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YOUNG Bibliography of published writings

Boo s White Mythologies: Writing History and the West (London and New York: Routledge, 1990) pp. viii + 232. Reprinted 1992, 1993, 199 , 199!, 1999, 2001, 2003. New edition, re"et, wit# $oreword %& 'o(i ). *#a%#a, new 1 ,000+word ,ntrodu-tion and *i%liograp#&, 200., pp. /ii + 201. Reprinted 200 . 2#apter or e/-erpt reprinted in Race, Culture and Difference, ed" 3a(e" 4onald and 5li Rattan"i (London: 6age 7u%li-ation", in a""o-iation wit# t#e 8pen 9niver"it&, 1992) a" :2oloniali"( and 'u(ani"(;, 2.3+ 1< The Postmodern History Reader, ed. )eit# 3enkin" (London: Routledge, 1991) 1 +!< Postcolonialism: Critical Concepts in iterary and Cultural !tudies, ed. 4iana *r&don (London: Routledge, 2000) ,,, 1.0+13. 5ra%i- tran"lation, tran". 5#(ed =a#(oud (2airo: 6upre(e 2oun-il o> 2ulture, 2003) pp. .01. ,talian tran"lation, Mitologie "ianche: a scrittura della storia e l#ccidente, tran". 5ntonio 7erri e =attia *ilardello (Ro(a: =elte(i editore, 2001) pp. 33 . )orean tran"lation, tran". Yong+g&u )i( (6eoul: L&ung"ung, 2000) pp. . 2. ?urki"# tran"lation, $eya% Mitolo&iler: Tarih 'a%imi (e $ati, tran". 2an Yildi@ (,"tan%ul: *aAla( Ya&in-ilik, 2000) pp. 201. 2#ine"e and 7er"ian (wit# a new 7re>a-e) tran"lation" >ort#-o(ing. Colonial Desire: Hy"ridity in Culture, Theory and Race (London and New York: Routledge, 199 ) pp. /iii + 23!. Reprinted 199!, 2000, 2002, 2003, 200 . New edition in preparation. 2#apter" reprinted in 'early Re)ie* (4el#i) 9 (1990), 39+!3< Postcolonial Discourses: +n +nthology, ed. Bregor& 2a"tle (8/>ord: *la-kwell 7u%li"#er" 2001), 13+90< The $ody: Critical Concepts in !ociology, ed. 5ndrew *laikie et al (London: Routledge, 200.) 203+32. 2#apter tran"lated into 4ut-#, :)oloniali"(e en de machine d,sirante, in 'er(an 5""el%erg#" and 4ieter Le"age ed", Het museum )an de natie: )an -olonialisme tot glo"alisering CThe Museum of the .ation/ 0rom Colonialism to 1lo"alisationD (*ru""el": Yve" Bevaert 9itgever, 1999) 201+20. 2#apter tran"lated into 6pani"#, :El de"eo -olonial: #i%ridi"(o en la teorFa, la -ultura & la ra@a; in .erter: Postcolonialismo (invierno 2000+1) 2: 3!+9. *ra@ilian (7ortugue"e) tran"lation, Dese&o Colonial: hi"ridismo em teoria, cultura e ra2a, %& 6Grgio =edeiro" (-oord.), 4ir-e Haltri-k do 5(arante e Ra>ael 5@i@e (6Io 7aolo: Editora 7er"pe-tiva, 200 ) pp. /iv + 2 0. Torn Hal)es: Political Conflict in iterary and Cultural Theory (=an-#e"ter: =an-#e"ter 9niver"it& 7re"", New York: 6t =artin;" 7re"", 199!) pp. vi + 2... Postcolonialism: +n Historical 3ntroduction (8/>ord and =alden, =a"".: *la-kwell

