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Endometriosis This condition affects a woman s !e"#ic ca#it$% whe&e tiss'e f&a(ments f&om the inne&most "inin( of the 'te&'s )the endomet&i'm* (&ow and f'nction o'tside the 'te&'s+ The$ a&e one of the ca'ses of !ainf'" menst&'ation and infe&ti"it$+ These dis!"aced !ieces of tiss'e a&e not shed #a(ina""$ with no&ma" menst&'a" ,"ood ,'t instead acc'm'"ate inside the !e"#is on the s'&face of !e"#ic o&(ans+ If the$ ca'se sca& tiss'e on the o#a&ies o& at the ends of the fa""o!ian t',es% the sca& tiss'e can ,"oc- the t',es and !&e#ent the e(( and s!e&m f&om meetin( inside the t',es fo& fe&ti"i.ation+ In some instances% endomet&iosis can ,e s'&(ica""$ &emo#ed+ D&'(s can &ed'ce discomfo&t &e"ated to endomet&iosis ,'t a&e "ess s'ccessf'" at im!&o#in( fe&ti"it$+ Reproductive tract infections A "eadin( ca'se of infe&ti"it$ in ,oth men and women is se/'a""$ t&ansmitted diseases )STDs* !a&tic'"a&"$ ch"am$dia and (ono&&hea+ If 'nt&eated and man$ infected women ha#e no s$m!toms sca&&in( o& dama(e of the fa""o!ian t',es ma$ ca'se infe&ti"it$+ In men% an STD can "ead to sca&&in( and ,"oc-a(e of the e0ac'"ato&$ d'cts and othe& &e!&od'cti#e st&'ct'&es% the&e,$ ca'sin( infe&ti"it$+ Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) This infection of a woman s '!!e& &e!&od'cti#e s$stem in#o"#es the fa""o!ian t',es% 'te&'s and o#a&ies+ The most common ca'se of PID is an STD% ,'t it ma$ a"so occ'& afte& com!"ications f&om an a,o&tion% di"atation and c'&etta(e )D1C* s'&(e&$% chi"d,i&th o& e#en 'se an int&a'te&ine de#ice )IUD*+ A sin("e e!isode of PID is associated with a!!&o/imate"$ a 23 !e&cent &is- of infe&ti"it$+ A second e!isode do',"es infe&ti"it$ &is- to a,o't 456+ Fo& th&ee o& mo&e e!isodes% the &is- &ises to mo&e than 356+ Female hormonal imbalances If $o'& fema"e ho&mones fai" to t&ansmit thei& chemica" si(na"s at !&ecise"$ the &i(ht time% o#'"ation ma$ ,e i&&e('"a&% inf&e7'ent o& fai" to occ'&+ Pe&iods wi"" "i-e"$ ,e e&&atic and 'n!&edicta,"e+ Fema"e ho&mona" im,a"ances can often ,e t&eated with fe&ti"it$ d&'(s+ DES exposure. 8en and women e/!osed in the wom, to dieth$"sti",est&o" )DES*% a d&'( 'sed in the !ast to !&e#ent misca&&ia(es% ma$ find that thei& fe&ti"it$ is com!&omised+ DES da'(hte&s ma$ ha#e &e!&od'cti#e s$stem a,no&ma"ities inc"'din( an 'n's'a""$ sha!ed 'te&'s o& #a(ina o& a,no&ma" fa""o!ian t',es+ These a,no&ma"ities can ca'se o#'"ation !&o,"ems in some women% as we"" as an inc&eased &is- of misca&&ia(e% !&emat'&e de"i#e&$ and ecto!ic !&e(nanc$+ The data &e"ated to sons with DES e/!os'&e a&e not conc"'si#e+ Some st'dies s'((est an association with "ow s!e&m co'nts o& a,no&ma" s!e&m% 'ndescended testic"es o& a,no&ma" o!enin(s of the '&eth&a+ aricocele This condition of di"ated sc&ota" #eins affects one o& ,oth testic"es+ These di"ated% #a&icose #eins a&e 7'ite common in fe&ti"e as we"" as infe&ti"e men+ This condition can &aise the tem!e&at'&e in the testic"es and a"te& s!e&m !&od'ction% ca'sin( "ow s!e&m co'nts+ 9eca'se #a&icoce"es do not a"wa$s e/!"ain a co'!"e s infe&ti"it$% a '&o"o(ist wi"" conside& a"" the !ossi,"e ca'ses of infe&ti"it$ to e#a"'ate whethe& co&&ecti#e s'&(e&$ has a &easona,"e chance of s'ccess+ Prostatitis Anothe& !otentia" ca'se of ma"e infe&ti"it$% !&ostatitis is an infection in the !&ostate ("and+ S$m!toms &an(e f&om none to '&(enc$% !ainf'" '&ination% and !ain d'&in( o& afte& e0ac'"ation% with o& witho't !ain in the !&ostate+ P&ostatitis can 's'a""$ ,e dia(nosed tho'(h a !h$sica" e/amination and "a, tests% and ma$ ,e &e7'i&e t&eatment with anti,iotics+ !affeine Some women who cons'me an e/cessi#e amo'nt of caffeine e7'i#a"ent to fi#e c'!s of coffee !e& da$ ta-e "on(e& to (et !&e(nant+ In one st'd$% those who cons'me the most caffeine had a :36 &is- of waitin( mo&e than nine months ,efo&e ,ecomin( !&e(nant+ "lcohol Fo& the mothe&;to;,e% a"coho" dec&eases conce!tion &ates and inc&eases the &is- of misca&&ia(e+ Smo#in$ Chemica"s in ci(a&ette smo-e ma$ &ed'ce a man s a,i"it$ to concei#e+ <omen who smo-e a"so ma$ ha#e t&o',"e (ettin( !&e(nant and e/!e&ience hi(he& &ates of misca&&ia(e com!a&ed to women who don t smo-e+ Social dru$s 8a&i0'ana and cocaine ma$ &ed'ce s!e&m co'nt and motion% and inc&ease the !e&centa(e of defecti#e s!e&m+ %eat The&e s a"so e#idence that !&o"on(ed e/!os'&e to heat in hot t',s% sa'nas o& steam &ooms !&od'ces hi(h sc&ota

