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3 ^ 1 Unit 1. Introduction to Structures and unctions. I. ind t!e "arts #!ic! are interde"endent and can $e treated as t!

t!e su$%ect and t!e "redicate. &rite t!e' do#n. 1. Seven cannot be divided by two. 2. To understand doesnt always mean to forgive. 3. You do look smart! 4. T e old need care. !. " os missing# $. %is coming back made little difference. &. Somet ing s ould be done about it. '. T e c emists is (ust round t e corner. ). *+ecause, is a con(unction. 1-. T eres no running water ere. 11. .ts rat er cold/ isnt it# 12. .ts none of your business w at .m going to do ne0t. ^ II. (earn to distin)uis! interde"endence* su$ordination and coordination. +o t!e e,ercise in #ritin). 1. 1an you ski or skate# 2. " at time would you like to ave dinner# 3. " en e finis ed reading t e letter/ e looked u2. 4. .t was late/ so we stayed at ome. !. S e knew ow to attack. $. . usually c eck everyt ing/ (ust for safetys sake. &. 3it er you sto2 s outing/ or .ll ave to 2unis you. '. .ve got t e key in case we want to go inside. ). %ave you ever eard im s out at 2eo2le# 1-. T at time t ey moved to 4ustralia. 11. T e only trouble was t e s oes were tig t. 12. %e was only a boy t en/ yet e was not afraid. III. S"ot si'"-e* se''"-e,* co'"-e, and co'"ound sentences. 1. S e believed im to be an onest man. 2. . dont want im to be 2unis ed. 3. Teac ers insist on our doing omework every day. 4. T ey 2rotested but obeyed. !. %e could feel t e dog leaning against is leg. $. " en embarrassed/ s e flus ed. &. "e walked along t e street/ t en we turned back. '. "e watc ed im searc ing t e flat. ). .ts necessary t at everyone s ould 2artici2ate. 1-. 4 lot de2ends on it w et er you do everyt ing in time. 11. Study ard/ or you may fail. 12. Take t ese 2ills/ and you will feel better. I/. Insert a suita$-e con%unction. 1. .t wasnt really warm/ 555 was it cold. 2. 555 did t ey let us down/ 555 t ey 555 (oined t e com2eting firm afterwards. 3. T e sun is s ining/ 555 its cool. 4. Somet ing is wrong wit t e 2lan itself/ 555 we would be making 2rofits already. !. 3verybody seems to ave arrived/ 555 t eyre waiting for somebody and dont start. $. 555 t e eels are too ig / 555 s e doesnt know ow to wear suc s oes. &. 555 was t e sum sufficient/ 555 were t ey e02erienced enoug . '. T e e0aminer was too

demanding/ 555 most students 2assed wit great difficulty. ). . was lucky wit t e e0amination card/ 555 s e gave me only a *four,. 1-. T e com2ositions was written in a urry/ 555 s e wouldnt ave made so many mistakes. ^ /. 0o'"-ete to "roduce a co'"ound sentence. 1. . am tired/ so 555. 2. Teac ers ave to work ard/ t erefore 555. 3. 6at er cooks very well/ yet 555. 4. "omen s2end too muc money/ or 555. !. 3it er you was u2/ or 555. $. 7y 2arents are far from ric / and still 555. &. . left t e ouse early today/ owever 555. '. T e teac er e02lains everyt ing in detail/ but 555. ). 4fter a run .m out of breat / nor 555. 1-. .m nearly twenty/ and 555. 11. 8ic 2eo2le are sometimes un a22y/ nevert eless 555. 12. . ave no degree yet/ ot erwise 555. 13. 9ot only do some men earn little/ but 555. 14. T e c airs need mending/ yet 555. 1!. .ts a lovely day/ or else 555. 1$. 9ever start a :uarrel/ t en 555. 1&. Travelling abroad is e02ensive/ t erefore 555. 1'. 3it er t e cassette recorder is faulty/ 555. 1). 9eit er do . en(oy dining out/ nor 555. 2-. T eres no smoking in 2lanes. %owever/ 555. /I 1rans-ate into 2n)-is!. 1. ;<=>? @ABCDEF/ < G@H IH J DH GEA=KCB LH=HG<MNO. 2. PNMQDN/ R LN ?NIDN SE=N SE TNUB=JL>. 3. VR=N ALN TO<@BL@LGNGR=/ TNWLN?B =HALNO < OR@@HOQ<=@J. 4. X YN=NQ<=>D<AH TNCL< D<CHUN DH SE=N/ QR < QHDHU DH N@LR=N@>. !. ZLN[LN UNO<L/ <=< ?DH LN=>AN ARIHL@J. $. VR=N LNUN/ CLN WAMR?HD LOBQDEF/ H\H < WAMR?HDRLNO @LONU<F. &. ]C<L>@J LOBQDN/ NQDRAN ?E DH BDEGRH?. '. ^=< ND DHB?HD/ <=< NDR NCHD> Y<LORJ. ). _AMR?HDE DH G@HUQR LOBQDEH/ LH? DH ?HDHH/ @LBQHDLE TNCL< G@HUQR DHOGD<CRKL. 1-. `BCaH DH @T<@EGRL>/ <DRCH ?NIDN TN=BC<L> QGR. b 3

Unit 3. Su$%ect and "redicate. I. S"ot and under-ine t!e su$%ect and sa4 #!at it is e,"ressed $4. 5atc! t!e sentence and t!e ter'. 1. a noun in the common case; 2. a noun in the possessive case; 6. an infinitive; 7. a gerund;

3. a personal pronoun; 4. an indefinite pronoun; 5. a demonstrative pronoun; 11. a possessive pronoun; 12. an interrogative pronoun

8. a complex with an infinitive; . a complex with an !ing form; 1". a #uotation; 13. a clause; 14. a cardinal numeral; 15. an ordinal numeral.