7u%li"#er"< 2#ennai, ,ndia: ?.R. 7u%li-ation", 2001) pp. /i + .90. 10t# printing, 2000. New edition in preparation. 2#apter tran"lated into 6wedi"# a" :6u%Jektivet o-# #i"toria: 4errida i 5lgeriet; in #rd 4 $ild 1+2 (2003) 11 +31. 2#apter tran"lated into $ren-# a" :6u%Je-tivitG et 'i"toire: 4errida en 5lgGrie;, itt,rature 1 . (2009), 13 +.0. 2#ine"e (-o(ple/ -#ara-ter) tran"lation (Bao/iong, ?aiwan: 2#u Liu *ook 2o(pan&, 200!) pp. 1!. Breek tran"lation (5t#en": 7ataki" 7u%li-ation", 2000) pp. !1!. )orean tran"lation (6eoul: 7ark 3ong-#eol 7u%li"#ing 2o, 200 ) pp. 0!3. 5ra%i- (2airo: 6upre(e 2oun-il o> 2ulture), $ren-#, ,ndone"ian (3akarta: Le(%aga )aJian ,"la( dan 6o"ial), and 3apane"e (?ok&o: ,wana(i) tran"lation" >ort#-o(ing. 2roatian tran"lation, "eriali"ed in >ive part", %road-a"t on 'rvat"ki Radio (2roatia) ,,, 7rogra(, 21 5ugu"t+2 6epte(%er, 2002. Postcolonialism: + (ery !hort 3ntroduction (8/>ord: 8/>ord 9niver"it& 7re"", 2003) pp. /iv + 1!0. ,n 10t# printing. 2#apter reprinted in 5ournal of the !chool of anguage, iterature and Culture !tudies (New 4el#i), 1 (200.) 119+2!. 2#ine"e %ilingual edition (*eiJing: Yilin 7re"", 2000) pp. / + 1!2, iv + 1!0. 'e%rew tran"lation (?el 5viv: Re"ling, 2009) ,talian tran"lation, 3ntrodu%ione al postcolonialismo, tr. =iguel =ellino (Ro(a: =elte(i editore, 200 ) pp. 109. 3apane"e tran"lation %& ?ed =oto#a"#i (?ok&o: ,wana(i 6#oten, 200 ) pp. /iv+220+23, wit# new 7re>a-e to t#e 3apane"e edition. ?a(il tran"lation (7ut#anat#a(, ?a(il Nadu: 5dai&ala(, 2001) pp. /vi + 203. 5ra%i- (2airo: 6upre(e 2oun-il o> 2ulture), ,ndone"ian (3akarta: 6era(%i ,l(u 6e(e"ta 7?), )orean ('&una( 7u%li"#ing) and 7er"ian (9r(ia 9niver"it& 7re"") tran"lation" >ort#-o(ing. The 3dea of 6nglish 6thnicity (8/>ord and =alden, =a"".: *la-kwell 7u%li"#er", 2000), pp. /iii + 291.

Boo s! edited 7ntying the Te8t: + Post9!tructuralist Reader, edited, wit# an introdu-tion (London and *o"ton: Routledge K )egan 7aul, 1901), pp. / + 32!. Reprinted 1901, 1990, 1993. Editorial (aterial >ro( t#i" -olle-tion #a" %een widel& reprinted. Post9!tructuralism and the :uestion of History, edited, wit# an introdu-tion, wit# 4erek 5ttridge and Beo>> *ennington (2a(%ridge: 2a(%ridge 9niver"it& 7re"", 1901) pp. vii + 292. Reprinted 1909, 1991, 1993, 1991, tran">erred to digital printing 1999. ,ntrodu-tion tran"lated into 3apane"e %& )a@uko ?ake(ura, 1endai !hiso: re)ue de la pens,e d;au&ourd;hui 11:2 ($e%ruar& 1909) 2+!1. 2#ine"e tran"lation (*eiJing: *eiJing Nor(al 9niver"it& 7re"", 2009), pp. 32!. The !ilent Word: Te8tual Meaning and the 7n*ritten, edited, wit# *an )a# 2#oon and Ro%%ie *.'. Bo# (6ingapore: 6ingapore 9niver"it& 7re"" and Horld 6-ienti>i7u%li"#er", 1990) pp. //i + 1!3. Boo s! "refa#es :6artre: ?#e 5>ri-an 7#ilo"op#er;, 7re>a-e to 3ean+7aul 6artre, Colonialism and .eo9 colonialism, tran". 5@@edine 'addour, 6teve *rewer and ?err& =-Hillia(" (London and New York: Routledge, 2001) pp. vii+//iv. Reprinted in t#e Routledge 2la""i-" "erie", 200!, pp. i/+//viii. :7oeti-a del (uta(ento -ulturale radi-ale;, 7re>a-e to $rant@ $anon, !critti politici/ ;anno ( della ri)olu%ione algerina. Lol. 2. ?ran". =iguel =ellino (Ro(a: 4erive approdi, 2001) 1+1 . "ublished le#tures 3adat <irat al91har": Tari-h Mu&a% fi Thalath 0usul CRereading The West: + !hort History in Three +ctsD, tran". 6a#ar 6o%#i 5%del+'aki( (2airo: 6upre(e 2oun-il o> 2ulture, 2003) pp. ii + 23. Essays in boo s : M$or ?#ou Hert ?#ereN: 'i"tor&, Era"ure and 6uper"-ription in The Prelude;, in 1lyph: Demarcating the Disciplines: Philosophy, iterature, +rt, ed. 6a(uel He%er (=inneapoli": 9niver"it& o> =inne"ota 7re"", 190!) 103+20. :6iren" Hit#out =u"i-: ?#e Language o> $low;, in 5ames 5oyce: The Centennial !ymposium, ed. =auri-e *eJa et al/ (9r%ana and 2#i-ago: 9niver"it& o> ,llinoi" 7re"", 190!) 09+92. Reprodu-ed in 5ames 5oyces 7lysses in Hypermedia, dire-ted %& =i-#ael Broden, 9niver"it& o> 7enn"&lvania 7re"", 2000.

