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How to prepare for XAT: Decision Making makes or breaks your case Xaviers Aptitude Test (XAT) is the

most competitive MBA entrance exam in India after the CAT. It gives one an opportunity to study in one of the top B!"choo#s of the country$ X%&I and many other co##eges under XAT #i'e XIMB$ (IM$ XIM) etc. &eputed co##ege #i'e ".*.+ain Mum,ai a#so accepts XAT score. This i##ustrates the importance to ,e e-uipped .e## to crac' XAT. It is conducted on first "unday of +anuary every year. The is the #ast year ,rea'up of -uestion paper! Area 0uantitative A,i#ity and 1I 4er,a# and %ogica# A,i#ity 1ecision Ma'ing (enera# A.areness /o. of 0uestions 23 25 6 75

8es$ there is a dedicated section on 1ecision Ma'ing and (enera# A.areness. 9here mar's o,tained in the (enera# A.areness section .i## not ,e considered for ca#cu#ating XAT percenti#e $ 1ecision Ma'ing is the most critica# section in XAT as candidates have found it the most cha##enging section .hen it comes to c#earing the cutoffs. )ach .rong attracts 6 : negative mar's of the maximum mar's a##ocated to the respective -uestion. Tota# time to ta'e the sections on 0A;1I$ 4A;%&$ 1ecision Ma'ing and (enera# A.areness .ou#d ,e <35 minutes tentative#y (An increase of 65 minutes in time of main test is expected as (enera# A.areness .ou#d ,e the part of main test$ .hich .as <75 minutes #ast year .ith no (= in main test). Around 65 minutes .ou#d ,e avai#a,#e for )ssay 9riting. Tota# duration of the exam .ou#d remain to ,e 2 hours. The distri,ution of time ,et.een main test and essay might vary. There are options in each -uestion instead of 7 options as compared to many other exams. *ointers to crac' XAT Pre Examination Tips If you have ,een preparing for CAT$ then preparation of t.o sections vi>. 0uantitative Aptitude ? 1ata Interpretation and 4er,a# ? %ogica# A,i#ity shou#dnt ,e a pro,#em. @o.ever$ it is suggested to not get comp#acent as the pattern (differentia# mar'ing) ma'es XAT s#ight#y different and hence a different approach is needed to crac' the exam. Ta'ing

fe. XAT moc's sha## he#p you in ensuring that your approach is on the correct #ines. /o. some ,asic pointersA "o#ve #ast years XAT papers to get the fee# of the exam and to rea#i>e the difference in approach needed as compared to CAT. This .i## he#p you in understanding .here did you go .rong$ ho. do you need to t.ea' your approach etc. Try to so#ve every moc' that you may get on XAT$ especia##y -uestions on the 1ecision Ma'ing concept. "ection specific pointers for XAT %et us get into some depth in each section no. to 'no. .hat ma'es XAT different and ho. .e need to customi>e our mind for XAT. Quantitative Abi ity an! Decision Abi ity If you prepared .e## for CAT$ -uantitative aptitude -uestions shou#d not ,e a ,ig cha##enge$ except for fe. surprises .hich XAT 'eeps on every year. @o.ever$ any such surprise topics appearance can ,e over#oo'ed and one can afford to s'ip such a -uestion. 1ata Interpretation is ca#cu#ation intensive and sometimes on difficu#t end of the spectrum as .e##. The 'ey to crac' 1I here is that one shou#d ,e good in fraction! percentage conversion$ ratios$ ,asic arithmetic$ #ine graphs$ pie charts$ ,ar graphs etc. Try to comp#ete this section in 75!7 minutes .ith around B : attempts$ maintaining C to D5 percent accuracy. "erba an! #ogica Abi ity Ence again$ this section shou#d not ,e a pro,#em for those .ho prepared decent#y for CAT. &eading Comprehensions and 4oca,u#ary ,ased -uestions dominate this section. 4arieties of -uestions covered in this section inc#ude Fi## in the B#an's$ *ara +um,#es$ *ara Comp#etion$ %ogica# &easoning and "entence Correction. Ta'ing XAT moc's shou#d suffice to get ho#d of this section. @o.ever$ no maGor surprises are there in this section .hen compared .ith CAT. Try attempting D5 percent -uestions in this section in not more than 7 minutes .ith around C5: accuracy at#east. Decision Making This is the p#aying area that .ou#d ma'e or ,rea' your case. "ome of the tric'iest -uestions .ou#d ,e found in this section. This ,ecomes tougher to hand#e to on exam day due to another reasonA /o -ua#ity source to teach or #et peop#e 'no. the nuances of

1ecision Ma'ing. /o source of -uestion ,an' or a re#ia,#e ,oo' that can ,e fo##o.ed to get ho#d on 1ecision Ma'ing. The on#y source that remains is o#d XAT papers and coaching moc's. )ven the count of coaching moc's on XAT is not more than 2$ hence there remains a #ac' of practice in 1ecision Ma'ing. "ome -uic' pointers to hand#e this section! After reading the -uestion$ dont direct#y Gump at the options$ try ana#y>ing the situation first and thin' .hat you .ou#d have done in rea# #ife .hi#e facing the simi#ar situation. 1o ta'e into consideration mora#s and ethics of the corporate .or#d and expectations from a manager .hi#e ans.ering the -uestions in this section. Try attempting a## -uestions (idea##y) here$ in around 5 minutes .ith at #east C5: accuracy. $enera Awareness (enera# A.areness .as not the part of main test in XAT 65<2 and .as supposed to ,e attempted a#ong .ith essay. @o.ever$ this year it has ,een inc#uded in main test and .ou#d ,e ta'en a#ong .ith 2 regu#ar sections of the paper. @o.ever$ mar's of (enera# A.areness .ou#d not ,e counted to ca#cu#ate XAT score. They .ou#d ,e considered on#y in next phase of admission process (name#y intervie. stage). "ome -uic' pointers! Mix of static (= and current affairs .ou#d ,e there$ .ith more -uestions ,ased on current affairs and regu#ar a.areness If you can$ then read Manorama 8ear,oo' H ho.ever$ not suggested if you #eave (= preparation for the #ast 6 .ee's ,efore exam &ead ne.spapers and #isten /e.s regu#ar#y and this shou#d he#p you a #ot 8ou may even have ne.s apps do.n#oaded at your ce##s and read it on the move 9ishing everyone (ood %uc' for XATI
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