1. T e fog was t ick and grey. 2. Talking mends no oles. 3. T ere is a time and 2lace for everyt ing. 4. T e bakers was closed. !. Somet ing as gone wrong. $. 6our times four is si0teen. &. 7ine was not t e worst. '. " o is to blame# ). .t was no good asking im. 1-. T e blind usually ear well. 11. .ts dangerous for anybody to follow a criminal. 12. .t doesnt matter w o will win. 13. " et er . failed or succeeded made little difference to t em. 14. T is is my friend 9ick. 1!. T e second looked muc better. 1$. *T e S ow 7ust co, is a line from t e famous song by 6reddie 7ercury. ^ II. 1rans-ate into 2n)-is!. 1. PN=<d<J BIH MQH@>. 2. _A<TRI @T<L. 3. _LNL THOHAOH@LNA NTR@HD. 4. efHDLHOSHO<F@A<H OR@@ARMEg h NCHD> <DLHOH@DRJ AD<UR. !. fN?T>KLHODNH NSNOBQNGRD<H h NCHD> QNONUNH. $. fN?RDQR TN AO<AHLB @N@LN<L <M 12 CH=NGHA. &. iH ?H@LNDRYNIQHD<H DH<MGH@LDN. '. jLRL NLH=J NCHD> GHI=<G. ). kANL MQH@> NCHD> YBQNF. 1-. jRaA< DH LRA TNTB=JODE/ ARA aRY?RLE. 11. VRLH?RL<AR DH ?NF =KS<?EF TOHQ?HL. 12. lAB@L<AR G WLN? MR=H MR?HCRLH=>DRJ. 13. mN=>aRJ CR@L> @RQR TO<DRQ=HI<L ?NH?B QHQBaAH. 14. PN=NG<DR QN?NG QHOHGJDDEH. 1!. VBIC<DR @ TJL>K QHL>?< UB=J= G TROAH. 1$. Z<@=N @LBQHDLNG G UOBTTH NSECDN NAN=N QH@JL<. 1&. nH LN=>AN HUN o<=>?E/ DN < HUN TNGHQHD<H NCHD> @LORDDE. 1'. pRMDNNSORM<H DRT<LANG G SROH TO<G=HARHL UN@LHF. 1). kH=>@ANYNMJF@LGHDDEH GOHQ<LH=< h NTR@DE. 2-. ^=< OHI<@@HO/ <=< HUN TN?N\D<A< Na<SRKL@J. 21. ^ GN=A @EL/ < NGdE dH=E. 22. n< NQ<D <M QGBY GH=N@<THQNG GN QGNOH DH ?NF. 23. fRIQEF NYNLD<A IH=RHL MDRL>/ UQH @T<L ?HQGHQ>. 24. qOAH@LO BIH MRD<?RHL @GN< ?H@LR. 2!. lOL<@LE/ LRA IH ARA < ?HDHQIHO BIH G UN@L<D<dH. 2$. nHL D<CHUN <M NQHIQE ?NHUN ORM?HOR. 2&. X@J AN?RDQR SN=>DR @G<DANF. 2'. kG<DAR NCHD> NTR@DR Q=J GMON@=EY =KQHF. 2). ^ ?RLON@E/ < ART<LRD/ SE=< ORQE GHODBL>@J QN?NF. 3-. ZLN ?DH @HFCR@ DBIDN h WLN QHD>U<. III. 0o'"-ete t!e 6o--o#in) sentences. 5ind t!e concord.

1. 4 woman wit t ree c ildren 555. 2. Today alf t e students 555. 3. T e ric of today 555. 4. T e 3nglis 555. !. rraug ts 555. $. 7any a good climber 555. &. 9one of t e latest news 555. '. 9eit er of my c eeks 555. ). 1akes and ale 555 . 1-. T e 6akel 555. ^ I/. 0!oose t!e ri)!t #ord to introduce t!e su$%ect c-ause. that what when whatever who whenever wherever whoever which whether how where wh$

1. 555 . need is good advice. 2. 555 t ey :uarrelled or made 2eace made little difference. 3. 555 you missed t e lecture is w at you are su22osed to e02lain. 4. 555 goods sell doesnt worry customers. !. 555 t ey are married makes all t e difference. $. 555 lives ne0t door must know t is. &. 555 t ey are going to get married is still ke2t secret. '. 555 goods sell best is w at t e owner learns fast enoug . ). 555 my usband goes becomes my ome too. 1-. 555 unlocked t e door t at nig t is w at we are trying to learn. ^ /. 1rans-ate into 2n)-is!. 1. s@DN/ CLN ALN[LN TNHL. 2. fLN TNHL/ DH J@DN. 3. PNCH?B ND TNHL/ DH GRIDN. 4. fLN SE D< @LBCR=/ TNIR=HHL NS WLN?. !. fRABK TH@DK TNKL h GNL/ CLN J YNCB TNDJL>. $. tN/ CLN ND BMDR= G@H/ @LORDDN. &. kR?N @NSNF ORMB?HHL@J/ CLN ND G@H BMDR=. '. tN/ CLN ND BMDR=/ DH YORD<=N@> G @HAOHLH. ). uQH ND G@H BMDR=/ GNL CLN <DLHOH@DN. 1-. ZHUN ND MR@=BI<GRHL/ LRA WLN DRARMRD<J. 11. fRA ND TN=BC<= <DoNO?Rd<K/ MRG<@<L NL ?DNU<Y oRALNONG. 12. fRA T=NYN/ CLN ND G@H BMDR=. ^ /I. 0o'"-ete t!e 6o--o#in) sentences usin) "redicati7e c-auses. 1. .m sometimes s y. T ats w y 555. 2. .m starving. T e fact 555. 3. .ve left my key at ome. T e 2roblem 555. 4. 3veryt ing is an awful mess. T e only answer 555. !. . know we need a new car. T e :uestion 555. $. .m airsick. T e only solution 555. &. . dont need a new car. T e trouble 555. '. . dont like c ocolate. T e trut 555. ). %e never buys imself a drink. T e conclusion 555. 1-. . dont like dark winter evenings. T e 2oint 555. /II. i-- in t!e $-an8s. 1. You do 555 smart! 2. T e s oes 555 all rig t to me. 3. S e looked at it and 555 2ale. 4. Saying t at/ e 555 red. !. " ile saying it/ s e was obviously 555 2ale. $. T e c ild 555 to be ealt y. &. %es sure 555 an ideal usband if treated correctly. '. %es always 555 an ideal usband to er. ). S e will 555 a good teac er/ .m sure. 1-. %is

ands 555 fists. /III. 1rans-ate 6ro' 9ussian into 2n)-is!. 1. `KQ< @LROHKL. 2. kGHLRHL. 3. tE @HFCR@ @LORDDN GEU=JQ<a>. 4. tE U=BT<a>. !. pR@@GH=N. $. kLH?DH=N. '. kLH?DH=N BIH QRGDN ). kLRDNG<L@J IROAN. 1-. PNYN=NQR=N. b
Unit 3. :$%ects.

