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For release: Wednesday, November 20, 2013

6:30 pm E
Eval!a"#ons o$ Pres#den" Obama %rop &m#d S'ep"#(#sm abo!" &C&
November 15-18, 2013
In the wake of the problematic rollout of the health care law, Presient !arack "bama#s
overall approval ratin$ is now 3%& -- the lowest of his presienc'( 5%& now isapprove
of the )ob he is oin$ *an all-time hi$h for Presient "bama in +!, News Polls(
"nl' 32& now approve of how the Presient is hanlin$ health care, own ei$ht points
from ,eptember, an his lowest ratin$ to ate on the issue(
-he Presient has also lost $roun on personal .ualities like leaership an honest',
an most /mericans on#t think he shares their priorities for the countr'(
/pproval of the /fforable +are /ct has roppe to 31& - an all-time low * while
isapproval is now at 01&, incluin$ 10& who isapprove stron$l'(
0%& on#t think the si$n up for the new health care e2chan$es is $oin$ well, an 01&
on#t think the problems with the 3ealthcare($ov website will be fi2e b' the 4ecember
5i2in$ a broken website ma' not be enou$h to men the loss of confience in the
/fforable +are /ct( 03& of /mericans think the problems with the website are si$ns of
more wiesprea problems to come, an 53& are not confient in the abilit' of the
"bama aministration to implement the health care law(
Pres#den" Obama and ")e &C&
!arack "bama#s )ob approval ratin$ has plun$e to the lowest of his presienc'( 3%& now
approve of the )ob he is oin$ as presient, own from 10& in "ctober -- a nine point rop in
)ust a month( 6r( "bama#s isapproval ratin$ is 5%& -- the hi$hest level for this presient in
+!, News Polls(
Pres#den" Obama*s +ob ,a"#n-
Now 1072013 872013 372013 272013 372012
/pprove 3%& 10& 13& 15& 52& 11&
4isapprove 5% 18 18 10 38 1%
6ost notabl', the Presient has lost support on his hanlin$ of health care( 9eeks after the
fumble openin$ of the health care e2chan$es, )ust 32& approve of how 6r( "bama is hanlin$
the issue of health care, own ei$ht points from ,eptember, an the lowest since +!, News
be$an askin$ the .uestion in 2008(
Pres#den" Obama*s .andl#n- o$ .eal") Care
Now 872013
/pprove 32& 10&
4isapprove 05 51
/ rock' be$innin$ to the openin$ of the new health insurance e2chan$es has also taken its toll
on how /mericans perceive the /fforable +are /ct( Now, approval of the law has roppe to
31& - the lowest number 'et recore in +!, News Polls, an a rop of 12 points since last
month( 01& isapprove :a hi$h for this poll;, incluin$ 10& who sa' the' isapprove stron$l'(
/#e0s o$ ")e .eal") Care La0
Now 1072013 872013 %72013 572010 372010
/pprove 31& 13& 38& 30& 13& 32&
4isapprove 01 51 51 51 1% 53
<epublicans are nearl' unanimous in their isapproval of the law, an now more than two-thirs
of inepenents a$ree( /lmost si2 in ten 4emocrats continue to support the law, but their
support has roppe 10 points from last month * from %1& in "ctober to 58& toa'( ,upport
has roppe 11 points amon$ inepenents an five points amon$ <epublicans(
/#e0s o$ ")e .eal") Care La0 by Par"y
-------- Now --------- ------ 1072013 ------
<eps 4ems In <eps 4ems In
/pprove 5& 58& 2%& 10& %1& 38&
4isapprove 88 28 0% 8% 18 55
6ost /mericans on#t have much confience in the abilit' of the "bama aministration to
implement the /fforable +are /ct( 15& of /mericans are confient, while more than half sa'
the' are either not ver' :22&; or not at all :31&; confient(
Con$#den(e #n &dm#n#s"ra"#on 1mplemen"#n- ")e .eal") Care La0
-otal <eps 4ems In
+onfient 15& 1%& %0& 10&
Not confient 53 80 22 58
)e ,ollo!" o$ ")e .eal") Care E2()an-es
=ust a thir of /mericans are confient that the feeral $overnment#s healthcare website *
3ealthcare($ov * will be fi2e b' the 4ecember 1
ealine set b' the "bama aministration(
31& are at least somewhat confient, while almost two thirs are either not ver' or not at all
confient( 55& of 4emocrats are at least somewhat confient(
Con$#den" .eal")(are3-ov W#ll Be F#2ed By %e(3 1
-otal <eps 4ems In
+onfient 31& 18& 55& 28&
Not confient 01 82 11 08
