and dlsapprove Lhe courL's
expendlLures has Lo be llmlLed Lo Lhe condlLlons
prescrlbed by Lhe consLlLuLlon whlch ls =" !"=
>!H;FB =GB 5"EA=J< >!FB@B!FB!5B# 1he audlLor
general may noL quesLlon Lhe courL's expendlLures
excepL when Lhey are 'lrregular, unnecessary,
excesslve and exLravaganL.'
8LnCZCn v.
1he peLlLloners are reLlred [usLlces of
Lhe SC and CourL of Appeals who are
currenLly recelvlng monLhly penslons
under k.A. 910 as amended by k.A.
1797. Sect|on 3A whlch auLhorlzes Lhe
sald penslons was repealed by resldenL
Marcos. 1he leglslaLure Lhen re-enacLed
Lhe sald 8As Lo resLore Lhe prlvlleges Lo
ISSUL 1: uoes Lhe quesLloned veLo lmpalr Lhe I|sca|
Autonomy guaranLeed Lo Lhe !udlclary? ! LS.

! Sect|on 3, Art|c|e 8 of the Const|tut|on provldes
for Lhe llscal AuLonomy of Lhe !udlclary. 1he veLo of
Lhe speclflc provlslons by Lhe presldenL ls
LanLamounL Lo dlcLaLlng Lo Lhe !udlclary how lLs
funds should be uLlllzed, whlch ls clearly repugnanL
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Lhe reLlred [usLlces. Powever, resldenL
Aqulno veLoed cerLaln porLlons of lL.
Lo flscal auLonomy. 1he freedom of Lhe Chlef !usLlce
Lo make ad[usLmenLs ln Lhe uLlllzaLlon of Lhe funds
approprlaLed for Lhe expendlLures of Lhe [udlclary,
lncludlng Lhe use of any savlngs from any parLlcular
lLem Lo cover deflclLs or shorLages ln oLher lLems of
Lhe [udlclary ls wlLhheld. 1he !udlclary musL en[oy
freedom and musL be glven a free hand on how Lo
augmenL approprlaLlons where lL ls needed.

Sect|on 4. (1) 1he Supreme Court sha|| be composed of a Ch|ef Iust|ce and fourteen Assoc|ate Iust|ces. It may s|t en banc or |n |ts d|scret|on, |n d|v|s|on
of three, f|ve, or seven Members. Any vacancy sha|| be f|||ed w|th|n n|nety days from the occurrence thereof.

(2) A|| cases |nvo|v|ng the const|tut|ona||ty of a treaty, |nternat|ona| or execut|ve agreement, or |aw, wh|ch sha|| be heard by the Supreme Court en
banc, and a|| other cases wh|ch under the ku|es of Court are requ|red to be heard en banc, |nc|ud|ng those |nvo|v|ng the const|tut|ona||ty, app||cat|on,
or operat|on of pres|dent|a| decrees, proc|amat|ons, orders, |nstruct|ons, ord|nances, and other regu|at|ons, sha|| be dec|ded w|th the concurrence of
a ma[or|ty of the Members who actua||y took part |n the de||berat|ons on the |ssues |n the case and voted thereon.

(3) Cases or matters heard by a d|v|s|on sha|| be dec|ded or reso|ved w|th the concurrence of a ma[or|ty of the Members who actua||y took part |n the
de||berat|ons on the |ssues |n the case and voted thereon, and |n no case w|thout the concurrence of at |east three of such Members. When the
requ|red number |s not obta|ned, the case sha|| be dec|ded en banc: rov|ded, that no doctr|ne or pr|nc|p|e of |aw |a|d down by the court |n a dec|s|on
rendered en banc or |n d|v|s|on may be mod|f|ed or reversed except by the court s|tt|ng en banc.

Case keywords Iacts App||cab|e]V|o|ated
Issue & kat|o
Covernor Cf
8ukldnon) v.
(uepuLy Lxec.
ln Lhelr respecLlve moLlons for
reconslderaLlon, boLh respondenLs and
lnLervenors pray LhaL Lhls case be
referred Lo Lhls courL en banc.

1he conLend LhaL Lhe requlred number
of voLes (Lhree) was noL meL as Lhe
moLlons for reconslderaLlon were
ISSUL 1: uld Lhe courL's resoluLlon, whereln Lhey
voLed Lwo-Lwo on Lhe separaLe moLlons for
reconslderaLlon, as a resulL of whlch Lhe declslon
was deemed afflrmed, effecLlvely resolve Lhe sald
moLlons? ! DB<.

! A careful readlng of Lhe above consLlLuLlonal
provlslon, however, reveals LhaL cases are dec|ded,
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
resolved by a voLe of Lwo-Lwo.

and matters (|nc|ud|ng mot|ons) are reso|ved. WlLh
LhaL sald, only cases are referred Lo Lhe CourL en
banc for declslon whenever Lhe requlred number of
voLes ls noL obLalned. lf Lhere ls a Lle ln Lhe voLlng,
Lhere ls no declslon. Cn Lhe oLher hand, lf a case has
already been declded by Lhe dlvlslon and Lhe loslng
parLy flles a moLlon for reconslderaLlon, Lhe fallure
of Lhe dlvlslon Lo resolve Lhe moLlon because of a Lle
ln Lhe voLlng does noL leave Lhe case undeclded.
1here ls sLlll a declslon whlch musL sLand ln vlew of
Lhe fallure of Lhe members of Lhe dlvlslon Lo musLer
Lhe necessary voLe for lLs reconslderaLlon.
1herefore, lf Lhere ls a Lle, Lhe moLlon for
reconslderaLlon ls losL. 1he assalled declslon ls
Lherefore deemed afflrmed.

LCLL v. u? Accused-appellanLs 8ryan lerdlnand uy
and Clovan 8ernardlno flled separaLe
moLlons for reconslderaLlon xxx flndlng
Lhem gullLy of rape and acLs of
ln hls moLlon, accused-appellanL uy
submlLs LhaL our declslon should have
been merely recommendaLory, ln vlew
of Lhe provlslon of ArLlcle vlll, SecLlon 3
(2) (d) of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon whlch
provldes LhaL Lhe Supreme CourL
slLLlng eo booc has [urlsdlcLlon over
[a]ll crlmlnal cases ln whlch Lhe penalLy
lmposed ls teclosloo petpetoo or
hlgher." Pe conLends LhaL Supreme
CourL Clrcular no. 2-89 whlch provldes
LhaL deaLh penalLy cases shall be wlLhln
Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe CourL eo booc ls
SecLlon 4. (1) 1he
Supreme CourL xxx
lL may slL en banc or
ln lLs dlscreLlon, ln
dlvlslon of Lhree,
flve, or seven
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe SC Clrcular ls
lncongruous Lo ArLlcle vlll, SecLlon 3 (2) (d) of Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon? ! !.#

! 1he conLenLlon ls mlsleadlng because Lhls one ls
acLually covered by ArLlcle 8 SecLlon 4 (1).

! AL presenL, lL ls made up of Lhree
dlvlslons. Powever, Lhe dlvlslons of Lhe Supreme
CourL are noL Lo be consldered as separaLe and
dlsLlncL courLs. AcLlons consldered ln any of Lhese
dlvlslons and declslons rendered Lhereln are, ln
effecL, by Lhe same 1rlbunal. 1he dlvlslons are noL
Lo be consldered as separaLe and dlsLlncL courLs, buL
as dlvlslons of one and Lhe same courL

! Cnly Lhe CourL slLLlng en banc can reverse Lhe
declslon of Lhe CourL ln dlvlslon.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
lncongruous and lncompaLlble wlLh Lhe
aforemenLloned consLlLuLlonal
LCLL v. L8lC
Court en
banc re-
on rape case
of 11-year
o|d daughter
ueclslon afflrmed Lhe [udgmenL of Lhe
8eglonal 1rlal CourL of Sorsogon,
Sorsogon flndlng Lhe accused gullLy
beyond reasonable doubL of raplng hls
eleven-year old daughLer, and
senLenclng hlm Lo deaLh.

ln hls moLlon for reconslderaLlon, Lhe
accused calls Lhe aLLenLlon of Lhe CourL
Lo Lhe facL LhaL only seven ouL of Lhe
fourLeen !usLlces slLLlng ln Lhe CourL
slgned Lhe ueclslon. 1he oLher seven
!usLlces were on offlclal leave aL Lhe
(2) All cases
lnvolvlng Lhe
consLlLuLlonallLy of
a LreaLy,
lnLernaLlonal or
agreemenL, or law,
whlch shall be
heard by Lhe
Supreme CourL en
banc, and all oLher
cases whlch under
Lhe 8ules of CourL
are requlred Lo be
heard en banc,
lncludlng Lhose
lnvolvlng Lhe
appllcaLlon, or
operaLlon of
orders, lnsLrucLlons,
ordlnances, and
oLher regulaLlons,
sha|| be dec|ded
w|th the
concurrence of a
ma[or|ty of the
Members who
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe voLes of only seven
!usLlces of Lhe CourL slLLlng eo booc can valldly
lmpose Lhe deaLh penalLy and wheLher Lhere ls a
need for a quorum when lL slLs eo boocK ! !.

! 1he Lerm "quorum"' has been deflned as "LhaL
number of members of Lhe body whlch, when legally
assembled ln Lhelr proper places, wlll enable Lhe
body Lo LransacL lLs proper buslness, or, ln oLher
words, LhaL number LhaL makes a lawful body and
glves lL power Lo pass a law or ordlnance or do any
oLher valld corporaLe acL."

! 1he second paragraph of ArLlcle vlll SecLlon 4 of
Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon does noL expressly sLaLe Lhe
number of !usLlces requlred Lo be presenL Lo
consLlLuLe a quorum of Lhe CourL eo booc. 1he
dellberaLlons of Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon are also sllenL
on whaL consLlLuLes a quorum when Lhe CourL ls
composed of only fourLeen members. ln case of
doubL ln a crlmlnal case, especlally where Lhe deaLh
penalLy ls lmposed, Lhe doubL should be resolved ln
favor of Lhe accused. 1hus, ln Lhls case, conslderlng
LhaL Lhe llfe of Lhe accused ls aL sLake, we deem lL
wlse Lo resubmlL Lhe case Lo Lhe CourL eo booc for
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

Sect|on S. 1he Supreme Court sha|| have the fo||ow|ng powers:
(1) Lxerc|se or|g|na| [ur|sd|ct|on over cases affect|ng ambassadors, other pub||c m|n|sters and consu|s, and over pet|t|ons for cert|orar|, proh|b|t|on,
mandamus, quo warranto, and habeas corpus.

(2) kev|ew, rev|se, reverse, mod|fy, or aff|rm on appea| or cert|orar|, as the |aw or the ku|es of Court may prov|de, f|na| [udgments and orders of
|ower courts |n:
(a) A|| cases |n wh|ch the const|tut|ona||ty or va||d|ty of any treaty, |nternat|ona| or execut|ve agreement, |aw, pres|dent|a| decree,
proc|amat|on, order, |nstruct|on, ord|nance, or regu|at|on |s |n quest|on.
(b) A|| cases |nvo|v|ng the |ega||ty of any tax, |mpost, assessment, or to||, or any pena|ty |mposed |n re|at|on thereto.
actua||y took part
|n the de||berat|ons
on the |ssues |n the
case and voted

(3) Cases or maLLers
heard by a dlvlslon
shall be declded or
resolved wlLh Lhe
concurrence of a
ma[orlLy of Lhe
Members who
acLually Look parL ln
Lhe dellberaLlons on
Lhe lssues ln Lhe
case and voLed
Lhereon, and ln no
case, wlLhouL the
concurrence of at
|east three of such
Members. xxx
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
(c) A|| cases |n wh|ch the [ur|sd|ct|on of any |ower court |s |n |ssue.
(d) A|| cr|m|na| cases |n wh|ch the pena|ty |mposed |s rec|us|on perpetua or h|gher.
(e) A|| cases |n wh|ch on|y an error or quest|on of |aw |s |nvo|ved.

(3) Ass|gn temporar||y [udges of |ower courts to other stat|ons as pub||c |nterest may requ|re. Such temporary ass|gnment sha|| not exceed s|x months
w|thout the consent of the [udge concerned.

(4) Crder a change of venue or p|ace of tr|a| to avo|d a m|scarr|age of [ust|ce.

(S) romu|gate ru|es concern|ng the protect|on and enforcement of const|tut|ona| r|ghts, p|ead|ng, pract|ce, and procedure |n a|| courts, the
adm|ss|on to the pract|ce of |aw, the |ntegrated bar, and |ega| ass|stance to the under-pr|v||eged. Such ru|es sha|| prov|de a s|mp||f|ed and |nexpens|ve
procedure for the speedy d|spos|t|on of cases, sha|| be un|form for a|| courts of the same grade, and sha|| not d|m|n|sh, |ncrease, or mod|fy
substant|ve r|ghts. ku|es of procedure of spec|a| courts and quas|-[ud|c|a| bod|es sha|| rema|n effect|ve un|ess d|sapproved by the Supreme Court.

(6) Appo|nt a|| off|c|a|s and emp|oyees of the Iud|c|ary |n accordance w|th the C|v|| Serv|ce Law.

Case keywords Iacts App||cab|e]V|o|ated
Issue & kat|o
MA88u8? vS

p. 387

!udlclal ower onenLe: Marshall, C.!.

Cn hls lasL day ln offlce, resldenL !ohn
Adams named forLy-Lwo [usLlces of Lhe
peace and slxLeen new clrculL courL
[usLlces for Lhe ulsLrlcL of Columbla
under Lhe Crganlc AcL. 1he Crganlc AcL
was an aLLempL by Lhe lederallsLs Lo
Lake conLrol of Lhe federal [udlclary
before 1homas !efferson Look offlce.
1he commlsslons were slgned by
resldenL Adams and sealed by acLlng
SecreLary of SLaLe !ohn Marshall (who
laLer became Chlef !usLlce of Lhe
Supreme CourL and auLhor of Lhls
oplnlon), buL Lhey were noL dellvered

ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe Supreme CourL has Lhe
auLhorlLy Lo revlew acLs of Congress and deLermlne
lLs consLlLuLlonallLy and belng vold!DB<# =&'
<076'3' 5.06% &+4 +0%&.6)%- %. 6'L)'8 +9%4 .(

!8aLlo 1:
o 1he powers of Lhe LeglslaLure are deflned and
llmlLed, and LhaL Lhose llmlLs may noL be
mlsLaken, or forgoLLen, Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ls
o An acL of Lhe leglslaLure, repugnanL Lo Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon, ls vold.
o lL ls Lhe provlnce and duLy of Lhe [udlclal
deparLmenL Lo say whaL Lhe law ls. lf a law be
ln opposlLlon Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon, lf boLh Lhe
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
before Lhe explraLlon of Adams's Lerm
as presldenL. 1homas !efferson refused
Lo honor Lhe commlsslons, clalmlng
LhaL Lhey were lnvalld because Lhey had
noL been dellvered by Lhe end of
Adams's Lerm.

eLlLloner Wllllam Marbury was an
lnLended reclplenL of an appolnLmenL
as [usLlce of Lhe peace. Marbury applled
dlrecLly Lo Lhe Supreme CourL of Lhe
unlLed SLaLes for a wrlL of mandamus
Lo compel !efferson's SecreLary of
SLaLe, uefendanL !ames Madlson, Lo
dellver Lhe commlsslons. 1he !udlclary
AcL of 1789 had granLed Lhe Supreme
CourL orlglnal [urlsdlcLlon Lo lssue wrlLs
of mandamus .Lo any courLs
appolnLed, or persons holdlng offlce,
under Lhe auLhorlLy of Lhe unlLed

law and Lhe ConsLlLuLlon apply Lo a parLlcular
case, Lhe courL musL deLermlne whlch of Lhese
confllcLlng rules govern Lhe case. 1hls ls Lhe
very essence of [udlclal duLy.
o 1hose who conLroverL Lhe prlnclple LhaL Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon ls Lhe paramounL law are reduced
Lo Lhe necesslLy of malnLalnlng LhaL courLs
musL close Lhelr eyes on Lhe ConsLlLuLlon, and
see only Lhe law.
1hls docLrlne would subverL Lhe very
foundaLlon of all wrlLLen ConsLlLuLlons. 1o say
LhaL an acL, whlch ls enLlrely vold for belng
conLrary Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon, ls yeL, ln pracLlce,
compleLely obllgaLory. lL would declare LhaL,
however forbldden, any acL of Lhe leglslaLure,
shall be effecLual. lL would be glvlng Lhe
leglslaLure pracLlcal and real omnlpoLence. lL ls
prescrlblng llmlLs, and declarlng LhaL Lhose
may be passed aL pleasure.

63 hll. 139

p. 389
onenLe: Laurel, !.

uecember 3, 1933 !naLlonal Assembly
by keso|ut|on No. 8 conflrmed Lhe
elecLlon of peLlLloner Lo Lhe sald body.

uecember 9, 1933 !LlecLoral
Commlsslon flxed sald daLe as Lhe lasL
day for flllng of proLesLs agalnsL Lhe
elecLlon, reLurns and quallflcaLlons of
members of Lhe naLlonal Assembly.
lL ls conLended by Lhe peLlLloner LhaL
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe Supreme CourL has
[urlsdlcLlon over Lhe case!DB<# =&' <076'3' 5.06%
&+4 /06)41)9%).*#

!8aLlo 1:
o upon prlnclple, reason, and auLhorlLy, Lhe
CourL clearly ls of Lhe oplnlon LhaL lL has
[urlsdlcLlon over Lhe LlecLoral Commlsslon and
Lhe sub[ecL maLLer of Lhe presenL conLroversy
for Lhe purpose of deLermlnlng Lhe characLer,
scope and exLenL of Lhe commlsslon's power
as Lhe sole [udge of conLesLs relaLlng Lo Lhe
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Lhe resoluLlon of Lhe naLlonal Assembly
has Lhe effecL of cuLLlng of Lhe power of
Lhe LlecLoral Commlsslon Lo enLerLaln
proLesLs agalnsL Lhe elecLlon, reLurns
and quallflcaLlons of members of Lhe
naLlonal Assembly submlLLed afLer
uecember 3, 1933.
elecLlon, reLurns, and quallflcaLlons of Lhe
members of Lhe naLlonal Assembly.
o 1he consLlLuLlon lLself granLed Lhe duLy Lo
deLermlne Lhe naLure, scope and exLenL of Lhe
powers of governmenL Lo Lhe [udlclary. When
lL medlaLes Lo allocaLe consLlLuLlonal
boundarles, lL does noL asserL superlorlLy over
Lhe oLher deparLmenLs.

o 1he power of [udlclal revlew ls llmlLed Lo acLual
cases and conLroversles and llmlLed furLher Lo
Lhe consLlLuLlonal quesLlon ralsed or Lhe very
llsmoLa presenLed.
o 1he [udlclary does noL pass upon quesLlons of
wlsdom, [usLlce or expedlency of leglslaLlon.
o 1he courLs accord Lhe presumpLlon of
consLlLuLlonallLy Lo leglslaLlve enacLmenLs.

1CLLn1lnC vS
SLC8L1A8? Cl

C.8. no.

AugusL 23,

p. 390
vA1 onenLe: Mendoza, !.

k.A. No. 7716 seeks Lo wlden Lhe
exlsLlng Lax base of Lhe exlsLlng vA1
sysLem and enhance lLs admlnlsLraLlon
by amendlng Lhe naLlonal lnLernal
8evenue Code.

k.A. No. 7716 ls Lhe resulLs of
Conference CommlLLee 8lll enLlLled An
AC1 8LS18uC1u8lnC 1PL vALuL-
AuuLu 1Ax (vA1) S?S1LM, WluLnlnC
l1 1Ax 8ASL Anu LnPAnClnC l1S
AuMlnlS18A1lCn Anu lC8 1PLSL
ArLlcle vlll, Sec. 1
(2). !udlclal power
lncludes Lhe duLy of
Lhe courLs of [usLlce
Lo seLLle acLual
lnvolvlng rlghLs
whlch are legally
demandable and
enforceable, and Lo
deLermlne wheLher
or noL Lhere has
been a grave abuse
of dlscreLlon.
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe Supreme CourL may
Lake cognlzance of Lhe case!DB<# =&' <076'3'
5.06% 3+- %+M' 9.2*)N+*9' .( %&' 9+4'#

!8aLlo 1:
o AlLhough Lhe case aL bar ls not r|pe for
ad[ud|cat|on, Lhe consLlLuLlonally vesLed duLy
of [udlclal revlew mandaLes Lhe CourL Lo look
behlnd Lhe barrlers seL by Lhe prlnclple of
separaLlon of powers.
o 1he CourL may lnvoke Lhls duLy ([udlclal
revlew) Lo [usLlfy lLs lnLervenLlon ln whaL ls
essenLlally a case LhaL aL besL ls noL rlpe for
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
u8CSLS AMLnulnC Anu 8LLALlnC
1PL 8LLLvAn1 8CvlSlCnS Cl 1PL
nA1lCnAL ln1L8nAL 8LvLnuL CCuL,
AS AMLnuLu, Anu lC8 C1PL8
u8CSLS". 1hls resulLs from Lhe
consolldaLlon of Senate 8||| No. 1630
(submlLLed ln subsLlLuLlon of S.8. 1129
Laklng lnLo conslderaLlon .S. kes. No.
734 and n.8. No.1197) and nouse 8|||
no. 1197.
ArLlcle vlll, Sec. 3
(2). 8evlew, revlse,
reverse, modlfy, or
afflrm on appeal.

1An vS
43 SC8A 678
p. 391
onenLe: lernando, !.

eLlLloner flled peLlLlon ln Lhe courL
seeklng declaraLory rellef and declarlng
Lhe auLhorlLy of Lhe 1971 ConsLlLuLlonal
ConvenLlon (CC) vold.

eLlLloner conLends LhaL Lhe CC ls
wlLhouL auLhorlLy Lo dlscuss and adopL
proposals whlch seek Lo revlse Lhe
presenL ConsLlLuLlon Lhrough Lhe
adopLlon of a form of governmenL
oLher Lhan Lhe form ouLllned ln Lhe
presenL ConsLlLuLlon.

1he CourL dlsmlssed Lhe peLlLlon for
lack of merlL. A moLlon for
reconslderaLlon was flled.

eLlLloner Conzales however, walLed
unLll k.A. 4913, acL submlLLlng Lo Lhe
elecLoraLe of cerLaln proposed
amendmenLs Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon, was
enacLed. lL was only Lhen LhaL Lhe
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe Supreme CourL should
Lake cognlzance of Lhe case!!"#
!8aLlo 1:
o lL ls a prerequlslLe LhaL someLhlng had been
accompllshed or performed by elLher branch
before a courL may lnvoke lLs power of [udlclal
o 1he auLonomy of Lhe CC musL be respecLed. lL
ls a coordlnaLe agency and lLs powers are
LranscendenL, slnce lL may radlcally alLer Lhe
organlzaLlon and funcLlons of all Lhree
deparLmenLs lncludlng Lhe courLs.
o 1he rule of non-lnLerference should be
adhered Lo unLll Lhere ls an acLual case or
conLroversy. As long as any proposal Lo amend
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ls noL acLed upon yeL, Lhere ls
no room for lnLerposlLlon of [udlclal overslghL.
unLll Lhen, Lhe courLs are devold of

WnLkLICkL, Lhe moLlon for reconslderaLlon ls
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
maLLer was rlpe for ad[udlcaLlon.
ACu vS
SLC8L1A8? Cl
97 hll. 806
p. 392
SecreLary of
onenLe: 8engzon, !.

eLlLlonlng colleges and unlverslLles
quesLlon Lhe consLlLuLlonallLy of Act
No. 2706.

1he law provldes LhaL before anyone
may operaLe a school, a permlL from
Lhe SecreLary of LducaLlon musL flrsL be

eLlLloners clalm LhaL Lhls consLlLuLes a
deprlvaLlon of Lhelr llberLy and properLy
wlLhouL due process of law.

8espondenL conLends LhaL Lhe maLLer
consLlLuLes no [usLlclable conLroversy
exhlblLlng unavoldable necesslLy of
decldlng Lhe consLlLuLlonal quesLlons
and LhaL peLlLloners suffered no wrong
from Lhe enacLmenL of Lhe quesLloned
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe Supreme CourL should
Lake cognlzance of Lhe case!!"#

!8aLlo 1:
o 1he AcL has been ln exlsLence for 37 years. 1he
SecreLary of LducaLlon has supervlsed and
regulaLed Lhe prlvaLe schools ln Lhls counLry
wlLhouL audlble proLesL and wlLh Lhe approval
of Lhe general publlc. 1he law has long been
LreaLed as consLlLuLlonal and lmporLanL rlghLs
have been dependenL on lL. Pence, Lhe CourL
may refuse Lo conslder an aLLack on lLs valldlLy.
o 1he peLlLloners suffered no wrong from Lhe
AcL. 1he peLlLloners even have permlLs Lo
operaLe and are acLually operaLlng by vlrLue of
Lhelr permlLs. 1hls CourL wlll noL pass upon
valldlLy where Lhe assallanL ls one who avalled
of lLs beneflLs.
o 1here ls noL even a LhreaL by Lhe SecreLary LhaL
he wlll revoke Lhe permlLs of peLlLloners.
o 1he CourL does noL ad[udlcaLe mere scholarly
quesLlons Lo saLlsfy scholarly lnLeresL, however
lnLellecLually solld Lhe problem may be.

!C?A v. CCC

C8 96341

AugusL 24,

pp 393-396
1he 33 peLlLloners ln Lhls speclal clvll
acLlon for prohlblLlon and mandamus
wlLh prayer for prellmlnary ln[uncLlon
and/or resLralnlng order seek Lo en[oln
Lhe CCC from proceedlng wlLh Lhe
aucLlon sale scheduled !an. 11, 1991 by
ChrlsLle's of new ?ork and of Lhe Cld
MasLers alnLlngs and 18
and 19

cenLury sllverware selzed from
ISSUL 1: uo Lhe peLlLloners have legal sLandlng Lo
flle Lhe lnsLanL peLlLlon? ! !"

! Legal sLandlng" means a personal and
subsLanLlal lnLeresL ln Lhe case such LhaL Lhe parLy
has susLalned or wlll susLaln dlrecL ln[ury as a resulL
of Lhe governmenLal acL LhaL ls belng challenged.
eLlLloners Lhemselves allege LhaL Lhe palnLlngs
were donaLed by prlvaLe persons from dlfferenL
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Malacanang and Lhe MeLropollLan
Museum of Manlla and placed ln Lhe
cusLody of Lhe CenLral 8ank.
parLs of Lhe world Lo Lhe MeLropollLan Museum of
Manlla loundaLlon. Cn Lhls basls, Lhe ownershlp of
Lhese palnLlngs legally belongs Lo Lhe foundaLlon or
corporaLlon or Lhe members Lhereof, and noL Lo Lhe
peLlLloners or Lo Lhe publlc. 1herefore, Lhey do noL
possess any clear legal rlghL ln Lhls case.

ISSUL 1: Pas Lhls case become mooL and academlc?
! DB<

! Slnce Lhe purpose of Lhls peLlLlon for prohlblLlon
ls Lo en[oln Lhe respondenL publlc offlclals from
holdlng Lhe aucLlon sale of Lhe arLworks on a
parLlcular daLe whlch ls long pasL, Lhe lssues ralsed
ln Lhe peLlLlon have become mooL and academlc.
Powever, Lhere ls a need Lo emphaslze LhaL Lhe
courL has Lhe dlscreLlon Lo Lake cognlzance of a sulL
whlch does noL saLlsfy Lhe requlremenLs of an
acLual case or legal sLandlng when paramounL
publlc lnLeresL ln lnvolved. ln Lhls case Lhough,
Lhere ls no such [usLlflcaLlon.

Macaslano v.
eLlLloner seeks Lo have secLlons 28 and
44 of 8A # 7279 (urban uevelopmenL
and Pouslng AcL of 1992) declared
unconsLlLuLlonal. Pe clalms locus sLandl
on hls belng a consulLanL of Lhe uWP
and as belng a Laxpayer. Pe alleges LhaL
secLlons 28 and 44 'conLaln Lhe seeds of
a rlpenlng conLroversy LhaL serve as
drawback' Lo hls 'Lasks and duLles
regardlng demollLlon of lllegal
sLrucLures' and LhaL because of Lhe sald
secLlons, he 'ls unable Lo conLlnue Lhe
ISSUL 1: uoes Lhe peLlLloner have locus sLandl? !

! As a consulLanL of Lhe uWP, he ls noL vesLed
wlLh any auLhorlLy Lo demollsh obsLrucLlons and
encroachmenLs on properLles of Lhe publlc domaln,
much less on prlvaLe lands. Pls consulLancy ls
llmlLed Lo cerLaln duLles whlch do noL lnclude Lhe
above menLloned.

! nor ls Lhe peLlLloner an owner of an urban
properLy whose en[oymenL and use would be
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
demollLlon of lllegal sLrucLures whlch
he asslduously and falLhfully carrled ouL
ln Lhe pasL.' As a Laxpayer, he alleges
LhaL 'he has dlrecL lnLeresL ln seelng
LhaL Lhe publlc funds are properly and
lawfully dlsbursed.'
affecLed by Lhe challenged provlslons.

! AlLhough peLlLloner llkewlse anchors hls locus
sLandl on Lhe facL LhaL he ls a Laxpayer, lL does noL
mean, however, LhaL ln each and every lnsLance
where such a ground ls lnvoked, Lhls courL ls lefL
wlLh no alLernaLlve excepL Lo hear Lhe parLles.

Marlano !r. v.
eLlLloners assall Lhe consLlLuLlonallLy
of SecLlon 31, ArLlcle x or 8A # 7834
saylng LhaL lL collldes wlLh SecLlon 8,
ArLlcle x and SecLlon 7, ArLlcle vl of Lhe
consLlLuLlon. 1hey sLress LhaL under
Lhese provlslons, elecLlve offlclals,
lncludlng members of Lhe Pouse of
8epresenLaLlves, have a Lerm of 3 years
and are prohlblLed from servlng for
more Lhan 3 consecuLlve Lerms. 1hey
argue LhaL by provldlng LhaL Lhe new
clLy shall acqulre a new corporaLe
exlsLence, secLlon 31 of 8A 7834
resLarLs Lhe Lerm of Lhe presenL
munlclpal elecLlve offlclals of MakaLl
and dlsregards Lhe Lerms prevlously
served by Lhem. 1hey argue LhaL
respondenL Mayor !e[omar 8lnay can
sLlll run for Lhe same poslLlon and seek
anoLher 3-year consecuLlve Lerm slnce
hls prevlous 3-year consecuLlve Lerm as
munlclpal mayor would noL be counLed.
Sec 31. 1he presenL
elecLlve offlclals of
Lhe MunlclpallLy of
MakaLl shall
conLlnue as Lhe
offlclals of MakaLl
and shall exerclse
Lhelr powers and
funcLlons unLll such
Llme LhaL a new
elecLlon ls held and
Lhe duly elecLed
offlclals shall have
already quallfled
and assume Lhelr
offlces: ltovlJeJ,
1he new clLy wlll
acqulre a new
exlsLence. 1he
appolnLlve offlclals
and employees of
Lhe clLy shall
llkewlse conLlnue
exerclslng funcLlons
and duLles and Lhey
ISSUL 1: uo peLlLloners have locus sLandl? ! !"#

! eLlLloners are resldenLs of 1agulg (excepL for
Marlano) and Lherefore are noL Lhe proper parLles
Lo ralse Lhls absLracL lssue. Also, peLlLlon ls
premlsed on Lhe occurrence of many conLlngenL
evenLs llke Mayor 8lnay wlll run agaln ln Lhe comlng
mayoralLy elecLlons, and LhaL he would seek re-
elecLlon for Lhe same posL ln Lhe 1998 elecLlons.
1hese are merely hypoLheLlcal lssues whlch have
yeL Lo rlpen Lo an acLual case or conLroversy.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
shall be
absorbed by Lhe clLy
governmenL of Lhe
ClLy of MakaLl.
Sec. 8 1he Lerm of
Lhe offlce of
elecLlve local
offlclals, excepL
barangay offlclals,
whlch shall be
deLermlned by law,
shall be Lhree years
and no such offlclal
shall serve for more
LhaL Lhree
consecuLlve Lerms.
Sec. 7 Lhe members
of Lhe Pouse of
shall be elecLed for
a Lerm of Lhree
years whlch shall
begln, unless
oLherwlse sLaLed by
law, aL noon on Lhe
LhlrLleLh day of !une
nexL followlng Lhelr
elecLlon. xxx
Cposa v.
lacLoran !r.
eLlLloners are mlnors represenLed by
Lhelr respecLlve parenLs. 1hey allege
LhaL Lhey are all clLlzens of Lhe
hlllpplnes, Laxpayers, and enLlLled Lo
ISSUL 1: uo Lhe peLlLloners have locus sLandl? !

! eLlLloners asserL LhaL Lhey represenL Lhelr
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Lhe full beneflL, use and en[oymenL of
Lhe naLural resource Lreasure LhaL ls Lhe
counLry's vlrgln Lroplcal ralnforesLs.
1hey furLher asseveraLe LhaL Lhey
represenL Lhelr generaLlon as well as
generaLlons yeL unborn. ConsequenLly,
lL ls prayed for LhaL [udgmenL be
rendered Lo (a) cancel all exlsLlng
Llmber llcense agreemenLs ln Lhe
counLry (b) cease and deslsL from
recelvlng, accepLlng, processlng,
renewlng or approvlng new Llmber
llcense agreemenLs.
generaLlon as well as generaLlons yeL unborn. 1helr
personallLy Lo sue ln behalf of Lhe succeedlng
generaLlons can only be based on Lhe concepL of
lnLergeneraLlonal responslblllLy lnsofar as Lhe rlghL
Lo a balanced and healLhful ecology ls concerned.
needless Lo say, every generaLlon has a
responslblllLy Lo Lhe nexL Lo preserve naLure.
kllosbayan v.
Culngona !r.
1hls ls a speclal clvll acLlon for
prohlblLlon and ln[uncLlon, wlLh a
prayer for a Lemporary resLralnlng
order and prellmlnary ln[uncLlon whlch
seeks Lo prohlblL and resLraln Lhe
lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe 'ConLracL of
Lease' execuLed by Lhe CSC and Lhe
hlllpplne Camlng ManagemenL
CorporaLlon ln connecLlon wlLh Lhe
onllne 'loLLo' sysLem.
eLlLloners oppose Lhe seLLlng up of Lhe
onllne loLLo sysLem on Lhe bases of
serlous moral and eLhlcal
ISSUL 1: uo peLlLloners have locus sLandl? DB<

! 1he courL resolved Lo seL aslde Lhe procedural
LechnlcallLy ln vlew of Lhe lmporLance of Lhe lssues
ralsed. 1he courL adopLed Lhe llberal pollcy on locus
sLandl Lo allow Laxpayers, members of Lhe congress,
and non-proflL clvlc organlzaLlons Lo lnlLlaLe and
prosecuLe acLlons Lo quesLlon Lhe valldlLy or
consLlLuLlonallLy of laws, acLs, declslons, or rullngs
of varlous governmenL agencles or
1aLad v.
SecreLary of Lhe
ueparLmenL of

C.8. nos.
124360 and

delegablllLy of
onenLe: uno, !.

1he peLlLloners aL bar challenge Lhe
consLlLuLlonallLy of kA 8180: "An Act
Deregu|at|ng the Downstream C||
Industry and Ior Cther urposes,"
whlch ends 26 years of governmenL
Art VI, Sec. 1. 1he
leglslaLlve power
shall be vesLed ln
Lhe Congress xxx
excepL Lo Lhe exLenL
reserved Lo Lhe
people by Lhe
5"!!B5=>"! =" ;A=>5CB H>>>O
Altbooqb tbls cose wos ploceJ lo Att. vl (leqlslotlve
uepottmeot), tbls cose moy be coooecteJ to tbe
IoJlclol uepottmeot becoose lt speoks of locos
stooJl. 1be petltlooets bove locos stooJl, meooloq
tbot tbey poollfy to cbolleoqe tbe leqollty of offlclol
octs Jooe by tbe qovetomeot. lo tbls cose, lt wos to
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

november 3,

pp. 63-68

locos 5tooJl
regulaLlon of Lhe downsLream oll

1he deregulaLlon phase has 2 phases:
1. 1he LranslLlon and
2. 1he full deregulaLlon phase.

1he flrsL phase was commenced on
AugusL 12, 1996. 1he second phase
lmplemenLed Lhe full deregulaLlon of
Lhe uownsLream Cll lndusLry Lhrough
LC 372 on lebruary 8, 1997.

LC 372, on Lhe oLher hand, speaks how
resldenL 8amos lmplemenLed Lhe full
deregulaLlon phase. eLlLloners
baslcally LargeL SecLlon 13 of 8A 8180
for lL asslgns leglslaLlve power Lo Lhe
presldenL and Lhe ueparLmenL of

(LC 372 ls abouL how kA 7638
("Department of Lnergy Act of 1992")
provldes LhaL aL Lhe end of 4 years from
lLs uecember 1992 approval, Lhe
presldenL wlll lnsLlLuLe programs and
LlmeLable Lhe deregulaLlon of
approprlaLe energy pro[ecLs and
acLlvlLles of Lhe energy secLor, as sworn
Lo by resldenL lldel 8amos wlLh Lhe
powers vesLed ln hlm by law Lo declare
Lhe full deregulaLlon of Lhe downsLream
oll lndusLry.)

provlslon on
lnlLlaLlve and

Art VIII, Sec. S (1).
Lxerclse orlglnal
[urlsdlcLlon over
cases affecLlng xxx
and over peLlLlons
for cettlototl
mandamus, poo
wottooto, and
bobeos cotpos.
ossoll tbe coostltotlooollty of A; PQPR Joe to tbe
Jepletloo of tbe Ol5l fooJ, o cooJltloo tbot wosot
foooJ lo socb kA tbot woolJ jostlfy tbe lteslJeots
oct of folly Jeteqolotloq tbe oll loJostty.

ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL SecLlon 13 of Lhe 8A 8180
ls consLlLuLlonal. ! !". <'9%).* QS .( A#;# PQPR )4

! AdmlnlsLraLlve agencles may noL lssue
regulaLlons LhaL conLravene law. 1he CourL
lnvalldaLed LC 392 because ln effecLlng Lhe full
deregulaLlon of Lhe oll lndusLry, resldenL 8amos
added a sLandard, whlch dld noL appear ln Lhe
delegaLlng law, kA 8180.

1he sLandards seL by Lhe law were:
1. 1he Llme when Lhe prlce of crude oll and
peLroleum producLs ln Lhe world markeL
were decllnlng, and
2. When Lhe exchange raLe of Lhe eso Lo Lhe
uS uollar was sLable.

! LC 392 consldered Lhe depleLlon of Lhe CSl as
Lhe 3
facLor for orderlng Lhe early lmplemenLaLlon
of full oll deregulaLlon. 1he CourL holds LhaL Lhe
LxecuLlve ueparLmenL falled Lo follow falLhfully Lhe
sLandards seL by 8A 8180 when lL consldered Lhe
exLraneous facLor of depleLlon of Lhe CSl fund.
Such conslderaLlon amounLs Lo a rewrlLlng of Lhe
sLandards seL forLh ln Lhe 8A 8180.

! Cn Lhe basls of Lhe LexL of LC 392, lL ls
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
ln anoLher case (C8 127867),
peLlLloners Ldcel Lagman, !oker Arroyo,
Lnrlque Carcla, WlgberLo 1anada, Lhe
llag Puman 8lghLs loundaLlon, lnc., Lhe
lreedom from uebL CoallLlon (luC) and
Sanlakas, also conLesL Lhe
consLlLuLlonallLy of SecLlon 13 of 8A
8180 and LC 392, Lhe laLLer because
lmplemenLlng Lhe full deregulaLlon of
downsLream oll lndusLry ls
unreasonable because lL was made due
Lo Lhe depleLlon of Lhe CSI (C|| r|ce
Stab|||zat|on Iund), a condlLlon LhaL
wasn'L found ln 8A 8180.
lmposslble Lo deLermlne Lhe welghL glven by Lhe
LxecuLlve deparLmenL Lo Lhe depleLlon of Lhe CSl
fund. lL could well be Lhe prlnclpal conslderaLlon
for Lhe early deregulaLlon. 1he CourL rules LhaL Lhe
early deregulaLlon under LC 392 consLlLuLes a
mlsappllcaLlon of kA 8180.
kllosbayan v.

C8 118910

!uly 17, 1993

pp 603-613

eLlLlon Lo
lnvalldaLe LLA

8ule on locus
sLandl vs. 8ule
on real parLles
ln lnLeresL
1he kllosbayan, lnc. ls an organlzaLlon
descrlbed ln lLs peLlLlon as "composed
of clvlc-splrlLed clLlzens, pasLors,
prlesLs, nuns and lay leaders who are
commlLLed Lo Lhe cause of LruLh,
[usLlce, and naLlonal renewal."
Cn !anuary 23, 1993, Lhe parLles slgned
an LqulpmenL Lease AgreemenL
(hereafLer called LLA) whereby Lhe
CMC leased on-llne loLLery equlpmenL
and accessorles Lo Lhe CSC ln
conslderaLlon of a renLal equlvalenL Lo
4.3 of Lhe gross amounL of LlckeL sales
derlved by Lhe CSC from Lhe operaLlon
of Lhe loLLery whlch ln no case shall be
less Lhan an annual renLal compuLed aL
33,000.00 per Lermlnal ln commerclal
Cn lebruary 21, 1993 Lhls sulL was flled
seeklng Lo declare Lhe LLA lnvalld on
8ule 3, 2 of Lhe
8ules of CourL:
"Lvery acLlon musL
be prosecuLed and
defended ln Lhe
name of Lhe real
parLy ln lnLeresL."
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe peLlLloners have clalm
on Lhe case? ! NC.

! eLlLloners have nelLher sLandlng Lo brlng Lhls
sulL nor subsLanLlal lnLeresL Lo make Lhem real
parLles ln lnLeresL wlLhln Lhe meanlng of ku|e 3 2.
eLlLloners do noL have such presenL subsLanLlal
lnLeresL ln Lhe LLA as would enLlLle Lhem Lo brlng
Lhls sulL. uenylng Lo Lhem Lhe rlghL Lo lnLervene wlll
noL leave wlLhouL remedy any percelved lllegallLy ln
Lhe execuLlon of governmenL conLracLs. CuesLlons
as Lo Lhe naLure or valldlLy of publlc conLracLs or Lhe
necesslLy for a publlc blddlng before Lhey may be
made can be ralsed ln an approprlaLe case before
Lhe Commlsslon on AudlL or before Lhe

! A deLermlnaLlon of Lhe peLlLloners' rlghL Lo brlng
Lhls sulL ls noL precluded or barred by Lhe declslon
ln Lhe prlor case beLween Lhe parLles.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Lhe ground LhaL lL ls subsLanLlally Lhe
same as Lhe ConLracL of Lease nulllfled
ln Lhe flrsL case.
8espondenLs quesLlon Lhe rlghL of
peLlLloners Lo brlng Lhls sulL on Lhe
ground LhaL, noL belng parLles Lo Lhe
conLracL of lease whlch Lhey seek Lo
nulllfy, Lhey have no personal and
subsLanLlal lnLeresL llkely Lo be ln[ured
by Lhe enforcemenL of Lhe conLracL.
eLlLloners on Lhe oLher hand conLend
LhaL Lhe rullng ln Lhe prevlous case
susLalnlng Lhelr sLandlng Lo challenge
Lhe valldlLy of Lhe flrsL conLracL for Lhe
operaLlon of loLLery ls now Lhe "law of
Lhe case" and Lherefore Lhe quesLlon of
Lhelr sLandlng can no longer be

! 1he LLA, whlch peLlLloners seek Lo declare
lnvalld ln Lhls proceedlng, ls essenLlally dlfferenL
from Lhe 1993 ConLracL of Lease enLered lnLo by Lhe
CSC wlLh Lhe CMC. Pence Lhe deLermlnaLlon ln
Lhe prlor case (C.8. no. 113373) LhaL peLlLloners
had sLandlng Lo challenge Lhe valldlLy of Lhe 1993
ConLracL of Lease of Lhe parLles does noL preclude
deLermlnaLlon of Lhelr sLandlng ln Lhe presenL sulL.
SLL also 8A1lC ln Conzales v. narvasa.
! lL ls Lrue LhaL a rlghL of acLlon ls Lhe rlghL or sLandlng Lo enforce a cause of acLlon. lor lLs purposes, Lhe ma[orlLy urges Lhe
adopLlon of Lhe sLandard concepL of a real parLy ln lnLeresL based on hls possesslon of a cause of acLlon. lL could noL have falled Lo
percelve, buL noneLheless refuses Lo concede, LhaL Lhe concepL of a cause of acLlon ln publlc lnLeresL cases should noL be
sLralL[ackeLed wlLhln lLs usual narrow conflnes ln prlvaLe lnLeresL llLlgaLlons.
! lndeed, lf Lhe ma[orlLy would have lLs way ln Lhls case, Lhere would be no avallable [udlclal remedy agalnsL lrregularlLles or
excesses ln governmenL conLracLs for lack of a parLy wlLh legal sLandlng or capaclLy Lo sue.
! 1he ma[orlLy has apparenLly forgoLLen lLs own argumenL LhaL ln Lhe presenL case peLlLloners are noL Lhe real parLles, hence Lhey
cannoL avall of any remedlal rlghL Lo flle a complalnL or sulL. lL ls, Lherefore, hlghly lmprobable LhaL Lhe Commlsslon on AudlL
would delgn Lo deal wlLh Lhose whom Lhe ma[orlLy says are sLrangers Lo Lhe conLracL. Agaln, should Lhls CourL now susLaln Lhe
assalled conLracL, of whaL avall would be Lhe suggesLed recourse Lo Lhe Cmbudsman?
! l repeaL whaL l sald aL Lhe ouLseL LhaL Lhls case should be declded on Lhe merlLs and on subsLanLlve conslderaLlons, noL on dublous
LechnlcallLles lnLended Lo prevenL an lnqulry lnLo Lhe valldlLy of Lhe supposed amended lease conLracL. 1he people are enLlLled Lo
Lhe beneflL of a duly clarlfled and LranslucenL LransacLlon, [usL as respondenLs deserve Lhe opporLunlLy xxx
! 1o pay unquallfled obelsance Lo Lhe begulllng locus sLandl or rlghL of acLlon docLrlnes poslLed by Lhe ma[orlLy ln Lhls case would
noL only be an abdlcaLlon of a clear [udlclal duLy. lL could concelvably resulL ln deprlvlng Lhe people of recourse Lo us from dublous
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
governmenL conLracLs Lhrough consLlLuLlonally ouLdaLed or procedurally lnslpld Lheorles for such sLulLlflcaLlon. 1hls ls a
conLlngency whlch ls noL only posslble, buL probable under our ollgarchlc socleLy ln esse, and noL only undeslrable, buL repugnanL
wlLhln a [usL reglme of law sLlll ln posse.
1elebap v.

C8 132922

Aprll 21, 1998

p 614-613
8.. 8LC. 881
eLlLloner 1elecommunlcaLlons and
8roadcasL ALLorneys of Lhe hlllpplnes,
lnc. ls an organlzaLlon of lawyers of
radlo and Lelevlslon broadcasLlng
companles. 1hey are sulng as clLlzens,
Laxpayers, and reglsLered voLers.
1he oLher peLlLloner, CMA neLwork,
lnc., operaLes radlo and Lelevlslon
broadcasLlng sLaLlons LhroughouL Lhe
hlllpplnes under a franchlse granLed
by Congress.
eLlLloners challenge Lhe valldlLy of 92
on Lhe ground (1) LhaL lL Lakes properLy
wlLhouL due process of law and wlLhouL
[usL compensaLlon, (2) LhaL lL denles
radlo and Lelevlslon broadcasL
companles Lhe equal proLecLlon of Lhe
laws, and (3) LhaL lL ls ln excess of Lhe
power glven Lo Lhe CCMLLLC Lo
supervlse or regulaLe Lhe operaLlon of
medla of communlcaLlon or
lnformaLlon durlng Lhe perlod of

! A clLlzen wlll be
allowed Lo ralse
a consLlLuLlonal
quesLlon only
when he can
show LhaL he
has personally
suffered some
acLual or
ln[ury as a
resulL of Lhe
allegedly lllegal
conducL of Lhe
Lhe ln[ury falrly
ls falrly
Lraceable Lo Lhe
acLlon, and Lhe
ln[ury ls llkely Lo
be redressed by
a favorable
ISSUL 1: WPL1PL8 C8 nC1 1LLL8A has a legal
sLandlng? ! NC.

! Members of peLlLloner have noL shown LhaL Lhey
have suffered harm as a resulL of Lhe operaLlon of
92 of 8.. 8lg. 881.

! nor do members of peLlLloner 1LLL8A have an
lnLeresL as reglsLered voLers slnce Lhls case does noL
concern Lhelr rlghL of suffrage. A parLy sulng as a
Laxpayer musL speclflcally show LhaL he has a
sufflclenL lnLeresL ln prevenLlng Lhe lllegal
expendlLure of money ralsed by LaxaLlon and LhaL
he wlll susLaln a dlrecL ln[ury as a resulL of Lhe
enforcemenL of Lhe quesLloned sLaLuLe.