I. Insert "re"ositions #!ere necessar4. 1. . ave told t is 555 you so t at you may take 2recautions. 2. vo n gave t e book 555 me so t at . mig t learn t e rules. 3. 9ot finding im at t e office/ s e left 555 im a note informing im of our arrival. 4. T ey s owed 555 us a list of t e goods to be sold at t e auction. !. "e ave sent invitations 555 t e 2arties 2artici2ating in t e talk s ow. $. 9o difficulties would ave arisen if e ad e02lained everyt ing 555 me in due time. &. %e mentioned 555 me t e title of t e novel t at e ad read long ago. '. wnowing t e 3nglis language well/ e can translate 555 you t is article wit out any dictionary. ). . remember introducing you 555 im. 1-. xass 555 me t e salt/ 2lease. ^ II. 1rans-ate into 2n)-is! usin) re6-e,i7e 7er$s #!ere "ossi$-e. 1. uNLNG>@J A YBQaH?B. 2. XHQ< @HSJ TO<=<CDN. 3. PN?NF@J < TO<CHa<@>. 4. yNGN=>@LGBF@J ?R=E?. !. ]UN\RFLH@>/ BUN\RFLH@>. $. fNUQR LE G TN@=HQD<F ORM SO<=@J# &. pHSHDNA/ CLN @R? DH NQHGRHL@J# '. ^? JGDN LR? YNONaN. ). t<YN. qD/ G<Q<?N/ CH?[LN MRDJ=@J. 1-. nH THOHBLN?=JF@J. III. 0!oose t!e correct "re"osition. b
/ariant ;

1. 4lan is very bad to/at 7at s. %e finds it very difficult. 2. wate blamed 7ark on/for ruining t e oliday. 3. . am angry with/about vo n for making suc a mess. 4. 7y sister believes in/on fairies. !. .m grateful to you about/for el2ing me. $. 7ike was unaware of/about t e 2eo2le watc ing im. &. T e 2olice officer accused t e man of/about stealing t e money. '. +ill is eager for/at t e c ance to meet is favourite singer. ). T e train arrived in/at zondon alf an our earlier. 1-. xarents s ould be res2onsible about/for t eir c ildrens be aviour. b
/ariant <

11. S e forgave me about/for breaking er com2uter. 12. .m not sure about/with t e 2lan. 13. "atc ing t at old film reminded me from/of my c ild ood. 14. . warned imabout/over taking t at (ob/ but e didnt listen. 1!. 7y little brot er is frig tened about/of t e dark. 1$. 4sian towns differ muc from/of "estern ones. 1&. 1olin is seriousin/about travelling about t e world. 1'. 4re familiar of/with t e filing system ere# 1). 7y friend a22lied to/for different com2anies to get a better (ob. 2-. xeter is boredwith/from is (ob. %e wants to find a new one. b
/ariant 0

21. 7y neig bour always com2lains to/-- my 2arents of/about t e loud music from my room. 22. vames is very good at/with s2ort. 23. T e c ildren were e0cited for/about going to t e fair. 24. T ey say/ wives s ould always agree on/with t eir usbands. 2!. " en abroad 2eo2le often dream of/about t eir ome. 2$. 7oney comes too easily to im/ t ats w y e doesnt care for/about it. 2&. ront blame yourself/ you could ave ardly 2revented im against/from t at tri2. 2'. " enever students ask im a :uestion/ t e 2rofessor referred t em towards/to is books. 2). Suc be avior will definitely result to/in somet ing un2leasant. 3-. ront t ank me of/for my el2. .t was my duty. ^ I/. 0o'"-ete t!e sentences usin) "re"ositions a6ter t!e 7er$s. =i7e 3 or 3 di66erent e,a'"-es* i6 3 or 3 di66erent "re"ositions are "ossi$-e. 1. 7y 2arents never agree 5555. 2. "e s ould always a2ologi{e 5555. 3. 6ew 2eo2le can :ualify 555. 4. 6amily :uarrels mostly result 5555. !. .m t inking 555. $. .f youre in trouble you can always a22ly 555. &. xensioners often com2lain 555. '. .n a :uarrel daug ters mostly side 555. ). Teac ers mostly insist 555. 1-. xolite 2eo2le seldom s out 555. /ariant ; 1. "omen are often envious 555. 2. Students are often bored 555. 3. 1om2uters are 2o2ular 555. 4. Some 2eo2le are allergic even 555. !. Teenagers would like to be inde2endent 555. $. .t is easy for a man to be fait ful 555. &. 4re c ildren grateful to t eir 2arents 555# '. 6ew men are good 555. ). xeo2le s ould be kind 555. 1-. T ings studies at sc ool are not always familiar 555. ^ /. 0orrect t!e 'ista8es* i6 an4. /ariant ; 1. 7y 2arents convinced me not to marry early. 2. S e denied er aving seen t e accident. 3. T ey often go for climbing in "ales. 4. %e said to t em to s ut u2. !. T ey sent to me a very large 2arcel on 1 ristmas. $. %e was ed imself and dried. &.

S e e02lained us everyt ing again and again but we understood very little of it. '. T ey never seem to listen eac ot er. ). ro you regret about telling im t e trut # 1-. %e gave a s out of trium2 and s e smiled a a22y smile. b
/ariant <

1. . dreamt of 4frica last nig t. 2. T ey turned to t e mirror and looked at eac ot er|t em. 3. " at was it t at s e s outed to you t en# 4. T e boss was boug t a very e02ensive 2resent t at time. !. T is car andles well but its a bit too e02ensive. $. .f you did a lot of mistakes in t e last test/ youll ave to correct t em. &. .m afraid t ey o2ened t e window by a ammer. '. S e was 2re2ared to take great risks. ). %e offered me a drink and . acce2ted. 1-. " at were you listening at t e moment . looked at you# b
/ariant 0

1. 6ancy im envying me t e 2leasure. 2. 6etc me a c air/ will you# 3. 7y brot er and . were used to stay at ome alone w en we were under &. 4. "e ad substantial breakfast before leaving t e train. !. 8ela0ation you call it! $. " ere e lives/ .d like to know! 3. .ts ty2ical of c ildren to eat too many sweets. '. "e were wondering if t e clouds would lift t e ne0t day. ). T ey were worrying w at s e mig t tell t e 2olice. 1-. T ey suggested us t at t e meeting s ould be cancelled. ^ /I. 1rans-ate into 2n)-is! usin) o$%ects o6 di66erent sorts. /ariant ; 1. s YNCB/ CLNSE ND< TN?<O<=<@>. 2. fRA =KSHMDN @ <Y @LNONDE/ CLN ND< DH NLARMR=<@>. 3. VE DH TO<GEA=< G@LRGRL> ORDN. 4. s ANUQR[LN DH NTRMQEGR=R. !. kNNS\< <?/ CLN NDR TO<HQHL G @OHQB. $. kD<?< TR=>LN < TONYNQ<. &. VDNUNH MRG<@<L NL LNUN/ QH=RHLH =< GE QN?RaDKK ORSNLB. '. ZLN NDR UNGNO<=R/ J DH TN?DK. ). PON@L<LH/ CLN G?Ha<GRK@>. 1-. ^DLHOH@DN/ TO<QHL =< NDR# /ariant < 1. PO<QHL@J QNGN=>@LGNGRL>@J ?R=E?. 2. PNOHI> @HSH SBLHOSONQE. 3. qD TOHQ=NI<= GR? TNT<L># 4. }N=NQ<=>D<A ORM?NORI<GRHL@J. !. qLUNGNO< HUN/ TB@L> DH QHL MRUORD<dB. $. qD TN@@NO<=<@> < DH YNLJL ?<O<L>@J. &. fNUQR ND< TN@@NO<=<@># '. PNCH?B ND Y<Y<ADB=R G DRCR=H ?NHF OHC<# ). ZLN LE AN ?DH TO<Q<ORHa>@J# 3-. tE B?HHa> TO<D<?RL> OHaHD<J# /ariant 0

