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Guide to create a scenario


by Zetta
I] Some basics things
0) What is Hex-editing ?
1) Adding a scenario
2)Changing scenario description
3)Editing current cities HP
II]Detailed officer editing
III] Items
IV] Adding and deleting forces
V] About cities, gates and ports
VI] Countries
VII] Extended Example
List of officers

p. 5

Special thanks: Hero of Chaos, Louhawk, El Jefe, scholar, and the whole community
on KOEI forums.
This guide is not for selling purposes.
All images are taken from Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI

This guide has been made for english versions of ROTK XI. Otherwise, you can use
Van's editor (if you understand its language of course), but it may help you a little bit because
the file structure of foreign scenarios is quite the same.
You may use any hexadecimal editor. There are lots of free hex-editors, just take a
look at wikipedia or type it in a web search engine. There are surely other ways of modifying a
scenario in this game, but as there's no official editor, and because I'm not a programer, this is
the best way to change a scenario for the moment. Be sure to copy/paste scenarios before
changing them, do not replace older ones or you will loose them. By the way, I decline
responsibility of any game crash, computer crash etc... You are fully responsible of what you do
with this guide.

I] Some basic things

0) What is HEX-editing ?
An hexadecimal editor allows one to see and modify the raw content of a file. This
paragraph is not intended to be a lesson, but you need to know a few things before starting.
Counting in hexadecimal is not the same way as we mathematically do it:
Normally, we count: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 etc...
In hexadecimal, you count like this: 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 0a, 0b, 0c, 0d,
0e, 0f, 10, 11, 12 ,13 1d, 1e, 1f, 20, 21 etc... Until you reach 9f. When you're at 9f, you start
like this: a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, aa, ab, ac, ad, ae ,af, b1,b2... until FF. FF is 256 in
normal counting. It is the maximum you can reach with two bytes and this encoding. If you
want to put 257, you have to use 4 bytes: 01 01, 02 01, 03 01 etc... (Take a look at the officers
list at the end of this guide to see an example on how you count).
When there is no information, you usually see 00 bytes, or sometimes ff bytes in
scenario files.
Important: you HAVE to replace bytes by other ones. If you add one or more bytes in
the file, the game won't recognize it or the map will bug. Once you modified your file don't
forget to Save it in the hex-editor. Then, go back to ROTK title screen and look for your
scenario. It should appear in "Added Scenario" .

1) Adding a scenario to the list

The initial scenarios are the following:
Table 1: game scenarios
Yellow Turbans

Dong Zhuo's Rise


Rival Warlords


Clash at Guan Du


The Three Visits


Liu Bei in Shu


Nanman Rebellion


Rise of Heroes

The game enables you to add new scenarios from scen008.S11 to scen015.S11. Once
you copied and pasted any scenario, change it's name to anything between scen008 to scen015.
If you put any other name, the game won't recognize it. Once it is done, launch the game and
take a look at New Game menu. You should see a new possibility:

Click added scenario and you should see the one you copied.

2) Changing scenario description.

The first characters you see in the file are those:
00 00 fe ff 02 00 00 00 KOEI%SAN11 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 17 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 b8 00 01 01 Yellow
After 90 bytes, there is the descriptive date: YEAR-00-MONTH. You may put a date
very far away from the limit, but you will be able to play only one year. So let's use our HEXeditor. Replace the b8 with a c2 for example. b8 codes for year 182 (see an hexadecimal table
over the internet, or eventually in this ). Replacing it with a c2 gives us year 194. The 01 codes
the month (here it is January). To play in march, put a 03 instead of it. Change the name of
the scenario from Yellow Turbans to Green Turbans. Put 00 for non-coding letters. The code is
00 00 fe ff 02 00 00 00 KOEI%SAN11 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 17 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c8 00 03 01 Green
Turbans 00

After this, we have the description of the scenario. You may modify it just like you modified
Yellow Turbans to Green Turbans.
After 722 bytes (address 0x2d2) exactly, you see the cities colors on the map. Those colors may
be changed to any other one (see table 2). The code ends with ae after 42 bytes which
correspond to 42 cities.

Table 2: List of forces colors and their respective order and codes, ff codes for white.
Table 3: Cities codes list, gates and ports. (thanks to the contributions of Hero of Chaos and Gray Riders
for their helpful contributions)



















































Xiang Ping 00

Bei Ping 01

Ji 02

Nan Pi 03

Ping Yuan 04

Jin Yang 05

Ye 06

Bei Hai 07

Xia Pi 08

Xiao Pei 09

Shou Chun 0a

Pu Yang 0b

Chen Liu 0c

Xu Chang 0d

Ru Nan 0e

Luo Yang 0f

Wan 10

Chang An 11

Shang Yong 12

An Ding 13

Tian Shui 14

Wu Wei 15

Jian Ye 16

Wu 17

Hui Ji 18

Lu Jiang 19

Chai Sang 1a

Jiang Xia 1b

Xin Ye 1c

Xiang Yang 1d

Jiang Ling 1e

Chang Sha 1f

Wu Ling 20

Gui Yang 21

Ling Ling 22

Yong An 23

Han Zhong 24

Zi Tong 25

Jiang Zhou 26

Cheng Du 27

Jian Ning 28

Yun Nan 29

Hu 2a

Hu Lao gate 2b

Tong Gate 2c

Han Gu gate 2d

Wu gate 2e

Yang Ping 2f

Jian Ge 30

Jia Meng 31

Pei Shui 32

Mian Zhu 33

An Ping port 34

Gao Tang 35

Xi He 36

Bai Ma 37

Chang Yang 38

Lin Ji 39

Hai Ling 3a

Jiang Duo 3b

Ru Xu 3c

Dun Qiu 3d

Guan Du 3e

Meng Jin 3f

Jie Xian 40

Xin Feng 41

Xia Feng 42

Fang Ling 43

Wu Hu 44

Hu Lin 45

Qu A 46

Ju Zhang 47

Wan Kou 48

Jiu Jiang 49

Lu Kou 4a

Bou Yang 4b

Lu Ling 4c

Xia Kou 4d

Hu Yang 4e

Zhong Lu 4f

Wu Lin 50

Han Jin 51

Jiang Jin 52

Lu Xian 53

Dong Tine 54

Gong An 55

Wu Xian 56

After this, there is a constant code in each scenario which refers to the descriptive
position of the cities. I suggest don't messing up with it. Then, we have the forces descriptions
that can be changed the same way. Each force is described with 607 bytes, the first byte being
the difficult of the game, from one star (00), to five stars (04).
Once you have modified the descriptive date, you may want to change the REAL
starting date. Go down in the code. Jump the forces descriptions but don't get past officers.
Stop at or ae. Yes, you see it ? After massive 00 bytes and forces description, we have the
date and month exactly the same way (address 0x673a):
00 00 b8 00 01 01 bc 02 00 00 00 00 00 ff ( 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ae
Let's play in April 195 (meaning c3 00 04):
00 00 c3 00 04 01 bc 02 00 00 00 00 00 ff ( 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ae
Another thing you may want to change is the type of game you are playing. If you want game
settings similar to Rise of Heroes (fictional lifespans etc...), modify the following code:
00 00 c3 00 04 01 bc 02 00 00 00 00 00 ff ( 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ae
00 00 c3 00 04 01 bc 02 01 00 00 00 00 ff ( 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ae
in the same part.

3)Editing current cities HP (Thanks to Hero of Chaos for this contribution.)