!ut fi2in$ a broken website ma' not be enou$h to men the loss of confience in the /fforable
+are /ct( 9hile 31& think the issues with the website are simpl' isolate problems, 03& think
the' are si$ns of more wiesprea problems to come(
)e Problems W#") .eal")(are3-ov &re4
-otal <eps 4ems In
=ust isolate problems 31& 10& 51& 20&
,i$ns of wiesprea problems to come 03 81 12 00
6ore than a month after the e2chan$es opene, )ust one in 10 /mericans think the si$n-up for
the e2chan$es has been $oin$ well( Instea, more than two-thirs think it#s not $oin$ well *
incluin$ seven in 10 of those who have looke up information on the e2chan$es themselves(
.o0 #s ")e S#-n!p on ")e .eal") Care E2()an-es 5o#n-6
Now 1072013
9ell 11& 12&
Not well 0% 18
4on#t know enou$h 23 38
1%& think the initial rollout of the new health care e2chan$es is $oin$ worse than the' ha
,ollo!" o$ E2()an-es .as Been4
-otal <eps 4ems In
!etter than e2pecte 1& 2& %& 3&
9orse than e2pecte 1% 55 12 15
/bout as e2pecte 15 10 13 18
71$ 8o! L#'e #", 8o! Can 9eep #":
/mericans a$ree about what shoul happen to those who ha covera$e that was cancelle
because of the implementation of the /fforable +are /ct( 08& think these /mericans shoul
be able to keep their plans as lon$ as the' want, even if the' on#t meet the re.uirements set up
b' the 2010 health care law( 25& think the' shoul be allowe to keep their plans for )ust a
'ear, the solution currentl' bein$ propose b' the "bama aministration( =ust 1& think the'
shoul have to $ive up their plans now(
W)a" S)o!ld .appen "o &mer#(ans W#") Non;Compl#an" .eal") Care Plans6
-otal <eps 4ems In
>eep their plans as lon$ as the' want 08& %8& 00& %0&
>eep their plans for one 'ear 25 18 30 25
?ive up their plans 1 1 8 1
Presient "bama has taken personal fire for repeatel' claimin$ that if /mericans like the
health insurance plans the' were enrolle in, the' woul be allowe to keep those plans * a
claim that prove not to be true for millions of /mericans( 10& of /mericans think the Presient
was eliberatel' hiin$ somethin$ when he mae these claims, while 18& o not(
W)en Obama Sa#d &mer#(ans Co!ld 9eep )e#r 1ns!ran(e, .e Was4
-otal <eps 4ems In
4eliberatel' hiin$ somethin$ 10& 08& 21& 50&
Not eliberatel' hiin$ somethin$ 18 2% %1 13
/ 5%& ma)orit' think Presient "bama is makin$ thin$s soun better than the' reall' are when
he talks about how the health care s'stem will be once the law is full' implemente(
Obama <a'es ")e .eal") Care La0 So!nd4
-otal <eps 4ems In
!etter than it is 5%& %2& 12& 58&
9orse than it is 12 11 8 13
4escribin$ it accuratel' 25 8 11 22
)e F!"!re o$ ")e &$$ordable Care &("
=ust %& of /mericans think the /fforable +are /ct is workin$ well an shoul be kept in place
as it is( Instea, 18& think there are some $oo thin$s in the law, but chan$es are neee to
make it work better, an another 13& think the law nees to be repeale entirel'(
W)a" S)o!ld .appen "o ")e .eal") Care La06
-otal <eps 4ems In
9orkin$ well, kept as is %& 3& 12& 5&
Nees some chan$es 18 28 %2 11
,houl be repeale 13 08 12 18
-here is wiesprea skepticism about Presient "bama#s assertion that the new health care
law will improve the overall health care s'stem in the @nite ,tates( 30& of /mericans think the
2010 health care law will make the health care s'stem better than it was before( 6ore * 11& -
think it will make the health care s'stem worse, while 22& on#t think it will make a ifference(
)e .eal") Care La0 W#ll <a'e )e .eal") Care Sys"em4
-otal <eps 4ems In
!etter than before 30& 8& 53& 20&
9orse than before 11 %1 13 18
No ifference 22 15 20 22
6an' /mericans continue to e2press concern over what effect the /fforable +are /ct will have
on them personall'( 38& think the law will hurt them, while 13& think it will have no effect, an
)ust 15& think it will help them(
Personal 1mpa(" o$ .eal") Care La0
3elp 15&
3urt 38
No effect 13
!ut man' /mericans also sa' the' on#t unerstan )ust how the 2010 health care law will
affect them( 18& sa' the' o, while 18& sa' it is confusin$ to them(
=nders"and#n- .o0 .eal") Care La0 W#ll &$$e(" 8o!