1. kARI< H?B/ CLNSE DH BYNQ<=. 2. qD DR@LR<GRHL/ CLNSE QN?RaDKK ORSNLB QH=R=< GNGOH?J. 3. qDR TNCBG@LGNGR=R/ ARA QONI<L OHSHDNA. 4. ^DLHOH@DN/ DH NS<QH= =< J HH# !. tH ORMGH G<QH=R ANUQR[D<SBQ>/ CLNSE ND ABO<=# $. nHDRG<IB/ ANUQR DR ?HDJ U=RMHKL. &. qD< SNJ=<@>/ ARA SE CHUN DH @=BC<=N@>. '. s DH TNLHOT=K/ CLNSE DR ?HDJ AO<CR=<. ). qDR TNQB?EGRHL N LN?/ CLNSE BHYRL> MR UORD<dB. 1-. PON@L<LH/ CLN TN?HaR= GR?. > ^ 1 ?I=?29 2+U0;1I:@ I@ 1?2 US; 1. +ecode t!e a$$re7iations. =i7e t!e de6initions. S4T~ cx4~ 41T~ x .r.~ +.4. 3.=i7e t!e s4non4's to t!e 6o--o#in)A faculty a22licant semester test to dro2 out term 2a2er ^ 3.9estore t!e sentencesA fres man | swot u2 4[student | sc olars i2 2rofessor | deadline community college | students | transfer college faculty | tenure t esis | confer a degree

>. Insert t!e "re"ositions to enroll a college~ to c eat e0ams~ to kee2 an eye o2en smt . ~to sign a course~ to graduate straig t 4~ to a22ly financial aid~ to be eligible financial assistance~ in addition learning~ 2roficiency two foreign languages~ to transfer t e second university. ^ B.1rans-ate usin) 4our acti7e 7oca$u-ar4. 1.kLBQHDL NSORL<=@J MR o<DRD@NGNF TN?N\>K/ LRA ARA H?B DRQN T=RL<L> MR NS\HI<L<H. 2. l?HO<ARD@ARJ @<@LH?R GE@aHUN NSORMNGRD<J YNONaR LH?/ CLN ?DNUN oRAB=>LRL<GDEY TOHQ?HLNG/ ?NIDN MRT<@RL>@J DR =KSNF ABO@ <=< GMJL> RARQH?<CH@A<F NLTB@A. 3. qD SON@<= AN==HQI TN@=H LOY DHQH=> BCSE/ YNLJ W@@H DRT<@R= DR NL=<CDN < @C<LR=@J =BCa<? @LBQHDLN?. 4. POH@L<I X]R NTOHQH=JHL@J DR=<C<H? GE@NANAGR=<o<d<ONGRDDEY TOHTNQRGRLH=>@A<Y ARQONG < <@LNCD<AR o<DRD@<ONGRD<J.!. ZLNSE TN=BC<L> @LHTHD> SRAR=RGOR DRQN BC<L>@J ARA ?<D<?B? CHLEOH UNQR. $. VRLH?RL<AR h N@DNGDNF TOHQ?HL WLNUN GLNONABO@D<AR/ R TN@=H =HLD<Y ARD<AB= ND MRT<aHL@J QNTN=D<LH=>DN DR T@<YN=NU<K. &. nRa OHALNO MR\<L<= Q<@@HOLRd<K < H?B TO<@GN<=< @LHTHD> QNALNOR o<=N@No<<. '. lS<LBO<HDLE DH =KSJL @NC<DHD<J/ <? SN=>aH DORGJL@J LH@LE @ ?DNIH@LGHDDE? GESNON?. ). kLBQHDL LOHL>HUN ABO@R/ TNLHOJGa<F @GNF C<LRLH=>@A<F < @LBQHDCH@A<F S<=HLE/ DRYNQ<L@J B AND@B=>LRDLR. 1-. PNGLNODRJ @QRCR WAMR?HDR Q=J @LBQHDLNG GHCHODHF oNO?E NSBCHD<J DRMDRCHDR DR M<?D<H ARD<AB=E/ < WLN TN@=HQD<F @ONA/ <DRCH <Y NLC<@=JL. ^ C.&rite a "ara)ra"! on one o6 t!e 6o--o#in) to"icsA a.%ig er education in t e S4 is far from 2erfect. b.T e academic life of a 8ussian university differs from an 4merican one. c..f . ad a c ance/ . would study in %arvard. D.9ead t!e artic-e EInde"endent 0ounse-F. ;ns#er t!e Guestions. a." at is t e main idea of t e article# b." at is t e role of an inde2endent college consultant# c.%ow as t e role of a counselor c anged over t e 2ast ten years# ^ H. ind t!e eGui7a-ents to t!e 6o--o#in) in t!e artic-e. aAN=R[<DLHODRL/ @N@LNJLH=>DEF/ MRI<LNCDEF 2 GRO<RDLR / TOH@L<IDEF /GE@NANBONGDHGEF 3 GRO<RDLR/ GNMDRUORIQHD<H/ NL@LRGRL>/ NTEL/ AN?THLHDd<J

I. 2,"-ain t!e 6o--o#in) #ords 6ro' t!e artic-e. 1rans-ate t!e sentences in #!ic! t!e4 #ere used. college a22lications~ college[educated~ cater~ in[ ouse college counseling b
09I52 ;@+ JU@IS?52@1

1. 2,"-ain t!e 6o--o#in) and use in sentences o6 4our o#n. misdemeanour 2er(ury sub2oena common 2leas court a 2robation officer 3. 9estore t!e sentencesA t e (udiciary | corru2tion swindler | fraud Orosecutor | abuse of 2ower detained | s2eeding disorderly conduct | (uvenile court ^ 3. Insert t!e "re"ositions. to be reluctant do smt .~ attorney defence~ to serve a (ury~ to issue a warrant arrest ~ to indict smb. felony~ to bring t e case court ~to release smb . 2arole~ to be 2robation~ to im2ose a sentence smb. ~ to be eligible 2arole~ to release smb. bail~ to rule an ob(ection. ^ >. =i7e t!e anton4's to t!e 6o--o#in)A a false witness good be aviour to release smb.

