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SASKATCHEWAN ROUGHRIDERS PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALT cLUB “gnis notebook is your player's, wpIBLE". Take good Gare of its keep it yovat. Never leave 36 in an unlocked catomebile ..- put it Sy the locked trunk: All players ie ‘coraed in only *°- 2 Geach, John Gregory or Tom pimitroff. he notebook is designe? to help you, in tezms of general The vce, and technical, ‘preparation, to realize your full potential as 2 professional. ‘HE PINE FOR LOSS OF YOUR PLAYER'S NOTEBOOK rs $300.00. A Player's Committes shall be formed. TAY captains Rail be members of ‘fais Committee. Duties will be: 1. To consult with the Coach on team matters: 2. To be an advisory committee on all team functions. 3. To hear and consider the appeal of any player Sho feels a fine has he Pexcessive oF undust yng, at the discretion oe The committee, to Tefer you are one of an extremely small group of men blessed Yih an outstanding “Upility. There are countless Wiliions of people who would make great sacrifices Tor the privilege of being a professional athlete. ghrough your effort and good fortunes , You are @ professional and You ant, take justifiable pride in that fact. A hallmark of @ professional football player is his pility to discipline *esscelf, realizing that football ts a team game and hat his personal ‘discipline affects the efforts and athievements of his team ‘and teammates. We will also have. & framework of team discipline and jour rules and regulations are fetailed on the next pages- TIPS is ay 11:00 on ¢. y otherwise announceg coach, Players are to be in thes. own rooms ang in bed, ae Betting on football games snedects you to Permanent Suspension. All player, Should “avoig 88Sociation with any gambling interests, TE ever contacteq such by mn interest. notify “the head “coast immediate 8. Exercise are ang pcronisaciese Om you discuss ib activi, on, PoFticulariy am nd indiviguay al condition, 9. on tay . °° Alcoholic beverages SF allowed ;, Your room, 10. Players are not to Frequent tne Bar at any hotel = i ——=—— — — — —™ i. 13. 14. 1s. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. a. 22. No smoking or food in team meeting rooms. Al] team transportation will leave exactly at the time scheduled. ALL players must have ankles taped oF wrapped by Mtainers for every practice session unless Specific permission not to do so has been, ob- sescha from the head trainer or head coach. All injuries must be reported to the trainer. Any treatment scheduled by the trainer will be followed trethe time scheduled. Permission must be ob- tained from the team doctor or head coach to ~ t2tnre medical or dental advice other than our own. ALL prescriptions will be filled through our medical staff. Ali injured players are to be on the field in the aliform of the day for the entire practice period undfors ceased by ee ERE by the head coach. A specific Workout program for each injured player will be followed. Players will cooperate with trainers and equipment Ransger in proper care of equipment and in managcining a neat, orderly training room and Moteing room. Stealing of any squad equipment subjects you to a fine. the resting position at games and practice is on ne _knee or sitting on the bench. Players should one knee of sitting on the pence not lie on the ground, oF Sit on the ground or on their helmets. on trips, you will be required to be neat, cleane Obit groomed, and tastefully dressed in all public places. on trips, all players will travel with the team. An request to return to Regina on your owe should be redevat least three days prior to a trip. No family menbers or friends will be allowed to Stay in rooms with the players on our trips- zach player should have two pairs of shoes available

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