Now 872013 %72013 372012 372010
Aes, unerstan 18& 10& 11& 1%& 11&
No, it#s confusin$ 18 51 52 18 53
/mericans routinel' sa' the $overnment is $enerall' oin$ too much, but the rock' rollout of
3ealthcare($ov ma' have raise ae oubts about what $overnment can accomplish( -oa'
03& sa' $overnment is oin$ too man' thin$s better left to iniviuals an private businesses *
an increase from the 58& who sai so in 5ebruar'(
1n 5eneral, ")e Federal 5overnmen"43
Now 272013 072008 1072005 1071881
,houl o more to solve problems 33& 35& 31& 38& 30&
Is oin$ too man' thin$s alrea' 03 58 50 50 03
11& of /mericans in this poll sa' the' have looke up information about the new e2chan$es on
the healthcare($ov website, an another %& sa' the' looke up information on the state-run
e2chan$es( /mon$ those who i look up information from either source or who calle, 3%&
sai the' were able to $et the information the' neee(
Pres#den" Obama: >!al#"#es
-he Presient has also taken a hit on a number of personal .ualities as well( =ust half of
/mericans think he has stron$ .ualities of leaership, own ei$ht points from ,eptember an
the lowest of his presienc'( 4urin$ the presiential campai$n last fall, 00& of voters sai 6r(
"bama was honest an trustworth', but )ust 18& of /mericans think that toa'( 6ost also o
not think the Presient shares their priorities for the countr'(
Pres#den" Obama: C)ara("er#s"#(s and >!al#"#es
Now !efore
,tron$ leaerB
Aes 50& 58& :872013;
No 18 38
Is honest an trustworth'B
Aes 18& 00& :872012;C
No 18 35
,hares 'our prioritiesB
Aes 38& 15& :272013;
No 58 50
Ctren is amon$ re$istere voters
In aition, a slim ma)orit' :53&; have little or no confience in 6r( "bama#s abilit' to mana$e
the feeral $overnment effectivel'( 1%& e2press at least some confience(
Obama*s &b#l#"y "o <ana-e Federal 5ov*" E$$e("#vely
+onfient 1%&
Not confient 53
Dmpath' continues to be one of the Presient#s stron$est areas, but the percenta$e of
/mericans who sa's he cares a lot or some about the problems of people like themselves has
ecline from 02& in ,eptember to 53& toa'(
Pres#den" Obama Cares &bo!" People L#'e 8o!4
Now 872013 272013 872011 172011 272008
/ lot7some 53& 02& 00& 08& %1& 83&
Not much7not at all 15 3% 33 28 2% 11
-he Presient#s overall )ob approval ratin$ has ecline amon$ man' emo$raphic $roups
since last month, incluin$ inepenents :a 12-point rop;, men :own 8 points;, an women :a
10 point rop;( 6ore women now isapprove than approve of the )ob 6r( "bama is oin$ as
presient( /pproval has roppe across all a$e $roups, incluin$ amon$ /mericans uner a$e
30 * historicall' some of 6r( "bama#s stron$est supporters(
Pres#den" Obama*s &pproval ,a"#n-
-------- Now -------- -------- "ctober-------
/pprove 4isapprove /pprove 4isapprove
-otal 3%& 5% 10& 18
6en 31& 58 13& 53
9omen 38& 51 18& 10
<epublicans 0& 80 10& 8%
4emocrats %3& 18 81& 11
Inepenents 28& 03 11& 51
9hen compare to recent two-term presients, Presient "bama#s approval ratin$ is similar to
that of ?eor$e 9( !ush at this point in his presienc', but lower than the ratin$s of both !ill
+linton an <onal <ea$an( In November 2005, 35& of /mericans approve of the )ob
Presient !ush was oin$( -hat number mostl' ecline over the rest of his term, hittin$ a low
of 20& in "ctober 2008(
Pres#den" Obama vs3 Pas" Pres#den"s
/pprove 4isapprove
"bama 3%& 5% :Now;
?(9( !ush 35& 5% :1172005;
+linton 58& 28 :117188%;
<ea$an 05& 20 :1171885;
In aition to the rop on hanlin$ health care, fewer also now approve of Presient "bama#s
hanlin$ of the econom' an the bu$et eficit than i so earlier this fall( -errorism is the onl'