guilty to sustain an ob(ection B.=i7e t!e s4non4's to t!e 6o--o#in)A claimant t eft 2er(ury t e witness stand to accuse ^ C. 1rans-ate t!e sentencesA 1. fNOOB?T<ONGRDDEF C<DNGD<A SE= NSG<DD GN GMJLNCD<CH@LGH/ M=NBTNLOHS=HD<< G=R@L>K < Y<\HD<< UN@BQRO@LGHDDNF @NS@LGHDDN@L<. 2. yH=N SE=N @oRSO<ANGRDN @BQ>< TNQABT=HDE/ B=<A</ DH NLDN@<Ga<H@J A QH=B/ TOHQ@LRG=HDE ARA DHNTONGHOI<?EH/ G OHMB=>LRLH DHG<DNGDNUN TO<MDR=< G<DNGDE? TN G@H? TBDALR? NSG<DHD<J < TO<UNGNO<=< A TNI<MDHDDN?B MRA=KCHD<K. 3. VR=N=HLD<H TOH@LBTD<A< CR@LN NLSEGRKL DRARMRD<H G AN=ND<JY Q=J DH@NGHOaHDDN=HLD<Y. 4. qARMRGa<@> DR @AR?>H TNQ@BQ<?EY/ NSG<DJH?EF @NMDR=@J DH LN=>AN G TNY<\HD<< OHSDAR @ dH=>K aRDLRIR HUN ONQ<LH=HF/ DN < G SN=HH @HO>MDEY TOH@LBT=HD<JY. !. VDNU<H MDR?HD<LEH =KQ< <?H=< TONS=H?E @ MRANDN? l=> PRC<DN DHMRANDDN YORD<= NOBI<H/ VRFA tRF@ND @<QH= MR <MDR@<=NGRD<H/ XRFDNDR pRFQHO @NGHOaR=R AORI< G ?RURM<DRY NQHIQE. $. POH@LBTD<A TON@<= NLTB@L<L> HUN TNQ CH@LDNH @=NGN/ R ANUQR TN=BC<= NLARM/ GEARMR= @GN DHBGRIHD<H A @BQB.&. kBQB @=NIDN GEDH@L< GHOQ<AL/ H@=< TO<@JIDEH DH ?NUBL TO<FL< A @NU=RaHD<K.'. PONLH@L RQGNARLR MR\<LE SE= NLA=NDD @BQ>F. ). PN=<d<J TN=BC<=R NOQHO DR NSE@A AGROL<OE @LRONUN ?NaHDD<AR. 1-. fORIR @N GM=N?N? <DNUQR @NTONGNIQRHL@J TNQINUN? < JG=JHL@J BUN=NGDE? TOH@LBT=HD<H?. ^ D. &rite a "ara)ra"! on one o6 t!e 6o--o#in) to"ics. ;)ree or disa)ree. a. reat 2enalty s ould be abolis ed. b. S2eeding is not a real crime. c. T e 1ourt system in t e S4 is rat er com2licated. H. 9ead t!e artic-e E1!e +eat! Jena-t4A (e)a- 0rue-t4KF. ;ns#er t!e Guestions.

a." y does t e new met od of e0ecution raise debates# b." at was t e ga2 between law and (ustice in t e S4# c." at is t e main idea of t e article# ^ I. ind t!e eGui7a-ents to t!e 6o--o#in) in t!e artic-e. OR@@LOH=/ MRTOHL/ OJQE @?HOLD<ANG/ TONL<GNOHC<L>/ SH@TO<@LOR@LDEF/ @?HOLH=>DRJ <DHAd<J/ TO<GHQHD<H G <@TN=DHD<H @?HOLDNUN TO<UNGNOR 1L. 2,"-ain t!e 6o--o#in) #ord co'$inations. 1rans-ate t!e sentences in #!ic! t!e4 #ere used in t!e artic-e. first[degree murder convictions~ flagrant e0am2le~ confinement in deat row b
<::MS ;@+ 92;+I@=

1. =i7e t!e de6initions. [ blurb [ 2ul2 fiction [ a bookworm [ t riller [ to devour books 3.+escri$e t!e 6o--o#in) $oo8s usin) ad%ecti7es 6ro' 4our acti7e 7oca$u-ar4. [ * 1rime and xunis ment, by rostoevski [ *8omeo and vuliet, by S akes2eare [ *T e zittle 7ermaid, by 4ndersen ^ 3. &!at readin) !a$its are $ein) descri$ed KUse 4our acti7e 7oca$u-ar4. a. +efore going to bed e reads to is son and t e boy falls aslee2 very :uickly. b. .ve been reading books since . was si0 years old.

c. 4s soon as e finis es one book e starts reading anot er. d. " en . start reading an interesting book/ not ing can distract me from it. e. . always read an interesting book before slee2ing. f. . read maga{ines wit out a definite 2ur2ose. ^ >.1rans-ate t!e 6o--o#in)A 1. R LN/ CLN ND TNTELR=@J BAOR@L> OHQA<H AD<U</ DR ANLNOEH CR@LN TNABaRKL@J GNOE/ HUN <@A=KC<=< <M S<S=<NLHA<. 2. i@=< B GR@ DR OBARY TON@ONCHDDEH AD<U</ GE O<@ABHLH MRT=RL<L> aLORo <=< SEL> DR GOH?J NL@LORDHDE NL TN=>MNGRD<J OH@BO@R?< S<S=<NLHA<. 3. VDH DORGJL@J @LRO<DDEH AD<U< G ANIRDN? THOHT=LH @ MN=NLE? LH@DHD<H?. 4. PO<A=KCHDCH@A<H ON?RDE < QHLHAL<GE ?NIDN C<LRL> * MRTNH?,. !. nH <?HJ QN@LBTR A AN?T>KLHODN?B ARLR=NUB/ ?NIDN TN=>MNGRL>@J TOHQ?HLDE? ARLR=NUN? <=< ARLR=NUN? DRMGRD<F. $. ]U=BS<Ga<@> G CLHD<H DRBCDNF oRDLR@L<A</ ND < DH MR?HL<=/ ARA B@DB= OHSDNA. &. fOR@<GN DRTHCRLRDDRJ AD<UR G LGOQN? THOHT=LH < @ @BTHO NS=NIANF ?NIHL SEL> @ABCDNF < U=BTNF. '. X WLN? <MQRD<< DHL TOHQ<@=NG<J < NU=RG=HD<J. ). PONQ=HGRJ AD<UB/ DH MRSBQ>LH TON=<@LRL> H < @NNS\<L> N DHQN@LRK\<Y @LORD<dRY S<S=<NLHAROK. 1-. _LNL AD<IDEF CHOG> TN@LNJDDN CLN[ LN BC<L/ ?DNUN C<LRHL/ N@NSHDDN TOHQTNC<LRHL YNONaN MRC<LRDDEH AD<U< @ TNOGRDDE? THOHT=LN?. ^ B.&rite a "ara)ra"! on one o6 t!e to"icsA a. +ooks and friends s ould be few but good. b. You cant tell a book by t e cover. c. 7odern c ildren read few books. C. 9ead t!e artic-e E@o &a4* 5ada'e <o7ar4F. ;ns#er t!e Guestions. a. " at are t e s2ecific features of 6lauberts 2rose# b. " at figures of s2eec does 1. vames use in t e article# cive t e e0am2les. c. " at is t e difference between Tolstoys and Turgenevs styles# ^ D. ind t!e eGui7a-ents to t!e 6o--o#in) in t!e artic-e. TNQ GTHCRL=HD<H?/ GH=<AN=HTDEF OR@@ARMC<A/ SN=GRD/ TROa<GEF DHUNQJF/ SON@<L> ANUN[LN MR?HL<L>/ TO<MDRGRL> CLN[=<SN

