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Introduction 1

2 Introduction


This Coordinator Guide will give you inputs on the following sections:

Curriculum Overview
andling Introduction session andling C!T Introduction "ession andling C!T contact classes


Introduction #

NIIT has played a pioneering role over the last 22 years in providing s$illed % $nowledgea&le people to the IT industry' This effort of NIIT has helped &uilding professionals to start rewarding careers on a glo&al scale' In the process( NIIT has wor$ed closely with thousands of organi)ations across the country through its *rofessional *ractice *rogramme' This has ena&led us to get continuous feed&ac$ from the IT industry on the current and future re+uirement( which ena&led us to model a new GNIIT curriculum'

Curriculum Overvie
The curriculum design is &ased on the industry trend analysis and employers feed&ac$' Curriculum focuses on all,round development in a student emphasi)ing on &oth &ehavioral and technical competencies' In addition( different -o& roles are also $ept in mind while designing the curriculum' !ehavioral competencies are addressed through individual and group &ased activities across the semesters' "tudents underta$e &usiness case studies and pro-ects( with special emphasis on &usiness solutions( documentation( teamwor$( timelines etc' Technical competencies are addressed &y imparting the relevant and latest technical s$ills along with pro-ects( emphasi)ing on technical correctness( technical documentation( software engineering etc' .eeping in mind the different $ey verticals in the IT industry and the career opportunities( NIIT has designed speciali)ation trac$s &ased on the functional re+uirements of the specific IT industry domain'

/ Introduction


The following diagram represents the overall architecture of the curriculum'

Software Engineering Systems Engineering & Networking Information Systems Management

G!IIT """#

BPO Management

-ro)e%%ional -ractice II -ro)e%%ional -ractice I

$!IIT ""# *ig'er +i(loma +i(loma C hoose

Track after Sem 1

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Indu%tr&"rel evant Sol uti on S&nt'e%i % Enter(ri %e S&%tem% Bu%i ne%% -roce%%e%
$ nal&%i% 0 R e(orting T ool% C ommon B u%ine%% $ ((lication% 1 $ - ackage E 2(o%ure

Indu%tr&"%(eci )i c %eme%ter Indu%tr&"%(eci )i c %eme%ter E))ecti ve Communi cati on Cu%tomer 'andl i ng Indu%tr& Ba%i c% Overl a( i t' Common 1oundati on u(to Careeredge

. ava

Common 1oundation Seme%ter

IT 1undamental % R+BMS OO-S 0 C3 3


to 1oundation Seme%ter
0oundation semester is the common entry point for all the students irrespective of the speciali)ation trac$ offered' The course contents of this semester addresses wide variety of IT $nowledge( which not only &uilds a strong foundation &ut also helps students in choosing the speciali)ation trac$' The foundation semester ena&les a student to have a &roader perspective of the IT industry' 0oundation semester &roadly addresses the following three areas:

Information Technology 0undamentals

NIIT !asics of computers Introduction to 1",office suite of products Introduction to computer networ$s Introduction to hardware Introduction to operating system Introduction 2

Introduction to *C maintenance

3ata&ase 1anagement "ystem

4elational 3ata&ase 1anagement "ystem "tructured 5uery 6anguage 3ata&ase programming

O&-ect Oriented 1ethodology *rogramming using C77

The a&ove com&ination of courses should reasona&ly e+uip a student to understand and appreciate the various IT professions availa&le in the industry today'

Evaluation S&%tem )or t'e 1oundation Seme%ter

The semester has 1 5ui) on IT fundamentals( 1 1odule test on 43!1"8"56 9part :I;( 1 1odule test on 43!1"8"56 9*art,II; and OO*" and 1 I"<"8"eminar' How does this evaluation pattern help in choosing the relevant specialization based on the students aptitude? <s we are aware( today the student mar$s sheet gives the performance &rea$up topic,wise' It=s very critical to note the performance topic,wise across +ui) and module tests' 0or e'g'( student might have got &etter mar$s in the *C maintenance and ardware as against the 1",O00IC> and *6T in ?5@IAB' "imilarly( a student would have got &etter mar$s in the "56 9part,I; and so in "56 9part,II; as against OO*"' The com&ination of performance across the evaluation points gives the indicator on deciding the right speciali)ation trac$' How does ISAS-SIMINAR help? 0oundation semester design also ma$es an eCplicit effort in educating students to ma$e a right choice &ased on their interest and core competency through ?I"<",">1IN<4B' "eminar topics will &e around $ey career8-o& verticals and students will &e eCpected to underta$e the research wor$ and present in the class' <s part of the seminar wor$( students are eCpected to underta$e a research wor$ that involves visiting industry( client interview( information search from maga)ines and we& etc' These seminar topics will &e in,line with the various speciali)ation trac$s offered at NIIT( which includes "oftware >ngineering( "ystems >ngineering and Networ$ing( !usiness <pplications( !*O etc' To ena&le students to start with their wor$ effectively( a session on ?industry awarenessB is essential to set the conteCt for the seminar wor$ to &e underta$en &y the students' The &road o&-ective of the industry awareness session is to help student understand the &asics of various industries li$e "oftware development industry( !*O etc( wherein the student gets the understanding of:

D Introduction


4oles and responsi&ilities in a given industry Career growth opportunities in a given industry .nowledge and s$ills re+uirements &oth technical and non,technical in a given industry !usiness operations model etc'
aving got the &asic grounding on different career opportunities availa&le in the industry( student will have to underta$e a detailed research wor$ analy)ing information on various aspects of the industry as per the seminar topic guidelines' The technical $nowledge and the industry research wor$( along with the industry awareness sessions would help a student in gaining &roader and reasona&ly in,depth understanding of the IT industry'


Introduction E

In)ormation $4out t'e Rule% and Regulation% 1ollo ed at t'e Center
To familiari)e the students with the framewor$ within which the classes would &e conducted at the center( run the Intro C!T 9multimedia presentation;' <t the end of the presentation( initiate a +uestion and answer session for a&out 12 minutes to clarify the dou&ts that the students might have a&out the rules and regulations followed at the center' <lso eCplain the rationale &ehind the rules and regulations( the main one &eing that these eCist for the &enefit of the students and have their interest at heart'

>nsure that faculty node <" to &e multimedia computer so that students can hear the voice recorded in the presentation' The Intro C!T will reach &efore 21st Fune &y email or 0T*'

G Introduction



In the C!T Intro session( you need to eCplain what is e,learning and how it is useful to the students' The following topics help you to conduct the session effectively'

Hhat is e,learningI e,learning or Online 6earning refers to a mode of learning wherein the learning resources are provided electronically' The learning topics and material are stored in the form of data&ases( slide shows or other presentation formats on the computer' The most common forms of e,learning are Computer,&ased training 9C!T; products availa&le through C3,4O1s and audio8videotapes( and He&,&ased training services provided &y online learning portals' Hhy e,learningI 6etJs loo$ at a typical conventional classroom environment' It is mainly:

Instructor,focused 1ore KpassiveK learning Instructors KdeliverK $nowledge Outgoing( ver&al( high,achieving( students participate the most Technology may &e used( &ut is not central to the role of &eing a learner Larious media may &e used( &ut most delivery is &y the spo$en word( with some written support
Now letJs loo$ at the e,learning environment' It is:

6earner,focused , Computer,&ased training products provides you with su&-ects &ased on your
learning goals and initial,level capa&ility

1ore KactiveK learning , Mou learn at the pace and time( you decide' Instructors KguideK the learners , *re,tests( *ost,tests and lin$s to help you summari)e your learning
Hhat are the &enefits of e,learningI

.now more and learn faster with less cost

arness the power of information and $nowledge right at home

6earn at your own pace 4apid adoption of new information and new programs
NIIT Introduction N

To inculcate the habit o e!earning" students are re#uired to learn through various $%T products& The learning ro' so'e o the $%Ts would be tested in the 'odule tests conducted during the se'ester&

In)ormation $4out t'e Current Seme%ter

0oundation semester focuses on &uilding s$ills on all relevant IT foundation $nowledge and technologies' This will play as a &ac$&one to any speciali)ation stream a student chooses' Overall( the course content of this semester helps students understand the &roader perspective of the IT industry( and also ena&les students to appreciate different career opportunities' This semester content also e+uips students with sufficient s$ills to apply at any end user environment !ehavioral competency is addressed through a seminar wor$ that involves industry research( group activity( presentations etc' Technical competency is addressed &y way of ena&ling a student with comprehensive des$top operating system and application development s$ills that include: Operating system architecture( ardware architecture( *C maintenance( Office suit 3ata&ase management and C77 programming The modules covered in the semester are:

*C 0undamentals : In this module( students is introduced to computer and its applications' In

addition( he will learn a&out &asic hardware architecture and various computing devices' The module also emphasi)es on operating system architecture and &asic des$top maintenance'