:7"&-#oanal&"i" and 7oliti-al Literar& ?#eorie";, in Thresholds: Psychoanalysis and Cultural Theory, ed. 3a(e" 4onald (London: =a-(illan, 1991) 139+ 1. :H#ite =&t#ologie";, in +fter*ords, ed. Ni-#ola" Ro&le (?a(pere: 8ut"ide *ook", 1991) 1!0+9 . :?#e ,dea o> a 2#re"to(at#i- 9niver"it&;, in ogomachia: The Conflict of the 0aculties, ed. Ri-#ard 5. Rand (Lin-oln: Ne%ra"ka 9niver"it& 7re"", 1992) 91+12!. :2oloniali"( and t#e 4e"iring+=a-#ine;, in iminal Postmodernisms: The Postmodern, the =Post>Colonial and the =Post9>0eminist, 7o"t(odern 6tudie" 0, ed" ?#eo 4;#aen and 'an" *erten" (5("terda(: Rodopi, 199.) 11+3.. :Eg&pt in 5(eri-a: $lac- +thena, Ra-i"( and 2olonial 4i"-our"e;, in #n the Western 0ront: !tudies in Racism, Modernity and 3dentity, ed" 5li Rattan"i and 6allie He"twood (2a(%ridge: 7olit& 7re"", 199.) 1 0+!9. :'&%ridi"( and t#e Et#ni-it& o> t#e Engli"#;, in Reflections on the Wor- of 6d*ard W/ !aid: Cultural 3dentity and the 1ra)ity of History, ed" *enita 7arr& and 3udit# 6Ouire" (London: Lawren-e and Hi"#art, 199!) 121+ 0. 7ortugue"e (*ra@ilian) tran"lation >ort#-o(ing a" :'i%ridi"(o e ?e"e" Ra-iai"; in + Transnacionali%a2?o da Cultura: .o)os .acionalismos, Rearticula2@es Raciais e de 1Anero, ed. El"e Ri%iero Lieira (7etrPpoli", Rio de 3aneiro: Editora Lo@e"). :?#e 8verwritten 9nwritten: Nationali"( and it" 4ou%le" in 7o"t+2olonial ?#eor&;, in =7n>*riting 6mpire, ed. ?#eo 4;#aen (5("terda( K 5tlanta: Rodopi, 1990) 1 + 3.. Reprinted in The !ilent Word: Te8tual Meaning and the 7n*ritten, ed" Ro%ert 3.2. Young, *an )a# 2#oon and Ro%%ie *.'. Bo# (6ingapore: 6ingapore 9niver"it& 7re"" and Horld 6-ienti>i-, 1990) 1+1!. :$reud;" 6e-ret: The 3nterpretation of Dreams wa" a Bot#i- Novel; in The 3nterpretation of Dreams: .e* 3nterdisciplinary 6ssays, ed. Laura =ar-u" (=an-#e"ter: =an-#e"ter 9niver"it& 7re"", 1999) 20!+31. :Hriting Ra-e: Et#ni-it& a" 8t#erne"";, in #n Writing =and> Race in Contemporary $ritain, ed". $ernando BalvQn and =er-ede" *engoe-#ea (5l-alQ: 6ervi-io de pu%li-a-ione" de la 9niver"idad de 5l-alQ de 'enare", 1999) 11+20. :4e-on"tru-tion and t#e 7o"t-olonial;, in Deconstructions: + 7sers 1uide, ed. Ni-#ola" Ro&le (*a"ing"toke: 7algrave, 2000) 101+210. :?#e 7oliti-" o> 7o"t-olonial 2ritiOue;, in +nglistentag BCCC Proceedings, ed" *ernard Reit@ and 6igrid Rieuwert" (?rier: Hi""en"-#a>tli-#er Lerlag, 2000) 231+.3. :Bil%erto $re&re and t#e Lu"otropi-al 5tlanti-;, in Terras e gentes/ +no DEEE +.+3!, 7ro-eeding" o> t#e L,, -ongre""o 5%rali- (24 pu%li-ation, 5""o-iaRIo *ra"ileira de Literatura 2o(parada, 9niver"idade $ederal da *a#ia, *ra@il). Reprinted in 7nisa atin +merican Report, 22:1+2 (200!) +21.