H. 2,"-ain t!e 6o--o#in) #ords. 1rans-ate t!e sentences in #!ic! t!e4 #ere used in t!e artic-e. terrific~ to belt along~ a standoff~ to ook u2~ cadence~ 2urist b
5;@ ;@+ 5USI0

1. +e6ine t!e 6o--o#in) and use in sentences o6 4our o#n. [ ragtime [ oboe [ (am session [ synco2ation [ r a2sody 3.:dd one out. 2,"-ain 4our c!oice. 4 a. 2olka b.walt{ c. (a{{ d. sonata + a. violin b. cello c. bassoon d. ar2 1 a. flute b. trum2et c. tuba d. 6renc orn

r a. com2oser b. conductor c. virtuoso d. synt esi{er 3 a. tuner b. soloist c. walkman d. e:uali{er ^ 3. 9estore t!e sentences. o2era | 2erformed amateur musicians | folk music 2o2 music | video[cli2 country music | guitar band | im2rovise >.0o'"-ete t!e sentences usin) suita$-e #ords.

a. 8 a2sody in +lue was t e first 2o2ular . b. T e +eatles based t eir music on t e sound of and . c. +and 7usic is t e music 2layed by / / and on t e marc / in 2ublic 2arks/ and in concert alls. d. music 2rovided t e stimulus for t e s2ontaneous develo2ment of (a{{. e. .t must be admitted t at t e 2ossibilities of music are immense. ^ B.1rans-ate t!e sentences usin) 4our acti7e 7oca$u-ar4. 1. k<?oND<CH@A<F NOAH@LO TNQ OBANGNQ@LGN? MDR?HD<LNUN Q<O<IOR <@TN=D<= ?BMEAR=>DNH TON<MGHQHD<H GH=<ANUN AN?TNM<LNOR. 2. nRa @N@HQ B?HHL <UORL> DR @AO<TAH < U<LROH/ DN CR\H G@HUN @=BaRHL ?RUD<LNoND < TNL TNTB=JODEH TH@D<. 3. VDNU<H TN=<L<A< DHORGDNQBaDE A ?BMEAH NQD< <UORKL DR @RA@NoNDH <=< T<RD<DN/ QOBU<H/ GMJG G OBA< Q<O<IO@ABK TR=NCAB/ TELRKL@J BTORG=JL> NOAH@LON?. 4. X NTHOH *iGUHD<F qDHU<D, RO<K qDHU<DR <@TN=DJHL ?N=NQNF @N=<@L mN=>aNUN LHRLOR. !. VDNU<H @NGOH?HDDEH ?BMEARDLE DRTN=DJKL TNTB=JODBK ?BMEAB W=H?HDLR?< DRONQDEY ?NL<GNG. $. kC<LRHL@J/ CLN TNQ=<DDN RoON[R?HO<ARD@ARJ ?BMEAR [ WLN @?H@> T@R=?NG < O<L?NG/ N@DNGRDDEY DR @T<O<CBH=@ < TH@DJY/ <@TN=DJGa<Y@J GN GOH?J ORSNLE. &. _LR KDRJ GNAR=<@LAR GOJQ =< @LRDHL MDR?HD<LNF/ NDR QRIH DH ?NIHL NL=<C<L> DNLE *QN, NL DNLE *OH,.'. qQD< =KQ< =KSJL A=R@@<CH@ABK ?BMEAB/ ?NUBL CR@R?< @=BaRL> =KS<?EH @NDRLE < @K<LE/ QOBU<H TOHQTNC<LRKL W=HALONDDBK ?BMEAB. ). nR @N=>DN? ANDdHOLH NQDNUN ONA[?BMEARDLR @=BC<=N@> @LORaDNH @DRCR=R MRSN=H= SR@[U<LRO<@L/ MRLH? GEa=< <M @LONJ B@<=<LH=> < WAGR=RFMHO/ <@TNOL<=@J ?<AONoND TO<a=N@> <?TONG<M<ONGRL>. 1-. DR?HD<LRJ CHLGOAR GETB@L<=R DNGEF R=>SN?/ @DJ=R DR NQDB <M @GN<Y TH@HD G<QHN[A=<T/ TN@=H CHUN <Y MRT<@< @LR=< ?N?HDLR=>DN OR@ABTRL>. ^ C. &rite a "ara)ra"! on one o6 t!e 6o--o#in) to"icsA a. %e w o 2ays t e 2i2er calls t e tune. b. Some 2eo2le find contem2orary music to be caco2 ony. c. 7usic like language is a living moving t ing. D. 9ead t!e artic-e EItNs :n-4 9oc8N@N<an8ro--sF. ;ns#er t!e Guestions. a. " at is t e connection between t e age and t e 2o2ularity# b. " at 2roblem does t e aut or raise in t e article#

c. " at is t e role of contem2orary 2o2 music# d. %ow do modern 2o2 stars win t e 2o2ularity# ^ H. ind t!e eGui7a-ents in t!e artic-e. QNYNQE NL ANDdHOLNG/ GE@LBT=HD<H *GI<GBK,/ N@DNGDEH MGMQE/ TONQRIR S<=HLNG/ QNTN=D<LH=>DEF <@LNCD<A QNYNQNG/ oRDRLE2 GRO<RDLR/ AN?TRD<< MGBANMRT<@< I. 2,"-ain t!e #ords. 1rans-ate t!e sentences in #!ic! t!e4 #ere used. to reel out t e its~ 2romo[video (unkie~ c arts~ teen[2o2 bands~ com2ilation~ instant[ celebrity culture b 3