issue aske about in the poll on which more /mericans approve than isapprove of the
presient#s )ob performance(
Pres#den" Obama*s +ob ,a"#n-s on 1ss!es
-------- Now -------- -------- !efore --------
/pprove 4isapprove /pprove 4isapprove
-errorism 51& 11 18& 13 :872013;
Dconom' 3%& 00 12& 52 :1072013;
5orei$n polic' 38& 50 10& 18 :872013;
3ealth care 32& 05 10& 51 :872013;
!u$et eficit 28& 0% 35& 51 :872013;
)e E(onomy and Co!n"ry*s %#re("#on
!' a two to one mar$in, /mericans continue to view the conition of the national econom'
ne$ativel'( -wo thirs think it is in ba shapeE )ust 33& think it is $oo( -hese fi$ures are
unchan$e since last month(
Cond#"#on o$ ")e E(onomy
Now 1072013 872013 172013 1072012 1272011
?oo 33& 32& 35& 32& 32& 13&
!a 05 00 03 00 0% 80
/t 25&, economic optimism has improve sli$htl' since last month, but is still below levels
foun earlier in the 'ear( 33& now think the econom' is $ettin$ worse, own five points since
%#re("#on o$ ")e E(onomy
Now 1072013 872013 172013 1072012 1272011
!etter 25& 21& 28& 33& 38& 21&
9orse 33 38 2% 30 2% 38
,ame 11 11 11 30 31 10
-he econom' an )obs remain the top concern for /mericans, but the percenta$e that
volunteers health care as the most important problem facin$ the countr' has about ouble
since last month(
<os" 1mpor"an" Problem
Now 1072013 872013 572013
Dconom' F =obs 31& 20& 31& 31&
3ealth care 15 8 8 5
!u$et eficit7ebt % 12 0 0
Partisan politics 5 8 1 3
Nearl' seven in 10 /mericans support an increase in the feeral minimum wa$e which is
currentl' G%(25 an hour( -his inclues 33& who woul like to see the rate chan$e to G8(00 an
hour an 30& who support a lar$er increase to G10(10 an hour( / .uarter of /mericans woul
like the feeral minimum wa$e to remain at G%(25(
,a#se Federal <#n#m!m Wa-e6
Aes 08&
<aise to G8(00 33&
<aise to G10(10 30
No 25
2%& of /mericans sa' the countr' is heae in the ri$ht irection nowE more than twice as
man', 08&, sa' it is off on the wron$ track(
%#re("#on o$ ")e Co!n"ry
Now 1072013 872013 %72013 172013 1072012 1272011
<i$ht irection 2%& 23& 28& 35& 38& 10& 21&
9ron$ track 08 %2 00 00 5% 53 %5
+on$ress continues to receive ismal )ob ratin$s from the /merican public( "nl' 11& approve,
while 85& isapprove( "pinions are virtuall' unchan$e from last month, )ust after the
$overnment shutown(
+ob ,a"#n- o$ Con-ress
Now 1072013 872013 1272012 1072011
/pprove 11& 8& 11& 11& 8&
4isapprove 85 85 80 81 81
!oth ma)or parties in +on$ress are viewe ne$ativel'( =ust 20& of /mericans approve of how
the 4emocrats in +on$ress are oin$ their )ob, own five points from last month an the part'#s
lowest approval measure since =anuar' 2012( /t the same time, onl' 21& approve of the )ob
+on$ressional <epublicans are oin$, an %3& now isapprove -- a sli$ht rop from last month(
+ob ,a"#n- o$ ")e Par"#es #n Con-ress
<epublicans in +on$ress 4emocrats in +on$ress
Now 1072013 Now 1072013
/pprove 21& 18& 20& 31&
4isapprove %3 %8 08 05
Fore#-n Pol#(y
/mi recent ne$otiations over Iran#s nuclear capabilities, /mericans continue to see Iran as a
threat that can be containe, not one re.uirin$ militar' action( "ne fifth oesn#t see it as a
threat( Hiews on this have not chan$e in recent months(
1ran #s4
Now 572013
/ threat re.uirin$ militar' action 11& 15&
/ threat that can be containe 58 58
Not a threat 20 21
/mericans split on whether the @(,( $overnment#s counter-terrorism efforts have $one too far in
infrin$in$ on peoples# privac', or have struck the ri$ht balance between privac' an ientif'in$
terror threats( !ut more /mericans now sa' these efforts have $one too far than i so in =une,