7ortugue"e tran"lation, :8 5tlSnti-o lu"otropi-al: Bil%erto $re&re e a tran">or(aRIo do #i%ridi"(o;, in 1il"erto 0reyre y los estudios latinoamericanos, ed" 3o"#ua Lund e =al-ol( =-Nee, 6erie 2rFti-a", ,n"tituto ,nterna-ional de Literatura ,%eroa(eri-ana, 200!, 99+122. :Et#ni-it& a" 8t#erne"" in *riti"# ,dentit& 7oliti-";, in $eyond Dichotomies: Histories, 3dentities, Cultures, and the Challenge of 1lo"ali%ation, ed. Eli"a%et# =udi(%e+ *o&i (5l%an&: 6tate 9niver"it& o> New York 7re"", 2002) 1 3+!1. :Ra-e and Language in t#e ?wo 6au""ure";, in Philosophies of Race and 6thnicity, ed" 7eter 8"%orne and 6tella 6and>ord (London and New York: 2ontinuu( *ook", 2002) !3+10, 103+ . :2ultural 7ropert& and ,dentit& 7oliti-" in *ritain;, in Ela@ar *arkan and Ronald *u"# ed", Claiming the !tones F .aming the $ones: Cultural Property and the .egotiation of .ational and 6thnic 3dentity (Lo" 5ngele": Bett& Re"ear-# ,n"titute, 2002) 329+30. :,ntrodu-tion; to Ba&atri 2#akravort& 6pivak, :Rig#ting Hrong";, in Human Rights, Human Wrongs. The #8ford +mnesty ectures DEEB, ed. Ni-#ola" 8wen (8/>ord: 8/>ord 9niver"it& 7re"", 2003) 1!.+1. :'en&o"uru #ai%uritto; C?#e ?ran"(utation" o> '&%ridit&;D, tran". 5"ako Nakai, in $un-a aidentiti no yu-ue CThe 0uture of Cultural 3dentityD (?ok&o: 6air&u"#a, 200.) 313+ 91. :,nterpretare l;8--idente: una %reve "toria in tre atte;, in :uale #ccidente, #ccidente perch,, a -ura di ?i@iano *ona@@i (6overia =annelli: Ru%%ettino editore, 200 ) .1+ !0. :*urdwan in =& Li>e;, in Ra(a )undu, ed., Widening Hori%ons: 6ssays in Honour of Professor Mohit </ Ray, (New 4el#i: 6arup K 6on", 200 ) 0+1 . :Hriting *a-k, in ?ran"lation;, in Raoul 3. BrandOvi"t, ed., Writing $ac- inFand Translation ($rank>urt a( =ain: 7eter Lang, 200!) 19+31. :Edward 6aid in 7o"tkolon&al )arar"i@liAi;, Tev. 6ali# *a&ra(, 7luslararasi #ryantali%m !empo%yumu, ed. LUt>i 6unar (,"tan%ul: *U&Uk"e#ir, 2001) +!.. :?#e Loid o> =i"giving;, in Communicating in the Third !pace, ed" )arin ,ka" and Ber#ard Hagner (New York: Routledge, 2000) 01+9 . : M?#e(N and M9"N ;, in Richard Hoggart and Cultural !tudies, ed. 6ue 8wen (*a"ing"toke: 7algrave, 2000) 123+3!. :Engli"# and t#e Language o> 8t#er";, in iterature for 6urope: 6uropean 3dentities and 6uropean iterature in a 1lo"ali%ing World, ed" ?#eo 4;#aen and ,anni" Boerlandt (5("terda(, New York: Edition" Rodopi, 2009), 1!1+12. :?error E>>e-t";, in Terror and the Postcolonial, ed" Elleke *oe#(er and 6tep#en =orton