I0U(1 0?I(+92@

1.:dd one out. 2,"-ain 4our c!oice. 4 a. loving b. caring c. affectionate d. indulging + a. coarse b. timid c. roug d. rude 1 a. fearful b. s y c. outgoing d. sulky ^ 3.=i7e t#o s4non4's to eac! #ord. loveless babying violent docile

mi0ed[u2 3.=i7e anton4's to t!e 6o--o#in). courteous gregarious listless misbe aving 2atient ^ >.9estore t!e sentencesA sullen | affection insolent | indulging encourage | timid adolescence | inde2endent onest | morali{ing B.1rans-ate t!e sentences usin) 4our acti7e 7oca$u-ar4A tOBQDEH QHL< ?NUBL SEL> ARA ONSA<?< < TBU=<GE?</ LRA < UOBSE?</ RUOH@@<GDE?< < WUN<@L<CDE?<.2. XN@T<LEGRJ OHSDAR/ ARIQEF ONQ<LH=> QN=IHD TND<?RL> ORMD<dB ?HIQB MRSNLNF < TNLRARD<H?.3. PNANODEH/ TN@=BaDEH < TNQRG=HDDEH QHL< @LRDNGJL@J DH@CR@LDE?< GMON@=E?< @N ?DNIH@LGN? @LORYNG < AN?T=HA@NG. 4. pNQ<LH=< @CR@L=<GE/ ANUQR <Y QHL< OR@LBL NS\<LH=>DE?</ LOBQN=KS<GE?< < @TN@NSDE?< @TORG=JL>@J @ =KSE?< LOBQDN@LJ?<. !. fRA D< @LORDDN/ MR?ADBLEH/ BUOK?EH < BD<IHDDEH QHL< CR@LN @LRDNGJL@J DROBa<LH=J?< Q<@d<T=<DE/ R <DNUQR < TOH@LBTD<AR?<. $. kCR@L>H < S=RUNTN=BC<H QHLHF MRG<@<L NL @LHTHD< =KSG</ MRSNLE < NQNSOHD<J/ ANLNOBK ND< TN=BCRKL NL ONQ<LH=HF/ BC<LH=HF < GN@T<LRLH=HF. &. nRQ?HDDEH/ DRU=EH/ @GNHDORGDEH QHL< h OHMB=>LRL DHTORG<=>DNUN GN@T<LRD<J. '. _LNL QNSONQBaDEF/ GHI=<GEF < DH?DNUN MR@LHDC<GEF TNQON@LNA GN@T<LEGRHL@J G QHL@AN? QN?H. ). pNQ<LH=J? ND SE= SHMORM=<CHD BUOK?EF NLHd CR@LN DRARMEGR= HUN SHM TO<C<DE/ R <?TB=>@<GDRJ/ @GNHGN=>DRJ < ORMQORI<LH=>DRJ ?RL> GNNS\H SE=R DHTN@=HQNGRLH=>DR G @GN<Y ?HLNQRY GN@T<LRD<J. 1-. mH@TNANFDEH < aB@LOEH ?R=HD>A<H QHL< QN=IDE DRYNQ<L>@J TNQ ANDLON=H? ONQ<LH=HF. ^ C.&rite an essa4 on #!at 'a8es a c!i-d un!a""4.

D. 9ead t!e artic-e E ear t!e 9od and 0r4 So6t-4F. ;ns#er t!e Guestions. a. " at is t e main idea of t e article# b. " at are t e 2ros and cons of 2 ysical 2unis ment# c. " en was 2 ysical 2unis ment abolis ed in +ritis sc ools# " y was it abolis ed# ^ H. ind t!e eGui7a-ents in t!e artic-e. LH=H@DEH DRARMRD<J 2 GRO<RDLR/ TNOAR 3 GRO<RDLR/ TONCDN BANOHD<L>@J/ MRSR@LNGAR/ GDH MRANDR I. 2,"-ain t!e #ords. 1rans-ate t!e sentences in #!ic! t!e4 #ere used. c asten/ 2er2etrate/ caning/ stra22ing/ violence 12(2/ISI:@ ^ 1.2,"-ain t!e 6o--o#in). Use in sentences o6 4our o#n. 2anel discussion sitcom commercial sound track close[u2 3.=i7e s4non4's to t!e 6o--o#in). t e bo0 2eak viewing ours o2erator corres2ondent to switc on

^ 3.9estore t!e sentences. T addict | watc television commercial | c ange to anot er c annel newscaster | micro2 one | live footage corres2ondent | live broadcast test card | switc on >.:dd one out. 2,"-ain 4our c!oice. 4 a. newsreader b. anc orman c. 2resenter d. viewer + a. micro2 one b. t e tube c. mike d. neck mike 1 a. o2erator b. monitor c. 2roducer d. soundman ^ B.1rans-ate 6ro' 9ussian into 2n)-is!. qD LRA TO<@LOR@L<=@J A TON@?NLOB LH=HG<M<NDDEY TONUOR??/ CLN @?NLO<L G@ TNQOJQ ?E=>DEH NTHOE/ LO<==HOE/ GH@LHODE < QRIH QHL@A<H TONUOR??E. 2. nR WAORDH h YOND<AR LHAB\<Y @NSEL<F. 3. pHTNOLRI @ ?H@LR @NSEL<F GHQL @THd<R=>DEF ANOOH@TNDQHDL.4. fNUQR o<=>? TOHOEGRHL OHA=R?R/ ?DNU<H MO<LH=< THOHA=KCRKL@J DR QOBUNF ARDR= <=< @?NLOJL TONUDNM TNUNQE. !. pHQA<F MO<LH=> TOHQTNC<LRHL NSORMNGRLH=>DEH TONUOR??E~ CR\H G@HUN @?NLOJL LNA[aNB/ LH=HG<ALNO<DE <=< G<QHN A=<TE. $. tH=HG<M<NDDRJ GHO@<J MDR?HD<LNF T>H@E/ LORD@=<OBH?RJ ARSH=>DE? LH=HG<QHD<H?/ SE=R SN=HH TNTB=JODR DHIH=< HIHQDHGDEH @HO<R=E. &. ZLN @HUNQDJ TNARMEGRKL TN LH=HG<QHD<K# h XA=KC< * J\<A,/ QR TN@?NLO<. kHFCR@ ARA ORM @R?NH *@?NLO<?NH, GOH?J. '. XHQB\<H DNGN@LHF CR@LN TNJG=JKL@J G TOJ?N? Wo<OH. ). qCHD> BQNSDN <?HL> G<QHN?RUD<LNoND/ ?NIDN MRT<@RL> =KSNF SNHG<A/ AN?HQ<K <=< ?B=>Lo<=>?E. 1-. kDRCR=R DRQN TNQA=KC<L>@J A @TBLD<ANGN?B LH=HG<QHD<K/ MRLH? DR@LON<L> LH=HG<MNO/ < LN=>AN TN@=H WLNUN ?NIDN DRCRL> TON@?NLO =KS<?EY TONUOR??. ^ C.&rite an essa4 on one o6 t!e 6o--o#in) to"ics. a.T distorts 2eo2les view of t e world. b.Television is a national disease. D. 9ead t!e artic-e E1e-e7ision as t!e 1!ird JarentF. ;ns#er t!e Guestions.