! 1LLL8A have nC sLandlng Lo asserL Lhe rlghLs of
radlo and Lelevlslon broadcasLlng companles. 1he
mere facL LhaL 1LLL8A ls composed of lawyers ln
Lhe broadcasL lndusLry does noL enLlLle Lhem Lo
brlng Lhls sulL ln Lhelr name as represenLaLlves of
Lhe affecLed companles.

ISSUL 1: WPL1PL8 C8 nC1 CMA has a legal
sLandlng? ! LS

! CMA operaLes radlo and Lelevlslon broadcasL
sLaLlons ln Lhe hlllpplnes affecLed by Lhe
enforcemenL of 92 of 8.. 8lg. 881 requlrlng radlo
and Lelevlslon broadcasL companles Lo provlde free
alr Llme Lo Lhe CCMLLLC for Lhe use of candldaLes
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
for campalgn and oLher pollLlcal purposes.
eLlLloner clalms LhaL lL suffered losses runnlng Lo
several mllllon pesos ln provldlng CCMLLLC 1lme ln
connecLlon wlLh Lhe 1992 presldenLlal elecLlon and
Lhe 1993 senaLorlal elecLlon and LhaL lL sLands Lo
suffer even more should lL be requlred Lo do so
agaln Lhls year. eLlLloner's allegaLlon LhaL lL wlll
suffer losses agaln because lL ls requlred Lo provlde
free alr Llme ls sufflclenL Lo glve lL sLandlng Lo
quesLlon Lhe valldlLy of 92.

Conzalez v.
LC 43- CC8 8amon A. Conzales, ln hls capaclLy as a
clLlzen and Laxpayer, assalls Lhe
consLlLuLlonallLy of Lhe creaLlon of Lhe
reparaLory Commlsslon on
ConsLlLuLlonal 8eform (CC8) and of
Lhe poslLlons of presldenLlal
consulLanLs, advlsers and asslsLanLs.
8espondenL Pon. Andres 8. narvasa,
lmpleaded ln hls capaclLy as Chalrman
of Lhe CC8.
1he reparaLory Commlsslon on
ConsLlLuLlonal 8eform (CC8) was
creaLed by resldenL LsLrada on
november 26, 1998 by vlrLue of
LxecuLlve Crder no. 43 (L.C. no. 43) ln
order Lo sLudy and recommend
proposed amendmenLs and/or revlslons
Lo Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon, and Lhe
manner of lmplemenLlng Lhe same.
eLlLloner dlspuLes Lhe consLlLuLlonallLy
of Lhe CC8 on Lwo grounds:
! lL ls a publlc offlce whlch only Lhe
leglslaLure can creaLe by way of a
! An acLlon ls
mooL" when lL
no longer
presenLs a
because Lhe
lssues lnvolved
have become
academlc or
! A clLlzen
sLandlng only lf
he can esLabllsh
LhaL he has
suffered some
acLual or
ln[ury as a
resulL of Lhe
ISSUL 1: WPL1PL8 C8 nC1 Lhe peLlLloner has a
sLandlng as a clLlzen and Laxpayer? ! !"#

! ln kllosbayan, lncorporaLed v. MoraLo,

we denled
sLandlng Lo peLlLloners who were assalllng a lease
agreemenL beLween Lhe hlllpplne CharlLy
SweepsLakes Cfflce and Lhe hlllpplne Camlng
ManagemenL CorporaLlon, sLaLlng LhaL,
. ln valmonLe v. hlllpplne CharlLy SweepsLakes
Cfflce, C.8. no. 78716, SepL. 22, 1987, sLandlng was
denled Lo a peLlLloner who soughL Lo declare a form
of loLLery known as lnsLanL SweepsLakes lnvalld
because, as Lhe CourL held,
valmonLe brlngs Lhe sulL as a clLlzen, lawyer,
Laxpayer and faLher of Lhree (3) mlnor chlldren. 8uL
nowhere ln hls peLlLlon does peLlLloner clalm LhaL
hls rlghLs and prlvlleges as a lawyer or clLlzen have
been dlrecLly and personally ln[ured by Lhe
operaLlon of Lhe lnsLanL SweepsLakes. xxx Pe musL
be able Lo show, noL only LhaL Lhe law ls lnvalld, buL
also LhaL he has susLalned or ln lmmedlaLe danger
of susLalnlng some dlrecL ln[ury as a resulL of lLs
enforcemenL, and noL merely LhaL he suffers
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
! creaLlng such a body Lhe resldenL
ls lnLervenlng ln a process from
whlch he ls LoLally excluded by Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon - Lhe amendmenL of
Lhe fundamenLal charLer
lL ls alleged by respondenLs LhaL, wlLh
respecL Lo Lhe CC8, Lhls case has
become mooL and academlc.
ln addlLlon Lo Lhe mooLness of Lhe
lssue, peLlLloner's lack of sLandlng
consLlLuLes anoLher obsLacle Lo Lhe
successful lnvocaLlon of [udlclal power
lnsofar as Lhe CC8 ls concerned.
allegedly lllegal
conducL of Lhe
Lhe ln[ury ls
falrly Lraceable
Lo Lhe
acLlon, and Lhe
ln[ury ls llkely Lo
be redressed by
a favorable
! A Laxpayer ls
deemed Lo have
Lhe sLandlng Lo
ralse a
lssue when lL ls
esLabllshed LhaL
publlc funds
have been
dlsbursed ln
of Lhe law or
Lhereby ln some lndeflnlLe way xxx
We apprehend no dlfference beLween Lhe
peLlLloner ln volmoote and Lhe presenL
peLlLloners. eLlLloners do noL ln facL show whaL
parLlcularlzed lnLeresL Lhey have for brlnglng Lhls
sulL. xxx

! eLlLloner has noL shown LhaL he has susLalned
or ls ln danger of susLalnlng any personal ln[ury
aLLrlbuLable Lo Lhe creaLlon of Lhe CC8.
uLL MA8, L1.
AL. v. ACCC8
C8 138298
nov. 29, 2000

ACCC8's !al
1hese Lwo consolldaLed peLlLlons
concern Lhe lssue of wheLher Lhe
franchlse granLed Lo Lhe hlllpplne
AmusemenL and Camlng CorporaLlon
(ACCC8) lncludes Lhe rlghL Lo manage
and operaLe [al-alal.
1he hlllpplne AmusemenL and Camlng
1axpayers are
allowed Lo sue
where Lhere ls a
clalm of lllegal
dlsbursemenL of
publlc funds, LhaL
ISSUL 1: uo peLlLloners have locus sLandl? ! DB<#

! eLlLloners complaln LhaL Lhe operaLlon of [al-
alal consLlLuLes an lnfrlngemenL by ACCC8 of Lhe
leglslaLure's excluslve power Lo granL franchlse. 1o
Lhe exLenL Lhe powers of Congress are lmpalred, so
ls Lhe power of each member Lhereof, slnce hls
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
CorporaLlon ls a governmenL-owned
and conLrolled corporaLlon organlzed
and exlsLlng under resldenLlal uecree
no. 1869 whlch was enacLed on !uly 11,
ACCC8 enLered lnLo
an AgreemenL wlLh prlvaLe respondenLs
8elle !al Alal CorporaLlon (8LLLL) and
llllplnas Camlng LnLerLalnmenL
1oLallzaLor CorporaLlon (llLCAML)
whereln lL was agreed LhaL 8LLLL wlll
make avallable Lo ACCC8 Lhe requlred
lnfrasLrucLure faclllLles lncludlng Lhe
maln fronLon, as well as provlde Lhe
needed fundlng for [al-alal operaLlons
wlLh no flnanclal ouLlay from ACCC8,
whlle ACCC8 handles Lhe acLual
managemenL and operaLlon of [al-alal.
eLlLloners 8aoul 8. del Mar, lederlco S.
Sandoval ll, Mlchael 1. uefensor, and
lnLervenor !uan Mlguel Zublrl, are sulng
as Laxpayers and ln Lhelr capaclLy as
members of Lhe Pouse of
8epresenLaLlves represenLlng Lhe llrsL
ulsLrlcL of Cebu ClLy, Lhe Lone
Congresslonal ulsLrlcL of Malabon-
navoLas, Lhe 1hlrd Congresslonal
ulsLrlcL of Cuezon ClLy, and Lhe 1hlrd
Congresslonal ulsLrlcL of 8ukldnon,
8espondenLs allege LhaL peLlLloners
have no legal sLandlng Lo flle a
Laxpayer's sulL because Lhe operaLlon
of [al-alal does noL lnvolve Lhe
publlc money ls
belng deflecLed Lo
any lmproper
purpose,or where
peLlLloners seek Lo
resLraln respondenL
from wasLlng publlc
funds Lhrough Lhe
enforcemenL of an
lnvalld or

A member of Lhe
Pouse of
8epresenLaLlves has
sLandlng Lo
malnLaln lnvlolaLe
Lhe prerogaLlves,
powers and
prlvlleges vesLed by
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ln
hls offlce.
offlce confers a rlghL Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhe exerclse
of Lhe powers of LhaL lnsLlLuLlon, so peLlLloners

! As presclenLly sLressed ln Lhe case of kllosbayan,
lnc., vlz:
We flnd Lhe lnsLanL peLlLlon Lo be of
LranscendenLal lmporLance Lo Lhe publlc. 1he
lssues lL ralsed are of paramounL publlc lnLeresL and
of a caLegory even hlgher Lhan Lhose lnvolved ln
many of Lhe aforeclLed cases. 1he ramlflcaLlons of
such lssues lmmeasurably affecL Lhe soclal,
economlc, and moral well-belng of Lhe people even
ln Lhe remoLesL barangays of Lhe counLry and Lhe
counLer-producLlve and reLrogresslve effecLs of Lhe
envlsloned on-llne loLLery sysLem are as sLaggerlng
as Lhe bllllons ln pesos lL ls expecLed Lo ralse. 1he
legal sLandlng Lhen of Lhe peLlLloners deserves
recognlLlon x x x."

!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
dlsbursemenL of publlc funds.
MA1l8AC v.
C8 149036
Aprll 2, 2002


of MaLlbag Lo
eLlLloner Ma. !. Angellna C. MaLlbag
quesLlons Lhe consLlLuLlonallLy of Lhe
appolnLmenL and Lhe rlghL Lo hold
offlce of Alfredo L. 8enlpayo as
Chalrman of Lhe Commlsslon on
LlecLlons eL al
Cn March 22, 2001, resldenL Clorla
Macapagal Arroyo appolnLed, ad
lnLerlm, 8enlpayo as CCMLLLC
Chalrman, and 8orra and 1uason as
CCMLLLC Commlssloners, each for a
Lerm of seven years and all explrlng on
lebruary 2, 2008.
lurLher renewals of appolnLmenLs for
same Lerm of seven years were made
on !une 1, 2001, !une 8, 2001, and
SepLember 6, 2008 because of Lhe
fallure of CA Lo acL on lL before
Congress ad[ourns.
eLlLloner was removed as ulrecLor lv
of Lhe Llu and her reasslgnmenL Lo Lhe
Law ueparLmenL by 8enlpayo.
8esoluLlon no. 3300
does noL requlre
LhaL every Lransfer
or reasslgnmenL of
CCMLLLC personnel
should carry Lhe
concurrence of Lhe
colleglal body.
Chalrman ls Lhe
offlclal expressly
auLhorlzed by law
Lo Lransfer or
reasslgn CCMLLLC

ISSUL 1: WPL1PL8 C8 nC1 Lhe peLlLloner has a
locus sLandl? ! DB<#

! eLlLloner has a personal and subsLanLlal sLake ln
Lhe resoluLlon of Lhe consLlLuLlonallLy of 8enlpayo's
assumpLlon of offlce.

! lf 8enlpayo ls noL Lhe lawful CCMLLLC Chalrman
because he assumed offlce noL ln accordance wlLh
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon, Lhen peLlLloner's reasslgnmenL ls
lllegal and she has a cause Lo complaln provlded Lhe
reasslgnmenL ls noL ln accordance wlLh Lhe Clvll
Servlce Law.

! ln any evenL, Lhe lssue ralsed by peLlLloner ls of
paramounL lmporLance Lo Lhe publlc. 1he legallLy of
Lhe dlrecLlves and declslons made by Lhe CCMLLLC
ln Lhe conducL of Lhe May 14, 2001 naLlonal
elecLlons may be puL ln doubL lf Lhe consLlLuLlonal
lssue ralsed by peLlLloner ls lefL unresolved.
eLlLlon dlsmlssed. 8easslgnmenL auLhorlzed.
1aLad v.
SecreLary of Lhe
ueparLmenL of

C.8. nos.
124360 and

november 3,

delegablllLy of

locos 5tooJl
onenLe: uno, !.

1he peLlLloners aL bar challenge Lhe
consLlLuLlonallLy of kA 8180: "An Act
Deregu|at|ng the Downstream C||
Industry and Ior Cther urposes,"
whlch ends 26 years of governmenL
regulaLlon of Lhe downsLream oll

1he deregulaLlon phase has 2 phases:
Art VI, Sec. 1. 1he
leglslaLlve power
shall be vesLed ln
Lhe Congress xxx
excepL Lo Lhe exLenL
reserved Lo Lhe
people by Lhe
provlslon on
lnlLlaLlve and

ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe peLlLloners have Locus
SLandl ! DB<#

! 1he peLlLloners have locus sLandl, meanlng LhaL
Lhey quallfy Lo challenge Lhe legallLy of offlclal acLs
done by Lhe governmenL. ln Lhls case, lL was Lo
assall Lhe consLlLuLlonallLy of 8A 8180 due Lo Lhe
depleLlon of Lhe CSl fund, a condlLlon LhaL wasn'L
found ln such 8A LhaL would [usLlfy Lhe resldenL's
acL of fully deregulaLlng Lhe oll lndusLry.

!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

pp. 63-68
3. 1he LranslLlon and
4. 1he full deregulaLlon phase.

1he flrsL phase was commenced on
AugusL 12, 1996. 1he second phase
lmplemenLed Lhe full deregulaLlon of
Lhe uownsLream Cll lndusLry Lhrough
LC 372 on lebruary 8, 1997.

LC 372, on Lhe oLher hand, speaks how
resldenL 8amos lmplemenLed Lhe full
deregulaLlon phase. eLlLloners
baslcally LargeL SecLlon 13 of 8A 8180
for lL asslgns leglslaLlve power Lo Lhe
presldenL and Lhe ueparLmenL of

(LC 372 ls abouL how kA 7638
("Department of Lnergy Act of 1992")
provldes LhaL aL Lhe end of 4 years from
lLs uecember 1992 approval, Lhe
presldenL wlll lnsLlLuLe programs and
LlmeLable Lhe deregulaLlon of
approprlaLe energy pro[ecLs and
acLlvlLles of Lhe energy secLor, as sworn
Lo by resldenL lldel 8amos wlLh Lhe
powers vesLed ln hlm by law Lo declare
Lhe full deregulaLlon of Lhe downsLream
oll lndusLry.)

ln anoLher case (C8 127867),
peLlLloners Ldcel Lagman, !oker Arroyo,
Lnrlque Carcla, WlgberLo 1anada, Lhe
llag Puman 8lghLs loundaLlon, lnc., Lhe
Art VIII, Sec. S (1).
Lxerclse orlglnal
[urlsdlcLlon over
cases affecLlng xxx
and over peLlLlons
for cettlototl
mandamus, poo
wottooto, and
bobeos cotpos.

!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
lreedom from uebL CoallLlon (luC) and
Sanlakas, also conLesL Lhe
consLlLuLlonallLy of SecLlon 13 of 8A
8180 and LC 392, Lhe laLLer because
lmplemenLlng Lhe full deregulaLlon of
downsLream oll lndusLry ls
unreasonable because lL was made due
Lo Lhe depleLlon of Lhe CSI (C|| r|ce
Stab|||zat|on Iund), a condlLlon LhaL
wasn'L found ln 8A 8180.
8ayan v.

C8 138370

CcLober 10,

pp. 347-364

onenLe: 8uena, !.

March 14, 1947 ! P and Lhe uS
forged a M|||tary 8ases Agreement
whlch formallzed, among oLhers, Lhe
use of lnsLallaLlons ln Lhe hlllpplne
LerrlLory by uS mlllLary personnel.

AugusL 30, 1931 ! 1o furLher
sLrengLhen Lhelr defense and securlLy
relaLlonshlp, boLh counLrles enLered
lnLo a Mutua| Defense 1reaty.

ln vlew of Lhe explraLlon of Lhe 8-uS
MlllLary 8ases AgreemenL boLh
counLrles negoLlaLed for lLs posslble

SepLember 16, 1991 ! 1he P SenaLe
re[ecLed Lhe exLenslon of Lhe uS
mlllLary bases, whlch was now called
Lhe k-US 1reaty of Ir|endsh|p,
Cooperat|on and Secur|ty.

Art VIII, Sec. 1 (2).
!udlclal power
lncludes Lhe power
xxx Lo deLermlne
wheLher or noL
Lhere has been a
grave abuse of
amounLlng Lo lack
or excess of
[urlsdlcLlon on Lhe
parL of any branch
or lnsLrumenLallLy
of Lhe governmenL.

5"!!B5=>"! =" ;A=>5CB H>>>O
Altbooqb tbls cose wos ploceJ lo Att. vll (xecotlve
uepottmeot), tbls cose moy be coooecteJ to tbe
IoJlclol uepottmeot becoose lt speoks of olleqeJ
qtove obose of Jlsctetloo oo tbe pott of ooy btoocb
ot losttomeotollty of tbe qovetomeot, potsooot to
<'9%).* Q .( ;6%)9,' H>>>.

lo tbe cose ot bot, tbe petltlooets olleqe tbot tbe
lteslJeot commltteJ qtove obose of Jlsctetloo by
eotetloq loto lotetootloool oqteemeots wltboot tbe
tepolteJ coocotteoce votes of tbe 5eoote. nowevet,
tbe coott toleJ tbot tbe coostltotloo vests lo tbe
lteslJeot tbe powet to eotet loto execotlve
oqteemeots wltboot socb coocotteoce ftom tbe
5eoote. 1be lteslJeot wos metely exetclsloq o qlveo
tlqbt. lottbetmote, tbete ls oo occosloo fot tbe
coott to exetclse lts cottectlve powet. lt bos oo
powet to look loto wbot lt tbloks ls oo oppoteot

ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe vlA ls governed by Lhe
provlslons of ArL. 7, Sec. 21, or ArL. 18, Sec. 23, of
Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon. ! ;6%)9,' QPT <'9%).* US
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
uurlng Lhe Lerm of res. 8amos, he
approved Lhe V|s|t|ng Iorces
Agreement, whlch was Lhe resulL of a
negoLlaLlon on Lhe complemenLlng
sLraLeglc lnLeresLs of Lhe uS and Lhe
hlllpplnes ln Lhe Asla-aclflc reglon".
lL provldes for Lhe mechanlsm for
regulaLlng Lhe clrcumsLances and
condlLlons under whlch Lhe uS Armed
lorces and defense personnel may be
presenL ln Lhe P.

CcLober 3, 1998 ! res. !oseph
LsLrada, Lhrough respondenL SecreLary
of lorelgn Affalrs uomlngo Slazon,
raLlfled Lhe vlA.

1he Instrument of kat|f|cat|on, Lhe
|etter of the res|dent and Lhe VIA
were Lhen LransmlLLed Lo Lhe hlllpplne
SenaLe for concurrence pursuanL Lo Sec
21, Art|c|e VII of the 1987 Const|tut|on.

1he necessary 2/3 voLes of Lhe
members of Lhe SenaLe were gaLhered
Lhus concurrlng wlLh Lhe raLlflcaLlon of
Lhe vlA under keso|ut|on No. 18.

!une 1, 1999 ! vlA offlclally enLered
lnLo force afLer Lhe Lxchange of Notes
beLween Slazon and Lhe us
Ambassador, Pubbard.

et|t|oners argue LhaL Lhe vlA ls

(Art VII, Sec. 21:
no LreaLy or
agreemenL shall be
valld and effecLlve
unless concurred ln
by aL leasL Lwo-
Lhlrds of all Lhe
Members of Lhe

(ke|evant: Art|c|e
kVIII, Sec. 2S. AfLer
Lhe explraLlon ln
1991 of Lhe
beLween Lhe 8 and
Lhe uS concernlng
mlllLary bases,
forelgn mlllLary
bases, Lroops, or
faclllLles shall noL be
allowed ln Lhe P
4&.0,1 +77,-#

kA1IC 1:
! Art. 18, Sec. 2S, should apply Lo Lhls case
because lL ls a speclal provlslon LhaL speclflcally
deals wlLh LreaLles lnvolvlng forelgn mlllLary bases,
Lroops, or faclllLles.

! 1hls secLlon dlsallows for forelgn mlllLary bases,
Lroops, or faclllLles ln Lhe counLry, unless Lhe ff: had
been sufflclenLly meL:
1. lL musL be under a LreaLy
2. 1he LreaLy musL be duly concurred ln by Lhe
SenaLe, and when so requlred by Congress,
raLlfled by a ma[orlLy of Lhe voLes casL by
Lhe people ln a naLlonal referendum
3. 8ecognlzed as a LreaLy by Lhe oLher
conLracLlng SLaLe.
! 1he vlA possesses Lhe flrsL Lwo requlslLes wlLh
regards Lo Lhe proscrlpLlon of Lhe vlA.

! Altbooqb tbe coott toleJ tbot ;6%# QPT <'9# US
woolJ ptevoll lo tbls cose, ;6%# VT <'9# UQ, moy olso
be opplleJ, bot lt wlll be lo o llmlteJ seose, fot lt wlll
oJJtess ooly tbe sole potpose of Jetetmloloq tbe
oombet of votes tepolteJ to obtolo tbe vollJ
coocotteoce of tbe 5eoote. lo effect, eveo tbooqb
;6%# QPT <'9# 25 wos tbe low oppllcoble to tbe cose
ot bot, lts coocotteoce tepoltemeot wos sobject to
tbe ptovlsloos of ;6%# VT <'9# UQ.
o lt wos belJ tbot tbe Aqteemeot wos stlll vollJ,
bloJloq, ooJ effectlve, wltboot tbe coocotteoce
by ot leost 2/J of tbe membets of tbe 5eoote,
potsooot to Att. 7, 5ec. 21.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
governed by Lhe provlslon of Art|c|e 18,
Sec. 2S of Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon,
conslderlng LhaL Lhe vlA has for lLs
sub[ecL Lhe presence of forelgn mlllLary
Lroops ln Lhe hlllpplnes.

kespondents malnLaln LhaL Art|c|e 7,
Sec. 21, should apply because Lhe vlA
ls noL a baslng arrangemenL buL an
agreemenL whlch lnvolves merely Lhe
Lemporary vlslLs of uS personnel
engaged ln [olnL mlllLary exerclses.
excepL under a
LreaLy duly
concurred ln by Lhe
SenaLe and, when
Lhe Congress so
requlres, raLlfled by
a ma[orlLy of Lhe
voLes casL by Lhe
people ln a naLlonal
referendum held for
LhaL purpose, and
recognlzed as a
LreaLy by Lhe oLher
conLracLlng SLaLe.)
o Ooe type of execotlve oqteemeot ls o tteoty ot o
tteoty-lmplemeotloq execotlve
oqteemeot, wblcb oecessotlly woolJ covet tbe
some mottets sobject of tbe ooJetlyloq tteoty.
o wbot tbe coostltotloo metely ptesctlbes ls tbot
tteotles oeeJ tbe coocotteoce of tbe 5eoote by o
vote JefloeJ tbetelo to complete tbe totlflcotloo
ptocess. 1be coott bos lo osteto 5eo 1toJloq,
os teltetoteJ lo 8oyoo, qlveo tecoqoltloo to tbe
obllqototy effect of execotlve oqteemeots
wltboot tbe coocotteoce of tbe 5eoote.

ISSUL 2: WheLher or noL Lhe agreemenL was
conLracLed valldly, meanlng WheLher or noL Lhe
respondenLs gravely abused Lhelr dlscreLlon ln
concludlng lL, pursuanL Lo ArL. 7, Sec. 21. ! DB<#

kA1IC 2:
! ?es, lL ls valld. 1here was no grave abuse of

! 1he ConsLlLuLlon vesLs ln Lhe resldenL Lhe
power Lo enLer lnLo lnLernaLlonal agreemenLs,
sub[ecL, ln approprlaLe cases, Lo Lhe requlred
concurrence voLes of Lhe SenaLe. 8uL as earller
lndlcaLed, execuLlve agreemenLs may be valldly
enLered lnLo wlLhouL such concurrence.

! lL ls Lhe CourL's consldered vlew LhaL Lhe
resldenL, ln raLlfylng Lhe vlA and ln submlLLlng Lhe
same Lo Lhe SenaLe for concurrence, acLed wlLhln
he conflnes and llmlLs of Lhe powers vesLed ln hlm
by Lhe ConsLlLuLlon. Pe honesLly belleved LhaL Lhe
vlA fell wlLhln Lhe amblL of Art. 7, Sec. 21, referrlng
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Lhe vlA for Lhe concurrence of Lhe SenaLe, when he
should have been adherlng Lo Art. 18, Sec. 2S
lnsLead. CerLalnly, no abuse of dlscreLlon was made
because Lhere was no acL LhaL was commlLLed LhaL
showed an abuse of paLenL, gross, and caprlclous

! 1he raLlonale behlnd Lhls prlnclple ls Lhe
lnvlolable docLrlne of separaLlon of powers among
Lhe leglslaLlve, execuLlve and [udlclal branches of
Lhe governmenL.

l8 v. Zamora

C8 141284

AugusL 13,

pp. 474-482




Locus sLandl

onenLe: kapunan, !.

AL bar ls a speclal clvll acLlon for
cettloootl and prohlblLlon wlLh prayer
for lssuance of a 18C seeklng Lo nulllfy
on consLlLuLlonal grounds Lhe order of
resldenL LsLrada commandlng Lhe
deploymenL of Lhe h|||pp|ne Mar|nes
Lo [oln Lhe h|||pp|ne Nat|ona| o||ce ln
vlslblllLy paLrols around Lhe meLropolls.
Art. VII, Sec. 18.
1he resldenL shall
be Commander-ln-
Chlef of all Lhe Al1
and whenever lL
becomes necessary,
he may call ouL such
armed forces Lo
prevenL or suppress
lawless vlolence,
lnvaslon, or
rebelllon. xxx

Art. VIII, Sec. 1 (2).
!udlclal power
lncludes Lhe duLy of
Lhe courLs of [usLlce
Lo seLLle acLual
lnvolvlng rlghLs
whlch are legally
demandable and
5"!!B5=>"! =" ;A=>5CB H>>>O
Altbooqb tbls cose wos ploceJ lo Att. vll (xecotlve
uepottmeot), tbls cose moy be coooecteJ to tbe
IoJlclol uepottmeot becoose lt speoks of locos
stooJl ooJ tbe powet of joJlclol tevlew. 1be
petltlooets JlJ oot bove locos stooJl, meooloq tbot
tbey JlJ oot poollfy to cbolleoqe tbe leqollty of
offlclol octs Jooe by tbe qovetomeot, bot lo tbls
cose, tbe coott teloxeJ lts tolloq becoose tbe lssoe
wos of ttoosceoJeotol lmpottooce. 1bls cose olso
speoks oboot polltlcol poestloos ooJ jostlcloble

ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe peLlLloners have locos
stooJl. ! !"#

kA1IC: no. 1he power of [udlclal revlew lmposes
Lhe followlng requlslLes:
1. LxlsLence of an acLual and approprlaLe case
2. A personal and subsLanLlal lnLeresL of Lhe
parLy (locos stooJl) ralslng Lhe
consLlLuLlonal quesLlon
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
enforceable, and Lo
deLermlne wheLher
or noL Lhere has
been a grave abuse
of dlscreLlon
amounLlng Lo lack
or excess of
[urlsdlcLlon on Lhe
parL of any branch
or lnsLrumenLallLy
of Lhe governmenL.

ArL vlll, Sec. 3 (1)
Lxerclse orlglnal
[urlsdlcLlon over
cases affecLlng xxx
and over peLlLlons
for cettlototl
mandamus, poo
wottooto, and
bobeos cotpos.
3. Case musL be flled aL Lhe earllesL
4. 1he consLlLuLlonal quesLlon ls unavoldable
or ls Lhe very lls moto of Lhe case.

! 1he peLlLloners (1he lnLegraLed 8ar of Lhe
hlllpplnes) had no legal sLandlng, buL Lhe CourL,
Lhrough lLs dlscreLlon, relaxed lLs rullng ln order Lo
arrlve aL a resoluLlon, slnce Lhe lssue was of
LranscendenLal lmporLance.

ISSUL 2: WheLher or noL resldenL LsLrada was
[usLlfled ln lnvoklng hls calllng ouL power" ! DB<#

kA1IC 2: ?es. 1he lssue was a pollLlcal quesLlon
LhaL lnvolved Lhe wlsdom, and noL Lhe legallLy of
Lhe acL. lf Lhe CourL exerclsed lLs power of [udlclal
revlew over Lhe case, lL would be vlolaLlng Lhe
prlnclple of Lhe separaLlon of powers. 1he CourL
has no [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe resldenL's use of hls
dlscreLlonary power Lo declde Lo use hls calllng ouL

ISSUL 3: WheLher or noL Lhe acL of deploylng Lhe
Marlnes Lo [oln Lhe n ls a vlolaLlon of Lhe
supremacy of clvlllan auLhorlLy ln Lhe counLry ! !"

kA1IC 3: no. 1he deploymenL of Lhe Marlnes ln
[olnlng Lhe n does noL vlolaLlon clvlllan
supremacy slnce lL ls only a [olnL and muLual
cooperaLlon beLween Lhe Lwo. 1here has been
mulLlfarlous acLlvlLles whereln mlllLary ald has
rendered exempllfylng acLlvlLles LhaL brlng boLh
clvlllan and mlllLary LogeLher ln a relaLlonshlp of
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
communlcaLlon. Such acLlvlLles lnclude elecLlons,
admlnlsLraLlon of Lhe hlllpplne naLlonal 8ed Cross,
conservaLlon of naLural resources, enforcemenL of
cusLoms laws, sanlLary lnspecLlons, anLl-drug
enforcemenL acLlvlLles, eLc.

MacallnLal v.

C8 137013

!uly 10, 2003

pp. 618-619
Locus sLandl

voLlng AcL

onenLe: AusLrla-MarLlnez, !.

8efore Lhe CourL ls a peLlLlon for
cettlototl and prohlblLlon flled by
8omulo 8. MacallnLal, a member of Lhe
P 8ar, assalllng Lhe consLlLuLlonallLy of
cerLaln provlslons of kA 9189 ("1he
Cverseas Absentee Vot|ng Act of

1hls ls a Laxpayer's sulL, for Lhe
peLlLloner clalms LhaL he has acLual and
maLerlal legal lnLeresL ln Lhe sub[ecL
maLLer ln seelng Lo lL LhaL publlc funds
are properly and lawfully used and

1he peLlLloner clalms LhaL Lhe assalled
8A mlsapproprlaLes funds under lLs
SecLlon 29, ln LhaL lL provldes a
supplemenLal budgeL ln Lhe Ceneral
ApproprlaLes AcL of Lhe year.
Art VIII, Sec. S (1)
Lxerclse orlglnal
[urlsdlcLlon over
cases affecLlng xxx
and over peLlLlons
for cettlototl
mandamus, poo
wottooto, and
bobeos cotpos.
ISSUL: WheLher or noL MacallnLal possesses locos
stooJl ! !"#

kA1IC: no, 8u1 Lhe CourL relaxed lLs rullng Lhrough
lLs own dlscreLlon.

! 1he rule on sulng as a Laxpayer lnvolves LhaL
Lhere musL flrsL be an alleged dlsbursemenL of
publlc funds, brlnglng forLh such Laxpayer's rlghL Lo
resLraln offlclals from whaL he would deem an
unconsLlLuLlonal acL, whlch would resulL ln Lhe
mlsappllcaLlon of publlc funds.

! When an acLlon of Lhe leglslaLlve branch ls
serlously alleged Lo have lnfrlnged on Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon, lL becomes noL only Lhe rlghL, buL ln
facL, Lhe duLy of Lhe [udlclary Lo seLLle Lhe
[usLlclable conLroversy.

! Conslderlng Lhe LranscendenLal lmporLance Lo
Lhe publlc of Lhe cases aL bar, and ln keeplng wlLh
Lhe CourL's duLy of seelng Lo lL LhaL oLher branches
of Lhe governmenL sLay wlLhln Lhe llmlLs of Lhe
dlscreLlonary powers granLed Lhem under Lhe 1987
ConsLlLuLlon, Lhe CourL has brushed aslde
LechnlcallLles of procedure and has Laken
cognlzance of Lhls peLlLlon. 1he quesLlon of
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
proprleLy of Lhe lnsLanL peLlLlon was also flled when
Lhere were no oLher ongolng proceedlngs.

! 1he CourL declded Lo dlsregard Lhe consLlLuLlonal
lssues ralsed before lL, reasonlng LhaL lL has been
more Lhan 13 years slnce Lhe raLlflcaLlon of 1987
ConsLlLuLlon, whlch requlred Congress Lo provlde a
sysLem for absenLee voLlng by quallfled llllplnos
abroad. 1hus, sLrong reasons of publlc pollcy made
Lhe CourL declde Lo resolve Lhe lnsLanL peLlLlon Lo
deLermlne wheLher or noL Lhe Congress acLed
wlLhln Lhe llmlLs of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon or lf lL had
gravely abused Lhe dlscreLlon granLed Lo lL.
WhlLe LlghL
CorporaLlon v.
ClLy of Manlla

C8 122846

!anuary 20,

pp. 619-620
8aLes ln
MoLels, eLc.

Manlla ClLy

onenLe: 1lnga, !.

1hls peLlLlon seeks Lo reverse Lhe
ueclslon of Lhe CourL of Appeals,
challenglng Lhe valldlLy of Man||a C|ty
Crd|nance No. 7774: "An Crd|nance
roh|b|t|ng Short-1|me Adm|ss|on,
Short-1|me Adm|ss|on kates, and
Wash-Up kate Schemes |n note|s,
Mote|s, Inns, Lodg|ng nouses, ens|on
nouses, and S|m||ar Lstab||shments |n
the C|ty of Man||a."

(uecember 13, 1992 ! 1he Ma|ate
1our|st and Deve|opment Corpotat|on
(M1DC) flled a complalnL for
declaraLory rellef wlLh prayer for a wrlL
of prellmlnary ln[uncLlon and/or 18C
wlLh Lhe 81C of Manlla-8ranch 9,
lmpleadlng as defendanL, Lhe ClLy of
Manlla, represenLed by Mayor Llm.)
Art VIII, Sec. S (1)
Lxerclse orlglnal
[urlsdlcLlon over
cases affecLlng xxx
and over peLlLlons
for cettlototl
mandamus, poo
wottooto, and
bobeos cotpos.
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe peLlLloners can
represenL 3
parLles as lnLervenors.
(eLlLloners allege LhaL as owners of esLabllshmenLs
offerlng wash up' raLes, Lhelr buslness ls belng
unlawfully lnLerfered wlLh by Lhe Crdlnance.
Moreover, Lhe equal proLecLlon rlghLs of Lhelr
cllenLs are also belng lnLerfered wlLh. 1hus, Lhe
lssue ls WheLher or noL Lhese esLabllshmenLs have
Lhe requlslLe sLandlng Lo plead for proLecLlon of
Lhelr cllenLs' equal proLecLlon rlghLs.) ! DB<#

kA1IC 1: ?es. 1he peLlLloners have Lhe rlghL Lo
asserL Lhe consLlLuLlonal rlghLs of Lhelr cllenLs Lo
paLronlze Lhelr esLabllshmenLs for a wash-raLe"
Llme frame.

! 1he docLrlne of locos stooJl ls bullL on Lhe
prlnclple of Lhe separaLlon of powers. 1he [udlclal
branch may noL lnLerfere wlLh Lhe acLlons rendered
by lLs co-equal branches of governmenL. A dlrecL
and personal lnLeresL" presenLs Lhe mosL obvlous
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

1he M1uC baslcally prayed LhaL Lhe
Crdlnance (menLloned above), lnsofar
as lL lncludes moLels and lnns as among
lLs prohlblLed esLabllshmenLs, be
declared lnvalld and unconsLlLuLlonal.

(uecember 21, 1992 ! 1he peLlLloners,
along wlLh 1|tan|um Corporat|on (1C)
and Sta. Mesa 1our|st and
Deve|opment Corporat|on (S1DC), flled
a moLlon Lo lnLervene and Lo admlL
aLLached complalnL-ln-lnLervenLlon.)

1he peLlLloners baslcally flled an
lnLervenLlon based on Lhe ground LhaL
Lhe Crdlnance dlrecLly affecLs Lhelr
buslness lnLeresLs as operaLors of drlve-
ln hoLels and moLels ln Manlla.

uecember 23, 1992 ! 81C granLed Lhe
peLlLloner's moLlon Lo lnLervene.
cause, as well as Lhe sLandard LesL for a peLlLloner'

! 1he Lhree consLlLuLlonal sLandlng requlremenLs
1. ln[ury
2. CausaLlon
3. 8edressablllLy.
! Powever, Lhese general rules have excepLlons,
Loo, namely:
1. CverbreadLh docLrlne
2. 1axpayer sulLs
3. 1hlrd parLy sLandlng (especlally ln Lhe P)
4. 1he docLrlne of LranscendenLal lmporLance.

! 1he case aL bar applles Lhe overbreadLh docLrlne
and Lhlrd parLy sLandlng as excepLlons Lo
consLlLuLlonal sLandlng. 1he peLlLloners (WLC) here
have a close relaLlon Lo Lhe Lhlrd parLles (1C and
S1uC), and LhaL Lhere ls also a hlndrance Lo Lhe
Lhlrd parLy's ablllLy Lo proLecL hls/her own lnLeresLs.

! ln overbreadLh docLrlne analysls, Lhe challengers
Lo governmenL acLlon are permlLLed Lo ralse Lhe
rlghLs of Lhlrd parLles when a sLaLuLe needlessly
resLralns even consLlLuLlonally guaranLeed rlghLs.
Pere, Lhe peLlLloners clalm LhaL Lhe Crdlnance
lnLerferes wlLh Lhe rlghL Lo llberLy of Lhelr cllenLs.
8ased on Lhe allegaLlons, Lhe Crdlnance suffers
from overbreadLh. 1he peLlLloners may represenL
parLles as lnLervenors.
uAZA v. 1he manner 8aul uaza was a member of Lhe ArLlcle vlll, SecLlon ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe CourL has [urlsdlcLlon?
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

180 SC8.A. 496
of removlng
uaza ls noL a
Comlsslon of AppolnLmenLs (CA),
represenLlng L. Lu reorganlzed lLself
and 24 members of Lhe L reslgned Lo
[oln Lu. 1he Pouse wlLhdrew Lhe seaL
occupled by uaza and gave Lhls Lo Lhe
newly- formed Lu. (ChavlL Slngson).
uaza flled a peLlLlon Lo challenge hls
removal from Lhe CA. Slngson
counLered by saylng LhaL whaL ls
lnvolved ls a pollLlcal quesLlon. Pe
argues LhaL nowhere ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
ls lL requlred LhaL Lhe pollLlcal parLy be
reglsLered Lo be enLlLled Lo
proporLlonal represenLaLlon aL Lhe CA.
1, of Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon, whlch
lncludes Lhe
auLhorlLy Lo
deLermlne wheLher
grave abuse of
amounLlng Lo
excess or lack of
[urlsdlcLlon has
been commlLLed by
any branch or
lnsLrumenLallLy of
Lhe governmenL
! DB<#
! WhaL ls lnvolved here ls Lhe legallLy, noL Lhe
wlsdom, of Lhe acL of Lhe Pouse ln removlng uaza
from Lhe CA. It |s not a po||t|ca| quest|on. lL ls a
legal quesLlon on Lhe manner of fllllng Lhe CA, as
prescrlbed ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon. Lven assumlng LhaL
lL were a pollLlcal quesLlon, Lhe CourLs sLlll have Lhe
expanded power Lo check wheLher grave abuse of
dlscreLlon amounLlng Lo lack or excess of
[urlsdlcLlon has been commlLLed.
SAn1lACC v.
1aLad &
1here was an elecLlon for SenaLe
resldenL. 1here were 2 conLenders,
SenaLor lernan and SenaLor 1aLad. 8y a
voLe of 20 Lo 2, lernan won as SenaLe
resldenL. (1he 2 who voLed for 1aLad
were Mlrlam and 1aLad, hlmself!)
1he ma[orlLy leader lnformed Lhe body
chaL he was ln recelpL of a leLLer slgned
by Lhe seven Lakas-nuCu-uMu
senaLors sLaLlng LhaL Lhey had elecLed
SenaLor Culngona as Lhe mlnorlLy
leader and formally recognlzed lL.
SenaLors SanLlago and 1aLad flled
before Lhls CourL Lhe sub[ecL peLlLlon
for quo warranLo, alleglng ln Lhe maln
LhaL SenaLor Culngona had been
usurplng, unlawfully holdlng and
1he presenL
ConsLlLuLlon now
forLlfles Lhe
auLhorlLy of Lhe
courLs Lo deLermlne
ln an approprlaLe
acLlon Lhe valldlLy
of Lhe acLs of Lhe
!udlclal power
lncludes Lhe duty of
the courts of [ust|ce
xxx Lo deLermlne
wheLher or noL
Lhere has been a
grave abuse of
ISSUL 1: uoes Lhe courL have [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe
case? ! DB<.
! lL ls well wlLhln Lhe power and [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe
CourL Lo lnqulre wheLher lndeed Lhe SenaLe or lLs
offlclals commlLLed a vlolaLlon of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
or gravely abused Lhelr dlscreLlon ln Lhe exerclse of
Lhelr funcLlons and prerogaLlves.
! 1he CourL ruled LhaL Lhe valldlLy of Lhe selecLlon
of members of Lhe SenaLe LlecLoral 1rlbunal by Lhe
senaLors was noL a pollLlcal quesLlon. 1he cholce of
Lhese members dld noL depend on Lhe SenaLe's "full
dlscreLlonary auLhorlLy," buL was sub[ecL Lo
mandaLory consLlLuLlonal llmlLaLlons. 1hus, Lhe
CourL held LhaL noL only was lL clearly wlLhln lLs
[urlsdlcLlon Lo pass upon Lhe valldlLy of Lhe selecLlon
proceedlngs, buL lL was also lLs duLy Lo conslder and
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
exerclslng Lhe poslLlon of SenaLe
mlnorlLy leader, a poslLlon LhaL,
accordlng Lo Lhem, rlghLfully belonged
Lo SenaLor 1aLad.

amounLlng Lo lack
or excess of
[urlsdlcLlon on Lhe
parL of any branch
or lnsLrumenLallLy
of Lhe CovernmenL.
deLermlne Lhe lssue.
! !usLlce lerla elucldaLed ln hls Concurrlng
Cplnlon: "[l] concur wlLh Lhe ma[orlLy LhaL Lhls
CourL has [urlsdlcLlon over cases llke Lhe presenL . . .
so as Lo esLabllsh ln Lhls counLry Lhe [udlclal
supremacy, wlLh Lhe Supreme CourL as Lhe flnal
arblLer, Lo see LhaL no one branch or agency of Lhe
governmenL Lranscends Lhe ConsLlLuLlon, noL only
ln [usLlceable buL pollLlcal quesLlons as well."
(lranclsco v.
Pouse of

C8 160261
Cn nov. 28, 2001, Lhe 12
congress of
Lhe PC8 adopLed and approved Lhe
8ules of rocedure ln lmpeachmenL
roceedlngs, whlch superseded Lhe
prevlous one approved by Lhe 11

Cn !uly 22, 2002, Lhe PC8 adopLed a
resoluLlon whlch dlrecLed Lhe
CommlLLee on !usLlce Lo 'conducL an
lnvesLlgaLlon, ln ald of leglslaLlon, on
Lhe manner of dlsbursemenLs and
expendlLures by Lhe Chlef !usLlce of Lhe
SC of Lhe !udlclary uevelopmenL lund
Cn !une 2, 2003, Lhen resldenL Lrap
flled an lmpeachmenL complalnL agalnsL
C! Pllarlo uavlde and seven assoclaLe
[usLlces of Lhe SC for 'culpable vlolaLlon
of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon, beLrayal of publlc
LrusL, and oLher hlgh crlmes.' 1he
Pouse CommlLLee on !usLlce ruled LhaL
Lhe sald complalnL was sufflclenL ln
Sec 3, ArL xl: 'no
proceedlngs shall be
lnlLlaLed agalnsL Lhe
same offlclal more
Lhan once wlLhln a
perlod of one year.'

o||t|ca| quest|on
xxx, under Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon, are Lo
be declded by Lhe
people ln Lhelr
soverelgn capaclLy,
or ln regard Lo
whlch full
auLhorlLy has been
delegaLed Lo Lhe
LeglslaLure or
ISSUL 1: ls Lhe flllng of Lhe second lmpeachmenL
complalnL agalnsL uavlde consLlLuLlonal? ! !"#
! 1he flllng of Lhe second lmpeachmenL complalnL
clearly vlolaLes Sec 3, ArL xl of Lhe consLlLuLlon.
ISSUL 2: Is the reso|ut|on thereof a po||t|ca|
quest|on? ! !"#
! M8. CCnCLClCn. lL deflnlLely does noL
ellmlnaLe Lhe facL LhaL Lruly pollLlcal quesLlons are
beyond Lhe pale of [udlclal power. (ConComm)
! lL ls clear LhaL [udlclal power ls noL only a power,
lL ls a duLy whlch cannoL be abdlcaLed by Lhe mere
specLer of Lhls creaLure called Lhe pollLlcal quesLlon
! 8y vlrLue of Sec. 1, Art. 8, courLs can revlew
quesLlons whlch are noL Lruly pollLlcal ln naLure.
SecLlon 1, ArLlcle vlll, of Lhe CourL does noL deflne
whaL are [usLlclable pollLlcal quesLlons and non-
[usLlclable pollLlcal quesLlons, however.
ldenLlflcaLlon of Lhese Lwo specles of pollLlcal
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
form, buL lnsufflclenL ln subsLance and
so voLed Lo dlsmlss lL.
A day afLer Lhe dlsmlssal (4 monLhs, 3
weeks afLer flllng of complalnL), a
second complalnL was flled by PC8
(Clbo 1eodoro eL al) agalnsL C! uavlde,
whlch was slgned by aL leasL 1/3 of all
Lhe PC8 members.
varlous peLlLlons conLend LhaL Lhe
flllng of Lhe second lmpeachmenL
complalnL ls unconsLlLuLlonal as lL
vlolaLes Sec 3 of ArL xl of Lhe
execuLlve branch of
Lhe CovernmenL."
(C! 8oberLo
Concepclon ln
1anada v. Cuenco)

L|s mota

1he cause of
Lhe sulL or acLlon.
Lls moLa of Lhe
(1) wheLher
SecLlons 13 and 16
of 8ule v of Lhe
lmpeachmenL 8ules
adopLed by Lhe
12Lh Congress are
unconsLlLuLlonal for
vlolaLlng Lhe
provlslons of
SecLlon 3, ArLlcle xl
of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon,
(2) wheLher, as a
resulL Lhereof, Lhe
quesLlons may be problemaLlc.
lrom Lhe cases declded by Lhe Supreme CourL,
parallel guldellnes have been adopLed by Lhls CourL
ln Lhe exerclse of [udlclal revlew:
1. acLual case or conLroversy calllng for Lhe
exerclse of [udlclal power
2. Lhe person challenglng Lhe acL musL have
"sLandlng" Lo challenge, he musL have a
personal and subsLanLlal lnLeresL ln Lhe case
such LhaL he has susLalned, or wlll susLaln,
dlrecL ln[ury as a resulL of lLs enforcemenL
3. Lhe quesLlon of consLlLuLlonallLy musL be
ralsed aL Lhe earllesL posslble opporLunlLy
4. Lhe lssue of consLlLuLlonallLy musL be Lhe
very lls moto of Lhe case.
! 1he CourL found Lhe exlsLence ln full of all Lhe
requlslLe condlLlons for lLs exerclse of lLs
consLlLuLlonally vesLed power and duLy of [udlclal
revlew over an lssue whose resoluLlon preclsely
called for Lhe consLrucLlon or lnLerpreLaLlon of a
provlslon of Lhe fundamenLal law of Lhe land.
! 1hls lssue ls of a genulne consLlLuLlonal maLerlal
whlch only Lhls CourL can properly and compeLenLly
address and ad[udlcaLe.
! 1hls CourL ln Lhe presenL peLlLlons sub[ecLed Lo
[udlclal scruLlny and resolved on Lhe merlLs only Lhe
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
complalnL ls barred
under SecLlon 3(3)
of ArLlcle xl of Lhe
maln lssue of wheLher Lhe lmpeachmenL
proceedlngs lnlLlaLed agalnsL Lhe Chlef !usLlce
Lransgressed Lhe consLlLuLlonally lmposed one-year
Llme bar rule. 8eyond Lhls, lL dld noL go abouL
assumlng [urlsdlcLlon where lL had none, nor
lndlscrlmlnaLely Lurn [usLlclable lssues ouL of
decldedly pollLlcal quesLlons. xxx
8uS1CS v.
ln Lhls declslon Lo be reconsldered, lL
was clLed LhaL 'Lhe consLlLuLlonal rlghLs
of an accused Lo be confronLed by Lhe
wlLnesses agalnsL hlm does noL apply Lo
prellmlnary hearlngs, nor wlll Lhe
absence of a prellmlnary examlnaLlon
be an lnfrlngemenL of hls rlghL Lo
confronL wlLness. As a maLLer of facL,
prellmlnary lnvesLlgaLlon may be done
away wlLh enLlrely wlLhouL lnfrlnglng
Lhe consLlLuLlonal rlghL of an accused
under Lhe due process clause Lo a falr
SecLlon 11, 8ule 108
of Lhe 8ules of
AfLer Lhe arresL of
Lhe defendanL and
hls dellvery Lo
courL, he shall be
lnformed of Lhe
complalnL or
lnformaLlon flled
agalnsL hlm. Pe
shall also be
lnformed of Lhe
subsLance of Lhe
LesLlmony and
evldence presenLed
agalnsL hlm, and lf
he deslres Lo LesLlfy
or Lo presenL
wlLnesses or
evldence ln hls
favor, he may be
allowed Lo do so.
Substant|ve |aw -
creaLes subsLanLlve
rlghLs, ln crlmlnal
ISSUL 1: uoes Sec 11, 8ule 108 of Lhe 8ules of CourL
lnfrlnge secLlon 3(3) of arLlcle vlll of Lhe
consLlLuLlon and does lL deal wlLh subsLanLlve
maLLers and lmpalr subsLanLlve rlghLs? NC

! Sect|on 11, ku|e 108 ls an ad[ecLlve law and noL
a subsLanLlve law or a subsLanLlve rlghL. As a rule of
evldence, lL ls also procedural.
1he curLallmenL of Lhe rlghL of an accused ln a
prellmlnary lnvesLlgaLlon Lo cross-examlne Lhe
wlLnesses who had glven evldence for hls arresL ls
of such lmporLance as Lo offend agalnsL Lhe
consLlLuLlonal lnhlblLlon. rellmlnary lnvesLlgaLlon ls
noL an essenLlal parL of due process of law and may
be suppressed enLlrely, and lf Lhls may be done,
mere resLrlcLlon of Lhe prlvllege formerly en[oyed
Lhereunder cannoL be held Lo fall wlLhln Lhe
consLlLuLlonal prohlblLlon.
Whlle secLlon 11 of 8ule 108 denles defendanL Lhe
rlghL Lo cross examlne wlLnesses ln a prellmlnary
lnvesLlgaLlon, hls rlghL Lo presenL hls wlLnesses
remalns unaffecLed, and hls consLlLuLlonal rlghL Lo
be lnformed of Lhe charges agalnsL hlm boLh aL such
lnvesLlgaLlon and aL Lhe Lrlal ls unchanged.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
law, lL declares
whaL acLs are
crlmes and
punlshmenL for
Substant|ve r|ghts -
rlghLs whlch one
en[oys under Lhe
legal sysLem prlor Lo
Lhe dlsLurbance of
normal relaLlons.
rocedura| |aw -
provldes or
regulaLes Lhe sLeps
by whlch one who
commlLs a crlme ls
Lo be punlshed.
ln 8L
8ar I|unkers
8ellevlng Lhemselves Lo be fully
quallfled Lo pracLlce law as Lhose
reconsldered and passed by Lhe SC, and
feellng LhaL Lhey have been
dlscrlmlnaLed agalnsL, unsuccessful
candldaLes who obLalned averages of a
few percenLages lower Lhan Lhose
admlLLed Lo Lhe bar wenL Lo congress
and secured SenaLe 8lll # 12. 1he blll
subsLanLlally became law.
8A 972 has for lLs ob[ecL Lo admlL Lo Lhe
8ar Lhose candldaLes who suffered
from lnsufflclency of readlng maLerlals
and lnadequaLe preparaLlons. lL ls
conLrary Lo publlc lnLeresL slnce lL
quallfles law graduaLes who had
8A 972 (8ar
llunkers AcL):
'An AcL Lo llx Lhe
asslng Marks for
8ar LxamlnaLlons
from 1946 up Lo
and lncludlng 1933'
SecLlon 1 provlded
Lhe followlng
passlng marks: 70
for 1946 Lo 1931
71 for 1932, 72
for 1933, 73 for
1934 and 74 for
1933. rovlded LhaL
Lhe examlnee shall
ISSUL 1: ls 8A 972 consLlLuLlonal? NC

! SecLlon 2 was declared unconsLlLuLlonal due Lo
Lhe faLal defecLs of lL noL belng embraced ln Lhe
LlLle. As per lLs LlLle, Lhe AcL should affecL only Lhe
bar flunkers of 1946 Lo 1933 8ar examlnaLlons. lL
was also sLruck down for allowlng parLlal passlng.