You'll find the current city HP after the force descriptions and the real in-game date.

Here's a small part of the whole code. There are three bytes that are marked red,as you can
see. The first byte is the district code. I don't know what it is for, but I suggest you to edit it,
too. The next two bytes are the current city HP. If you want the city to have full HP,then edit
the two bytes to what they are in the "Max HP" part in the city code. You might see
regularities in the code. The district byte is always below the second HP byte. The order of the
city is the same as always,Xiang Ping being the first city and Yun Nan being the last city. The
code should include gates and ports as well.

II] Detailed officer editing

Even if all characters are certainly encoded in another file, you can modify them
within the scenario. The only thing you can't modify is the biography (stored in
S11MSG0X.S11). It begins at Ahui Nan and ends with special characters like "Soldier" etc...
Even the Emperors are in there and can be played in-game! One character is ALWAYS coded
with 152 bytes. I never found any exception (and if you find one, then please tell it). So if you
one byte,
will change everything and create a huge mess...
Most of the non-coding bytes are ff.
Moving directly on an example:

Yang 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Song 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 b9 01 00 ba 00 a7 00 d7 00
01 48 02 06 08 ff ff 01 ff ff ff ff 0d ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 24 00 24
00 03 49 ff ff 61 40 1f 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 05 1c 22 05 04 04 04 04 04 0a ff 02 00 02 02
00 00 0d 00 03 00 00 6a 73 74 ff 74 74 ff ff ff ff ff ff 20 00 00 00
Name and second name:
Can be changed like descriptions, the maximum is 53 bytes long.
The portrait is made by two bytes, b9 01 here. For example, Lu Bu's old portrait is eb
03,the young portrait is 03 00. The images are not listed, but if you want another
portrait, search the one you want and replace it. The bonus portraits start from d0 07
and goes up to 7d 08.
Sex 00 is male, while 01 is female.
These 6 bytes stand for the dates. ba 00 is the availability date (the year the officer
becomes available). a7 00 is the year of birth. d7 00 is the year of death.
These bytes stand for the parents. The first two bytes on the left stand for the father,
while the other two on the right for the mother. No parents is ff.
These two bytes stand for the spouse. As I've already said,I don't know the officer
codes. The byte in front of that may be the sex,while the bytes after that up to the
Liked Officers may stand for sworn siblings,but I'm not sure.
Sworn Brother
With two bytes, you can give one sworn brother. If you want three sworn brothers, you
should add the same sworn to two officers.
Compatibility score
The Compatibility Score is the "Close Friend" thing that determines how easy it is for
a certain ruler to employ an officer (Cao Cao has 25,so every officer with 25 or near 25
as Compaitibility Score will be easy to employ for him).

Liked officers
These 10 bytes stand for the liked officers,two bytes each. Take a look at table 9.
Disliked Officers
These 10 bytes stand for the disliked officers,two bytes each.
Allegiance, Location and Service
These 5 bytes are the allegiance and location of the officers. ff is the force number or
allegiance (see adding a force section). A free / dead / not born officer always starts as
ff. The first 24 00 is the service city, the second 24 00 is the current location (the officer
will be in another city for example if he is sent on a diplomatic mission or prisoner,and
that's the current location). For a list of all city codes,look at Table 3.
Officer status
This number is for the officer status. Here it's 03, or officer. See the following table
(contribution of Hero of Chaos).
00 Sovereign

01 Viceroy

02 Prefect

03 Officer

04 Free officer

05 Prisoner

06 Under aged

07 Searchable

08 Dead

ff Not available

Officer ranks
See table 5 for a detailed list of officers ranks.
Table 5: List of officers ranks codes (contribution of Hero of Chaos).
00 Prime Minister

01 Chief Minister

02 Chief Officer

03 SeniorMinister

04 Minister

05 Guard Captain

06 Horse Captain

07 Marshal

08 Chancellor

09 Sub-chancellor

0a Court Officer

0b Guard Officer

0c E Off. (conquest)

0d S Off. (conquest)

0e W Off. (conquest)

0f N Off. (conquest)

10 Secretary General

11 Chief Secretary

12 Undersecretary

13 Chief Administrator

14 E Off (subjugation)

15 S Off. (subjugation)

16 W Off. (subjugation)

17 N Off. (subjugation)

18 Jnr Minister

19 Chief of Records

1a Finance Advisor

1b Jnr Prefect

1c E Off. (defense)

1d S Off. (defense)

1e W Off. (defense)

1f N Off. (defense)

20 Security Chief

21 Commandant

22 Records Officer

23 Fellow

24 E Commander

25 W Commander

26 Fore Commander

27 Rear Commander

28 Snr Advisor

29 City Officer

2a Attendant

2b Records Secretary

2c Off. (strategy)

2d Off. (defense)

2e Off. (prisoners)

2f Off. (negotiaton)

30 Senior Secretary

31 Secretary

32 Jnr Secretary

33 Sima

34 E Sub-officer

35 S Sub-officer

36 W Sub-officer

37 N Sub-officer

38 Administrator

39 Treasury Officer

3a Armory Officer

3b Snr Guard

3c Gatekeeper

3d Guard

3e Lieutenant

3f 2nd Lieutenant

40 Senior Officer

41 Negotiator

42 Chief Retainer

43 Retainer

44 Officer

45 Officer

46 Officer

47 Officer

48 E Retainer

49 W Retainer

4a Agric. Advisor

4b Vassal

4c Officer

4d Officer

4e Officer

4f Officer

50 None

64 in hexadecimal for 100 in-game loyalty. Look at an hexadecimal table.
These are the bytes for the deeds. The numbers are inverted: you should read it as 1f
40 which is equal to 8000 points. 5000 for example would be 88 13 (and not 13 88).
Martial Abilities
We have 6 x 00 bytes that code the rank of weapon. The order found was: spear-pike-

bow-cavalry-weaponry-navy. They use 00 (= rank C) 01 (= rank B) 02 (= rank A) 03 (=

rank S). Yang Song only has 00 or C ranks. Example: Spear A - Pike B - Bow S Cavalry S - Weaponry A - Navy C, code : 02 01 03 03 02 00
Just after the weapon ability code, there is the statistics. He has Ldr 2 - War 5 - Int 28
- Pol 35 - Chr 5. Code found is 02 05 1c 22 05 (STX ENQ FS " ENQ) which corresponds
to the numbers if you look at an HEX-table. Example: change him to Ldr 70 - War 90 Int 89 - Pol 76 - Chr 99 meaning code: 46 5a 59 4c 63 (or F Z Y L c).
Growth Period and Ability Persistence
Each of these 5 bytes set the growth rate of the Statistics.
00 = Maintain + Long

01 = Maintain + Short

02 = Precocious + Short

03 = Precocious + Long

04 = Normal + Short

05 = Normal + Long

06 = Late Bloomer + Long

07 = Late Bloomer + Short

08 = "Open" Statistic will not stop at a maximum.