when more felt the @(,( was strikin$ the ri$ht balance(
.ave =3S3 Co!n"er;error#sm E$$or"s4
Now 072013
?one too far infrin$in$ on privac' 13& 30&
,truck ri$ht balance 12 10
Not $one far enou$h 10 13
/mericans are ivie on whether it#s acceptable for the $overnment to listen in on the phone
calls of allie leaers(
NS& L#s"en#n- o Fore#-n Leaders* P)one Calls 1s4
/cceptable 15&
@nacceptable 18
3owever, there is wier a$reement on the political price of oin$ soI most /mericans feel this
has hurt @(,( relations with its allies(
L#s"en#n- "o Leaders* P)one Calls .as4
3urt relations with allies 02&
3ave no impact 33
/n most, 58&, feel that whatever information the N(,(/( ma' be $atherin$ is not worth the
harm to @(,( relations with allies( 31& sa' the trae off is worth it(
Dwar ,nowen#s leakin$ of sensitive information about @(,( surveillance meets with
isapproval from /mericans(
Was Ed0ard Sno0den*s Lea' o$ 1n$orma"#on4
/pprove 28&
4isapprove 58
11& worr' that revelations about the @(,( surveillance pro$rams will weaken the nation#s abilit'
to prevent future terror attacks( ,li$htl' more, 18&, think makin$ them public will have no
-his poll was conucte b' telephone November 15-18, 2013 amon$ 1,010 aults nationwie( 4ata
collection was conucte on behalf of +!, News b' ,ocial ,cience <esearch ,olutions of 6eia, P/(
Phone numbers were iale from samples of both stanar lan-line an cell phones( -he error ue to
samplin$ for results base on the entire sample coul be plus or minus three percenta$e points( -he error
for sub$roups ma' be hi$her( Interviews were conucte in Dn$lish an ,panish. -his poll release
conforms to the ,tanars of 4isclosure of the National +ouncil on Public Polls(
Evaluations of President Obama Drop Amid Skepticism about ACA
November 1!1"# $%1&
O1. Do you approve or dsapprove of the way Barack Obama s handng hs |ob as Presdent?
Tota Rep Dem Ind Oct13d
% % % % %
Approve 37 6 73 29 46
Dsapprove 57 90 19 63 49
Don't know/No answer 7 4 7 7 4
O2. Do you fee thngs n ths country are generay gong n the rght drecton or do you fee
thngs have pretty serousy gotten off on the wrong track?
Rght drecton 27 8 55 20 23
Wrong track 68 86 42 75 72
Don't know/No answer 5 6 4 4 4
O3. What do you thnk s the most mportant probem facng ths country today?
Economy & |obs 31 25 32 32 26
Heathcare 15 20 13 13 8
Budget 7 9 5 8 12
Partsan Potcs 5 3 7 4 8
Presdent /Barack Obama 4 8 1 4 3
Msceaneous Govt Issues 3 3 3 3 5
Famy Vaues/Mora Vaues 3 4 2 2 1
Educaton 2 1 3 3 2
Bg Government/Bureaucracy 2 4 1 1 2
Poverty/Homeessness/Hunger 2 1 3 3 1
Msceaneous Economc Issues 2 1 1 2 1
Other 20 18 27 20 29
Don't know/No answer 4 3 2 5 2
O4. Do you approve or dsapprove of the way Barack Obama s handng foregn pocy?
Approve 38 14 68 32 40
Dsapprove 50 75 22 54 49
Don't know/No answer 12 11 10 14 11
O5. Do you approve or dsapprove of the way Barack Obama s handng the economy?
Tota Rep Dem Ind Oct13d
% % % % %
Approve 37 9 74 28 42
Dsapprove 60 90 24 68 52
Don't know/No answer 3 1 3 3 7
O6. Do you approve or dsapprove of the way Barack Obama s handng the threat of terrorsm?
Approve 51 25 75 48 49
Dsapprove 41 64 19 43 43
Don't know/No answer 8 10 7 9 8
O7. Do you approve or dsapprove of the way Barack Obama s handng the federa budget
Approve 28 6 58 20 35
Dsapprove 67 92 34 74 54
Don't know/No answer 5 2 8 5 11
)*uestion +as asked +it,out t,e +ord -federal.
O8. Do you approve or dsapprove of the way Barack Obama s handng heath care?
Approve 32 5 59 29 40
Dsapprove 65 94 36 68 54
Don't know/No answer 3 1 6 3 5
O9. Do you approve or dsapprove of the way Congress s handng ts |ob?
