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continent, a part of the world, a cardinal point, a country or a nationality We , in , are immigrants or the children of immigrants. We are one people but a people welded from many nations and races. People who came to during a vast migration from to other parts of the world. In this migration, millions of left their homelands to settle in new countries across the seas. Almost 2 of them came to the . [1789] Our population numbered ust below . . !ach symbol here represents people. "ost of our people were oforigin but they were and many as well as , , a great many #egroes and others. [1820-1890] $he era of the great migration from began about . %uring the following . years, immigrants came from and in growing numbers. ., $he earliest waves brought people from and . migration from the andof .

from and nearby countries. &ater, the oined the

$hen, in the from the and they came, as the migration fever spread deeper into . . %uring this period too came immigrants from the Orient. $he century following '(2) sawmigration as and crossed the in considerable numbers. People from the settled chiefly in the [1891 and 1920 ] $he flow of immigration reached its pea* between and . %uring these years, a tremendous movement set in from the countries of and !urope. "any still came from the and but many more came from , ,, , and the Peninsula. +ut what were the people behind the symbols, What were their motives and hopes,

TRANSCRIPT : We , in America, are immigrants or the children of immigrants. We are one people but a people welded from many nations and races. -$he .reat American "elting Pot/ People who came to America during a vast migration from Europe to other parts of

the world. In this migration, millions of European left their homelands to settle in new countries across the seas. Almost 2 thirds of them came to the !ni"ed S"a"e . [1789] Our population numbered ust below 0 million. !ach symbol here represents half a million people. "ost of our people were of #ri"i $ origin but they were %u"c$ and many &erman as well as 'renc$, Spani $, a great many #egroes and others. [1820-1890] $he era of the great migration from Europe began about '(2). %uring the following 1) years, immigrants came from (e "ern and nor"$ern Europe in growing numbers. $he earliest waves brought people from Ire)and and &rea" #ri"ain, from &erman* and nearby countries. &ater, the Scandina+ian and (e " of Europe . $hen, in the ()s from the ou"$ and ea " they came, as the migration fever spread deeper into Europe. %uring this period too came immigrants from the Orient. $he century following '(2) saw A ia"ic migration as C$ine e and ,apane e crossed the Paci-ic in considerable numbers. People from the .rien" settled chiefly in the 2ar /e ". [1891 and 1920 ] $he flow of immigration reached its pea* between '(3' and '32). %uring these years, a tremendous movement set in from the countries of ou"$ern and ea "ern Europe. "any still came from the nor"$ and (e " but many more came from Au "ria, 0un1ar*, Po)and, Ru ia, I"a)* and the #a)2an Peninsula. +ut what were the people behind the symbols, What were their motives and hopes, oined the migration from the nor"$

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