! As Lo secLlon 1, Lhe porLlon for 1946 Lo 1931 was
declared unconsLlLuLlonal, whlle LhaL for 1933 Lo
1933 was declared ln force and ln effecL. 1hls was
because Lhe law lLself admlLs LhaL Lhe candldaLes
for 1946 Lo 1932 had lnadequaLe preparaLlon due
World War ll. 1he law ls ln effecL revoklng Lhe
resoluLlon of Lhe courL on Lhe peLlLlons of Lhe sald
candldaLes. lL ls an encroachmenL on Lhe courL's
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
lnadequaLe preparaLlon for Lhe pracLlce
of law professlon, as evldenced ln Lhelr
falled exams.
have no grade
lower Lhan 30.
SecLlon 2 provlded
LhaL a bar candldaLe
who obLalned a
grade of 73 ln any
sub[ecL shall be
deemed Lo have
already passed LhaL
sub[ecL and Lhe
grade/grades shall
be lncluded ln Lhe
compuLaLlon of Lhe
general average ln
subsequenL bar
prlmary prerogaLlve Lo deLermlne who may be
admlLLed Lo pracLlce law and, Lherefore, ln excess of
leglslaLlve power Lo repeal, alLer and supplemenL
Lhe 8ules of CourL.

!As Lo Lhe porLlon ln force and ln effecL, lL may
raLlonally fall wlLhln Lhe power of congress Lo alLer,
supplemenL or modlfy rules of admlsslon Lo Lhe
pracLlce of law.
!AvLLLAnA v.
C8 102349

AugusL 10,

pp. 623-626

ClLy Councllor
was also a


onenLe: Crlno,-Aqulno, !.

1hls peLlLlon for revlew on cettlototl
lnvolves Lhe rlghL of a publlc offlclal Lo
engage ln Lhe pracLlce of hls professlon
whlle employed ln Lhe CovernmenL.

et|t|oner |s Atty. Lrw|n Iave||ana, an
elecLed ClLy Councllor of 8ago ClLy,
negros CccldenLal.

CcLober 3, 1989 ! C|ty Lng|neer
Lrnesto D|v|nagrac|a flled Adm|n Case
C-10-90 agalnsL !avellana, baslcally
alleglng LhaL sald !avellana (an
lncumbenL ClLy Councllor and a lawyer
Art|c|e 8, Sec. S(S).
romulgaLe rules
concernlng Lhe
proLecLlon and
enforcemenL of
rlghLs, pleadlng,
pracLlce, and
procedure ln all
courLs, Lhe
admlsslon Lo Lhe
pracLlce of law, Lhe
lnLegraLed bar, and
legal asslsLance Lo
Lhe under-
prlvlleged. Such
rules shall provlde a
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe uLC Memorandum
Clrcular vlolaLe ArLlcle 8, Sec. 3(3) of Lhe 1987
ConsLlLuLlon? NC

! 1he peLlLloner's conLenLlon was CCMLL1LL? off
LangenL, meanlng lL had no relaLlon Lo Lhe sald
provlslon whaLsoever. nelLher Lhe sLaLuLe nor Lhe
clrcular Lrenches upon Lhe SC's power and auLhorlLy
Lo prescrlbe rules on Lhe pracLlce of law. 1he LCC
and uLC Memorandum Clrcular 90-81 slmply
prescrlbe rules of conducL for publlc offlclals Lo
avold confllcLs of lnLeresL beLween Lhe dlscharge of
Lhelr publlc duLles and prlvaLe pracLlce of Lhelr
professlons when Lhe laws allow lL.

xxx xxx xxx xxx

!.%'O ;3'*13'*% .( 60,'4 W- <%+%0%'#
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
by professlon) has conLlnuously been
worklng as a lawyer wlLhouL securlng
Lhe requlred permlL from Lhe 8eglonal
ulrecLor, uepL. of Local CovernmenL, as
requlred by DLG Memorandum C|rcu|ar
No. 80-38.

!avellana responded Lhrough Lhls
peLlLlon, praylng LhaL such uLC
Memorandum Clrcular (80-38, wlLh Lhe
addlLlon of 90-91 and SecLlon 90 of Lhe
new Loca| Government Code (LGC)
/kA7160) be declared unconsLlLuLlonal
and null and vold because Lhey vlolaLe
Art|c|e 8, Sec. S(S) of the 1987
slmpllfled and
procedure for Lhe
speedy dlsposlLlon
of cases, shall be
unlform for all
courLs of Lhe same
grade, and shall noL
dlmlnlsh, lncrease,
or modlfy
subsLanLlve rlghLs.
8ules of procedure
of speclal courLs
and quasl-[udlclal
bodles shall remaln
effecLlve unless
dlsapproved by Lhe
Supreme CourL.

kepub||c v. Iudge Gu|nguyon
(C8 166429, lebruary 1, 2006)

Sec. 4 of 8A 8974 on exproprlaLlon (Lhe
dlspossesslon of someone's properLy by Lhe SLaLe)
for publlc lnfrasLrucLure baslcally says LhaL
whenever lL ls necessary Lo acqulre resal properLy
for any governmenL lnfrasLrucLure pro[ecL Lhrough
exproprlaLlon, Lhe approprlaLe agency shall conducL
Lhe proceedlngs before Lhe proper courL wlLh Lhe
followlng guldellnes:
upon flllng of Lhe complalnL and noLlce Lo Lhe
defendanL, Lhe lmplemenLlng agency shall
lmmedlaLely pay Lhe owner of Lhe properLy 100 of
Lhe value of Lhe properLy based on Lhe 8l8's currenL
relevanL zonal valuaLlon
1he value of Lhe lmprovemenLs/sLrucLues as
deLermlned under SecLlon 7 of Lhls 8A hereof.

1hls runs counLer of 8ule 67 of Lhe 8ules of CourL
whlch requlres only parLlal deporL before enLry.
Moy o stotote omeoJ o 8ule of coott?

SubsLanLlve maLLers may be embodled ln a rule of
procedure, and ln Lhls case, 8ule 67 conLalns
maLLers of subsLance, 8u1 Lhe absorpLlon of Lhe
subsLanLlve polnL lnLo a procedural rule does noL
prevenL Lhe subsLanLlve rlghL from belng
superseded or amended by a sLaLuLe.

1hls ls because Lhe creaLlon of properLy rlghLs ls a
maLLer LhaL ls acLed upon by Lhe leglslaLure, and noL
for Lhe courLs Lo declde upon. CLherwlse, lL can
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
lead Lo Lhe absurd slLuaLlon of Lhe [udlclary
shleldlng laws by maklng Lhem lrrepealable,
absorblng Lhe provlslons of law lnLo Lhe rules of

1he [udlclary has Lhe sole prerogaLlve/rlghL Lo
promulgaLe rules concernlng pleadlng, pracLlce, and
procedure, and lL should be undersLood LhaL such
rules necessarlly perLaln Lo polnLs of procedure, and
noL polnLs of subsLanLlve law. 1hls prlvllege was
resLored Lo Lhe [udlclal deparLmenL by Lhe 1987

C8 147678-87

!uly 7, 2004

pp. 626-627

8evlew of
deaLh penalLy

and affllcLlve


MandaLory v.

CourL of

(1bete wos oo meotloo of tbe cose bete.
1bls wos metely o Jlscossloo oo tbe
tevlew of tbe Jeotb peoolty, wblcb clteJ
televoot lows, ptoceJotes, ooJ

1he SC has assumed dlrecL appellaLe
revlew over all crlmlnal cases ln whlch
Lhe penalLy lmposed ls deaLh, teclosloo
petpetoo, or llfe lmprlsonmenL (or
lower penalLles buL lnvolvlng offenses
commlLLed on Lhe same occaslon,
whlch gave rlse such affllcLlve penalLles
lncludlng llfe lmprlsonmenL). 1hls
pracLlce ls [usLlfled ln ArLlcle 8, Sec.

Whlle Lhe lundamenLal Law (lL)
requlres a mandaLory revlew of such
cases lnvolvlng Lhose penalLles
menLloned above, such lL does noL
requlre an lnLermedlaLe revlew.
ArL. 8, Sec. 3(2)(d):
(2) 8evlew, revlse,
reverse, modlfy, or
afflrm on appeal
or cerLlorarl, as Lhe
law or Lhe 8ules of
CourL may provlde,
flnal [udgmenLs and
orders of lower
courLs ln:

(d) All crlmlnal cases
ln whlch Lhe penalLy
lmposed ls tecloslo
petpetoo or hlgher.

Note. kecloslo petpetoo.

Carcla v. eople
(C8 106331, november 18, 1999)

lL ls only ln cases where Lhe deaLh penalLy ls
acLually lmposed LhaL Lhe Lrlal courL musL forward
Lhe records of Lhe case Lo Lhe SC (now CA) for
auLomaLlc revlew of Lhe convlcLlon. 1hls rlghL
cannoL be walved.

Powever, ln cases lmposlng tecloslo petpetoo, Lhe
rlghL Lo appeal may be walved by Lhe peLlLloner:
llllng a noLlce of appeal, or
lndlcaLlng a deslre Lo appeal from Lhe declslon.
ln Lhe absence of Lhese, Lhe declslon becomes flnal
and unappealable.

xxx xxx xxx xxx

ueaLh penalLy - ueaLh lLself by leLhal ln[ecLlon
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

1he SC requlres LhaL Lhe CourL of
Appeals (CA) revlew Lhese cases before
Lhey are senL Lo Lhe SC because where
llfe and llberLy are aL sLake, all posslble
avenues Lo deLermlne Lhe gullL or
lnnocence of Lhe accused musL be
deLermlned. 1he SC overemphaslzes
Lhe evaluaLlon of facLs, and a prlor
deLermlnaLlon by Lhe CA (parLlcularly
on Lhe facLual lssues) ls paramounL Lo
mlnlmlzlng Lhe posslblllLy of an error ln

SLaLlsLlcs show LhaL slnce Lhe
relmposlLlon of Lhe deaLh penalLy law ln
1993 unLll !une 2004, Lhe cases where
Lhe [udgmenL of deaLh penalLy had
elLher been modlfled or vacaLed was
71.77, Lhe LoLal number of deaLh
penalLy cases dlrecLly elevaLed before
Lhe CourL on auLomaLlc revlew. WlLh
Lhe flnal dlsposlLlon resLlng on Lhe SC,
631 ouL of 907 appellanLs were saved
from leLhal ln[ecLlon.

under ArLlcle 8, Sec. 3, Lhe SC has Lhe
power Lo amend rules of procedure,
slnce procedural maLLers fall wlLhln Lhe
law-maklng prlvllege of Lhe SC, lnsLead
of Lhe law-maklng power of Lhe

rocedural maLLer ! 1he addlLlonal
Llfe lmprlsonmenL - 1hls applles Lo Speclal Laws.
Llfe lmprlsonmenL has no speclflc exLenL of
punlshmenL, buL one may have parole any Llme.
keclosloo petpetoo - (20-40 years, applylng Lo
crlmes ln Lhe 8C). 1hls ls LranslaLed from Spanlsh
as llfe lmprlsonmenL," Loo, buL here, one has Lhe
posslblllLy of pardon/exec clemency afLer servlng
one's senLence for 30 years.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
rule allowlng lmmedlaLe revlew by Lhe
CA (an appellaLe courL) before Lhe case
ls elevaLed Lo Lhe SC on auLomaLlc
ln 8L: L1l1lCn
1C ulSCuALll?
A11?. uL vL8A

AC 6032

uecember 11,

pp. 628-629


l8 8y-Laws

onenLe: 1lnga, !.

ALLy. Cllver Carcla ! v of Lhe
8ukldnon l8 ChapLer
ALLy. Lmmanuel 8avanera ! asL
presldenL of Lhe Mlsamls CrlenLal l8
ALLy. 1ony velez ! lncumbenL
presldenL of Lhe Mlsamls CrlenLal l8

1hese peLlLloners malnly seek Lhe
dlsquallflcaLlon of respondenL ALLy.
Leonard ue vera from belng elecLed
Covernor of LasLern Mlndanao" ln Lhe
lnLegraLed 8ar of Lhe hlllpplnes
(l8) 8eglonal Covernors' elecLlons.

!une 9, 2003 ! respondenL flled a
8especLful CommenL on Lhe peLlLlon
afLer seeklng a leave of courL.

8espondenL argues LhaL Lhls CourL has
no [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe conLroversy,
saylng LhaL Lhe elecLlon of Lhe Cfflcers
of Lhe l8, lncludlng Lhe deLermlnaLlon
of Lhe quallflcaLlon of Lhose who wanL
Lo serve Lhe organlzaLlon, ls purely an
lnLernal maLLer, governed by Lhe l8
Art. 8, Sec. S(S) of
the 1987
romulgaLe rules
concernlng Lhe
proLecLlon and
enforcemenL of
rlghLs, pleadlng,
pracLlce, and
procedure ln all
courLs, Lhe
admlsslon Lo Lhe
pracLlce of law, Lhe
lnLegraLed bar xxx
and shall noL
dlmlnlsh, lncrease,
or modlfy
subsLanLlve rlghLs.
8ules of procedure
of speclal courLs
and quasl-[udlclal
bodles shall remaln
effecLlve unless
dlsapproved by Lhe
Supreme CourL.
Art. 8, Sec. 13 of
the 193S
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe SC has [urlsdlcLlon over
Lhe lnLernal maLLers of Lhe l8? ! LS
! ?es, pursuanL Lo ArL. 8, Sec. 3 of Lhe 1987
ConsLlLuLlon, whlch confers on Lhe SC Lhe power Lo
promulgaLe rules affecLlng Lhe l8. lmpllclL ln Lhls
consLlLuLlonal granL ls Lhe power Lo supervlse all Lhe
acLlvlLles of Lhe l8, lncludlng Lhe elecLlon of lLs
offlcers. 1hls auLhorlLy over Lhe l8 orlglnaLes from
Lhe 1933 ConsLlLuLlon, parLlcularly ln ArL. 8, Sec. 13.
! lronlcally, Lhe l8 8y-Laws documenL lnvoked by
Lhe respondenL ln asserLlng l8 lndependence from
Lhe SC, recognlzes Lhe full range of Lhe power of
supervlslon of Lhe SC over Lhe l8.
! SecLlon 77 of Lhe l8 8y-Laws glves Lhe SC power
Lo amend, modlfy, or repeal Lhe l8 8y-Laws
! Moto ptoptlo (Cn hls own lmpulse")
! upon recommendaLlon of Lhe 8oard of
Covernors of Lhe l8.
! SecLlon 13 of Lhe l8 8y-Laws also auLhorlzes Lhe
SC Lo send observes ln Lhe l8 elecLlons, wheLher
local or naLlonal.
! SecLlon 44 of Lhe l8 8y-Laws empowers Lhe SC
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
8y-Laws excluslve regulaLed and
admlnlsLered by Lhe l8.
1he Supreme CourL
shall have Lhe
power Lo
promulgaLe rules
pleadlng, pracLlce,
and procedure ln all
courLs, and Lhe
admlsslon Lo Lhe
pracLlce of law. Sald
rules shall be
unlform for all
courLs of Lhe same
grade and shall noL
dlmlnlsh, lncrease,
or modlfy
subsLanLlve rlghLs.
1he exlsLlng laws on
pleadlng, pracLlce,
and procedure are
hereby repealed as
sLaLuLes, and are
declared 8ules of
CourLs, sub[ecL Lo
Lhe power of Lhe
Supreme CourL Lo
alLer and modlfy Lhe
same. 1he Congress
of Lhe hlllpplnes
shall have Lhe
power Lo repeal,
alLer, or
Lo have Lhe flnal declslon on Lhe removal of Lhe
members of Lhe 8oard of Covernors.
1hus, Lhe SC has [urlsdlcLlon over Lhls lssue.
xxx xxx xxx xxx
5opplemeototy lofotmotloo
1he Lerm, 8ar" refers Lo Lhe collecLlvlLy of all
persons whose names appear ln Lhe 8oll of
CcLober 3, 1970 ! 1he CourL lnlLlaLed Lhe
lnLegraLlon of Lhe P 8ar by creaLlng Lhe
Commlsslon on 8ar lnLegraLlon whose Lask was Lo
ascerLaln Lhe advlsablllLy of unlfylng Lhe P 8ar.
8A 6397 was enacLed, conflrmlng Lhe power of Lhe
SC Lo effecL Lhe lnLegraLlon of Lhe hlllpplne 8ar.
!anuary 1, 1973 ! ln Lhe MaLLer of Lhe lnLegraLlon
of Lhe 8ar Lo Lhe hlllpplnes" was a pet cotlom
8esoluLlon of Lhe CourL whlch ordalned Lhe
lnLegraLlon of Lhe P 8ar ln accordance wlLh 8ule
139-A of Lhe 8ules of CourL, pursuanL Lo Lhe CourL's
rule-maklng power under Lhe 1933 ConsLlLuLlon.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
supplemenL Lhe
rules concernlng
pleadlng, pracLlce,
and procedure, and
Lhe admlsslon Lo
Lhe pracLlce of law
ln Lhe hlllpplnes.

Sect|on 6. 1he Supreme Court sha|| have adm|n|strat|ve superv|s|on over a|| courts and the personne| thereof.

Case keywords Iacts App||cab|e]V|o|ated
Issue & kat|o

C.8. no.

Aprll 22, 1993

p. 629
Cl SL8vlCL
onenLe: nocon, !.

eLlLlon for cerLlorarl wlLh prayer for
prellmlnary mandaLory ln[uncLlon.
8espondenL napoleon A. Ablera of Lhe
ubllc ALLorney's Cfflce, ln hls affldavlL-
complalnL Lo Lhe Cfflce of Lhe
Cmbudsman, alleged LhaL peLlLloner
Maceda had falslfled hls CerLlflcaLe of
Servlce by cerLlfylng LhaL all clvll and
crlmlnal cases submlLLed for declslon
have been deLermlned and declded
when ln facL some were sLlll pendlng.
eLlLloner Maceda counLers Lhe
allegaLlon by saylng LhaL he had been
granLed by Lhe CourL an exLenslon of 90
days Lo declde Lhe aforemenLloned
eLlLloner also conLends LhaL Lhe
Cmbudsman has no [urlsdlcLlon over
ArLlcle vlll, SecLlon
6 of Lhe 1987
ConsLlLuLlon. 1he
Supreme CourL shall
have AdmlnlsLraLlve
supervlslon over all
courLs and
personnel Lhereof.

ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe Cfflce of Lhe
Cmbudsman could enLerLaln a crlmlnal complalnL
for Lhe alleged falslflcaLlon of a [udge's cerLlflcaLlon
submlLLed Lo Lhe Supreme CourL. !!"# =&' "(()9'
.( %&' "3W0143+* &+4 *. /06)41)9%).*#

o ArL. vlll, Sec. 6 of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon excluslvely
vesLs ln Lhe Supreme CourL admlnlsLraLlve
supervlslon over all courLs and courL personnel.
no oLher branch of governmenL may lnLrude lnLo
Lhls power, wlLhouL runnlng afoul Lhe docLrlne of
separaLlon of powers.
o 1he Cmbudsman cannoL [usLlfy lLs lnvesLlgaLlon
of peLlLloner on Lhe powers granLed Lo lL by Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon, for such a [usLlflcaLlon runs counLer
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon and Lhe lndependence of Lhe
o 1hus Lhe Cmbudsman should flrsL refer Lhe
maLLer of peLlLloner's cerLlflcaLes of servlce Lo
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Lhe complalnL slnce Lhe offenses
charged arose from Lhe [udge's
performance of hls offlclal duLles whlch
ls under Lhe supervlslon and conLrol of
Lhe Supreme CourL.
Lhls CourL for deLermlnaLlon of wheLher sald
cerLlflcaLes reflecLed Lhe Lrue sLaLus of hls
pendlng case load.
WPL8LlC8L, Lhe lnsLanL peLlLlon ls hereby
CACC11, !8.

C.8. no.

!uly 13, 1993

p. 630
8eprlmand onenLe: 8egalado, !.

8ebuffed by Lhe CourL Lhrough Lhe
annulmenL of hls order dlsmlsslng
Crlmlnal Case no. 11329 of Lhe courL a
quo, complemenLed wlLh a reprlmand
and a flne of 10,000.oo for gross
lgnorance of Lhe law, respondenL !udge
LusLaqulo Z. CacoLL, !r. has flled a
moLlon for reconslderaLlon and a
supplemenLal moLlon for
8espondenL [udge quesLlons Lhe
compeLence of Lhe Second ulvlslon of
Lhe Supreme CourL Lo admlnlsLraLlvely
dlsclpllne hlm. 8espondenL [udge
anchors hls argumenL on Lhe wordlng of
ArLlcle vlll, SecLlon 11 of Lhe 1987
ConsLlLuLlon where he alleged LhaL only
Lhe en banc/full courL may declde on hls
admlnlsLraLlve llablllLy.

(1) ArLlcle vlll,
SecLlon 11 of Lhe
1987 ConsLlLuLlon.
1he Supreme CourL
en banc shall have
Lhe power Lo
dlsclpllne [udges of
lower courLs, or
order Lhelr
dlsmlssal by a voLe
of a ma[orlLy of Lhe
Members who
acLually Look parL ln
Lhe dellberaLlons.
(2) CourL Ln 8anc
8esoluLlon 8ar
MaLLer no. 209. ln
Lhe MaLLer of Lhe
AmendmenL and/or
ClarlflcaLlon of
varlous Supreme
CourLs 8ules and
8egulaLlons". Cases
where Lhe penalLy
Lo be lmposed ls Lhe
dlsmlssal of a [udge,
offlcer or employee
of Lhe !udlclary,
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe declslon of Lhe en banc
and noL [usL of Lhe Second ulvlslon of Lhe CourL ls
needed for Lhe declslon Lo hold respondenL
admlnlsLraLlvely llable. !!"# =&' 1'9)4).* .( %&'
<'9.*1 F)L)4).* .( %&' 5.06% )4 %&' 1'9)4).* .( %&'
5.06%# @'%)%).*'6 3)49.*4%60'1 ;6%)9,' H>>>T <'9# QQ
.( %&' QXPV 5.*4%)%0%).*#

8aLlo 1:
o Cn the m|sconstrua| of Art|c|e VIII, Sec. 11:
lorLulLously, Lhe wrlLer of Lhls resoluLlon, as a
member of Lhe commlLLee on Lhe !udlclary of Lhe
1986 ConsLlLuLlonal Commlsslon, had Lhe
opporLunlLy Lo Lake up Lhe preclse maLLer wlLh
Lhe commlLLee chalrman, reLlred Chlef !usLlce
8oberLo Concepclon. 8oLh were ln concurrence
LhaL Lhe quallflcaLlon (en banc) was noL lnLended
Lo make a dlfference, as a reference Lo Lhe CourL
by lLself necessarlly means Lhe CourL en banc and
LhaL where Lhe reference ls Lo Lhe CourL acLlng
Lhrough lLs dlvlslons, lL would necessarlly be so
o er Lhe CourL Ln 8anc 8esoluLlon, enLlLled 8ar
MaLLer no. 209. ln Lhe MaLLer of Lhe AmendmenL
and/or ClarlflcaLlons of varlous Supreme CourL
8ules and 8esoluLlons", cases lnvolvlng
reprlmand and a flne of 10, 000.00 are noL
declded en banc.
o 1o requlre Lhe enLlre CourL Lo dellberaLe upon
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
(3) Clrcular no. 2-
89. 2. A declslon or
resoluLlon of a
ulvlslon of Lhe
CourL, when
concurred ln by a
ma[orlLy of lLs
members who
acLually Look parL ln
Lhe dellberaLlons on
Lhe lssues. ls a
declslon or
resoluLlon of Lhe
Supreme CourL.
and parLlclpaLe ln all admlnlsLraLlve maLLers or
cases would resulL ln a congesLed dockeL.
o er Clrcular no. 2-89 pursuanL Lo SecLlon 4(3),
ArL. vlll of Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon, a declslon or
resoluLlon of a ulvlslon, when concurred ln by a
ma[orlLy, and ln no case wlLhouL concurrence of
aL leasL 3 members, ls a declslon or resoluLlon of
Lhe Supreme CourL.
CACl8LS, !8.

C.8. no.

!uly 19, 2001

p. 632
1he presenL case lnvolves Lwo members
of Lhe [udlclary who were enLangled ln a
flghL wlLhln courL premlses over a plece
of offlce furnlLure.
ArLlcle vlll, SecLlon
6 of Lhe 1987
ConsLlLuLlon. 1he
Supreme CourL shall
have AdmlnlsLraLlve
supervlslon over all
courLs and
personnel Lhereof.

ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe Cfflce of Lhe
Cmbudsman has [urlsdlcLlon over admlnlsLraLlve
cases lnvolvlng members of Lhe [udlclary.!!"# =&'
"(()9' .( %&' "3W0143+* &+4 *. /06)41)9%).*#

o ArL. vlll, Sec. 6 of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon, lL ls Lhe
Supreme CourL whlch ls vesLed wlLh excluslve
admlnlsLraLlve supervlslon over all courLs and lLs
personnel. ln vlew of Lhls, Lhe Cmbudsman
cannoL deLermlne for lLself and by lLself wheLher
a crlmlnal complalnL agalnsL a [udge, or courL
employee, lnvolves an admlnlsLraLlve maLLer.
o Cmbudsman musL glve due recognlLlon of Lhe
admlnlsLraLlve auLhorlLy of Lhe CourL. lL cannoL
dlcLaLe Lo, and blnd Lhe CourL, Lo lLs flndlngs LhaL
a case before lL does or does noL have
admlnlsLraLlve lmpllcaLlons. 1o do so would be Lo
deprlve Lhe CourL of Lhe exerclse of lLs
admlnlsLraLlve prerogaLlves and Lo arrogaLe
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
under lLself a power noL consLlLuLlonally
sancLloned. 1hls lmplnges on [udlclal
o 1he rullng ln Maceda prevalls, Lo allow Lhe
Cmbudsman Lo oversee [udges' and courL
personnel's compllance wlLh all laws, and Lake
admlnlsLraLlve acLlon agalnsL Lhem ls Lo vlolaLe
Lhe docLrlne of separaLlon of powers.

Sect|on 7.
(1) No person sha|| be appo|nted Member of the Supreme Court or any |ower co||eg|ate court un|ess he |s a natura|-born c|t|zen of the h|||pp|nes. A
Member of the Supreme Court must be at |east forty years of age, and must have been for f|fteen years or more, a [udge of a |ower court or engaged
|n the pract|ce of |aw |n the h|||pp|nes.cra|aw
(2) 1he Congress sha|| prescr|be the qua||f|cat|ons of [udges of |ower courts, but no person may be appo|nted [udge thereof un|ess he |s a c|t|zen of
the h|||pp|nes and a member of the h|||pp|ne 8ar.cra|aw
(3) A Member of the Iud|c|ary must be a person of proven competence, |ntegr|ty, prob|ty, and |ndependence

Case keywords Iacts App||cab|e]V|o|ated
Issue & kat|o
ln 8L !8C v.
!uuCL Cul1Aln
!8C nC. 013

AugusL 22, 2007

p. 633
81C !uuCL

lallure Lo
dlsclose pasL
Crder of
dlsmlssal ls a
!udge !alme vega CulLaln was
appolnLed resldlng !udge of Lhe
8eglonal 1rlal CourL (81C), 8ranch
10, uavao ClLy on May 17, 2003.
SubsequenL LhereLo, xxx
admlnlsLraLlve and crlmlnal charges
were flled agalnsL !udge CulLaln ln hls
capaclLy as Lhen AsslsLanL 8eglonal
ulrecLor, naLlonal ollce Commlsslon
(nACLCCM), xxx uavao ClLy, as a
resulL of whlch he was dlsmlssed from
Lhe servlce xxx
ln Lhls case, Iudge u|ta|n fa||ed to
(3) A Member of
Lhe !udlclary musL
be a person of
lnLegrlLy, problLy,
and lndependence.

W]N Iudge u|ta|n fa||ed to meet the
qua||f|cat|ons requ|red of appo|ntees to the
Iud|c|ary by Sec. 7(3), Art|c|e VIII of the
Const|tut|on? LS
WPL8LlC8L, ln vlew of our flndlng LhaL !uuCL
!AlML v. Cul1Aln ls gullLy of grave mlsconducL
whlch would have warranLed hls dlsmlssal from
Lhe servlce had he noL reslgned durlng Lhe
pendency of Lhls case, he ls hereby meLed Lhe
penalLy of a flne of 40,000.00.
lL appearlng LhaL he has yeL Lo apply for hls
reLlremenL beneflLs and oLher prlvlleges, lf any,
Lhe CourL llkewlse C8uL8S Lhe lC8lLl1u8L of all
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
d|sc|ose that he was adm|n|strat|ve|y
charged and d|sm|ssed from the
serv|ce for grave m|sconduct per A.C.
no. 183 daLed Aprll 10, 1993 by no
less Lhan Lhe former resldenL of
Lhe hlllpplnes.
xxx lL can noL be denled LhaL aL Lhe
Llme !udge CulLaln applled as an 81C
[udge, he had full knowledge of A.C.
no. 183 dlsmlsslng hlm from
governmenL servlce. xxx the CCA
(Cff|ce of the Court Adm|n|strator)
ma|nta|ned |ts recommendat|on that
Iudge u|ta|n be d|sm|ssed from the
serv|ce w|th pre[ud|ce to h|s
reappo|ntment to any pos|t|on |n the
government xxx
beneflLs, excepL earned leave credlLs whlch !udge
CulLaln may be enLlLled Lo, and he
ls L8L1uALL? ulSCuALlllLu from
relnsLaLemenL and appolnLmenL Lo any branch,
lnsLrumenLallLy or agency of Lhe governmenL,
lncludlng governmenL-owned and/or conLrolled
klLCS8A?An v.
L8Ml1A & CnC
C8 177721

!uly 3, 2007

eLlLloners are people and/or non-
governmenLal organlzaLlons engaged
ln publlc and clvlc causes almed aL
proLecLlng Lhe people's rlghLs Lo self-
governance and [usLlce.
8espondenL LxecuLlve SecreLary ls
Lhe head of Lhe Cfflce of Lhe resldenL
and ls ln charge of releaslng
presldenLlal appolnLmenLs lncludlng
Lhose of Supreme CourL !usLlces.
8espondenL Cregory S. Cng ls
allegedly Lhe parLy whose
appolnLmenL would flll up Lhe vacancy

SecLlon 7 (1) of
ArLlcle vlll provldes
LhaL no person
shall be appolnLed
Member of Lhe
Supreme CourL or
any lower colleglaLe
courL unless he ls a
naLural-born clLlzen
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Cregory S. Cng ls a
naLural-born llllplno ClLlzen? LS
! lL ls clear, Lherefore, LhaL from Lhe records of
Lhls CourL, respondenL Cng ls a naLurallzed
llllplno clLlzen.
! 1he serles of evenLs and long sLrlng of alleged
changes ln Lhe naLlonallLles of respondenL Cng's
ancesLors, by varlous blrLhs, marrlages and
deaLhs, all enLall facLual asserLlons LhaL need Lo
be Lhreshed ouL ln proper [udlclal proceedlngs so
as Lo correcL Lhe exlsLlng records on hls blrLh and
clLlzenshlp. 1he chaln of evldence would have Lo
show LhaL uy Culok SanLos, respondenL Cng's
moLher, was a llllplno clLlzen, conLrary Lo whaL
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
ln Lhls CourL.
eLlLloners clalm LhaL respondenL
Cng ls a Chlnese clLlzen, LhaL Lhls facL
ls plaln and lnconLesLable, and LhaL hls
own blrLh cerLlflcaLe lndlcaLes hls
Chlnese clLlzenshlp. 1he blrLh
cerLlflcaLe, peLlLloners add, reveals
LhaL aL Lhe Llme of respondenL Cng's
blrLh on May 23, 1933, hls faLher was
Chlnese and hls moLher was also
8espondenL LxecuLlve SecreLary
added LhaL Lhe resldenL appolnLed
respondenL Cng from among Lhe llsL
of nomlnees who were duly screened
by and bore Lhe lmprlmaLur of Lhe !8C
creaLed under ArLlcle vlll, SecLlon 8 of
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon. Sald respondenL
furLher sLaLed: 1he appolnLmenL,
however, was noL released, buL
lnsLead, referred Lo Lhe !8C for
valldaLlon of respondenL Cng's
of Lhe hlllpplnes."

Sec. 2 of ArL. lv
deflnes naLural-
born clLlzens as
Lhose who are
clLlzens of
Lhe hlllpplnes from
blrLh wlLhouL havlng
Lo perform any acL
Lo acqulre or
perfecL Lhelr
sLlll appears ln Lhe records of Lhls CourL.
! 8espondenL Cng has Lhe burden of provlng ln
courL hls alleged ancesLral Lree as well as hls
clLlzenshlp under Lhe Llme-llne of Lhree
ConsLlLuLlons. unLll Lhls ls done, respondenL Cng
cannoL accepL an appolnLmenL Lo Lhls CourL as
LhaL would be a vlolaLlon of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon.
! PlsLory:
o As Lo hls clLlzenshlp, respondenL Cng Lraces
hls ancesLral llnes Lo one Marla SanLos of
Malolos, 8ulacan, born on november 23,
1881, who was allegedly a llllplno clLlzen who
marrled Chan kln, a Chlnese clLlzen, LhaL
Lhese Lwo had a son, !uan SanLos, LhaL ln
1906 Chan kln dled ln Chlna, as a resulL of
whlch Marla SanLos reverLed Lo her llllplno
clLlzenshlp, LhaL aL LhaL Llme !uan SanLos was
a mlnor, LhaL !uan SanLos Lhereby also
became a llllplno clLlzen, LhaL respondenL
Cng's moLher, uy Culok SanLos, ls Lhe
daughLer of Lhe spouses !uan SanLos and Sy
Slok Plan, a Chlnese clLlzen, who were
marrled ln 1927, LhaL, Lherefore,
respondenL's moLher was a llllplno clLlzen aL
blrLh, LhaL uy Culok SanLos laLer marrled a
Chlnese clLlzen, Lugenlo Cng Pan Seng,
Lhereby becomlng a Chlnese clLlzen, LhaL
when respondenL Cng was eleven years old
hls faLher, Lugenlo Cng Pan Seng, was
naLurallzed, and as a resulL he, hls broLhers
and slsLers, and hls moLher were lncluded ln
Lhe naLurallzaLlon.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

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Sect|on 8.
(1) A Iud|c|a| and 8ar Counc|| |s hereby created under the superv|s|on of the Supreme Court composed of the Ch|ef Iust|ce as ex off|c|o Cha|rman, the
Secretary of Iust|ce, and a representat|ve of the Congress as ex off|c|o Members, a representat|ve of the Integrated 8ar, a professor of |aw, a ret|red
Member of the Supreme Court, and a representat|ve of the pr|vate sector.

(2) 1he regu|ar members of the Counc|| sha|| be appo|nted by the res|dent for a term of four years w|th the consent of the Comm|ss|on on
Appo|ntments. Cf the Members f|rst appo|nted, the representat|ve of the Integrated 8ar sha|| serve for four years, the professor of |aw for three
years, the ret|red Iust|ce for two years, and the representat|ve of the pr|vate sector for one year.

(3) 1he C|erk of the Supreme Court sha|| be the Secretary ex off|c|o of the Counc|| and sha|| keep a record of |ts proceed|ngs.

(4) 1he regu|ar Members of the Counc|| sha|| rece|ve such emo|uments as may be determ|ned by the Supreme Court. 1he Supreme Court sha|| prov|de
|n |ts annua| budget the appropr|at|ons for the Counc||.

(S) 1he Counc|| sha|| have the pr|nc|pa| funct|on of recommend|ng appo|ntees to the Iud|c|ary. It may exerc|se such other funct|ons and dut|es as the
Supreme Court may ass|gn to |t.

Sect|on 9. 1he Members of the Supreme Court and [udges of the |ower courts sha|| be appo|nted by the res|dent from a ||st of at |east three
nom|nees prepared by the Iud|c|a| and 8ar Counc|| for every vacancy. Such appo|ntments need no conf|rmat|on.

Ior the |ower courts, the res|dent sha|| |ssue the appo|ntments w|th|n n|nety days from the subm|ss|on of the ||st.

Sect|on 10. 1he sa|ary of the Ch|ef Iust|ce and of the Assoc|ate Iust|ces of the Supreme Court, and of [udges of |ower courts, sha|| be f|xed by |aw.
Dur|ng the|r cont|nuance |n off|ce, the|r sa|ary sha|| not be decreased.

Case keywords Iacts App||cab|e]V|o|ated
Issue & kat|o
nl1AlAn v.
Lax deducLlon
eLlLloners are 81C !udges ln Manlla. SecLlon 10. xxx
uurlng Lhelr
ISSUL 1: Whether or not w|thho|d|ng taxes shou|d
be deducted to the sa|ar|es of a|| [ud|c|ary
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Cl ln1L8nAL
132 SC8A 284

pp. 633-639
of !udlclary
1hey seek Lo prohlblL Cl8 and llnanclal
Cfflcer of Lhe SC from maklng any
deducLlon of wlLhholdlng Laxes from
Lhelr salarles.
1hey submlL LhaL any Lax wlLhheld from
Lhelr emolumenLs or compensaLlon as
[udlclal offlcers consLlLuLes a decrease
of Lhelr salarles, conLrary Lo secLlon 10,
ArL. 8.
!une 4, 1987 ! CourL en banc released
a declslon 8L: CuLS1lCn Cl
LxLM1lCn l8CM lnCCML 1AxA1lCn
LhaL Lhe llnance Cfflce of Lhe CourL Lo
conLlnue Lhe deducLlon of Lhe
wlLhholdlng Laxes from salarles of all
Lhe members of Lhe !udlclary.
conLlnuance ln
offlce, Lhelr salary
shall noL be
lL also means LhaL
Congress may pass
a law flxlng anoLher
raLe of
compensaLlon buL
such raLe musL be
hlgher Lhan LhaL
whlch Lhey are
recelvlng, or lf
lower, lL would be
appllcable only Lo
Lhose appolnLed
afLer lLs approval.
members? ! LS.
! 1he paymenL of such lncome Lax by !usLlces and
!udges does noL fall wlLhln Lhe consLlLuLlonal
proLecLlon agalnsL decrease of Lhelr salarles durlng
Lhe conLlnuance of Lhelr offlce.
! 1he Lrue lnLenL of Lhe framers of Lhe 1987
ConsLlLuLlon was Lo make Lhe salarles of Lhe
members of Lhe !udlclary Laxable.
! Commlssloner 8lgos: Lo glve subsLance Lo
equallLy among Lhe Lhree branches of governmenL
! lr. 8ernas: So, we puL a perlod (.) afLer
'uLC8LASLu' on Lhe undersLandlng LhaL Lhe salary of
[usLlces ls sub[ecL Lo Lax

Sect|on 11. 1he Members of the Supreme Court and [udges of |ower courts sha|| ho|d off|ce dur|ng good behav|or unt|| they reach the age of seventy
years or become |ncapac|tated to d|scharge the dut|es of the|r off|ce. 1he Supreme Court en banc sha|| have the power to d|sc|p||ne [udges of |ower
courts, or order the|r d|sm|ssa| by a vote of a ma[or|ty of the Members who actua||y took part |n the de||berat|ons on the |ssues |n the case and voted

Case keywords Iacts App||cab|e]V|o|ated
Issue & kat|o
vargas v.

80 hll. 297
SecurlLy of

SecLlon 14 of
Lhe eople's
CourL AcL

onenLe: Pldalgo, !.

Such quesLlon of unconsLlLuLlonallLy or
repugnancy Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon arlses
ln relaLlon Lo Lhe dlsquallflcaLlon of
cerLaln members of Lhe Supreme CourL
provlded for ln SecLlon 14 of Lhe
eople's CourL AcL.
eop|e's Court Act,
Sec. 14. Any [usLlce
of Lhe SC who held
any offlce or
poslLlon under Lhe
hlllpplne LxecuLlve
Commlsslon (LC)
or under Lhe
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe Congress had Lhe
power Lo add Lo Lhe pre-exlsLlng grounds of
dlsquallflcaLlon of a !usLlce of Lhe SC, provlded for
ln SecLlon 14. ! No.

kA1IC 1:
! 1he ground for dlsquallflcaLlon added by SecLlon
14 of CommonwealLh AcL 682 Lo Lhose already
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
of [usLlces governmenL of Lhe
8 may noL slL and
voLe ln any case
broughL Lo LhaL
CourL under secLlon
13 hereof ln whlch
Lhe accused ls a
person who held
any offlce or
poslLlon under
elLher or boLh Lhe
LC and Lhe 8 or
any branch,
lnsLrumenLallLy, or
agency Lhereof.

lf, on accounL of
dlsquallflcaLlon, or
because of any of
Lhe grounds or
dlsquallflcaLlon of
[udges, ln 8ule 126,
secLlon 1 of Lhe
8ules of CourL, or
on accounL of
lllness, absence of
Lemporary dlsablllLy
Lhe requlslLe
number of !usLlces
necessary Lo
consLlLuLe a
quorum or Lo
render [udgmenL ln
exlsLlng aL Lhe Llme of Lhe adopLlon of Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon and conLlnued by lL ls noL only
arblLrary and lrraLlonal buL also poslLlvely vlolaLlve
of Crganlc Law.
A law repugnanL Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ls vold. lor
repugnancy Lo resulL, Lhere ls no requlremenL of
acLual removal of Lhe dlsquallfled [udges.
noneLheless, Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe SC ln cases can
only be exerclsed by Lhose [usLlces who are
appolnLed by Lhe resldenL. 1he deprlvaLlon of
hls/her [udlclal power ls equlvalenL Lo Lhe
deprlvaLlon of Lhe [udlclal power of Lhls courL. lL ls
also repugnanL LhaL Lhe [usLlces ln Lhe lower courLs
do noL have Lhe same quallflcaLlons as Lhose wlLh
Lhe [usLlces of Lhe SC.

ISSUL 2: WheLher or noL a person may acL as a
!usLlce of Lhe SC who has noL been duly appolnLed
by Lhe resldenL and conflrmed by Lhe CA pursuanL
Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon, even only as a deslgnee". !

kA1IC 2:
! Such deslgnaLlon auLhorlzed ln SecLlon 14 of Lhe
eople's CourL AcL cannoL posslbly be a compllance
wlLh Lhe provlslon requlrlng LhaL appolnLmenL.
AddlLlonal dlsquallfylng clrcumsLances of Lhe
deslgnee" are Lhe lack of conflrmaLlon by or
consenL of Lhe Commlsslon on AppolnLmenLs. 1hls
ls anoLher polnL of repugnancy beLween Lhe
challenged secLlon and Lhe ConsLlLuLlon. lL ls ln facL
saylng LhaL Lhe composlLlon of Lhe CourL ls
Lemporary, when lL ls noL. 1hls 1rlbunal,
esLabllshed under Lhe Crganlc Law, ls one of Lhe
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
any case ls noL
presenL, Lhe
resldenL may
deslgnaLe such
number of !udges of
llrsL lnsLance,
!udges-aL-large of
llrsL lnsLance, or
CadasLral !udges,
havlng none of Lhe
dlsquallflcaLlons seL
forLh ln sald secLlon
one hereof, as may
be necessary Lo slL
Lemporarlly as
!usLlce of sald
CourL, ln order Lo
form a quorum or
unLll a [udgmenL ln
sald case ls reached.

Art|c|e 8, Sec. 4.
(1) 1he Supreme
CourL shall be
composed of a Chlef
!usLlce and fourLeen
AssoclaLe !usLlces.

Art|c|e 8, Sec. S.
ulscusses Lhe
powers of Lhe SC
and where Lhey
have orlglnal
permanenL lnsLlLuLlons of Lhe governmenL.