Approve 11 16 8 9 9
Dsapprove 85 79 87 86 85
Don't know/No answer 5 4 4 5 6
O10. Do you approve or dsapprove of the way the Repubcans n Congress are handng ther
Approve 21 41 7 19 18
Dsapprove 73 53 89 74 78
Don't know/No answer 6 6 3 8 4
O11. Do you approve or dsapprove of the way the Democrats n Congress are handng ther
Approve 26 6 56 18 31
Dsapprove 68 91 41 73 65
Don't know/No answer 6 4 3 8 4
O12. How woud you rate the condton of the natona economy these days? Is t very good,
fary good, fary bad, or very bad?
Tota Rep Dem Ind Oct13d
% % % % %
Very good 2 2 4 1 2
Fary good 31 19 45 30 30
Fary bad 37 40 34 38 37
Very bad 28 38 16 30 29
Don't know/No answer 2 2 2 2 1
O13. Do you thnk the economy s gettng better, gettng worse, or stayng about the same?
Better 25 13 39 21 21
Worse 33 45 20 35 38
Same 41 41 39 43 41
Don't know/No answer 1 1 1 1 1
O14. Whch comes coser to your vew: 1. Government shoud do more to sove natona
probems; or 2. government s dong too many thngs better eft to busnesses and ndvduas?
Gov't do more 33 14 55 29 35
Gov't dong too much 63 84 42 65 58
Don't know/No answer 4 2 3 6 7
O15. How much of the tme do you thnk you can trust the government n Washngton to do
what s rght - |ust about aways, most of the tme, or ony some of the tme?
|ust about aways 3 2 5 2 3
Most of the tme 14 6 25 10 17
Ony some of the tme 73 80 63 75 70
Never (Vo.) 9 10 5 12 8
Don't know/No answer 1 1 2 1 1
O28. How much do you thnk Barack Obama cares about the needs and probems of peope ke
yoursef--a ot, some, not much, or not at a?
A ot 29 7 56 23 30
Some 24 17 27 25 32
Not much 19 25 12 21 16
Not at a 26 48 4 29 21
Don't know/No answer 1 2 * 1 *
/ 0 less t,an 12
O29. Do you thnk Barack Obama has strong quates of eadershp, or not?
Tota Rep Dem Ind Sep13d
% % % % %
Has 50 21 83 45 58
Doesnt have 48 78 16 53 39
Don't know/No answer 2 1 1 2 3
O30. Do you thnk Barack Obama has the same prortes for the country as you have, or doesn't
Yes 38 9 72 31 45
No 59 89 25 66 50
Don't know/No answer 3 2 3 3 5
O30a. Do you thnk Barack Obama s honest and trustworthy, or not?
Is honest and trustworthy 49 18 84 43 60
Is not 48 77 15 53 35
Don't know/No answer 3 4 1 4 5
O31. In genera, how confdent are you n Barack Obamas abty to manage the federa
government effectvey - very confdent, somewhat confdent, not very confdent, or not at a
Very confdent 18 5 43 8
Somewhat confdent 29 11 39 31
Not very confdent 22 26 10 26
Not at a confdent 31 57 6 33
Don't know/No answer 1 1 2 1
O63a. As you may know, the federa mnmum wage s currenty $7.25 an hour. Do you thnk the
mnmum wage shoud be rased or shoud t reman at $7.25 an hour?
IF RAISED, ask: Do you thnk the mnmum wage shoud be rased to $9 an hour as some peope
have suggested or shoud t be rased to $10.10 an hour as others have suggested?
Rased to $9 33 31 33 34
Rased to $10.10 36 26 51 33
Reman at $7.25 25 38 11 26
Lowered/Aboshed (vo.) * 1 - 1
Don't know/No answer 6 4 6 7
O33. From what you've heard or read, do you approve or dsapprove of the heath care aw that
was enacted n 2010?
(IF APPROVE, ask:) Do you strongy approve or somewhat approve?
(IF DISAPPROVE, ask:) Do you somewhat dsapprove or strongy dsapprove?
Tota Rep Dem Ind Oct13d
% % % % %
Strongy approve 15 1 31 12 23
Somewhat approve 16 4 27 15 20
Somewhat dsapprove 15 13 16 15 14
Strongy dsapprove 46 75 13 52 37
Don't know/ No answer 8 6 12 6 6
O34. Does the 2010 heath care aw go too far n changng the U.S. heath care system, not far
enough, or s t about rght?
Too far 45 74 17 48 43
Not far enough 24 13 35 22 22
About rght 25 9 39 24 29
Don't know/No answer 6 4 8 5 5
O34a. Whch comes cosest to your vew about the 2010 heath care aw? 1. The aw s workng
we and shoud be kept n pace as s. 2. There are some good thngs n the aw, but some
changes are needed to make t work better, or 3. The aw has so much wrong wth t that t needs
to be repeaed entrey.