This byte is for the skill. See the table below for the list of all skills:
Table 6: list of skills codes (contribution of Hero of Chaos).
5e Nanman ties
63 Spousal support

62 Prayer

61 Feng shui

60 Benevolent rule

5f Suppression

5d Shanyue ties

5c Qiang ties

5b Wuwan ties

5a Levy

59 Taxation

58 Sustenance

57 Wealth

56 Negotiator

55 Enlister

54 Pedagogy

53 Shipbuilding

52 Invention

51 Breeding

50 Efficacy

4f Fame

4e Colonization

4d Fortification

4c Stirring music

4b Gladdened heart

4a Clear thought

49 Indomitable

48 Integrity

47 Black arts

46 Sorcery

45 Siren

44 Counter plan

43 Intensify

42 Chain reaction

41 Augment

40 focus

3f Divine potency

3e Divine fire

3d Insight

3c Detection

3b Covert plan

3a Cunning

39 Agile mind

38 Trickery

37 Disconcertion

36 Poison tongue

35 Fire assault

34 Escort

33 Vehemence

32 Bowmanship

31 Stampede

30 Puissance

2f Divine waters

2e Divine forge

2d Divine cavalry

2c Divine bows

2b Divine pikes

2a Divine spears

29 Divine right

28 Gods command

27 Valiant general

26 Admiral

25 Cavalry general

24 Archer general

23 Pike general

22 Spear general

21 Escape route

20 Providence

1f Aegis

1e Resolute

1d Iron wall

1c Indestructible

1b Fortitude

1a Assistance

19 White riders

18 Range

17 Exterminate

16 Beguile

15 Plunder

14 Masterful

13 Capture

12 Entrap

11 Siege

10 Critical ambush

0f Close combat

0e Marine raid

0d Raid

0c Chain attack

0b Promotion

0a Majesty

09 Sweep asunder

08 Antidote

07 Transport

06 Traverse

05 Seamanship

04 Propulsion

03 Foced gallop

02 Forced march

01 Fleetness

00 Flying general

ff None

These bytes stand for the aspiration. However, the coding is not really simple. It is a
combination of different numbers on 6 bytes, and it varies along with the rest of your
Military - 02 01 04 00 ## ## ## ## 00 02

Royal - 00 03 04 00 ## ## ## ## 00 01

Self - 02 00 04 04 ## ## ## ## 01 02

Steadfast - 01 02 02 01 ## ## ## ## 02 00

Goodly - 00 04 00 03 ## ## ## ## 02 01

Able - 02 02 03 00 ## ## ## ## 02 01

Career - 00 03 01 01 ## ## ## ## 01 00

Eminent - 02 10 03 00 ## ## ## ## 02 02

Secure - 01 02 00 01 ## ## ## ## 03 00

Retiring - 01 01 00 04 ## ## ## ## 03 02

00 Timid

01 Cool

02 Bold

03 Reckless

00 Timid

01 Cool

02 Bold

03 Reckless

04 Female Cool

05 Female Bold

06 Lu Bu

07 Zhuge Liang

05 Zhang Fei

06 barbarian

08 frank

09 dignified

0a pompus

0b reckless

0c humble

0d courteous

0e polite




Court Importance
00 Ignore

01 Normal

02 Important

Sex Model : 00 is a male model, while 01 is female model.

Officer model: These 4 bytes are for the officer model.
Weapon Model
01 = Serpent Spear

02 = Blue Dragon

03 = Sky Scorcher

04 = Arrow

05 = Fan

Other = Default

01 = Red Hare

02 = Hex Mark

03 = Shadow Runner

04 = Gray Lightning

Other = Default

Horse Model

Age at which the portrait changes.

68, 20and/or c8 is coding for Available. Anything else seems to be coding for Done,
meaning you won't be able to use this officer the first turn.
Note: if you want to create a new officer for your scenario, find one who is dead or one
you don't want to be available. Then use the game's engine to create and save your
new officer. Open the file in KOEI\RTK11\SaveData\MakeData.s11 with your HEXeditor and find the one you've just made. Copy the 152 bytes and paste them in your
scenario instead of the dead officer. Don't forget to give him a location, a status and
deeds / loyalty. It is an easy way to insert new personnel for your created scenario !

III] Items
(Contribution of Hero of Chaos)
Red Hare 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1e
00 94 02 ff
Name: these are the bytes for the item name.
Item type: This byte is for the item type.
00 = Elite Horse
01 = Sword
02 = Long Spear
03 = Throwing Knife
04 = Bow
05 = Writings
Loyalty: this byte is for the loyalty. This means how much the loyalty raises if an
officer gets this item.
Picture: this byte is for the item picture. E.g. 00 is Red Hare, 01 Hex Mark etc.
Owner: these bytes stand for the item owner. If it's ff ff ,then nobody owns it.
Note: If an owner is chosen,the city must be ff!
City: this byte stands for the city. This means the city the item can be found. Though
this has no real purpose as you can find them anywhere.
Note: If a city is chosen,the owner must be ff ff!

IV] Adding and deleting forces

Adding or deleting a force is maybe one of the most important things when
creating a new scenario, you may find it difficult, but if you persevere, you will be able
to add or delete any force, with any leader and strategist.
After all characters and items, there is a part of the code with a lot of "2222222"
or "32 32 32 32 32 32 32". You can't miss it, there is something like 40 lines of them,
it's near the end of the file. It is from there that we may find what interests us (starts
at adress 0x2735b).
The code for one force is made of 68 characters: it begins with "" or ff ff ff ff,
then 42 bytes of "2" (but it's not always "2"), then 22 bytes until the next line. One line
codes one color and force. Choose your force's color depending on the LINE you choose.

You may try to change the color, using the table given previously, but not all
combinations work.
ff ff ff ff 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 64 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 00 00 00 00 00 09 ff 0d ff ff 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
The two first "ff ff" codes for the leader of the force. Then, we have the strategist. For
example, compare those lines taken from Liu Bei in Shu scenario here:
No force:
ff ff ff ff 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 d3 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 00 00 00 00 00 09 ff 0d ff ff 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Cao Cao's force:
57 01 3c 00 64 0a 0a 00 28 32 32 32 32 28 32 32 50 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 00 00 3c 00 00 03 ff 00 00 ff 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 01
57 01 is Cao Cao, leader of blue (00) force, and 3c 00 is Jia Xu, his strategist.
The color is determined with the ff 0d ff ff . Use the officers list to put the leader and
strategist you want. They are not in alphabetical order. A list of the officers is
available (see Table 9 at the end). You can change the color, but not all combinations
seems to work, so you shouldn't change them a lot.
For example, try to modify a line, so that we have a new force, with Sun Shi as a
leader (73 01) and Cao Rui (48 01) as a strategist :
ff ff ff ff becomes 73 01 48 01
The title is coded within the 09:
Table 7: List of titles
00 Emperor

01 Regent

02 Duke

03 Baron

04 Grand General

05 Field Marshal

06 General

07 Governor

08 Lt. Governor

09 None

00 Wei

01 Wu

02 Shu

03 Ji

04 Cheng

05 Yellow Turbans

06 Han

07 Xia

08 Chang

09 Zhou

0a Qin

0b Xin

0c Yan

0d Zhao

0e Qi

0f Ji

10 Lu

11 Cao

12 Xue

13 Xu

14 Song

15 Chen

16 Su

17 Han

18 Gu

19 Zheng

1a Xu

1b Yu

1c Liang

1d Liang

1e Cai

1f Tang

20 Deng

21 Shen

22 Sui

23 Chu

24 Yue

25 Wuwan

26 Qiang

27 Shanyue

28 Nanman

29 Bandit

2a and later: free space to add countries

ff is the Country:

This is pretty logic: the 32 codes for your relationship with other forces, and that
"d" or 64 that seems to travel in the code (if you look at it, it just goes from the left to
the right) codes for your "relationship" with you. Meaning you shouldn't change it. So