1" Office : In this module( students will learn 1" Hord and 1" >Ccel applications to create and
edit documents and wor$sheets'

*6T : In this module( students will learn programming logic and the usage of constructs related to
se+uence( selection( and iteration'

43!1" : In this module( students will learn a&out the fundamentals of relational data&ase
management systems to ac+uire a sound &ase in data models( data&ase design( and normali)ation'

"56 "erver : In this module( students will learn to use 1","56 to +uery data&ases( retrieve result
sets( and create ta&les' They will also learn to enforce data integrity( create functions and -oins( and manage data&ase using the >nterprise 1anager and replication strategies' The students will also implement indeCes( stored procedures( transactions and cursors'

OO*" using C77 : In this module( students will &e introduced to the $ey aspects of O&-ect,
Oriented *rogramming and the implementation of these concepts using C77'

Configuring 3es$top 9C!T; : In this module( students will learn to wor$ on and customi)e
Hindows O* des$top operating system' This $%T will be tested in the #uiz&

1" *ower*oint 2PPP for !eginners 9C!T; , In this module( students will learn to create and
modify presentations' "tudents can use this learning to create I"<" presentation' This $%T is not tested in the 'odule test&

O" concepts 9C!T; : In this module( students will learn a&out the &asic architecture of an
operating system and how an operating system coordinates the various functions of a computer' This $%T will not be tested in the 'odule test&

1P Introduction


>ffective Communication 9C!T; : In this module( students will learn the elements of effective
communication and the three types of communication' This module also eCplains the rules and guidelines that help the students improve their ver&al( written and listening s$ills' This $%T will not be tested in the 'odule test&

T16 9C!T; : In this module( students will learn how to create and format T16 documents( add lists and graphs( and lin$ He& pages containing image maps' This $%T will be tested in Module Test (&


Introduction 11


The Intro to $%T session should be utilized to familiarize students with e-learning concepts, how to register on site, and how to use the CBT effectively. se the slide show designed for this session. Conduct this session for about !"-#$ minutes. There are C!T contact sessions specified in the milestone' Mou should use these sessions to clear students= dou&ts a&out the specified C!T title' @se the slides show designed for theses sessions 9refer to the TI41 C3; to conduct these sessions' The slide show starts with the $ey topics eCplained in the C!T' Mou should conduct these sessions in an interactive mode' <s the C!Ts sessions are introductory in this semester( give them enough inputs which ena&le them to learn the C!T on their own' Mou should eCplain the students &enefits of self, learning in the professional life and encourage them to go through C!T on their own' <gain emphasi)e to students that their C!T topics $nowledge will &e tested during module tests' The following C!T would get tested in +ui): Configuring 3es$top

The following C!Ts would get tested in 1T2: T16

12 Introduction


Mile%tone )or 1oundation Seme%ter )ee* + 1 2 # / 2 D E G N 1P 11 12 1# 1/ 12 1D 1E 1G 1N 2P 21 22 $R Intro 7 Hor$ing with *C 9CO; C!T Intro .now your *C *6T *6T *6T Industry <wareness 7 I"<", "eminar allocation O" <rchitecture 43!1" 43!1" 43!1" "56 "56 I"<" : "eminar "56 "56 OO*" OO*" OO*" OO*" OO*" 4ecap 8 0!2 ,$R Hor$ing with *C 9Hin; 1" Office 9Hord; 1" Office 9>Ccel; 1" Office 9>Ccel; **T Intro 9C!T; .now your *C 1aintain your *C I"<" , "eminar "56 "56 "56 "56 "56 I"<" , "eminar 8 0!1 "56 "56 OO*" OO*" OO*" OO*" OO*" Colla&orative *ro&lem "olving MR Hor$ing with *C 9Hin; 1" Office 9Hord; 1" Office 9>Ccel; 1" Office 9>Ccel; **T .now your *C 1aintain your *C Computer Networ$s 5ui) "56 "56 "56 "56 1T1 "56 "56 OO*" OO*" OO*" OO*" OO*" 1T2 e-!earning Configuring desktop



>ff Comm


Career Edge Students com !ete their "eek 1#$

rogram at the end of

CDS session is an additional activity, within the Semester, for GNIIT students All students will need to appear for the Behavioral Assessment E ercise, which will !e separately scheduled !y the Batch "aculty e#earnin$ is Self %aced #earnin$, supported !y we! !ased services on www&niitstudent&com


Introduction 1#

1/ Introduction


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