Workng we and kept n pace 7 3 12 5
Good thngs, but changes needed 48 28 72 44
Needs to be repeaed entrey 43 68 12 49
Dont know/No answer 2 1 3 2
O35. In the ong run, do you thnk the 2010 heath care aw w make the heath care system n
the U.S. better than t was before, worse than t was before, or dont you thnk there w be much
of a dfference ether way?
Better than before 30 8 53 26
Worse than before 44 74 13 48
No dfference 22 15 26 22
Don't know/No answer 5 2 7 4
O36. From what you've heard or read, do you thnk the 2010 heath care aw w mosty hep you
personay, w mosty hurt you personay, or don't you thnk t w have much of an effect on
you personay?
Hep 15 4 29 12 18
Hurt 39 57 20 42 39
No effect 43 35 47 44 40
Don't know/No answer 3 4 3 2 3
O37. Do you fee you have a good understandng of how the 2010 heath care aw w affect you
and your famy, or s t confusng to you?
Tota Rep Dem Ind Sep13d
% % % % %
Understand 48 46 46 50 46
Confusng 48 49 49 46 51
Dont know/No Answer 4 5 5 4 3
O38. Regardess of your overa opnon of the 2010 heath care aw, how confdent are you n
the Obama Admnstratons abty to mpement the aw - very confdent, somewhat confdent,
not very confdent, or not at a confdent?
Very confdent 13 3 28 9
Somewhat confdent 32 14 48 31
Not very confdent 22 22 14 27
Not at a confdent 31 58 8 32
Dont know/No answer 2 2 1 1
O40. When you thnk about the nta roout of the new heath care exchanges, woud you say
that t has been better than you expected, worse than you expected, or about what you
Better than expected 4 2 7 3
Worse than expected 47 55 42 45
About as expected 45 40 43 49
Dont know/No Answer 4 3 8 3
O41. When Barack Obama taks about how the heath care system w be once the 2010 heath
care aw s fuy mpemented, do you thnk he makes thngs sound (better than they reay w
be), (worse than they reay w be), or do you thnk he accuratey descrbes how the heath care
system w be?
Sound better 57 72 42 58
Sound worse 12 14 8 13
Descrbng accuratey 25 9 44 22
Don't know/No answer 6 5 6 7
O42. Prevousy, when Barack Obama has taked about the heath care aw he has often sad f
Amercans ke the heath nsurance they have they coud keep t. However, some Amercans
have earned that they w not be abe to keep the heath nsurance they now have. When
Barack Obama sad Amercans coud keep the heath nsurance they have, do you thnk he was
deberatey hdng somethng, or not?
Deberatey hdng somethng 46 68 21 50
Or not 48 27 74 43
Don't know/No answer 6 5 5 7
O42a. Under the 2010 heath care aw, heath nsurance pans need to meet mnmum standards
of heath care coverage. If a persons current heath care pan doesnt meet those mnmum
standards, (shoud they be aowed to keep ther pan as ong as they want to), shoud they be
aowed to keep ther pan ony for a year unt they can get a pan that meets the mnmum
standards requred, or (shoud they not be aowed to keep ther current pan)?
Tota Rep Dem Ind
% % % %
Aowed to keep pans 69 79 60 70
Keep pan ony for a year 25 18 30 25
Not keep pans 4 1 8 4
Don't know/No answer 2 2 2 1
O39. As you may know, as part of the 2010 heath care aw, heath nsurance exchanges have
opened up so peope can sgn up for heath nsurance. Based on what youve heard or read, has
the sgn-up for the heath care exchanges been gong very we, somewhat we, not very we,
not at a we, or dont you know enough to say?
Very we 3 * 6 2 4
Somewhat we 8 2 16 6 8
Not very we 26 18 35 24 22
Not at a we 41 56 18 47 27
Dont know enough to say 23 22 25 21 38
Dont know/No Answer * 1 * * *
/ 0 less t,an 12
O43. How much have you heard or read about the technca probems wth the federa
governments heath care webste where peope can shop for heath nsurance - have you heard
a ot, some, or not much?
A ot 54 60 49 53
Some 22 21 22 23
Not much 23 17 29 23
Don't know/No answer * 2 * *
O44. How confdent are you that the federa governments heath care webste w be fxed by
the December 1st deadne set by the Obama admnstraton? Are you very confdent, somewhat
confdent, not very confdent, or not at a confdent?