32 codes for neutral. The higher this number is, the better your relationship is. It
begins at 00 (worst enemy) and reaches 64 (best friend). The first "32" for example, is
your relationship with the first force, blue force here (Cao Cao for example). This is
why Cao Cao has a "d" here, as he is the first force that is coded.
Alliance: here is the alliance part. The coding is a bit obscure, we still don't really
know how to make an alliance. However, you can play your scenario and ally with the
force, save the game and copy/paste the bytes for each respective force.
WARNING ! An important thing is that your alliances or relationships must be
reciprocal. If Liu Bei is allied with Sun Quan and has Trusted relations, then Sun
Quan should also have trusted relations with Liu Bei and be his ally.
Researched techniques: here is the research tree. 0 is not researched, 1 stands for first
level, 3 for second level, 7 for third level and f for all researched. The order is:
Pikes Spears Horses - Bows Invention Command Fire Defense.
For example, I want to give Spears level 1 , pikes level 0, bows level 3, horses max,
invention level 2 command level 0, fire 3 and defense max, the code is 01 f7 30 7f.
Now, you may select this new leader in the scenario menu (use switch button
to see a list containing it when you are choosing a force). However you still have to
give it a force number.
This is very important for you to create a new force. After all those "222222" we
have some lines that seem to be constant in all files. And then we have:
64 09 29 36 ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 57 01 01 02 03 11 00 02 3b
00 04 ff 01 ff 00 03 55 00 04 ff 00 ff 00 04 b7 01 04 ff 00 ff 01 01 7b 02 01 04 00 ff 01 02
14 02 04 ff 00 ff 02 01 6f 01 01 03 00 ff 02 02 fb 00 04 ff 00 ff 03 01 03 02 00 00 00 ff 04
01 p 02 04 ff 01 ff 09 01 ba 01 04 ff 01 ff 0c 01 b2 00 04 ff 00 ff ff 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 ff
ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff etc...
Finally, we found where forces are coded. It's between two ff 00 ff. You really can
see a shape and regularity here. One force is coded with five bytes. And it seems that
the districts are also coded here. If you want to add your force, you'll have to put:
(force color) (district number, better 01) (Ruler number in TWO bytes) (one byte: seems
to code IA behavior)
If you want to add more, don't forget to add a ff 00 ff between them. You can
recognize it because we have already seen those letters previously in the color / ruler
lines. THE POSITION is very important as it gives you a code for changing officers
and city allegiances. It is NOT linked in any way with the color number you gave to
your force! I can be blue (00) but my force code can be 02 if it's in third position! There
is room for 42 forces (the rest being some tribes and bandits). For example, if you put
your force in the 6th place, it will be 05. Cao Cao is in the first position (blue here), so
he has 00, but he also has districts like 01 02 03...
Ex.: ff 01 ff 0c 01 b2 00 04 ff 00 ff

Look carefully at that force code. 0c is the color

and b2 00 is the leader of this
force. It's Gongsun Gong. His allegiance code is however 0b. It means that when you
give him a city, an officers, a gate, or anything linked to the Gongsun Gong force, you
have to use the 0b code. The IA behavior here (defend and not a lot of attacks) seems
to be the 04.
The force coded before him is Zhang Lu (ba 01) and the color is pale green (
09). But his allegiance code is 0a. See ? There's absolutely no link with ruler name or
color number.
The IA behavior still needs to be studied, because at the end of your force code,
you may put 00, 01 or 04.
64 09 29 36 ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 57 01 01 02 03 11 00 02 3b
00 04 ff 01 ff 00 03 55 00 04 ff 00 ff 00 04 b7 01 04 ff 00 ff 01 01 7b 02 01 04 00 ff 01 02
14 02 04 ff 00 ff 02 01 6f 01 01 03 00 ff 02 02 fb 00 04 ff 00 ff 03 01 03 02 00 00 00 ff 04
01 p 02 04 ff 01 ff 09 01 ba 01 04 ff 01 ff 0c 01 b2 00 04 ff 00 ff ff 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 ff
ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
To delete a force, simply put ff instead of all the 6 numbers coding it. If the
force has districts, don't forget to delete them as well ! Here, we would delete Liu Bei's
force. Now, you have to make all officers belonging to that force as free officers (i.e.
no allegiance) with status available (see II] Detailed Officer Editing). Same for all
cities, gates and ports : replace the ownership byte (Liu Bei is 01 here) with ff . And
there is still the code located near the 2222222222222 (see COLOR, RULER,
STRATEGIST, TITLE in the same section): replace the Ruler and Strategist with ff
Note : be very careful where you place your force. One byte shifted and the game
won't recognize your force number. Another point is that sometimes, some colors are
incompatible with your new force. I don't know why it happens. But if it does, try
another line for your force. Or change the color. Try not using colors and forces in a
totally random order, but rather normal hexadecimal order.

V] About Cities, Gates and Ports

CHANGING CITY allegiances.
Having added your new created force, you'll have to give it a city. Each city is
coded with 81 bytes:
01 a0 86 01 00 20 4e 00 00 d8 0e 00 00 40 9c 00 00 00 00 00 00 d0 07 00 00 d0 07 00 00
d0 07 00 00 70 17 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 32 00 f4 01 70 17 b8 0b 46 50 00 00 00 01 00 00
They're just after the forces code. The easiest thing you may recognize in the
code is the redundancy of " " or a0 86. But what is before and after this seems to

change a lot. And sometimes this a0 86 is changed in f0 49 (I). This codes for the
maximum of soldiers a city can get. The byte before a0 86 simply codes for the owner
of the city. And that is linked to THE POSITION you gave to your force in the code and
not to the color or ruler. If I put my leader in position 8, I will have to use the "07" code
(as 00 is used). For example, ff codes for neutral, while Cao Cao is the first force, he
has 00 and sometimes districts 01 before a0 86 (yes this is one of his cities).
One easy thing you may want to try, is to replace a district with a ruler in the forces
creation. You easily recognize them because they don't have a link with the color /
ruler names. Replace 5 bytes with the code given before. All cities and officers under
the control of the previous district will be changed. All we have to do is to change the
rank of our ruler to leader of the force and change his allegiance which is also coded by
THE POSITION you gave to the force.
They contain the gold, food, troops, equipment (like spears, bows, rams...)
01 a0 86 01 00 20 4e 00 00 d8 0e 00 00 40 9c 00 00 00 00 00 00 d0 07 00 00 d0 07 00 00
d0 07 00 00 70 17 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 32 00 f4 01 70 17 b8 0b 46 50 00 00 00 01 00 00
Troops Number:
20 4e , should be read 4e 20. Use an hexadecimal convertor and you find that 4e 20 is
20 000 soldiers. 35 000 is b8 88. 15 000 is 98 3a etc...
The first d0 07 is the number of spears, then we have the pikes d0 07, the bows d0 07
and finally the horses 70 17. Then, again, two bytes after there's rams 00 00 and
towers 00 00. Boats are a bit far away in 00 00. For two boats, type 02 00 for example.
You may change all parameters of your city, should it be its current or maximal
HP, its specialty, the order ,the will of your soldiers...
01 a0 86 01 00 20 4e 00 00 d8 0e 00 00 40 9c 00 00 00 00 00 00 d0 07 00 00 d0 07 00 00
d0 07 00 00 p17 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 32 00 f4 01 70 17 b8 0b 46 50 00 00 00 01 00 00
00: it's the market rate. Two choices: 00 for 1gold = 7 food and 01 for 1 gold = 6 food.
f4 01: It's the city revenue.
70 17: it's the city harvest.
b8 0b: is the maximal number of HP your city has.
46: is the Will.
50: is the Order.