(8/>ord: *la-kwell, 2009), 301+20. :Halking He"tward;, in $ac- to the 0uture of 3rish !tudies: 0estschrift for Tadhg 0oley, ed. =aureen 8V2onnor (8/>ord: 7eter Lang, 2010), 13+20. :Ra&, LentriloOui"( and ,llu"ion;, in The 3ndian Postcolonial: + Critical Reader, ed" Elleke *oe#(er and Ro"inka 2#aud#uri (London: Routledge, 2010), 9+19. 0orthcoming: :2olonial 5nti+2oloniali"(: ?#e $enian ,nva"ion" o> 2anada;, in !ettler Colonialism, ed. $iona *ate(an and Lionel 7ilkington (*a"ing"toke: 7algrave, 2010). :?#e Rig#t to Re"i"t;, in Try 0reedomG ed. 5nnali"a 8%oe (London: Routledge 2010).

$rti#les in refereed %ournals :?#e E&e and 7rogre"" o> 'i" 6ong: 5 La-anian Reading o> The Prelude, #8ford iterary Re)ie*, 3:3 (1919) 10+90. Reprinted in Modern Critical 3nterpretations: Words*orth: The Prelude, ed. 'arold *loo( (New York: 2#el"ea 'ou"e, 190!) 12 +3 . :2onte(porar& Literar& ?#eor&: ,t" Ne-e""it& and ,(po""i%ilit&;, College iterature, 9:3 (1902) 1! +13. :7o"t+6tru-turali"(: ?#e End o> ?#eor&;, #8ford iterary Re)ie*, :1+2 (1902) 3+20. :5 Repl& to :7relude and 7reJudi-e; ;, The Words*orth Circle, 13:2 (1902) 01+00. :Literar& ?#eor&: 1900, 1901;, in The 'ears Wor- in 6nglish !tudies: BCHB, vol. !2 (London: ?#e Engli"# 5""o-iationW3o#n =urra&, 190.) 11+!1. :7"&-#oanal&ti- 2riti-i"(: 'a" ,t Bot *e&ond a 3okeX;, Paragraph . (190.) 01+11.. :Literar& ?#eor&: 1902;, in The 'ears Wor- in 6nglish !tudies: BCHD, vol. !3 (London: ?#e Engli"# 5""o-iationW3o#n =urra&, 190 ) .92+ . . :*a-k to *ak#tin;, Cultural CritiIue 2 (190 +!) 11+92. :Literar& ?#eor&: 1903;, in The 'ears Wor- in 6nglish !tudies: BCHJ, vol. !. (London: ?#e Engli"# 5""o-iationW3o#n =urra&, 190!) 93+!00, !11+11. :?#e 6a(e 4i>>eren-e;, !creen 20:3 (1901) 0.+91. :9ne tradition en -ri"e;, 6tudes fran2aises 23:1+2 (1901+00) .1+1..