2+ Si <i""$ Ga&te a$ isan( ,'"a( na Pi"i!inon( man(;aawit na na(!asi-at n( m(a -antan( 9awa" na Gamot at Nasaan an( =iwana(> Si Ton$ Ve"as7'e. a$ isan( Pi"i!inon( man(('('hit na tina('&ian( @Ama n( Aomi-s sa Pi"i!inas@> na an( ma(asin( =iwa$wa$ a$ isan( m'"in(;!a(,'ha$ sa na'na &iton( Photo News na na"i"im,a( sa 4 !an('nahin( wi-a sa Pi"i!inas noon( m(a 2B?5> na an( 9isa$a 8a(asin an( !ina-amata(a" at !ina-amata('m!a$ na ma(asin sa wi-an( Se,wano sa Pi"i!inas> na si No&,e&to Rom'C"de. an( itin't'&in( na @Ama n( 9atas hin((i" sa Pam,ansan( <i-a@ sa Pi"i!inas> na an( Aa(awa&an n( Re!o&man( Pansa-ahan n( Pi"i!inas an( na(sasa(awa n( "ahat n( m(a !&o(&aman( !an(;&e!o&man( !an"'!a sa ,ansa> na an( @Ga,inete@ an( !ina-ama"a-in( ,aha(i n( !am,ansan( san(a$;ta(a!a(!a(ana! n( Pamaha"aan n( Pi"i!inas> na an( Uni,e&sidad n( Pi"i!inas% 8indanao a$ an( i-a;anim at !ina-ah'"in( $'nit n( Uni,e&sidad n( Pi"i!inas> a si G'an Se,astiCn E"cano an( nam'no sa natiti&an( ,a&-o ni Fe&nando 8a(a""anes -a$a t na-'m!"eto ni$a an( !ina-a'nan( si&-'mna,i(as$on n( m'ndo noon( 23??>