00 00 00 01 00 00 is the city's specialty (try 00 everywhere for a large city). See table 8
below, for the list of cities specialties:
Table 8: list of cities specialties
00 00 00 00 00 00
01 00 00 00 00 00
Large City

00 01 00 00 00 00

00 00 01 00 00 00

00 00 00 01 00 00
00 00 00 00 01 00
00 00 00 00 00 01
Note: if you try to combine them, the game will only recognize the first 01 you placed.
About Gates and Ports:
They are below the cities. The code is quite similar. Every port or gate is coded
with 64 bytes. They are in the same order as in the Table 3 (page 4). As they are not
easy to locate, here are their offsets :
Hu 167577

Hu Lao gate 167641

Tong Gate 167705

Han Gu gate 167769

Wu gate 167833

Yang Ping 167897

Jian Ge 167961

Jia Meng 168025

Pei Shui 168089

Mian Zhu 168153

An Ping port 168217

Gao Tang 168281

Xi He 168345

Bai Ma 168409

Chang Yang 168473

Lin Ji 168537

Hai Ling 168601

Jiang Duo 168665

Ru Xu 168729

Dun Qiu 168793

Guan Du 168857

Meng Jin 168921

Jie Xian 168985

Xin Feng 169049

Xia Feng 169113

Fang Ling 169177

Wu Hu 169241

Hu Lin 169305

Qu A 169369

Ju Zhang 169433

Wan Kou 169497

Jiu Jiang 169561

Lu Kou 169625

Bou Yang 169689

Lu Ling 169753

Xia Kou 169817

Hu Yang 169881

Zhong Lu 169945

Wu Lin 170009

Han Jin 170073

Jiang Jin 170137

Lu Xian 170201

Dong Tine 170265

Gong An 170329

Wu Xian 170393

ff b8 0b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 d0 07
ff is neutral. See you force number.
Troops Number






VI] Countries
The countries are the last part of the file, at the very end of it. Their names and
description can be changed:
Wu 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Country in E. Yang. Birthplace of Tai
Bai.00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 18 ff 01 00 00 00

VII] Extended Example

I will be working here on Dong Zhuo's Rise, one of my favorite scenarios. We
will be adding a small force with 3 officers (Zhou Cang as a ruler, Cheng Yu as his
strategist and Zhang Yan as an officer), owning one city (Lu Jiang) and a port (Wan
First, I make a copy of the file Scen001.s11 and rename it Scen015.s11.
Then, I add Zhou Cang and his strategist Cheng Yu (f1 00 and cd 01) to the forces :
ff ff ff ff 2222222222222222222222PPd22222222222222222 00 00 00 00 00 09 ff
18 ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
f1 00 cd 01 2222222222222222222222PPd22222222222222222 00 00 00 00 00 09
ff 18 ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Note that the color is
Now, take a look at the forces codes :
00 01 W 01 00 05 00 ff 01 01 { 02 05 ff 00 ff 02 01 m 01 00 05 00 ff 03 01
05 02 01 02 00 ff 04 01 f 02 04 ff 01 ff 05 01 ed 01 01 01 00 ff 05 02 85 00
02 06 00 ff 06 01 | 02 04 ff 01 ff 07 01 12 00 01 00 00 ff 08 01 10 00 01 01
00 ff 09 01 ba 01 04 ff 01 ff 0b 01 b4 00 01 00 00 ff 0c 01 b6 00 04 ff 00 ff
01 j 02 02 00 01 ff 0e 01 x 00 00 05 01 ff 10 01 be 00 00 05 01 ff 11 01 w 02
00 05 00 ff 12 01 e4 01 00 05 01 ff 13 01 b8 00 00 05 01 ff 14 01 b5 01 00
05 00 ff ff 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 00
We see that the last force coded is Zhang Yang's (b5 01). We look at him as an officer :
Zhang 00 00 00 00 00 00 00Yang 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 e3 01 00 b8 00 97 00 c3 00 01
b5 01 ff ff ff ff 01 ff ff ff ff 91 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 13 05 00 05 00
00P ff ffd 10' 00 00 01 02 00 00HF:D 04 04 04 04 04 01 ff 02 03 00 04 02 02 0f 02 02 01
00]KL ffJJ ff ff ff ff ff ffH 00 00 00
And discover that his force number or code is 13. Therefore, Zhou Cang's force code
will be 14.
We add Zhou Cang's force to the list knowing his color, district number and name
reference :
00 01 W 01 00 05 00 ff 01 01 { 02 05 ff 00 ff 02 01 m 01 00 05 00 ff 03 01
05 02 01 02 00 ff 04 01 f 02 04 ff 01 ff 05 01 ed 01 01 01 00 ff 05 02 85 00
02 06 00 ff 06 01 | 02 04 ff 01 ff 07 01 12 00 01 00 00 ff 08 01 10 00 01 01
00 ff 09 01 ba 01 04 ff 01 ff 0b 01 b4 00 01 00 00 ff 0c 01 b6 00 04 ff 00 ff
01 j 02 02 00 01 ff 0e 01 x 00 00 05 01 ff 10 01 be 00 00 05 01 ff 11 01 w 02
00 05 00 ff 12 01 e4 01 00 05 01 ff 13 01 b8 00 00 05 01 ff 14 01 b5 01 00
05 00 ff 18 01 f1 00 00 ff 00 ff ff 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 00
We find Lu Jiang City and change its ownership to Zhou Cang's force (14), add some
troops, gold, food, spears, pikes, bows, increase will and city order.

ff a0 86 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 002 00 90 01p 17 b8 0b 00 32 00 00 00 00 00 01
14 a0 86 01 00 98 3a 00 00 d8 0e 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 d0 07 00 00 d0 07 00 00
d0 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 002 00 90 01p 17 b8 0b 46 50 00 00 00 00 00 01
We modify the port Wan Kou as well :
ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 d0 07
14 b8 0b 00 00 58 02 00 00 70 17 00 00 00 00 00 00 d0 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 41 d0 07
And at last, we change Zhou Cang's allegiance, loyalty and status to Sovereign located
in Lu Jiang :
Zhou 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Cang 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 14 00 00 b8 00 a4 00 db 00
01 f1 00 ff ff ff ff 01 ff ff ff ffKb 00y 00 f7 01 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 14 19 00 19 00
00 50 ff ff 64 00 00 00 02 00 01 00 02T*!\< 04 04 04 04 04 03 04 00 04 00 03 02 02 0f
01 01 02 00fke ffpo ff ff ff ff ff ff c8 00 00 00
Don't forget to do the same with Cheng Yu, his strategist, and Zhang Yan who is a
simple officer :
Cheng 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Yu 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00j 00 00 b8 00 8d 00 dc
00 00 cd 01 ff ff ff ff 01 ff ff ff ff 18? 00 fe 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 14 19 00
19 00 03 P ff ff 64 d0 07 02 00 00 00 02 00F1ZO: 04 04 05 05 05 03 12 02 01 02 01 02
02 0e 01 00 00 00baa ffaa ff ff ff ff ff ff b8 00 00 00
Zhang 00 00 00 00 00 00 00Yan 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 01 00 b8 00 99 00 d2 00
00 8e 01 ff ff ff ff 01 ff ff ff ff 08 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 14 19 00 19 00
03 P ff ff 5f a0 0f 01 01 00 03 02 00RQ50? 04 04 04 04 04 03 03 02 02 03 00 03 03 08 00
02 02 00ea] ff]] ff ff ff ff ff ff c8 00 00 00
You can still change forces relationships and alliances to spice up your scenario.
Your new force is created ! Here is the result :

