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Luke 18:1-8 (KJV) And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought alwa s to pra

, and not to !aint" #$% &a ing, 'here was in a (it a )udge, whi(h !eared not *od, neither regarded man: #+% And there was a widow in that (it " and she (ame unto him, sa ing, A,enge me o! mine ad,ersar - #.% And he would not !or a while: but a!terward he said within himsel!, 'hough / !ear not *od, nor regard man" #0% 1et be(ause this widow troubleth me, / will a,enge her, lest b her (ontinual (oming she wear me- #2% And the Lord said, 3ear what the un)ust )udge saith- #4% And shall not *od a,enge his own ele(t, whi(h (r da and night unto him, though he bear long with them5 #8% / tell ou that he will a,enge them speedil - 6e,ertheless when the &on o! man (ometh, shall he !ind !aith on the earth5

Lesson in (ontrasts Look at the (hara(ters and pla(es in,ol,ed 7n)ust )udge and 8ather *od-

9hara(ter o! person is essential to

!aith :idow and (hur(h- 9hur(h is the bride o! 9hrist- :ith throne room

rights- A((ess :idow was not passi,e about the in!ringement o! her rights /n (ontention !or propert - ;ights o! widows

:hat this woman had going !or her was her patien(e and

longsu!!ering- &he also knew the law- <e(ause o! that, in spite o! the !a(t she had no =(onne(tions> in high pla(es, her (ase (ould be heard AV?6*?: ?kdikeo to ,indi(ate one@s right, do one )usti(e to prote(t, de!end, one person !rom another to a,enge a thing to punish a person !or a thing Know who the adversary is: Antidikos:opponent" an opponent in a

suit of law; an ad,ersar , enem &top !o(using on man as sour(e o!

our (hallenges and see the

enem behind it Aeal with men b

the !ruit o! the &pirit- *alatians 0- against this

there is no law Judge deals with laws o! the land- 6o law, no (ase- 1ou need to

know our rights Bedium o! redress is the law- 'he word o! *od and the promises and

prin(iples therein are the law o! the kingdom o! *od- 6o law er wins outside the law<e (on,ersant with the law and ou will not be destro ed- Law tells ou our rights and responsibilities-

'his world is go,erned b

laws- 6atural law, ph si(al law, laws o!

health, (riminal and so(ial law, et(- also there is spiritual law- 'han *od we ha,e an ad,o(ate with the 8ather, Jesus 9hrist the righteous 1)o $:1 B little (hildren, these things write / unto ou, that e sin not-

And i! an man sin, we ha,e an ad,o(ate with the 8ather, Jesus 9hrist the righteous:
Advocate: Parakletos ; summoned, (alled to one@s side, esp- (alled to one@s aid one who pleads another@s (ause be!ore a )udge, a pleader, (ounsel

!or de!ense, legal assistant, an ad,o(ate

one who pleads another@s (ause with one, an inter(essor o! 9hrist in his eCaltation at *od@s right hand, pleading with *od the

8ather !or the pardon o! our sins

in the widest sense, a helper, su((ourer, aider, assistant

Lament- +:+0-+2 (KJV) 'o turn aside the right o! a man be!ore the !a(e o! the most 3igh, #+2% 'o sub,ert a man in his (ause, the Lord appro,eth not Ben ought- it is ne(essar , there is need o!, it behoo,es, is right and

ne(essit l ing in the nature o! the (ase ne(essit

brought on b (ir(umstan(es or b the (ondu(t o! others

toward us+

ne(essit in re!eren(e to what is reDuired to attain some end a ne(essit o! law and (ommand, o! dut , eDuit ne(essit

established b the (ounsel and de(ree o! *od, espe(iall

b that purpose o! his whi(h relates to the sal,ation o! men b the inter,ention o! 9hrist and whi(h is dis(losed in the Eld 'estament prophe(ies

3ebrews 2:11-1$ (KJV) And we desire that e,er one o! ou do shew the same diligen(e to the !ull assuran(e o! hope unto the end: #1$% 'hat e be not sloth!ul, but followers #imitators% o! them who through faith and patience inherit the promises-

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