ISSUL 3: WheLher or noL by Lhe meLhod of
deslgnaLlon" creaLed by Lhe aforeclLed SecLlon 14
of a !udge of llrsL lnsLance, !udge-aL-Large of llrsL
lnsLance, or CadasLral !udge, deslgnaLed by Lhe
resldenL under Lhe same secLlon can
consLlLuLlonally slL Lemporarlly as !usLlce" of Lhe
SC by vlrLue Lhereof. ! No.

kA1IC 3:
! A Lemporary member of Lhe CourL would be
mlsnomer, lmplylng a poslLlon noL conLemplaLed by
Lhe consLlLuLlon. ursuanL Lo SecLlons 4 and 3 of
ArLlcle 8, Lhe framers lnLended Lhe SC Lo funcLlon
Lhrough Lhe members who are Lhereln deflned, and
by secLlon 6, Lhey deLermlned who may be
appolnLed by such members. Pence, we do noL see
why deslgnees" ln such a case can consLlLuLlonally
slL Lemporarlly as !usLlces" of Lhe SC.
1herefore, Sect|on 14 of the eop|e's Court Act |s
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

Sect|on 12. 1he Members of the Supreme Court and of other courts estab||shed by |aw sha|| not be des|gnated to any agency perform|ng quas|-
[ud|c|a| or adm|n|strat|ve funct|ons.

Sect|on 13. 1he conc|us|ons of the Supreme Court |n any case subm|tted to |t for dec|s|on en banc or |n d|v|s|on sha|| be reached |n consu|tat|on
before the case |s ass|gned to a Member for the wr|t|ng of the op|n|on of the Court. A cert|f|cat|on to th|s effect s|gned by the Ch|ef Iust|ce sha|| be
|ssued and a copy thereof attached to the record of the case and served upon the part|es. Any Members who took no part, or d|ssented, or absta|ned
from a dec|s|on or reso|ut|on, must state the reason therefor. 1he same requ|rements sha|| be observed by a|| |ower co||eg|ate courts.

Sect|on 14. No dec|s|on sha|| be rendered by any court w|thout express|ng there|n c|ear|y and d|st|nct|y the facts and the |aw on wh|ch |t |s based.

No pet|t|on for rev|ew or mot|on for recons|derat|on of a dec|s|on of the court sha|| be refused due course or den|ed w|thout stat|ng the |ega| bas|s

Case keywords Iacts App||cab|e]V|o|ated
Issue & kat|o
Al8 l8AnCL v.

18 SC8A 133
llrsL class

WhlLe man
onenLe: Sanchez, !.
1he case ls now before us for revlew on
LssenLlal facLs
Carrascoso was one of Lhe 28 llllplno
pllgrlms who lefL Manlla for Lourdes,
lrance. Alr lrance, Lhrough Lhe
hlllpplne Alr Llnes, lnc., lssued a flrsL
class" round Lrlp LlckeL Lo Carrascoso
from Manlla Lo 8ome. Powever, durlng
Lhe Manlla Lo 8angkok fllghL, Carrascoso
was forced by Lhe Alr lrance Manager
Lo vacaLe hls flrsL class" seaL.
now, Lhe rellef peLlLloner (Alr lrance)
seeks LhaL Lhe CourL revlew all Lhe
flndlngs of Lhe CourL of Appeals (CA),"
saylng LhaL respondenL courL falled Lo
Art|c|e 8, Sec. 12 of
the 193S
Const|tut|on. no
declslon shall be
rendered by any
courL of record
wlLhouL expresslng
Lhereln clearly and
dlsLlncLly Lhe facLs
and Lhe law on
whlch lL ls based.

Sect|on 1, ku|e 36,
ku|es of Court,
whlch baslcally
sLaLes, a [udgmenL
deLermlnlng Lhe
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe CA falled Lo make
flndlngs of facL on all lssues lald before lL by
Carrasco. ! NC.

! 1he law solely lnslsLs LhaL a declslon sLaLe LhaL
Lhe essenLlal ulLlmaLe facLs" upon whlch Lhe courL's
concluslon ls drawn. So long as Lhe declslon of Lhe
CA conLalns Lhe necessary facLs Lo warranL lLs
concluslons, lL ls no error for sald courL Lo wlLhhold
any speclflc flndlng of facLs wlLh respecL Lo Lhe
evldence for Lhe defense. 1he legal presumpLlons
are LhaL offlclal duLy has been regularly performed
and LhaL all Lhe maLLers wlLhln an lssue ln a case
were lald down before Lhe courL and passed upon by
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
make compleLe flnds of facL on all Lhe
lssues properly lald before lL.
AddlLlonal facLs
ln Lhe words of wlLness LrnesLo CuenLo,
Lhere was a whlLe man," who Lhe Alr
lrance Manager alleged had a beLLer
rlghL" Lo Lhe seaL. When Carrascoso
was asked Lo vacaLe hls seaL, he
naLurally refused, Lelllng Lhe Manager
LhaL hls seaL would be Laken over hls
dead body.
A commoLlon ensued beLween
Carrascoso and Lhe whlLe man,
Lhereupon Lhey all came across Lo
Carrasoco and paclfled hlm Lo glve hls
seaL Lo Lhe whlLe man. lalnLlff
relucLanLly gave away hls flrsL class"
seaL ln Lhe plane.)
noLe: 1he clalm of W/n Lhe LlckeL was
flrsL class" or noL ls lmmaLerlal because
Lhe lssue aL hand ls dlfferenL.
merlLs of a case
shall sLaLe 'clearly
and dlsLlncLly Lhe
facLs and Lhe law on
whlch lL ls based.'"

Sect|on 4, ku|e S1,
Sec. 33(2), Iud|c|ary
Act of 1948, as
amended, whlch
sLaLes, Lvery
declslon of Lhe
CourL of Appeals
shall conLaln
compleLe flndlngs
of facL on all lssues
properly ralsed
before lL."
vALuLZ v.
CCu81 Cl
A Lhree-page declslon of Lhe Lrlal courL
conLalned ln Lhe flrsL Lwo pages a
sLaLemenL of Lhe allegaLlons of Lhe
pleadlngs of Lhe parLles and
enumeraLes Lhe wlLnesses presenLed
and Lhe exhlblLs marked durlng Lhe Lrlal.
1he courL sLaLemenL ln Lhe declslon LhaL
a parLy has proven hls case whlle Lhe
oLher has noL, ls noL Lhe flndlngs of facLs
conLemplaLed by Lhe ConsLlLuLlon and
Lhe rules Lo be clearly and dlsLlncLly
ISSUL 1: uld Lhe declslon of Lhe CourL of Appeals
sLaLe Lhe flndlng of facLs? ! NC
! 1he sald 3-page declslon whlch conLalned a
sLaLemenL of allegaLlons, pleadlngs of parLles, and
enumeraLlon of wlLnesses was noL a clear and
dlsLlncL sLaLemenL of facLs ln Lhe basls of whlch Lhe
declslon ls rendered. A mere concluslon of facLs and
Lhe law based on wlLhouL sLaLlng Lhe facLs whlch
serve Lhe basls ls noL sufflclenL.
! 1hls CourL ls noL Lhe Lrler of facLs and lL relles on
Lhe facLs found by Lhe lower courLs and appellaLe
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
unforLunaLely, Lhe appellaLe courL
overlooked Lhls and adopLed Lhe
alleged flndlngs of facLs of Lhe Lrlal
courL. lacLs are sLaLed by Lhey are
hardly a subsLanLlal compllance wlLh
Lhe mandaLe.
courLs. Powever, Lhe CourL had Lo wade Lhrough
records and make lLs own flndlngs Lo avold furLher
1he accused ls alleged of commlLLlng 4
counLs of rape and was convlcLed by Lhe
Lrlal courL of Lhe sald crlmes. Powever,
lL merely summarlzed Lhe LesLlmonles
of Lhe wlLnesses and falled Lo sLaLe ln
Lhe sald declslon Lhe facLual and legal
basls for Lhe lmposlLlon of deaLh
penalLy on hlm.
ISSUL 1: uld Lhe Lrlal courL comply wlLh Lhe
consLlLuLlonal requlremenLs? ! NC
! 1rlal courLs should noL merely provlde
LesLlmonles of wlLnesses of boLh parLles and [usL
come ouL wlLh a concluslon based on Lhose. 1he Lrlal
courL falled Lo speclflcally sLaLe Lhe facLs proven by
Lhe prosecuLlon based on Lhelr evldence, Lhe lssues
ralsed by Lhe parLles and lLs resoluLlon of Lhe facLual
and legal lssues, as well as Lhe legal and facLual
bases for convlcLlng Lhe accused-appellanL for Lhe
crlmes charged.

(lounder, Ll
Shaddal) v.

S?S1LM (S!S)
1hls peLlLlon for revlew assalls Lhe
declslon of Lhe lower courLs. 1he maln
quesLlon ls wheLher or noL Lhe acL of a
rellglous leader llke any of hereln
respondenLs, ln endorslng Lhe
candldacy of a candldaLe for elecLlve
offlce or ln urglng or requlrlng Lhe
members of hls flock Lo voLe for a
speclfled candldaLe, ls vlolaLlve of Lhe
leLLer or splrlL of Lhe consLlLuLlonal
1he Lrlal courL declded LhaL sald acLs
were unconsLlLuLlonal, however lL falled
ISSUL 1: uld Lhe declslon of Lhe courL fall Lo comply
wlLh Lhe requlremenLs of Lhe consLlLuLlon ln lLs
wrlLLen declslon? ! LS
! 1he essenLlal parLs of a case are (1) sLaLemenL of
Lhe case (2) sLaLemenL of facLs (3) lssues or
asslgnmenL of errors (4) courL rullng (3) dlsposlLlve
porLlon. 1hls case dld noL lnclude (2) and (3). lL
cannoL slmply say a [udgmenL had been rendered
wlLhouL any [usLlflcaLlon. lallure Lo comply wlLh Lhls
consLlLuLlonal provlslon ls a grave abuse of
dlscreLlon. lL musL be a nulllLy and musL be sLruck
down as vold.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Lo provlde a clear and compleLe
declslon. lL ls alleged LhaL Lhe
quesLloned declslon dld noL conLaln a
sLaLemenL of facLs and a dlsposlLlve
ISSUL 2: Are Lhe acLs of a rellglous leader ln
endorslng a candldaLe vlolaLlve of Lhe consLlLuLlon?
! NC
! 1he courL deems Lhls consLlLuLlonal lssue Lo be of
-paramounL lnLeresL Lo Lhe llllplno clLlzenry for lL
concerns Lhe governance of our counLry and lLs
people. 1herefore, desplLe Lhe obvlous procedural
Lransgresslons by boLh S!S and Lhe Lrlal courL, Lhls
courL sLlll called for oral argumenL, so as noL Lo leave
any doubL LhaL Lhere mlghL be room Lo enLerLaln
and dlspose of Lhe S!S eLlLlon on Lhe merlLs.
! Counsel for S!S however falled Lo convlnce Lhe
CourL LhaL Lhere are enough facLual and legal bases
Lo resolve Lhls paramounL lssue. 1he offlce of Lhe
Sol. Cen. has slded wlLh Lhe peLlLloner lnsofar as
Lhere are no facLs supporLlng Lhe S!S peLlLlon and
Lhe assalled declslon.

Sect|on 1S.
(1) A|| cases or matters f||ed after the effect|v|ty of th|s Const|tut|on must be dec|ded or reso|ved w|th|n twenty-four months from date of subm|ss|on
for the Supreme Court, and, un|ess reduced by the Supreme Court, twe|ve months for a|| |ower co||eg|ate courts, and three months for a|| other |ower

(2) A case or matter sha|| be deemed subm|tted for dec|s|on or reso|ut|on upon the f|||ng of the |ast p|ead|ng, br|ef, or memorandum requ|red by the
ku|es of Court or by the court |tse|f.

(3) Upon the exp|rat|on of the correspond|ng per|od, a cert|f|cat|on to th|s effect s|gned by the Ch|ef Iust|ce or the pres|d|ng [udge sha|| forthw|th be
|ssued and a copy thereof attached to the record of the case or matter, and served upon the part|es. 1he cert|f|cat|on sha|| state why a dec|s|on or
reso|ut|on has not been rendered or |ssued w|th|n sa|d per|od.

(4) Desp|te the exp|rat|on of the app||cab|e mandatory per|od, the court, w|thout pre[ud|ce to such respons|b|||ty as may have been |ncurred |n
consequence thereof, sha|| dec|de or reso|ve the case or matter subm|tted thereto for determ|nat|on, w|thout further de|ay.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

Case keywords Iacts App||cab|e]V|o|ated
Issue & kat|o
8L: 8C8LLM Cl
8LlC8L 1PL

A.M. no. 00-8-

november 28,

p. 637

Sandlganbayan A quesLlon ls ralsed on wheLher or noL
Lhe Sandlganbayan funcLlons as a
regular courL and ls Lherefore covered
by Lhe reglemenLary perlod prescrlbed
ln SecLlon 13, ArLlcle vlll of Lhe 1987
ArLlcle vlll, SecLlon
13(1) of Lhe 1987
ConsLlLuLlon. All
cases or maLLers
flled afLer Lhe
effecLlvlLy of Lhls
ConsLlLuLlon musL
be declded or
resolved wlLhln
LwenLy-four monLhs
from daLe of
submlsslon Lo Lhe
Supreme CourL.
ArLlcle vlll, SecLlon
13(2) of Lhe 1987
ConsLlLuLlon. A case
or maLLer shall be
deemed submlLLed
for declslon or
resoluLlon upon Lhe
flllng of Lhe lasL
pleadlng, brlef.
.u. no. 1606,
SecLlon 6.
Maxlmum perlod
for LermlnaLlon of
cases - As far as
pracLlcable, Lhe Lrlal
of cases before Lhe
once commenced
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe reglemenLary perlod
for Lhe resoluLlon of cases prescrlbed ln SecLlon 13
of ArLlcle vlll of Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon applles Lo
Lhe Sandlganbayan. !!"# =&' 76'496)W'1
6'2,'3'*%+6- 7'6).1 1.'4 *.% +77,- %. %&'

o 1he provlslon does noL apply Lo Lhe
Sandlganbayan, lL refers Lo regular courLs of
lower colleglaLe level LhaL ln presenL hlerarchy
applles only Lo Lhe CourL of Appeals.
o 1he Sandlganbayan ls a speclal courL of Lhe
same level as Lhe CourL of Appeals and
possesslng all Lhe lnherenL powers of a courL of
[usLlce, wlLh funcLlons of a Lrlal courL.
o CourL AdmlnlsLraLor conLradlcLed Lhls vlew and
dlsLlngulshed beLween cases whlch Lhe
Sandlganbayan has cognlzance of ln lLs orlglnal
[urlsdlcLlon, and cases whlch fall wlLhln Lhe
appellaLe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe Sandlganbayan. Pe
poslLed LhaL slnce ln Lhe flrsL class of cases, Lhe
Sandlganbayan acLs more as a Lrlal courL, Lhen
for LhaL classlflcaLlon of caes, Lhe 3 monLh
reglemenLary perlod applles. lor Lhe second
class of cases, Lhe Sandlganbayan has Lhe 12
monLh reglemenLary perlod for colleglaLe
courLs. Powever, Lhe CourL dlsagreed wlLh such
o lurLher, Sec. 6 of .u. no. 1606, Lhe law LhaL
creaLed Lhe Sandlganbayan, provlded LhaL
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
shall be conLlnuous
unLll LermlnaLed
and Lhe [udgmenL
shall be rendered
wlLhln Lhree (3)

cases, as far as pracLlcable, musL be resolved.
o Also, on SepLember 18, 1984, Lhe
Sandlganbayan promulgaLed lLs own rule
afflrmlng Lhe 3-monLh perlod prescrlbed ln .u.
no. 1606.
8. CCu81
A.M. no. M1!-
CcLober 20, 1999
p. 638
onenLe: anganlban, !.
8espondenL [udge was charged wlLh
vlolaLlons of Lhe Code of !udlclal
ConducL for allegedly noL decldlng
maLLers pendlng before hlm wlLhln Lhe
perlod flxed by law.

Cases musL be
aLLended Lo wlLhln
Lhe prescrlbed
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe respondenL [udge
vlolaLed Lhe Code of !udlclal ConducL!DB<#

o 1he Code of [udlclal ConducL requlres [udges Lo
declde cases and maLLers pendlng before Lhem
wlLhln Lhe perlod flxed by law. A heavy case
load and a poor healLh may parLlally excuse
such lapses, only lf Lhe [udges concerned
requesL reasonable exLenslons.
o 8espondenL [udge made no efforL Lo lnform Lhe
CourL of hls reasons for Lhe delay, much less Lo
requesL any exLenslon. 8espondenL even slgned
cerLlflcaLlons LhaL all cases and moLlons
pendlng before hlm had been aLLended Lo
wlLhln Lhe prescrlbed perlod.
o 1hls courL has always emphaslzed Lhe need and
Lhe lmperaLlve for [udges Lo declde cases
prompLly and expedlLlously wlLhln Lhe
consLlLuLlonally prescrlbed 90-day perlod.
lallure Lo do so consLlLuLes gross lnefflclency
and warranLs admlnlsLraLlve sancLlons.
noLe: 1aklng lnLo accounL Lhe falllng healLh and
Lhe respondenL's havlng already compulsorlly
reLlred, he should be flned ln Lhe amounL of forLy
Lhousand pesos (40,000).
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

Sect|on 16. 1he Supreme Court sha||, w|th|n th|rty days from the open|ng of each regu|ar sess|on of the Congress, subm|t to the res|dent and the
Congress an annua| report on the operat|ons and act|v|t|es of the Iud|c|ary.

!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!


SLC1ICN 1. 1he Const|tut|ona| Comm|ss|ons, wh|ch sha|| be |ndependent, are the C|v|| Serv|ce Comm|ss|on, the Comm|ss|on on L|ect|ons, and the
Comm|ss|on on Aud|t.

Case keywords Iacts App||cab|e]V|o|ated
Issue & kat|o
C.8. no. 137013
!uly 10, 2003
p 6S9-660

k.A. No. 9189
"An AcL
rovldlng for
A SysLem of
voLlng by
ClLlzens of Lhe
1herefor, and
for CLher
8espondenLs' proflle: CCMMlSSlCn
Cn LLLC1lCnS, PCn. AL8L81C
8CMuLC, ln hls offlclal capaclLy as
LxecuLlve SecreLary, and PCn.
LMlLlA 1. 8CnCCuln, SecreLary of
Lhe ueparLmenL of 8udgeL and

8CMuLC MACALln1AL, l8 member,
subm|ts that the creat|on of the Io|nt
Congress|ona| Cvers|ght Comm|ttee
wlLh Lhe power Lo revlew, revlse,
amend and approve Lhe
lmplemenLlng 8ules and 8egulaLlons
promulgaLed by Lhe CCMLLLC, 8.A.
no. 9189 |ntrudes |nto the
|ndependence of the CCMLLLC
whlch, as a consLlLuLlonal body, ls noL
under Lhe conLrol of elLher Lhe
execuLlve or leglslaLlve deparLmenLs
of governmenL, LhaL only Lhe
CCMLLLC lLself can promulgaLe rules
and regulaLlons whlch may be
changed or revlsed only by Lhe
ma[orlLy of lLs members.
8.A. no. 9189 creaLed
Lhe !CCC, as follows:

SLC. 23. !"#$%
./*)+#(0% '"11#%%**. -
xxx 2)"/#3*3, 1haL, of
Lhe seven (7) members
Lo be deslgnaLed by
each Pouse of
Congress, four (4)
should come from Lhe
ma[orlLy and Lhe
remalnlng Lhree (3)
from Lhe mlnorlLy.

1he Io|nt
Cvers|ght Comm|ttee
sha|| have the power
to mon|tor and
eva|uate the
|mp|ementat|on of th|s
Act. It sha|| rev|ew,
rev|se, amend and
l: W/n SecLlons 19 and 23 of 8.A. no. 9189
vlolaLe ArLlcle lx-A (Common rovlslons) SecLlon
1 of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
Peld: ?LS
1he second senLence of Lhe flrsL paragraph of
SecLlon 19, Lo wlL: "!"# %&'(#&#)*+), -.(#/
0)1 -#,.(0*+2)/ /"0(( 3# /.3&+**#1 *2 *"#
42+)* 52),6#//+2)0( 78#6/+,"* 52&&+**##
96#0*#1 3: 8+6*.# 2; *"+/ <9* ;26 '6+26
0''6280(," and
1he second senLence ln Lhe second
paragraph of SecLlon 23, Lo wlL: "%* /"0((
6#8+#=> 6#8+/#> 0&#)1 0)1 0''628# *"#
%&'(#&#)*+), -.(#/ 0)1 -#,.(0*+2)/
'62&.(,0*#1 3: *"# 52&&+//+2)? 2; *"#
/0&# (0=,
are declared unCCnS1l1u1lCnAL & vClu for
belng repugnanL Lo SecLlon 1, ArLlcle lx-A of Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon mandaLlng Lhe lndependence of
consLlLuLlonal commlsslon, such as CCMLLLC.

8aLlo: 1he leglslaLlve funcLlon of Congress ls noL
Lo approve, revlew, revlse and amend Lhe l88 of

!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

CCMLLLC [olns Lhe peLlLloner ln
asserLlng LhaL as an lndependenL
consLlLuLlonal body, lL may noL be
sub[ecL Lo lnLerference by any
governmenL lnsLrumenLallLy and LhaL
only Lhls CourL may revlew CCMLLLC
rules and only ln cases of grave abuse
of dlscreLlon.
approve the
Imp|ement|ng ku|es
and kegu|at|ons
promu|gated by the
Comm|ss|on. (Lmphasls

SLC. 19. AuLhorlLy of
Lhe Commlsslon Lo
romulgaLe 8ules. -
1he Commlsslon shall
lssue Lhe necessary
rules and regulaLlons Lo
effecLlvely lmplemenL
Lhe provlslons of Lhls
AcL wlLhln slxLy (60)
days from Lhe
effecLlvlLy of Lhls
AcL. 1he Imp|ement|ng
ku|es and kegu|at|ons
sha|| be subm|tted to
the Io|nt Congress|ona|
Cvers|ght Comm|ttee
created by v|rtue of
th|s Act for pr|or
1he framers of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon wanLed
CCMLLLC Lo be lndependenL from Lhe oLher
deparLmenLs of Lhe CovernmenL.

Congress, ln boLh provlslons, arrogaLes unLo lLself
a funcLlon noL speclflcally vesLed by Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon, should be sLrlcken ouL of Lhe
sub[ecL sLaLuLe for consLlLuLlonal lnflrmlLy. 8oLh
provlslons brazenly vlolaLe Lhe mandaLe on Lhe
lndependence of Lhe CCMLLLC.

Sect|on 2. No member of a Const|tut|ona| Comm|ss|on sha||, dur|ng h|s tenure, ho|d any other off|ce or emp|oyment. Ne|ther sha|| he engage |n the
pract|ce of any profess|on or |n the act|ve management or contro| of any bus|ness wh|ch, |n any way, may be affected by the funct|ons of h|s off|ce,
nor sha|| he be f|nanc|a||y |nterested, d|rect|y or |nd|rect|y, |n any contract w|th, or |n any franch|se or pr|v||ege granted by the Government, any of |ts
subd|v|s|ons, agenc|es, or |nstrumenta||t|es, |nc|ud|ng government-owned or contro||ed corporat|ons or the|r subs|d|ar|es.

Sect|on. 3. 1he sa|ary of the Cha|rman and the Comm|ss|oners sha|| be f|xed by |aw and sha|| not be decreased dur|ng the|r tenure.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

Sect|on 4. 1he Const|tut|ona| Comm|ss|ons sha|| appo|nt the|r off|c|a|s and emp|oyees |n accordance w|th |aw.

Sect|on S. 1he Comm|ss|on sha|| en[oy f|sca| autonomy. 1he|r approved annua| appropr|at|ons sha|| be automat|ca||y and regu|ar|y re|eased.

Sect|on 6. Lach Comm|ss|on en banc may promu|gate |ts own ru|es concern|ng p|ead|ngs and pract|ce before |t or before any of |ts off|ces. Such ru|es,
however, sha|| not d|m|n|sh, |ncrease, or mod|fy substant|ve r|ghts.

Case keywords Iacts App||cab|e]V|o|ated
Issue & kat|o

Ik. V. CA &

C.8. no.
CcLober 20,

g 661
ku|es of
rocedure vs.
ku|es of
Aruelo and CaLchallan were rlval
candldaLes ln Lhe May 11, 1992
elecLlons. CaLchallan won over Aruelo
by a margln of four voLes, such LhaL on
May 13, 1992, Lhe Munlclpal 8oard of
Canvassers proclalmed hlm as Lhe duly
elecLed vlce-Mayor of 8alagLas,

!une 6, 1992! CCMLLLC denled
Aruelo's peLlLlon Lo annul CaLchallan's
proclamaLlon due Lo non-submlsslon of
evldence & oLher supporLlng

november 24, 1992! Lhe CourL of
Appeals rendered a declslon denylng
CaLchallan's peLlLlon, buL declared, aL
Lhe same Llme, LhaL CaLchallan's
Answer WlLh CounLer-roLesL and
CounLerclalm was Llmely flled.

Pence, 1hls peLlLlon for cerLlorarl and
prohlblLlon Lo seL aslde Lhe ueclslon of

SecLlon 2, 8ule 1,
arL l provldes:

Sec. 2.
455-#6,7#-#%8 -
1hese ru|es, excepL
arL vl, sha|| app|y
to a|| act|ons and
brought before the
Comm|ss|on. arL vl
shall apply Lo
elecLlon conLesLs

l: W/n Aruelo ls correcL ln asserLlng Lhe CCMLLLC
8ules of rocedure ln Lhe flllng of moLlons Lo
dlsmlss and blll of parLlculars

Peld: nC, peLlLlon ls hereby ulSMlSSLu

eLlLloner flled Lhe elecLlon proLesL (Clvll Case no. -
343-M-92) wlLh Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL, whose
proceedlngs are CCvL8nLu by Lhe 8LvlSLu 8uLLS
Cl CCu81 and noL of Lhe CCMLLLC 8ules of

" See also Lhe appllcablllLy of CCMLLLC 8ules of
rocedure accordlng Lo rule 1 of secLlon 2.

1he CCMLLLC cannoL adopL a rule prohlblLlng Lhe
flllng of cerLaln pleadlngs ln Lhe regular courLs.

1he power Lo promulgaLe rules concernlng
pleadlngs, pracLlce and procedure ln all courLs ls
vesLed on Lhe Supreme CourL (ConsLlLuLlon, ArL vlll,
Sec. 3 [3]).
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Lhe CourL of whlch ruled LhaL Lhe
answer and counLer-proLesL of
respondenL uanllo l. CaLchallan was
flled Llmely and ordered Lhe 8eglonal
1rlal CourL, 8ranch 17, Malolos, 8ulacan
Lo conLlnue wlLh Lhe proLesL case
proceedlngs flled by peLlLloner Cregorlo
n. Aruelo, !r.

Aruelo asserLs 8ule 33, Sec. 7" and
8ule 13, Sec.1" of Lhe CCMLLLC 8ules
of rocedure.
and 9:"
;,)),$%" cases
cognlzable by courLs
of general or llmlLed


C.8. 133869
SepLember 22,

g 661
I|||ng of 8rgy.
vs. kA
6697]CLC 10-
day per|od
1hls ls a peLlLlon for 6*)%#"),)# seeklng
Lo annul Lhe order of Lhe Second
ulvlslon of Lhe CCMLLLC, dlsmlsslng Lhe
appeal of peLlLloner 8usLlco AnLonlo for
havlng been flled ouL of Llme pursuanL
Lo CCMLLLC 8ules of rocedure, and
Lhe order of Lhe CCMLLLC en banc,
denylng peLlLloner's moLlon for

AnLonlo flled a noLlce of Appeal wlLh
Lhe Lrlal courL nlne (9) days afLer recelpL

CCMLLLC relled on SecLlon 21, 8ule 33
of Lhe CCMLLLC 8ules of rocedure ln
dlsmlsslng Lhe appeal.

eLlLloner conLends LhaL Lhe perlod of
appeal from declslons of Lhe Munlclpal
1rlal CourLs or MeLropollLan 1rlal CourLs
lnvolvlng barangay offlclals ls governed
21. 455*,- - xxx
Lhe aggrleved parLy
may appeal Lo Lhe
Commlsslon on
LlecLlons w|th|n f|ve
(S) days afLer Lhe
promulgaLlon of Lhe

8A 6679 SLC. 9. A
sworn peLlLlon
conLesLlng Lhe
elecLlon of a
barangay offlclal
may be flled wlLh
Lhe proper
munlclpal or
meLropollLan Lrlal
courL by any
candldaLe xxx for a
barangay offlce
l: W/n Lhe 10-day-perlod as provlded ln Lhe
8epubllc AcL 6679 and Lhe Cmnlbus LlecLlon Code
should be followed ln flllng an appeal lnvolvlng an
elecLlon proLesL for a barangay poslLlon

Peld: nC, Lhe CCMLLLC ls Lhe proper appellaLe
courL cloLhed wlLh [urlsdlcLlon Lo hear Lhe appeal,
whlch appeal musL be flled wlLhln flve days afLer Lhe
promulgaLlon of Lhe M1C's declslon.

8aLlo: SecLlon 6, ArLlcle lx-A granLs and auLhorlzes
Lhe CCMLLLC Lo promulgaLe lLs own rules of
procedure. 1he 1993 CCMLLLC 8ules of rocedure
have provlded a unlform flve (3) day perlod for
Laklng an appeal conslsLenL wlLh Lhe expedlLlous
resoluLlon of elecLlon-relaLed cases.

1o adopL a conLrary vlew would defeaL Lhe laudable
ob[ecLlve of provldlng a unlform perlod of appeal
and defy Lhe CCMLLLC's consLlLuLlonal mandaLe Lo
enacL rules of procedure Lo expedlLe dlsposlLlon of
elecLlon cases.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
by SecLlon 9 of 8epubllc AcL 6679 and
SecLlon 232 of Lhe Cmnlbus LlecLlon
w|th|n ten (10) days
afLer Lhe
proclamaLlon of Lhe
resulLs of Lhe
elecLlon. xxx
SLC. 232. <-*6%#"$
6"$%*+% =")
7,),$(,8 "==#6*+. -
A sworn peLlLlon
conLesLlng Lhe
elecLlon of a
barangay offlcer
shall be flled xxx by
any candldaLe who
has duly flled a
cerLlflcaLe of
candldacy and has
been voLed for Lhe
same offlce w|th|n
ten days xxx

Sect|on 7. Lach Comm|ss|on sha|| dec|de by a ma[or|ty vote of a|| |ts Members, any case or matter brought before |t w|th|n s|xty days from the date of
|ts subm|ss|on for dec|s|on or reso|ut|on. A case or matter |s deemed subm|tted for dec|s|on or reso|ut|on upon the f|||ng of the |ast p|ead|ng, br|ef, or
memorandum requ|red by the ru|es of the Comm|ss|on or by the Comm|ss|on |tse|f. Un|ess otherw|se prov|ded by th|s Const|tut|on or by |aw, any
dec|s|on, order, or ru||ng of each Comm|ss|on may be brought to the Supreme Court on cert|orar| by the aggr|eved party w|th|n th|rty days from
rece|pt of a copy thereof.

Case keywords Iacts App||cab|e]V|o|ated
Issue & kat|o
C.8. no. 80319-
21 uecember
1he llrsL ulvlslon of Lhe CCMLLLC
rendered a 2-1 declslon favorlng Lhe
hereln peLlLloner Cua buL
neverLheless suspended hls
proclamaLlon as wlnner ln Lhe lone
SecLlon 3 of CCMLLLC
8esoluLlon no. 1669 reads as

SLC. 3. Cuorum: voLes
l: W/n Lhe 2-1 declslon of Lhe llrsL ulvlslon of
Lhe CCMLLLC ls valld
P: ?LS, lL was a valld declslon under ArLlcle lx-
A, SecLlon 7 of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon.

!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
g 662
congresslonal dlsLrlcL of Culrlno due
Lo Lhe lack of Lhe unanlmous voLe
requlred by Lhe procedural rules ln

1he respondenLs lnslsL LhaL no
declslon was reached by Lhe llrsL
ulvlslon because only Lhree voLes
were casL ln favor of Lhe peLlLloner
and Lhese dld noL consLlLuLe a
ma[orlLy of Lhe body.
requlred, subsLlLuLlon. - 1wo
members shall consLlLuLe a
quorum for Lhe LransacLlon of
Lhe offlclal buslness of Lhe
8: 1he Lhree members who voLed consLlLuLe a
quorum of Lhe flve members who dellberaLed
and voLed Lhereon en banc and Lhelr declslon
ls also valld under Lhe aforeclLed
consLlLuLlonal provlslon.
ner) V.
C.8. no. 91429
!uly 13, 1990
g 662
Act|ng CCA

M/v 'Pyo[lnMaru', a vessel of
!apanese reglsLry, sank whlle ln Lhe
cusLody of Lhe 8ureau of CusLoms,
and could noL be salvaged due Lo
lack of funds.

1he clalmanLs (Chan Chlu Cn and
Cheung l) Lhen flled a clalm agalnsL
Lhe CCA for Lhe paymenL of Lhe value
of Lhe vessel amounLlng Lo uS
$30,000.00, plus Lhe amounL
correspondlng Lo legal lnLeresL.

Mr. LsplrlLu (Manager, 1echnlcal
Servlce Cfflce of Lhe CCA), 'by
auLhorlLy of Lhe AcLlng Chalrman',
denled such clalm of Lhe clalmanLs.
SLC1lCn 7. Lach
Commlsslon shall declde xxx
wlLhln slxLy days from Lhe
daLe of lLs submlsslon for
declslon or resoluLlon. xxx

l: W/n Mr. LsplrlLu's denlal of Lhe clalm valld?
P: nC, Mr. LsplrlLu had no power whaLsoever
Lo render and promulgaLe a declslon for Lhe
CCA, hlm belng 'manager of Lhe CCA
Lechnlcal servlce offlce'.
8: 1he power |s |odged |n the CCA composed
of a Cha|rman and two Comm|ss|oners. ln
facL, even Lhe Chalrman alone does noL have
LhaL power. !urlsdlcLlon belongs Lo Lhe
Commlsslon, as a co||eg|a| body.

Also, any adopLlon or raLlflcaLlon of Lhe
'LsplrlLu declslon' by Lhe AcLlng CCA
Chalrman was lnconsequenLlal as Lhe declslon
was vold ,7 #$#%#" lL belng made wlLhouL
C.8. no.
113219 AugusL
14, 1993
A dlsmlssal of an employee of
MCWAu (Morong WaLer ulsLrlcL),
whlch ls a quasl-publlc corporaLlon,
was flled under Lhe 81C of 8lzal.
Sec. 7. unless oLherwlse
provlded by Lhls ConsLlLuLlon
or by law, any declslon, order,
or rullng of each Commlsslon
may be broughL Lo Lhe
Supreme CourL
l: W/n 81C had [urlsdlcLlon over dlsclpllnary
acLlons of governmenL employees whlch ls
vesLed excluslvely ln Lhe Clvll Servlce

Peld: nC, hlrlng and flrlng of employees ln
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
g 663 on 6*)%#"),)# by Lhe parLy
wlLhln LhlrLy days from
recelpL of a copy Lhereof.
Lhe CCCCs are governed by Lhe provlslons of
Lhe Clvll Servlce Law and 8ules and

8: MCWAu ls a quasl-publlc corporaLlon
creaLed pursuanL Lo u 198 (rovlnclal WaLer
uLlllLles AcL of 1973.
ln ?,/," '#%8 @,%*) ?#+%)#6% /> '#/#- A*)/#6*
'"11#++#"$+, Lhe CourL enbanc ruled LhaL
employees of CCCCs wlLh orlglnal charLer fall
under Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe Clvll Servlce
u. AM8IL V.

C.8. no.
CcLober 23,

g 664
1he case Lo nulllfy Lhe order of Lhe
Commlsslon on LlecLlons (Comelec),
llrsL ulvlslon, glvlng noLlce Lo Lhe
parLles of Lhe promulgaLlon of
Lhe resoluLlon on Lhe case enLlLled
!ose 1. 8amlrez, roLesLee, versus
8uperLo A. Ambll, !r., and Lo prohlblL
Lhe respondenL Commlsslon on
LlecLlon from promulgaLlng Lhe so
called Culanl 5"$*$6#,>B

eLlLloner 8uperLo A. Ambll, !r. and
respondenL !ose 1. 8amlrez were
candldaLes for Lhe poslLlon of
Covernor, LasLern Samar, durlng Lhe
May 11, 1998 elecLlons. Cn May 16,
1998, Lhe rovlnclal 8oard of
Canvassers proclalmed 8uperLo A.
Ambll, !r. as Lhe duly elecLed
Covernor, LasLern Samar.

!une 4, 1998! respondenL 8amlrez
SecLlon 7. Lach commlsslon
shall xxx
unless oLherwlse provlded
by Lhls const|tut|on or by |aw,
any declslon, order, or rullng
of each comm|ss|on may be
broughL Lo Lhe Supreme
CourL on cerLlorarl by Lhe
aggrleved parLy wlLhln LhlrLy
days from recelpL of a copy

ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe Culanl resoluLlon
ls valld and may be promulgaLed

Peld: @7A !"# 6#/2(.*+2) +/ 82+1A

A flnal declslon or resoluLlon becomes
blndlng only afLer lL ls promulgaLed and noL
before. Accordlngly, one who ls no longer a
member of Lhe Commlsslon aL Lhe Llme Lhe
flnal declslon or resoluLlon ls promulgaLed
cannoL valldly Lake parL ln Lhe resoluLlon or
declslon. Much more could he be Lhe
ponenLe of Lhe resoluLlon or declslon. 1he
resoluLlon or declslon of Lhe ulvlslon musL be
slgned by a ma[orlLy of lLs members and duly

Commlssloner Culanl mlghL have slgned a
drafL ponencla prlor Lo hls reLlremenL from
offlce, buL when he vacaLed hls offlce wlLhouL
Lhe flnal declslon or resoluLlon havlng been
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
who obLalned Lhe second hlghesL
number of voLes, flled wlLh Lhe
Comelec, an elecLlon
proLesL challenglng Lhe resulLs.

!anuary 27, 2000!Commlssloner
!apal M. Culanl prepared and slgned
a proposed resoluLlon ln Lhe case.

lebruary 13, 2000! Commlssloner
Culanl reLlred from Lhe servlce. Cn
March 3, 2000, Lhe resldenL of Lhe
hlllpplnes appolnLed Commlssloner
8uflno S. !avler Lo Lhe seaL vacaLed
by Commlssloner Culanl.
Commlssloner !avler assumed offlce
on Aprll 4, 2000.

lebruary 24, 2000! peLlLloner Ambll
and respondenL 8amlrez recelved a
purporLed resoluLlon promulgaLed
on lebruary 14, 2000, slgned by
Commlssloner Culanl and 1ancangco,
wlLh Commlssloner uesamlLo
dlssenLlng (Culanl 8esoluLlon).
promulgaLed, hls voLe was auLomaLlcally

Ik. V.
& 8LkNAL
C.8. nos.
Aprll 20, 2001

g 664

Lffect of
of Gorospe
and Gu|an|

PlsLory: eLlLloner uumayas, !r. and
respondenL 8ernal, !r. were rlval
candldaLes for Lhe poslLlon of mayor
ln Carles, llollo lasL 11 May 1998
synchronlzed elecLlons.

SecLlon 7
I: W/n Lhe resoluLlon ls valld
Peld: BCDA 1he resoluLlon remalns valld.

ln !,1#- /> '.C<D<', Lhe CourL held LhaL a
declslon becomes blndlng only afLer lLs
promulgaLlon. lf aL Lhe Llme lL ls promulgaLed,
a [udge or member of Lhe colleglaLe courL
who had earller slgned or reglsLered hls voLe
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
March 13, 2000! 8ernal, !r. was
proclalmed by Lhe newly-consLlLuLed
Munlclpal 8oard of Canvassers as Lhe
duly-elecLed Mayor of Lhe
MunlclpallLy of Carles, Lhereby
unseaLlng uumayas.

* * * * *
ln vlew of Lhe reLlremenL of
Commlssloners Corospe and Culanl
before Lhe daLe of Lhe promulgaLlon
of Lhe assalled resoluLlon on March
2, 2000.

1here arose Lhe quesLlon on
wheLher Lhe sald resoluLlon should
be deemed null and vold for belng
vlolaLlve of ArLlcle lx-A, SecLlon 7 of
Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon.

has vacaLed offlce, hls voLe on Lhe declslon
musL auLomaLlcally be wlLhdrawn or
cancelled. Accordlngly, Lhe voLes of
Commlssloners Corospe and Culanl should
merely be consldered as wlLhdrawn for Lhe
reason LhaL Lhelr reLlremenL preceded Lhe
resoluLlon's promulgaLlon. 1he effecL of Lhelr
wlLhdrawal would be as lf Lhey had noL slgned
Lhe resoluLlon aL all and only Lhe voLes would
be properly consldered for Lhe purpose of
decldlng Lhe conLroversy.
Powever, unless Lhe wlLhdrawal of Lhe voLes
would maLerlally affecL Lhe resulL lnsofar as
voLes for or agalnsL a parLy ls concerned, we
flnd no reason for declarlng Lhe declslon a
1he defecL clLed by peLlLloner does noL affecL
Lhe subsLance or valldlLy of respondenL
Commlsslon's dlsposlLlon of Lhe conLroversy.
1he nulllflcaLlon of Lhe challenged resoluLlon
would merely prolong Lhe proceedlngs

Sect|on 8. Lach Comm|ss|on sha|| perform such other funct|ons as may be prov|ded by |aw.

!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

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Sect|on 1.
(1) 1he c|v|| serv|ce sha|| be adm|n|stered by the C|v|| Serv|ce Comm|ss|on composed of a Cha|rman and two Comm|ss|oners who sha|| be natura|-born
c|t|zens of the h|||pp|nes and, at the t|me of the|r appo|ntment, at |east th|rty-f|ve years of age, w|th proven capac|ty for pub||c adm|n|strat|on, and
must not have been cand|dates for any e|ect|ve pos|t|on |n the e|ect|ons |mmed|ate|y preced|ng the|r appo|ntment.
(2) 1he Cha|rman and the Comm|ss|oners sha|| be appo|nted by the res|dent w|th the consent of the Comm|ss|on on Appo|ntments for a term of
seven years w|thout reappo|ntment. Cf those f|rst appo|nted, the Cha|rman sha|| ho|d off|ce for seven years, a Comm|ss|oner for f|ve years, and
another Comm|ss|oner for three years, w|thout reappo|ntment. Appo|ntment to any vacancy sha|| be on|y for the unexp|red term of the predecessor.
In no case sha|| any Member be appo|nted or des|gnated |n a temporary or act|ng capac|ty.

Case keywords Iacts App||cab|e]V|o|ated
Issue & kat|o
C8. no. 140333
uecember 13,

g 66S-669
S-LAk 1LkM
!une 11, 1993! Lhe resldenL
appolnLed ALLy. 1helma . Camlnde
Commlssloner, Clvll Servlce
Commlsslon, for a Lerm
explrlng lebruary 02, 1999. 1hls
Lermlnal daLe ls speclfled ln her
appolnLmenL paper.

SepLember 07, 1993! Lhe
Commlsslon on AppolnLmenLs
conflrmed Lhe appolnLmenL. She
accepLed Lhe appolnLmenL and
assumed offlce on !une 22, 1993 for
a Lerm explrlng on lebruary 02,

lebruary 24, 1998! 1he Chlef
resldenLlal Legal Counsel, ln a leLLer
daLed Aprll 07, 1998 oplned LhaL
1he Lerm of offlce of
Lhe Chalrman and
members of Lhe CSC:

SecLlon 1 (2). xxx Cf
Lhose flrsL appolnLed,
Lhe Chalrman shall hold
offlce for seven years,
a Comm|ss|oner for
f|ve years, and anoLher
Commlssloner for
Lhree years, w|thout
reappo|ntment. xxx
ISSUL: WheLher or noL Lhe 3-year-Lerm of offlce
of ALLy. 1helma . Camlnde, as Commlssloner,
Clvll Servlce Commlsslon, explred on lebruary
02, 1999, as sLaLed ln Lhe appolnLmenL paper,
or on lebruary 02, 2000, as clalmed by her.

nLLD: Per Lerm explred on Iebruary 2, 1999
buL sLlll enLlLled Lo recelve her salary and oLher
emolumenLs for acLual servlce rendered unLll
lebruary 2, 2000.

kA1IC: 1he leLLer daLed Aprll 07, 1998, of
uepuLy LxecuLlve SecreLary 8enaLo C.
Corona clarlfylng LhaL her Lerm would explre on
lebruary 02, 2000, was ln L88C8. WhaL was
submlLLed Lo Lhe Commlsslon on AppolnLmenLs
was a nomlnaLlon for a Lerm explrlng on
lebruary 02, 1999.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Camlnde's Lerm of offlce would
explre on lebruary 02, 2000, noL on
lebruary 02, 1999.

March 24, 1999! CSC 8esldenL
AudlLor llovlLas u. lellpe lssued
noLlce of dlsallowance, dlsallowlng ln
audlL Lhe salarles and emolumenLs
of Camlnde effecLlve lebruary 02,

Sect|on 2.
(1) 1he c|v|| serv|ce embraces a|| branches, subd|v|s|ons, |nstrumenta||t|es, and agenc|es of the Government, |nc|ud|ng government-owned or
contro||ed corporat|ons w|th or|g|na| charters.
(2) Appo|ntments |n the c|v|| serv|ce sha|| be made on|y accord|ng to mer|t and f|tness to be determ|ned, as far as pract|cab|e, and, except to pos|t|ons
wh|ch are po||cy-determ|n|ng, pr|mar||y conf|dent|a|, or h|gh|y techn|ca|, by compet|t|ve exam|nat|on.
(3) No off|cer or emp|oyee of the c|v|| serv|ce sha|| be removed or suspended except for cause prov|ded by |aw.
(4) No off|cer or emp|oyee |n the c|v|| serv|ce sha|| engage, d|rect|y or |nd|rect|y, |n any e|ect|oneer|ng or part|san po||t|ca| campa|gn.
(S) 1he r|ght to se|f-organ|zat|on sha|| not be den|ed to government emp|oyees.
(6) 1emporary emp|oyees of the Government sha|| be g|ven such protect|on as may be prov|ded by |aw.

Case keywords Iacts App||cab|e]V|o|ated
Issue & kat|o
A. LII8 V. CA &

C.8. no. 129133
november 23, 1998

g 670-671
CSC covers
eLlLloner !ose 1. AlmonLe, as
Commlssloner of Lconomlc
lnLelllgence and lnvesLlgaLlon
8ureau (Lll8), falled Lo submlL all
appolnLmenLs of Lll8 as requlred by

Pe lnvoked u no. 1438 and LCl no.
71 exempLlng Lhe Lll8 from Lhe
coverage of clvll servlce rules and
regulaLlons on appolnLmenLs and

SLC1lCn 2. (1) 1he
clvll servlce embraces
a|| branches,
lnsLrumenLallLles, and
agenc|es of the
Government, lncludlng
governmenL-owned or
conLrolled corporaLlons
wlLh orlglnal charLers.
ISSUL: WheLher or noL Lhe peLlLloner, Lconomlc
lnLelllgence lnvesLlgaLlon 8ureau (Lll8), ls
embraced by Lhe Clvll Servlce.

nLLD: ?es, Lll8 ls a governmenL agency under
Lhe ueparLmenL of llnance, whlch ls wlLhln Lhe
amblL of Lhe Clvll Servlce Law as pursuanL Lo
Sec. 2 (1), ArL. lx-8 of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon.

kA1IC: 1he u 1438 and LCl no. 71 belng
lnvoked by Lhe peLlLloner had no merlL.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
oLher personnel acLlons.

CSC ad[udge AlmonLe gullLy of
lndlrecL conLempL wlLh penalLy of
flne 1,000.00 each day of hls fallure
Lo comply wlLh Lhe CSC Crder whlch
shall be deducLed from hls salary.

ulssaLlsfled LherewlLh, peLlLloner
wenL Lo Lhe CourL of Appeals buL hls
eLlLlon for CerLlorarl was

LCl no. 71, Lhe
lmplemenLlng 8ules of
.u. no. 1438, reads:

10. lL ls furLher
dlrecLed LhaL personnel
of Lhe 8ll shall be
exempL from CCC
and Clvll Servlce 8ules
8egulaLlons relaLlve Lo
appolnLmenLs and
oLher personnel
acLlons, xxx "
" Such provlslon provlde for Lhe exempt|on of
peLlLloner Lll8 only from C|v|| Serv|ce ku|es and
kegu|at|ons re|at|ve to appo|ntments and
other personne| act|ons, buL noL from Lhe Clvll
Servlce Law or Clvll Servlce 8ules and
8egulaLlons relaLlve Lo any oLher maLLer.

... [8]espondenL CSC's acL of requlrlng
peLlLloner Lll8 Lo submlL Lo lL all appolnLmenLs
ln Lhe 8ureau, for approprlaLe acLlon, ls parL of
lLs admlnlsLraLlve funcLlon as Lhe cenLral
personnel agency of Lhe governmenL."
8. CSC & AGCCk
C.8. no. 123708
!une 19, 1997


8espondenL Salas was appolnLed by
Lhe ACCC8 Chalrman as lnLernal
SecurlLy SLaff (lSS) member buL was
LermlnaLed due Lo loss of
confldence on hlm afLer he engaged
ln proxy beLLlng. LaLer on,
eLlLloners conLended LhaL
respondenL Salas was noL dlsmlssed
from Lhe servlce buL, lnsLead, hls
Lerm of offlce had explred.

