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SciELO Books / SciELO Livros / SciELO Libros PORTOCARRERO, V., org. Filosofia, histria e sociologia das cincias I: abordagens contemporneas [online]. Rio de Janeiro: Editora FIOCRUZ, 1994. 272 p. ISBN: 85-85676-02-7. Available from SciELO Books <>.

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Captulo 1 CANGUILHEM, G. (1955), La Formation du Concept de Rflexe au XVIIme et XVIIIme Sicle. Paris: P.U.F. . (1966), Le Normal et le Pathclogique, Paris: P.U.F. . (1967), La Thorie Cellulaire, In: CANGUILHEM, G. La Connaissance de la Vie. Paris: Vrin, 2 ed.,p. 79. . (1971), De la Science et de la Contre-Science, In: Hommage Jean Hyppolite. Paris: P.U.F. . (1977), Idologie et Racionalit dans L'Histoire des Sciences de la Vie. Paris: Vrin. . Vie, In: Encyclopaedie Universalis s/d, 766b-c. FOUCAULT, M. (1963), La Naissance de la Clinique. Paris: P.U.F. NIETZSCHE, F. (1955), Le Gai Savoir. Paris: Gallimard. PIAGET, J. (1967), Epistmologie de Ia Biologie, In: Logique et Connaissance Scientifique, Paris: Gallimard.

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Captulo 6 BARNES, Barry. (1982), T.S. Kuhn and Social Sience. Londres: Macmillan Press. BERLIN, Isaiah. (1959), The Hedgehog and the Fox. New York: Mentor Books. BLOOR, David. (1976), Knowledge and Social Imagery. Londres: Routledge. BOTTOMORE, T. & NISBET, R. (orgs.) (1978), Histria da Anlise Sociolgica. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, pp. 476-546. BOURDIEU, Pierre. (1975), The Specificity of the Scientific Field and the Social Conditions of the Progress of Reason. Social Science Information, 14, n 6, pp. 304-317. CARVALHO, Maria Alice Rezende de. (1991), Doutos e Loucos. Ensaio sobre a Identidade dos Intelectuais Contemporneos. Presena. Cultura e Poltica. Rio de Janeiro: n 16, pp. 80-95. COLE, Jonathan & ZCKERMAN, Harriet. (1985), The Emergence of a Scientific Especiality: the self-exemplifying case of the sociology of science, In: COSER, Lewis, (org.), The Idea of Social Structure. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, pp.139-174. COOLLINS, H.Knowledge, Norms and Rules in the Sociology of Science. Social Studies of Science, London, vol. 12, n2, pp. 299-306, may.

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