Now they are still some small details, not important for the gameplay, but rather for
choosing this force : adding a description, a difficulty and adding it on the descriptive
At offset 722+25 we place Zhou Cang's force color (18) :
0c 0b 07 01 1e. 10 12 12 ff 11 00 ff1 05 08 05 ff 05 05 03 ff ff ff 18 ff 06 ff 06 ff 02 ff ff ff
ff 09 04 04 04 ff ff
Then we add a difficulty and description, at the offset 15500 ( = 607*23 + 932) :
02 Here is a small example force for Zetta's guide to edit a scenario ! Thank you very
much for your attention. That's all ! 00

Table 9: List of officers codes (another thank to Hero of Chaos for the Historical
officers part)
Ahui Nan 00 00
Wei Zhao 01 00
Yi Ji 02 00
Yin Shang 03 00
Yin Damu 04 00
Yin Mo 05 00
Yu Jin 06 00
Yu Quan 07 00
Wei Guan 08 00
Yuan Yi 09 00
Yuan Yin 0a 00
Yan Yu 0b 00
Yuan Huan 0c 00
Yuan Xi 0d 00
Yan Xing 0e 00
Yan Rou 0f 00
Yuan Shu 10 00
Yuan Shang 11 00
Yuan Shao 12 00
Yan Xiang 13 00
Yuan Tan 14 00
Yan Pu 15 00
Yuan Yao 16 00
Wang Wei 17 00
Wang Yi 18 00
Wang Yun 19 00
Wang Ji 1a 00
Wang Qui 1b 00
Wang Kuang 1c 00
Wang Ye 1d 00
Wang Jing 1e 00
Wang Kang 1f 00
Wang Hun 20 00
Wang Can 21 00
Wang Xiu 22 00
Wang Rong 23 00
Wang Su 24 00
Wang Jun 25 00
Wang Xiang 26 00
Ou Xing 27 00
Wang Shuang 28 00
Wang Zhong 29 00
Wang Chang 2a 00
Wang Tao 2b 00
Wang Dun 2c 00
Wang Ping 2d 00
Wang Fu 2e 00
Wang Men 2f 00
Wang Ling 30 00
Wang Lei 31 00
Wang Lang 32 00
Wen Hui 33 00
He Yan 34 00
Kuai Yue 35 00
Kuai Liang 36 00
Jia Hua 37 00

Wu Can c8 00
Hu Zhi c9 00
Wu Zhi ca 00
Hu Cheer cb 00
Hu Zun cc 00
Hu Zhen cd 00
Gu Tan ce 00
Wu Tugu cf 00
Hu Ban d0 00
Wu Ban d1 00
Hu Fen d2 00
Gu Yong d3 00
Wu Lan d4 00
Hu Lie d5 00
Cui Yan d6 00
Cai Yan d7 00
Cai He d8 00
Cai Shi d9 00
Cai Zhong da 00
Cai Mao db 00
Cui Lin dc 00
Zuo Yi dd 00
Ze Rong de 00
Shi Shuo df 00
Shi Zuan e0 00
Sima Yi e1 00
Sima Yan e2 00
Sima Shi e3 00
Sima Zhao e4 00
Sima Zhou e5 00
Sima Fu e6 00
Sima Wang e7 00
Sima You e8 00
Sima Lang e9 00
Xie Jing ea 00
Che Zhou eb 00
Sha Moke ec 00
Zhu Yi ed 00
Zhou Xin ee 00
Zhou Ang ef 00
Zhou Zhi f0 00
Zhou Cang f1 00
Zhou Tai f2 00
Zhou Tai f3 00
Zhou Fang f4 00
Zhou Yu f5 00
Zhu Huan f6 00
Zhu Ju f7 00
Zhu Rong f8 00
Zhu Jun f9 00
Zhu Ran fa 00
Zhu Zhi fb 00
Zhu Bao fc 00
Zhu Ling fd 00
Xun Yu fe 00
Chunyu Qiong ff 00

Zhang Hua 91 01
Zhang Kai 92 01
Zhang Jiao 93 01
Zhang Ji 94 01
Zhang Xiu 95 01
Zhang Qiu 96 01
Zhang Yi 97 01
Zhang Xun 98 01
Zhang Hu 99 01
Zhang Hong 9a 01
Zhang Yue 9b 01
Zhao Guang 9c 01
Zhao Hong 9d 01
Zhang Ji 9e 01
Zhang Xiu 9f 01
Zhang Ji a0 01
Zhang Zun a1 01
Zhang Chunhua a2 01
Zhang Zhao a3 01
Zhang Song a4 01
Zhang Shao a5 01
Zhang Cheng a6 01
Zhang Ren a7 01
Diao Chan a8 01
Zhang Ti a9 01
Zhao Tong aa 01
Zhang Te ab 01
Zhang Nan ac 01
Zhang Nan ad 01
Zhang Miao ae 01
Zhao Fan af 01
Zhang Fei b0 01
Zhang Bu b1 01
Zhang Bao b2 01
Zhang Bao b3 01
Zhang Mancheng b4 01
Zhang Yang b5 01
Zhang Yi b6 01
Zhang Liao b7 01
Zhang Liang b8 01
Zhao Lei b9 01
Zhang Lu ba 01
Chen Heng bb 01
Chen Ying bc 01
Chen Ji bd 01
Chen Gong be 01
Chen Jiao bf 01
Chen Qun c0 01
Chen Gui c1 01
Chen Qian c2 01
Chen Shou c3 01
Chen Shi c4 01
Chen Zhen c5 01
Chen Tai c6 01
Chen Deng c7 01
Chen Dao c8 01

Lu Xun 5a 02
Li Yan 5b 02
Li Ru 5c 02
Li Su 5d 02
Li Sheng 5e 02
Li Kan 5f 02
Li Tong 60 02
Li Dian 61 02
Li Fu 62 02
Li Feng 63 02
Li Feng 64 02
Li Feng 65 02
Liu Yan 66 02
Liu He 67 02
Liu Kui 68 02
Liu Qi 69 02
Liu Yu 6a 02
Liu Xun 6b 02
Liu Xian 6c 02
Liu Zan 6d 02
Liu Shi 6e 02
Liu Xun 6f 02
Liu Zhang 70 02
Liu Shao 71 02
Liu Cheng 72 02
Liu Chen 73 02
Liu Xuan 74 02
Liu Chan 75 02
Liu Cong 76 02
Liu Dai 77 02
Liu Du 78 02
Liu Ba 79 02
Liu Pan 7a 02
Liu Bei 7b 02
Liu Biao 7c 02
Liu Fu 7d 02
Liu Ping 7e 02
Liu Pi 7f 02
Liu Feng 80 02
Liu Ye 81 02
Liu Yao 82 02
Liu Lue 83 02
Lu Weihuang 84 02
Liao Hua 85 02
Liang Xing 86 02
Liang Gang 87 02
Liang Xi 88 02
Liang Xu 89 02
Ling Cao 8a 02
Ling Tong 8b 02
Liao Li 8c 02
Lu Kai 8d 02
Lu Ju 8e 02
Lu Qian 8f 02
Lu Kuang 90 02
Lu Xiang 91 02