a. To w at e0tent do 2arents and T form a c ilds view of t e world# b. %ow does t e average c ilds real life e02erience com2are wit television reality# c. " at kind of values are 2ro2agated by T# d. " ic findings verify Steins y2ot esis and ow does e su22ort is arguments# ^ H. ind t!e eGui7a-ents. MO<LH=</ GHMQH@B\<F/ QN@LBTDEF/ TN@=HQNGRLH=>DEF|J@DEF/ DHNLORM<?EF/ ?NOR=>DNH BLHaHD<H I. 2,"-ain t!e 6o--o#in). 1rans-ate t!e sentences in #!ic! t!ese #ords #ere used. cli:ue/ confidant/ in a nuts ell/ bi{arre/ at t e touc of a button/ void ^ ;5I(O (I 2 1. 2,"-ain t!e #ords. Use t!e' in sentences o6 4our o#n. bac elor fiancee s2ouse ne0t of kin sibling 3.=i7e s4non4's to t!e 6o--o#in)A tribe forefat er old maid to bring u2 a c ild bride ^ 3.:dd one out. 2,"-ain 4our c!oice. 4 a. ecstatic b. over(oyed c. furious d. t rilled

+ a. to be u2set b. to be dismayed c. to be dis eartened d. to be astonis ed 1 a. s2inster b. bridegroom c. bride d. best man >.9estore t!e sentences. ste2[mot er | raise a c ild marriage of convenience | se2arated conventional beliefs | commit adultery newlyweds | marriage knot bac elor | cook meals | disa22ointment ^ B.1rans-ate t!e sentences. 1.mORA< TN OR@CLB <DNUQR MRARDC<GRKL@J ORMGNQN? < QH=HIN? <?B\H@LGR ?HIQB SEGa<?< @BTOBUR?<. 2. qD QN=UN MR DHF BYRI<GR=/ DH OHaRJ@> @QH=RL> TOHQ=NIHD<H/ YNLJ G@H ONQ@LGHDD<A< QRGDN BIH @C<LR=< <Y IHD<YN? < DHGH@LNF. 3. X@H DNGNSORCDEH NQ<DRANGE @DRCR=R B D<Y ?HQNGEF ?H@Jd/ R MRLH? DRC<DRKL GEJ@DJL>/ ALN QN=IHD @L<ORL>/ UNLNG<L> HQB/ ?EL> TN@BQB/ BS<ORL> G AN?DRLH < YNQ<L> TN ?RURM<DR?. 4. ] ?DNU<Y ?BIC<D/ DH@?NLOJ DR TONGNMU=RaHD<H ORGHD@LGR GNM?NIDN@LHF/ G@ H\ H@L> TOHQOR@@BQA< TN NLDNaHD<K A IHD\<DR?/ WLN LRA DRMEGRH?RJ Q<@AO<?<DRd<J TN TN=NGN?B TO<MDRAB. !. kBTOBU TN@LNJDDN <M?HDJ= HF/ R H WLN DH BQ<G=J=N < QRIH DH MRQHGR=N H CBG@LG. $.iUN TOHQA< SE=< MDRLDNUN TON<@YNIQHD<J. &. nH BQ<G=JFLH@> LN?B/ CLN ND GE@NAN?HOHD < QH?ND@LO<OBHL @GN TOHGN@YNQ@LGN DRQ QOBU<?</ [ WLN DR@=HQ@LGHDDNH/ LRA ARA ND TNLN?NA UORoR pRMB?NG@ANUN. '. pRMNCRONGRD<H G @H?HFDNF I<MD< NQ<D <M TNGNQNG N@LRGRL>@J MRANOHDH=E? YN=N@LJAN?. ). qDH?HG NL M=N@L< < CBG@LGBJ @HSJ TNQRG=HDDE?/ ND TONQN=IR= NSA=H<GRL> AN?DRLB DNGE?< NSNJ?<. ^ C.&rite an essa4 on one o6 t!e 6o--o#in) to"ics . ;)ree or disa)ree. a.%ouse old c ores s ould be e:ually s ared between s2ouses. b.9owadays marriage doesnt seem to be as 2o2ular as it used to be. c.4ll a22y families resemble one anot er/ eac un a22y family is un a22y in its own way. zeo Tolstoy d.7an to command and woman to obey. zord Tennyson

^ D.9ead t!e artic-e E?o# to ?a7e a Success6u- 0!ristian a'i-4F. ;ns#er t!e Guestions. a." at are t e main factors t at destroy t e traditional 4merican family# b." at is t e greatest concern for t e aut or and is wife# c." at is t e ty2ical a22y family in t e aut ors o2inion# ^ H. ind t!e eGui7a-ents. DR@=HQ<H/ S=RUNTN=BC<H/ TONQN=IRL> LORQ<d<</ GORIQHSDEF/ QRL> BSHI<\H|MR\<L<L>/ DHORMSNOC<GN@L> G @GJMJY/ DR UORD< NTR@DN@L</ @R?NQN@LRLNCDN@L>/ NL@LR<GRL> @GN< TORGR I. 2,"-ain t!e 6o--o#in) #ords. 1rans-ate t!e sentences in #!ic! t!e4 #ere used. vicious/ adultery/ swinger/ to falter/ 2eril/ c auvinist PQRSPTUVPSWX YZ[P\W[V\W 1 b

`. l. lDLNDNGR/ V. n. f=HG<DR/ p. ;. kHARDNGR. 6res ers crammar rrill for Skill PN@NS<H Q=J @LBQHDLNG 1 ABO@R NLQH=HD<J RDU=<F@ANUN JMEAR. h XNONDHI@A<F UN@THQBD<GHO@<LHL/ 2--4. h )-@. b

8aymond 7ur2 y. 3nglis crammar in se. 4 self[study reference and 2ractice book for intermediate students | wit answers. Second 3dition. h 1ambridge niversity xress. h 1))&. h 3!- 2.

uOR??RL<AR RDU=<F@ANUN JMEAR ?NOoN=NU<J. ]CHS. PN@NS<H Q=J @LBQHDLNG THQ. <D[LNG TN @THd. e^DN@LO. JM.g|n. l. fNSO<DR/ i. l. fNODHHGR/ V. ^. q@@NG@ARJ/ f. l. uBMHHGR. h V. PO@GH\HD<H/ 1)'!. h 2'' @. b

1ollins 1obuild. Students crammar. %ar2er 1ollins xublis ers ztd. h zondon. h 1))1. h 2$3 2. 3

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