1he CourL of Appeals rendered lLs
declslon LhaL hereln respondenL
Salas ls noL a confldenLlal employee,
hence, he may noL be dlsmlssed on
Lhe ground of loss of confldence. lL
llkewlse held LhaL SecLlon 16 of

ConfldenLlal oslLlon
lndlcaLor accordlng Lo
Clvll Servlce AcL of

1. when Lhe
resldenL has
declared Lhe
poslLlon Lo be
confldenLlal, and,
ln Lhe absence of such
declaraLlon, when by
Lhe naLure of Lhe
funcLlons of Lhe offlce
ISSUL: WheLher or noL respondenL Salas ls a
confldenLlal employee

nLLD: nC, Laklng lnLo conslderaLlon Lhe naLure
of hls funcLlons, hls organlzaLlonal ranklng and
hls compensaLlon level, lL ls obvlously beyond
debaLe LhaL prlvaLe respondenL cannoL be
consldered a confldenLlal employee.

(1986 ConsLlLuLlonal Commlsslon uellbaraLlon)
M8. lCZ: Whlch deparLmenL of governmenL
has Lhe power or auLhorlLy Lo deLermlne
wheLher a poslLlon ls pollcy-deLermlnlng or
prlmarlly confldenLlal or hlghly Lechnlcal?

l8. 8L8nAS: 1he lnlLlal declslon ls made by Lhe
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
resldenLlal uecree no. 1869 has
been superseded and repealed by
SecLlon 2(1), ArLlcle lx-8 of Lhe 1987

eLlLloners seek Lo nulllfy Lhe
declslon of Lhe CourL of Appeals
orderlng Lhe relnsLaLemenL of
hereln prlvaLe respondenL 8afael M.
Salas wlLh full back wages for havlng
been lllegally dlsmlssed by Lhe
ACCC8, buL wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo
Lhe flllng of admlnlsLraLlve charges
agalnsL hlm lf warranLed.
Lhere exlsLs "close
lnLlmacy" beLween Lhe
appolnLee and
appolnLlng power
whlch lnsures xxx
freedom from
mlsglvlngs of beLrayals
of personal LrusL

ln oLher words:
l8. 8L8nAS. xxx lL ls
noL enough LhaL Lhe
law calls lL prlmarlly
confldenLlal Lo make lL
such, lL ls Lhe naLure of
Lhe duLles whlch makes
a poslLlon prlmarlly
leglslaLlve body or by Lhe execuLlve
deparLmenL, buL Lhe f|na| dec|s|on |s done by
the court. 1he Supreme CourL has consLanLly
held LhaL wheLher or noL a poslLlon ls pollcy-
deLermlnlng, prlmarlly confldenLlal or hlghly
Lechnlcal, lL ls deLermlned noL by Lhe LlLle buL
by Lhe naLure of Lhe Lask LhaL ls enLrusLed Lo lL.

Several facLors lead Lo Lhe concluslon LhaL
prlvaLe respondenL does noL en[oy such "close
lnLlmacy" wlLh Lhe appolnLlng auLhorlLy of
ACCC8 such as havlng rouLlnary securlLy sLaff
funcLlons, belng lowesL ln Lhe chaln of
command, and for recelvlng Lhe boLLom level
salary of 2,200.00 a monLh.
g 67S-679
1he nACLCCM was orlglnally
creaLed under 8epubllc AcL no.
6973. lL was laLer amended by 8A

8A 8331 declared LhaL Lhe Lerms of
Lhe currenL Commlssloners were
deemed as explred upon lLs
effecLlvlLy even Lhough Lhe
peLlLloners' Lerms had noL yeL
acLually explred.

eLlLloners argue LhaL Lhelr removal
from offlce by vlrLue of secLlon 8 of
8A 8331 vlolaLes Lhelr securlLy of
SecLlon 2 (3) no
offlcer or employee of
Lhe clvll servlce shall be
removed or suspended
excepL for cause
provlded by law.

SecLlon 8 of 8A 8331:
upon Lhe effecLlvlLy of
Lhls AcL, Lhe Lerms of
offlce of Lhe currenL
Commlssloners are
deemed explred whlch
shall consLlLuLe a bar Lo
Lhelr reappolnLmenL or
an exLenslon of Lhelr
ISSUL: WheLher or noL kepub||c Act No. 8SS1
(kA 8SS1), oLherwlse known as Lhe "hlllpplne
naLlonal ollce 8eform and 8eorganlzaLlon AcL
of 1998 ls unCCnS1l1u1lCnAL

nLLD: ?LS, buL only Lo Lhe exLenL of declarlng
sect|on 8 of kA 8SS1 unconsLlLuLlonal for belng
ln vlolaLlon of Lhe peLlLloners' rlghL Lo securlLy
of Lenure.

kA1IC: lL ls exceedlngly apparenL Lo Lhls CourL
LhaL kA 8SS1 effecLed a reorganlzaLlon of Lhe
n, noL of Lhe nACLCCM. 1hey are Lwo
separaLe and dlsLlncL bodles, wlLh one havlng
supervlslon and conLrol over Lhe oLher. ln facL,
Lhe baslc sLrucLure of Lhe nACLCCM has been
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Lerms ln Lhe
Commlsslon excepL xxx

preserved by Lhe amendaLory law.

no bona flde reorganlzaLlon of Lhe nACLCCM
havlng been mandaLed by Congress, 8A 8331,
lnsofar as lL declares Lhe Lerms of offlce of Lhe
lncumbenL Commlssloners, peLlLloners hereln,
as explred and resulLlng ln Lhelr removal from
offlce, removes clvll servlce employees from
offlce wlLhouL legal cause and musL Lherefore
be sLruck down for belng consLlLuLlonally

C.8. no. 119903
AugusL 13, 2000
g 679-680


Secur|ty of
CA granLed Lhe peLlLlon of ur.
8lenvenldo lcaslano Lo prohlblL Lhe
lmplemenLaLlon of hls reasslgnmenL
from Schools ulvlslon
SuperlnLendenL, ulvlslon of ClLy
Schools, Cuezon ClLy, Lo vocaLlonal
Schools SuperlnLendenL of Lhe
Marlklna lnsLlLuLe of Sclence and
1echnology pursuanL Lo Lhe
Memorandum of SecreLary 8lcardo
1. Clorla Lo Lhe resldenL of Lhe
hlllpplnes for lack of lndlcaLlon LhaL
lL ls only Lemporary and Lhereby,
vlolaLlve of hls rlghL Lo securlLy of

eLlLloners conLend LhaL Lhe
docLrlne enunclaLed ln 8enLaln vs.
CourL of Appeals-- LhaL "a
reasslgnmenL LhaL ls lndeflnlLe and
resulLs ln a reducLlon ln rank, sLaLus
and salary, ls ln effecL, a
8enta|n doctr|ne:
"SecurlLy of Lenure ls a
fundamenLal and
guaranLeed feaLure of
our clvll servlce. 1he
manLle of lLs
proLecLlon exLends noL
only Lo employees
removed wlLhouL
cause buL also Lo cases
of unconsenLed
Lransfers whlch are
LanLamounL Lo lllegal

Whlle a Lemporary
Lransfer or asslgnmenL
of personnel ls
permlsslble even
wlLhouL Lhe
employee's prlor
ISSUL: WheLher or noL Lhe reasslgnmenL of
prlvaLe respondenL from School ulvlslon
SuperlnLendenL of Cuezon ClLy Lo vocaLlonal
School SuperlnLendenL of MlS1 ls vlolaLlve of
hls securlLy of Lenure? ?LS

1he CourL upholds Lhe flndlng of Lhe
respondenL courL LhaL Lhe reasslgnmenL of
peLlLloner Lo MlS1 "appears Lo be lndeflnlLe".

8esldes, Lhere ls noLhlng ln Lhe sald
Memorandum Lo show LhaL Lhe reasslgnmenL
of prlvaLe respondenL ls Lemporary or would
only lasL unLll a permanenL replacemenL ls
found as no perlod ls speclfled or flxed.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
consLrucLlve removal from Lhe
servlce" -- does noL apply ln Lhe
presenL case for Lhe reasslgnmenL ln
quesLlon was merely Lemporary,
lasLlng only unLll Lhe appolnLmenL of
a new vocaLlonal School
SuperlnLendenL of MlS1.
consenL, lL cannoL be
done when Lhe
Lransfer ls a
prellmlnary sLep
Loward hls removal, or
ls a scheme Lo lure hlm
away from hls
permanenL poslLlon, or
deslgned Lo lndlrecLly
LermlnaLe hls servlce,
or force hls
reslgnaLlon. Such a
Lransfer would ln effecL
clrcumvenL Lhe
provlslon whlch
safeguards Lhe Lenure
of offlce of Lhose who
are ln Lhe Clvll Servlce"
Gk 142801-802
Iu|y 10, 2001
g 680
Abo||t|on of
lormer resldenL Corazon C.
Aqulno, lssued LC no.
127 esLabllshlng Lhe Lconomlc
lnLelllgence and lnvesLlgaLlon
8ureau (Lll8) as parL of Lhe
sLrucLural organlzaLlon of Lhe
MlnlsLry of llnance.

11 years afLer, resldenL !oseph
LsLrada lssued LC no. 191 whlch
ordered Lhe deacLlvaLlon of Lll8 and
Lhe Lransfer of lLs funcLlons Lo Lhe
8ureau of CusLoms and Lhe naLlonal
8ureau of lnvesLlgaLlon.

3 monLhs laLer, L8A lssued LC no.
SecLlon 2 (3) no
offlcer or employee of
Lhe clvll servlce shall be
removed or suspended
excepL for cause
provlded by law.
ISSUL: WheLher or noL LC nos. 191 and 223
should be annulled as Lhey are unconsLlLuLlonal
for belng vlolaLlve of Sect|on 2(3), Art|c|e Ik-8

nLLD: nC, Lhere ls no such Lhlng as absoluLe
rlghL Lo hold offlce excepL consLlLuLlonal offlces
wlLh speclal lmmunlLy

kA1IC: !usLlce SarmlenLo ln uarlo v. Mlson:
xxx As a general rule, a reorganlzaLlon ls carrled
ouL ln good falLh" lf lL ls for Lhe purpose of
economy or Lo make bureaucracy more
efflclenL. In that event, no d|sm|ssa| (|n case of
d|sm|ssa|) or separat|on actua||y occurs
because the pos|t|on |tse|f ceases to ex|st. And
ln LhaL case, securlLy of Lenure would noL be a
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
223 provldlng LhaL all Lll8 personnel
occupylng poslLlons speclfled
Lhereln shall be deemed separaLed
from Lhe servlce effecLlve Aprll 30,
2000, pursuanL Lo a bona
flde reorganlzaLlon resulLlng Lo
abollLlon, redundancy, merger,
dlvlslon, or consolldaLlon of

eLlLlon Lo nulllfy LxecuLlve Crder
no. 191 and LxecuLlve Crder no.
223 on Lhe ground LhaL Lhey were
lssued by Lhe Cfflce of Lhe resldenL
wlLh grave abuse of dlscreLlon and
ln vlolaLlon of Lhelr consLlLuLlonal
rlghL Lo securlLy of Lenure.
Chlnese wall. 8e LhaL as lL may, lf Lhe
'abollLlon,' whlch ls noLhlng else buL a
separaLlon or removal, ls done for pollLlcal
reasons or purposely Lo defeaL securlLy of
Lenure, oLherwlse noL ln good falLh, no valld
'abollLlon' Lakes and whaLever 'abollLlon' ls
done, ls vold ab lnlLlo. 1here ls an lnvalld
'abollLlon' as where Lhere ls merely a change of
nomenclaLure of poslLlons, or where clalms of
economy are belled by Lhe exlsLence of ample


Secur|ty of
Chona ulmayuga was appolnLed (by
uWP SecreLary !ose de !esus) as
LxecuLlve ulrecLor ll of Lhe 1oll
8egulaLory 8oard (188). As Lhe
hlghesL-ranklng worklng offlclal, she
had powers of conLrol and
supervlslon over 3 dlvlslons: llnance
and AdmlnlsLraLlve, 1echnlcal,
Lnglneerlng. She also oversaw
pro[ecLs and parLlclpaLed ln
negoLlaLlons. AL LhaL Llme, however,
such poslLlon was sLlll noL parL of
Lhe career execuLlve servlce (CLS).
1herefore, she occupled Lhe poslLlon
alLhough she was noL a career
execuLlve servlce offlcer (CLSC).
Cn May 31, 1994, Lhe Clvll Servlce
CSC Memorandum
Clrcular 21. SecLlon 4:
lncumbenLs of
poslLlons whlch are
declared Lo be CLS
poslLlons for Lhe flrsL
Llme pursuanL Lo Lhls
resoluLlon who hold
appolnLmenL LhereLo
shall remaln under
permanenL sLaLus ln
Lhelr respecLlve
poslLlons. Powever,
upon promoLlon or
Lransfer Lo oLher CLS
poslLlons, Lhese
ISSUL 1: Can ulmayuga clalm securlLy of
Lenure? ! NC

kA1IC: eLlLloner was appolnLed ln a
permanenL capaclLy Lo Lhe poslLlon of LxecuLlve
ulrecLor ll of 188 ln 1992, aL whlch Llme sald
poslLlon was noL lncluded ln Lhe CLS. 1he
subsequenL lncluslon of her poslLlon under Lhe
CLS dld noL auLomaLlcally quallfy her for LhaL
poslLlon as she lacked ellglblllLy as she was noL
a CLSC. WlLhouL Lhe requlred ellglblllLy
requlred, she could noL hold on Lo her offlce
permanenLly. She could only occupy sald
poslLlon unLll Lhe appolnLlng auLhorlLy replaced
her wlLh someone ellglble.

ISSUL 2: Can peLlLloner clalm proprleLary rlghL
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Commlsslon (CSC) lssued
Memorandum Clrcular no. 21. (see
rlghL column)
eLlLloner alleges LhaL durlng her
Lenure, she became Lhe sub[ecL of
several admlnlsLraLlve and crlmlnal
complalnLs deslgned Lo coerce her
removal. 1wo consecuLlve 90-day
suspenslon orders were lssued upon
peLlLloner, flrsL by uWP sec vlgllar
and Lhen by Lxec Sec Agulrre.
eLlLloner assumed duLles afLer
explraLlon of Lhe second suspenslon.
Powever, on Lhe followlng day,
vlgllar lssued ueparLmenL Crder no
83 whlch puL peLlLloner as
'Lemporarlly deLalled' aL Lhe Cfflce
of Lhe SecreLary of Lhe uWP.
ulmayuga flled a leave of absence as
a gesLure of proLesL, raLher Lhan
assume a poslLlon whlch she
consldered as a demoLlon.
Whlle ulmayuga was on leave,
resldenL LsLrada appolnLed
respondenL 8enedlcLo ll ln her sLead
as LxecuLlve ulrecLor ll of Lhe 8oard.
eLlLloner Lhen flled a peLlLlon for
!"# %&''&()# before Lhe courL of
appeals. ApellaLe courL rendered Lhe
assalled declslon dlsmlsslng Lhe
peLlLloner's sulL.
lncumbenLs shall be
under Lemporary
sLaLus ln sald poslLlons
unLll Lhey quallfy.
Lo her posL as LxecuLlve ulrecLor ll of 188? !

kA1IC: 1hls would encroach upon Lhe execuLlve
powers of Lhe resldenL and run counLer Lo Lhe
wlde laLlLude glven Lo Lhe appolnLlng auLhorlLy
or Lo Lhe resldenL.
Mayor !ose Mlranda was suspended
from offlce. vlce Mayor AmellLa
navarro Look over as AcLlng Mayor.
ISSUL: Can Lhe appolnLees be LermlnaLed from
servlce on Lhe ground LhaL Lhey are wanLlng ln
Lhelr performance before Lhe 6 monLh perlod?
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
AcLlng Mayor AmellLa navarro Lhen
appolnLed Lhe respondenLs Lo
varlous clLy governmenL poslLlons
(ClLy of SanLlago). Such
appolnLmenLs were wlLh permanenL
sLaLus and Lhe Clvll Servlce
Commlsslon (CSC) approved Lhe
appolnLmenLs. upon reassumpLlon
of offlce, Mlranda formed a 3-man
speclal performance audlL Leam
(8ayaua, MarLlnez, SanLos) Lo
conducL a personnel evaluaLlon
audlL of Lhose appolnLed by
navarro. 1helr reporL sLaLed LhaL Lhe
appolnLees were wanLlng ln Lhelr
performance. Mlranda LhereafLer
lssued an order for Lhelr dlsmlssal
on Lhe ground LhaL Lhey performed
poorly durlng Lhelr probaLlon
perlod. 8espondenLs allege LhaL
Lhey can only be dlsmlssed afLer Lhe
explraLlon of Lhe 6-monLh perlod for
Lhe employees under probaLlon and
LhaL Lhelr rlghLs Lo due process were
vlolaLed slnce Lhey deny LhaL an
evaluaLlon on Lhelr performance
was conducLed.
! NC

kA1IC: 1he 8evlsed AdmlnlsLraLlve Code sLaLes
LhaL such appolnLees can be dlsmlssed before
Lhe 6-monLh perlod on Lwo grounds: (1)
unsaLlsfacLory conducL or (2) wanL of capaclLy
musL be presenL. 8U1 IN 1nIS CASL, Lhe mayor
[usL recenLly reassumed offlce and lL was
lmprobable Lhe he can accuraLely gauge Lhe
performance of Lhe employees ln such shorL
Llme (3 monLhs). Lnough Llme musL be glven Lo
gauge Lhe performance of an employee.
Also, Lhe Mayor has no sLandlng Lo flle such
peLlLlon slnce assumlng LhaL Lhere was an
evaluaLlon on Lhe employees, such evaluaLlon
musL be done by Lhelr lmmedlaLe supervlsors
and noL by Lhose appolnLed by Mlranda.
LasLly, assumlng LhaL Lhere was an evaluaLlon,
Lhe dlsmlssal of Lhe employees was sLlll lnvalld
slnce Lhey were noL lnformed of Lhelr poor
performance before Lhelr LermlnaLlon, whlch
Lhe law requlres. uue noLlce ls requlred by law
noL laLer Lhan Lhe 4
monLh of Lhe raLlng
perlod. 8espondenLs asserL LhaL Lhey dld noL
recelve any due noLlce prlor Lo Lhelr dlsmlssal
and so such dlsmlssal ls lnvalld.
n. SLLkLS V.

8obles was elecLed chalrperson of
8uPA?, a parLy-llsL group reglsLered
wlLh CCMLLLC. 1he consLlLuLlon of
8uPA? provldes for a 3-year Lerm
for all lLs parLy offlcers, wlLhouL re-
elecLlon. 8uPA? parLlclpaLed ln Lhe
2001 and 2004 elecLlons wlLh 8obles
ISSUL: uld 8obles vlolaLe Lhe consLlLuLlonal
prohlblLlon of elecLloneerlng? nC

kA1IC: LlecLloneerlng ls deflned as an acL
deslgned Lo promoLe Lhe elecLlon or defeaL of a
parLlcular candldaLe/s Lo a publlc offlce whlch
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
as presldenL.
Cn March 2007, 8obles slgned a
cerLlflcaLe of nomlnaLlon for 2007,
and Pans Seneres (holdlng LhaL he ls
an acLlng presldenL and secreLary
general of 8uPA?) also flled a
cerLlflcaLe of nomlnaLlon.
Seneres conLends LhaL 8obles, belng
8uPA? presldenL and nomlnaLlng
offlcer as well as AdmlnlsLraLor of
Lhe L81A (LlghL 8all 1ranslL
AuLhorlLy), was engaglng ln
elecLloneerlng or parLlsan pollLlcal
campalgn, whlch Lhe consLlLuLlon
prohlblLs. lL ls prohlblLed ln Lhe
consLlLuLlon for any offlcer or
employee ln Lhe CSC Lo dlrecLly or
lndlrecLly be engaged ln
elecLloneerlng or parLlsan pollLlcal
formlng of organlzaLlons Lo sollclL voLes
lnLervlews for or agalnsL elecLlon of a candldaLe
publlshlng Lo supporL a candldaLe
dlrecLly or lndlrecLly sollclLlng voLes
lf Lhe foregolng are performed only Lo enhance
Lhe chances of asplranLs for nomlnaLlons for
candldacy Lo publlc offlce by a pollLlcal parLy,
agreemenL or coallLlon, lL ls noL elecLloneerlng.
Also, publlc expresslon or oplnlons ln a
forLhcomlng elecLlon or crlLlclsms agalnsL
probable candldaLes nomlnaLed shall noL be
parL of elecLloneerlng.
8obles' acL dld noL fall under Lhe menLloned
clrcumsLances and even lf lL dld, lL only served
Lo enhance Lhe chances of asplranLs for
nomlnaLlons for candldacy Lo a publlc offlce by
a pollLlcal parLy. 1herefore, lL ls noL consldered

g 692
1he coverage by Lhe clvll servlce of
governmenL-owned or conLrolled
corporaLlons varles ln Lhe 1987
ConsLlLuLlon and 1973 ConsLlLuLlon.
1973 ConsLlLuLlon: 1he clvll servlce
embraces every branch, agency,
subdlvlslon, and lnsLrumenLallLy of
Lhe CovernmenL, lncludlng every
governmenL-owned or conLrolled
1987 ConsLlLuLlon: 1he clvll servlce
embraces all branches, and agencles
of Lhe governmenL, lncludlng

!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
governmenL-owned or conLrolled
corporaLlons %*)+ #'*,*(&- .+&')/'01
1he purpose wlLh orlglnal charLer"
ls Lo lndlcaLe LhaL governmenL
corporaLlons such as Lhe CSlS and
SSS, whlch have orlglnal charLers,
fall wlLhln Lhe amblL of Lhe clvll
servlce. Powever, corporaLlons
whlch are subsldlarles of Lhese
charLered agencles such as Lhe
hlllpplne Alrllnes, Manlla PoLel and
PyaLL are excluded from Lhe
coverage of Lhe clvll servlce.
1he Lerm orlglnal charLers" means
Lhey were creaLed by law, by an acL
of Congress, or by speclal law and
nC1 under Lhe general law.
1he nASLCC ls a governmenL-
owned or conLrolled corporaLlon
wlLhouL orlglnal charLer slnce lL ls
Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon LhaL governs
Lhe lnsLanL case.
[ob -
1hen Mayor Marclal Samson lssued
AdmlnlsLraLlve Crder no. 3,
whereby sald mayor summarlly
LermlnaLed Lhe servlces of Lhe
prlvaLe respondenL lellclano 1alens
who Lhen held Lhe poslLlon of
AsslsLanL SecreLary Lo Lhe Mayor, on
Lhe ground of 'lack and loss of
confldence'. Pe Lhen appolnLed
Permogenes Llwag, a co-peLlLloner
of Lhls case, ln place of 1alens.
Samson clLes secLlon 3 of 8A 2260,
SecLlon 3(f), 8A # 2260
(Clvll Servlce AcL of
1he poslLlon of
secreLarles Lo clLy
mayors ls declared
ISSUL: ls AdmlnlsLraLlve Crder # 3 legal? nC

kA1IC: 1he poslLlons SecreLary Lo Lhe Mayor
and AsslsLanL SecreLary Lo Lhe Mayor are Lwo
separaLe and dlsLlncL poslLlons. Cne ls of hlgher
caLegory and rank. 1he SecreLary musL possess
Lhe confldence of Lhe mayor, however, Lhe
AsslsLanL SecreLary, belng of lower rank, need
noL carry such requlslLe. Also, Lhe asslsLanL
secreLary dlffers ln funcLlon from Lhe secreLary.
1he asslsLanL merely 'alds' wlLh Lhe duLles and
responslblllLles of Lhe secreLary.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
whlch he lnLerpreLed as lncludlng
asslsLanL secreLarles Lo Lhe mayor,
as supporL. eLlLloner argues LhaL an
asslsLanL secreLary ls also a
secreLary and ls Lhus comprlsed
wlLhln Lhe general Lerm 'secreLarles'
ln Lhe menLloned provlslon.
14 SC8A 344 (1963)
1erm of off|ce

Law of ub||c

kemova| vs.
1he LermlnaLlon of offlclals and
employees of Lhelr poslLlon can be
[usLlfled on Lhe ground of loss of

Accordlng Lo Lhe Law of ub||c
Cff|cers, such cessaLlon from offlce
lnvolves no remova| from offlce, buL
merely Lhe exp|rat|on of Lhe Lerm of
offlce. 1hese are Lwo dlfferenL
causes for Lhe LermlnaLlon of offlclal
1he polnL ls LhaL as long as
conf|dence ln such offlclals endures
and ls shown noL Lo have been losL,
Lhe lncumbenL ls enLlLled Lo
conLlnue ln offlce.
2#)+*(, 3/()*#(/45
6") )+*7 .#"-4 6/

Art|c|e Ik 8. Sec. 2.
(2) AppolnLmenLs ln
Lhe clvll servlce shall be
made only accordlng Lo
merlL and flLness Lo be
deLermlned, as far as
pracLlcable, and,
excepL as Lo poslLlons
whlch are pollcy-
deLermlnlng, prlmarlly
confldenLlal, or hlghly
Lechnlcal, by

1hese poslLlons are prlmarlly confldenLlal:
rovlnclal aLLorney
ClLy legal offlcer

1he poslLlons of Lhe legal sLaff are nC1
prlmarlly confldenLlal.

C.8. no. 93023
March 13, 1991
ermanent vs.

A permanenL appolnLmenL can be
lssued only Lo a person who ls
ellglble and has meL all Lhe
requlremenLs for such poslLlon.
eLlLloner Achacoso dld noL. AL
besL, hls appolnLmenL can only be
regarded as Lemporary and
accordlng Lo [urlsprudence, can
2#)+*(, 3/()*#(/45
6") )+*7 .#"-4 6/

Art|c|e Ik 8. Sec. 2.
(2) AppolnLmenLs ln
Lhe clvll servlce shall be
made only accordlng Lo
merlL and flLness Lo be
ISSUL: WheLher or noL peLlLloner Achacoso can
clalm Lo have been permanenLly appolnLed and
can Lherefore en[oy securlLy of Lenure as a
career offlclal.

nLLD: no.

Pe was noL ellglble and dld noL meeL all Lhe
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Lherefore be wlLhdrawn aL a
momenL's noLlce.

1he mere facL LhaL a poslLlon
belongs Lo Lhe Career Servlce does
noL auLomaLlcally mean he can
en[oy securlLy of Lenure even lf he
dld noL possess Lhe requlred

A person who does noL have such
quallflcaLlons for Lhe poslLlon
cannoL be appolnLed Lo lL ln Lhe flrsL
place. As an excepLlon, he could,
buL only Lo Lhe exLenL Lo an acLlng
capaclLy ln Lhe absence of Lhose
Lruly quallfled. Such appolnLmenL
cannoL be regarded as permanenL.

1he purpose of an acLlng or
Lemporary appolnLmenL ls Lo
prevenL a hlaLus ln Lhe dlscharge of
offlclal funcLlons by auLhorlzlng a
person Lo do such whlle pendlng Lhe
selecLlon of a permanenL appolnLee.
Such acLlng/Lemporary appolnLmenL
ls accepLed wlLh Lhe undersLandlng
LhaL he may be called Lo surrender
hls offlce upon Lhe order of Lhe
appolnLlng auLhorlLy.
deLermlned, as far as
pracLlcable, and,
excepL as Lo poslLlons
whlch are pollcy-
deLermlnlng, prlmarlly
confldenLlal, or hlghly
Lechnlcal, by
requlremenLs for a permanenL appolnLmenL.
AL besL, hls was only Lemporary.
104 hll. 388
Abo||t|on of

1hls ls an acLlon for 3&(4&3"7 wlLh
damages Lo declare Lhe LermlnaLlon
of Lhe peLlLloners' peLlLlons vold and
Lo order respondenL C|ty Mayor Lo
2#)+*(, 3/()*#(/45
6") )+*7 .#"-4 6/

ISSUL: WheLher or noL Lhe peLlLloners may
keep Lhelr offlces ln Lhe ClLy Mayor's Cfflce
and/or Lhe Munlclpal 8oard.

!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
C|ty Mayor

c|v|| serv|ce
shou|d not be
sacr|f|ced due
to po||t|ca|
relnsLaLe Lhem Lo Lhelr former

lebruary 14, 1936 ! 1he Mun|c|pa|
8oard Lhrough 8esoluLlon no. 187
approved Crdlnance no. 192, whlch
abo||shed a tota| of 32 pos|t|ons (13
poslLlons ln Lhe ClLy Mayor's offlce +
17 poslLlons ln Lhe Cfflce of Lhe
Munlclpal 8oard). Among Lhe
poslLlons abollshed were Lhose
occupled by Lhe peLlLloners.

lebruary 23, 1936 ! ursuanL Lo
sald Crdlance, Lhe ClLy Ma[or
noLlfled Lhe peLlLloners of such
changes, effecLlve aL Lhe close of
buslness hours on March 13, 1936."

ln reply LhereLo, Lhe peLlLloners flled
Lhelr leLLers:
Acknowledglng Lhe recelpL of Lhe
ClLy Mayor's leLLers of separaLlon
roLesLlng Lhe abollLlon of Lhelr
lnformlng hlm LhaL Lhey wlll noL
rellnqulsh Lhelr poslLlons unless
oLherwlse deLermlned by hlgher
compeLenL auLhorlLles or courLs."

1he ClLy Mayor perslsLed ln such
LermlnaLlon, addlng LhaL Lhe C|ty
1reasurer and C|ty Aud|tor refused
Lo pay Lhe peLlLloners' salarles.
Art|c|e Ik 8. Sec. 2.
(3) no offlcer or
employee of Lhe clvll
servlce shall be
removed or suspended
excepL for cause
provlded by law.
nLLD: ?es.

1he reasons glven for such abollLlon (economy
and efflclency") are unLrue, whlch are only
preLenses for Lhe removal wlLhouL cause of Lhe
sald appellees. Such vlolaLed Lhe Clvll Servlce

Slnce Lhe Llme of Lhe CommonwealLh and
before Lhe war, Lhe appellees have shown
efflclency ln Lhelr servlces, aLLesLed by repeaLed
lncreases ln salary. Cne of Lhe peLlLloners was
even recenLly proclalmed Model Lmployee".
8efore Lhls lssue, Lhe appellees had creaLed for
Lhe same ClLy Ma[or 33 (/% poslLlons, calllng
for an ouLlay of 68k per year. 1he excuse of
promoLlng efflclency and economy ls

8especL musL be glven Lo Clvll Servlce
employees, llke Lhese peLlLloners who have
rendered long and honorable servlces, and
should noL be sacrlflced ln favor of non-ellglbles
glven poslLlons of recenL creaLlon, nor should
Lhey be lefL aL Lhe mercy of pollLlcal changes.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

eLlLloners flled pet|t|ons for:
8ack salarles
Moral damages
ALLorney's fees
I. MACk V.

C.8. no. 87211
March 3, 1991
kA 671S

Abo||t|on of
et|t|oners ! 1hey baslcally conLesL
Lhe consLlLuLlonallLy of kA 671S,
whlch dec|ares vacant all such
poslLlons under Lhe presenL naLlonal
Labor 8elaLlons Commlsslons:
LxecuLlve Labor ArblLers
Labor ArblLers.

kespondents !
Such poslLlons are consldered
effecLlvely separaLed from Lhe
servlce, lncludlng Lhe Commlsslon's:
LxecuLlve ulrecLor and
uepuLy LxecuLlve ulrecLor.
1hls caused Lhe appolnLmenL of
oLher persons Lo new poslLlons ln
Lhe naLlonal Labor 8elaLlons
Commlsslon, speclfled ln 8A 6713:
LxecuLlve Clerk
uepuLy LxecuLlve Clerk
Labor ArblLers
1he respondenLs [usLlfled LhaL Lhe
old poslLlons were declared vacanL
because of Lhe need Lo
professlonallze Lhe hlgher levels of
Art|c|e Ik 8. Sec. 2.

(1) 1he clvll servlce
embraces all branches,
lnsLrumenLallLles, and
agencles of Lhe
CovernmenL, lncludlng
governmenL-owned or
conLrolled corporaLlons
wlLh orlglnal charLers.

(3) no offlcer or
employee of Lhe clvll
servlce shall be
removed or suspended
excepL for cause
provlded by law.
ISSUL: WheLher or noL Lhere was an /:8'/77 or
*38-*/4 abollLlon ln 8A 6713 of Lhe peLlLloners'

nLLD: 1here was no /:8'/77 abollLlon.

1here were no essenLlal lnconslsLencles
observed ln Lhe relevanL provlslons of 8A 6713
upon Lhe changes effecLed on Lhe naLure,
composlLlons, powers, duLles, and funcLlons of
Lhe Commlsslon and Lhe Commlssloners, Lhe
LxecuLlve ulrecLor, Lhe uepuLy LxecuLlve
ulrecLor, and Lhe Labor ArblLers under Lhe prlor

So, |f [ust|f|cat|on must be sought for such
abo||t|on, |t must be an !"#$!%& one that
attests to the |rreconc||ab|e |ncons|stency
between the nature, dut|es, and funct|ons of
the pet|t|oners' off|ces under the o|d ru|es and
those correspond|ng thereto under the new

* * * * *

SecurlLy of Lenure ls a proLecLed rlghL under Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon, pursuanL Lo Art|c|e Ik 8, Sec. 2(3).
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
offlclaldom and Lo upgrade Lhelr
quallflcaLlons, ranks and salarles, or

8ecause Lhe ConsLlLuLlon (1) does
noL ordaln Lhe abollLlon of Lhe
peLlLloners' poslLlons, (2) Lhelr
removal from Lhelr offlces, (3) and
LhaL Lhere ls no clalm LhaL Lhe
peLlLloners' separaLlon from Lhe
servlce ls due Lo a cause oLher Lhan
8A 6716 ! In order that the
pet|t|oners' remova| from the|r
pos|t|ons may be defended or
susta|ned, the |ssue shou|d be
Whether or not kA 671S has
worked on such an abo||t|on of the
pet|t|oners' off|ces, whether
express or |mp||ed.

1he peLlLloners, Lhen, may avall of Lhls, as Lhey
fall wlLhln Lhe concepL of an offlcer or
employee ln Lhe clvll servlce," pursuanL Lo
Art|c|e Ik 8, Sec. (2)1. none of Lhe poslLlons
menLloned could be deemed Lo be servlng aL
Lhe pleasure of Lhe resldenL because Lhey had
a rlghL Lo remaln ln offlce unLll Lhe explraLlon of
Lhe Lerms for whlch Lhey had been appolnLed.

A recognlzed cause for removal or LermlnaLlon
of employmenL of a CovernmenL employee ls
Lhe abo||t|on by |aw of hls offlce, whlch may be
due Lo:
8eorganlzaLlon by reason of economy or for
removal of redundancy
A clear and expllclL consLlLuLlonal mandaLe.

AbollLlon of an offlce ls noL Lhe same as Lhe
declaraLlon LhaL Lhe offlce ls vacanL. Such
would consLlLuLe on lLs face, an lnfrlngemenL of
Lhe consLlLuLlonal guaranLee of securlLy of
Lenure as provlded for ln Art|c|e Ik 8, Sec. 2(3).
GAkkUCnC Ik.

C.8. no. 92008
!uly 30, 1990
eLlLloner seeks relnsLaLemenL Lo
Lhe offlce of Ceneral Manager (CM)
of Lhe hlllpplne 1ourlsm AuLhorlLy
(1A) from whlch he clalms Lo have
been removed wlLhouL [usL cause ln
vlolaLlon of hls securlLy of Lenure.

Aprll 7, 1986 ! Iose Gonza|es, the
M|n|ster of 1our|sm, deslgnaLed
eLlLloner 8lnamlra as CM of Lhe
1A Lhrough a Memorandum.
eLlLloner Lhen assumed offlce on

resldenLlal uecree
364. Sec. 23-A.

;/(/'&- <&(&,/' -
=88#*()3/() &(4
>/("'/. 1he Ceneral
ISSUL: WheLher or noL 8lnamlra's appolnLmenL
was valld and LhaL he could en[oy securlLy of
Lenure as Ceneral Manager of Lhe hlllpplne
1ourlsm AuLhorlLy.

nLLD: no.

1he peLlLloner was noL &88#*()/4 by Lhe
resldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes buL was only
4/7*,(&)/4 by Lhe MlnlsLer of 1ourlsm.

!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Lhe same daLe.

8lnamlra clalms LhaL slnce assumlng
offlce, he had dlscharged Lhe duLles
of 1A CM and vlce Chalr of lLs
8oard of ulrecLors, and had been
acknowledged as such by varlous
governmenL offlces, lncludlng Lhe
Cfflce of Lhe resldenL.

!anuary 2, 1990 ! 8lnamlra
complalned LhaL hls reslgnaLlon was
demanded by respondenL Garrucho
as Lhe new Secretary of 1our|sm.

!anuary 4, 1990 ! resldenL
Corazon Aqulno senL a
Memorandum Lo respondenL
Carrucho saylng LhaL peLlLloner
8lnamlra (CM of Lhe 1A) was noL
deslgnaLed by Lhe resldenL (as
requlred by D S64, whlch creaLed
Lhe hlllpplne 1ourlsm AuLhorlLy),
buL only by Lhe SecreLary of
1ourlsm. As such, 8lnamlra's
deslgnaLlon was lnvalld. 1he
resldenL Lhen deslgnaLed Carrucho
as CM unLll she could appolnL a
person Lo hold such offlce ln a
permanenL capaclLy.

Carrucho Lhen Look over 8lnamlra's
posLlon as CM of Lhe 1A. 8lnamlra
Lhen flled Lhls acLlon agalnsL
Manager shall be
appolnLed by Lhe
resldenL of Lhe
hlllpplnes and shall
serve for a Lerm of slx
(6) years unless sooner
removed for cause,
?'#@*4/4, 1haL upon
Lhe explraLlon of hls
Lerm, he shall serve as
such unLll hls successor
shall have been
appolnLed and
quallfled. (As amended
by u 1400.)
AppolnLmenL lnvolves Lhe exerclse of
dlscreLlon, and Lhls cannoL be delegaLed.
Legally speaklng, lL was lmposslble for MlnlsLer
Conzales Lo acL as an &-)/' /,# of Lhe resldenL,
even lf Conzales happened Lo be a member of
Lhe resldenL's CablneL. 1he power Lo appolnL
Lhe CM of Lhe 1A resLed solely on Lhe
resldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes. AL besL, 8lnamlra's
appolnLmenL was only a Lemporary or acLlng
appolnLmenL LhaL could be legally wlLhdrawn aL
pleasure, as ln facL lL was. 1hus, he cannoL
clalm securlLy of Lenure.

Moreover, ln Lhe case of vlllena v. SecreLary of
lnLerlor, lL was dlscussed LhaL Lhe acLs of Lhe
ueparLmenL Pead were acLs of Lhe resldenL of
Lhe hlllpplnes when performed and
promulgaLed ln Lhe regular course of buslness,"
whlch was Lrue of Lhe deslgnaLlon made by
MlnlsLer Conzales of 8lnamlra. Powever, such
docLrlne also adds LhaL such acL wlll only
remaln valld lf noL dlsapproved or reprobaLed
by Lhe Chlef LxecuLlve," as whaL happened ln
Lhls case.

* * * * *

Appo|ntment ! ls Lhe selecLlon, by Lhe
auLhorlLy vesLed wlLh power, of an lndlvldual
who ls Lo exerclse Lhe funcLlons of a glven
offlce. Such compleLlon of appolnLmenL resulLs
ln securlLy of Lenure.

Des|gnat|on ! 1he lmposlLlon by law of
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Carrucho Lo quesLlon hls LlLle.
8lnamlra furLher lmpleaded a
cerLaln Iose Cap|strano as an
add|t|ona| respondent, alleglng LhaL
on Aprll 6, 1990, resldenL Aqulno
appolnLed hlm as Lhe CM of Lhe
addlLlonal duLles on an lncumbenL offlclal.
Such appolnLee serves only for a Lemporary
capaclLy and may be replaced aL wlll by Lhe
appolnLlng auLhorlLy. 1here ls no securlLy of

AB:&38-/7 #C 4/7*,(&)*#( ! ADE >+/ F/.'/)&'G #C
>#"'*73 %&7 4/7*,(&)/4 H+&*'3&( #C )+/ I#&'4
#C J*'/.)#'7 #C )+/ ?+*-*88*(/ >#"'*73 =")+#'*)G5
AKE >+'// L"7)*./7 #C )+/ FH 3&G 6/ /(L#*(/4 6G
)+/ HM )# 7*) *( )+/ B-/.)#'&- >'*6"(&-7 %+*-/ *(

143 SCkA 327

p. 699

L|m|ts of CSC
SecLlon 9(h) of ArLlcle v
of Lhe Clvll Servlce
uecree. Approve all
wheLher orlglnal or
promoLlonal, Lo
poslLlons ln Lhe clvll
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe CSC ls auLhorlzed
Lo dlsapprove a permanenL appolnLmenL on Lhe
ground LhaL anoLher person ls beLLer quallfled
Lhan Lhe appolnLee and order hls
replacemenL!'() +, -./ 01, 213 ,4% 565 ,1
3%7%3/% 4!" .0& 8.$$ ,4% .##1!0,"%0,

kA1IC: 1he appolnLmenL of Lhe peLlLloner ls noL
Lemporary buL permanenL and was Lherefore
proLecLed by Lhe ConsLlLuLlon.
1he CSC ls noL empowered Lo deLermlne Lhe
klnd or naLure of Lhe appolnLmenL exLended by
Lhe appolnLlng offlcer, lLs auLhorlLy belng
llmlLed Lo approvlng or revlewlng Lhe
appolnLmenL ln Lhe llghL of Lhe requlremenLs of
Lhe Clvll Servlce Law.
A full readlng of SecLlon 9(h) of Lhe Clvll Servlce
uecree wlll make lL clear LhaL all Lhe CSC ls
acLually allowed Lo do ls check wheLher or noL
Lhe appolnLee possesses Lhe approprlaLe clvll
servlce ellglblllLy or Lhe requlred quallflcaLlons.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
178 SCkA 733

p. 700
L|m|ts of CSC
eLlLloner, narclso ?. SanLlago, !r.,
wlLh Lhe rank of CollecLor of
CusLoms l, was appolnLed by Lhen
CusLoms Commlssloner
WlgberLo1anada as CollecLor of
CusLoms lll. Powever, prlvaLe
respondenL Leonardo A. !ose, wlLh
Lhe rank of CollecLor of CusLoms ll,
flled a proLesL before Lhe MerlL
SysLems romoLlon 8oard agalnsL
SanLlago's promoLlonal
appolnLmenL on Lhe ground LhaL he
was nexL ln rank Lo Lhe poslLlon ln
quesLlon. 1he appolnLmenL of
SanLlago was revoked by Lhe MerlL
SysLems 8oard and afflrmed by Lhe
Pence, Lhe lnsLanL peLlLlon for
SecLlon 4, CSC
8esoluLlon no. 83-843.
An employee who
holds a nexL-ln-rank
poslLlon who ls
deemed Lhe mosL
compeLenL and
quallfled. Powever,
Lhe appolnLlng
auLhorlLy may promoLe
an employee who ls
noL nexL-ln-rank buL
who possesses
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe CSC ls auLhorlzed
Lo dlsapprove a permanenL appolnLmenL on Lhe
ground LhaL Lhere ls anoLher nexL-ln-rank!'()
:4% 565 &1%/ 01, 4.7% .;,413!,9)

kA1IC: Cne who ls nexL-ln-rank ls enLlLled Lo
preferenLlal conslderaLlon for promoLlon Lo Lhe
hlgher vacancy buL lL does noL necessarlly
follow LhaL he and no one else can be
appolnLed. 1he rule nelLher granLs a vesLed
rlghL Lo Lhe holder nor lmposes a mlnlsLerlal
duLy on Lhe appolnLlng auLhorlLy Lo promoLe
such person Lo Lhe nexL hlgher poslLlon. As
provlded for ln SecLlon 4 of CSC 8esoluLlon no.
83-843, Lhe appolnLlng auLhorlLy has Lhe power
Lo promoLe an employee noL nexL-ln-rank.
1he power Lo appolnL ls a maLLer of dlscreLlon.
1he appolnLlng power has a wlde laLlLude of
cholce as Lo who ls besL quallfled for Lhe
poslLlon. 1o apply Lhe nexL-ln-rank rule
perempLorlly would lmpose a rlgld formula on
Lhe appolnLlng power conLrary Lo Lhe pollcy of
Lhe law LhaL among Lhose quallfled and ellglble,
Lhe appolnLlng auLhorlLy ls granLed dlscreLlon
and prerogaLlve.
L1. AL. V.

G.k. No. 88183,
Cctober 3, 1990

p. 702

1he declslon deals wlLh flve cases.
1he cases have been consolldaLed
and [olnLly consldered because Lhey
all Lurn upon a common legal lssue,
l.e., Lhe valldlLy of Lhe LermlnaLlon,
by auLhorlLy of Lhe resldenL of Lhe
hlllpplnes, of Lhe peLlLloners'
appolnLmenLs as pollLlcal" or non-
career" members of Lhe counLry's
ISSUL: WheLher or noL Lhe peLlLloners were
non-career offlcers and whose servlce as
hlllpplne dlplomaLs was under Lhe pleasure of
Lhe presldenL.

nLLD: ?LS. eLlLloners were non-career offlcers
who serve aL Lhe pleasure of Lhe resldenL.

kA1IC: A perusal of Lhe provlslons of SecLlon 3,
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
lorelgn Servlce - wheLher or noL
Lhelr servlce as hlllpplne dlplomaLs
was under Lhe clrcumsLances, aL Lhe
pleasure of Lhe presldenL,
Lermlnable wlLhouL cause or need of
AsLraqulllo was appolnLed by Lhe
resldenL as Ambassador
LxLraordlnary and lenlpoLenLlary
and Chlef of Mlsslon (ll) Lo Lhe uAL.
Pls servlce was LermlnaLed by
auLhorlLy of Lhe resldenL" 3 years
Clang was appolnLed as Ambassador
LxLraodlrnary and lenlpoLenLlary
and Chlef of Mlsslon (Class l) Lo
kuwalL. Pls servlce was LermlnaLed
by auLhorlLy of Lhe resldenL" also
3 years laLer.
Melchor, !r. was appolnLed as
Ambassador LxLraordlnary and
lenlpoLenLlary and whose servlce
was also LermlnaLed afLer 3 years.

.u. no. 807 shows LhaL Lhe Lhree peLlLloners
perLalned Lo Lhe non-Career Servlce. 1helr
appolnLmenLs Lo Lhe lorelgn Servlce were
made on" bases oLher Lhan Lhose of Lhe usual
LesL of merlL and flLness uLlllzed for Lhe career
servlce," Lhelr enLrance was noL based on
merlL and flLness deLermlned by compeLlLlve
examlnaLlons, or based on hlghly Lechnlcal
quallflcaLlons." 1hls belng so, Lhelr Lenure
(was) coLermlnous wlLh LhaL of Lhe appolnLlng
auLhorlLy or sub[ecL Lo hls pleasures."
k. SSS V. CA
17S SCkA 686

p. 704
An lssue ls ralsed on wheLher Lhe
8eglonal 1rlal CourL can en[oln Lhe
Soclal SecurlLy SysLem Lmployees
AssoclaLlon (SSSLA) from sLrlklng
and order Lhe sLrlklng employees Lo
reLurn Lo work. CollaLerally, lL ls
wheLher or noL employees of Lhe
SSS have Lhe rlghL Lo sLrlke.
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe SSS employees
have Lhe rlghL Lo sLrlke!'() :4% 666< $!=% .$$
>17%30"%0, %"#$19%%/< .3% #314!?!,%& 231"
/,.>!0> /,3!=%/)

kA1IC: AL presenL, ln Lhe absence of any
leglslaLlon allowlng governmenL employees Lo
sLrlke, recognlzlng Lhelr rlghL Lo do so, or
regulaLlng Lhe exerclse of Lhe rlghL, Lhey are
prohlblLed from sLrlklng, by express provlslon of
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Memorandum Clrcular no. 6 and as lmplled ln
L.C. no. 180.
Are emp|oyees of the SSS covered by the
proh|b|t|on aga|nst str|kes?
Conslderlng LhaL under Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon
Lhe clvll servlce embraces all branches,
subdlvlslons, lnsLrumenLallLles, and agencles of
Lhe CovernmenL, lncludlng governmenL-owned
or conLrolled corporaLlons wlLh orlglnal
charLers" and LhaL Lhe SSS ls one such
governmenL-conLrolled corporaLlon wlLh an
orlglnal charLer, havlng been creaLed under 8.A.
no. 1161, lLs employees are parL of Lhe clvll

Gk 92403
Apr|| 22, 1992
Secur|ty of
CSC revoked Lhe appolnLmenL of
peLlLloner vlcLor A. Aqulno as Supply
Cfflcer l ln Lhe uLCS ulvlslon of San
ablo ClLy as lL found prlvaLe
respondenL Leonarda de la az
beLLer quallfled.

ln assalllng Lhe revocaLlon of hls
appolnLmenL, peLlLloner lnvoked Lhe
rullng of Lhe CourL ln Lhe case of
SanLlago v. Clvll Servlce Commlsslon
and Calura v. Clvll Servlce
CommlsslonLhaL Lhe CSC has no
auLhorlLy Lo revoke an appolnLmenL
on Lhe ground LhaL anoLher person
ls more quallfled for a parLlcular
poslLlon for LhaL would have
consLlLuLed an encroachmenL on Lhe
dlscreLlon vesLed solely ln Lhe
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe CSC commlLLed
grave abuse of dlscreLlon ln revoklng Lhe
appolnLmenL of peLlLloner!'() +, "%3%$9
3%/,13%& ,4% .##1!0,"%0, 12 #3!7.,%
3%/#10&%0, -41 -./ 2!3/, .##1!0,%& ,1 ,4%
810,%/,%& #1/!,!10)

kA1IC: eLlLloner rellance ln Lhe rullngs ln Lhe
Lwo cases dld noL hold as Lhe slLuaLlon ls
dlfferenL ln Lhe lnsLanL case, where Lhe CSC
revoked Lhe appolnLmenL of peLlLloner
prlnclpally because Lhe rlghL Lo securlLy of
Lenure of Lhe prlor appolnLee, prlvaLe
respondenL, Lo Lhe conLesLed poslLlon had
already aLLached. CSC dld noL dlrecL Lhe new
appolnLmenL of a subsLlLuLe of lLs cholce. lL
merely resLored Lhe appolnLmenL of prlvaLe
lL ls well-seLLled LhaL once an appolnLmenL ls
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
appolnLlng auLhorlLy. lssued and Lhe momenL Lhe appolnLee assumes
a poslLlon ln Lhe clvll servlce under a compleLed
appolnLmenL, he acqulres a legal a legal rlghL Lo
Lhe poslLlon whlch ls noL only proLecLed by
sLaLuLe buL also of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon.
When Lhe appolnLlng power has once acLed and
Lhe appolnLee has accepLed Lhe offlce and done
whaL ls requlred of hlm upon lLs accepLance, hls
LlLle Lo Lhe offlce becomes compleLe, and he
can Lhen be removed only ln Lhe regular way.
Gk 100947
May 31, 1993
Secc. 66 CLC:
Ipso Iacto
SepL. 17, 1981! Manuel S. lneda
was employed wlLh Lhe hlllpplne
naLlonal Cll Co.-Lnergy
uevelopmenL Corp. (nCC-LuC) as
CeoLhermal ConsLrucLlon SecreLary

!une 1988! lneda Look hls oaLh of
offlce ln as councllor-elecL of Lhe
MunlclpallLy of kananga, LeyLe and
conLlnued worklng for nCC-LuC.

