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<=>?@=>A BC -@DE>FF> $GG> #HIJ>==>K

Loglc ls more
concerned wlLh synLax
and semanLlcs as lL ls
concerned wlLh Lhe
afflrmaLlon of Lhe LruLh
!"#$% !'#()* +"$,'-(-# . /0#12"-3 4556

78$93"0 555
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5E ?8" :$310" 'F !$-#1$#"
!"#$%"$& ls a collecLlon of senslble slgns LhaL express Lhe acLs and Lhe wlll of human
lnLellecL. As such, language enables men Lo llve as a communlLy.
o Lxpresslve funcLlon ! speech exLernallzes Lhe lnLernal acLs of humans (e.g.
ldeas, lmpresslons, moods) (p.49).
o CommunlcaLlve funcLlon ! lL communlcaLes acLs Lo oLhers. Slnce man ls a soclal
creaLure, he needs Lo communlcaLe hls LhoughLs Lo oLhers (p.49).
'("))"( sLudles Lhe correcL usage of language.
!+#$%+,-+., "#/ 01+23,3014 sLudles Lhe dlfferenL aspecLs of language (sLrucLure of
language vls-a-vls Lhe person speaklng).
!3$+. sLudles language as Lhe expresslon of knowledge.

55E G'0H, $-H !(-#1(,3() /)3,
53(/, 3( -&(), are Lhe baslc unlL of language endowed wlLh meanlng (p.30).
o 53(/ ! an arLlculaLe sound LhaL serves as a convenLlonal slgn of a concepL,
whlch ln Lurn slgnlfles a Lhlng (p.30-31)
" 6(-+.%2"-& ,3%#/ ! enables communlcaLlon.
" 73#8&#-+3#"2 9+$# ! dlfferenLlaLe from naLural Slgn
" 9+$#+:+&, " .3#.&0- ! a slgn ls a reallLy LhaL polnLs Lo anoLher reallLy.
" 9+$#+:+&, " -1+#$ ! (expresslon of language) concepL ln Lhe mlnd v.
(meanlng of language) naLure of Lhlngs ln Lhemselves.
AspecLs of language ln general: (p.32-33)
o 94#-"; ! relaLlon of slgns wlLh oLher slgns (e.g. relaLlon of words ln a senLence
Lo form one compleLe LhoughL). 8efers Lo Lhe meanlng of someLhlng.
o 9&)"#-+., ! relaLlon of slgn wlLh Lhe Lhlng slgnlfled. 8efers Lo an acLual
exlsLence of someLhlng.
o <,"$& ! relaLlon of language wlLh Lhe acLs of Lhe speaker.
" =223.%-+8& ".-, ! manlfesLaLlons of an lnLernal acL of Lhe wlll (e.g. maklng

555E ?8" >301)310" $-H 90(-)(9$% 9$03, 'F ,9"")8I :'1-, $-H J"0K,
:'1-, ! slgnlfy Lhe sub[ecL and Lhe essence of Lhe sub[ecL (p.34)
o >(30&( #3%#, ! lndlvlduallzed naLure. Lx: !oshua = a speclflc man.
o 73))3# #3%#, ! general naLure. Lx: sLudenL, pollLlclan
o nouns may derlve Lhelr meanlng from Lhe accldenLal properLles of Lhe
sub[ecL/slgnlfled ob[ecL.
" Lxample: Sunflower = a flower LhaL bends Lowards sun's dlrecLlon.
!"#$! &"'()*+," -"$.*)#/ /,00$-*"/ 12342523467 $&&89 &:&: ;*!!$-"$!

<=>?@=>A BC -@DE>FF> $GG> #HIJ>==>K
J"0K, ! slgnlfy Lhe acLlons of Lhe slgnlfled (p.33).
o >&(,3#"2 ?&(@ ! slgnlfles Lhe acL of Lhe sub[ecL. Lx: he runs, he llves
o =#:+#+-+8& ! slgnlfles Lhe acL lLself. Lx: run, llve
o A(&"-+#$ -1& ".- ", -13%$1 +- B&(& " ,%@,+,-&#- (&"2+-4 ! Lx: llfe, race
/HL")3(M" ! refers Lo accldenLs of Lhe sub[ecL.
/HM"0K ! how acLlons are carrled ouL.
o >&(,3#"2 0(3#3%#, ! refer Lo Lhe subsLance ln Lhe same way LhaL nouns do.
o C&2"-+8& 0(3#3%#, ! LhaL, whlch, whose, who
o D&)3#,-("-+8& 0(3#3%#, ! Lhls, LhaL
B$03()(9%", ! verbal nouns. Lx: belng
/03()%", ! quallfy Lhe lndlvldual sub[ecL as regards number.
B0"9',(3('-, ! refer Lo relaLlons of reason or of grammar.
5-3"0L")3('-, ! express affecLlons or passlons of Lhe wlll.
7'-L1-)3('-, $-H B0"9',(3('-, ! funcLlons Lo llnk, buL do noL have meanlng on lLs own

5JE ?8" 2"3$98N,()$% ,(#-(F()$-)" 'F %$-#1$#"
WhaL ls slgnlfled v. Manner of slgnlfylng (p. 36)
Slnce everyLhlng whlch ls ls lnLelllglble, everyLhlng can be deslgnaLed by a name (p. 37)
1hose whlch exceed our capaclLy Lo undersLand, we cannoL undersLand 9"0F")3%NE

JE ?8" )'-3"O31$% 90'9"03(", 'F 3"02,
LlngulsLlc Lerms can undergo cerLaln changes ln meanlng dependlng on Lhelr conLexL ln
Lhe senLence, or because of oLher words and phrases LhaL accompany Lhem.
o oor man!" v. A poor man" (p. 37)
9%003,+-+3 ! Lhe generlc meanlng buL wlLh reference Lo a parLlcular reallLy.
o 1he same ob[ecL can appear Lo us under Lwo dlfferenL formallLles:
" An ldenLlLy we are capable of dlsLlngulshlng, and
" Lxpresslng ln [udgmenLs of ldenLlLy.

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