:?#e 7oliti-" o> M?#e 7oliti-" o> Literar& ?#eor&N ;, #8ford iterary Re)ie* 10 (1900) 131+ 1. :7oe(" ?#at Read ?#e("elve";, Tropismes (7ari") (1991) 233+!1. :Neo-olonial ?i(e"; in .eocolonialism, #8ford iterary Re)ie* 13 (1991) 2+3. :Neo-oloniali"( and t#e 6e-ret 5gent o> )nowledge;, an interview wit# Ba&atri 2#akravort& 6pivak, in .eocolonialism, #8ford iterary Re)ie* 13 (1991) 220+ 1. 6wedi"# tran"lation, :Neokoloniali"( o-# kun"kapen" #e(liga agent;, Ba&atri 2#akravort& 6pivak intervJuad ov Ro%ert Young, in 1lo"aliseringens <ulturer/ Den post-oloniala parado8en, rasismen och det mKng-ulturella samhLllet, eds Catharina 6ri-sson, Maria 6ri-sson $aa%, HK-an ThMrn, tran". 5nnika 7er""on (Nora: *ok>Ylager N&a 4o/a, 1999) 2!9+02. :=oderni"( and t#e 7o"t(odern Novel;, The 6nglish Re)ie* 2:. (1992) 13+11. :$ou-ault on Ra-e and 2oloniali"(;, .e* 0ormations 2 (199 ) 1+! . :?#e 4iale-ti-" o> 2ultural 2riti-i"(;, +ngela-i 2:2 (199!) 9+2.. :Repl& to Laura 2#ri"(an;" MZue"tioning Ro%ert Young;" 7o"t+2olonial 2riti-i"(N ;, Te8tual Practice 11:1 (1991) .1+9. :Re"pon"e; to :Roundta%le on Colonial Desire;, 5ournal of (ictorian Culture 2:1 (1991) 30+ 2. :,deologie" o> t#e 7o"t-olonial;, 3nter)entions: 3nternational 5ournal of Postcolonial !tudies 1:1 (1990) .+0. :?#e 7ro-ra"tinator;, Paralla8 :1 (1999) 1+9. :5-ade(i- 5-tivi"( and )nowledge $or(ation in 7o"t-olonial 2ritiOue;, Postcolonial !tudies: Culture, Politics, 6conomy 2:1 (1999) 29+3.. : M4angerou" and HrongN: 6#ell, ,ntervention, and t#e 7oliti-" o> ?ran"national 2o(panie";, 3nter)entions: 3nternational 5ournal of Postcolonial !tudies 1:3 (1999) .39+!.. :Return to =oo"%urg[6#aring Har =e(orie" wit# 7aul Bilro&;, Te8tual Practice 11:1 (2003) 1+19. :Ber(ina@ioni po"t-oloniali: da *andung a L;5vana;, Deri)e approdi :=ovi(enti po"t-oloniali; 23 (2003) 31+.3. :7o"t-oloniali"(: $ro( *andung to t#e ?ri-ontinental;, historein F NOPQRSNT, annual pu%li-ation o> t#e 2ultural and ,ntelle-tual 'i"tor& 6o-iet&, 5t#en", Bree-e, (200 ) 11+21. :$anon and t#e ?urn to 5r(ed 6truggle in 5>ri-a;, Wasafiri .. (200 ) 33+.1.

$ren-# tran"lation, :$anon et le re-our" \ la lutte ar(Ge en 5>riOue;, tran". =arie 7lou/, es Temps Modernes, !3 +!3! (Nove(%re+4G-e(%re 200 W 3anvier 200!) 11+9!. :$rant@ $anon & la tradu--iPn -ultural;, tran". 4avid 7Gre@ 2#i-o, in a Torre del (irrey/ Re)ista de 6studios Culturales, N](. 1 (200!) .2+. . : M?#e(N and M9"N ;, 3nternational 5ournal of Cultural !tudies 10:1 (2001) 1+!2. :B#o"t ?rain;, Postcolonial !tudies 10:3 (2001) 301+310. :Engli"# and t#e Language o> 8t#er";, 6uropean Re)ie* 11:1 (2009) 203+12. 4ai (ovi(enti anti-oloniali ai nuovi (ovi(enti "o-iali;, Politica e !ocietU 2 (2009) 1+!. :H#at i" t#e 7o"t-olonialX;, +riel .0:1 (2009) 13+2 . :5n Evening wit# =i-#ael 8ndaatJe;, Mo)ing Worlds 10:2 (2010), 2+!. 0orthcoming: :^ZuG e" la -rFti-a po"-olonialX;, Pensamiento 5ur;idico (2olu(%ia) 2010. :Re"pon"e; to :$oru( on 2ultural ?ran"lation;, Translation !tudies, 2011. "ubli#ations in non&refereed %ournals 'sele#ted( :5 6#ort 'i"tor& o> Engli"# at Had#a(;, The Wadham College 1a%ette, n.". .:! (2003) !.+0. :8ld 7#otograp#" o> Had#a(;, The Wadham College 1a%ette, n.". .:0 (200 ) 3+! :?#e Liolent 6tate;, .a-ed Punch (La#ore), !upplement 02, 2009 Ele#troni# publi#ations 5 large nu(%er o> (& arti-le" and ot#er writing", %ot# pu%li"#ed and previou"l& unpu%li"#ed, are availa%le online at :Le pagine -#e %ru-iano il pa""ato;, tran". 5ngela 4;8ttavio. Caff, 6uropa 292, 09.01.0!,

:H#at i" t#e 7o"t-olonialX;, le-ture to t#e :5ngli-an ,dentitie" and t#e 7o"t-olonial; "e""ion at t#e 2000 4i-ennial La(%et# 2on>eren-e o> t#e 5ngli-an 2#ur-#, #eld at t#e 9niver"it& o> )ent at 2anter%ur&:".(an-#e"ter.a-.ukWltiWevent"W-on>eren-e :?#e Liolent 6tate;, .a-ed Punch (La#ore), !upplement 02, 2009 0

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