!anuary 26, 1989! Lhe nCC-LuC,
Lhrough Marcellno 1ongco, noLlfled
Manuel S. lneda ln wrlLlng LhaL hls
employmenL was belng LermlnaLed
pursuanL Lo SecLlon 66 of Lhe
Cmnlbus LlecLlon Code, effecLlve
upon recelpL of noLlce

uecember 28, 1990! Labor ArblLer
Aracell P. Maraya rendered a
declarlng Manuel S. lneda's
dlsmlssal from Lhe servlce lllegal,
and orderlng hls relnsLaLemenL Lo
Sec. 66. CandldaLes
holdlng appolnLlve
offlce or poslLlon. -
Any person holdlng a
publlc appolnLlve offlce
or poslLlon, lncludlng
acLlve members of Lhe
Armed lorces of Lhe
hlllpplnes, and
offlcers and employees
ln governmenL-owned
or conLrolled
corporaLlons, shall be
consldered lpso
facLo reslgned from hls
offlce upon Lhe flllng of
hls cerLlflcaLe of

SecLlon 2 (1), ArLlcle lx
of Lhe 1987
ConsLlLuLlon: 1he clvll
servlce embraces all
branches, subdlvlslons,
ISSUL: WheLher or noL lneda should be
consldered *87# C&.)# reslgned upon Lhe flllng
of hls CerLlflcaLe of Candldacy ln november,
1987, ln accordance wlLh SecLlon 66 of Lhe
Cmnlbus LlecLlon Code?

nLLD: LS, CLC applles Lo all employees of

kA1IC: ln Lhe language of SecLlon 2 (1), ArLlcle
lx Lhereof, ls Lhe proposlLlon LhaL governmenL-
owned or conLrolled corporaLlons wlLhouL
orlglnal charLer do noL fall under Lhe Clvll
Servlce Law buL under Lhe Labor Code.

Powever, Sec. 66 of Lhe CLC has a general
appllcaLlon Lo all Lhe employees even lf Lhey do
noL fall under Lhe Clvll Servlce Law.

ln oLher words, SecLlon 66 consLlLuLes a [usL
cause for LermlnaLlon of employmenL ln
addlLlon Lo Lhose seL forLh ln Lhe Labor Code.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
hls former poslLlon wlLhouL loss of
senlorlLy rlghLs and paymenL of full
back wages correspondlng Lo Lhe
perlod from hls lllegal dlsmlssal up
Lo Lhe Llme of acLual relnsLaLemenL.
lnsLrumenLallLles, and
agencles of Lhe
CovernmenL, lncludlng
governmenL-owned or
conLrolled corporaLlons
wlLh orlglnal charLers.

Gk 96298
May 14,1991
L|m|ts of CSC
CSC appolnLed appellanLs !uanlLo
!unsay and 8en[amln vlllegas as
1ermlnal Supervlsor replaclng
8enaLo Laplnld and AnLonlo uulfo
because Lhe former acqulred hlgher
grade ln Lhe comparaLlve evaluaLlon
over Lhe laLLer.
CSC ls acLually allowed
Lo do ls check wheLher
or noL Lhe appolnLee
possesses Lhe
approprlaLe clvll
servlce ellglblllLy or Lhe
requlred quallflcaLlons.
And Lo dlsapprove only
when such
requlremenLs are noL
ISSUL: WheLher or noL Lhe Clvll Servlce
Commlsslon ls auLhorlzed Lo dlsapprove a
permanenL appolnLmenL on Lhe ground LhaL
anoLher person ls beLLer quallfled Lhan Lhe
appolnLee and, on Lhe basls of Lhls flndlng,
order hls replacemenL by Lhe laLLer?

ne|d: nC, Lhe Clvll Servlce Commlsslon cannoL
dlsallow an appolnLmenL because lL belleves
anoLher person ls beLLer quallfled and much
less can lL dlrecL Lhe appolnLmenL of lLs own

Sect|on 3. 1he C|v|| Serv|ce Comm|ss|on, as the centra| personne| agency of the Government, sha|| estab||sh a career serv|ce and adopt measures to
promote mora|e, eff|c|ency, |ntegr|ty, respons|veness, progress|veness, and courtesy |n the c|v|| serv|ce. It sha|| strengthen the mer|t and rewards
system, |ntegrate a|| human resources deve|opment programs for a|| |eve|s and ranks, and |nst|tut|ona||ze a management c||mate conduc|ve to pub||c
accountab|||ty. It sha|| subm|t to the res|dent and the Congress an annua| report on |ts personne| programs.

Sect|on 4. A|| pub||c off|cers and emp|oyees sha|| take an oath or aff|rmat|on to upho|d and defend th|s Const|tut|on.

Sect|on S. 1he Congress sha|| prov|de for the standard|zat|on of compensat|on of government off|c|a|s and emp|oyees, |nc|ud|ng those |n government-
owned or contro||ed corporat|ons w|th or|g|na| charters, tak|ng |nto account the nature of the respons|b|||t|es perta|n|ng to, and the qua||f|cat|ons
requ|red for, the|r pos|t|ons.

Sect|on 6. No cand|date who has |ost |n any e|ect|on sha||, w|th|n one year after such e|ect|on, be appo|nted to any off|ce |n the Government or any
Government-owned or contro||ed corporat|ons or |n any of the|r subs|d|ar|es.

!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Sect|on 7. No e|ect|ve off|c|a| sha|| be e||g|b|e for appo|ntment or des|gnat|on |n any capac|ty to any pub||c off|ce or pos|t|on dur|ng h|s tenure.

Un|ess otherw|se a||owed by |aw or by the pr|mary funct|ons of h|s pos|t|on, no appo|nt|ve off|c|a| sha|| ho|d any other off|ce or emp|oyment |n the
Government or any subd|v|s|on, agency or |nstrumenta||ty thereof, |nc|ud|ng Government-owned or contro||ed corporat|ons or the|r subs|d|ar|es.

Sect|on 8. No e|ect|ve or appo|nt|ve pub||c off|cer or emp|oyee sha|| rece|ve add|t|ona|, doub|e, or |nd|rect compensat|on, un|ess spec|f|ca||y
author|zed by |aw, nor accept w|thout the consent of the Congress, any present, emo|ument, off|ce, or t|t|e of any k|nd from any fore|gn government.

ens|ons or gratu|t|es sha|| not be cons|dered as add|t|ona|, doub|e, or |nd|rect compensat|on.

Case keywords Iacts App||cab|e]V|o|ated
Issue & kat|o

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Sect|on 2.
(1) 1he Comm|ss|on on Aud|t sha|| have the power, author|ty, and duty to exam|ne, aud|t, and sett|e a|| accounts perta|n|ng to the revenue and
rece|pts of, and expend|tures or uses of funds and property, owned or he|d |n trust by, or perta|n|ng to, the Government, or any of |ts subd|v|s|ons,
agenc|es, or |nstrumenta||t|es, |nc|ud|ng government-owned or contro||ed corporat|ons w|th or|g|na| charters, and on a post- aud|t bas|s: (a)
const|tut|ona| bod|es, comm|ss|ons and off|ces that have been granted f|sca| autonomy under th|s Const|tut|on, (b) autonomous state co||eges and
un|vers|t|es, (c) other government-owned or contro||ed corporat|ons and the|r subs|d|ar|es, and (d) such non-governmenta| ent|t|es rece|v|ng subs|dy
or equ|ty, d|rect|y or |nd|rect|y, from or through the Government, wh|ch are requ|red by |aw or the grant|ng |nst|tut|on to subm|t to such aud|t as a
cond|t|on of subs|dy or equ|ty. nowever, where the |nterna| contro| system of the aud|ted agenc|es |s |nadequate, the Comm|ss|on may adopt such
measures, |nc|ud|ng temporary or spec|a| pre-aud|t, as are necessary and appropr|ate to correct the def|c|enc|es. It sha|| keep the genera| accounts of
the Government and, for such per|od as may be prov|ded by |aw, preserve the vouchers and other support|ng papers perta|n|ng thereto.

(2) 1he Comm|ss|on sha|| have exc|us|ve author|ty, sub[ect to the ||m|tat|ons |n th|s Art|c|e, to def|ne the scope of |ts aud|t and exam|nat|on, estab||sh
the techn|ques and methods requ|red therefor, and promu|gate account|ng and aud|t|ng ru|es and regu|at|ons, |nc|ud|ng those for the prevent|on and
d|sa||owance of |rregu|ar, unnecessary, excess|ve, extravagant, or unconsc|onab|e expend|tures or uses of government funds and propert|es.

Case keywords Iacts App||cab|e]V|o|ated
Issue & kat|o
162 SCkA 782
ower to
rev|ew &
eLlLloner, ALLy. raxedlo .
ulngcong, was Lhe former AcLlng
8eglonal ulrecLor of 8eglonal Cfflce
no. vl of Lhe 8ureau of 1reasury ln
llollo ClLy whlle Culngona was Lhe
Chalrman of CCA.
Cn Lhree occaslons, peLlLloner, afLer
publlc blddlng, conLracLed,
admlLLedly on an "emergency labor
basls," Lhe servlces of one 8ameses
Layson, a prlvaLe carpenLer and
elecLrlclan on "pakyao" basls for Lhe
renovaLlon and lmprovemenL of hls
Sec. 2. (1) 1he
Commlsslon on AudlL
shall have Lhe power,
auLhorlLy, and duLy Lo
examlne, audlL, and
seLLle all accounLs
perLalnlng Lo Lhe
revenue and recelpLs
of, and expendlLures or
uses of funds and
properLy, owned or
held ln LrusL by, or
perLalnlng Lo, Lhe
W/n Lhe dlsallowance ls a usurpaLlon of a
managemenL funcLlon and an lmpalrmenL of
Peld: no, lL ls a valld exerclse of funcLlons.
8aLlo: noL only ls Lhe Commlsslon on AudlL
(CCA) vesLed wlLh Lhe power and auLhorlLy, buL
lL ls also charged wlLh Lhe duLy, Lo examlne,
audlL and seLLle all accounLs perLalnlng Lo ... Lhe
expendlLures or uses of funds ... owned ... by, or
perLalnlng Lo, Lhe CovernmenL or any of lLs
subdlvlslons, agencles, or lnsLrumenLallLles.
ln Lhe exerclse of lLs [urlsdlcLlon, lL deLermlnes
wheLher or noL Lhe flscal responslblllLy LhaL resLs
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
offlce for glvlng Lhe lowesL bld.
CCA reduced Lhe dally raLe of Lhe
carpenLer from 40 Lo 23 for belng
excesslve and so ulngcong was noL
CovernmenL, or any of
lLs subdlvlslons,
agencles, or
lncludlng governmenL-
owned or conLrolled
corporaLlons wlLh
orlglnal charLers
dlrecLly wlLh Lhe head of Lhe governmenL
agency has been properly and effecLlvely
dlscharged, and wheLher or noL Lhere has been
loss or wasLage of governmenL resources.
17S SCkA 701
ub||c Auct|on
ln Lhe peLlLlon for revlew ln C.8. no.
83283, peLlLloner seeks Lo seL aslde
Lhe leLLer-dlrecLlve of Lhe
respondenL Commlsslon on AudlL
(CCA for brevlLy) dlsapprovlng Lhe
resulL of Lhe publlc blddlng held by
Lhe hlllpplne naLlonal Cll Company
(nCC for brevlLy) of Lhe sale of lLs
Lanker-vessel "1/1 Andres 8onlfaclo"
on Lhe ground LhaL only one bldder
submlLLed a bld and Lo dlrecL CCA Lo
approve Lhe sald sale.
eLlLloner's argues LhaL Lhe CCA was
ln grave error ln lLs percepLlon LhaL
when Lhere ls only one acLual bld
submlLLed Lhere ls consequenLly no
compeLlLlon and Lhus Lhere ls a
"fallure of blddlng." 1he facL LhaL lL
was only peLlLloner whlch submlLLed
a bld does noL affecL Lhe valldlLy of
Lhe blddlng conducLed.
1he phrase "publlc
aucLlon" or "publlc
blddlng" lmporLs a sale
Lo Lhe hlghesL bldder
wlLh absoluLe freedom
for compeLlLlve
blddlng. CompeLlLlve
blddlng requlres LhaL
Lhere be aL leasL Lwo
(2) bldders who shall
compeLe wlLh each
oLher on an equal
fooLlng for wlnnlng Lhe
award. lf Lhere ls only
one parLlclpaLlng
bldder, Lhe blddlng ls
non-compeLlLlve and,
hence, falls shorL of Lhe
!urlsdlcLlon: 81C courL
has no [urlsdlcLlon Lo
revlew a declslon of
Lhe CCA under Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon. 1hls ls a
maLLer wlLhln Lhe
excluslve [urlsdlcLlon of
W/n CCA commlLLed a grave abuse of
dlscreLlon when lL ruled LhaL Lhere was a fallure
of blddlng
Peld: no, Lhe agreemenL shall be null and vold.
8aLher Lhan condemn Lhe CCA as peLlLloner
proposes, Lhe CCA should be commended for lLs
zeal and care ln lnsurlng LhaL Lhe dlsposlLlon of
Lhe sub[ecL vessel would be ln a manner mosL
advanLageous Lo Lhe governmenL. A reblddlng
removes any susplclon LhaL may arlse ouL of Lhe
sale of Lhe vessel Lo peLlLloner under presenL
1he CourL holds LhaL a second publlc blddlng ls
ordalned so LhaL all governmenL LransacLlons
would be compeLlLlve and above board.

!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Lhe Supreme CourL.
39 SCkA 2S6
Genera| |n
eLlLloner flled an acLlon for
cerLlorarl and prohlblLlon assalled
Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of 8en[amln Aqulno,
Lhen rovlnclal llscal of 8lzal, Lo
conducL Lhe prellmlnary
lnvesLlgaLlon of Lhe alleged
commlsslon of malversaLlon Lhrough
falslflcaLlon of commerclal
documenLs, lmpuLed by Lhe AudlLor
ArgumenLs of LdllberLo 8amos: Lhe
ascerLalnmenL of wheLher a crlme
commlLLed and by who ls a noL a
consLlLuLlonal power vesLed ln Lhe
AudlLor Ceneral.

W/n Lhere ls an encroachmenL of Lhe
consLlLuLlonal prerogaLlves of AudlLor Ceneral
by Lhe lnqulry of Lhe flscal Lo deLermlne w/n
crlmlnal llablllLy ls lncurred for any anomaly
dlscovered ln Lhe course of hls audlL?
Peld: ?LS, lL ls lncluded ln Lhe Lask of Lhe
AudlLor Ceneral Lo brlng Lhe proper
admlnlsLraLlve offlcer expendlLures of funds or
properLy whlch, ln hls oplnlon, are lrregular,
unnecessary, excesslve, or exLravaganL"
8aLlo: C! Concepclon: As a maLLer of general
rule, Lhe wrlL of prohlblLlon wlll noL lssue Lo
reLraln crlmlnal prosecuLlon."
8esldes, Lhe AudlLor Ceneral wlll noL parLlclpaLe
ln Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon Lo deLermlne w/n crlmlnal
prosecuLlon should be lnsLlLuLed.
eLlLloner conLends LhaL he could
noL be held
llable on Lhe audlL dlsallowances
because he
was noL an accounLable offlcer
wlLhln Lhe
meanlng of Sec. 101 of u 1443

1. hls work was purely clerlcal,
2. he dld noL come lnLo possesslon
of any money or properLy for whlch
he ls now asked Lo pay, and
3. Pe dld noL acL ln bad falLh or wlLh
gross negllgence.

W/n peLlLloner ls an accounLable offlcer ln
relaLlon Lo Sec. 2, ArL. 9-u of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
and Lhus ls held llable on Lhe audlL
dlsallowances. ! ?LS
8aLlo: ?LS. SLaLe audlL ls noL llmlLed Lo Lhe
audlLlng of Lhe accounLable offlcers and Lhe
seLLlemenL of accounLs, buL lncludes accounLlng
funcLlons and Lhe adopLlon ln Lhe audlLed
agencles of lnLernal conLrols Lo see Lo lL, among
oLher maLLers, LhaL Lhe correcL fees and
penalLles due Lo Lhe governmenL are collecLed.
expendlLure of
1he case aL bar speaks of Lhe valldlLy
of a CCA rullng denylng Lhe
ArLlcle 9u, Sec. 2(1).
1he CCA ls vesLed wlLh
lSSuL: WCn Lhe rullng of Lhe CCA was valld.
PLLu: ?es.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

Gk No. 92279
Iune 18, 1992
funds peLlLloner's clalm LhaL sald
Commlsslon should auLhorlze Lhe
paymenL beLween a LransacLlon Lhe
peLlLloners made wlLh Lhe rovlnce
of lsabela concernlng a conLracL of

eLlLloners conLend LhaL Lhe
conLracL of sale has noL been
perfecLed beLween Lhe rovlnce of
lsabela and peLlLloner, buL dellvery
has been made by lL wlLh Lhe
correspondlng parLlal paymenL by
Lhe rovlnce of lsabela. 1hus,
peLlLloners allege LhaL lL ls Lhe duLy
of CCA Lo auLhorlze Lhe paymenL of
Lhe balance because Lo acL
oLherwlse wlll consLlLuLe an
lmpalrmenL of conLracL.
Lhe power and
auLhorlLy, buL lL ls also
charged wlLh Lhe duLy
Lo examlne, audlL, and
seLLle accounLs
perLalnlng Lo xxx Lhe
expendlLure or uses of
funds xxx owned by or
perLalnlng Lo, Lhe
CovernmenL or any of
lLs subdlvlslons,
agencles, or
ArLlcle 9u, Sec. 2(2).
1he Commlsslon shall
have excluslve
auLhorlLy, sub[ecL Lo
Lhe llmlLaLlons ln Lhls
ArLlcle, Lo deflne Lhe
scope of lLs audlL and
examlnaLlon, esLabllsh
Lhe Lechnlques and
meLhods requlred
Lherefor, and
promulgaLe accounLlng
and audlLlng rules and
regulaLlons, lncludlng
Lhose for Lhe
prevenLlon and
dlsallowance of
lrregular, unnecessary,
excesslve, exLravaganL,
or unconsclonable
expendlLures or uses of
8A1lC: ursuanL Lo ArL. 9u, Sec. 2(1-2), Lhe CCA
has Lhe power, auLhorlLy, and duLy Lo examlne,
audlL, and seLLle all accounLs perLalnlng Lo Lhe
expendlLure or use of funds ln Lhe governmenL
or any of lLs subdlvlslons, agencles, or
lnsLrumenLallLles. 1he CCA ls vesLed wlLh Lhe
rlghL Lo puL a sLop Lo lmproper or wasLeful
spendlng of publlc funds, lmmoral use of
governmenL properLy for belng hlghly lrregular,
unnecessary, or scandalously excesslve or
exLravaganL, lL belng offenslve Lo Lhe wlll of Lhe
soverelgn people.
1hls Commlsslon deLermlnes wheLher or noL Lhe
flscal responslblllLy LhaL resLs wlLh Lhe head of
Lhe governmenL agency has been properly and
effecLlve dlscharged. lL ls also empowered Lo
revlew and evaluaLe conLracLs, and afLer an
audlL has been made, lLs audlLors lssue a
cerLlflcaLe of seLLlemenL Lo each offlcer whose
accounL has been audlLed and seLLled ln whole
or ln parL, sLaLlng Lhe balances found and
cerLlfled, and Lhe charges or dlfferences arlslng
from Lhe seLLlemenL by reason of dlsallowances,
charges, or suspenslons.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

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governmenL funds and


Gk No. 983SS
March 2, 1994


Aud|t|ng Code
of the
h|||pp|nes (D
1983 ! 1he ClLy of Cebu declded Lo
consLrucL a modern abaLLolr
Aprll 30, 1983 ! ClLy 1reasurer,
8lcardo esLano, lssued a cerLlflcaLe
of avallablllLy of funds ln Lhe amounL
of 3.4M. AfLer a publlc blddlng, P.
lranco ConsLrucLlon Company, lnc.
(PlCCl) goL Lhe deal. 1hus, Lhe ClLy
of Cebu, Lhrough lLs Mayor, 8onald
uuLerLe, enLered lnLro a conLracL
wlLh PlCCl.
March 13, 1986 ! Sen. !ohn
Csmena, Lhen Cfflcer-ln-Charge of
Lhe ClLy of Cebu, ordered Lhe
suspenslon of Lhe pro[ecL and revlew
of Lhe conLracL by CCA. Pe also
asked LhaL PlCCl accounL for Lhe
value of Lhelr progress, for whlch
Lhey sald LhaL 2.1M was Lhe value
of Lhey work Lhey had accompllshed
so far.
May 21, 1987 ! AfLer PlCCl was
unable Lo collecL Lhe amounL afLer so
many demands, sald company
lnsLlLuLed a clvll acLlon agalnsL Lhe
ClLy of Cebu for recovery of
lnvesLmenL and damages.
!une 3, 1987 ! 1he ClLy of Cebu
baslcally sald LhaL Lhe conLracL lL
enLered wlLh PlCCl was null and
ArL. 9-A, Sec. 7. unless
oLherwlse provlded by
Lhls ConsLlLuLlon or by
law, any declslon,
order, or rullng of each
Commlsslon may be
broughL Lo Lhe
Supreme CourL on
cerLlorarl by Lhe
aggrleved parLy wlLhln
LhlrLy days from recelpL
of a copy Lhereof.

ArLlcle 9-u, Sec. 2(1).
1he CCA ls vesLed wlLh
Lhe power and
auLhorlLy, buL lL ls also
charged wlLh Lhe duLy
Lo examlne, audlL, and
seLLle accounLs
perLalnlng Lo xxx Lhe
expendlLure or uses of
funds xxx owned by or
perLalnlng Lo, Lhe
CovernmenL or any of
lLs subdlvlslons,
agencles, or

lSSuL: WCn Lhe declslon of CCA lnvalldaLlng Lhe
conLracL beLween Lhe ClLy of Cebu and PlCCl
was vold because Lhe conLracL had already been
execuLed and fulfllled.
PLLu: no, such declslon ls valld.
8A1lC: 1he CCA has Lhe power Lo do such
pursuanL Lo ArL. 9-u, Sec. 2(1).
Moreover, Lhe AudlLlng Code of Lhe P also
sLaLes LhaL no conLracL lnvolvlng Lhe
expendlLure of publlc funds shall be enLered
lnLo unless:
1here ls an approprlaLlon,
1he proper accounLlng offlclal shall have
cerLlfled Lo Lhe offlcer enLerlng lnLo Lhe
obllgaLlon LhaL funds have been duly
approprlaLed for Lhe purpose, and
1he amounL necessary Lo cover Lhe conLracL for
Lhe currenL year ls avallable for expendlLure.
1he conLracL enLered lnLo by former ClLy of
Cebu Mayor uuLerLe was vold from Lhe very
beglnnlng slnce Lhe agreed cosL for Lhe pro[ecL
(8.37M) was way beyond Lhe approprlaLed
amounL of 3.4M, as cerLlfled by Lhe ClLy
1reasurer. Pence, Lhe conLracL was properly
declared vold and unforceable ln CCA's 2

lndorsemenL, daLed SepLember 4, 1986.

!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
vold as declared by CCA ln lLs 2

lndorsemenL daLed SepLember 4,
1986. 1herefore, Lhe offlcer/s who
enLered lnLo Lhe conLracL are llable
for whaLever amounL ls due Lhe
uecember 13, 1988 ! 1he ClLy
Mayor, now 1omas Csmena, enLered
lnLo a compromlse agreemenL
approved by Lhe courL, Lo Lhe effecL
LhaL as a full and flnal seLLlemenL for
PlCCl, lL wlll only pay Lhe company
1.3 M.
March 3, 1989 ! 1hus, Lhe
rovlnclal uepuLy Sherlff, 81C,
8ranch 3, of Cebu ClLy, was ordered
Lo serve a wrlL of execuLlon agalnsL
Lhe ClLy of Cebu Lhrough lLs Mayor.
1he amounLs of 1.3 M and 13k, as
lawul fees, were garnlshed from Lhe
ClLy's funds from n8.
May 2, 1989 ! 1he CCA ruled LhaL
Lhe conLracL for Lhe consLrucLlon of
Lhe Cebu ClLy AbaLLolr was declared
vold ln a 2
lndorsemenL. Slnce
Lhere was no appeal, Lhe declslon
became flnal.
ConsequenLly, lf a compromlse ls
based upon an anLecedenL clalm,
whlch ls lllegal, Lhe compromlse may
be consldered lnvalld on Lhe ground
of lllegallLy as well as lack of
conslderaLlon. 8esldes, pursuanL Lo
ArL. 9-A, Sec 7, Lhe conLracL ls a
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
clrcumvenLlon of such provlslon.
eLlLloner's (Csmena) requesL for
reconslderaLlon was denled ln CCA's
lndorsemenL. Pence, Lhls
peLlLlon wlLh Lhe ff: grounds:
1he declslon ln Lhe 2
ls null and vold for havlng been
made wlLhouL, ln excess of
[urlsdlcLlon or wlLh grave abuse of
1haL ubllc 8espondenL's declslon
has never become flnal for Lhe
abovemenLloned reasons, as well.

Gk No. 103309

November 27,

1hls peLlLlon seeks Lo seL aslde Lhe
ueclslon of CCA whlch denled due
course Lo Lhe appeal of peLlLloner
8usLamanLe from Lhe dlsallowance
by 8eglonal AudlLor MarLha
Caburlan of peLlLloner's clalm for
LransporLaLlon allowance coverlng
Lhe monLh of !anuary 1989 ln Lhe
amounL of 1,230.
eLlLloner 8usLamanLe ls Lhe
8eglonal Legal Counsel of Lhe
naLlonal ower CorporaLlon (nC)
for Lhe norLhern Luzon 8eglon
CenLer coverlng Lhe provlnces of
8lzal up Lo 8aLanes. Pe was lssued a
governmenL vehlcle. ursuanL Lo
nC ollcy, he was glven monLhly
LransporLaLlon allowances ln
addlLlon Lo Lhe use of Lhe
governmenL vehlcle.
Cn May 1990, Lhe peLlLloner
ArLlcle 12-u, Sec. 2(1),
1973 ConsLlLuLlon. 1he
Commlsslon on AudlL
shall have Lhe followlng
powers and funcLlons:
(1) Lxamlne, audlL, and
seLLle, ln accordance
wlLh law and
regulaLlons, all
accounLs perLalnlng Lo
Lhe revenues and
recelpLs of, and
expendlLures or uses of
funds and properLy,
owned or held ln LrusL
by, or perLalnlng Lo, Lhe
CovernmenL, or any of
lLs subdlvlslons,
agencles, or
lncludlng governmenL-
lSSuL: WCn Lhe CCA commlLLed grave abuse of
dlscreLlon amounLlng Lo lack of [urlsdlcLlon
when CCA denled due course Lo Lhe appeal of
Lhe peLlLloner from Lhe dlsallowance of hls
LransporLaLlon allowance.
PLLu: no, CCA dld noL commlL such ln denylng
Lhe appeal.
8A1lC: 1he dlscreLlon exerclsed ln Lhe denlal of
Lhe appeal ls wlLhln Lhe power o Lhe CCA,
pursuanL Lo ArL. 12-u, Sec. 2(1) of Lhe 1973
ConsLlLuLlon and ln Clrcular no. 73-6 (Sec.14, u
733) whlch regulaLed Lhe use of governmenL
moLor vehlcles, alrcrafLs, and waLercrafLs.
1he peLlLloner cannoL say LhaL nC was noL
under Lhe corporaLlons/offlces covered by u
733 because lL ls clear LhaL Lhe clrcular ls
addressed Lo managlng heads of CovernmenL-
owned or ConLrolled CorporaLlons, Lhe nC
belng held under such caLegorles.
1he peLlLloner's conLenLlon LhaL Lhe CCA
usurped Lhe sLaLuLory funcLlons of Lhe nC
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
recelved an AudlLor's noLlce Lo
erson Llable from respondenL
Caburlan dlsallowlng Lhe 1,230
LransporLaLlon allowance.
1he peLlLloner moved for
reconslderaLlon by way of leLLer Lo
Caburlan, buL Lhe laLLer denled such
moLlon. eLlLloner Lhen appealed
Lhls denlal Lo Lhe CCA aL Cuezon
ClLy, whlch denled lL, as well.
1hus, Lhls peLlLlon.
owned and conLrolled
corporaLlons, keep Lhe
general accounLs of Lhe
governmenL and, for
such perlod as may be
provlded by law,
preserve Lhe vouchers
perLalnlng LhereLo, and
promulgaLe accounLlng
and audlLlng rules and
regulaLlons lncludlng
Lhose for Lhe
prevenLlon of lrregular,
unnecessary, excesslve,
or exLravaganL
expendlLures or use of
funds and properLy.
.u. 733, Sec. 14.
vl. rohlblLlon AgalnsL
use of CovernmenL
vehlcles by Cfflclals
provlded wlLh
allowance. no offlclal
who has been
furnlshed moLor
allowance by any
corporaLlons or oLher
offlce shall be allowed
Lo use moLor vehlcle
operaLed and
8oard of ulrecLors, also cannoL be susLalned
because LhaL would lead Lo Lhe absurd
concluslon LhaL a mere 8oard of ulrecLors of a
governmenL-owned and conLrolled corporaLlon,
by lssulng a resoluLlon, can conLravene a
consLlLuLlonal provlslon. uolng oLherwlse would
be renderlng useless Lhls ConsLlLuLlonal 8ody,
whlch has been Lasked Lo be vlgllanL and
consclenLlous ln safeguardlng Lhe proper use of
Lhe governmenL's, and ulLlmaLely, Lhe people's
1he use of governmenL moLor vehlcle and Lhe
clalm for LransporLaLlon allowance are muLually
excluslve. 1herefore, Lhe 1,230 LransporLaLlon
allowance was dlsallowed.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
malnLalned from funds
approprlaLed ln Lhe
above-clLed uecree."
n. CkCCIC V.

Gk No. 7S9S9
August 31, 1992
ueclslons by
acLlng chalrmen
have no
auLhorlLy = vold
!" $%$&$'
under Lhe 1973 and 1987
ConsLlLuLlons, Lhe CCA ls a colleglal
body. lL musL resolve cases
presenLed Lo lL as such. lLs Ceneral
Counsel cannoL acL for Lhe
Commlsslon for he ls noL even a
Commlssloner Lhereof. Pe can only
offer legal advlce or render an
oplnlon ln order Lo ald Lhe CCA ln
Lhe resoluLlon of a case or a legal
-- lSSuL: WCn nepomuceno's 3
lndorsemenL can
be consldered as a declslon of Lhe CCA.
PLLu: no.
8A1lC: A so-called declslon by auLhorlLy of Lhe
acLlng chalrman ls subsLanLlally vold !" $%$&$',"
because lL was rendered wlLhouL [urlsdlcLlon. lL
had an essenLlal, lnherenL defecL, LhaL could noL
cured or walved." (See ($)'% *+ ,-.)
(/%)&0!12 34!& (5+ 607'89:0%' )4'9;1 4!*0
1'%0 3!) &' 50%105 &40 '7$%$'% )'9<4& ='5 $% &40
750:01$%< >
/%1'5)080%& '= 50)7'%10%& ?5)!;2
!%1 )9"8$& &40 )!80 &' &40 ,'88$))$'% ='5 &40
;!&&05@) <9$1!%:0 $% 50)';*$%< &40 8'&$'% ='5
G.k. No. 92S8S,
May 8, 1992
p. 772

1hls ls a peLlLlon erroneously
broughL under 8ule 44 of Lhe 8ules
of CourL quesLlonlng Lhe auLhorlLy of
Lhe Commlsslon on AudlL (CCA) ln
dlsallowlng peLlLloner's clalms for
relmbursemenL from Lhe Cll rlce
SLablllzaLlon lund (CSl) and
seeklng Lhe reversal of sald
Commlsslon's declslon denylng lLs
clalms for recovery of flnanclng
charges from Lhe lund and
relmbursemenL of under recovery
arlslng from sales Lo Lhe naLlonal
ower CorporaLlon, ALlas
ConsolldaLed Mlnlng and
uevelopmenL CorporaLlon (A1LAS)
and Marcopper Mlnlng CorporaLlon
ar. 1, SecLlon 2,
ArLlcle lx, u of Lhe 1987
ConsLlLuLlon. 1he
Commlsslon on AudlL
shall have Lhe power,
auLhorlLy, and duLy Lo
examlne, audlL, and
seLLle all accounLs
perLalnlng Lo Lhe
revenue and recelpLs
of, and expendlLures or
uses of funds and

ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL Lhe CCA has Lhe
auLhorlLy Lo dlsallow lrregular, unnecessary,
excesslve, exLravaganL, or unconsclonable
expendlLures, or use of governmenL funds and
properLles !!"#$
!8aLlo 1:
o 1he audlL power of Lhe AudlLor Ceneral
under Lhe 1933 ConsLlLuLlon and Lhe
Commlsslon on AudlL under Lhe 1973
ConsLlLuLlon auLhorlzed Lhem Lo dlsallow
lllegal expendlLures of funds or uses of funds
and properLy. Cur presenL ConsLlLuLlon, as
seen ln ar. 1, SecLlon 2, ArLlcle lx, u,
reLalned LhaL same power and auLhorlLy
furLher sLrengLhened by Lhe deflnlLlon of Lhe
CCA's general [urlsdlcLlon ln SecLlon 26 of Lhe
CovernmenL AudlLlng Code of Lhe hlllpplnes
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
(MA8CCL8), prevenLlng lL from
exerclslng Lhe rlghL Lo offseL
remlLLances agalnsL lLs
relmbursemenL vls-a-vls Lhe CSl
and dlsallowlng lLs clalms whlch are
sLlll pendlng resoluLlon before Lhe
Cfflce of Lnergy Affalrs (CLA) and
Lhe ueparLmenL of llnance (uCl).
uue Lo lmporLance of Lhe lssues
ralsed, Lhe error ln Lhe deslgnaLlon
of Lhe remedy pursued was excused.
and AdmlnlsLraLlve Code of 1987.
o 1he same vlew was expressed by one of Lhe
Commlssloners of Lhe 1986 ConsLlLuLlonal
Commlsslon, lr. !oaquln C. 8ernas.
G.k. No. 140S63,
Iu|y 14, 2000
p. 774
ayment of
|ega| serv|ces
1he naLlonal ower CorporaLlon
(nC) enLered lnLo a servlce conLracL
wlLh ALLy. 8enemerlLo A. SaLorre.
SaLorre was able Lo render legal
servlces, however, on 12 !anuary
1993, unlL AudlLor Alexander A. 1an,
nC-v8C, Cebu ClLy, lssued noLlce of
ulsallowance for Lhe paymenL of Lhe
servlces rendered by ALLy. SaLorre
for Lhe perlod coverlng March Lo
uecember 1993 on Lhe ground LhaL
lL vlolaLed CCA Clrcular no. 86-233.
rofesslonal fees were Lhen charged
Lo offlclals of Lhe nC, lncludlng
hereln peLlLloner.
eLlLloner lnlLlally flled moLlons for
reconslderaLlon Lo Lhe unlL AudlLor
and Lhe CCA 8eglonal ulrecLor.
Powever, boLh were denled and Lhe
prlor declslon holdlng peLlLloner
llable for sald fees was afflrmed.
Pence, before Lhe CourL ls a peLlLlon
for revlew from Lhe declslon of Lhe
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL, under CCA 8esoluLlon
no. 86-233, Lhe phrase handllng of legal cases"
should be consLrued Lo mean as conducL of
cases or handllng of courL cases or llLlgaLlon and
noL Lo oLher legal maLLers, such as legal
documenLaLlon, negoLlaLlons, counsellng or
rlghL of way maLLers !%&
!8aLlo 1:
o ConLrary Lo vlew espoused by peLlLloner, Lhe
prohlblLlon covers Lhe hlrlng of prlvaLe
lawyers Lo render and form of legal servlce. lL
makes no dlsLlncLlon as Lo wheLher or noL Lhe
legal servlces Lo be performed lnvolve acLual
legal conLroversy or courL llLlgaLlon.
ISSUL 2: WheLher or noL Lhe peLlLloner ls correcL
ln saylng LhaL Lhe servlce conLracL ln quesLlon
falls ouLslde Lhe amblL of Lhe clrcular as whaL ls
belng curLalled ls Lhe paymenL of reLalner fees
and noL Lhe paymenL of fees for legal servlces
acLually rendered !%&$
!8aLlo 2:
o 1o glve such a Lechnlcal lnLerpreLaLlon Lo Lhe
Lerm reLalner fees" would go agalnsL Lhe
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Commlsslon on AudlL (CCA), daLed
28 SepLember 1999 of hereln
peLlLloner uanLe M. olloso, from
Lhe dlsallowance by Lhe CCA unlL
AudlLor of Lhe amounL of
283,763.39 represenLlng paymenL
of legal servlces rendered by ALLy.
8enemerlLo A. SaLorre Lo Lhe
naLlonal ower CorporaLlon (nC).

purpose of Lhe clrcular and render Lhe same
ISSUL 3: WheLher or noL Lhe Clrcular ls
unconsLlLuLlonal for belng an lnvalld resLrlcLlon
Lo Lhe pracLlce of Lhe law professlon!%&$
!8aLlo 3:
o 1he quesLloned CCA clrcular slmply seLs forLh
Lhe prerequlslLes for a governmenL agency
lnsLrumenLallLy lon hlrlng a prlvaLe lawyer,
whlch are reasonable safeguards Lo prevenL
lrregular, unnecessary, excesslve,
exLravaganL or unconsclonable expendlLures
or uses of governmenL funds and properLles.
k. k8 VS. CCA
G.k. No. 8843S,
Ianuary 16, 2002
1hls ls a peLlLlon for revlew on
cerLlorarl of Lhe leLLer-declslon of
Lhe Chalrman of Lhe Commlsslon on
AudlL (CCA) and Lhe leLLer-declslon
of Lhe CCA en banc, prohlblLlng Lhe
uevelopmenL 8ank of Lhe hlllpplnes
(u8) from hlrlng a prlvaLe exLernal
audlLor. 1hls peLlLlon ralses a
quesLlon of flrsL lmpresslon, wheLher
or noL Lhe consLlLuLlonal power of
Lhe CCA Lo examlne and audlL Lhe
u8 ls excluslve and precludes a
concurrenL audlL of Lhe u8 by a
prlvaLe exLernal audlLor.
Sec. 2, ArLlcle lx-u of
Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon.
(1) 1he Commlsslon on
AudlL shall have Lhe
power, auLhorlLy, and
duLy Lo examlne, audlL,
and seLLle all
(2) 1he Commlsslon
shall have excluslve
auLhorlLy, sub[ecL Lo
Lhe llmlLaLlons ln Lhls
ArLlcle, Lo deflne Lhe
scope of lLs audlL and
examlnaLlon, esLabllsh
Sec. 20, ArLlcle xll of
Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon.
1he Congress shall
esLabllsh an
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL CCA has Lhe sole and
excluslve power Lo examlne and audlL
governmenL banks so as Lo prohlblL concurrenL
audlL by prlvaLe exLernal audlLors under any
!8aLlo 1:
o A perusal of Lhe records of Lhe 1986
ConsLlLuLlonal Commlsslon would reveal LhaL
Lhe framers of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon lnLended LhaL
CCA be noL granLed excluslve [urlsdlcLlon
over Lhe audlLlng of any governmenL
deparLmenL, agency, or lnsLrumenLallLy. 1hey
were fully aware of Lhe need Lo allow
lndependenL prlvaLe audlL of cerLaln
governmenL agencles ln addlLlon Lo Lhe CCA
audlL, as when Lhere ls a prlvaLe lnvesLmenL
ln a governmenL-conLrolled corporaLlon, or
when a governmenL corporaLlon ls prlvaLlzed
or publlcly llsLed, or as |n the case at bar
when the government borrows money from
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
lndependenL cenLral
moneLary auLhorlLy,
Lhe members of whose
governlng board musL
be naLural-born llllplno
clLlzens, of known
problLy, lnLegrlLy, and
paLrloLlsm, Lhe
ma[orlLy of whom shall
come from Lhe prlvaLe
o 1here ls anoLher consLlLuLlonal barrler Lo Lhe
CCA's lnslsLence of excluslve power Lo
examlne and audlL all governmenL agencles.
1he CCA's clalm clashes dlrecLly wlLh Lhe
CenLral 8ank's consLlLuLlonal power of
supervlslon" over banks under SecLlon 20,
ArLlcle xll of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon. 1he CCA and
Lhe CenLral 8ank have concurrenL
[urlsdlcLlon, under Lhe ConsLlLuLlon, Lo
examlne and audlL governmenL banks.
Powever, desplLe Lhls concurrenL [urlsdlcLlon,
Lhe CCA's audlL sLlll prevalls over LhaL of Lhe
CenLral 8ank.
L. AkkLC VS.
G.k. No. 162224,
Iune 7, 2007
p. 781
Salvador arreno (peLlLloner) served
ln Lhe Armed lorces of Lhe
hlllpplnes (Al) for 32 years. Cn 3
!anuary 1982, peLlLloner reLlred
from Lhe hlllpplne ConsLabulary
wlLh Lhe rank of 2
eLlLloner avalled, and recelved
paymenL, of a lump sum penslon
equlvalenL Lo Lhree years pay. ln
1983, peLlLloner sLarLed recelvlng hls
monLhly penslon amounLlng Lo
eLlLloner mlgraLed Lo Pawall and
became a naLurallzed Amerlcan
clLlzen. ln !anuary 2001, Lhe Al
sLopped peLlLloner's monLhly
penslon ln accordance wlLh SecLlon
27 of resldenLlal uecree no. 1638,
as amended by resldenLlal uecree
no. 1630.
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL CCA has [urlsdlcLlon Lo
rule on Lhe consLlLuLlonallLy of SecLlon 27 of u
1638 !%&$
!8aLlo 1:
o eLlLloner flled hls money clalm before Lhe
CCA. A money clalm ls a demand for
paymenL of a sum of money, relmbursemenL
or compensaLlon arlslng from law or conLracL
due from or owlng Lo a governmenL agency."
under CommonwealLh AcL no. 327, as
amended by resldenLlal uecree no. 1443,
money clalms agalnsL Lhe governmenL shall
be flled before Lhe CCA.
o 1he [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe CCA over money
clalms agalnsL Lhe governmenL does noL
lnclude Lhe power Lo rule on Lhe
consLlLuLlonallLy or valldlLy of laws.

!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
u 1638, as amended, provldes LhaL
a reLlree who loses hls llllplno
clLlzenshlp shall be removed from
Lhe reLlred llsL and hls reLlremenL
beneflLs LermlnaLed upon loss of
llllplno clLlzenshlp. eLlLloner
requesLed for reconslderaLlon buL
Lhe !udge AdvocaLe Ceneral of Lhe
Al denled Lhe requesL.
eLlLloner flled a clalm before Lhe
CCA for Lhe conLlnuance of hls
monLhly penslon. CCA denled
peLlLloner's clalm for lack of

!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

Sect|on 8. 1he term of off|ce of e|ect|ve |oca| off|c|a|s, except barangay off|c|a|s, wh|ch sha|| be determ|ned by |aw, sha|| be three years and no such
off|c|a| sha|| serve for more than three consecut|ve terms. Vo|untary renunc|at|on of the off|ce for any |ength of t|me sha|| not be cons|dered as an
|nterrupt|on |n the cont|nu|ty of h|s serv|ce for the fu|| term for wh|ch he was e|ected.

Cases keywords Iacts
Issue]s & kat|o
A. 8CkIA
Ik. V.
C &
Gk 13349S
Sept. 3,
Success|on |s
not counted |n
the 3-term
||m|t of
!anuary 18, 1988-!une 30, 1992 !
1erm of prlvaLe respondenL !ose 1.
Capco as vlce-mayor of aLeros

SepLember 2, 1989! Capco became
mayor, by operaLlon of law, upon
Lhe deaLh of Lhe lncumbenL, Cesar

May 11, 1992- !une 30, 1993 !
Capco ran and was elecLed mayor.

May 8, 1993- !une 30, 1998! Capco
was reelecLed mayor.

March 27, 1998! Capco flled a
cerLlflcaLe of candldacy for mayor of
aLeros for May 11, 1998 elecLlons.

eLlLloner 8en[amln u. 8or[a, !r.,
who was also a candldaLe for mayor,
soughL Capco's dlsquallflcaLlon.
CCMLLLC dlsquallfled Capco buL
reversed lLs declslon.