?+ 4+

:+ 3+ D+

E+ F+ B+

25+ na maaa&in( ihain ,i"an( na-a(i(inhawan( tsaa an( ,'"a-"a- n( m(a mansani"$a> 22+ na si Ro"ando Tinio a$ Pam,ansan( A"a(ad n( Sinin( n( Pi"i!inas na -i"a"a ,i"an( ma-ata% d&amatista% ta(asa"in% di&e-to&% ta(a!'na% man'n'"at n( sana$sa$ at ('&o> 2?+ na sin',o- ni 9asi"io A'('stHn na ma-a!a(tata( n( asam,"e$an( I"'st&ado at !'we&san( mi"is$a !a&a ihanda an( Pi"i!inas sa awtonomi$a> 24+ na !an('nahin( im!"'wensi$a sa m(a Pi"i!inan( man'n'"at sina Ga,&ie"a Si"an(% =eono& Ri#e&a% Ime"da 8a&cos at Co&a.on A7'ino> 2:+ na an( Gawad Pa"anca an( ,anto( at !ina-amata(a" na (awad !am!aniti-an sa Pi"i!inas na -at'm,as n( Gantim!a"an( P'"it.e&> 23+ na si E"i.a,eth Coo!e& an( 'nan( Pi"i!inan( na-i!a(ha"i-an sa !e"i-'"a sa Pi"i!inas at na(in( "ihim na -asintahan ni Do'("as 8acA&th'&> 2D+ na an( Gawad Ramon 8a(sa$sa$ a$ !a"a(in( itin't'&in( na -at'm,as n( Pa&an(a" na No,e" sa As$a at ma$ D na -ate(o&$a> 2E+ na na-'ha n( ,andan( Iano an( !an(a"an ni"a m'"a sa isan( sa"itan( na-a"aho- sa isan( "'man( Ta"ah'"'(anan( Ta(a"o( at nan(an(ah'"'(an( !a$a-> 2F+ na an( 9a"a&i"a n( <i-an( Pam,ansa a$ isan( a-"at ni =o!e A+ Santos sa waston( !a(sasa"ita t !a(s'"at n( Ta(a"o( na ni"atha"a n( S'&ian n( <i-an( Pam,ansa noon( 2B4B>

2B+ na si Na!o"eon A,'e#a% Ama n( 8a-a,a(on( Is-'"t'&a n( Pi"i!inas% a$ an( na(;iisan( 9oho"anon( na(in( Pam,ansan( A"a(ad n( Sinin( n( Pi"i!inas> ?5+ na -a'(na$ n( m(a sa"itan( !amaha"aan% !a,aha"aan% at !a&i&a"an( ,aha"a na an( sa"itan(;'(at na ,aha"a at an( n(a"an( 9atha"a> ?2+ na si 8an'e" =+ J'e.on an( !an(a"awan( Pan('"o n( Pi"i!inas n('nit 'na sa i"a"im n( ,a(on( Aomonwe"t> ??+ na si G'an F"a#ie& a$ na!a,i"an( sa Ten O'tstandin( Io'n( 8en of the Phi"i!!ines noon( 2BDE> ?4+ na ,'-od sa !a(i(in( es-'"to& n( 8on'mento ni 9onifacio at n( O,"as$on n( UP% -ai,i(an din si G'i""e&mo To"entino ni Fe&nando Amo&so"o> ?:+ na an( man'n'"at at m'si-e&on( !an(;Pino$ Roc- na si Don( A,a$ a$ -asin(-aa&awan ni Pan('"on( G"o&ia 8aca!a(a" A&&o$o> ?3+ na an( m(a Indones an( !inaniniwa"aan( nin'no n( m(a I"on(ot at tinata$an( ('mawa n( Ha(dan;ha(dan( Pa"a$an n( 9anawe> ?D+ na -i"a"a &in si Nic- Goa7'in% Pam,ansan( A"a(ad n( Sinin( sa Pi"i!inas% sa i"a"im n( !an'"at na !an(a"an( J'i0ano de 8ani"a> ?E+ na si Ishmae" 9e&na" a$ -ini-i"a"a ,i"an( isa sa m(a !ina-amah'sa$ na di&e-to& sa -asa$sa$an n( !e"i-'"an( Pi"i!ino> ?F+ na tina"a-a$ ni =ino 9&oc-a sa -ani$an( m(a !e"i-'"a an( m(a !a-san( !i"it iniiwasan n( "i!'nan> ?B+ na an( ='n(sod n( Sa(a$ n( Ne(&os Occidenta" a$ datin( -i"a"a ,i"an( A&('e""es at 9a$an ni 8a(a""anes>

30. na an( Pam,ansan( Ao&!o&as$on sa E"e-t&isidad n( Pi"i!inas an( !an('nahin( ta(a!a(,i(a$ n( -'&$ente !a&a sa
8ERA=CO% na si$a naman( na(iisan( ta(a!amaha(i n( -'&$ente sa Aa"a-han( 8a$ni"a>

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