Very confdent 6 5 10 3
Somewhat confdent 28 13 45 26
Not very confdent 27 24 29 27
Not at a confdent 37 58 15 41
Dont know/No answer 2 * 1 3
O45. Whch comes cosest to your opnon about the probems affectng the federa
governments heath care webste? 1. (They are soated probems), or 2. (They are sgns of more
wdespread probems to come.)
Tota Rep Dem Ind
% % % %
Isoated probems 31 16 51 26
Sgns of wdespread probems 63 81 42 66
Don't know/No answer 7 3 7 8
O46. Have you personay ooked up nformaton about appyng for heath nsurance under the
new exchanges that opened up ths past October under the 2010 heath care aw?
Yes 22 17 19 26
No 78 83 80 74
Don't know/No answer * - 1 *
O47. When you ooked up nformaton about appyng for heath nsurance, dd you vst the
federa governments heath care webste, or dd you vst a state-run webste
that offered heath nsurance exchanges, or dd you ca by phone? 11 7 10 13
State-run agency 7 8 5 7
Phone 4 1 4 5
Vsted webste - not sure whch (vo.) * * - 1
In person (vo.) - - - -
None of these (vo.) 1 * 1 1
Somethng ese (vo.) * 1 * *
Dd not ook up nfo 78 83 80 74
Don't know/No answer * - 1 *
3ultiple responses allo+ed for t,is 4uestion
O48. When you ooked up nformaton about appyng for heath nsurance under the new
exchanges, were you abe to get the nformaton that you needed, or not?
A3ON5 '6OSE W6O LOO7ED 8P 9N:O 9N *$;
Yes 37 23 60 32
No 62 76 40 67
Don't know/No answer 1 1 - 1
O50. Overa, n ts efforts to fght terrorsm, do you thnk the US government has gone too far n
nfrngng on peopes prvacy, has t not gone far enough, or has the baance been about rght?
Tota Rep Dem Ind |un13a
% % % % %
Too far 43 50 32 46 36
Not far enough 10 12 11 9 13
About rght 42 34 54 40 46
Don't know/No answer 5 5 4 5 5
O51. It has been recenty dscosed that the U.S. Natona Securty Agency montored the phone
cas of some foregn eaders who are aes of the U.S. - do you thnk t s acceptabe or not
acceptabe for the U.S. to montor the phone actvtes of foregn eaders who are aes of the
Acceptabe 45 40 52 44
Not acceptabe 48 52 44 48
Don't know/No answer 7 8 4 8

O52. Do you thnk montorng the phone cas of some foregn eaders who are aes of the U.S.
has hurt reatons wth those countres, or dont you thnk t has had much of an mpact?
Hurt reatons 62 69 55 63
No mpact 33 27 40 32
Don't know/No answer 5 4 5 5
O53. Do you thnk the nformaton the U.S. Natona Securty Agency gathers from montorng
the phone cas of foregn eaders who are aes of the U.S. s worth the possbe harm to
reatons wth those countres, or not?
Worth t 34 29 34 37
Not worth t 59 66 58 55
Don't know/No answer 7 5 7 8
O54. As you may know, Amercan Edward Snowden eaked nformaton about a government
program to hep fnd terrorsts that nvoved coectng phone and nternet records n the Unted
States and n foregn countres. From what you have heard or read, do you approve or
dsapprove of Edward Snowden's actons n eakng nformaton about ths government program?
Approve 28 25 29 30
Dsapprove 59 62 61 57
Don't know/No answer 12 14 10 13
O55. Do you thnk the fact that the program of coectng phone and nternet records has been
made pubc w weaken the Unted States abty to prevent future terrorst attacks, or w ths
have no mpact on the Unted States abty to prevent future terrorst attacks?
Tota Rep Dem Ind |un13a
% % % % %
W weaken U.S.s abty 44 53 41 41 30
No mpact 49 40 52 51 57
W strengthen (vo.) 1 2 1 1 3
Don't know/No answer 6 4 7 6 10
O56. Whch of these comes cosest to your opnon? 1. Iran s a threat to the Unted States that
requres mtary acton now. 2. Iran s a threat that can be contaned for now. 3. Iran s not a
threat to the Unted States at ths tme.
Threat requrng acton now 14 19 7 16 15
Threat that can be contaned 58 59 58 57 59
Not a threat at ths tme 20 15 27 18 21
Don't know/No answer 8 7 8 9 5
* = ess than .5%
8n+ei<,ted Wei<,ted
Tota Respondents 1,010
Tota Repubcans 281 237
Tota Democrats 299 293
Tota Independents 430 480

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