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Albert Einstein was born at Ulm, in Wrttemberg, Germany, on March 14, 1879. Six wee s later the !amily mo"e# to M$nich, where he later on began his schooling at the %$it&ol# Gymnasi$m. %ater, they mo"e# to 'taly an# (lbert contin$e# his e#$cation at (ara$, Swit)erlan# an# in 189* he entere# the Swiss +e#eral ,olytechnic School in -$rich to be traine# as a teacher in &hysics an# mathematics. 'n 19.1, the year he gaine# his #i&loma, he ac/$ire# Swiss citi)enshi& an#, as he was $nable to !in# a teaching &ost, he acce&te# a &osition as technical assistant in the Swiss ,atent 0!!ice. 'n 19.1 he obtaine# his #octor2s #egree. 3$ring his stay at the ,atent 0!!ice, an# in his s&are time, he &ro#$ce# m$ch o! his remar able wor an# in 19.8 he was a&&ointe# ,ri"at#o)ent in 4erne. 'n 19.9 he became ,ro!essor 5xtraor#inary at -$rich, in 1911 ,ro!essor o! 6heoretical ,hysics at ,rag$e, ret$rning to -$rich in the !ollowing year to !ill a similar &ost. 'n 1914 he was a&&ointe# 3irector o! the 7aiser Wilhelm ,hysical 'nstit$te an# ,ro!essor in the Uni"ersity o! 4erlin. 8e became a German citi)en in 1914 an# remaine# in 4erlin $ntil 1999 when he reno$nce# his citi)enshi& !or &olitical reasons an# emigrate# to (merica to ta e the &osition o! ,ro!essor o! 6heoretical ,hysics at ,rinceton. 8e became a Unite# States citi)en in 194. an# retire# !rom his &ost in 1941. (!ter Worl# War '', 5instein was a lea#ing !ig$re in the Worl# Go"ernment Mo"ement, he was o!!ere# the ,resi#ency o! the State o! 'srael, which he #ecline#, an# he collaborate# with 3r. :haim Wei)mann in establishing the 8ebrew Uni"ersity o! ;er$salem. 5instein always a&&eare# to ha"e a clear "iew o! the &roblems o! &hysics an# the #etermination to sol"e them. 8e ha# a strategy o! his own an# was able to "is$ali)e the main stages on the way to his goal. 8e regar#e# his ma<or achie"ements as mere ste&&ing=stones !or the next a#"ance. (t the start o! his scienti!ic wor , 5instein reali)e# the ina#e/$acies o! >ewtonian mechanics an# his s&ecial theory o! relati"ity stemme# !rom an attem&t to reconcile the laws o! mechanics with the laws o! the electromagnetic !iel#. 8e #ealt with classical &roblems o! statistical mechanics an# &roblems in which they were merge# with /$ant$m theory? this le# to an ex&lanation o! the 4rownian mo"ement o! molec$les. 8e in"estigate# the thermal &ro&erties o! light with a low ra#iation #ensity an# his obser"ations lai# the !o$n#ation o! the &hoton theory o! light. 'n his early #ays in 4erlin, 5instein &ost$late# that the correct inter&retation o! the s&ecial theory o! relati"ity m$st also !$rnish a theory o! gra"itation an# in 191* he &$blishe# his &a&er on the general theory o! relati"ity. 3$ring this time he also contrib$te# to the &roblems o! the theory o!

ra#iation an# statistical mechanics. 'n the 19@.2s, 5instein embar e# on the constr$ction o! $ni!ie# !iel# theories, altho$gh he contin$e# to wor on the &robabilistic inter&retation o! /$ant$m theory, an# he &erse"ere# with this wor in (merica. 8e contrib$te# to statistical mechanics by his #e"elo&ment o! the /$ant$m theory o! a monatomic gas an# he has also accom&lishe# "al$able wor in connection with atomic transition &robabilities an# relati"istic cosmology. (!ter his retirement he contin$e# to wor towar#s the $ni!ication o! the basic conce&ts o! &hysics, ta ing the o&&osite a&&roach, geometrisation, to the ma<ority o! &hysicists. 5instein2s researches are, o! co$rse, well chronicle# an# his more im&ortant wor s incl$#e Special Theory of Relativity A19.1B, Relativity A5nglish translations, 19@. an# 191.B, General Theory of Relativity A191*B, Investigations on Theory of Brownian Movement A19@*B, an# The Evolution of Physics A1998B. (mong his non=scienti!ic wor s, About ionism A199.B, !hy !ar" A1999B, My Philosophy A1994B, an# #ut of My $ater %ears A191.B are &erha&s the most im&ortant. (lbert 5instein recei"e# honorary #octorate #egrees in science, me#icine an# &hiloso&hy !rom many 5$ro&ean an# (merican $ni"ersities. 3$ring the 19@.2s he lect$re# in 5$ro&e, (merica an# the +ar 5ast an# he was awar#e# +ellowshi&s or Membershi&s o! all the lea#ing scienti!ic aca#emies thro$gho$t the worl#. 8e gaine# n$mero$s awar#s in recognition o! his wor , incl$#ing the :o&ley Me#al o! the Coyal Society o! %on#on in 19@1, an# the +ran lin Me#al o! the +ran lin 'nstit$te in 1991. 5instein2s gi!ts ine"itably res$lte# in his #welling m$ch in intellect$al solit$#e an#, !or relaxation, m$sic &laye# an im&ortant &art in his li!e. 8e marrie# Mile"a Maric in 19.9 an# they ha# a #a$ghter an# two sonsD their marriage was #issol"e# in 1919 an# in the same year he marrie# his co$sin, 5lsa %Ewenthal, who #ie# in 199*. 8e #ie# on (&ril 18, 1911 at ,rinceton, >ew ;ersey. (lbert 5instein can be my hero beca$se he is $ni/$eFs scientist. 'n my min# he is tho most im&ortant in the worl# beca$se he was gi"e many theory abo$t all nowle#ge, li e science, art, m$sic,attit$#e, character o! &erson,etc. 'n my min# he is G6he ScienceFs +atherH beca$se o! that (lbert 5instein can be My 8ero.

Heru Ardila Putra XI

SMA Plus Taruna Andalan

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