Hua He 38 00
Jia Kui 39 00
He Yi 3a 00
Hua Xin 3b 00
Jia Xu 3c 00
Guo Yi 3d 00
Guo Yuan 3e 00
Guo Jia 3f 00
E Huan 40 00
Guo Si 41 00
Yue Jiu 42 00
Huo Jun 43 00
Hao Zhao 44 00
Yue Jin 45 00
Yue Chen 46 00
Guo Tu 47 00
Guo Ma 48 00
Hao Meng 49 00
Guo Youzhi 4a 00
Huo Yi 4b 00
Guo Huai 4c 00
Xiahou Wei 4d 00
Xiahou Yuan 4e 00
Xiahou En 4f 00
Xiahou He 50 00
Xiahou Hui 51 00
Xiahou Xuan 52 00
Xiahou Shang 53 00
Xiahou De 54 00
Xiahou Dun 55 00
Xiahou Ba 56 00
Xiahou Mao 57 00
Xiahou Lingnu 58 00
Jia Chong 59 00
He Zhi 5a 00
He Jin 5b 00
He Qi 5c 00
Jia Fan 5d 00
Hua Man 5e 00
Hua Xiong 5f 00
Guan Yi 60 00
Han Yin 61 00
Guan Yu 62 00
Huan Jie 63 00
Guan Hai 64 00
Guanqiu Jian 65 00
Guanqiu Xiu 66 00
Guanqiu Dian 67 00
Han Juzi 68 00
Han Xuan 69 00
Han Hao 6a 00
Guan Xing 6b 00
Guan Suo 6c 00
Han Sui 6d 00
Han Song 6e 00
Guan Jing 6f 00
Han Xian 70 00
Kan Ze 71 00
Han Zhong 72 00
Guan Tong 73 00

Xun Yi 00 01
Xun Xu 01 01
Xun Chen 02 01
Xun You 03 01
Jiao Yi 04 01
Zhong Yu 05 01
Jiang Wan 06 01
Zhong Hui 07 01
Jiang Gan 08 01
Jiang Yiqu 09 01
Xiao Qiao 0a 01
Jiang Qin 0b 01
Jiang Ji 0c 01
Qiao Zhou 0d 01
Jiang Shu 0e 01
Jiao Chu 0f 01
Xiang Chong 10 01
Shao Ti 11 01
Jiang Ban 12 01
Jiang Bin 13 01
Zhong Yao 14 01
Zhongli Mu 15 01
Xiang Lang 16 01
Xu Rong 17 01
Zhuge Ke 18 01
Zhuge Qiao 19 01
Zhuge Jin 1a 01
Zhuge Jun 1b 01
Zhuge Xu 1c 01
Zhuge Shang 1d 01
Zhuge Jing 1e 01
Zhuge Zhan 1f 01
Zhuge Dan 20 01
Zhuge Liang 21 01
Xu Huang 22 01
Xu Shi 23 01
Xu Zhi 24 01
Xu Shu 25 01
Xu Sheng 26 01
Xu Miao 27 01
Shen Ying 28 01
Shen Yi 29 01
Xin Xianying 2a 01
Cen Hun 2b 01
Zhen Shi 2c 01
Xin Chang 2d 01
Shen Dan 2e 01
Shen Pei 2f 01
Xin Pi 30 01
Xin Ping 31 01
Qin Mi 32 01
Qin Lang 33 01
Sui Yuanjin 34 01
Sui Gu 35 01
Zou Shi 36 01
Zou Jing 37 01
Zou Dan 38 01
Cheng Yi 39 01
Cheng Gongying 3a 01
Sheng Man 3b 01

Chen Biao c9 01
Chen Wu ca 01
Chen Lan cb 01
Chen Lin cc 01
Cheng Yu cd 01
Cheng Yuanzhi ce 01
Ding Yi cf 01
Cheng Yin d0 01
Ding Yuan d1 01
Cheng Pu d2 01
Cheng Wu d3 01
Cheng Bing d4 01
Ding Feng d5 01
Ding Feng d6 01
Dian Wei d7 01
Tian Kai d8 01
Tian Xu d9 01
Tian Chou da 01
Tian Feng db 01
Dian Man dc 01
Tian Yu dd 01
Teng Yin de 01
Dong Yun df 01
Dong He e0 01
Deng Ai e1 01
Dang Jun e2 01
Dong Jui e3 01
Tao Qian e4 01
Deng Xian e5 01
Deng Zhi e6 01
Tang Zi e7 01
Dong Xi e8 01
Teng Xiu e9 01
Tao Jun ea 01
Dong Cheng eb 01
Dong Zhao ec 01
Dong Zhuo ed 01
Deng Zhong ee 01
Dong Chao ef 01
Dong TuNa f0 01
Tang Bin f1 01
Dong Min f2 01
Deng Mao f3 01
Du Ji f4 01
Du Yu f5 01
Ning Sui f6 01
Pei Yuanshao f7 01
Pei Xiu f8 01
Ma Yunlu f9 01
Ma Wan fa 01
Ma Xiu fb 01
Ma Jun fc 01
Bo Cai fd 01
Ma Zun fe 01
Ma Su ff 01
Ma Dai 00 02
Ma Zhong 01 02
Ma Zhong 02 02
Ma Chao 03 02
Ma Tie 04 02

Lu Dai 92 02
Lu Fan 93 02
Lu Bu 94 02
Lu Meng 95 02
Lu Lingqi 96 02
Lun Zhi 97 02
Leng Bao 98 02
Lou Gui 99 02
Lou Xuan 9a 02
Lu Su 9b 02
Lu Shu 9c 02
Lu Zhi 9d 02
[[ --- HISTORICAL -- ]]
Emperor Ling bc 02
Emperor Shao bd 02
Emperor Xian be 02
Yu Ji bf 02
Hua Tuo c0 02
Guan Lu c1 02
Xu Shao c2 02
Zuo Ci c3 02
Sima Hui c4 02
Mi Heng c5 02
Huang Chengyan c6 02
Qiao Xuan c7 02
North Star c8 02
South Star c9 02
Thief ca 02
Civil Official cb 02
Soldier cc 02
Male cd 02
Female ce 02
Old Man cf 02
Child d0 02
Wuwan Chief d1 02
Wuwan Officer d2 02
Qiang Chief d3 02
Qiang Officer d4 02
Shanyue Chief d5 02
Shanyue Officer d6 02
Nanman Chief d7 02
Nanman Officer d8 02
Zhang Rang d9 02
Jian Shuo da 02
Baby db 02
Messenger dc 02
Nobleman dd 02
Doctor de 02
Aeromancer df 02
Empress e0 02
Old Man e1 02
Old Woman e2 02
Wizard e3 02
Miscreant e4 02
Eunuch e5 02
Envoy e6 02
Officer e7 02
Guard e8 02