May 11, 1998 elecLlons! Capco won
SLC. 8. 1he Lerm of offlce of
elecLlve local offlclals, excepL
barangay offlclals, whlch
shall be deLermlned by law,
shall be Lhree years and no
such offlclal shall serve for
more Lhan Lhree consecuLlve
W]N Capco's success|on to the off|ce of mayor
by operat|on of |aw for the rema|nder of the
term |s counted |n the three-term ||m|t?
Peld& 8aLlo: no, because he was noL elecLed Lo
Lhe offlce of Lhe mayor ln Lhe flrsL Lerm buL
slmply found hlm LhrusL lnLo lL by operaLlon of
law. nelLher had he served Lhe full Lerm
because he only conLlnued Lhe servlce,
lnLerrupLed by Lhe deaLh, of Lhe deceased
AddlLlonal lnfo: unllke ln Lhe case of a member
of Lhe Pouse of 8epresenLaLlves who succeeds
anoLher, Lhe vlce-mayor succeeds Lo Lhe mayor-
shlp by operaLlon of law. 8uL Lhe
8epresenLaLlve ls elecLed Lo flll Lhe vacancy. ln
a real sense, Lherefore, such 8epresenLaLlve
serves a Lerm for whlch he was elecLed. As Lhe
purpose of Lhe consLlLuLlonal provlslon ls Lo
llmlL Lhe rlghL Lo be elecLed and Lo serve ln
Congress, hls servlce of Lhe unexplred Lerm ls
rlghLly counLed as hls flrsL Lerm. 1herefore, Lhe
Lheory conLenLlon of Lhe peLlLloner abouL Sec. 8
ls appllcable Lo Po8 members and noL Lo a vlce-
mayor who succeeds Lhe mayor, who dles,
reslgns, becomes lncapaclLaLed or removed
from offlce.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

Sect|on 9. Leg|s|at|ve bod|es of |oca| governments sha|| have sectora| representat|on as may be prescr|bed by |aw.

so 8or[a now prays Lo seL aslde Lhe
reversal of CCMLLLC' declslon Lo leL
Capco run.
Gk 127116
Apr|| 8, 1997
the term of
ALLx L. uAvlu, ln hls own behalf as
8arangay Chalrman of 8arangay 77,
Zone 7, kalookan ClLy and as
resldenL of Lhe LlCA nC MCA
8A8AnCA? SA lLllnAS.
1he Lwo peLlLlons before us ralse a
common quesLlon: Pow long ls Lhe
Lerm of offlce of barangay chalrmen
and oLher barangay offlclals who
were elecLed Lo Lhelr respecLlve
offlces on Lhe second Monday of
May 1994?
ls lL Lhree years, as provlded by 8A
7160 (Lhe Local CovernmenL Code)
or flve years, as conLalned ln 8A
ConLendlng LhaL Lhelr Lerm ls flve
years, peLlLloners ask Lhls CourL Lo
order Lhe cancellaLlon of Lhe
scheduled barangay elecLlon Lhls
comlng May 12, 1997 and Lo reseL lL
Lo Lhe second Monday of May, 1999.
Pow long ls Lhe Lerm of
offlce of barangay offlclals?
! 3 ?LA8S as provlded
under Lhe Local CovernmenL
under Sec. 43-c of 8A 7160,
Lhe Lerm of offlce of
barangay offlclals was flxed
aL "Lhree (3) years whlch
shall begln afLer Lhe regular
elecLlon of barangay offlclals
on Lhe second Monday of
May 1994." 1hls provlslon ls
clearly lnconslsLenL wlLh and
repugnanL Lo Sec. 1 of 8A
6679 whlch sLaLes LhaL such
"Lerm shall be for flve
1he raLlonale ls slmple: a
laLer law repeals an earller
one because lL ls Lhe laLer
leglslaLlve wlll.
W/n Lhe 3-year Lerm ls repugnanL Lo Lhe
Peld & 8aLlo: nC, Lhe ConsLlLuLlon dld noL
expressly prohlblL Congress from flxlng any
Lerm of offlce for barangay offlclals.
M8. nCLLLuC. Cne clarlflcaLory quesLlon,
Madam resldenL. WhaL wlll Lhe Lerm of Lhe
offlce of barangay offlclals be as provlded for?
M8. uAvluL. As may be deLermlned by law.
M8. nCLLLuC. As provlded for ln Lhe Local
CovernmenL Code?
M8. uAvluL. ?es
Cases keywords Iacts
Issue]s & kat|o
AN, Ik.
Va||d|ty of
made by the
eLlLloner !ohnny u. Supangan, !r.,
was elecLed k8 rovlnclal lederaLlon
resldenL of Lhe provlnce of
SecLlon 9 ArLlcle x of Lhe
1973 ConsLlLuLlon mandaLes
LhaL leglslaLlve bodles of
W]N the des|gnat|ons]appo|ntments made by
respondent Secretary |s un|awfu| and
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/
Gk 84663
August 24,
Secretary DLG
of members]

angaslnan ln 1983.
Cn november 23, 1983, peLlLloner
was appolnLed by Lhen resldenL
Marcos as member of Lhe
Sanggunlang anlalawlgan of Lhe
provlnce of angaslnan represenLlng
Lhe youLh secLor.
AugusL 8, 1988! respondenL
Marlssa uomanLay presenLed Lo Lhe
resldlng Cfflcer a leLLer wrlLLen by
respondenL SecreLary Luls 1. SanLos
advlslng Lhe Sanggunlang
anlalawlgan LhaL respondenL
"Marlssa uomanLay has been named
as member Lhereof Lo replace
!ohnny u. Supangan, !r."
Clalmlng LhaL Sec. SanLos has no
legal auLhorlLy Lo deslgnaLe prlvaLe
respondenL Marlssa uomanLay as
member of Lhe Sanggunlang
anlalawlgan represenLlng Lhe youLh
secLor because
(a) respondenL Marlssa uomanLay
has never been elecLed as k8
rovlnclal lederaLlon resldenL of
angaslnan, a baslc quallflcaLlon for
appolnLmenL as member
represenLlng Lhe youLh secLor, and
(b) respondenL SecreLary of uepL. of
Local CovernmenL has no legal
auLhorlLy ln lssulng hls leLLer daLed
AugusL 3, 1988 because Lhe Lerm of
offlce of peLlLloner !ohnny u.
Supangan, !r. has noL yeL explred nor
local governmenLs shall have
secLoral represenLaLlon as
may be prescrlbed by law.

8.. 8lg. 337 ls sLlll operaLlve,
even afLer Lhe raLlflcaLlon of
Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon-
Sec. 3. All exlsLlng laws,
decrees, execuLlve orders,
proclamaLlons, leLLers of
lnsLrucLlons and oLher
execuLlve lssuances noL
lnconslsLenL wlLh Lhls
ConsLlLuLlon shall remaln
operaLlve unLll amended,
repealed or revoked.

under Lhe Local CovernmenL Code (8 337), Lhe
power Lo appolnL secLoral represenLaLlves ls
conferred upon Lhe resldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes.
8uL Lhe SecreLary of Local CovernmenL may, by
auLhorlLy of Lhe resldenL lnform Lhe secLoral
represenLaLlves of Lhelr appolnLmenLs.
CLherwlse sLaLed, lL ls acLually Lhe resldenL
who has made Lhe appolnLmenLs ln Lhe cases
lnvolved hereln, and Lhe SecreLary of Local
CovernmenL ls only Lhe LransmlLLer or
communlcaLor of sald appolnLmenLs.
PCWLvL8, Lhere cannoL be any appolnLmenL
wlLhouL enabllng law- the 8.. 337 part|cu|ar|y
secs. 146 and 173.
8.. 8lg. 337 expllclLly requlres LhaL before Lhe
resldenL (or Lhe SecreLary of Lhe ueparLmenL
of Local CovernmenL) may appolnL members of
Lhe local leglslaLlve bodles Lo represenL Lhe
lndusLrlal and AgrlculLural Labor SecLors,
Cn Lhe quesLlon of quallflcaLlon of Lhe
appolnLee, We ruled ln Lhe cases of !"#$%&' )*
+$#$,-. /0* $#1 2-3-4 )* 5-00-0 64780$9 LhaL Lhe
appolnLee Lo Lhe Sanggunlan who slLs Lhere as a
represenLaLlve musL meeL Lhe quallflcaLlons
requlred by law for Lhe poslLlon.
As Lo represenLaLlves of Lhe youLh secLor,
AssoclaLlon of 8arangay Counclls and kabaLaang
8arangay lederaLlon, Sec. 3 par. l of 8.. 8lg. 31
and Sec. 173 par. 1 of 8.. 8lg. 337 (boLh earller
quoLed) requlre LhaL Lhey musL have been
presldenLs or offlcers of sald secLor or barangay.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

Sect|on 10. No prov|nce, c|ty, mun|c|pa||ty, or barangay may be created, d|v|ded, merged, abo||shed, or |ts boundary substant|a||y a|tered, except |n
accordance w|th the cr|ter|a estab||shed |n the |oca| government code and sub[ect to approva| by a ma[or|ty of the votes cast |n a p|eb|sc|te |n the
po||t|ca| un|ts d|rect|y affected.

hls successor, lf any, been
elecLed/appolnLed and quallfled.
Peld: 1he appolnLmenL of
respondenL Marlssa uomanLay as
member of Lhe Sanggunlang
anlalawlgan of angaslnan
represenLlng Lhe youLh secLor ls
declared null and vold, and
peLlLloner !ohnny Supangan, !r. ls
ordered relnsLaLed.
Cases keywords Iacts
Issue]s & kat|o
A. 1AN V.
142 SCkA
727 Iu|y 11,

Vo|d creat|on
of New
rov|nce of
Negros de|
uecember 3, 1983! 8aLas
ambansa 8lg. 883-An AcL CreaLlng a
new rovlnce ln Lhe lsland of negros
Lo be known as Lhe rovlnce of
negros del norLe.
uecember 23, 1983! 1An and
oLher resldenLs of Lhe rovlnce of
negros CccldenLal flled a case for
rohlblLlon for Lhe purpose of
sLopplng Lhe respondenL
Commlsslon on LlecLlons from
conducLlng Lhe pleblsclLe whlch was
scheduled Lo be lmplemenLed on
!anuary 3, 1986.
Loca| Government Code
SLC. 197. !"#$%&%'"& )*+
,+"-'%*.. A provlnce may be
creaLed lf lL has
LerrlLory of aL 3, 300 square
populaLlon of aL leasL
300,000 persons
average esLlmaLed annual
lncome, as cerLlfled by Lhe
MlnlsLry of llnance, of noL
less Lhan 10M pesos for Lhe
lasL 3 consecuLlve years,
lLs creaLlon shall noL reduce
Lhe populaLlon and lncome
of Lhe moLher provlnce or
W/n 8aLas ambansa 8lg. 883 ls
PLLu: ?LS, Lherefore, Lhe proclamaLlon of Lhe
new provlnce of negros del norLe, as well as
Lhe appolnLmenL of Lhe offlclals Lhereof ls also
declared null and vold.
WlLh consLlLuLlonal lnflrmlLy aLLachlng Lo Lhe
sub[ecL 8aLas ambansa 8lg. 883 and also
because Lhe creaLlon of Lhe new provlnce of
negros del norLe ls noL ln accordance wlLh Lhe
crlLerla esLabllshed ln Lhe Local CovernmenL
Code, Lhe facLual and legal basls for Lhe creaLlon
of such new provlnce whlch should [usLlfy Lhe
holdlng of anoLher pleblsclLe does noL exlsL.
" 1hls creaLed provlnce does noL even saLlsfy
Lhe area requlremenL prescrlbed ln SecLlon 197
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/
provlnces aL Lhe Llme of sald
creaLlon Lo less Lhan Lhe
mlnlmum requlremenLs
under Lhls secLlon. 1he
LerrlLory need noL be
conLlguous lf lL comprlses
Lwo or more lslands. xxx
Art|c|e kI, Sect|on 3 of the
SLC. 3. no provlnce, clLy,
munlclpallLy or barrlo may
be creaLed, dlvlded, merged
abollshed, or lLs boundary
subsLanLlally alLered, excepL
ln accordance wlLh Lhe
crlLerla esLabllshed ln Lhe
local governmenL code, and
sub[ecL Lo Lhe approval by a
ma[orlLy of Lhe voLes ln a
pleblsclLe ln Lhe unlL or unlLs
of Lhe Local CovernmenL Code.
8. kC
or of

part|c|pants |n
a p|eb|sc|te
Sub[ecL: 1he CreaLlon of MunlclpallLy
of 1ulay-na-Lupa ln Lhe rovlnce of
Camarlnes norLe
uecember 13, 1991! 8esulL of Lhe
pleblsclLe LhroughouL Lhe
MunlclpallLy of Labo: only 2,890
voLes favored lLs creaLlon whlle
3,439 voLers voLed agalnsL Lhe
creaLlon of Lhe MunlclpallLy of 1ulay-
1he governor of Camarlnes norLe
seeks Lo seL aslde Lhe pleblsclLe
conducLed and prays LhaL a new
kat|ona|e beh|nd the
deleLlon of Lhe phrase "unlL
or" ln SecLlon 10, ArLlcle x of
Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon
Mr. uavlde: ! :'7;1 '<=-%,. !
80-%&4-;3 $4>-1 ?'0 ,@-
1-;-,&'# '? ,@- :'014 A7#&,
'0A <-%$74- &# ,@- 8;-<&4%&,-
,' <- %'#17%,-1. &, B74,
&#)';)- $;; ,@- 7#&,4
$??-%,-1. !? &, &4 ,@- %0-$,&'#
'? $ <$0$#"$3 8;-<&4%&,-
<-%$74- &, &4 $??-%,-1. !,
W/n Lhe peLlLloner can conducL a new
Peld: nC. 1herefore, CCMLLLC dld noL commlL
a grave abuse of dlscreLlon for declarlng Lhe
resulL of Lhe pleblsclLe valld.
lL sLands Lo reason LhaL when Lhe law sLaLes
LhaL Lhe pleblsclLe shall be conducLed "ln Lhe
pollLlcal unlLs dlrecLly affecLed," lL means LhaL
resldenLs of Lhe pollLlcal enLlLy who would be
economlcally dlslocaLed by Lhe separaLlon of a
porLlon Lhereof have a rlghL Lo voLe ln sald
pleblsclLe. LvldenLly, whaL ls conLemplaLed by
Lhe phase "pollLlcal unlLs dlrecLly affecLed," ls
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/
Cctober 19,

pleblsclLe be underLaken as provlded
by 8A 7133 because lL was a
compleLe fallure. Also, Lhe resulLs
obLalned were lnvalld and lllegal
because Lhe pleblsclLe, as mandaLed
by CCMLLLC 8esoluLlon no. 2312
should have been conducLed only ln
Lhe pollLlcal unlL or unlLs
affecLed, &*-* Lhe 12 barangays
comprlslng Lhe new MunlclpallLy of
eLlLloner sLresses LhaL Lhe pleblsclLe
should noL have lncluded Lhe
remalnlng area of Lhe moLher unlL of
Lhe MunlclpallLy of Labo, Camarlnes
:'7;1 B-$# $ ;'44 '? $

(Lmphasls supplled)

Lhe plurallLy of pollLlcal unlLs whlch would
parLlclpaLe ln Lhe pleblsclLe. Loglcally, Lhose Lo
be lncluded ln such pollLlcal areas are Lhe
lnhablLanLs of Lhe 12 barangays of Lhe proposed
MunlclpallLy of 1ulay-na-Lupa as well as Lhose
llvlng ln Lhe parenL MunlclpallLy of Labo,
Camarlnes norLe
Gk 1769S1
21, 2009

16 C|tyhood
Cases flled by League of ClLles of Lhe
hlllpplnes (LC), ClLy of llollo, ClLy of
Calbayog, and !erry . 1renas,
assalllng Lhe consLlLuLlonallLy of Lhe
slxLeen (16) laws each converLlng Lhe
munlclpallLy covered Lhereby lnLo a
componenL clLy (ClLyhood Laws).
8efore SenaLe 8lll no. 2137, now
8.A. no. 9009, was lnLroduced by
SenaLor Aqulllno lmenLel, Lhere
were 37 bllls flled for converslon of
37 munlclpallLles lnLo componenL
uurlng Lhe 11Lh Congress (!une
1998-!une 2001), 33 of Lhese bllls
were enacLed lnLo law, whlle 24
remalned as pendlng bllls. Among
Lhese 24 were Lhe 16 munlclpallLles
lnLenL of lncreaslng Lhe
lncome requlremenL:
1he purpose of Lhe
enacLmenL of 8.A. no 9009
was merely Lo sLop Lhe mad
rush of munlclpallLles
wanLlng Lo be converLed lnLo
clLles" and Lhe apprehenslon
LhaL before long Lhe counLry
wlll be a counLry of clLles and
wlLhouL munlclpallLles. lL
should be polnLed ouL LhaL
Lhe lmposlLlon of Lhe 100
mllllon average annual
lncome requlremenLs for Lhe
creaLlon of componenL clLles
was arblLrarlly made.
W/n Lhe clLyhood laws vlolaLe (1) Sec. 10. ArL. x
of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon?
nC, 16 munlclpallLles are exempLed from Lhe
amendmenLs ln Lhe LCC.
Congress lnLended LhaL Lhose wlLh pendlng
clLyhood bllls durlng Lhe 11Lh Congress would
noL be covered by Lhe new and hlgher lncome
requlremenL of 100 mllllon lmposed by 8.A.
no. 9009. When Lhe LCC was amended by 8.A.
no. 9009, Lhe amendmenL carrled wlLh lL boLh
Lhe leLLer and Lhe lnLenL of Lhe law, and such
were lncorporaLed ln Lhe LCC by whlch Lhe
compllance of Lhe ClLyhood Laws was gauged.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/
Sect|on 11. 1he Congress may, by |aw, create spec|a| metropo||tan po||t|ca| subd|v|s|ons, sub[ect to a p|eb|sc|te as set forth |n Sect|on 10 hereof. 1he
component c|t|es and mun|c|pa||t|es sha|| reta|n the|r bas|c autonomy and sha|| be ent|t|ed to the|r own |oca| execut|ve and |eg|s|at|ve assemb||es.
1he [ur|sd|ct|on of the metropo||tan author|ty that w||| thereby be created sha|| be ||m|ted to bas|c serv|ces requ|r|ng coord|nat|on.

LhaL were converLed lnLo componenL
clLles Lhrough Lhe ClLyhood Laws.
Cases keywords Iacts
Issue]s & kat|o
V. 8LL-
Gk 13S962
March 27,
!anuary 2, 1996! 8espondenL
prayed for Lhe lssuance of a
Lemporary resLralnlng order and
prellmlnary ln[uncLlon en[olnlng Lhe
openlng of nepLune SLreeL and
prohlblLlng Lhe demollLlon of Lhe
perlmeLer wall. 1he Lrlal courL lssued
a Lemporary resLralnlng order Lhe
followlng day.
!anuary 23, 1996! 1he appellaLe
courL conducLed an ocular lnspecLlon
of nepLune SLreeL] and on lebruary
13, 1996, lL lssued a wrlL of
prellmlnary ln[uncLlon en[olnlng Lhe
lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe MMuA's
proposed acLlon.
!anuary 28, 1997!Lhe appellaLe
courL rendered a ueclslon on Lhe
merlLs of Lhe case flndlng LhaL Lhe
MMuA has no auLhorlLy Lo order Lhe
openlng of nepLune SLreeL, a prlvaLe
subdlvlslon road and cause Lhe
demollLlon of lLs perlmeLer walls. lL
held LhaL Lhe auLhorlLy ls lodged ln
Lhe ClLy Councll of MakaLl by
"C-%,&'# DD. xxx 1he
[urlsdlcLlon of Lhe
meLropollLan auLhorlLy LhaL
wlll Lhereby be creaLed shall
be llmlLed Lo baslc servlces
requlrlng coordlnaLlon."
uLvLLCMLn1 Au1PC8l1? (MMuA) 1PL
MAnuA1L 1C CLn nL1unL S18LL1 1C
u8LlC 18AlllC u8SuAn1 1C l1S
Peld: nC, MMuA ls noL a local governmenL unlL
or a publlc corporaLlon endowed wlLh leglslaLlve
under Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon, Lhe local
governmenL unlLs became prlmarlly responslble
for Lhe governance of Lhelr respecLlve pollLlcal
1he MMA's [urlsdlcLlon was llmlLed Lo
addresslng common problems lnvolvlng baslc
servlces LhaL Lranscended local boundarles. lL
dld noL have leglslaLlve power. lLs power was
merely Lo provlde Lhe local governmenL unlLs
Lechnlcal asslsLance ln Lhe preparaLlon of local
developmenL plans. Any semblance of
leglslaLlve power lL had was conflned Lo a
"revlew [of] leglslaLlon proposed by Lhe local
leglslaLlve assemblles Lo ensure conslsLency
among local governmenLs and wlLh Lhe
comprehenslve developmenL plan of MeLro
Manlla," and Lo "advlse Lhe local governmenLs
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

Sect|on 12. C|t|es that are h|gh|y urban|zed, as determ|ned by |aw, and component c|t|es whose charters proh|b|t the|r voters from vot|ng for
prov|nc|a| e|ect|ve off|c|a|s, sha|| be |ndependent of the prov|nce. 1he voters of component c|t|es w|th|n a prov|nce, whose charters conta|n no such
proh|b|t|on, sha|| not be depr|ved of the|r r|ght to vote for e|ect|ve prov|nc|a| off|c|a|s.

eLlLloner MMuA clalms LhaL lL has
Lhe auLhorlLy Lo open nepLune
SLreeL Lo publlc Lrafflc because lL ls
an agenL of Lhe sLaLe endowed wlLh
pollce power ln Lhe dellvery of baslc
servlces ln MeLro Manlla. Cne of
Lhese baslc servlces ls Lrafflc
managemenL whlch lnvolves Lhe
regulaLlon of Lhe use of
Lhoroughfares Lo lnsure Lhe safeLy,
convenlence and welfare of Lhe
general publlc.
Cases keywords Iacts
Issue]s & kat|o
Gk 100710
3, 1991
of Sect|on 12
A case Lo deLremlne who ls Lhe
rlghLful governor of Lhe provlnce of
1) peLlLloner Adellna Larrazabal (C.8.
no. 100739) who obLalned Lhe
hlghesL number of voLes ln Lhe local
elecLlons of lebruary 1, 1988 and
was proclalmed as Lhe duly elecLed
governor buL who was laLer declared
by Lhe Commlsslon on LlecLlons
(CCMLLLC) "... Lo lack boLh
resldence and reglsLraLlon
quallflcaLlons for Lhe poslLlon of
Sec. 12. ClLles LhaL are hlghly
urbanlzed, as deLermlned by
law, and componenL clLles
whose charLers prohlblL Lhelr
voLers from voLlng for
provlnclal elecLlve offlclals,
shall be lndependenL of Lhe
provlnce. 1he voLers of
componenL clLles wlLhln a
provlnce, whose charLers
conLaln no such prohlblLlon,
shall noL be deprlved of Lhelr
rlghL Lo voLe for elecLlve
1. 1he facL LhaL Lhe candldaLe who obLalned
Lhe hlghesL number of voLes ls laLer
declared Lo be dlsquallfled or noL ellglble
for Lhe offlce Lo whlch he was elecLed does
noL necessarlly enLlLle Lhe candldaLe who
obLalned Lhe second hlghesL number of
voLes Lo be declared Lhe wlnner of Lhe
elecLlve offlce. ! 8ecause he was noL Lhe
cholce of Lhe people

2. SecLlon 12, ArLlcle x of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ls
expllclL LhaL aslde from hlghly-urbanlzed
clLles, componenL clLles whose charLers
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/
Covernor of LeyLe as provlded by
ArL. x, SecLlon 12, hlllpplne
ConsLlLuLlon and ls hereby
dlsquallfled as such Covernor",
2) peLlLloner 8en[amln Abella (C.8.
no. 100710), who obLalned Lhe
second hlghesL number of voLes for
Lhe poslLlon of governor buL was noL
allowed by Lhe CCMLLLC Lo be
proclalmed as governor afLer Lhe
dlsquallflcaLlon of Larrazabal, or
3) Leopoldo L. eLllla, Lhe vlce-
governor of Lhe provlnce of LeyLe.
1he poslLlon of peLlLloners was LhaL
respondenL Larrazabal ls nelLher a
resldenL nor a reglsLered voLer of
kananga, LeyLe as she clalmed buL a
resldenL and reglsLered voLer of
Crmoc ClLy, a componenL clLy of Lhe
provlnce of LeyLe buL lndependenL of
Lhe provlnce pursuanL Lo SecLlon 12,
ArLlcle x of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon Lhereby
dlsquallfylng her for Lhe poslLlon of
governor of LeyLe.
Larrazabal poses an alLernaLlve
poslLlon LhaL her belng a reglsLered
voLer ln Crmoc ClLy was no
lmpedlmenL Lo her candldacy for Lhe
poslLlon of governor of Lhe provlnce
of LeyLe.
CCMLLLC found LhaL peLlLloner
Larrazabal was nelLher a resldenL of
kananga, LeyLe nor a reglsLered
voLer LhereaL. WlLh Lhese flndlngs,
provlnclal offlclals.

SecLlon 89 of 8epubllc AcL
no. 179 creaLlng Lhe ClLy of
Crmoc provldes:
LlecLlon of provlnclal
governor and members of
Lhe rovlnclal 8oard of Lhe
members of Lhe rovlnclal
8oard of Lhe rovlnce of
LeyLe - 1he quallfled voLers
of Crmoc ClLy shall noL be
quallfled and enLlLled Lo voLe
ln Lhe elecLlon of Lhe
provlnclal governor and Lhe
members of Lhe provlnclal
board of Lhe rovlnce of

prohlblL Lhelr voLers from voLlng for
provlnclal elecLlve offlclals are lndependenL
of Lhe provlnce. necessarlly, componenL
clLles llke Crmoc ClLy whose charLers
prohlblL Lhelr voLers from voLlng for
provlnclal elecLlve offlclals are LreaLed llke
hlghly urbanlzed clLles whlch are ouLslde
Lhe supervlsory power of Lhe provlnce Lo
whlch Lhey are geographlcally aLLached.
1hls lndependence from Lhe provlnce
carrles wlLh lL Lhe prohlblLlon or mandaLe
dlrecLed Lo Lhelr reglsLered voLers noL Lo
voLe and be voLed for Lhe provlnclal elecLlve

3. SecLlon 89 of 8epubllc AcL 179,
lndependenL of Lhe consLlLuLlonal provlslon,
prohlblLs reglsLered voLers of Crmoc ClLy
from voLlng and belng voLed for elecLlve
offlces ln Lhe provlnce of LeyLe. We agree
wlLh Lhe CCMLLLCen banc LhaL "Lhe phrase
'shall noL be quallfled and enLlLled Lo voLe ln
Lhe elecLlon of Lhe provlnclal governor and
Lhe members of Lhe provlnclal board of Lhe
rovlnce of LeyLe' connoLes Lwo
prohlblLlons - one, from runnlng for and
Lhe second, from voLlng for any provlnclal
elecLlve offlclal."
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

Sect|on 18. 1he Congress sha|| enact an organ|c act for each autonomous reg|on w|th the ass|stance and part|c|pat|on of the reg|ona| consu|tat|ve
comm|ss|on composed of representat|ves appo|nted by the res|dent from a ||st of nom|nees from mu|t|-sectora| bod|es. 1he organ|c act sha|| def|ne
the bas|c structure of government for the reg|on cons|st|ng of the execut|ve department and |eg|s|at|ve assemb|y, both of wh|ch sha|| be e|ect|ve and
representat|ve of the const|tuent po||t|ca| un|ts. 1he organ|c acts sha|| ||kew|se prov|de for spec|a| courts w|th persona|, fam||y, and property |aw
[ur|sd|ct|on cons|stent w|th the prov|s|ons of th|s Const|tut|on and nat|ona| |aws.

1he creat|on of the autonomous reg|on sha|| be effect|ve when approved by ma[or|ty of the votes cast by the const|tuent un|ts |n a p|eb|sc|te ca||ed
for the purpose, prov|ded that on|y prov|nces, c|t|es, and geograph|c areas vot|ng favorab|y |n such p|eb|sc|te sha|| be |nc|uded |n the autonomous

Lhe CCMLLLC dlsquallfled Lhe
peLlLloner as governor of Lhe
provlnce of LeyLe.
Cases keywords Iacts
Issue]s & kat|o
A. A88AS
179 SCkA
287 (1989)

L V.
Gk 930S4

!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

Sect|on 20. W|th|n |ts terr|tor|a| [ur|sd|ct|on and sub[ect to the prov|s|ons of th|s Const|tut|on and nat|ona| |aws, the organ|c act of autonomous
reg|ons sha|| prov|de for |eg|s|at|ve powers over:
(1) Adm|n|strat|ve organ|zat|on,
(2) Creat|on of sources of revenues,
(3) Ancestra| doma|n and natura| resources,
(4) ersona|, fam||y, and property re|at|ons,
(S) keg|ona| urban and rura| p|ann|ng deve|opment,
(6) Lconom|c, soc|a|, and tour|sm deve|opment,
(7) Lducat|ona| po||c|es,
(8) reservat|on and deve|opment of the cu|tura| her|tage, and
(9) Such other matters as may be author|zed by |aw for the promot|on of the genera| we|fare of the peop|e of the reg|on.

December 4,
Gk 92649
Iebruary 14,

Cases keywords Iacts
Issue]s & kat|o


!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

Apr|| 11,

!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!"#$%&' )$* !%%+,-#!.$&$#/ +0 1,.&$% +00$%'"2
%345 65789:;4 03<=4 !>>?@<3A?5BC@9?3=5; 1:9D@4@9EB4 $44F5B4 G "3=@9
PlpollLo v.

AM no. -90-412

March 11, 1991
A depuLy
sherlff may
be punlshed
A depuLy sherlff may be properly
punlshed by Lhls Lrlbunal for an acLlon
commlLLed ln vlolaLlon of Lhe 8ules of
CourL, and whlch lmpedes and deLracLs
form a falr and [usL admlnlsLraLlon of
[usLlce. (8areno v. CabauaLan 131 SC8A
293, 1987)

A depuLy sherlff ls an offlcer of Lhe
courL whose duLles form an lnLegral
parL ln Lhe admlnlsLraLlon of [usLlce.
Such penalLy lmposed on hlm may be
shorL of dlsmlssal or suspenslon from

Whlle moonllghLlng" ls noL normally
consldered a serlous mlsconducL, lL
amounLs Lo a wrongdolng ln offlce. 8y
vlrLue of one's offlce, one ls bound Lo
Lhe dlscharge of hls duLles, observlng
prudence, cauLlon, and aLLenLlon.
(enalosa v. vlscara, !r. 84 SC8A 298,

ubllc servlce requlres uLmosL lnLegrlLy
and dlsclpllne, observlng Lhe hlghesL
sense of honesLy and lnLegrlLy. Such
sLandards are found ln boLh Lhe 1973
(ArL. 13, Sec. 3) and Lhe 1987 (ArL. 11,
Sec. 1) ConsLlLuLlons.
ArL. 13, Sec. 1 of Lhe 1973
ConsLlLuLlon. ubllc offlce ls a
publlc LrusL. ubllc offlcers and
employees shall serve wlLh Lhe
hlghesL degree of responslblllLy,
lnLegrlLy, loyalLy, efflclency, and
shall remaln accounLable Lo Lhe

!"#$% '(% )*$+*)(+*, *-.#(+$/(001
$2 3)+4 556 7*/4 5 89 +#* 5:;<
=82%+$+>+$826 '$+# +#* (,,$+$82 89
(28+#*) /0(>%* (?8>+ (/+$2@ '$+#
.(+)$8+$%- (2, A>%+$/*6 (2,
0*(,$2@ -8,*%+ 0$B*%4C

ArL. 11, Sec. 1 of Lhe 1987
ConsLlLuLlon. ubllc offlce ls a
publlc LrusL. ubllc offlcers and
employees musL aL all Llmes be
accounLable Lo Lhe people, serve
Lhem wlLh uLmosL responslblllLy,
lnLegrlLy, loyalLy, and efflclency,
(/+ '$+# .(+)$8+$%- (2, A>%+$/*6
(2, 0*(, -8,*%+ 0$B*%4
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

8omulo v.

141 SC8A 263
1he CourL
may noL
revlew Lhe
uoes Lhe CourL have [urlsdlcLlon Lo
order Lhe CommlLLee on !usLlce,
Puman 8lghLs, and Cood CovernmenL
(C!P8CC) Lo recall from Lhe Archlves
and reporL ouL Lhe resoluLlon and
complalnL for lmpeachmenL? Assumlng
such resoluLlon and complalnL for
lmpeachmenL are recalled from Lhe
archlves, can Lhe CourL order Lhe
8aLasan Lo conducL a Lrlal on Lhe
charges conLalned ln sald documenLs?
-- lSSuL: WCn Lhe CourL has [urlsdlcLlon
for such recall of documenLs on
lmpeachmenL, and lf such were
granLed, may order Lhe 8aLasan Lo
conducL a Lrlal based on such

PLLu: no.

8A1lC: When Lhe 8aLasan denled Lhe
moLlon of a cerLaln M 8amon MlLra
for Lhe recall from Lhe Archlves of
8esoluLlon no. 644 and Lhe complalnL
for lmpeachmenL, lL Lherefore
conflrmed Lhe acLlon of Lhe C!P8CC.

A dlsmlssal by Lhe 8aLasan lLself as a
body of Lhe resoluLlon and complalnL
for lmpeachmenL renders lrrelevanL
under whaL auLhorlLy Lhe C!P8CC had
acLed. 1he dlsmlssal of a ma[orlLy of
Lhe members of Lhe 8aLasan of Lhe
lmpeachmenL proceedlngs ls an acL of
Lhe 8aLasan as a body ln Lhe exerclse
of such powers glven Lo lL by Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon, whlch ls beyond Lhe
power of Lhls CourL Lo revlew. 1hls
CourL cannoL compel Lhe 8aLasan Lo
conducL such Lrlal prayed for by Lhe
ln 8e Conzales

160 SC8A 771
2 rlnclples of

lmporLanL prlnclples of consLlLuLlonal
A publlc offlcer who under Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon ls requlred Lo be a
300 9)8- +#* 5:;< =82%+$4

ArL. 8, Sec. 1(2).
xxx no person may be appolnLed
!7*/82,()1 /(%* -*2+$82*, $2 +#$%
/(%* $2 (..0$/(+$8 89 %>/# D)$2/$.0*% 89
=82%+$+>+$82(0 E(' -*2+$82*,C

!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

Cfflcers who
are members
of Lhe P 8ar
as a
for Lhelr
offlce may
noL be
charged wlLh
durlng Lhelr
nor be
charged LhaL
would resulL
ln removal
from offlce
Member of Lhe P 8ar as a
quallflcaLlon for Lhe offlce held by hlm
and who may removed form offlce only
by lmpeachmenL cannoL be charged
wlLh dlsbarmenL durlng hls
uurlng Lhe lncumbency of such publlc
offlcer cannoL be crlmlnally charged
before Lhe 7(2,$@(2?(1(2 or any oLher
courL wlLh any offense or penalLy
servlce, whlch would resulL ln hls
removal from offlce.
[udge Lhereof unless he ls a
clLlzen of Lhe hlllpplnes and a
member of Lhe hlllpplne 8ar.

ArL. 11(2).
xxx Lhe Cmbudsman may be
removed from offlce on
lmpeachmenL for, and convlcLlon
of, culpable vlolaLlon of Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon, Lreason, brlbery,
grafL and corrupLlon, oLher hlgh
crlmes, or beLrayal of publlc
LrusL. xxx

ArL. 11(8).
1he Cmbudsman and hls
uepuLles xxx members of Lhe
hlllpplne 8ar xxx

ArL. 9-C(1-1).
1here shall be a Commlsslon on
LlecLlons composed of a
Chalrman and slx Commlssloners
xxx a ma[orlLy Lhereof, lncludlng
Lhe Chalrman, shall be members
of Lhe hlllpplne 8ar who have
been engaged ln Lhe pracLlce of
law for aL leasL Len years.

ArL. 9-u(1-1).
1here shall be a Commlsslon on
AudlL composed of a Chalrman
and Lwo Commlssloners, xxx
lSSuL: WCn Lhe complalnL for
dlsbarmenL should be dlsmlssed.

PLLu: ?es.

PLLu: Members of Lhe SC musL be
members of Lhe P 8ar and may be
removed from offlce only by
lmpeachmenL, pursuanL Lo ArL. 8, Sec.
1(2). 1o granL such complalnL for
dlsbarmenL would be Lo clrcumvenL
Lhls consLlLuLlonal mandaLe, and also
LhaL of ArL. 11(2), whlch llsLs down
cerLaln offenses for whlch such
offlcers may be convlcLed of.

1he same slLuaLlon exlsLs wlLh Lhe ff.
who are all consLlLuLlonally requlred
Lo be members of Lhe P 8ar:
1he Cmbudsman and hls depuLles
ArL. 11(8) ln relaLlon Lo ArL. 11(2)
A ma[orlLy of Lhe members of Lhe
ArL. 9-C ln relaLlon Lo ArL. 11(2)
Members of Lhe CCA who are noL
cerLlfled publlc accounLanLs
ArL. 9-u

!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

members of Lhe hlllpplne 8ar
who have been engaged ln Lhe
pracLlce of law for aL leasL Len
years xxx
lranclsco, eL al. v.
Pouse Speaker,
eL. al.

C8 no. 160261

november 10,

nunez v.

111 SC8A 433
1he exlsLence
of a speclal
ln caLegorlcal and expllclL language,
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon provlded for buL dld
noL creaLe a speclal CourL. See ArLlcle
13, Sec. 3 of Lhe 1973 ConsLlLuLlon.
Such speclal CourL came lnLo exlsLence
wlLh Lhe lssuance ln 1978 of a
resldenLlal uecree.
ArL. 13, Sec. 3 of Lhe 1973
ConsLlLuLlon. 1he 8aLasang
ambansa shall creaLe a speclal
courL, Lo be known as
Sandlganbayan, whlch shall have
[urlsdlcLlon over crlmlnal and clvll
cases lnvolvlng grafL and corrupL
pracLlces and such oLher offenses
commlLLed by publlc offlcers and
employees, lncludlng Lhose ln
governmenL-owned or conLrolled
corporaLlons, ln relaLlon Lo Lhelr
offlce as may be deLermlned by

128 SC8A 324
p. 888

onenLe: 8eolva, !.
CcLober 21, 1980!eLlLloner was
charged wlLh Lhe crlme of grave
coerclon ln an lnformaLlon flled before
Lhe respondenL courL.
eLlLloner flled a moLlon Lo quash Lhe
lnformaLlon. 8espondenL courL denled
SecLlon 3, ArLlcle xlll of Lhe 1973
1he naLlonal Assembly shall
creaLe a speclal courL, Lo be
known as Sandlganbayan, whlch
shall have [urlsdlcLlon over
crlmlnal and clvll cases lnvolvlng
$22,' H* WheLher Lhe offense for
whlch he was charged ls noL relaLed
Lo hls offlce as mayor !!"# %& '()*+
,(- ./0& /''(12*34.&+ -.& '531&4 6(5
7.3'. .& 7/4 './58&+ 7&5& 3- ,(- 6(5
.34 2(43-3(, /4 1/9(5#
!8aLlo 1:
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

such moLlon. 1hus, Lhe presenL peLlLlon
for cerLlorarl.
grafL and corrupL pracLlces and
such oLher offenses commlLLed
by publlc offlcers and

o lf peLlLloner were noL Lhe mayor
he would noL have allegedly
dlrecLed Lhe pollcemen and Lhe
laLLer would noL have followed hls
orders and lnsLrucLlons Lo sell
edro ar's gasollne and padlock
Lhe sLaLlon. 1he facL LhaL he was
mayor dld noL vesL hlm wlLh Lhe
legal auLhorlLy Lo Lake over Lhe
operaLlons and conLrol of
complalnanL's gasollne sLaLlon.
$22,' I* WheLher Lhe Sandlganbayan
has [urlsdlcLlon over hls case !:;<#
=4 '*&/5*9 4-/-&+ 3, <&'# >? =5-3'*& @AAA
(6 -.& BCDE F(,4-3-)-3(,#
!8aLlo 2:
o lL ls clear form Sec. 3, ArLlcle xlll of
Lhe 1973 ConsLlLuLlon LhaL
respondenL courL has [urlsdlcLlonal
compeLence noL only over crlmlnal
and clvll cases lnvolvlng grafL and
corrupL pracLlces commlLLed by
publlc offlcers and employees buL
also over oLher crlmes commlLLed
by Lhem ln relaLlon Lo Lhelr offlce,
Lhough noL lnvolvlng grafL and
corrupL pracLlces, as may be
deLermlned by law.
$22,' J* WheLher SecLlon 4(c)of u
1486 as amended, ls vlolaLlve of Lhe
provlslon of SecLlon 3, ArLlcle xlll of
Lhe 1973 ConsLlLuLlon because lL
enlarges whaL Lhe laLLer llmlLed
!!"# A- 34 +)*9 /)-.(53G&+ H9 -.&
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

F(,4-3-)-3(,/* 25(0343(, 3-4&*6#
!8aLlo 3:
o 1he sald consLlLuLlonal provlslon
delegaLes Lo Lhe lawmaklng body
Lhe deLermlnaLlon of such oLher
offenses" commlLLed by publlc
offlcers over whlch Lhe
Sandlganbayan shall have
[urlsdlcLlon. Accordlngly, u 1846,
whlch provldes LhaL oLher crlmes
or offenses commlLLed by publlc
offlcees or employees, lncludlng
Lhose employed ln governmenL-
owened or conLrolled corporaLlon,
ln relaLlon Lo Lhelr offlce," was
enacLed whlle Lhe resldenL was
exerclslng leglslaLlve powers. 1he
CourL wlll noL revlew quesLlons of
leglslaLlve pollcy.

ZALulvA8 vS.
160 SC8A 843
p. 890
1anodbayan L8 Cu8lAM
ln a peLlLlon for cerLlorarl, prohlblLlon,
and mandamus, peLlLloner Lnrlque A.
Zaldlvar, governor of Lhe provlnce of
AnLlque, soughL Lo resLraln Lhe
Sandlganbayan and 1anodbayan 8aul
Conzalez from proceedlng wlLh Lhe
prosecuLlon and hearlng of crlmlnal
cases flled agalnsL hlm on Lhe ground
LhaL sald cases were flled by sald
1anodbayan wlLhouL legal and
consLlLuLlonal auLhorlLy, slnce under
Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon whlch Look
effecL on lebruary 2, 1987, lL ls only
Sec. 7, ArLlcle xl of Lhe 1987
1he exlsLlng 1anodbayan shall
hereafLer be known as Lhe Cfflce
of Lhe Speclal rosecuLor. lL shall
conLlnue Lo funcLlon and exerclse
lLs powers as now or hereafLer
may be provlded by law, excepL
Lhose conferred on Lhe Cfflce of
Lhe Cmbudsman creaLed under
Lhls ConslLuLlon.
$22,' H* WheLher Lhe 1anodbayan ls
wlLhouL auLhorlLy Lo flle Lhe case
agalnsL peLlLloner Zaldlvar and oLher
slmllar cases !:;<# I.& I/,(+H/9/,
+(&4 ,(- ./0& /)-.(53-9#
!8aLlo 1:
o under Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon, Lhe
Cmbudsman (as dlsLlngulshed
from Lhe lncumbenL 1anodbayan)
ls charged wlLh Lhe duLy Lo:
lnvesLlgaLe on lLs own, or on
complalnL by any person, any acL
or omlsslon of any publlc offlclal,
employee, offlce or agency, when
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

Lhe Cmbudsman (noL Lhe presenL or
lncumbenL 1anodbayan) who has Lhe
auLhorlLy Lo flle cases wlLh Lhe
such acL or omlsslon appears Lo be
lllegal, un[usL, lmproper, or
lnefflclenL." And under Sec. 7,
ArLlcle xl of Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon,
Lhe lncumbenL 1anodbayan (called
Speclal rosecuLor under Lhe 1987
ConsLlLuLlon and who ls supposed
Lo reLaln powers and duLles nC1
ClvLn Lo Lhe Cmbudsman) ls
clearly wlLhouL auLhorlLy Lo
conducL prellmlnary lnvesLlgaLlon
and Lo dlrecL Lhe flllng of crlmlnal
cases wlLh Lhe Sandlganbayan,
excepL upon orders of Lhe
8l8 vS
C.8. no. 113103,
Aprll 11, 2002
p. 890
onenLe: ue Leon, !r., !.
eLlLloner 8l8 lnslsLs LhaL Lhe
lnvesLlgaLlve power of Lhe Cmbudsman
ls noL unbrldled. arLlcularly on Lhe
lssue of Lax refunds, Lhe 8l8 malnLalns
LhaL Lhe Cmbudsman could noL valldly
exerclse lLs power Lo lnvesLlgaLe only
when Lhere exlsLs an approprlaLe case
and sub[ecL Lo Lhe llmlLaLlons provlded
by law.

$22,' H* WheLher or noL Lhe
Cmbudsman ls precluded from
conducLlng lLs own lnvesLlgaLlon
wlLhouL a pendlng acLlon. !!"# =4
1/9 H& 4&&, 3, -.& BCJD
F(,4-3-)-3(,? -.&5& 34 ,( 4)'.
!8aLlo 1:
o no less Lhan Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon
en[olns LhaL Lhe Cmbudsman and
hls uepuLles, as proLecLors of Lhe
people, shall acL prompLly on
complalnLs flled ln any form or
manner agalnsL publlc offlclals or
employees of Lhe governmenL, or
any subdlvlslon, agency or
lnsLrumenLallLy Lhereof, lncludlng
governmenL-owned or conLrolled
corporaLlons, and shall, ln
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

approprlaLe case, noLlfy Lhe
complalnanLs of Lhe acLlon Laken
and Lhe resulL Lhereof.
o Clearly, Lhere ls no requlremenL of
a pendlng acLlon before Lhe
Cmbudsman could wleld lL
lnvesLlgaLlve power. 1he
Cmbudsman could resorL LolLs
lnvesLlgaLlve prerogaLlve on lLs
own or upon complalnL flled ln any
form or manner.
LAu8LL vS.
C.8. no. 143368,
Aprll 12, 2002
p. 891
eLlLloner, as Chalrman of Lhe
Commlsslon for Lhe naLlonal
CenLennlal CelebraLlon, assalls Lhe
[urlsdlcLlon of Lhe Cmbudsman on Lhe
ground LhaL he lsnoL a publlc offlcer.
nelLher Lhe ConsLlLuLlon nor Lhe
Cmbudsman AcL of 1989 deflnes who
publlc offlcers are. A deflnlLlon of
publlc offlcers clLed ln [urlsprudence ls
LhaL provlded by Mechem, a
recognlzed auLhorlLy on Lhe sub[ecL.
1he characLerlsLlcs of a publlc offlce,
accordlng Lo hlm, lnclude Lhe
delegaLlon of soverelgn funcLlons, lLs
creaLlon by law and noL by conLracL, an
oaLh, salary, conLlnuance of Lhe
poslLlon, scope of duLles, and Lhe
deslgnaLlon of Lhe poslLlon as an offlce.
$22,' H* WheLher Lhe peLlLloner, as
Chalrman of Lhe CommlLLee for Lhe
naLlonal CenLennlal CelebraLlons ls a
publlc offlcer !:;<# I.& 2(43-3(, (6
F./351/, (6 -.& !FF 34 / 2)H*3'
!8aLlo 1:
o eLlLloner submlLs LhaL some of
Lhe characLerlsLlcs, as provlded by
Mechem's deflnlLlon, are noL
presenL ln Lhe poslLlon of nCC
Chalr, namely: (1) Lhe delegaLlon
of soverelgn funcLlons, (2) salary,
slnce he purporLedly dld noL
recelve any compensaLlon, and (3)
conLlnuance, Lhe Lenure of Lhe
nCC belng Lemporary. 1he CourL
held LhaL Lhe nCC performs
execuLlve funcLlons. A perusal of
AC 223 and LC 128 - Lhe nCC's
sources of lLs mandaLe and
funcLlons - would show LhaL Lhe
nCC was preclsely creaLed Lo
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

execuLe and carry lnLo effecL
pollcles and ob[ecLlves menLloned
ln Lhe Lwo execuLlve orders.
lurLhermore, Lhe nCC was noL
wlLhouL a role ln Lhe counLry's
economlc developmenL, especlally
ln CenLral Luzon. Clearly, Lhe nCC
performs soverelgn funcLlons.
o 1haL peLlLloner allegedly dld noL
recelve any compensaLlon durlng
hls Lenure ls of llLLle consequence.
1he salary ls a mere lncldenL and
forms no parL of Lhe offlce. Where
a salary or fees ls annexed, Lhe
offlce provlded for lL ls a naked or
honorary offlce, and ls supposed Lo
be accepLed merely for Lhe publlc
good. Pence, Lhe offlce of
peLlLloner as nCC Chalr may be
characLerlzed as an honorary
offlce. lL ls a publlc offlce.
C.8. no. 116033,
lebruary 26,
p. 893
onenLe: anganlban, !.
A quesLlon ls ralsed on wheLher Lhe
Sandlganbayan has [urlsdlcLlon over a
prlvaLe lndlvldual who ls charged wlLh
malversaLlon of publlc funds as a
prlnclpal afLer Lhe sald lndlvldual had
been deslgnaLed by Lhe 8ureau of
lnLernal 8evenue as a cusLodlan of
deLralned properLy. uld such accused
become a publlc offlcer and Lherefore
sub[ecL Lo Lhe grafL courL's [urlsdlcLlon
as a consequence of such deslgnaLlon
by Lhe 8l8?
$22,' H* WheLher Lhe Sanldganbayan
has [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe accused
prlvaLe lndlvldual charged as prlnclpal
ln Lhe crlme of malversaLlon of publlc
funds!!"# %34 *3/H3*3-9 /4 253,'32/* 34
,(- 3,'*)+&+ 3, -.& *34- (6 3,4-/,'&4
7.&5& -.& </,+38/,H/9/, 1/9
/44)1& K)534+3'-3(, (0&5 2530/-&
!8aLlo 1:
o Cnly when Lhe prlvaLe lndlvldual ls
charged as co-prlnclpal,
accompllce or accessory of a publlc
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

offlcer or employee who has been
charged wlLh a crlme wlLhln lLs
[urlsdlcLlon may Lhe
Sandlganbayan assume auLhorlLy
over such case.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

Sect|on 1. 1he goa|s of the nat|ona| economy are a more equ|tab|e d|str|but|on of opportun|t|es, |ncome, and wea|th, a susta|ned |ncrease |n the
amount of goods and serv|ces produced by the nat|on for the benef|t of the peop|e, and an expand|ng product|v|ty as the key to ra|s|ng the qua||ty of
||fe for a||, espec|a||y the under-pr|v||eged.
1he State sha|| promote |ndustr|a||zat|on and fu|| emp|oyment based on sound agr|cu|tura| deve|opment and agrar|an reform, through |ndustr|es that
make fu|| and eff|c|ent use of human and natura| resources, and wh|ch are compet|t|ve |n both domest|c and fore|gn markets. nowever, the State
sha|| protect I|||p|no enterpr|ses aga|nst unfa|r fore|gn compet|t|on and trade pract|ces.

In the pursu|t of these goa|s, a|| sectors of the economy and a|| reg|ons of the country sha|| be g|ven opt|mum opportun|ty to deve|op. r|vate
enterpr|ses, |nc|ud|ng corporat|ons, cooperat|ves, and s|m||ar co||ect|ve organ|zat|ons, sha|| be encouraged to broaden the base of the|r ownersh|p.

Sect|on 2. A|| |ands of the pub||c doma|n, waters, m|nera|s, coa|, petro|eum, and other m|nera| o||s, a|| forces of potent|a| energy, f|sher|es, forests or
t|mber, w||d||fe, f|ora and fauna, and other natura| resources are owned by the State. W|th the except|on of agr|cu|tura| |ands, a|| other natura|
resources sha|| not be a||enated. 1he exp|orat|on, deve|opment, and ut|||zat|on of natura| resources sha|| be under the fu|| contro| and superv|s|on of
the State. 1he State may d|rect|y undertake such act|v|t|es, or |t may enter |nto co-product|on, [o|nt venture, or product|on-shar|ng agreements w|th
I|||p|no c|t|zens, or corporat|ons or assoc|at|ons at |east s|xty per centum of whose cap|ta| |s owned by such c|t|zens. Such agreements may be for a
per|od not exceed|ng twenty-f|ve years, renewab|e for not more than twenty-f|ve years, and under such terms and cond|t|ons as may be prov|ded by
|aw. In cases of water r|ghts for |rr|gat|on, water supp|y f|sher|es, or |ndustr|a| uses other than the deve|opment of water power, benef|c|a| use may
be the measure and ||m|t of the grant.

1he State sha|| protect the nat|on's mar|ne wea|th |n |ts arch|pe|ag|c waters, terr|tor|a| sea, and exc|us|ve econom|c zone, and reserve |ts use and
en[oyment exc|us|ve|y to I|||p|no c|t|zens.

1he Congress may, by |aw, a||ow sma||-sca|e ut|||zat|on of natura| resources by I|||p|no c|t|zens, as we|| as cooperat|ve f|sh farm|ng, w|th pr|or|ty to
subs|stence f|shermen and f|sh- workers |n r|vers, |akes, bays, and |agoons.

1he res|dent may enter |nto agreements w|th fore|gn-owned corporat|ons |nvo|v|ng e|ther techn|ca| or f|nanc|a| ass|stance for |arge-sca|e
exp|orat|on, deve|opment, and ut|||zat|on of m|nera|s, petro|eum, and other m|nera| o||s accord|ng to the genera| terms and cond|t|ons prov|ded by
|aw, based on rea| contr|but|ons to the econom|c growth and genera| we|fare of the country. In such agreements, the State sha|| promote the
deve|opment and use of |oca| sc|ent|f|c and techn|ca| resources.

1he res|dent sha|| not|fy the Congress of every contract entered |nto |n accordance w|th th|s prov|s|on, w|th|n th|rty days from |ts execut|on.
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

Case keywords Iacts App||cab|e]V|o|ated
Issue & kat|o

Gk 98332
Ianuary 16, 199S

Va||d|ty of AC's
S7 & 82
because they
were germane
to LC's 211 &
eLlLloners conLesL Lhe valldlLy of 2
Adm|n|strat|ve Crders (S7 & 82)
lssued by Lhe SecreLary of Lhe uLn8
Lo carry ouL Lhe provlslons by Lhe
resldenL ln Lhe lawful exerclse of
leglslaLlve powers.

Such conLroversy sLarLed wlLh Lhe
changes made ln Art. 12, Sec. 2, of
the 1987 ConsLlLuLlon on (1) Lhe
system of exp|orat|on,
deve|opment, and ut|||zat|on of the
country's natura| resources, and (2)
Lhe ut|||zat|on of |na||enab|e |ands
of pub||c doma|n through "||cense,
concess|on, or |ease," Lhe pracLlce
of whlch has been dlsallowed ln Lhe
1987 ConsLlLuLlon.

!uly 1987 ! lormer resldenL
Aqulno, ln Lhe exerclse of her
leglslaLlve powers under Lhe
rovlslonal ConsLlLuLlon,
promulgaLed Lxecut|ve Crder 211
(ouLllnlng Lhe procedures for
uLlllzlng mlneral resources pursuanL
Lo Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon ln order Lo
ensure Lhe conLlnulLy of mlnlng
acLlvlLles, and Lo hasLen Lhe
developmenL of mlneral resources.)
and Lxecut|ve Crder 279 (glvlng Lhe
Art. 12, Sec. 2 of the
1987 Const|tut|on:
xxx WlLh Lhe excepLlon
of agrlculLural lands, all
oLher naLural resources
shall noL be allenaLed.
1he exp|orat|on,
deve|opment, and
ut|||zat|on of natura|
resources sha|| be
under the fu|| contro|
and superv|s|on of the
State. 1he State may
d|rect|y undertake
such act|v|t|es, or |t
may enter |nto co-
product|on, [o|nt
venture, or
agreements w|th
I|||p|no c|t|zens, or
corporat|ons or
assoc|at|ons at |east 60
per centum of whose
cap|ta| |s owned by
such c|t|zens. Such
agreements may be
for a per|od not
exceed|ng twenty-f|ve
years, renewab|e for
not more than twenty-
ISSUL: WheLher or noL AdmlnlsLraLlve Crders
37 & 82 are valld and do noL conLravene
LxecuLlve Crders 211 and 279.

nLLD: ?es.

!"#$ &' ())*
resldenLlal uecree 463, as amended, follows
Lhe old mlnlng laws on llcense, concesslon, or
lease," whlch had already been changed ln ArL.
12, Sec. 2 of Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon. As such,
Lhey are deemed lnoperaLlve, wlLh Lhe
except|on of parLs, whlch are sLlll conslsLenL
wlLh LC 211, namely Lhe provlslons whlch deal
wlLh all oLher areas of admlnlsLraLlon and
managemenL of mlneral lands.

!"#$ &' (+,*
1here ls no clear showlng LhaL Lhe SecreLary
has abused hls leglslaLlve power. LC 279
auLhorlzes sald SecreLary Lo promulgaLe such
supplemenLary rules and regulaLlons as may be
needed Lo effecLlvely lmplemenL Lhe provlslons
of such LC. Also, Lhe sub[ecL soughL Lo be
governed and regulaLed by Lhe quesLloned
AC's are germane Lo LC279.

lo cooclosloo, tbe poestlooeJ AJmlolsttotlve
OtJets ote teosooobly JltecteJ to tbe
occompllsbmeot of tbe potposes of tbe low
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
SecreLary of Lhe uLn8 general
supervlslon over maLLers relaLed Lo
Lhe producLlon, agreemenLs on Lhe
exploraLlon, developmenL, and
uLlllzaLlon of mlneral resources.).

1o lmplemenL such acLs, Lhe
SecreLary of Lhe uLn8 promulgaLed
such AC's 37 and 82, Lhe valldlLy of
whlch are belng challenged by Lhe
peLlLloners. Such AC's lssued by Lhe
SecreLary ln Lhe exerclse of hls rule-
maklng power are sald Lo be LalnLed
wlLh lnvalldlLy because Lhey
conLradlcL LC's 211 and 279,
because AC's 37 and 83 repeal or
abrogaLe resldenLlal uecree 463
and oLher mlnlng laws already
acknowledged as Lhe prlnclpal law
under LC's 211 and 279.
f|ve years, and under
such terms and
cond|t|ons as may
prov|ded by |aw. xxx

1he res|dent may
enter |nto agreements
w|th fore|gn-owned
corporat|ons |nvo|v|ng
e|ther techn|ca| or
f|nanc|a| ass|stance for
deve|opment, and
ut|||zat|on of m|nera|s,
petro|eum, and other
m|nera| o||s accord|ng
to the genera| terms
and cond|t|ons
prov|ded by |aw,
based on rea|
contr|but|ons to the
econom|c growth and
genera| we|fare of the
country. In such
agreements, the State
sha|| promote the
deve|opment and use
of |oca| sc|ent|f|c and
techn|ca| resources.

ooJet wblcb tbey wete lssoeJ ooJ wete
loteoJeJ to secote tbe potomooot lotetest of
tbe pobllc, tbelt ecooomlc qtowtb, ooJ welfote.
AOs 57 ooJ 82 most be sostoloeJ, ooJ tbelt
fotce ooJ effect opbelJ.
8. kLU8LIC V.


eLlLloners ascual, ue La Concha,
Art. 18, Sec. 3 of the
1987 Const|tut|on. All
exlsLlng laws, decrees,
ISSUL 1: WheLher or noL u 463 ls valld?
(letltlooets cooteoJ tbot lO JJ coottoveoes
5ec. 69 of lu 46J becoose lt exceeJs tbe mox
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

Gk 149927
March 30, 2004


ue La Concha, and ue Cuzman,
afLer havlng been granLed
permlsslon Lo prospecL for marble
deposlLs ln 8lak-na-8aLo, dlscovered
such deposlLs of hlgh quallLy and
commerclal quanLlLy, and soughL a
llcense Lo explolL sald marble
deposlLs wlLh Lhe permlsslon of Lhe
Mlnes and Ceosclences 8ureau.

1hey were granLed L|cense No. 33
(LC 33), buL less Lhan 3 years afLer
Lhe conLlnuous operaLlon of Lhe LC
33, whlch had Lhe valldlLy of 23
years, such LC 33 was cancelled by
DLNk M|n|ster Maceda shorLly
afLer belng appolnLed Lo hls posL ln
a leLLer Lo Lhe respondenL

Summary of 8ullngs by Lhe 1rlal
CourL & CourL of Appeals
LC 33 conferred a property r|ght
whlch musL be proLecLed by Lhe
Such rlghL was vlolaLed when Lhe
llcense was cance||ed w|thout
not|ce, and lL was un[ust|f|ed
because LC 33 was embraced by 4
separaLe appllcaLlons, whlch dld noL
exceed Lhe llmlLaLlon lmposed, so
such LC musL be valld. (noLe: 1he
prevlous llmlL embodled ln u 463
sald LhaL a quarry llcense should noL
execuLlve orders,
proclamaLlons, leLLers
of lnsLrucLlons, and
oLher execuLlve
lssuances noL
lnconslsLenL wlLh Lhls
ConsLlLuLlon shall
remaln operaLlve unLll
amended, repealed, or

noLe: A mlnlng lease
LhaL conLravenes a
man-made provlslon of
Lhe law under whlch lL
ls granLed ls vold.
8elng a mere prlvllege,
a llcense does noL vesL
absoluLe rlghLs ln Lhe
holder. 1hus, wlLhouL
offendlng Lhe due
process and Lhe non-
lmpalrmenL clauses of
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon, lL can
be revoked by Lhe
SLaLe ln Lhe publlc

oteo tbot moy be qtooteJ, bot tespooJeots
otqoe tbot tbe llceose wos vollJly qtooteJ
becoose lt wos coveteJ by 4 sepotote
oppllcotloos fot oteos of 81 bectotes eocb.)

nLLD: ?es

kA1IC: 1he language of Sec. 69 of u 463 ls
clear LhaL a quarry llcense should cover a
maxlmum of 100 hecLares ln any glven
provlnce. lL provldes nelLher an excepLlon nor
reference Lo Lhe number of appllcaLlons for a
llcense. Such secLlon musL be Laken Lo mean
exacLly whaL lL says. When Lhe law ls clear,
plaln, and free from amblgulLy, lL musL be
glven lLs llLeral meanlng and applled wlLhouL
aLLempLed lnLerpreLaLlon.

ISSUL 2: WheLher or noL roclamaLlon 84 ls

(letltlooets otqoe tbot lO JJ wos vollJly
JecloteJ o oolllty tbtooqb uNk Mlolstet
MoceJos Jeclsloo becoose lt vloloteJ lu 46J.
1bls wos coofltmeJ by ltoclomotloo 84, wblcb
solJ tbot pobllc lotetest woolJ be setveJ by
tetotoloq solJ potcel of looJ to tbe 8lok-oo-
8oto Notloool lotk.

kespooJeots otqoe tbot os ptovlJeJ fot lu
46J, tbelt tlqbt to Joe ptocess wos vloloteJ
wbeo lO JJ wos coocelleJ wltboot ootlce ooJ
beotloq, olso soyloq tbot ltoclomotloo 84 ls
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
cover more Lhan 100 hecLares, buL
slnce Lhe llcense ln quesLlon was
covered by 4 separaLe appllcaLlons
lndlcaLlng 81 hecLares each, LC 33
dld noL vlolaLe Lhls llmlLaLlon.
Powever, lL musL be noLed LhaL u
43 was appealed by 8A 7942 (1he
hlllpplne Mlnlng AcL of 1993")
whlch lncreased Lhe mlnlng areas
allowed ln u 463).

roc|amat|on 84, whlch cancelled
LC 33, was an ex post facto |aw,
vlolaLlng ArL. 18, Sec. 3 of Lhe 1987

under Lhe clause ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
deallng wlLh Lhe non-|mpa|rment of
ob||gat|ons and contracts, Lhe
respondenLs' llcense musL be
respecLed by Lhe SLaLe.

Pence, Lhls peLlLlon.
oot vollJ becoose
lt vlolotes tbe cloose oo ooo-lmpoltmeot of
lt ls oo ex posL facLo low ooJ/ot blll of
ottoloJet, ooJ
lt wos lssoeJ by tbe lteslJeot oftet tbe
effectlvlty of tbe 1987 coostltltloo.)
nLLD: ?es.

CranLlng LhaL Lhe respondenLs' llcense was
valld, lL can sLlll be valldly revoved by Lhe SLaLe
ln Lhe exerclse of pollce power ln accord wlLh
joto teqollo, whlch reserves Lo Lhe SLaLe
ownershlp of all naLural resources. 1hus,
roclamaLlon 84 does noL vlolaLe Lhe clause on
non-lmpalrmenL of conLracLs.

roclamaLlon 84 ls noL an ex post focto law as
such proclamaLlon does noL fall under any of
Lhe lnsLances whlch would make lL such a law,
and LhaL sald proclamaLlon ls noL penal ln
characLer, and Lhus cannoL be consldered as an
ex post focto law. lL ls also noL a blll of
When resldenL Aqulno lssued roclamaLlon
84, she was sLlll valldly exerclslng leglslaLlve
powers under Lhe rovlslonal ConsLlLuLlon of
1986. Pence, her lssuance of sald proclamaLlon
ls valld as lL was recognlzed and provlded for ln
ArL. 7, Sec. 6, of Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon.
1he peLlLlon assalls Lhe
consLlLuLlonallLy of 8epubllc AcL no.

oLherwlse known as Lhe

1. SLC. 2
aragraph 3
Issue 1: Whether or not LC 279 |s va||d?

Peld: ?es, L.C. no. 279 ls an effecLlve, and a
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
Gk 127882
IANUAk 27, 2004

PlLllnL MlnlnC AC1 Cl 1993,
and of Lhe llnanclal and 1echnlcal
AsslsLance AgreemenL (l1AA) and
WMC (hlllpplnes), lnc. (WMC), a
corporaLlon organlzed under
hlllpplne laws.

Also lmpleaded ls prlvaLe
respondenL WMC, whlch enLered
lnLo Lhe assalled l1AA wlLh Lhe
hlllpplne CovernmenL. WMC ls
owned by WMC 8esources
lnLernaLlonal Ly., LLd. (WMC), "a
wholly owned subsldlary of
WesLern Mlnlng CorporaLlon
Poldlngs LlmlLed, a publlcly llsLed
ma[or AusLrallan mlnlng and
exploraLlon company."

8espondenL WMC subsequenLly
flled a ManlfesLaLlon daLed
SepLember 23, 2002 alleglng LhaL on
!anuary 23, 2001, WMC sold all lLs
shares ln WMC Lo SaglLLarlus
Mlnes, lnc. (SaglLLarlus), a
corporaLlon organlzed under
hlllpplne laws.

eLlLloners conLend LhaL L.C. no.
279 dld noL Lake effecL because Lhe
supposed daLe of lLs effecLlvlLy
came afLer resldenL Aqulno had
already losL her leglslaLlve powers
under Lhe rovlslonal ConsLlLuLlon.

dlscusslon on
Lhe Servlce

M8. 1AuLC. xxx
MaLapos surlln ang
kalagayan ng lllplnas,
ang sallgang sullranln,
pangunahln ang
"lmperyallsmo." Ang
|b|g sab|h|n n|to ay ang
s|stema ng ||punang
p|naghahar|an ng
|||ang monopo|yong
kap|ta||sta at ang
"|mperya||smo" ay
buhay na buhay sa
Nat|ona| Lconomy and
atr|mony na nat|ng
g|nawa. xxx
angalawa, naroroon
pa rln ang parlLy rlghLs,
ang servlce conLracL,
ang 60-40 equlLy sa
naLural resources.
Pabang naghlhlrap ang
sambayanang lllplno,
glnagalugad naman ng
mga dayuhan ang aLlng
valldly enacLed, sLaLuLe.

8aLlo 1: Whlle Lhe effecLlvlLy clause of L.C. no.
279 does noL requlre lLs publlcaLlon, lL ls noL a
ground for lLs lnvalldaLlon slnce Lhe LC 200, ln
a supplemenLary manner, provldes for lLs

AL Lhe Llme resldenL Aqulno lssued L.C. no.
279 on !uly 23, 1987, she was sLlll valldly
exerclslng leglslaLlve powers under Lhe
rovlslonal ConsLlLuLlon.

Issue 2: Whether or not WCM I1AA |s

Peld 2: lL ls unconsLlLuLlonal and vold,
(1) 1he followlng provlslons of 8epubllc AcL no.
7942: 1he provlso ln SecLlon 3 (aq), SecLlon 23,
SecLlon 33 Lo 41, SecLlon 36, 2
& 3

paragraphs of SecLlon 81, and SecLlon 90.
(2) All provlslons of ueparLmenL of
LnvlronmenL and naLural 8esources
AdmlnlsLraLlve Crder 96-40, s. 1996 whlch are
noL ln conformlLy wlLh Lhls ueclslon, and
(3) 1he llnanclal and 1echnlcal AsslsLance
AgreemenL beLween Lhe CovernmenL of Lhe
8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes and WMC
hlllpplnes, lnc.

8aLlo 2:
Mr. 1adeo's " 1he ldea and phrase "servlce
conLracLs" has been deleLed ln Lhe 1987
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

And Lhey llkewlse clalm LhaL Lhe
WMC l1AA, whlch was enLered lnLo
pursuanL Lo L.C. no. 279, vlolaLes
SecLlon 2, ArLlcle xll of Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon because, among oLher
(1) lL allows forelgn-owned
companles xxx ln Lhe
explolLaLlon, developmenL, and
uLlllzaLlon of mlnerals,
peLroleum, and oLher mlneral
olls, and even permlLs forelgn
owned companles Lo "operaLe
and manage mlnlng acLlvlLles."

(2) lL allows forelgn-owned
companles Lo exLend boLh Lechnlcal
and flnanclal asslsLance, lnsLead of
"elLher Lechnlcal or flnanclal
llkas na yaman. xxx Ang
solusyon sa sullranln
ng bansa ay dalawa
lamang: ang
pagpapaLupad ng
Lunay na reporma sa
lupa aL ang naLlonal
lndusLrlallzaLlon. lLo
ang LlnaLawag namlng
pagslkaL ng araw sa
Sllangan. Ngun|t ang
mga |and|ords and b|g
bus|nessmen at ang
mga komprador ay
nagsasab| na ang free
trade na |to, ang
kahu|ugan para sa
am|n, ay |p|n|p|||t sa
at|ng sambayanan na
ang araw ay s|s|kat sa
kan|uran. ka||an man
h|nd| puwedeng
sum|kat ang araw sa
kan|uran. l voLe no.

AcLually, Lhe second
prov|s|on about the
res|dent does not
perm|t fore|gn
|nvestors to
part|c|pate. lL ls only
Lechnlcal or flnanclal
asslsLance - Lhey do
ConsLlLuLlon's ArLlcle on naLlonal Lconomy and
aLrlmony ln1Ln1lCnALL?. 1herefore, Lhe
phrase "agreemenLs . . . lnvolvlng elLher
Lechnlcal or flnanclal asslsLance" does noL
lnclude "broad number of posslble servlces" as
conLended by Lhe respondenL.

Mr. vlllegas' " 1he consLlLuLlonal provlslon
allowlng Lhe resldenL Lo enLer lnLo l1AAs wlLh
forelgn-owned corporaLlons ls an excepLlon Lo
Lhe rule LhaL parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe naLlon's
naLural resources ls reserved excluslvely Lo
llllplnos. Accordlngly, such provlslon musL be
consLrued sLrlcLly agalnsL Lhelr en[oymenL by

Mr. uavlde's " 1he lnLenL of Lhls provlslon, as
well as oLher provlslons on forelgn
lnvesLmenLs, ls Lo prevenL Lhe pracLlce
(prevalenL ln Lhe Marcos governmenL) of
sklrLlng Lhe 60/40 equaLlon uslng Lhe cover of
servlce conLracLs.

Slnce servlce conLracLs are anLlLheLlcal, 1l1A
would also run counLer Lo Lhe consLlLuLlonal
provlslon on naLlonallzaLlon or llllplnlzaLlon, of
Lhe explolLaLlon of our naLural resources.

l1AA conLracLor warranLs LhaL lL "has or has
access Lo all Lhe flnanclng, managerlal, and
Lechnlcal experLlse. . . ." !l1AA conLracLor ls
bound Lo provlde some managemenL
asslsLance ! ass|stance that has been
e||m|nated by the present Const|tut|on
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
noL own anyLhlng - buL
on condlLlons that
have to be determ|ned
by |aw w|th the
concurrence of
Congress. So, |t |s very

M8 uAvluL: lL ls noL
for Lhem Lo en[oy our
naLural resources.
Madam resldenL, our
naLural resources are
depleLlng, our
populaLlon ls
lncreaslng by leaps and
bounds. I|fty years
from now, |f we w|||
a||ow these a||ens to
exp|o|t our natura|
resources, there w|||
be no more natura|
resources for the next
generat|ons of
I|||p|nos. lL may lasL
long lf we wlll begln

1hls CourL flnds LhaL 8.A. no. 7942 ls lnvalld
lnsofar as sald AcL auLhorlzes servlce conLracLs.
AlLhough Lhe sLaLuLe employs Lhe phrase
"flnanclal and Lechnlcal agreemenLs" ln
accordance wlLh Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon, lL
acLually LreaLs Lhese agreemenLs as servlce
conLracLs LhaL granL beneflclal ownershlp Lo
forelgn conLracLors conLrary Lo Lhe
fundamenLal law.

Gk 127882

Mean|ng of Iu||
Contro| and

!anuary 27, 2004! Lhe CourL en
banc promulgaLed lLs ueclslon
declarlng Lhe unconsLlLuLlonallLy of
cerLaln provlslons of 8A 7942, uAC
96-40, as well as of Lhe enLlre l1AA
execuLed beLween Lhe governmenL
and WMC, malnly on Lhe flndlng

Sec. 2. x x x 1he
developmenL and
uLlllzaLlon of naLural
resources shall be
under Lhe full conLrol
lssue 1: WheLher or noL Lhe alleged lnvalldlLy
of Lhe Lransfer of Lhe WMC shares Lo
SaglLLarlus vlolaLes Lhe fourLh paragraph of
Sect|on 2 of Art|c|e kII of the Const|tut|on?

Peld 1: nC, lL ls clear LhaL Lhe consLlLuLlonal
prlnclple glves preference and prlorlLy Lo
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
December 1, 2004
LhaL I1AAs are serv|ce contracts
proh|b|ted by the 1987

SubsequenLly, respondenLs flled
separaLe MoLlons for

o Lhe l1AA ls Lo be lmplemenLed
now by a llllplno corporaLlon
(SaglLLarlus), lL ls no longer
posslble for Lhe CourL Lo declare
lL unconsLlLuLlonal

o LhaL a llllplno corporaLlon ls noL
allowed by Lhe ConsLlLuLlon Lo
enLer lnLo an l1AA wlLh Lhe
and supervlslon of Lhe
SLaLe. 1he SLaLe may
dlrecLly underLake such
acLlvlLles, or lL may
enLer lnLo co-
producLlon, [olnL
venLure, or producLlon-
sharlng agreemenLs
wlLh llllplno clLlzens,
or corporaLlons or
assoclaLlons aL leasL
slxLy per cenLum of
whose caplLal ls owned
by such clLlzens. x x x."

llllplnos and llllplno corporaLlons ln Lhe
developmenL of our naLural resources
8aLlo 1:
" nowhere ln Lhe provlslon ls Lhere any
express llmlLaLlon or resLrlcLlon lnsofar as
arrangemenLs oLher Lhan Lhe Lhree
aforemenLloned conLracLual schemes are

Issue 2: Whether or not the Court Can St|||
Dec|de the Case, Lven Assum|ng It Is Moot

Peld 2: ?LS, Lhe CourL wlll never dlgress from
or abandon lLs sacred duLy and auLhorlLy Lo
uphold Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ln maLLers LhaL lnvolve
grave abuse of dlscreLlon broughL before lL ln
approprlaLe cases, commlLLed by any offlcer,
agency, lnsLrumenLallLy or deparLmenL of Lhe

8aLlo 2: 8emember Lhe 8equlslLes of !udlclal
revlew ln MooL cases!
o vlCLA1lCn Cl 1PL CCnS1l1u1lCn: Where
an acLlon of Lhe leglslaLlve branch ls
serlously alleged Lo have lnfrlnged Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon, lL becomes noL only Lhe rlghL
buL ln facL Lhe duLy of Lhe [udlclary Lo
seLLle Lhe dlspuLe
o A8AMCun1 u8LlC ln1L8LS1 lnvolved,
as well as Lhe necesslLy for a rullng Lo puL
an end Lo Lhe uncerLalnLles plagulng Lhe
mlnlng lndusLry
o CAA8LL Cl 8LL1l1lCn, ?L1 LvAulnC
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

ueflnlLlon and

luLL CCn18CL Anu
SuL8vlSlCn" as
uLlllzed ln SecLlon 2 of
ArLlcle xll enables Lhe
SLaLe Lo:
o dlrecL, resLraln,
regulaLe and
govern Lhe affalrs
of Lhe exLracLlve

o regulaLe Lhe
conducL of
affalrs ln varlous
enLerprlses based
on lndusLry
sLandards and
slmllar measures

o LlS MC1A: Lhe real lssue ln Lhls case ls
wheLher paragraph 4 of SecLlon 2 of ArLlcle
xll of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ls conLravened by
8A 7942 and uAC 96-40, noL wheLher lL
was vlolaLed by speclflc acLs lmplemenLlng
8A 7942 and uAC 96-40

Issue 3: 1he Mean|ng of "Agreements
L|ther 1echn|ca| or I|nanc|a| Ass|stance"

8aLlo 3: 1he lnLenL Lhe above-menLloned
provlslon ls Lo puL ln place safeguards LhaL
would ellmlnaLe or mlnlmlze Lhe abuses
prevalenL durlng Lhe marLlal law reglme. ln
brlef, Lhey were golng Lo permlL servlce
conLracLs wlLh forelgn corporaLlons as
conLracLors, buL wlLh safeLy measures Lo
prevenL abuses, as an excepLlon Lo Lhe general
norm esLabllshed ln Lhe flrsL paragraph of
SecLlon 2 of ArLlcle xll, whlch reserves or llmlLs
Lo llllplno clLlzens and corporaLlons aL leasL 60
percenL owned by such clLlzens Lhe
exploraLlon, developmenL and uLlllzaLlon of
mlneral or peLroleum resources.

1he agreements |nvo|v|ng e|ther techn|ca| or
f|nanc|a| ass|stance referred Lo ln paragraph 4
are ln facL servlce conLracLs, buL such new
serv|ce contracts are between fore|gn
corporat|ons act|ng as contractors on Lhe one
hand, and on Lhe oLher hand governmenL as
prlnclpal or owner" (of Lhe works), whereby
Lhe forelgn conLracLor provldes Lhe caplLal,
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
o resLraln acLlvlLles
deemed noL
deslrable or
beneflclal Lo Lhe
developmenL and
general welfare of
Lhe counLry

o conserve Lhe

o upllfL Lhe well-
belng of Lhe local
Lechnology and Lechnlcal know-how, and
managerlal experLlse ln Lhe creaLlon and
operaLlon of Lhe large-scale mlnlng/exLracLlve
enLerprlse, and government through |ts
agenc|es (DLNk, MG8) act|ve|y exerc|ses fu||
contro| and superv|s|on over the ent|re

Such servlce conLracLs may be enLered
lnLo only wlLh respecL Lo mlnerals, peLroleum
and oLher mlneral olls. 1he granL of such
servlce conLracLs ls sub[ecL Lo several
safeguards, among Lhem:
(1) 1haL Lhe servlce conLracL be crafLed ln
accordance wlLh a general law seLLlng sLandard
or unlform Lerms, condlLlons and
(2) 1he resldenL be Lhe slgnaLory for Lhe
governmenL, and
(3) 1he resldenL reporLs Lhe execuLed
agreemenL Lo Congress wlLhln LhlrLy days.


1he ff. are NCW CCNS1I1U1ICNAL
(1) kepub||c Act No. 7942 (the h|||pp|ne
M|n|ng Law),
8aLlo 1: 1he SecLlon 3(aq) of 8A 7942 ls noL
unconsLlLuLlonal ln allowlng a forelgn
conLracLor Lo apply for and hold an exploraLlon
permlL!.1he exploraLlon permlL lssued under
SecLlons 3(aq), 20 and 23 of 8A 7942, whlch
allows exploraLlon buL noL exLracLlon, serves Lo
proLecL Lhe lnLeresLs and rlghLs of Lhe
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
exploraLlon permlL granLee (and would-be
conLracLor), forelgn or local.

(2) |ts Imp|ement|ng ku|es and kegu|at|ons
conta|ned |n DLNk Adm|n|strat|ve Crder
(DAC) No. 9640 -- |nsofar as they re|ate to
f|nanc|a| and techn|ca| ass|stance
agreements referred to |n paragraph 4 of
Sect|on 2 of Art|c|e kII of the Const|tut|on,
8aLlo: uAC 96-40 vesL ln governmenL more
Lhan a sufflclenL degree of conLrol and
supervlslon over Lhe conducL of mlnlng

(3) the I|nanc|a| and 1echn|ca| Ass|stance
Agreement (I1AA) dated March 30, 199S
executed by the government and Western
M|n|ng Corporat|on h|||pp|nes Inc.
8aLlo 3: 1he WMC l1AA clauses vesL Lhe SLaLe
wlLh conLrol and supervlslon over pracLlcally all
aspecLs of Lhe operaLlons of Lhe l1AA
conLracLor, lncludlng Lhe charglng of pre-
operaLlng and operaLlng expenses, and Lhe
dlsposlLlon of mlneral producLs. 1here ls no
abdlcaLlon of SLaLe ConLrol.

LkCL1 SecLlons 7.8 and 7.9 of Lhe sub[ecL
l1AA whlch are hereby lnvALluA1Lu for belng
conLrary Lo publlc pollcy and for belng grossly
dlsadvanLageous Lo Lhe governmenL.
L. nILIINL CCMkCMISL SepLember 10, 1971! Lhe naLlonal Issue: Whether or not the Comprom|se
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

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Gk 144302
May 27, 2004
1nL CCUk1
ower CorporaLlon (nACCC8)
enLered lnLo a servlce conLracL wlLh
hlllpplne CeoLhermal, lnc. (Cl), a
corporaLlon organlzed and exlsLlng
under Lhe laws of Callfornla, unlLed
SLaLes of Amerlca, for Lhe
exploraLlon and explolLaLlon of
geoLhermal resources coverlng Lhe
1lwl and Mak-8an CeoLhermal
llelds. SecLlon 3.1 of sald conLracL
whlch provldes LhaL lL shall be
renewed for anoLher 23 years.

nC, however, was doubLful
wheLher a renewal would be
consLlLuLlonal ln llghL of SecLlon 2,
ArLlcle xll of Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon.

!uly 8, 1996 !Cl requesLed for
arblLraLlon wlLh Lhe lnLernaLlonal
CourL of ArblLraLlon (lCA) of Lhe
lnLernaLlonal Chamber of
Commerce (lCC).

March 6, 1997! Cuezon ClLy 81C
denled Lhe moLlon for
reconslderaLlon of Lhe Cl Lo
dlsmlss Lhe peLlLlon of Lhe
nACCC8 on Lhe ground LhaL Lhe
legallLy or consLlLuLlonallLy of Lhe
renewal of Lhe servlce conLracL ls an
lssue whlch only a regular courL of
[usLlce may resolve or seLLle and

SLC1lCn 2. All lands of
Lhe publlc domaln,
waLers, mlnerals, coal,
peLroleum and oLher
mlneral olls, all forces
of poLenLlal energy,
flsherles, foresLs or
Llmber, wlldllfe, flora
and fauna, and oLher
naLural resources are
owned by Lhe sLaLe.
WlLh Lhe excepLlon of
agrlculLural lands, all
oLher naLural resources
shall noL be
allenaLed. 1he
deve|opment, and
ut|||zat|on of natura|
resources sha|| be
under the fu|| contro|
and superv|s|on of the
state. xxx
Agreement f||ed by GI and NACCCk |s a
va||d sett|ement?

ne|d: Den|ed, CA's Dec|s|on to D|sm|ss

lL ls beyond lLs [urlsdlcLlon Lo pass upon and
approve Lhe Compromlse AgreemenL of Lhe
parLles, who have, as Lhereln sLaLed, agreed
Lo LermlnaLe Lhe servlce conLracL sub[ecL of Lhe
dlspuLe, ln favor of" a serles of agreemenLs
LhaL sLarL wlLh rovlslonal," followed by
lnLerlm," Lhen 1ranslLlon," and flnally
CeoLhermal 8esources Sales ConLracL
(C8SC)," Lhe forglng of whlch agreemenLs ls
lnLended Lo effecLlvely erase any doubL as Lo
Lhe legallLy of Lhe compromlse."
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
nC1 lCA.

Pence, Lhls peLlLlon for revlew
on cerLlorarl seeklng Lo seL aslde
and nulllfy Lhe declslon of Lhe 81C.

A1 1PL SluL 8A8: 1hus [Cl] and
[nC] have agreed Lo LermlnaLe Lhe
Servlce ConLracL sub[ecL maLLer of
Lhe dlspuLe, ln favor of a new
CeoLhermal Sales ConLracL and a u
1442 CeoLhermal Servlce ConLracL,
and Cl has commlLLed Lo form a
hlllpplne company for Lhe
developmenL and operaLlon of Lhe
1lwl and Mak-8an sLeamflelds (Sec.
6.1 Lhereof) on a golng-forward
basls, Lhereby effecLlvely eraslng
any doubL as Lo Lhe legallLy of Lhe

March 24, 2000! CourL of Appeals
dlsmlssed Lhe peLlLlon of Cl.

Sect|on 3. Lands of the pub||c doma|n are c|ass|f|ed |nto agr|cu|tura|, forest or t|mber, m|nera| |ands and nat|ona| parks. Agr|cu|tura| |ands of the
pub||c doma|n may be further c|ass|f|ed by |aw accord|ng to the uses to wh|ch they may be devoted. A||enab|e |ands of the pub||c doma|n sha|| be
||m|ted to agr|cu|tura| |ands. r|vate corporat|ons or assoc|at|ons may not ho|d such a||enab|e |ands of the pub||c doma|n except by |ease, for a per|od
not exceed|ng twenty-f|ve years, renewab|e for not more than twenty-f|ve years, and not to exceed one thousand hectares |n area. C|t|zens of the
h|||pp|nes may |ease not more than f|ve hundred hectares, or acqu|re not more than twe|ve hectares thereof, by purchase, homestead, or grant.

1ak|ng |nto account the requ|rements of conservat|on, eco|ogy, and deve|opment, and sub[ect to the requ|rements of agrar|an reform, the Congress
sha|| determ|ne, by |aw, the s|ze of |ands of the pub||c doma|n wh|ch may be acqu|red, deve|oped, he|d, or |eased and the cond|t|ons thereforL.

!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

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Case keywords Iacts App||cab|e]V|o|ated
Issue & kat|o
kepub||c v. CA

160 SC8A 228

1he 8egallan
uocLrlne was
applled ln Lhe
cases aL bar
1hese cases arose from Lhe
appllcaLlon for reglsLraLlon of a
parcel of land flled by !ose de la
8osa on hls own behalf and on
behalf of hls Lhree chlldren,
vlcLorla, 8en[amln and Lduardo.
1he land, slLuaLed ln Lhe 8engueL
rovlnce, was dlvlded lnLo 9 loLs.
Accordlng Lo Lhe appllcaLlon, LoLs 1-
3 were sold Lo !ose de la 8osa and
LoLs 6-9 Lo hls chlldren by Mamaya
8alballo and !alme AlberLo.

1he appllcaLlon was separaLely
opposed by:
1. 8enguet ConsolldaLed, lnc.

2. Atok 8lg Wedge

3. kepub||c of the h|||pp|nes

ln supporL of Lhe appllcaLlon,
8a|ba||o clalmed Lo have recelved
LoLs 1-3 from her faLher shorLly
afLer Lhe LlberaLlon. She LesLlfled
she was born ln Lhe land, whlch was
possessed by her parenLs under
clalm of ownershlp.

A|berto sald he recelved LoLs 6-9
1961 from hls moLher who declared
LhaL Lhe land was planLed by !alme
and hls predecessors-ln-lnLeresL.
h|||pp|ne 8||| of 1902,
Sec. 21.
All valuable mlneral
deposlLs ln publlc lands
ln Lhe phlllpplne
lslands boLh surveyed
and unsurveyed are
hereby declared Lo be
free and open Lo
occupaLlon and
purchase and Lhe land
ln whlch Lhey are
found Lo occupaLlon
and purchase by Lhe
clLlzens of Lhe unlLed
SLaLes, or of sald

Art|c|e 13, Sec. 1.
All agrlculLural, Llmber
and mlneral lands of
Lhe publlc domaln,
waLers, mlnerals, coal,
peLroleum and oLher
mlneral olls, all forces
of poLenLlal energy and
oLher naLural resources
of Lhe hlllppplnes
belong Lo Lhe SLaLe,
and Lhelr dlsposlLlon,
ISSUL: WheLher or noL 8engueL and ALok have
excluslve rlghLs Lo Lhe properLy ln quesLlon by
vlrLue of Lhelr respecLlve mlnlng clalms.

nLLD: ?es.

?es, because such properLy rlghLs were valldly
acqulred before Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of 1933
prohlblLed Lhe allenaLlon of all lands of Lhe
publlc domaln excepL agrlculLural lands,
sub[ecL Lo vesLed rlghLs exlsLlng aL Lhe Llme of
lLs adopLlon. 1he land was noL and could noL
have been Lransferred Lo Lhe prlvaLe
respondenLs by vlrLue of acqulslLlve
prescrlpLlon, nor could lLs use be shared
slmulLaneously by Lhem and Lhe mlnlng
companles for agrlculLural and mlneral

* * *

1he sub[ecL properLy was lndeed consldered
foresL land and lncluded ln Lhe CenLral
Cordlllera loresL 8eserve, buL Lhls dld noL
lmpalr Lhe rlghLs already vesLed ln 8engueL and
ALok aL LhaL Llme. 1he !une 8ug mlneral clalm
of 8engueL and Lhe lredla and Lmma mlneral
clalms of ALok havlng been perfecLed prlor Lo
Lhe approval of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of Lhe
hlllpplnes of 1933, Lhey were removed from
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
She was corroboraLed by lellx
Marcos, 67 years old aL Lhe Llme,
who recalled Lhe earller possesslon
of Lhe land by AlberLo's faLher.

8oLh presenLed Lax declaraLlons and
Lax recelpLs Lo supporL Lhelr

8enguet opposed on Lhe ground
LhaL rom Lhe daLe of lLs purchase,
8engueL had been ln acLual,
conLlnuous and excluslve
possesslon of Lhe land ln concepL of

Atok alleged Lhe loLs he was
clalmlng were covered by Lhe Lmma
and lredla mlneral clalms locaLed
by Parrlson and 8eynolds ln Lhe
offlce of Lhe mlnlng recorder of
8agulo. 1hese clalms were
purchased from Lhese locaLors by
ALok, whlch has slnce Lhen been ln
open, conLlnuous and excluslve
possesslon of Lhe sald loLs. (1he
locaLlon of Lhe mlneral clalms was
made ln accordance wlLh Sect|on 21
of the h|||pp|ne 8||| of 1902.)

1he 8ureau of Iorestry
Deve|opment also lnLerposed lLs
ob[ecLlon, argulng LhaL Lhe land
soughL Lo be reglsLered was
developmenL, or
uLlllzaLlon shall be
llmlLed Lo clLlzens of
Lhe hlllpplnes or Lo
corporaLlons or
assoclaLlons aL leasL
60 of Lhe caplLal of
whlch ls owned by such
clLlzens, sub[ecL Lo any
exlsLlng rlghL, granL,
lease or concesslon aL
Lhe Llme of Lhe
lnauguraLlon of Lhe
esLabllshed under Lhls
ConsLlLuLlon. naLural
resources wlLh Lhe
excepLlon of publlc
agrlculLural lands, shall
noL be allenaLed, and
no llcense, concesslon,
or lease for Lhe
developmenL or
uLlllzaLlon of any of Lhe
naLural resources shall
be granLed for a perlod
exceedlng 23 years,
excepL as Lo waLer
rlghLs for lrrlgaLlon,
waLer supply, flsherles,
or lndusLrlal uses oLher
Lhan Lhe developmenL
of waLer power, ln
Lhe publlc domaln and had become prlvaLe
properLles of 8engueL and ALok.

Such rlghLs were noL affecLed elLher by Lhe
resLrlcLlon ln Lhe Commonwea|th Const|tut|on
accordlng Lo Art|c|e kIII, Sect|on 1, Lhereof,
whlch was lmplemenLed by Act No. 4268.

1he perfect|on of the m|n|ng c|a|m converted
the property to m|nera| |and and under the
|aws then |n force removed |t from the pub||c
doma|n. As the |and had become the pr|vate
property of the |ocators, they had the r|ght to
transfer the same, as they d|d, to 8enguet and

1he CourL of Appeals correcLly observed LhaL
such prlvaLe properLy was sub[ecL Lo Lhe
"vlclsslLudes of ownershlp," or by acqu|s|t|ve

nCWLVLk, Lhe meLhod lnvoked by Lhe de la
8osas ls noL avallable ln Lhe case aL bar, for Lwo
1. 1he Lrlal courL found LhaL Lhe ev|dence
of open, conLlnuous, adverse and
excluslve possesslon submlLLed by Lhe
appllcanLs was |nsuff|c|ent to support
the|r c|a|m of ownersh|p.
2. Lven lf lL were assumed LhaL Lhe
predecessors-ln-lnLeresL of Lhe de la
8osas had really been ln possesslon of
Lhe sub[ecL properLy, Lhelr possesslon
was noL ln Lhe concepL of owner of
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
covered by Lhe Centra| Cord|||era
Iorest keserve under roc|amat|on
No. 217. Moreover, by reason of lLs
naLure, lL was noL sub[ecL Lo
allenaLlon under Lhe ConsLlLuLlons
of 1933 and 1973.

1he Lrlal courL denled Lhe
appllcaLlon, holdlng LhaL Lhe
appllcanLs had falled Lo prove Lhelr
clalm of possesslon and ownershlp
of Lhe land soughL Lo be reglsLered.

1he appllcanLs appealed Lo Lhe CA,
whlch afflrmed Lhe surface rlghLs of
Lhe de la 8osas over Lhe land whlle
reservlng Lhe sub-surface rlghLs of
8engueL and ALok by vlrLue of Lhelr
mlnlng clalms.

8oLh 8engueL and ALok have
appealed Lo Lhls CourL, lnvoklng
Lhelr superlor rlghL of ownershlp.
1he 8epubllc has also appealed and
relLeraLes lLs argumenL LhaL nelLher
Lhe prlvaLe respondenLs nor Lhe
Lwo mlnlng companles have any
valld clalm Lo Lhe land because lL ls
noL allenable and reglsLerable.

whlch case beneflclal
use may be Lhe
measure and Lhe llmlL
of Lhe granL.

Act No. 4268.
Any provlslon of
exlsLlng laws, execuLlve
order, proclamaLlon Lo
Lhe conLrary
noLwlLhsLandlng, all
locaLlons of mlnlng
clalm made prlor Lo
lebruary 8, 1933
wlLhln lands seL aparL
as foresL reserve under
Sec. 1826 of Lhe
8evlsed AdmlnlsLraLlve
Code whlch would be
valld and subslsLlng
locaLlon excepL Lo Lhe
exlsLence of sald
reserve are hereby
declared Lo be valld
and subslsLlng
locaLlons as of Lhe daLe
of Lhelr respecLlve

Commonwea|th Act
No. 137:

Sec. 3. All mlneral
lands of Lhe publlc
Lhe mloloq clolm buL of Lhe properLy
as oqtlcoltotol looJ, whlch lL was noL.
1he property was m|nera| |and, and
they were c|a|m|ng |t as agr|cu|tura|

1he CourL of Appeals [usLlfled Lhls by saylng
Lhere ls "no confllcL of lnLeresL" beLween Lhe
owners of Lhe surface rlghLs and Lhe owners of
Lhe sub-surface rlghLs. 1hls ls raLher docLrlne,
for lL ls a well-known prlnclple LhaL Lhe owner
of plece of land has rlghLs noL only Lo lLs
surface buL also Lo everyLhlng underneaLh and
Lhe alrspace above lL up Lo a reasonable

nCWLVLk, th|s Court fee|s that the r|ghts
over the |and are |nd|v|s|b|e and that the |and
|tse|f cannot be ha|f agr|cu|tura| and ha|f
m|nera|. 1he c|ass|f|cat|on must be
categor|ca|, the |and must be e|ther
comp|ete|y m|nera| or comp|ete|y agr|cu|tura|.
As long as mlnlng operaLlons were belng
underLaken Lhereon, or underneaLh, lL dld noL
cease Lo be so and become agrlculLural, even lf
only parLly so, because lL was enclosed wlLh a
fence and was culLlvaLed by Lhose who were
unlawfully occupylng Lhe surface.
WhaL musL have mlsled Lhe respondenL courL
ls Commonwea|th Act No. 137.

1he f|aw |n the reason|ng of the CA |s |n
suppos|ng that the r|ghts over the |and cou|d
be used for both m|n|ng and non-m|n|ng
!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!
domaln and mlnerals
belong Lo Lhe SLaLe,
and Lhelr dlsposlLlon,
developmenL or
uLlllzaLlon, shall be
llmlLed Lo clLlzens of
Lhe hlllpplnes, or Lo
corporaLlons, or
assoclaLlons, aL leasL
60 of Lhe caplLal of
whlch ls owned by such
clLlzens, sub[ecL Lo any
exlsLlng rlghL, granL,
lease or concesslon aL
Lhe Llme of Lhe
lnauguraLlon of
esLabllshed under Lhe

Sec. 4. 1he ownershlp
of, and Lhe rlghL Lo Lhe
use of land for
agrlculLural, lndusLrlal,
resldenLlal, or for any
purpose oLher Lhan
mlnlng does noL
lnclude Lhe ownershlp
of, nor Lhe rlghL Lo
exLracL or uLlllze, Lhe
mlnerals whlch may be
found on or under Lhe
purposes -./012345#0-16. 1he correcL
lnLerpreLaLlon ls LhaL once mlnerals are
dlscovered ln Lhe land, whaLever Lhe use Lo
whlch lL ls belng devoLed aL Lhe Llme, such use
may be dlsconLlnued by Lhe SLaLe Lo enable lL
Lo exLracL Lhe mlnerals Lhereln ln Lhe exerclse
of lLs soverelgn prerogaLlve. 1he land ls Lhus
converLed Lo mlneral land and may noL be used
by any prlvaLe parLy, lncludlng Lhe reglsLered
owner for any oLher purpose LhaL wlll lmpede
Lhe mlnlng operaLlons Lo be underLaken.

And so, the dec|s|on of the CA ! SL1 ASIDL
and that of the k1C ! kLINS1A1LD.

* * *

Creek M|n|ng Corp. Case ! lor all physlcal
purposes of ownershlp, Lhe owner ls noL
requlred Lo secure a paLenL as long as he
complles wlLh Lhe provlslons of Lhe mlnlng
laws, hls possessory rlghL, for all pracLlcal
purposes of ownershlp, ls as good as Lhough
secured by paLenL.

!"#$%&%'%&"#() )(+ , -./ 0"(1'&# 23.#($4 $/0/

!!! (!) " !!!

Sec. S. 1he ownershlp
of, and Lhe rlghL Lo
exLracL and uLlllze, Lhe
mlnerals lncluded
wlLhln all areas for
whlch publlc
agrlculLural land
paLenLs are granLed
are excluded and
excepLed from all such

Sec. 6. 1he ownershlp
of, and Lhe rlghL Lo
exLracL and uLlllze, Lhe
mlnerals lncluded
wlLhln all areas for
whlch 1orrens LlLles are
granLed are excluded
and excepLed from all
such LlLles.

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