Han Dang 74 00
Han De 75 00
Gan Ning 76 00
Huan Fan 77 00
Han Fu 78 00
Guan Ping 79 00
Jian Yong 7a 00
Yan Liang 7b 00
Wei Yan 7c 00
Qu Yi 7d 00
Xi Zhicai 7e 00
Wei Xu 7f 00
Wei Miao 80 00
Wei Feng 81 00
Wei You 82 00
Niu Jin 83 00
Qiu Jian 84 00
Niu Fu 85 00
Qiu Ben 86 00
Ji Yong 87 00
Jiang Wei 88 00
Gong Zhi 89 00
Qiao Rui 8a 00
Gong Du 8b 00
Qiao Mao 8c 00
Xu Yi 8d 00
Xu Gong 8e 00
Xu Jing 8f 00
Xu Zhu 90 00
Xu You 91 00
Ji Ling 92 00
Jin Yi 93 00
Jinhuan Sanjie 94 00
Jin Xuan 95 00
Yu Si 96 00
Yu Fan 97 00
Xing Daorong 98 00
Xi Zheng 99 00
Yan Yan 9a 00
Qian Hong 9b 00
Yan Gang 9c 00
Yan Jun 9d 00
Qian Zhao 9e 00
Yan Zheng 9f 00
Yan Baihu a0 00
Yan Yu a1 00
Wu Yi a2 00
Huang Gai a3 00
Gao Gan a4 00
Huang Ying a5 00
Huang Quan a6 00
Huang Hao a7 00
Gao Rou a8 00
Gao Shun a9 00
Gao Xiang aa 00
Gao Sheng ab 00
Huang Chong ac 00
Hou Cheng ad 00
Hou Xuan ae 00
Huang Zu af 00

Shi Bao 3c 01
Xue Ying 3d 01
Xue Xu 3e 01
Xue Cong 3f 01
Quan Yi 40 01
Quan Yi 41 01
Quan Ji 42 01
Shan Jing 43 01
Quan Shang 44 01
Quan Cong 45 01
Quan Duan 46 01
Cao Yu 47 01
Cao Rui 48 01
Cao Huan 49 01
Cao Xi 4a 01
Cao Xiu 4b 01
Cao Xun 4c 01
Song Xian 4d 01
Song Qian 4e 01
Cao Ang 4f 01
Cao Hong 50 01
Cao Chun 51 01
Cao Zhang 52 01
Cao Zhi 53 01
Cao Zhen 54 01
Cao Ren 55 01
Cao Xing 56 01
Cao Cao 57 01
Cao Shuang 58 01
Cao Chong 59 01
Zang Ba 5a 01
Cao Pi 5b 01
Cao Bao 5c 01
Cao Fang 5d 01
Cao Mao 5e 01
Cao Xiong 5f 01
Ju Hu 60 01
Ju Shou 61 01
Su Fei 62 01
Zu Mao 63 01
Su You 64 01
Sun Yi 65 01
Sun He 66 01
Sun Huan 67 01
Sun Guan 68 01
Sun Ji 69 01
Sun Xiu 6a 01
Sun Kuang 6b 01
Sun Xin 6c 01
Sun Jian 6d 01
Sun Qian 6e 01
Sun Quan 6f 01
Sun Hao 70 01
Sun Jiao 71 01
Sun Ce 72 01
Sun Shi 73 01
Sun Xiu 74 01
Sun Jun 75 01
Sun Shao 76 01
Sun Shang Xiang 77 01

Ma Teng 05 02
Ma Miao 06 02
Ma Liang 07 02
Wan Yu 08 02
Fan Jian 09 02
Fan Shi 0a 02
Pan Jun 0b 02
Pan Zhang 0c 02
Fan Chou 0d 02
Fan Neng 0e 02
Pan Feng 0f 02
Fei Yi 10 02
Bei Yan 11 02
Fei Shi 12 02
Mi Shi 13 02
Mi Zhu 14 02
Mi Fang 15 02
Fei Yao 16 02
Wu Anguo 17 02
Feng Xi 18 02
Fu Jia 19 02
Fu Ren 1a 02
Fu Qian 1b 02
Fu Xun 1c 02
Fu Tong 1d 02
Wen Yang 1e 02
Wen Qin 1f 02
Wen Hu 20 02
Wen Chou 21 02
Wen Pin 22 02
Bian Xi 23 02
Bian Shi 24 02
Fang Yue 25 02
Pang Hui 26 02
Mang Yachang 27 02
Feng Ji 28 02
Pang Xi 29 02
BaoSanniang 2a 02
Bao Xin 2b 02
Fa Zheng 2c 02
Pang Tong 2d 02
Pang De 2e 02
Bao Long 2f 02
Bu Xie 30 02
Mu Shun 31 02
Puyang Xin 32 02
Mulu Duosi 33 02
Bu Zhi 34 02
Bu Chan 35 02
Man Chong 36 02
Mao Jie 37 02
Meng Huo 38 02
Meng Zong 39 02
Meng Da 3a 02
Meng You 3b 02
Yu She 3c 02
Yang Huai 3d 02
Yong Kai 3e 02
Yang Yi 3f 02
Yang Xin 40 02

Bandit e9 02
Turban Rebel ea 02
Warrior eb 02
Farmer ec 02
Merchant ed 02
Workman ee 02
Youth ef 02
Youth Woman f0 02
Boy f1 02
Girl f2 02
Rich Man f3 02
Craftsman f4 02
Burglar f5 02
Traveler f6 02
Barmaid f7 02
Waitress f8 02
Fisherman f9 02
Scholar fa 02
[[[ --- EVENTS --- ]]]

Gongsun Yue b0 00
Gongsun Yuan b1 00
Gongsun Gong b2 00
Gongsun Kang b3 00
Gongsun Zan b4 00
Gongsun Xu b5 00
Gongsun Du b6 00
Gongsun Fan b7 00
Kong Zhou b8 00
Huang Zhong b9 00
Gao Ding ba 00
Gaotang Long bb 00
Gao Pei bc 00
Huangfu Song bd 00
Kong Rong be 00
Gao Lan bf 00
Wu Yan c0 00
Wu Ju c1 00
Guo Yuan c2 00
Wu Jing c3 00
Wu Yan c4 00
Wu Gang c5 00
Wu Guotai c6 00
Hu Ji c7 00
Wu Can c8 00

Sun Zhen 78 01
Sun Jing 79 01
Sun Zhong 7a 01
Sun Chen 7b 01
Sun Deng 7c 01
Sun Yu 7d 01
Sun Yi 7e 01
Sun Liang 7f 01
Sun Li 80 01
Sun Lang 81 01
Sun Luban 82 01
Da Qiao 83 01
Taishi Xiang 84 01
Taishi Ci 85 01
Dailai Dongzhu 86 01
Dai Ling 87 01
King Duosi 88 01
Tan Xiong 89 01
Zhang Yun 8a 01
Zhao Yun 8b 01
Zhang Gu 8c 01
Zhang Ying 8d 01
Zhang Yan 8e 01
Zhang Heng 8f 01
Zhang Wen 90 01

Yang Hu 41 02
Yang Hong 42 02
Yang An 43 02
Yang Ji 44 02
Yang Chou 45 02
Yang Xiu 46 02
Yang Qiu 47 02
Yang Song 48 02
Yang Ren 49 02
Yang Zuo 4a 02
Yang Zhao 4b 02
Yang Bo 4c 02
Yang Fu 4d 02
Yang Feng 4e 02
Yang Feng 4f 02
Lei Tong 50 02
Lei Bo 51 02
Luo Tong 52 02
Luo Xian 53 02
Li Yi 54 02
Li Hui 55 02
Li Jue 56 02
Lu Kai 57 02
Lu Kang 58 02
Lu Ji 59 02

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